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Taylor Wooltorton Media Certificate range


What sort of issues might I find in an 18 film or DVD?

18 works are for adults and can contain strong issues such as: very strong violence frequent strong language (eg 'f***') and/or very strong language (eg c***) strong portrayals of sexual activity scenes of sexual violence strong horror strong blood and gore real sex (in some circumstances) discriminatory language and behaviour

an 18+ plus horror film would have been very interesting to do, because there would have been no limitation of what we could put in our movie, such as endless amounts of gore, frequent use of strong curse words, and a strong drug use. However, from our research into audience, we found out that our audience are mostly under 18, and would be unable to see our movie if it was an 18+. Therefore, we decided to stick with a 15+, due to the fact a larger amount of our audience will be able to see it, even though we are limited with the amount of things we can include in our film.


Is 15 really stronger than 12A?

15 works are stronger than 12 or 12A rated works and could include any of the following: strong violence Frequent strong language (eg 'f***'). portrayals of sexual activity strong verbal references to sex sexual nudity brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence discriminatory language or behaviour drug taking

Doing a 15+ plus film means that the things we can include in our film are limited, such as limiting the amount of blood and gore, no heavy drug use, and no strong curse words, which make up an interesting horror film. However, from our audience research we found out that most of our audience are under 18+, so we decided to limit our movie down to a 15+ for our audience.

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