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(Ch. 5)

Chapter 5


Introduction. You have studied budgets, and you have studied preferences. Now is the time to put these two ideas together and do something with them. In this chapter you study the commodity bundle chosen by a utility-maximizing consumer from a given budget. Given prices and income, you know how to graph a consumers budget. If you also know the consumers preferences, you can graph some of his indierence curves. The consumer will choose the best indierence curve that he can reach given his budget. But when you try to do this, you have to ask yourself, How do I nd the most desirable indierence curve that the consumer can reach? The answer to this question is look in the likely places. Where are the likely places? As your textbook tells you, there are three kinds of likely places. These are: (i) a tangency between an indierence curve and the budget line; (ii) a kink in an indierence curve; (iii) a corner where the consumer specializes in consuming just one good. Here is how you nd a point of tangency if we are told the consumers utility function, the prices of both goods, and the consumers income. The budget line and an indierence curve are tangent at a point (x1 , x2 ) if they have the same slope at that point. Now the slope of an indierence curve at (x1 , x2 ) is the ratio M U1 (x1 , x2 )/M U2 (x1 , x2 ). (This slope is also known as the marginal rate of substitution.) The slope of the budget line is p1 /p2 . Therefore an indierence curve is tangent to the budget line at the point (x1 , x2 ) when M U1 (x1 , x2 )/M U2 (x1 , x2 ) = p1 /p2 . This gives us one equation in the two unknowns, x1 and x2 . If we hope to solve for the xs, we need another equation. That other equation is the budget equation p1 x1 + p2 x2 = m. With these two equations you can solve for (x1 , x2 ).

x2 = 20. Therefore we know that the consumer chooses the bundle (x1 , x2 ) = (120, 20). For equilibrium at kinks or at corners, we dont need the slope of the indierence curves to equal the slope of the budget line. So we dont have the tangency equation to work with. But we still have the budget equation. The second equation that you can use is an equation that tells you that you are at one of the kinky points or at a corner. You will see exactly how this works when you work a few exercises.

Example: A consumer has the utility function U (x1 , x2 ) = min{x1 , 3x2 }.

The price of x1 is 2, the price of x2 is 1, and her income is 140. Her indierence curves are L-shaped. The corners of the Ls all lie along the line x1 = 3x2 . She will choose a combination at one of the corners, so this gives us one of the two equations we need for nding the unknowns x1 and x2 . The second equation is her budget equation, which is 2x1 + x2 = 140. Solve these two equations to nd that x1 = 60 and x2 = 20. So we know that the consumer chooses the bundle (x1 , x2 ) = (60, 20). When you have nished these exercises, we hope that you will be able to do the following: Calculate the best bundle a consumer can aord at given prices and income in the case of simple utility functions where the best aordable bundle happens at a point of tangency. Find the best aordable bundle, given prices and income for a consumer with kinked indierence curves. Recognize standard examples where the best bundle a consumer can aord happens at a corner of the budget set. Draw a diagram illustrating each of the above types of equilibrium. Apply the methods you have learned to choices made with some kinds of nonlinear budgets that arise in real-world situations.

Example: A consumer has the utility function U (x1 , x2 ) = x2 x2 . The 1

price of good 1 is p1 = 1, the price of good 2 is p2 = 3, and his income is 180. Then, M U1 (x1 , x2 ) = 2x1 x2 and M U2 (x1 , x2 ) = x2 . There1 fore his marginal rate of substitution is M U1 (x1 , x2 )/M U2 (x1 , x2 ) = 2x1 x2 /x2 = 2x2 /x1 . This implies that his indierence curve will be 1 tangent to his budget line when 2x2 /x1 = p1 /p2 = 1/3. Simplifying this expression, we have 6x2 = x1 . This is one of the two equations we need to solve for the two unknowns, x1 and x2 . The other equation is the budget equation. In this case the budget equation is x1 + 3x2 = 180. Solving these two equations in two unknowns, we nd x1 = 120 and
Some people have trouble remembering whether the marginal rate of substitution is M U1 /M U2 or M U2 /M U1 . It isnt really crucial to remember which way this goes as long as you remember that a tangency happens when the marginal utilities of any two goods are in the same proportion as their prices.

5.1 (0) We begin again with Charlie of the apples and bananas. Recall that Charlies utility function is U (xA , xB ) = xA xB . Suppose that the price of apples is 1, the price of bananas is 2, and Charlies income is 40.

(a) On the graph below, use blue ink to draw Charlies budget line. (Use a ruler and try to make this line accurate.) Plot a few points on the indierence curve that gives Charlie a utility of 150 and sketch this curve with red ink. Now plot a few points on the indierence curve that gives Charlie a utility of 300 and sketch this curve with black ink or pencil.





(Ch. 5)

Bananas 40 Red curves 30 Black curve 20 Pencil line

(g) The best bundle that Charlie can aord must lie somewhere on the line you just penciled in. It must also lie on his budget line. If the point is outside of his budget line, he cant aord it. If the point lies inside of his budget line, he can aord to do better by buying more of both goods. On your graph, label this best aordable bundle with an E. This happens where xA = 20 and xB = 10. Verify your answer by solving the two simultaneous equations given by his budget equation and the tangency condition. (h) What is Charlies utility if he consumes the bundle (20, 10)?


(i) On the graph above, use red ink to draw his indierence curve through (20,10). Does this indierence curve cross Charlies budget line, just touch it, or never touch it?

Just touch it.


Blue budget line

e a
5.2 (0) Claras utility function is U (X, Y ) = (X + 2)(Y + 1), where X is her consumption of good X and Y is her consumption of good Y . (a) Write an equation for Claras indierence curve that goes through the 36 point (X, Y ) = (2, 8). Y = X+2 Claras indierence curve for U = 36.


On the axes below, sketch




40 Apples

(b) Can Charlie aord any bundles that give him a utility of 150? (c) Can Charlie aord any bundles that give him a utility of 300?

Yes. No.

16 U=36 12 11 8

(d) On your graph, mark a point that Charlie can aord and that gives him a higher utility than 150. Label that point A. (e) Neither of the indierence curves that you drew is tangent to Charlies budget line. Lets try to nd one that is. At any point, (xA , xB ), Charlies marginal rate of substitution is a function of xA and xB . In fact, if you calculate the ratio of marginal utilities for Charlies utility function, you will nd that Charlies marginal rate of substitution is M RS(xA , xB ) = xB /xA . This is the slope of his indierence curve at (xA , xB ). The slope of Charlies budget line is


(give a numerical answer).

11 12

16 X

(f ) Write an equation that implies that the budget line is tangent to an indierence curve at (xA , xB ). xB /xA = 1/2. There are many solutions to this equation. Each of these solutions corresponds to a point on a dierent indierence curve. Use pencil to draw a line that passes through all of these points.

(b) Suppose that the price of each good is 1 and that Clara has an income of 11. Draw in her budget line. Can Clara achieve a utility of 36 with this budget?






(Ch. 5)

(c) At the commodity bundle, (X, Y ), Claras marginal rate of substitution is Y +1 X+2 .
Berries 20

(d) If we set the absolute value of the MRS equal to the price ratio, we have the equation Y +1 X+2

= 1. X + Y = 11.



(e) The budget equation is

Red curve 5 Blue line Blue line 0 5 10 15 20 Red curve Pencil line

(f ) Solving these two equations for the two unknowns, X and Y , we nd X=

and Y =



30 Nuts

5.3 (0) Ambrose, the nut and berry consumer, has a utility function U (x1 , x2 ) = 4 x1 + x2 , where x1 is his consumption of nuts and x2 is his consumption of berries.

(a) The commodity bundle (25, 0) gives Ambrose a utility of 20. Other points that give him the same utility are (16, 4), (9,

(f ) Now let us explore a case where there is a boundary solution. Suppose that the price of nuts is still 1 and the price of berries is 2, but Ambroses income is only 9. Draw his budget line (in blue). Sketch the indierence curve that passes through the point (9, 0). What is the slope of his indierence curve at the point (9, 0)?

), (4,

2/3. 1/2.

), (1, 16 ), and (0, 20 ). Plot these points on the axes below and draw a red indierence curve through them.


(g) What is the slope of his budget line at this point?

(b) Suppose that the price of a unit of nuts is 1, the price of a unit of berries is 2, and Ambroses income is 24. Draw Ambroses budget line with blue ink. How many units of nuts does he choose to buy?

(h) Which is steeper at this point, the budget line or the indierence curve?

Indifference curve. No.


(i) Can Ambrose aord any bundles that he likes better than the point (9, 0)?

(c) How many units of berries?

4 units.

(d) Find some points on the indierence curve that gives him a utility of 25 and sketch this indierence curve (in red).

(e) Now suppose that the prices are as before, but Ambroses income is 34. Draw his new budget line (with pencil). How many units of nuts will he choose?

5.4 (1) Nancy Lerner is trying to decide how to allocate her time in studying for her economics course. There are two examinations in this course. Her overall score for the course will be the minimum of her scores on the two examinations. She has decided to devote a total of 1,200 minutes to studying for these two exams, and she wants to get as high an overall score as possible. She knows that on the rst examination if she doesnt study at all, she will get a score of zero on it. For every 10 minutes that she spends studying for the rst examination, she will increase her score by one point. If she doesnt study at all for the second examination she will get a zero on it. For every 20 minutes she spends studying for the second examination, she will increase her score by one point.

16 units.

How many units of berries?

9 units.





(Ch. 5)

(a) On the graph below, draw a budget line showing the various combinations of scores on the two exams that she can achieve with a total of 1,200 minutes of studying. On the same graph, draw two or three indifference curves for Nancy. On your graph, draw a straight line that goes through the kinks in Nancys indierence curves. Label the point where this line hits Nancys budget with the letter A. Draw Nancys indierence curve through this point.
Score on test 2 80 "L" shaped indifference curves

for the rst examination, her score on this exam will be x1 = m1 /5. If she spends m2 minutes studying for the second examination, her score on this exam will be x2 = m2 /10. (a) On the graph below, draw a budget line showing the various combinations of scores on the two exams that she can achieve with a total of 400 minutes of studying. On the same graph, draw two or three indierence curves for Nancy. On your graph, nd the point on Nancys budget line that gives her the best overall score in the course. (b) Given that she spends a total of 400 minutes studying, Nancy will maximize her overall score by achieving a score of examination and


on the rst


on the second examination.


(c) Her overall score for the course will then be

Score on test 2


20 Budget line 0 20 40 60 80 100 120



Score on test 1

(b) Write an equation for the line passing through the kinks of Nancys indierence curves.

x1 = x2 . 10x1 + 20x2 =

20 Preference direction

Max. overall score

(c) Write an equation for Nancys budget line.



1, 200.
(d) Solve these two equations in two unknowns to determine the intersection of these lines. This happens at the point (x1 , x2 ) =

60 80 Score on test 1

5.6 (0) Elmers utility function is U (x, y) = min{x, y 2 }. (a) If Elmer consumes 4 units of x and 3 units of y, his utility is

(40, 40).

4. 4. 4.

(e) Given that she spends a total of 1,200 minutes studying, Nancy will maximize her overall score by spending rst examination and tion.


minutes studying for the

(b) If Elmer consumes 4 units of x and 2 units of y, his utility is


minutes studying for the second examina-

(c) If Elmer consumes 5 units of x and 2 units of y, his utility is

5.5 (1) In her communications course, Nancy also takes two examinations. Her overall grade for the course will be the maximum of her scores on the two examinations. Nancy decides to spend a total of 400 minutes studying for these two examinations. If she spends m1 minutes studying

(d) On the graph below, use blue ink to draw the indierence curve for Elmer that contains the bundles that he likes exactly as well as the bundle (4, 2).





(Ch. 5)

(e) On the same graph, use blue ink to draw the indierence curve for Elmer that contains bundles that he likes exactly as well as the bundle (1, 1) and the indierence curve that passes through the point (16, 5).

(f ) On your graph, use black ink to show the locus of points at which Elmers indierence curves have kinks. What is the equation for this curve?


x = y2.

(g) On the same graph, use black ink to draw Elmers budget line when the price of x is 1, the price of y is 2, and his income is 8. What bundle does Elmer choose in this situation?


8 Red line Black (3,3) curve

y 16 Blue curve 12

Blue curve 12 16 X

Blue curves

8 Black line 4 Chosen bundle (16,5) Black curve

(b) On the same graph, use red ink to draw Linuss budget line if the price of x is 1 and the price of y is 2 and his income is 8. What bundle does Linus choose in this situation?





24 x

(h) Suppose that the price of x is 10 and the price of y is 15 and Elmer buys 100 units of x. What is Elmers income? 1,150. (Hint: At rst you might think there is too little information to answer this question. But think about how much y he must be demanding if he chooses 100 units of x.) 5.7 (0) Linus has the utility function U (x, y) = x + 3y. (a) On the graph below, use blue ink to draw the indierence curve passing through the point (x, y) = (3, 3). Use black ink to sketch the indierence curve connecting bundles that give Linus a utility of 6.

(c) What bundle would Linus choose if the price of x is 1, the price of y is 4, and his income is 8?


5.8 (2) Remember our friend Ralph Rigid from Chapter 3? His favorite diner, Food for Thought, has adopted the following policy to reduce the crowds at lunch time: if you show up for lunch t hours before or after 12 noon, you get to deduct t dollars from your bill. (This holds for any fraction of an hour as well.)





(Ch. 5)


Money 20








yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Blue budget set yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
10 11 12 1 2 Time

Red curves

80 Blue budget constraint 60 Black budget constraint Red budget constraint














(a) Use blue ink to show Ralphs budget set. On this graph, the horizontal axis measures the time of day that he eats lunch, and the vertical axis measures the amount of money that he will have to spend on things other than lunch. Assume that he has $20 total to spend and that lunch at noon costs $10. (Hint: How much money would he have left if he ate at noon? at 1 P.M.? at 11 A.M.?)

(a) When Joe rst arrives in September, the temperature of his apartment is 60 degrees. If he spends nothing on heating or cooling, the temperature in his room will be 60 degrees and he will have $100 left to spend on food. If he heated the room to 70 degrees, he would have


left to spend

(b) Recall that Ralphs preferred lunch time is 12 noon, but that he is willing to eat at another time if the food is suciently cheap. Draw some red indierence curves for Ralph that would be consistent with his choosing to eat at 11 A.M.

on food. If he cooled the room to 50 degrees, he would have $70 left to spend on food. On the graph below, show Joes September budget constraint (with black ink). (Hint: You have just found three points that Joe can aord. Apparently, his budget set is not bounded by a single straight line.) (b) In December, the outside temperature is 30 degrees and in August poor Joe is trying to understand macroeconomics while the temperature outside is 85 degrees. On the same graph you used above, draw Joes budget constraints for the months of December (in blue ink) and August (in red ink). (c) Draw a few smooth (unkinky) indierence curves for Joe in such a way that the following are true. (i) His favorite temperature for his apartment would be 65 degrees if it cost him nothing to heat it or cool it. (ii) Joe chooses to use the furnace in December, air-conditioning in August, and neither in September. (iii) Joe is better o in December than in August. (d) In what months is the slope of Joes budget constraint equal to the slope of his indierence curve?

5.9 (0) Joe Grad has just arrived at the big U. He has a fellowship that covers his tuition and the rent on an apartment. In order to get by, Joe has become a grader in intermediate price theory, earning $100 a month. Out of this $100 he must pay for his food and utilities in his apartment. His utilities expenses consist of heating costs when he heats his apartment and air-conditioning costs when he cools it. To raise the temperature of his apartment by one degree, it costs $2 per month (or $20 per month to raise it ten degrees). To use air-conditioning to cool his apartment by a degree, it costs $3 per month. Whatever is left over after paying the utilities, he uses to buy food at $1 per unit.

August and December.





(Ch. 5)

(e) In December Joes marginal rate of substitution between food and degrees Fahrenheit is


In August, his MRS is


(d) If plan C is adopted and Central High School spends C dollars on computers, then it will have X = 60, 000 .5C dollars left to spend on other things. Therefore its budget line has the equation Use blue ink to draw this budget line.


(f ) Since Joe neither heats nor cools his apartment in September, we cannot determine his marginal rate of substitution exactly, but we do know that it must be no smaller than


and no larger than

(e) If plan D is adopted, the school districts budget consists of two line segments that intersect at the point where expenditure on computers is


(Hint: Look carefully at your graph.)


and expenditure on other instructional materials is

5.10 (0) Central High School has $60,000 to spend on computers and other stu, so its budget equation is C + X = 60, 000, where C is expenditure on computers and X is expenditures on other things. C.H.S. currently plans to spend $20,000 on computers. The State Education Commission wants to encourage computer literacy in the high schools under its jurisdiction. The following plans have been proposed. Plan A: This plan would give a grant of $10,000 to each high school in the state that the school could spend as it wished. Plan B: This plan would give a $10,000 grant to any high school, so long as the school spent at least $10,000 more than it currently spends on computers. Any high school can choose not to participate, in which case it does not receive the grant, but it doesnt have to increase its expenditure on computers. Plan C: Plan C is a matching grant. For every dollars worth of computers that a high school orders, the state will give the school 50 cents. Plan D: This plan is like plan C, except that the maximum amount of matching funds that any high school could get from the state would be limited to $10,000. (a) Write an equation for Central High Schools budget if plan A is adopted. C + X = 70, 000. Use black ink to draw the budget line for Central High School if plan A is adopted. (b) If plan B is adopted, the boundary of Central High Schools budget set has two separate downward-sloping line segments. One of these segments describes the cases where C.H.S. spends at least $30,000 on computers. This line segment runs from the point (C, X) = (70, 000, 0) to the point (C, X) =

(f ) The slope of the atter line segment is steeper segment is


The slope of the


Use pencil to draw this budget line.

Thousands of dollars worth of other things 60 Black budget line (plan A) Pencil budget line (plan D) Blue budget line (plan C) Red budget line (plan B)












(30,000, 40,000).

Thousands of dollars worth of computers

(c) Another line segment corresponds to the cases where C.H.S. spends less than $30,000 on computers. This line segment runs from (C, X) =

(30,000,30,000) to the point (C, X) = (0, 60, 000). Use red ink to draw these two line segments.

5.11 (0) Suppose that Central High School has preferences that can be represented by the utility function U (C, X) = CX 2 . Let us try to determine how the various plans described in the last problem will aect the amount that C.H.S. spends on computers.





(Ch. 5)

(a) If the state adopts none of the new plans, nd the expenditure on computers that maximizes the districts utility subject to its budget constraint.

Other goods 16 Pencil curve 12


(b) If plan A is adopted, nd the expenditure on computers that maximizes the districts utility subject to its budget constraint.

Blue curve 8 Red line Black line 4


(c) On your graph, sketch the indierence curve that passes through the point (30,000, 40,000) if plan B is adopted. At this point, which is steeper, the indierence curve or the budget line?

The budget line.







Local phone calls

(d) If plan B is adopted, nd the expenditure on computers that maximizes the districts utility subject to its budget constraint. (Hint: Look at your graph.)

(b) On the graph above, use pencil to draw indierence curves for someone who prefers the second plan to the rst. Use blue ink to draw an indierence curve for someone who prefers the rst plan to the second. 5.13 (1) This is a puzzlejust for fun. Lewis Carroll (1832-1898), author of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, was a mathematician, logician, and political scientist. Carroll loved careful reasoning about puzzling things. Here Carrolls Alice presents a nice bit of economic analysis. At rst glance, it may seem that Alice is talking nonsense, but, indeed, her reasoning is impeccable. I should like to buy an egg, please. she said timidly. How do you sell them? Fivepence farthing for onetwopence for two, the Sheep replied. Then two are cheaper than one? Alice said, taking out her purse. Only you must eat them both if you buy two, said the Sheep. Then Ill have one please, said Alice, as she put the money down on the counter. For she thought to herself, They mightnt be at all nice, you know. (a) Let us try to draw a budget set and indierence curves that are consistent with this story. Suppose that Alice has a total of 8 pence to spend and that she can buy either 0, 1, or 2 eggs from the Sheep, but no fractional eggs. Then her budget set consists of just three points. The point where she buys no eggs is (0, 8). Plot this point and label it A. On your graph, the point where she buys 1 egg is (1, 2 3 ). (A farthing is 1/4 4 of a penny.) Plot this point and label it B. (b) The point where she buys 2 eggs is (2, 6). Plot this point and label it C. If Alice chooses to buy 1 egg, she must like the bundle B better than either the bundle A or the bundle C. Draw indierence curves for Alice that are consistent with this behavior.


(e) If plan C is adopted, nd the expenditure on computers that maximizes the districts utility subject to its budget constraint.


(f ) If plan D is adopted, nd the expenditure on computers that maximizes the districts utility subject to its budget constraint.


5.12 (0) The telephone company allows one to choose between two dierent pricing plans. For a fee of $12 per month you can make as many local phone calls as you want, at no additional charge per call. Alternatively, you can pay $8 per month and be charged 5 cents for each local phone call that you make. Suppose that you have a total of $20 per month to spend.

(a) On the graph below, use black ink to sketch a budget line for someone who chooses the rst plan. Use red ink to draw a budget line for someone who chooses the second plan. Where do the two budget lines cross?

(80, 8).





(Ch. 5)

Other goods 8 a

4 Eggs



(Ch. 6)

Chapter 6


Introduction. In the previous chapter, you found the commodity bundle
that a consumer with a given utility function would choose in a specic price-income situation. In this chapter, we take this idea a step further. We nd demand functions, which tell us for any prices and income you might want to name, how much of each good a consumer would want. In general, the amount of each good demanded may depend not only on its own price, but also on the price of other goods and on income. Where there are two goods, we write demand functions for Goods 1 and 2 as x1 (p1 , p2 , m) and x2 (p1 , p2 , m). When the consumer is choosing positive amounts of all commodities and indierence curves have no kinks, the consumer chooses a point of tangency between her budget line and the highest indierence curve that it touches.

case is that the consumer will choose a boundary solution where she consumes only one good. At this point, her indierence curve will not be tangent to her budget line. When a consumer has kinks in her indierence curves, she may choose a bundle that is located at a kink. In the problems with kinks, you will be able to solve for the demand functions quite easily by looking at diagrams and doing a little algebra. Typically, instead of nding a tangency equation, you will nd an equation that tells you where the kinks are. With this equation and the budget equation, you can then solve for demand. You might wonder why we pay so much attention to kinky indierence curves, straight line indierence curves, and other funny cases. Our reason is this. In the funny cases, computations are usually pretty easy. But often you may have to draw a graph and think about what you are doing. That is what we want you to do. Think and ddle with graphs. Dont just memorize formulas. Formulas you will forget, but the habit of thinking will stick with you. When you have nished this workout, we hope that you will be able to do the following: Find demand functions for consumers with Cobb-Douglas and other similar utility functions. Find demand functions for consumers with quasilinear utility functions. Find demand functions for consumers with kinked indierence curves and for consumers with straight-line indierence curves. Recognize complements and substitutes from looking at a demand curve. Recognize normal goods, inferior goods, luxuries, and necessities from looking at information about demand. Calculate the equation of an inverse demand curve, given a simple demand equation. 6.1 (0) Charlie is backstill consuming apples and bananas. His utility function is U (xA , xB ) = xA xB . We want to nd his demand function for apples, xA (pA , pB , m), and his demand function for bananas, xB (pA , pB , m). (a) When the prices are pA and pB and Charlies income is m, the equation for Charlies budget line is pA xA +pB xB = m. The slope of Charlies indifference curve at the bundle (xA , xB ) is M U1 (xA , xB )/M U2 (xA , xB ) =

Example: Consider a consumer with utility function U (x1 , x2 ) = (x1 +

2)(x2 + 10). To nd x1 (p1 , p2 , m) and x2 (p1 , p2 , m), we need to nd a commodity bundle (x1 , x2 ) on her budget line at which her indierence curve is tangent to her budget line. The budget line will be tangent to the indierence curve at (x1 , x2 ) if the price ratio equals the marginal rate of substitution. For this utility function, M U1 (x1 , x2 ) = x2 + 10 and M U2 (x1 , x2 ) = x1 + 2. Therefore the tangency equation is p1 /p2 = (x2 + 10)/(x1 + 2). Cross-multiplying the tangency equation, one nds p1 x1 + 2p1 = p2 x2 + 10p2 . The bundle chosen must also satisfy the budget equation, p1 x1 + p2 x2 = m. This gives us two linear equations in the two unknowns, x1 and x2 . You can solve these equations yourself, using high school algebra. You will nd that the solution for the two demand functions is x1 = m 2p1 + 10p2 2p1 m + 2p1 10p2 x2 = . 2p2

There is one thing left to worry about with the demand functions we just found. Notice that these expressions will be positive only if m2p1 + 10p2 > 0 and m+2p1 10p2 > 0. If either of these expressions is negative, then it doesnt make sense as a demand function. What happens in this For some utility functions, demand for a good may not be aected by all of these variables. For example, with Cobb-Douglas utility, demand for a good depends on the goods own price and on income but not on the other goods price. Still, there is no harm in writing demand for Good 1 as a function of p1 , p2 , and m. It just happens that the derivative of x1 (p1 , p2 , m) with respect to p2 is zero.

xB /xA .

The slope of Charlies budget line is pA /pB . Charlies indierence curve will be tangent to his budget line at the point (xA , xB ) if the following equation is satised:

pA /pB = xB /xA .

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