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Microsoft Office System

Microsoft Office System

- Is a comprehensive, integrated

system of programs, servers, and services designed to solve a wide array of business needs.

The Major programs of Microsoft Office System 1. Word 2007- word processor program used to create text based documents. 2. Excel 2007- spreadsheet program used to analyze numeric data 3. Access 2007- database manager used to organize, manage, and display a database.

The Major programs of Microsoft Office System

4. Powerpoint 2007- graphics presentation program used to create presentation materials.

What is Word 2007?

- It is a word processing software application whose purpose is to help you create text-based documents. - It is the most flexible and widely used application software programs.

Common Office 2007 Interface Features?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

File Menu/Office Button Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar Task panes Office Help Starting and exiting and application

Starting an Office 2007 Application?

Two most common methods in opening the application. 1. Using the Start Menu 2. Clicking a desktop shortcut for program.

Parts of the Application Window

1. Title Bar- displays the file name followed by the program name, Microsoft Word. Document 1- Microsoft Word- default title bar.

Parts of the Application Window

2. Minimize, Restore Down, and close buttons- displays at the right end of the title bar. 3. Ribbon- displays below the title bar. - Provides a centralized area that it makes it easy to finds ways to work in your document.

Three basic parts of Ribbon 1. Tabs- are used to divide the Ribbon into major activity areas 2. Groups 3. Command buttons

Parts of the Application Window

4. Office button- displays at the upper left area of the windows title bar. 5. Quick Access Toolbar 6. Document window- the large center area of the program window 7. A scroll bar- displays on the right of the document window.

Parts of the Application Window

8. Status bar- displays at the bottom of the window.

Using the File Menu/Office Button

The menu lists has a nine commands that are used to perform the tasks: 1. New 2. Open 3. Save 4. Save as 5. Print 6. Prepare 7. Send 8. Publish 9. Close

Using the File Menu/Office Button

The right side of the command list currently displays the names of recently opened files. The default program setting displays a maximum of 17 file names.

Using the File Menu/Office Button

Selection cursor- a colored highlight bar. ScreenTip- (also called a Tooltip)briefly appears displaying the command name and the keyboard shortcut.

Quick Access Toolbar

- Can be displays below the title bar/above the ribbon or below the ribbon.

Using the Ribbon

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. It display a seven(7) command tabs: Home Insert Page Layout References Mailings View

Home Tab
Five groups: 1. Clipboard 2. Font 3. Paragraph 4. Styles 5. Editing

Dialog Box Launcher

- It displayed in the lower-right corner of the group. F10- short cut key to access the key shortcuts

Ctrl +F1- to minimize and redisplay the Ribbon

Mini Toolbar
-another method of accessing commands. - It appears automatically when you select text in a document and provides commands that are used to format(enhance) text.

Using the Office Help

F1- shortcut command to Access Help - Display in the upper-right corner of the Ribbon.

Exiting an Office 2007 Application

Method in Exiting an application 1. close button located at the right end of the window title bar 2. Alt +F4

What is an Electronic Spreadsheet

Electronic Spreadsheet or Worksheet

It is an automated version of the accountants Ledger. It consists of rows and columns of numerical data

If the accountants ledger, which is created on paper using a pencil and a calculator.

Electronic spreadsheet is created by a computer system running spreadsheet application software.

The first spreadsheet program, Visicalc, was introduced in 1979.

Excel 2007 Features

Spreadsheet applications help you create well-designed spreadsheets that produce accurate results.

Advantages of Microsoft Excel

-ability to quickly edit and format data - Perform calculations - Create charts - Print the spreadsheet.

Microsoft Office Excel 2007

Spreadsheet program uses a workbook file that contains one or more worksheets.

Cell- it is a location where numeric or text data you entered into the worksheet.

Starting Excel 2007

Exploring the Excel Window

Title Bar- displays the default file name, Book1, and program name. Formula bar- displays entries as they are made and edited in the workbook window. Name box- located at the left end of the formula bar, provides information about the selected item.

Workbook window- the large center area of the program window Workbook- is an Excel file that stores the information you enter using the program. Mouse pointer appear as many different shapes

or It is used to move to different locations in the workbook window It is used to choose items, such as commands ribbons

Status bar- display at the bottom of the Excel window, it displays information about various Excel settings. Ready displays at the left side of status bar. When ready is displayed you can move around the workbook, enter data, use function keys or choose command. The right side of the status bar contains buttons to change view and zoom feature.

The default workbook file includes three blank sheets. Sheet-is used is used to display different types of information, such as financial data or charts.

Worksheet- displays when you open a new workbook. -commonly referred to as spreadsheet. Spreadsheet- is a rectangular grid of rows and columns used to enter data.

Worksheet actually extends 16, 384 columns to the right and 1,048, 576 rows down. Row numbers- along the left side Column letters- across the top of the workbook window identify each worksheet row and column.

Cell- the intersection or a row and column

Cell selector- it is the black border, Active cell-surrounding the cell located at the intersection of column A and row 1 Cell reference- displays formula in the name box, consisting of column letter and row number of the active cell.

Each sheet in the workbook is named Sheet1, Sheet2 and so on displayed on sheet tabs. Sheet tabs displays at the bottom of the workbook window. Active sheet a sheet you can work it appears bold. Tab scroll buttons- used to scroll tab right or left when there are more sheet tabs that can be seen.

Anther method to go to sheet2 tab - Press ctrl + page down- next sheet - Ctrl + Page up to move to the previous

Moving around the worksheet using the keyboard

Page down- Moves down one full window Page-up- moves up one full window Alt+Page Down - moves right one full window Homemoves to the beginning or row Ctrl+Home- moves to upper left corner cell of worksheet/ A1 Ctrl+end- moves to last used cell of worksheet End - moves to the last-used cell in row End moves to the last-cell used in column

Moving around the worksheet using the Mouse

Click scroll arrow-scroll worksheet one row/column in direction of arrow Drag scroll box- scroll worksheet multiple windows up/down or right/left Hold down the Shift key- scrolls quickly through multiple rows/columns


Developing a Worksheet consists of four steps: 1. Plan 2. Enter and Edit 3. Test 4. Format

ENTERING AND EDITING DATA Data Entries- basic information or data you enter in a cell can be text or numbers. Text entries- can contain any combination of letters, numbers, spaces and any other special characters Number entries can -include only the digits 0-9 and any special characters, +, -, (), ,./$%?=. Numbers can be used in calculations Formulas direct excel to perform a calculation on values in the worksheet.


Two buttons appeared on the formula when you are typing are: Red cross - delete Blue check mark- complete your entry


Press F2 Double click on the cell Put the insertion point on the formula bar


- Makes some basic assumptions about the text you are typing. - Automatically inserts proper capitalization at the beginning of sentences and in the name of days of the week. - Corrects many common typing and spelling errors automatically

CHANGING THE COLUMN WIDTH The size or width of a column controls the amount of information that can be displayed in a cell. A text that is larger than the column width will be fully displayed only if the cells to the right are blank. The default column width setting is 8.43. The column width can be set into 0-255. It the column set into 0 the column is hidden

Ways in changing the column width Using the mouse: By dragging the boundary of the column heading Set column width to an exact value, using Format Using AutoFit- double click the boundary to the right of the column heading.

Saving, Closing, and Opening Workbooks Auto Recover is a great feature for recovering lost work How? Office button, Excel options, save

Saving a New Workbook Difference between save and save as command? Save command or save button- will save the active file using the same file name by replacing the contents of the existing file. Save as command- is used to save file with a new file name or to a new location. - This action leaves the original file unchanged.

Closing a Workbook Ways in closing a workbook 1. Office button, close 2. X button at the right of the title bar 3. Alt F4

Opening an Existing Workbook Ways in closing a workbook 1. Office button, Open 2. Quick Access Toolbar, open button 3. Ctrl +O

Using Proofing Tools Checking spelling: Spelling checker locates misspelled words, duplicate words, and capitalization irregularities in the active worksheet and proposes the correct spelling. 1. Review tab command: spelling checker 2. Keyboard shortcut F7

Using Thesaurus

Thesaurus- is a reference tool that provides synonyms, antonyms and related works for a selected word or phrase. Synonyms- words with similar meaning Antonyms- words with opposite meaning

Copy and Move

Source or copy- an entry that is copied leaves the original Destination or paste area- inserts a duplicate at a new location. Clipboard- temporary windows storage area in memory.

Using Copy and Paste

Short cut key for Copy- Ctrl + C Paste- Ctrl + V

Selecting a Range
Range- a selection consisting of two or more cells on a worksheet

Selecting a Range

Two types of range: Adjacent- is a rectangular block of adjoining cells Example: A2:C4 Non-adjacent- consists of two or more selected cells or ranges that are not adjoining. Example: A10, B12, C14

Selecting a Range

Range reference- identifies the cells in a range. A colon is used to separate the first and last cells of an adjacent range reference.

Using the Fill Handle

Fill handle- is another way to copy the text is by dragging. - The black box the lower right corner of a selection.

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