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Go up - subir Go over pasar por encima Go down - bajar Go under pasar por debajo

Go through - atravesar Go around girar alrededor

1.- Translate into English the following expressions. 1. Subir la montaa. 3. Atravesar una nube. 5. Pasar por encima de un puente. 7. Atravesar las estrellas. 9. Subir a un edificio. 11. Atravesar una cueva. 2. Bajar la montaa. 4. Atravesar un tnel. 6. Pasar por debajo de un puente. 8. Pasar por debajo de una mesa. 10. Bajar de un rbol. 12. Girar alrededor de un rbol.

2.- Translate into Spanish the following sentences. 1. The car is going up the mountain. 2. The car is going down the mountain. 3. The rocket is going through the clouds.
4. The car is going through a tunnel.

5. The satellite is going around the planet. 6. The car is going over the bridge. 7. The car is going under the bridge. 8. The cat is going up the tree. 9. The dog is going under the tree. 10. The plane is going over the city. 3.- Translate into English. 1. El cohete est girando alrededor de La Tierra. 2. El cohete est atravesando las nubes. 3. El cohete est pasando por encima de las nubes. 4. El mono est subiendo al rbol. 5. El gato est bajando del rbol. 6. El barco est pasando por debajo del puente.

4.- Questions about the story. Pupils book , page 27 1. Who buys a telescope? 2. Where do the children go up to look through the telescope? 3. Does Tim think there is life in space? 4. In picture 4. Are there any aliens? 5. In picture 4. Phil sees something going through the clouds. What does he think? 6. What is on the end of the telescope? 5.- Write questions according to these answers. 1. No, there arent any aliens on the Earth. 2. Venus is the hottest planet in our Solar System. 3. There are eight planets in our Solar System. 4. There are three rings around Saturn. 5. Mars takes two years to go around the sun. 6. The coldest planet in our Solar System is Neptune.

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