Cambogia Prezentare

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pentru tarile din

fereastra 10/40
Southeastern Asia,
bordering the Gulf
of Thailand,
between Thailand,
Vietnam, and Laos
Area - comparative:
slightly smaller
than Oklahoma
Population :
Capital : Phnom

Ethnic groups:
Khmer 90%, Vietnamese 5%,
Chinese 1%, other 4%

Average income per person :

Which is 1% of the average US
Languages in Cambodia :

- Official language: Khmer

- There are 17 languages spoken in
- The whole Bible is available in 2
languages. The New Testament is
available in 1 language. Parts of the
Bible are being translated in 2
Religion in Cambodia

- Buddhist 82.57%
- Chinese 4.69%
- Traditional ethnic 4.35%
- Muslim 3.90%
- non religious/other 2.92%
- Christian 1.19%
“Cambodia receives more aid per
person than another country in the
"world's highest rate of
orphans and widows”
Answers to Prayer :

“Since 1990 there has been an open

door for Christians to share the
gospel in Cambodia.
“More and more churches are being
planted in Cambodia - there's a new
one every week! “

Motive de rugaciune :
1) Sa ne rugam pentru Norodom
Sihamoni, regele Cambogiei. Pray for
the king of Cambodia, King Norodom Sihamoni.

2) Sa ne rugam pentru Cambogia ca

sa fie eliberata de abuzurile de
droguri, prostitutia infantila si alte
plagi sociale. Pray that Cambodia may be rid
of drug abuse, child prostitution and other social

Motive de rugaciune :
3) Sa ne rugam deasemenea pentru
cei care ingrijesc de milioanele de
orfani si de vaduve . Pray also for those
who are caring for the millions of orphans
and widows who lost their families.
4) Sa ne rugam lui Dumnezeu ca sa-I
ajute pe noii convertiti in al marturisi
pe Hristos celorlalti conationali.
Ask God to use these new converts to reach
out and share the love of Christ with their

Motive de rugaciune :
5) Sa ne rugam pentru Biserica lui
Hristos din Cambogia care a
supravietuit trecand prin grele
persecutii. Sa ne rugam pentru
sustinere si cooperarere intre liderii
Bisericilor. Pray for the Church in
Cambodia which has survived through
the worst persecution. Pray for support
and cooperation between those in
leadership of different churches.

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