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2 x 45 Coke ovens Commitioning: May / August 1984 Investment cost: 540 Mio DM

Parent Companies of the ZKS

Technical Data: Construction Time: Commissioning: Investment cost: Oven Design: Oven Type: from Aug. 1982- Mai 1984 5. Mai 1984 540 Mio DM Didier Engineering Group flue Compound Oven 2 Batteries, each with 45 ovens Dimension: 17,22 x 6,25 x 0,49 m (LxHxW) Heating Flue Temp.: 1330 C Carbonisation Time: 20 h Max. Pushing/day: 108

Technical Data

Train Barges Truck

Coal Stock max. 63.000 t 5 Bins a 500 t

Waste Oil Water

7 x 15.000 t

Coke Powder

Coke breeze drying and grinding 350 t 20 t/h Gas 2 x 900 t

2 Hammer Mills 400 t/h

Coke Screening > 35 10/35 < 10 2 Batteries, each with 45 Coke Ovens Lab SCP 210 t/h

CTC Coal Bunker 2 x 1.000 t SCP

Coal Preparation and Coke Production

Raw gas

Primary Coolers/ ETP

Exhauster s

H2S/NH3 Scrubb.

GasBlowers H2S Scrubb.


COG 60 mbar 45.000 m/h COG 10 bar 30.000 m/h

Tarsepar. Tar 7 t/h


NH3 Crack.

H2S/NH3 Desorpt.

Clausplant Sulfur 0,3 t/h

Bio Plant Wastewater 90 m/h

BTXDesorpt. BTX 3 t/h

Byproduct Plant

Coke 2964 t/d CO-Gas 1.425.907 m/d Tar 139 t/d Benzole 33 t/d Sulfur 5 t/d Waste Water 2.350 m/d
Production Data 2003

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