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Process Engineering & Applied Science

CHEE3634 Fall 2012

Assignment 8
Due by 9:55am, Tuesday, Nov. 20th Be sure to include the assignment number, and your name and student number at the top of each page. Pages should be stapled together in the top-left corner
Question 1: Calculate the heat of reaction for the synthesis of ammonia from hydrogen and nitrogen at 200C in kcal/mol of N2 reacted and also in KJ/mol of H2 reacted. The heats of formation of the elemental gases (H2 and N2) are zero at 25C. The heat of formation of NH3 at 25C is -46.1 kJ/mol. The heat capacities of H2, N2 and NH3 are 6.992 cal/(mol K), 6.984 cal/(mol K), 8.92 cal/(mol K), respectively. The reaction is: Question 2: Determine the change in enthalpy of 2 kg of water heated from 50C to 200C. The given data are 1. Cp water = 9.837*10-6T2 - 7.283*10-4T + 4.194 ( Temperature is in C and Cp in kJ/(kg K)) 2. Heat of vaporization at 100C = 2,270 kJ/kg. 3. Cp of Steam is 1.97 KJ/kg K. N2 + 3H2 2 NH3

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