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Posterior Triangle

Anterio r Posterio r border of the SCM

Poster ior Anterior border of trapezi us

Carotid Triangle

Superior belly of omohyoi d *

Superi or Angle where SCM and trapeziu s meet on the superior nuchal line of the occipital bone Anterior Posterio belly of r belly of SCM digastric s abd stylohyo id

Inferi or Clavicl e

Roof Investin g Layer of cervical fascia, platysm a, external jugular vein Investin g layer of fascia, cutaneo us nerves, and platysm a

Floor Levator scapulae and scalene muscles covered by perverteb ral fascia

Posterior : inferior pharynge al constricto r muscle Anterior: Thryrohyo id muscle and hypogloss us

Submandibular/Di gastric Triangle

Inferior border of mandibl e

2 bellies of digastri c

*Omohyoid is one of the strap muscles which consists of 2 bellies united by intervening tendon Inferior Belly: Arises from upper border of scapula near suprascapular notch, passes upward deep to SCM to end in middle tendon Superior Belly: From the middle tendon, extends upward to insert into hyoid bone. Middle tendon anchored to clavicle by fascial sling

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