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Ben Leit Humanities 7 Purple Assignment #7


I have completed this outline in accordance with the Newark Academy Honor Code: ____________________________________

Nathan Leit Outline

I. Reasons for my family to
a. If I didnt come, I would have been killed.
i. ii. iii. i. ii. iii. i. ii. iii. Religious freedom, no prosecution Opportunity, a better life Get more money, better life for their children They had jobs They knew the whole community Its what theyve known their whole life For opportunity, and opportunity to have their own traditions Leave troubles at home, but to still live a life with their religious community. Live life freer, and choose to believe in their religion in the manner they chose.

b. Stay in the Old Country

c. Come to America, but still use the old traditions


Early life in America

a. Jobs
i. ii. iii. i. ii. iii. Started a bakery in Morristown, upon arrival. Moved to Brooklyn, opened another bakery. Moved to Long Island, opened yet another bakery. Wanted to pursue whatever job they wanted Believe in whatever religion they chose Yes, they were fulfilled, and were not discriminated against by the time that they had bought their 3rd bakery. Nathan Leit (married to Anna Silverstein) had two kids, Philip and Gertrude. Philip Leit would deliver rolls in the morning for his father, and went to school (obviously) afterwards. Philip Leit eventually married Esther Leit, and they had two sons: Norman and Stephen Leit.

b. Expectations for America (were they fulfilled or not?)

c. Kids
i. ii. iii.


Life as an American
a. Assimilating
i. Philip and Esther Leit had records of Classical music, and their sons (Norman and Stephen) assimilating by listening (and loving) Rock music. Didnt keep Kosher outside of the house they loved shrimp and Roast Virginia Ham! Norman joined the Air National Guard, and Stephen was in the Air National Guard after Norman was. Inside of the house, they ate fairly traditional-style Kosher foods, and on special occasions, giant Kosher meals. At first, they were Orthodox/Conservative, but now we are reform. Celebrated all of the Jewish holidays, kept Kosher for Passover, fasted on Yom Kippur, etc. Grandson, Norman Leit, is an un-officially retired Insurance Broker, and the other Grandson, Stephen Leit, is a Financial Advisor. Great Grandchildren David and Richard Leit are both successful in Law and Psychotherapy. Great, Great Grandchildren Ben, Margery, Jared, and Jeremy Leit, are all students in public school, except for Ben, who goes to Newark Academy, where Margery is applying.

ii. iii.

b. Keeping old cultural aspects


ii. iii.

c. Success in the current Family


ii. iii.

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