Sam Loyd S Encyclopedia of 5000 Puzzles

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.... 11l 1."
The Cyclopedia of Puzzles prcS('nts to that )<'gion of people.
)'oung and old, who delight in puzzit"soiving, !l comprehensive
collection of puzzles gnrnered during many years of pleasant
I.nbor in the fields of Puzzledom. All the of modem I)m.zlc
creations. ns well IlS those of ancicnt origin, tfll:,'CthCT with their
solutions. art' J,!"atilcTl'(j ill the CycloPNlin.
Almrn.t e\'cry )>age lUay be regarcil'u as a lit tit' family puzzle
dep.1.rtmcnt in jtSt,lf. containing' as it dO<'$ a varidy of puzzles,
simple and difficult. mathematical nnd otl\t.'rwise. A lover of
puzzles browsing through the whethrT hI' IX' the veteran
solver or the youngster who is just beginning to ngitatc his grey
matter with riddJ.:s and won) puzzlt-s. will find ubundance to
ft..'(:(\ upon.
Puzzling is a )"Istime of wry an('ient growth. rich in historical
associations. ami embrncing much that is ronmnti(', as well
The Cyclop('(iill. abounds ill t classical tidbits
which. oollectinly. glYC us as true a hi..t:ory of the art and litera-
ture of pU1Jjedom as ma)' be wfitten.
I hayc always trcated and oonsifiefed puzzles from an educa-
tional standpoint. for tite reason that thcy constitute a species of
mental gymnastics which shafpt'll the wits and t rain thc mind to
reason along straight line$. As a school for cleverness and
ingenuity designed to make of stud} a recn:ation, and as an aid
to both schol:!r and teacher. I dCflicntc this work to the school.
children of America.
Th., of rontain.. tl'l"l'r 5.000 PUWt'>l, lrick!:<. conlln-
riddlC'1, ("Ie .. of "hich about 1 ,000 are ilIu,;trated.
Rolulious to Ihl' are print .... ' in the 1",,1 [>Ilgt's- fron> 1):.It" 910 to
1),1gt' 3lH in ('oulK'CutiH' on' rr. Tu Ii",] the ;;o[ulion of a ]lUule turn tu th,'
!IOlution tlml nule allhe top the nllmber.! uf tl ... puzzl .. l"'If"'; to "hid,
tht-), apply. Il "ill then 1)(' .... impl" mattl'r to lQl-'ale the Wlllthl-nrtn
lOIulion. Fur ('\"oml,I,,: The lint ..ulution !I-W. M 1I0t ... 1 al i18 t')II.
'0 Iluules IIp' ..... ring 0" 7,8. II. 10. II, h!. ami U.
Mlluyof th .. d,nrudt'fl lind wort! PlIl.l'.!e!I Iht' hook art' IIl'Wrn-
pani('(1 hy Ilwit :;olulioll' eXII!'("'i('({ in .!'impl\" cipher: tJ.I,,1 h, Iht'
] .. tk'N 01 the al],hahel art' n'pn' .... by uuwbt-rs In "rd .. r.
For inl>tlln('<', til<' "ord would be l"xprrt ...... 1 hy :), tj, S,
l 'l, I';, 16, :;,l, I), I.
Such puzzleil as lire by thrir 'UUIWCI1I an: not tlupli('lItl!'(1 in
the Mllution pugC$.
A ntunh('( 01 IllIul .. ! in the book have !>ceo .o;elc<:ied Il.'I "Pril:e
Pul:des," !Ill of thdr !IOlulioll.'l Me withheld,
A prize of one hundred ($100) dollars will be IIwa!'lI,d lu
who in the 1)(,,1 M't ul AnsWers to tl"",,' " Prizl' I'uzzle_i" before
the first of January, 1915.
A of I,h(' rout .. st Iks in the fart tlmt l,,,d. ""h'(,T must iu Ill<' flrllt
plnn' di,'i(.'t)\'('T \1](' Puzzle ..... "hich can be id"n\ifiLoU through tIl('
nh>lellC(! of tlll';r 80 Jo nol writ.... amI whid, I\.r('. '['hut
for you to find out.
A! th" l"\'lIdcr pJ"OC('O..:b through the book h" mnkl' nolM (If
puuil'll II." he nn gin'" 5Olutiotl.'!.. If compktc, lhllt "ill be
tl,,' of "I'riro(' I'UZ:dL"ll,"
There arc no conditions attacbed t n this prize offer other than
that. conteSlanl's soluti oDs must be senl collectivdy- the answers
10 the complete set of " Prize Puules" forwarded in one envelope,
and posted not earlier thi n December I, 1915, and not liter th:m
January I, 1915, addressed to SAM LOYD. New York Prest Club,
New York City"
If ,'n" d<l notsuCttl:'d in ..... nring aruro;(,TlI to ,,11 of the ,. I'ri7.('
he tu M'nd in your elTort.,;, fnr II. numbrr of coulpli.
mClItlll'Y pri1.4!S \\itl he I\wlltdNl among thOSE' who rauk hi"hclIl in thl'ronh'!;!.
The first prize of $100 will t o the author of the best received.
&-5t I1I1'IIn5 IJ;-o$t from every ,XJoISihlc standpoint, ('t)rrt'l'lnC'M, "'dlu!tl of
c:\IlT(''IIOion, ttl'.
Mr, Loyd will personally superintend examination of 1111 answcn.
T o 1)(' "IiSibll' \0 I'll teT this cont""t it is nol l\1'N"''':' ry ,,, 0\\ n out right Il CUllY
of lhe Cydopedin of Pozzle,," Several members of" fllmily 1Imy O('ud in
their indi\"idunl pnpet"il while worJcing from the !IIImc volume.
Propooiti.,.,: Call 7"" mark o!l .octlr 50 poluuo
My chum and l ... uking in tlx (lqflCt'S,. An lri,h,""" would al. .\cronlingly. '1'P!'!;"<1 pol;.
>ide iho .... the "'h .... d;I\'. "h."... .."" -sc the mtItI ... bik the o.brk ician ... ith--. ,10" bwy<'r ....,th--,
5uuck ,,",,,, the man u ..... a. th. i.'lqd i, in f ..... . h>.t tht ,luctut "'ilh --, ,he jl1'lf;e
tqUal1: t pm< in tht "",101,. T .... .t,. maltcr of lu\ ""cry .".... had ",;11> - - , the ""i1,1 .... ill, a -
.. en len l,nlc ,!unomlb "h,<h yuu WI< .. h;d, kqtI and" -. -, tilt g;,."l.kran.d h .. --;-
10 1"'01'1, .,.." ... ,.h t... .... !W1.. .hnn (rum .,nninl:_ In .h.,,- tlm ..01 -- .. nh --
Tlu: man Aid tak( Q nun,. tbm.... Un Y"" 410 ... bow "'c might h>,.. Iond:n l>O.ny .. "h --, d ).')'.
.. Y"" Ii" at a cent a JI'fft' uMlliUOml ma.Jo: uaaly 50 paint>. an<! .,.0Il a man ""'Ih "--, Ibe cal w"h --.
as )'OlI pka>e. Ad,1 up (b. Maggie OJ,,,, cigar WIth,. gold land the drinker ... "h --, .h.ql:""l,'IP"
numllt", on "n ,"" ",.n .kat)'tlll Il'OUn,\ It' .. ith --, \"" ...... Iman ,,-n" .--.
koock out and ,.'hm . he s"m alll!JUnlS .b. ",ilot with. --, the Ikto,i"
1.0 o",,<lly 50, ud'h<r I1IOrt 00. 1",., Pulile ,,' the lumllll "'ilh .. - ., the d",.,,,,.kn with ..
1011 j!tl .. Oine .i/:- r.t" bUnk '" be filinl ,,'i,h a --, an,IIIO"'" wilh lhe --.
ar ""," a.:old bond. worlh. 4 .... '1<" ... ,,1"11 o;,.!injl" in ;..,-c:. Du, in .p;" of all hi. tlrM" ' 0
Ou. '''''''''y l:aYC 001 Wt ..\t Ih.' lim" of thte --, .uWI)" ,,,. """'" PfO(lIo ob-
lraml'd how 10 win. and nolic.d ,I.., ittman. "Iwrn "" """ slwuld . j<ct<:J"" .. onJ::ly 10 hi' __ ,,.,
th,u lot. 01 proplo di,ln'l .n,,>1<. Ally <1.... 01 ,,,. --. J'I" up a .L
mort MaK/(lc CI",., ,h"" we ,Ii,I, :o'.n in hi, -, pul ,h 11"1 ,b.y arpli I,u UI. - 1M - .....
,.b. man who fU" ' lit' bu .. "",. ,h.1 "ilb----------l",,,'.1 n(}fl. h. ",,,,J.i p r Ji,,!; by .. hich ,hoy
be ,ji,I,,, ,,_ f'COI'l. ,iv. ,ooJ _ wall. withuul eithor I'I/&lI I"", in,,, - or
k' th.i. 1"C'djc'! n,," \oor Ill" _. a _!
TIlt (hil.l"", It .. ..., work! all of
IMIr nan," into a Jl3ld,.
quill pI.I .. "'hi<h they are Koing
to p ...... nt 10 t(acIlcc. Com.
tn('1K't VI'rn-rtoer )"011 pica,", and K"
fmm 1QIl"'. 10 "loa..." And ..,e htl'"
mall, lame. rot! (;m di$Cf)"c,. Il'"
1'"""'1:.1 S. I", <'Xan1pl., a; >bolO."
by tho Ii ...... "'" ca" ' 1><11 N"AN"CV,
but whtn you find all of the OIM ..
you ...,U know j""l how rmny odrol.
.... ,,"",I 10 thi. "",,001 io Puule-
Sammy" Shlch.Boot
,11:11 "Il,i, 1"11<1' .. ' hich oJ.,""ril",,!
Ih;, 1',<Utrt:
:.1'. S,_I walll'" uv thaI Ih. r.",
'hili}> I ']i,1 .ftcr I,,n: ... a. t"
to ,Ilt o .. ,! r I,,,u,,! ,11.1
,he ',"'}' 111lI' h""et au,1 ",w,
lit <I"",, 1<1 ']'.'1' i, I
y"u m pinut<' 1 '''all,' <>r Ih,,",, thty
....e..., lJlIIg m thte ixlrnyu,1, 1
I'd Ihc:m 1""1:" . ..."d th.y ''''vet
nKW."<l. II,, row ... I,,<h h.,1 ..
pi<'Ce of CM"'inJ,:' gum '" ,,"oulh .
;mil 10 ht ct't1ain Ihat the hor",
..-ant de.,1 IIK,lIn,,! An,1
Y"" (""I:],t 10 ..... tl!eln to)
lho-ir foci'
p, S-Do)"<"lll hu",
,Ih( f""""IJ rn.t.Kician. u<ed
h" n..",.,ry by gl.ncillJ:
on an,j the" ,,lIing
ho-.. many thin-.:. he C'-'UJol =.11
hariDg ..... n a OJ!<' ""nul.'
'nop<!C1iorL He oairl ...... t
wenl through tlxo '''''rld ",,!hool
hOOting a"J'thing. Di,1 Y"" 1IOIice
the m<IOfl in my It lipp<d
'M "''''''1:" way! 1"" """", .hnty
tih_ In th" left, I 01...,,.. lhal nlWtl
to make fun 01 I\.no: ,he wmt. I
an,! .p.->n abOo.ll 'tM f\e(q
ckmdo bo.'hin'llhe mOl."," 111k) .oer
MaN "I doud_ ,he """'" I
The moon i. alwayl behind tl ..
cloud., but 1 dr<w ;1 to n,.,kc h
P. ,k<td,c:tl """'" hop ,';n.
a",1 what .&11 ""It bNns,
"'" do )'-'" kn.,,," 11<110 to ,.U "h"-'h
are ,h. h,,1' .. "''' Hop 'me_ al-
.. a)", ",und '0 til< Ioi,. while
tl.,, ",)',.,." twi I nIIlnd ta til< rirhl.
'too karn of thing. i1I the
<""n y
I' S, - n... Smith 1>0..- o<u rto,"",
I"' .... 1 ul.:ed hi"; 00... m.ony
I.., II",ughl ... ... k lard.
""unW ... hn>Od of _
"" IIliJ '.\en." I .11"" ,old hun
! I_I.-. d'.IIl" lay 0ft'I. A
, .."..k IS" a ",n,l..."..,.
1 n well ..... h 'w r.l.I.n, <1tI:5
doe-:o """"trr I",. aUI Smith) .
.. a <It)" ,!:urn]> .. !hi ,]0,,., kDOW
101. of ,hltl,...
I'. S.,-I)o )"<>1' that thi<b!n
lhe do,' bon. do ! k""""
II' ft dull" h'.,u"", a ,.",,', have
wh!le lip to htT tail, 1/ a ,al
My h!""k on 11.. at 311. ,I.., II]>
r.r her \atllS whiir .r a <!<>g
I"", IllIy ... anywl>trl", Ihe IiI' "f
h .. w..! .. ill !.or ... 111:"'. \""'" .........
... , .... aohll'kM hy mtlOD.
!'lI:hl II' )'<lll' hie. n". !l,,1 p,u
.... a hen "'Ih ... l Did you
Ihink or ,hat I
1'. 5.-1 <Itt\\' thi. pioturc: 10 """
if )"(111 Oan II!!"''''I. the
be,wn a h". (>r a o:lW goWng
up; 1",1 talking alr<1"t ,h.:il chkrn.
<;,n you 1.11 "'loy il i. like" farmod
un )."" \l'll that J1 i. ... larg<'
(l; an ...rmy
do Y"u ..... ) \\hy d<>H II ,orn'nd
you of Ih. W" ""'n? porn
(lr a """,n"", do Y"" / What
"r ... \\'lw.t of a will?
\\ hal P"'rt of a ne.,,]k Who,
.h""IJ II by ... th. \able/
\\11"'1 .Iot <lor. lhal chi<km >how
thaI i. Show the ""'''''
of a rioYT. ,b_ nickn..",... .........
lInnj/ on ... anal .. ",\ JOIn uf ... \able
1'. S - 1 .. on1 ""il 10 $tt
lOll <In. ... ,'''' Imrx :0.,,,1 row l<1ting
on 10 lho-ir htt.a1l'\C I ...
p<,-.;on it .. 10 '" the Ct>ctntry 10
Ita,." that a ho ..... 1I .... y' ,.;,... bQw
rnd ul' 6r ... ,,hile a ro ... op
_I<m tnd 6 .... ,. Th. Iit,1 110,.,., &n<I
,,,. ",.",t h,w., lit."" II> gt". lip rut
.... y. "" art, ",wlullung artcl
.11 "ti, .. lml. h.."..... and COW> did
..",. .... th';r parmts.

Hm: ;. aftOI.her ItaiI Rw.d
which .. pretty rnathe-
"",Uc&l pnnnple and at .......
tLlnc p<Illlu .. monJ and adorns
.. tale .tuch an mllh! pood ... nYU
-I am utisfif<1 that ...... co ...
b.,'e II\Im! ........ th.:l.n the .. ve .. s"
man." ..,I,Loqu,ud Caay. III hfII
phllOl<>l'hi<:al. way. "My 01-.1 \mil.
die was on the long
tho othn day, plaetilly 1001"01: Into
the ..Mn ,he SI"td Ihe
lightnIng UplUl. JUSt la'":,, the
'm:rh 01 t be b .. a'''r from the
en at a n,nety,m,le a ..
hour clip_ Now, Ihe did not "'allo
the forty .. part of ..
1e>ru1 ,n odie .pt<:ulatwn. Ihe )o.t
"",,10" duh IOWaN' the ad"anClng
In,," laved hr.1'S('1f hy the nar
row m3rgin of olle loot ... if
lhe IuId foll"w",\ Ih" hum,," in
Itin"! of runn,ng oway from tll.
ullin. three IlIcl>w of he.. r ..... would
have hem caught on the
, ,It .ouI'" t.. .. great (hulB u tome
p.DCTaStmaton, wbo !lever tlllI make
up tile" .nllld. OM way 01' the OIMr,
....... in the 1'O"'t>"" of my
old bnndkt to .. , 00 they hid to
t hink qll,rk'
" II is I pMt)' 10 _kon
the pt of that (Uw. Gnd 10 uU ""W
I ... obe wU mn,hn, [1"Otn lhe mid_
dle 01 Ihe IonJl bnd8'l? Can )'Oil
ftJurc ;1 ou,'"
A IMm for SC<>kl!n,. buk'nnil read.
W,II lin .. bt III JOOd people
A Ch.uactff 10 buto. that none
",., "pitivt would call th<1. "'"'
Ra!.I-Li ...
A ve-l rc, ... rvd will Ihe
luj1hHt l"'illt. and a child'. 10)'
Spell ..."OTd with k'lIffJ'
To Love Itu,n.
Why;, a ... alch 111<6 a ri,'u' De-
UU$ll il doem'l run lon, .... thout
" JtlUJUS.
1>Iv 6m.11v iu:1n (>f bcmeM II"I<k
WhoM! ".di('1IIuol),
RIII"ho-n "IlI of ita be-ad btTclt .
It ,hell becorllft a theft
C"phet- An, 1',12 .
. I. 20, 9. 15. I.
H It i< lhe< toclirl of tlw a"",ml.
thaI bcolOO . souls soo.. t o i<lnmb of
the \.ol......t
H. He h,.. my R. N. u a monO]-
g ... m on a!l hI>
36. Ie broughht III'lIC!S to Hannah.
antelnpes 10
31 A P,yche;n mII.Ll<: b clorod
if a!in.
.Ia. I am h., ,wp;d
J'>. oan', t.ll .. re
"",nle'l. from a .... en
1n .,!u,.-ti,,1l' th, hahyju,nl"
en. r IOdju","" tho bah}', '" wi ,I
Idloul (A coun' ry.) .
41 The calmOS!. man IS IIOmtli\llel
i.ale (An i!ilano:l.)
H '\""y Ilwy .. enl and o'c'
..... opun
4J The ... k. must al
one od...,.1<
. W <)U\d }'(IU hid I rO'Ii' or 0>:
bury thoi. dead'
Wlut do you <:all)l.
A hor3..:anwr. 1 call him. {A
Tho only animal taUn _ a
KAnpmo. (An ioJandl
41 'fhc, mom""" I w;o.]kod I ...
Ih_ """'"' _ tm, bedpooU
After o:ingml!; a "1<"
0 ooIdiu. ) ....... boofy. (A

49. Thoo OJ,bbeway ...-torr<! ADd
tho: M<>5qIIlIO Ifd on
In T1v,.- mllde a
bul ah. of no a"ail (.\ terrilory.)
$1 \'(111 ahoul<l. _ 1'"..,... Rosa
enlomological ,pcri_ in,,,
S! !lnornt.. a mrm-
,ng p"n a .ITai.
5J Kinl William wrote a lett.c:r
UI R humer.
Fair pn>ml-t 10 belle-.
lIy /;"'1 "l"'" h ... luvor,
And muoh I lht.1 no ,Iarl<
Atound Ih. pair m:ly hover
S_t IlMoy ge it 1""
01 "",I >he has mv-.i,
0.. loearmg 011 Innly pnw
n" .. many have RlCkOOt'oI
An(l ...,.., my I'll ronrlu,le,
AM you'll 11<>1 me
II...... ""I I .. v .. v..,..'
lily .. Ide r&i.""",," IS.
Cy!''- An. .. I. L 19. 15.
___ _
Wbat jlUd<1,njl; makes the belt
.... 'k.ler goo<! .
T,,,"...,,,t Nt. hi. <I"I! WIth him,
be- wenl not behtnd. nnr (>fI
one ri"" or him. tbm wlton:= did. l>o>
ItO' ()nthf:Mh ... "de.
Wby ...... .. 'i lhe """,I .. icked
m.o.n t hat ev ... Ii",,], U"".uoe Iv
brok<! all l he lmm"ndmCltUI 1\
Why a .... ..... Malers
,liIf ..... nl lrum olhe.
Bocau ... ,t W('In' l dQ {n. th,,,n 10
<'3<'1< up tMir Jl'>O'I<
Why;' A 1m],}, lih wheatl Be-
cau""" .1 " 6 ... t o"",U.d, Ihon Ih ....
anJ (lno!ly l>eCooln tho nf
Ihr l;>mily.
On ... hat 1.<4 d ..... \"<'l.n noVet
Tbe mi'lle<oe
Wbl ,. between a
hungn' ..... n an,I a j(lull"n/
I"'>go 10 til an.I Ihe "Ib ... 1110
.. ,
11... lilt palh of dUIY/
Thmugh Ihe II"" .
Wh, _",,,,M lurtles be JlIt.ood'
fiay,"" III a han! < .. .
Wh" <1>",,\0-1 y ..... .... I p>d
uampl ... Bueau,. younR men_no
10 apt \(I 1,,110.. I""'"
WhY slIoul<l maJe .u ... oid
lboo A' lleo::>u .. ,t mateo
_0 rnt""
Why ""un OK be
lion" ..
it (00015) e,..,'Y on ... ho tna ,t
Wbv g. '- dursl,1e than.
cbu",ti bell. lle" ... dte. ,I hal
!wen toM (toll'dl ... Ie .. times i,
""""' "" '-
Whv i< 1",I"n,1 10 b-o"",
, hi- _ntry ,n thi- ..."ld>
B<"<"au"," It. r.o.rnlal \I al .. a)'. <lOIIh
IInR (Ouhhn).
Why .hou!d Y"" ne,'n 10:11 a "'#on
UI ub " bf\ck ..:--al/ Rtc.u!lt. if
''''' do, h.'11 he likely to take al


IV Bn,] R,."'.]' Ar
. O'.":,a"o" h3W ..,
ttlU '. :,,"',.,-.\
II"" I >eyde paths ni Li,o
",,'," ,. l",,"){ I,),
Ih.ol m,ght be ,1(>ne
Iv ,ml>"l1 ;rn "moh 10 many
papilla' ft>UI(:O /"r l><-ndil QI
Ih'"", ... n.le h,' I"" wb",,1 or Bulo
iI inl<'nded to",...,d "n
tJ ha ... h "V",.", ."d
IIni&t' lin.-. mto """ ... ,
01'1 'Iud",,", lhe ,:>alic;!}u. f.nod .... ho
_It.o-r Il,...rt-u,,turing ....",..1 u.:h
1<> tbru ..
o ""'*' Ul-<ICOlJ. IS ,,<-I
... , hut "leA i< a 1fO.xl ""e. and
Q<Ida tho!
. ""'h 3 1'T<:lty puule ,n"
,ally &o:'Id.-J
no. m8p 01" ' .. , '...."Iylh..,.. pm-
"",,",1 Itot .. , f tht S""e u!
,......"..c<"ted I"II11tr': of
moore or 1_ arti<t;' '-):1>. The
prohl<-III .. " "er; >nm!,le 0""
I1>HWy .ta.t on ;om-..". "".,. outin&
aDd Il" Imn' Ph,I.MII''''. 1<1 En". 1hmll)/1I of Ih
Cil,e. l,ul On.' an,!
0''''' .--J ThaI 1> mIl
lhe .... to il. TI,. cit;", ;,rc nulll,
bn-ed 00 .. to onohlf: ... W deo.
their '<lUlts by a &e<!.uen"" of
tigur<:> I" Ini. "'I' u ...
of Ihora by Ih.
".,hurl.,' my," P"'"l;.t<. cl,' ," onll
d"p<'II"",l wlIh. J"'I the ..
K'I an _",we. by K,ving Ihe
ocqutn<c "I IOwn. ""N".I Ihrough
..... .... "' .....
lI"rc it mnulMr ""'"y hicydc
... h'oh ... 1'.... 1 .",1
biz t..n iii'! OIl 11,.1 ""ne <1nu,l"u.
...... ota,. ""' b,ob ",at ", , ... 1
I'linale at b04 K""c
.. >file .. Iv" IIrt.-!. <l'",..-kO't
.. '-1 h",,,. nIT ,n ___ h a ... ,
llu . It-mf>Or;lry "'1'''''' .... rc ('luI of
<I"""llOn . nJ II,,,, 10 ",.
fmm anv J".'I-.e' or "Ihe. ,...
!II. laQc"" U"'I " WIt dD01TlC!d 1<> be a
me-n: '1l1e>l,QU "r ...... h,nR h<mle ,n
tile .h",'ICSI \_I.k' "me Thf.
)..-,,,nl: ,"'" d 1 .. <lel'f'IIdM "1"""
te> main ... in I (hI' 1<>
lhe finISh 1'1"1'<1 .1. an ul'<rt
nd ..... ooul,j kto:p up ,11'01<"_
.. ... "I"'" h,
own .. !>rool-but ,{ r .. Iv ... h",,1
il .... lu('t<1 Iuo ."",-d 1<> 110"", a
bl.1f mlno!""
!I .. " . "h,n tl"
thl mll,1 he
d,,"o 51", .,.",1-\ walk .. mile ,n
I .. ml1!Uld. hlndlc,,!,pe<i by
leawl\i ... heel He walk ,
In m,""ld
..,Ih ,h. b ... ... h., .. 1
An ",l\""l was at
.. n.1 ,oou!.l t .. alt""bed ,n 1m
"""""' ...... left bQme
al III . \ M A".l to' umod .t J>rI'Cu"ly
o P. M . tht l"",,bee'" i.IO ho-or
b. tlwy Ird"ellrd by Ibrit <:y_
if Ihe .. had 11'>"" .., I.o.r
... aj fmrn ""''''' .. 'In.' p<>oaiblc ,Q
.. ... .... t.h Ih" oonJ,tionll d ...

Hue ;5 a o()l1c<:tinn 01 pictori.1
",bu<es ... 1'''''''nl;1I1( "'fit know-n
.Mid., .... hich _ in a h.rd,-".,.
.toro, Thi. flU"l. ;. 'It"'b .... '1 r<lt
the linl. fulks .. '110 ,hl,l<.1 be
able \0 ori,,,,,,tc I",nl<. <II, .. mil
n.. Call1i., ', Probl"'"
Tn. .... nJc cook! Idl
;nl.'" Ii,," ul"'n<1>' ... hid, occur
10 the rum,u,- of "',Ii .... ,.,
bll.inf .... an,] of ..... '" p...,ny I'rob-
""'" <If " "n')' "" .. hnlt' nal"",
WII.a\ ..... "'101 yuu 00. for
whet! an ,,1<.1 "n'. woo. ,"" rna
jnrity of m<>rul" i, ' ...... ,,,
;111'(. "".hM in a fu,. dollan
... y.' nle MIl .... on<' ,L.,lIu
I.ill-. ,en ""16 a. mlIly h.".., .nd
d", hal.ACe in fi ... r' I
... wld you dul
A Char.d .
A Mltd. llenow, .. i]l '1uiddr lho_
Wh3t .. ';<ked pc<>pte ... .
And whm 'r>.nsposM, ....ill be diJ..
""" A fUme they >.I... yo Iha,.."
Tron5pC'OC<l aright, ""'ill br'lIji; to
W .... , aU ...... 111 "'ish W do,
II .1,.",<1 "";", ',will birly.ho;r
\\'ha! hhlts ' ram our vi
c.p ..... Answ .... --s. 12,9, If.
Among Ih< c,"'oo< Ihin!:' ...
Co,_. ,dL. youn" r"lk.
IlI.y In \\'<M"I.,I,nd, noIhini-:
in of htT jirlj(linil:
rhy"," ueil ... Ihe
mort th>.n the M""riplion of Ih.
"""I ..... i'1 fIr th .. 11., .... with hi,
head ,,'h, ... ,M 12.11 _;houl,1 be:.'" The
vcry 1.< to in<:Of>C"ivably
fnnny and gi,"i:l' ,urI! .rope lor
/lll:h" of \hll it "'111 be.
1'.... 1. 1,. ,,1>0 .an
male. th< Mot 1 ... ".lo""",lioo, :>c.
(OI11i"ll" I" 1M ".II-k ........ " .. :
'f"fl .. hal .h.U [...,'
A hOflc', hcaJ .. -h<l"<- hi. uil .\>ould
w ..,',Nt lhe .... ,kr of thi"" ,n
tI". puu,,". ln,1 will pul the al1 bo:.
I"", Ih, ""'"'" ..., .. '" gIVe u.. an,..
1M horw. !>.ad whn-c
In' UII 10 be; no ... ""rrioc
,X'Ur art; ,i 1.;1;11 and mab
.h""In(!: liM' .impk I ""lIy 10
tn.n,f""" ,II. I ... tll", and pia
thUI" "1>.,,, ,hff bd''''g.
An nlllot,..",d Pro ... "'"
Hue i, m l,iolori.,1 pro,'c,b. given
,ho wito al the little on ...
I'"uln (If ,hi. kind I".m t'" It"l>-
ping ' 1"'\1:0 LO l'roU",", of gra.
ilifficult) ,
, .....
Shol1 ... u my Iii., and brim,nt my
Ik"""d mt, I in Ion"cl) Item appelIr:
Ikhclld lpn, I ontt "''as made 10
"" My."""'" inm:n .. lrom "'altry

Cipher rW ....n.-I<). 16. I, ,8, ".
A CoaumdNm
EltlllUtaI'J L Illn .. iD
If all of lil1k 1>0)" .. ere .<:l1ed
on _,ITDol Ihc He lillO', how IIWIY
girlo ".""Id it ffilUi"" on the other
fad 10 WqlWc b&hu>cc ncn?
A I .... tat"'"
cleu'<:r il\Q of the algcbnie _ing
,,' !he 1...-0 $i<le$ of an "IUOlion than
..... I<! be acqui""" lrom monlhl of
hard l1"d ... 1.d u' lir<1
principle' of whieh ltlls u.
,hal like Ifl-WIt"'cs added or lUI>-
\:ktN Irom both .ide, of the bal-
ane: <10 """ cl\2nge tho
We ",i!1"'/,'c th. puute by the prin
clple of Th<re arc five
00" (1ft one ann of the ""Ia""" and
,hiK on !he OIhcr, to we Qff
from each tnd. Thtn u I .....
lrr lhr girl. on on. rnJ "",I .ix an
u.. otm"., " . will uncel off Ihroe
from both "dcs SO ... I<l 1"",. 1"(1
bc>y. boIancintr ... ilh tl"..., girl .
Startling OJ ;t may look, We find that
lWO af Ihooe louIe boy. weigh
_ OJ three "rl., 10 if the .;ght
liuk boy. were placed en CI>C 0-[
lhe ............. it would '<qui .... 1 .. '.1""
or ,he f>1 gi.11 10 balance t""'" 1 You
_ 10 make the pietnre the
bay. "'ue filled ... ith 1=1.
Why is a pmc of tennis like a
pvty of children 7 Then! '" alwaY'

Wbat Po"octmcat is like a pcr10II
rropoocd ror 000><> offi<.? 1bc: an
died due teandi<htr).
Why is , lid: Hoh.-.-w lik .....
-"' iknu"" he is Jew ill
Why it the: prinlu lik. til< posl.
Il<o.u .. he distribules IdIO'"
What ;. the diff.""""" hrtWI1
,,,"-boonet and , Sunday boll.,.l?
A day'. di ffer=
A til .....
My fi"t, lady, you ,i"" to the
,., .
Who now breathQ the fond ,,;.h
01 hll 1001;
Wbnm ... lIh ardent ./fonion, and
honor and tNth,
You pc-rtCive 11 needed in my
In my Illug liUle ...:oru!, accurc II"",
the ltorm,
the !>rll'lcil and ,nl'ol111t find;
Alld my a (O<I\!"-C\ ()f
ba'lt"in yo" 10',",
Y"" .houlJ lIive, Ibe l!;f111<m (0
Cipher Answ.r.-5, \, ,8, 14, S'
'9, 20.
A Punl .
up ... ith I"". ren ... a .. nt
"". 01 f""r word. conl-lining 10''''
tec-n lell.,s.
Ans ... tr.-I 0 U O.
To .how how little the p'tm, .. of
tl'" hltf know aboIn thc throry of
D<ld, OJ rro<, itttJ at nCe lrack,
let rad ... l .. 10 !l,< r, I
, .,
A Char.lIto
r YO\l "laY \mQ ..
TJu,1 I1turi ago
name the .. :u WIlma"",,:
Ilut 110'" ',i, allo..-d
In tbe: mi,l ,,' I = .. d
I am met .. ith in ,,<1)1 ""' ...
Though >=itJ eo<h lot,
In lile I r",,. 1t01,
,'ot "",hing my CC>WM: .......
And ... htfC"l"Cl" I go
So famili.1r I grow
11tat I am nodded \0 """ Ii

I am cnnning .... <1 b.:)ld.
For young or [or cIo.I
1 l<"Or nnt, but ba",1 oct dond,
... yo .. 11 "'y,
For I k..xk- dawn by ICOreS in ,
I mi,lnd,
So I pray lab heed;
1\)" arf. like. pOint of a
flc "ioo in Y"'lf choice,
Take Frankli"', ad,'ice,
And ,Ion't pay too n,uth for your
whinl .
Cipher A ... ",.,.-I, 21, 3, 20, 9. 13.
1-\, S, 1&
A R.b ...
In every hedg. my occond is,
AI "ell "" every Itee .
An.1 wh .... 111< achoolbo,- :oct. :lmi..,
II often is hi!
Jim. i. Ihn1l wi<ked.
i, dClft no- lin.
My 101>-] lor my firl;1 Is filled,
10 mad. or or till.
(ipM AlUlwu.-3. I, t4, 4. '2, S.
1<). 211, 9. J. II .
10.. ing cltn=lary p.rokm: II tho:
00<\$ are 7 ". 3 "1:"'"" Apt>lc Pi,
.",16 to 5 ag>in" numbl. 1:1. what
I ... <l<l<l. the f.-
"","" nmninl( h" ... t CuC',",,,brr'

Of _IT,.. if)'Ol' ClIn a
from " >qlLlrf, ;t i. jn'l U .... y
10 opel'\tunn_<1Ot I
>quo" ;n IWO pit<>.'1 which will lomn
the fl ag.
c. ... pc:rf()fn>ffl CItlin' fOil. w;,h
the SwiJJ AIit' "'hid! We will bkt oc-
eo,ion 10 tnt",i"". Whcn ,he bad
<barge 01 d,. signal n"l;gn on Mt.
and " .. m,d to n""l
Ihnt R ttO'ml .. u ..,11i", duwn lhe
mDunlAin . he look. ,quare pie! of
Lunhng Rnd Cut It Inlo two pi<'ao:o
whirh would fi l together and form
Ihe followmg /lall"'
ar ..... y. uud on the
"'lure m",," rnpc:ctro on
WI ac=lDt. $ho I2llgbI bet Sa,,-
"." Scl>ooI bo ... to M throe
lilll. the pnui_
bI. 10 a. to fO<m
1100 lho >ny In
oqtl.1rH 10 U 10 IDTTD
tn!,lf'e rfl1l1y known
Try loth 011110..
W,:l1am Ten ashd he. how 10
"",I.e" :.tall .... erosa:md 'he reo
plied "pull ill uil," SM founded lho
order of tho ml <rost..
... a IWQ bra"tilul pu-
>.Ito connectorl ,,ith thif 0 .... whKh
.... .-orth """""iq' CUI the troI!I
in ,"" pOecn which "ill Iorm rm,.
""I:'le. Or cuI ;1 ;n Ihno:: pieces which
wll1I11ah.. pc:r11 5/lU,,'.
W. Ih:olI take urlr occulon 10
m",,' ''''' ....". nf Ih. nl .... ck'''. fcall
pc:rformM by In all
ling SwiN chtc$Cl . nd jURli,,1t'
wi,,, pano; of milk at hOf !'i"'iN
betury. !Ita. the e!Wk of Lu_
If you journey eYe<
1\'0 maute. "hell or ,,"".e.
My "",,1<1 wrely h ... 10 pay
n.lor. you <'In 11""1 Ihn.
My II'Ind yn<1 "'01,1.1 J<:... I(e
If l.nn<lon th!'WI" "01' go:
HUI Ilill 'Ii , hope )"" are:
F.,, {hi,,!:, I know.
! .. " m" .. i,h _ret pain.
Tln,gl. I\nroing 10M 10 1"1 .I:"il'
CiVh .. I. 18, 5, 73. 5.
12, 12.
A Rebut
To .... m you of dang" belo<e JOtI
Which ..... '" sanMiontd to do by Iht
t-d. of the land.
Our coullod .......ud .... moollbd1r
Some ,inUOl.U impttMion to ........ on
)'OIl ' hcut.
Bnl il,..... as you .uft1r will
A punifhmcnl iu.tly for linnc .. Ik-
C",hu An ....... - ' 6. 18. 90 19-
:10; 19, :10, 18. 9- 16. 5, II .
A Riddl
A hundud Illd fifty .... hfn join..! 10

li:armcnl Ihal ,,"Uml
Ciph Am .. .r.-3, 12, 'So I. II .

" <imp!"
at til<- ron"'uction of the:
6 ... , mmhi_ion lock n"t1" ItLIM: and
01 the thotuand:o 01 pl.tml.<
and gtnl ...... de 01 b,.
"".", tho princTpl<: ;, .a.I>n}'$ the:
Ym<'. ! ha .... !.a.Iu:n om nurm"""
pal",", "" imPfOY<rneDt< to mala:
thomI .. r.r. bnl bank .... and othcn
.. 100 ha ..... lug.: f.IIms of mont)'
Iooftd lip In tho:ir .. would 1..,1
""""' "Wfthrnsion if u!Wkr_
01.,00 I"" rn] nom", 01 " """,b:ino_
""" locI<- II might blI.fIIc " burgbr
l<>r ' ''''''Ih. hoIl " j .....1 ,.. llkdy
"'- be opo:ned in from OIK' 10 IW\ODty
""nut..... O" ...... raJ Otta.i"" . .. hen
I WU, in to <tp<"t1 a ",d. lock
Ih" Intk nat l"C<Juir.: fiftoen min_
III ...
During the Pa";' Exhibil;"" of
11167 I w,.. OCI lacky IS 10 opm thfH
}'rm<h .al. In<b in Ie .. dllln ...,11
an hoi ... hili 111m It Wt Un.. lb.
F"mI.h ktdc. "'eft 1"""lutoly "'1'I<\h.

Let ", ,"ke .n in,ide v"w 01 thlt
lock the bn.,bn .t. worlanll' on.
Eath OIII';<.\<: dial connectt ... ith
I'O<&n,1 d"k or tumbler .. ilh Iot
... lIkb mu't bo: plad in po,"inn '0
Wt crmIce<! 110,,10; "'b,eh ...
c.o.Il Y"" cann", tum Ih.
mi..Jdk ..... illc which M .... ' lh" buk
UDlil .u thrft of Ihfc d"ks ill
their proper poroilion al ,ho <arne
lime. and l"" ean "'hm thq
are in Ihtir mm:a JJlII"'" by itn<nI".
ing tht 1""'1"" kutn 10 ",,,,,h 1M
lock i. J<:L If lhe ... Ire only ,tn
ktttn on ,Iial arc but
th_ l"mblel'$, tht burxbr w;l1 prob-
ably opctI Ihe ;11 lih""" ",in-
ul". for 10 ,. 10 " to K"'to bul
1.000 pw.>'bk: 10 Ihe chan=
a re he .. ,11 bil;1 ,II 300 tnal.,
1 Ih;$ p.imilin illunJ1lllion 0/
three 1"",l1k' lock, """au .. It IJ
the 820"'"' lhal A. C. Hobbo, t he fa-
are pbttd IrJIOII on.
"'" now. ,,hich ;, a gn-al
mffl' dog (muke<! 0) fa1l.
In,,", ilt Own "eigh, iolQ the nilChn
whrn 1M! au in proper po-
""nn. \ au can only ,urn the: 011<:
hamlt rlKing the Illmbl ... in vo-
lillOO 0"" al a I'me. Tn.ning til","
,;"' /"rwut!. Iwi b;.ci(war<.\J ""d
thtn furw:l."! a!l"in,
The ,"mbkl'$ 01 the urtlinary key
kook< are guar<kd milch in the
""1 :
In Ih. iUmIDlion the bolt
i. kept front oong drawn bo.<k 10
lh. right by the tumh!., .. IIIIrnd T
1""" 'urn on the: f'OIUId pin and
r ..... ... 1 lbal dog-
The key tb"r.:fM al 1M time
WI ;, pI .. "'" tho boll back m""
.10f> or ... al"l.!. wltkh "'" taise
the ,umhItrJ u=tly 10 the CQ<TeCI
heijOhl to rtui". Wt "'I""'" pin in
tho ,lot .
A. Ricldl.
I wilh pm my display:
My ",,><I .... day b)' day.
My 1O'hole I. Itaughl with .nlliou.
For 100... .. hod hope for many
Cipher Ans""'.--4. IS. 20. ' , 7. 5


old-time problems of our
, It",,,d da<I,heo
, whICh b I>tocn
. d, ..-n throur.h
""",rat,,,,,, "',Iflout any hay.
"'3 ,be ,enxroty 10 qU"'I,on tbe
=In_ ur lhe '<"<"pled ""'wer
-.h;oh is that ". 1"",,,.1 it .. !",und
,he .. .,.,<1 0,,1tT." [\ rall1y ...
hap"""..." """nw, Ibn a little
boy In>m JIofton ... II<) ,..., .. ju, ..
n,le "" .. Ii'I, 1uI,1 anli'lue
"prung "pon hin> an,1 An ani_
...,r .. hkh look wi",1 !>lit of the
ail. of hi. dating ,,1<\
Of eo"..." )'QU have asked In.1
bftn 10 often I'<'gVdutg I.hoo
ddl'ennce botwet1l "'" dOL pounds
of r ... ,he,.. and b&If .. do""" potm<k
o[ t<>ld. that the _...- comes
1fIO<I"'.. >e<,,,",y ""thou, .. ".,..,..,11',
""",Uti",,, a&l yet. If lbe ql!CSlIOll
II ... ked all scnousn_. >rith
pn .... f<>t 1!Ie boIot oxplllnali<lru< ju",
1.0 anmut"lt" mrTc><1 work, it i. oaf.
1.0 ""Y thal;\ WIll he diKovered lba,
noone lias n:any lI.lUmpt.ed to prove
the old prohltm """'" ,ts lint
pNoT'lll<e in 1614.
New what i. Ih. diIJennee in
"""!fht Ii" d"un tloun
po"nd. of IUlhe,.. and half a do ... "
I", .. nd. cll'>!dr
Sow. ,n c.his p:ln,eular CaM, I
oearchcd the IIlUl'yllOn'l8f1;
of my bra,n 1.0 ... 11 few &IIt'quo
Ill_muon ..."h rich
(bv",., In "'v"'e. or ralh "'ouse
Wt iot.erat .. hleh 0Qc of tbew II"Od
old lannIar puulal nUOT flUb 10
"h"'t &lid whi<h of,,",, """';"'IM
...,th plea"" ntentoriu 01 the.
lung ago, )ly bowever. orq
....,., to $ho .. tlull bv giv'''I ..... ..
let of leoeth to """0 of Ih ..... old
"' ..... to ptO''e \.hu their ,h p"'"
h.:a.o hc!o:n ,,,,.,,.looked by many of au.
punli.",. 'n tb" as well I. In olhe,
'''''W!ces which wi!! be mentioned.
as. nt.llI-

.. 'Uh to
..... ongm-
DC:IItury "'11:0
.... rom Enn>fJ8
...... y 'WI company WIth
AAd"' .... O. Cur\.iD. u.., flUllOllS .....
Qovernor of l'""" who 'll'U
_""';"1' from his p<)t\ in RWIIIiB
as p!'05JlOCli.-o P<$dmtial ""0_
idate. We....., walking the dft:k
ottlle iteamU. disroufSllll on 11"",
c:urioIIa While lIor.;e moo""'tnt
on. Uppiogl.Or! llill BcTksbire
laDiI 'If yo.. how .bout weUd of \.he early Sax.,...
!.be accorn"""J:E !kO'l<'h 1riU IIford
U noell""l of i'" .pt>Unlnct.
It rep,.....nt. the figure of" colM-
l1li .. lute ICver:o.l hundred
feet long, on lhe side of
the mounlaUl, .loon! .. Ibnuoand
I ... , awvo II ... I",-d of the. _. M>
thl!t it ean be clearly di>.tinguished
It diM...,., of some lif...,.,n miles.
It is _ than. thousand )'GoB
'*l and is suppoed to h&ve bee:a
...... ed tloen: by lhe IOldion of
and af"" thei. ,'it,
t.",. over tho O.nes, as while
....,.... ... the e<Qblem of lho:su ......
It looks lib .. patch of _w on
t he "'.Ie 01 \.he mo""lain. bul it is
on tuhty produced by the green
1m beltic mno,-f!d 10 ... to 01>0..
dwk b:ne>.th in tho 10m>
of t..rn.....
I am \.hOI prolix in \.he descrip-
t_ of this of anci""t htttorv,
il is but fair that
&rid Alfn.!. lhouM. n!Cei"" tbrir &hare
of \.he anMhc""" 1':"""",Uy burled
.t the lnventor of the Pony Puule
by 1'- wh<l_ the an,,,,er .
Aft...- t hc ... hite horse had been
Ihe govem01'
banw; n&!7 udaimt<J-
, Xow. 1.0)-.1, the .. ......w be "
cap"a\ whjtc\ for puule_"
MIllIY Iood PIlule ,olu baa
c;ome (rom JUII wch. lip; 10, ... "h
NCb. upiUlllheme. IIhou.W II.. ".
b.n .upremely " .. pK! if I haJ nol
evclved IOmeth,"lI in resp<lRoCl tOJ
the challenge. So, .,;tb "'y te ....
.'>' .. a".\ a 01 lilhoutte parer,
I speed,ly impl'Ovised the acct'm-
panying figure of. hnl'lll!, .. hich We
d"iSlented "The l'<lny Pu. .. le,"
Il wuutd be im],l, matte. 10
iml'l'Ov. t h. pan. and genernl fo.m
01 the old hone, nn<1 I reilly dj<1
00000Iy il ,n the venlOll whith I
puLliobed. \out IOII1ebu ....
I luve the 01<1 nug ben al r. ... t de-
vaed. with .ll i\.l laulll, 110 I no ..
I' ..... nl ,\ .. il actouJly occurred
to me,
The world bal bttn
'''pidly durinll the lui. decoo<Ie, 1",1
punlol'S ... m""h ob.a.tperthAntMy
1UIed \0 he. In It.... day. vU)' f .....
probably not 008 out of. tlwusaDd. <rUI.>tert<i the pu .. te. 110
it will be c.apital !.eM of 1oCU
..- of u.. pall with
Ih.o.t 01 1M rener:at;.-.n, to
see bow mlllly 01 our clove ..,,,
of lO-41ay c .... 1OIv-e il.
T'ra(e .... tUfI copy 01 tht
.. shoo.... ,..,d CUt out the..". pllllOfl
nry camully. and then Iry to ..
.... p Ihem 110 .. to malr.e
the ben poailole figure of I bone
Th .. t iI all lhom i. to ii, tnol ,he en
world 1a"llt . ...t fo, yelr o"e,
the """,y grol'"""ll>e ....
of. horK which can be made witb
lhose Ii" pie<:el.
I .,ld 0 ..... one Il>ousand millions
of "The Pony ... rutb ....
Olinda lIle to .,.y that, ....hel'Rl I
have broughl out mloy pU .. I ...
BM pntentM numerous Inv-entlons
of mon or Iell Bnd de
voted much time and OJODCY. 10 my
II>mlW, upoo \.he "log thiI!V." )\"'"
mooty ,. tIladt! !rom b,lk: \.hlnp
like "1''''' Pony Puule.' whi<:b do
MI T'l!<juire livo-dolw bill to po;>-
mott and to pl=e on \.he ma,ul.
The ,arrulity Qf old II:" to.... 1M
me ioto sayinK 10 aboo.ot the
led'vo:e of this old ,.all' 'ht I .. ';11
",ve to eorry 0 ..... to .. ti"",
lOUIe nma,k!. of mihty
which I d ... 10 ,,1I.r to ""ch III
a'l! amhitious to preoent t hci,
punl .. or oLhu inventiolll \0 the
public .
Why lire ", .. great
.. 1 "(>Oau"", they ",e COIl-
tinuRlly <""";"1': lUll> and ""'-
oinK from p .. to polt.
What is tbe ]<ltgeot room in the
'!'be '"urn iur imp'."'t".....,t..
\\'h)' It a Urttl car the h""n
(If flta."", ill
.1 ..... \' room for one more to be
taken ,no
may a IIUlII be I4id \0
breakrMt bd',,", he gets upl Wh ...
to.. takes. rnllm W.
Wby .n I"",'h lIkc verbs! !J0.-
e ...., thc-y ..,.., regular. irT<gUw,
\\'b.u is that. g.o:ntJ.eman has
Il0l. IIe'<'Cr ""n hay". ""d rot ..."
live \0 Ia.d)-I A h ... hend.
Why b a ""''' just inlpn.onod
like boo.t lull of ,.-alerl nu.uso
reqllin's h:oili"g oul.
Wben does .hip tell R lake-
hoot!' Wh .... lhe h"".1 the! ,,harf
Whal is the btt","""
mother alld 3 harbert TM lat-
I., hi. raUl'" to lhavo And tU
forme, 10,... ha,er:o to
fo ... t. the tWflOIl'i'
cal things a farmer ean kPtl'l Dc-
,,",u't for tv .. y gll1in they Hiv.,
PROPOSITION lo to ho ... mR oy piocOl. " f ... r;oul alz ... i . it pOII ;III. to a pia ... In Ill.
Itral, bl of k olfo?
I "' a
form. let 11$ I ,n10
the lollo un"I""
wb,cb (:Co""" ,n .....111
<egllne inlrodU<'t<1 1-y
formed TruM.
ti,. kn".dO<iIt('
.... CUt
Anlde \.
Il!.p<)rtunity of "/I"lin!: 1M
numbo:r of pi",," a<'t'O!'dinl: UI c".
cutlltlan""", As a matter of f,,<t,
lhe opportunity fordi,pn>sing pieces
of pi<: of Yat;,.hle .u., is gene .... l1y
ut,lie<! to "'''''ntage by do"tr
who .... ve ",,,,tcn<i the
Thf tlar hoIIn:I,. ... , .nd
ncb iii pay 1Mit biJlt; promptl),
lM the bit pi".,.,. .-Ith ploenty of
nice cnast ... h,l" ourh ... ,..., bodly
In ........... II"t froun out, .. fa ....
.. And .. hat
,."Iume of III!fItimrnt and 'ppr<:'<'ia-
to".. "'"" up.--J by lhe Ia<ge
thick pi"'" ....Ili.ob tht host .. 0"1"0$
UI tbe )oung- dIUr wllo is .up-
l.....t 10 be altl1:tt;,.., 10 Iw:r daugh-
ler Mary j ..... 1
Dut we .,.., nol dealing- lhe
1c_ ...,d ..-..10 10 be founr! be-
the of a """"'ing
pie, ...... ,.., g,,-in!: .. kmdO<lfol1'o
Un ilhut ,,""onof "ud"'" rule ... hieb
"",'1 in rnalbern.o.l ic<al hnx<> "E, .,.
hnt "'1lO' inl .. .-I .,.ery ath"," line,
bul no tw" lnl .. neel;"'". mu", ro-
... hich 10 Ih .. young fol k,
not "I' In ""'them"lieal lore may
he inl ttproled as meaning t hai " I he
; I old folko m .... 1 he helped firot a nd

.;; the .houM net ask 10.

an .....,0.\ . "
Roy.l Road.
The followIng Inmolatl"n of
a German .... bwll UI.I .... 'N
dllN11l' the- IMt nontuty 'n ..
t'"ll' <'O!Ir-g.. II aper ......... h'Rh
.. timalin" I'la."'OII llpon (he 5(udy
of I'uu. III that emllltLlt _t of
('hild",n ",un I .. hu5y,
AI .. ay. omntthiar Ie1minr..
To .. and playt-b,nl/l ,,,.tI,,,,. ... reu
!<>ll\ .. atd tIU"QW,.
WbIlt the lop III .",nnlnl(
The ..,holan
" ". ;\ >u.n,l. eru\
Wby .1 dces =1 !.oIl.
lop ;. bllm""""
Still \hto won""'" pw
By _h.>.I "" u.
WbistlO$ II' il ",".
Child...., 1 ......... pLo.'in,:
Joining .porl ..,Ib ltAnunll:: ....... "It.." mO..., "-'>nl.
I nto k ........ tu,n;nll:.
Puul",. I',ob and rid..Jle.,
Make the d.iWrtn
k.d,ng h.Y I ho .-oall. where
Study iI pleulI""
PROPOSITION-Tell whether
mI:<>.... ht n
Cite ...... as
< great.
t>n ... rth,
""",,, of
clI,ltIhI<e and ....
Brei. wnuld -'Y. hilt the ran
of UIo 10 be madt publ>o Ill>
tbe 0:1 Apnl, and tl><: .ly ...
b:."" ,;0 . 'lelllnr Ih. "",I oul cd tht
I. was tnl>t!gh to intlln .. to Iht
""hi", l hat II>. gmt had
lOme funny ""* ... up hIlI sl""ve
Can Y\lll lOlL. thd plI .. d
I hould will this rice, and wby_
A Stlldy In Diyli ioll.
Here i rute htt]g Rnthmet ... 1
ol u<1y, told In Ihe .tyle of Mother
... h'eb .ho .... ho .. in (be
<lr aul,1 I)"n. the
.... ..., to dunr" ,n
t ..... 'I.ov
!Jlln"hmCnI tit the cnme. "
T, . _hOWl three httl.
d unceo who f",I.<1 10
do Ih&t ""'pIe 111m ,n on
t he, ... as the "ory
... ... :
"Tilt*' Itupid boYI. who we... .,
<oul<l nO'>t Llo a 1\1"' .
W .... thre<! .
0"<, lilt.
And II,..,.., numbe ... lboy <'Oul<1
And fmd l>y man): oh.ongeo tried
A &Urn "'tn<.h "'en w"al..J <Ii,.;,I.!
YI>\L wdl say 1M an ... ";,,., plain
That.oll who bil. dWl<e caps sbonld
.--- -
To """"1'"'1,1" tht kll IIi .,I,hng
abe to" \' ., .... "",:".,1,,,,,:: 1<11,-"
tngtt!>tr, ..,:;.",. thr- h<,.:M "I >1.. u."I-
iI:t, and Iltr)' r.J 10 lI,a.p lhe ......
ph"ily of algdn.
In the .ho,,, I"lul" "e r""l" capi.
\.:II iIl".>!.... ,i,,,, or 111< vrin<iplc of ."b-
"ilulion .. the arlrlln.t: ul q"""-
Ii.'in to both .i",", .. I In equat"",
,,-i\hor.rl afl'Ii<!l1 tl>e cqlla;lmutn, 10
10 ,p<..Jc. and an UP:'''''''''' of ,he
.U"., f,,,. 1<1 dc.iut:: I" ..,.,.in ",hn-
uh,n. It ..... 10. III/, truth of th ..
.1I1"b .... ui<Jrn llul ',hln!::1 whicll
"1"01 1<) Ill<' A"'" Ihlnlr' ar(
eq ... ol \0 011><,."
In Ih( fi .. t in'I .. ,.,. .... "'" !hot
lOp .n<! cuhOl IHi$rh ffJIUI 10
Iwolve mubl... !" llie ...,"",! i""-
!ian a lop t<luall c"bo 'tld
l'cnv 1<1 n. three
co.,hts 10 of n.. """"""
and ,.. lilt .tldi,;"'" of oqual
'1natrtilk. In ..... h oi<b of "" equ-
,''''' tl/:IfI "'" thrir
,0I.ues. .. 11>0 eq\Jilib-
rium. By tht .. Milian <.>1 cuhts
UI 1M "I oc:ol.. ...,
p""lUC<'<! the id"",tie2l nlnt. as
by 6.01. oaks. In ,he
fiT't a lop o"d ,luff
I ...... rrurl>k<: in oecond ill" ...
lra'ian prm-ul th:tl lop
Ind 1I,,"e ""k>_j"". c:uboo and
,,,,,rbln: t ..... if lou.
ellt... ""J n ... rbkt "'eigh 'M
same U lwei .... "'.1.w"', lour QlbeI
... /nI" "" .. bI .. , "" rnuLie ,,<is-h.
j.,,! ... much at tube. It pro'-",
'''''rdoc .. thot <.>nt cube a"d eight
m"bles, or marbles weiglLa
equal to Ihe top!
TM CAIMli. Oturch my lirat noain-
"'"' .
),]7 n.,," con"'U or and ellai,,"
Oi.linc:ti," wholo---m;o{.1 thou nc'u
With (oul diigl'ace our .... land.
Ciplu:r Am'Hr .-'3. I. '9, 190 '. J,
18, S.
A acto ...
Add Ilro.thirlh ,,1 an <In to. toIlpk
0/ "' .... ,
Youll 110..., _. bnM 1I... I.U OIlier
Ciph<1' ,\".".".._1, 1<), 19, I, I').
'90 9, 14
A Rebul
My fint dtnotes a company. of .ny
art or 1n.1<:,
M}' _d ;1 b:>Iy maid, whoM
'0 .. to Gud mr. 1'I\a<H;
Mv third. In bud,
CaJI n13k """dro.ll IOIInd,
My whol" <rUin' chet'rfp1 tough
when mirth .",1 wit kG round.
Ciph .. ;'''''''.',-3. IS. ll.
4. 18, 31, 13.

0 ...
........ '

H( ... ;, .an wronamlc:al puult
... hich ;, IUI'(>OWi to show Ihe .. -
tali< path of CM"ItI H.d.i. COOl-
me-ncing with Ihe IfnIU whiuo .ur,
"""'" the IIh<lrtN pMlihic <'011_
tht-wgh tI.., U.Kt plff of all of the
bl:d< stal'l< ., 10 marl! Ihem oil
off and ffid "i,h ,I.., big "ar.
In how f .... mav ... in OI.. ight
linu, rould 1M Il ... lai deslroy
Ihe of .ixty!wo
It:l.B, boW"ning from and (IIdi",
"ilh ,h( ",hi,. IWI1

M ... ",I1U , dl.I.lo" ...... .ft ..... , So. ' ..... .,'._ all
Q' tbQ .... 'f"'a.r ..... ..., ... d , ..... Ill. olllor e ............. d Iba ,.Iumph-' """ ...
", aur imp.-etl;lotIS
I.S elmg to \U through lIfe.
. , I ",usUlh,,1 m .,I,lItIM
, to Ihe pardonable lInd.
.-h"h aU .\mericlI.n> D thr n3"'"
of OtntQl Wmfield Scott. my in_
I.ntile """"""lion ...... find lJ)' my
falbn', hoM,ng me "V on ru.lIh<>uI-
den; dnnng a miliUl.'1 proc.HiMl to
_ llie hero ... ho ..-h the
Briluh al Chippewa and Lundy.
r....... I do non thmk that my
""",d hu eVe' ht""- d;'
.ha$od <.>f tile iIIlpn:sROtI then cre-
aleJ.. lhat General Scull ...... the
'I'DleU ....... Wt tv..- hva! Th.
uI,"" WQ pn>bablr inl""'t;.d.
I.ler wlw:tt. dunng OUr .... WIth
'0 1147. father \lan, me a
doJ. and. as a matter of COIl""". II(>
boy ever lorgets !Lis lint dOJ:. It
.... E'ven t<.> me nn th" day of lhe
b.ul.. <.>I: t.I on terry. aru.I ..... "PO
pr<>pno.tely christ .... C<i J.(<dI.terey
When the CIVil War came 01\ in
1161. I, 11> 0Dm""'" .. ,Ih ollie""
pre.Lcted tlr.>.. &ott .....",Id
q""'l the .... in ,hort onl.. DUI
our ha-o. -..ho w .. b<.>rn in li88."'''''
too old .nd iMirm to .t;md the !.>ruM
<.>I: . ... ,y. "'.-vice, .nd ..... <t)mpollO<l
to Iranot..- the Iwerslup to Me-
a .....
)'eI hve. -..hQ ....
thl!> Hn.atum creal"", by
Gentral Seen', A)'UIg
tu Scneta'1 (If War Stanton. to Ih,
.ffeel tha" .. Whil. we h.,ell:'Of'('$ 01
",ho (nul,l marrh D
d,v,.;"" of \litO a pArk. "",
on. of kne ... ,nough about
mwlll:)' tacl'''' to them out
TIwI "m" ... k ....ILI .c .... l'ted ill
SBlhinS Cr1lotU", 01 .. bat "'ere
,erma! our h"hdlY pArade ...,ld.."...
I .. ,be Ve''''D ""'0". shU-
lul c""" pla"tr . nd now =olIllbe
!;act of f""lrllng CU11Cl11$ (...,.
I'u ... which I Intenl!.td to p ..... nt
to rum. il .....," ..... n IIC"nI1TI<I. In ,I
1ustn.1A! the mlll",'1 ,&ella 01
di,'\sioo QI .n1d,,!'111 ,,,,,,",ng Ihl"ODih
puW", vark,
It rl.... n',' rt<jUI", , """ .. 1 .. 111"
<>1 tllo 11"_, .. it til pu .. I"''''
,."d ';mp!e. bul In l"c,lIl.te u-
f'lanallnu, I "'k"'" the liberty
of tn.1.rlnng the )lark ,ll ,nW "'1."""""
... ...... n,hle eho::ker bw..d,
Tnt ho .. cvtr. _ ,. qu.1A!
P'i,lty Sh" ... hnw ,nih",,), d,,,_
""''' .h<"lu"l .. , .. t No_ 1.
ma,d. all "I th" "1""_
... ,-1., Ihe 1""mph.1 lIn'h, IUId OUI
Ih ... ",h No.2. makmK the
poIIIloI' Dumbe;r of tuml.
:\lark an S " a diagram of 6-1
lIqunres upon" pioce of and
th"" _7 wIth a pencil to p .... OVer
nory 1<1...... bog,nnino: o.rul. "'I<I"'R
lit llul ohu"", and II if; ",re
10 oay Y"" .,,11 make ""yew
tomp" you Ih .bon .. t
an,,,er. ""hloh .. 10 prelly
t "-t YO(l will !<now ... heu yOll bA"e
1>-' II,
N funhtr .luCid,,\ian of Ihia
Ame ... hem. ... weh n,&at.<'-. of
I ....... )' ",her equally cooo lu
III look at the lol1<.>w,ng pu J.. ... bell
"e WlU term "The WandtnCll of
"",t.ty"" I'lg" You Oft! the la. <i<m
II'U. .... let: "pen "" that his N-s!uP
roolM up .. ",)"Iour
h,llIIoi "".! cocaped by Ihe
"""'" !lIter ... h.o., might
..... QU",l H
... ,th",,1 t1"US<ulg that blu:k bar.
I am '''I'll that the I nck ""-" I
,-,"n" in '""" Ihan t..-enl'-<>M mo",
""" it IS giHn as a f<l1" ) .,.. I<
IUd oul the , ...... , p""'<ihle
of ",ml tint til/, pill: had to
to ",t aJl of 1M' mu.-phies..
Ilhit,1e ,t ".,,. SlX'rI",k Il('llme', or
oomc nIh .. not",! ,1'!"'1ive. wllG .t-
""" .... c,j I'" booty from 10111<' g .. n
bank rolob y by rl.yinIC .,,,1
joining Ib.!:', n.:. llr tcll. roe-
reiv;ng "I!ti.', I.ot "bkh Jr.'v.
(i><- (If milO cili .. wt.;,h
"err (0 b. vi';!rrl, 0",1 whid, co,,:.1
reldil)' b< drciphtrtd by (h.
By WI' of ilh,mali<ln. In u. .1
the following rq:u.'. Inl.r. 1"''1"''1
ing 1<) ""'" r...,." a '101.. 1 pool ui.n:
"Dear Jino-I ""011 1M rae., me
1"",,1< ...... al lhe Olp"I'''', 1<-",\ .n,1
.... 1 H comh_ I rnnrf: l!;an ....... , f<>r
my JIO'i.1oa " .... ... I-tighl ..
and ci.:hl bo/ti,..j. nwy had all
<,Un I""", a h>lf \0 a ",ilt'-W <h<m
a ..,. .. i ...... bk ,.I""nt.lf:f. 1:o.,t I tan "" , run or ,, .nd ovcnak.
and mran<I<T hy ...... ,. of
th<tn. "rn<!ing In"" ea,ly dly 10
night Ih. road. "'e t .....
11 ; mixc"-"p """ of an
"'hich .. in '." IIX' in,.: ..""il" of OUr
Y""'''i" "" ... 11011 \0 d""'1 "'"
It. Charade
I nttdn! Ih." and 10 .... ,
And .1.>111'd for Ih. door.
Thinkinlt I would go for
10M. Ind
I had not p'. I sq,,,,,e,
Whm by ch'n I MDI ther.,
By whith I tman. Y"" kno .... n,y OM.
tWO, 111,, fOlJr. 6 ......
It. Reb"t
Wh.n grand"" "i.hed my to
Mv .KtH,d hr ",wid .t ..... ) .. takr,
An<! it wilb ... ill.
N(").... with yo-or flUl t.lI m. Ih-o

F"" ",I..,lt .nd ottMd ar. lhe "","c,
StlItUt'l, il if } .... , will.
Ciph-ot ... - T6. 5, 14. II, ' 4,
9. 6. S.
Whrn un a moth wind o:orn I
Whm h. i. a ",ill .. '
"M" Chairnoan," .,,,,1 the
fa., ... the ea.U for t:ondinC" vOle
.1>0>0'<,<1 Ih. mot"", to be ",'rin! hy
,n;ajl>!";ly 10 Ol,.-Ihi,d <>f 110.
"1tp()a;lion, 1>111 as th:i.1 ult wa. dut
to btk of ohai .. to I"'nnit .1 .. ...,
It. Reblll
flll, Godl ..... to det<J. 1oC-

Mil,! bt tl ... mil" wm..c- "' .. n _
"') fint.
Wb..., ,.',nter lK>!d. ill (hilly
My _J -1 be oem on )'Under
n.- who u.. p;ith of bJnnly flY-
My ",hok at Ia,t ",II ...... 1)- ",.,.,.
Ciphtr AnSW ... _lo. 21 , 19. Xt,
9. J. 3
A Sq""". Won! eIIard.
TM fir" r!off. Inw(t ,,'n lho seQ.
S.rooW. IhirJ. in brI,l"f J ......
!)i,1 ,,,,,,,10 alQy vall ,Jrbri.
And di...,...,..,.,.od S:anta em .
\\l><n, fif,. I""" "", !II"'",
lIeuu falnl or break t!Qt Its
pow ...
An.wer 10 the- above-
C H A I. K

A L [ V R

A It.bu.
My ... hole aI""'" n,,,,.
Wh" fan,. will I.ut for tYff-
" ....... ;
Dccapiut . an,1 "''''II RO>taiJ\l
Do ... n11 np' ...... ll;1t 1t"X"
e"'13i1 "'.' la.t, an,! muk ,h .. ltai".
01 inelll'try to ""',d a '!!IfC,
e",uill'd ajfolin, my "'ad ''1>b,
,,ill Il'ffi't bo}'i:oh fa.
.: ,\n ... I, '4,70.5,
mrmb<rt from down on," 10
remrd th.;. _n in Ih. ntglllivt. w.
... ilh '0 '''1>Ort lit .. w( fJ!>d Ih. mi-
nority "", ,ld""" ... motl"" hy
n .. jority 0-' on. VIM," ron ttl!
jut! how I ... ny "'IU ....ere call at
,thi. meeting I
Urn i. 3 rolli"""""" linl. r"ule
r"" ,",In/:: fo!k., p, .. mts
f.", humor
ami TIt. mi"'hievow boy
has 1-' .... I."jng the dq>hallt at the
rin>1t, wi"" the ... hid! hclo.lthe
drphlnt'. hind 1"1( broke and ,Om.-
ibiDI(' 1\.1.r!><"\! jU.lI wh.>t II""
""",'thio!: "' .. i, left In 'he irmg;n.,_
,,,<I 'I1i",ic .bihly of th.

Th. elephant may MV. "". d""",
.. pen WI boy, or ." . I1" ... ed hIm, or
>t<:Od "pOrI hi. hnJ, or in fac! drn>c
In)'tIU''II' "hich 0<aI.-. W J'OtI. TI,e
0IIl)' It,puhtion is that the pictore
must b< cut into only Iwo pio:u.
.. hido ..., to boo fitted 1Of;:t:thtr 10 H
touplain .. luI h.lwncd in .he moot
htrrnofoal '.car. and the _ .. ';11 be
u the '0 ......... to lhe
.. ...
Ttl! the lfortlo by Your!.
tl.t followinll: bit of .-..I.w.k i,,
f;,rmal ion is", closely okin '"
thaI i, is"'cl! -.rortb at tit;.
for !he bmdit of who
-r Ihe amr their
.............. outings.
The incidmt <XtUrnd U) _ ..,.....
YQ ... om. 1-..1 :0. Ih. fact of "try
... tch being a rdiable mmp,.,. i. not
kn" ...... it iJ .,arth ttlllng.
All,..,.. ..... '. J:OIt<> do i. 10 )'OIlr
1101 in palm of ywr ""nd.
w:>th hour ha"d pointing ;n Ihe
clif'OCt_ 01 rhc 'un. """ ... n in tilt
The point
eD.Clly ",id,,",), btI" .. ..,n lhe hnll
""nd and the fIgu u will be due
It i. ...cll to t("lTlfttlhrr.
th:i.1 1M time (rom ti" in Ihe
10 .ilI in I"" momi"i" OIl
rulCl\ thr north poonl i",uad of
the _Ill. In lhe _them hani,-
I"" rult ... m be
Some )Utl ago. whi!.o taking
..... 110: jn.! ""I";<\r of London, I .. ,.,
ilttOItC'd a .tral\lI:er. who .. k.d to
be dirtclC'd 10 mill loraIity. I
!DId him 1 "' .... not kquai"ttd wi,h
the IlUIIU or III<' '!<ttl', but tlut if
he ",out.{ ... lk 01"1 eut I>c would ."clt
tit. dnirtd pb. 1 look- 00\ mr
",d 0-11 lhe proper di-
.ection. II wltlch M
StI'1'.ue. 10 I ulplaintd lhe n,.IhO<!
In him, I I.w dlY' I read the p:u-agraph in I.on<lon
T ....
"E''1!lY WATCII "
"A f .... day. ago I ""'"' .I.nding
10,' an .,-.iaon ... b<D, 1
V<l' .... ..-d a "'i'S!. I<> know ,..hidt pOI,,!
""u lbe ..... nh.. II. u one. I"'llrd
OUI hi. "'Ich. looked at it. and p(>int-
"" to ,ht nonh. I him .,hdhtr
he ...,<1 a......,.,"" ,uclIcd 10
' .... tm ''\11 .,.tc!lco!; he .-tp!ittl. 'are
.:omp<L<-.' Then lot ""plai,,,,d to me
howlhi ... u. (ThemcJ ... optral>lli
i. nplaincd aboy ... ) My Amt1"ican
fti .... d ... H quite ... rprisrd lhat 1 di..t
otlI k...,.. 1Ioi.. Thinking "''Y pili--
>ibl)' I ..... of tbing that
nft)' one .k. knc .... on" haJ'P'C"in;:-
10 "'\ Mr. I ""..t: llu.t
<min..." "hctb.... he .....
...... " of tbi< aimpl. onotl. of diKO'f"-
tring 1100 poinl! of 1M IIrIp:1d. He
.. id th:i.1 helu.d .. he"d 01 it. I
pt urnr, lh ... fore, that the ....".\d i.
In the """" n,l. of i".,."..n>.
AmaJfi i5 p.""d of 1u..-i"C" bern 110.
born. of 11,. in .. ...,tor of tJu, """'paU-
l t\co nQl kne,.. WIL11 1l;1"'"l\ ""'Olt of
mv Am.rican friend .. a cili .. n."
lit", i. the original "011 of lhe
SeiI(Mt an,1 Ihe monkey bou...
1.-.1<1 by aa c)'e .. illl.,u.. You ......
tM <><JIOll h;,,1 'ft'n its bHt <lay. and
.. ,,, .vlly (.m of Ill"". but the
Seigoor. '!:Ir'", I"'",'e" .. = in-
ullau"jlM and "",h,nl! "'<>r1 of a
""""ibul;"" from uth of the ten
an" .. ""lot bribe him to <If:l"!' tI'e
<:Ioma! grind and 010"( 10 other
quat1 .. , .
Kow bi, .... i. 10
GlI,il11lato. toI" Y"" .h" .. Joc.ko Ibt
,hon ... 1 JlOO,it>l( rout. 10 clamber
fmm window !<) "'i""",,, w;,b his
louk lin CUI' to wlk"'t hi, tlu,,". "01_
ing.t 1a.1 011 10'$ ""'_It's houhJcr?
The wind"",> art numbered to fadl.
i,.t d .. ipllon of the nlO!llo:ty'.
Here is an in
arith",.tic: .. herein yoo write oo,,'n
the names of all the artid ... ;1.JId
Can't Bt Doa.o.
You gn'\ .L;tn,j for 60. minutes
wi!hcu\ moving. jf you .... blind-
y"" Oland a' (If ..
I'O<KII ... lIh both 1011. 11 Itnrthw.oe
the ",,;n..:.,unll'_
You nn', 1:"1 "'It (If .. dwr wilh
OUt b.nd,"l: )'OUf !.oJ)' {",!. Ot
I"m,nl: )Ut. fen un,lt. it; thaI it,
i' you an> .,rullJl' ..-rul",ly 011 the
ell>.;., all'] !lOt 011 \1", ..tgc of il
You un', bmok .. maleh if 'M
=1011 u bid HT<><. Mil of 1M
middle finK" of eilho:. hm,l. and
po..>e<! un<k, the Ii"" an<l th"d
fulgrn of ,luI hand. ilS
...,,;,lg!lO ea.,. II Ii", .ithl.
Yoo an", .,a"J "';,h your htds
the .. a ... l piok up lOme-
th1l1g I""" Ih. 1Ioor.
Don', try to rub y<IOI' n, .. ilb
y ... , .lbow, lu, il will fail"",,
It tiLkes city p('1'SOa 10 .tand "p
wlt<n pbctd ,"" I .. , f,Orr!
.. ';,h hi> ho",,, ""hind hiJ lack Ind
hi, hoad apin.t Ih ... >.a.
A RIb".
J dwell wh mii:hty billow, 1'0.1.'.
TImgh 00<1'1<'""''' (.loll upon the
.her. ;
n.hQdro, 111m, alII! YOIl'Ulind
A "..."e ,urifie 10 ,he mind;
HohQd 0<11'<" more, if 'til rOIl' plul-
And [ bKllm. a lirnplc ""'&lU""
C",h.,. An,,.'u.-19, fl. S. 12. n
then .. n1 wi .11 1M _ I"id., 10
II to toll wlul .....,;unl. II you lr,eK
lhe namto corrt<tly it become, a very
simplo puu!
l St, Patrock', D.y pande
ioI., u ,nle","uog and tU_
now puulc <it"el"f"'l
.. hioh bid. flllr to
(Umf; f&mouL The G .... nd Mar_
oIaIi'>Sued the usual nou.,. .,ung
lorth that .. the rnembcn of the
"_bitt and Ancient OnlCf of
ILbenoi.UtI wiD para<k in the afte,_
...,.." if it nuns in ,be m"rmo!:. hut
...u pando in tbe morning 'f ,t ,ains
III t.lw: aftemo;>011," .. 111(11 pve ri ..
to u.. popular 'mroreosion Ihat n.m
II to bo. .... as a "'CC' Ihing em
S. Patrick's Day, Cary boasttd.
II>.t be" hd ma",bed for a quarter
of a in "'en SI Paln,'k.
g:r P.""ade fino., b" bad Lc..mnt a
r will put O"or the NriO,," ;nt .. -
.. b;oll ""'y be fnund 10
u.. ab<>ve remark. and "'y IMt old
__""d pneumonia bav:"g o,'or-
1-..., C..,.,y u lan, he had ",.",hed
011 aith the immoel.ol p"",eo,ion.
=:! .. bm the boys met Again 10 do
or n. tll"m .. I"". and SI I'at-
'"Ir: O:t:a the 17th of !\{uch. th,,), found
lhat thert "a, V&<&ncy In thell'
,:mk. II WN dlfllr tit 10 fiU.
In 1&<:1. it wu ...,h an eo. ,,,,,mlSing
vacano'Y that ,I broke "l' Ihe l'ar.<1.,
and """"ertn\ it i;110 a panl<'
IUiclr:cn I'r<>t","i"n,
The '-<I ,(",>"hn, t<> NJtom.
amulJ!:$d lhemocl,('t ",n abru.st_ anJ
did IIlIteh a bl""k or I .... ,a that
on1e, WIth but 11lne men ,n Ihe 1a ._
row ... he<"e Cuey ....w to .. alk on
Kmunt of an ;"',ltdll'1e<1t in h .. left
fBOt The m,,1I>.C I"" lI,born"",
hutd .. ;u 110' Implet"ly dru ....... 1 by
It. alls "lXard,n, ... hal IuId become
,f "Ibe hnle feUow ""'Ib the Iiml":'
,hat 11 .... .;!ee",eo.! \0 nIO'!an_
; ... upt>n the buill of n,M 1TH'1I to tbe
row .... Ie,'"" .. .,,,).1 11<>1 dn
Dut """n w ... C"""y 1n', .. an,1
Ihe I'n'><'eO.. on hallt<1 .. liton II .. a,
duoc:<)vt',eci ,lull tl>oo 1"'1 rnw ta_
out with bul "'IM..,.,n Th .... wu
a b"meo.! attoml't to form ....,Ih
m"" in urll m ... , apm with
oeVtll. a1>ll Ihen wllb four.
th,,,,, and even 101'0, hut it ... as found
that and evory formation a\.
WBy' cam. out ... ilb .pa-.
loe Cuey in last line, Then.
a1thoU/lh it U5 ... ;0. .. !ly
.Upe ....t!tlOD. ,t leeame
thmU/lh the hn .... that c"cr}' lime
tltey<i off. "dot and
carry onc" 5t"f' .... uld be burd. and
the bnn ... finnly """"ineed
Iha, Ca .. y, ,boot was rnardlln,
that no one .... bo.>kI enough to
bnng up the ruT,
Tbe gran.J tn.rahal. bo ... .......
a ,QU,ctwtu ... 1 f.llow. who<I <nit Ihal Chost by ordenng thL'
rn .... t<> "",,,,II in omgle lile. "'. If
c...y did 1<>11,,""0 1ptf11. be bmugbt
up of the longen
'M' evtr did ho".,.. 10 hio pall1):ll
Tile! qU05lioo in Ihis
puzzle .. t<> de< ju" II""
maoy 1I>l!' th .... b.av. been ;n
lbe 1'..".,."';00 hIS .. pTtlty pmiJ-
10m .. lIi"b WIll ;ntete<1 the young
1"lkt de'pIl<! of iU goml/; ""me .. hat
into Itn,p!c anthm.tie .... !tieh _ny
objcet ',./) out "I ""hool hou,...

ilE..". of the MOo
, .. J, .. hlCh wa. un",,
a, ,t< fe,.1
. by' 1M ",,,U,fflI J'a.
.. e>1Ic Ibilw,",. CumIl""Y.
mtan> 10 ,. O'UI",nlln curtly what
the c"' .. 00<-_ ) a ell,; Ii: ... , It i.
lhe of 1ki11. an,\ rqrtoem.
<' truilr.-Ihe ev<r\a,jlnjt' . Ch,nt:IC
ocbQlau up,." n.-and i. to-day an
objrxl of 10 ovc. 400.-
(((1,000 .
It ... at by the !'onh.",
Pacific Rai lway CO'nl'.ny a. a ",,.1
and "ad .....".'k al th. ,un< of Ih.
organiutlon II .. lin),'''''', an1
app ..... on ." (If ,Is !'KI,! ca. .....
b.)nd.., <l'xk an" ad.'cr.
'"om"nl<, an,[ i, " '" ncl')"
""c,,110 hu ,"",ca.i,," l<> u'" 111<
II wa$ .<\0"".,[ al .he
of a"ef Hen,y .... h<> <>l'
h. ha4 no of "" Chi .... '"
b.n " ..... 11 ,nl.",,",'[ ,\
10 "",......,nl ruun nu.thcma.,..".l
I'roport;O".. Thi. f.m 1 ha,.., only
JU I Jumed, .., 11 .. ill be int<f'C'<tin.;
10 know how lar .
";c,.-j Col",,;de w,lh my OW'!!" givot'll
in 1M puule ... ' wilb ;1.
The Ihing , ",or hnrd aboul
lhe "II:" " ... 10 ow by I'. II.
Tighe. the fa",,, ... n.wufa(!.lI1'<r of
bolt.. who 1:'>1 1M 1,1e... of Ih"
Iw .... (VYOf from 1M w...f'" "f
lhe monad.
Allot'IIl"'" .. ou 10 II
'iJ:nil\canc. of ,h. ,,.mhol by R.n.
\\' S. 11<>11, "I",;, a Chi
n_ ",hoL". a"J i, la",iliar w;,h it.
n>tan;ng IhTUD/;'h hi, "';11,
a,i" .., ",i.,inn,. !;ev.ral "',,,k.
hav. bo-on ... in." on ,I .. oy",h,,1
... hkh l'mv< ill JlTOlII an1
in Ihe'" arc I:i"." Ih. vano ... ;nler-
prela",,"! ... hich o,ic"",,! so;l.ot;. ..
have P'" """"' n. A. a ,ule, ,h_
upian;o.ions .n: ... mixed up ... ilb
<>rimlal IIm>iogy. such. I.,.. ;",;1'""'-"'.
.. 1M Yin wJ Van. the ",oM :mti
I.malo forces 01 ""IU' . :mol "II,.
illimitaLIt at III lb. great
ulrom.: 11,>1 the ",;odor f .... to a;
II h. wu. ;"...,.Iigating the Keely
One ... rilor on ,he .uhi""l i.. of
the opinir>n lhal lhe .il:" h:tt..... '"
recl1ndil. "ulh.""",k.1 .ignifoa ...... .
."d qll<>lf' Chineoc: w<><h
"'rill,,: "Th. I'rod""",
Ihe txt",,,,.. Th. It",a, ""-
,"',,'" 1'f'OO".... the IwO principlH.
Th. two I'rodllce the 100'
'I .... " ....... IId from Ihe four figu.M
... ,\.vc\,'1' lhe fjUaol"l1urc 01 the
'i"bl ... n" "I Thi.
....... ,,'ritten ""'TO d ... n d.rff tholl_
,and )."" .... "l,<{>' and y<'t. w far ...
I Lorn. 103' bt-m con- amI F ..... ldic ha"inK ""'.
lh,i. ling.ri . (OtU;.'ing "f 'hirty
I';"''', to 1\'" """II. Fr ... hlie Ill. for
Ib.. ....,,. ;and explain. Ih,t .. hi.
1",'H\lC > half 01 ,he cui'h .. ,"
but one-Ihi,ol of Ih. col1 .. ;1 .houlJ
nteJ ,,'id, tM m,,,I"'"lal;cal .. -
'n( of I"" <,,,,Ie." "
mm,h Joke i!. and i.
of 1M follo",o,, I''''' ......''ion,
The r<''I''''''''(>II " It<v.n .'
";mpl. pu .. 1< 10' I.-.Ik
With """ conlinu"". Ii ..... ",v,de Ih.
blad, ""d whit< part., "I lb. :>.[, ..
.... d [tilt, Yin an,1 Y.n). ,nl"
I?", I-'i<:' (>1 1M ""'". .nd
n..- _J """,,""i<>rI i. 10 .Ii-
by- ..... otraiJ:ht cU, II", ";11
... d ltoe (""1'1"'. :"1 lhem. In
"" Iw" piu al .... ,ly.1 ncb ,nln
11.0 tol 1M ..... , ... iii.. Thil
can .1"" he: ,\.->nt hy IJ,o.. wOIIvo!"
ony 11K" D,aIMma"<al
The thi .. 1 r"""'"'''''' i. I<> 1'1'""'.
m" "affini.y bH" ... " ,h. \I, ..... ,J
anJ ,1\. ,iKn. by ."".
the , ... " horw,h..,.... a. ,bn ... "
in Figurn 1 ,,,,,I J. in,,, .,.-.It<'!
MOO:Id. i" """"ul p"""ble ",;LY
M.I' first, my .",1 my whim .
Are .. ny 0". IIIe ... me;
In pni"l "I mean,nl;". each and all,
An 011 r.".atc.l namt'.
.".t bu, I ...\''''' ce"I" As
f(>t! "Ih >" Ih. umo: Il.. cd-
1.1<0. !lop Ltc, who; f><"" ""the-
malic;'n. ,,'ant, to knnw r,.,,,, mt><h
h. n,u.1 charge o...l;e for lite

'g, ,b. ",h __ , ..... 1"' .... '0'" , ... 1'10"'<0' 1., ... ""0.10 ... ur I"'''''.
..."Id, .. ,,' II , "., r",. .. , " ""U' .
. ,\XY ONE
e,'u pr,,.en,ed
or mel< .0 ,.
iri""J. if; ..:.
wtth Alec anJ
aU ahaut tho
to h''''r ...... ,h.
th.. _eo-
'" ...

:. and >t
U '"
In ""p<>_ to Aler', bou'n-fI""
offe< \<> .... pl,,, p" .. lo to eVi''Y
une. \!&rt)' l,,,,mptly ... ph ... ,
",\11 right' the ,tuUie" 10 cut
til,. p.1p<'T into lhe lewat p<*Ible
""mhe, 01 p,ecn wlncb .,,11 Il. to-
.. '0 lunn a perlert
I h,a''e furgotlot'll the
bul my h.<... haa lundly
10 .t. to ... to
flUIhle you all 10 w,n lb. h;t.nd_
rri_ wlU<h ha,. t-n offered."
The puule II nol '" easy III "
Iouu. and iJ l,.IM 10 lWIIe an u-
pc't\ a iDng btl".., he lUu upon
lhe rorn<'l ''''''''n. The 1100..,1
..u dao<I,'u Ih:1I Ih.
pTUlnple ot OUT old fnm,J P)lba
pu' 1-'",1.01= II the key 10 lhe
"LUU>On. III Wl ,t "t<:
of the ... 10 he: 1,lftM'i
or COu""'. \ht!n! _'" mnum .... hlo
""')'" of d,,,n,, the lUI hy ...
Ihe po!"" Into """'Y ,_ III you
will d'!ICOveT on. 01 ' h ....
""' .. en He""", hn ... . ,,,,,-
merit of 'he ""'<\,,,n ",hool 01 puu
leo w!lLd' great """, .. I .... LI1
,"",u!ly .kill. f'" wl"l. any "lit!
may fin,1 a g......J .n .... er B
mrn-o den. it3s "PP"'-
tun,ty . 0 d'oc<,ver !.>tiler one
H.n: " an o<l,II1"!e p,-,ule for the
wh"b II illlcrnli"K
0/ my n.h",: produ...;,""" mon: than half a e<n'ury
air". h silo ... the ong'.nol dntwinr
a. dont h,. lad of ninc ""d IS fl"""
\0 YOU"' ptLUlins \0 a' _
.... mpl.imlla ...,..k. It IS told that
Ibn;. "eirhbora. who sh:!.1'1>i! "small
pa'k ..... h<>wn in thf: .kelch. had
oul. The ""''lin 01 the ! .. cge
bouso """'-1-'131fUt1g tbal hiJ netgh.
hor', <:h"k ..... annoy"" him. built
." end.,..,1 JIIth .... y from "'" doo.
lo tlla the: bo"!t",,, 0/ Ih.
",n"",. Tho:-n the m.:tn on the
nl!ltt bUIll a p .. th I" gale "" the:;
1<>1,. AJ1. IIbc: Ina" <In .1>< Ie" buJll a
palh 10 Ih .11:3'-" un ,lit, righl. SO thu
D'Jlle uf Ihe !-'3th, t"""
PROPOSITION- Can YOII till whit the boar lrutt?
I IS to .n ........ th,. puzzle you need only
ana,, .. the ronu"drum. What
dOd the want I
The PlIyus Who All Won.
A. an .mprov=nlt upon the
OtPled nn";",, that """"' .... c= only
la .... mlleh as 'he I ....... \0;<:. I
u1<e O<'Cuion 10 (.11.11 an",,'''''' to a
more profitahle style <>1 pia)', 01
.. hitl> ,t I> fUl,.,.a<.M

F<.>UT jolly lilt .. n to play.
And .11 nl,M \.II! ",uk of
playl'<l for cohland IIDI for fun ,
With "JlIl.Me""'1"8 f,., eny one.
\'ct, .. Mn l!wy cam .. II> fq\&&re "".
Tlwy rJl ha<l made '1UIt. f ...
Can you 1"'...001 npLai1!1
If"" one lon, bow fOIIld.1I ,al'"
any idea. 01 the amount
of d"vut(d
to tbe produet1on or
of Mmn of
" Iti5aODmmonoc<:u ..-
off.,... of from SIOO to
attractl\' .. name fOO"
ILI't>c\e "",hid a
to put 011
did not
I de<igned the
a pr"",lIn .. nt
lea ho ..... , whQ marlc ,1 "" f3,nOIl\
thmughout the "" ... Id II. a
mar" that ,\ ... M ..... 'n
by n,'al firm. ,n ,he ""."., I"'''' ......
La ... "",1< 1"11,',,,,"<'<\ .lu""1: "'h, -h I
"'''' ",,11M into <'<'un. 1<.1 prow.
""ne of 1M hl->ganl . knew the ""'m" ..
Rnswer W lbe puale! Can you
dve il'
Char ... l .... ,Ir ... 1""", .,. _II',,", ,n
the &emmp:>.ny'ni illu,II1I\'OfLI J'O'T'
tam t<> n ,nle""linl(
cia I "r elementary ruz"los.
""Ire /<1< '<>genui! ,- ""d de'-,,'-
"cu. Any ,-:tn II14k .. them. and
.."WI'! "nlo"" to ru- lit<! ",,,It>- in-
nf d' .. .., picture' pro-
ttu.y WIll al .... y$ {nnn ...
i...,lrodncti"" ADd
10 lhe high<:r cl!w of
prutMm.. ..I"cich belong t.o the
<.If ,.....,Lal gym .... tics.
7'J :;
\'11077 i)

, ... ., "':lIeM.
Arne ,i" .. arul
that one wfnt
IWO an h"'"
100 dow, the other
one mlllul. an huu, 100
rUI, ... lhal ,.-htn I looII:ed at tMm
again Ihe fait .. one Wlf eXKIly one
hoot Can)'ou fill'u,,, QU\
fl'Q/tl the dial at what li,n"
noon the watches mu I hIY" .(uledl
lIe,e I, (II,. which will
punic you: 1101" JOOn .. HI the hou.,
and lIOoond 10.10,1. again &p-
par the wne aPllf!, ..
!:Juch pmblm'l at. built "I'M the
immul.1hl. bWI of tho ,Iiv; : ,,, of
\i ..... and .'" thc''''on pu.ely "O:UM.
""uic.ol IUId 1 h.te .rc
60 ....,.,<1. to a minute. and 60 min-
III.., 10 an Il0l'', t"".dore there. .'"
3,600 secondt to an II""., and tku
i. aU the", ;, 1<., n. allioough the",
ar. Im"Y de"". and "rtr1 puzzling
"""""'ltd with ..... tcJM:-<;
and docb. When I was ..... '1 lit-
d" L>rl I \<o:Imctl thaI pendulum
39.1 incr,,,,, long ",'OOld \.a, lru.
-u. I 1O"as r)' fond of ",nn;nR
50 I \0 <' bullet all:acMd
to a "'rinll' of '''''I kagth. ..hid!
would Iwin!:" from a pin .Iuck in tile:
r"""" 10 WI I coold tIn>e tho 00"
nIC'''Il', I bta"", ;nla1l","'11 with
,he .port and ha"" Mal ITWIJ races
in qua""u 01 Ihe t::1obt and in
innumerable raM'S can thank the
urly trai "I "", for .... ;nc
my ski". and "tl",..,
I ma, .... y, PI"" ",bjOCl.
that If> tun 100 ya,,u in <) I'Ond, I.
tht li",;t of '1'.1 I have ... n it
tun ;n ,hal Ii", bul Ih.,( if. no f'">'
k;""",ll;,I"" who can Am.
alu(T! .",1 am .. ' boy wilh the
crl I bIll!c1 and Ilrine will find Iheir
.I'ttd to be bctWffn 1<::11
and twenly """""Ih, and ..... y """
ri ... plruuu. u by cn<uWll
pra<:tice th.,. rtduo< Ihc;r rOI'd
down the f'lOCIiou of a ....,.,..,1 at a
For pncti<:,.j u ... the bull., 2nd
..... y be 9,8 inonu long u...n
it w,ll munl 1 ... lf Son<l ;n ill
.winr 1'.<Xl' 'ight ' 0 leh,or one w!>ole:
.<XId II, d", .w,ng of fo<ward and
b;!ok: this .nables on .. to """'" tbe
hall and qua"tr mnd .
Tho r"",.,lrobI. lact of
pmdulum butin!:" a I"", in
,I. whuh.r it trnd. two f .. ,
.. """', ..... on. fOOl. u' onf. OM
'rICh, ;, tho prinoiple whioh .. gw..t ...
all d,,,,,ko. and evrn "'.,,,IIt<. The
foalr opring mnnrctfd with thc "".
r.aptrtlml of ",urh ulll;on lhe
rLa'licity <of d,,, Ipring in ph of
The only 10 JlC'tfecl tinxo
1Odir.aling ;, WI lhe pmdulumt
Itngtllm wllm th. """JIC'fI.'u.... i.
.. fault i, by
'1ICffI""" mmpnuo,ting dc:-.;..." lor
conccting the length 01 1M
lum by 1M u", of two ,""W$ of dif'
fn'nl1 flOWn"
I CI!IOI: """"' .... ctm
out of wood which
kO'pt .... t time.
iI bowl uWiled
;ron pnnrifU to n'<Ilalc
the of oociIla,""'.
The rod.$ A A '""' made of
wood ... kirll ttpand. but
hl<l" ''''m """t, n iJ tnade
of IIl<'t.D.I wbich upo.n<k
as so when!
A lenjl1he"oth" penduJuma
liltl B upruod. Iw,co "" much and
... 11
Pt1lJulums ntu.t lit of diffe=1
I.nglh. in 01 the
.. rth on acruunl .1 tht oarillbl<! at-
traction of K .... ;tal>on. The rule
lor g<:!ting thc length of pmdulum
i. k"""n by nuthcn,ahcWls u "pi
I;""" th" "I .... .., root of the let:ib
of Ihe pendulum (in inchu) diyiJed
by 11'",";1,:
A laIlilll: body J;OOlI 16 !he
lin, _"; .1 limes 16 the nal
_d; 5 I( thc
2nd ,., oa inc:n u"g accor<ling CD
1M (MId numoral>, 7. 9. 11 UmH ....
fa<!, and by thi, nile __ maJoe our
clocks I.IId ..... "'h ... 1 n ... i'l pret_
Iy problom I" COlIIClllok wilh lot" the!
uptl1 ..... lhtlIUlliriaftJ CD p<>t><lto"
.,...,., If a pendulum ";hratn u
often in minute u il has inchu in
itl length. bow lone il ;t?
The w",<h .... in ...... "' .....
be'g al the tn,1 of ,,,," 15th ttt<ory,
but "';0; 01 no practkaf anul
Dr Hooke invenled the.
in 165& Tbe 'lua],tie.
of l wl1ch dtptndJ 01, the
pt.fmion of the: '''''llemt1ll which
",,'(omll of I pendulum, J
haH $1.1lXl Jorgen""" peal.'
which rinK' d,. houn. qUl"en and
minute.: Ih. hQ ...... and ,Ion
all ","$ of "unlf. The nunu faot"'.r
01 wlteh p ..... "'""
_ , ... th 'in\'l'ic<:< and a,ud me
10 koep ca .. ful On Ihe IWO
w>leh .. lor lb .., 1!lO<lth.: I did 10.
eh.ful ly gi.t credil \0
,\",..riUQ product ....I'ieh boal
oth .. 001 by nne m,nUle an,1 Itn sec-
... <b. To show my blood.
I olf .. 10 fl<ll up ontch arai".\
the !.eot chl'Ofl<XnrI<' ;n the world,
tho __ ....hich k""f'" the toe'l unle lor
th...., monlho 10 both ..... ,ebe: ..
A. a boy I ",,,,,,,,,toe ..... dmg about
the: dal' "h ... dtpmdc:d upon
hour anrl <un..mat., "" I con-
IlructN a .un-dial which kept pe.'
fOCI time. ilcnI is a panttn for the
ra.t. 10 f<>llnw aI,U. which
calls 1M 110 ",""icular di'Klior"
Jllot paint the d",l, at ....... n. upon a
picu of '-rtI: Itt the: point.... tun
up ahoo" at an .:uq:1e of .Itg>".;
lhe <1i2I 1t .... 1 .. nh 12 point,
in <xutly nnnh ",,<I the ..... "', ...
in<J;"'1 ... the hoor. In the .ncch ;1
is pointinll' 10 lull put one.
the story of
way m,o W .. I
me=rahle jou.-
of bUII"r. "'he" he
he heard of Iht ehM,r for a ('(lIn-
.....ammaUun !'mfCASOT
Ih" ma,Ltr of mMhemAlI('lI Rt
\\ ",I I'oint. w,th whom I u>t'f! to
""I 5JI\' thllt "tornnt
ItA, II rt'Al Iovo for,,,'1L
an,l hn ...... "
Grunt d,<I l,w1' ho\!'W a,,,' ,..",',\
!'O<'k 011\ tb" '1"3],1,." at
gian.", "".1. "It, OIl. h"w ,II'-
'p,,,,,1 n,an "'00 ",',-,ulo.l a1>u.. a
dumhl an,mal!
;\If ,ltv lumo upon "n in",dcnl
... t.old by 1 k. ReN, "f the .... d """'"
or JobnaJ" .t RH<I, ... bo
r .... e me the AU1"If"ph lrom ,hri.
.. 1(5 Wok of .... pbol.O!l"'"'phf'<1
in the I""tme Dun"i lhe \a..t
WTn of Ius P,...;J.,nc)' General
Granl Il'l.IIme<! from hIS altern .. ,n
lO<l,n a bumorull. t.u, ..".,._
w""t way InM C'oI<1nd
Shd..,ck. who kept lhe Wdla,,1
lIowl . llut he 1uJ '-" (1n
tbe road by a buleber...,., in a ..... y
that made hit C1't<"k leam .Pl'Ur
to "" '\.Iond"'lI: ,ull li n oa>d ht
...,.,fd like 10 knnw who owned the
"""" and i( ,I ...... f(lf .. 1.
The hone was rnlbly round and
pun:huood (",m In m'''''I'b..t,cattd
GeTman IDI" baU of whal I,.. would
.. kl had he known the p"'-
<hue. w;U the l',...;oItnl of the
S13te,. The h"..... WU of
ligbt oolor an". wa' none Olher Ih.n
O ... nl, lavont" hone, "Dutcher
Doy." !lamed the incident
II' ell. 8i;JtIl. yeal'\l1ater.
After ti,. Wall SIr .... ""t,."tropbe.
wh,d, the linane,," of lbe
Gran, .. lIut.her Boy and hiI
we..! ..,nt U) I he ""ot,ull roou,.
of J.,hn""" & 11."",1. ...,ld fur
,um "f I . RN'd ... ,01
I Ita,. 1...-;"" ... mu, h
for 'f ho:- 1;"'\ 1-n pormiuI t"
_n,,,,,, their 0""" 1,, ,,. but Gen.-
=1 r....,.", I"""iuvely prolllb,tN
tho lut !>emil kno,,"" .. Nev_
mile",",.' oajd 11. ..... 1.' you ro ... "
"'" t ... " 1"<' """t ... hear!. for )=
nuke I! JIC'I'....,t on !lu'cher 1101.
and 1_ 10 ...... "" ,be "ther .
., f 'ho.\ it tbe w.y """""
I-I'''' wl>l1ld fiKU'" it out:' "',
,1\0 bul lhe _)" be
1,,"1""" lhal W'll betU:r
at lhan ""me people ., I
1m I"'ng t.o '"" our puui'$" 1<>
tell me .ha, he eut (or =eb bone
If he 10 per <"",t. on '"'" and
"""Ie n per- """'. on the othH. but
cle:lM.1 2 po. cent. WI lhe .,.hoIe
t Oll\loal"'l"", !
It ma .. be m...,tioneo.l mMnu, .. n,
that C.""", Gran. ilated that be
bad V .... "'''IN on. of the h<>r>a lQ
M .... !'"reo.! Oro.nt. and III abo ..... in
tbe 'lO("'pt liin"" fo, her.
1hi. how ra<ily a
1"'''''''' !lOay h. ,I=ind in huy'''.:'
j:oM Thing' a ... n<>< al,..,,}.,
Wh3! _"" F ..... e><am[>lt-. tak.
II!(, ac,()(1'f':",)i"';:: pie!a,,", f" pal.
! .... ,. aad <tit ... pk-cr ...r pap:-r
u:o<tl}' IQIUrc Th<" mark off 24
I"""" "" ";,Ic. mie""""""cally
'f ymt an da "'" Thi . f""
Ihr li_ , .. inK. "." 'UI1"'..e to be 1M
1[,,101 hnek. ,,-hi.h i. VUr.
(lta'f.1 lrom Ih. affable "rant:<.
,,1""'1 <>I" mo", h"'rl.
u<h ,i.k "f bor<l.r boing ,Ii
vi,I".1 ,m" 'I"Ct>: ""t.
th:lt if the ,,,,aU line, .....en:
B(m<. froMn bt".,lct to borde' in 0011,
,hrh"n., """Id I", lim",
N, (\f .. nati <.quare<. If Ihr'"
,,'a,k. .. 0". i""h 8f1.1T1.
Ilap<"I """Id b< buying
S;(J iud ..... of 1!;old! Do
,..,.. .. that ,li>... .....w 1m., runninK
hum the ('on", . 1 up to th" """UnJ
matlt II('I(t n cut "" that biao
lin< r".1 the top Ii."" u;>.-
.11aCO,I un incb ... and "";p "If lhe
I';""" .1. so as '" 611 in
tM t"1' kft IW>tl =nee X",, ' ....
nita"''' -Iob 0; the I:"IJ ltriek
by rounhn,t:. ,h. numb of -!"lee:.
100, tac.b Ollk, >t<' if a<c
n.\n)' "".11 "i" .... ' ti tm..(
to. 'N'. I" "tl,e. ",,,d,. "'. if il i.o
"'.I.!.I w;<\.. 10125 k'flg That
... :.k. bUI 57_mel .... of 1:"1.1
1-1"1... ,,, .. t an,1 he thought he
...a. bo,}i...- :;7,->, ..., it " ... 10 $&Y
tJo..I It I. "''' jlUld that he yo,.
chaw.1. bul ""Iy bib', worth aboot
;n CtIT!> ",,,,nd I
put On .... Ihinking
cap and ' il ""I: The 1
n""*,u",",,,nt wa. actually 2h14 and
a>nllli"r,1 """aN! ineMs. )low
mra'''N! of( thot point. a, QN!lully
.< i"""',ih ..... Ih. 1lO<'Un.'c your
n".<I><."',"" arc til<: nJON! inox!>!i.
al)l. w,11 bt my,tt.)". then give
nlr Ih. e"''-':<I ,Iim"rui"", of the
." .' '0 1<11 w.,at ha. bt
CQ"'" of thot mj.,mg "'Iua,e! Th"
,,,,uk which. I [>TolTmlpltd in my
(arly )"'''Ulo. " a dccilkd in'rrm"r'
,,,..,.t "I"'<' Ihe t;n",hon"red rroblm1
of cut-up whi<:b ,
I,a.'. al", ,It ..... ,'....! and pr<.KDlcd
in " .... 1..", f"""-
Euclid. 1M famous
of ,\I" ... ndria. wbo lluurish.d JIXI
ynr. MI,,,, the Om.ti"" e .... ".ith
hi' g,,,at ,.. .....k ul"'" whd>
I.....,ncd the J;:1'UUrnlw"'k 01 all lhal
;. knuwn uf the Kie"""'. Th .. lint
wlum.,. to"'ai""d .\c'Jmntary ruin
andlheur;"mJ, aompanicd by rigid
r""" of ..-cuney; bill Iaot
"'hieh ,", ,I...-'_Md rnti",:,
10 prol>ltmalial faU."ic.> ..... a. unfor
tUMId" Th., ... "rk. "hic!t
tnir!<1 b< a< 1M ""lrnina-
ti, .. 01 hi. lalw" .. ma>! ""'"r tho:
tnn,1. t bo>nk .-e< attelllptM hy 1M
authco, It Iuo. d.""';!xd
(>f rrcl>l<m. (>< pu .. t
wh ...... 'n tho .",,1.111 wa. '" t"t hi.
of th. ,,,hit by dctf'CI'
,ng 1M /a1\M'Y conceal.d in the puz

The gul..! brick protol.", i, ginn
an illll'ln';"" ui a ... ne. of PUUIH
whid, I h""r /."",,<"11 to carry Out
[;ud,01'' h,,.,, all.J whi,h
will "" fuund II> b< la.-u.hly
th_ a/wa)" KWtt!.
paniC'd by uplm:tli.... "hjc,h
ptTnnt lM ,lu,Jc,n ittlm briog mi1-
IIcrt il an iIIa.'Ir:t.ti"" of th. la-
m"". lh",Joo Fk>wcrI<i-<k, Th.
fakir plant' a .e<d in ' k h. 1
boautilul al (oncc AI'p"an;
the" h you 10 toke 1M ... """
l'i<' .,,\1 a<r:a"", 1M", so a. to
form. G,,,,,k r,.".,
A R.buI
To Iht<e ..,y first in dar. of )'OI"C.
A kin,t: Iuo. k .... ro1 "-Ith f...ti:ni;"
II;' 1001 ..,y next will bring to
nut hope: n,y "hole r .. l1_ on you.
Cipher u, I S, J, II.
8,5, t,4-

PROPOSITION-What is thl! poor httle half-oll'han ki,kiug _bout?
CCOtdPANIED IiY 10 b.ave mlef'prrted as b<>:ing ,m.
l, f-. Sberko<k Horn-. the fa I[I>Lo.r!y.ppropn.:r.\.e AJIhouJ:h oul_
_ de1l>'e. I dmp" "rle nl tI,," tlirH poor-. who .....-e
ped "'10 Dallbtr. UII"'O vr-nt at the d:rul.eDlDg. 1>01 a
Ofle tD(mUng .nd f<AlD<l h ... morbi k"" ... wbv " ..... ..,
thaI wonted. young put. cllll.d, oolven who-"" .. c:orry
unll the 6ni,b,ng U)ur,," to off tho """".. of thIS bltle eotnpe.
a blt of caav.... He "'elcom'" t,t,,,....,l1 ........ .-eI _ nl Sheri",,\(
III eltllavtly and uclaiJned: .. Y nil Uolmes'. "IuIl1l.Cten<l.ic m}su-ries..
.... j ... 1 the IdJows I r.mL II.,,.., Dnn', m,,. I"" pmnt or the 'I""ry:
10 an odd thing- I just fin,-,hed Whal" the poor btlle b.olf orphan
for lhe umbiuon. and am to bolh. k'"k\.llli: aboutl
ertd fot Rn Rppropriate t h31 "-'--____ _
I will give a prize for 'iii"
""ion_ ..
....,uld be like fflbbing )"011
to 1M mono). .,,,d Sherl<.o<.k,
.. the p"' ha.o iU .. nll.e1l all
O,'R 't ... any one half ... rye
ea.. we It is a Urltb f""" hfe
wNeh you. have piclu<I up on ynur
Iran!.. TlMt fat""r b:u just died.
10. If" WffO: IIOl ,"Ulg:u- U) pun. ,
oboWd "'v Ib., <hlld's I""" ...
ap.uent '1' .... gay young .. ,d",. ron
I.eIIIplales mJt.ff}'U1g ag."n. and Ihe
duld I. I\f1Ilectrd and ohjb, and
thaI iI wbere t he tfOuh!c 1><1:>....
That ...... <'II .... many other f""nu
.. pJaon III the !>0$0l. 011 p>u. Ia.
..... too BUnple t o mention. It
would be too """'mon;>I,,"" to Illg.
,"I that the i. c<ying
Ip,lIed "'tlk. for hIS grief il
'''''ted tlLan that .. Til<: only 'IuestlOn
wonh d'""llSSlg IS to tell .. hal lhe
kid IS k"kinlabout. to , llUggO$I il
be ..-.lIed the half orphan. and for
the to that """""drum
It ""fbI be"esting to oWe<"""';
1'.:J""hle vn-_
The PlCt",.., arned 011 the """""'
of the uh<hition of coune. and is
;0- qulle noted for having
..... and fortllDe 10 the artJ>.t
Tbe!Wlle "H"lf..omhan" in iUeli
j"" a harpy hit. whioh the publie
DC" """" ,n."pho:r.hlo .... ""'n """1m
A ..... ," In a Bottle.
Arn .. ng lhe 'I""',mcns of flot sam
and wh"'b tM ud ..
drilling !WIdo CIO:i1 al upon
the bt""h. nothing com!>a"" in .... Ih ""ttled m.""s:"" ...
j>OIlCd 10 he lhe ... ell wQnt. of
.h!I'","""ked hll""'rut)'. gi"ins: a
grapbic de.::npl"'" 01 tho fate
h&o1 som" ""'r loot
an<l .1_ 1000gullen
Sud! fnlm the -. in
\.imeI put. ba,.., told ....-krM
tales of Ihltttl'fO:d<, and
lUI""", """"fI"O in a ""'y ttw. "",.
tho! of the "",I=<
bri"l:<till alive in .4.n:tic
Ill' 0<> IInlmoom is!an<h. ..-hid!. in
II)Int' inJUmceo. No,.., b<nl fully
oonfinncd. In the Briliob t:<:&c-
lion of .ucIt t.&IeI.. """" !>em
o/fu:iAlly in\' and Iltlthenti.
u\.ed a.e many 10 be
.. h,,b fUl'dilh dcWl U) lhr fotte "f
abi", _ hunJredI of )''-1 "C'>.
sJw:r.o1ll[ th.u t.M -ros eut
tilt ... , . had dnftai
tw.l on before eltect.u>(
Lo... ,hng
.u It rule. tM IIIOdI"t'll of
Ill<: pal"'r. 10 My n .. tbmg ;'1 the
I!>OJ .110.... on ohamp"'rntt
will. >llnll'" th", .. ..,...., doubt.
upon Ihe of the doou.
I>l(lnl. .. , the ruhjec!.
JUeh " chon" Ihoot Ihe
fin.lera w,!! nn\ be mflueneed by
iuelt argumentJ ... lIligh' """"""it
the \.Nllt of the wonderflll rulr_
lIere. (or In.<lan".,. is lin
p_ted on I'uule onn. 1USUmtd.
"' have t-n ,.."tl.e1l ageo ago. and
'" that hnd hnes" tells 10_11
.t<>1')' that we <'.ao not Oflly rom.
pille the probahle Dumber cf ".,,_
tWlCf lpent in dn/t"'! d'out.
"'" tell the ..... me 0 Ihe...,un
So posil>ve ano woe abont theoe laou
that ... ,h hllie IbmV ... the n.ome
blown In the bottle: the n>Odem
lI.yle of l.n,.,311", .s .. ell as unlihly.
h<><XI of a Iltipwl"Nked manue, uk.
,nK 10 ....,".Irut hif hut mea.
oaxe In vc ... e. urr)' no .....;ghl ",hBI
(,'or, AU .... to ""n.;der is
the Ot' lI"natu<:&1 otate-
mrnu of th .. which from
Wir very fur.
",ob "oonfirmat",n ti ho1v
...,t" Now. who wrote ,t 1
A miChty ablp I IIO"W IXlIDl:rut.Ild
W,tb Q'1" rare from .... vy land'
N"o roodf ha.. I U) Of oell.
Each .-md .. ill Kn.., my turn as
wtll ;
To ntilhe<- port 110. barbor b<nmd
pateot wi,h U) run .i"""'d
Whilt ...0\1101 YOIl taU R bo). wbo
eM. all II", melon. h. ean pH
1l$ i. whM " . caU a pa,nslakiIlK
Whal ;s an eAvCfo.dropp<:r? An
Why it neglect! da<mel like
Ii .... that bu cone outl 11..,."",
obe b.a. not a ""uk left.
Why ate btu. u.oed to call
10 dwrdl? Boat....., they ba"" an

Wbal is thol which gael up the
bill JolId ,born the hill and )-.:t otand!I
aiJH The "*'_
\"hat bt<auN 01. the cl>ocoIate
caJu, whm your Mly :I0Il cats it1
II tbe empty heir (air) .
is I bilt hI- a J:UII? Whm
it if proiIC1,ttd And dudwtt"1.
tb. way Ihat J'u I"
ideu rome to'IS It may
- be .. id the theme
" fo." /:QO<I1'" .. e,,,, be
1Ui:II:""te<! by /In}',1,,nr 'In\un, ,,,.
nov.1 that on" _.bul th.
apl'li,-n"," '>r 1''''1><' '.""k,"g Nit
<Ii ... "'"V requIre
.1>1. time "n<llt .. ;ly. Sl>mttlll", In
the ",dlnary affa,,,, of hfe punlet
little Ly ito ",Motr. and the
thougM nalu .... llr OC<1.01'I. "If Ihll.
tlllDjl: perv1ued"..., '" ,UI ........ d .... lal
form ."Mn M Intu .... lOf ..hffieulty
...... int .... dO'd. bu .. ...-""J,J II be ,.."..
able t.o incr'n .. thl: d,flltulty by
d""";na; it ill , .... I'"ul. lann 10
&I t.o <'<Inon! ,hi! 1'"""'1'1. '''''01\-1<11
The prolMm m .. <\ be !..ooed in
p\eap.nt ilbapt. 10 ,""I Ibe plClu ....
aids ill upb,n,nlille 'n'II'. and a'
1l>e .am. tune ",>nal. n . lUI d f_
fienlty by impart>nr .. lin Bf\"!.
Hart" "",uW lerm "ch,kthk. and
bLlnd"""'pbc,ly \0 Ihe
The. ""ry mal' be ul,hud 1.0
dnr.w alt"",,,,,, ..... y Imm the Ind.,
for. ill an nld phll.....,,,I1 ... remarked
Mnnol ",,,Iunes Ihty _poke.
li,,;u!d Siales, "Art tot Ct'
trIO:' by wh'ch munt 10 ,nform
pun:e-makl"ft thM ,h. true ... l,. \0
the art TI,u"m hH
"""" d; /I'CretlC1O t.e\ween modem
an,lold lime 1''' .. 1 ....
onO 10 he in ", .. ".

I ntVer had tbe opponurutyof
.... In ... In' his profi<1""cy ,n lhe d ....
pe!U'<h(}n of pot. wi u If
a I"e'" of r'" IUId eh.,.".. had tul
Slud; ,II mI' ""'I' IUld ru.turbed my
=w rugOlI.lOt1 from tlut _menl.
unlll one day bern, called upon to
produce an anginal punl . I <Ire .. "- Ind n.lIcd ,\ the IeJ:<-nd of lbe
board,ng hoUH pie. which hal uneo<
become famoul.
Tbe <ullml of a piece "f pNo p("'-
Ialnl only 10 tbe IUperficial ",,",ao.
at ,t ioeI no fartb .. th.o.n "'I"""" root
or lbe I1OC<>n.t po .. er. u tbe
mal,o:;ano would "'Y. In . be por.
I,oning of cl'<>050 we go bel,,,. Ihe
into ""bie e<jllali<>ns kn" ... n
at the third I"' ...... lor _ ba,'e to
eous;.der lhe 1lU 01 depth
C.Il you 1<11 how II,any pie<:l'l
In. produ..-....! by Iho follOWIng sU.
sl!"lighl CUll?
Pu,lDc Ihl Jlponue MI nn.
'I'bo of '" d",,\ of JUPIn.
"*' mm 1,la.-...l It 1M Wttann
to Ih. ha.Le,r <>f P<>rt Arthu. it
(0. the! t.e:lt't.t "f tlw-
roon, pu",: .. t ...... 1\0 ""' uk,.,1 to
Ih<>w "" .... pa$'1 Imm
the bollom to 1,,1' of tbe 1-'",.
by chanpK .""'roe wt
on"". Draw a <tra,.h: frum
the botl"'" nI the f',<'ture 10 a ''ef-
"'," "",nl. from whi.h you CIOn
Maw IlIOIber '1-'-'lI:hl 11M In I""
t"l'. 10 Wt the I"'u linn ..-.11 in
",,'"'''' .... thr"ugh the
m",,,' 01'

tJI<, ""w. 'luilt "'hich the
It""""r, prc .... "tC1l !a,1 10
l!wlf IUd,or in puulcbnd. y..",
... ,n ""',] the: n::uoc of of the: wy.
h.Jd.,n tIt., !ttle... Ju,\
.pdt fr'"" one !rtl .. 10 ""Y atljr>in_
"'R.JOt "" "luart 0' biu 3.
tul .. S llej(i,tnin( .-ilh J yOll
l;an I]><\l J,nu:s a ,lwwn. but
OOW ",au." .ehola .. do )'<111 thillk
tho wcre in ,11
II"", a .pttim<n .;.f d", rocle
u'ltd hy \\"a,!oingt(}f! during Ihe
lI.<\,oIUI1<",. "'''h wh,,,h ><>me may
b< !.""),,.,. II _ppm'" 10 ]><f'Uiu
t" I wh"",in
\hie ,'" and not
, .. <>IlL In Ih. 1"I""blioo tbe
11.15 ..... 1 Z6 "-orW arc of,;ln'] yot
thry "M'<'.r ill the .,1'hn; .. 248
ud 5iD, It '!ctkr wnlt..., by
G.'1I'nr1or to G.-t..
Gr"" ..... II tbt 1,,,,,, thio.t W.",_
"CIoa M.' bocn of win.
niDc A....,rian by
CjII.....,.,.b!r '''"\rJ:y. It "'''' publit:
Iy a_ned lut ("linton .... , 10 he
in Xnor '10',,",. which pre-
"""1<<1 fn;.n ..,nl to
c, ..... :Uli. in \-irgini.>.. ll>c: Itt'''.
II .... y bo: IIt'rn, thtcd ju.t before
tt. I:rand roup:
Phib. II Scpl .. 1781.
0. '.nItral: The: mel""",<1 Cypher
, thai ... f<rn<! 10 in my Lett :as
.. in th>t from I"" Su]><,intcn_
<lml ,'f It i.
.1", of -..h'ch tn., Cormno.n<Ier. ;n.
Cll,,,, ..... orw n"pli""IO, ",,<I """"'_
'tuo"ll), .. IH-" you "'all have r=;v_
.. ! " :tw "'ill bo: oo""'pond
"1\h for whid! PU'l'O'Ie )'00
....,U kt hml k"ew t hat y011 .... ve ;1.
In order 10 cltpl; mort fully tbe
L..:- 1.:11- thc . f"lIowinr Kntmct:
.. s .. H."ry O.nt"" an 11-
IlI,k on toy Qy of Di_
n"i"" ill favor vI Lord Cem..,.Ir..:
thit a Utile inumid.l1,d """e fe ..
Ladi" 01 my Acqwoinlanc-o."
T11i, being fJIll i"to C)'pher will
]J, 53. 64, 14(1, 290. 319,
613. 248, 330. 24, 248. m,
2J, f,U.
lJ'), .'00, 137, 556, 85. 570,
] 14. S6J. !oro,
319, 4'}]. ;70.,w. ... 438. 3ili.
llR. W ... 10')0. ,wI. S24. 405, W
61\ ,wI. :?25. 12:;, 2'Al. 31<). t.ill
20:'03. 3.11, 6.l. ;JQ. 42.1. 406-
11.tO. l.\, 537, 319, U5.
(1.'0, 111-1
I ;un n'1 truly )'00.-..
Gouv. M"1lll1S.
A Rebua
b<-nath tny ..-cond.! 1It!OI,
:\0<1 ""',' .. at p!euu ... tht!",;
My ... hole1 OJ] uch of beaut..,...
Sel up ,,il!-.out a pi,
Oph .... Aru,.-er.-5, 25, 5, 2, 18,
A CIpher DIspatch Puzzle_
nr /;<M,," 11,.. " at, a
and <"<U' .lifTercnl It;"'" of
eil'h .... rnoJ.. (0. smoli", w,illttl or
tt!tJ:.,.phi( an ,lil-
rl(t,l,. ",hile otbcn }idd. 10
.'otttn:lli( 00- a""I),>"
<JOt """" g<:nt!"lily to
lho ""K.n.:- np 00- l",n.,.,..licrn of Ihe
IttiCtl, "'hirh mo, be e.,ily CUtwtd.
however, hy 6nojing f,om In cr,\i"".,.
..,tumn of rnoding- ",:111.,.,. the ....... "1:.
f""lucney of tht! occurring of di f-
f.....,1 To letl Jour mhiHly
in dl'CipbC'rilI( wcll kIlO .....
mctbod.,... Kin Ibt follow'ng punk
,..,<1 ask I.,. Ih. ann
Q<1t kj jksob)d Idt ... q"j fj
bid I.,.,.,.n .. ... Ieli "9</<1i Ittd\
el.>:o. h!.:gc ,bb"dw rj ICC. gel_
It .. ill be I",,,,d 10 an
ari\l\1"c,ical pfQjlOS'lion, which y<.1U
n,.y .n,"'tr if)'OO have docil' il
To t""",, who> II "'e oon_
tM ,uh,""t, II ""&hl .ppe:>.
that _h " 01 equal 1m'
I"'rta""" in llH- lornuotin-n of W<If1iI.
hut \.be ",lab'. proportions .....
In lbe "'"
t .. 85.b.16: . ,\0. d. '" .
110. f. 25.1:. 17: h. &l. i. j. 4:
k. 8. I. m. 30. ". &0: <l.80: P.
11. 'to S. '. 02: . 811: I. 90: u.
Y, 11. w. 20 .... 4 V. 20: z, 1, It
ill th .. kno ... kd", ot how l""'II<'1Illy
0". letter II UoN rutnpo"", ..,Ih
<>then lhat c'1P'ogram
rH<Ic:-n to ub",,,.I.,Ib.IlbY myst ......
A Robu'.
My firll', tIM, """rt 01 ..."\,,,1 I"'ok,
When 'Ii, judicio",l)' di .pll)'ed:
Rut "hen Ii. nf ito bro,d budt
It d,on b.oomn a I",bli<: thdL
C'pher AIl,"'.'.-19. lG, 5, 3, 21,
12, I, 20, 9, IS. '4-
"AI showing how V.IU1bl4' knowl
tdJ:c, iml'mvi", I" ",i".1. tluy
bt Iea_d from \nci<l<:nu ,,lIo.:h Inay
<X'(Ur 10 " &'Cnlltm." of l4'u", du.-
iUK a .ummcr', OIIling," Mlunuured
W tary Willi., during one of hi. ffmi
ni ...... ' mood .. '" 1111 ch:onc<:
meeting: with Ti ... d Tim on III ur_
ban branth of the I), L "W. We
thc 'ii", pH>wnrd and
I",u:mal grip and acquainl'
ed at 0bt'0. It arpnred thai dw'g.e
from JO)1Own II .... :as <OmmmJe<l
10f" him at <be ......, litllt that I .....
.,..,.,., ... d WI ,I would bt botlcr
fir Illy h.,.1111 10 lea"" PIc:...anI
ri\k. That is how "'c arne to meet
al" point t< .. m,ln on lhe
"w. ju>! lon, enough
10 bec:o<ne chummy and ,wap dllri ..
ac:cording 10 rul. IIId lhen ioggtd
on 10 "". diffn-enl <Ietti .... I'on ..
"Both lown. ]I"""" 10 be onr
.. <1'1:'1 as...n..tion marb
the po:opl. I<) be 10 Imm:na.,.
Iud th>! it ... 0111.1 be
wl,l. 01 lime to
"Aq>t;ng the .o.cort of the II
Imli". who inv>riably re
eomn><uol.d ,,,,vch,,!! gentl.",.n 10
return by Ihe NJ". routt IQ where
rome lrom, we .t1rwJ as ;1 ap'
pea ... on aur
"That i, why, :oJ .twwn in
,k<:tcll, tN.t I 19ain m," my
acquaint1'ICt, at a point t ... elv. milt:.
from bul 111 go you
t,", thai from the dat:l.
caJt' \ 61:U'" out how many mile>
II I. (run T<1<I.. '1I to
Of cou ...... it is ;t.O$WIIfll that oach
of lbe ptddlrian. main\.ained hi.
01<n ""Ioed'''' gall, botI> in w>i"g
and (Utting frot.> one 101<11 to ....
.b" .
A Pictorial Cluon.dc
Whtn I wu InvWllg thmllgh
Puule Lond. ,,'1K:f. e-,'''''1 .ij:n is "
"nuk, ... ..,. a riold) and
you m."t ",OU lhe name of
thin); you 1, I Ihis sign OV,T
1i' ... y !tilliTe. Can you tell me
,,'hot ,I maml
t:DGES 11'<: oon'tWmeo ulltd
Uf"'" to ...,Iv. k"ouy poinlJ
of Ia., ... hich ,,'auld bothtt
the puulM. 11 t fl" ....
;unpJ. i. an ClhlUm.,. ,..hicb, to lar
... I am a,..1"', It.aJ newer btm art
I .. <nd,llICtotily'
I'o!Il' ill>trutted c.'''phon in tM
art of p!Qding, .nd it .,..
bct .. teachc1" and ""pil th.:tl tbe
Imllon 1 "'auld be paid ,..h<'ll the
$hQulJ ,.in hil finl cue.
ItmC 1I.:o.i"l by, and the
young malt bo,,,, ,.,tbout t!i<'fI\J utd
.vinong no ambium to secur. bus;
n ..... P"hu, in d""P"'" "'E.'cf,tll tile:
_n .... btl"re the ro.m. party
pkadtd hIS 0"'0 and Pul!U,
.".alring fir.!, Hoid: "It is indtlf ..
...,1 10 me how Ih. Court _)' di<:l.
th" m1n .. , ffJ'l', if 1M <!tci.ion bo
lJ\ nly favor, I r<"COYer Ply fee by
'I11u. of the ju,ll[111.m;, but" \1 mJ
opponent "'i", the to", II bo\ng h1l
f.rM. I l>btlIin my lee accord,nr 10
O iphor!, who wu .vidently an
api :11010 rtphed: ''The d.dliOIl
of the Court i, .v<'ll 01 Ie... imIKl' -
Unct to 1m. for if Ih. " ... diet il in
my I am th .. eby rd.,. .. d from
'''1 deLt 10 1'011... I!ln il 1 IooH
tht ....... the I"" be dl!OWlM<!
a<Wftlinl:" to the ,,,,,,,aOl."
A .till '"Off im .... ltnr ,ue is t.IOid
of a ccnain king .. 110 wilt. bridGe
and dccn:N thAI al1 "" ......... abuut
to trOM it ohould be inl.'f\lG"a,td u
10 their OOtinatoon. If thc:y told
lrulh they _"' rrmilud 10 pall
but i tbe)' anJwt",d
I.Iy they to Ito Iu.ngN on a
1:"[10"" .1'tC<1 at lhe <:<'11' ''' o. th.
bri,lge. day a _n aboul to
.,.",., _ a.I<I tho: u..ual 'luntion,
and 'eplitd, Int ""II( to be
on thai '"
Now. if th('J' hanged hint, h. had
toW lhe lruth al'd lhould hlYe cs-
rapetl. ,,berea. if they did not han,
hint. he had .n ud
obouId ",""c PI""i for iL
A. Reb ...
M. fif'It'. by all mankind,
'illy oc:<'OfKI J!<imllhe .."Vi:;
My ,,'hoI ... m tIult Ihrooch wave
and ,,ind.
In bopef my firll to MV.
Ciphor Anaw",-Ia, 9. 6, 5, a, 15,
Puercben I
ne", " oi.IIIpl. hllie marking
fot the j"nnilel who ha"e
Inun<! tbe odler IOD1C-
.. h31 <lIflioull. f.itt1. Pel"",hen
had I Vienna 1",;'ltd H
shown '" 1M dmwing, Dnd ouh
h" >'''''''g ''''''nlh ,\.0 gu .... into bo..-
mlny I"""" he d"'irlcd it with one
ot,.,.,gltt cuI w,lh .. knife Sup-
J>O'{ng. \110 he" ..,al p""""I. drn ..
hne ,,-rueh Wl'>Ul\! dlVid.
,\ ,""aiel! ;>Oaib1e n"IIIbet

_ -.#C"
PROPOSITIOlf By changing the po!itlOD of the fe ... possible nuruwr of the tell duck. arrlnge them
10 there will be five rOI"l of four in hne.
th'" ;",:"1';1\;(>,,
i. "",0 10 ,.,
j ur v" ,mty ,,{
lIu .... "I, HI- ;ond ,n-
tro<lucell uf t:,, """'1 p",IM""
.. h,,h, ""i,Jo 11'1.0'" n,..", '1",",\1""
<,If .. huntt"" h"k, llll\'c ,lou',I.",
loeen "01;",'<1 "j" ..... h" the
pllOUU"",, ,,( t1"ck .h",!'"!:
to ... ,"" the . \h<1"fI
... no ... :1 ,.-",.1' 'I n .... uh': .. '.""j(
as gunninR flo' dud .... ".<1 .h,-r(' ",e
I,'w prolokm. of M ....,.
"",,, ... ,,1 .. h..,..cteT .. I".-h ran f<Jt"
fuell, {""/ou"d IIthleml,,,<h,p IlDd
adm,n1<'m"ve 1.1"1,, y to 6how loa!-
..,,'" &1,...,\ i<I fayor of tht inlerwol
or thoo p_ hag .
1M u""" ..htull' of P'.wd!l'r and Iobot.
to ... y of 1"" ... r l.n.h
uvenUil ..... .. h,oh I'<'I1ain ,u the
I)f. duck hWlt ....
a th<>u""nd AU,j Clue
problema <onnecu.1 with
any""" ur .. h,,'b "'"uhl be .... rd,)-
"f ronW!""'!1 ,n. bb\ wilh whirh our
punl"lo d""l>tl_ lamilia,
lJu"n mr.-n. 10 I only to "n"
hide pm,""'il;"" ... h,,h may 1'''-
(;tIb.,ly Gf "'y. lIyle
"I duck ohuuh.n,. Of ("Ourac ,I " R
greal f.allo ",nrc une durk
a lingte fihol, Gn,t mllht nUl only
be done br sell,n, .. of
;n a ll!lc. II Kt me 10 II"dy;ng
1''';''0'1,10 "1"''' flunarJ Bay
d",k. "1'. and I m.oy h.:t.v.e 1,,1
ul"''' oomtlh,ng which my ,,"'form
l:'k of ,UI a. a trulrk..m"" enabled
rile Vl d',\<':<)"rr
I ""I;<f<I IM\ t be biM in"annl.]y
arrm.o.d,.,d in Iw" ro .. wit.h a cor-
po""l lo,rd . ." to spuk. on ."",1> "1,,
,n chal" of "'Ihe, hn OIl Ihal, ""
III the on. o:ould [,gure
oul IhnG '", .. o( laur_in row 1\:ow
JWI lIS !lOOn u I got. line on four of
Ib_ bil"<h , w"uld bl=r ..... y ,n
tIM! hop" of gelling ..... I birds
..,110 One ,hot. ' could .-ldr "",,,-ft
lolled on" bird or pouibly I ...... but
mr .ml>llioD to JI'Ot four 0' led
to _u1t (If my "'-"kinK I .... fol_
in"'_tinr A.
lOOn as the omoke cleared ;nray. IQ
thl , Mtlld "J>C" my , ...... 101
that tht ttn birth loa<!
,h.i. d"'octioo. aod ... ."... ,hool,ng
""ay hh. """'pan)' oll'ilipinoo.. 10
.... um ..... h= Nck m Ih.
JWaI1lpS Whal I n ....
li<-e<l, Io",,c'cr. _as that while
('AllIe in Ihe I h= four_in_a_ro .. form
... ,bClWD. Ihey invariably ac<>Dt",1
...... y in .hape of ii ,-. ro ...... wi, h
fUUTin ... -ro... J""' how Ih .. )" """te
I bn I neVer o:ould..,... rln 3<_
(tount of ""'''h ;rnd Cf)nfu;ion ,
but , notiro<! that t he fc""()!t pos:s;-
ble number of \nrdl; had changl
tllt" I>o";tior". 110 il ... i11 afforu me
'''''''41 1'1 gi'-t 10
any lucky dud( ,,')00 ""II ""Ivo Iblt
hille p.oLlem fur "'e ""r""'lly.
1'h. ph'I","" ,how. Un duck, ad_
vlUloinlj" ul II"lmet""a! j"nn . Im ... -
ing thre< ro,,"I/JI lour_m_I",e. Xn",
=rgllonJ" It ... ,n 10 then: \'"
ro ..... of four-.n ,hnu, .. ml'ly IJl' <h",
inK tM poRI"'n "f th .. I ... at 1"".
number of duck, Dnd 11 '" J! "'0'_
d...,taI1y .h" .... "".. many dud,.
Gro'-", l>alt"'l "ul nl the nurk.
The pruhlem ... toe ""o.kN out
praclically loy pl."inr vet} small
oonntc1"1l upon the dU('kl in the 1" ....
t" ... "",\ """-' them ."'"nd unhl
you ret he row Df I ...ur ,n-.-roW.
A Tricky Problem.
Iu]'; your ,f It.., ('an 1m1"
do .. n Ii .... o..W ,; u"" to a.J,' up And
make fourtf<1"1,
It ........ l1v a<l"," .. hinr holw eft-
_ J'fflrle will gel, an"
bow much Ii"", Ih.y ".,:\ .vend ov.r
thi... at fint .. gill ... ,.,."hlem
The q".,.hooer. ho.."...C1, ,n".t be
,.....rill to ",,)' Ii!:" ..... , not numbtn.
II..., is the All,we.:
PROPOSITION Intn how few aquare pieces con l. lninc ooe or more
tan tbe quill h divided? '
pieces of

O.,WHAT IN 1''''
nalnl"/! 01 a ...,1 from
we will ""II a t _
tenl''''' to the Patd,
O,l1\1 T'"z%le .., .... 'ng
o:ntnl",nlOn \>;1'' 10 Mn. De;ooon
While'. \>Tablem 'fhe
ok. ttflf"t'Itnl. til<) "f
Ih ... W \\'(1<'' .... '}<x';o\<'
Ihdr W"I I"''''';'' ,,; t h
a tt>lu1, of ""-e ,,,,d ",t""m, ;n t!te
W" ,)( t..-,1u,;ful pat"b .""k
,. E,'erV _mber oonlribulN
, 1<. &11: of patchwork ron_
..... nc of .,.. or mall> 01 the smaU
..... h of lhno! (!Oolril>ulitJlLI
_nK PMfectly in .hape.
-,,,,,,,,,N. a protty puul..
_rl)' the toriety,
....ny Lody wouW have
- putiruW- piece of 1<'Ork " ....
:8IDperN with Ql' """1<"'-\. "" it
__ 1Il.O.\I", of .., .... <\"",,,).
lI,..!y 10 find out bow to '>I,,'" all of
U. ,,( .-anous .. _ '0-
pll- ..... 1<1 form tbe ooe i.,,,xe
"'Iual"/! qn'II, mu be
o _1<1 that .. e,'ft}- rnniikr
1III'."but.<<I 011(' "'Jna.., piere 1)1
pa'cb y .... wiJI know jUS1 ho ...
-7 m'''hbt-n t h .............. whrQ.
You d'.....,Vff . onlo lou .. few
P"eII tlMo '1",11 tan be d;,-ided. It
.. a, .. ml,l .. punIc wbicb will give
-"'11e lor in",,,,,il)'
--.. ""'''nce
pe.>rtd ,n !.on,len a ,"""IU'Y
A1'<}, ae'omplU1, .. 1 I>r the .. 'mewhnt
ourpn""r .... rtl0n thM It ho,l
myoufied .he ",,"I m&ll,ematioi"".
"I England, 1'be ,. ron
hnWllly cropping "I', in IiOm. I'mn
or other, "'''<"Omp"mO<!
by t hat natemen! of 111 hv-
inll l>afflorl the "",1100-
matl<',an'. all or wh" h m,,'
""ill! a l!1 ... rni nih .... .".,. "I
."It. at our YAnk"", Id",b ...... 0,,:.1
hnd sud, little d'ilieully In ,'II_
I"" my.tet}- lhat I ... n only fffOl
Ju",hoo ,n p ....... It lIS a 'jotC,al
ptllrl. problem .or <lur mo..,
pu.u"".. lI.J.,me of Ihe
other r,uldes h'''-e pro,..., to too
d,ffi"" t for many bet,nne .. ,,'110
h.ave I...-ome ,nl.-rcs\.ell 'n ..... h mat.
te .... , h.,'o to act upon
an oft_repuwl SUItg("'IlDn Ir<>m
OUr y...,ngu fru'n,jf 1<1 I'.., a
few .. mple "mblcm. <>f a
lnat ..",] _bJch all should
lie able to .... Iv.
W.ll. to Ret ba,-k 10 the
Garden l'ruble",. "'hicb I hrl ai_
m""t r"ri"tlell It .. tDld ''''''
bucl<w:r lad," " ..... ..,lh"l1 aJ>J>I..
al the markel, .. 11m )''''_ Smilh.
lor oome ......... 0 or otl\4)1" ... 1",-11
",,,,,I be 'he f'Cll mynery ... h,ch h""
halllO<1 th" wu
called a>r.lY and .... kN Mro, Jones.
t he olh.,. "[>ple lady. to ""J"C ul
h<or .toe],; l<1r hOT
Now, 11 01'1"';0 ... lbat Ihey toO"h
""" an "'lual number of Ippla. but
M", jo" .. 1uod fruil and ... aa
... llllIlI lot'" M tlo.. "'I.e of t .... lor a
""''''Y. wbi]e \1... Smith ""ld th, ...
of 11m I". ,,,,,,n,'. LJX"'I=pt_
j"r Ih. -p"""I"I1I'" or di'pI>5,n,
hrr I"enoj'. st<><k, Mr., jones.
'"R he wry ,mpartial. miJ[cd Ihem
.n V>g"lher ",,<I >(M thfm olf o.t
.\tc uf f,,,, "PI"'" fur two I""'ce
Whon ,IN.. S",nh
".,t d"" tlu' "1'1'1. .. 1,,,,\ oJ! I ..... n
"'- P"" I", 1,,,\ ,,11..,\ In
,];",,10 tlo. l'''k"I!o!. tl .. , lound thllt
th.,y """'" JUI\l ..,,-"" 1><''''"'' iOhort,
01 .. Ito.. IIl>ortago, in
or trnaJInal ttlMk"t ... !nch diS-
turbed the math<-malical <:<juili_
bnum 10. SUch .. 1<mg ;oenod
11",1 t he
rnu"ey ",\uaU). Utl<ing on._
half, t .... rrot,:,.",;" to lotll how
mud. BoI.-,; j"""" lost by the partnerlt!ip_

Ho", U a b'l '" coo<! relC>ll1uona
for the .. Year "I\LolI
young m,'" hal ,...".kod O\l\ ,n p",.
fa,I",," 1",...,1 ""
pt..ce<J UP"" the .. .U ... a. to .. Ie
eye "p"n ""'"II ,n momma:.
,boIm out 10 ... W Imprftll
"I"'" , .... many of
Ibm! ......... ell ..... rth kHp,ng
Who comrnil.O the 1"6'- .bom
lIl&l,ODa. Nal,()tII..
Who .. the 1"",1_
wut;. 1M t-l "'''1 01 malUng,.
...... , WI' M."" the 11'01>"'" and
"'a.i ,<_I 6,,\.
1 VI>II dnv ...... ,1 ill. bo.ord
an<,! ,imcb ;t "" the otbt. tide ... h,
1<.\ 11k ...,d< mmnl 8e<",,,, II"
in firm.
P'Gpo.hlon: Pick up two adJ_.""!
1'- . ' lim. wd in f our mOnl
eba",. tho pooiti.D. 1<1 that each
Cl..... ill be empty.
To !<'in ""","hing and
Inlf f", OOlf'li, Of .ut:h ". are in_
I ..... to:<! ill lridr. or .. h.t he
ltnntd!t,mo! f""t. . I wi!!
JiYe ",mob can be v..-d Rd-
to 2ml'", ,"" gunl"
ft., hrI"'l''',t or at "" ........,ing
rarty. In f<lfmtt wine
rla-_f""r empty and four !Dr-
1>alI.. filltd-ilInm-u. Ihfc Irk.. to
III !hit. ill ;" all oxhibitioru of ..
.mw..r nft"rtIting dqJmd.
lipan ,'''' oIrill and acting of
must h..o..., his
liut. ..... Mil"" t.) pn-fttti"" .......
t.) bt aIM 10 do 1M Irick mrwanh
01' bod....". ,be .l;ghttsl
hfflbrim .... by aid of a
lnI .... of con ........ tion h. irnpraJc:J
Ills biear .... Ihe fact of ita; hcittg
tho. _ little Irick !hal .... er
1 ... ",,_1. ""'icb ""y one can do un-
I .... lot be .. nat"",1 bam. mmtDn-
bnd or btfttddlo<l. It
.talI, Inok. ID Iimpl. al'pun.tly
""""'in!r ,IHII 00lI no ......
1ft" how or .. r.m tho ahihitar rom-.
tb:., al"""" ,""v on. ",m be
;"10 a,; invit:ltion to
st"P "" I .. , his by .how_
Ine- bow ,.""d:lv I", nn porlimn trn:
fU l;--I"d 'bon Ih. fun
.t ...,11 .. til.".out of .. hun_
To aid our ) .... 'ng Id.,,,t, ;n d
""rihinK Ih.;r .,,, ... eu. (h. ....
nu",,,,,,"ed.",, <;an re-
f.ned to hy nll"'t,.o ....
D.apltatloll Punl .
No ... if )'00 wish,
flcoh.... ,j .. tUh,
"Tn I;',,,,," ,,,,,,11 diJo::o".,;
o..e. bthe.d,
An<! find '".,ead
A rmall doso chest. or cnfI" ....
0 ... 0 11 Charlie.
"SoY. Charlie. did J'DI1 _ ,.,.
Ir:>n<btinn of Af{Uinaido. cipbt-r di

It h.., foooo 10 .ca.1 '!;;gt-
'- ""nl nc: .. cy .omc: Limburger
.heo-ot-: "
"Why. il i. a .. full,. devor, it,,',
;, >" "'Plil'd o.:"li "Rut .adly I
do<.', $te i""' they ,et the
...... , ,' do)'Oll r'
"Why. 'he ;1 in tbe
ror1itd hi, f.knd .
. "
Anlmal. Enlgmatlcally E%J'reaod.
I. To d",lin . Mrt to dla ...
2. Al'l'""",ho<l and an anirn>.l.
3. To and a ...."'ght.
4. A rod ,nd an animal.
5. To and a nlltIlbtr.
6. A I""u and i"r:Un.
7. An m..a and t.o "",a_,..
A Ifumerical Eni&ma-
lin .. a cily thi, ... "OUld bt,
If "e not our 2. 3;
II,,,. in this ........ drom 6, 7. 8.
11:>01 I.,.rne<!ihc air 10 .... oig;ol
O" ..... he< 7. 6, 9 inlble
A",I Ik)'W>lfd 4. S. 9. Sl
Ciphtr Ans ....... -c. I, II, 9. I, 7.
5. 19-
Comical CDoundruma,.
\\110 p ..... the bNU/
Th. jodQll gue tho Jack aU.
did the wood ...... 1
n.,a, .... it saw the lamb-cloop.
Why did !he bo,ner_B,.?
IkeI,,,,., it sa .. the ake_".,Jl<,
Wh,. did Ihelly II,.?
l\o:t;\uso th. Ipide pied h.r.
s S![OWINn IHlW .\
IIY'..i:B puulc ""')' u-l
"Jt.: ""m "''''lb'''II. I alto
. g<' lu "* "Uf }'U""/I:
puu! .. !. h' 1- ru(ll!-
urnn the ""'nU ,,(
th ..... I'riae pm .... hi. h "'ere "pun
In We
... dUflnlli Ply La,t trip to
1:"\<\ field., ",ben. iD the com",,"y
of It'"", .,j,caturoua
who. hh ".y .. 'f ........ In _",h <>1
*1110. ,,_hh And un-
dt<" ... "'u .... >I'e
r""n<I OIIn hcs hu<l.JI",j
in tho> Wlln ,1..... '''1'O<Im of
rl"""roe. pallt1\II)' ,,,,,,,,"n8
t.:olJl d"n .. wl",-" ,,.... uM
.,hen up I"'" ,",un,1 on t"
of ItS ""'nK ,cut,hM ..-lIh !,"ck_
We ...... a.U .. ""., ",I_tonal n;"",
which 13, L , '''1'1_. injO<'ted
"I"nl 01 rwall'} mto t'-cty
d...",w"" Ibn ..... otartod );0
"" ... marvdo ...... Ilvry ....
\oId. it At (>aU t he duty "f
tbe .. to a talc .. h,rh.
l or darina: 01\",,1<1
il. neHlf wal
tioM<l; everything went, nnd Ih"
palm waa yielded tn tlla
"'U" \,1.1 .,
\ .. r ... !""h h",1 'he .ltghw>\ ",m
1.013","" ' f I rul>a.\,',,,
I ",mom!..r Ih'" ,h. 'l.uto,i<m ',f
.nl.<:lhl:"n('o, or ... t1l 1>,..,.-00" ...,.
nes., '" "M)" chid,." b....J
l"'<.'n (lil<""" ......... h= one
of th. (>art.- ..,,,,,,rked: .. 1 n .......
_ 110 ... .bad. nOT ",,,,cit by
t lu. ............ ng pow_ of a dnld ..
on" day al d,nb",. W""' "'e ...
part.:lling of ... hat .... called eonocd
\'lp' r""t liarry, who _ bu'
)nrs old, ILad alrudr eau-n
four pIgS' ltnudtl ... and Wa5 dam
nnng f",. "", ...... hm hiS tJl<>llu.r
.,,,..1 '\ don't tlunk you had be,
'.r n l any more. Harry."" you will
_ I ..... bowie "",n
. "" ... , mam"... "'pbed lIany,
" mum""t of .;]oent though1,
., ""'v ju>t ....... 11 lhe tra,h
nf boKie 1I'\0ry in Dl} mInd
nnwlUld rm" all. give me Ml"'.e
.00,,", pip' So. from a p"",ly
Iw,.,., 30 ,Mn'l lOS he b.>.d heforr "
.. \. e ... ' .... i.1 &no;>tht'r m"",her of
"'ho ... as a eng'n .... ,
"&<1m. chilo.lrfll p<oci<>1U
",,,,,,,rung power ... for I romem""r
... hen FOlnny .. thAn 1"0
ohl, .... l.OQk hoor 10 ,,'iajl1lra,
and a1," "",M R ""h'ulat;(,n ",I",h
I"""vtd how ,n'Kh watd ruM OWr
the Fa'i. in " ulOOth 10 eAA,t
wu IiI." .... for a',,, ",,,.
"",nt<. an" ,t *k",l " the .n
I"n..-..... u'oj "'t, .. n U'D '10""'1'0 n
slul'. lUI Ih. <1'0<\<0 who h"" "
,-en 0/" .. aM <I.. f
.... h,<h o.o.IJt"I I" th ..
Imp ........ '...,..., of ""
t ... uo\linl. rwroarltood "Th __ aTe
in,l-t """",rbl,1e stonr., .. h, h
If"'" voo'l' the f rotn
W po'or': ',t I "' .n " ,.,,""".
""'" .h,,11 b.>L;,;,<,n.. 1 I" I'<U' In
S"",I..,r!an,J, ... b"h I II",.
heon ,,1>\00 lu upb",n ..,usfac-t nly
10 my"'U, 1 .,;&1 .... nll' f"r the
n'!1i1t at a 1.\I:e ,nn at ,\11,1 '"1'. when
til. h<><t,oc'bu II.> 1 p,,,t.,,Iy IIM,,J
of my "'I'UI;\ll"" ....
t,,11 llIe tMI <one of ""'l:h1,,,n
"".1 " ohiO wh,,"11 they kUN w'"
deaf ...,,1 dumb. Th. pM .. n\< ),a,1
rna,le ,,11 I h.,.., hide It 1 . I\"'b
d,apl',ng 1I"",ls, etl-, ,., ,""
I ... n"IIee, ou"h M nil ","I h.",
<10, hut without ""u,I, an,! It, reo
lieve m,n,l . Ihe h",t lukt<! "'.
tn eu"",,n, rhih!'. I di I
.., vcry tloo,nul!hly, "", I
t he to he a h, l'tl ..... "ne, ",hen!'
in Ih. rhild ",,,oJ.! I Ii"'''' up tt) La
daaf 0.1",,',
,. r:", p",nLf, wh" we", S,,',
d,,! n"t R .. m>\ <>f I':"r.t. )0, I tol
Ih'" til (,,, I ... ii" .. I I
u jf tun,rthing o:ooul,1
""t done 10, the ,h,I<L
.. 'A',,,,,lutrly 1
pi;"'!: the <"IL<e i. """"I ..... '
"T" my .. the
",b,,'b " ....... ,\ >OK monthl
old, IoolrN up lfl ,"v frote with "
1IWN't. in/ulLle om;'" an,! mur
mured M .. ,h, .... lv
It .,und. 'II<"re.lllllo I know,
a I""'I"h .nl e"ery
one. but IlILne h""t .puke
G.,..",. ... : II ,,' an a<;.
tual fact .
Somr'i"",_, .fter ea<h of ". haJ
"Pun Iu. yam. 'I>-re ";&I a d_
.."n ... t'-' ... h ha,1 ,ull Ihe bnl,
an.1 .t b ...... 11>0 """'1 .. IIt;"n .. ..s
110 d.- Ihal It '""k fon.M .....
art1""",nl and 60,", httl. ro ...." \L
.. ule ... o.I"j>\llt. In" cvml""
",,"'n of the I<>n,1 ju.t menli""ed "
bo an _)' maltor 10 n,lju,li,
<aU!, M'le-r\Mlc .. , jll.1 IrMoo
'" 1'1:'c, .. e w,ll a.>lt 0,,1' Y(lWlS
puuh'IJ In pirk out the mon ro-
m;uhble (If lil ..... Ybml, gi>"wlj
reuone for the l'",ferenOil.
b.;,. ennculed
UpOn th. fhedr(rd baltl<t f,e'd
r',,, (Q<l"ll><l'it in tbe nutks; ,
loh - ',oM "",kes a """",n p n
l[,.ng , .,.jIWIH ",,,,.k. ",,0.1
bnnk. . ,
My .,1" \. lbough "'''''(;011<0.1 L)' he
To '"' <11"IftS'<I
I. Ioul. all,,,, t I 'h'''k 11";
II d<",bHul at bNI'
I/"J!hcr ... 16, 1. H . U. 2. IS.
'. II, 5, IS,
COl"" "'" an<l I'n, ,,-bu y"" ....
T" nt\' .. -ho . 'IJS tn. .
Ano.l wh, h 1m 'U", f ..... "ill reiu","
W, .. h" \<0 ll",ol wM.'al '
"no J.1.20,S.S..".11 14
J. S, 12. ' ,
.\ fmr:! torn!:" land. '
1"u a b,ty 1",1' CILtIl8 .. ngong
o I"d, lmghl, from thin. 0""" I",,.

A I Bm bnnging:
lie h"" ,n mountain. OeM my
(, .. t ,
He dar ... nol oome to thee;
(ere B<,<'Urr<t would on him bu .. t
He 1I,o,d,,", ...,ndt-llL "'0. '
And 1.,J"ullL lell thoe to ..... k
Wh ..... ht ",II ,u",ly !r_<"<'t Ill"".
011..:,"": t1vf "',llI fur 1"'"
" 'x 0.1_
PM th,n. a,,'n \rue lo,-ft . hoJl
grt'OI 1\" .... "
a t m" I fa,,'o, lit early da .... ,
To m" "on<! the
And, '\", wor<1. hee'lord.
\\ bo b&J my who!"
C)'Vh", Ano. 16. I, 19, 19, 16, 15,
18, 211.
In )"'" ,'a.t 6rld of CUllivaud_1>&<:<'
[ 11,...... .0 fouoo.l with ..,=\)en. o f
til)" ra .... ;
tnCI if yeu ... D "hi-
y"" 110..., .. ill fmd whal briILlr' """
to \ ... 01"" ...... ;
T;>\;e on. m<OR ""t, and 1hm you'll
pl",,,,lv _.
II"IuLI !" an, 0.1."",<>1, tloy Ly day,
Cypber ,\n .. 2.1, 8, 5. 1, 20 .
Why lenf of tree like ,h,.
hoolyl ba ... ";n
In II.
What is ... hi<h i. :rngth"n"'"
hr t.,"'t: <'lit at botb mdsl A
d' icb.
PROPOSITION-What will be Ibe , .ili
'nigbt riM or faU?
if the monkey &lItmpl:l to climb Ihe rope? WW the

. . told problem ,"
.Pplll'nl .. mph .... ty. ,I
.,d to ha .. e cauoed
1_ .. Carroll <:OlIIIderll>le dotq."e
tude \\beth .... t.he ratl'lOm aut"'"
01 "Abce '" Wo""',,,bn.J: who 'f<a$
." Oxford proleA<>l" 01
wa. the originll\.Or of Ihe prohl.n, ,.
not kDOW". but .n a" M',I lInu ....
mentioned ;n ....nt I'al'",r Ui"'"
h,. wnlinit ... ,1 dningo. he (or
"fonna.t>O/l upon the folk.w,"g sub-
"II, to "'"., ", . ""-
pulley, if ",.pend .. 1 " len.poun<l
counler ...... ght, ... h,eh Wlanto
actly wilh monkey tal,nl: In ap
pl.,.winglng I I Iht "Ihu",,,d, ... hat
w(Hlld be Ibe mult of Ih. m"nhy &1
\empuwdlmb Ih. rope'"
"I t Is Vtry curiOUl," .. )'. f..e.. ,.
CarToll. "to "Ole Ih. d, v, .....
taken Ly good math.matic",,,,,
PI"K'e saya lhe .... ,gh. g",," up .. "h
In=u",g veloc,ty. Both CW' OD a"d
Haroowt "",,,,\at.D thai .bt wl'tghl
up a. ,hc ... me raU! of speed u
lhe monkey; .. h,l. Sampson sar_
Ih.o, ,t do..--n."
A dnuugu .. hrd engi
n_ sa)'1 "II .-o"ld h.oVt no _.i
leu II"", " By er"wlIng "i' a
-.h,l. I te,enl .. 1 clauruo Ih.:tt "Ihe
1tC:',(I:h\ would rtJe .... lower. ac<oni-
W 0.. inverse ",,;0 01 t.he.peed
with ... h,eh the monkey ale Ihe ap-
Vi. " ItCIIl which. h"""vef". 'Muid
lie ulrac-t.d tht square root althe
1II000key. tat!. Ser-iuu>ly .pro.king.
" , p",uy, "od ... 'h<
f'r,ne'r1o of I.., ..... CarroU's monkey
puzlle h", Iome. mlleh-di..,,,1I>o<XI
vroLlcm ... ortby 01 ..,no"o COt,";d
emt"",. it if; .. nte<! to il1ustnle
Ih. inlima"" ,.IAtimahip
puul ... nd ",,,,,h.:tni.,,! prnbl.m.,
II ;. a ""II-Imown lact lhat lhe
0, puuln 01 "oy ku,d ,,"40
0". a tleat '''"''iIhl ,nW Ihe vnn""
vln <.>f La ... or nalural
In theory the problem a])pUB
to be .lInol .. ..
neen! conundrum wh'ch II roml
the round. as to .. hu II II tlull on!
r<> lip iI .... " or do...-.!
do ... n,but WJlI OOt ro up
a chImney up nnf do...-.! & chimney
up' (AD u",Lrell".)
Fo. Bi bl...studont ..
If l he cbdil",n 1-\.. ", in
Slaughln of lho hn<><'t"I1I' w ....
buried in .... d wlll\ LUI the nl]:bl
I(JOI he, ... ooutd you ttll
the j:lrb lro"" Ihe boY"
1'11;. h" !'u .. ltd mlnr the<:>-
1000'ara. l-ul An.WeT iI IImple:
Only bays ...... IIA"Ihtertdl
A Flu JIlDU'''' Talk oa Chemistry.
Withool buro.nil,1': til.
"",h 1000hnical "",,_Ial"'" I. "",10 10
"y .. fe ..... rd. abou' m"ml<'ry for
Ih<- bonffil 01 tht at Iarsr and
the lI\ldeol who moy be mtcre.l ....
in p""..inlI; tlw oubj""t lurlllt .
W. 1<...... I""" the te)[, buoko Ihal
<q-anic- .httniJ.ry U'Ul\ 01 th'Dg.
.. htdJ 10 brutht, <-",.
and gro ... JiU .ni",.I, aD'" '<1[<"
.w ... ,,hi1< inurg;lruc chn,,,,,ry 1"",.
WnJ It> .... k>. g..>a tc. ,k
cord'n&" 10 the atoo-ric , .... ". Ih<-r-c
an: 71 Oticinal.lm>rm, "-'h eh g"
,n the makrop 01 'l"h< ...
oJcmonU consi'l nf
.."..u atoms ... hid! oombi"" .. '"It "n ..
u .tmu It> mala SC'>h. "'.''',<, "' .... 1.
teal. ,,'al<r. zrid.
\bill WoI.>- Her. are thtc ] I 010_",,:
II win bt Ottn that of the .Ie-
"""n,, ha. i" dlemi",,1 ")"Q'hoI ""d
Ih.,,;e "tlmb... llIt;t ""'tD.
combmo ,..;th :noms \0 produce
add. QIto. b ..... or compound. <mly
'" "",Il;plu of Iho<e !ly
drrtgm (H) il lho ligh_1 01 all
bo ..... ... b.tantts and i, th.rcl_
drrcna'<"d.s I. It f""Moth Ii", ..
u LlthI .. >,i,. In:m ,,hieb mi!tht
'"",,iI, estimate its usduln ... {n. bo-
Oxygen (0\ being 16 timn IS
bury .. II hal 16 fot it.. a,,,,,,k
""",t." and uni,., with other de-
' ... in p-""\l<>ttioru of 16. 64.
de. In uniting those el"" .. ,,\.1 10
f""n l ... "",,,1 .. 0 1'1......
after tho: ,n .. to 10_
lho In.1, J"t or 4,h I")wers.
1"1 .. '.-r gn ,dea 01 lite
,,'on. i" exl' ..... """
like .\-' + 11'_ Xl" - 1. the dl<m"l
dHcribtt. hi. f"rmula in _ymlluh liloo
110 + NallO Xat.1! 11'0 ... h,d!
... vr. otC' II' (0."0')'
iSlh. I .... mula I,.". n,ln",I}',w_
int .. lIu<1"", lhe
on eav',,"wel. CI'" me
IItt: o,he. day,
H.", art _ of COI'I,b ..,..
ri'''''' for aci.h. "lti'h ,'." .. iii li(..-
I" all rQ"lain h,.1r""n:
Xi,ri< a,,;,1 >:11, I'
lIy,I" .. hl,,"< ,..;.1 110
Sull'/tlmC ... ,"'II'SO".
f''''''l'h""" :..;, ... ,rI'O
lIydrob.",nic acid nBr.
ll>tD w. get Iht d,ff .... nl 14111 bJ'
lltting '''''Ial. in Ih" lei.l. in
01 H, ..... n a, hydru .. "",l 1",--_
,,hioh I'(rl.lin W lilt ch.",,,,al nO-
The ddfttt1\1 ",,,11'1'1 .. of all 01.
mont ",il1l"I>11"" "tirely di>l'-Ifnilar
""n'I"',,",I,. 11lO i. Ih"
(ut a"J i"dical" d",t ,WO
atom. fil 11 ,., on. alOrn Ilf 0 form
0 br'''1:" 16 ti,,, ...
than II ,h"", tI'" 11 /.'ml' lite '!'Ih
1"0 01 "'Air'. :-low in .. -.aJt tlK:
fil 0 ."d wh.t ... a. a
",'Ide" Iiq"i,1 brcomu a Ih",k,
>l""l'v "'''''1'''',"<1 with. boner
.lId O<lot "'h,d, ... ,U
""I I.te .. inton", co]J, :-<n u""
h.ol )cl betn (Of Ihi "rI
Ai, ...,."i.1I 01 "",,filth ""n=<n to
(ourfilth> n,lmi:<n, In,1 ytl 1>... dil_
. imilar """,,,,,,,nob ",,"uit f'Ofn Ihet.
.. Nitrou. oxi.1t (bugh_
inl: i;"q i, :\'0. >:"ri\: 0.",," i,
NO, !"ltlJU. anhy.I.;"" i.
1'(.0)[;.10 i. !'O:. ni_
lric anhydridt i. 'S '0'.
Anything OI"y be
burned Dr r1",nl:ed bJ' chonlic:oi
tiort but Mlhi", is ootl'O)'td, ... cry
atom ean "'" ICCO<Inud 1M and ",.
.\oI'td. h i. lOm.whal Ikin to Sit
Walt.. Ralo;l:h. Ihot he
"""IJ .. ti!;h Ih n""'", frnm h .. t<>-
lie carc(nl1, In1
,,cili:h.d rho ashe. lrolll his cip, ..
.. hieh, ftom lhe: ",.i", ... 1
... oill" I of .hl' I ohAo .Iho .. td ua,-tlr
how ,,,".h h2.,1 ...... ,n ,,",,k .
1I1".dl, 'lK:aki1\j: ,ho a .. two
principl ,n d,em;'lry: Analy,i.,
"hK-h ... Or """
p"un,1 10 di'<'rn .. an.1
'rnd, ... .. hid! combinn the olt-
ItI<1II1 1<1 f',"n odtrt ..
n'e n'<><km eh'IIIi" knowl inl.llo-
",nl1r which of ""illr-c. !,roduol>
mnt>.in th. demm" l"fl]UitTd to p""
dute new nmbin:u;"" and in ..-p-
..... I;ng Ih<m .. ill ..... e the othe, .Ie--
m<tlU an.1 form ... 'uable hi-pro-
It "'!'lira but b,u., knowltdgo: of
chc-miotry to tnlt<e It"..- bl",.lIy the
:oId>rmi,,, wf", gmring ,n ,h.
or how amurd art til. 1"'1"'1"
,turic:. of l;Uat chemical .Ii.,<,,,,,,,,,,,,
"""';"11 been bil upon byatd<:dL
N.(ll!ng uplain. prineipl", of
hollet !han the little- pme
1)1 <1""';00,. which I h.artily tOm.
..... n,1 I ... "'y}"l>lltlJ;- Think nt
an! .binl: and 1 "ill gu",. i, in 61_
q"""I;"'" t<> ... hich y"" nrcd ....
ply but 'y .. " or """." ,\11 "lP>t, Y""
lhoogl'l of ". h2.'"C
yo" > due. i, b<long to
ltinj!<km? ":"0." T"",.
goo.'1, d, .... '" alroaily IO.OCO tI'ing.
whi<h I know it "0"'. I..)oes it be-
long 10 v.".-.:u.IIlt kingdam?
"No." Goo.I. Mw Ue" wl>.>l.
101 01 \hine' I know il i,nl. a"d 1
know il h<1ong-. to ,he mine,....1 kinl{-
dool, -10 I alk ot <.or,"". i> ;1 mOlal?
"Yes!" I. il ",,1,\ al ,lit- h.fllwa,-.,
.I ..... ? "V ... " I. il k,,,d of 10<>11
"Yet." l)\)t,;t have II) be slurp-
Th .. , "' .... fo"li"\,
q""'lion. bull .. ". """'Ii,,>: no "me.
10 ! will lump lut or qu<:ri"". Now
1i,l<n. b it \lilt of the lollowing ar-
briel' A 6,-., ol>ovrl. spoou, p<>irzr.
turn .. , banunet-.
curk ..,,,, ... or pionl "Ya r
Hurrah, ;\ i, 0 ... "f tight. and you
can tTd""" eighl 10 Dd<: in three
'I"l'i""" "" I go:! il in ten 'lueri ....
Ingen;,,,,> """,10 may originate
d...... '1u ... li .... , ... hich .1imi""le<1. of .rtid ... ju""
.h.mi . dimin.o.u. and l""""'$ IlIOn:
by "'''''t lhere ill oct. than by wb:u
,h.", i.. It remind. ..... of whol a
tony .. t<"I\c about .all "'I;"
,hat rnaho ror and
Wt. orful bad .. ben thef"C
;.n't .ny!
The d.'yrt re:L<l.rt .. ill ..., lhl 'hia
,nnoiple well .11=t",\.e<I in thill
"Ite Itrtutt <In no tul ...
"" formulu "ytn you an: ca_
1>led to dta..- all inionna,ion rOIl
(In from Ihe I.....,no which .ft' not
i'ropt>SitiQn: D,.lda II", GttI:.k Inlo W'", p:._ ....hidl will tlt tOtothor and form a lutaD,iulnr DbllIll,.
To mu,I .... ,. the of work-
ing a puule acco,dinK ,0
the n,om a r"lc Ahould
work bolh " ... yo, We illlrOll",'o ..... _
Jell.tbl. I'roI,I"", wl",,,,in Ih. objt<:t
il 10 di&l'(l r how 10 di.ide enlJl
inlO Ihree Vit<:.,. cAn be fil!l!<l
toKeU..". .., .. 10 form ,tangle
"'hkh is Iwice I. 1M):' as il iI wklt.
Thil. o f COlI..... , i, merel. revening
the pnlpO<iliM of con .... I;ng 'ee-
unglo or squ.", im.;> f"rm 01
Greek eron, bal. in ,I
,he lIIgiu which ",,,,1 be fined 10-
getlltr. is nut.., d,fflCUll" the oth ....
Th-.C,O..... CC"'u,-;: ...
II ..... we luv. th. :'U1<i,'tl1 SW,,"'lica
Iymhol. "hkh .... 0<\ forth by Prof.
IVHlCn of 1M Smilh . ..,n"" !rutitule
of Wa'),;"gtou. in gre>t wo,k with
om,. Ii,'. h'md .. d il1lm,"lioru Irom
tll(C A:<Irc nlQlmd. Dr lhe
Py",",;ds of EIOT'I, It.< n,in.ol Troy
an,l of and 100;"" l<>r.-. w",
",,,, "f ,h. oI,1ht .i",. of Ihe human
r' 10 be ltilced Ihrough prc!Ii.lorlC

It i. II", .ign of '1.,.1< '0
after Ih' ",.nn" of the mod .....
I.onnboe. and i. faunt! "" anri<nl
I"",pk<, wi", In<! ,'.;'",n,,n\; iD
......y Ih:U loues no """" f"... """bI
U 10 ib Irmct mt<rpTr13Iion. aI-
lilt same an k fM
,h. y ......... tho Hamrne-r
"f Thot, Ir""",-n in .'o1""",,}, 'M
Mutot'. "",hlcmal;""t 01
1'0"'-.... ant! dtcio.ioo_ find
i, M..,.n...1 i. .. m,,". old "",-nl>orriptI
.. I,Un!. or fourlOOfed, wh<n- il
i. "",,,' .n as l(JUt I"!:,, bnnching (lUI
fm-n ,he ten'er_ It i. onh- -"- =ria-
lie .. 01 .ho M,m>-rl _;,::n. and in .hi.
lorm ;. lmo .. n in Chir>. liS M" ...
meaning "nl:lIlJ' ionl': yun. to yOll.M
Prof, Max Muller oayo ,Ilt Eign i.
found in -,,-,,< n,;ns and in "'(2.-
,-.Iions in o""Y pan of Ihe
and ",,,'1 btrn I>"i"onall )' te<:-
ognlv::d. II it a more
. 0
'" " 1\ 1M ,Ii",,v.-ry (>f a my.Tic
socm, \11.11 "" f,,,d "h,." We toke Ih ..
tnilikm "f Ihe "1"3'" an,1 ",ark ,h.
, i .. ", of !-iw",I;," ;n the nlor,
Ih .. lo,.r !"IN will I"rm & I','r-
icel Crk ''''', anJ if We ""'rk il
wilh the whioh "'u
anothor aDoi...,1 ')'11,,,,-4. four
quart ... ",ill /""" Iwo a, .. _ 1
ThfOl"l(iaD' ",il(ltl a .1.",1""
inlerprol.>hn" lTOm Ih ... mY'l.....,..s
'" "".y. Ali. I j"" ,I.", "', of
an onl(, .... 1 con"n,("""." ..,i,1 Cbu-
kr. who 111""11111 II.. ... 'a. on
to. ""Ikl ( .:>IIng ",U,. t....i,y.
h\\ I,)' ;. the """"" like uil of
cloth., I"
"Mr,_ ",,1.,,1111,, "If .. ,.'
"",-,<1<... " p ... ,un", y'" da"
110.1 till'''' i. a mall in I,,,,
opini"", dilfft lin thai .,,1 ..
jttL" And o.arlq ,h" ""nil
sliJlping aw,y from unokt hil
I !>ra .. 1 , ""'" I><n<!ing til. oth<r
al",," h,' ".J<WIr.ansJ1ip. and
,";"n", "tI,er IhU1g. 1"-,,,' h. h.d
rrk .... 1 ,II iD "tltd,"ng a
,i<;."" 1",,,,, which III \hww
),illl from the .. ,Idle. Shortly Ifter
wa,d. , met a [rit",1 .... ho had ,,,it_
n .... Ihe I"", uf Ihe Laid riMr, and
"h" gan D'_e .. ,ch " hllm"'''''' d,,
.,f tl" i"<iMn. -'.",,( tl
m.". Lc;ng ,,,,,I!',- "f ,LLLmat:.Jn H'
,,,10 f,:'111. if "."' "'" the
..."Ioly "I tho a< .... o'-''',c.,]crl ,n
11,. clCKripli, ... uf .1", piclure.
A Charad .
In finrlin.: my fir'l don't h< 1anJ{.
And )'<'t nnI .., 1""1: for ,m- _d
My ,,1>.Ac alI'" him al ,he bot,
To wht-m liul" pn.>Iit i. """"ored.
CiphC'r AD .... or.-'. If!. 9. 5.6. u.
So 19. 19-
A CllriO'" Calcubtioa.
Wben !h( Grc-:ol E>,,,,,", ""'.
bur:eh<d ""d "'U ;ut=cting all"nl","
ItOm lU gnal 'i1r. a "",-'hematiea/J<
inc:fino.t Innalic ",ho iI,,,l beon in the,
in bo.inao di.'em ..... ed tlw il a pin
inw ilio hold 1>1 'M
Gr"", Eu' ..... , and on !hal d:ly " .. k
.. II:C<Ind pin alld on lhal tby ",eel<
loor pi .... u<l "" on. doubling u..,
numbet of I'int n<h ,,'I<, for a l'ur.
u..-... ",",Id be III Ihc end DI 6ftyl ....o
',k.. II<) I, .... r tIun
".SO.1.s<nm7.JiOA95 pi"-'_ Allo"ing
:IInO W lhoo e"""., tt.< of
whole would be """.
alld 10 gm.- thc:m III wool<! ""lui,."
shiP. at Iarg<: as Grul
ea,ttTIl. whid, wao gkublod 10 hold
ton .
A R.bul.
J'm of li'll< iml"'flano-e .... off wilh
h .. d;
To a foo: I ""1:1" lhen t..: 'he I"IV!'
Md ,1"'ilI!.
Iwict. ",",J ",h,t
An" I>n "ilh I ."d.
I:OOK nI<l I D,in.,naid lo:a,hlllC I co-o.
..'h ...... ,""" 1M m."den w,th
l .. mI'.
"Wh., fright...,. w", Han,_
I,." ,t"ing ttl kl .. me againsl
my "ill." p;,llhe <0)' !Mid.
"H_ can I do that ... -;110 Ihe-<e
animals on my ltandlr
uk"' Tlans.
"Wb:1I 1''''' ..... 11 you from IlIndt-
in!: your nno l"le lhe (found ... ao
10 rafteD the 10 it and lhen ])III
,,,,,:r ... UDder my pili I" queried
the maidon.
"flaule ,hat <_I-Iooki"g OOW
rn;lrhl hook 1M," said Ibns.
"Oh 11131 1001 crow wtl\,ldn'l hook
nobodY'. and i. 10 you
And 101 you've I W1lDd"onll'
for )our 1"''"'.
Cipher A"-,,,'er.-'X>, 18., 9, 6, 12, S-
Anae""o Punle.
Mak. nne wut<1 "iU, U. ieue ..
/AH' rs.
If ...... rl.31 Eni""
I. 17. 5. 6, i.30 "P''U.
'I. ,1\, "). a ... _'. earr.
I,. '''- IV. u. ,(" a Ix.otle..
$ .:!. III. a
13. II. 'fI, a TeC'1"....
""boJ!<- io OtIC til
play ..
$om. E-roldtlon. Puul ...
h ' ho,,' an V." con--
,'orl inw od.,.,;luling ooe
Ie"", at I (I,ne aDd a1" ...
Cmnrl itlw Nut in thl'ff
in!: !",rfm w"rw.., .
Com'." />ar Inlo ....... r;, ...
. "b>lil,,'inl: ('<Ie ,n
. l>I"ritcl wnrdi.
I" ""w frw ohanl'; co" narln tit
(t"""'''t(1 ;IIk> .. oh,m!:inl; onl y
]'-t!cr '" a Ii",,,, al""y" formi,,!:,
fr, " do.illl:' IlIr .. 01 them into
m)' pI$ld'" .-.pli"" ,he lerri-
fiod maid,,", ADd right .,.".,..
lho tDQOl in1<r<!"ing puule oj the
...... "'hith Iu. }"'t btm 1'.--010<1
10 ou, Identb: lor during llIe JUbse-
!furnl .. i"" It.< idl(>wing fact.
1lxy lound Ih:" the goat
.".1 lhe goose tcgt'<hcr would eal i"st
u muclt J:'fU< at the cow. so ir th>t
fidd \lFQUJd puture the cow ""d the
frlI-t far fOrl)five rb}-s. or lhoo COw
anrl t hol g<:IQ"" .i"ly or the 1(OIt
and Ihc gODK lor ninety d.,- ""W
Iol1g ",wid ,t Ihe <:ow. 1110
gool ",,(I Ihe gQ<l'O' Early
are Han, and Kn'r>na
I,. COnl""I'i>lillg a speedy parmer-
WILL TAKE oceuion
10 Lhal fact
01 .om<' 01 my pulLIn
brin, k_'n doxs
no! ;,nply lhal one
i. />"Hliar "'illl !he an ....... ' 10 Ihl'm,
f.,. the .n",",. LO of
Ille ..-t I'op"b. hoft
bI.eo and, 10 Ia ... [ am
a .. -n. , hay. n<.U ,.,.llr hom
gueued. J ",,11 il1,,"nlc lhi, poinl
hy 1',_,,,io8" ... HUONbIe I:'rcb-
Inn ,he "!-Ieckb Punic:' ,,-hltlo I
lIowed F."enl ... al('l>. Ind "'hkh
'''Of")' one "'ho it fbl1t1"f h"n..,ll
,hat 100 .oIy .. it II OOlto. )C\ [
do not r=t",htr any otiC "ho aIly
found Ihe C"OI",ecl "nfW".
It i. based on In .vcry""y "'"i".,"
tnn .... n\<)n, intended 10 ,how how
the " ... mg. morlal f:O<"' 110. wron&"
A bdy bougllt ,,,.hc pi.-wo of u .hown in the bo.n-'kr of the
pict" .... Ind ,,i.I,.d .0 /11,'. lhem
""'rlt inlO In .mlle ... ntckluc cf 100
linh . ' hol.J in hor hanth.
j.,,ol.r .:lid il "..,,,Id c.,., 15
lit> to cu, .1Id join a m1111
link and :10 emU '0 joinl and cuI ,
large hnk. and ,h. 'l"".tioa it to ",U
jllS! 1>0". much lhe b<11' oboul<l
10 ha,. 110. nklatt ilia,;'
all IllH. ;, 10 11, and i, it p.dly
prtIbIem 'M youn" folb.
A Chand
T..o ""nona! pronouns. if you !like
And j<>in lhem in due .,.<kr.
An hr.b will name ,.;,""'" m;Slok.,
1l\a, .. ."It the cudcn bordtr.
Ciph.r A .... w . -lO. 8. 2S. 'J, S-
A Reb","
Entire 1 1m apil.l: cunain me
and I am otill; !>III bth.:od Ind
me and I am Iookin" lor
Ca pi'"1.
TttiIliu.1e <'O"undrum is bwlt upon
the lallowi ng ,nciden< <",m rQ\ !ifr;
... am no drcumLocuion nor
,,"11 "bom d.>.t wife 01 mi""
.. bm 1M am ill de htunor 10 1M:
bnef." O<>IiloquW:d Mr. W ... hing_
t(oq John"ne when ftC' c:urc hfllll<' a
""" ... b", lor lbe e,=ing m.:ol
... d the lard", as empty""
.... -.
Wh., :om il. utd ..... om
mid dliclring r he asked in an in
t""'lIC\orY WIT U "I I .... J.r
Two ... hieh naturalh ... !J..ol
r"" two but :\,,... Joh ...
.... no! the h,tItXW for prOlr:ltlC<1
""' ........ twn. SO ...-ithout diseoutinu_
..... tblllillie balI3rl of
--n.. lito IKNI...
0... . boo.... -.,d '" h;v;,"
""'" paU$ed to voud .... f
""hbrid .M ........ which rov.....,,1 h-"h
rt1 1<'C\.o.. ."" Mr. John&inlf. wi",
,.,..<1 I"" .i/tM "I ri.i,,!:" I.".ilv
"rmL..,d ,hal il w('."I<\
, ". to mok. himRlf ocvcc.
It "' ... n ..illlM t1VCfl M" ;ntonrlC<1
t.:r JoIIn"ng II a rOOluldtum.
[rut Ihat OUr rClde .. nllT be en
Hip",_II..",. tl ... Ian ..
h. "1' 3 hil al the
nf one ond _ half ptr hoor
and ,,"m. tlu"'Q at 1),<: 'al. 01 foor
faPf":'n wi,h [)a.klown ..... ,.Iy
nen'> ... t fL ...... ' " io puulo: lorm
fO!" \)Ur 10:1<. 10 ..... 1) ov .....
IQ _ il Ihey an dixon .. the brief-
... P'*ibl .. I ... ",,,r to :\[r. John,in,.
IWO 't'
A 1"ly 1x>Llghl a boojuct at the R01'"-
is" 1o. IlImj_I"". cents and hId.
one dclw- bill . lit,..., [.." pit<:e and
:0 t...., nl TI .. Herin had
Itnl twO coins in lbe tilt. and thc.-.,.
In, ..,.,Id not maltc tbo clJanlC". A
hd!:I,! nt" ... ,boy in who h:od two
(<'0 Ccnl Ilkc ... a five. a ''''0 3nd
nne <""tnt pil"<:o. who ,ho ... ed 'h"'"
to d"" .. (h. /i""n""! .it"",i""
.., 11'31 e.-orr o"e w"' ldt willi their
<orr",,1 oml,un, M ch.,ng<. How dii.!
n,.".".I:. tOJ ,to ill
n! ... '>crnr",! in 110. dayl
1 ... 0 In,1 Ih, .... (em in
Tht I .. I"" ,In grown 10
n\.>11hoo!l. IUId .. tlce ",,-,hier 01 the
101')("" hanking i"-<.tilUli",, in Ibe
l'n!lM St.,!e_ .
on'\ b,,11 mil ... P'" bout. "" lba,
h ,r>r>1t hIm i"" .'" hOll .. '0 ",.k.
Iht wt1n<! trip. Can )'0\1 tdl bo ...
fa, h ,,'u te Ill" tcp of the hill?
;, a lottie p" .. t. d"";l(nCd
til iUum"l" th< of ... t
lItion in I to di
= .n unknown ""gIl! /N'" a
fr:t(tion:ll 01 1 .... 11. A. 1""0<1
i!';on. arr 1(;'.,,"
to ;n,m,.t .... l:inn.'" In the ,mb
",mtaL I'rinril'ift. of 1I1J:wn. and rIOt
for the ""'1'O"cllf 1'\, .. them, '!".
p'5<1>! lh. uplanal1011 wah th. poe-
ture hefore thtm.
Alg<bra \"".hu ". \11,1 the bal.
IMe i. not .,ff"",,,! 1,,, ft11",,'ing sim-
il:u- q"'ntj,j,. I""" \"'Ih ,;,k. of on
tqll'U"",. "", in d", f'1,",I"'11 lint.
I'fOIlOIllinn Wt rtmOVe
d til_ ,,-h<>l. brick au" .'1\1 off the
tllfff-quartC' bat. Thil til.
...,ijl"ht babncinlt with ""e-quancr of
brir:k. thcrdorc if one q""n,,," (If
brid, "'.;![hl Ihrff-<J'I.1r1<T1 of a
pound, a ",1>:11. brick .... ;,:h . three
poundJ. It """ .. Ill. _
lution 10 l'""t. Jab', pmhlftn 01 thc
gOOle which _ciihod oc,,", l'''o''ld.
and Ii", .... IIIN of il' 0 ...1\ ",-eight
Cut th"" the goo<. al .... )". Aid tho",
wu no .n ... .,. to the rn"""".
ah,""1 \oR ...,nmll:"" fM the
Lig fuh .Iory ,,'ilich (0' tf1!-
hail bet!! the lmot of """1
gradualing Khobr. The hca.J of tI,$
6.11 " ... nine fed long. lhe body :u
ic:wIg .. I>r:od and Ian qether.
and Ihr lall u Ion!: .. the bro.lI Ind
half of lhe- body. The h 11 being
I k"""'" qu.nlilv we Ihe lm!rlb
o f Ihe bod .. III be 9 plus hIli of ,he
tlil Tbc i.illhcrdore "'1".1, 9 (Ihe
lind) an,1 half 01 9 (4'/') which
mun 1311 addttl 10 Nil of il .. l f.
i . ... her. the remnbbllce 111111.
A Rob",
(Nn """.
My tI,;,d ,.. I""noun.
fourth JOm. propl. never pay.
M; ... hol. iI natron,i.tcnL
Ciphn- A"",,"o'.--9. 14. 3. 15,11. 5.
18, S. 14.:)0.
" ...... lDI4 u.., '0'9 104.... ,110 "it!>
<I,. __ -.-n' or ........ .. ,b.
. ..... "_ L<ord .,.... ... 01
...... ._ Lb. _
" b4nI.o ... hoy 011.. "" ... 0' .., ......
4"... ... , .. , "lin,,. 4q)l&r. It",
Io&<hd __ ' to .. ",b'.
..110,,. I.,k be< ILl'" fo, -" ."'
A ReblU
My fin! in Plgtanl grand 011 forml
a I'MI.
K<"Ol!<i il tho "I yoo.
11... ".
:\I)' ... ho.k .....,Llun )'0'" pukr =J b<
'yh ..... : .... r. I' oay. m) -.I ofl
<':i[lh<. A"''''''.-J. I . It\, lb. 5.
A Cba ... de
M}' Corn an r"",,1e
nul k.,,,,,:y Iw....y' ,10' I:
M) mon,. ""..I trc \1 J"" tile
,,'-'Y{. if Ih;. roll 1. "ore <lilly
And to. the .lta. \I.,h- 1 ... 1,
T" be my .. hoi. "hl<ll migh' be
A IUbul
Tbo<lgh 01 "'Y fifll Ihc lIuxk =1
My nexl hr pn""l 1."1'rc::
Who 00 my "hul .. At""g _It
Shoul<l end"t .
Ciph.r ll"",cr.- '16. 9. U. I.
7, ;
A R.bu.
),Iv (,,,t. la,liC!!. ,."" ",ill finu.
i. M my .. ..,,,,d ",,,10.
MI' I':"" r. i, d ... 'b'"<,j
t,pon my fir I 10 ",,,II.
ClphorAn<w,r, -1, !!l-. ,), 4. 5.
13. 1.9.4-
00 , ... , pot <Ilt'lOf'R' ........... , dlr
t ..... , ""... ",_I> ,be O_ub' or
, ... " ..... _U>t ...... f'l'" '. 110." .1
, ...... """'b' ......... ".!. TIl., Wll> ......
bu' .... .",. ."''' ..
.... , ... , .. " I.", b.d 1"'<'0
"'<I,b "'" ... ... I.,.. N .... .. I>0 ...
n_ ,h. _ ... " to ... .."
i. f.",ili,.
pa",l .. of the ,h;p', mr
pent who h:tJ IU p>t<!!
.. squa.e hoi. b,' '''tim!:
I bit or w"'->Ll iPolO two j';ota
It f,,,.,,,, a ".h, . bl, "ml imrr ... ing
I.,,,,,, ib whi<h', ",ell
"'MIll a, ;1 ,,;11 \'ou
u. ',iRlnal,' cr r..,,il., ""I'e 011.<.
punk' Ih 01.....
flbl,,,,itO 01 'my J,_.ircd r>ro;:ortionl
may "" lotmI bY off ,""
01,10 of a Jqu.o..-" inlo a given omohr.
"1'1'"'1: then .narkinj; off tI .. bue
10 0' tn (l'ftl;Lin 1<......
.h" ",ill he grntcr in wirlth th:In
l><iKl'l. Thm m>..k th .. and
<11. do .. , .. on tllr .tcps all ,bn-.;". and


II I\\" pi ..... f,,",, pan ....... lor IKW
l'''lLZlr t .. be Ji,'lded inlo two piot ..
br ",,<Ie InIO >quares. H .... i, tl'"
"fl>Onln InJ brlow him .h. t..-o
_rd.o !luI otakI' two "'l"atf$.
In \>112.11.. of Ihi. kind the
d""c",1On.I of square
be by multiplYIng the
,ide hv 111< baa<"..... 'h.,'h. " n Ih. ell"
the carr>rnln-. punle: 9x16. and
or &tn,s will alwAYI a
"'I";'. numbrt. Ily the 1'",,1. pro-
.. , 01 wnrkinr backwlrd. w. _
Ihal th. Ioc 0 11,. mIl>! be
di"i,!",\ nft ;",0 a nt1nlht. of
.p;>ce Ji")y iargt-r. anrl conlain
;"Jr <me """. 'I"" lhan .1.. foiLl 0
make "'P' fnrm .. perf1 square.
A kincll.rly who thari.,
r" ... ,...,.,k 10 """"e "redy penorut
hinl.,.! to h... pen.;""'.. INI """h
"",,101 te<:tive t wo ohilli"ltI more ir
,''''''' we"" E.:r.c.
",,,,,dimnl endtaYllred 10 puluade
II I, cur to j'tI .... the numbt:r of
for I"" Old( .and baH. but 10
r.,juc. Iht rroblm .0 an ex .. ", od.
i. is ",,,U to apply following
",I .. for "I'""ing rttUnj1l .. :
To th. length 01 an)' rottanj(le <tdJ
the "'i<lth. 10 a. II. oouin 1M d;'"
Un A to n. th.n LI'ilh .. p1i. of
c:ornpa ..... 1',.-",.. 01." the """In C. de-
..ribr lite oemio;itrJe, R A. "Tho inl ....
Ition or "'" arc ",iob the line from
E to 0 ,h .. rortttl. ,i ... 01 ,b.
squ.o... 10 be tn,;I, from 11M: ra-t:.nJ:lc.
Thr Ir"OOn 0 10 F ohmvl lhc!
, .. 01 Ihr .0 be repre>mlcd
on (h., .; I .. of lhe ....... nl:' 10 ....
lind in ,hi, caw- " rne:lsure Ii...,
of sum .pattI-, and :os lhe b:u.c 1Du>t
(OI,bin """ more '1'""". " . di..ufe it
ell inlO six. The: diff ... I."gth
brtw .... " to B an.1 E 10 0 """-Ild
. "1' .. ..". 1"" wi<lLl, of 1'" .equired
"'" 1'" buc liM. The abo ....
l"rmuJa lOIy .. te<:tanglf! ih>.1
"as t.,ilt ftQm a by th.e elf
Pf'O<'CS.I. IIlll tho Euchdi.n
"'lticb r>erlOnt1l the fGI in three
piN:" Irom .ny ,orlangle is 10 cui
On Ih. dottr<! lin<'l----()n lhe bi>5-
f"'ITT B to 0; "I' lhi: lop pira
.nd eliI' 011 Ih" lilL1. e>rn<' X to
p;tlrb wilh. It;5 ," bo,uli ful rut.
with which all p"uh." .bnu1<l be b
",ilia . PO nOw 11,31 )'011 un<l,,,I.-,,,d
tho p.inclpl "'" you squar. the t wo
illustnli(>n. gil'.n'
the OIh.... 10 kc .... "Wol'". Xttrnhe--
I .... 01 "'" ,",xl """'ing .... one
".... on hand, aruJ f<>lt. MW appl;'
CIInl '. 10 lh """y 01'" got . hill
ing I .....
C.n '"Ott tell ho ... much Gc. """
.teei .J.1
.", pr:l<"uoal p",h\em .. in
All t",dc<, SO It " ... Ie t., th.t no
one i, a" adept at hi. .. unl.,.
I,. hu pieked up a lew w';nkl .. to hil collinI/". llonul
John Q)" tml ",hat lie "dnn't k,,"w
about m,II< i ..,arcdv .. 'orth menllon-
i"II':' t..:t w Marl.' !1abbtrl!'aJtC'd
one.: ... h .... had but twO
te" pll,," "no f,,11 of ",ilk. anrl t ... o
CUO."""" "'ith a...J a four
ql1lu mco..u'. wa"tl tWO quartl put
iDto nch """' ..""e.
It i,. iuw\in;;: tr",k rure ln,llim-
ple. <kY<>id nl tnck or d, "'''''. but it
eon. I", "''''h cl<'vem ... to f:tl t .. o
quam "I milk inlo thn ... .....u-
ur .. inl!' II<> r<,<rpu,c1 .. "I
kinrl e:u:q>t tM two anol
tht lWO lull (aQt. " .. , can lry 1m.
",ilb I .... lull." ..... r:ll)(fo
that II iI. Iqi,,""tc prorn.,lion anot
pOI liDy D:':"'-__ _
A Chande
My Ant It or l1l>ny m .... ;
My IffOIld ",,",('I ap_:
Mv .. hole', a 10 100 TNeerncd
\Vilhin . certain space,
Ciph.r Ans .. 'tr.--S, IS, 19. Xl. I,
7. S'
In tht uubcT1nce nl hi< joy at
lhe p ..... p<d of bea>ming a mppy
father in his old O'Sbougoossy
...,.od 10 .elli. t ....... thirds of hi ... -
m. liP'"'" "\he 11m" and one-third
lbe mother. hI'l in "th.
sllotold be" j!irl. tben t"">-third.
of the .. tate .11OI!d I:" to the mother
",1 .... e-Ihird 101M dallj(htcr ; "h""
it d"ol"! .. ,,. howC\. lhat tht boy
A Rebul
My 6 .. t i. ""'nd in the ocean "live,
A. wdl a. in I'il ano.llhe m,n";
M)' bolow lhe ou,f= ... hay.
Wh...., no't't W ",n can
My whole t .... f ... w 1>0;0\10 I(TI'.,
Dut _dOOm 13il. 10 6nd a
Cirbrr I, 20, 3,
5, 12, __ _
A Rebu.
Within my 6 .. , !:'Illant CI't'W
An aoo:hor ... ft may And;
My nu" ye {"'t. lno.Id. 'Ii.
\\,,11'0\11 an...,01 ""y hino.!.
Wit""'t m. whok .. ''''']y \0>.1,
bh,j t .,inn" btu!> an" bot'l"I
Ciph., An, <;<.-3. 15, n, 5, ,8,
9. '4. 7
A ChaDde
WI!"" Kate lhe cook prepvod the
m .. l,
My firft lOa. in ,""u. t;
My n."t i .... n in Lamb """,
A qUllNor aT. hreJo't_
Which wilb my ""oole \l,. table
And trul) ',wal 110 wooder,
Wile" .t the boIord each iIIttt Willi
To 0 my third th,o"" under.
wu a t .. in, "bieb "",".;1 n_..,.
til pn:n;ill; fOT both _ boy an'! _ ,;r!.
u ",oil .. the mother, O'ShaUI(-
n .. mind ..... "'" in tale 10
dmik upon lb., pt"'OJItT ..... y to ea...,.
out tbe lennJ of hi, prcmi... What
do OUT friend the " .. "'-
btu of tho Icpl prolmltm. who Mve
hown ... mucb intcrell in thO$<:
problmu, lOy ohoolld be the
di.ision of OS"'"ul[ll .... y'. uta! .
,., >luted in Im,in .... ' .. .th on odd
1r>t nl and vinl'j[J.r," 1IIi,1 " .hr.wd
'p<cul. ll.... .. At Y 6T5i CU"OIn"r
..... ,9:lIt wort), of ca<:h, 1''1""
''''1<, a' n",d> Inr .,;] a. I",. vinq:ar
f"1' jt>llon, and Idt me ""I "". 1>:or-
rd. I'\ow, Ott if yon ""n go ..... 'hal
thai km:1 _ ....OrIh I"
",., limit. of my ... boI. 10 ......
Is r.,. beyond the reach or man;
Ikhead it and a journey take,
To prove "'hat PTO(fcso you can
",,,It. ;
T"",<pOOc ith rn<ky oi<b """.tcqI
I br ... fury of 1111: deep.
Ciphtt Ano .. . 6, 1,],5-
A Chal3de.
!'\If'IIOM' that hall " nf ...
W ... on "..,.,ntain placed;
Tbe P"'"ptcI tbt,Itt . .. ilhout my
WOuld da.knes ..,.",. "..d ",ute.
CIpher A"' ..... _n. 9; I,}, 9. IS .
Dou any word cont:Un all tho vow_
wI Unqunlionably.
A Charade.
M. " rol-)'ts. I"U con
I .. , it_
'Ti h"ndrl to on. ,r Y"" ;1.
Flu, Whal lhall I .... y 01 .ett'O\dl
JUlt half of " lid. 'i. r<,<konN.
Mv thirrl M5 p<-roon:\l ItUn',
A lady. intktd, may ... ut.
'"Good lor naUl:hl," "'ithout aid pr
M, iJ ona\k lip of odd .... _
AI a >'Il".,,;. .. I'''''' tv ",y I'rua,.
lern 01 vl,1 was _'"n'" a",1.
11)' way of '" Si.lrr
"'h" .... < COt 111"')"'\ ;" th.
""blic OO<\tro"orl' (,f II", .1"1;' ....
w. vr=nl a .ketch 01 the ' <"mini
''fl' old coople "'ho .... ,.., '.'pon
.ibk 10f' the d",:u$lioJl' '"You ... ,"
. (""",ie \Va;! hmk. h...- Mm-
u,,,,,k, wb.h w" ''''ll/'IIrl1
t ... o tr .... n.. ,b. wrll b\o"", IlXiom
llut ohain i. no >tn '"ltor it<
"."\.,, , link. _he "'''' II", )"<)" 'an
,..,,,,lilr .. 11 her .-,ij;:ht h)' r.nrlonR tl'"
!r3.t ,II," '''T 1'1 ",rd. )"" "",,1.1 ha.."
to") n'l to Ji.,ilc 11,. hMltmOtk in t wO
('in. Slo. ta ... ,h.t " """d witt
1.,101 In> TIt..., how
milch ,Ii.! '\(;., Cam, w.",,?
",,,,,,,lo 1 c= ." '"6<: """lton....!
.. .. "f \!a", .nJ Ann a,." 4-1 )""R,
... 1 ;. twire old .. Ann
wu .. hrn Marv " ... holl ao old ao
.\"" "i11 t ... wi,;'" Ann is .hrt<: 1m...
.. aid " .. u whtn "hry...,...
thrt<: Ii"",. U old IS Ann." How
old is }IaTY?
e o
e o
e o
e o

ERE'S a p,oLltm "'hieb

hal bftn J'"uliltl{ a.n-
ey cvOf lInee l,t got 011
. '; Iht ,force. II. hal ",.,j.
II 1!1'1(nI1I of tI, ima-
lion ."d alk. for the .... '11311 01
out dC\lc. puulj.\,. 1",,,,11
",von \Jloclct of Ihe cil:'bll, word. k
inning and mrli"s: hi. nighlly 1011(
rom the 1";111 he it ;"dia,inll' AI
COm" of Ave"". A .nd
SIIfft. Hi. oro.lrn ar. tQ an
unev"" numbtr .,1 "" tach
and avonue. ,,., by 1M
I'oul<, he gOts tilher ""., thrcc, fi,,,,
or"" .... block. \urnt. He
kn""'" all the _vont !:irl. in lhe
housn b .. pa'''' and lOme of lhom
II<. AY' .rc riIIh! ..... " ."d P"". bI,\
btf"", be ...... if" be w""k1
like 10 ultfl<f his rout. 10 al to ..lit
com' a ""ric eYN beauty rwntd
Murphy, .. 110 ht think' h,-a
in one of th. I!oox. off of hi, hnL
You ICC: ht only ..... "hile
and h. w;'hn \0 find a """e
.hid! """""il'l to the nin1aticn.
about ont.- IP'inl; an odd m1!"ber of
bk:d;. on .I.h um"" .n,1 ,I,eet bul
will toke hi", lh. grtalrll 1)01Oi-
11k numb<:r of ]lOPitJ.
Now .ce il )"01' an aid Cbocy in
the 'lCUth lor 1billie
.... ,.
A Charade
Ikhad lOOle!hing and
I .. "" IIO<I1C!hing IOOthiu!!_
Cipher 5. I, 19, 9,
14. 7.
A Charade.
My fin! i, a autur. of wonderl\,]
My itCOTld lh\lltCT in lun.lune
and ilOnn;
The ernpir. 01 flora emhraces my
rcnlife lOU Inay r",<1 me ,ca
hi;]o"" roll,
A R.hul.
\ \'ht1ht1' bockwardo or forw:lrtl< I'n'
Mauen 10 me nol a bil ;
I am l:enl1e ond l'l:hl . ."d transposed
Am r..wy >.nd fit.
diocu.';ng th.t probl ..... of
"I .... rinl: ." 00I0ng. r.t us 01 "
'.'<1"',.;",, "'hicl! bolon D\I'
bille Inttl,l Do-P."".
:\'J)fding 10 authorities ou Moth-
tT GODIC art-t ",1\0 ron-
"",,(IN tl>t for )'l in )lo..
1'.", .... d nat ho roul<l uv.
A Ch .... de
Ariotid .. lu.d, of Grecian 13m
My lint apl'"',loo 10 hi, .... mel
Where JWrtQ 'eiG'" my ne;<\ i.
lmmo:ntd in O'&n', dtptlll pl'l)o
lound :
My "halt !he: labn .... righl!>' .. an
And bam" FnuJ', unl<allo..:ed
0 .... '
Cipher An.", . -Io, '90 20,
90 J, S
A Rebus
Four Idl .... form _ quile aomp!ctr.
A ..II "'bo " .... ,be- rIo>.oow;
)",,,,11 find 1 am the 1I<:I.t
O{ ."d woe.
Transf'lW'd onc. "''''., J oil am seen
M_,' IWnt ""tny. my nco:
",0.-.. I olt. am '""
To hi,l 1,,,t1y
Cipher AII ....... _12. 9. 2J, S.
A CharAde.
EIId..,.i" "'y vil.liul for the gtn ... 1
Thai a .... Ii"". IIZ<I WI'IIOnd. mIIr hIVe
ItisUf( 10
E"""l:c m) Ii.",. ".XI. but he .pring>
{rom l,i, I,,,,
An,1 gil',," Ihee fOO' toll\b.lI no lime
10 p'P"re;
S"I'I'r .... ",hoI\!, Jut, bdOO'"
.hy ohock,,1 po.
E.a<h 1mOI,ld<ri"l;' .\Wk bunl inlo
Ill" _
Ciphct AnI"'Cf,-18, 5, J, 17,
9, '5. q.
IWO "",1.1 by making th.t I(lld Iq" . ...
in,nad of oblong. "Eilher Wly
hold !he: .arne n.m,l><. of
... ;d 1hI' d<v(f m",h.nio.
"but the tqua ThillI\' i, 10 h'''e a
r,o .. for ewry Il> 10 Ii. 10 I"
How ""nV . 1' .... p m\l<l 'h ..... I",yo
bC't1l in Ill .. f:.trrlOUl fuxkl
Elemellbry WS8l>lll III AI",hra.
Seeing lhat fOIl' aU and thr.. leil_
I.",. w"gll pound,. while
Ih."" toO" .nd f"'" ki'le ... weigh
lint thir1y_tll,u p<>Imd._ ",e .r.
.,."d to t.n """",tivo ",.igh'
of 11 and killen .
Or w. I 111>1 the: "rre'
... 1. rontol!!. on. mar ..,1 and one
k .. kilt ... tlun Ih. IIlwer ...... d
1M dill'<tonce i. four p<n:n,IJ_ On<!
of 11M- kilten. ill the 10",., ..".1. o"d-
<:\nIl)' gt'O"'5 into a 1 and g>i'"
f""" I'",,,,d,, "" lh. diff.rm be-
1'!Ott1l at and. leiltcn b<ing four
poII",I_. I .. u< of tht eots
au Ih. upp<.' IC>I... intG kin""., It
.. ""Id thrn how .... .." kin,,". lod
. ;XI..... f'C'Und. balancing ,,-ith lhi"y-
_ ... f'C'Und<. "" ... cancel 011 the
pound. {rom both anns of
1C'o1.. ond ,... h:lv. sn-ftl kittenl
bohncing with , .. enty......., poand.,
" hich I''''''t'I w, kin ..... eight
lbou poando and e;oc .., ."" pound..
s., nst my lInC>I!nl Mlo mind " 'ilb
Beh..w me .. nd Ibn' uke I lho,,.,,,,d
..... y;
wh.7.1 mn:oins . ...,d I'll daily
tl""'oanJ, the gill 01 a kind
A Charde.
In fruitful fi.1<I my fir<! thO')' grew.
11.. huff unl thort labofe,!. roo';
A hard._ flce my whale YQIlll
To hu.b.1ndTY and inclinm.
AnsW .... _16, 5. I, 19. I.
14. :10. 19-
A Rebu.
nthtad l nail of iluloborn Iteel,
A u..cful 1.uon to ,oval.
I n reenrd. I",md:
n.h""d again, lhen I I )'OUr will,
With art and j)l!rtevtfanee liII
Your grain produe.n!!' gt'Om.d.
Cipher AnIO,.r,- I9. . 6, I, 18, I,
2, 17, S. (See Wdlttt r .. )
H .... ;, ". piclu, . "f . Rip
Winkl. and h" ""I:' S<>hne,dcr, Th.
i. 10 Ihr dog, bul il ;.
Th. abo". pIctI"" of .. dock dial
mll,tnl'" ""f"'rI=' poinl of evi-
dm ... in a <I., ... i,'. "<>n" ",he"
lIn,' 1>0.:11<. In"" 1M u....;,,. pistDI
>truck lhe foo. 01 1M dock. II
ltnl<k th< ox"'" eml.r. d<;ving
P<>!t Ih"H'lI:h .he .. <>Tn and <1<>ppiDg-
tho dock. Tho I WO h:lo<ls i>ocame
as it .... re, in one lin poin"
in, in <I,,"";""'. although
not in Ih. poIIi""" ,ho, ... n. f...- " il
,M' tho hand =,Id not
AI th, ... "d nine at 01,. tim ...
Can )'Uu 1<11 ,,-hot time 01 day il
m,,', hav. htm. pfoving I II
. Ii],i for ho", who wi>h<. tn show
tlull wu eating 3 pl.1!.<' of pig',
kn, kh In HnWen .1 lbe lime ,he
pi,tol "'". fm,d in Sir Rogillald', 1\;01
In lI"rltml _ ____ _
A Rehut.
To I liquid add ... hal meu-
or .. each day.
And )'oo'U h.7.,. w\U.t ddigflll bolh
tht gn,-. and the p;!,.
Ans,,-... -,6, I , 190 20, 9.
13, 5
(hi.fl,. iN."'li"R' '" m. "' "", .. ing
OI'<"<,mon nf m" O"fTv .ngnving-
mort thin h11/ o.n.urv 1",,1

". .".
o 0' 0
", .-
Aruni .. 1 T"I(O h o)'o"ing 00 .. 11
oonbl"I' I""' llon"'I:I,
enct n-nlrr of
b:1clc to , he ,"uti"l: I"',nl i" ill I
" .. """'.. 11"1
nli",1 dUN I"
tlu.. II,.. {""t can to.- ,l,'<IC ;" ....... tI.....
""Vo" ,"",."" Tho I"'''!', tlH:'dot
i. In )00" id h"", I, W 'lr"ilIh\
1M tri<;k t1In Ix
" ""',I<" a,',,,,. on
pi<1<>ria] fo:nn.; the II llkl'f
1"" tt> guUI " Iht b<n.r n .. ill be
Y"'" n'...,.". ...
A R,btI.
My 6"1 rnounIJ high "h." low you
lily JOnd. (".m,] within I'" " .. p
And d>o-I,ld )''''' ",i.h "hnt. In
Y"",) fin,1 ill""",hl,1 "" .''",der I, ...
Cil'ha A"''''''.-'9 . ..:I. I, 18. 'J.
9, 14, 7
A R.btI.
\Iv fiNI. uM-lul bo,rier i.
\Iv ""I I",", lu.rm kffJI;
:.olv "'hale "1"'" ",,"'e ruin.-.l to"""
lloroogh 11", nigh' w,t<:b
Cil'''''' An! .. ... I. 12, 12, Ii.
12. '5. 2J. 5. 18..
MHow .. "',... "r, R""I11' ]o!m-
linst:' Lat. "-0 lu."in,M
'D:at"I". lbnd,-; ,,'hen de ASI&-
./:_ com .. "111 of ;u h ,I. :on 0tt5 hi<
.",,&-... , he gars b.d< (m: aoothu

k,.., .. "'bol w' 'boul,
nil:'rff; hng wh.:ol \DoIo.s
II hi. wdd ...
MThIoI'... -hal I .. ;01. Mandy; ... ,',
N' ... It"",,,,, """,r' .
Ihink IOmart.
M, 'or I lhoughl
do" gone 0:. cloi<:km. ho" t ItUtu if.
Ill<" ." Gi,. III<" ,,:un. 01
lho, "'ill (Dmpk!e

T-..o pal< "ho did "p;ck i,M d"iV
(oalrutn) at Sing Sing .",,1,,", II..-
fulknring probie"" '"If roo ,;ue lur'
t> ....... n n1O I,.,.. .,.,. h,,"",.-.I ap-
rlc-. anJ ;.old lhem 10l' u\'nIl)' nil.
.. hat ptr nl p .... /i, .. 'out.! )"" make
(111 ytrut in ..... tmm''
PiCtu .. Puul,
There i. no .".h 'hin!: as &
"""ll., jor evtr)',hinl( in_
tete$! and &rnU<cl i, ,,,<lui, ... it
tn!n, th. 1"",hI,,' mind 10 C<>rKm-
'"u. ; bul of an the "" '" 01 pu.ul ,
picture. ... hicb <nne .... 1 o/'jts l""-
....... tb. , ...... kno ..... mmt. I ,10
know as ,11<",' an)'!hing,
,"'"' ..... I 'f'C311 ....... ple_n! rna-
"""'Is '1"""'1"alhi. oM p" .. I.Innc.
Iong.g<>. "_ ". Ioltle .,...,. "oed
to dclio:;hl It> .Ivnr i, to"", In']
a<lt, "Con ''''''' ,dl who Fl..lUli. io oi-
l"';,,!:, ,Iv- ha)' to'"
i pi<lo,ial I,,,ul ... hich
you "ill bo very fman 10 gu ... In
Ie" mm"I._._
H ... is !inaneial ptObIcm pa-
wni. 10 panne .. hip ,dali",,', prnfu
...., lIN 01" parti.:ol JllI)mmlJ. "hi<;h
I .. "",Id not. have to l'tq>OS< if Wt
tin,"",. Dmclnnan hod not pbc.-.l !oi,
bead .. as to obolmct vi .... 01 Ihe
pm of
It aJll>Ca,.. WI tn, ... 'illi. M)S
(rom Harlem 1001 In Khool.
and in their '''''nlic ello'lJ to t=le
til. tchooI, i' it \0 b. di>CQ,-ered
within the cxtr"doX! oo.mdary of the
I!l<"ltOJoolis. I""",] tl,.m..,lv<"J at th.
J"r>th hour ,,"'ndentll:' aiml,,"",y along
tI'e Howery at eoney l<land.
Whm !My :.ll nl<'1 under 1M long
pin to diocuu the varioo. prod"ct.
of ,ho platt it InS {""nd lha. Harry
ha<1 ......... <'<1 !out { .... nk{nrters "",d
Tommy ..... en. To 0.)" ICIt' hi. JllI"
of the banqu<l Jim dripp<'<l in d ... ""
emu. ",biclt Harry -t Tom pro-
_lied to diyid. be""ccn 1M 1_ ..,
... to cquali%r finan.... IIIw. a ptLI:-
olmr 100It to the .... thc::rn>tirian. bur
In tht<e young boys. lreoh
adIooI. it ...... no II'OIlbk to <Ii-
..w hrt..-cm ",,0 t.h:tn i , .....
to 1"'1 fr:udo:furten inl1l
10 fa<"!, il did not ",ke them an in_
IUlII Ioogrr than il did to deci<k not
tn harrow tb. f<ding:S 01 1II<"i, par_
..,11 by """'Iioning thei, mid,,"nnes.
...."hat ",,"-y told their loxhlT wonId
br too complex .. queslion 1m: our
ru>:llists. The prcsml probl= is to
........ eleven .""u ,,'or. dlViMd
... bo:lw""" Harry :lDd Tom-
",y, whICh )"<111 no n::ldily do when
you ha"" Aguk<l oul th. prj"" of
l ranklu"er ..
Th. n,rd of Camtll.
An A.,.b Ih<-ik. r,,,,j,ng him ....1
aboul to d;", "",lll'tl hi. Iort5 abool
him and Nid
'"I);\'ide mv ean .. 1t a"""'lt )''''' In
th. l"""II,,"io-" uf hAlf of Ihe he'"
'<) th 1011, 11,. ...... .. ,n "', ..
third, and to tI,e &on 0".
11><,,'ullOl' Ihe old,,1 ..", cr;od ; "0,
my ' other, o ... half.
on ...."in,h do Dot ('O,"tll,,,. a "hok,
To "horn, Iht1cfore. ,hall the re-
n!lOind<r of Ih. herd be "iv"" '"
"To any I"""" man wi., may II<"
.!andi", by wllm Ihe d,,,,,,,,,, it
aid,l)" "."" nry ,,,,,,,10 I>t1 the
01 he, .,.. So for Ih . 1 .. 1
Iwo ""r. yean 'he hu ;,,, .. ,,abIy
In''''aM queri ... pot:m;ning I" .....
Qrlhly IOjOUrn by the 1<>II<1\\'i",
linl. .. .... , which wu 11<><,10.1""
quito <:orrecl ",h.n fim I"'rpelrltlrd:
,epli'" lhe- sheik, .,.110 then-
ul""n ditd
\\'hen ....... rollt.-.l
ne ... difli<ult)' aroo<. The: DUmt..-r 01
III< camel. rotIld 00\ bo dioidM ei' b:r
b, I_ Or or nint. \\'hilc
bfolhff< "'riO ,ji"l',,'ing, .. 1>OOf' bul
tnfty 1I .. looi", 11\' "';'h his
CIInel. udaim"I, "&1001<1,' I win ..,u
)00 m,' bonl f(ot 1m pie= of "I ......
.., ltJII ""',. t.h<n di>-tlk tbc
I,." .. W
:';"';"1:" 'hot d',< addi'ic.n n{ on<
c>n..-t "01 IJ .. Ih. d loc"lt .. , tlv-
IrrvthCN jn,"p.:d tho c,lI<c.
1",",_1<01 10 .Jj,-i<l. th. Itml, bul
"'hm cao;h had , ....... "'<1 his alIotled
f"O"ion 11o",,}n DR<' """"I.
'"I ln' tb 1"-"''' m:m ,bndiq
aid II,.. ""'fly lkdot.:in. and. J;iily
mounung the camel, be rode
wilh the I.., 1>'"",., "f .il" .... In bil.

/l:n", h",.. canH'1o were itt
th ... hdk, hd?
Tn 'he I ... t of k""""-'te. "",I
belief thi. brau,,[ul p,ohl.", has
"""'r p"''''''le<I l"<llTO'ctly II<'-
!Q,.. In ,,'OIrhktl Ion" it if gi>'.n m
,II< p"ule blv!<., or ""en by prufu_
...,'" ;1)."1,,,,_ a p-,,,,doxi,,,,, .iU!lO-
h"" "lIkh bo: rorrCC1C1i by lh"
illtrooh'<t:'un of (,nc ,Mr. camcl. Tboy
"''';1 the all.lmport"n. "''11.""".- "Pi-
>i lk the an",l. in Ih_ prvparllOn of
one-half .ncl <mct.hird :rnd <m<:-
nintll_" Tha' \\",,-.-.1 ..
lhe Nvi"2 dau,... "hi,h "",k .. tlte
"Fi, .. I'me< ... yen ."" "'vrn limes
Ad,) 10 my ago an .. ,t win he
AI far .1.,,. "in .. and four
As I" iu In)' yoar .. a S<XII"e."
The Oreek Crou.
a",hat'Jlogi.I' and anti-
quarianJ like u Schlie-
mann, Prof. Wil<on .II.! olh,,,, .h",.
lhal prd>i.otor .. ImJI ",u,t h'l
"pori u.., tn"he tilt" <"If ",,' " ...... d
marla tg a h"mln ....
jun OJ ... e in mon)' 'n.!.>.n ......
ptrolia, b<1LIl<u or """k. for .. br
""--- My \'rNnl' aI:oj"t. i. '0
a ducQune U\"'11 an....."t
!ImbIm>s moe ","01.(\1 11"-
0II>I'!ri<:>I! 1'"'1",""",0 of U.., (.i."""
Of cr<.... f,,,. upro .. d
of .u: thoo .. nd yc-o.'" h ... ,,<>OJ f, ..
the l\'mIloI "I buman mtdl ...... r. on,1
is nilw rnq:n,nd at
ocin>ce and ma,hematlr:tl ..
n.. Ivrnn ... "ir:tl e ...... brmrd fnlm
he ..J"a ..... In, thou""",ls of war.
hu bI-o:n aa lhc Illn,lo" prW-
Jern. Dr .:ull;n); ., i" p..:cu.
"pon Ill<! pr;",,;)'I. 01 E .. cli,l". lO<'ty
P'DpOI"'w. i, "'ill ..
Iquur. Aim.,., bMIc. I:"'e
t be dippinll 01 'he (, .. ,' (tlr
n(u .. 11",,,,n Fig. A W d,t D.
' "..-;.:
.. .
, . . .
Tho lou, .... -ill al .. ayo 6,
tn f,.nt! a p<"rf1 "'I"""". 10 II.., 1""-
til! mak<n (2fI u..-ciJc thtir ingnru_
;'r by inu-o.h..:;nl! rnndition. Of .Iip-
utaliowo which ",ill ba, 0"" all other
an> ....<n but ,he one In
til<! iIlu>tn.tiono giTfll it ;. ulcM !.>
di.iolt a "...,.. in fou' .,qual pam
.. hkh .. ill f ...... a ot:r,a",_ In ..
_d puuJ. il ""'"" laid '"to dil'ide
omso, n .... <IiI'" I>f tho .......
10ft, in f""r pi",,", which ,,ill f.xm
n .. ,.., an: OttmnotJ. p,o!>-
Inn, (Ottn1e.1 with tM
P'Of""rtioM 01 "'"' G...,.1e en. .. hi<h
make "",,'1 valuobk boor< in the
theory of all oUlling pIlul ......
A beautiful 'rqui'cn<:nl i. 10 <li_
rid aqu; in pi.,.,.,. whkh w,ll
/ol"m Iwo cro........ Fill" 1 ."""., bow
10 produce f,v. pirco. which wi:1
fonn two CI"OUH. ",. pi"""
m.le .. a new croso, :md tlle [our out-
lid. I'ioct' will form anothe,. But.

after tho p" .. I. ha,1 b<\:/Iffi. ,mOll<.
I found. _d v..y '" on. 1""-"
A S C" I ... , I Ito"" m F,.:.2.

When a l",uk, un be
cb>c "a shorter WI)," '", I ... .r
piece>." or;n Ie.. mo ........ II;f .. id u>
be '"cook .!," or, in JlUule I ... .
''bow.<t. H Wcl1. wllm Ilold the "".,1
01 furv:lrd that til< 1)1'1bol
which ...-a, in""rpora'N in tIK
l-an! <QI """loj bt coaY<1"tro into'
oqnarr. b. ",uing In", l'iec .. in't",,1
of fi.-e, r ' .... inlonnt:d tM feal
,,"-' .
I u...d il al an p"u/:.
ofteri"lt' a hMoirood .Inr Ill<!
oban .. t of """""nUlG Ih.
""",k """-' ;nl" "lUllR. s",.tn!
I",,,,lrcl lhou,anoj an,,,,,,," .... rr. reo
"";ved cmpl''Yu'i 6vc l'i....,.. ",""
(I>t an.wn- lha, ,.I.,,, ed how In ,10 ,I
in lour. Fi.:', C lbo .. '. how the 100.
pitctJ Ihot.]d be "",d .
I dl"",,'>rd that 1\-..,
.... , an infinile nn",ber 01 an,,,, .... ,
u the paralld .. "I nllO)" bt "1lO,1. any
whc<. 00' Ih. lin ... !-own, .mI the
f""I"",Ii<ul3r <111. un)" right-anrlt,1
point 01 i"'."'''u,,,,_
Another .... y 10 ...-y "'" !tipuL._
UOfI.I .,,.. W font! beautilul puzzle
ull' (0' tIHo of .. "'llW"e in
In <lucribin" hi ",,,,,rietten .t >
borga;n .. lr. Smith "'Y' ,hot half of
hio rmnty was goo. in jun thiny
minut." 10 that he had ""nnl ..
five rio<:" which wi!! 101"\11 ,1010
CfOUC$ of diff"'f\11 .......
Foro. t:D, Out ........ , ,h...,
divid< thr rtftQin,t... in f,"" pant
.. hirh .. -iU fmm b,c cr_ ...
<hro.. ,. I""nh figure ,,,,-,,,-. lhe
of ""l,ng a ..,.. in pi ..
"'hio;:b .. in "'"" ''''n ("1"_ nl "'l'1Il
.m.:tnd ;......., .... f tho- 1l1OI1 btau,,',,1
probI ..... "I tM trriH.
II i. a """" .... n;ukahlr b<'t ,hoi.
ml'''<;riou, VI ,daw-hip can
..... br.wn .() ui'" .... ,,, ...... all
ancim, .ign. and .,.,,,bol . in
c:oclI !1ft(' con bo: """ .. cr!<d n,'" an
diltr bv onm(' ""I'llc d .. ,nll" "'hid,
cnn"i,,,i... .. donr 1'",,1.. "",
S"""ica nn \.oe ... / i"ln
"'I1a"'_ th,' ;n'" .. emu. l he-
e"",. into a An or
.. y .... l crm ..... a",1 Iroln Ih .... ..-.
e:on flXTl\ <IJ' . (, ... e",', ''''01.
mona<l. ,tid I,om tl.:ol a ci.d., ,,'hicl\
!otJ<. vr'y much u If the "'lua,ing
01 1m- cirri. w:u nnc 01 Ih.
)'tnaining to ,h. m),,,ic .ign. and
A Pu ..
My '<>nI:U' i. loo"ll" m." b.auk i.

An<! It I I no ,trif.,
M)' ,,,,i':" \',"" h"", wh far .n<l "<U.
And )"" I 1.:0.,. no
S. u, U
,,'h ... ),., h_,/ bef",,, ,,,1 !an
hall M onan\' <1")1,,,. aj btl",o h.
had I""ni ... - 1>0,,' much did
h. 'f"'nd 1
FSKIE "." the hnl!hl.,.'
Jint. rl in ",hO')\: 'I>.
I ""m,.! olr
, " h<:rnoo ill h,a!Kh
d .rudv. "",I. a
nla"or of b", amuJ.ed ,hi: ""ire
..,hool, IC3ehtn wolt '" .. hol>n,
",ith h..,. trick, and .
!Obe ".,.t Jnc "'" .. doy and
.hm<'M him m,,,, Irkle. ",I"eh ;.
j"" n 1".11)' ,.. i, ;. d .. 'c,. Silo:
dr .... W. litlle rinl!' "" ,he IcnC<' ... d
o:lid' '"N"w )'00 can 0<11)' ",,, Iw)\
I'OVI" (II in a lin < I lavr
h'" ! wanl )'0\' to mark
"m uno ri,,1t II " ;t """'""'1,.,..
.. u 1<. 'oow I<>ur ro,,', nt
th...., in I Whal an a')' puz-
ric' 1"-'t cIwt!: . ,he """ilinn of on.
riDlf '"':u '" tu."" four ""'''. itt'toad
nl but ... <),
All bock. gO"" th:tl lamnul
addrnJ that tho P="'" 11".... ",It:>
J 0 H :00;

.hich il i ... id r."chcJ the in,ontIed
dclliaalion 01 John l:",I.,.",orcl, AD_
110-;.... but ,ilty failllo men_
tion ttw this prinl ed I<ll.r he", ,db
..hen the ".,.. ""''' from:
If I am nOl '.r'\" m .... h mi".lIen
t ho- I"U",,",nl- 111U'''",lIon ..... m-
l endooJ \0 ><lea vI
Th, Kanl-Ifno Puzzle
Dcin):: an old I<\ilor wilh.
Ir>r "pinflin". 'lfn, 1h:I, ("n_
.id<r:lh: ... 'UIOII''''I. I 010
mind tr!ling )'<11' in .t,kt ....,fi,lm<.
lhat I rintorl ,h. "I.a of IIoi. 1",..1.
fr<Wtt the "'Ifrail <,f. Dutch
which I AW rid,ng II a"d"" in 'he
ta, du,;"" m." .1. .. , trip'" .-\u.tra/la.
I jnU<d (Wwn ,n m)' It the
non. the .. ,i<;n lho, 'h .... \nil a
pttIoOihilil. of ."ff>' "'OI"d !Ia"iag
m..,!lanQI ".."d""ity 01 i\l 0 ...... ou.
<'CJ"ibk of bnnr in puale
'orm. !tJ. pl"llpe' 1OIJ,,,,nil" of lh.
0tQfi<m I pro","," tM Inlle,,,,,,s;-
"".,(h of the ",ITrail of ,h .. t boaL
The IWI1... -ao pa;nt .. , ;n the t,,-elYe
uPl"'r nnlf', all<! I to my
COI1IJoanion th:t, il ,,'ollM malt. a
rr(1,), 10 find in how lew
mt>\ ... the n .. mo!! coukl b. moved
do"-n ,0 titt Io".r ro.... Mt<>ni,"'inR
i, it "..,1. II> "'Y ""',
all of Ou, I',uti" ..... ill tho
"..." 1 ,h:l1 1}uteh
ba"" ,I""d Ihe pIlul.
StIC'C"t a word ,,(no,o!..., Itt, ..... and
plac. thr l<tIt" in thri, ptopn ortlcr
In ,I,e nppc-r 1'1) .. 01 Iii< riog!'.
lrtl ,n __ h rinlt_ Tb." "",,"c th"",
."-"'-n """ Mtp at a lime, or jump
""tlt.t" OT" 1IIO!h ...... hen I""'ibtt,
"'> .. \>:) 'I"'U the ",,,. d corrtaly
In ,IK \m',., ,0", "I titq;:., in Iho (CIO"_
,.,., I.'" ibl .. mo !!, I 'hink i, "as the
jumpin.:' I."t<lrt '''lIg .. lt<\
name, 0' I might II:l.H d ...... ibtd it
al. 1'''''':'. fur iliough
Y"" ma) a,k, "What". in a .llOm. '"
)'('00' "'il1 fintl, ;. lI.mM '4y>. "The
plai" tho 'bing" ... h ... cin "'to ,he
. <Ii<," to the word an<\ Ih. w()fd \0
the a<li'K'.'" 1 "011 ... i!oll W f"',fcrm
I),., lut exp.,t;,ioll,t)'.
My r.,'t ram' hi, hr ... d by 'he nfelt
01 hi, brow,
Till m)' ....end """,pdt him 10
c .... t;
Whtn, if lO"i,<,-, ... hat M gained by
my IO"hoIe may allow
lO.pond hU d_y" """'. at

Ciph ... A ..... 'S, 18, 20, S.
18, I, 7, 5. __ _
A CIIa""I"
A ..... 1I known t"", aright,
Will lum tht d:ui..,nl in", lighL
Cipher An ... CT, -16. I , u. '3.
Piclorial Al,.b, .
H.,e i. "" .1, "."tar> in
arithm.'ic "hen'n yOII wril. down
"'" IWtlC5 of a:1 the and
t htn a"nl "',' all ,h. - mid.., so
In lell ,,'hot "'main.. If lOU 1:"_
Ih. <o,rc"tly it lJ<come. a
,imple pllul .
I :un f''''.""J \<. 1.11
YO<I. Inll ... ,;a) lIi/;lI.
(hI II", ro)'al ",;,,1
to gtOl1"'I'y hal " .. I
1>" di .. ""re.1.
u ci.>i,,' td E.uc1id 1<) I'to\,''''Y
who 1ta,1 ,1"';11, ,\1,,;,,11' a I<c-
tutt on Ih" c!tlnt"" nl gc ...."'II)'
"To t he l"l,itty of
IulOCking ",10 a 1"'1"1'.
<kull with. "'''I'l'I,,,,,,,>d ,h,II," .... id
llq'!lO. tho cwrt i"'I'T. "I
be>M to 'o"01""t..... re

"'arne') ha_ di ....... " ...
W UI"'" tht .ix gto,,,,tlrial f"I'm'.
thf trapraptl""". !<iu ...,. gretk
etOU. I"'ralklot;:ram liT dian""").
fUWlf:k an,J lria".,;\c. Tbo
iottn. bo ..... \old U' i, /;)(I1tIrical
f"rm .. ',th j ...... ,,1... no \ ... 0 of
... h,eh a"" ",raIl<) The oh.1"" "il'
originaucl m:uoy )""il.> ago a.
nuin....;J In. cal"",a",n. 1M
ocher KtUru,trinll -m)Jel .. ill "",<.Illy
... u Ihe Ib(o .". .,."il('"
01 :lD(ienl yacht- m,,.1 ;"IC"-
('<ling P"rt (If 1M ")U)1.: bu. i.",,, io
thai ) .. n ,nark off 1M mlpjf.ium
;n.o r..e pan,. whi,b form oi,.. ....,.,..
"orlul W"In. ru' tl ...... r,ot ri ......
(lilt 01 pIt]> a",J ;1 .. ill be' ".., u'y
t;o;k In Ihtnl 10> hnn lhe
l"'l' .. Th.n uli)i," all fi,. ,,(
tho eo ., 10, I",m a
I Tho), ,",'i\l AI", fil
'0 ll'I'ttk e""'''' If l,r<lph
plaoed Iho)' ,,ill a 1'.,,;1 I"""
.1I<10I(ram. or rUllj(k. or. ril;hl!.:.
w, h,vo the ,i,.. gf()fl1elrico.)
ilh"I"" ..11 by th .e h. =I:i-
c.l pi'I, ' '''' il is .....f. to oU)' Ih.t by
lim. )'00 guo<-..,.! th .... ,,;,..
pIlU!" "'" will be! protly h mili"r
wilh tI,. gm".t rkal rom,. and ... ",,'1
h" ... 1(""" ,1"1' ovcr Eodid'$
tlr"fll v"I"","" dlhrrt All " r tho
mu" be! ul,li",..! m pr ...
Whil. Ih. tubu.bon broot" ;. "" .. e
.. in .. let t:oC<2Oion 10 tdl how ro::>l
'rrcuJa'or i loppW off .t "
wrong .tltian . .,,0.1, ha,ing a roup\c
of 1>01"3 '0 ... ",it f"t lb. ne,..' train.
',:"<k .. '1uitk 'urn. bought a
P'<ff of bnd for $2.lJ. divided it
ducin&, .. eh of the r,lttnu ahow'o,
JDOI I. ,n Ih. Cl.$t n the I .... puium.
and .. ill far w .... rdJ lhe
nI,.tic affinily or rrlati<>n.<hil' bt
I ... """ 0", diff.renl 1Ie<111lt1riCl11
forrm .. t",aled by .. nClent ocrull
"mi." ...
Ii. RtmUbW. CIoI Pri PlIut..
tntl> In ... and wM them b:ttk I<> Iht
original ..,.. .., ...... t $,8 1'''' lot. and
c1taned up ,Itt. wholt 'nnuclion bt-
for. hi, lrain a"i,'w. U. n .. ",It ..
profi l on ,h. dn.1 jU$l I'Ilwo] 10 hi.
.... , pric. of I;" loou. eo you ....
kal \0 \,,11 jult I>ow =n)' 101. wort
I,id out in the m ....n of flolm"'Wt,
Puzzleland Park

.,t., .,
f f I f t
. ............................ .
f , ................... , ........ .
f ,. f f t ','
, , I,I.Jl..!I"", , ,
.t , .. .t,. t'l tl' f f." ..... .
....... , .... 't't ....
, ...... , .. , ..... , ........... ,'.
, ........... t,'l , tt .t .",.." .ft .. ...
..................... , ... , , .... .
f.@ . ,
tc tl"!.i.'.I ...
........ t If t I:'t ......
........... ....... f"
+ f I ,
t , It ........... tt
tt ,. 'I" to," ..... , It' t
It " .......................... .
.......... , , iTrti! .......... .,.,.,
'I" ........ , , .........
.... of ......... , ... , .. ', 4' .. I
t '., ' , ...... ,
................... ' . i . ". I
.to f ' .................. t. e' ... , ......... .
t ........... , ,'! .. , ..... ,'
.................... i":"i"
.... f.
..... 1',.."' .......... .. ... ...... t ,. ...... t
...... , ...... ,..
, ..... , ........ ,.
f ......... .
,..."" ,! ;;]. \ .. ,
. ' .
Th ... an: hou5<S in Puzzle-
land Park. and ,he p<>Opl. of
bna .. must ord. "" out 01 !he p"rk
by tbrir ]>ri''''I': directly 1Cf<>.
on a [,"" "illl door of Ihdr O'o'n
Each [, ... "i1l 11M a pri ...
palh of their tnm Inding 10 their
pt. brt...t<'Il a row nf trees, IX> path.
noo.s ""y oth .... P",It!!. lin i ....... l .. 01
_ 1Iou", n<f n...,1 ao" 0/ ,""ir
on tltt." n ... i:r quarrel
0,,",,1 .. b;m lhollirl turn 001 for
", hot ;11 San. of the
roth. :u" .nd Vorl' fuo"".
bIIt I.$...,h has" map' '''ith h-"
Pln"",\ar rOtnt "",,,,.d 001 Ly II,.
lan<!lnrd, ... ho i. 1: .... 1 p<:nli.I, they
1In Itt lotI, n.,.., i. one of Ihe
on whicll you . re Id I<>
Ira oo.t the palhs which nch
mu .. ,akr.o j:c! 10 th<ir pr"ll./la,t.
........ ,he 1"'''''. hul ''f'I ... Uf
10 Ih.i. dnr!r; bu, r...membe., tIOW' of
the: pa,h. ",un cr .... !
The S tol le. and Tbe Squirrel.
] 1 .... i , tbc: oM probi_ 01 ,ho
huntn who NW "'luilTd on a ......
and lria to gM oltot al il. hul
the oqui. rol clev I,. ""'nag \u k..-p
.Iway' on oppnoi' ;do.
h"nl". as oIIown bv ,h. !rub in the
.now. halo around 1),( >
.OJ '0 mok. , CM,),).I. citel but Iht
Jq"irrri h.1. 1110 ,::one ,he
I,....,. ktepi"K on tho ",,,,,,,,te ,id
""d we .. j.h 10 know 111., IIII' hunl
,",,,,Ik. d aroond lhe lquirrt'11 [1:;"
m .. n. h:l.n bHft offef1l:d to
thai ,III' m.n <k>t< not go arouncll""
.qui ..... l. printipany upon W .....
il"', d<"flnilioo lha. around i<, on
an 1UIe. 01;
"" .. ;n/l.
I tlaUn thai Ih. ID2%\ Iw mo:oot
ti""ly arcond IIII' "'l"ifTri. ill"
.5 rim of a ... I""'ncl
hub .. 'ur ... on .111' axle: j,nl ...
lh. arlh I(OtI .. oun<l ,he "III .... hk!l
ha, , \cf.ocor orbil prr>p<>niunal to
their d,If ence in "' .... ht.
t .....".,.,bor gninl: .n around
fidd n"cc. but a c"",. clog beal m.
111 tho eo I could not roach lb.
11'ple ,,,,,,,: hoI 1 WC'Ilt all .roond 110..
and an thol "'al in it. 1 ....i'bed
a, Ihf timo Ihat I ... a. bilt """"j:b to
l,k. that .k'l( by tail and ,wing
him "tot,,,,\. bul "".hap ...,.". phi loo!_
"!lit., """hi 1.11 me that Ih. dog
w M\ h.:in&, 1"'''''1:' 3ro\, .. d. boa",.
It. ha,) the .,,<1 ' o ...... d
m .
n"., Ih ..... m. ,,'1>0
....un"in i, i. ;mpo<.ihl. to go .. ound
the ... nh unl ... Ihe eartn .topo rum_
ing. pla:' intl'licil faith io t he <JI,J
snake II""". ",)'1 a llUke a n
aI .. ",,o ..... allo .. a onakt of ;n oame
.i",,' ontt I,bttd , _ 100. foot
.nak ... l<>g'Cll... r LrI and ...:h
,..; .. ,) <>Ihe.. u.i.1 and ,.,
''''J.II" .. i, 01 t ho ""'". ,., th.y
cli.. H
uk..! '0 ;0".1",1.;, UpDD Ihe
bI.ckh"a.d. and S:unmr ... 1>0 ... ,..
quite - liltle artist, drew Ihe [011.... -
inr pio:m.""

Ii. Rebus
A bird 1""1, on IJ'oOCI<landl bf1l:d
And tar"fully ...,OOve iu head ;
1""'n ,OUT .dmi r.r. bdi ...... 1
elll hi .. and 1,,!I..,d!(On' 1><11 bt.
Cipher An," .-16. 12. 15. 22. 5.

Mr!. HuLl",-.. 1 hal im'tI1tffi a
d..,,'cr ,,5t..., for k",pinl{ on her
blackbo .. y jam. She fill.d t..,mty-
five jarl and .""nged the t hree siut
AO U to Iw .. quan. On ea<:h
un}'OU 1):".... k'1' .... Ttl 10
U to teU .... w much one of 11K: big
j a.. CIOn tairuI ?
Alfred Macietsoy" H\Vhat ... e
1 ... '" with pl ... ',,"' ....e fn.".t,"
.. kich is rn<:>n' WI)' of VI-
f """ing Jodo Jlmi ...... trile SO) ina::
a", be1ttr "'''' of knockin\l:
I"'''''ng into. boy's helod than with
wonn1l'ood chtb. H
Tomm,' ... ""M like \0 1<:1... how to
""tBet 'utlk"""" quantities from
of jim bY rC<1uctim. elomi-
nation or rnn by 1M pro<l of ",b-
uitulion "f "'"illY ja .. for l ul1 (IfICI.
TM whole ;uvnlile dau would
.pKdily mil> "<rythi"ll 10 u...
",;nUnum clear off
Iracl;.,n, if they wue no!: ... ed by
Ihe mothu. radical tonnl.
Like good M",hOT 11ubbclrd ,.c.
win totv. the p.oole-m hr in.ptiOlt.
and rrove I)'. ql,.nt iHUtn Ihe diffu
ent J>rl. Knowi"):, lhat nch Ih.1
al1\tainl ;uot :10 q"'ru, let ul bfgin
by ancelli,,):, off ,Ix l;ttl. jan< from
Ihe 10'1'1"" 11", f6ull
1"""'" th:Jt two big ja .. equal four
mlium onu, or one large one equal.
1,,'0 <M<Ii"m Ih. jant
.nd ca""el the I"'" lar-ge one. from is a liml,le but some1l'h>.t
pr.ny probl ...... wl,i<;h d,,,<1opetl at a
recent deaion wh.n 5,219 ""jU
... .. cui for four Th.
victor oxut<ktJ 1,1'" opponcnlll b)' 21.
the middle &btlf .nd equaBle the t.t>ji'
Ihelf by n:m<>'o'ing the one and
' '''0 of the: mo.l'um Ii.e. Thillho,,-.
\1lat tbe one medium .Iud jn m,H
hold .. thrtt little 0<'(0.
"''"'' mui!il'l)' .U l.1'1:e ja .. by
IWO and lboy ore chanl:t'! 10 me-
dium., ond multiplv the ,,,,,nb<r wn
reprnmling aU meoJi,.tn, by
'hn:c" to ro.lLll'c Ihmt 10 ..... IINt
Ii,e n.! "'!>en wc ..,d them to-
Ir<' w< "'c find thot roti", amount
cnuld be eont.o.i_1 in.s.c of tbfo.....u
,'u. 1'1 o( Ihe modium, or 9 of the
AI. jaT "nuId .,.,..-
Cun one-ninth of (1(1 '1""11. Ole _
\ho., il """"Id hold j"n "'" "",I two-
third qlQnl.'-___ _
My li15t on my ocatntl ollm \1len:
Ii .. ,
My, liut and my bst ohould be of a
lily whole, like my aond. i, 21w:ayl
\1le """.,
So no .... if )'OI!"e alJ1llrl, juOl toll In.
my 1WIl
Opher AnlW(,.--6, 15, IS, :0, 19,
30, IS, IS, t:',. ___ _
}, Cha de
My {, ... I !, in mine.;
An,! litHe my <:OOItly ><>rId .hin."
A. Inr my wholt'-"I,., ,1,>.11 J
It ...,,,, ;nl.n<I,<I tn L<1"",. .
ThO}. ult I bewar unthinking
A,I"'", to bonl:$')' ond trulh.
An.",t -I!),;IO, 18, lIO,
5.7.5, tj.
.30 and 73 VOle "",I yot no!: on. of
Ihem kn .... 110.. ' 10 figu'" 011\ ""-
ad nt1mbt. of v<>t .. reivttl by
Can you i"'l,k rule (or giv_
ing the d.,i.-.d
n. of the Hob
_If!l ,
" ..
" man i
I<'1ILII (If hi, o"'n
il X .... r mind
Ii"'; .. hat i. the
I lkot't kn ... . .:;;
0I0r, It I(t do
.,."..ho ... or "'Iw:r.
otory which makot
c\e:or the
to' think 1 soJ
,t ;, a One 10 "''''.''"
... ond<f if il .. ill Ix>thet"
11", point?
\\'J.rt, brno,,c:h, hi. min"
(If fi .h bcmr hi. f>lhtr ... id .... nl)':
"s"mmy, I am ):"'in.:' t, IKln;,h
you f,,, ..... \\1t." P'"
my to y".,tr 'I"'noli,,!!' a da.
,t yOUT I 1010.1 )'OU not
10 Ie.,'. Itt. plac.c wiLl"",t hi. ptr_
mlUtOn. And )'C\ you .... n .my and
.. ""c fi.hing .U the
gra...:tpa ."id r
.... ru<1 thr Iw.
'Como. .i.! Y<IUl' 1:1"',,<1.
fath ... " , ....... did not "'= n",fI'
cOo" tM ",hi..:t to
"Pa __ '
-n.. I>.d olood on (In, foot

i, old ... ,.ing Utal the
child i. tl, .. fa'hfT of ,m. man: i ...

tho". thaI mak .. "'" y<PUT
Illh. i,' AD<! if I am
bct..... "f (Dll"'" I om.:ol..,
y"" .", a.kffi jf
hot might):'n Ii .. and tuld him
mi"bc il he .. o:-cl<l ht boy
II .... ;.1 he: .. ..",101 bt. and ht k<pt
bi. p<omi.." po,"
Hue the lad .t.ood "" tho oth ..
my ...... ,' .. irl lit. '",d
blh... "';th W ... t 1 ... lin!:'. "cob
f:'<Xwl .... ,,{ !>N1t,h. IVT il you
hn you111",. 13wytr
j, Compound Rehu ..
<11><.1... ". "eo{ me (If their
romndn in 1M lenl: bow do "'"
k ...... thot he i.. not YOUdg m1D',
11",,' do k"" .. ,ho, he io
11_ ,b ' ....., know b. ;.
ImItfte. thon h;" kllow ",udrnts?
j, Rdl'U'
" p'ndan, d,arm. bf,dl (If toil :on"
""'. It. quadroped will gin l"'" ;n it'!
ot .. d.
Cipher AII$,,er.-I. 13, 2'. S'

Ltot tb ... "!IUd",,, ."" .... th,;. 11 1111 DIan

",-ltll k"" .. .. 1u1.' the
, ,_ r .... "1\ lind .. , "" IhM
imp"""'u,,! Ul",Jn 1116 m .. mOr1" '1'<'",,1,
,,,ay "" <I .... p .".1 iMIIIII:". )Mt-.l 01
cron"", It",,, .. lth dry ",,,.k Ib'>D'
ab.! ... b iuf<'rnlJuioll wblth n
(BDb and th .. ruill. 1
I . ".,.U III'''Y Ihillg'll picked "1' ILS n
lad whkh tImId lIoll be ""'1"iNll hO"
""pI 1.>,1' ham .lu,ly. I att .. ".!....! M.
Ann'. Church .. 'III.'I'\> '",.,. Ik Ua.1IA'1<1.. un
I'",] 10 d .... r .",1 dumb In Ih ..
II .. me th" ..
halld, wbiCb 18 i'1'I'f"mhl .. t.) 110"
d""ble hllll.l ....l one, SlId I h".,o
forgQtl.61\ h. think, I ha, .. carr;",!
il in lilY b"!l.ll for I>iXI/' l'''''''' :mol
h,,", at thill IaI\O day I ha, OC"""OIl t.>
IU6 A hrh:lu Id>'ll. (W"e,,"" \<>
ill tile alphll ... t jou as Ihlt g","1 I,hlbn
,,'110 Iv tile
illMrIlCth,n ot ihlllt.mkil-<I, tt 10
ftn,\ I . hnll "roc"",] to t be 111
"'\\,II:.!O'I, 110 tll"l all
"'1' frl;lll<b in '\ .... 11l1ering It IIIlIy !""
qui", I!. ''''''o'''l'lls!oulO"ut ,,-111<'11
they .... f"rget.
I alrndy ,hown how a 13"
13 p;ltd"lul1t could 1>< o1iyj<i<1i into
';"'yftl oqlla...,. 10, ... a fu,th<t
tin ... tiaD of the sa",e .ubjtct, I w;1l
... k )'OU to It)I to fUll! how the bodi.,
of Darkt(o",u rombintd devon
...... '" 1"=$ of po.tdl work, no pie
tonUllIlng Lu< Ih:m four 1'1" ..... '"
Into beauliful 12>:12 I"-tthquill,
... /Utb thoy pro_ttd IQ P:aoon allcb.
I .. y ory pi<' mu,1 t:OI1tait1 noc
leu than fOllr J*tclIu be<::ouio: "'ith-
GIrt WI otipulation the.., .'" loro
di ....... t ant."'tn.. 1"his is way
that pilule. rnakon m y. of I"-Idling
"lI pII.u1.-., but ... Iont::
II I ha..., lIUed th.o.t tb= is way
of pttfonnill( tt... feal by IIlili.inj:
__ little. of bul an<: pUclt, 11
.... 1.., w.;; be rre"""1<"<1 a. a ... o..... d
pan", to _ if ,..... ""'
..-.p 10 discuve1- both ilDSwen.
EYob,tiOIl PIlule
"'cebing produces ......, fun and
_om"nl f.... III ovening ""ny
tItln 1M oimple. game: oi eTOluli"".
... bn-tin )"OIl in' 10 Inn,foom on<
.-ord into anothtr chongin;: 0!1"
II I lin", an..! al ... ay. "pd1inlr
etln'ftt <Ii<1i-muy ...... d<..
, n.u .. (0 PIG 10 RAT
... Ihra: _no. 1>r1lrtW
u f"llow-,: PIG. 1'11". PA1", RAT;
Ea.1 to \\'c.l-l-:a,t, ""1,

1),'1:" I" Cn -1><>1:". "11", >1. cal.
S<>up to JI<,ur.
poul, Jl<"'t. pa<l. /4_1. !. I, II
R"",! I" iC\>al,
rool, <:<;>il, ' uil,, rail.
Milk \Q 1l ... oult, mi.\,
mast, 'Ia,h, '''hh,
In ,,<;ng Ih. a. a !-"'IIIt,
the company lin;! .g_ Ul.... '
diffcrcul I ... in uf ... ",,10 1<) be ltan_
anJ Ihtn _<tt .. h,ch p\.ay"r
tan make all the '" tl>c
feW"1 mo>-eo---thc ... "nl.oo.r no ,I t.o-
.ng prtviou,ly '11;1'10.:,1 S""",
..."ru, uho n" ....e. than
al 6r<1 t... TI,u., 11,.
rea<l<r ",in, I think. find 1n.1
<:;>.nDOl t.. i,,,0'1 Lll.Y in
f ... .r than "'(riC">-,
""'Y be Inn.IUI"1TIeOI inl"
BOO1" io th_. The \.alt<. (00,1,1
IlOI be: .ffect ... r IIndor ("ur ,,"v('O
wel1";1 ""t for the fan Ih.1 tho Ihinl
Idle. ;. 11>< sa"", in ch ...., .. ,l
1"0 t<,1 rour Ir.nd,.>""
tho: folbw'lIJ:" po.j ... ,n lh'"" m".-.-
C.\T 10 DOG, My tn 'l\r\:
WOOD '" CO.\l.. 1.l(J:>1 10>
I...AM[J: HAn: I" 1.1)\'1'
1"ran.I<>"" Ih. /"llo",ng 11:1'''' in
four move. udl:-;
\IE.\"I": MORE \0 LESS, FiRE
" Chy
r. Con."..r. il I bring 3 gb. .. of
.. kt me ..,. J"<IU drink
I 10 Emma: Con
drink- I;kc a /i,h: It mll,l "" ....
funny 10 _ "" .. on drink like
Can y"" find n.>mC of the I/)Wn
... h ..., ,hi, lillIe incido::nl <l<':Urrd
CUt>CQl.d in the '\"'11
" Rob.,.
fir,,', 3 ,liilinc!i"", my X<XlII'f
M 1 wh.,l. i. "I""IoI'("d hr th" ChurdL,
,,,,I nOI by
(,p),,, ,\"w"",- 'Q. S, 20. 'S,
Mrs. Pythagoras'
- "
Puzzle .. ... , \
.' 1 ,

Mr.. P)\lUI.gorU
, ,00II ,..;,h
'.. J belt way of ..
twC)'tquarc /a",1<'<! , .. n
nlnt of Atheni." m.tlinl!',
phil'*'l'htt ".1'1>;",,<1' "K,I<lwi!!g
that . "'I"arc .. led on th. hypolh
n",'" h". of a\.d "i.ngl.
i. I ... 1IOl the lJ\u,,' 0/ , h_ b.\"" and
,t.. squar. oJ \1>0 .,,1. """,l"n.d. "'.
"" Ih.1 the "'IUUt )0\1 .tt1.",. n,,,,,
bc OQUlIt to WIll sq" ..... and \h ... -
fore muO! be "'Iuai \0 ,hi: 10'1""<
, ... h)poth ...
lrulh of 1M. 1;1'\'11 d.uun' "
"""",'n in ,h. amllll jl\,,,,,..lion. Nu.
I ,hows triangle:; bo--
ing inchn high, thr oct"". of
that lid. tonl2oilU nil'" "l"u< inchn;
1M t..." bring '''''' ;""hn long, COII-
toiru 'U;IC'(11 oquan ,,,,,heo, and \1>1:
incll hypolhotn"'" "1"" """-
, ...... as m"'y "'1""' " ... hft .. bc>th
of W othtr squ:lr .. a.M"d l"I:"nhtr.
If ...... -joh In nW<" oquaro 001
of , ......... Int.tly place ,,,",, \0-
and dr.'" I .u .. iJ:ht Ii"" f .....
the WI> of onull ... , .,,<1 dra .. the
Ii ... Ihmugh l he 10 Io"'er
comer B 10 U. In.1 11 ..,,11 Inrm Ihe
hytlOthtnu .. of Iria"llk. I:i
;II/r lhe Iml:\h (J( lilt 1<I".rc .. hieh
"ill bt \0 """II of Iho: OIlier
/I hunl,f.,1 d""oonltral;';'n
i. $ho .. n in Ih.n pi...,,,. dippinlf
efT 1M l.'ian!!"I .. rir<:" and filling
tllnn ot ,1Ie,,-n. It will .1",,)'.
"",kc. ,It.(""1 ,",,,or. from 1,,-0-
,qu ... wfltd pi"". 01 paP".
Wb.n tI,i. pnllei!,l. i. Iho'OIIghly
lInd."'11X)<1 In)' number of oquu ..
Or .. he added ... 01
'. 'II "
. C ""---,
\ 1".8.'1"
,\ .:' .,/
In ,I", ill" ..... ti"" I :rnd
wouhl form "'l",,'e "'l".110 tJwo
byptlChenlUe lin. of A. Squa, .. 3.
4 and 5 U1'h 10 the hy-
pot""n" .. liD.... ho,,i"t!' thai W
"'lua'. E i .... Iar,,, a. the 6" ....,.u
nn.... /lU rnana<T e f forms. like
.1'ICIInboi.k. pynmi<l C1'<>He1. .Ic.
C2fI be I ..... fonned ioto >q'>HU by
Ihi. mrihnd. ,,-hic'h i$ iD... hu,bIe in
Ib _ .wld of puuJednm. In Iho: 01-
fo,.,ing....,.u ligute of a cross ... !Itt
lhal Iho: \Qw.... "'I""'. X .....,Id ill
lilt uppo:r opact X h .... by fomung
1 ...... 1<1""'" form. ,,'rucb we !mow
bo.. 10 tnmoform iD,,> a "'lUi'.
..t,;.,h .... un fa: must b. of Ih. di,
of Ibat don.d hypothcn".c
Bu. 10 t6 bock 10 Mn. f'ylh.
gonu' .... !ling puuJe, .. hie!. 1!It
philooop"'" offered 10 101. ..
upon Ih. pr;""ipl. of Euclid" 41 [l"'Q-
pooi\ion OJ pons uinorum.
""ow. 1'1uog." .. y. <ht. I.". .h.
Rlwal' <;a1l.. 1 hi", that iD lhe bouse.
"I fund thtK gocdI .. ill fra,
if they .r. CUI on the biu. 00 ! wanl
to get .lion! .. ,\hnul lbat h'p/,?!,">ta-
mill hnll. l"u it .. pI.>" ,,-hieh w,n
abo do il in Ibln "' ... , (;111 !lU'
l hal \one pir<:' marked A_ $!:Ind
il on .,,01 1\ on. .,,10; I ..... ' moYf th.
piece ( du",-n """ ,Itt'. il form.
a 13"'3 aqu.r all ",hI, .I!
un"l. I doO'1 lik. it
Thol: ; )'01> Ih. I>III,.n dun' t tun
quil. rirbt \ItO In.. lIIuar .. in that
long pit. , ... ,. find .. fIt.!..: t
on.",-er I,,-jng an)' of Ih.
>qu Ih:il hili 1""" 1 it
b< 'Ion .. ..
'I'h ....... ha.a 101 ..... Phythagoraa
n .... pu ... le

'. ,.
. .>
On tht principl. lhal Nf'f'J
rut.: .10",,.1.1 ""''' wa)"l, w. ",-ill
.., ....... r .. W i.I ........... .., pro-
du Iwo "I" ...... fmm """ br!;c
I"Ia Ih. l""nl ,,( cnm-
pas6<'" u A and deJ('nb" B C
.nd an)' ponn 011 ,nl
dia 1M 1"""1 ..... of lhe IwO .m..tlt.
o,qunn ... h b aU ....,.,.., In the .....
of the: b'K"'t AU\) C nd bti"l:"
". back In' IW<H<jUI" I""" 01 any
tksired ....
It .. ''''y to f'I'O' .. IM t rutb

of F..,ehcl'. I.mou. 1'!'OfII'Ii-
UCln b)' IM'e('IUlI four tn
.ngles around lhe hn><>tb
en""""'1U3reC_ The .rea of
A'+2AIl+B'; lublr." lb. ('(HI-
tenU of lb. 4 \riA"!;!" l_\D 1'ro"'"
A'+U' of Ih. "de and baM eqUllll
CO of Ihe
t ..... 110 Europo: ..-ilb Prof.
in 1865, "",I I on. d.oy
... hile _.peaking abool our M
1.>"lI:h;"I:1), .. m>rkctl thaI he in-
. M during lb. year
I ....a. born, He told many in'., '
ting thinC "'ilh Ih" pro-
and 01 .. luI is
IrnDorn ". lho<! AI""", """"_ .h a
""'ft'IIir of t"" O('t:I.,irn. "" dottrd
'" my the
alpt.&brt. a<o;:Of!-panir<i hy va1u;obl"
in ' ..... koa.... bich I d ....... '"lIy paso
"" t<l the "song grn< .... titln:
II ............ a con' ..... pl.> d th3t
tho ,h" .. lJ t.. uk ... by
.....,."j. bUI after )'elr< "f p", ict in
.. ng t .... la!"'. Ihe m<>.km u,
".." &""'OI'N and Ihe Dld.i"", OJ>-
- ...
-. _.
- ,-
Q R 5
,- ' ...
- "
, "
-' --
- -
. ,
- . ---

, ,
--- -
. . .
- -
. .

-, --.
. . ..
-- -

. ':.. . -;, --_ ..

. . .
' . . .


. .
in "'ominl: ,h lph:We1 ... y:
A <1", .a h. D .1:\ h ,10. dot dot. C
rlf)1 d.->t dot_ :>;n.. <I? y<:J<l noticc
the .. " a 1,1\1. mere "P"ct be
I .. .. n II', .... I.>-.t You ....ould
nnly d"'...,1 11I:ot )"OU we ... a
'"",Ilh nl"'rt_ J) ,u,h dot. dor
I', <lot. F c1,,, ""_h doc. G w..Jt <b..h
""J II i, dot J"t dot rtoI
In ....... ' l".rallle a "",I expert.
, hm<l DO Ot'<"IL,iOD to
I MInke t he ""m ..
M Mo",.
lion t "rule llen'ntll"'J'!I 0 lhe
..-.]" nn,il I bf'r.tme familia,
""h It. I thi8 u wtll
M many ol1.tpr ,binn "bkb ,
"r",,, .. Tn talk .......... Iy a8
." a<'ro"'I'IL_hmt"t for my 0"' 1\
nm""',,cnt. "A little I<"'ming
bfI a d nnrrou8 anrt.
11 ja,'k "r.l tflldps n ... " lJ;l 1\
mn.,,:, 01 non"." I
mo .... 'n 'he "hi "") ill.l(: ".ll .. ork
"ml n(l II. dull
A hoy "hll koowa" Hnlo
.. h belll>r than
Ihll boy "ho kuow$ Dothlng
shout " "Yl hl!'g. .he you!lg
nom tli. ,. Dlln<iB with couW'nin-1
(lid tlley will "eVer
Ju I ,(\ I.",ili",i .. }''''' wilh Ihe
alpll,""I. twill lala: oca.,ie,,,
I" toll. link which bold
prof. ror ond "'pclf on our r ....
turn (f) Yo.-k. hy the 'i"",.JOU
d""'ph .. <:<1 ,t lOU ,.il1 havo a
,"'Y r-l of .he .hni ... 1 lea
,urtJ of Ih. rodf.
. __ ._- .. __ ..
__ . _ .. _:;:- == ; :..__ _ ... -..: ..:::" 7" __ ":'"...:. __:... _ .:; :' - .-',::: - - _. - _._ .. - -. -
-- .. - -- _ .. _.- .. _--
-- --="'-":'::::::_--''':'' -_._--- _:.-.. . _.,;--_.- _ ... _- -- ----- _ ...
-_ .. - - --- ---- -.. -_ .. _------
:.=_._::..::-_.-.=:....:.:.:-. __ . ___ ';'".;' _ _____ __ .-_-_7-:::.'- - ....
----.- ._-':="._-"- _._---- -- -_._ .. :"'-_: ::".-::-
:-::...--:-.,;:..:.::.. _ .... -._-- -,.-. _------- --- _ ... - _ ... __ ..
---- --=.--:-..:._---..=-._-- -.-:::'--":'.:::-- -- .. - - - -'- .
.. -0
.. --------- ._- .... _--.- .. _::._---- .. _--.-
- _. -_.=.:.-::. -- -- _.,,_. ""- - _. _._-
._--_. "-' "- -- -- - .... -_ ._-. ---,._- _._----
._" '- "--- ._- -- _ ..
... - - -" ._---
PROPOSITIO"- lI ere art _ho",n Ihe dlme .. ,lo" , of t .. o field .. tbe o .. t " .. cloud b1 580 nil ..
Ihe otber b1600. An Ic" conl dIl1 43,s60 tquare fUI 'llld .. ill raj" 840 'IIU .. h ... Whll will b. Iht
re lll l .. " _II U .. h trOp. of th. t .... "old.?

m .. .. no. u
.' wtil ...... h .. haw, ,
" _ nalu",! lot!nt h, .. "rd. tht-
- PM"'I'I .... of
the l",rI"-II<lI'I of
fo"" or \h. ""'de .. ('''",p .. ..,u ...nb
,n OI.het .t...I"!I, The an
oblonlt'. Of p<.olylt"'n 'I'"
proao:bM Ihe Inn'll 0\ -mle lhe
gn>OlM will be Ih. IUriatt In I'"'por-
I"'" to 1M leagl II 01 hn. re<luin<l In
""c\ooJe ,I TEu- prol""'l,nn II ..... ll
illllltrate<i in the l"l1" ... ;nll l'rol,IHn
.. hich ill !:i,'en 10 o.hu_ Ihlll tbe
lef!gth 01 lence re<luored In ""d<>w
I held no ;"d"III,...., of lhe
II 'ppean thai tWO Ibr-!"
who klle_ nDlhing " .. ,,,,,,,
or land ""nltmlnt 43.5bO .l
f .. l, t...d \>eon nul "" III.
bam door a ,n,art d,,-kr, .. hi,-1,
\hty o:ondu,It<1 1'.. ,"' .... Syku'
boy ... '100 WU 1",.11 f,tlm conojl'('
1'hey trod .. 1 (lne large ,.,..h1 1o.
and 1odl"..! tbM
g<l1 Ihe b!)lOt of Ihe R .. hecIIUM
it l(JOk _ rtilI 1<> ""tIMe the
new 1id,1 Th .. , ol<l Lot had 140
rail_on _ Old. by ISO on ,II" ou..,c
whkh .muW <nab 580 nil.l ""
l"UTllilteo, The lor ... hich t bey
,1'1<1"" bu 11(1 r.uIa by 190. whi<:h
make (JOO ra,ls on <hi' loue
The liimetUi.ons of t"'" field.
,,'" shu.,." .,., tbe lKlrn
dOOrt &:1<1 i1\u'llrale ,. valuable 10$-
OI>Q io geometry pertaming In lorm
I",rt o:!tn-.sion. TD l'f'C""'" on
prnlMm U1 tang1ble I",rm. let the
ptnl><-1I&Ition be: ,hat 840
Jtlu.ube& Me raised 10 tbe "",""
How many oquaobn ..-ill ,,,,-
"""rI Aires lOIe on lhe yur',
by trwinr. 1>1'. if! ",lin word<.
b".. "'Ut'h d"", farmer Sr kts'
wy'o """.,.ledge of
p:>Jt>e'TY prolit hi'" ptr y.... in
.\ns one httle I1"an .... 1<> oay
n"thing about the thousand. of
.. which ..-ill occur
irlK Ihe reM lor him 10 lum hi$
pmoll .... 1 kllo..-Iodge of .m.themati05
10 a.;""unl"
Why. wl\(n you paint <nan',
porlr&ll . m.o.y )'<Iu be dco=be<1 .o..
IIepp"" ,nto hit HaUM
you .... ke b .. feet )'<Iun (futuret),
Wby <nat a bt;pr wac a very
dlort """I B'ause It ... 11 be
..... , enoutll bel'1l"e he ano,he. .. the moll valu.ble ...
five-<lollAr not8 or fiv. I:<'id dol
la",> The 1>01. btea.u ...... hen y<N
put i. '" you. pocket )'ou double ,
and .,.hen 10U tab 1I OUI 'Pin y ....
Oft,t mrfUllel.
Why" a pmty fOIU' S lady hke
a r,I.!C"" .. Me,' lhe "
",rmun<!M by f.1IoeII (Iello .. ).
What II the; d,ffef<'nce bet_
I"",, and 1 \' OIl III upoD
one .nlt $land on the othe"
Whal ,I Ih. '""'" awkwanl \;",e
lor a lra,n IOllIrt' I2:S0 ... it.
ten to one ,f you ""Ich ;\
Why \I a camel .... ...,. pUSO'
doni animal1 UKause he alwoyo
ru.a hq up.
Why can Ih ....... 1,1 b<:! compored
10 n, ... ie' Beenu .. it ,. to 1 .. 11 01
IhMpI e al ..

;. _ !rid< of euttmg- a fi""
,'. pt>inltd Jbr ",i,h
",ip ....nh a poir 01 ""i.
h:u 0 ....... been in
Idl'I1 ... 11J ptnented, I wil! .... d""""
10 ..... w hnw il WU ul'l.inccl to m,
in "'Y <luI), )'OIlth. I wi.u. i, III ""
k""wn that I was born in dol.e I'm,,'
,mlly 10 tbat on Arr),
mm in Ikl>y
R .... lhowfd C'.n>rge W .. hinl:l''''
Ind Rob<rt Mon-i< ho .. to de,,1l" III<
point fd 113, of f ... ,Iom.
Th.",. a ", oevorrnl of I'"t.
fomunlt the bIlt I "omide, Ihe
foll"""i"l: 10 "" Ihe 10.. 1 m<l.t
.. , ;!y dttcribod. a
pi..,. of pIll'ft", Dv {,ye th .... on,1
h. lf inch""" lint foiol it douLte
... 0100"'01 in Mit. I. Tho:n f"ld on
lin. ff<WI1 the cenler A In Ihe I .. ..,
"""" "'. fo\o!i'\g the ",nlM ma,ked
R I ...... ' d and the (OrIlU C hack
wanl. ... .txw.-n In Fif!'. 2. :';OW fold
the po,,"e 0<1 a lin<. from ClOtho
"-"""or poiol A, .., as 10 bring the
D J"QJ'allcl with the lin. n as
......... in fig. J. Thea fold the end
I': t.cknrd. hn>ding il Db the line
1f1lm n I" tho emter point A 50 lhe
r:': he ... .00..-01 in
'C." X."., eutt>ng a lIr:aighl .'ip
r ..... r to I;. it will prooJIl tho ,,'
, .......
Two WDl'dI Ih= are----thc fi ,,,, win
\\'''''1 _y Iw- fOlmd in 1ItlD .... oniI
\\bt", ""riot" "_Ori_ "..: d ,.
And il ."",,,1 " . ;
,'Ctl s..-, the,. """'=- ,,en.
may """ 1Ird J;0U' loil.
\\'1101 I N ro:u
q",ddy gue ..
...., "" lntd .n ""in wi.h Vfl'"
...... hol I "...,j , ,--.
With Ii .' ,nn.t 1"0111<>...
T h
--'- ttl. oIriU ""d klo. """"'''
o ..... m' _ ' .
Ci L _ mil' ...,'" )'rnor vle .....
'i'n<:r Ano .... .. _ I, ,
. ". . .20. 1 . 1,:>0.
. . J.
pnmled ,h,,,,'n b)' Fill'. S- TlI1'
u.".l1 !MIl""'. "hich h ... IU ... ,).,,,.
!""'r. or Ie,-, loy 1(1" ... ",10, i hv ....'n
Ih. n.xt th, .. ill1'lratin" ..
" fli/ .. ,/
.......... ...
... '
C " A.,' ;:: __ B

Fi"1 1,,1.1 a f"',lrclh "I"'" piece
of in Nil oltu .. ", hrnrl
\I f ....... . he ,,,,inl .. ' th.11 tho
douhle <'till" 'nlr''''::I' Ih. mi,I,U ... f
lho!np. Tlt<n (oM 01<,,,,, 1"" ''1' <01
IloJ! ,Iotlt'<l lint- 10 .. In kd< II",
....:w>d dlu"",,,on, Th('n Io:,ck II ...
b-4lom on ' NI I ..... .. it
""h Iil<. lhe Ihi,d il:""ralin" . ,,,1
("lJ1 "" 1M do:>ttt'<l Ii"" .. ill P''''!'''
tIM: ,1'-"1'" .,mitar 10 tM (Kht-r.
A Ro bull.
T .. o ....OI"d. "h h .... bat old
Sh,lock .... il1 Il0l<1
On "our """ .. , or ,-nur tan.1. he
lend. l"'" hi. gol,l.
Enjoin,,,,. bring ,,1>0
from ........"
,\nd. in 'Iranl:" di",.,o, llIay
00)<>1'''' or """m,
nUl "horo'er he ",n I .. ill Inwn
COU1l1ry (lr IIm",I.' ,
He ron rxi" In hi. "'." '''I\e
Cil,hn A" .... Cf_l , 5. '4
It J' -, ..... ," teo " ... 10 sa. Ihat I
."",_1..-< 2. .. bolO tla.1 wh.., I
".,J,<'1l to mH. a O\mnx1ri.
cal 6""'pn;n'td '13'. I '*'" to 60t
.,,1 .... 11 round I'i""" of f"'Il"'" ar><f
f'.,I,Io,, ;, a hnotn, I ,,""'oJ bc:nd ii
"'- liv. part. and then gi ... il nne clip
".,h ..-i, '" "'I,,('h InSUrn
I'cri<YI "'T.
H<t. i." rnmI. .. i,, ill",lra'
linn of what mlgh, he !r,""", an op-
!icall!huion. Look .!t.d,!y 10. aboul
.. sondi It lb. litll. oW- in Ihe
ccnltr of .. hme &.igto. then.
Wilbon! ,,',nk,n!:. suddenly gaze at
$m'e omal' point on a """", of
fill"'" Ille ccilinp:. or a blink .. :011. AI
ler. Ie .. attempt" by guing mt"'tly
al the one SJ'OI lor ,ea M 1 .. ..,ty
,.CO.I<It, the hlu"1 form .. h"'h firM
.. """" .. .,-iIL the ...,U kno.. ...
fHI" .... of .. !d>r:ut'<I grnrnl
It ,,-wId "1'1"" 10 tho,"a,lor
i> a 1, ... 10 nf the imagination
and tMt the: colors think we
.... UJ cr.,u<'d by tIto r.nna of
lhe....... infCrudy at a brighl
MINed 'poI. lIke I"" ace of .tiamcm\,
h$rts. and thnt <In . 1 the blank
"all 01' poptt' and Y"u will Ott the
.td hu ehanli:t'd 10 .. bright I[tffn.
Atti_u thiJ ltl<lhod to find
"'1\ 3re the p.artv col.,.. or
n,tl11 to ,luck rlain roIon "';Ih he-
""'1: the new color ..-hi"h I vPn"
on II,. '1>" is tho 10 the
o;olu. 01 the hAY" lim l00I0:''''
al. a. ,. to black, 11"'''' III red.
The fe.tnn: of the
thal)'Q\l now . ee a no ..
coklr ,.hi"h only In YOU' imagi
d .. ...,' on!linn ",;\ ..
_bot,..,.. "'" ..... h II bi!1"''' Im>tl
1.,..1>0< if f"" .. ,.;' ...
.......... ......., po<k<d .,nth ,,,,,nl" .,.;.
10 """II tt... Ioilh<>o ..... 111 ."""
"" ""'"' ul pm. '>9.... ..!"* Ilo.>.t
.-.I, ... 01 ,''' .",,1 .., .- ...... ,
bond",' """ ...... di .... l.""" Ih< .,n'"
to lh< ....... nl:.,. .. ,ob .. _ .. ill
W ..... IIwI .... toOll_,b part .. I "".

TIl< ;n' .... ' ia ..... -rarin .... I Ih<
<i.d. h>....... hpt .1>... ,lIT til< oil' ..... ,
__ I ...... tor Ill< I'll" ........ _ of
5<" ....... ODd .... , ....... lUI llI<_trl
.... kn<>wtI .. the ,,,.,. "I thr lmild;,..
of Ih< 11k Pan. A .............
Iw wttlMIno_ ;u ell _ u" " -",n
.... _,.. ...... rinor ...-.. ..,
..-. ,,,"", ..... '" ........ ..... ....,....
d.pIO<.. """. "f Ib< ... b<, """ _ mote
pHptUlll _.""
1"1>< ... .."hoi........
P",( .. p .... roE..! ...., ..
_",.., ..... of Ih< .......... Iit, of
""1...... 11<> p1'<>IoI<nu mothnn>ti<>C,
c.". .. prool i. ,"" "",,"_ a<><I
,110_ f"t ,"" ."".., for
tho II<ft..!i. 01 Ih< ,b<>u.. d """...,.
0." 1M" , ..... "ho b<:i<-rt ,1, ,h.,. b.t
..... ,..w...,d. 10' ooh'inf Ill< .. , pTO!>-
'om .... ,U P'" " ... OIl<! inI ... , .....
nI"" to lit, SlI."k,' ...... I"",,",red ond
..... m d.",.,.,,,,.,,,,,, u . , ...
.. ,..w"h '" "'''''''' .. 1M ". .. ..,'"h ......
I"""" ","1M""";';"'" tbt woflJ
.... II" _",k .".,.<, .nd
It lit. hn oppro.<d ,.". .b. .. \ SG-
"''1 01 Vol. XX! ... , i,
n ...... " .0 "" 1\0" I .. Lb, n,,, ", .. h
od. com",'" "i,I> Mr $b.nko' , and
" .. b.o, p"'fn h" 1,,1 1, maT be .. ,,\
." .. "'" .1>< ,.! ,1>n1D>n.h 01
m,"tt.."""' .... , ""'''>" of .. _ d",,,,, .. 1
.b,;, I,.., " th, u.ol ",.,. "''7 I,,.
",f"< .....",,. .t br , . ,"" filtl1 Of ,idh
"""' .... 1. .",1 1><... bo, .... """:A",,l,
> ... 1 ,t>.nd&rd "I' I<t .. , ... blO>d<l oDd
....... P"'"'"
..... 1 ... '" '0' a _'inl no", .... d H -
rl .... ' ..... for 'M "I th<
ond __ "",,'" .. hi<h Ilea OD
.,,11 ....... be fnrao"... Tu ","'Fe
ru,l. ......tiI>I. hili til< diam<t<. ('"
to-< loin tit. .; ......... 1.....,. (in
ia<1I<>1 'n.. ." ..... , .... b II< _ .. 11
""" ..... _ ... Iy appr.,.i .... tdl
...... .. .... " ___ 11 i. tptU1i<2l.
Mt.u .... i/ roo ..,<11 ... _ bow _
I," 01 COO<! ..,q "" r<qu;<i .., <Ortt
......... ... , 1""' bit. "'" .,.,.
...... u ... th.... """'1 ........ 00<1. <b. dO.
_ ... u.d .... :,;,.r, til< !WI 01 .... '"
lull Ill< o<l><r. and il ,....., .......... .-
......... """ F Ill< a_' of.....t
rcqoitod to> It .. Ihan ,II< IOJiaotb pon 01
, ... b.
11 "" pi ...... wi,,,,, '0 boo" ,"" """.
, ....... DI a ,i...,J.r ""'I Of ",.Hm. k\
\tioIt IIl<Uf'< .... ................ 111. <if-
e<>mf.......... ,I>< 1>"" u.... amItipI.
,"" half of .,.... '" \all 01 tbt otMr ond
.... ,,,olt '" the drfl\lt. a<>d. h. w,u la,.
tho: .. poci'l .. <looo< .. " ..... k d"", 01
wa'" n.. ','<", n .... of ,1>< ." ......
pend l!"",ltr _ Ih "u,xy 01 h.
... llad to ..,..." "rot!.,. "",I
"'" 11 In dio<r>rl<t". "'tOO' ""u .....
.. ,n, ... d, tb< to> ""
IL ,10< .'" 01 !hi, ",I. he f".,nd
II. .. I ... , 01 tin. wh",b .....
not "1"''' ,,,,,h ou, 01 .1 "'"
N_ Ir< .0 ........ that d .. l. 01 ,ho
n ... ,.,. ,ho ",I. $_ ,h. ""U""
j.,,,,,,,,, ... to b< OJ'7 u.,t>... an<! 111.
.. " .. " .' in,,,,,,, tho ""II of ,I" ......
,.,. ,b. '"''' "I ,b, otll< , ... 1 .ad ... .
_" In<b" as ,I>< ",rr'" "",,,or n.,
why/ h. ,; .. :" "' .. ,," In Ioalf
I""" ... 'n II, ... l>n"",. "" .10< d.d ...
,,'n'" \> .... ,b nr 'he Orat\ll.
.!)<\ .... i.b'''! 0"' ,h. "..1 ... horwn In
th. MIo ... ; ..... "",. 1t i. <kit ,b .... ,b

pt ... j ... loti, o. hll.f 01 ,h. 0 ......
f........ bn ... "'" __ ""-" til<
... " ... <i..... m!......... "J1oc ",,:p .. _ ...
M ..". .. ..., ;1>\0 ........... "'h ....... m
""II w"" l b. d ......... lit-
....... ,11<, ... ,MoI f,,,,,, ... ..,. pout' 01
tho clmmolrrmeo '" "'" .... ' ... t B A.
,h ... ,...",.10 ... pcr I ...... ,I>< b.ll o>f ,1M
"" .,.",f ... to> ., ,b,I, 11'1""" "'"
... ,11 brine ,b. ,_ .... ,,,,,.,be, .., ..
'0 r" ,,,,,," ;"'0 ..,Iid obloo. _ ."d
""If l",hu wid. '" H'1 .... b .. Iort ..
<OIl .,,,;"" ",1><0 01, ."d '"' . inch ..
.. "a,td.
"r- cmrun<H1 sen><'.
kati tepu nU 'hI!
BLII.IoI 6n: ....
caP<' ..-h:,h In,
... _ aboulJ be pl"' .... 1 '0
uory mom lIt .ho .. n.hl
h . U.tried U O<Ie o OUr hol,,1,
h:r.d ,n,'h
way of dunn# lb. nihl
WIth ,h.,. .""""$1",,, ... hl
Itt. .. no long .... find.
WI,h lbo 1an.llorJ;.
It i . m,,,,,y rope "ilh II
t .'
, .
. -
00,'::"1 81 bolh o:-no'. on1".
In>(' ..... hu bueke.
I:U"'I ti,',,", 1M '>lMr <'<'!liCO "I' Th.
,nll"'fluily 01 lb ... b .... c ron ... U ,n
put",,&, ""me Ob)",,1 ,n ODe b,,,:k.l
to ""t ,.. a """>nl .... b.>.lanoc Iu
bon, .. _,"de 1.0 \ ... \<>."" .1 'I' Iht

""r1>nsi"ll 'hal Ihirly
l'0un<lo i. Ih. lim" 01 d,lfcreno'e
winch .-."t,l nv' ca"r,e '""U' I ....
In 1", jnrnoJ, 'he 1(>\10"'1'11
r'." ... "" " ... 11 ,n m waylo be readily

A 6", O<'<"urred ODe nigbl a t _
ashlonabl .. Ii'ImIn,u hotel. and alL '"
lhe {>tuIJIc """ptol ,n ... Iely
lhe n',<:I1. and blS .. ",il,
.ho oould no. be a",uo;c-d un.iL all
..... l. 01 ""_[Ie .... .., .."t <>If 0;""1'1
by the Now . 1><-
.. of J,k Walehm..."
\Ir<. b.>.by and <1""
_n<OIU\I.,.j 10 juot 390 p<lundo, ""
,I," I''''hl''''' i. otlIt\Jiy 10 .ho .. the
qUICk",t wa" "f iuw...-ing ' ho lamity,
,1I",y pound. a. a tlme
h.... t.,.n
""M,,'n h .. d, un.' ...... , '''n".' ,",.,,, " "
.. "h Ih",go, I oa'" &IOv."...! big
waldle'>, tool"ng "" 1f had
'" front o( the IIOI'eII for """nt-
Itu aU indicating tho
... mc mY$ten<>UI tm,"" a('COmparuoed
Ly tbe that !.he firms
_abl"h.,.! a couple of hundreJ
ye:o.. "'" I do not dOllbt lor a
moment that tome ouch similar
silfD on l., fOllod at l\ur1'1JIberg.
wheft the watch origin.1t<:<l during
the fi(\
TIMI ........ to haV.,
brought O\It a of ll!<! l;oct
lIIat (rom an artist", point of "inl,
l)'mme1.'1' reqWtel that the bands
.hould be e""n1y bal:lDC<!d. as ,t
........ on h<>tb I>deI of thco of thot
If they .... rv.ioed too milch ,lot-,.,
" a .. eu..<pu31.>ng. d.,.!ama-
lory dJI" .. !tieh ill nol llitog<:thet"
I! ...... "g
Tl.., time wuulJ be inrorr""t ,f the
handa pointe.! at 9 and l. and at
other pomtl WOIlld 1>0 \00 In..-, 10.
1<1 a matter 01 and lrom an
artlSllGVO!M of villw, the """"tion;'
weIl ... l .... wt l"J isnn. of \1>03 points
ww,'lI, wnb th .. a,'\ of a wMeh, can
be .",.W., to be pcGIIM. I I "a I .. ..-t
,,",-ver, that 11K< !,uule of
tel:';"r .. hat un>e the wateb ,n-
diQ.les. has t-n Itdd "I' 10 plll.oht
gau 'M all u.e.. oentunH .,lboIIl
bm"g Ihooqht of nr ooIvedl
Take )'''''' watt'h .ad ... 1 ,I to
. he tUne ""ilcat<tl . .."" the han<b
at eqna! dlSt"".,. from lhe six hmI
wlueh 5hmrs ,I to> I ..... t-L1e
1"*""", and r.ben Idl wbl "1M 01
the day ,t ..
Tb .. i$ one "I. tM rn.ony ,nlu-
""1.>nl )IIIWItl whi,'b ... ,11 be ,fIU'O_
du""" to ur.1au< ,n a .. mp!o ,,ar
... vera! prol.o ems "r .he r!""k and
din.fI .... m "".., ""Ih .. every
une "'DIll,! be
!law many lx.y. kll<>" Ihat a cord
and .""", ,,"l time ........... mun .c
<'\Irately lluin n S!.OOO .atchl
h i, ... 10 oay that fe ... know
s I.>c .... ..1 in't<: .. d 01
a romp:oso, yr th41 WIth th ,,! nf a
"""'pap you t"" MOt your .. alch
If ..... ;" a I""' Hy and fi " , .... I.t\oa of ",ent, pun e t _Iy r lied In HvpotTMI!O' famous m.o.lhemAtie pm!)\"'" of the
InlO the f ""'JrU3
t(l "Iun. The problem ;n IhlS c ..... I<'> di ... ,,,..t to<>,.. 10 tonvcn. ,he """""nl
Jl<*ibla '::::wr "Qf .,.k a. ,ho .. n upon Ih. w;>ddeu' 1>8.1. hy <'Utting Ihe moon into .h. to';'.,..
p!e.:u ... meh ean be fi tted togethe, 60 "5 to> fom, " r .....
ho,,"" a",l unoopha\'-
<"led ",ilkman. ""\10 Iwl
'-101",1 "'\I,-h
comntntiou. ,1.... 1i n R'
and the f:lel of Mln,,'cr h .. ,;nK (Ii ....
allpDInled .. (11Olom"', 10un<1 t.o hi.
dISmay on. m<>ming that hi. '''P!,\}"
of ... ,nadO:<l"aU h. th" 0.1..,.
01 hiJ "aim,,:>. In 18<\, hi.
.-lock .... much 100 <.hon If) "",.va
hiI tOIIl". and ....1lI ""
'\1 of any nil'", ,,"Ik_
Rea],"", .he len"'" ""n""'l"."-
_ which ,,",hl ....... !, tn hi. "">1-
n_. to .. y ""lh'''1I: .I>QU' tile ,\ISII.!,-
pollItn.a>\ &D<l incunv,""",,,,<:'<O W 11,.
..w,ommo. he w .. at hi. ",,\,' eu4 to
know whot to do ill IUs dilemma.
After !uruing 1M mMter
0 .. .,,1111 .. 1 m;fld be dele ... ""ed Ihu
as he .. u U>O oonocie'llt""" and fa,,
mindod to .how ""nuLllly by 1Cn"
in, IOnU' &lid vaa'''1 h.
...,..Id have \.0 d"ide .... hat he had
-x them an. but wou1<l dilute
Ius mill< '''Ih ,. , .. lIIoLen! IIWlnl,ty of
"",tu to make ,I mm ,,11 ,Icrr.anua.
Ib.>'inl found, after
... areh, ... ,,11 of ",--""\:1,, I'D"'
water ",Iud, couhi
"'''plo}' rOT the 1''''''''''''' I"""f"'<\
intO one or the can .... ",,,ny
01 ",aUT u would enable h,,,, 10
..,rv. 1111 of hll
bHn ,n the h"bi\. ho ...
eve', or ..,lling t WO quahtiN of nHlk,
on. {Dr eight .. quart end Ihe
other I,,. u.n, he rmc=eN!od t o prG-
duct \wo ...... , in. foHowing
iug.."",u. ",,,nnor. wh,eh II ... ggeot.
01 " 3n<1 ,,,U.USI,,,,
From SQ. 1 ... hieh ""ntai".<l
onty ", .. ter. he pourw. ... ffi";.nt 10
d""hle ,lie "",Len" 01 Can :\0. 2.
conllUlllnK tb. Inlik.. n.n from
No 2 b. pourod back ,nlo Xo. 1 i""\
.. murh nf the ",;Xlurtt ... be h:ul
wale< In Xo. I. TMn. 10 ",.
(UrUM proportions. pm-
<ft'd 10 po .. r bad< lTOnI /',""0, logatn
J""I .to double
the of Xo, 2. which lei''"
... eolWLl number 01 gallu". in each
01 the can ... as be Tl':ulily
aIIo ... n. although Ibm' a",
,.lIon. ""'''' of ..... ter than tnillr III
(an Xo, 1
"ow. thill .. not .. "
tranoaeUon .. it looh, tOT" ,....
q",m hut thrt<! to equalm
lheoanunlloof the but ..
suming \!tat milk: cosl him t"...,
<enU a quart, I wioh to know ko ...
mon.y he rct"tived all,ogeth ..
if he wid oul the stock at un
"II and eight "",,05 " quMI.?
It i p",tty problCDl from the or
of life well worth
knmoi", ... it (i"eo IlIl idea oj the
of the milk trun, and u-
pl,'nl,he Parmen' UnIon lormula
for prnduclnl nlndud milk.
'" Lelal Problem.
A who "".ll .. tn
10,. d.,im to III in rh.n<..:r)'
&Oh 11 the"" i. R law in an" of nUT
nnl .. which woul.1 hRVO 1',ol\ib,ud
hi, grandfather from blMr)"ing tho
';"Ier of \ll' wid"",. Ih lI&y'
tM enl<f'O prtl<,! oj hIS right o! i,,
llerit.:u>rc tI> .... old f.rm nnw l\'.
... nll lIky ... r.p"r1 and pl!ahal
turns llpon the .,lUllon
'Tho: problem hu "' ... the ro"nd.
or tho plI .. ]e ... orM .. " tkver cat"h
... Illd. turn. llpon 1M p"'nt tbat
r.1.at1 muo.t be dead w make hill
... ir widow."" he could oot matry
b" ... "'ow, "'r, "nonhtl ......
thtte is good .. tth ... ullln the
Ulch '1u0I1i"" wlLid. f"rly ,t_
the rnpular .l'l5 ... er. From" loPpl.
:os ...,11 U a p ..
.. .., 'II"<IIlld inform our
lha.t lilt", .... n .. tb .... 1 .... nor ob-
jrction 10 hit grandf"' ..... "",,,nK
!named \he aU"'. or his
A .1Id D .rt Idte'" "...
"""" in quett;"" ",am... A, ohe
d,.,., luv,nl tum .. lI'I<lo"'er. I t.
then mani ... B., ... 1>0 ....... ... Illm
and hi. widow. Th". ht
may be .... id 1.0 h., ... marlll'd 1111
wido ... "..10. (A.). thoujth .bo: ....
his fus\ in.t .. d .. I hi. te<'OlId ".,fe,
The !{ra",llIon ;.
.ottUI'd to lb. old farm ,..,,11 i\.o
01 lIkyICTI.f"''''
uf Mt
,h nu 01 tho pun!."
.,'""cburrd. and the I"'l,ular ".,..ion
,. "" lu,,'qluI.M of .1"" M IOlutlon .
J the hheny af III
to.m ",h"h Ih.
the p'oLl.m an,l "I Ihe ",me UIrUI
.lml>""I'" the ",any "the. M'
The .... h" ... " m tho)" .
tItre, .. u ... <qua", t hrt<!otory .Iru ....
tu,"", ...,Ih ...... ",.1" .. ., uth "".
of the upper J\<)nCS. It "'pla,n 10
be iIeo:f> lJu, \hMe art .. """n'
on .. <b t>I the up!>"r Il"",... wl""b
."""'. w"h the re<julTemtnlJ of tht
old O\oty. A. llul IOH"'" goH, the
uf'l'C'T tloon wen: ...... 1 I". slHfl'''K
apaMm..,,,.of ... hich the "'I' 11001,
h ...,.,ng more bed. In each ,,) the
....,.".. t.nee ..
""'''y Ottup:lll" lIS lhe occond a,.,.
The '%lutller SupenoJr. il\ .'"nIn!.
on"" ""th an old rule of the lound
en<. ",,,<ted lba.t the occupants mu<t
be ... d,vided 0. lmanpi tlur.1
I'1;XJm sl,,,,,ld be <>CeII1"i!d. t",,",
.hould 1M tWK'e UlII4ny on lbe Wp
flu" ..... un tbe oeron,j, .n,llh ...uhere
mu>! al .. ,,,,. be "nther mo"' n ....
I .... jun nun. In tM
roonu On each of the lour lids 01
the ron,enl Of O(Iurot ,t ,.
to be ...... thAt ,I,.. ""'''''''lUI
tl) 100 \ ... 0 ul'P'!r II""".. 00 that the
ground II"" .I""" n<>\ ",., t" )",
ro".;d.,....J nt all
w.n. ,t 00 happen" thot
the of tl,e French army
tho pa ....
",nt of the ynungest.ru1 rome-
ly nun. wore fnund to ha.vo disap
... n,\ It w .... nlways
Iher ha'\ been <"'ptuted I.>y tho
wI<l,e". ,.. I<J ili.nre .. Lh. "'''tber
Sup"';,,r. h" .... "er. tbe nuno "'00 dUl
",.nd Ihe lou lonnd It "',..
jl1$\ \II tOnc",,] Ihe fRn, by
a )lI.h"",,,, man'pul,,!.>on or
nf Ih. O<'oup.ont. 01 lbo: room " n ....
... "h wh,oh had 101\1:
been f:uni!"" ... .,.h.n "t tim .. ,t be ne<_ry tu COl,, the "to..
wn,'. <>1 ..,me of m<>re U:tlOlU
So 10 .... adju.t
... In meb" ,"",v. lho>t .. ben
the "",the!" Superior made her
nlgbtly rn<ln.u . "cry' """" 11'",..
loun,j to he <>c<:up:eJ . nun<
"" u,'b of the 01 the """.
vent, I"",., ....... uy "",be top flour
as on the ..e<:ond . "nd Jet the niM
Pun. n>iso<lnK Ho .. mapy
nun. "'.111 3nd ho ...... = they
The men' of tbe punI" lies in.IlC
ronda",,,, o1.he i'rob-
Itm, wh,eh u' at tbe 6rot
h!",h In he
It 0(1 ",ad,ly to
.... hen
VI' k"" ... is I1Il :mswcr, that
(Ill, ,u .. l,. ...... ill tin,j It an amulilli'
anJ ,t","bv. I._n.
P ROPOSI TIOII"- CIII yo" decipber tbt b" iell 011 t be
Imo .. ." Ibal .n Ihe
... bt-te I worked

10 the pres ...

and mado , bllt
"n ""fMe
lim made
II Will due.

,,,t .. 1
, be
To 11I" 5t<:>.t. my earnest. d...:""
til "",ke everything el ... r hy kin_
de-r"8atten met bod . 1 """"n th.t Jusl
I promoted. ,he ... '"'"
m ... tonll 01 the .t,,ector<. and I
\..,k occasioIt to pin an oxpl3natory
lit" on the dem- of Iheir room. jun
to _ 01 Ih"'" had I".,,,no
\0 d<cipher il. I l()(Iked
ul"'''''.' a OC>rt of compeli ti,. t I.
... ,I ,,ore. to drcide ",hich of them
"' ... best; q"alified to fin the posih""
of Lo\\er. which "':LI VAcant at t he
lime, but. ao "one 01 th.m could
t be directo." . ooml
ten. thai "''''ebody .at'OIII
my o-om .i%4 wu bell quahned I"
fill 'M pO."1(ln. and t he...,l".., u.d
.\ "" B ""'I,p,ng 'I"". '" p .,.;-
1)0u\.otJ..., many <>I ou,
PUU,.IA of an ohl..- rmwlb ...,-
call lhe and OAn hlfnub
the an ...... '" ouch .... ..., ambtliOUS
to ;mpnn-e ,hei, potitionl toy .... u'-
lar uOlies.
Whal ltlilOfl of ran Ihe , malt
bor .. m I,."n, Iht f;re tng,ne l II
",,,,,t work ar ,\ can'l piIlY.
the len figuru, I, 1, J, 4,:S. 6, 7, 8, 9. 0 .nd the four dots SO they will add up
euCtl,.l 00.
nth .... than those Ihown on hl"d,
boanl, WIll malt" un
we. "I 100 t<>lTl'<'i
,l>eoptte of Itl "PI'arent IIml,hut)'
tit .. b'de puulc e>ni.><>d,e> a "'0.\
OClen",;< malhernal...-.l pnnr'l,lo
which OHrV OIIe ,h""I'1 know. "n,1
... K1V(n 10 Inl'oduce ,,, p",'e
the ""'1' ("r a ..... and
cluo of puul .. , _h.<h ,uplaina ""
,mport""! and fnl"...,.
which every lea.;her ""d "t
tt>3themal;CI or "'en
anlhmCIIC .hw!<l un,lel"f"",d
A Potliul PerplultJ"
lien is f"'\ J><>II'" oi .... lI-
knnwn hn ... '" WI II 1"""',,,', 11-0--
qua.atanre wllh /:.motU .,,1"''"
The tolls the knen uf parT-,og-
In ehn .... 'rum Lnl,h.n,1 10
To fox one 01 b"auly'o h ....
."Iv my
Tho I'r"PI'r o\udy of manl<il1d 15

T. (1.. )"t>1 <Il!>, "'M' ;.. 11 to to.
""" .
S"-oot .\uhurn. lowlic,\
(.1 ,l>r 1':3'0.
'1'1 e lI .... uI 1<. _, e.><:b l"'ping
b..t. ",;.1",.,
And at ""ell ",mm-e, a
nil" cluUn.
..\h ... Ito un leU ho,.. hId .t IS to
I'ar a. Ih<t ."La< walk 0<" milky

I'n,,"'''hr.all'''' c. the' thirl of time.
).01. .. , ... hi .... ....!; <10 what h.
m, .-.
'T'4 ,.,Iu.';fi<,n fo,.",. lite common

Thco WsR of "'allOt! an,1 the ih>w
I mu', \ .. ,.".d onJ\" tJ> toe It:od,
,\no' ",<If, a llillb from Iruli3 to

SI''''"''! 1 jo)' 10 meet LllH tit ...
I roam, ,..II.>, ........-14n<1l
I .
,\ yuuth to (",tune w fame u".
I n melitlldon. fancy free.
PROPOSITION-Give 4i1feulll values for A-.l.-B a04 AXn - Y


... !and ,""]111'1,, a-
t ..... and .<I,h"nn
""d do nul ""l"''''' 1'\'"_
lUl<I 1'"1'''' \n ,:n a lit
tle .urn 1,k. ;"'0 nod ,wo m .. ko four.
and yet ,b.,.., ate l*""hanl;'" BooUl
t ht 2 whirh ", .. ny ba ..
W cU, ",me lim" ago t]I<: ed>t<>r of
h'QI.eI a"d wI.., d,,\'ntN
m<U.iderat>l" $1''''''' w 'he dionuooioo
of math""",1.i=l que.(Ion,. ga\-" ..
very sunhng vly to ..... ,.dwr
.1_ inl"""",I,,,", wOO I",,"ted 1>11\
1M lact of 2 mu1\'pheol hy 2 l"OOUc,
I he ""me ,e,ul1 a. 1 arMed In 1 ,
a",\ "ed ,j" them ....... any o\ h",
,wo '1uant;tin whkh whon mull;
1'11<0<1 Dr ",," <>1 \"I:<'lht' ",,,,,Id
1\10 sa"", ""ull TI,e ('<I " ,or ..... 4
(hal th"", "'u "n' olM' ",.luti"" to
t he propooi\Ofl whe .';"I.o=y. and
where but LJ .. C'UnOUS
blU11der in mul"plie-.uon aid 2.61&--
014:';: I 61 fI(J.l4==-1 2JMl65, just u
2.61ISOH+ 161SOH - 4 2J6065
It is odf o",.jen' Ihat olle of the
Ci".... lillU ,..lnch we ",.,U len"" (IT b
;, . """ ... ad ... II prob-
lem '" IO<ld,\l(m.nd m"lupLi-
cui"". loll, ;1 lalflciemly Ibe
onlin:l.ry tQ 1M: oonluaillr. i, is pre
""\100 ill .. 1111 .. 1e t o torrect ono 01
the qUAntiti_ 00 IhIll lb. Sl1Dl will
be e<jU4l til the I'wdllCt.
It i. re;&lly a ... ..,marl<_
aLle (",."1 that the,." be o.ny
two "limbe .. or .erie. "I numben
,..Iti,h mllltlplled 0' adJO<! I.<!-
retl><-, oholllJ give Ihe Ame renal,
Calling a 1 .. ad b 2 .... d Y 4 we have
obo1m as .. " el.m."tary IHSOII ia al
rel>nl thai aXb=y. jll.t as a+b=y.
an,1 'I i .... f. to oay ILi31 It ".ou]d
puzzle mnny .. dever person to think
of' "u",l>(,rs or qUAnt i' i""
1<1 poerlorm Ihe ",me le51
"nt! II\(,.., ;1 ouoh an .....
vari"Y ,luIt you 'Nt)' ... Ieu any
numbor ur serie. of numbe .. by
ehance .and I ,..,II .. t unce tell what
to add or multiply ",.,Ih 10
.urulu"",,lt .
"." rule i. ext",mely limple and
wrll wurth ... II proV"
I h.:ot 1 i. ""I .. f",ali: aumbe, as II
Domutic Complica tiou
11o", .. a 1''''11,. lillie tangle Irc>m
onl,nary 01 hie. whlcb
the """"'wife ..,I .. O<! ,n .. ""0-
u\e. lilli ,..h,ch ,I"n-o .. mathemat;.
cion 10 the Y"'I:" 01 m ... .,lIy.
Sm,th , Jon .. llrown "' .....
lnm,a. Alter Bmwn'l w;le
, hi. n;ece kepi lIou.., lor h,m.
Smith ..... aloo .... ido.-er. and
IIvN w,lh hi. daughler Wbea
Jo",," ..,t IIlUnN. he and ItiJ .. ofa
lUgs:Hted W t tru,y aU live 10-
a.:h one ..r lbe party
aaoJ female) .... tQ COII-
Inhule f 1500 on I he tint of -the
m"nth for Liouoehol<! .1pen ..... and
... hM ,..",amO<! al t bo end 01 t he
,,,onth .... to be e<11I<>Uy <.Ii,i<led.
The \;rsl mont b', up"".... w .....
$<)200 When the " "r",iade .....
d"tr,buted each an eVell
"IUIIh .... of dollars withoull"'<"\io ....
Ho .. ",,,,,b lIXI""y did ea<:b
alld .. by'

PROPOSITIOlf- Tell how l o n, II .. m hk. 001 I pI , l u of fl l b t o ... n qullb I be Ol he ra.
S .. m a.., natural horn
C.mb"' ...... bo ,,"<>Uid
II\.e,. taol .. m;ge of
cloth<ag u""" any .,enl
wlucll 011_ a chan'" to Wla or Iutt
They ...., 110'
l bemoelYef. but lbe)'love 10 w,lDe..
a fla:ht bet .. ""n an)' <lth..- <:at"1
Ittlm a 10 an etevh"nt. Do,:.
figh ll or >ckml ,ns"," "It, of da,ly
OUlTon.., a",1 IIr. cond"ot<'d prelly
m\loh accortl,,,g to Ihe rccogniud
lin,,", 01 ."rihoetl eountneo. bUI in no
OIlier I .... ,' up"n the glohe ;. 1\ pi-
.. 1>1<0 tQ ""n_ a fish light I
They Ju,,e I W<I kInd. of fioh.
.. d""PIt.e of lheir briog very
thoitoe f wd. ,,.., .... UI.fti ""d valued
.akl,. lor thcir fight"' , qualiuCII
The one is a large ... Iale perch.
kIlO,", .. I be king fi,h. and Ihe
"'her .. t he Lilt!e hl.ack carp,. or
dev,l 11.10. Suoh ant'pathy C1'OtJi
bet .. ..,n t h_ lwn of 6,11
that I""y al l .. ok euh other oro
oiVIt 0U>d hattie to Lb. dUl h_
A hnctioh <:O\Ild readily d"pDII
""h.: or l wo of tbe lillie
_ ... It Ine\bnd. or Utcli,.. .re 10
.... - .IId tbev W'Ork 10
1Ju,1 ltu-... of 1M lillie
... WvuJd )""1 "'lu:tJ Ono of Ibe
llig ones .and lLi<'y ....".1<.\ Wille for
buu ..... ,lIout any ""uIU. So dt"-
erlv .n<.l scient<lkall)' do Ihe)' carry
u" lhelr Line of .. lhat four of
,I"l00 liltJ .. lellows wouhl k,]] "
one in just Ih..,. m;nut_ and h.
11"0111.-1 a<irrun, lb. ooup ole gr&<"tO
p,,,,,,,,,,ionately quicker
Tb .... toml,incliunl II'\V"""
lon:es "" accurate and rehable
the (eatuTet)1 ('sh toumnmcnt
IJ to <:a1e"1 .. ,,, ul)On the I"""
it will lake a uuml"" "I """
k,nd to vanqu .. h " =ta,n nuu,heT
of tlte enemy.
By .... y of ilhutnllinn .. rroh1om
is.prc.ented ;n .,mple pwale rurm
Wllb four ..r l he k,ngliob
to llurt.een 01 . he hll!t 6I1bl,,",_
Who obould orinl And how It>ne
oboliid it we OIIe tide 10 annIhilate
Ihe otber!
ThIS problem Wa! pr ... nIN It)
!ltCI a t Bangkok wl"llowing to
the peculiar complication. of t he
cue. ;t took me quile a !anll
to fig...., out l b. "",rr! ",lut;on
from .. mRlhematka! It.andf"')int.
I found thai any fII alay youlh
... ould lOti ... lhe ame anlWer oft
hand. eit her by inl u;lion or from
kno .. ledgl' obuined lrom pratlital
upoerience. a ut i, a .. aClual
f .. ,,\ that _mttl 10 Ie"" ..
to a ..,,,,,,n,! th. I,me rf!<jUir-od for
ceru,n num\Je. nf fish to d""u-oy
anoLber gIVen numl-.r 01 oppoa"",u
..,111 but a <nul]] m;orgir> 01 <.Iu .. -
"'''' conun),nl ul"'" tLi.. be'lCr
qu.ili". of Ihe Ii_h_ o. I h" accidea- I"""n .. 01 .. " .
Why .... marn",J mell like nun._
boon/ Do<au:><!l they"", IOme_
lillles blown up.
Whl ,1I;p lll()1"e peo-
pl. t han Ih. "GrUI .. I.em/"'
Why do ... "men m,,1,:e I-'- po.t..
office clerk.> lIee ...... thry kno ..
bow 10 man.e- Ibe m.ulo (malel).
Why IS hl' .... 1<. hke a chapernnl
a""au!le 01 IS <ntended to keep 1M
.hap< .... y.
"b. is wn..., than taU
ant! ila,lInR om",bu ...
Why ill an ""'hrelln like" V'n-
takd It i.o .. Mom .. ' _n
aller unl.
What U Ih:ll .. hkb tvuy linng
JlI'f'IOI> b ........ bul ..;u never _
..,' Yesterdav
Whal ill bel .. ..,,,
dead .,)\01;"'" .!\OJ ...,..,ireo1 gannents 1
The former are dead mell.. and the
latter .,.., mended (dead).


PROPOSITI ON- Two \)oats l tart from opposite . ideo of II, river Ilt the same imtanl , and mut ,anb
from the 5bore. They remain in tbe lell minute .. I.Dd all the return trip meet 400 ylll'di Irom the
other $bore. Bow wIde b the river?
the ,,"crag' mortal 1,,\-
k,"" cut ""d ,Ined
, . ",,1 ... for ,tu,ne ord,nmry
e.akulAliollt atlJ. ""
puulecl by I'm\,ltm' which
call far original Ina 01' at
tention if, called to tbis I'''''''''' .... ".
ample which onl ... tJight
kn<!w\ecll:<! 01 the trIOR dem,-ntary
arithmetic. By II, l",rulers:
prot_ it can be Ul'wni "''' I ...
minutes., that .n)" child ... n ,h, n.
and yet I huard the "I',n"m thot
niMly."inc OUt or .'-('1')' one hun-
d...t of our .hre'l"dKt }>win .... men
1f1)U\<I !aUlo ligun!it out in ... .,.1:
s.. much rnT teRming
by..w.e instud of fIOln100D
" h,ch luchH the! I'Ha<JII wh\-!
1 ... nt 10. lerry II, .hurt unw.I:<'
10 investigate \h.
of two boau. and 1' ukul"";"11
evolved t he infunnll.\i"D'
Tb8 tWO bolt Iart...! (rom
oppofite lides 01 Ihe at the
,","'" il'l>lant. One boat. h""'.,cr.
.... fast than the 10 they
met at a point ju", 72Q yards I.nm
the .ho", . Bad,!..<>at t,ut
l en minutes in Ihf Ihl' \0
pusenr.""1'1 Ihm $1.nnffi 0" ,10
"'tum tnp ... h .... by """'f,,1 cal("\! -
lI1twn. I found that <My now met
U a I'mnl ju<t 400 from tru,
from the dat,. given. our
are ""kc<l to 01><>... a simple
"'.'_ 01 dttennil'Ling the uatt ..,dth
of tile ri"":"';;:-:;c-:-",,,,
A Parlor
R.,'-t H.ller had the h3pp>n1
f .... -lIlly <If ,ho..,.,g a card mek V>
II> btol ad,.,.nug.'l ,,( :ony per.
fn1"!T1ct 1 111_
\\'Til,,,,, tke """'oo of a taro on a
plK't o! J>81""'. he Wl>Uld fold. ",t.h.
"t" <.h",,-wg or .... mine. and
m, ,I 10) oro.. of the ."""talon.
h"n to) 11.011' it oafely in his

Lrl o. he hal; dctermiood
In make )'00 choo5oe l he ,u,o,,", of
dianwnd.. ..hi"h h. hu .muon
"I",n 1"'1""_ HoldIng the pack
,n h,s han,\. he "Y'; .. H...., ......
li:II".\"O card ....... l ... ""':LIld
... Llnck_ Which color dD
you pr.ferl" IE you oay bbck. he
Ihro .... duwn black, "",d ... ) .. ,
, Th", me t b ..,,\ . But.1
)'oU had Aid ",d. M would
do""" 'h" L ..... k 1.11 the ... m
and "uuld JB,I'. AIl right. Mrt! .re
tbe mi." thra br ... y.
. There are ,h,rt" bo>.ru and thlr
tHn d""""nd. Wh,,h rio yw
.. ant'" If you oay ",,"aN." hoo
them down ... bd<><e. and
....y . , I .,Il kHP tbe diamo"d
and he .. auld h."t ..... ked tbe
... pt'I'vi<nl.sl1 dH1'ribod il YO"
had pref.mod <\iMnon4.
Then be ,,,,uld .y. " Here a re
oil: .:utb. IU'Id I>ore a,... ...
Wh"h Ih.oll ... ko .. p
Of he keepl thO' m 10...
cards. and d",dlng ag.,n. "u.
.. Do )..... ..,Jr,:t Ihe low cal'tb Of
the h,gh OIIes"
ou..anling a. btlOf'P. II<! pl.oes
tbe a"",. and tray togc\her
ami .01 ... "Wh,.-h card do yO\l
... 10'"
The 5'OI1d ;. <MIen. and h. p)",
"l.ook at 1M 1>"1'""1" Bu, ,I the
o,h.,.,. had l'ot-en rhoten. he .. ould
Ply ... ,th t<\lIAI ofhonttl'y. "AU
right. that Ir .. v .. me t he deuce.
Look at , he pape,:"

Tl n; GOOD Q!.ll
day. (>i OU' no
, <,,"uni'''- f-.i r ",.05
_ "loW WI thout a rota'o
, B"". and ,n SUr.le !O('.ab
t, ... l he putlmt. "",l! inn<>-
VIII""" ",hith make it do..,!v allied
10 a i"",d . i. "lill popular ';;Ih the
TUJlir If,d. and t-..... A bund.M
rou\.<>eS ." p!actd<m thegrmmd in
a at ..... llt I,M. Just \.Cn iff' apart.
.. hidl ar .. to be ",eked lip <m. al "-
lime and placed in a h",,:'''t ... hich
otaftdl \on from
hlle. Socectirne$ .. h<-n t .. " too,," ,'OUl-
"",, .lbe elder or qwck ... on.'", han
dJCllpped. and bu tu g;vc he. oPro--
......, \be uddl of oee 0, "'.-..,' poIa-
!n other word . If Hanl and
Tom """'pete 111 a POUIO B,-c .nd
Tom I:\VI$ the odds of one poUt<>.
Harry hal the right 10 pick up 0 ...
potat.o and drop ,t III the baskel 1><.
It i wmC'imlly inlt ..... l in!;' prob-
Lem f", tho .'-''''1:'' ..,,.thcm.o..,,,,,,n
\0 figure OUI bow far a penon bal I ..
lrave! to pick lip Ihe. hundrt:d pot...
IOeo and Ih..." In one at R lime
\0 the .'-st . t.. That i. on. of grand
luh. r . old_t' nlc puu!.,. .... itt>
... b,.h .... ..... 11 '" !s,mllar that ,"
place 01 bcong caugh, by gues$ing a
... hith II mile. toO .bort,
the nl{oI.", pu.UhSI IS apt 10 gwe an
millI)' mllll'l tno long. Th
" . "",pl. rule In, ",I\'mg l,rohleull
(,I th'" kInd. I<l .... WIll also A.k our
young ",udent. t.o hnw
!ad mu_t Ira",,) 1.0 up 100
1>',,,,,1.- "lared 10 foci af"'1rt an,!
carry them 0"'" at a I,me t.o the bu- l'l:.u<l uo f('otl ha<k1
n.. n:al pow.w punle. bow
which ",I! U,K the
o[ '",f oohtnl lum. I1pon tlte rcla.
"..., .peed 01 1_ lad. and til<! 'I" .....
t;on of handl<1lpl"'" by the
od<l.. of Oft<' I"'UltD_
Xuw. in the .,.....Ihe bds
ani evonly matdwd. n .... er1be-
k_ ... 11 wu roon<l ' hat Tom w ..
2,\).4 prr ree'. qu,d,er IIIan H...,....
II ...... th:r.t h. would
h"n ,he odd. 01 jll" one polat.ol So.
'" order to win tbe .. ee. Tom ... bo
mo"", 2,()4 lhe must bring
in filty I"'latoH 1I ry .... n
1:1'1 f"rtYTllne, The .ketch
tllO,"", I [3rry dmpping in t he pol"IO
wh'Ch he ""Iec:led 0111 of Ihe 100.
whIch "aru lhe! 11>CO.
[I will be lound Ihat the ..... "]1 of
the ... "'" "aries a'rominr In
one of t he potaton !larry OiKIS to
rer:el\'e [Of hil handicap_ Th"
nnd and n,ore propoo<iboro.
the,d",.,.." lor you to t.U , he = t
r<lult 01 Ih. I11ce lIlInrry the
mOIl ("'-01111.1e pota"". al ..... re-
memllerin" t hat Tom """" l.I>I per
the ___ _
Deepl y l aj ured.
H.r oyos w= wild. her hair ""'"
;n d""rdtl'. her fue wu ftuohc<l. her
hndl tI''''''' rlC't1oht<i. SI>e ..... '"
d ... pcra\o """""'-
Oh. mod 0'11<'." """ en .... ia
anp>iaJ>ed t ......... ' 1 ha, .. bor,,,,
with you 100 k>ng' You in
Jur'" the very (t>I11Idahotlll 01 my Day by do.y you have 1Or-
I UM mo . no.! yet I .,....]d DOt hear
t.o "l'- When 'I'e
how your ...... and poli6h attnocll
mel Whon ron bee""", my ow ...
how lIlAhy fncndl ..... ied "", I Yet
your ill lOO.",..u lor
my !a'P ooul. \ OIl are opp<ed
to my advanung m) ... U, y "" ho... e
h:Ld MV .. 111001 I ttlJl!hl .... 1kOO
in JlRCO, So boCOn. \\'. pwt lore" " " w ... a "",ment', convul_
sive bruthing, !tril ling of totth
and oh,,'P "gh. II wu 0' ...
Hy .he had ,..,..
- - ,
PROPOSlTIO!f- in bow movel Call you tranlpose the positional tbe whi5kyflask and the .c:rubbilli bruill.
put",l.olc U<;'<ul'"ti.,n than plalill
eanh' Drr.",., P'U pl.,)" c
""'h ''''0 l",bo!"'. and <Brc'. ",nh
four Imavu,
' IS A PKI!T'ty
liltle .\udy, I',....,nu'\
All .. te"""nalM ,'1\1\'.""
. for t he C<I""M.AW:," nr
the rank .nrl fil. "f
u ...... ho .. ill m," .. b on loIay DAY
'" lie" quarw.-
The> sktlcl! Iho., " m'WOolor}'
rouple, .. 110. ha.villr bar! th";.
worldly belung'"" lar.doed by oon-
tract ;,no th<1r I'Y httle
ftJot. ha .... been WfUlhng f<'T KVrr&l
!>outs ... th 11>0 domelll( 14-1' \.\od.
pIlUle.. They ha ... Ih'e arti
cMI, 1M d, uble. toIa, ore
btl" and bureau ... an *' ,,,Ilk),
lui no two can be plam in anr one
"""'" n the .. ",. \1me .... urounl of
lbe cto. 1*'1"", of 1M OII1er ..... aU
artides hich mmor
ho'"'y ..... "ted not be mtnuoned. as
pettaininll.O lIM problem_
It .. happel. bo ., .... , Ihat Ibe
ice ... d 1M bed$\"," ... ,. pla<<e<l
by d,. fu",,\,," _ktn in \h.
1I'TVftg """"", IUtd Ihe ",an a,,<1 h ..
good. wife ha ... !:>HI> ,lrugghnR for
..,,rcral boun to ''''"'pose. Ihem_
Beine one 01 the. many who ool,-cd
m)' old '4,15 p",.I . the rna" h ..
ma,kN I diagram 01 hll nat on
the ,able. wilh Ibe doorl
AI llIown. Ind hal plaow. .. -
tid" on the 10 the
are to be n,ov.1!
It is only n.....,.ry to menlion
,II", \h. < ... II"k) fia.k "'1'!'e!I<'uU Ihc
he<\,tead .. nd liITUl'h;ng b,u.h
maV he laken lilt tht ;'" loox . and
that yuu to II><: pa&.
lion' of t h_ twO \'y mo,<in)!
on. 1'''''' .1.1 ... time In a ""'Iuen"t of
play.;n whirh tM Antiron. peppp:r
I'v>x and mo""'" tttp maybe .......t to
., ...
01 eou ... lhe .... thousl.nd
'M one w.y. 01 pfoflTllng lhitc .. m
pie Ind . but on ik<Ijamln Frank-
lin', ...,lIknown ui(>m tha. "th=
movt5 are .. ba<l as ... lire." tho: I.,..
m"''' he perfonned in lhe fewest
r-ble numt:... .,r mD'eo. _d
a. !.h.", i, nevor more lhIn one va-
Catlt sq"'"' 10 ..... to.
onto or .. ho WIIb to rtronI
Iherran ........ can ."It OIIt tbe .... me
U >nr;..,ly III poo>:ible ",.....,ly
m.nllonlDg ,b. moved .-a:
'" I perfonn the f .... t '" tbirtv moves.
1,,110"', Wbioky !!.ask .nub1J;ng
bru.h. n..1 iron. '""""" l rap. etc .. tl.<:
tbe puu\e by the ,,,,e of "",an
pit<.,. of p.per 1m- <;oWlt ..... plaoed.
on the diagram "I the /lal.
Wh" i.o hook your he>1 fri.nd
&n,1 tl""." ..... 1'1... it
bores YOU c.n :<hut ,t up .,.,thoul
Wby plaYIng eh .... a mD,e TO
When nulY laJ .. " ... hn
joying them"'lv .. h .... ,,\ '" look
wreI,bed I Wbm at tho "pcr . II
then 'n til'n,
Why 'shnulJ a mlni.ter he "",
lie"w) R""auoe lui is Marly aI
.... n a<;<'Urate (. curatel
\\'hy ill mad bull likc maD of
enn",,,,.t dl<rc->"on! Il_""" bfI
hom 10 .... ...-ybo<i)" ho mC!eU.
Whoa. lh<>ulJ be looked into A.

Wb" ;" tho nulp of Tu,hy In
EuroPe Ii. frying pan! 11c<'......
,t hal on Ih. bo\lnm,
II " .. many )'O\1ng lad,.,. dOft it
t.ake to I"OIIrll f,om Ntw York 10
Pln\arldphia' About one hun<lrtd.
bee ....... miMisugood. ... mJle.
Why Ihmild rol\ aVOl'I expo,,"d
fJe<,o""" It HUJ:ht take cold and be-
<'(I'!IIe' little hone (11""_),
III .. hat '"1't ill mlIlrunony a
pm. <If canb' Wby won>ln hal
a h"art. a man lake, ,t ,,itll. d,,,,
mond. ""J al\e, that h., band it
hi .
What ","un' of one syllahlt, if you
take '''u ... from il. l>ecnmn
A ","o.d of two lyll.obl ... 1 PlaK""
.. gt''''
PROPOSITIOll' - What ill the mOlt .'QDomicai form of l ta.a.k de&ir;DK to hold 1000 fe-et?

I.,..,,, .. hicb
. will interest those of ..
. '. meclum.caltw.nofmmd,
Plumbfis. b<>iiel"'l:l>..>lrrl
and tank bulide .. _i""". '" <'ULI"
feet ...... kamng .. And" half I:al.
IonI \0 tbe C'llbic fOOl . ..-hth i. 0"","
e:DOUlIb for all vr--oti=! 1 ufJl<'K'.
Of CO\1tst ...... W<\ul.!
tell ... """t the"' .... 1.728 cubot In,
to a n.bic foot. ha ..... 12X t2XIl
.1.llS, ""ven and one-haH
pl\oDI .... 1.n2J1. bullben
I'lIrmbas a bhe<aI .... of lello ..
w\oo cl>eerfuUy ttuuw ill 1M .,IIn!
fou, and half A pluml><T
"."tN to " I,mate tM 10....... ' ..... -
.. ble on.!.<If' "",pe' 13Jlk t.O h"ld
1.000 ""hie lett Copl"' r ..,,,,,," in
.heetlI three fHt ",",oare. worth 51.00
per fool. so II .. problem", to
tbe moo' economioal di
1M .... ...,. of A squara tank capable
of 1,000 ""ble fee,
It i, IC'lf "",.Ient th.t ,f lb. lout-
t"'" of <vpper I.:lnk "",n f('f"t
squa .... 10 multlpllod \'y t!)
;w as tho ....... of the w\t"m, ",h,,h
by 10 I". Iho: depth. " .....
lhe d,u, ... """. of a llUlk
.. "II h<>hl 1.000 cub .. fHt.
y.,hem.ol""'ly 't .. akinl. 10 i.
M", sMw" to be the ruLe ront of
1.000. and by rt" tb.
lion". alit .. du. un.!ent""'hog <II
.. ""t II kno,", .. the ItjUII'"
cube 01. ullmber. A .. umlle, ",,,,_
tiphtd by .I>I:H s\v ... its "1"'l1li ....
2nd "" .. er. like 10 m"ll\l'litdl,y 10
. qual, 100 ... lule il .... ",ult,ply It
more by the fiRt 1_"""'" "1'
10 muluphtJ hy 100 ..... ",t the
cube Or ,h,m I"'W01 The ,hin!
f'O"""er it al .... "" .. perf""t wilt. 1>ul
"'Mn "'. ,uult 'VI), II 'ka,,, by 10.
.. b,ch ....ou1.l "like 10.00J ...... bave
ruioed tho produc! to tho fourt!'
IUld may w,th Ihe
fifth. IIxth. ""v.II,h. ote ..
A ""be ,en lett .quare will hold
1,000 ro1 .. , f .... l'l ilItruc. but .. that
.. ,....Jd .... qu, .... sao leet <If coppet.
(100 on the botml and nc.b of the
four srue:<) " olio ... wI tM rea1
I""nt of IN' pf<Jl.ol"", ;" .., de\erTDiJIe
tlui mUR of a tank
VIa to bold I ,000 and .....
tbe Iu.$L pooRb!e amount of copper,
It ,. I IUl1pl. ,very-<la}' PI""" of
oIIop ....,rk .rueb any mechani"
would u..:k)e '" way oatllf ...C1ory
to b,m!leif, but whlcb ... mathema-
tician ",,11 di..,.,' .... 'Dvol,'"" "Ihe
dupholllOD of ,he t'Ube" .. hich haa
b ...lI!od!.he .ur\d lor round. .. .,...,-
t un ...
The "ulI",,1\oJ. problem 01 the
of a C'llhe" ;, to gIVe the
d,m,n ...."". <If I cube t ... ,ce u 111'1"
.. '''''IM', V;1 If ."be ten f .. 1
",ware 1.000 cubic { .. t.
",hllt would be the " .. of cuba
contau"" VXlO cubic l..,tl
PROPOSlTlON-Th. of the three to 70 p:1ln and the is juj;!; times as old a.
the boy, When Ibt,r combined agtll &111000110 twl(e 70 yean the lathn will be only t'!iice .. old III th.
boy, What is the age 01 the mother?
I a:n JUIl ax .& el,\
a", lenned. no you are "'&y be .;ud that
OIIJ]ple. ,
.,.., Ihe! dau it .. ."...,gn:.
].IropoIit>on .., diff ........ t from ... hal
;. thu the '1\101')' actu:>lly
a]lpeo.,.., .un!.nr
It ... '" aprung in the dr-
elher day . nd gA"e n ... 10
1000i""u";on which II,e mlllhe,
ingenuity of Ill! p......,t I<>
the full limit.
Otte of tM lrio ... el',ao:hled , ...
tbe 1'"'10,.., WU ba"lng birthday
anru,ersary. whicb arouotd Mast ....
Toam'\y . curiooily regardi", Ih..,.
respective "!<S n,\ on ""pO<>'"
I<> his querieo h;' ",id
"Now. Tommy. "". Ib_ ages
.c:ombined amount I<> jut! 70 y ... ,...
wh<:" 1 am bUI tw;"" .s old., you.
OIIr th= f<1mblntd "11;.... will be!
twice ... hat they & .... nt pm;enl
NO"fI' let me _ ,f ynu can teU me
bow old 15 muthe""
Tommy. lIeIng bnght al 6gu_.
rurlily ..... ved the problem, but th.."
he bad the advanup of kIIo .... nr
blS 0'"' IUId cuu10J gu ... prnlly
el_ly w the o.g.... of tM olhe .... ,
au, punli!I bo .... v.,... merely
Ih. "'KArll,ng Ihe """,,,",roIt,,.e
"1:0 Ollh. lIOn,' followed
hy the .tattlmg pmpositlOn to
"how old 11 mother .
A ",an bad 1 ....... ly..,.;i {I ....... ty
$ick).heer .. nrl " .. e died. ho ... many
remained X
Why is It ."1 10 bftak ,nw _0
old man', houoe lJ.e<-"'..... his ,_it
(pte) il wukm .. nd lui loch are

Wher. call one "I ... ,.. fln<l
1'ln"Ul In Ih. dicicnnry,
When will til ... lJc t ,lIt twenty-
fi,.lellen in .be alphabet I Whe ...
U anJ I ... one,
Wh.t ....... JO;ln of Arc m.&de oil
JoIalJ of Orleans.
I .... M OIIt w1lk;ng ont d., and
"",t Ib_ b<-gj;:a,... to Ih. 1
g&Ye lOn ('tilts. to 11:..... Mnd I ais<>
en. ten :u.d I" Iho Ihlrd I
gave but fh ......... hat lime of dly
... ." ii' A qUllnn to Ihmo.
WhAt it thllt ",bi<h by 1",,"( An
ere has nelhing left Wt .. IIOW'
What i, 1""'1 ",hieh if full 01 hola
anJ yel hcllh .... "'rl A .portio
Whl.t La lbal whkh i. PUt on lhe
table alld .... 1, but i. nu ....... <en.
A !'Uk of .-ani ..
1I0w un tOil by <b.",,"1 1M
"ronlln"';3b" .... 1 ....... rd lum mirth
illt.o mmo' By ..... king maD"
laughter mIII5laughlto'.

q .... ry "" to
tbe ungIn of Ctruu"
I.uu1 ... ocasion i.tili"
lO say u... . I haH
fubif>ne<! a "nmhrr of S ... , ..
puul ... , fmm \<) . .\oO
and roIeII. and wh,'ve my
in that d"ectw" nul' be
UW:<'d to .. h1l1e _h,,:11
OC<'Urad over II. of B century
W nil r-rty of !nuri"" who ""cre
d .... "C the Alpo ill the .tll:unerW '/)5,
.,d _110 had underbhn the
,n..,1' ov ... 1m [rom A1t<1,,"
1.0 1'1""11.... ,., .... tbe hiltori,- "I"
where Tdl to "'D
w."!' ttll",,'"!:' ........ oJ= .. kor.g
Ib)-. Jo .. when spymg a hutc
) R>rl ",.hMlng dai.ios, and.
t lunking to ImU$Il tho chil<i. I
sho .. ed h b" ... to progno.hC41C
her '""tnmonial future Lv 1'1u('l,nll'
0II111e of th. au;' \.(I deter_
IDI .... wbetMr Ihe wouW. lie .. lorida
of. the "rich ",an. P.""'" man.
Pl&a or !.hod_" She oaid Ihal
rpor\ ...... 11 known to ,h. C<>\ln\ly
1.. ........ ,.h tile .light ,1,11."""
t hat .. player."" at 1il.o<:'.,.
lO I'lllek .. lli.aa:le p.o.l "". &fly U""
COIllll(UOllI "n, 10 Ibal pm.
... .. IJ cumin"" ),y siag! ... C1r ,1..... bI ...
unt,l the ont t"ok the
b<1 Io:af lind lefl tbe . Iump" c:alltd
Ihe .. 0101 """jd .. 'lnlb your O"p"nMlt,
To our inton:;e asloru.<bmtnl Ihe
madebcn. ..ho eould not
'-n mo<c Ihn len )'e", .. 1>1
Hoqu"htd our onlire 1, ly by
Wlnning no ",Uler ... ho
[ d,d fl01 nud}' out lb. lri..l< unt,l
........ re b=k in Luumt. hut I ......
.., L)', u.. ""rly Ih&t I
m&ole qw<e a I""'" 01 ,n'e5l1gal",g
u. but n""" .... had 1he! ... w.cUl1oa of
hfoo.ung the litlle ",athem.lician .1
own l..;u "'Y. ioci-
d""tally. IIowe' ..... I ,nmed
10 Alldor/ oome yea .. and
"i.iled Ihe locality of my I,rev"""
ddul. Qnd it would g'l\"o m. "Ioas,
ure nn,1 sdd 10 Ih. u{ Ihe
OIorY if I ""uld ... y Ihllt I found
lillie Orel chen d."eloptd int.o ...
beautiful tnOWlI1Iin f",weill .... ilh a
malhe!",,,t>cal bent. I
duubtl_ ...... . bo ... "." for tb.
"nlire I"male popJ>iallon of Ihe
hllie dorl ... "" "rep.tnng 10 .., ... Ibe
C'''ps. They ... ere _n "",ma_
lu",ly old lind mllko. lind (
iDDginf<! I my fonner
fri-.llLam.--l up W1tb .. cow to"
pi""', ... Inch .", gwdN through the
rocky onil by he. Mhle
The g;o.:nc ill ""own in ,he pin." ..,
in lIN: f(}fJQ of 1he d,l.Isy. and ..
played I.>y h'(> pt'rson" ... h" In
cove. Ibt p('1.I, h)" upon
tb.,n m .. rkcn, unt;\ all are
<."o"oroo The ... ho oOve", tbe
"'tn., i(l.w,ng the old"
"",ul" nump ,<, hit OPfK'''.''1
IL is tha, tbe nee .. ho
begins .. 1['1_ mUll' t.-a<J off 1.y
on .. or Urn In".,.. II<> the
run:' questUm .. hi,-h you are 1.0
ans ...... ill 1.0 th. I. .. , "'ph"" in
cOlSOl be bil1l w>th "',. or '''"0
\ea" ..... ,,<1 ,noi.\"" tally to diR:o'-e'
1be """!ling !lv,INn or principlo
... hi.h the h\lle S ... iIs maiden
warke<! "" .",-rO)O..loll)"
Why" .. no\,k,,,<u. .. I.ook1
BccaujI(' he h"" a blllo.
What d ..... ","'"." ,., moct al"
1.0 l<>n. '" ooru.\v' Tho. t.oU.....
Wh)' i, &W'r't/ m.:m w..
""-,I .. u ... be n.:1" tbe
game alIve
Whert" an' ''''' heads ben .... tbAn
one' In .. bum;t.

PROPOSITIOl{- Tell which one of the playen shaulp pay lor tile gllme
<>T I'rolMln. COm,,', teo.!
with alll""t all .. ",,10 Itl
1 ,am eltbt-r '"
;\..,11 or II>
manner oIl<'Oring. 1"" .
t is oate !.<l .... Ihu every one
k....,..., more or '- about fIl,tflI
hall pool, XevlOI'th.I ..... """' is
I,nk l'mblem ... h,,11 ..lou I'lOI call
ror a pract'.111 dnn"'ll'lQII .,111
t .... ""e. 10 our punlisU will hue
jw.l ... tu<Ml chln<e for the I." ....
oIIl!I'ed r..". tht an.wc", ... tile """,t
IluIlf,,1 uperu..
Then: a,., fif""",, ballJ to ho r""''''
t\.ed, and .".",ru,ng to lhe
one who the lun numbe'r
of boJlJ m"" Jl6Y rD. Ihe Ha .....
Well . Ihl'ff 14ayen .. ...., run.lng
a pme l he nlMr dav, and No, I
.. b<I w ... an ul"'n.. 10 ptlCkel
......... ny IocillI ... i'la) ..... No.2 and
No.1 bolh \OCI'tlKr J".I ... IMY
.. r>i"1 to ''''n. a fwrth man
"'m<! ,n ."d them. but. u he
wao he ,hd not receive
oy h.ndirap odd. Rnd pla}'O(\ on
enn term .... ,Ih .""h o( the olhor
th ..... playu .
7he mek .h ..... lho num""r "f
0011.... hi,h u.:h man """te during
' he play. ""d a d,ocus>ion lhen .n
IUt<! ... <!, ..-110 ""'" the I"""".
Tho puzzle ill tlllell .. },jch nf
lhe I,bytfi ohu-uld pay for I"" pme
acco .... 10 1m. of ,h. """", .
",..,,1. Thu lhe 1'",1,,1= i,; n,,1 SO
u it Ionh mal' be 1111....... 1
lrom 01 IU I ...... ,.,
fe...-...l \I) c-nmp..t,lO,-,; ;n .. 'e
<'eIltcilaml';"".hip pOO/ ,(>Urn,"'"",'
it wu found lha, no) 'WO o(
lbe pla)'en 101""" tbe ... _
a""",,,. Tell ",hieh one should P"r
fo. tbe H"-. "lid .. hy.
NOlet! and Queries.
AmonH the "",nou; qUM'ion.
"hieh rin.! their ""r ,n,o the puz_
zler'. i..< the i<>llowing.
... hl<h. alth<>ugh nul mtend"'l .... a
i. w<>rth a pao;,mg a.
IUu" ... ltnr ...,n,,, of 'he qu....-
"'" a .... to i<nn"" "Sup.
poOle thaI I"roe of ratio
e", and 0011'. ,..ith the names ""
all Ill,...,. ali .... ,....,... "",;<lillg to-
rother, and you ..-i,hed t.o """d a
1<'11" to the UnN 8",0.Q\,on. how
.. "uld vuu a<!<lreu ,I ,.,
A"" ... 7h,. pn,hlem .Iw:>uld
not <au"," oJ..,!'J_ night. or n<!ed-
! ..... """IT)'. ,e' a 1.1",. &d,l.-.-d to
,. John S"'lth ,'"un&"",," ... ould
"'_ ,be "'lu"en,wt. of ...:>ritly
.... ach its flT'Jl"'" dI\nlt",n.
Jj", Ihe (Ommu" .....
"."" ",b:o-d 1.0 tht 10110... ng l,"";_
,,_ lT2n""d;un_ lloell the I>rob.
I...., ,..nn':1 mo,., <Il.efu!
. '''.''', Thfo Wnltr had .....,
I ..... ' m,a\uat.le lno .. n u \be
"l4i/ur'. gt"' ......... d knO"'I"a thaI
Mr. Juhn Smuh mallwaMured IIIe
<&me. d",,,'t.-! \() I.u",h_ t ... ", 01
IIwm. Hu .. iOhuu!d he .. ri'" 10;.
"'" I"", 'Ta,II1" ,
or"Send me two "TIlILor',
Go._ ..
Or ,..ould il be .... nsldN'<Jd "!five
a",,,y ,. to dndJ:<' Ihe ... ue hy _Y"'I.
"1 C"""". loul you
III ..,.,lIl1end me 10'0 oIl""m.
WI,, b.E. III(! obedienl
01 lDan'"",u thinlt'l Hccau.e Ibev
make .. M;',(l Ihoy an.
PROPOSITION- How tan yo" toclose as JniUl)' aclft of [..,d at tbere are t .. e[ve-foot rail. to .. feoce?
l'u .. Imm the I.e<
, . Slar SI .. inlro-
-. <lunn!:" ,,],I
, l'n1\,I<m an,1 a lot or
. hi.t",." "til> which ma"y
,,' ou ... a,l.", "r<' <lnuhtl_ ran"hQr.
TIOZ1I .... ""tlt<!. or
.... boT by I I>. '\"'.tri",""
u fa. t'.1t;\ was not.
unul the ... 01 ni lift"'" "ea'" ur
,,"h the """\ In
d",n. that " ........ admitt.d ,nl"
1M l'nioll, &nd il .. u .hurtly a', ...
thaI dole lha, th. Ill""''''''
law ..... ",Lid, !:"H a
Kltl .. 1_ .. n tht la"d be .... >aI'j
tIC "",,,vale a )'"",r
r""", the Itme "f uking
of tM ea<1)' ... ltlen had p'-":\J'
h.>.n1 11m.,. with .h,r lodI.3n . g=-
"' and beano. but the ... ndnn"
of IU<h ill ......... ,ed 1.0 "nie;' ,I
OIl' " .. tbey 1t-tmM it. nnw rani.:
"""""I lhe (!nol ktng>; of Ihe
...ntI. and. to .." nffi<tal
...-pott ju ... i..<:I:uffi dunng ,"" r-t
monlh. It .. ,11 soon d,,t!up Ihat
_ <4' the m",,1 ......
PlOP""""" 01 lilt ... orld ..-ill be
f"""d 10 be Arr.MII' the
1"'"; nneh.,. of the W",t.
....".... .auld not be arp.u:o>d bv
lho: IU<' of , ,,", fiocb 01 tll< .. wl"l"
bullo &nit t he dapplt<l bulls" hi,h
puod on "Ia,ns of a
JfI.!\d'ioquMltly d"""';he<1 hyA<d1l_
moo"', mQ" he m."lIone<i c..,m Who. may mAlTy many" wife
ronch 01 l'el. . a half- ,,"<I ,I,ll he lIngle all h .. hlel A
hre(o<\ tn,j,an. whu WRS am"nll d.rpln3n
fit't to up u!I<ler hy 11 a plum:pu,kli nj( like the
ad ..-I",h gave hun """an) Ila".., tt >nt:>iM tnlIny
(lwn",.I"l' (,I nil tho. 1.\1\ I ",,"1,1 \\llT!lnl .
io.!"",,<>t' ('ul l ,,al. "HI"n one yu, 01 .. hot tnule ;. a ministor a
'\'.':<'''\ing 10 h,. (>wn 'I"'y, an I .\ JOIoer.
I," i. ,\,1I hale hnrt y ",.n. What three 1D1"""" arc th_
a\t1v>Ugh well Ix-,'M,l Ihe I h.... ...hOM d,,),. a ... a1.. "y. unlw:ky1
Ik"'''' ."'\ t.n all,,',m<"I, he M...,;hance, ml,..fortun" and t\USo
"", . hi. "tl. "'u 1",<1", man nf hap,
1 ... 0 m oul tholr claIm Whal mlM 11 "'-..a1' making
Tho .. upl.Uas .. / loI... u,ke.
il ....... 1h>.1 they to gel f",e Wh-ot mi_ate of a very
.11 ,he 1.on.!lht) rou1<l ,n,,,,"," WII!' teom!",,,,> lli1--/:lve a"tI miUfUSl
" th"",,....,1 wIthin tWfhoe \\ h)' 1$ .n umh,eUa p:uad,,,,!
",.,.,Ih., .. Cor on ... ""k' he 11 !;oe<, .. hen used up
""J In, ..,ft .... ,., !'uttm, up tlU. When don l he .hoemak.,. diso
1<!lOl ... huh ",..-10>0<1 an ,mmenoe play ..... n<lerflll f>(>'II'n'S of c-ndur-
Iran of land . ..-mo.h lhey ulen'anI .n<at he heidi on to the
"":,,valed .". 111"".-<1 11110 grul laol
whi<b e'-eMIU-IIIi)' bo_ part of the face .--mb1es
came fille<t onlll floc ... of Ihwp and a iC"""lmaol.,.1 'The eyehd. I-
(I"'" ,t alway. b.u a pupil linda'
From th .. 1t<1T)' we <lNlu!'\ lbe th<l Luh,
fo11u.... ng NnOUS rmhlem: Let uS AI .. hat ttme ofllle may a m""
SlI1'1'O"" Ih.o.l the of bttJ '" be Aid 10 b<-Long 10 the. "'COt-
uvtly l<Iu; .. " and 11 .nd,><t.-J hy a hI('! When lon, exper-
th'"",r:lll fentf'. u oho .. n tn I he hal ma<:le him .... go:
and lhat u<h nul ,. co- I. _he pyen kll'" in the.
..-11>' Iml .... f...,1 Now. 11It'II U. hc<:au,-.e il is alway.
lupjlotti.n1( ju.\'" In fun
,nan" ...,.,. ",d"..,\ at Ill<:re are Wb.n i. a very sngry man like
!t"wm"ny a clock fiftynine p".t
of lunrl ha, Tun got twelve! Whrn i. just goll1gto
III hi' l=l tattle Illlke O<\t.
PROPOSITIOIf -Can you futore (he milling lIutnbera?


,,,n I"... h ... 11 ",,,,,,0<1
, <;on"",nwr 1M
<.>f the h .. ,rollyph"
nUII,ben enj:nlve1I on
Mormon RCKk lI"nnolUSl'l1 (If-
iginated ""Iv.., t .. u 15.10, 10
il wheather WAIn! 6",_
"""., "nvltulli: to II" ",Ib 1M Lal!.t.
D"y'o 1M .... hnuld "" lho ...
an<b of !",,;oM 'Iu;o."I.O<I 10 WI all
"bout them. ... II. """" rwm.
they to the f"rt . .idden my&-

Tho 1Iotm<1tlS m,gr'ud ,n IllS
f""" Kinlan", 0 ' to Nall'l(ltO. the
.. O:ty 01 Beauty.' in lll1n";<, an"
" SOJt I.a.k .. '" ISU Whrn II>eJl
ldt they b<>ut.ed th:l.l Iht'O.
hne 01 march woul" "" I..-mly-
lou. m'leo IonIC', and ..... to be
bemdO<l by pri"tin8 1"- to ,"""
the d;uly ordeN of II, .. prophel It
..,.. IJtlIled tUI Ihey ".'" d,,,lded
up ",10 numer()Ull CNllpan;tI1, eoch
_ 1\e:I,I.d by one of t he prophet'.
wives, an'! tile ",,,olerioul nsu,,"
on M<mnnn Rock we"'.
to gtye 1M number of p1ll!T'ma lu
nch d,,,,.,,,m
The look ILk. lum in
divi, ion cngrllvt/l upon "'lId.tone
""'k Mt"t "I Ihe numu,,., ",e
,llegible, but .... Vlme k" an: ol,3'1'
an<l dur ,I .. I<> be :1$5u", . .<1 Ibn
tbe 1I1!wn. .. Me .,.,.....d maliCIously
{or 1M" I'U'1.".' It it. now claimed
Ihllt .,I!ler Ih.ough or de
.. gn Ihe ".ght legihk lIum"" ... f11l'-
niih a by 10 lhe mystery, alld lbat
tile .. hole! is a rum III long d,,isiut\
"b,,,b tells ju.l 1>0.. mlUlY
marched .nth e..,b di'iston, and
in",denUlI!" """" a due 10 We num
bet of the prophet', matrimol1ia1
It is a ",math-ble romcidcnre
lho. rema,n,ng lIum""'" fur
nlSh " clue .. blth u>ily 1101""" a
"...1 mU!f<' historical pun!oo.
I", iI ynn .. ;\1 wntc do .. " tM ""'"
.11 long d,,,, .. ,,,,. mu.Jng stan; .nlh
tbe klpl>le. /iglllU as ohm!'n, you
obnuld IJ>CICdily be able to gil"'" tbe
"urn""'" .. hieh han been .. ......-I
10 t haI Ihe. rum ,.;u 1'""'. It
n:alIy looks u. if there shou!d be
$M1'CS of 00lTt<:t and yn
10 lar a. I am aware, bUI
""u.ratln,,' ,.,.I<>'181ioll of Il,. II1i.....
mg num1>cn; ha! ,,",n IUggcsted
Why"'" me" like faclSr
du>e they are st ubborn Ihingo
Wb\' .I"n II ca' 1",,1< on fir<l Qne
oiM and thon .. lor"
(.n'..- a n,.,m' n .. 'au" .h" ran'L
I""k on wll< .. ,I ... at ... ...
Why it a "id"...,.. hkc a y"unR
L&hyt B",au-;.o " rri ... a KI'nI
deal tbe 1i"'1 m""lh., \o-K,kl
amuDd , .... IK"'Dd liK munth .. and
hu har,' "<>'110 to grl Ihrotlgh hi'
_d summ ...
Why "' l'bt\a<l.lpltia "'""' ,ul>
;rct to ""nhquak ... II,,,,, n"y otMr
crty? B.,-aUM 5he j. a Qua" ....
\Vb)' if, a ,," hi'
10k.. an In hmAn r<>n"'R II" .. " a
hill' R"""u>-<' h.'. 1""n,l;nll
If the .1phabo-t we .... 11 ;.w"td
<JUt tn .ul'p .... In .. hal ""I ....... "'\01
lhe,- 1)Dm'" ",,,,,1,1 all ,.-1
I., S &".\ Ih" .... ' .... mld
rom. a'' 'T
..... ,.M "n tl><' .null
in .he ,.or1<1! No one B,_
Why U .. houR'! I:k .. a ,nnn ,,,Ih
a t>o.ld Ma'!' he mQk ......
hlle ... (lai,' IN .... y".
Why 11,... a ..:ul\,l nr ,lie" moot
1Io"";'\;le Malh' Recau'" 110 ..
lac ... and 1,u.U.
PROPOSITIOIf-H"w mony lim .. iIlll oceell.')' 10 back Ih. OUIII" .. 10 pa .. tbe Iwo tnins?
An advuu!.t of our .)IS-
t= of m .... 10 lhe <JI'cU_
unde ... tood lcatu... 1M "'-
.noval "I We <1.... ;..,.1 point does
not cJmnre Ihe VIII"" 01 1M IUrn-
tot.ol of .. co"en sum nf _n .. }',
P .... take S1JO 16.1
fCp.-.eDU ninety <lnltars, .... IHI'!
:Its an,1 tWO mill., and """,,,v
all the d.-cin>al . n.l .,." hIoyt
90. 162 mm" "hirb d,," nol change
the nlut. Wht-n lh<' wrile., ho ...
ever .... 1m. cannot .I'm.
"'Ih Engli<h mon<lY he ....... ll1"
.... in,;'. him ..... wen U our Anny
01 punl",u, \.0 ""Iv! .he I"n.,orinj!
Fmd 3 ceru,n ,urn "I
m"""Y. 'n ')Un.I). awl
peDr('. tho ,'.1,," 01 wh,eh orill nol
br thllng<'<! by Ihe remo".! 01
-,-__ _
Dolla" .nd S." .. Pun1
He .. iI I1nolh(!r \-1roblem on whnt
,,'e term .,mila, diollimilar
hnet .... hi,'h \.0 IMt
Yank ... <1,.,1.1" ... Art ju<1 IL!I smart
a, t\'" 1"-,,mrl,. A pu .. hng
fin"ne,.,. dlK'tlwrM ,hI !L'W num-
bo-r of t, 5, do. ",,'.""-'<1 1.;'<1 IIU\>-
tract!'d will al=1'" I.rodu,," 190,
lid., Of' a multiple Ih=1. For
cumpl., ""',. a""'IUIt below
p<nIDds, ... y ..
, a. d.
, , ,
ReHued a 6 9
Orag:un 8
19 11
. ,
, ,
S 19 6
.. bieh .. x t"., .... lid,
The lnle""l 1""1"",, of
puule U thot .. no
on" bas I=n able I<> exp!IiD
tun."" ,."1""",,,h,1' of pnunds. 1hiI_
roomt n' ourd"' ..... puz.hsu
I've the ... hy "".\ .. hC't-ofOrt' ollh,s
curio,.. ""I;on of Engli.h mono,.
by abo .. by ".N,,,. 01 an u:
ample that phCIloml'll,,"
app!!n til 01>< owo. l1mted SIlII
c-ummc), as vrt'!H
.'--"'-- When dO<!J .. do tbe m",t
world Wh<>" he sev=1
acnf (.chen),

PROPOSITION-TeU how much monty tath of the men had whtn they commenced to play
11 A VE A lI. d .... lt;n Olt. h."" h. wmto. ",n,l l
louru.l .he in . My ",,"on<1' an'] my 11",-..1,
be An." tho)" Iikt<!lb. "1'",18 ComeT" An<1 Illy . nJ hully
Th_ \hl .... "k... Dutohmtn
pbyod piflOChle lor \"0 d.y ... "".
(JUt flOpP'''I. and .. Ium tl>o, ad
journW .\ ..... found that ClaUi had
...... jnn 8 cenll and ru. brother
Karlll oents. The I'rol..ltm "b"b
I WlUlt the 1"""1 , ...Ik1 \.0 r,,,d out
ia to prove. j ... t 00" money
the fellow. had
wben thee Vloy ""..1. for you
_ in the pictun!. ea,b b.aa i"'l Iwo
".,.". ..,.1 t!>oM .u. coins ... hi,h
... WW\.h a toUll of Sl. rcr""
..... , all the money l:<1""r>ng 10
money that no.. is .n
that they had .. bcn they
the play. 10 that the w>n! lor b .... '
and pipe .... bkh must he .. 1 I",.
d ... not to t he problem
How Tb.y Kade Lon Lo Punl.-
lim! ill. Hlt l. lIory t ohl in "e-t<e
wruoh IIIou1<l gnoat\y .. 1 our
.w..,t 1'I'Qfllcn punhsu:
Of 110"",,"4 lIonCllfor\h do"'" nbS\lrd.'"
An,1 .he wn,te by ,etum of {lOll!'
Ol r;\c,e.
She ."wd tvilec:c.o.t<',
Anillynrol"'\<! a ... un!.
,\<,1<1 lwc.-fiftlii of a ja1!l<lu' man
And .. corn""'" bird,
And the ... hoR 8, 4. I
IV..... flQ .. and 6, 1. 2.

An. .. ntiqW! city knc-w.
She uted 10 _d in
And IIignM them' Dc .... '
Whtlf. he ... 'ftI!ul ans-"", P''''
M "lI\nndurt. 1lm>1.agUe."
Cu;>id ll_ohu5ttut l1ew,
And on .... Nu ..... I"'e.
,\,,<11 ... 1 ""me that gradual gn"""
Wilh d .. HOV'ub
Until on .. day tbe
Offertd .. ho.ndl'Ome pize
F,,,. 111.- who 'Iwten bis 2d and 1 't_
Il,. tlUrd could
.. Dimrle 1)0 .... and ..
... "Ii'" ",,1\\ in:
She got .... omide po:onlut.mllt.
!til .... rin..
Their "'''1'''' uvon Ihe ., Rot! <.>1
Were p"nttd bv ,iM:
emm the ediV>r ItVl her n3m ..
And he dam\e<l her for his t ,n"e
PIi:< an nrb an,\ add a shoo-p
AnJ let t1 .....t ,",,11 my love."
lie pa<"kM hil 2. I. 7.
An.J ..".,1 In
The ..... odd .. .nd UIOk .. f\a
Of the 1IO$".. ,...b
And lP'"nt .. "'I'turou, 11"""1 ..... ...,"
A. blythe,.. joyoU$ I.",d
And lound their _ond .....
And t. 6. j and 4 ..... thiOSI
And ... orna.
Why iJ .. b\lck .. h ... h1."
Ueoonu .... t ia a kind
of gTUb l""l;t m .. h. 11>c butlerfly.
What'" Ib"l .,lllth ..... "..,the!"
fIc.h:nor \tal
and " ,h",,,bl " 1:1,.,c.
RMfltU1l droH a un-in-hnd
throuJ:h .. yo.k c;ly. "cd bia
l",rseo ba.1 only tW."tl-lou,
"m"", ,1I."n; 1\11.. .. .... l hal' 'They
hail tlftnty 10'" 1 ... 1.
Wbtn il the ,ttn I!'hanld
it i ... Muo" """)
()/ ... IUI' tr .. ,I '" all P .... .;-
Ii t\,e Unilt<! Stal .. 1 Cahi-
'f1tE DUTCtil'i

PROPOSITION Ibe nun 01 tb. mOIl and tbel' ... iul.
.. ,,Mlh ,t i. f>" ,,\>\c Iwm this
JC''"'''1,hc.n of lb." I'\ln:h ... to
trll the "am ... e.,-h m.,,. Wlle/"
Tho w"" tba, the ",erry
p.""y I<"t .., locluddlr<t Q"., Ih.;.
...... r n"J .,",ula'pl 11",y cou!'\
not )Il.\ .. 1", w ...... 1"'. to th.,
....'-'rtl>. h.,dlo,,1 ,;",1>, 1"",","1/ .... tn_
pd!"d to lOTI out tM
properly. by 4 I'm< .... of
Ihe "'lua", !"O"U nf
h"l:'. Ih. "'!ua ..... ut the and
thco "'luan!'! of the men "nd' their
.. ,v ... 1
It .. " cuno .... T'rohlem ... \Uch
yiel.h ff!.;l<Lly ... puulc
<lJeI....... ,.. _10 ."er) - , UI*'
to out "e ,t
Guualn 1- III. tth
A ru .... ".11""'t<h Ahout is
Wnle oul 1M (,,1-
1" ......,,1': h,l _ for .... h comp.utM
,,.,,holUl (,,",nl': aruwenl. wh,."h
a", h.,.., io f'l'l"mtMon.
the R" .... 'n!: the LarJ:elt
num!.oe. w;M'
An (,atamount)
A cnt Ih"l nlll ,wim (C1IIIi<h).
A ran 61' (cat1.>\rd)
A rnt thot ,.,n be a butterfly
(ta "'1"f';1!
A e",', noa, .. 1""on. (catk,n).
/I horn.<1 cAt (cattle).
A that th",,.,, olon ... (0,,13.
pult )
A ,roe tat .. talpa)
A ... e,t ("",,,raet )
A t.t that f1a,'o,", tho. limP""
A tat that CODy"", of grounds
(tatad) .. m).
A .ubl...,.anun eat (eataromb).
A .. t that. Ii,ing. lop...,..... dud
A ut a cern
A ... t ,nth .. >Id (l'atarrh).
A nl thaI go<><! to .at &teh-
,\ cat that uk. (calC.
.\ h!>ran' cal (uu.\ope).
A d.ut;rf'>WI (al
Why ....,.,,1,1 it he ;mpos.;bl. 10
."",e ;11 the d....,,-,; of Saha",1
B...-""oe of lbe And ... hiclt is (o=d-
W1,beol th ....
110w ,,,.1 the ... nd_i<:hrI gel
lho",> When Ham ... as ..,nt there
.... bis I.,n"wen. who ... '" bred.
(brt-:od) And fIluslEff<i th.,..,.
Why tAn )"ou ntv .... cxpe<:t ..
lI.h.....".n Ii<> be J:rnC!VU!! Il,
e .. " .... hIS hu.in_ maka him $ell
Wh)' n. B tandi,lale
after u," eleoolion. like
.orthr 11...,."11":' he "'ao !\:ott.ned
.1 Ihe I'Oleo .
{HE CC 4
2 /
W"" is a mil" who hell II
Ioa,1 :U R Bocauoe he "
no hell,,,. (l>I'UO'T)_
Why i. Ihe root of Ih.
hke a .'ej ... toJ m"nl Ilenuoe ,\',
uo .. " m the lI'outh
Wlu>.t it that whieh we oftl'n
(., .. owl
PROPOSI TI ON-[f tbe water Illy b IOn Ibo1'o 1111 water, and dt'.ppun undor tho lurhe
t " poilu dinanl \ ... only-on. in<hu, .. hu II th, depth of tbe !llu?

IH: Pl)lil' l.ONGHI..

I"w w a Tin. mnth
malician who olun
<pOke "l,..,u\ Ik ady .. n
. 'a,lll' of ("\<>"""!: our
1D&.h<malirJli I'rohlem< in md,
''''''li ve or eotIgc-nj"\l:och a. ,,"'aulJ
appeal to .he faney oi ,b<,-
in pI""" ",f 101l0",n, dn'. 1..:10-
Iii.&! 01 I_b<-
lie "'OIl!!1 ,,,nnen thr propos,!!o"
... nb ..",,, lamiliar foUL,, ... h..-h
btst. upb.inl pruM""" 1.0 1M'
A <levu kinJc-rg;>nt1I ill"",.,,\;""
01 ....... th"",um Ie"''''"
.,,,1 I1>lIflI la"'''!: 'mp .......
_ upotl Ihe min<! of " ",,<lent
tlw:t ... bole 1= of llncmJgemal
lie II"'r_ heM to
be tho! impOrtant Lrnn<" of
k"" .. UOught In OUJ' cn1lrxol
ud h'gh -':bou!s. forth<" nawn lbol
It enl ..... 00 larx<1y into 311 01
&rtJ &ltd sci<n"",,. and )"ct lhe
... M",lent with
-II an avr1"<i<m to f,guro<
Ih he IpeMi/V di'm;...,. all rffl>1.
I ... tions 01 Ihe"; from. hi. mind.
The """,r lily rmj,lem " 01
>"Im.-Iu,-,,1 In Longlel1o ...
K"vAllAh.' ",''':lICn ... hil. !>ern"
pylnr the 01' Modorn L",,
Harvlll'd l!ni,c,",,"Y. l$-4?
1 00 ;:nple IhM "",'onc, ., . .,.
"';\\)0"\ " kMw\",lge of :'\lull._ (Jill Suppose. fQl" cum-
_tic. Or ,."'IlOI!'). "",,1<.\ it pl._ A ;. IJ IInu W"", horn in
of ('Ump., ". <>T ruk l'u' tho number
.0..1<' yd 1\ M nf th. "",nth (C'>o"omhtr i< the
truth " .t.".nth m"nth)
war, ... hid, many gmt!.
u.l ... j!nul'cd at all.
1 Ua<'\ tA"!!","'" o:>f
1M proM.."" u 1'W' <I....-nl....-l II In
,.........naUy " di!'U>1rinn
"I bu. Iw! \.<,h' "f a
.... grn",or in a
11<".,,, ..... uno: "I"n .h",e Ihe rur
face ollh .... a ...... "n,J "'kn .... ayfd
Ih" b.-- ...... 1<.1 ' .. "ch lilt- our
f""" at a ,h.uoo('C' of Iwo Mlloi'..,
I ...... ..-II'eh dua ,I .. "" ,1.-., ... 1 to
,he de",,, of the lake.
:;"w, 1<'1: us "'-'Pi,...... u ""''''n in
tlu: lfuIl the .. i. un
_b 1,.>\"" II, .. .....-fare of Ibr
"'3t ..... and IJuot ,f It pullfd
on'" to one' oiM i, ....... 1<1 dif;lPJ"' ....
und..- ... na,'e at. I''',a' "i,
I ..... n'y.....,.. inch" from ... here II
nmr 0.,,,,,,11. ""Y JU'I .. the
YI>WlIL lady i. ouPl><>Sl<l .0 h,o,'.
<1",,,,,, i', ,,'hid, r.h') .... lhal Ih .-o
a",, ... B", .",-ho",d '" .h .... me
11>1>. al the hu.t.<>m 01 'he lake,
... hal ; he d"r'lh nf .l,r wat"'>
To TeU .. P ... on. Ale.
This "'NII",l i h ... ",i ....
1 .... 1 one kn"wn 1..1 Ih. 1"'''''''11
whooe "l:$ ill tu I ... do
Multil'!. bJ
A,IJ ..
"'''hi ply

.\.-1.-1 ... (II) ..
s.."tract _lOS ,
Ad.-l lIS
" "
". u,
,\S ohe Dn........ Ill, len bu 1:..-
.. 1.1 and NO'-mlke is h'" l'tl'th
n"""h. This leot never up
10 100, In m.nputmg qes under
10 dpher ... tll appeo.r
,n lhe result. but n" noLt,,,, is taken
f>I. iI.
Wh.v ",ould an.,....\ be offend..d a.
you. oa\hng 1"", a ph.,...."I? Rc
... )'UU "'DuM be mnking lime
.. { h,m.
won u!h' """".... ..
I figurC'O. ahb<>ugh In
"'mcwMy o.nlheT thor
.... m 10 0\0
hack .... h. J<tS1 as Ihey do ," ,be1r
ruding ... 1I",h 1.1""')1 uphill.
nu,}, -.t\lngly '\0 ,II". mult<phca
twn byd,,-ooion.and ad,lInon by sub-

They are "ery .... at fMTIW
antl do ..,.". 'l'*" o:aI.
nilillLOM by noIeo or , ..... b .hi,-II
t brv cannot. or ";U nol ul'wn
6ne of \b.,. prof .. ..,.... .b<>-.l me
."",.. uen ...... '" \,hll"', .tucb
ill tho-IT 0 ..... pecWiar .. ht re
" .-1 ." a. u> do 1\ by ",I>olr"",,"
aOO , ,nanl ",".kwanlli 1mm
."" ...... 10 J'l'1 tbr figu'u ... hich W('nI
.<Wed toI:Mhe._
lit lUkod me to aTT1lnge tM nIne
d."u. 1. 2. J, 4. J, 6, ;, 8, 9, 1.",1 ..
ril'Mr In uro "' .... add thtm to-
reth ... and rub QUI tbt 1 .. 0 to .... and
any , .. 0 figu.,,' t hke<\ Imm the
"urn, arul h. ,",,,ld ..... 10111 thtm at
onoe It apl'urcd to M a .. mple.
but pretty feat, '" I p'.""" )\ 10
our !'" hou and k them 10 re-
place tha Itn ,ni .. .hR"II,
alt hough the , e,,1 1'" .. 11. il ""'I'ly
to tell ....h.t the craM<! num-
bcrs taken from nn.><cr
MiSlilll. Word Anagram.
,. T1f
UK .. "UN.
Ih .. ..,..., lei!"" uch in ueh
of (btl I.ol.nk and m&ke &ood
....., of lhe 10110'""'11: rhyme
A ___ old WQJnI,11 on -
PUI on her _ and ..... y I he
_ lilt crit<I. u oM " ,",I OIl
her "7.y.
H"..,. arc we goLIIi to -
.... ,'
Why ia glaa-hln"'Ct" lhe fTIOII
lil<e\y P"""" to """ the alphabn off
a t K"11np / B\IUK M can m.h
Whal letlei' ;n lhoo Ouuh .Ipha.
",,11 name ." lJIly ul
1111.. ' A \}UI<h-S
Whal Cbri.ltt8" I>es,
Anna. IUd, Ih ..... me both ,,.,..1
lI ann.o.h or I':ve
When Y"" finl.I I .... t my
Itron.l..nd are I"e only perxm
to ,TIc my whllie
PROPOSITtoN-.Arrange the nine dl,its .rid .. cipher in tWII
to". 10 lhey "m add up correctly as Ihown.
Why .. a I olt(1l roore
ul"'n.,,'" than a \., ,,1.'
I"" hriJo ;', gi,'o" hul the
II of len .. ,Id,
PROPOsrttolf_TeU how mlny children Iber. wen .. nd bo"
JnaIIJ bOI aou bullS utb ",ived.
So 1 1:..... !1Inn ... I"'nnin
To buy 11><',. tv.1 ... ,..,..., bun
The ;nfC!.... ;,. d ..... thai there
are th_ " ..... of for ..
peDfly. l WO for p"\ny .n<l three'for
penny. ,Thin we,., Just .. m.ony
boys .. and Ihe)" ..... re 1P"en
R'"en pena,n '" as t.o I_t e&<:b
one al,ke, 110'" "",IIy bUM <1,<1
Put Elutn Mel! io Ten BflI .
now .IId then tome COrTe--
'pond.nt, probahly
in ... =h of 1'111.'\1<" inlonn.",,"
... ks for an exl'l;!.na''''"' 01 the f"I
Io..-in, pe1'piex,nl1 prol"""I"''';
An ,,,nkeep<'r "0.11 uddon ,nRux
01 . Ie""" ... ivin, in
parlY and do"",",11"8 "'VA"IC! bed.
Tho hOA' had only len beds
d"poMl , hul he nOlwil holand"'lr
maa.,<"<1 to accommod.w t hom
foil" .. , H. put 1"0 ill the
wltb tho .. lalldint Ihat tbo
"""'nol oboulll ba, bod to biTII
..,u '" .. Ie .. aun,,'" as $lIOn as tbe
o,h.,.. ...,,.., ortlltd He tbo" pul
til .. thud ,n the """""'- hod. tho
fourlh ,n Ih. thml bed. and 10 on
Ih<r I,",,'h ''''1111 ec"",mmodato<l ill
lh. h'hth I.N H .. had Ihoas <me
l....-d .,'1 "'II ... hid. the .", .. .",h
",an .... 1In WAll I-C!ttlpannh pl.cod
'" Ih. bod, ...... "" .. jn'il.ed to
,\0 .. TIlDtl<'r 01 rouRe dUI prt>b--
IMII " "'" ""pj'MO<! '" be
of n!:hl fI\(olhem;p;lI<"al Mmoo
5I.-:IliOll. II. b..1<!d on. parad .... l.
proposit'on. but 1M em;rr 10
c<>n"",aIed l hal il illiabl. to
uoid That is .n there
is to ;1
Why is I"tIOm full of muri<"<l
1,,11.. w. ... room "'"P')"' Heca...e
Ih ... II 1101 a .. nl:l. pcl$On ;n il
l!u .. n,.ny w;,es "'" )'QU $";0<1
1.0)' Ih. Prayer.l>ooH SiJ:t n: YlZ.
lu(u) r b .. It ... 4 wo""" ri. oo, 4
po<>:<; 1010.1 siXI""".
Why ..... , glXld jllleotioo' lil<e
lad 1 Dec ........ all l bey
wan, to ."rr),"'g out.
i. the diff .... nte bctw",n
ra..-... g.,,],C>C! \ an<l a urnage-
boNe' 0.,. 1:""" ktu:r when i1 II
IITed: 1m: o,b .... dnn' ,
P.n;n04 y.1 to-day.
I m mOOI ,..hile ol ben
.I ... p;
"'me wuld like to ri,e a w.y
'el ho one hles to keop!
I came 10 field and couldn'! J!"t
tto"""h ,t
So I .. tnt to .. ':''Il001 and learntd
bo ... t.o <10 itl
Wbal il that ... Imh. ,teo
rrule,1 bread.h lO be four incb ..
1 .....21h nine inebel!. and depth
:::..,heI, con.tams .... lid foot! A
Whot ...... the diff""""",
a.k an<l J ""n of Ard One
.... , 11\8<le of ..-oed, lhe otoo was
1.Ia,d of
w1ll'tl of . bOft> sylLab1e5
frnm .. h,eb if )'QU I.b ...... y
I.tlon male .. 111 .HIlA,II if )"ou .. way four. a fHllAle"';1\ be
ct>",p,c",ouI f you .way l hue.
m.on ",11 apl'<'ar : and the
,..hol ... ord .... rou .. hat J oan
of At(' """'/ He. he . ""ro, b.,."in.
What i. Ihat whi ch . young g;,j
1()()i<5 for. bul does aol wi<h t.o fin<l/
A lM>\e ,n Mr . Iodu"g.
lion " ..... ,ded \<1 '1I"h had ]OI<t ...
h".b in hol><>.... bk ..,.vi'"
"Creal Ca('l"I" "'plied the .. aT-
., ""1_
nt> .... ilh bec<>"""1l. """,ell ).
btl,'", humble .,:Jd,,=,," in tbe """'1<0;:
ad ..... douht!.... ovorlo<>l<od.
wok the de<:<>r.>tlOl'l. from
bis I)WIl breast. :r.nd pI"""'$: II
upon the lO)\dier, Ia.d "If ,hOU
badll \o$t bulh arms, lhou
be llul roun<tcr 0( new ani .....
Wbonupon tbe IIOl<furr promptly
d", .. hill """,rd, and by .. dth slrou
lopped 011 Itia othrr "nIlI .
We..m not gni.1l!.O.
Ihco pulll1o",jw features 01 Ihco "",-
pht, by uking ..,tb .. hat :arm h.
mUJ.t I\ dra .... nbe sword to cbnp
Off lhcoth<1". ... n ,. a mattH o[ )" ....
1.<>ry. 'M\ T,l"" the ,.eU
IcnoW'rl V ,et.<>nll C""" ....hieb .. ,,1000:-
ly .1;;ed to that 01 the St. And,.., ....
form. ,. I
In the ,n .. gnia or a
ne .. 01 the Iron Crou. Tltu.
had to wnform to the .,stahhohod
I ... of "Jopting a ly",nictnca1 form
of.....,... ... ooul.J". ""ns\n:ld1'<l
from the parts 01. <quare, .
By thit prop<>l"llon
.. e (lhuult :I. t<'mmrhl>la puule
.. hieh lon'rIo an hnk ," 1M
... hich 1""",,11 ,,11 of the ."0",,,1
0IJ!'lS .nd oym1.<>l<, ,,,dud,ng Ihe
1'1."""" Inangl., 0" mo-
nruI. c.....-nt. flC.
The pilule ill """dy 1.0 di\-,de ..
"'l.u&n! pie ,,( f"Ipcr ,,11.0 lbe lew-
<SI. 01 pi ... -eI wh,ch .,n fh
logI'lhrr.o "" 1.0 '<>n11 ,l'Tt'f"lar
SI Andu;r.' ( ...... as ,h,,_ in lhe

hlu lAl,le.
II of .. JudI:" re-
fur.ed In allow 10 be
"W1lttIed for k,lhllj( on ,,,iaM. 11..
of 'N,Oo,mlll! m".t h .. ,'. b11
oomcwh ....... f"IL"",-.'
A hal.oy .. a
A " a ",<111<"1111"'".
II i. un ..,nt,
0"" ... nt .. ",,\ ",,,.th tWO cell .. :
Then-fo,.". a loo1l.oy il "0\ worth
PROPOSITION.-Rean-ange the ei&ht piece. 10 u to form .. perfect ched::er board.
ve ...... ry io a .. ar that hili made Ihe
,n""lent one U the "",.11 nUlable
event. III Ibe .""a" of 11,. royal
""" .
Tbe In'Iuh,ng 01 the d,_ Wan!
111\0 ... g\l' p,,,,,e ....... the ftMure
.. lw:h a1.... y, n.ud, my youlhful
fancy .... , il Iniehl 1", .. ,hI), ""nta,n
,he cle""'nts of a" ""portanl pro),.
lem .. hH,h hBd bHD o,erlooilto.l Ly
lb. n1<," espeuauy .. I
C<JulJ lit,,1 no .dermce to
Ihe I"'tlIIlI I.OKCthtr of lhe
brot ... dltSl boartl. The rtSlric-
\ion 10 pie- Ii.- ...... V'e
IO>pe: f""'![rea. dil!i<ulty or vanKy.
but IK)t at Lberty w del'lin
from hiotoncaL "",'uracv. lihallljiye
OUr puuh5u a ",nl'l. htllt prol.oltm
su,tAbie for rummer weather Sho_
bu .. to put the '"'iht 1"00'" """Iher
00 .. w form. perftn. b8 checker
t-rd The Vun]e .. a "mple one.
liven ttl teach a .... luAble ",Ie "'hleh
.!>auld he 10110.1 '" Ih. ronstruc_
,,<>11 of tnch 01 Ihi. k,nd. ,',. By
,,,mt nO t_ pie<:el 01 the .. me
Ihape. oth(>1" .. a)"1 of dO'llK Ihe ]'UI
.:e "'" and Ihe loat il
mu.-" ,hm""a (If oo"",,,,pl,,h
,"<I" will find \"'fore d"o:"v
the nn,wu \(I Ih .. one.
[)rllw a118.r.8 rht(:h, board on 1>&-
I"'r auJ Iry 10 lind bu ...... cut;t lnto
ellhl p,t<.-co lIk. thoAe .ho.-....
Wbel1 i ""lilicr hke a .... "'h'
\\"hel1 be .. on guard.
Whal "WOrd 01 t .... Itt'- (&I) !y
.. nh livel X_p.d_n-< (e>;.
Why ."""M the fugh""t apple ""
I'" be tl>e he.t 00'" Becau ... it
a "p-top apple.
Why ...,,,Id a spider appear to
""'II? DecoU!C It oIten Iwka
\\ b,. .. arailr-oad e>;Cftding:l,.
p:>1nui."" h '" hound to the OOUD_
try Wllh'lhe Itrong_
What'" the ",OIR wondorllll INt
In Jualuyl, For .. man to ""'<lIve
Ih,nl '" his own mmd.
Why .. chloroform hke Mmdew.-
IOhol IJ.,.,au!e;1 is tl\o, grN.1C5t
of modcnl comJlO&'B-
Do _men like ..... Ibm,.l,..,"
in pnnl' :-':0. Ihey prefer oil!:; or
Who i$ Ih. ""''' who invariably
lin..!. (h"'21 dull I The sciooors
gnnd ....
What tort of me" a re most abo...,
lJ(}.1ru ,n tho" "",;':'",,1 Chessmen.
PROPOSITIOlf-Sho'll' bo .. to d]Y]de the ",05 .. i., illt .. IWO "quaru.

T IS NOT from the Pyth.o.l:Orian principle of S .... teo rnO'"" than that ()f
1. If I .. ", ....n \b\ the oU\\.IlIg h .. es on the b, .... for, Eng!3nJ. If.b.ul. or s.:.,\-
, of \' Cneuan wh,Ie"'" know th>.t by ,he th60ry of I.nd 1
- _ ,nQla,,- by l)o.m""h.Q, tbe hnXlthetill1ie hne ,...., oquateS Til.; I.ily m .. y faJe Rnd iu
!mO'.iO.u the Gualo to/. taft be divided JO as to prod .. "" one d_y.
of Romun he-w, "'''' oriiW I.o.rxeroqua""..nd "ice ,-ena" it isu- The K.... I ... >m ,II 'tc:m tIlly
ally divid" inw twu "'I"""e .......,.J. in tlus punle WI ... mUll .." ....
.. wen ,llKOverN at dIfferent ",,\ on tbe luIa only."" as not lOde- The SJu.=ock and Thistle nu.
TlMoy WU(! hfoIoJ:ht to- &troy lbe Mads. It may also be ,.._ ... ay,
",tiler and into .. hat" sup- mentioned l1Iod .... tally. \ba\ nu- Out Ule 5, .... ...,n til,,,,, fnno\-er
JIOM'I. to be tbe ... OOI'Tec\. form. tn deau wbo bave ...... tut!d tbe prin. Wby .... ki$l like a",""",,'
167 1 ...... b'e cbJc"a.io1I w" apia of RjWU'1! u explained ill BecaUlie il needs I..., head. and .n
reprdini: the poIIibihty u IWI Pytbagorian problem. win nol al>l".".IIOI1.
well .. apprOI'nnlell_ of "n,tln, 6nd mlleb difficully In disco'<erlnll ' Wbe-n '''0 reaI"e k, .... kat kind
lhe collectionf of 25 heacb inlO one Ibe _1M old lheory rropping liP 01 a nddle " ..... ke' 1\ .... " ....
Rjuan: ... now ui>!:o, .. hen . p- _II: lbe Roman antiqlles. to tell Whal i. 11 George. WuhingtMI
partfllly by il .... d,lt'OV- Ihem bo .. many beads Ibere mu.<1 oeldom sa .. , 1;,><1 net,cr .... , IWd
!.hat each !'If lhe , .. 0 Rjuata bave t-o In tbe smaller "'1- .... see ", . ..,.,. <by' Our I"lllals.
consioud of oeVeTaJ pi_ ... hieh .. bleb AVOS consider.blt " mve by \ox1c 141 .n o)"Sur iI
...... Id ,nlO one 5d JIil'ce menw .. ork. better thlm bu.v('II. NOlhing
.. 1Ilwwn. AS II "'->n JJ1 cons'ruction beueT than bea,'",; an n)&ler
i, A prelt.' pu .. and IlI.ll ;1 maybe- .... dIha! .. bet, .... tb-o.!t Ihe ... lore a"
punl., 4ke matb.matical proposi. kind wbieh aJl lor the an' "y,'er io helter than heaven.
can be- .. orked Wdn.arth 10 1-=. in the .. I .... eo;t number of \\'hal" the differ..., bet ... ""n
a<lulllaj!e al limes, ....... it! ... ,.""'" piKeS," tic" off .... ,rcal """"" lOT .. honeymoon and II h""c)'comb!
lhe an(1 uk yo" 10 divide cleve......... AnyOn<: might fi n" " One;' .. bill ... n, the othft lItllo
lhe large ",!uare into ll>& ftweel nllm lOIut;OIl in many pi...,.,., or .. hich wU.
ber 01 pieces .. hieh can he Jtandll()mc 01 the old Roman. up-- Why;' & m.n whl:> mal<el ""n.'
into Iwo lCi"nlft whirh ""nlurm to lidc down, man' h. maile.
Ih."'mdi\io!UdCl<"nhed men . teol (11..... 1) Rnd then
TI,;. punla il u diflering Why is the Itffihlem or the United fA,.. they do .. nte (ri,ht),
by anot ...... mill_up of the book.!, al.
wa) .. employ,ng Ihem all, they may
be mAde to the
01 .,,,,,.Ihin!, one-fnurth, tillh,
one "'alh" ",",_""ntb,
and "",,nmth. It" a simple 1''''_
de, ...,tlmut .... 1 """hnnauta! dilli_
cullin. 10 it ... prMen!.<'d as an Amll'.
,nil: stlldy wluoh lam,ijaril.e the
young lou.. with the pKlllinf prop.
ortt ... of figureL
Th;. probllOm an inu._
ba1lS\lhle fitld of I'u .. "lid an .
e<'llent fChnoIlot learning to
aU. new puulet:, as 11K: id .... Un I>e
o"m..:! on i""elfinaltly in 11>& ron-
struo;tJon 01 other and """"d,/lirull
Problcnut ,_:... ___ -,-__ ,
Whal .,.., the of Ihe u-
p;ring YCllr ' :-'"v-eml><'r .n,1 0.
How;' ,a ","ull ry denltr roml'"lIcd
to urn ru. Rv roul ",ean.
Why io .. ratl Ilk"
top b"nul Ikrou ... I,e h,.
Wily a ... oat reo! i,,\
\('r in ,ummer than ,n ...u.1 .... Re
raq ... Imnp lhe calerpillar
10 a man "';th a
k",lak c:'nn,,1 lilR' Yes. a hinl
\\'hy dn ... 1<b"",
n.t.n :.w,,}' > TM-)' belong 10. <t3nrl_

j""", iYml: " oJ,.,.. horw 10 a
1><lSl hIS It maJ.:es.
b"n f"->,
\\'hal U< " that. mOon, no ""'tiM
h" .. "'llIn he is, "' .... 1 ..... "'" Iii.

Whal g<w. mOSI &g:l.J.n>' R r ....
m .j(ralll IIi. rnper
Why may w ,hal NOIlb
b.&<1 '-" in ark' Ikn.u>c the
kanll'ltnOl ..... nt >I, .."h be'"" and
th. bear ""'. "' .. ")'0 bruin.
A rlu.rk h<of<')l'(! " .... .. dud
bthmrl 1 .. " rtu'k<. an<l a h<o.
I .... n .. " how many duch
wt,.., then,n .11' TIlT"" in lim,
How manV fUhon ha. a man>
:-;,ne' h (Mh .... hi. g(>dfath."., hi.o
.. , h tw'>
R"d h" I",.... (ImlT) ...

, . Iludy in .ui.>lratl'on an'!
_ - d,v,""", .. h>ch.howllhe
,ml",rtl.n: nf bo,ng ... 011
up ,n anth-
mUlt, no mat\t. whn our ,'O(atlon
in lift may be. S<>lven ... "h In
avonion 10 6cureo, ho,,",,''', IICI!<I
not be dctern<! from , &<'lchlll 14
punlt 1...- the sublract''''' .."d "
.... '''''' 'bere rdeTtt<1 1.0 calli fM the
d"v"rne. of Sherlock lIulm ..
.. ,b .. than the 1amull of a mathe-
h IPJIU" t hatllf'l'leman .... me
cellar "-d I.w/flI but21anocd \.0 the
of tWO doun of "'lie.
wl""h tbe robbc1l ramed oft' anJ
might haove kepi if IMY had bftn II
proticten.l.n dlv.->" u lhcy .. ne ,n
They . .u>IoI dnoen qua.u I"".
dozen PInto of but find.
,n \he .. n>t. ..".,,, .. ""1 """vy to
they procft<ltO 10 ,.d\l(e th.
..... Ibl by IInn"'''r of( five
Ind live p,nU 10 the IIICU of 11>...
rupe<live eand'd.,u ,n the next
alderm;""" "lecto"". To leave no
t nceo boh,,,4 .... well aI "" I<>unl
of tbei. niue, (I",y look the l11lply
bold .. wilh them. bul upon
ins:- thttr nndelvoUI \ lillY "",d<l nol
h'l UPlln an eqwllbla ilivl,nnn "f
POllical neupillliona.
Here ;. an 0,1<1 htll. hit of
e.o.p,l&.",n, .. beee lbe .... "",vlI1 0(
the finl lett..,.. th .... Ih. _d,
thIrd fourth ,n tbe th ....... m""'l
.. "rd., m.o.ket II,e n,un,,,, cleae
The hha on ,he banI< -.-.
While ID ourhllie hark ..
Our"",,"," to f .. vnnni !>mora-.
1.,l<e btn4 liP'>" the --
\\'"h 1,1"r=l1 the <)1. ... ....,-,
Iu ""K"r h"",d, 1,1.--. --::
t:,...h O .. !! - -.
.\n,1 ""ho &IInren -
It ..em. to me ftran ... --.
That.e .bool,J ""Y" rrnl-
I'PI' ,n""" bl<e .. liltle --.
Or "",,11 .. tommpn th,ng as - ,
C ffi. pflQ --=
.. kt a piece of paper of Ihe dimen,ion l of the t wo . qUl.fel, aI . hown In
t be pic t "'e, and cut it into thru piece. which "'ill 61 together and mike a per fect .quare.
N ACKNOW!.EDG 'rho ",h.,.,I' "f B lillie lun mny he
, meot vi a fiallt'rinl; t e, h", \0 b .... 'nnt(l l,up,l. '"Ie<led Into Ihe I'1lule IlOry ... lnch
' " ' entle'"" lrom Prof<:s>or """h thcir .. , and i. bui:t UpOn .,11 do much ", cult"''','''g
. Rot ....... hich i. the C;,""amemal 1 ... Iha\ the In .pvreci"\Jnn of humQl', 7he
' II,.. ""'n,l. <If the preu, G!wuld not t.e ""nh 1'.0101..... ahould be dotl1a! in $ulI .
",be",," II<> tars. "l>s.m Loyd i. " .... t<> toe "",mmillM to able ,I .... '" m.akc tb" r .... 11 IOUght
d",nK InO", to "'Y, If th.,."y of tM l-..n .. aJ'PtllT prob.o.ble and"",", ",adil,.
nQllltmatio;s than all nf our wUq:o dear. <tudent f"""'ulIU. [I,. ,,\$0 to baoe
.... t 10000000het," an"OlIllUUriood by a WI ,,,,on ",I.,. an<l ju", II tbe p""P<'!I"iQn urw>n "'''' ......,han_
hany fl'Ob1 nQtcd ,lI'e d ..... nt..f an ,n ... in h,. ,ra! truth, hi",n,;cul incidrnl "r b.:t
prof.,.,r. I laJ.:.o OC('.uioo 10 d... (111m . . HI' rWo;C,l1 In", "'ch "" m.y imp1'ove
cou,..., uoon .. bat be I""'> In)' .... or m.allwm.llal IS Ihe .... 1 knn .. of the IIn-
hobhy." hea?ilv Ireil:hlN "ltb mu<ty rul .. , MM. lor in tillS ... ,. a I""" .. od and
I aU. """lu'Y" in pUDI" .., po>nd..,."". a,,<1 .,1>Ku", that r.... hltle "d-hits of ",Iormltoon may me lhatJ ln pu, '''-en .,tb "",plAna"",n", grup. tbtir hoo ""'ked up Ilnd unrnn>ciously
I1eo ..., hay., \h., only elemenlry 10"""'"1:. and "no to d"'m,,. liMe<! In lhe mind III a ..,.y
II<h,J<tt fe.... the of ,n them frmn tht" mlnrl ht<> tllty neVer to be fGtgolte-u.
em_'ty and loy .. of lhe "",,1><-- I"a"". leb"ol ".. ",Ueg<> Whm I TY ... ty-lour hundred yean 19o
o.IId mnhl.nira! ;uu. I ltTl ..... ple .. Ib, ....... gbly u",lont<>Od I>,tbagora <I,oeov .... ed tha, ,f he
bave ouch oodennl d.lli<'ulty '" .... 1. lor n ... in d ...... "'I"""'" "1IOIl the (bfft lid ..
rerord of civil oeni"" eIaIDinallons. ..hal are termed of Il ngbt .... nlll.d the luger
as "" I"nwlh 01 JD.>1<ler rniod& lions .. e can <10 "o'h,nl hill a.ld or "'la,,,, ... 11 be Hau!}' "'lua! m:area
fmtll Ihto """b of fl"'u!.dom. Ibal, multiply. 00, while 1\ may more \.<) the two """,!Ier "'lUI..... <'0lIl_
.hen J lwar 01 a punli", trying lor I1me ",multiply loy 11'.Hl hi.....t
"""" compe\JIIV" """lion. II......... II i ..... ,lIy as eo"}' as '" mulllply Ill' ..... "" elaled ov"'" the p<OOf
like .. rorq:one o:mdu.i"" Ib! hi. B by 1. The difficulty "I. <:mnpltJ: ollbe "IU3<n ""'ng: equal 10
IU<'<ftl ,. _<ed On thn otbor .urn IS to lICk <>1 kn01l'1_ lbe Mher t",n, no. mat ........ hal
ban.!, my <:Qnne<1.,on ""Ih me<ru.n or bmiliAnlY ,.,th the Pf\O- he the d'monSJ""S of Ih. tri-
,CIlI ma,\ctt 010".. , a ripl. in<ol.y,"" Ingle that"" g ..., " .. a), Bll of ru.
d_ 01 gnadu31cs whose rou ..... of M",hamt'al "';cnroe IIn,\ Ihe pria_ '""'<lJly gllOdl .... d chalt.l. in
lIudy appelln 10 made them \If luthcn .. t,<s ofl'erinjlS to tho J(O<l', and yet be""
III stuJ)ld as to he unfitted for Ihoir be througlt med,um of. "rl,euled and 1"ld 10 abo .. W. dis-
, llimple anll 10 "");0"0 Ihe dry rov.r), 10 tho dog..
PROPOSlTl Oft C, n YOII l oin 'lteptune'. conundru m. ?

lil "",k jokes and the nen<
nol to say pllm,>m"al
I II..... 01'1 n:peatedly In I
..... y tllat "1"1"",.ves Il't'IIembbnre of
I_"n_ and 'mptOmptu origlll.hty,
[ ' ''PP<'"'' IIIaI ftw
01 out ,..,.den hava h.d tile luck ar
oaaion to <ro" th$ t,!"atm, to .II
to "';lneA t he jolly p!'llnks which the
Jack Ian art prtIM. to ,,,,luI,,, ,n
... hen "oroai"g the hnt." .
The lim. I , I ! u
to t he captaIn my un
bmmded Ippm:ialion .nd admira-
lion of tho, bumor and ttady ""!. <If
t he old all .. ho
Xtptune . .II .... 11 as t he
'oul ,,bote """" dUly ,,'as to 1'<
knocked .boUI I"d tousW ... ,h
tou,k.U m I I ...ughed al
Ntr,ur..,. rudy uflly to , ho, droll
conundrum: "'\Vllat would yOll do
if ail lb. Sl:U .... re dned upl" And
oqual1y good OIIe. "Why "
man o. i.looki,, ' lor the plnlusoph ..
, "' .... lik. N<JI"",.I" the m<lfo
ul,UHlale one, ..... hy . .,.,h
""m<" n''''lgato .. ,
1'be ("Ioptain I<><>ked I hille qu,"
ic-al ... I complimented Ihe ..... " ..
In"ishl,' but I dId nol fflllt ... "".w
gn-rn mu 1 have Ippeared until,
many y .. n aftorwanl, I " ed
tbe Ii"" "" levtnol ott.siOIll ..nd
h .... nllhe .. me ok! $\0<1< ),,1<11$ re-
bu."""I . .nIh In Ihe rii"'"
. nd Ir",dm_1
,\II I ... ;,1 hdn,.." 'Orne 01 our
ynungc. folb not. yet CI1IIIO!d
thft 11M, IW> l.bey I", gIVen t his
uJlportunity tu l>onM. o,'cr Ihe u r o
ootLundrmn. Ol by
Fat h"r Neptune,


ho w t ll' O h l ynedl divide d thelr urningll.
, ". kno .. 01 I'"",ng,
. 'nIl OOlIldirn.,. oolve a
, punI. which m,g-ht
bame thooe who r' '''el in figu,". an<\
ukulauolU. I .... I"r an all.",'er to
t he foUow"'K ,;mplc "ropos.lli,on.
wlNlly.., of .11 1Ml\_
bbnno of malbnrultical diffi<'Dlty
t hlt I hate to inlrodu"" il ... a punle
wilMut otrmse Ia Ed..-:wl
Markham. lbe rt<'<IgI!iktiauthori'y
m bMiery malten. I .... thai.
ilk. hit poem. It 0_
lhe doo .. for In in<treo-ling di-S<'U$'

' Ro..-..d hy t"" ..-cigbl 01 ....-nU,n""
hel .. ns
ll_ "'-' hoe and gazes on . he
pound ..
I lappean thaI lI oh),,; and Nohbs
. 1tJWId 10 \Ii .... ' a field of polalaH
lor Fa ........ !>nobbs 1M dolla ...
On I"""g their
lboy find t hat eacb """ in D
dJtr ..... nt <If their prof_i"n
Hohbs ... bo nn drop ..,w.,f pol".
t ou In minul e . d"'ll
two roW$ .. bile NolJbs <"Overs \"'0,
Th. \lUU]f is t" loll how
monty and wurk .11",,].1 he ilivided
10 " to oquali.., Olatt ers.
ltlr, AY1 hl< """llel':"
" ......1 to'r ,1<,..."'t kuuw ""th,nK.
"'hlle til<> other one 'lottI ...
qu"l i,," is 10 tell which kn,,", Ilko
" .... ".
hI' "ill 0,,,,,, d""" uf
riVl]jMUU" ,""nknot.
Wh)' It t'<lO<'h ll"'"1( do",," "
ot ... p hIli lIke $1 Uf'("au<'(o
it', alwaY'" d ,," "'til (lie
Wble'b 01 I'I!I,trl"" i ... malluo.
mall<;",,1 A,ldn,
Why", a th,nlt OUr<:h.ut<l a
0111 Been ..... t'. ""'d
Why i. " man ....ho .,,11 only
'-31" " """"'y to get ......11'
li e" a little ....
I\'h:ot ",lat,,,,, don I"" _1>-
bta. to I"" ooy who blu" ..
ii ' II i. hir; air
When ila ..... ing ntadline _ pat
crunl"rtl Wben il " uJ<'d It! ......

What I ..... lemale n:un" UfltHf
a d"'mUl/ Ann t:I,,,,
How 1I'ould a lK1panl h,"
.",,1.1 Ry mo,","lI 10 lOme olher
\\'hv a", ynung .. hke urow,'
Ik-rau>e are all rn A '!UIVC.
unlil thev gel II 1><>w
wah lou, letters,
Ilow wouU you diri& ",,.n .1:):0
..,'<0 fie""""" '" thai "ne
qg remain, '" tM ,fuh? One to. k.,.
t he d .. h WIth the in it.
Whut .. often to
laN . alway"cut butn"' .... ""ten/ A
!,,",ck of
Wbt-!! i. " thump like .. hul
Wit .... it .. felt,
What is the l>e$l wonl 0( t;<>m-
t" a lady crossing "
1>II,I,lId D..,... up iD front, C\"""
(dolh",,) up
Wh)' do bmo only \a.y in lhe day.
... a t night lhey "'"
Whal lort has t-n &tormed I""
Oft.e-nN! Thr Piano-lone
Take two letteD from lDODey and
th .... ."U he but one lril, bat if II
lhid tax." moo.)' I""" two let.ters
IMrt ...... Id be: "<>lie ltll-.
Why is " loaf", a ...... Ihe
t'O<'x' a """use M i. coalinu.o.Ily
roinR ,.ound doing Il\Ithing.
WM" does " man rob hU wlfel
Wh"" he hooks hrr dnoa.
Why arc dairy muiJ. happyl
Th<'V tboi. Own wlko)".
\\'hy i. matrimony a hHieged
1Ie<"au..) they who a re in
wnm to out, and Iboo< who are
wam to g. 1 ,a.
PROPOSITION-Show Iht be$t play and toU just ho .... mlI.!ly "bo;ul" it Ihould will.
Imle ,,!WIle ami from
, 1 ...
upun hnes very "mllar
o - 10 the ... Il.known
game 01 "Tit, Tat Tf)ot" Ih ..... '" a
f'QY." 0... 01 1M Ch",_ 11,,11
Wn\.a lH,en on Q .. lu. In
as Ibown. an..J afu,rnljl,k.
inc. _l"';Bht dull. wh",h WtI"""Ui
A to B. ()I.e sIIot. to her op-
ponI11t. _ho <XIllnl!<'U R .,Ih A
If t.M firot play"" r.n .. ron_
0""'- E .ith P W other Vlaye."
would ronnect II w,th F .nd OIOOre
box," and h:wc the liih! 10
play qa,n aut tllt,- hive pla\'e<!
"" well tim! ,,"'til .... h ... yet
k'Ot'C'l 1,01, a1thQugh taCh has
ti1 hnmo. ),UI 1M P"'" "
..,..,hm, .. cntICai I""nl .. II...., one
of them mull. WIn. r...,. tIKI'<! IIU
no dn ... , in thit play, &I ,n
Kanl6. TI>e httl. litt'''11
down hoi W play"" ... an,\ 'f
lrl lind ber
could ICO<'II 101" hn" .. ,n one run.
Ind Ibm hlwing Ih. "Khl 10 "".
fill"" plR), WOIIld e<>nnect II and L,
which .",,111 Win All ",.1
plAy .. nuld Y<nI no... and
00 .. mAny .. ,11 ,t Wm against
tb. t-t poa.>ble play of too ....,.,00
pl.y .... '
R=be.-, lh.U ... hen a play ....
"box.," pl.o."" apin.
f...- uampk .. play..,. IDllrks
Imm 0 to H. as tJwo c_e.oo ... on
the Thm the ......,00. pay..,.
"",.-k. fmm H to L. and tbm no
malt..,. .. hat mark 1M f!'!;t
m.b., the r'l.o.ycr 1<.......... all
001" ..,thout 510pping It
II. pIRj' .hat ull< for ronoid .... b\ ..
.k,1l as )'uu. ..,11 d!Sro''''' t1'}'Ing
.. P""'"- 11,,1 in the arne
(In tu .oI.o'e. WUl'I! each
II"'\""" h.u made ",x mo.rks. you al'l!
u.kod to .hat II the bbl plsy
"",W to be ''''"Ic and ha .. "' ....ny
l>(lu, ... ill 1\ 9o",n'
Wh"\,, the bet.....en ..
"nd a donkey) One vu
U", hQncy, th. o'\;" l:eu III ,Ito,
Wby i. the let"" X a p,gl
II..:..".., n mak", " "I' ""'ty.
What nI'''1 you Id to nine to
make >t\ixl S.f",!Xlfl'ilhSiJu.
Tw;<'e t<n Ar.. of "'.
Su, ."" but <>1 u<,
Ninf: .n! but four of u.,
What <1m we
W <>Uhl you kDuw al us
111 len you n,'''''' of us:
T.'ch'e wi .,,' '" ""',
Pi,.., aR' but I""T, do """_'
If ,,,.. ..... eel I"" '\Iphabe\. to
lm. to . \elten ooukl
not YOUr km<l !ilL
bt<r ,n u,., .,,,olng' Thr \IL'I ....
u lhey "",lId,,'1 >me tIll .I\.H T
Whol kin,l cl a ",.,,,,1 .... ul<l ..
I"" he n ..... 1 hkely w ch.,.,.../ ,\
of rou ..... ,
,\ man boughl 1 .. 0 1i,1In, l>t:1 on
t,h= home r",,,:01 he had
tJuao: II<>w ..... lhi,' II. had two
_nd 011........ 1<
V;'hy II """m full o.t married
Jl<"'>PIe Ilk. ao empty """m' Re
eau"" then: is n<>1 .. ringle pcnon
,n ,I
Whioh <>{ tI,. t:nlted Stat ..
is Ihe largesl InJ. "1Oti1 popularl
The Itato of mMnmony.

0 0

0 0
0 .- 0
0 . <'!-

-"'" ,

0 0

0 / 0

PROPOSITION_Pial;!! two officers in Ihe center of the field gua rded by fourteen men, $I) th"t th .....
WI! no three in line. I

tl. problem in mill,,,,}
... weh can be
, worked nu l
, 'l:IuoI)' upon "n Otll!,
nary chetkM.boaro.! <II lIUtly.lou,
oqua.res, lh. pllDlI! to "bee
.... \een <hed,. ... "f'OII lhe hoa.d 00
that th..,.. JJ:,all not be more IMn
1-0 UI Imc In a<lY pceih! .. di'co:-
. 10 U.., p" .. gin". ho ...
" .. IlJpuIal..t thai we bo:llin
by placIng lwo olli""", u;>Dn Ih.
.. n ..... u poMibl. to lhe
caner of the field.. Tbis =k ....
tI", punic ICSII difficull, u we have
IWO. e>f lhe men llad PI'OJ"',ly 10
bqUI ... nb, an the probl..". IS
thea monly 10 port the olbo:r mtn
10 WI there ,hall he Il(I thrtt in a
lin. I.. olhH .....m.. after the
.... 111 figu ..... an! CO=clly
ca"""" hoJI. mII1IJIl: l.-om any
d,recuon wuld nal hll
......... two m .. n II""
.lnd ,nll'ta\llI( puu!., sume .. bAt
"'n" to Ihe lamou. p.-oblom 01 pI"".
Ill' "Chi qu_ " ches.board
10 thaI none can he tahn by
anol h., It ,.u.ld$ readily I" a 0,..-
tem 0( exha"Sltvc analysis ., ) .. d,
may inlmdueed upon a .. mpl.
rl.n. but ... ill trY Ihe pat,tnc. or
","-11 ... atll'mp' 1(1 m",,'e. " by
hap hUlan! uper>n,en,,,1 mtthudo.
theory "r .. nalp,. I,y nh"ul
ti,'e l"al. enlt", ! ... Intn pUI.le
p.acllce In Ille wnllrucll"" lUI .... 11
.. ",_inll (If problem nd per
t..,o. to An muluUe of
Ille mind F,,'si Ibe 0fT,<'e'"
ID Ih. nil', hoar<!, and Ibm
d ... ,,,,, melbod of
anoJ,..., whICh WIll "01 overy r-.
..w., of \I,. plll<'lnll of Ihe
fourl .. n men 10 Ihat Ihe Am. lnal
plJl<lIonI ne,.."r ......... a ,i"",.
Wby d"" ... m,n'n .... ,,190".)'0 oa}
"dur:" be!o,'t'd t"ethrtn" and
II<A ,.leT 10 ".'e'" Ik\."" ....
the .nll>ra ... tht .. Ie ...
I n ",hu IIq"id Qun
of linl:l>nd lakl! her ,mo:h<ine' In
eide .. her),
i. a man in like
.. la.,n,'"," , "n (lne
o'de. it. .. n ,urn. Am"n,l and h ... ""
Ih. 011\",
<Ill w,ln'" ma'. "Crt' "rdent
10, .... 1 Recaut<' Ih.,. pre. 11>."

II' hAl i. I h. diliereMe )'o,,,'een
a rel ted and an loyed
mi ..... ,be and the olber
kioaM the mw;cs.
Wh)" .. a lover like A knocker!
I\(,ea...., he IS ,,",lInd to adort (A
In .. hoi <QIDI"M ink .bould _
.. nle O1l' .......... ' In ,,oIel (,0.
Why io a )'oung !;wl,f like an
&rr1>W' <:"an't 10 oft
Wlthoul a ho ... (beau). &nd .. in a
<JUlye, 1.11 she I'" _.
If .. l'ouDl 1&<11' rell into ..... 11
.. hy be. """Ihe, help h.r
"',,' Flau,", how l"ld he he a
brother ond &nisi. bt:< (" ..uter)
Il'by dO<', ooldier b ... t button< on hIS coal.
and an ..\u,lnan ... ear trteel
To k..,p bi.< C<).O.I bolton!.
W\II" is. the d,fl'Nen<e oo .. ..,n
an 01\1 pcnny and a .....
S,n .. ccnt
Hn ... i< the be<1 way i<I make a
<'<>'It To make the t rou .....
an<l fit!o'
What ... .,rd of 'OU,
.muld a man ,,"or il .)tould .... 1
hi' and ... 10 np..- hi.
of Ihe deed' Gladia-
tor (a;lad I alt he,).


I, , 1
PROPOSITION - Make. ICluue out of III irregular he l<lCon.
LTUte$ the "ld Slory of .,'s aU 011 otIe lOde.

. . illS II.LUS- \\"""" IS love Whctl

Jack .be (.10WII, -..ho Why is. furt hlle an ind ........ ht.....
J lIved m a. "1"""' bo:l. balll Iloou.t w'. empty, but lull
As tbe bolt is not sqllare of bounce.
;" tloUr; ..... he mn'" make it ,., by Wbt is tbe ,liB.......,,,,, bel....., II
""tt,,,&:,, out .... 'h a "",it of sci_no, butcher an<l Oirt' OM lulU \D
thea ""'ling ;I'nW 111'0 ,,'fU>I winch d ....... tht O\her d_ 1.0 I"n
.-.]J /it lIS \.0 form.
"'lUI'" pi ..... of P'lpu. Take the and my Pevt'l" to be
oulade line of the box. "'hielt broken, tboul(h .anl_ ,t he IIoly.
Jeqtl 6gu .... "';th um and be 1r.0tJ1 "', you can', k..." it at
(0"",,1'1 dippffi so "" to form lUI aU' Sunday
'.,.,gub, and t'Ut It into Wby ia. MI,1 of p .. like a pU.
' WI) whid. wIll lit toget her IiOII ol<!.". than )'OIInde> 8' ..-
and ro"" .. IN:rfOCt squan:. i' "1
II..,. <XIUld yOl.l oay in tWl! IdUn
t!"t you are !wi"" ... tng as mt?
What;' Dn old lad\";n too middle
01 14ke likc1 She i. like to he
Spell enffily;n three No.
"ot N AI E; y(>ll'1'1' "'I'0Il11'; try
"!/'lin; it', I' 0
How you toll D (trl ..,f the
Mm .... f Ell .... thM oh. i. eV<'rything
is ,n ....
1.1 ahu_t _I"
Why;' the leuer P lib .. Rallum
P.mpl'fOl"> Heal .. "" it'l Nero (_
Why il the> ]) lik<- a "'l ....
cblld1 lkea"..., It makes rna mad.
What tbmg that .. hid. "
hy cut at botb
<:"O<fi> A diu,h
Why i. a "..ry prettv .... U_1IUIdt,
fa,h,<>nal>l. gIrl hk. a Ibnfty hou",,_
kHpef / u...::. ..... she m:Lk"" a grut
buotle al,out a .. "i.t.
Wby .,.., tetlin"" lik. day aD!!
D'iht' Jk<,auoe .. hen ..,11. Wma
the> Qlher goH
Whe!I duel! tbe ugle tum
prnter! Whm I... SQl,R ( ...... j
wO<:Hh...._ .. nd pl .. in,.
What do ladiell look for whon they
go l<I church' The Sa".. (psaInuI)
an!! hinu (hymno).
WhAt part ..,f i. ki.s4ing'
A conjunct,on.
Fore and Aft
. . . " .
PROPOSI TION- In bow Ie'" piaYI c.n YOII move 0' jump the pegl l ,am the north t o thl.outb
a .. d Iba at be, . lrom Iba.oulb to tbe lIor\h?
T A K E jllmp"'8 oyer a ""8 10 a vacant hole.
In un lu upc,hte mallCrl. TM problem
i. to I",O'pooI! the p"'t1,onl of tlle
blad, and white per in t m, Inre",
number of mov .. , ""d t he boo. ... IS
..... 'ked NUMb. Sou.h, E""I and
In enable In I"CCf>rd
Ihe 01 1M;, pia) .. ,
At'l'oni>nl:' \.0 an eye wit".,... the
01.1 .. ,10' wU "<"c). proud 01 hi.
nren_ . n ... lid to Ri". J1ur
nLle.o rerlnrn:> (cal III
the fewHI nuInUec of He
..... nQ$Ukcn. hi>*ev"'". III h,. rule.
or ,I 0'1"", be along wilb ill<!
loot aM or pe1'hafl' the world h ..
sonee hIS tune. 10' the
metbods gLven ,n the Engli.h puule
boolu. a. .....11 as mathemat ical
wor"'.10 be Ihe .hort""t. a .... defecl
IV. and may 1.10 ohon .... cd by several
R."",mber that I h" 1JI<"S move
"1 .......... 1)'1 to as 10 <hange 10 an
OP\l"-'-'lle I10r eAth I,me. and "01
hke Vl.ying chkeTl,
Who ... at Ih(o m<><\
fmanner mcnl;n"ed '" Bible'
!'>oah. be.,,, ..... floated a lim)!!"!
wh." all .... ,' "I the
111'<><1.1 ... "" ,n h'ltuJal1')n
Why I. a .... like tM
cr 1<.>n'nI 1;>..;$6 uu.o
Why ...... nlilhon ",ho tre:ot of
pbp;iognomy Uk. 1U-
caU$<! <hey wnU a!.owl fa.:e.
I wml ,n\o br .. .,.,.1. and cautht
It. 1 ... 1 do.." 10 look lot 't. and the ..
I ,""",\ h"me 'OI1tb ,\ I:w-:a"", 1 could
not lind ,t .\ sphnt ...
How diJ.lhe ... b&lt th:l.t ......
Jonah obotv the 01,,,,,, .. kIwi JI>fI.h
1<U ... tl'llntff and he wuk h,m In
polka like l.un I.oeor'
50 many bo1" in 1\
Wby IS you.r bOOO> LD It..-
01 yn"r r:l<.... D""a .... ,t the
..,.ht ....
Wbtn ..... y t.., jo<'<>llc he 10.;01 tu
he half Wh("rl they b .. ,-e
." und ........ "J'DI/ bel. .. them.
Wby i ... lailrr like .. mUilciall1
B:ause he .. tru. kev .
Wby .... fIeld ..... like a per_
0<1" gill than j'nu .... tO U..,."""
It', pUt-)'ourage

wi th the left h'Uld uppu cornu, G, decipher a continuous
.equllC. of t .... enty-four letterl which uveal the Intended 1lI 01l0.
, appropriate and 1.rnV1
. 1"'_,,1.1. I .. ish 10 \efJ
.he young f<>lnhow
Ilarry and hiJ ...
.prang 1 brilliant ""'lIri"
lhric It was his
Ud htnhday. and the child"""
.,.Ied Iunt ... nh an ".I""1JY
pollu .... as th..y i . for hiJ
lllfa. lie .... an old navy offi.,.....
III they had 10 make him happy by
InU'OdU<:tDg t"" name of De ..... y i.n
the L:IIlddlc 01 'I. but In accorda.sI""
wilh their Own plan of woci.:ing in 1
....".,.. CTYlll<>gram ",hid woutd
oeaI an apprnprillU! mouo. they
rabd their YOlULg brai!l$ 10 find 1
..nILl" .... ' which 'WtJUld be owtaLle
lac the OCC'&l.on.
Of """n<!."" hable 10
happen in the best regulaled fam.
,loa, ""pOI<:jally when Ihe mo,;n!:
''''"U a .... III young. it would
t.a mllieading il I sh<>uld inlilIULt.
IlLal I he motla .. .." 3. aflpropnate
... It havo been; nev.nhel .....
,f OUT puuluUn ... "i.., il ... I>";no
O""C !l,," p .... l>lem u mu.'h .." 11""1
.... d ru.'"lcr d..d. they wi!!
pnoes if I bey .uc'Cftd in unraveling
,t, II ,he G on lhe
III'''''' lelt.hand <:OtneT. and ="";D
any d"""I;oo 10 adjacent ..... ,
III .. 10 .peIl ""t a """I,nuOUf lie
qu"" ... of tIM 1 .. IetteTl.
...h;ch ..... Nh lhe intended ItKIUO
II from a tU*)rI.O.l,le qUAntity "I
my" ...,.,..d. I frequully but Judi
""",sly Uke my first," wilt maten-
4Uy <:<tntnbut.t to Illy .. SuI'

When do w, He canni""li .... 1
WMn a .... h man .au a ra.ber, or
... tbe couk In. a Lille I",ha"
"",AI for roo,
Wbr d_ a POOl" Uilor .poil your
dilpoli1llO"! 11" "V'If rllll LAd
Why I", wUering !Lou ... like
In!.., .... pon, They a", .ton ..
withoul any foundRliOIll.
When i, skein of th .... lib Ihe
n><>1 IIf,." ..... It! When it il full u{
Who ha..t a moulh hul nevcr
.pen. and a bod hut never
ill;t/ lIrs S'llpi
Wby ..... child,,,,, w... caJll ... in
the ",,1 The1., is only ;n

What i. bigb.,c and handmmu
wb.,o thCL hca<l ia oJl/ !\ 1'.110...
Wby". proud J:lrllike. musie
ia full or airs
Why i. a .hort ""l"' almaoI;
whittt/ Ueca .... he ;, not a <.all
Why &nL di"""'tenled people
e.uily .. Ikca. ..... nothing
... tim... tb.,m,
Why .,.. riPl! POl.II.lOes ill .he
ground lib t hie, .. 1 ohould
be taken up.
WhY;1 "","n c<>ing- to to .. n li ke
One prepared to ""rry. bIo .... ,
i. gv,ng to war..! II
Wby .. .. aring like an old
coat I It' daroed b0.4
PROPOSITION-5ho'llf how eijht crOWl setUed on thfl cOm with DO three in row,
X01'1::D OR:'\ITHOLO
g"l. dHCTlb"lI: tb.
h.b,\.I an,l UKnr'IY o{
\""", \011. how h.
"-,t,, .. oed n n<>ek of
mara".-I'"K oro .... upon I
rom &n,\ (If them ... h'cs
a<,>,d,nr to ""hwry
E""h blrli "'IU p<>,1.ed 11k.
a" 3rmy I""ket,lO" 1.0 Ir...,p an un-
oLot""I"'" "I .very oDe 01 his
rompilUlon., by his mO\I011S
al'J."lf'Ontly m.o.in1.3,n .. n", ... d_
ol s;gnli4 whirh 1 be .nU", nock
informo.,l 01 any ."""",,<hing
W,thout .'tnnpl'ng 1.0 inY"ti
gata tht 01 CTQ1I' Wl,...\ts.I
te1efrlphy, 0 ..... ;, taken to
ahc.,. ."", 1M atate""'"1 of lhe
<ll5'ingu .. he<1 o,.,mholn;.:tJt
.. very p"'It)' prahl..." ,n thel<:lCtI<"e
of picht P'"ung
Taka .u<\)-Iour "","1.1 10k. the
cenlon of !.he "'Iura ..r an 8d
d",,;knbuanl. "'I''''''"'''ted by
the h'llt of 'proullllSl C<>m in the
J>i"luf'O. and the punic II 1.0 p\.oce
,ght MQ .... on lueh pOIlIU that
the ....... no two CroWl on Ihl'
row Dr dlaguna1; Rn,1 on that lhe
",Ih the jrUn i!"",g amund 1M
field .. .,..ld find ,t ""1'<*',1>11' to get
at thlft binh ,n. row. 'the
punle ;. el.-ly to my .. tll-
Irno ... n f""Oblcn' of eight
qUCHII on ehet. oo-,d '" Mne
by .nother. tnt it an
;rnl'r-Qv,,","lIt ullon the SlIme In Ihat
thne i. lout un. way 01
tho feal. wb,]. 10 1M olher .111'""
are t .... I". diffe...,nt ans"''''". wh,ch
by lummg th. ward migbt be in_
creued 10 96 tr&Dl:JlO>ll!on .
Th. SeOTel-ol-Sueeen P\lu.le.
A rounuy KJ"Xer. who w..,
wayl roml,laoning about hi. lack
of ,,,''"'"''. 1.\1 R,I..,p one uay in
hll .Io,e. u.earned thai hi<
g<>o<b .. Ut.!.CuUmK the .,,<"d uf
IUCC_. .. No one .h""Jd do bu.i_
n_ on lICk," u.(J the clock
"One ", .. nt. I'''''h.'' "'<\ Ihe hut-
IOn, "And neVe' ,ho"lrl I ... led."
said Ihe !>"noil " I' .. in . "
.... id the "",do" Alt of the a,_
tid .. In I he 5to hA,1
\.0 ... )", and the1r ' .lOa,b ..... 1' .. ,
good il I:>ecomtl a 11".. 1. "'onl,
to ...:: if ou, /..,emU
c .. nnot a ""'1'1l Or _
bnllht thonJr' ... Ihe "th", arhdco
might ha"" ... ,,1
We. just hl:l.d
keep usfrom
, II.hor ","k ... ,.,lu,h an!
or.-upymg til<! Im!.!tc at-
a( P""""'u re_
min<h m" of a ""r \,rol>-
I",,! loShl<h (orollr Juve-
",in th .. nth,', day ... hil. "" .. ing
One of our manu/actunng
t .men. . J'",:td"
nItIh,iL . ,.\ ion of trucps gm,It' ("'.
",'hleh 6<) .. d my olJtinl. patn-
t,,'" an,j "HIl." 'V 'I'm' that 11,,,nc<\
tho ,..., .. ,1 <tn,1 d"",,,,d j", t)'e . "'M.
... 'n "'" d"n,a}". I di",n"cml
I hal 1 in "
Itn." a",1 ,nollt,ng 'M the m"lor_
""",', uni..,..,. wh,,,,,
hent 01"''' palhng "I' the eM trach.
my Ihe
lahomng "''''. I (""nt! thot rn-
I",," .. ..., hoo.1 plA<'t<I m" in
II> 1 """,I, in
1M "'nl,ml!1ll of a good citlUn as
""1!1l in II_rip""" 01 pie_
I,.,,' .hi('h 1t .. i11 ho {mI"d mnouls
the k .hll' 01 tho incitknl,
A. I ..." b"''''"g on the meado ..
t: p !rlarti a bate before my t"'" PY
Tho . d"l". bemg liJlbt nI loot, did
fauiy run.
To bn filt ..... roch. jUllI lO,_IV..,..e
And the that abe atarteIJ "l'
W ... ";,,an<! ninety ju.tan<! nomme.
Nu ... I ",ould hlse /,,:1
l10w la, they can belore t n.y c"ught
tboo ""re'
,lInrt co.t R""",,<e;, will he long
... he ''''thec.
In., $I} c16"C'1"
in !:Mung .1 t oe rorr\ of
pw.,.. 11",1 I ,.,11
uk I""", III n ",Mler which
pun1ed ''''' ",n'i.leraMy II<>mt t''''''
thad hean! a C'etU.;n I"'""n TO_
ft'rcl to On, .. a' '"the mMt noled
m.ln in hil SllIte:' lnd. R. hi' (ame
r" , nny IIrt nr h.ld
neyet roaela"l mo. I R.k!"<l
hi. "\>.. ,.i311\", Rnd ...... \,,10.1 l11n\
he "as n"t l""keol M a
hut as )"""11'
'"M't<1" 1 ,.. . , hv
lie. un,i! ,\ "" thm, duriug
B "i,it Itl hi' IDWn I 01,..,vN Ihat
.. an,\ (""n,l. alike were 10
otru,'k I,,' ),,' ... "",,.hLI 1'f"'1L1-
Bn,'! u to> "" .... him Ih ..-t
noll'd man ,n \.0.>",."
I paa tho> puulf1 OR 10 OIl,. l""'!lg
fn .. n.h. an') will ... k tb.m 10 dis-
co' .. , til \ocg,hly of \1". no.erl mIL"
., in 'ho rttnlIck. which I
healLl "1-"'" tlta ,I!l!O'
A NI'l ,.Ie<t. DIl """",bUM bred,
A"J i,s h"ad.
Tlk-n I"",railnrire" L-..di<">_1
('''1 h"". P"" .,"'\ gune he'lI !>r
C)'pb., ... n. 1.1. IS, n. J. 18_
Whnt ,I ,e .liff ......ce ""I",,,",,
m"I1, ..., wilh !a'J:'" I.mily ",,<1
1,.rI_' 0... ..... .."h hil< r.w,.",
.",1 th .. ",h ... j,,,,, &han",.
Whv io m """"'" "" ."ornal) In Ii,.
fleldl IkcaUSl' I"'" b.n",
I ..... t""fl'.i he i. tbe h<' tal'.
a .... .. ),
Wb",h ""I 1:'"""'. hlack .hH-r
OT ",hlte 1 Whi(,. the,., .. ,.,
m"", oi th"",.
Wh ..... " ,. ... ;Ior """ 3 &\iIor'
Wh;-n he'. n'_n-!.
1""""'"' with "ho'rl m""'-
nri .. like "\lkd,,,ldc"'!
<tIe tor-g<'ttjng
\1'loal;' II1"t from ",1.;"h you ",.a"
... AV ... !In\ ... nnt!. yel
.... me lrltl "...-.,,1
",. 10 k,lI a .. 1>1
H,t "n,!t'. "'il" un Ihe 1Iea,1
... ith"
WI",I !OJ tbe o.!ir.'cren"l' hl'1 ... eMI
d.,.,1 .,,- ,lie"""n,1 rt._,i"", If<lnnenh'
'the former a ... 11/"".1 men, a.nJ ,h.
laut' are me"."..,'! (,lend)
Why .h<rul.j ""inle'" ne,'er an"".
In ,nt" th",r stud .,.'
.... of lho-m ea.\", (the me&"k.)
... hi,h

THE DOMINO .........
PROPOSITI ON HoII' m&ny point. Call h Icored in .. game of dominoes?
{<lei 01 dominotl, and
IIlttell'<l m), .. 11 thot. !
pine of mug_
Kins, but 1\ "' .. y 10 met:t
a ""rtain Monlicur Hlumt', in ra"t.
"'ho diuttu!lnntd Ine of
the notion that 1 \.;", .. an),thinK
aboul tbe ..:it"c. 01 dom,,,.,..,. lie
...... I. profetflonal of Ilboul
80 of ag" and had bo<:n blilld
(rom hi rth. lie made a b""'1 by
I'"og .bout tbe rat,.., !!I'-"'&' uh,b-
;\'OO! of hil1'i'011 derf .. III wh,rll
he p'-. plltonm.."al odds w all op-
pone'''.. [,,",vo upoll. ocao
OIQDI al!udN 10 the r t th3t
pme Of putim. I. of
rumillunll .... n.,. of prot.olcma or
punt.,., &I in ",his\ <II' (b_. wh"'b
illu$ in an .... y lb. "ratqy of ,hp !)IIV N.
a lume 1<'I)Uld .h"'\,1 finw. ,Ime
of dcmu...- after Ole manoC1' of ..
problem, in that M ....... ld UlnOUn
lhal he would eu(tly
M pOonlS .... the c .. miltht
be. and it .... tlul the play
.ruth \0 the domil\O
puule of "Whn is the IfUte&t
pcaible- number of pmnta c.n
be """red by bQlb pla)'en In the
regulae p_ of mutgHII .heran
the t wo 'I'(l ('WOled ... bn>ev.r
I hey Idol Ull fi,-." UO. liftKo O'
t .. ent y!" It may bt mtnll(lllM to
ouch of our I>\> ... 110 may nOt
hI"". let of donun(lfl-l con,-.,'''tnUy
at h.nd, thlt Ihe Iknell oho ... a
complete In of """"ea,
.. h,eh .".,y be utilized to ..,he tbe
pun! .
Juo' lay Ihem 010.0 oneill BUm.
and count bud' ...,01, .. hauv thev
add up. 10. IS. or lO. nnd sa bow
you can m,,!::e,
Wbilt on lb ubj""' l of domin<>e3
1 ""ill .xI,lnin ont of the "cate,' par_
lor In<k. """ OAW. 'tah a fllll
ttl of Ihe 28 domio""", mix
UP _II. 1,,01 unl)hser"e.i by ""y of
Ihe o\>f(;lato" ronceal """ of Ill<:
Ilones in your hlUld Toll them
you ""ill oul of Ibe room .. hile
they mal ch the- ott in long row,
an,1 ,..",. will tell lhem .. hat the two
e-nrl'- .. ilI be.
cartful nat tn IIIClI.'<:t a double
number. )1", them all Ull oarciully
Ind .,.hll. domg .., relum lhe
you \dhnRtho.
thfm tlilt tbe lWO ..-en: J ..nd
I. or wJuo,ltver n"",hen you had on
Ihe dOll>i .......
II .... ;, an.,\Per .. hich in-
cidenl.alJy iolroduta I ...... in-
le_11I11: ... hjects_ the origJlI of Ihe
pUle of d!)UllllO<S and that
p<>puI .... of tho. m.o!:ic "'1=n:
A<n:mbng to a ....dl -aulhenticated
bit of'1'. t .... monb .. ho had
t-n commltlNl \0 a length) ",du-
.. "" oonlri,'ed \0 beguile lbe "reary
bon .. of Ih",r .. ithout
htuk,ng t be rulfS of ailen<'O' ..-inch
harl bftn pnJl(lO'>d upOn ,hem b)'
huil'ling UP m'J:i< """arel
small llat 610n .... Ilpnn ",hid,
""d <lou like "dice." The
a mu ... mrnt gr.u\u.lly ad"aoO'f<! ;"\0
a .peei .... of a of skill, and by B
prerotl""ned amI"!!""",nt br' .. et\t
11,. pia"." Ihe winner "'",,1<1 inform
lhe (lthe' of hi. ''1<tory loy repealin)!
in an undertone lhe r. ... t 01 Iho
vespd' pea)'er In pruc_ Urn.
tho 1 ....0 monb SO far oompleled thl
SC, 01 ,Innes al In p.....,nl CHry
""",h,nahon 01 two
I ",m double blank to d""IM .n,'
pen"""..! Ihe ... u to R' ... kc a
wl",..,.linS ,"'HC, IIQ thu at
til. enol of the tm of Ibeit Inear .... ,
ation 11 beta",e gen.",lIy
loyall ,,/ the inrnalto 01 the moo ..
t.cry "" a Il..-1ul and tt!>\ru<I,,-e
11 ""'" Ill""'" f!mll l u"", to \OtII'O
and bcca_ pbllUlae thmuJ(hout
Italy. and the 6 .. t of Ihe lone of 1M
, .... pc ... "' .... to the Iin,le
word by ... hoth the g .....
b .... ,-er lin.-e befl! .non
_\n old wrile' "" the IUbJtf'I ... yo
thaI tbe van",,' comblnluon" ..,.
llrt'aIl!:"mcnls loy "'hocb .. ".,mber
of lbe deruS, hc1nl: lbe _ &I our
nn!inary domi_. ml,ht be formed
.., ... 10 mah magJe aqua .... luth
... ould add "P tho arne ,n "''Ct1 di.
"",tioo. """rna 10 hi,., been IoIt,
and iu poaiW!ty h&I been qu_
liooed hy eminenl m.tbem.ti" ....
In Ihio ..... pect. ho .. Ihe "";ter
crn. for 10 modern l'Uuliou. 01100
a", familiar wilb the Iheory .nd
""tlIil.n".lion of oquaret, the
reat .. an ... y one, and tueh I
present 10 01" )'''''t!i \Nub.u.
Wh.o.l i. lhe keyn()\e \(J good
mann""! B nahtl'lll

i 1
/ !
HoIII' maDY triangles
c.n you mlh of the ume sia lII'itb dJfferent udell?

An umpin: always gIVe hil
"",I<>n, f..,. ma.lung an a .. =<I., and ..,
long ... ,t ,. don" fllirly and impo.r_
.toould not open the """y 10
11tU""!0ftlI. It rna)' be thaI tho
I an .... cam .... " ...... \ daY'
nth ..... or ...... dear ."d
.to.", 10 t he \>OInt . while t he "\.hero
w" .... an,1 lull of .. ro .... h,eh
the urn",,, <10<. nOI d""l", In diocu ..
1'10""" I'(ln'Mh are flin,l. a. A lanl
for <"")I""t 1!.On 10 .1 way. give .hnrl .
cloae ."',, ..... "" ... l)Q!IIIihl
Ir"", Ut""_ Solu_
t,ons .hould be PC' rltetly dear .. hrn
Ihey lint go 10 Ih. U11l1Xn:. al nO
11']tI!n:enU er nplana\lon,
ahould boo acplet! .fterw.rd.
Our punl" JlIU ... a" an"nalfl(1
dilp"le 1(1",,, m'n"" o .... r
their fllilM It __
lbal Ihey. haoJ o1o\"iood "pa,,,nl."
o.n 110..,. mm,ng dannt 01 the ume
"zo: . . E""h claim wu m Ibe Inrm
of a ngbl angl('<f u",nrio. and .n of
u..,lly Ih ... are.. h!,t ot diff.r_
d,menSlClllJ. as would be the
CUCI Wlth a lrian,le "';Ih a of
3S feet. aD cle .. auon of 12 .lDd the
. YllOthen" ... 0.1 J1, &I romparfl(!
.... th aOOlh.., "'th d;menoton. 0120.
S1 .nd 29. as both KIllin .,..,.... of
2 JO f""t
The 1lUQ;lc <alb for .. number' of
triangles """Uintnll' 1 10 fl:e\ ,n each
wilh romp!.!", _nd dimc!n:
.. om ... lthout any two lriangles
belDg of lite .. ..,. shal'l'. TI".
go"" Kope for Ingoenu!ly and
perle""""""". II 1\ lum, UpOD k,ng
able 10 d,..,.,,,.., I he ..... teol number
01 Inangles,
How manr n,ht angled
of d.finite d,menoionl fAn you g"' .
",'h.cb "'ill nil contain Ihe same .......
hut ,,{ tidl."'Tl! ,limen,ion. o n Ibe
Wh'I11.., ""'enardl or forward.
I'm .eat.!,
}1.<!len \<, me onl .. bit
I .. m rntJ. Qnt.! hgM. and i ...... p<Ke<i
Am tv ... rudy .. nd til.
In ""'nl.f",ld wh.." front \(J front
ConlaldlnJt: armi.,. beaT Ihe
li ........ ,n tbe Iray;
I! e er .... 'h QUAnllti ... I>"tl/ICl<ed,
' '''' DUly with my
Or "';Ih my toto! ",;gh
Of what Plrt of London d.- T
lame man remind Of cnpplot-
... .. (rnpp\" pie).
Wh)' would R u.n""r make a good
fiC'CllIUe be understando
0:< (h)idet
Why .. "" r. bootter looking lhan
a carpe"ttr. Ileea.u"" be ;s a
III&lner (pl.ner).
Why i. Itt"'r F lib d .. lh:
H..-auoe ,t .. all fal l
\\'00." chi!l$ ..,.., no,,;"" shavul -
Ur.-:luno_ '
Why are "", .. l hle arti_
eI .. 1 Becau,," they are made 10 be
krpl 0" hand
spony "",n are rurf"'""'l to ha ...
unillru\e<l nerve, an<l M B rule an
!Ieldom diSCOUfl>gtd. Nc .. erthe\ ... ,
.. .. from lb. Epoom
race. on lhe tnp of ... '>1". I en'
count.ud the wont ..... co! hOl"'l_
di..,.,.,noj!f'ment t I\vtr ..
A hIm fakir ",ho had I>n ruMlng
.. oid. ,M" g""'f, kllown .. the
M""w Carlo Wat h"
late to the man. Bu .. -
..- h..! be<n ",ather ba<l1y." uhf;
put II but in the hope of ",tn"""g
bi!. t.,nunc he "11<'\ nul in a ..,ak,ng
ain for .. "",,\,1 .. 01 boo... He.&I
preparing t<J V'. up In defpal.
,.!len R of fC\1QW5 Cam"
alollg. a .. ,\ ona ,,( (hom. \01) f;u- J:<lM
in lil)U<>' to know .. kat bt wa.o d",,,,.
rl-.l 10 on II>\! J. Ihre .. three of
kind. and \"111 out of h"
1&<t olullingl
The pme .. qui'" popul .... , and AS
no tW<> I"'''''''' un be ("""d ,.11<>
ive the"""" "1,;"io:1 'I1i:Rro,nll
chanrft of Ih .. bank nf
Mont<: C,,,\o I offer ,\ "" an .t.,men-
tAry In tho "boory of
Thert Bf1I "" I<IIlM-e&
"",.ked I. 2. J. _ S 6 ... ,h" ... "
,n tb .. a"d all ;n"'I1C<! to
place .. hal "to"ey 1M" ""ll 0" on.
0.- "' ..... <>I lhe numbe.,.. Th_
dtOt then th..",..... and all .. ""
picl< the numbon whIch t"m "I'
Iheir money t....:k a",1 as
more. If you. $1 (>1\ No 5 alld
tWO S. t"m up ,'OU <e1"" $1 "'aka
and U m"re. If thee<: 5. are turned
you Ct"\ 'I an'! U Now. then.
"" ... _or of (JU' clever _tbema-
Uci"DJ can l ell what are the chncel
lor or .gR'n<! the who Inc:-
his luol<' _,-_,-,-_
What iJ th3t "'h",h you <annOl
hold Un m'n"te'. it ,,'"
light as. la,hl-r' Yl>Ur b=Ih
What roof rove'" Ihe m_ "","y
tona",l The r()(11 01 moulb
Why 0.1..... an or:'Ilor ",...,.,Ne a
""....,broker' h. \i,_ by

W)l"! ,,,,,trument QI war <I""" un
angry )ov"" resnnble' A ",,,.Ix>w
Wby , h""" .m.rtcr thAn.
fOlll lla,,1C a hone .a" wht"
be;s ,n a lrap .",1 a In" c:uI t
Ousolved Riddles.
Probably every ono 01 tbo mlllio!\S
upon milli""" of r>eol'le"'lou ba".
eIIjoyed LtW15 Carol". masterly aod
",a1i.t>e desenpllon 01 the vagon
wbich flit through our mind. while
in dreamland I1.:oVt poDdered onr
eertaill un,."..ered ronUDdrunlS
whIch wera iI"en loy Ahce in Won'
d land_
While Alire, the Mad Mln:b Hare
Ind the CTUy Hatttr..ere .nlo),nl
their I .... tho AUgg.. ted 110m.
... a"<I aw ... Why is" ....ntlllg
de.k like I ......... , ..
Abee .,,,d bobeYed .be could
gueiS it. h"t evo.ry tim" th. G"""tlUtl
..... a !lilted Irom he. ""D.I.
In" laded "WIY bkethat mrlkn .......
cat . h,ch It/t nothing
hie nut,D itl eve,l ... unK Imll., ! t .1
..t. 10 _me. bowev lut lb.
[amoos 021<>nI malh.maIIC'l ..... and
nvted ll\Iuh.. bad soma cla"e.
anow UP bit IIee"o. or h ...
n .. ' pfOC>OI1nded tbe """uc-
book Itsell n . an,1
many 1>"""""' .... h,l . rovel1lnK ,n .ts
""Ira ... ")!,,nt "t.<unl,ueJ. ""'v. I .. Ied
1.0 te<'O):"l'" Ibe rallh/ul Ind w" .. Mr-
ful d..crij,tlu" "f a dream It
_"""nd, '" ".ldles In.1 ""nundrum
litt, Why w ... 1M I"rtl. thl kepI
..,boo! hk. c lencisoP" Bee." ..
he tort. u'. Wbat is I!I01e puul"'l
than 01 woro. wben Ihe
dcdu<ea Ihe moral" Be
ytIU woulJ...,.".. 10 be. c. nner
"oagine you .. dl not 10 be othnw,..,.
lban whal ,I .\.Ipea .... 10 olben tMt
you "e"" or mIght hne 1>ceII. ""o"ld
bave appured to Ihem 10 bo olher
An of which i. \.01> .... -
quire IlIrth". 'hgl' .... "n frem our
Why i. I wnling desk like a
I hive never heard the _n ... e:.-.
... v.rthel ..... hke .unool '1"ery,
"Why il '" 11 b.M k<1i
00 thAi I am llall.f,c<) thM our
clever l'unlisu"';\1 suggol a /lttl",
71 WIIn! in Ind,a l..ord R.J:!."
Eros. Ihf blind dog. al b,. 1"1.
71 Tbe hn.!c ... hlt.. thr
bri,h'"nud ... hlur_ 1,\" Wand.)
n_ Tru.t nQ P"-'<, le;1r no lutu,..,
1.I. Slocb. or 1'<'111. or "'hat .
maJuo lhe belt
7 0.0.1 V('o<1 eVM" ""'I.<I in O<>ldomll
"I the ou ..... nf amllit;,.n'
H. The _"",1M ..... hM .... off
the flrld "" I"'e"'_ (,\n "Ion<!)
,,,,.ney. hul ba"" "I
money. liar""
n ,." A -';rlnwed 1<4 PI. """,m'
Ing for het" .m,"". "I"'" a w,,,If)'
1K. TAIl M Ihort. lUI or Ie3n.1ha1l
,.,.ke no J,lferen.., ho .. ,
Occas1n" iI IQ te I how
me",be. 01 thr w'e"t oxped,,,,," 10
the nortb 10 ea!>I" ...
a bride aft"r Lh" CU$lum of tb" ul>T"'"r
.rd., on" 01"",1'1 ,n
I !)mrsk.m Ia.t:k 111' Iher "" wben an
e\opmcnt is plaoned lhe Iove-si,l<
.wa", i'!" Cl'ftpl in aod Ol""t. a
ad: ""Ih ,t. ""ntents an.1
be"" ,t olf 1<> hi. hQII\e In tllil
cue the lover quite a d .... nc.
10 )011""'1. but cakulate<l IhM. M
wuld go tb .... at lhe rate "I S mJte,
per boul' and r.lllm .. h .. burtl""
U lhe .. ta 0/ l n:;llea per h<lur lie
cerru:d out tM P!'(lj[1"3"'= on ..,hed
lila time. Ih" tour io Ju.t
"",yeti houn, but what be opcaeol
the laCk to lhuw tb" pn.. W h ...
Ihipmal"" he found Ihat he had Nn
off ""Ih the! pI!"' Tb.
Jlcry hal beeI't IU U.O,ggCT
ated that ,t .. claimed lhnt he muot
have gone Irom I'ctenoann. PVlnt
u> Fntn;I J"...I, undo .nd Ib"n,
chased by gBodlalho-rln ..... ' ..... 1
dta"'eeI boy<>nd th. par.tJJ.I .... atlled
by Dr. Nan .. n in JSQS Will OUr
uporU au..t ,II 6gurillil OUt JUSt
hnw ra, be tfa .-dled .... Ih>l memor-
ahle i<>um<y
'-'-''''B- BUS.
T...,.._ a ponl"n of th. year.
A Chrill1an win til." ap""ar.
utl' Ira",,,,,,",, ,,&aIII will
A plant tMI 01"", In Indi,. /:Tow.
May. ,\my. Yam
1I0w do lOU !u.
Ioole .... 111 a rem "round It
Wb.o.t (1;.1 Adam and I("e do whe1l
they ........ ul'"ned from MtoI
"11Ii...:l Cain"
\\ nat Wwn ;J m"",
d .... n' Cork.
What kind of a ......,ptacle is that
_hith iI .. alking pe<millien
10 mov.! Can_Ilter .
Whal .ould you. adviM!
In do who had .. me trIImCf and a
Buy a lin. tllclh-<mb
II hat part of" IIsh ".elK'" molt!
The .alI'S.
Wben ),on Ii"" ,os.o;e! on Ihe ocean
t'nto my fin;t the ""tehl,,! tar'.

And nIV """",,,.1 oil hi.
Wbcot my ",11,,'. II.. po .. "rl',,1
form is
Cyphe, AD. J3.9. H. 11. L 19. 19
Why", pcn like ,,,,,,,cne cbild'
Seceu'" il nove, due. wrighl 01 il
-" Wb)' i ... lin...., the> letter O' g rna!'l" it .".
When i." boat like" snow bank'
\Vh .... it u. ",Irill_
Which anImal ...,ui"'" """"
"lid .. hicb two lta,t!
The el.phant taltn his trunk. lI:ce
fox C(K-k nnly a bru<h &!I.I ""L.
Wnat rrlalim\ i. Ibat dti1<1 to Ito
[uther wbo i. n<)1 i\l ralh",.
...... ' Ih' rl3ugh,n
Wby .. th4 boy Ihat d,otu<l>s ..
!l('ocIU'"e like R lru. Chnuan/ lie i.
IUl an"iou. bee-lca' ....
\\'lIy are Um ""*'15 bet"'l' th:aD
Why i. a t"llnh., .... ml. ,y. in Ill"
wronll place' ik<:a"se you h.:,,e
P"L the cart bo["", the botw.
\\'l1.:ot !wi mati)" 1 .. ,1\'0II bout 11<1
otCDl 'A book
What tW'C> lelten make a I>.opMt /
WII)' a b:ack _man lih a rlOOI"
way' Btta",,", . be illUl eg ..... (an
Why do pmlo-r tan !adi ....
u> .hol"! nO"au'" Ih.
the fa .... lbe bel\e1" It
Why I "....Iynum.,d """I>!"
I pair 01 sugar lcop' fittau""
thoy ..... twn Jui"",1
Whicb is the giro
0\' youf choice 0' half R loRl <If hrud /
Half a leaf of 1"",,1. as nothitlg
earthly Un be better than gcWlIK
h ... y"" love, and.e \<now II ... t half
I loal 01 bread IS mutb betl.r than
Spell ene wMd wilh the kIte"':
In magic t./I.le Enil"""li(:ally.)
.. ,
aly lim. g .... lle lady, yo" II'vc \.<1 the
Whc new breathe. tht fund ..ruh
Who,,,, ..-;Ih a ... I<'fIt a!l ..... i:>n. "nd
h"""r "",llmll
'" ,""""" in my
,,hole .
In my hltl" ..... 0"0.1. """u'.
Imm Ihr _1"mI.
We Lh. II helpiea aru1 in""'-'<'nl
Anrl !!IV /I,mtrr..' or v'''' form
\.,,,, 011......10.1 tl
L,) j,md
,\no. S. L lB. S. 19. 20
14. A fnenrl. n.un"! D<>rcu.
o.....,u a ...u raV<:1l na........t Jc:huoha-
15_ 1 ... I_ost Mnra. eke."", ..
I rnundNi . .ame to ,\"",fioa_
16_ AdJun, (IS c<U!omuy ,n I'.ra_
0.1_. E"._
11. A t:ood MI> Iese<::." tht IcnJrlh
01 Ih, dBY
Napu/<'''" as ..
IOOd. as. fan;nK cta,_
L9. SaId !1... fieILa" L'nto no man
giv" I my heart ..
ZO. I Lei be I....,. Ibt raee
21 P",nce ma)' nol I",al' Ihis reo
b,,11 a \Qog
22 I, lhf'rt' .. ,"",,1 0\ ... the
lop 01 W""hlnS\OD/
n, II we drink 'oo f"-'ely "f Ihe
cask. ... ",eb "" .. ilh J>W"
H T.ll lI:,nll' '"
"""'" uIlioer <If "'nk for lhe ." ... -r
(>f Jul!'t Favre.
25_ TJ,., n,"ial:' of Ih" mob E
10 },.,.,. .. n
26 T(> Itrt ,,>10\ l'ar i. Ihe 50<:-
rrtaf)". prim('
2;, I ..... A LItle "1;<30.1"" ,-tty
23, Tno lIa,,'.\ro lin .... B"I\ {"Iub
i. C(>!1I!"-"ie<1 ,,/ nine ".hement
19. Kent M CornMI U law. Lut
rcnl "" i. h;l:l1.
.1(1 Shr wu "" lun,1 of t-r, $""
""h.1 h". l>an,!. In it.
l' Whidl ,1<> ,'!lU lik. 1 .... 1.
lfimOllC<'tl f,nl:. v< loa",
J2, In 1M oh). of Quroen
hClb, f-cbent; &- Co . ....e,.., ,.....c!Ie",
In 1.0"<1<1.)1
H. Tr,. artl.-t work .... lIh
art [<If dllty. nnt p,"",ure
one w"ro wi . h (b" .... '
Tis "" <kmon . an
h appear! ,ha, !iva _
boys formed pannershil' and
pooled their to '--1 tn RO"'I
.totk of paper" .... hitt. IMy rall1N
off hke hot ukn and IhnI fiured
"P !,heir account. III follo ... ., TQJI1
Smith .old ooe paper more than on.
quarter d ...... bole Lot. while B,Uy
JO)ftea di.pooed of one papM Jl'I01"e
t han . quart .... of the remainder.
Ned Smith told ona ,nora
t han. quar:r of ""U \eft. and
Cbartey JOTIfl diJpooed of Jurt ona
?"-per more than I quart .... of lhe
remainder. A this lUIp of tho
p me the Smith' ",ne ju.t 100
papen " hend, wi lit tle Jin"ny JOneJ
tho youngest kid of tho bunrh . .old
all thai were left , lO;n , his !ritodly
cneount t he Jenu ....on out by how
maa r paP<'"' de you think!
Four \ette", form me quite romplete,
As all who breath. do Ih<>w.
R . .. ...-sed. )'01111 611d I 1m 1M lut
or labm,. ami ",ce.
10\1'U '"' I'm hue and
)l y name lM:t .. ,;
Tn.nwoad on"" ""(If", I oft am ..."
To IWH a 10"01, !:.ce.
Cypher A<Is. 12.9,21, !
A .. ....,1 .... tb two bea," unile.
You'LI .... n ",lui poots olt ... ","IA!.
Tl>cn: .... ,_ coed an
to this eh:<".", . 5, 16. 9, 7. 1 a,
I . !J.or 1. 14.1.1. 18, I. IJ.
What rna.m ollat .. panola
fnendI ' $ar..,aam,
Why ;1 0 Iho! ""Iy vowel """nJed I
aU Ihe ..... 1 are in,au(lil>l .. ,
Why i. cofI.., hke an IU .'lh ..
dull 1 a"".u.., ;1 mUll be
bet""" ,I i. uoed
Wby i n ol'" COIIt b.e an iron
kettle ' ae..o. ..... il repreoenu 1uIr<l
.. are.
Why i, " ... _"k". a n'K>1t ...",
cepll\t I\'OtI\lUI' !l""/Ou",,, she it
not ' .. b"l . n ..,am .
Perha! yO\l ..... r know
That two unlu,," 'Ir"
My Ibe world wasunknown,
1lut t\O .. tis aUowed
In the ..,; .... t of crowd
I .m mel with in ....,ry lo .. n,
Thougb van ..... each lot
Yel noth'ng my DOUr1e e'erendan-
An'" wherever' I KO
Sa lamili:or I g ......
Tbat 1 1m nod ..."d > e"'" by
I am cunn;ng and bald.
1'0. >ounr. or for old
I fur not l>ul brawl out aloud ;
Pugnaciou. you' l1 Jay.
}lor 1 "'own by ""("" in a
____ ,-c:::=-__ __
A U : IIU!;.
T bough Im:lll lam, yet. wb.n enti.e
J often ""t /0 hml.., un Ii",:
Take 011 one letter, and 'tio clu.
[ then COIlI'1 huW herd 01 d...".:
Dismi", one mo",. an'" )'ou will
kn" ..
Thai once [ held,. ","range .-go.
S\l .... k.
My ""mal i. fourul ",b.,. tlla w,hl
way" Ire wh,,'"
And thick blla the t<lld \",ny
My final i. _no .. Ihe &nce
n .. ara wiling.
And fortul1el;lnoh thm ........ ).
To dna .. ' your nmdu$JOtlS loy span_
ning my ... lwlt,
As to .. 11:01 lon brneatb or t<ln
--. Will of. prov. as 1.ilioI .. 1M bAte
IIallertt ...... 1.
When fact.. ",,,bborn f.).cla are
Cypher Am, Iq. 21. 18.6.1. J. S.
" c n agAV'
Without m>' fits!. >''''' eannot .tand.
My...,.,1I<l you may noW mmm&nd.
Tngoetl",. I a<ten'" )ou. will.
And am y""r lLumMe """,ant &ti\l
Cypher Ani. 6. 15. 15, lO. U. I. H
Wlult ."n. 1 of ,. h.-n lay. the
longcstl A .Ie:ul ben
I ....iU .. k tllO! young folk, to enjoy
';mple otu(ly ,n C<lnCilfole<l pogT'_
phy by locating the poor I>D'Ilm. n.
lrouble. a. iUu.otrated in tho! 10110 .. '
'ng pictu", :
You _. some ChArita!>ly di.pooed
""berner ha ... lon working An . nd-
.hIoin ruket on "" unouspectin
public. and _ . rt!<:ci"ln .nch an
Immen'" corrapoadence Ihlt Ol he.
ladi .. in t ho n.ighhnrhoo<l I)am.
jcolous .... the leller..,..mers pa-
I;.ne.., ",Bched timit who-n M ....
Smith I hre.,tellfti to patroniu
"'"'" ntb .. il ohe did nne
gel blOf'IIlelten!
AefO!I. who Ii".d some tvoenl)-
fiye hun ... .-N yea .. al1\!. wu a .bye
bdon;.';ng to a AthMlian. who.
Ni"g Jlmol< hy 1", oriwna1ity and
n",....,l<>u. gi{1 of i"""k:arillg rnor:lI,
or cuU;ng >ali in hi. ,mriu uf
bird> n;ma\" an'" 1i..lia.
him 10 the notioe of Cn><:.u . King
of Lyd;a. Among b. old." fabl
iJ ,wry of Ih<. amhitiou, ""gle.
wh;<h ,ot..,... 10 fly 10 thc .WI,
Every as the ,un "". in
tht .ast the cal:l. would fly NWU"',
II. going a m!1<. before Iho
hour of noon. when II", 'un wo.,I.!
be on tIN: !!!<rid;',,, . thu, ... ,.m
... ",,101 I"'.'" I>n the w.,,;t tho
.. ould ill h<:>peln.
"u.", ""d 1'11" a< the ,un "'",,1<1
.. -"" he "", th< ",,,,t,,,,, h"ri.""
th. t;lKle "'",,hl tin ... i!.>elf back 10
lb. ,tani,,!: p<>int.
The ""ry i. all "ghl a. wid. bul
h .. malh"""li"" arc 0111 01
, and P"'''''lIt a pretly probk:m
'" <KIr [",,,.1"11 W .luU)" O'i'er. In
W .... Iy ,Utt t<.,,-'"'u, the mr.
are hutk lOW""d, the
p<>inl, and "'. "'ill xupl the
iPumJ,I;Qo, Ih31 1:"""
I":",, f..,ttT th:tn the ""l:'le. <Q !My
.....U 'peed,ly be on the 1iul
."'m ella", i. J, long ch.o"". ""
Te ,,'.n be the
and wiU carry 1M Qj;le 500
milc:o bnb(,r ,.,,,,,1 ..... y. 10 that
i, "1m be many a 1""1: ..... y before
A."",', mill' ;. accompll.h-
ed and the fooli>h ngle rol","", 10
the 'tarting poinl ",Iter making
eo<npll:t. c;rcuil of the 1(Iubt,
The cirro",f.""",", of tht ... nh
l>I' inlC known. an,l il being .. "med
that lhe eagle IIi.,. al 3. height Iron,
the: nr!h's whiCh docs ,,0(
mat" .... .!ly .IT""I the ...; il ;,
rJ,.:,wn ala' the ",,,,,1.1 gn ;00
n"tea {"nher we,t ca<h (by. U,1
"" lfu. I>",t (>(\ hlO I',ur fMm
Ihe do ..... "f .Iot {'''I t .. 1 W""';ng_
Ion. Wal..-lay JanUi1ry lot. 11196,
On ... bch (I:t,. uf the ..... k wuuld h"
",turn w the nMtinl{ \-'Omt I
He.., ij "'.v a gave
til. V",blcm: "Suppo.e t .. o g ......
.tart lrom 01'1)<!'" w!"d"W'!! of thilt
dmTIr at W ",h'''glon. dlrect!on
they have lu dy t" ",'.1
again in .lv'rt""t p<>",til. li",o'
Tlurd Prol",,,\.,,n IN Y"" ku" ..
wby ,I ii thaI ,I ,.u .. ""w 1,1.".1
cuetl) 01!C hun" n'! m,l, .... "
f\(Irth ",,,ul.\ .... y.r I"'
the,.., by ... !Itng dUD
1'k P ..... kbll<l Sunday Scltnul
Turner ;. !:i"inl lhe d,;I"'"," ""'''''
g>d .,..,1131;"" ... ith ....hlCh 10 k-
gin the new ya,., II i, p><1
to ;nje.:1 a I,ule diffICUlty inlO Ihe
Ie_ 10., to iml''''''' it wd! 00 the
m<rn<>ry. 01 .... ".-..e. 11 i. any "",y
1"'ulc lor a .. h1l1. 1"lk,.
Ie" leI ," let il you are
. "",'gh 10 read il right off
J l
n ow to lIaI;e Diamon;!s
",., J"'coiw ........... find m
II fnllowina:' an inl<"I'<.titog "",1hoJ
of pa<l!"Il: lnur ur n ... , out of
,,'11<"" he .... or ," am".. UI .... .,,-
11\1: ,\1\ th.t is Medcl i, a
1",;r of "'.'r> ond.omr paper ",1Uch
n,'" W till i,1\<> tho form "f a po.r:ol
kl . ..:, .", ",. f<,<t'!lJ.:lc ... """0 io Ih<.
a!>J'-e il\u.lrut;rn,.,
The \>" .. 10 i. 1<1 d;=vu ho"
"itl". uno I)f r""",; 03n be di.
""\ \ ;nlO h"lv., "'hkh will
ti' W a' 10) f",m I"'rfo<t
,IWJ>O"'\. ,\, ".,h <\;,mood. will be
,.1 \".\ .. ;1 .:\,ow h.t
'h" al", .. I,,,,,,., . f 11 .. un,. ,i ...
It "0111<1 Ij,)v. I,..." " mot" "'ifficult
tl) \j,)vc ''''luiroJ )'011 to 1'''''.
lfu. {,,""" VI t>(" "f the .....
"""fly "'''I;ng th.m into b:.I"... It
".ill W tl ... t t .... r iK>il, u,.oo
.h"(1)' i.leu, ahhoo&h ba....t ""
..... ""Ii< pTincipl", of ' .... m.t"1 ,,'ell
wo;rlh h.o"'mg.
or .."" ... , it i. undcr...,..s lhat no
p:opcr ' . .. ao II>. diamond.
,,""" <tlmpkt<d ... ill N ju>l '"" brge
... Ihc prHt111 6gu"',
Cunin!: I'"ult. Dr Ihi. kind .re 01-
..... pDpllt:.r Vld in ,hat
.hey ...,en;;.., , .... f.Ku!lia
.nd ..,.., .... an t\mw:lTUty dnwtne
A R<_
"S to what li<"OI Dr """-
Will "il prove a. fal.., a. the- l:aw
When fXII, u"bbom b ... ate ,r-
v ... I"d .
.... ",.-19. 2t . IS. 6, ' .
J, 5,
i8 King gl'\'Qt
pu .. l" of H!lnnrlng :I pyramid,
wbleh for "f
has bf.en kn(lwu WI lhu my'
t.!riuUll .... "''''1 of '\'hinx.
'rake Bn equl1a.t.erul trllltig
th_ or equIII length)
,Ii .. ide it into tb" lPist
IIlIm,*, of pleo.l'II whlcb will fil
110 &. t.o form 14
all \ltve.
8 11" the Iluullall .. bo
realise thlt trllth of Ihn tillie
bononlll mono: .. onre. vowl."
.1",,,YI .. i,(lAlia,-" will recall
the happy bOlll"ll In 'f'IIn._
I"Ling th" old I,letuce
.. rb8, th'! following.
... hkll OIU ..
IiI!ht",t al,o"
au. _0 ........ ""NY
fll .. n agll

partmeut In the
editlon of .
dally ne ....
(whleb idellhasbe-
come 110 IIOJ1ufl. tlmt 1111 of the
grs.t olal IN R.nd .. e<>kliea b ... "
tbelr puwe column'I' I gal'''
a UUle colli puu.le .. h eh had a ..
u:t'III,h\! run. Thll yonng folb
.. ere invil\!d to MIl ho .. many
objo!'(:UI could bII dl$COwered In
the n;Jln)5flnlatlon 01 a
penny. To ", mpllfy the punle,
howHer, 1 no" gh\! Ihe nam ....
(II thl! ohj..<cU and me""ly ... 1<
you 1<' locate Ihem. I. The
name 01 an a"Im&!. \1 .-1.. kind 01
lrult. 3. A pl.ctlol",ol"!lhil'. 4.
A be&utilnlllo ... er. O. of a
jug. \I. Badgeol otll.:..r. 7. Part
of. 11111. 6. P ... aonal Fron0n.n.
I! Put of . trunk. 10. ' art 01
.. hip. lll.
Put 01 a pikh,.,.. Ill. Tllat for
... hkiL ou r lo .... r .. t.henl hl..t. a.
A .. MOrpent. !.5. A pro.
lei:t;on thl"1"II'. 16. An
Am\l . !can .Ambasudot. Do ..
many mo.e can you find in -.d.
ditloll to th8M I
"Oi .. e mil thre& $keloa 01 1111<
and lour of ",onltoed," aa1ti
Susie ... eb\! J)iaeed 31 cenUl on
the counle', ... hleh ..... the
rt .UlOUO!.
Thinking Ihe h&U the right to
do .. Iinl" .horping on her owo
account aft ... the 11)le 01 bfO.
mother, .be ""uUl.ked " I think
1 ... i11 my mind IIud takll
100. ol.ilk Dod only thl"1!e
of .. onW!!."
"Then yoo a!"tl jun (>I", e",nt
.hy," the .hol,o'.n,
''Oh DO," ... Id little Su.I" .... he
klpp<ld out of the door with
g..oo., "I think 01< n1"fl jun one
ceot.hy!" Wh.t .... theptice
01 and I

F C"Ol'RSE ""e
know. Bi"bf lhe fn
, Ihb>wlic pu:uh.<t. who
ju,t ",v.I. m lIirks and
conundrurru: who """
,,,;'t a pun or riddle ",,, 01 ,.,.
....ord JOU "'y. and who i.< al .. a)"'
Ioadf<l . ight np tn ,'''' :nun:lc: with
fu:uJ. gtm> .. h",11 "" ""m . d ....
mnrMI, .".Ioon ibey are
and Rpeo.I." ... h .... thty tall Ibt, as
tbc:)' .omtt;mn <b.
H. KUI called do".-n 10 abruptly the
OIher day ,'''', the ad:J.J.alJ)'
plJnluJ. It .. com th;o.t 1her. 1I"U
oome Udlinf:: n ...... O>;na, and.
as ,h. 00,-.... = '''''''ling utru on
1M _Ireet. !-If" Bi"by, who Iwt a
brother in Pekin. ind,1Ced Bi"by 10
I:" afto. pap. H ..... as on the:
\*", or ht. anxiety nprd.
.na: fal" of the m"'ion>.rin.
"''''n. aortIing 10 C.lIWm. he
glanced II linle MpatlrlJ<n, of
layings and rO\lod
...hH;h 1"'",,,,,la.1y .t,,'ck hi, fa""y.
"Oh, "y, deu: he co.nmm<rd. "I
havt got ....... thing funny to tell you.
f hlYe gt>I 1"0 letton ,,hkh .how the
nO",. of >Iale. In<l __ "
." Itm ... what 11>.,., l<1t... ate,'
bio lotn ""11, An,1 Ihey
illumal' .. ", .,>lion 01 .. 'hal L'
lunnl. i ... loner ....hich I !('lYC
you two " ... k. I" "",i] \('I """her.
and .. hi<h upbin. "hy .he 11>.5
not _. Il\d Ibe oth.r> , ... rt
Aunl I'btrlot and .he llaY .... ua,..
people. ib ...... e '0-0" ""' nf
t_n; 10 htr. w ... ,11 h;,.. lhem on
OOlr Nod. IO-morrow, and Ih. ehil-
drm oo..n ",ib the mu.k. an,l
.. cough!"
The more Bixby ul,binc<l ,'''', il
...... onl,. liltle puule 10 opell Ih,
nam. of a IWe .. ;tb ''''-0 1t\len the
worse ht flot'ndered, for he """ -
called the lIIhr. letter. which he ba,1
forgotten 10 mail.
But 10 J:fl bKk to our I'"u!e. ho;>IO'
"",nT un ,ha, ,M ... "",
01 one .tate tan be ..,.!led ''''h ,"'0
kilt .. , .. M" 1'0"0 otIter lUI":, ""'Y be
lpent<! wilh Ih .... each 1
Asithmotlcal Puul
f""., numbo .. , an '"1
them 11'>" 10 add up 100.
Liter..., Rebuo.
nul" "'Lt.,\ILE.
'Look h<;. .... tl>e Ao.,. of """ven
I. Ihick ""lh III brighl
Th ... ', nOl the ornallnl otlt th,n
''''''' bchoI<I .... ,.
11,,\ in hi. """ion an wgd .inl!'
Stoll ""'rinl!" 10 lhe

"""' .. 0 "!.l_A"'.'_
MXear )"Onder Ilonl"11, th., liib it<
hea,1 on hith.
W""n:: 011 the oignp<><' augln "'"
lJJw lies Ih:lt 11m,.,. ,,bn. nnl-
brn"l<n d .... ;l15J1ired;
""nh and In .
ing , ....ifl"11,
Wb ... >-wtt>m<n talkf:ll ",i.1I
lookt J.l""/'"!l,nd,
An,1 ne"'. olok. than lheir al.
" ..ent rounJ."
"".n ......... \.11.....
"A mi!:h.y wa,'( nahc<1 00. him .,
h. lpok
Th .... 11 it o:>.'e.l anJ !h<\ Ill"! 11
brolt. ;
fmm the d<:<:k and from the
,,,,Mor lorn,
F on ,h. <woni .. " Ih hid
,,"lUI !.on,.:
Whilt b), Ih. h<\wliR!: ''''''1''',1 ,rot in
Iw "
J'I ..... ail .11,\ ..,ilrord, ntlling 0 ...
tho ",,;,,'.

A Square Word P""Il .
I. A,,,",,,&.
2, A br, fellow.
J Gi.l" .... mo.

To noh "' ...
. An' .. In \I" ''''''.r:
I n I E R
r: It A $ E
A Cil,UM.
Mv fi.", ,,-ill range the: meado ....
In I'ri,l<- "nd .ul.;
Bu make my n.xt 31 you.
Y<>II' ... ,,"wid be gt<.".t.
Mv whole in tu,"'t <:0.1' ;1 f"'",d .
And robe 01 lovely
Tall, from Ih<' "",,,hy

on"", bright Wry
j\n, .. et._
NO. ,.o ... ..,. ... cr ud
1 hn"(' at ... 1 In
![ettlng of my V"
Ill" wall! of 016 tllb
!K'UOI!. ""'\ I tmve h<"'"
1 hi' I he I'll III"" ,_
of Illy h,we
by 'he lIM"k or aPl'l'l'I'inlln" or
nut<- in nrt '''IIU..,'$ 111 Ill<' [,ub ..
lie at
1 WM oJ"'nln,c: night 1111'\
("<)I1I.J. not 110,1" o,'<,rh .. llrh,p: the
of "'''" .. "r Ihl' flll'i'anl
crill .....
" I "'oadE" bow milch I be p,,\n.
,,,. of IIIlII thing IV /(t'l
fOr 111" uked ontl ,onn,c: 1110.1.)'
of eIlrort. who 18 1\ dnubo>r
who Ime uleJ for ware 10 g>'1 II
kno ... :' ""l'liKi l lie !'UP1>V; "but
I .houM think thaI thrH ,..'111'8
... ould be aooul rlghll" 1'-0
pict ure d .... l .. n! 10 1,..1 ...
...... led In it, ..., I lie' .. ,,"'\ 10
liJeirremarb SanonI'Ofl\lern'
" I ... .dor Ill .. )' hung
thing' ...... JlIIOf'
r(lul "ol h.nll Ih .. url.t;' "".
plied IIn,1 thpn Ih"
flret. whl> w,.,. unt th"
fool looke<l, uM. I"f'm!trluohly
good thing whkh I. "-flrlh
..,TVi11Jl: "J){:. yon km,,, ,.-hat
" 'ould he " good n.!!I1l fnr tbe
p IMII .... '
nia reply WM so dever tbM U
, ,
, , "
i& 1'.. >en!1l<1 Itl nnture of a
wouhl IJo :>.n
na",e for the llk
'-George Wuhlnglon ,.. ex
c1t.lmt'(1 hia ira!'! llothu, "your
falber .-y. be ne,""r lume bill
hi, cigsrelt.-$ db-
al'p'lDrlng. lIe leftafullboxoD
lu, desk ",bell b .. went 10 tbe
"ilIagll!hl, ",oming for a bt:lr,
or *1m., kind of a 1001 ho wanled
nn,1 ",.ben hI) came half of
III .. rn we", /Wne. W b i III be
.poke 10 Ihe nwn folks about it,
" h"l f of wh.u.t ...... re ldt di8ll11-
_red. rie .. ent to Frank.
10 OI<)rn\\ fuAiI oil 1.0
Mlrtof .. whl811e hI' w8!
Ihdnl!' and ,.-l,en he ",turned,
onTe ,,'Oil'! Ibey lind l)een It.hed.
\'e rOmps ""d !II
niP, Just IIJII f I ha.d been "Tnoklo!,:,
and no ... lIods JII81 one le!l, and

, , ,
u_" hl,tl>,kml (art.
eall you nOI tbl. lilll"
loddenl J"SI hll .. many
Ihpy I'llt in ..
h .... : in lhu"C day.'
.......... ' .. e "onzu:
Dm'" Ih .. ti;!"", "hit 1111<'
o;oolinllonl tnlltk ",it!.o"t
tng 1I1111P, A d!mrnlt f.ct h to
pl nre 11 pi_ (1f 1"'1><" be!ON' a
mirror RD'" dmw th" I\aIJ(n .. h lle
looking .. t the pn pt. 1 h rough tllll


lru['lor J.",.," duty" 10 prul'.
to<'e<.:U1O" "I .. 3nJ
,1"wgi1<)U\ Iho lo ... n; W
5 thai Ihe poor o;<>al111311 i. giv'
'ng 3 ''''' much: th.I Ihe
00"><:"'''';00; bLlt<h i, 110)1 robI';"!l'
h]m .. Jf hy l::;v;O\/: o<",",,'cigln. ""J
Ihot II,. tlru..,d i<<m"" ;, "'')\
a(II'311 .. the Ie. Tn,,'.
]jut in ,hi, m,I""o. h. i.
up Ilr-'tr.<l A h(:kl."h l'",hlcm, he
nn,I, I"''' uf w},h arc dc
... 011ly o&'n". :u ,hey term ii,
,lot; Ire "",<il:l",,,.I" .... I"
t.o.Iana-. !h. luknr'" i. ".-t:
;11 the -.1n <rTOf" ,,-1.,"11 the
"""'fJ!U,uc>I .. 1 ,rv",,, ;,. Ii..:obk '"
You Tn,, n,,1 [fUn! 'pp02t
m c;o,.... a. Ilmjanun
1'",nld'Q .. -;""Iy .i<l for .. ;,11 p. ...
.k-.maJ,;.n' 1;.,. .... I hal'" dr. .. "n u..,
..... 1., ..., U \l) gi,-e IIQ <]"" to tll.
In liN trial Ih"'" l'yrami,]'
bal=tt .. "h o,gh, "I .. 0001
hu, "'I"", "" 1'1.;.<<< '-"'" rube, on lh:
long ann "I knr i, Ii..:obnc.
.... 111 th ......
A"llming thl pp"",i..! ,,'ci;:-h'
<In<c """"e. ,,-hal .honIJ have bCf"
tho: true 01 the ""bt.l
My lin,', 1m u,t:ly ;n_,
My n."" :l.n .. gil' brute:"
My .. hole an ugly pb:mtOm
Whkh n3ugln On pIe....: nor ...
Ophtr A".w ..... -z 2, , '. S. '.
. &. . .,
"'inc Word
Th. bl"nk, in ,hI" link- '1"""'aiO\
20'<: lu b< jilIn! ill ,..ilh "",.J- '1>(11<,\
",;\h the .me ,e,"" km'.,
N, __ lu glory. 1" - 11,.111"",.
01 Ihe.. - IhO! tln'u\e!! l!;j lif.
') hen 'I,,;<k1r __ 10 w, "'''
..... w
Whe .. Ill. h" I ;, "" (>1
TIlO ""_"'n I" the rem>tk .
able 1'" .. 1<. "h,el! gi,t< no
k ... II"", /in ,,,..,,.lc1.ler "",,0.10, I"
be amon!;<d lrom Ih,' .... "". k'I."
"'l"rTr. I'uric . R.t' Of. R. ,r,
..,d I',"; ,'r
Ton"",", \\-;t],., .",1 _\1\n
ho<,g],' Iwo"'y p, ..... OJ! CIndy fUf!
'We"\' cc,,\o, F"d,. (yi\O feu.
Andent Euplian Punle.
'I .... )' ,'or h "'. aPl>C:lred ,n
''c' a",1 I"', 01, \Ite w>')' of rh"
", F;r>l>"." "'!'" pronu>ed
Ih, 'rl ,,{ hit bu_""i,,1 ,laughler 10
d. "",0 "II" "wi..! do",,, the
01 ].>C,f"", cube 0; woud '0
,-,\ ""lo<'C1ivd]' im" ","'!'<C. ""
'11,,1.,.,..1 lrUn;:l. u,1 a <;rde. )n.
,,,,,,:1.,1 \l\ Vr'-'l'''I;')(\' '00,,'1> ;n the
;11I,,,,,,,i,,,... \Iany
""1."1,,,,. "',e, ",,(,. m.. Ih.",al !cia",
and 10-.,.",,1 n,"n 'J!
!lI""!:hl Ih.y N"ld .. ,I,," tilt proh-
1 .. ",_1>111 'he !lOa",;/ul prine,>, died
on 01<1 "",,oJ ./'e. ,II,
h,,wbly OJ," Y"U"II: l",,,H .. ,, arc
<1<>c", Ih4n a"cirnl Egypti." .
,,,01 "'"y be al,l. ,,, f""j \1\1: wlutitm.
Tu ju\,I"" " .. , i, io "c-t ,,",,,c..,), ,,,
a<,,,,,!!)' a cube of ,,"0<><1..
""ply "'" "n .. of """ ..
0; t],, eube ",," ind;ate
"'hal CU", ,i/ )'0" ... ,,,,i..! "La""
",' r" \1.. ".:., ;n''> lbe
.. rek ' C'luilio.l,,"l HUng-Ie: resptC<

er"" a \>:ox. ",1,,1. l:nr., Jrop. we'"
fOIl. fur a er,,' awj d....,.,la,c drop,
''''il f". _ (0,,1
did lho,l thoi' ""'ocr'
PROPOSITION- How mally .. ays can you led the words red
mill and rtllU'der?

;1 to 'ranl1.le into "'"
Ena:1i,h which will .""d
tla .. nIt tillltr .... Y . , ..... [
eu I .... Elba.."
if an old po.lindrom;c tom
bin.lion .. hich I I>"rpclralcd ill my
early day. for tlte blntllt of .. tern_
peranee <>rpnillltion, and .. h",11
will t..., the ""time. and ekill of 00.
younlf 1'11.. 1;,", The ;.
to bqin from the on!'" It', and teU
jll'! bo .. """"1 different ouy. one
can Iud the .... rning wt>rdt Red,
Rum and Munier .... 1"""1
alIeNed by delirium treme"o. Com.
men<:<! from .ny of the oul<Je leUe .
lpell right inlO the center and out
apin on ""1 of the bnnch ..
and _ bo .. many wan y .... can
lpell II ... tbout malting antl tWO
Kqllm of tetten alike.
Which of your l<:t'th ate like ..
d..,..,....I<oo,', litlp. and thumb
.. """ ohe d "", .. d ..... l
Th.- ( .. ... )
WMn is. Scotch"..., like .. don_
When M moUI along hit
banks and bract_
When & ... ..,.,..,u like the gill 01
.. shipl When \l>ey get winJ
Ho ........ ny 1&(\," would it
take to """eb from L<>nrloo to
Brirhton' A\)o"t fifty_two;. be-
'''u'''' to misI il al JOOd .. II m,le.
Wb)' il a pa-ek 01 cards of only
fifly-ona in thl flack, sent hom .
like II of canb of IIlty4"'01
Becau$e Ihey aTe lent in->ml,lctc,
FalN Alarm .
nOft i ,btch of a ""'0. "hkh
I larry, kno .... .u "I'.nfAnl terriblc, "
t ook """ .... Ihe othtTev .. ung 10 de
Hi. f.,h.t tond motht'r __
alarme<l one night by what lOundfll
like hou$<. brub... T!>. locallly
L. hidden in tbe description of the

PROPOSITIOIf-Ten ho .... mucb. temperr.nce town mad. b1 coin&, Itlto the Jlquor busine-$a.
ELE. ",tail price. The punle il \0 tcll
book_ how milch pnlfil t he I.Own .... d. on
iu li'llioro

who II \.alive. tool<
my 6rst afl .. .... "e my .. hole al
d'n ...... '
on f'tC'6"ed
mmmi"':,," of in lieu of
'!'he .ketc" .ho .... "" al!""I And
tow-n oom"';II'" t.:IlrinR a=nl of
IItock, 8Very ;urn being marked at
Cyphe<!.na. I, 16, II. 9.14
\\'by is lick Hebrew lih an
nnenld' HO(a\UehellaJew,IL
Why .. II pr;nler He lbepollmanl
n ......... he d,stributes leiters.
Who!.1 i. lhe diff ...... ce belwfen a
wo.bnnnet and a Sund.y.bortMtl
A day's dillermce.
A turkey, c:ock Or hen ;
Behead me, &Dd I IIp .. rd 1(laJ',
F\l1 0 .. ",yl>uci
T ..... _ me, Ihen a beLlI. I a.",
Bloodlhirsty. hold and "';ld.
ThRt pre)'l on many a h"Ipl_lamh,
And cll de"""", a child
I'cwl, owl, ""II
Why i. to de>g' . taU a gre.o.t oo"elt y'
flecall.., no one eVer Aw il
I chooor lbe I"lgnm'.lonoly
.... be on frum day \0 day_
Curt";) me. and I tMn am found
.Iudenu do On rullrg>: J;mUnd
Curtail once mnre, An,j b)' ;nsl"""lio"
You'lllind I a." an interj""lXm,
Whal kind 01 a <'I;I'Y i$ proch,,,
I,y. of harm' ID<edniary.
A wt>nl i. he .yll.bles a:m.

Take _ a_Y._DOt one of
....... i"'!
loIo-___ yllable.
If ."1(:1'011001 lalb;n. dit"h .... hy
io he I,kely to m ... bta"lies of
Ill."", ... , Ba11Je the fall 10110""
nght Dill:!' lho, Sprinr, and he mu.-
tbe Summer-tet bet .. .., ... hnu.
Pray, UII me, I""i il '-OIl <:a.. ,
Who is that highly lavo=! man,
Who, .hough he lui. mlnie<! many
May .tilllive llingle his We'
A clergyman I
PROPOSITION WhAt w .. the circumference of the circular trick.
0;';1-: OJ'
1\1Il I""ny CHt al'O\lnd
01 .. ,liamel".
... III be
"'as thlt Ih. OULer
... h..,l. "",M t",o tuma to the
on .. ' thn "'he<'t. were h",i at
the . t U\Ulory <I,,'nnee of f""t
o, .,tI un t he ,,,101,..,., . Th.I'n>hlem
;. t" Ihe of Ihe
Ir.', k <lNC.'\,..,1 hy the out".,. ",I>",,!.
In making the ,urn
1',,, an aec; . ttMo.I vuu1e. ,"<ko:<.l
Ul' in tbe mw.l ...... it ...
I..,n,ng "" "!an" ..... .. hich ,t ..
aau",..,1 that...., a", aU lo:.Je",W\
famihar, it ;. prelly ""c. weli
"'"9rth t)w, u"",,,tion of OIIr
Milling-Word PIlul.,
i, "" 00'\ IIltle en ...... ""'"
P"'"' . ynu 1<'1 di"",ver II
"'M,I, ....hieb ... h." I.b,",\ in Ihe v.
('unL "I',"'C, .... ", I" I ... rca,t ,\O.','c,
"':11 milk<- II C' """\("O)<c ,omrMlc.
at THE nnd .. lIh
Whr doe; the itu<1<lnn natlOll reo
...."blr tho Ra 1 Bau,"" ber nobl ..
are ..... 'U.. her
pOOpk' ""rl

1 PROPOSITIOJII-How old trill Smitb be?
for a lif. in.,. .... """
.. IS .., 1m
columns of
h. talk. Moami of
Ii dllt II. hU1"fi,_, home II<> B5
t o IlInng" tho
family the. ""p"cially
for tho! ""neflL of hi. of "bO'O!-
mallw/matiral pow ..... h<o is II'''''. 10
"peak disparagingly. She I::Iu.ght
him. B .h!>rt time 3gu .... D
cocnpaot which will have tbe dfed
of mlluling him for """"" lima lI>
rome. and mil, possibly rur.1w:n of
talkilll Ill"" al hom.
AfLer pn>pOUndmg on. of b .. JUl.
tilllral roouMrumll .... hicb did ""'-
meet. w;lb the entbusiaslic ""'"PI;oo
whirh he l"""'&ht il ..,mLN, ....
boNtmgly """ ... ked that II his
beLler half ....... ld Ki'''' him _nr prob.
ItfII on <la,.,. or whirb he >IlIJ
nO!. al'lnOer- in trn min" .... he 1<'UI1ld
pledge hi"...,u IIot to propound
allOlh/:r problMl ""til lhe "nnlver
.. .,. of Ib,.t day, He probably
_, for one whole bul ....
thol l'fOP<I'i'ion .. "'" made on Ibe
29th day or !'ebruary b.<t, al'ldleap
rea ... don', ha,.., yurl" ann;" ...
-. he ...... hold lI> .. Litotal inttt_
pre!-atlQfl of hi' \If'OIIJi..
The probkm wilh whicb his wi! ..
him, "" .. to koop him In a
tnOOdy \TIln"". ,.. ... as follows:
"Now, Tom. "IIppoo<inll: 'h.ot )'011
""'" Ih,e.: lim .. my age wb..., /it'llt
.... "'e'. and LhaL I am no .. )u"," the
age you were Lbo". and ... ben I
am IbrH lim .. my PI'HtnI age our
romhined Y04...... ,11 amOllnl to ex-
actly "". hundred. can you Itll)uSl
ho", old you ",,11 be on 11'1. nut 29th
day of Fel>runry)"
It ""'" an impromptu problem,
but. very F. one, a.;. it not quilo
110 euy III ,t loob,
Why will III",,"mt r .. hffiOnger
more buoine. than a c;",1
Deca" ..... hen he ..,ltl IUh. he g.Vtl
.. aOe with ."
\\'tu.t are Ihe greAt"'" Oh<14r1 ...
t" a itulllan InY"'nn of Turhy'
Tbe (Bllkan) mo\Intai"...
Al; I nudy in concealed
I will aak tho ynunll: fDln to m.
QUI in Ih. fol1o,,;ul" ""'tt ....
Snme litIle [ mr' a d ...
"",ndanl 0/ Baron wbo
,old me ""oh a I!tn)hnl rtory of an
\nln bc-ing held lip by
<Ill> 'I' oounlry tbat IIJI"fl
...... "nf ''''''ole< frt>IJI the same
pI,."" quefl'OIII:d him
tM of lravdmg, H" .
It "'''' uti",i"g and ,nconn";""I.
but In DO .... >. There
WM'tl nUl .... ' .. nor otaga
evm. bfot.'ecn lhe p<>1'nta =tioned,
III on. bad to '-'"'lTd oyer the
""",n\ains br u..,--, b>' .. hich is
meant 'n .;. Ulride of sharp
b.:o< ked donkory .... ,houl Of"
stil'TUJ.'I. 1'h.t I ....,hs are II<> Jteop
and ""rmw thaI the hllle danker-
faU continu.o,Hr.'" the .""..,1., musl
he prt'pare<J to I.o.ruI on his IHt at
"', """""nl,
mild. Ihe armmpan}'ing sketch
f",m hill d.......:pli"". ""d "';11 ask
O\lr yaung FlUoli" . to discover the
loeahty ot Muncha""",,. ]r:'3. illci
dCtlL, C01lctatcd ,n the d""",ptlQn of
the pk' ."_'_'_._____ _
!'rom nUlnW that'. odd CUI 011
lhe hoo.t!
It thon WIll eyen he;
I rrar,l"konen,way:
Y INr motber then y<>u'11 """
Why I. lb. ho_ lb. moot hll_
ma .... of all .DimaIJ> Be<'ause h.
gladl)' IIW" the hn ()Ut of tw; mouth.
and lin.n. lI> every "Orne.
PROPOSITIOft- Bow many groupinp of dlffereol kind' of fl'\lil can be located in the on;h.lrd?
Ihe ..,.'rr:a]
11'1!eI; an ord.ard. II" a, a
TftI""n ..,.. nlpf!M in e:<-
Mnd <hJ 11,,1 at,..,
to let o. lhooe In hu
IlIIIpl(>y Ihe """""to <>1 hil t""ft
He ...... '<mlinu31ly and
cI"vlsing n." mc!bodJ In. C<>nruI-
"'II: Ihe l<>eatlon 01 t!'<!eO which werG
ltn<leryoing C<'rt... in tXpi'ntmnlill
""d . .u a matler of
to P"I .""',. Iht chan or clue
to the _",I. ""-en from hinuorlf. 10
a. to if lhe of W.
uptnm<:nta: woould fUffirialUy
m3rk"" to di.,,,,,,, !.heir w,lth, ....
The lrut tome I ..... him he had
just, .. t (lUI .;X!}" )'<lU''l( t ....... ad-
l"i"1II, hil ho"", .... lwwn In Iha
A<:>mP<''')';ng il m4y
be <:>1 inlere<1 10 menli<:>n th_
.... Iy 11''''5 were wlt&t i ""w"
quinC<' ","'k. "ptm wJUrh the dlffe._
eM varieti .. 01 fruit. ani "aIled.
It had .1 .... ) .. been 8 f.d hIm
10 lei nut It'n lnf!I 01 a kin<l a, one
lime. but to .call.,... tbem in dille"'n!
of the orehan!.
'III to tome "'11. <:>1 _",t .".tem,
.. h,th m<>ulJ plACe ten Ir","" in live
rows vf four.n a];no It i. quite a
p",uy Imle l'u .. to lay III1f IJ-n
t!'ll<" in sydl a ""'Y thai wiU
be f".." ro11', of fO'>T in !ine. and a
sllll "'On! difficult In
the 00 lhal nne grtn>p nf II'HS
will nol inlerfere ""til 3I1<>Im of a
dIfIe.-er>t rperi""
lie illway. maintained t hat lbe
prifteiple mighl be ""fried I till
so as eo in other group-
ings. Rnd ".h<l me to .. il inlo 3
pu .. t o _ if JUly 01 Our ex
1'<11." could help him 11111_
The prot.lem. Ih"",fol"l'. i. eo .....
bow many gmup,nl:l of dill....,,,t
kind. of lruit C;llI be locale<! in the
orchard as ,oowo The-rc mtl$t he
!.en \reel of ca<h kin" 01 fruit. M)
thot w,11 he ""'.
of fourin ... of _'h fruil.
I have til .. ""rn.,. of
pe.a<Oh,,", pea .... , rcrsimmonl. and
plums, bopinl tbO! Ib" I'hm of the
(OUT groupinp I", rli"""v"red
In working out your IOlul;on
mark out D diAgram "pon. 'httl of
whit" po1'<r. dnU ... p ....... the
,.....,.. and nch marked wIth the
nMne of lbe fruIt. or Ihe .,lu,;01'1
may be ihuwn by writin, ;n the
n ....... uoM. lhe t ....... in the picture.
01 C<>UTllC. in I"","ing the groupings
of tlte fOOT .. tt it .... uk! ""!UIn but
forty of the oixly t.....,. .hown-tlle
t ree. >n 1100 pktu,"" m('ffly
.how whl'nl the $Cl"",e<l 10My ""'Y
h plM"".
Whot than
Hale"""" than drath or motUl
That which contenled dean.
The pOeT hav . and the rich rfquire:
Tbe miltr Ijlend.-. the .,"'ndthnft
An':! all men tan)' 10 their grnv ..
Why u. ohiok"n.pift 1ika !Un-
..ruth I lh<>p1 Recau .... t CODlauu,
l owl-i .. P'KeS
\'I""n do your 1""111 u..,.,. the
f"n<'\IO,." of tongue' When
t hey are chattcnng
Why ;1 lIurkingham P"lue
cll.aput .... ever built' U ...
cau" it will hu,lt lor
and fum,,!'e<l for nnOlhu_
Whidl is ho.!I o tull
moonr The h.H. becau ... 1M full
mc<>n il'" light
When d,_ a cow !'Cal> Wben lurned 11110 a
me.rlo ..
Why i, It illlpnGible t" PIck the
best Mrcc in a ""'" Ilet:.ause there
i. alway bel teT.
"" -
.... :;....:o.c. "...
;:... '"""-'-'-_ - --0 .....,..,.
dgure out the of a
by "
ukuJallon to
IRma way,
The chea. 10rJI rl!prawn! a ""r/<'<:I
eQuably . .., tbe TOlUlt of 0 CI.nlc,1
rould readily be dcttrminN;f by com_
p.nng the "Iu:u-.o 1'01>1 of their ",.n_
ul Cl<lIwtiCS.
.. f found OtJt Iho pnncipl ..
of arl,r.>,tion I1IId nn;"" ..... 1 veaee
1.0)' .... tching the roalt Harlem_
A big _t a!1d. hltle ItOaI ",Uti,.
1''Ir''lher .u h:trmony. tMY
Ita,. nothing eo di<pUtc aboul, bv.t
jll-.t .... lOOD ... 111'0 gonu of 10 """rly
tho .. me iii", .., t o g;,,,, n"" 1<:> a
qU"lion of boso-d>ip. m""t. fool
of lhe two i. killed Sometime. it
enJ. the 01 tbe Kil_
kenny caU.
"Th ..... on", .. ere I .... Cfola of Kil.
F.... h lboughl theno ..... one <:at 1.00
s.. tlt.y qua...,1ed and &pit. and
IM'1ll0hed and hi .
T,\1. uC'epting tlkir tu..1i and tbe
IIPI of Ih('ir taili,
In'load QI two call there werefl' t
.. ,
"f ono. .",.h a duel 10
Ihe betw"",, ' ... 0 JI:Oata:. wblch
Ihmn Ihe ...,,,drrlul .. ,Kily of the
an,rnab. ""d al the Um<: lime m
Irc><JU",," "" pretly a ma,hemat'cal
prnblem .... the av"f3C<' pU .. list 0 .....
W A ncighlx>r vf mine had
pi which held tbe un<h.puted
cham{l>onsrup 01 the roclto for ,""v
erat S03son "'hen lInme one ",as ...
uMortuMle I. tc '"troou,,", an" ..
g<ml wciah"" )u.t ,Ihree
lIOn,", The lint ", ghfil
54 pouruh. Ih. n.",..,,,,.,. 57, and as
a pi ho ... e>I(lUl:h nut 10
oul of h" dUll. albl Ihey """ .. light
.1 CDtch ..... '1:111.<. '<1.11
they rtMu.t In to live harn.<>niou$ly_
Bul tbe I.Unw l'IanMd a ptete
of d""p " .... I<'gy_ He IU.lion"'"
Inm..,tf at \<.p <:>1 ,. pr<'lty stH"
pn.lhway. nn,j f'Qm point "I
hurl"l "ellane. M hi, rival
in U WAy wweh tho btter roul<l r.ot
brook. 110 hc .lllr\.('<1 up lb. toil! C>n"
run antl "':ll\ met hI' o'h ...... 1>0
IQd tho <01 a dQw .. lnl1
ruD Sad to Idl. It('aU .. ......,
WJ.d h)' 1M ahQ<.'k vi tho rolhoicn.
r-;ow 1M ..... nOU1 fea'ure 01
t ho prohl ...... tor At...-cmm-
L.e. who """'Ie a ""n";.1traLIe ,"or1<
on t\)o ....... nl: of gunU. sa) .. ,
.. Ily "'r",a\C<1 ur ... rim",,11 f
ha'" (<>un,! IltM the of
blow 1<1 the mum_Mum of 30
IlOU",J. falling 211 f'-"Ct. "'ill Jll"
the '.uU "I !:"At, 10 .... 10 kill
U' Atoeptinli: \Ilia rema.kalM w-
allotion, ronllnt fmlll. dil;!in.
gui>hed t "n<l ",.thema
hcian .. boinl: ClJITe<"I, I .hall III.
..hat mun h:tV<' ln ,h .. re<poct.iv ..
,..,Io<-t,,,,, of I .... 1"'0 goau .. her>
lhe)" !tI<"<"l. 10 thai tbey Ju<t bruke
<>tte another' hUI'"
PROPOSITION-With Ill: l!Tught lineg c\lmplete the sentence,

tillS IS NOT A
, - picture 01 .. "'pr-
ttl ... 1'11'",1bl" ... mN .mok$
nllp. >I" ,I
, '11I.n.led n,!dle ab"111
.,..bleb IMre .. as .mob
.nd 'Vtt)- poll)'
Ace<>nJ..lIg LO tM n ... "J.oO.J>Cn ..
nrt ...... lmgM YDung Kho.>I m>rt"-
..-I LO._ hn ""10k loy .kl)
il1/l: riddJc05 upon lho
w..:k'-'>:l, 011" of ",h,rh ...... 1118
picture .110 ... 11 ... h eh. by the
\lon of ax Ilra'Rhl mar ....... ,11 leU
JII$I. what Ihn hill .. 1'><' is ..
WIIill , 1\ Ihn .. <'fI't&Jn
",,..w.1e_p;>.ud d"mime "'00 !wi
mv .... heam III this IILmOII' old
&Ie_ "" ,I muted '&1' ""lh all old
Chestllul about .ea.l,ng mad d<>8
ba<;k",ardJ .... hi<h he .....
.nth, and &<'tuaUy Iorought I"" 1'\11-
:&Ie i"t.o OO\Irt 10 h," Ihe ..,bool
The pu .. t.. ... you aU 1<Il01'l', i.
t.O adt! lix . tnight murk. 10 Ihe
ele""" ...... to \II lust
what Ihat little boy "i,l l o th. dog,
Ihe nAn'. of 1m, n""l:lIly (""I
n3ug!tty) rid.tle
[ W:U "' ....d,"g the """"unt of ..
man ,n a boal who .. ved lumso:1f by
Ihm .... ng everything O'-l!1'board. and
... h .. Letle. h;o.ll ..... nol o,.ntLOntd
in lho oalnp, it II"",k ..... t""l a
hltft,1 ,oterpn!lauon of Ihe &<:mIIol
..... suU"tive <If a goad puule
Iht-mf 'I'he pH1uno .... I,.,thlut
d_ripliml or lhe oeme .. ,JrA('nbe<l
by the ."",,,'QnI, but the pu ... le ,.
lu d,,,.,,,vel' lhe loC'&bly '"
,he upla""lion of 1M frantic lIu ...
Wh.:ot pieee of ..nn ill douhle iu
by deducu"l1 ;u halfl ,.
I bYe adopud nrld! .. alld e",,,,n
dl'llrrll .. I he ;ntn;od"c-
!Jon to 'he ... arM 01 P\lnl<!d<lm. aod
>Ihall thou,""I>d. 01
conUQd",ml 101' boWnn ..... to <<ad
and over. Don't
l he peOn!. Wh"" }""-' I .. ('ome fa.
m,:"", ""'h Ihem Y"u .. -ill ream '"
rna -'" I""", ,n .... ,n'ly _I ..,11 00Ufl
1>rJ:,n 10 ..,-nuno.l",rns and
p" .. I.s "I ""'"' .nth
A pnmHn01lt riliil",,-.throll'" ,."J
O_ .. "'r of I" the
Y<'IItjom 01 \" ,\n;m31., .,..ho
is enjnyonl! 'hft "",an brt<uo e,
.\Ibn"< ",Iy.,. 0",,,1 for Ius <No.Iy
.... I;lO "..n as ... =d hhtr.a\o'Y.
1 .... "'111'..... 1 a wnuu, h.:ohi. of
"JlCak,,,, I" <ill dumh ani"'"l>
a. II lhey u" t"""uod h,e, ano.! Ina
al ""_ carry ' .n = ,.
""""""""-"n ,In,f to"-'l>Ound qu"";
... laeb .... ,,: t !'Il""tc .. of
Dj ,be h'!:11<-r "d.... 011,,"11
&II IDUftllD!( ..,,110' 1 hoo "Iher day
'oun<1 .. p<l<.'r oM 110"", ... hi,-II .. 0.1
l_n rr\,,....,j 'rom """""',
.nth ... h,eb he .tno,'1r "I> qUite an
""'I"",nlanno_ or ..... he lamed ", a

-'),1" den. h,"lher,-' he
.. he ::o.n,,,,,,I', bead, "d"
y<>n .. "'h'>' 3 iai'hful ,.1<1 I",,,,,,
;,. \01,0 .. 1>1"I"nlh'"I,;,;I ''' A. I
I (a,Ie<! III rot, h 1><>_'" ",ply_
C!U. \'''''"1: 1''''':''10 a", a,ked to
lOin tbe ",nund",m
Wbnt L Ibn< ",!I,d, bough' by
yard un,1 "'om !.y tl'" foo' A

]!"". ,!" 1_ ,I;,!"""" <>I their
They <",-,11 it
To ... .. love ,,.r
r ""ll uk our )"ourog \0 di$-
tile')' of Ihi. illc,
, .. ... 1 in Ihe nc,l.d
t.d"""'\".,n "f maiden
... 1" , h.. . ,_.'"?" or ,lur little Ton'''v
W "c,' '-. _n".: 'IlIIII" outlnr.
fully a10f1J{ lhe tai] of lhe """'
.. ,I txIIm".ing the .. ,nI .. nrk m,n_
uldy. he """"lOJ lnok in'I",""gly
and ....... [ DY. ... d<l
kn<rw ... h:ol Ih" 1 ...... 1,. un .
Why. pine or OIIk. i !,'I >11" .
. Nn. ",r-rre . .or! ",ot ,I .,n I
bemlocck n ..... ,And
ltll me ... hy _ nn Ih <a'

Alter ,ou IIV \><Ilh qu"i""',
he .....Jd gi\'e lhe an ....... .wt
laugb jun o.s b."ru1r .s ,I he had
1101 lho ... "ne jnk .. nEbl
.]ong ..... rly h"lf a <"en<lIry
Can roo tb an.wers 10 11M
, _ """omII",,,,.1
Not 10 di "nl rm", the
pon <Jl Strauunl . ho .... thrft!
bundrtd a",J ",1<\ y ....... ag' t ....1<1 '"
."", p<lOI" 1.oeM'" Wi! t ... .aol upon.
]" 1>3"1
M .. a gilUll dlK.
I wi.!> U! '1UU1t my nM lritn" P
T, Ilamum, ... ,hff.nna ""Ilh lhe
abo"e "" o(ltn quM ... ! 10
... ;n our cb,ldhouJ ,!,W" wMn we
found !,Ioa.urn in pulling ""'KI fro,!!
tli,", He u",1 In &fI)" trull,
of hi, greal , hulk, 1"",1><,',
c,alio" IIf f<l1n ........ uul ,,{ QII 1""1''''
l ion 10 hl> .i.., On One
",bell "'3. af\!i,'\('<1 '''Ih B ."nl'l.
grtt" .... PI>"' ..... ho, he
in luch II wa" a.lodMwn Ihe-,.,...m
ben of Ihe who
"",n!<l OUt nf .... ",I'.lh'. ,"oi wnuld
001 be pan"...! 1I01I1 1""Y ... nt hum.
for hi. ph) ... i ...!! Tbe
WJ<y " "",h a JtOOd l1li(>),",'1 for e
iJ<1I \hal ""r af'l
PROPOSITIOI' - Solve theM two conUlldnunL .... k...! 1<1 d'>Inr lbe "-iiI}' of tb.
""', .. ...nd endtd in Ille ' m-id.-nl. h,,1d.., in Iht
. .. ' L _ ,. ""t'e oIlhr ... ,'".", .
... .m ...... y. .-0'1IIS- u.s nan", ,._,,="-' ____
let the Do,rt.,r see Jumbo's Thn;?z\Jc ,"

PROPOSITION Commencing It some certain leller, discover a connecltd .. of lb. twenty-
tour Idlers wbicb will revelll an ...pproprlate motto.

Mlll\br to on"
, t-alled tho o"wry I'd]o"
!!Un)" pm",d to bel II<>
I""pular "'lh our fwng
f<>lh \hal J """"',;"" to de
.,rit>e of H_n)'" ...
,.,...nlS upon .undar 0/ =ut!;('
H.rry '",] hi, ""'01' 1,.,...0<1 Ih .. ""',,-
b .. nhr-n ChinN. a.nd th""rf"lIy
btnh (If'M' lb." money ... U!
wnlrioote \I) lhe ",i"",,,,,, fund .. hen
Iho1r fuher lYid tho,' mu.1 lIul
lI_rry did not ""lluI'" a lillIe bil
.. hen h"n ... 1f ud wen': ,M.,.
pt.ed 10 uk" cha,I:" of a
box at mi . ...-..... rair and gnl ,;",,1
of telling ,,'U to
6", for liuk- pagao. who
bad !III I'""rtb of July, He pnnted
&:!me donation puuk- .. be
",11td l h"", ...... h l be 01 Ah
Poo. Syn fl"p IlI>tl oth<:o- noltd
"""''''' ",'rked 'D. U ,;ho...,.
;n the .huh. and ,b"", (c.r
O'3<'h, en-'"" tb..l
.... a moUo U! I .. d'fCQ'''-''''
by a Ctlnlinuom 101M
... an.-I thaI
one mighl hi. "IOn.y l,.,. k ;f
the ,""Ho oJi,! n01 U! I,., app ......
pri"'lc and l>oinll'<l.
It i. an and dO"rr
... h,,h J/'lI:< lar III t"O"C 1104'
h:ul 01",\,,,,\ the
.. n"",""n '1,,""1<'," "ory 1"""
l<>undly for one of h,. yn ....
]1= i. a "mple louie
dt for ,h. )'''''ng lolks wh,ch ohow,
two of ",no e>i<>U' ""C
"r ",h;.'1> ovenum.,.-l I>y "
Ill;', 1,.,1'"". lilll<- hunnv The
" t ' (". oul nne Of the jami_
ni.", .. n Ihe ol",w! tints ""d .-....
1'1..... " 00 a, I., .10,.... ,be pusi,ion of
the .. \"",,, Tilh),;,
Why d .... young lad)' ptef ... )",.
m,,'b.'. funun. ,n hrr father'.,
u""au",", 1I',ough .he likes vatri-
o'OQY she lokM ""'Inmony
B ow l%lJ.ny step' was there to the 014 tower1
.100 fct't hiSh, A very which the CAn l'U(\ily
he'ght indeed, wben We ,..,,,,,,mb<:r 1>0 Imputed,"" '" 10 tetll>o ... mRny
t\llt.t fa. (.ove' R o:-entur)' the limit Of .lepJ there .. ere.

itincrnm , .... rlns who
. tHken ",,"mor
outing en aJunK
Ih. .... 't ATt fa-
miliar wilh Ih. "",lliem ,,' th. (lId
To",.,. At Poin, t""."",.
d>uu1 whid. there i. ,1,..Bya loch ..
divenity 01 or"""n' u diff.rwt
.a.sons of tb. The ruinl, or
.. king """" ","'n:<tly the ..... tel<,
of \he old lOW... wh,d. 1IffV ... 1 ." ..
'or mu", than h:lli. rep-
I U<Y. _,I. at "r_nl in th. lu",
lItageo <>! dioooluli<m upon .. liltle
ledge of """kI wh"h run out inln
tht __ Tho IU'COmI'"D)";nl[ rielure
i. tokm lrom a "tuh ,n&<lt "''''''
/lhy yurs ago and ! .. ",,,M. (h'la
.nd mfnnnali"" which ('t>U1<l nnh'
."rmi:oe<I from llIe preoen\ con-
ditio" 0( the t<>.. The 1>,,10"',
al wdl .. the fa<u, 91'('", ohl.'''"''''
from an oM rt1Iidmt. "' ..... In hi.
oi"",y-oixth )'ur ...,1 ..,..aU. tlte
01 the to .. " ..bfft he was ..
' .... y""alL b<>y The PIltire ('(Nntry
t .. mt<! out t<' du ,,,,,,<>. t.o 110. <""m!
Inll IMre ",en: I ..... l'I'1'SOI\l in that
ne,ghborhOO<1 ..-11" d,d not 1 .. Ii<vr
tluit Ihe 01<1. UUin .. u "" \i\tle
\';1 highe, than 1"" 10..,.' "f Sabol.
Thera i. nothinr leh nOW hut.
charred 01' """I ...,me ,;xty fCl't
higb. II lhe If,n;rt .. ffiO dffiro>'ed
\'y fira <.Odd yeart AgO, hut
vicl ure as ....c\1 M the ('(Iunl)'
re(ords ,how tlmt .t wno "nginal1y
"",,"crt ()I oon<;eJ>tian of h';ghl
.feun,1 the city 01 Ne'" york ..... to A REBUS.
sa.y. "A. higb u Tnn'!}' Chun;h Tn m .. t a neet!, "ur ",:0,01 ",," ... nt;n
ll!!<:'pte," which jll.t "j"" "";Ih 1M ....l>oleil .. .. enlin.
n1<l 3eacon To .. u, But the I,n,.,. IkheAd. '\fa""!><*,, tbe thinK .he
luIve clunged "",,,. Ihnt .rA .nd it bought
...... only the nther dAY that the vCn Appell'" and ... 1II<h .be aafely
orable !lUlnn c:omplained that the
hoy. in the ad;ojning olfin Curtai\' and u,ke 101'
huild,ng .... re throwin&lhing5 dn..." gnonl..t
on Ihe cburch apire \'"" have I". whirh w ...
The cenler..,pport W';UI """,pOSed
of hup polO$ skillfully .pikod to T""'VO"'0no:ernnr . lb<'>l1flhIUlnp
rethn, .haut which wound & ',i.tru
spi"" .tain:uo .. an imo .... i1. '"'" n:lmI! 11,,,,,an in vie ....
which ",,,,,,I euct1y four times
around .."Iu""', u .......... io <.be
,htch The"" wu 0"" Lalustn 0'
vitkct to uch .ntI as th_
vitkeU ...,<e just one foot .pan, i,
obnuld .nn)' bot. "n'Y $i",ple rnat
til det.",.,i .... jldt bow rnanv
.. ""'. one lwI to take to reach the
1"1" and ,.1 to quote tho...-0rt4 of
Hoft, wbo furnished the
iM"re and hiotnry of tho. lOWu.
"I \o;ne.. nne of tbern city
foJlu who rome out here for the
... ",mer .. ho eould figure it out
"ht" To the p\at/nrm of the
il ...... """tiy lOO teo. bigh,
, Iaira circled the rolumn jun
1"'Uf tim,.., .... d AI .ho","" in the
.ketch, waS thirtyth."" feet, ten
and hlU ,n dmmcteT.!rom
My mV OK'Dn'!. and my whole.
An .''<'ry 0<10 lhe ..
In !'<'in! nf meaning, _h.nd all.
An ofl ""'""ted """'"
WluIl ;1 that which tbe d ... d and
!iO'ing migbt do It the .. me time!
Why ar<: A and a's ... .. a
lotI Btl""" they afe C J)
Wheol dnos a lally trunk h., h...-
band I he"",I"' WI ...... he ('In',
get un "'itbtlu, hi. "dub"
When wAS )"AfI"l>n I mOIl
ohahb;h' dl't'O(I' When h ........
at Elh" (.Ihow),
What. ",en
"Of\c '11',111 I. .... y ....

PROPOSlTIOlf Tell JUII 110" ml.n1 graim of wbea.l Sesu.
.... entitled to.
, rvcwpe<!i...:"t Inre, the
.. 1 1:"_. or " .. "
no .. k""",." .. ct><-. w"
. \ty I. Il>n.loo
Tt4mo!II SaP. and the Icing of 11\.).\
CO<\ntry. Shc".n the .... ted
Se>IM "'hat he 0.1"",,"'"'0<1 for
his wmld"';ul pme s-a I..'Oft
UhI u.. loins: 1'1 the- applIrent
P>Qdera\;on of hi, d""",nd. ' ..... OM
grain of ",b""ll .... the firrt oqua .... of
the ch ..... bof,rd. '''-0 I()T tbe _0.1,
1000r lor the Ibm.l. ri,ht lor lha
fourth. alto.! III! DII. alwa)" rto..,bhu,
I .... .."h oquare UI) to the any.fOll,UI
{""nb oquare of ,he cbC'abooonl.
Tho JunK a<'('fptffi Ihe pmP<>'lu .....
an<l ,..{erred Soeou 10 hi. U1."OUnUnl
.nd 'f'I'MUtI'f. bIn ....,.. ulOllndo<l lo
!eo.rn tbllhe .""re _dd ..... 1<1 ",'''
TIlioe lUDic;"." .heM i" one hundrt<!
10 l"Y ,h. dttlt. Sa.oa ,n
u;,U!tl upOD t he l)(I.y"",nl of hi. deb'
and claimed the "wnen.I"" of aU the
whe'" M 1M .. orl<l.
'l1Ic game no nriginany u.lieol
th .. royal but tho king in 111&
tlklMil\nliOfl """'N;\ ch_ ..-Iueh,
.. uplain<:<l in W .. 1><1.... , .. the
of .. v,,," ..-l whid, the
I'hlht in .. heat To the a"
mona/ tho! of whe:>t which
.. ,,,,1.1 h<: .......tu<e<l w pav the
to .. 10 larp thai the ",ind
b,lI; to JTUi" its imm ...... l)'. ,-rl.
w!>fit the ""ry ..... told to
he exclaomed "It is not truc. II<>
lane "",n ..-auld ouId ""eb a
It'eal m"""ti"." ev"" for .. thou",nd
..line. .... mu"hl--
Thc: ga_ be<'a"", how-
e ....... and 10 dev.Joped and otnmgth.
...., .. 1 the gno.v maU .... in lhe I".,,,,, of
lhe k,ng thaI boo ............. hleJ lO IOlve
the ""I.I Ind,.." die'" protol"", ;lJ1d
DVe hiS "",ntry_ Colhng Seo5& 1.0
h,m he (laid It is ... sy malic,
lO 1.1:11 1><.>.. ' much wheat mun 1)0,
IP"en 10 you. hut Iho ... ",. mU$\ be
"""nl!"li So you"",U
,n,l ... mAny " .... Ian'" _ you care
lO m ... 1 1.0 the ",,\,Iie
rnnary o.nd ""rT)' away all Ihl!
can """nl. hut if y""r
toIIn! '" "0\ corrO<1. )'00 will I""""
your head fo. th. I_ry,"
Who.'n Seua found lhat .. ma" 10
whom he bA<.! In I"'Y haU II. ..
day tt'>Uld no\ ,"""nl the gr";n. 01
",'hrat ,n .. '-'u.<he!,n 1"-0 w('<'b. and
In..., h<: <oul'l .... !.>u<ru.I. '<"I'
Y"'" he \h ....... up- tb. jlam.
Tl,,"", i. t<J 1Je. royal ...... 1 to
lhe ..,Iulion of thil "ml>lon, . ... IU,h
..... puuill.u rn ... u""' of lhev <Ill!
diK-m- .... '1" .... vmt.eJnr, ,I "11,,,,1.1
1>0- an ""'1> ...... ,n .,m" nlh
"",IK W \til just h..,. m.", .,-.,nl of
.. h<-al s.- ........ 1'1111<),
M '" fi,."t .. a u 'n>et1 , word
Th.o.I """,n. \0 ex .. t. ,t _"N h1<e
111 II a . omal1 part of
r""nd Ul alJ, limn .... "rch ",'hen
yOu "",,,
My thinl ..... oom"h,nl _11 ;n .U
My will fin,',n hallJ
)ly LuI. " 1M of 1_ pArt of
e,'U in ,.,.",esl. bul in pl.v.
My whole g"I):!' hghl Ly II(>me "*'
The hl<Sl!in>:s from wlu<h no 1'''"
an rerorrl,
CypM. AM_ 2. 9, 2, tl. 5
WII/!" KA'e I: ('t><lk "",pam! Ihe

M}, fi.-.l .. ' a1' in ,
My lieU .. ....., ,n 1.01mb awl ,--nt.
,\ ,\uarte'. (lr 01 1'..... '1
Winch ",Ih my .. 1'01" the Imhle
And truly 'n 3. no
Wben .t thf, 1><uord urh ,"""1 w ...
TO .... mV <h",llh."" ... unck.
equal 'n: "'" head and tad.
M}'..u..- oIcno.lCt"&J<anbe,
Whetl><-r I .tand on ","",lor he>!,
b all \he ... 10 ,",'1.1 or
aul if my 1lea,1 d>oUIJ he cuI 011
Themallff . UUe.allhoughqu.le
laI y hcad an,II>t>d, te,"""llhu'
Will then .< .,n .... 10 noth,n, chanlCO_
Cypher A .... 6, 0 7. 21. II. s. a
Wh ..... a ..,I,h ......... ry dUlfit-able
1'""",,,,' When ho pra.eIlU .... m.
Why i. Ih. earth Iothnol
.tate> Ro<"au... bol" an.! lirl. mul.
tiply on IhI> {;tee 11 ,I
Which i. tho, wl,I,,,1 n""'? The
io" La (Iii.).

In wh.u ....("f'I! tM g<lverD.
""'nl. of .nd lialta ... differ_
enl ... light iJ to darkn_' On..
was eonmed by deYI (days). tha
olber '-'y Krughts (nights) .
Wh.t of "".0., does the
Hrtb .--.:nble' A ",voh"C'\"
What the UIOIIt waclike ":"'tioa,
V""'naUuo. buall5e ;t iJ Illway.
,n ...... _
Why,.. cupenter bie.
1e<1..-1 Beca ... "" La an u.

Why bad I'it:'lll.e like wak
tell' Bee ...... ,t '" not ..... n d .. .."
II'hA! d,e! Adam lim. .. t in t"';
I_men of Ed ..... H fOOl
Why II ne .. hom babe lib &
donkey'llIli]' u.,.,.. ... l1 ..... n.v ..
What i, t he bel .. .,.,n
''''''1' .nd pOO. m3l1 ,n 8 n . .. ""it
of nloumingl Onc i. bla<ked .,.,th
IIOOt. I he.other suited w;th bl.ek
When" R IOldi .. not half a sold'ier
When he'. In qua.te ....

I 1><.>1>& ynu ''''001 ,ny
My n .. "t ... ""lllem, ,m .""erne
My ."!,,,Io Iltrt.oi"" to .,,<-iul "'-leo:
\\ ,Id, and romanl ie a .I"",,,,.
Cyph .... AIl.I, I), S. 7, S. I.j., 4.
of geography.,.. ... ked
10 d"""....". the scene 01 thiJ n'jlbl.
PROPOSITIOlf---Sohe th_ (hair conundruml. ",. .... ronceaird in lhe doscripliQQ 01
,be """lure.

bit 01 lou"",," which
i - evo!veo. t.rac:e 01 In
, und"""" ""1L ...",b lhe
I/O ... in!:. Dolly ",,",I,,,,
Ihe milkman 10 he oeaud and ub
him why the .m.:kN chair i. hkc
b,. bill' II " 101\ .. 11>0 rotluodrum
Ind .-etalialos by a,,;king. Wltl!
,. tbe diff ...... ce hdw..,., lhe cluir
Ind 0IlIl 01 hio w ... , Thon.he
him: "Why llie chair i, like
lhis d .... ' All of which g.- 10
IIbow t be 'Way lhat love Lqill.l be
twten clever pe(lple
Wru.n !" hulohe-r a tho""'l:h
lruefl \\ ru.n b. olcal; a knife and
ruts .way ... 111 ,I.
Why" a pl""",,,o t rill to Egvpl
/it only for very old go-nllemcn I Be.
ca ..... II',. _.XM thing 1-0 do.

.. , .....


.. ,





.. '
. ,


, ,
. ,
... '
','. ,

. ,


PROPOSITION-How lonc. chase bas the turhy led Jolly Old Santa Clau.1

IS A " /(H'M'Y
I'"uk I, .. the j"nn,l ..
.. hieb affoft!t "'11<1....
"We IICOf>t 1M ."l. .... "II)'
, alld Th"
Tuk",}' C"IolMr Ilu IN "jo.>lI)'
CIa",," ""'".., ehaoo:
'M as ,1Io",n I:y the ' ... k. 01'
'M ......... , 1101....., I,.... hi unklot
y"" ran _ thalllwv I",m
the ";ght "",\ d,d '",mc lively
d,ng hel,..., "niv,ng at ,heir I r ..... n
posili()ll. II", ttl.t.ltr IftmJ
\.() bo "l"'" Ih .. !"'int of ..,1TtfI<I."..
,nil". Ou, .,,(>Unl: "'" ".k ....1 In
nudy tbe n,,,,lully and 10
l en ju", ho .. mAny tinlet
Cl .... must b""e turned roml' l.uly
around, dunn, the. cha..ot-. Lclore
poun<:lIlll up"" tbr T .. ",ey t
In hMt:O Illy -.:I i$,
A. _II on e..-er)" ,,,",,
And .. 11", ocbool_t.oy a.:uni!s.
It oftC1\" f.
My Ii ... t ... is Ill""")" ...
It d .... n<J "n.
lly !.<Ita! ( .... ",V f.rll it
b rn .. le 01 br&Sl err tin.
('YPM' Ant. J, I. 4, 12. S, 19.
20,9,'), II
Why """t !:"ntlemen subj&'t
10 Hem" ... th.y "'"
mtn 01 . i
W_ ;. a in .. pua<>a'
\vh."" .. put out or 1La....... UP
Wby II wbtiu vov.lIK
like .. \JIB1 n ... ....,. it he
Ii"", he is hktly to beco"",
bore (boar).
Why laund..- g<>r><l "",-i-
pM",> Beta .... tbey .... al",'a)".
crotilng u.e II"" and going (rom!>JIe
to ""I.,
What i. II! difr"""nre ... ..,n a
tube and .. (<IOb.h Dulehmanl One
i ... 00110" cyhnder an.! the olh ......
Bill ..
What i. ,he diffcrenCt ..
goOd ",10.1,.,. and .. f,uhiOMhlt young
I.o.dyl On. flLCft the PG"'dtt" ano.l
th. other powd .... the frace.


B / RD-
.. ' .. -- . __ .. __ .. -- -- -_.--

lilm . hirh
-. 'turns llPQU a poinl of
, . i ""tum rhil"*'Phy omd
, rom"",n _ ..-han_
'cal la_. "';111 .hie!'_ every one ;.
to boo fanuhar. 'rheJ. ill
DO raub about il . DU1" any n ....... ' ...
1M ""tlIn, salt OD the bird', tail
.hat I am a"an! of. and I do not
lntl. Ibt I am better qualified \.()
.""_ the question than anyone
el.... It ""me \.() me lrom Prin..,lml
o,lIege aith 1M limpl.. query:
"SuppWng lb. a bird ..... ghing
""...,. fIi .. Into" Ix< WIth only
one rm.ol] """Ring. and without RISt_
in, continu"" to fly round and
round in the box. would it
o. losaen 1M ..... gllt of the bo:<I"
cb""rfully r::ive my DWl'I vieoq 01>
.ny plUPOI'ltiCM 6red lUi ..... J
like the rest 01 claII.
Ii"ble '" he ""ught on the ...-rona lide
of the argumon.:':. ____ _
A aelnll loy C.Wling,
Thon i$" noon of plun.i Dumber.
F"" to ud !.ran'!.,,;] slumber
111.11 add to;1 the ,"ler _.
,\n.j -oron'<!rm>I met.aml>lllboof;is-
r:urnl;" plural,..,...
An,] ... ttl "'hAI bitter..,.,. bd .....
... Car ....
r ... hapo the d.".., ones will ex-
.. hieh lurns upoo
f< n,eale<] ]oc:aJjty, I never enuId
__ I ... mlld ju.<t -.. hy or .. It= the
I :al"" .. Ihe t"""" Ind
ah'<h ,h,,} b";nl: ov.., '" " fitli;'"
r,n and pa=1 01 thoi< i tiruml:!t
m" ... ,,1 ..."n""riell. for. to fa. as
I am awn,,", til_ i, ncilher. toe...
""t " monuy to 1... founrl in w..
.. hl.le of Ital y, out"d ",f one"" t ..-o
mC!aKr. 0001"1:"'111 ""rden., and
\"01 tbe", ui>to in th. hea" "I ov...-y
Itliliun l""'OlInt a tI"<"P-ro<>ted hope
he will ""me ,itnc or olher he
.. bte 10 bu)' a hen,. a"d monlrey
.. hioh will enal.olo h,n, to ""0 Arne. -
k .
One fe110 .. 1,,1.1 me "f " b""h ...
.. '1m mol wilh great ... in
.hOl" i<I"..whMe ill the
So<lth. lie had !"!)rOlI"" the name
... I jut! ",ake a of that ital_
i.n rondllcting hil show .0.00 ask
our ynung l'uul;.<YI to dioeove-r the
Iront",n 01 thai .... brother
in the <!-nption 01 ptctu=
S EriNe TH.

I it .. Ul. cla5S of
,nltruct;ve qU<:!Itions which I thi nk
Ihould t>e p1"'()l)<IUndl!d and ... ered
by oJl ,,110 ue intensted In
and m""hanical sd..,, I will
He trMllped -t1,e: c OllY/fry with a cub
ilno;\. \.a. 'CralTlea. monKey.

.. .

PROPOSITIon Toll how f u apul ue Iho btid ... ,

from l' \ .
!,m. nl Ille' Har. an"
. " ... hirh "',11
I -. 1nt.," .. ...
wl>,\e ., tho ... I,m. ,t mal'
cau>C the .1"l:t-,h \.10",,1 \0 """,....
aneW ,n so!!le of u. 01.1 lImo 1"''''''
"",II plu .... nl !'On .... I;<'I".
of crooo-cuunlry /uu of our wI
iege dayf.
The ,kM<-h illus!ra! ... a clt>-er
""r_.Iul "'".. ',f tM """",,<1
In ul"unng 1M tu. .... , The h<Jy
lhis .')" " lbe hound and
he i.I; chuinR the otll .... fell" ... woo
i. to be "". of h"'ft_
In tho pi<-u.,.., it nol look as ,t
the iloun'\ ,,',,' aft .. that ""M,rular
h"n!_ as thot}' are ru"1UIIi '" 01'1"'-
lit .. ilire<1.iool$.
Ue is him. hotn'YM. Ind
very too .... )"OU .tll
ru<Wy _ .. hen the ""'" IS
plallled, /"" that" wbore lhe pomt
'" tbe in
The boa"" ..... p"1"l1l,ne lhe hare,
but in 1'13"" of Uldll"l( ,t found
that b. wu),1 Jun 1><>10.1 h,. ".-n-In
O1.hfr ...... d<. the oIbt-r '.lln_ w ..
1"01 as a "'nn .... h. wM and
\I wu a hopeI .... ,uk to try to
catch him 11,- .. d""'llul\ow, he
had of twenty_Ii". y,ord._
is .h" .. ." far I",ck ,n
1M ",dun>, ",arked Wllh an Amen-
ling, The h"", it 250 yaN'
fmm 1M from a
,un of IlOO yard. Rt ri!;ht
anl(l .. \"'"1:'1 h,m to safctv
It 10<>1<. hnp .:le .. the hnund,
doe""'! itl But ill" at that ""'"-
m.nt I",u"rl ... ali:! that thore
...... annther to the Itft,
""hich he _n in Ihe pic_
I".... that loy thi.
hridj,," .. nd lal"og " ""t acr.- the
field. Ihrouth that drove (>1
thll h\'l"'thenu,"" h ..... pos .
liLly be _honer thAn Ihe onc.
If _ _ucc:c.ful nue---a .on of
bappy in'l'inotion, SO to optak-for
ftt' ba ha<I the
run and roll.rod hill b.:!.... ...,
urod Ihe and found th...t
from the Vtact spot the hare
La no ... ",,"'" w be, the t .... touln
would ,be equally Ion!!:, Ily sl'm-
nma: 'n the oppos,le wrI'''''.
the l.eDly.he yam,
It:ld _ t .. nitene<! frnm Ibe h"",
to Iht bouod .... bQ the other
bridge. ""t't* on t he hnt "I Lbe .... d """'" in lust
lWrtnly-!iVCl ) to the goooJ
Of cour.e .V011'''''C can ..,., it
n ..... but Ihe puule no. is II) tdI
jull h<>. trulnv f""t Ih.o.l h!>tlnd ha!-
lO run before he COtn"' 10 lhe
whlOh i, not Il>own in the

TIw problem i. pre .. mted 10 our
rolltgt anl h'gh vh""l
hoy . M 0' all ol he ...
",ati""ll)" ,,,dinc.\. for the pu,!",,,"
of .,"'ple woll worth
Wh}'.'.,-."C"C,-,"C"m-''''"''.-,pm" like
" "",,,we-In' k.,.,pi olf
\\'h)' <loeo II. Mack .. ",th n" ...
,,," apron' !.Itt ..... ,t K<'"" '4:."""
boo noma<he,
Wh,' " wick of .. nndl. Ioke
Atllen'.' Ra ..... ,t " ,n Gf'K'tO
.. lenM, hkt \\',,,,uT
"hilt', it "",,,tam. Ih ..
If )''''' In '.all" ..
IOM\, ... !utt kind ,,j an ont woul,1
,.m> l""'fer to ... -aU" ... , A h\lle
l:>uhhn POTU"
{ow kl1e-n..r Ihralphat...1
wonlrl .. llud' 0 I C l'
(oh.' I ..,., Y""J
Wb,' ",un .. bt rold
.nd "h,lly' Da,,<e h. il 1"'1
Whot i. d,ff......,C'O
n .... !:i""...,cnt and an old
ra.lUntted quarter' T"('nl, nit
Whal i. Ib, thea!",'1 to tou)'
.. !:i,Mle' II"" lottie
ftn!1 l"\ II. ,,,.,\ ,n'
What pnle"';"" ' p<>
He IS man .. ,


PNuPOSITION- Gut Si the proper dil tanee to driYe th e b.ll.
, hod>j,pla,jnggoUnow.
, ' and ""e" th. I.o.!v on ....
... ho, a ..... 4 agn.
- dKlared lto .. much
IM""nl'" it """ to ... in a <hoVIv
hlmmO)<-k .0<1 .. Lb" otbr ..
pIoddmg amun.1 1M golf hob,
uulChl the goU nd 1ft "b .....
mg the b.oll around golf bnks
WIth thrir min.l. full ollh<>ughlO ot
how ",ueh plt'"""'o'", .... 10 <hal;e
ball around tl>< golf hniu lhon
,\ .. to ,n. shady
mock LIId \0 to. Ilnnling ho ... mnch
il i. etc .. CI<"_. 1)_ C, ad
lib flut "" Ihat a. il mar. ,,-hat I
"-" to ,ofer i.<, lhal wo:y hne all
101 It, o.nd you ""' J>TI'p,tnd
to ohocu .. all 1M wri:lkles ",,,I I,"S-
tem_ of goll. 0.- Lab in "'llh ... ell
..... mf'<I appea,.,.,,' .... of tre<luhlY
tales of Ita .. wh,ch w"",ld make
8aron Muntl .. u..,n "I-o.h In the
rore, yflll .... ",,11 ruminate at
lou"", in .bady hammock. etf,. ftc
I am not much of" lInl have
1n p,ck,na up p('ints for 8 !:T".,t
10 'h" po"'ll
if I would 'c..ddy" lor him, 'fI'hid,
",,,,;nd.,,] "'. "f l",y "l,o "",.kt<1
)""'''''''''\f:c frunt the II 1"1 00 R
toy "II" ... , I ,tm,-k
II ",110 II.. , f,nlve.\ ft ...
on lIu
... "., "J"'I ' ....0 itrokcs
." o"e ..
... hrr .... .nd vl.1' 'h"'l'l
towam the ho>le ..... Ih.o.l ","ml.o"a
tion of lhe 1'11'0 ,I .. tune .. ,,',11 gtl
Wha.1 .hould to. lbe 1et'tIlCh
01 "rokes 10 learn. to 'fIin OUt m lhe
!cut _ib!c num!,.... nf ... on
a ""'_. of ISO y..-d JOO
yanh;, 2S0 }'''''''' JH ,."s.. 21$
Y."I>. HO )'aNI. 21S yanis. 400
yaro. and H5 y.nh?
WIwm t ... doc mool Ioke .. hllman
bttog? When he ,. bet ....... " .. ",an
and .. boy
1I0w d""" .. boy 1001< if )'m> hurt
him' It '"-"kef lum )'dl Ohl (yol.
.. ,
Why <I,dn' l la'l dove ",tum
to thr ark' .h. h"'l lui!t-
nent lOT 'trna,mng .... ay,
Why i.o " '"""iDle,, (If C1tr.\
... nlmj( a Be
cau;o, it is d"lIn WI,h pen.
WhAt d60l hu.b.ond do who
tn,,.....,, I",," loy wh,,h Iu prom,!Itd
I", Wli. to return I t.:.. lChes .1 .. ht'n
he ltCU
What ...... 1;. hn,,,""" .. "bout Wt
t"'u and " .. t ,," .,,'1' A ooa\ of

Wh.;tt ill tht
"I .. ml",n on <=oN ' Launng.
Wh ... re "',1f, pom. ,nk
An,1 I ... a..c"1l5C lhey are Ita-
h<mary (otatJOIlHy)
Wh) .houW " pctsO<I not like to
p ... on the N'iap ... I"","er/ a.,.
he would hav" a i.n
the 'ye
Whal LnJ", ...... 1T&lIIod to sup-
I"'" .ny sirain' The bridge of a

W hr Ire 1lI.... like the OCNn > The
""'" I."..h/e is (AHoed hy l he hfuk_
'" Whv d .... ae,oru>ul di<lih
to "I..rBk about Iw In""r It i$ a
1Uol' l'Oint .. ith him
Wby .. a Cbinaman al a
los. fo, s wordl !lttBUse II<: alway.
h,," h,.
to 110 ",on populaT
Rt Iha ... ",mer re>ort.> Ply.p.oper

, \
PROPOSITIO" -To tell tho coli 01 t ho puppy dOl !
{.J .. happy stand
- .
till' of the
inJemnl\,e' dflnaftJ...! (or the a\_
u.k, "[lOn our mlmon.VI ..... and
h.1v11', eonv'n, ... 1 \h ..... of the ...,.
ceIooily o. of
themoeh'" ;n to d""'1:
'-ttl. ",Ih lhe ..... mlnned 1m";'" of
Ihe world. R little liglit tn4y be:
\h,..".'11 "1'01'1 tho" n.cthod. of
finUllt-e, .. i\!u;'ro.llng In " 5ffi3l\
w.y IIOmc 01 Ih. uilfo,,,lt;O$ which
eonfronteo.l our rommts-" one'"
in th" 6(:\llon,.ol o( the aWIl,d of
The {'hin."" """1>1 ""'ney thnw-
and. of !.elu,e I!u: Chmti.o.n
but th." inability to romp""
""..., the lundan ...... u.l ptincip!<,. of
currency h.u ltol thorn at tIm"" ",to
.. ,id and exlra",,-
rantel. In the Plo...ery Kinl:'lnm
' art<' .re ,0 goM
;nIl"U. stamloed Wlth 11>0 dale .:and
nanwI of the ",,"k . but the cu.
I'ftIcy of ,h. rountry ron";'" of
lacl$ ".. ta.b of
They mau" lhe lacl a",1
tlnnner. WIlli 2.000 o{ ,ho'" 1"100
.. th:ln tllre<> inelle.
i" he.gbL In hke mannM- Ihe rom
"''''' ca.h .... b"h .. 1I. 1.0.... " co", WIth
II. ....... nll. "'1ua,.. or h<>le
in Ihe m"ldle. arl<i Wf,nh but httl ..
mo ... lhan a mIll "f our mDIIey. ill
of \'VUIble IIn<k_. Tb.t:- rom-
VU.e ,hln. value by IInnglng them
on a WI"', 10 .S 1.0 ""","u", theIr
In th'ps or b,ts .... hirh neccs_
Sll.ates COM"lnallle aplltuw, I".
menlal ,n lhelt nnlmary
t ran_"nno, lhown by lit< fol-
lOWIng p'''lly problem ... hirh ;.
offered .... III." .. umple'
Supp'""n I bM 11 Nins wit h
round hoi ... ,,'" 15 bit ..... h.i.Ie
! I "qua", <>m.. nre ""(II'1.h 16 bit.5.
;;md thai II "f trillngul., ohare a",
_<tb 17 h,U, lell how many round
"'Iun", 0. t,anKUla, of cas"
would he .... 11"red to pun::1taoe thllt
puppy d"g. "oRh 1 1 bits'
II _1.1 be a .. ",plc prohlem to
mimate In d"lllI", and bul
in IU pn!>offi\ I""" pn>\'f!d to be
an i"nrudi\'" 1""""" to ou. Pd:m
in lhe .1,1eru""1 of
Whe" il a 1,)",1', n""k hke a bellI
WI"", .,', {". dtrlnrr.
Why;' R oro ... Ihe h.aye" bird
11\ ... ",10.1' U""au"" .1 ""Vet
.00 .... Ihe whitt foalh ...
Why i. a io COOKrfta
;I. 1>.>01 noW 1 ...
lhe lI.yn (eytl) ha\'C it. anol ..,me
I1II>eI Ihe _ {fI_l
WhAl k,nd of ......-!;<1nc d.- a
",an uke In, .. oc-oW,ng .,F,,' He
lUI e),,;i. (an' h" hd,. herJ.
Why IS .. 1I1Imp bke Ibnnc!'
he ,"nllks (rom
Why dOH .. h"Me eat tn ;I. very
otl.J W3Y' 1lCt'lI.u!\e h. ""-I
.. 'hen he h., nol a h,t in h" "'''''Ih
What ;. the only organ w,tho01
A womnn'. of
What " I'rnpc. I.nj(th Fo
young lady 10 "'en lie. .... ' ,\
lit tle .. 1.00\'. \0 IKI.
What ;. Ihe belween
a of ..... 1<'1' and a m:LD
, h",90,nc h .. WIfe o\er ..
On" w>l<'1' In lhe
Olh(1' II pIlch,," .0 Ihe ..... t...-
What e<>n1e<"\Io>II ,hJ Iher
in Ih. a.k' l'rnerveJ pIIlI.,
Whal Ih .. ,!,fl'eren,-e 1J., ".
D Fn:nch 1'3"'<), 10k and .. Lill
I,ulft up "".t . tbe
ot""r I'A>\CI Ul' vull .
PROPOSITION_What are tbe proportions of green tea to black?

In: () r
Ie ...... ,Ih Onrnlll.
.. sud, lUI ...
WI .,rudu<""n "f
, rulD !lavo ..
,nl f",m 1M <"<lmLino.bon of
ent k.n,l. "I I ..... figured d""." to
lbe m>lhnnlh po.rt of aD ounce' AnJ
1 II ... ,01 that lbe fonnuL'$ ",I,,,"h
bJ:,lnnt 10 .... _ ""1M Ilf<Owcn ..,1
lea t....,n <tl't ....... 1 1"< hun
dred. of l'U'" and cannol 1 .. imi
UI .. t 00 as to 3void de1.r<liun
J u.t 10 .nll>lrnle att'UI"I,n .nd
iml><lrtll.n,.., w;lh tl><:
."ien,'e "I l>lcnd!t\g teas an<l '" _1>0..
Ihe difficul ly of tho
myll"ry Will! art i ur
rounded. Rltcnlion " to a
,,;mple u .. :e upon I"'"
bkndl. out:!:m OOme ;du
lhe ,:ompl"'utionJ """.:lining 10 tht
m,z,ng of ball. Jo..,n
Thfo hal .... ""'".0'<1 t .. o.....,..
perfectly oq ........ l.ul of
Ii_. lhe 0'"" of grffn I he o,her
of bl&o;k I ..... anti hu \.hr-m
10 .. 10 fill t .. entylwo
11\...... of equal iii.., Wb.11
I .... tbe P'Of"" lions of gTft'n 10
L\ao'kJ It looks a. "childlike
hI.nd" as rum in runple
"'hi.rlp, : all1J. in a thu".and
An,1 ..., II can. f.". m ...
lum. "I'M gu ..... ng the !tiv ,,{ tW'j
cui ...... h,d, win 1101<1 """I" _,
mu,'h "" MlI_!
St..! large oi hbd.: '''''
.,..J a d""'l "I w""n ''"""
T!". '''"' .... 1. miJ.oo ..... ,hec
; 1";I,,l inl<l ,..-.",,)".1-..0 "'-Iua""
,'h"'l Ten rruJ".>rtio"" "f
anol j:T'N'1I I ..... n<l .,It
nI ... I ..... 1 11><-
..,1 T,d .. n S,
A grlmmllie&! p uzzle.
nth. a .. d no\,10 ho.n-
'1,,"1 ill ,1'G Ir.;,:<l haU .
,\,,;! fII'>' the h<lu11I .. w:tv,""
"",,,t "':"'01
.... k thoo I""" rna,,', ,lru.y
lI"nI.. ...h""" very
... "U.
P""-l,,,m full 10 all Iw ... "' ...
"II rank leHI. "
11:0'" ju.<! klt<'1' ifl 0""
$lngl" .."nI in al"we .un ......
1$ to II a dill"rft':Ill wonl. anJ
by lhal touIly a11<'1' Ihe
1X>""ll"Ucliotl. of the
.. ..... Ie >enlenoe. the "..0001.
an,1 ",nlft of " ... ho: ... .ho
,0\1, nDUII.; noun. ;n\I)
.. ,1 adJect,,, ... ,nlo dr.
an,1 .... ''''Ike II", rot,..., ,<.anL:> tak ..
'.n .1 ,I"T,,"'"I meallillg from
11"'1 .. h,d, ,t """. ,,_. all L.
the 'uL->I,lmj! nl ,"'e ""'Iff in a
gl" _'oNl
Tlllt ....l many
paW_ It &ad ...ry .. hola ...
.S .... n. and yel ,lHO Trulr<'ei<>u
..... I."n.- ... IT.. ,,,J b ... chanl:'-
11><-:"'" L IIlto S ... Utat II .,"111
Stt n"h ""d nuL)"
""-n'luO'l, "', cl,
Why lou 'i('"W Y"f, n:i.lkman
Ih. Ii -11 Ihot ,,,',,"',,,,-,-..1 jo""hl Ik-
h. I,nd. n in
the "':II ...
Why i. il .uw to lo!'<'.>k ;nl" an
"hi I'll",,', hou",,) hi, gait
i. lo."ken lind hi. Iud<. an: (e-...
W)",I ... ,,.,1 ,.f..:. let"" :uhTllI.ll
,,( fi"e .un .... ;"" tl .. i" .... t.:.,,;ng
e"ch a!,hrev"lj"n II .... 1!.kno ... ..
", .. nil Ura .. dy b.""d-b"", .... "
Wh>.t """,I ill I>f Ii .....
[,ott...,. (rom ... mch. If y"" t.o.I,;e IWO.
"""",n_' Su", ...
.'i">IW lwo -.ronIs. One of
.. h;cb. !>oint <0/ line "Jlbll. only.
010311 ",mllln I1l<JI .. , let", ... than the
0110... of IIv, tylbhle.. St"'l chOO_
ox!-: nAS
about 1"1\,,,,
.. ""uld ""lk I .... ke Lima
115 lut Ihe lOttOio<e, so ... match
..... ar .... J:t<I by lb.
pher, .-he..,,,, Ih,. tor\Ol,.., 'fiR< to
have .... I"" m,\H ltart 7....,0
thal Ad,iUe. could ..
overtl<u tho ... I"I
"d"lI" ... ,,, ... 1\ ... ""I .. ,h.
tottoioe "",\lId 1ta"11 aJv.nred one
mde, and .. hen .\eb,]I ... ent ,hat
mde lhe lort";'" ,""ulJ hAH
un the t .... lfth of. ""Ie. Ole.
The ""r)' is .m;miou\lv qUOted
by =n;r upon tile lurl'''''''''''' ,ha,
wh," ,I io em""l tht Achilles .. ill
OV,.,hk. P<\I! the l<I1"to'"". IhAl
Iheeu51v<>mt wuuld he ... pre&ent.e<1
I,y An Inletion .-htth
rannel be m",put.t<l. 1>ul goes 0"
d""lll".ru'lf ru .... ILk. Ih. deri","l
,"0.1"" of .. avenlb ,\ pn>blem 01
,Ital", "",,uld be
,.\, It.., t,.,.".",. who juumen Irv-m
Ragd!ld t" Jen"" . gree,n,{ to gu
half <t..: di<un, ... on the !irsl day
The nn.t day half nf Ihe ..,mai",,,,
,I"lan",. The th",\ h.lf the
rrma,nJcr, eto . elo.,. RI .. a) .. going
J "tt ball a$ lar al he""\liIt p,ov;ouo
dav Ih. r .. ult b""'g that
verY <1...... , bul .... reu lhe..,
The .,.., of lhe tor
to,,". ho ... eve ... diff",.. in lhat be
does get lilmo ...nd lhe \.Or.
lotoe, bul tbe d,ffiruhy is..., dele"
mL'Ie tho- uact poon!
T<>mmy not;e.<! that the race
bet ... !'<'n and the tottnillCl
"'p' .... nto the relati"t .peed Ilo-
' '' ... n the hour It.tnd and tho m;n_
u" "I A clock. 01) be ...
... pol:! ,,( '".nlal:" .."d detenmn .. ...,
."h.., b, .,-1",,1 ot-Tvali<>D .. tome
prohlem "It... quoled ..... ntolv_
p.lII('t1y at 11 o'dod' """" Ihe
hour and hand an: 109.II'er.
and tile pmlMm .. \(1 d,....,,,er Ihe
=ael I""" ... hod, the "ext n'e<'hng
of the 1>an,1I .el"....,nu. A. "
"",ller "I laet " ls ... mOI!l in,""
l'u .. l" ... hich malhema\ie1nnl
as IOnninl: Ih. ground.
... ntk <>1''''' .. nllJJ>Cnlu. "n",
rJ an ;mport.anl ... d laa.
.... ha'e t-tt Lwlt,
fur wh,,b roa"", a rlear- und .....
ttand,n, nl lilt! pnncipJe in''<Ilved
IS fl!COmmend<d.

PROI'OSITIOIl'-Cul tb4 houd Ihe "ieeet whlch .. ;U 6.t loCe1hu 10 , ... k" ... quare.

frnn' the wo.k
. " .hop ",/",-h allOw, th.
oJ. of
. ,,,,,I me<"h"",eal.lnll Til<!
<arp!1It .... IwI .. pi...,., of bo.ord
.. hICh," .ho .. o In ,he ron
lalQ ei8hty..,.," of ,be ., ...
of lhe small .. t Th:>\ is, If the
small"'l Iq .... n. l IDch.
l be Mll! _ld be 16, and I I,.. 'a'se.
60', makIng In &1181. He" B ,,,,rf(ly "IU""" .hutler for
hi< "',ndow. and. a. th,c it. no
m.llenal to '1'110'''. lie a,ms 10 !livid"
il mto Ih' .. e'l p''''''},I"
of .. hi,'1> ... ill fit totethu and
{ann .. I<!un
A Clanre n lbe boanl .. ill live
)"011" pktU't'lq1lC idea of the ,-.Jus
of told. odver and rnpi'rt .. {<mil-
my ..I'ocatl .n in Ih ..
ratios of 16 to I IOlId 64, .... Ih ..
m,x,"" e>f ...d ""1'1"'< ... al-
ualL,,,, 91. frum", math,IM!).
n<lndpoin\ you may mud,
in an uperimeo!.al way r.llanhng
tb. (If ........... h,,,,"n
I. 16, M &nd 91. .. hi,h i,
nn.e ."f Ihe faori.b.o.lin. I""'tu .... 1'<""
..., lbe '"l"lonH 0( .. I ........
Wbr .re <aU hko un.I"Ulul "",.
goo.... Decau ... thq m.w I,ll la\o
and dt;$lro) "'Auenu).
Wby ;1 a r"uth Iry'"g to rai .... a
hke a 00 .. u!ll R.
... IUI vu ..... d" .....
Why U tlno """UntDt hh ",Ukl
1le< ...., It-. ours (it lOUrs)
Ilo ........ y bookke<'p,,g be laughl
'u .. leso.on ullhnoe ....,nI.! X.,cr
I""., them.
Wllal trade .. hke SIIlI' A
Wllon '. man obliged to hep
hi. ,..."d' nIl on. ",II take
" Why .. an utracuv .. _man like
... $Ucc .... ful ,.mhl." Ue<:ause "be
h:LS ,u.'h Wln .. 'n, ..... ya..
Why .., l!.Uut ""'" URally oad
B"".""" Ih<-y ....., men of oigh.
( ... ('\
Why ..... Iwn )nunl[ lad, ... ki""ing
eaooh "tll<: n emhl.m "r ChriJ..
l"m,ly' 11:.) a .... doing
umo uch olh a, Ihey "ould IMI
mon oh()ulJ do unto
Wit.>! i. Ih. col", 01 the .. ind.
and ... a'. '" a IIClV,,"" .1Onnl Th
"'1I1<b ble. (Ll<>e), Ih" .. av". """.
Why i, a bako. a most unprovi
deDt peTson' 8.""", he io tQn.
lIn ..... lly .. :hng Ih;t.t whi.h h.
kn""", h ...... U
Wb;. i, a ""upi,\ lelk> .. llu G
Ah:.rp fI""aux io '" n.:.l.
PROPOSITION_If tho mOOD "'AI llI .. 01 sreen cbun, iota ho .. maDY plecu could JOu <llvldl
It .. ltb li>: IIt.lgb, '''''I 01 kill/a?

.., .
d, .. ,,,,,, in
01 w,lI puwer,"
all)'. a "ou-i op:&l
ID .. _I ,-""lrilouu"" I" "''''''.-
t,,\ J""r" ..1. .,\ ... "h lu .... )- 11",\
U\ Swa'e,bnd ..... wer <If
at"", iA .., am""1I: the ",,11
"",",bin ho-nl.<mMl iliot
-.rill ea' ."''' I.", .. ." ..,th
rell.,,, thm"gb \",\iC\"!Ilg tbat
t h"}' tel sli/'ff "I rh....., !mm
lIM! nlOOlll Th.,- nu.lllv I'
through ltu. m,.lL""," of <'Utling 1M
ai an<t hul .. qua""l
over ,maginary
boo ">I
'frU plain 10 boo ...,n 11",1 IM'-
III 1\0 .. a)' 1<, for "" Ih<:-
l'UllilI!,!, on (If "'" ,<>""",,, ... 1.
hy th.,. delU';M'.'
Not being .... "" '" the Crt>.
ti&n ... o( til<- 'I"""";.",. I
... ,.. men!y 'Irud, hy lb.
of An odd proPOI"LiiIII
amons: thtu 11e.,."nh , .. to tho p(+
';hl. "umkr "I pi""fl "r
;ndulgT!lg the I ........ h IlIn,\
<If ,hnu a hown In ti,. >J<udi.
1M '" SUPI"'"" that til" up.n tM_
vcr nl the p;lrty i:o opt'rulatin,o:
teo the pooaihl" n.""loer of
into ",hleh he ' .. n d"i<I"
the moon with .ix "n:tisht rulll 01 a
knife. The ""j]d lund,...,., i"U1)'
are IInlortunately reduoed to obort
in ho,''irtg Ihe Ia$l 'l""rtt'T
01 tile 01,J m<>rnl 10 lea;! uloon. ""
.. 1r;-lnR t'l the ",,,,t
01;\ ,\'" )-'1>\1 ,10,''''' """ugh ,!>
help them'
W,th .. pelo",1 and rul ... mark
Mf picture" moon wit" six
lines and ""'" many
p!e<'H "0<1 c""" 1-'",,1 ....,., . ",J ,f y ....
.o:u- ,t >""""Ily you. .,11 !>Ote "
d,lk",nc-e this RnJ the
/nm"UI problem "I lb. Iloa.nling
Pio, ...... eIl Ih. ch_
probltnl ... h" h ,nlrOOu<"61 alb ...
r--netn"al prln',I'! ....
An OrI.nt .! Leu Stor y.
lie I .. 3. I .. aul.Jlul. be d"J.
I assu,," y..".. I knnw be .....
ril:lIt. f<>. "'y .kin w"' ....... It u
.... tin IUId whLto like iv",,)'. ttly
figuro olrnder an,1 eicj(anl
OUT ll\eeling ""0 In a thop.
.nd he. made "" aW.t"\,t to d",.
guw- blS Ilrlmll'ntlon. praiMd
up to the .ki .. and ,ftlll n,c
",-err MaT_" flrom\ and
lor mo.n) ",,,,,II,. "e .. err
.. I "'=pit'<l oJI h,. and aga,n he with
at my won-
derful <omplnioo my 1fI1I""lul
""d p.-.ued to hL. h"".
II .. "'as tetld....,.,.",. II.
..,If, and .. ho"e"e ..,m_ troll,n,
=rid,,,\ marred ",,' beau!v-il only
lor a day- his anJ<1OU" aohCltud"
kne .. n<> I",uni\o. At nigbt I te!lled
"" "elnt. 1.,1\0"", anrl by I
nc"",,,,1-""".,j lImt wbe",,"r he w""t.
lie .1 .... )' enJUy...t ttly __ Wly.
ev,," .. hm n<.>t! .. , el.e "l'I'or<1"'"
lIe tum to me, 'md MI in
vain. ",ml",,1 an" "'lief .. hen
al\ o.heT f"",,-Io Pl'wed ...
Ob' .. hI' .. u " ,,<>1 [Aled to be .,.Ct'
AI... I one clay In B publie
Ih<>rOUgh! ..... I h",1 a hr-avy fall,
an". lboueh it "'" thrvugb his
InuIt. I W,," n.,-nr lhe "'me to him
no hell>"'_ Thll rrud lItil&(!v('D_
tu", lairly hTt>kt ,Iown, TI'Uf! .
"" .It ...... :lrIh; '0 rnake
.",.."d_ fur ha",h trealment.
lie !t'".,,,,,, m(O "'nh the
,,,,,..,duahon .... rl 1".,led me w,th
but tbe ligh, <>f d.ya
had gone ou,
He lrierl 10 me ". belore.
hu, in vn,n; h;, Ic-elings had un-
dergo". Q and
n<j" I Rm n".h,ng bu, a ttli..,,,,
""""k 01 lilY Iom' ... r .. If_
Here I lie. all alone in my..,.,..,.. ,
A lonoken. brol.:.." I
Thi$ rtor,' .... ....ill be "con-
tinued in o<u nut." ill '" Ie PnI_
plcted b}' tbe u .. of O\\e..-onl, How
many 01 Our punhota can gu .... the
W<lrd ",hieb ,,,11 I-'ro\'" to be. a hy
to the wbole ttly.teryl

PROPOSiTIOlf- Ho .. ",uch .. Ir. b ther.ln .. hall J41DchU Ia
Inch Ihick?
nERE I!\ ,\ l'F:R_
t,wl i'.... I ,;. P",.-.n,,-
u,,,, "I ", ""c""g,,"nl:
tht. "11'"",, nf \be moon
.. Ineh I ... ran """I. ""
",hf1I. Ih. I"mu"," lI'"1fI ......
"'rung IIp<>n lhe dunn!!, tbe
oMly pArI. 01 tbe I"" "
W3S that I)", f""'r'e .. '0'"
I'rqlared lI> !>the ... alm .....1 .n.--
tbing, It .. a. hued II!"", III.
"lIrga1l00,.'enl "f a 1.1<-,-
"" "pc! ",t ... 11, ,t wa, d,,'blL"1. wo"h\
.....hl. 111 to _ "'-Lal:,.,! a'-
I ' 'lei upon tbe m",.n', rurf.....,
Tl>e ""i .... 1 Ihe rq"'T"
,,,,'h ouch ('ral\\h!y that the {'ru'
j('dan of h"u
d_ript,,,,,. "".1 p,,tures <'f Ihc
' n,. "I ",nonn a",1 ,herr
.' .nJerlul ... ",nllllly
" ......... Ie" Ihnt ""'1"'" d IhelT 0"-
tr"vag"'" ria""" ... re heho"cd for
Inng lim.
Th .... nn; ... 5 "'V"r<1mr. '",Ie
of "ff"i" on tht ",o"n h .. 11('('1\ a
I'Ol'ulo.r h.1 with th""rilo" and
1m"'''' lroln \,me ;mmemnri.,1
in his "Or\.:tn,lo I'u...-
IItn' ,utnlfo on hi, ,'en'u,"""me \ rip
four .... ntu'in "n.1 'ho ",'nI1Mr-
lui .tori .. 01 .. hat be "" .. in the
"Vallooy 01 Loo. Tbmg." .m""l:

ttor bIlls of 1M m""" rl""";".,.-j II'
(", .... "" de U-efX"D'-', """.01:0 ,<>
rti""" i. ,me "r nO'""
10 m",ltrrt li'e'allln:..
but lu!rs Verne', a.crount nf
.... naf tnp lhe mMt 01
the rrI.V1f IuUM The
,!u,,'ko" "I re<'onl, how_
ever. ;. IhM 01 Atka
ho"" Han, 1'1N'1. of 1t,," .... I .....
wh" bv IMan. or .. I,'lloon 01"",-

the 'flP in non .. ...," bou ..

t ... "" II,. c\rt ai!cd ",nltef-<'
arl"un\ '" Ihi& i"ume,' ... b ""
... ",k<><l u ....... tit< brain "f
pn.resso. named thAl
100 IlIt",1 oul an
R,'IMUy unMrtook to Ihe
lril', firmly t'OfIyin,'f:d that .t a .... r-
taln be "-oul.! p.:1"" I>U' 01
thr er e!lTth'8 alt"'"C'
an.t pan into 01 the mn(>n
M, skOld\ i. drum from
..-ript;nn puhltllhed at the 'i ...... 01
hi.f _to hu, as runlr """
nothing to d!> with
"fIt' b<. hatl cut t,,.,... Imm his
U<1h1y r<mn""io,, . I .,ill NV that
a problem i< found l-I> 1,,- in-
;n Iht do.ta a, "hkh
d"". not 1"'":'"" the rlifl'ltult), "'hi<h
'Mlhrmalu-...... ....,,,1,\ "ocril>c to ,\
to ..,....,ttd
diallleler if Ih, .. Ire i. '-100 of III
II. h;o.l ,. Nil of wi.., \1L'rntT_Iou,
, "hes In .... , .,'"
nnlv onobunM"lIh "I "n 'Mh
tl",k II look, hk. A ,h!!,,-ul,
1""'oIem to tell the Ie 01 a t..n
of <'>M.h".hT .. ltll in,-!; ., .... , twm-
,"d,e' ,1\ ,h"",elo', hut as"
01 is lIP .""1,1. tb,,\ II
,0 ... '"",,,,,, ,..",.. and
1 .twuld like ..,.. h"w <1.- our
p"n , " ,';In rP"" In gWUng
"I ... "e, ..... ,,11,,"1 ,nt "or,,-
Il .... l"y int" .,,1"'1 """ .ha!1
I".',,,.'n ,n !:i"n'll 1M an' .....
", r'''''''''' " ."'l'lr d",,"''''ft<lllon
I'r""" "h clu"id <.{ m . th ....... h ....
WhL.-h dc"", cl,ild ""glll un-
JuS!. Pl ain Sell.
II",. ,In I'''u P",,,( ,,,n"e T 0/"
"Too ...
'.\nd T f) 0'"
'T , ..
',\nd TWO'"
"T",,_ 0/ ,1">1,,-""_.
"\I'd!. 1-0". do ynu
tltt- ,13'" of 1L-e<'k .,
'TUf"!3y_ ..
n()W_ I ",,,'.'11< IhlJugh\
.. ,,,ml day ""'0 M'''''lny.''
PROPOSITION_Soln tbree cODuodr u ml wit b
. COfIundnlltll bulthy
eu,,", ... , for the gray
", ..m."r In th" t.mun. we
..... 1I .. k our ".. ..
1.0 au .... lhi. jlCL('k of tutOnable
",.,uodl'Uml "tuch ..... "' 6red 011
dunnr celeh""i"" of In,le""nd.
day. II appears ,IuI',lb':'J'
who W"", uJ"nll walk .1111 h ..
falhe., askrd whr lluol hor had Ihe
letter V on hi. nag, In,l l"" hoy who
he>.nl Ihi. r"noark IlSked _""the<-
bc,y why h,gh"""!)I"nll ki'l wu
a ""ldier of me,aI
Tbell Ihe Ialher, who kn"w.1I of
th .. bc,YI, uk..d .hem. why 'he
1'..... 1110 of Julv ..... 10k" an ""<trr
ltew _ to ...., now ""k you 1.<1 """"'U
all tb"", ""M1\.l01lS ___ _
My tint trill """y the """'t Infling

..... IS .. hAt lladly disgu.""" the
My woo[e, be hi Df
Does not 'a dinUlctLon in scien""
att ... n
Cypber AnlI. 14, 15, 2l, 9, l, 5.
tbis pit ture,
\\"h("1 I be" ";nl'1 'em"""" ."'".,
H"an<'I, ,..."",",."" ",,"or'. dlAlt,
,. ch.enul "'hole ill ",,,.,''''t lendl.
.\nd r<>, hi ..... bor amcnd.;
C"rtail. and )"OU po-,hat4 may 11
ThaI 8W'1 '" iU from mt',
Founlain ,'irtue or of .trife,
I rheernruddcn _I hfel
TM ""'1I1"oe lett"", awmy,
An,} ['11 .. r vou oay,
C)"nhe<- Ani. I, 5, I, 18. 20. 8
Whal I. Ihe be-I ..... " a
poodaJ:<! .tamp and. 1.,1)" i.
a mail Ice. and the .;.th.r a fe.male.
PROPOSITION_Sbow how tbe Turkish emblem ml,. he 'uniformed i nt o the Crul acler'1
Croll hy divicling il into t wo piecu,

", ler.'!U1i' L!iU"'3ti"" "'
.Ieyeoth <..,nlury,
\ " whe" 111<> ""ble a,my of
('hn.l;ans "'er. MI o/Lth.
he!.! by from ri,.
illt _pin.1 Turk,
\Q "'Op the "' ...... 0'1:0 of CbriJ..
\Jan Arm,.",,,,,s.
T"" "ictun: sbu .... lUI incid<:nt
ronMCtOO .."h one of the
b.o.l\[ ... of lhe Cn..oa""" whe..,,,, ,I
i. rclateJ III", a body <If Chri<
Kru,bllo uplurW a fort ...... by u---
Ault "They threw .he Sa""","
.aldie", from .)w an,}
in full view of the Op""","ng annifl
wnge..lllu: bano_ on the """lis."
The ItOry as I<>id WOuld -= \Q
,,,,ply IIo"t the.., i. ""'pIe way
coovuti'41 the )f"h,,.,>edan thl"

S:ancen .. I,}ie. ddtnoling .he wdl.
known Turbob "nsigo aK:Un. .""
&HI,dt 01 knight, upon ""hmc
.!Iitld may be ...." the ...."sadtr".
Draw a teprelM1la.i<ln 0/ lhe
Toorki.h liaR, DS ohow". and tllen rul
<>It, tha, I>Ut which """,:>ins
while d .... "'. In,! .hen in Ihe
.imp[ ... , Wly, Bnd by rutting inlo
I be lowest flOOI'ible pi....,. Ir:>.nsfonn
the TurxWi dMil>" inlO the
er'. <roa. &0 ohown upOn the ohie[d,
1I0w do you fQr w4l.r
In .ho wBlennel"n' The _I W3.
I'lanlM in tloe 1J'nnc.
Why .. Ihe t> hkc a pert
.cpo.l"\eel U ... "u"" ,I bfg,n. an,1
en,h In .. ur'n ....
What ;1 Ihe 1>eo\ ... .,.y IQ hep a
man'. love) NUllO r<!'.u rn it
Whcm i$. a .... I,lier ..... agon maker I
When ho ", .. k ... a "'h .... t
110'11' ... as Adm,ra1 o.-wly'o o"'al
ranI< <odu<:'O<l w""n 10. got m.r.
riod' lie beame }In. 1)c ...'Cy,
<emnd Ul.O<e.
Why .. a Imle doe', lail 10k, lhe
he=! of .. I_' 't',
'an.hon from the bark.
Why d.,... a ca. aeed no
I The ,,,,,,,h. mak", lhe
is .hal _bich is pu, 011 tbe
!JOhle and Cln, but ne""r ea ..... '
" pad. 01 card.
Why may nol the pmpne\or of
a /OIUI feU Ius own IUDlorrl lle.
n_ no OOe is allowed tu <'tit when
Wh.1t IS .he bn.....,..,.
I";"" twenty.IWO, and \ .... <'e I..,
and twenty1 Ooe i. forty.fou., Rnd
the other I .. ent}'.four
Tell .. mao 10 write d<>..... , ""lIh.
out h",ita';on, in flgurCl, tW"!>"
II!o"",nd t .. hunMN t ",.1"0
dull .. "" IV e hope he will do ,I
correctly. Thul' $13211,
Why il a blo.:khead d .... rv;ng of
pro'"o!,,,nl Ueea ..... h. is "'I .....
\Q any J>O<t.
Tell UJ, wby .. ,' Willian, r-eUlike
.. pott' 11e<'.use couldn't get
, QuI of tum,
Why Ii __ ""ary bh a pig
n:.&Ilinll "" I 'p,tI ne.,a\l5e lie
,I(OeS around doinjt: kWd.
WIuoI wuuld 3 p'g do ,.ho..-ishtd
10 bu.Lld hun""lf au hAb,tJltiorJ' Tie
I k ..... t in luo "';1. and call ,I a J11g',
ff t"" be/Ore'mentioned porker
...... tu:.1 to demoli$h lhoe p,,', sh-e be
h"d tn,,[t ... Iuol '1untal,"" ";""Id
be ,nAb:' '" n>uld a tale "ufold I"
\\'by is the lett ... K loke pig'.
u.oll Ike. .... ,,'. at the md 01
Why ate hoas more
t han hu"""'>l lJe,:,"u.., lhey ...-
(ku ....... ) eVI!1'
How do l"': """U "blond pig" in
Iwol<l""" PG-pI.I.,thoutaol.
Why i ... "'-'Ii: in parlo. lib I
howe on fire' Hen..,. thcoy both
""nl pUllm' OIIt,
Wl,y i, magnificent houooe like
a book of anecdo ..... , It """ gen.
..... !\l' to"", IIood fton ... io ii,
\\ p,.., uu I'UnoUlg ri..."
runn'"1 n;:ht away I Why, it'.
"oJ up
What nv .. " """ withonl a be-
rinnlUa oDd S.,.ve<-.n,
PROPOSITION-Gues, the size of the two l tonel of <lillerent lius which be eJchange<l lor a of
rings of uniform . ize,
I ing tbat Ihe \'AIDe of
. (\;.,n"[,,I, ,n
. "'o'1h a"t ....
, .. "l"'''''' of,I.." ... c"lot.
.. lute rubi ... 'DC.... "'" t.!> Ibe
n.h .. of w.ij:hl<, ,f.
"r on& h"" i ... "nlo StOU.
a ,"(lb"'l .t"ne oj the '" .. "" q""l_
w",,1,j k "'"nh "'h,1t- a
t h....,kIlT31 of ('<tunl I unty
..ntllJ be ,,<onh If a r""
Onent,,1 rul,y of one karat i.I "'nh
$200, a t .... k""'t ",,,,,lot to'
.. "nh Sl.t>OO, It i. "'ell 10 I'Mlt!'m_
t- T., a", ,1t...-" .. ,,,C l:t"" (I f
OIj"al panty "",I Imlh"n,)". I", Ih
...... 01 a .to ... "' " .. , ... ""I."'"nt
... ,h. ,]u.>1"y. II
iloflen ........ ,I,an o,I',ns
o! Iwo an I III"", "m"" the oj'e.
.., tlul 1)111)" nn <"XI"'" Hl II><- "'''1-
l,-,r of cui.". .. n.] J>urily un .....<'11
an ,oJ" ... ae!ll.,t. Ihe
""'TVelnuo .""",,"'y ...f Ih. ",u! ..
em"ln),,," loy Ihe \ruM" A """.,j
wtw i. ,he:
min .. 01 IInn,l , fape
Colony "ne! other ,.(
DoC n 1'a" 01
hol ha,l cxchang.a lOT I,.."
"ton .. 01 .......
VI",n II", t....... 01 a "ngle bnt
lo<o,ng ,.unll $100, ... explaIn!,
... ho call .... ,I,e _ of l he 1 ... 0
''''ner. of d,fferrul Ii""" ...-hich he
j." a pa.r <of nnp
n1 a uniform ...... Of COW'Se I""..,
.. re mn.ay .... "' .... to !he: puDl<: ..,
)'!1t1 .'" to find ,he "",,,",,,,t
I_,bl<: .. 01' <of t ... o Jtona .-h..,1t
l,resenl the o'alue of t..., of du_
fett1lt liut ... Ihout _ploy,ng frae-
hOll' of a
Why "' youn):<1' brut heT toke a
b., r Bttau><l h. i. In_
ju .... l by IlK- .,," ",,11 heir
t ... like D di"iwty
Iluam' / 1l;ou ... he I"IwJies Ihe
Whal of all iD tile worM is
, "" an, 1 lhe .1wrt_: lhe
... if""", .nol. Ihe NO.... I: the most
d,vi<iblt! an,1 the n,,,,,1 ulnL<IeJ;
the m",,1 "e,:!e<"N o.nd moot
W;lhoul which nulllin!:
he dnno; which de,'''''''' aU h."..
e"N" little, an,\ ... 1I Ihal i.
ll'eM? Tim .
Why ;. like Ihe pt.oh""
mo<1 not:<lc:11 Uecu"l/1 ,t il
an r",ee
When" "'l,,;(re n"t a "'1".""
field I WI",n,,"" 'ye {",la.
Why i." fi,1t h""k lih Ihe lette.
fli It "",-""" I f ... 1.
What is invillil>'" bill net'e. out
of siKhl 1 Th. lett .. , I
Wb.n ;. " 1""1' hke " krufe'
Wh"" it i." NI'Ur,
\\'h.u P"tt o( [".,n,1<.n i. in I'rLUlct!
The I.e, k. "
Why i. a; "....,loud fob pmmi ..
.r><y n(1U!! II mIItur"" 10)' rall,n,
'"" \l'hal lwu mi,ht t...
to pruve that. Lri,.!" i. I SILt
i, m;<lak.., an.J "".-""1. >
i, ,he kol key to a good
dinn ... 1 A IUTk"
When i. Iih a
Whea" I, nu..ri"""'( "v.,.
. """'.
Why <I""" it fallen R rhi d to
dmp il <""mel down
Uow aiJ " Llind _ . OU\
hi. teal He t <>ok ClIp and III..
PROPOSITION- tell the size of the ktttle. "'",J

.ITERIN(; TO 'I'll E
.. - J Lent of
'. , he m:,m "1>,, <g'd n'
g .. ",nN",'al
a].I.""" uk"lat'"n.
r .\all t.:&!u, '0 ..
"'1)11 10 ,1o.. t L,t "f y",her
C<"'''' which I" NlLlla.!n
..,m .... hat I n'J.I .....
The "I.J '''"Il' oay.'
"1 a;:r-I ""'h llnb.,..ho6e ruune
...... Duoh,ll ..
T" ""'k" fur my a""t " n..1Lot
T .. .lvf in.-beI na,tl}' the de"lh of
w., "''''''.
And gal m. of beer \0
roILt ... n
Tb. ,nrh ..... m. II><! 1"1' ,..""Id
) .. ,1 ''''''' w,.!lh, measu.."J
So hlf anuSS

f.,.. auntie no".. "",nu a h,\ from
'riot ""!uired to 1M:
nddcd It> abo," will
jUot 100 bu,.. man)' u( o>ur ", .. homa.
t u;:a", "lion lP-"e uS Ihe a i .. :ncte, of
th. 'eqUlrt'<.t ltd to fit nn thr kCtllt,
....I,;eh " \'.-ol"c in,'hn d"'I"
..rul halo! j"" h"n')' ti"e g31 "" ..
Why II railiu:lol w,ck ""._
\toularty .. "'''IK.1
ca" .. "'" Lt,und hy dose II<,.
Wha, ,. roml_'"'! of'
A .. re n1 ", .. ,e'-'eI .nd miss-
Wha\ "' tak(R from yn" before
lOU 1:<'1 ,,' Y <>ur \><>fULl"
WILen ... "",n. f ..... ndoJup "",<I.
K"V ... ,ned> Wl><!n he flau,d.
\I'lut 1= ,.
aboul ... lmd.,1 Th ..... " no ttme
..h"" 110 daY' a.e n<)!. .... mlocred
Wluol ilL. ,ho f....,.J f." a)"pep
II{' I""'PI.> Opun, I>au,," Ihey
d,e-J"" he/ore tbey arc

\\'11)' is dlSl..llnced h<>TW ILke
m:on;n A .h.<ly pl.",,' Bcca;u"" ""
i. out <of 'he ""at
Do )'o>u kJ, ...,.. what II Ihe ol,Jtll
P''''''' ul lumllur. In the worlJ >
Th. nlull,pli""tion table
Why" a ki .. lik ",,,,or' lIe_
call."" II 1:<180 fro", mouth to "'<>ulh.
.. ,
\\'hen II'" o<,l<lion l>e.l In
d'aw blL.I"",' Wh<'n d,.,,' "'" mu<-
1t,,,1 on tbe """"Ii'e. .
Wh>' II tb .... '...d'", . n. ,.". an
inron .... I""1 ",u)J<In > II
< .. ,, a olo,." Mollh .. n nit'" 11.1'
Wh)' .. :u\ mnkttlort t,ke a ",ul_
1,lu,J" o( he' " a
ho , hun .. 11
\\'11)' II 110" Ltuoh of ,,1Ud.,.t)' tae
II htt\(! ".1' Because it Ln""" .. "
-- Why it. bd "1'iV'=' like a "*
,_ 1""",,1> lIo"'...... it no
If you ...., ('Qunl<1'fnt <"t.irt on
"''''''' .. by .... ' ... ohr.n
,I up' Ike"",", Y"" may be.
....... In. J>... "
\\'''''1 k.,.- 0p"'" u.., door 10 the
p.,u,.nl,aryl II'h,.ke,
\\'h)',. a rig _,,10.
IlOllOn hke Ih. of
fot her' D::ooIlSt he cuulol " un) un _
Why i. II Vln"" ... 1 fidolld, ..
.ral Il('t'au<;/) ,1'1 pan-

How .. you mak IILlI <=>I
. hon' HCITOw "'"m.), of hin"
. ERE IS AN 01'_
porturuly f<>f .... r y .... nJ:
: . puuh.,. 1><11 only 10
1 ("mIlL,"c ,nUrue I,un
",,,11 IlmuliCme"l, bUI 10
.. ,d Ille <."\1.11'" of 1/ il .. t ...
DOl of MTi"". ,I
Le likened 1.0 lhe <,,11(' tI<A ,n
frequendy In
.. hen tlLey In,"!:,,1 the an .... er lO a
pu .. le thoy .. '" 11I0,,;ng.
Prul..-. Vton !;":halll<Qf>fell, Ihe
di., inllU;,hod ""' urah.', I>u, been
grmtJy uer6M.:I by mnBid,ne
_ ..... n:>n=ninll lloop Snakt.
.. WelL ill ., called On at"oount 01 iu
pecutiar mod. of loronI<Jl ion. pro-
duced by Ili.klDg Ihe end of ,to \ail
in ill moulh and rolling along thll
g:rnu.nd ILk hoop, Tbil IfllLl of
lhe I!M'D' ophidia is described by
many naturaij!IU. but <"Ofl .. dtnLt.le
dillCulllion has I-n clLuoe<l by II,.
aCOOunl ,inn by. proleuof
.. h" (laimed I<> _n thrtil
........k"", combiDed in <me 1argo: hoop.
mlh", at q:ftd.. and
lhen I<tddenly w..."pnr by ... ill .....
ing each other. N" one qU<1Il ion.
the poMiLility 01 the "waIlQ"'lnK
tricl<, but grave dnuL", havine
thrown upon lhe tl;<t"".,., of Ihe
hoop ..... b !'ro{....". \011 &bmf ..
I<opfen h ... bt-erL IC"OLLnng Ihe c:ounlry
in aean:h of 'pe<'in,e". IIi. lal>Un
"'. re JO fAr cro .. ..,ro wilh 'u<:(Uf
ILl 10 di$<X>""- in lhe ""I.u of
Hoop )1OUIIW", fine Sperilllfll nf
a petnfitd hoop ..... b. ;11 ... eb

IBn pitceI .o tbat the ,"ak a will ill l aiL in iU mouth.
wilh "S I..oJI 'II u. """,tb. Why <lon'1 ""I.olanen
.. 1.0 PI'CI" the! lrutb of lba "".tonL poor K:,rI.' A poor
\V1I,h fine A" he ""l the orIIIke e>rl has. n ... pnllClpal, I",nce 110 in.
into ten 1"_. ,.,,<1. \lad,;ng- tbtm I.creo<t, nnd .. ,\h.,<>1 ",nh.r .1101
in >uon, 'Cluml in ",Ih not bank Uu.>unt ""unl).
hiol prill<l; LUI has t-n Wlllit ,h.I lhe blind mnn sa) 10
bamoJ in hi, " ... 10 f<1LollU.t he "":"'em,n wbo-n IwL 101<1 h,m he
the PI"' ... as 10 make both o:nda w,,..l.1 ".....,., hUlL ,f bt olid n,,1 r.
meet . ",1 .". ...... )'OUt kindly as 0111 1\1 ju.t u..o:< 10 aile P'u,
5is."nC'i!. If ll,,'k:. IMh .... be .1obn'. son.
Mn\hen1.ticinn. Ay Ihat they .. h"t ",Iat"",,. DICk \0 Hi,
elln he ....... npod 10 III 10 & ... nol""",.
J61.881 ,hffl'nlbt ,.,"k .... wilboot Wt..n i." ,.il, cup "'".1 hl<clT
produclne an .... .u... hw" ... hi,'b to run' Wt>o,,, ,,'s ch-.l.
,1Le oJ.;."u, .. daim to pn> ... ,h.1 Whcu may m..:u,s I",,'kel moot
it is J62.881 10 I thllll() lu<b snake Iobly 10 Lc. "''''plr and )'CI bave
ever ni.led. "",,,,,,b,ng in JI'? Wllon It has "
In hi. de. pair tm. II",I.-, h ...le in 'I.
our puuli.t. 10 luhmil <If Wby .... two I" hke ""pi' B._
lbe 1'UI0red Hoop Sn&lt l'uuk. e.. .... 11Le), .... k. bH-t heH ....
of thill am offered II><IN: in Who ll lhe! lwo ladies
the nalure of!ftoo ... in IN"'!' mnk- ,n 1m. lll"''''' S'au:s/ )1... Our;
ing, for OIl' yOllng folk. <10 not ,,;,h Mrs. S;!,pi (Mi"",un BtHl Mit.-
10 CUi Ih_ pu .. lt """ppi).
is that you miK"t When ;.l>utterhh lriob chiM"",/
build puul ... up<m .;mll ..... lincs. When it IS ",,,M 11110 hHle pats..
In law COlI"" "'hat ",lotion are
Ihe ju<lllft. lind coun
oellon 10 each elh",1 They are
hrolhc.--\rn>lhe .... "'.!a ...
Wby ...... SI. I'aul hb .... bite
horse' lIeca\l5e be lov .. T,molhy,
\\'by do men go oul 01 I""
Ire' l1li_ rllLy .... ,.., 10
""I .. mn they mU$1 1:0 OUI to Imilo
What color of r .... 1'1<>,
"","""eel "';Ib """w' In ..... ble

th .. """I diffitlllt lILips
lO ",n'-l"N' n"r<l-Ilbpl
When nol .. "",1</
When 1\ ... y ... "<lo ... .
Whal i. bett.". lhan pr .... n"" of
nllnd m a m>lroa.t =<;.dcnl/ AJ>.
fII",'e af ""'Iy.
What kiter in Ih .. alrhlbet i.
m",,1 u .. ful 1<> " deaf 01, W<>m"nr
Tho Ictl<'r A. LaU&C ,I mal ... her
Wha, IIIhJfI<"' i< ...... ny made
ila:bl 01/ G .....

PROPOSITI ON GUfli Ihe beightb of tll.t pDle!

UjI loy Iht ""a ... h,,'h 10
""'r\1L,,, ",...,1
,k"",n,l. 01 ,;om. 01
young'" fl'\I .. i"", who
11m... wggt>I<.J til" I "I
.. "" .. I. wInch \", ... ,\,.,", h'
M .. I'D", "h,1 .. n'I'I., In.]
.h,,11 ",'111<1 ltv., httl.
I , .< good I .-I""<"e 1'. w,n the
I"'U ao I
1'0 Il .... -"'>n, h",,
1 =r "")" in that
my hu .h""", th,.1 \I.t
ImKht pun!,,,,. ,." .... Iltr
01 ,""Iulll (,,"'. VI n"',,' II"", Ihei,
"""r< DI I'ri.., . ,,",1 ou.-
"nlurnl "" in
Hlwurdn ..... ol II h 'jU,el<
t... Ihal ... it may.
here .. t"" I'roLkm '" p;,'kcd UII <>"
the h ... rh, y"" ,..,... 11 ...... ..
OIlt''''''1 of the ","\n w .... 1<
do .. " C<;mC\' linn\. &",t. U Q
m"t1t1" of o:ou";" . :: """"",. h",1 I ...
bo ILlld 11t<"n1 along ;"ith It,.
I""h ha,! .n Iht
chulft-, !C.ted nu' .\r<ngth an,1
lung. on tho ""u!t;"
knew :u.: h<.>w m.l"Y I,,,,,,. w. """hi
bit Ihe d;.rkn' """') ... ilh w.
h111, ", b<."lL .. "cn, ,""
liberal orr .. of a \.n d"llor to
lhe .. ho ,10",\ '0 1.<'11
of a g .... "'.;c.,l 1',,1. 'n 'h fo"',,,1
nurn1.o. nf r.,jnul", I ,11'.1",,( wn,
fu. Ihe priu:, .n'! am nol
I8Llc<I p....-\ ..-ov UI' In Ihe ;>ole "WI ilh
Ih., ... ....1 I"uk. wi
that 'Iarkry <li1 jl<1 10 Ibt
to\l I"m .. hed Ih .. fM
tbr I'''""'''' 1", .. 1" I 1Imt<! h,m
dunn/: h;" of the [oat,
uhl;,i""d folln .. ing \I.ta fM
TilE PUZl!.!!
"'",,\.1 dimh up IU l ... t in silt
minul" Im.n .t", h;..:k Ihn:e
"'h'le nnol krl,1 ngbl nn
...."rki .. 1t d\ that up >Ii"
an,1 t.,...k Ih_, U11ItI he
",,,,'hl'<llh< 1'-'11
r)/ mu."'-". a,; probl"m is lO
'-"II lone il Iml< h,m I<>
tm- 1"1'. ""r puul"h .. DuId 1<>
kn<>w Df II>< .., I
l"ok 4 ""IHho; 01 Ihe
.... -n.,. j1!.1 "" 1", was taking R
an,1 '"" is tJ>
b. up<n' ju.t ..
"'.11&.<,/ "nu W<1T thtl'll.
,an .. base IMi,
""ieu)"''''''' U(lQn pr''''tical ""I><'r-
hUI ! think the K;,I. are 1110"'
lurky al "' ..... ng an,1 "'ll oland jUlt
as chan." In w,n lru, llri ....
off""",, lor tho- best .... Iutio ... first
fOT lhe gu .. at 10 how
long il tool< t h( ... ,y to
dimb lO IILe lOp ""Ie "",nl/
lhe I_I "''''',,'n fot the Ol>iniDn
01 coo .... lhi>! is a P\LulL': butd
u""n ,,'lulLi facti .... mool puulel
are. an,! il "'oul<l be 1\ >limpl. truLt\.('.
lot MV one t<l run ,\,,""11 there an,\
Ihf height of II,e pole. bul.
tn .... lale. Ihi. hltle prnblom
" ... , h31<b .. 1 oul upon the day
01 1m. fi".. and ,n tbe
I ;'
"u .. r I"""'nl d,. 1.0.;: 1'",lurt
.. "r Ih. farJ\Ou, ,'I !low..,.
('."'., h[and
Then" rc311y ""lh,nl: difficult
..!>out 1M lJuul., 1M .r you bave
y,",r ""I.< )"<tu II " ';nlple
""'Iter tu til,.,.. the of the
W""n ;,. II trunk t..b tWl;l letten
"I the \Vb ... II '" It! T
\\ hy IS wa'ler lilte ",,,,,-horse r
Bttau..o "" "''''' for <"Ups .nd plato&,
.... -11 .. "",au (rt".ktsJ_
W"", sun of .. do.y would ba
guod ,,"" \u run far a cupl A
",uggy 0110.
Wby art .ticb"f .lUIdy like...,.,_
""""-I the more y .... lick
Ih...., f;t>4r tbey go.
Why ought .. ........ to "No'
.. pla,<\ "alO'''''''t! To ... check
on hIS
Why Me f= !iilling' ;n chUI"Ch
vtry imm"",l' )'01> art
r<><>d _1M "'>lluna:_
When IS .. bellit....:! not .. bed.
stud' When it"s .. buggy.
Why, "'Mn ):"" ,ore going nut IIf
wwn, d<>n a nUlroad "" .. dl1<:\o< cut
.. hole in rOOT tickel' To In you
What .. g<eate&t OIl
rfCrn'<I of tho rower of the magru:tl
A young bdv, who d,..,w .. genlll.,..
""m (wI .... " mil..,. $nd a half
S\lDday of II.. hfe.
WII"", a... hand!'UlT. like gnp
_ksl Whorn 1J1a<1e I ..... lw<>-wnn.
PROPOSITION Cu i the inlv the f ll'l'ut possi bl. number
vI piecn whi ch will III
w , etber a lld f or m. perfecl . quare.
wi\1 I'""d ht'" an

_ . lIcut.k,n be"!
1'1 . ..,ly"" l>y up",,
, ,nul JlU .. .
,( ... ,11 ht- I""n<l ,hili the,., " ..
'",'ic 1(Ie KCl t"If the <"<Jrcect
am"' .. whirh "'" ...... eta...
hl..,,-e 10 til<- lam"", I'r>n\" ....
1''''\1<'>111,,:1 <.or E"dl<l Th .. jui ......
bas n " ieee of t,;,:.rd f<>ll'
Ill" twu ..,1 ,..irl . with """"'"
d'PI....J (Of(, The l'Uuk " to ,h,;de
tbe board inw nurnl""
<If I"e-o..... ..... lhat ao)' wAlle
.. ill fit And m:>ke
" .. rl .... t .,.ua", I.<.p f<,r th ..
whirl! i h""n ,n the In
lh;J PlITt"'ul'f tbe nilMlnl l""''e
has heen ""I off at lhe mathe
matirians .. ""Id lenn .n 01
bul ... M" ,.""
<1.. '" 1 pu .. le,
it i ..." of lhat Ihe rule
,,hi,b oa"'" m'ght be
tl) am' .ngle 10 pro-
duce the .... ""ul l.
I f fcom )'<1ut .h,lf y<>u book,
You'n find tlu-", if)"", hut kx>k.
And ,f )'I)U put me b.a,-k ag";n,
That I Rm thrrr i."I"" rlIUQ,
Ikoa!JiIAlo. 'twi\! l b."
Wllh"", mi,Ukt t haI I
Hf.heood ap.;n ,-",,11 want no ""'"',
U""au"" 1 at,.."y' bc:foro.
Ans. 10. 3. 5. 1$, 5.
' ....
W"h ","n ,n han,l. i' ""Y be .. "I
II y fi"t you ,.-lIe" n_l.
T"' .. n<1J 10 a ho,.,... hea<l .
,In.lwh.,\willu'j: w'r-<11
N,ne th,.. "'Y
Wh,ch "')W rnu hrmg 10 'leW.
Anj, though it , . t').
[ t,ut <"<In,,.\ ,,1\"'01
CYl>l1er ,\",. 4 9, 8, 2(), S, 15 .14, i
Will" " " hu"", ont oi III. m""t
wnr.i"" v( t1!""l(hu
"h,av. on Ill. rock
Wh:>t l< .hR.",n,,, h.t1ttf'n a
chu",h 0'1l"",i.t ond ,nlluen<al
One kM'" the <\,,1'< and the ather
,\.<>pO the n"""
liie Old G3.&
PROPOSITION- Bvw lo n e .JIo\1td i t ta ke 10 eat ltD donEl enl?
.. ' offocc buil,liol;$ wo,
. 'h"'''''' ,nto a of
ullCr df'nlQrallza .. "" Ihe
uth ... day by a IIUP".!
chestnut ,,'111..11 h ...
been pnl:" IhI rounds lor n. ... ly a
\1 ..... the 01 the
.pple woman "ho t(lTd thirty al'lJkl
at tiw 01 In. a cenl. while
anothe1" oold lhi11y aN>!'" n the
rate of I ...... a nl .... the lim
1?CfO"<'II tell cent.. the ather t",t
15 <en",. 15 .:=1.0 10 a!1.
The "'''t day they l"'noN " hl\1e
tn.>'<l onJ ""ml-.1:<:<1 t<> odl
Ii," f .." 2 <eM;. nl the d" ... 01
b!I.";nru WI lhe .. In only
nell ... 1 H cen\$. 10 uch nn" _""U,,,l
the other of h4\""'1: 'he

In lin, pr .... nt ue
f<Jr _rpl", .... hi,h oon,e
oon"clcr a I"
enlitlo! IMIll 10 the credit of
oriIP .... te<t a 1\C'II" PIlule Dutcb
Fran., g<:r>t1"ally kno",o ... Ibt .. ..,1. barber," "Ilrung il uJ!On "
hie In'IUrante agent, ....ho. r<>n.<o<ltt
i1lll hinn.lf Away UP in 1'>1:1>"",,
1fl>Uld not yieTJ thr ,,,,in\ "'ah"",
dralllt'ng one ,,'ho ...... In the
lbup "'to ,boo ... twl,,",
'0111:" busin_ ...... Rt a otandot,lI
IOllJ the argu,""nt ,p,..,,,d through
the building ... ,,'ell ... ""join.
ing ne<ghhorhaoo frank dai_
thn I here a,.., twu ,id ... to the 'lU
liQn . ..,,<1 thlIol b<ube", lawyen,
d<><"ton and d"V)'tn01I. t.ake one
\.,.,... of Ihe ""hJ'""t, wh,le bu"ne,,",
mon an" IhQoe ... ho .. 11 th,nl:ll uke
tM olher. He IV .... MY' lilal fl'O!l1
their "" .... .,.,.,. 10 lhe punle h. (an
tell" 1""f ... iQn,oJ man from a I'll ....
look at the puule '"
.. to ....... 1:.o.t it really amounll 10.
Dunnl an EUler 1..n'luCI. wht-n
1.MI do..,n ..... 'c ronmmed wllh
out Ih>fly eggs Werc
eo.ten during the lint wu"'" at "
".1<: of th ..... <1ts:t1 per- m,nul<:, which
would ju.t lCn minul"". 0".
"'I: tha oecond <'t>U.... thirty
at the mteol tWO per- minule.
whi,'b would be """ut""
Then, Jlnnll). In tbe thin!
toursi', the remaining li1ty """
... = eal .... lint Ih ..... nd til .... ,_
in a minut.e. allemt.U1r. 10 .1 ' 0
agail! <m:' III tWO Tlun

"Xot to hod ..... your h=1 "ilh
Ihe mRlhtmahC1l 01 tho .,luat'M,'
Dutch rfilnk. "I will ju,t k
Y"" w me 1>0. 10", '01'1>111<1 il
' 5.1
lak ... 10 U I t bMo Un dn'n
ew if there Iut.,\ Leen but h.tlf as
",a"y u tbe """'IUet.I"
Whal i , Ihe d,/tcrcn<'l! bol ....
a woman IOlld an umb,..!I.' You
"" .. abut lOll 1mI"",Ua "p.
Wily w<>uld ,t bo vcry aprro-
p.iMe for a man namC!<! lJ ... jamin
to many. lP'! named Ann;., t &.
""'" he .. ""Id be 6ucd
and .he
When ;1 ho ... till a house/
Whm hi has blind. on.
Why il mod.ty the "ronrc"
cha of watohl U.r.u,,"
il ,oJwayt keep" ill hand. lo<f"" ill
fa, and fUM do"", lIS own wocltt.
Why i . ,I In lnl'
d""k allh. hud of. r ill' of ot",r-
Ueoau .. 11 .. ",.11""", Nn. d .... n
un'\ <lrik ... on"
Why are mortgllg"" Ilke hurgl,.",
lle<au"," they IIUI"O y""r ""'My.
W"",,, '""" I hne on\)' 1_ vu .. cll t
I n the daY' of X "'R, bo:lo.e l' and I
....... boTn 1
What. as mHhn .... SA)' i. "tba
"' __ U1inginLoanncts!" Alady"'
t .. o hps
WbM qu ... tion ;1 Ib31 10 .. h"h
f"U m,,", .l .. av "',,'er "r ... ..
\\'hat docs y.., . lpetlt

A classical

P ROPOSI TION- TeD bo" often tbe baD .. ill rebound..
'Ddmo ..,
rieody tolid. 11 beilllD to ",.li"" M.
I .. ", II ";I.l C>ne-lfunl mm\l!.:t<-<l."
All II( ... Illi:b """'lli.u ... ,," 1m, in,
formatJOD ul lhe glib .ttendanl ..-1><>
ncorted us t.o tbe IIII', as .... U '""
],e,,,, ron!r"T)' 10 comn:on
II Ii difficul. to n\lLain .. by lhe
.. .:lute< t ,,u 10 lOIlIh",.-d" ... 10 add
Ih. to -iu heighl
w""n tIM< 1""nJ.. I;on 1rU al .... dy
.. .r
It " ' .... n knoWtl th"' l Calil ....
"';I,nll' t.o .10" .. thai t he t"wn-
vu buill fe. lci.nliG. "nd
;t or.1 I h.", Illal he ",lul O<! the r.l;il-
OIOphv 01 moi n_
tainod thl the ,..'OI"itv of a
1.00(1 I' .. in pmfl(>l'tiM 1<> ii,
One ,,/ ,n" .. , lie, I'mIMm . h<\.. ,-
ever. wILkh has be", conn.cted
with tbe PU,"",*" fur which tr..
w .. wu ere.:1<>d, ..... UI<! j, 11""""
the an''''o' \() whIch I d" not /lnd III
IIllI,IM=tlc<ol ....orks.
,\n ,",'o.f dn'VI>e<1 {""'"
the VIp ". l.<Jw",. ,d1lel, ... u""!ly
(Cd hil:'l, IUI'\ <,.1:1 each ... 1."",,01
....",,1,1 """ ..t1' ....... "'''111 (If the
fru." ....h, -Ii it leU Tho,!""",
lou,. ..... 10 d,. ,li'tan,.
t!>. ball lfUlIld

So .. _ mv .. """nt. IIw ""nd
"';Ih d,';"")"1
BehN,\ nM! nd \h ... lAke .. It......
Ian,} ural,
...hat 1't'IrIWn.., An". I'll
rl,,;: dis""p.
"'" 11w ..... n.u, t; iii! af A lund
Wby "un 0..,,,, .onf<"" .. con.
'ee\1()"'" n .... ,ul(: .he ,1 .. 1. In
.. ,gil lerum, I"'" "'"""">f).
A k' ''''_n.
NIh'" '110 1.1 .'-e.,,' nno fo' t,
1>." t"''' fijlt,-
I.'y , .. 'wo invnn4i, j, ,,.It,
I:':H.V ,.\' V J,
I I'h,' "
lJe::au,,"., f>m .. <III' !oQI",..
Whv i< 1\ ,...,,'."nan 1".",1<'
fk<-.. he I .. , " tille ."d .. ve .... '
"' ..
Why"'" Ite I"" nf an ilI.bred
.. we .... gnnde.' Se.
n"",, tbey '-1Iny 4 'uonhy .bou.
lbe I1reel,
Why i. R hke a .. f.
n....-l I Roc.u ..... "" ... bo->rw--sIioff
And ,100 "thflr if, a 'ure h,....,.
Why IS '" p"',nt,,,,\cM" like
drunkard> /k<"AU", he ,air .. the
pl.d", WI c"'"",,1 al"I). k ... p It.
Why .... the..-I
un",.,1 of all Irlld .. m." > lleC"o" ..
... ben .... mob apf.h ... l;on lor OUT
pbologr;>phs Ihe,. I.<gin w,lb , ncr
d .... rhanty loeeinl Ar
C (S03)
Wh,ch i. 110. d..- in Ihe
..... k' SUno.l..... , I_au"," .U Ibe
, .. tare ..... k .. bv,
\\' hrn i_ An rl ......
Wben il', let oul.

PROPOsmON_Tel1 j ust h" .. many differtnt routet there &Ie, aDd whleb is the ahort"t.
A protn.-n.We. """hraang ton,
01 the! !L:ut ahuy. been aD
'''''""men' and re<"''''',,,,,,, f<lr
"""!1JI "hen l<J 010.1
1.CCOw'I\.5. 1O:".bo.. '" o,her lhe
qUMWln "':.s rai...! "" t<I Ito .. -
i\ lake t.o m:lke II l"ur or the
bn 19m;, .. h,d, 1M 10 d,.
a .. a =plele I""r II(
all bn -",lhout ovn-
an" bn '11'l m"re Ih"--<l "".... ...,..
' <n;>'''''t;oa.L II i, a m3l l H of 10;..
wrv 1":'1 a romuut_ of
!.<lkJ vi"'I.,] F.ul..- , th .. ", .. ,hem .. -
tid .. ,. in P.\!. "",.1'd h,m 10
d""d. the point at A
h ... . Eul "r.",nled, ""Ium;n"".
report u, Ihc .. J"",\" "f St-itn"",
01 S\ . I'ele .. burg. wberein he tln;m,
10. hal'e ,Irn,nnsl nlled tho ;"'!'O"';.
!>,illy <>1 ""hlnll Ihe I'mj,lom_ Thi.
d<!<"1"'ltI IJlpt"-"'" tn Ih. 'Ol)(ifl
th. A"'demy. 1741, vol. 8, .1'<1 nu
rul>h,hl'd In J',cnd, and
h,n I,y n')lc...t .
il IfNI' "f 1\", a, pliO<!
til Iny nu",l><"r "I hndJ:u, I'ro-
I .... " DaU, "I Tnnlly 1',,11.):<,. dis-
tlJ.'<'<"<I t"'-' antl'lU,I\" /In,! of
pn,hl.," In II", "eat worlr,
RocffatlOftll. LUI efTI
in ,"",;1>'"11: ,\..0 ""gin 1.0 Euler In
..... J maka Ihp remark.Lle
otal<'lIl<'tIl .hllt ,. 1.11 I; sq tl><""" ,",'ere.
... ., t 11.16 '''''. ,<"<'ordInal<! U:lf>delrff
"Vel bn'II:<"'_" TIM< 0101('1;\
_10 releT t<I .. rbl. Il!Id OUr map
.... ""CUfIIl<' lra"",g from
a-Ick<',. who ftl'O<"ially ..,Ins to
1M <'lght bn<ll:". ulM II may toe
""d. or"", H'y yuung man In
IUS ,..j .. ;os nat tIM< mothf-.
m"ti<Oian unul n ,ty lift),
ah ..... niJ. to he mol' h.". allen
into the etmr of ltarl1na- from .. >me
of the I"""" ...n . "'hl<h, like (eTUID
""",hi""tion< 01 my H-lS p .... Ie.
....,.,1,1 nn!. ....... 1r o .. t
The q"""I"," of "'I .. to
f"';nt dot> nQI ("'tUor ",10
the pmhlem "' .U_ ,\ i, ""'rely
mati..,. nf r .. tl,al ,t IS
U> rt.:Irt f,om a ro:-rta,n f"';nl "f Ihe
to"n 1<> I"",nl by
,,"er .n th. I.rid," b"l
ODee. The" teU l Ull. how
.. nl routeA tI, ...
whi.:h id Ibe .horu,rt.
Are. and
or m)' fil"llt )'<'>u hAve t..,<,>. bul he",
<'In" do.
Tu npl.,n 'I. more need Pot be
In my next. ,1"'11 i" . halle. 0_
hal'. been laid.
Am' .. 1Im in my .. ""Ie. jt1)U', not
Cypbe. An .. S. I. 18. 14 , \ . 19.10,
". )' first ;1 I. Otgn "I pain,
Of -.-0'" or ourpnse_
M, IOCOtId " is pLa;"
\ \'Ilhtn ynu. kilth .... lico.
)ly wbol ... lound in Sp.;un.
'SeII'h II""Mlo.ll<OUtbttn ... , ....
A frull, bUl I'U ,.,{,";n.
And it ,n dJ$gui
A .... IS.18,1. 14, 7.S,
Whl', "'hen ron conlemplate R
tnp Int<l the """nu). should you
leave tboo ..... h-Iland butn. behond >
th.}" a'" nol e ....... {yours)1
II hat,. Ih .. gre"lest in tan e of
.. On ""'''rd' When
"',h man u rnsher
Wby you B ve,,;oon
\l"l v of I>u,'k > ...
tho 1>3Sly "'un he: made of dough
"Alldre's denials lell 011 deaf ..
o.s his captor's spoke no ellgltsn,

<u"O<'ale<l " .."rd
I,u .. ['"lIt hi.
, \oncal I\c<",rling
.. to. G.omu.n ",rn .. yr.-.n
the AmeriCA" <>i
the '""VI,,", <>1 ,Ind ... '" .......
'.-oJ Ile";.n" ... ho tvIIM
.""",1< W,thout d, ...
...,....:"g till' ,,,,,,I ",].,lim'. ,,( lh ra .....
... e -..ill ....... <>u. yo"nx l,uull,1.> to
,horo,'er tho ' ..... I,le bo ... .., ,.f the
... l in the <in<nl>tion
"r the 1>; lure
The G.neral 510," Punle.
ulch un In
,be f, dIu",," "I R".I
I ",mfe .. 'n!!,,- ... rr!,\)' ,,(
muluph-;ng J' Il Q h)' m , x, a l_
thoulh I r.n ... that .Iht <>1
M 10 ore WOIlJ.! ,,,,,h ,I m"", The
"1,1,lio,, an,1 ",I,tna'-II"" nf
i, ,,11 right. 1m! n. a WC>ttn, ... h",, 1
,caoh,. ,,,1,1 "'., "Tla- n'uIUI,he,,_
nf I"tto' I,y Roolhcr io D
mrkM". " "" hI" n 810t'<0 in
...-.nn ... li"n .. i\1I lu .,-h .....1 "And
otho, , hi n):.," he 'en" .. 1 ;\, and,
.. ,110""11 in t he l'iUure, ;ntro<!u=1
a '; ,to", of ..-hieh goes a.
f, r Il!I he lme"'. I u.w the btllboMtl,
I.nd frnrn. t ho f"'t'nUntnt Jl'05!I;on
whirh ht Jl'R"e above moncy
.. ,n .. and"" far ",way from
_I'. I knew InllSI. be ... <me ''';'-
Rr\'"f ,he ."val o'u,lu..,
,,,,t 11"
1 ""''1 .hl(:O,,'.-.:o1 tMt,
I(I'1'At ..dlnnl" h,' ),.,1 " ......... ,
I'ri..., "ii, "",-......-1 "i " n It, tr'"
whIch A "umher I, II
I .. - ... bchlh<-y .... Y"u
'" 1m. ,,:I ;orr,,", .. 1 ..
... h' be .. 1.),.:1 "P br
,,<I II<.... Ii Y'''-' ... 11 ... bat
" .'1 .. you n RII
I!", ."'.:!" In !<u",I., an,1 P'" .,I!
...., ,,11 of tl",,",-, aai"",l. P...-t
I' "[' <"U<lh'"" '" t'l ""' ...
II .. ""I" """""<1 ,"" ... r II
i-. "'nvl<" and:4 hnr t'l
.h .... i Mt II. buil-
l .. ' .. It", "ur Y' 3",
k"" '''' .I"<I"'''T tho! k I"

fIT/<, h ,,""'\ "'nl ,.in, .'Ven
"".cl "",I 1,..,1 _ ""'" n""I'
What of h ... $\"'P'
k<-epC1"ll ,,,,4 bmth. T "'1111' A,.
Wh.n d;,\ It"th tn'." n"u \""l1y1
Wben l>ulleol b" eu,," lIn,t trod on
hi. tum
Wh)' i. port "I Plrrn""lh h_.,
"ery w"n,krf\ll pl,e""nl."M in
"""0'1,1" .. ' I, ""Ill'!" "
pon "f ... a ",Ik.! ,he S,-,u",l,
IIml ')"'1 il Ihe ,,"ly ... ,"",\ thl y ....
c;.n fl<e
Why "TO la,,,,, "" 1,rtiAI
\.0 .,uno"t and I"",hrhl' H.,"u.
'Iw\' .'" ,,( E ,
Whal lu",1 ,.f n.\.I .. ,)' m" ... I ..
""j, 1 II> I.., nr,l .\ ... Ie
Whra i . fi "IW
(lmn,hu,1 When ,,'. h:",k"
(blo.-],:.,.-r In),
PROPOSITION-Divide. Greek CrOll Into Ihe fe wut pOlilbl e Dumber of uieeu II will
111 tOlether 10 u to form two One. croliU of .lmillr liz".
... IWAC\;on u( W''''' '"R II weill"
a.. if }' .... ....,
Ilan'l I""" ..... ItWn.l 01.,-
and nlghl
I ""","k Ihe ,w,fwn LiN in 'IoJ:ht
" III murrl ..-d Ly mAnk,n" al larg<'
........ qu,,k1y 1 <I;o.-lt"'11I:.
I' ... ;11 a Lill' Ii. d ... ,
On", mn", .11 illM'<"l ... _1>1'".
Cypb.e, AM, 10, 9. 11, 1
Ny finol '" _, I>y lhe !Ja<"MI.
l'rovtdente I"na: .,,-,,1. "'IMI
... '
My ...... 1 U rouTt may t-..
Dr Ib_ wh<>rrl Ahe ,,,,,",,, III

:IIy whol<o, 'tit h BIl,
kind -
In l."ming "",I .tftn,t, n'
" lead.r

Cyphtr An. -20, 9, 20, 12. S, 16, 1, "-, t(l 1. I.

" unrl Wby ,!'Quld blll'lna "OU ...... ""
,mil I .. <"<1" i lelI<! .-J,.hon()mL-,.
It<'<' ." - th, Me "f U-,,>t.
.\ fn : n ,m- i" d-* ... ""_
.nlh Oil ' 0 ""'n_ beb<od
my lint,
Oft h ... t iu lu ttl, orxt hten

T" ..-ith be __ from hnme
kinrll'<'1 ri ........
).1)- wh'J\c '""teto'), hi< gu;u-dim
O'H" f:m<" and battled
I" .......
Cyphe. An._ 2), l. U. S. 1\
1h f. ....' \;,. my. <>nd, lin a lwin
L."th .. r.
Ea"h _",. Lu, ncho-----l"" 10
Mv ...-1",1. ",".,. I .. 'miJ the
wt'd <l,'1!0.l! Ih"JOI1.
0,. wh.", tho-;> ",,,,t ,,,,,,IOl ,tnn"""
(11,10., .\M_ Il. 21. IB, 11, 21. 18.
PROPOSITIOlf I+. (ommlulon broker, Wil D ebar , .. I per from lb 11er Ind J per unto
I ro m Ih buyer, makn h5 by cboule,l" the .. h hUYI wi t h .... ;,10 1 , ounee \"0 buy,.
a nd n il ... lib "". I OUIlCe \00 11,101. Ho'll' much don he P'Y f or tb. lood.?
mODe ofthe Eall ....
, "Ou,';! In vanable ri_
. .nd we.ghu UI ru,hUu.
&ad 'If Itself IS too dilll<:ttJ1 end "Om-
plu aIlUCIII. for 011< malh"",.uc1an.,
""indelenbll'.&:tbe follo",,,, m.nner
." In<! lila: among t b. OrientAl ..... , U
"""pbfy ..... t:dln"l! In doll .....
ilndDta. Camel, ha .. , ..
1arply inlO tM m.n .. or
"", .. II _Dd ""pen lOVe rup. .. rUb-
ere<! by .. hat '" ."Q"" .. tM rom.
....... I*'ple and .,joJ throllji:h a
""",ml""a bmk..... 10 lnIall fJ'
larze lou. to the To
UISU Iht I>rok .... _
bu". for hiInlelf. bUI upon ",,"'v_
in, an order to buy. find .ome one
who ww.- 10 ",n, and 2
per nnl com",;";"n 10 f&Ch or
t hem. makIng. I"" nt.
"" the transo.ttion ... ,
by )uKghlll' with the tcalft. he d_
_)'I manares \0 ... 1<1 to !,refil
by <h ... ",,;, the more "'"""ally 'f a
"".tomer 1:=" enough to pia
any in h" word or plOW!
I lah 1I<'caWn 10 can "Itenlioll
to " puztlco w,lb
a Irl.n.sacllon wlncb aptly illu.lral ...
the Jlmpl<city of In, method., Upon
" of amel',
hIlir he plart>d the 5arDe ul"on the
lI<:>rt ann of h" ..-aJe.. 10 as \0
make the roods .,.,gh 0..., QUnC10
hght to the pounot, but .hen he
came \0 oeU il he ""ve"""'- >Cales
10 U to Ii"" one ouna:'O Ihe pound
short. aDd .hul m.1de S2S by <1>=\-
It appet. ... to l>c-and "" a maIler
of fac\ IS_ Rnlple proLlrm.
WIth dear an,,1 .ulli"''"''t ""'13 for
IIu! PUI'JICi':I'" Sevmh"l".. 1\ 1I
I.u: the clevun .... 01 OlD ""pen
\0 OUt a Nlm!ct
.. to lhe queohon as I.Q bo ..
much d.d he pay fM t"" ,.,00..'
Why;' younll la,lv', al1" aft ....
lhe Iur.. rc:od,<!d B
ftonol wM,linK bell/ B ..... u"," it is
nr,tr tuM
When is a door nOt a d<lOd
Wh"" an tl:"CSl (I> negr .... ).
Wbat io the diffenn"" hrt ... """
.. hlIl and a 1'.11/ One is hard to

get UP. the '" lur.rd \0 I:et
Why is lasv dflS bh a hill/
Dectlu"," '" a .r.,. pup (.10"" up).
A <TO"n ... hh ...... tlu> Ptid., 01
antient Rome ... h"'he' ........ y II
rud . It IS the "me, {",,,,' .
Why IS. ]<luns lady a
of .. heat! F,n;t"'p .. <ndled. then
thrashed. and .he 1:>ec<omeoo
Hour "I tho fam,ly.
WIIn;. 'llhatal.,}.h ... numbtr
<Ii too'..."..n" <>n f<l(>1 fIX m.klllR
"""",v> 1\ dannns """! ....
Ho .. """ .. fmd heIT ):ame
in Ihe ....00.' lIy hs!enln&: 10 tbe
hark of IIu! ltWa.
Why d.,... man Ih,nk of hi.
mothei-'. lI'p" ..... "'hm
the w.".. behind a .... ell
pail of """","' n....u..,! "'"
oucb I""r
Why; Nlm .. "U .... uf in'10"'"
bke m cannon> It a Il'port
IV1t.o\ ;. more .. Ihan
1>0..... thM Can counl' II -vcllin8
"'" Why ar. people the lariest r
Ha""", t h.y nil' alwar- \\\
bed tMn <'the ...

PROPOSITIO.ft--Give the best n pllJlltiOD about the Il!lltlOD-
lhip to th. t mystuiOtll nephew.
l!RE IS .'\S OPD
httl. PIlule! 'D, ",ta.;"",_
I . .h,1>' .. ... ,Il amu""
-, the young ("lb. You
, ., lift. Unclr J{a,b.,,, =e
10 to.n to ._ hia ,",Ier Mal)' ,Inn,
.nd ..... ,lu'nl( \h
cam. to tba< ;mvooinJi: looking Mlel
lbo .. \\ "' ,Iu> skrtch. ,..h." R<'Ub<:\\
l:I.y. to hi' ,iolr .. Ii<'>
any fartbor I 'hcukl hke to ""'l' ,n
t...1l! miIlU!' .Dd ... boul "
';ck .,.ph ... of "" .... who .Uy.
, ....
Wen." "')'1 Mary Ann ...... I
don'l bal''''''' 10 lmvc .ny lick
n<phow '" WflrT)' alNul.,' .... 11 )".1
'''I. <>n home anJ we ... ,\1 ""nl,nue
Wr ,;!!hl .... \IUI "ftrrn<"'," ..
Who can give, 11\(0 1:""1 plnnal;"n
abo"t the III Ihal "'yo.
r 5'1
II Y ft'" iI the ". ...... \0 an artJ.:Le
Po. IIlhn dand;.,. \0 PUI on
It .",,, .... fmm tbe tOtal, 1',1' b ... rd
I"""ple .. y.
An,J ," made fmm lhe Iirin at ....
_0",,,,1 eray
idy le<:und i f ... it whi<;h ....e all
10 \0 eat,
I, "" ... CIa the fllrJIl, dehciotlS and
Ny Ie is lbe ,,"moo. and often ;"
In tl , pn! .... and field, <:ov01"l!d
witb gn.en,
It i. very ._ and pl ......... t \0 "".
In lhe ho, II ..... k ....
t .... t
Cypher An. U. 21,19. II. IJ. S,
11. U. U.
aITang.eJ for bo.ulr.
\\"h""l my fi"'t .",,10.1
Ao,\ ,.""th.t goool or baJ
\\'"lIout;\ you .. ""ld die.
G<> ...... k .... rth and <)('Oftn,
Fot s", .. II .. t Ih,ng. you gu ... ;
'e!I, hrint:: t he .tC1Tm 1,,,ttI the air.
11111 my """"nd'j I .....
The t .... iIM, whe" ro"demnfd \0 die.
May calm hi. pn.y;
Yet .. 11.... tb" an """od, "'du.t \0
lIy .. hole h,,', horne ..... y.
Cypher AflS. 8. S, 1.<4. 12,5. 19, 19.
Wb.llt !IWI h3d "" fa.her / Joshua
the lIOn of Sun, .
When ,. " young man of lhot
I':at""t U"" at ""1'P"rtablel Whea
he', a '1>00II.
Wby "'iller wur a .. lnl<!
lut> To In, hHd wann.
""1"\ of. (WI .",1\ jndgm ... t tnllll-
Aod Ihe an'.er y...,l1 find just
unJ .... YOU' """,,,
Why;" ava,;"" I,ke a bad m ......
ory' n..cau",", it i, a1.. ay" for ",t _
'"'' Why io it vuij(V to play ... d Jinr
by you ..... lf> H"' ....u ... " i, .,.10
(00 10.. ).
Wb.:it i. that ... hieb touches one
LuI t..-o I A ,,ctl<linr ring
Why i. II belt .... 10 be burnt ban
10 MV. "Ou' h""''' cut off' De_
<'u,," _ h'll $leak i. bett ... Ihan a
col,\ cit 'II
WI,}, ,IQ girl. kiu nch olh .. , and
m"" nn! I D..,au"", sirl' ha"e noth_
(oJ: \0 k;"" Ilnd "'en ha,'''.
... , t' '


n)t.:ltst:, fOOT-
... htl .. MW n 1I<',... ono:,lc
, . IOI,ie. fur, a. " I Iho
- 1'00:1. "'ell "",1
Whrn t he L,,,",I,,,11 ... .. m'.
All 1 Ih .. 1"",,, "r 1,,,1
",r ,he
Wh,1. Ihe " .. Ie,.,.. ",.\1)'
h is tho'" ,hp f",:l> I.1<'K.....
Wh" Imm DU: ",. \. 'lid,
RMPJ>C3' an.1 owrt LI,e,. .lnllinll
for t!><'ir oollleo 0 .. Ih" .. gn..!. "
Bul. u 1 .no nul I ",I ... I",} ,..,\10
DalEnt e"-,,,";mn n ..... I n,,1
Ihol oft";.n lo)' ,I
..-"h "'h,,,h [a ... , not fa_
miliar_ J\rn,'m,....! n: ... -.nrl \.'&o.I,h,[
ohm. in "0!eU< .n "'>"
tUj"",,- Wru .... t
baI[ 'nth UIIr It<', ... thlo tm
p1i ..... ao,j In .. [ to> ll
t.he ........ I n,,1
up in On)' of I ..... [
.'" (011), in,\u.-ei , .. t alo..t
""-ll U OUKl:e " .. n ,,' ,.
of '" Ihe .....\1<1:" tum.
... btl Ih""ghl 1\ ... "uIJ Le .. IlIlI.ely
Mv pu .. "'i': ho\ ..
M<hing 10 ,I" ....,th .. '" ht1l. "
pUnt." ...... ,,,(-hd,,"-n " ,.,..
kid,-",g It" ""'I ,k .. hltl" ...
,,,,,,,,n,,,, "f tilt \" we ,,,,,,n 'Y
LoV<'<l t., \!,e ""I
""It ",1,\,..< 10.. :' .I"",! Ih. .... n
"I' i't "",-,bl.", will I"n, "V'" Ih.
thl .!u of the foot ball?
"nI""n! of ",l.h.c and wInd that the
hl:l"k t..,l! ""nT.Aiu<'<i.
W. bve<1 way hack in the "",,,,,try,
fin,l "ot",! to our t..oIl by mail.
A""""hnll II) ,i_, as ,uhertil!e<l In
10""",,, whieh
.. ,h".<1 I"'t"'''. to "1';ve I he
",,,,n!,,,, ,,( in"h"" 'eqIMed." an,1
ill .. h ..... Ihe """e. in_
W. "er. tol..! to tho ""llli,...!
oi ... in Incbe., bul ....... J i ol not
I.,,,, ....... ,I munl tb. numlx!.
of .. of ruhhM- on lhe ... n30..,
r>r the numb", "f cuhic ,nd,.,. of
... ind in th<o ""-II ., ....
"",,1_1 lb. t .. o prin<lpl .. and
orJeted .. boll .. Io,-h .homld rontain
lU'\ &I man)' ruhil' inch<'s of at. lOS
il .u,...rfi..; .. 1 "I """"",,I
II" .. "f our pu1l,"" ... n
\hr ,Ii""","r of LeU ... h"h
"'U ool .. rcd
.I. Cil.l.RJ.D,
T .... earth. or- .ky. lit)' t. ..... "';11 ,how.
AnJ. 'W dO$<"tlI>rd by ,,",0 ol
\Iy nnt A home 1M t h<>uutlds.
.... l of its oto ..... in
To !in<! "'Y wholo. ruoarrb must 1><'

C)'I,her .\nJ I. 18. J. 8. Q. 11. :i,
\\'hy a oir\: k>Ic his
..,n<c .,f wuch' litem" .. he
f.:.;\ wtll
When l he tenlf><'"" II,. lnude'lll.
Oft my Om a .helter 1'''''''''.
So.y wh.>1 fllir one. I h.
SpUtrul my nut I. om 0 ....
\0\'''' /
When "f \"." n palt,
1<",\ my "h"lc at
CJ'llh .... An . 1, IS, 22,5, I 1. ,.
Why" a man to .. gn Ih.
pledge hh 3 ,UI.llcallhn.kd Ue-
uu,;& ,.Ie h< e> ,,,1 kn,,'" "helhe. 10
ci"c up Ih ,iii l>1" n,\ U"gc"",ul).
10 CUIo R Io OI.
"'1' pnor lir<t. and it riveo
)"<>It ot)' "'""0 nJ .
loIy ",hole ... """".ruog
\nl 16. I, 12, 5. I, 12, 5.
Why ill a pa'ch of n.-eocl ('()nI h.e
.. duo,..,' 1"""-,,,., " " liable to
t". ,I-.t' pun .. i
W""" , trlan 1'......... lhng ItiJ
loouu' 11'11'"11 he lou 11411
Wb)' i. an like a mi,,-
,.Ie,' lla\l-<C h. thto I ...
an I prof.lI.
Wh" i< a chi<hn runninll like "
"''''' 1",' .. II ....." .. It
i. 3 fowl
Why"", ... i,I" .. ('t" like
They ... 'anl relJ.!'irini.
PROPOSITION Tell how mi D)' C"be. there ITe.
hal. or ""thinK'" kn"wn
t ",. m"dil,,,,,. tlf
"mle m.>iOI..,,,
A'" 1".1.
[I" kn" .. u, Iha' I htte
..."''' "",1M", u.l,),
aut ho ... U i'lalo's Cum [;eom_
and I' at.o i.
1m""", t hat PIal" ma'!' the ,,,.n, ..
"I'is Lhe f"n..!amtnIOI
prin",vlc "f h .. "'hI:' ...... ph,loto,>pby.
and """,'ed ," hnO<lI of
th .. ..,h1irne t.nIW. lOS he t.I" .... <I
On. hu I","" detCrihctl
"" a e."Le.R'<Ud in tM <:1'n-
of a ul .. 1 And It requi .....
II!<! "",,,umt"l ... ,,h,, prohlem wb,,-b
has been of u that of the
F""'lrical numl><'f'l e"eryth,nr
"" N'Uo,,,,,We anJ """",,ttnt WIth
tl>o rttlu'rtmC01l1 AnJ h",ory 01 II!<!
lhal theN- i. "" rtAt(\II ' 0
J"uLI 'li ,..,<,.nl ,,",n The o1<1<h
.l!o>n MaIO! "I"'n ..
wbi, II ;. <,"c.,,,,,I,,,1
oul of a number o;,f w\n\ler
e."",,", "The !I\<"I1Iu",rnt in
... ," ,n the .... nl .... of ,. II<\"AU
"Ian. ''''''oJ w,ll! "ulric 101,,,,.. "I
Th ..... n", jU'1 .... mnn)'
I'UbeI in va \.mtnt a. til .... Ate
,' ,
in Ihe Btld tbey a'" n'.
ci ... ly of th. 0J1..... <iu, so t.n ho ...
",,,ny ",,1.,& ",.., '''lu,,,,,! 10 con-
.I",,'t Ihe mooum.ot and 'IIfU'I'"
pIa ... UpOn ... h"'h n .t.:md.o. ",,<1. v<>u
"',11 "-"f! "","ed 1\'" rr-t
of l'tato', rt"'IYI<'I"c<>1 nun>ben.
110" manr I""'" ... ""Id you
' 0 lin..! in" pint' One !i')
What .. t-d ""Can-

Whal ..... thl> lint loti of _hid>
.... Iuove any <e<>mlt TI!<! alpha_
H"", woo.t\,j you a Maheoe
C.."..t l'utl her ,ai\.
\ \'hal ""'k"" the ocun tl"t aogry 1
u.,.,AU"" it 1S........ed IU otten .
WbeI> i& a omilb no' a anilbt
..... ""' M. a_riling
i. A maeon a bou..,t When
h .. abuilrl,nl:
Why. is .... t:ng\i.hnl"n like nine-
tffn lhil!mgol Becau"" he i& IIn&r
Why <.\oQ Ihe .., enjoy
the u..:"use he keepo h ..
,jayo IQI from nioe 'ill I b <ee_
\Vlml illhe diff.",,,,,, b.t,wee"
the 01"'-'. the

-Well - (flen

., ,
PROPOSITION Why _II tllil tutlmon;allik. the Amorica" W.., of rr"hpolldo"cel
'l'.\KE OCCASIOS ,.<)
. I ""y thnt ,f nl my
, 'Io""j. 011",,\ I I .. urgi
L<l ,n\', .. , ;n n new typ"
tll",,,,:11 the In-
of """""""",lau<>,, ""
I wa. in.l"c, l In
it .. '" I", ""IoN ,lL.I. rncupll<>ri.
.... 11), "' ... true 1'" .. Ii.tI.
bev .. ,11 =J t .......... n the 10 ...... IU
.\ ... ArI<ilt've C"ln>l<ltr.'l-
' IOn "Iud. ,\
The .. gem call",1 jlh' I ..... k how
tM """'hi .... 1\,,,1 t..:h.n..j "",If.
... ,1 "-\w,, I .... pbed "'>u1 "I
he .,k"..1 10'. t.-.ti
IDOmo.lln th:lt elf",,!, ",h"'h I oh .....
luUy d,.1
He '""" deHf Idln ... And I
hluol him ""mon",I,', In. M 1II.i<l
that tbe ... at ju,\ ilk.
t he ,\menran .... rN
Ha' It oru on..]. /I UI"""
CQf1unJ.nm thaI I "no" to. IhM
Iy!"' .. nt ...... lilt the heat
." .... r, II11J in .. 01 lh ..... I",og
.... in ... 't .... 1 hun,II",}
COTtf'C1 an,,,,''''. \0",11 I .. "nly t<..
glad to diviJe m.v\nne up !I,I,
very "",nil 1""'-':' .n,1 10 une
fraGmonl _ It" ..... ",.,,b .. ! 00' )
which Y<:I\\ not be
a'.le w guu ... I,u\ IU" ... nd t"" 00\
}'o" (or
"", of ""
mMV d,II.",nt .lI ...... that .. e
knuw who .han"" 10
... n,1 t"" nt"" ",ply_ 1",-
.".,n!x," many )""eO." all" at a """.
un,INm part'", tb..o.toom_ ODe .pnmg
lile o>ld 'Why.", h.ns
.m",o/'U.I' tbe "'1'1, 10 "'hi<"h
.... . their Itt_"
A tonght lIule IlllSS to .. hom
...... pn the ...... "' ....... hich hu I""",
po 'pular .i"",,: .. R("("cause the"
how. thrP.r ... ,,101 ,n tru._ ,.
lTbelr neck. t ... ir!e<l) ... h,.h K""' lu
'nwe thl' e,'"" .. bon y<>u h3\"o I""
>eo;t .n .... ...- b" ldt<or.
like tho- 'I".ty &I w who "'as the
loW-t 14r DigRor,)I", Ril:!:M'fll"
I .. hy .. h,,),ou all """on,I><.".,."
",1\ a hul.
Why," It I'. ,.,,1\ " d_nti<.t
"'1>'" ,"" 1'... !".' a""""",
" " tlot f<x,m
Why " ,.II ),;.
tornth ,n .. N>mjie\,l' Hec"",,", ""
"':lny tn" "'e th.",. an<l they would
t.. ,\I""o.d
Whl\! port of" S.h ... eigh. m"'tl
,.,.,.1 ..
Wlu.t fru't 'loa a n""'I)' marTIN
("<>Upl. ",",mhld .-\ J.ear
Why ,t "h<urd to uk a pTetly
g,rI to> be candid .... ,
un""t be plain
Why it It ... " prole ... ( .... 1
... 1 R.,-:au .. hl' \&
"I' ,,,, the turf.",I.;n "" }"Outh_
bnd. Wllh t>lllcklrp. and .. I'...eced
" ....
Why; we\l-Ifa,nN h",. hke
bent""",""t .... n lie"' .... """'-'P'
u the ""unJ of .. uoe
Wlut city i, dr .... n more fre-
'Iu_"tly Ihan (0111' C<>rk
Wh)' .. Itk" the ",n' Dt
.... It noes from tht
Wbno ;. " chAi, h1 lady',
drrsI' When;u .. tin,
When is " I<II'her like. ""!rh'
When he it nn
When don a chai' disl,ke )'0'"
il. ran 'I hrar Y""
Why IS B du.1 'Iuirk),
Ik<-a"",," ,t Ill." on!y two M'COnd'
10 i.
Wh"t hum. I" It I
s..".li"!! ..
PROPOSITION-C.n YOII decypher thiJ precept?

of and "" .. I ...
IIlV"'" """ fm""... old
tni.osing ""wei

T S .. hkh i. w he found OVt.
I .... enU""C'e \.0 Il!I =ti...,1 IIJOIIUo
te1y in it is statN that
tbeillllC11ptJon .... onginall)- pajnted
'" red .lId bJ .. d,. and that lbe tflI
l.ettft'l ... bith .. ere all F.s. had fad(d
out . ..-hich makes il quit.c an ;"1"'-
estJng problem 10 raI-ore the m;"
,nl VI:JWe\s. Mall), Je3JS "&" I
vilited mt)na5te.y. and aflJ:r II
e;I",ful u:omi,ul;oll of t"" ;n>erip-
ti"" I:>ocIun... 11,f,c:d Ib.1 the oan'e
... ILI "",,-.-11 inlcn.-Jcd ' 0 "" in the
nalure of a *"'""
.. .vor:tl books of "
",Iil(i""" ""\jU'1\ "-ere puhlishe.-J "'ilh
1111 of the vowels omitted.
To t he Jeh of the ent r.""" thor"
;." large memoriol ... indow.
;. lIbo",," :IS B ope";m"n of ""fly
Evtr nmn'nc !>II my "",("
X_vO< pIaNo.
Tlu'DUjlh the ... "fld I =ke my
F.v...-ywh= ftt the bou.,
If y<;Iu pl ... \' II) ,,,,,11 my n''''e.
Rev.......-l or I",....anl 'II" ... mol
Cyphrr .\n .. H. U. 15. 11
Why Ilre Ib, "r 10 I""'k
t he of 1I1"nl Dau>c ,hey
l1um\.ot'n ..<l.
I ".I
IJ)' ('",t ""I': I "', be tall<!d
11)' lIesl rna; he nO<1;
My a .!t.urI. or c""",, Illloy
Resemuli"g lboot f<lr ..-hid\ ....,
C'n.hq, ,\'" 16.9. H. 1. II, 2. $,
My r,RI is. p,lr\ of the do.y.
lI:y I;W. a """.I"c'or of light.
111 ... hol" w take mnsure of timo.
To u>d"ul by day Ilnd by oight.
n.)u. gl"-'-'-
I am .... ",1 "r. three Ie'''''''. oiK"i.
Iring to, .'po,1 or mj'lI'e. R ... ..--j [
IItn an Tran<rx>oM. f om
"f the hurna" frame. :tiM,
Whid, i. 1'><-""",, for uilor
t!)he in when the .... i. "11'3101 A
dn .... I'e.
- former ,,,{crem,,, ta
, Alio<=', trill Ibr<>U!;h "'''1\-
. de. Land. "6 een
lion to bet remarkable
..,Ui tho Cbtthi", .. t
..-bj.,h bad ... clt a ..... y alvaru.h,nl
.... y into tlun, air, WIlla! llOthinc
bu.! ill ',",",Shtole """Ie .....,.,n!.
or mu. .... c'-ery one ",......,bets
<;I ilemma of the \.;;011'" UIIllone .
who being \0 cut on
b.d (rom .. cat ... Iu,-h had DO
body. wu as .:>nly .... ;til
the l ri$hman .. 110 ..... Inkl tQ
.. piau lhe head of an
lrom the \nInk. Wilt" flhC't fin!
.... bel' I.b .... fri ..... d .JIe dtooi<ed to
out whal spe<"in of anima! ,I
.... and .. al .. a)', Nk 'lUn
u..... in tly .. nl,nl(, 5b&
WTOte OUl her qu")', Hul U Ihey
ceoenlly road Ihinl!" backw_"' ......
up and do,", ,n wnn,lerl.and, .he
'II'f'OIe it ... abown in I ht- llUule
Thi, pennits read",. 10 .."nmenee
and end ""!.ttl! JU" ..
they . hould io WQIlM.IAnd; I.ouI."
Lewil Carroll fnrgnt 10 give Ihe an_
..... \ 0 hil oonun,\rum "f why B
d .. k wa, like. orow, alooo r"reot
the !,Min 'lu .. hon ;n thi<
",IILch .... n,,,ly \.0 uti how ,",ol'
... ..... to ce:ulll:e qU"""<m
"Wu ,\. I ... ",1"
y " !>lords, J'O'I"h.apl mr fint may 40
E .... )'<Iu l>eg1n ta ng.
"\_.1 gJuta; lhe. __
"hcn hr;mol .. an bogln_
11 "h,M otu!lid dl,
S<> fin<! IhlO out to .... }'oy .... !f.
Cypher Am;_ S, 11. lJ, 4, lS. 21,
Mv tint if, r",n"h, my -....d, Ie
Enghsh and "'Y ",b<.de t. Lahnl
Ww.l ....... ld a 1I!.",l mall the
gtd.!.I:S\ ,v.:.irbl. 1"l:hl. t
, ..

'Dnte 10 the home th,C.

<,hal<: p",l,lem wh,eh de_
, \'el"f'"d dunn!: tho """",I
ru""'mll'. ",hid ... ,11 ,n-
tu.fiU!!. A' "" runli.u.
[I a"pea ... llull to .. "nd of a
wd[-Inlatal rou.,.,..
....... but ""Ie .,.,1 " quart, .. 10
run, the ""'d ..... "" d<>So;ly
bun"hed 100000Ih.:r II"'t , " <1-<JI)' lume'\
up..'" the .. I""tion of Ihe brot
Of .bQrteOl ru/ld The .ket.<:h _too..-.
t he judgea' \.0 be at the oppo.
lite .,,<1 of a """"nguLa. fidJ.
bound...! hy a road or,. milt Ion!: ""
one tly Ihree-qu.1.rt .... of a m,le
on 11M! olher
By the! .-d. 'hn-cfolll!. il """,,1<1
be a mil .. and ,b"""-qual'l<'rS, which
all of l!o.t ho ...... roulrl fini<h ,n 11._
minut.eL They aRat hho-r1r. 110",_
tv .... to rul ",,,,..,.. at anr
t lM!y wiob. buto ...t. Ihemughgroun 1
lhey eouM IIOt go SO la... So .. hi! ..
"",,11 ,be ,h.>I="", \bey
wou].J Iooe "". ""nl in
.pee.j Rr going d" .... tl)' .. on
, 11<0 hiM, or lin. 01 t he .. u ...
as the ...-",,1,1 .... '"
il. the ....""!OJ I", .. tin].
a "111 n,1 ""'11. time ran
Ill .. winn ... by ""lectm!: the
moot JudilioUi
A C""R"!)!!:.
) Iy tint ,,'nboul WI"I:" if tMhlod 10
It nrvcr un,." u."" in the mid" ,,1
i,. M'S;hl,
Pil<:<l "" it "'lSl "I
.,,11 I""
Whi,'h n u",Jer hv d.,
or b}' .. i):!lt ' .
See foar i. UI"'" ""u. ""., 's
\.,,, ...... 11 pal)' 1\ I< <ml)'
)'our """ ....
Ttat cau ...... hi. Anno),IUI't. nnW.
..... w " ,. i""np,
Alu' .. trillie ,to 1-'1'''''''''''

)ly wboIo- i. of Iho"'">11"']' of,
lhe d_L
')1,., nl"'"" ...... I.'1 "".",.
in lhe .lark.
,I-' tlT",-,,, _'"Y I ......
1-" ,h",1.
And ... ""VIUU,;'.n no U"AJ(el
{'yphrr .\,... I. I. 21). 8. 17. 21.
1. II.
Why are !",un,J_ .... W""\ fin;
gal., .... ' n ... auoe R .... nh ..
e ....... tho ]ine. :1"'[ ","fig /r'um
1'010 10 pole I
/k,i,le my 6,., ""/t",, made
.-\ barga,n g.W>d <'If tOld,
.m tot" i. oft di<1,13yed
rna)' b<-lunJ "" UtI
"'t" "'hole ,n rancied Mi .. ,
\\"" I'a.-., 10' ""i, tllat "<1!" 11Il...
Ih. I. 1,'_',':-:-
mr "il>e 10"" '" Ih<- fIt'Il-
Thu a nlll,,,,,', ... rl ",,,,,,,,1$ m.a)
ru.''1IlI!isure 10 b..-:.l;
Enpl:<' m)' first ""11. L-u. he ""ri,,1:'1
frum hiJ 1";<.
,,"., Itive tb ... io. """"b.o.,. no
,n 1>"'''''''':
ill", ... bu. bet"",
Ihy .ho..-Ic...\ _.
F.....,1t <!>"rk hurst ou,
in 1,la ...
t),:,hM' .\n, S. 2. S. n. n. 9,
I S.
Whot " tt wh,ch ,I you it
e .... n ynu l"""k ,t '
What i. thai ".-hich }'OU k.,q,
tv.., R"'inll >t W ""meb..,.!y
cl ... y",,, "'Jrd.
\\'111' " ..... \'1I ........",,3n 1M mon
rrud ;"'"",n in t he Be<-auoe
,he "'"ngo ">en', Ix>wnu

Tell the lime b,lli.
OLD- r--:

u.., old min Our into an un_
p"",on hr 1.11 <I',"'n
In" lit . dud. an<I;1 "al U .. n
"The dock JtOI'f"'d .hnrl.
Nt,.." It' go al:"in,
the 01<1 man ,1, .. 1
A 1,),<>t<>S:Till'h ,,! the dn<k ",no
PI''''''''''''' If> n'. .. tbe
",r A "'1''''''''"'"/1:
Ii", .. , and " m .. II!< ......""'k.,I.le
"'itl> If><, ... It:"' "I the htNt
and mmute tt.nd" 1''11''' .......
In.t i1 5hnu.1d boo to
1M ""acl 11_ .1 which "Ihe
ol,j .......n 01... 1." I",", tl'!C' r-u"" ,,r
Ute ..,.",no:I ba.I>d u <bown. "'U!>oul
haYIng 10 _ Iht 10.... <If tbe .loLk.
TIW' of loe'ft.l: .1 .... I" OUI
lbe ""aLt lime "f I",,,, _,nil'
,"" ..... "'.1 h"",l _I<.!IIc i. WI'}' ndd.
although nN 10. 'Il .. k u
one ,,'(>ul<l
Yy IeMn.! L<1<>np 10 my 6"1;
but m,- ...-b"l .. W n()\ h,nll' I" d" with
"itMrmy h .. t 01" my >ec<)n<!_ lIogl-
Speakong noou\ recent CRt
.how, J "'ioh to ttt.1 Undo
Rut.o:n, an,l ... Wel"(' M hrrt IA,.1
week. 4",1 \><'''. ..d in
mat ten. ",",-,tvc,1 In .... il "'tre'
... I.h,,", on"n ttl ",rnl"'re'
n:,\ 1 .. "..iIl t,,1 B;- milO-
take II",, 1:'" in'" t!,, W<), 0"'1. ill
abo"", in the p .... le .. to h .........
IUrpri,.."j n' ,.hu \],C}' .. , ..
Ho .. m;I"Y of MI. }'<>unl: l'uuliJlI
can di>><'er Aunt &t ... )'. honle,
"""""aled in ... hAt <1M-


PROPOSITION_Sho w how Ig I.t Iht t .. o Iralao p.n.
l""t,l"", 10' rnilmad
m.n. to iUu<'r.>te
01 '-""'ph.,..
). t,,,,,, r,1 eve.y-day a.a..,rt
,. up<ln
of the day, ... ra,\m.d;"1: "-all in
'u ioI3n"1. bel,,", Ih. intmdU<"t_
t>f doublt tra,'k tUP.> t"hl". O. auto<-
IIUllc .wilches. Yet. I am nat ""
'''I bade '" tl>/> of OUT
, ... "tllat.b.",. f", Iher. 8"' trw...
artIOn!;: 1lI..-M are fam;liAr "1th the
a..iVet'lt of lbo. .. on 1m,.,.,.. an<i the
good I .. ,. .. 1>0 m. '1Ial;
the aul.j'1 ,na<tel" of t hIS puul<>
h.uo..J ,t "i><>n """",nat """""""
nf ... bat caJh.o.I "the alb ... day,"
To l.eU the in her I>",n way.
obe "".1
"Wt h .. J just am"ed u lb"
_wile!; 'Ulion .... heo"e the trama aJ_
"'.'''' P"OJ. ",hen ..., lound that the
",,,,,ted I!!::<pr ... ha,1 <lOWtl
I thlni< the ('On,h'ctM man Kid ,be
ImokMuck ha<I <>t bot IlIHi col
.... Ihere "'''''' no draught to
pull,t I>1t ,',,,
The pictu, e ohm" lb. Limi' ''''
Express. with Ito roUa!'""<l
And th" _!,proach of Bcrom",<>-
dation ll1>," from Wu)'baok, ... !uch.
loy !IOnle mUn. or other,
th" <taUt<! tra,n
The problem 1.>eing 10 mAke the
t wo U.un. p .... i, un,ientood that
80 rope>. flyi,,!;: ...... Iches. etc.
are to be emplny<l<l; " .. a I ...
p"u.le pu ... and ';",ple. the ollje
he>.", to giot the 1l<'<I>mmOORlIOn
t ... ill pasl tho: .. reck and lu,.., Ih'
latter train ....w e;'h of n. ca ... In
the p<ICI.ti"" &II ,h,,"n in lh k,",,,h
It iI -.ary to laY that uI.,n IItt'
.""",h Ihere ,$ WI roum """"'tb
fot 0 .... car ". "!"d, II al..,
tn>e nf lbe .... UnM of the '''''ch
marked "'.Il. C or I).
The proloi"", iI 10 tell j ... 1 Ito ..
"""'Y lImN the enlf'neo-r mu.l
Ymoe; IlLat ii, clLanp the d,rect,on
nf lua en,rJne to 1 ..... '''= the IHoI
Of C'OU"'" lhe hrokrn-d"wn
_ he uoe-l .... "''''0 . I.>U\ m ... t
.... !>Il>he-I 1>. ,ull..J Ill"", ),,"1 b"
,t ......... ""r The ran rna. t ...
dra .... ,""gly "" touI,I", t'>gcthor in
any nqwret!
The prnhlem ""mp'ia "'ilh lhe
nrdinary rules nf pn.ctil't it
to lest. you, inll"nulty an,1
dcv"",e .. in di:'Overinr
est ]X>Whle WIly to pau thB broktn
de ... " trruo
What i.o the dilfe .... n". het ......,n
lItol)' an" an On. Y"u
have t" ",de lIer tQ '"luee .... .
an,1 the "Ih<,)"" !""ve to .....
tl> ,';,kr
WIvo i. the Rfnt"'"
k,lle. 'l'"k<!I "I '"
:\Iad..,th. I>".-au"" he d!d murder
m '. I"ul
Why .. rhear""- "n Sunday
thM the
JurinC the _k y<>u i:U 'I. \.oy
and on Surub.y )'OU It 1.>)'
II'h",b .. 001.1 >"('0 I'm ...
t'. thf'. J."'n "I Or Nary
M""I pe<>ple ptd ... Jooo
"I .\",' .. I_a,..., like. hot
.,.",k helm Iban ... <"Old <11<,;>_
II '"'''' were m",t.ed out to o.Iinntt
;,., ."""Ij: down to the tabl"
""w nothifll{ put _ t-t. ",hat
... ,,,,]d \'0'-' OA"/ That br..ta all.
When i. likr a top'
il hegin. to hu",
Why i. _ man oomelimn lik"
,I "'Kll' NIlt !>rcau,,", a
"",'.I, (kne1,ls) hi.",. h<cause
he,. h,,,1 tn get ntT of he. h3nrl
II'hy Me a ,\""" <iud nd a
,I..".t", ftlik<,' the" h:r,,o
1.onth 'Ioppffi qUll<king .


PROPOSITIOlC-lIow un you tollth. priu 01 oney article uhlblt.4 10 Ih Iado.?
a\""'1 tl1l' en,,,", ..",. \0 1liiY a)""",t primiti." way" they Iu...,.,{ <:O'1<lIl\'lim: Ihc K,l",,<likto,
",,n "'''I""j fnm<! )0"' '.! II ......... :1.", "'''ry ""e "'\ON> J.'nrtO---who> ha" iu", "'" II\;<I thty "'"
/:f1."'\ '!liel.:!.,... fur I,nw,.-' "" U"'Y tetn1 ,t. jon<-, "'"'", you. <"n, """, WJ
over hIS f:= IhM Y'" (,<,n ml.lJ Dny IItn'" "".1"1\" "",.11.-)llh" 1'''''' of e""') M'.ld,. wh . !"",Iw.! ",.
not. 'n pm,,' ,,( Ih ......... n;.."' be , I"", ..J 11"-' ,I,.. I'lC\urtl, and told what "''CI')' Ilr\\d\! "wid 00
WtJrth, if dlArgt'J (,;,r to the "Ilnif"nn I'''''''


PROPOSitION EEp\lun ho w C01Uillbui Ibowed hi, egg tric k.
C.\ M E imp<)rta"''(l.,1 """ .. 1<.1 look WI ,{ tho
0/ \11"'-'"'111110 "'30
the !if. .. matter ,,( lurk or un,l yO!
for the Iriok. ull, o
"i. the en""t
,hn,!: ,n the ... ",hl )'<'U Mc
upon to ,,,,,.,,
... 1.& tuggminr tbe bom 'hc<><y
o. pnll<'ip,," _h=by 1.0 ",h., th.,
problcm. for- a de' .... persall .I:ouM
au_ the paule from ,he pi,-ture.
It ;s simply" 1:"_ t.o be play""
bet..... two opponenl5
eggs .Jlf:tn"I.c'y upon .. """"..,
kin in onl .... to ..,. ... bn can win by
pl 0.6ng the .... t "1<l:. ,vt." an '"J:g
IS 1'1... ..-1 it mnot. no, 00 moved '"
tou,'hod hy 3uotbe< Oil<". but ..... ,m,
Ii.c of the napkin",. lh. ew ....
well .. 1m, "anable di.tnnc"" whi,'h
lIIay occur hetween thorn. is of n(\
ahown ,",'ow,,_"____ _
Whon "'hnle ",hat ''''"C<clnc... I tJt.
.. ,J.,d. numh<ro u"" m ...
R...,,,,,.., my b""d. n",llake tall.
T,., <I..,. !out ... ,..,1",.., me.
A"... lb. f), H.I!.
" aKIUs.
t-ampkle I' m ..., .""'<'tn lra<ho,
m .. rt.
C"....,;I. "",I of I r<>raI. part.
-'gaio curtail. an.1 }"",-U 'I",d<l),_ .
. \lTc<l .J l'hr;o.oa anrl """"" ,n me;
CutU,,1 Ott,,,, ",0,.." and I '1.1".] reo
A .... Ie.,."... JU""\ in 1m, hMv"",

Cyph<'r .\n .. 1, I , 20. I.
My 6 ... t' pu\ilic kl",j ,,( ramali(',
My.....,nd 011 ruul\.f from maniage.
lol l' .. hoI. II uo;oef,,) aU .. I" ... ,
'rh<>u.J:h ki<ked .. n< trampled any
"". ,
Cyplt ... \"._ J, I. 18. 5. 2(1
Why ,_. ( ... t/u rnall Iuo,rl
hoked 1",,1' /J"""u,""),,, i.
.\I y h"",,110]l 11 1'>1'. no miscr. yw
",,11 ",,'n,
My ""ai', .. v<>rtion of uch 1a<1y"s

SIK>u:,j )'nu nnl C'II".
I<'nt "'lib th,..
A kind of <kllnit;on "';,h.
'Ti. an an,el. my fi"" y",,'U
Itt.- nut" pronoun <If the plu",1

WtK," lJi,,,, hnujrhto you. hearu
"';Ih ..
s...-_ 1",,",,(& from
""", ... 1 .
. I. U. 5.1.1. a",J I . 14
P-. 5. n.
Wh i. a w., ... a'ker Ilk.,
II' & delol o =lur (dd o-
I at" a ,lame
Willi P"'''Y
Bu. (>net ""nail,
And j"m a m .. t...
The .unrt. to ohar;ujfl might
hot h<-r, h ..... or ouhana. itul
lh..., i..Ja b<".r "" ... 1. '" l ry and lind
.t. Wa al", the P"'lr
.,,-.1 "")'- is ..... or" of
r",runine g .... I,.., cur1.:til it and
1-":ne5 3 on._
Whv /"", like old. " lal"./
B""Au,", Iher M" (l.egends).

IBI<>ry M,l l'm<"f!O"'lotl to
qu'1.<' .. , .... ,!._ ,," the
,nht""'t .1,' ...... \'" t 'u"lI:' w}"d, _ ...
""ppo.......t '" h<: """,\""",1>100. ... 1,,, h
did nol ... t , .... ".I.n,I). ,,10
cl':allgt"<1 """, ....... ,,:,'*' 10,
.. hv _"' A
in,,' on the
Ire<'. Ch"Uy '" ...
and ""'ral ...... l"", .. " 11 {",m
th.>.t .... 'n<!pc'""_t
h,," of he .. ...Jd t411 .. tu.t "f
an,,,,,,h (rum tb. c1"",!'. and
sa;'! .ha\ f"'l:' ""'"' '"r.,...J to
,\",", "a)". Tb ....
young t..,ly "',,\ ,]oH m,;:ht .... _II
homt' in .he ra,n ... lucll IMy
did. in oit.n"t'
.h ,I .... "" .... htltt<
an,'""'''' to) <I", \.&:01 .... " <""",Mi"",,,-
I ..... I" tl 11 Cll.Alr :->I,,"'V',V
,,"'hal n.'1eh",1
Th.,.., wh" .".0\ "'. <I" n"t wi,h
10' "" _
Thu" "ho m<1 do noll .. ish
to I,.,.., " , ,
Tbo,.. wI"" ,..." m. mil no
If y"" "' ... [ B r ;F in ..... what
anim&l', "am. "" 11 nt.nllon
'" P,-,rk yo" I
PROPOSITION Sbow bow CboUy Siowpop alipped. cog.
To g1\"" 01" da .. in mnoeal .. l
a 'try ]" .."n ...
..,:\1 u.ko .. I ......k at the (0\l."..,01l
p,,,"(.,ful S<t'<\C We Iko find a
hirld"" "'V in lhe of 1m.
pirturc, "",..,,,""1_ our
11I. u .. ho are up ,n can
locate the "''''''' J>fOperly.

t l'rae\; ..&1 , .. IIIe <>f .c
. IIod"' .... In.1 d ......
. of ...,t ."flr ... I ,,"ISh
. 10) I.<"U 11<.0_ CI","IIy 51__
P>I> nnooe<J hi. ;o.n,ll('t
himsolf dm/lk ... 1 li e -..- ........
.. t.u>dem nde ..
}"<>UDg bdy th. da", .. "t It"t.
Img '" Ihal lern' c -to"".
Ih<-y ..... ""'"vtll"d lu _k tile
of a 'T"("OO
1uot 10 1...,.
from lboo Iv ., ..t
Cholly ....hy it ,. lhal Jwl,n k,_
lOre C"fln!,,\<,,"1 tho ',,'t, I""
eh,,!! \". "'hn i. "
Ib .. \ h. ""1'1" .. _1 ,I "';\< '\u< I" Ihe
nn.\uralpo-r\,.",iw ollo .. ",\n .
n'" \(j .. ",. ' . .. .. in
me,e "f tho 01(,,'
with tht> ,treb,m they fel).!" no

PROPOSITION Dividing tbe CbeSIlIUU accordinc to tbeir .Cts, Nellie I&kts J as oft"" 1$ Mary
takes 4, and to every fi that lhry-Ceu Susie "Us 7. Whit is the .Ce or tacb?
joot I'm-
u bel. "1:'\". to. IS of ..... IS Mary-
took f"W". "",-Ih., twk J. "",: 10
All th.>t ld31")' recti,oJ. !;">Ie
"""" Tboo problem 15 to l ell jll'l ""'"
man)" fbestnu\.S .... ,h hllk Rlrl /:"',
a",1 . whal ....e"' !.hflr ...... ('<"<h'. .
Tho" fT)("he .. """I,j do 11." I . uu
1'.. 11 "f Ih. Lut >I i. a ...... IIJ
AI. (11_ to ...... m. IhM t h ...
po.nnu 0<1,,101 "Cot ..... "",lily
..... t l llj1 oth..,. ",,11 Cof Ihe 1,,..,1<1. ,
,.. jud, the lOti have oolvtd
""'n'3I1y 01" l'",ct;"lIlIy "'thc"t!'l_
",J O) r
, 7'
IJo'; I .. hmg ,mllllioir and
Ic.. vt .,..uetru:.g oootlung_
Cn ." .... \ns 20. S. I. 19. 9. i .
What ,toes an ,run_dod "es.eJ of
W"'. with iour " I 'tocl plo'm;f
AIl,l o.ll 'U Oft hoIor,1. ... JU"
I>dure otIIrting en a crui ... 1 She
.... gM ""t'b",.
Wh)" .. a ''''k Lb a
ruhhctyl """"n<e ,I' An ill '""gl.

bea ts & good wife? A bad
PROPOStTI02l' Show how to use up half of the

l-: C,\I.1. AT'l'RXTlO:-l

, to t he hille
little I1nnd.tone Pl>ule
\. ,. JrIvcn )"ot In I!IIlW Ilult
Ih. gtU.\ ""lIal>oo of
oquanng lhe circle un to. CltPWaN
and laughl in a IimpJ ... y. 1(1 .. 10
be or ,n"'II"",Me ... rv'I ,n Ihe om,
nuy _tUbop.
It ia 101<1 thAt t_ hor>eIl Syruo,M
p<><>led their ....... ."d bought a
IftOdi.tOll bul U tbey II"N .,-n.)
mil .. apart. Ihey tUI the
elder ..... n obouW ketp tbe 11'1Id1llOn1
stone unlIJ be f'fduO'td ,t ,n ., ...
just """,.half. WMO ,t lhould be
totntd to the otboer
The mlld.t ...... WllI u.o.clly 22
,n<:bes in diamu-r ..,tb 11 1-7 hole
il! the tenter for the llhalt. U lho .....
in the pit1ure. \Vbt would be the
"'" of the atone when to the
Hocb Det Kaller.
To ramilian ... (JUr fain
,.;\h the p:>gnIphy of the world. Ibey
ace presented ""lIb Inolb ... Jeaon ."
tUddrn ",\Jet_ They Ire ukt<J to d,.-
<:(Iver in tbel dtooetipl;on of lhe p;ct,,'e
t M localily of noled cit)' ... lK!ce J
member to hive NOn l'nnce !lonry
n1\;"g ,n .\.Ale ";Ill lhe royol f...,lily,
foll" ... ' .. 1 hy mult,\u<le oh ..... l_
inll' "11""h de. Kni..,d" ... h;ch. '""
you .11 know, m.""" "Hurrah foe
1M EmJ)t'l'llr! ,.
Which .j..,.,. Iaou a lady lhe
11..- Ioou.., d.--.
.h, ","vir .... ..,. i\ OIl\..
Why a ,luIIolJ10<! gilor ItO
;n1-'> bu,'''''' '" ,,, .. 11 way' lie
c3".., h. cannot be. whol. g,l",
Wb)" ia an 0,.1 bIMb"l"r. ahoar-
in tile Im3u"" b. ,. never
When YOU"2 lady not 1 youn,
lady? Wheu obe'l tart
( ...."., bun).
" lb. d,ff .... nce bel_
... all, h"" an<l ""ll.,ckllC'!llll One
i. ... 1<> nf Ih. 01"". lhe
.ff",u of a ..... 1.
What Ihe ddJe",nre be1.....,.,n a
blin1\ "",n anJ a ... 10. ,n plioon?
,.,., to 1:0 OIIt and the
other C.... 'I J" oul I" Ilea
0 ... Thin, I I a Time
I "rn ....."i",l...! of" piChi.
ing vuuI. Th,,-h T ... "l''''ng upon
,1'1<' It tlth .... dAy durinJl" a C'CIIlVtna_
U<'" ... i,l. "ne of tbe "'';''"1': v"",hl-O-
n",,, I ...... lo "'''''''''' the
!ib""''''''lr. and ," .... 10 c......u
....... -'lI<"nl ul'<ln 110.. j,d ' .... l lhe
""'-I.''''''''' ,,"':d n , t ... ,!r. ... .., ;",\.0
an nl n' :"" lor 1'1,"" n:r-ord'"JI"u,e
,r.en' "I ,"" 1. ..".1-,. m" lri""" 'f"
In."'!- 'y"" do ",I-un<l .... ton.j
... II,.", "ben ....... '" '\ ... be,\urn
U' lOll _"1'1" 1.,\ .. " 1'"&li,h" .. ,,
bu. ,1 ,I .,' .1<."g 1"'1 on. Ih,ng
AI a I",,"'. ,'"u .\"","""". "a
,!"."" 11>101:1' <II on<'<', ,\n lingli<h-
"'hile he uto 01'
.'''"k ........ h,l. "itil "<Ill "i. look...!
HI"''' u. Ibe m<"t .... ble ,ime for
I rcm..,,,,\>ft being ron
U .... Ji'" ... ,\h Sir TII"m" " add"" .
.. ",10,,, .... for two houno
,.,,,h,,ul 1II)';ng R ....ord, and R. IQog
u< "'e hn.\ lQln'"t<I we !UDOktd in
.. I ",.:ule a of the in"i
.\,r.t fur <Nr }'U"'lg I'" .. h,lll. and
... ,1\ a,k tilt"" to dl$O\'Cr II", """'lily
PROPOSITION- Tell ... ""! money the conductor muSI bUlbad. d,,'",l) ,'OlIctal.:.J in Lh.
W,\S RJlJlNt; IN A
car We ot hOT "b, n
, I " .... "Ii.!;",\>' .. ,,'
, _ 1"
'",Ih :0. hln_
The <'undue!",. h<>d onlv 'a ",,"U,
.... 1 coul.' ",,' Ihe .,'"al,,,,,
clelor \0 the 0 ... .-.>\1.. <>ld
c.n )"00 throw ... me light on the
\ ranactiQn I,, ",hal
lbe Illun ha,-" lwI'
My fiQl ..... y be banoe Ly ",me
.... "" ... hol ...... Ir.
Whiclo a-lda \D hi.> =eo. ;on<l tbe
",reo un hi!< back:
But ahl :should be {rei aU .. 6gt.1
of my oecond .
II .. m;"ry, """rly e<>mpkle. may be
My ... hoIe ofltll adds W your 1'\"'"
uce or pat:
No ""'"' nee<! I ",y->"",11 lOOn
IiDd 'he Host,
Cypbc:or AnL 16. I. J. II . I . 1. 5,
When docs "'-"n "",.,., to become
maol When .... t urns into .. Lo.of.
' 7J
\N9 had tob-occo -.Ne
p;pes in si lence..
PROPOSITION How large wil1tbeir Hocks became?

Ihe "'ord. of Ihe OfP,de, ,\ smed 10 Ix:

un,I.n,,,,,,1 Ly P.""""nts tht
pnlet< ... "uld Le dl<lnbultd ...,.,onl:
th...., who the proLlem.
II:> ... 1"".../11 it for II", "",n';derat;on
of <lue puulm ..
J uvenile C,il,..Croll Puula
H ... i. "",, '"I: w",,1 "
l'uulo" ... " ""V,I\I t..o
for 1),0 ynunll folk> I'> I"'n-
d.r , .... .,. Find .. ...."d wh;,'h wh."
I,lac<!<! in the "3canl '1"<' oil
how. hy "'8<1 I'''''. mak ..
11"'''''nlo'''' =t by "ml(amull<l
How to """,,U
'" a
Show boW to close the sed .. n thalr.
""Y' .... tl\eT
.pent ,I>< most
hI. in the I"]" ... ,,'
J;<u u"""- I;'

you <'lllf><>t
. ""' Jointd
, is ,."" JUI:-
lor thO*'
up 1>0 .. to
;1 rami,
eurr.;n.alJon .. ill
,he Ort
To iflu<1 ... le u.., punle
..... IL$kod 10 ('lI1 the ,."jon <hair
the few"'" poss;Lk! p,etu
. i will fit IOgetoo and font! ..
""rff(1. "<1.11"..... .., lhal th. 1\",.0 ",,\I
."pur to b(' a ok>$!
Whl i. n "ou"g I""y ",1;0 rclll.'lC!
_I Much" 100
1>1",1"nl' rot .. l .. It>"Rl'hy
11'''','1> an "l'l"rtum'" I" I>n1
1<><",,101)' f"'ln .. Ilarnum ,"'U
t""'I",lk.'\ 10 1 .... ,1 an ,,\.'t'nale
dq.hant h3,1 uk,,,, " d, ',k,
In ,,l1'<><><L"g.
What ;. Ihe .,n a
."""dlllnlL a .. 1
up, Iht "It. ... ' . ,II do .... !
Wh,d, It m(H d,' ri"",.
to ('11>5.,' Tile Arno, bal1S<1 IhfmI
ATn, 11 ..... '
b"",.'ot Jumbl) on to New"1&-k.
--- -
.. twelve letter word and tbange if'; position in lbe fewell number of moves.

"'o,d puule buil t
up<>Il lhe 1<..... 0( o,y uM
cl 14 15 1'u .. lc. In !.hat
th .... IS "'I'P<>O<d 10 be
.. If:11e< pia<.'td upon ",,"eh of the
mo"cable t..lnrh. winch , .... d -
in, from Inp dO'"""-4,,1& .. cor-
rect 0t0nl, The pIlUle to .tid"
them .boII! In .. gn>O\". 50 as to
make lIM ......-d ",ail rorn<"tly from
tbfI to tbe nth
h ",n be ft'_My u,,<kn;tood
.... y t_lve.!MC!1' w<>nl ""'}' be "",.
pIo)'ed to .. * .... lh., but that
."erv word ,",',II p,O<!u ..-., d,ff.....,..\
...... fu, 10 thal .... De win be
!>otter tban ulhen. It i.
.. "'''I'''' of luck ."pcn",..,.,\ 10
""" who .. n h,t upon tho best wom
whkh w,1I ooh'c Ihe 1'" .. 10 in the
f .... tll pouible number of marupu_
ilion Truuble.
11I' OUr roo'" puuhsu l<I
ditoover the locality " I an"th r mat-
le-r which ...... to be '"<'t). 1 er,>le><-
inr I ... reading ahout lbe opm_
ions 01 a retu""", for
many)'art I 10 Chi.o.a. ""'"
.. y.' "The Soxen r-eally hll<! but
little t? do ... th tho re",.", disturb-
ancea. The On...,taI5, &II claa,
an! OIl elItrcn>ely ""pcr.
stili""" 111M hltl. ine"I<".
\h. of .i, !,y ""'"ny
'" 1"1>1,, In ."rae .. "'>t, WhICh, leing
Ulri\nnl'ti V> the lnft"cn"" 01
demons. i. to to m .......
"'" Ind rehf.l1i<>rt. 1 am om.aift
tMI more ;, brewi ....
from the "",""u\'O manner lD
-:.... ,
whi:h ll. ntAko; tbis . it
" ... r. t" ""y tha' he h ... In'lldc m.
I .... "' .. "nn IOmebody. mon_
koy htovlnB 1101..., an 00 I
"",U ..... OUr ... ;lr I""cl .. u t n
pondttO'ttT tll6 dnaip,ive
of the In 001'" of
the C<>IIC..a)",) Inca',ly of tbe pros-
I -'I,' e my CQre ... "f o.t

PROPOSITIOl'l-With torn Itrai&;bt colt divide Ihe hnmesboe Into lleren piten., with nne nail
bn\e in each pieee.

h,"'od upon
blIn _tory of .. Til<!
" Hn ......... hoe,"
whioh told ho .... it w ...
cut Into leven pieca. ,..;th R nail
hole in each piCCl!', by two . trokes of
a ....,rd . n<l h"", tho 5e"", 1'1e<'e1
we .... then o<upond.,.! by ribbo..-
lmond the of the .. ven dul-
dren .... lucky I..>Ji","003 ,
It il 10 he that aItet-l'v,
i...- lb. III"SI. .,,It the may he
pol"'! up bof ...... I:i, ...og
bin ... .,u'odlvide t"'-lint
.gai ... but the out. IOU" he unligM
and there muU no folding 01"
bendinB of the papoc the
JIIIltI. to a devtt jockey at the
Hone Show. He made I
papo. h.."..,.oohoe. and witll tbe lirs,
c:ul dIVIde<! " ;nUl,h"", p.eceo; th ...
by 11)';n, 111"", togetllec. by the
IOK'OIId cut h .... otd<d in f;<'<t'ng-
I"e<"ft. The ,"ok. howe,et. i.
to I(\'t Iho ICv.nth pi""", and wIllie
i! II .... l1y. ';0\1'10 pU: .. le i. ,um.
d.ntly ,nteruting to call fur lOme
lillIe . t udr.
you 1"""'lOh"U! Ihe puule
... tilted. you are invited to try a
_d "';pula,;on 01 Ihe problem
whkh i. more d!lli""ll 10 di"",vt1.
I" bow .".."y piCCCl can lM bone-
Ihoa be dill'idl!<! by.wo strai(bt cuu'
Why;' I plum .at. hke the 0<'Un'
aeau. ,t n)111.a,", many <:Ur11l.nt;
What "_t In London pul<
i .. m.nd of. \<)(Ilh .h;ch 1uut "ained
yOll f .... a lonl time! Long ACT1!.
Wby doeI an achong tooth ;mPOSt
.. 1.000 on th. ",rr.,.."d u..c..u"" it
"",kelt him hotd hll j ,
A Rlf80$.
A .. IR,h, "lie ... are ...
,\n<l I<>t. In UI t h .. ,
pl." ,. Ihe hull upon lb. toil.
And when ,",'.r. advert;ocllot ... t
Ve 11<)1\1 of luxury. bew3rel
tk,',,,""on '1''''''''' B tempting
...... e.
Cypher AI\I 19,23.9. 14,5
What kInd of _nee doesa young
man like be PO\>Ilhe quOSlloal
Whal ;1 Iha, which by IoIior an
eye 1uut IKolbing left but. """,1 A
Why .... the maken 01 the Arm_
Uro", /!Un the mOIl dit;hono!St pet_
.om In He. Male-Iy ''''' ..,ce' lie-
.au" all the Bun . forge
the maten"' and 5teel .. n the
iun ....
PRoPOSrTIO!'f- Row would 10U cut thi! gingerbrud dog's head Into two piecel of the uml Ihape?

in llimpl, Ihvi
I >i',n "'j",b It ukul.\u:d
" w nl (JU'
, ')"",nr "" .. :i," I,,,.
.... """" that i< ",11 ""I y 1<.! 10 ""h
oary ant!untu, . "ou _, T.....J:eJ
haA fft1v ... I ........ nl of II gingor-
brud an,1 i, loiollhat .he
must _In<' tVf'nly "'''h
h<-r hlUe """,,,,",, In hr
\0 be fair ud "'.l.wuhl. in Ihe
,be ..-ut>.s to .,..,e ""')' to
1M ""ke 11110 1"'0 lecft 01
"'l"al wpe and
110'" u",n,' of our dncr pUuh,,,
can ....,me t.o'bM- ...-i.lance hy ,how.
ing ho ... thr d<>!l', head may I .. di
"ide<! into equal "",1\ .. 1
lI y fin;t m:1k ... oomp""y.
)i y
My Ihi.d ...... mbl ... oompany.
My ... puuln CQmpany.
N ...... Ih"t ... h,"b Yo' llh anly ant
eJ'l' put PUI bu I'UI :1 n ..... Idtr
TII. KINGS. )'flung to ....
fl" tudy In about tbe" pe..I.gI"!'O by fLnd".1t tl"
p"" ""u t .. o and lama"., 01 tl",i. f""'Wf'lt'< h"lden in the
rIIOC"" 10 lbe I'roblem IS for OUr dnttiplioll of Ihe
PlIle)( ond Ri<!).lto were. the
I'nu. the ",,",cu!3lmg barhe-t.
<I ... "" t.o ""' .. e !:IV"" .. first-<:t....
-ha..., "".-I h.ait cut. mduJJDI( bo.y
,urn and """"erutJon m thr n:ronl
t,i"", "f fi! .. "", m,nul.... Thr In.
le"",II_,naI Asooc-"'Iioll. h,,'"v ....
rel"uoe. to accq>t the: A"'" U an
olfu.uJ recotd becausc too kodak
""'., "" Iho ..... d<lt!l not gi .... tM
POenlOn of tbe hl1ndI un the clock
Both "u and hi.< I"' t ron roa.n.
un' tbat n<>l!co:<l that at the
en,! 01 the fut. the ,runut" .. ",
jllSt all f", ahead of the hour hand
&. it "'''" it wi ..... he com
Cannot ..,me: of OUr dover
I<;h<l<>lduhl"'n rome to .--
.hn .. jU>1 where t he hour and
1lllnule IIlU'lt haye bttn when
Ihll iob ... ;os ('I.)m1-'lel,.d /
My 6n< i. lou"d in the .. ave,
AI weU in tbe pil anJ Iho mlne.
y IeC()nd below tM sut/&"" we luI"e
Where nover t h" INn <>In oh",,",
My whole the 1.,.,a1 10 gru.
Dut ... lail.< 10 lind a pi"""
Cypher A'IS, 19. l. 12.20. J. S. 12.
n, !. 1$
" ;a-"":-'C,-C,C,,-,-& b.-ealdasl
nlpr \\'hC1l,t'. '" lea thing ( ..... tb.
IIby dotl! a babv boy al ..... ' .. te.
""'v" a he"-rty in" fainily'
1l",,,'lUSC ,t .... t'tJ1llc:O .. m' ....
What kuul of ....,wc'lllr .-I....
I r.Jl\m:ln uko, for a _I.ling oMe'
Ue t"k .... an elixir (he UbI ami ""
brlui her).
WMn is a sailor hk" a oorpw'
he is in tile abruu,Ls,
Whc:n IS .. man a
tionl Wbm he i< an impo.uem
Wh.t dr- nn "rtist Iil<e t.o .I,,,.
bfit H"""iaty,
Why rl""" a nlan .hink of hill
molher Wlleh he hand! ...
the I""" Leh",d" fine, well.mald.oo
Or Iicm",,", tboy a ...
such a "l"'n\;"'1( """,
Wby .. '" OO!!,nUIl<><: "r
like a canllU"/ It rna\;.,.:1 "'po"'.
N)' fint' an ugly In_I.
Ny nQ,lan ugly I'rule:
"I an "It)' ph.ntom
...... chl ('O,n or ... ,t.
Cypher Am. 2. 11, 7. 1. S. I. IS
WhIll .. more -.ondmul than"
bor..: <:lOn ""unt / A .. lhng
Wh)" arc talleo, .he l&tw,,1
Da" ..... Il\toy "'" "I.a}'_ ...,r ...
I.:J than ... k""
II" ... an hunl<" fin'\ the .. game
In Ihr ... ",..t.r lIy 10 tho
bat\; 01 the
II <\n,ly in c"noul"d
",phy wlncb illu'Il'llI(:l Rn
i n Ihe "",Iy "a"'.' 01 RIII8tI ....
whc" he _oed th., nppMtu,nly ,,'
""rking hi, Yo'''Y "',Iwnrd hy
'ng" the "" .. I'llth It
I . ,,,11 Ihal 11 .",Mt'!!\ V ,lawn ... 1 ul"'l1
h,m IhM It W3. :1 .aO(' "I a
I .. a In. il he b.J.d to
... alk h" "'il,'hl ..... do it w,lh""t
\""'hng all'" h.,.. <lonkey, 10 he Itttlek
oul I,)\" bi""",U .t G ""rta,n I""nt.
wh"'h ",,11 I ... '<>un I In IllS d .... "P"
l."n of lhe ..,.,ch
That hml " \",r.nel(:<!
","h I",:k;nl,',
$t), A ""rn)"" . Iwkmg al the
,1"l,ri, 1<>1,1 ,boo..-rc-<\; ,..,.. 10<1,.
'"' M1 S .."' .... \ m .,c ",,e. mw::b of
,I u' ...... .. to lh. ","'''',
SS [.(ot no "'oman .. lII4l1 dye
tbtu "'" .. , (Pnl\"iJU'f".)
S ..... "'l blll,ja.n , .............. 1'(:.
qu" ... 1 to II .. !' ..... the Pakir of .-\n ..
9\J It l< IILiJ that Iftlded
"at R""",
QI 0" .. Ji<o rro ...... Ur
n \I,,,, "r .. rui"<'<1 Ih"'l1gb "".
0( '00 1=1 =gruti.

Q.llf""" ... ""lnnBn .... .,..froma
,1311'-. ""I.: Ca .... ,,, ....
, ..
04 y"" mu<1 har.1t ,0 the lull a
1>n"l ... !,,,k to pu' '" {Cuun,
It} )
Q5 A ".,1 .k'!,' tIIn " <111"1:<"",,".
.. "h pol1('.'I13"
Q6, ,11f:,IN I .. dL'nl:""l ,
h y J,m,,'o lulnu,y, 10 ... heiler
Q), l.el me my mm ""'''''' ,
1'",,,.-,, l",,< l>ecn OUt any on
..,'o..,l """:.;.I .. "",
QY .1\.,,,;. . ,,,,,"<un;: ..,1 a
lUll i, \ UUhOruUf. but
l'ruo;oi" "",,)' b., lrusll>l
ICouMry )
101 I. long Inurn
1-'hant . )
s," II ..-om ... th ,he
C ... al 11<'1"" . )
A ';mple but ;nleresting
.s.veloped from Ibnlhng ad,,",-
l ura .. hich belt!! me: durinr my ....
eeQI of the pyramids. TM "'ide .....
yw may ob$ente, ...... armed..,tb a
nrrord for u... po.".,... of lIaY"'g ""y
liODl .. hkh might rome OW- w.y.
and it ..... -'ipulated thnt 1 ,,",. to
bave the .k,no from any we mIght
QptUR. We we.. jun p"'p'mng
to clunb W omaIleT of the CbeopI
_be!:> one of tbe '-I" ... hich infeat
tbat naghborhood c-me in vie ...
I haatened to 1M top to pbce my
in safuy, taking Ii"e
.up5 at .. time. my ,wde Ii". and
t he lion Rven. The .. toation ..
IOlMWhnt rompUcated,.1 the
,hQwo IhM none of tbe ....e un!_
meaU win bring .. ny OIIe of the
pr.rtieftotheeUCtlUmmit. Nuor
despi\.e the ract of lhe "'''U
l\epf being out of VIew. you willliod
dat2 to .. "maU the exact
hf,ghtof Ihnt little pynmid.
I ... y inddentllUy. that the
rucaIly guide .. born I hutructed
to " se the lion' kin .. hile 1 de--
poIIited my btlonglnp in safety
must bYe IItOIen "'''''', u I
lleft< ..... him ap;n
l.el collet 1<>1 you na"-l'My fint.
In my go",'n y",,'l1 CRUse my
And make my ...... th ,mpelu"",,,
M my .. hole;. evtr rt<:koned.
AnI.l.lI. IS. 18, 5. 14.20.
I n Africa ",,,,e. dehrhlint to rani".
On the 1.1.11 of my owner I
Bul "0" t adorn. oh .. onderful
chang .
Instead of the tAil new owne..
"' ..
Ostrich featllel' .
Wby docs .. ' .. il .... y ofIiciol. pUJ>ch
bole in yOW' \lCket' 1'0 let l ....
l hrouCh.
III oIJen days great Will my power.
Oft ba"e I ... .-ed thoe embattled
From thoe lao:,
Tran,poa me hlho"!fn!u my fall.
I am then the omaU051 01 the ..... 11.
An<llowe.<t of tb.o low
An . 13. 15.1.20.
1'" live the Y"""l Iolb II chance
to Ue""",, ,h6r ;opanlty. " mal
be said lbal Da .. ber, the artist, IS
from Europe ... here he has
be<-n ntldying the old muu... He
brought .. portfolio of p' .. ntinp Wiln ... 10 hi. ,ndustry.
but ....hen he ,ho .. ed me _piClure ef
.. det'. from o!leTod
In btt I could not ru- when he
paint"" il. I aid o-ldorl at on"".
10. I have ..,.,,, .. d_ of twerl1y
dcdcluog th:at arne picture at I""
Acudomy, ma.D.1 IDOOCIII btl,,", he
_ .....
!lo .. many of our rUu.!iota can
dbeove. the locality 0 lhe ICene of
the painting in lhoe de-
..... lIUI.
EntiA 1 ...... c&p.w; eurtail ..,.
and I am capital 5\,11. but bdlud
ao<l tran.pose me and ! am Iookllll
lor capital. AM. 6, 21, H. 4.
A CflAa.l.DL
air flrs, is f"".-';xtt.:. of a rtep lh.ot
is Ion,.
Myoernrul. prnon ofota.e;
My .-bol, II :I; thl.' II know ..
to be wrong.
And i.& symp\om of hat...
Cypher AIlS. IY, lO, 18,9, II. 9.
14,8, __ -,_
4 linus.
Y>, lin, _Ilea in a rude 100M,
B<:tak .. to whirling round .",1 f'I)UfId
My 1Oad, hl,h.
C.1m1r ...,-vers lhe pI.SKf by;
).I)' r,.,cndly .. hoIe leu 'ike. brother
Not for himself. hut IOf
Cypher An IQ, 16, 15. II, 5, 19, Il,
I. 14
If I Wfl't-Cw--:,,-,C,-,,::-C"he end of
)'OIl' ...... what _10.1 lb. magis-
."' me 1.0 do? K_ the
peace (pioce).
Why i child with. wid in its
hurl hke wintf:r'. night' De-
""U'" it hlo ... , it onnw. (ito nOflt)_
Why.,.., the ot <11M_
ned people like t he "nIH of tbe
"IVeI 011 the &b<>re' l\t<'ause IMy
e the murmurs of the Lied (tirle).
Wbm is :I 10,(. tailor,
When he presses hiI ... i\..
How man)' pu.!O would you 1Up-
lK*'thereareinap'nt! OncP.
Wby is .. man commitina; murner
hke heu walking ..,._ U .. ot.m I
Beu.1>ICI ,t'o a Iou.I proceedinr.

...t ..... (p,
In. this odd little pucle. which if
.. oimplc ""I iDiolruClive one. )In.
Wiggs u explaiuina: to Low)' )lary
that the """ a In<g(" ealibap
palch nnw than 1M hIW la.1 year,
and will therefor<! have 211 mn ..
Ho'lll' m41>y of "". malhemalin'
upcrts .nd agri,,,,>1tu,.;m CIOn esl;
..... te uI"'n )4ra. Wi"" <'l'Op. of
hudt to as lO lioa
upon the s..urk .... ul TN",'
On th casement pADe the ";nd bIt"l
Nt II .... w;o lhe 1Iky;
All Kenneth lI u'" ....... ""lIP' in
And Sir Eve:n:rd IIcpl in .. bunted
I oat and _n" bade hi. bed:
No' .... a li"ile ","Ord I aaid.
Yet did I biJ
And .. filful liGht on ru. oye full
And hiI ""-=k ere .. pale as he lay
and Iistena1.
Porhe lbou&;hl and hedrumed thaI
lhe (;cndl .. nd jays
Were ,...,\touing 0 'e. hi. flectioN'Y'"
And telhnK .,,11 their
W .. it my oe>O"'1 <ea ... l .... lond
On "h.,.., ...wI hnnd he laid h ..
n,., Iw>d which lrembled in hiI

W:Ucnahed by IusconvuIsive dup
Si. Ew=rd. did "'" fea. DIy first.
He had -. il ;0 wpa lhat men
dee", .. "nt ,
In many a r,eld and nood;
Yel. in the darkne .. of hi. drud.
His. t""rue WllI pan:hed-hil reason
"" ,
And tJ.., .'Ucbed.utbebmpbumed
10.. aad dim,
To ...... phantom. rrut and
Co_ dl;bbled (I'u .. lIh blood.
Sir Everard kllOdcd. anJ tt'I
He p .. yed for the nIh< 01 early dllY.
T,lI term. chC<'ked hi, p ....
And evo. I mUIU1'erl an" ..... 11.
"Clitk. click:' like. t<olling hdl,
Till. bound;n bncy. m;tgie epell.
Si. Eve n! fainled lhen:!
AIlS. o.",.th_ lch.
Wit"""tmy Iint.ld bYe you kIlO"
loI.y , fngbtlnl length "(1111<1
Di"Ordant noUu from my next
Might make )'<l'U fC('i And
)ly .. hale', the I,...-you nero n,,1
doubt it
I'or he', a who U wil",,,,t it
Cyphcr ."at. 8. 1 S. 14. 5, 19. 20, 25
IJ= i, an ol'l"'rtuni'y !Of tbe
J('-""l:T"l'hy d" .. to 'hopl.)'
c1evern_ In dioc<>vtring the 1000"lIty
of the scene in the dcu<h
" ,
or DIy fil"lil. '"''1 oitea.;" trnI.DIph
1"" boast,
My next. ",hom beloved, ;.. ......e-
li....,. your "",.1.
A. truly ti,e Km.. ",und.
In my the flUf do al
ADJ .,th .... nk and la.>h on.
bola tn<onunR an.1 nIght.
I m.ay...,rlaJ.nly a! .. 3).btfouM.
Cn,hN An. 6. S. I.l0. S. 5. IS.
A IOU"" 01 joy mv f" .. t may he.
O. of acutest _1("")'.
With my =nd II" aid
Tbe ,n'-'Cllt ate oft t.-lra,ed:
My whale whft> uq"'., ... eet
W lib I_"t .... ,. "'p""""
An< 19.t!.II.H.S.20
Within "'y fi .. t '. placed.
What fmm my ,,"lit .. uken.
Awj hath an!
T" -.1< your and bDroo'
)ly .. twle you'U finJ-nn
. ....,.
The. tint product""n of your 1"'"
A .... 16. 15. 20. 8. IS. 15. II.
Why iJ .. n o)'te. nn Anomnlyl
RreauSC! h. g'''WI A t",arJ
ch;n .. ,nti you hll" ""t of ru.
1,.,1 tn him,
the ,I ffr ... nre tJ..,1.. ..,U a
IIU<>d "",I '" h<\J II}'-I .... > 000;. a
native, the oll",. i. moot certainl)' a
I w my OI!C<>nd. rtque>llng
111m 1.0 <kan "'V !Lnt. Which
It wa< nttc.,-"y be ohoulo!
IInnr my "h<>lc Hool.j.<k
, _ to ,his _rld ,II ISSS.
Thu .... III tha
...... J.avny da)... but tbe
bloody waf" that libe,_
.ted to many othcr$ t,"'''rh, no """II
boon t" me. I ...e ..,,,,fd, many
muterl and, though II moy Mt be-
OOmt m. to oay so, I ban AI .... y.
been as oflie; ... t AI my nat.
... 1Ll li""tati"",. "'cul<1 pcnrut. for.
lIIt.ho\Iib I waa noldt.formed. I ....
consIdenbly Imllll .... tluu! o,hm or
my family. I al".)'1 did
.... y dot, fatihfully. llIob II tbe
world". Ingratitude thot few 01 my
mI.IUn hesltaud to get nd of me.
The 6rn OQe I ,..."",,,,lIn ""'" ..
Southon! planter who tp<"I'lt moll of
hi. ume H. "U a ..
invete11l\e gambler. [1. took me
WIth him to a salloon 01'" day. Ue
had been los;ing h ... vily and was ,n
.. brod temper. lie ,riexl to Vtnt hi"
Ipleen 0 .. me, and ..,;.;og me, ..
me lip "1\0 tbeat. 10 I Janded em my
bud .. hile the 1UIr1 d.need about
..... I turned tail at this. and kIt
him cull"l my lot ;11 with _ 0(
hil comp&niono who _med to be
_ of .. brute. nil, it wun't !ong
before he rot rid of "'" to .. tramp.
),Iy new mamr and I became very
much au hod to each othu, and
,h"UK" we led ...,ving Ileep,"!
in bama .nd emp!}' c ....
a1_ay. had ... to ut .s I re-
quired. and I 'olt sure thAt Ihn.
mUll be """,)' who "'ere DOt q"..-.
ICT ... oft as I MlUki who on .. ,.
my 101 Bu. my contentment .IS
not to lut long, for. r ... da)'1l tau.
he traded me oft for p'pe. Think
or't,.!Mrewoodttp!pel l,.nne<!
.t wlult I then heartl ....
nett, but f'mt;/.n "';th the world
rubbed off all .. ntimentality
nd 0'",". IOaf.mar'" 01 yuulh
I will not .. aty ),,,,,w'th. h .. tory
of all my Suitice il to
ay, .Itet many vi<:i.a:iutdes I rucb
reacbed York, wbere 10nleT$S
l he oervice of lady who kepi.
board,"i howe, I dida', ltaylonS
... th hH. fot after a d:Ly 0, , __ lui
me to the
lie .gol rid of me lOOn to ., little
girl .. hom her mother had .. nl fot
.no.! I muot conl_ I Will
nut lOrry to make tb. 10'
my no_ owner had B kind lace.
Whtn _he bmuSbt !lie home her
II10Wr llaid tht she m;Shl keep me
for hu very "." and I began to hOJ>-
t hat my nwinS W. had (0"", to an
end My objection _ .. that
kept me III dark cloat in he.
_ I wondered If IILtt1! ,",re .... y
brllhter qu&rten ill the bo>utt, but
if th.e were I new:r cot. chan ... to
_tMm,forlw ..
on. tlUs IW"rUW ml wh_ the only
IIImI'M of lirht I ",1 ..... hen my
IIItlo m'n .... OpoetlM lhe door to
tt" cut one..r the min,. dreueo thai
hung alxnn me. Dut on. day .. hon
,h. w,," l:iving I piny 10 he.- girl
Inend. ,he broughl m. OUI Bnd
proudly ,hoW! "'" to her oomp;lIl'
10M. ImmedIately I bee."", an
oh)"", ..r mvy a"d on. liltle cirl
mo", lhu the .tli 10 0 .... me
011..-1 bet bnocelel for me which I
am vny *'"110 oay my lillie .,.....
I""", &ttf'\>ted. Bul my new pas-
""'"'"'" ..... hke all \.he rw.---sbe
""rted "'Ih me w,thout I "."in!:",
and I IIh..tJ "ever forgel my f .. li,,1:'
.. II."."" d.o.y;n" dry
gOO<l. 010"" while OUI shopping
,,,,lboUI nen glv,n m 1e<:Ond
look. I am t;red of IhlS world. hut
there is n" help for _. I tame
from along flmily lIIo.! thu-c
.... If
I pt:ayed to F.te 10 pul .n md to
me I ttonder if I would be rm..m.
In fruitful field my fint Ihey gre",
My buoy nul Ihe .... lu\x"..d 100;
A t,lI.dy race my ....hole rOIl:!!
To busbandry .ndmed.
Cypher Ana, 16. 5, l. 19, I, I' . 20, 19.
,n e<IIltUIed geography
is ... ,ffi to di"""ver lbe hiddm lo-
<:lI.iy of hllie ,,,,,ident .,'hock 0<:.
<"Urftd wh"" . be much._tried
Brigham " oung end ... ,ored 10 es-
cort his bP:vy 01 "';VN 1"'"1" diopla ..
of .pri"g millin .,.,
Here II (:O!llI!Ction 01 hidden
dtico, He , for the c"'- 10
ditooye.- on 1M ICnleoces
I Th .... OJ ..... lhing )'OU 1I\OUI.J
be conttan\ in-O plebeian I
2. The Empres:o R.!;tnt lhin""
.be il a Ihn" Therf:SJlo.
J. OW .. ,n., olJ hooks, old hiendl
a", Iht I>nt
4. Jump DO, a", you all on. do,,',
forget Ihe
S. II. ulM. ""_ prep&nlion lor
IUs leelh
6. They.,. 1ha.1 OUT _n dot II
, ...
1 I plioped to L}'IlD and
Ze<:h&riah "UoP;nJ: bad:.
A. /Jueon ....... grc.o.l think.r
lnaJIy .
9. King Allred, in hurgher dotla,
buml Ihe ....
IG. 0 mighty Tiber, gent l1 now.
ing 10 Ihe .... 1
11. No knowl,ffi!:", 1(1) litain
1Ilffl1l. (III I.k. lha. place of &QOd.
12. The C..,.... Prince can eve"
1Wk .. Napoleon
U, The .mber liniDg of her COIIt
_ .. alllllded.

Her. lo.n odd rohus whicb ,,'ery'
<me .... Ihrough evm "hen
Ihe to lhe lelle,
Wbt1ber 010.1 1I0mer I'ppl,"" 'II"lne or
JuJ<op or citler. hinory is not dear,
but at...""", ,.--Ibet bird, thougb
....ont I" rcam,
Bul for one liquid, h4<I Itll
PROPOSITION E. olult Pallil Inlo Naill i ll the fe wuI chan gn.

i. ba.wd III"'" a
omm=iaJ tp;""!e whICh
1 pitk",," up .,me yNA
in IILewildand wonll,.
West. In lhe ch:orae,er of progret.
iii,.., )'QUng "",. itt out<:b of
;nfonna',on. I IOUght fr(lln
the 10<111 mngnate of Ihe lown, whn
h,,(1 nmaooed a <onoide.abl. fotlu".
in tbe hMdwnr. busin."... The_'.el
of he lold m<:, wa. to t..oke
110..'" OfLe -'lK'<ially ani! . tick 10 it
until you were king pin in Ihllline
I ",].J him I had ....-1 Mven
""nil. and w'" gre"tly .punl,"" IS to
Ihe besl pllll IOf nakLng a lonu,,"
out 01 it He ",plit<i lhal il W&$ a
Rood INuit, and ""';"'"" me 10
at.kk to all my hk an,1
nev.r Hatler t hat I h.,1
hnun. for :!.Dyth'''11 else,
AmI he,. I am,
In proof "f thi, ,heor)" he uid
lhal mRt\y befat., lIIile,
hu,l! Ihi4 alOn:, and f1\l1 1M g<>1.!tn
l>or.ah"" over Ihe door "'Ih Panto
IS tbe "!'<""ialty. In }'nn he
retired _rth. milbn". and. h'I"""
dealer look lhe at""' ,,00 by the
changing of sing'" I,,"or made
P,aU hi Then camt
lIonll. a jewtll!r. a plumber, drug
giol nOlary. a masun. an "n,le"
taker, a grottr and
IMn Ib" p ...... nl .""",aIL., In man ;n rot..:olinn hout ch:onged
bu. a .o"glo! letter ota ,,_ I luo.,e
1"'fOlt,,,, JOttIe of the d,lIetti1l
lnod .. and prof .. ,,,,,., our
pu .. !;,I. an: on tI .. in me
m,t of lU.t ..,eh .t.lemm ... that I
"""eI"ded to ofl'er prins for
tILe best nn .... n. I hurd
ward Abr"l13m t.ineoln took
the .""" anI! Ihat It hal
Ihrough h.oJf a d"n" .. n<e,
It\ and ""<cry ..ue Ihe i"rum'
bent retiring .. ilh fa"", Ino.!lortune.
How many CIn dn,.,.,,,,, lhe M
of of le\\er.1
a time'
.. i. 111M w!lose
111m"" ru.ds N<kwn"l. anI! lor-
ward. thc .... ""'1 :>,'un
What lody\ih
ho.d,,,;ud$ :!.Dd f" .... nnls Ike 13mo'
What lem. 01 Ihe day for
.. ard_ or wk .... nll tbe ..,...,'
Wh,. _bould fi'bermen hemme
.... "lthy> .. hu';noa
.. hith II all net mak ..
... I.filh
hM Ihe bahy gnt thai
$p<'11s 1."..",,1 .,,'1 t-kwanl. Iho
o:ome' B,b
Wbctrtln lMo Ihe illfl'"""""" be
t ...... man .nd The ollkr
a man f:\'\ . lhe ...-uk .. be ,rows.
but the ohler \1>0 butter ill U ..
Whon rll,l ea .... r v,";t the Inlh!
When I,. "t""""'\ Rlnnt and
..... nl ",""k In il (Brid..:<I)
Wk31 muld not possibly be
....,n ll> a rooml An I_el
Wh,. ill IJw O:oeen only. poor
genllewoman> She pO:! .. bul

WhyillM leue. 8 like a hot firel
Beo,uoe It mak .. oil bod.
Wby .. on in,.ILi! huled brocean
""Ilung ILk. a ronfinod criminall
8tocaUH h. il "",,<tired (HC"Ured).
Whm <I",,". 11.,.1
jumhc. ' Wh.n he like. the /loor.
Wby il Ihe 10ttor A Ilk. n hnnoy.
""okld He<n".",,, 8 follows it
WI\flI .'" tYO tnmps like f<>m.
Iwn '-to In. har.
Why ... IMTV Loat like a j!OOd
tIlle> llc""u"',1 .,,,,k:< Mth
Wh.. t< alway, behind !.>mtl
The hack u/ d",,'k

lale day it ...... hI be ;m
\"""iUe to <.'OrT1!Ct the
grt"al injn"''''' to
po(>1" Gu,di" .
le11 .... Inle 1,\,,<> I'u .. bl< ton
t'OI><Iernn the hillh_h"".l.e"," Inan" ....
in .. hi.h Ihe 0 ...... 1. "',,,,-
p<ttn( i n .. pu.lle Ilr<>>."<lw
10 nuke himstlr the umpire, and
... :ltI!e<! the fur hi:! .olu(i"".
.. bid. wU u "bruni Ill! it wu "".
lair. lie est.abh.h<,J .. d;,.".,-r" ....
IlDd .. kInd of
punle brignndnge .. hh is ,,"I u-
t inct 1.0 Ibi. day .... we ofltn r,,,d
Y"""lC ... who would hlle
1.0 lOIn 17\1.. 10$ Ic"mling In th",.
'""' notiOlll and cavin,," pri_ "
the manneT of l'irAtc ..
GorJ,u. wu, Ill! unOOllhi.tkated
COI1II t ryl"..on. who r:,,'Cd . P 1lD<l
'"''''''' bul who by h,. 1:1\,..,.,,"
devleftle< King of I'hrylt'a.
and is known .0 hmory ... Ib ..
1I1""ghboy king. h i. to\,\ Ihat
.oh .... be ."""rm<t t he II<'epl1"f! h. \Ie<!
hi. former ;", WHh "'h3\
i. know .. in hinory as the G ... ...n
knot. but ill .. fW'<'\lliar _Y I h.o.t
t he Irnou eoul<l. nut I", unfo.llcnod
anel the orades \IfO<"laim"d Ihat
.. hoev.... could lhem 'II'OIJld
become tho EmPl'ror,
Aleunder t he Glftt. it il toW.
made many ineffectual I>.tlempu I<>
lOme of thc knou, hut t,nully
be<;ominR .t btl ,,'orot of
mcM. d"", h,s..."rt! an<:! cut ,he
c:ord. ucl.i" llul it tbe
common .. n ...... y to II"'!. tbing
,,""" you want >t." SUan!:" tbat
t!tuJe familiar .. ith the Il<>ry ,,-nd iu
cit m(lJ; indo .... it "'jlh
I>. Cl!rtain air of ","umed pride ... hen
have outtnOU'ed"!:Ie d,fi,culty
:tnJ "'lei";,,,' .' I ha\-e cut the
to hi.t<}ri3',. ,,-nd all
wri W\'l'On tb6eubJt the punl" ... a.
a lair and !t:gi,imalo one, and .. 1lC-
"" ... tely and mInutely deK1ibed
tlut many attoompu ha.-e made
to it. and lOme (uriOUl Rnd
coml,lialte<i knoU h>.ve t-n in-
vented by imit.a\.Orl of Gordiu., I
won,l .... "'betb"r Iblt)' 'II'OIJ1d I>e ..,ti._
lied .. "h the a ... 10 their pUuIQ
if lhe .. Iv ..... foUn .. ed the mMhudl
of ,\Inandcr. only prot.n
agl>."'lt the IOlution to lbo (",.,mian
klint. I can recall ..-e",
... me de"e' lina .. bich muS! bo of
"cry anCIent origin:
"A wule II not 101"ed. impatient
Ii ....
Mv peeping at iu a ......... ,,,.
\\'!>en Gord, .... the pI01l'_boy king of
Tied up h;", ;'nplcm..,u "I hu.bandry
In the lar_lamed knot ..... h AI .... _
Did nOI undo. byculting it in t...m.
In the punl". I hAve
drum ' .rgel) upon cnoydopedia
I",t have conl",'mcd stricUy t<>
the I find ,\ Tbey
all lh.:ot the cord "' .... "" fixed
tllat ne> l'\lld be found and Ibat
lhe imlll"""..,IO of "".".ndry 1I'f:re
tied to a .U.llle in the of the
I hav.
mlimau(>n Ihat the implfments r.Uly t-n \i .. 1 ... pa"'tdy. and I .<-
Ius ... I.,.n ... tn p1'
,hea", ... Lein/!: .... rthy 01 .""" .. 1
il1u,l,ation. and II><> "".re '""lJI'CIally
.1 01 is tafc to OIly tl,.U .11 01 our
un obtain Ulilt.o.n", from
lhei. bir fri""dJ; in I he matt e. of
with pair of
The pulZlt ;, deoigned e<\lf:Ci411y
fur Ihe outinl[!. and .hould
beeom. i>OPUlar a l lbe teubore as
",ell ... "t Ihe mounu.in_retDl'U- It
(In ... &<I.11y onh'"d by
I>('l'IOvernnC<! and 'Iudy. It
i, apu:Il!J" Ie> heonl"..,] in IOn,,, quiet
nwk. "f.o. from tbe maddell1llg
CTOTd:' Gel. pi""" of rnrd about
olle )-nd long, Ue tlte endl Ingetb...-
110 .. to make.n end]_ pi<m:. T&\(o
Rny kind of ordinuy ";:;_01 and
...... ng. tbe IIrlng rJL:IMly a b" ....
in the pi<ln .... only instead of f ....
I.."ng the coni UtrouRh the! I I" ple,
Ibm .. il, like over lb.
head of a young lady. 1Ieal<:d in
.,.,nveni"nt POfIticn. who will aid
you to win lh" Cf'()1m of AIio. by re-
moving tbe ICIIIC1S.
A man bought \wo /i'hn. but nn
t.k'ng Ihell, 00"", loun,1 I><> Iud
Ih,..,: 100.. "''''' tbi.' H. had
t wo--and one srndt .

lIeM ;11>. prelty an"".nupllal per-
"",ked up oiunng my onjotUTl
In the Old Dart, .. I\.(h ilftU wonh
presenting ,n "" .. Ie lorm
Biddy liarlint," .,,,d an In,b .wam.
"y. arc ... lond of \ri<ks as ... "n;d
I'd like yOll to nddJ" me
.. an that perplex"" me ""'\UI.",ly
when 11. wcck ago bot tues-
day"'"" to-mo.row. ye ... ,,1 'When
I"", 10nnlgh\.O Mn .... WI\1
be )tutnb.y. I", us get mamerl. as
be Just INa day n,n lnonth'
Now. Biddy. I ha"" ... alta<! J"'t h.o.lf
lhat tin",. a",\ y. luvc ",.,,].(:0.1 th"
.... me .... <lS ,\ i. II"", theld 01 Ihe
monlb. [ ;1 y",-,' Man goea
'",tty-Pat: .... might 6", .. 0111
.. hen lhat we<\<I,nJ: day II due'
Whn wU lli" """'I .u_lul
Anan,"" in the n,hle>
Suah. .. be fIoold I"nited
company .n the re<;t 0( the
wotld "'''' ,n 1"I",d3t,on
Why,. n ... hk" the
letter cr lie Innn" 1_ into
, ......
WhY;$ bru<1 like tbolun' Be-
cau .. ,I rioea frum ."" yn,.I_
Wlwn i . cblloir hh R lady',
d .... ' W,,"n ,1& .. t_m.
When is " ""Id"" watch>
W!>en he II on mart!-
Wben does duu. di.llke you?
Wben ;t can'l bear ynu
Wby ;", " duel 'luitkly managed?
BeeaUK It tak"" only 1"'0 oeconda
to ,"""",go:. il
If I "'''''' ,n tM .un an<1 you we'"
oul of it "'hat .. ould the ",n ,""_
com.! Sin,
.:.,\\h"t di2a.., lI........ ,ubje<Ot
bot days' A dropoflidd"
Why wouM an owl he ollended
at you. <:lIlhng hun _ phoa""nl1
Bea!u.. y"" would be making
pone of hun
Why .. )'>IT nooe in \M ",,<Idle
01 your fao:.' lka.u,",;1 i. the
When may lWO pe<:>pl. be ""d to
bo half witterl' Wben IMY han
an Lo ... .en
All obJtct le>r ... bieb many t hou
..."do <In "rb.
A LlesoinJ: I pnw". or a""",
wMn 10 lhe allerof Hymen you
You We ..... r .... brlter or worw
I Am of i>o.Jlh oen,,--bolh
... ,Ie.
You 00II.1 me. you love me. )'ou
ooout mc.
I'm Ih" """"'" 01 much jo)-. COn'",,-
tinn And "Inle.
Vet can he happy wi.huul mo
I"noel by land----<>D lhe nCUD I

With thf, f" .. I. 1<>(0. I .... r in the
I 'm con$tRnl. I 'm r"U--too mucb
given I" rhangoo.
Thcref ..... w!>en )'OU choooe me--
An. IJ. 1.20. S
A RE-aU!l.
t.I y first iI a pan. 0.1 the day .
My last mndnur 01 bght.
Id y wbole to uke mCUlln: of UJDe.
h useful by d.y and by niHhl_
CypberAllf a.15.21. 18. I. 12. I.
19. 19
' :::::-c-:-::c-::-
WhAI bum. to k",,1' R oterol'
SCalmg ... u_
Why;'" a "<>lokrnRn a hook 1
Ben ..... he hal t itle
Why II. nrohlnn:ln like a book'
Il-ause he has a .
Olalt "I ... most apt
to g",elone 10 11<"';"1,- 1 The t..,lltl_
What" by I""ng.n has
notbmg ",rl bul 0.1.,.,> A filii""
Wby is lour.qUllM. JRr hke a
la)')l'o I1M_""ddle' Bnu..
hold. a (pa1!on)_
Wby aN: IlAlloofll in Ih" like
BecaU!O'. ba'-e no
af suPl"'rt
Wby is \'m' rnaa like
Lad .but' Bl"a.u,,, he k .. the
Kame ali..,
\\'b"b II Ih" f"''Onlo ..."rt! ""th
""'""" 1 Th. Ian OtIC
102 Tile """,ani .. \ .. na. poIuha
the 1'1.1-*-
10.1. F.,... ""I rou 100 lOW
104 '" Theodo", ,""e alreadyl
105 Th .. 1"'''''' "I ""hH Itnnln
1<"4 " .... """n J'Ojnl
106.. A c 'x-.! up an upU
101 On th .. ri""r \'011:" tbe ...
an.,,, ",1>0 II... """"hed by
10<1 A l'O"ulj." ..- ,n ,,""ry
pari oj II,i. l"07"" a ot.rrv...-I ". thl

IO'J . J \1,,,,. " ro,,!:"
110 _n, you hk
IIlt_ but I ",,.', ."crwrr
111 l'nlK'O Gip" Wt biJ love
A"'] Bu" .." .... :-:. U .. I11,, _
111 .... h.ngl.
, , J II' ,I] Ito],..n 11o:.\lgw gn
",.""" ,I I ""',le_l, on the Earn
114 II ,_ a bat ul'll"
.hovellhe Ina .. ..-ill ,,',nk (T"m_
"'" )
A ...."m.>" M".,ndG
""",Nt ! ...... \'i<I"';"
lib In "--seWnll' the .,],JJ ..... be
1""".]Ii>e laal ".. hAmpc:rod. by 1M
.. ."
11 I I nil h'.!UnT 00 well aa
Tria!" ShOff)'
113 .\ "'oman d-...d 'a II
rnor!, ""In'" wonhl recog.

IIQ 1 ..<\ tho Jl'loMU4 Kilte Ph, lip
ArtlI a H.... t 'n, _"nll.v
111\ Ib"ngh"'k .... ml'rij(bllnn
1 land,,1 "',\IK",, tll .... !!ng my pur-

III !\ rug
I anli'''ll loy ,;I ... "",r
III rirl . !ltag. Dtb.-
u<goo on ,Iw "'"'t,
I H I ",,"er could ("n<), I'ruMtC
, l4 Tho magnannnow hero
\,Ie"d. Inr hi. rountry
125. In lbe
and la, "'" an:. ItMom u...-d (I
12b. An ,,",thout 8 CO",. a
pig "'lIu!1 n,,1 "'ie, I
121 A lrom Cling<>. Shen,
iii""" ,rnmort..:'izcd ,n N. puttT)'_
1\ lihgn:e t'Clnlu", aJOmN
ho:r (Counlry_J
,\n o"er-rip<' tU<llmber "",...,r
,. tit for abltc
Llfl I,....,." "."". hull" or ,..,nt
nulu,", "I anli'I''''Y (SUItt,)
IJJ 0 (,""'pull' () '-a>l and
1.12 Lt.1 u' f<>nn. cnn,-.nllOn 10
1M ron.h""" of lhe
PROPOSITION Sh01ll' th' 100d man ud hil 1ll'if. ho1ll' to catch the chickens,
' WAT('Ht1'\G Til"
" I , of pl&)'ful dot:",
k,lt .. n, an.1 nt" .. do-
m ... animal. w. an!
alten ;mproAed by tho
wu Ihey OHm 10 enler inlO lite
Splril 0){ (un .!WI to)oy the liOll
poin"'o( play, Jutt ... "" ...... n
do, and il i ..... y to doUd. "",UUn
0){ tlte ....,.., 01 humor
in the uult.:lti<>D ov .... I"" or
m.uhap of a p!a,male, Bul for
exlnbition of .ni1(h,d, or
"tant.o.l.i.oml "".-In",:' a, tlte
I .. ,...".... u,n .. it. I "ever .....,
an)"Uung equal to the I"ro-
duc'ed by IWO oh'tinate ... ,
...,(u<ing 10 bt' d"vco 0 ' , ("<)Urd
from a ",.y .... "b .. ' lIy
nor ",n. but juS!. dndl:"!' abo,lt. k1'
ing do. to Ih .... pursuero, 10 at to
be out of re.<"h I" rart, ""hen th ..
0,lIdbe captMI ...,Iffilt lhe
ens """"me ""'''''',.''' and loll',w
1'1000 up:>n Ih",. heels, \Ilte"ng
tound. of defiance r.tId wntCO'I,1
On a New ]e.-..y brm, .. he.o
""me e'l)" (olk. .. .. ont \0 .,,,n,,,,,.
mer, chickcn..,ha.,,,g btea"", a
mailer of everydny .pml ... ",Ithe.o
wcu IWO \)1'1 whi,h could
.h. .y. b" fO\lnd in Iho g .. ready
to chaUenge ""yon. 10 catch IlI<:m.
rcmi"drd 00II of ... g .. me of tag,
...nd 111'.... in many ..... pecU 00 like my
old .. Pip.-'n'OO .... r' lhat I W1S
continually twitted to "lII'otk it
into a .... lNu!e_" I have oondudod to il1lWnlte ...
curioul IN,,"1e pOinl $Ugge>ted by
t hooe apOrt"., chichn>, ... hieh
I should .... ,.... have
thQuChto){. and .. hicb I ...m *,w.!iod
wiU worry .orne of our expert __
The obi""' is .., prove ,n jusl bow
many mn ..... t he cood fa ....... and
his "'ife couW ","Icb t be u ... chick
The fJdd is divided into ";xtyrour
"1u"'l'$ matJ.:rd .. II by lhe
com hiUI. ! ... t uS .....P_ llial
I","y are pt,,)"inc ... C"""'.
hotw .... " lhe ('OTIl m .... from on.
"'Iua", to anothet. dirtttly up and
down or "Chl aud I.f, _
Play lum ...bout- finlt In the
m ...n .nd woman each move one
"1ua_then 'CI each of Ihe
.". nlake ... movo. and the con
unu .. hy tum. until you find out
,n how mIlDy mt)"" il " poui!>1. In
drive l b. chieJ.:e'" in.., ",eh ... J>OSi-
t;on that botb of tbem arc corneted
and a.Plurtd,
Out . di.cram ..... tain'n,ll
49 coni hi]la.!WI .huw """" ,I by
dnlwi"l' liD .. bo .. you lhe
chicbns may be <::optnr-ed ,n Ih.
,honest. pOiOSibl. nllmber 0){ movt!.
My sport ..... first buv.nd hgbtly ou
Ibe law .. :
Whil" my ...,.,nd doa it.o 0."","
lirow adorn;
The ch""";ng of my whc.l.
rn..o.y pro"",
A good Samitaritan thy paiOl to
Cn)h.r"' OI. 8, I, 18, 20,19,8, IJ,
18, ,.
Why'.-C, ... '-',.-,-,.-',,"-,,'''-a ... ;In.
B..:-.:Iu"" it folio,"" the C,
Wbcn i ... 1 .... 1". nedc like t.etl'
When it i, ... ",nlr 1<>. dinner
Nn_ Iha rid,.,1 chil<l in the
world 1 itol h!l<'hild
When i. Q bulW. l1y a J.:1It1
When ;\ on tulip',
PROPOSITION- HoW" much land ean be tllclOMd by. dozen ahteen foot raill ?
, .. ppear as if the", .night
, be, more ;0 LinMIn'.
- n.,1 problem tl>an Bp-
pea ... on the "'fiR"", de
'1"1" of Iu .... 'en known and accepted
a ........ r ',hal , t aU dq>ends upon
the length of thl: filii. ,.
The pith 0){ !.he prop<>$itiDtl turns
upon the .haP"' 01 the land. fOt. d ...
&pile \he (.oct of oquar" bring the
ptOpI"f Jhape, the """'"' we get to
t be form 0){ enole the greau" ....
coma lhe _y of lence ;n pr0-
portion .., th" '1""""ly 01 land in
Then! is an instructive and inter
"'11"1: prohlml invol,rd, which
tllnU 0",," rmploying tbe sbortl$t
poaiW. nUb, .,hen the '1u.,.\.iDtl is to
.n of land by the mon-
eIIl poaible length of fonce. In the
P""'""t problem, bowe""., q will
a do..,n raiII 0){ the old mnd
ltd length 01 sixteen r..,t , "';thout
n\..IlJ.:ing .. ny reduction fo.
The problem is gi,cn ... an
menta'Y inl roduetion to I" prin
ciple 01 .oquaring t be circle. and pre
" !lUI the ... me iUu6l:r3tlon of dusive
fmclioM, ....h;eb mlJ.:eI ,I d,ffIeull to
obta,n derule ... d u Il$l".t.<. l ory uo.
Name in 1_ lelun Ih' dltin)'
of III Northl)' D K.
NoW" an4 Thm,
Tho ew. itt con=olc<l
.. ,11 kindly look for the lod1loty of
tlus ,1lWilrauon cl the "old. (lId
.tmy," tofIceolrd in lhe description
of the plolure.
NOW"" TH r
then,butl am
11 now,

Proposition: Sho .. llo .. 1he Merchant m.ullrcd the wiDe and ..

'. " lamili.1r with
.' ilory rlWI wllh
I \;.one! hot"Y "'lIn
met I CU.tmIOT "'ilh
6"" Ind quan t,ild, ,
"'100 wuhed 10 1"'''''''><: I"". quaru
of iIonty. It i. an .... tinl( ea....
of "ith 10':""'00. An<l
;. """fOid of catch or Ind ,,iII
x,""" 10 upbin Ilw> I<II"l1IIn)',nl(
which i. built upon an ul",,-
sian 01 ",,, ... ipl.,
A mtttbant of .. 100 ea
tOT1:d 10 Ih. """''' "I Iht pilJ:Timl
.,100 lh. de:n, wu once ..... -
rrnntod by Ih. lullo,,;nl:
problC'lT1: H. ..-al by the
lea"". of I "' ......... "'110 ,1""'00 10
pu",haK lion of ... in. and .. ,., .....
Pffsnlling thrtt t""'fr.illt>n ' ... <:11,
he mod 1 .... 1 \hree gallo". of wine
he PIll in Ih. R1'IIonI 01
wate. in the In,1 three 01
wine lod tl,rtt 01 .. al mix1 in \he
thi. d. and tha' Ih .... Ir"lltwl. of "'"1M
b< given to rxh 01 Ihe tl,irtee"
AI both WIle. An'\ win . accn.,lin.::
fa Ori",tal I1oa,,", Ue ooly told in
""'"lilin 01 In ""ttl number of gal-
l<lna. the morthant h .. d only. two
and I four o:all"" "''''.u,. ",he.e",;th
I" pr<lan" leal whi<h p<'e'Ol1$ <orne
IOnnpeelN difficulti...-; .....
"'ithoul ,"",inl: 10 .ny trick or de-
,":c. Or u[>C1limt 001 I"'1'bining It>
the ordilW"r m.,.",.,ng probInn, ..
.1 ...... ,lv to. he file
.. alff lrom a lull 1Icgsbnd n<l ehe
from harrel. in 1M rtquirM
1,,,,,,,,1"10". "'ithoue any wute wh-ol:-
In ton.. I .... manipul.eioru C2n the
IfU be pn-fortncrl, connting ""cry'
"me IMt liquid u. dB"'" l!Un """
10 _l>c-r :u. ... """,ipub.-
I;"" . Tlli. u. undoubeedl.v lilt:
"""I rffl'.>rkoblt problem 01 '" kind
rx"'ne. and I", m:tny yeo .. blIlIed the
puuli"l 01 'M ....".kI to >MOet II>
lhe leul poIoIible nmnb ... or """"' ....
U lhe]>ullot""," "'Me ch"",
tun",," fly =ny ie hI., hem reo
Ime<! 10 U San, gnat .. !
\'Oll tir't ... rile foUT to "'Iual "".,
Take one a ... ay and .till " .... one;
Whal <att .p.1ro:tl ..... y no' be eh.le.
So Afey lake: )'.1 na\\g/lt ,. Idt.
Same Pal.ndmlRe"
I. a '''''''Mlliall'''''''' Ind
h:tve a 1"-,,
2. Rev ...... I 1""'1 01 th .... ,1 and
ha," mu,ic.
:l- ... 100 i. <li>eooed and
h:t,,,,, to .,,joL
4- Rev ...... a t..,tf'lgl: and make II
Revrnt! 1M "";1 one and .......
6. R""nx and hue.
7 I Icmak: nartte an.1 b<
.... "'-
8.. a n ... le name and bavc
done wrong.
9- I 1.,J.ifir. and h;n
""ni'lo .
10. Rev....., a ",",SUrt Utd rn:.U In
". Rev ..... di>poltion and lorm
12. Rc-""tse a liqtlor an,l ural. a
An")'(u wm be '''10",1 .mon!\' lhe
followin!: R<d n,m.liar. door.
Omn,., !'oWII\. Irpr-r, laS'M, de
,il. <In. ... , and <loom.



- -



.. ..

- -


PROPOSlT10 N--Show how the bl, buUeship c.n run down the .ialy- three veuell of the enemy, and
retllrn to the ltarti.n, Oint, in the fewe" pouible number of Itral,ht 4uhet.
.. Ire il nnll
of rign:oh . ...-:ill he ul'lauoed
l<> "'p.-ot tile un"" f .. m""" baIlie
cry durinll' lhe ... meriun-SfantSh
...... , . Remembo<- the Mam,,1 . The
a>rrIrn.o.n,ler is .Ioown 10 be mapp"'lI'
out tht plt.1I. 01 Ilta<:k hy he
deooll'" to ram and mn down the
lIotillt. of the ....,"'y . gunboat .
.., ... 1<> deslrov t\>ern ..,th lbe
J1UtesT. po.ihle Cam_
"""'rulK at the p<>int OttUPlM by
th.1atp battleship. ma.k oul ,,"11
_ conUn"""" 1 ... ,0'. tM 61 hult
bo.>1S and re,um \.0 o;Ia1ting pinl.
making the le._ """",hie
numoo mo,es ......
"""Id term it,ll. punic It.ngnag>:
Th Break_Up 11. 1 l be Conun_
drulll Clu b.
I luYD .I .. Leen partial
\.0 and am lim! '"
tile t..lief t .... t thoro are al>UUt
million ucmYc\y '\U",<I
people, who fllll u> 8pl'.-.<:;n'" a
or ..... yth,pg Ihat i. g<>t>oi. ,,h ...
... nul.-l nt<l." eOlff_
t&inmg ",emloen <:of ,f. ,II.
tbt-tr . \hey had d;.
!{l1 r<>nun,lmml, Hut . I .......
to .. I am nn tbe
p"",ident o( lb. C"nun<lrutll Clul,.
for ,he "'''00II lhal 1M org.n' ...
t,nn bmke up ,u row ..... 1 .. lltow-o,
You _. Smoth, ,,110 n M-.IIrt ia
I capilal ume ",to the:
mnmo one even,ng Inot .. Iv.
gul It. xood OM. "
What is ,t'" we all
"When ill an 'I'ple pie'.' He
and every on. Iooke<! .t
him upoo<Unlly. l>ut .,,1 .... Ih'ng
"Well." 6nl1y queri...! .'''3n
aCrtlllOt \.he mnm. '.gn Oft. Wh,,1
d,d you .tnp fi>ere I".'"
Go au OIl w'th .. luI'"
he l5ked
"Why. II!' un wilh your C'OIIun
dmm, "lI'hon .. an aPl,le I""
.. hatl"
Thot' ...-blit ! ..... \,1or<!
"Y ... we Imo ... but WllM;'
"When;. an IWlc pid"
'''rhe", is no 1C1\>Il in thaI,"
...,,1 ...".,,,1. ' 'I:''"'' II. the "",t. ' .
'The,", ;.:,,t .n)' ren,' _,-I
"When""n apple 1';"/.'
, 'Wh." " an apple pie "'hat 1 you
gump'' rolled .. from all
l"'rI.' ,,! ! he: 1"tI<ml
. . 11'1>0 ta,1 'al'l,le I',e ",hot>' "
"Y"" d,<I,'
"I dodJl't ...... about
Iron!" I"" wh.t'
'/. \'"" d,d,"
. t d"lnl. "00>.-_0 0
Dut bilt .tma,u ..., con-
all ,lie .. lwk un_
d..n...,k to .j .... t Smilh . ho ....
.... of II.JI Illbku. and ev..,
atte. t1t.o 1-'00"" h,1 fa'tored onl ..
" took .... vtral boun 10 uplain
! .. " aw'" w"" pie when _...-t _
tbvn!d ,.,.d ."doocd III
oru.'I. !,ut th.... w...., too many
'""'" 1I""'h m hoM ,he dub
lit .. that faleful ronundn"n.
II'h"t i. Ih. differ ... "" "
an<l " eum""" ... "", hal
01 ..... ,,\ the end 01 its p" ....
B Mm,.... ,IS pB ..."" at tm, ""d of ...
II'h"" i. " boo.t til:e I he.p 01
onow' it 11 adrift.
PROPOSITI OII- Guen the oamn of the I wtln haysi
cI of do ..... boyo,
eall"" UP to pve !.heir
M_-':!. photOfl:<1Iphed by tbe
nstan\aneou. procell Jun ... euh
one .... com",enC'ing to pronoullce
his 0 .... ......,t
Th" twel,.. n...., .. were Oom,
Aldell, RaMm ..... Alrrwl. Al1hur,
L .. b. Fletrh..-, 1ohtth" .. , Th><I"re.
}I.,elurd. Shirln('t" "",,- 1I;",'d.
No .. it "",,1,1 nnt IIOtt!I _bit to
be able to gi"e the <Otftet nuno= to
of ,be t .. elve boyo, but if
will p...,tice tbe l,.t over 10 eacb
one, )'0<1 will fino.! ,I 11(11 a diflkul l
, u lr to 1o<-aU! Ihe propr' name for
" .. ery ono of boys. The PIlule.
of COlI ..... il to ru ... tho nama of
tile , .. elve boys <urr.-MI)'.
Spc"U (>nly I"" \elten and IIIIa
name tlla 0.1""117 of all earlhly
! rungo! D. K .
Wby i. tile nortb pole Hk .. An
Illieit .. hi.lry ai_
ause it i. a Kel"at 11it!.
Wby i." very d,_nlent t<! man
""ti.fiedl Hocau"" !lOth"'g
... UlfWs lum.
WbY;I ... hC>rt negro like a "'hi\.<l
man' llecausohe isnotaUlll Lbc).
What doeo .. blind dog berome In
In .hat ... y do WOmen ruin their
hU$ha.ndll I n buy"way .
Why is. lady ttnbra,red like "
pot"lrnbookl SecauoeJh() .. cllLllped,
N" .... if )'<lu "" .. n pc"ach .. ilh a
hi1 on 'I . an!1 you w,<hed '"
the pe;loh .... 'thom (li,'u,!>,ng the
1m'(I, whAt .....""h\ you ,1,,1 Dol
wh\"-"I<a>l t,UiI" .. oIT
W!'Y i. Q" <lilT".... nt from
chuteh Tb. orong. i, !Ie".'
Wby if .. r""<'11 hllihing the
P ...n, hb ..... rl"''',,' n...
h.,.. ,Q
To gi". the youn.<: folk, a ohanC<lIO theI' preotnt
romp.nYInR of the BItJca',her, a.ok Ihem '" d ....
COver h,. nlltionshty <:<mcealed In 'he d""n puon I)f the plttu, .
PROPOSITIOIf_How much doa the bahy weigh ir the mother ,nighs 100 pourul:s more I!wl lhe
eombined weight of the bahy aruI doC and the dOC wcic"- 60 per unt. lea! the haby.

..... il:hed for """
hto.- "'on
a.. lh3t nf the ill,!!
1"3' <J,t weighOO 100
p<!uIlIb n'o", ,jIBn tht ru:nhin.,.i
.... of the !I"g aOO the wby,
and I..hat 1 he c!fIJ: wei.<:ru. 60 p'" c""",
Ie ... ,han hat.v. Our p" h.ts
"'" ... k,,1 to Q.. ,j;, K"",l 10,,1,
,n ".,rmlln",g ... 'If th"
little wlud, <)'" oont""'l'bte.
nltHing in ON' 01 lho 1"'I'""r "IUC
haL)' """'l"'lIt,,,,,,
h w"" lho< I' ""I Saxe .. ho aUed
Can y"u \<,U me why
I\. hn""'nl,', t}'
Can 1 ....1t<:1" ,tc..."T"y
T""" y"u roOn. or 1
1.:".", ho .... ,"an}' I,,"
A pu",,,, c"t I_I
To .. h,eb " .... 1\"('< '.
A (Or ,j',nit
!';..,. a< it',,'I.
1""'1 her loe,'
How h.., R ",Vh"rl
Two. imide a",1
\\'h"t .. that "'lucb no one ..
tI> ","'e. H1 n" 00, .... W to.e1
A bal,t t>(.aoj.
Wha' ;. Ihe o.!dte""nce bet.......,
,"lUng Ina,,''''' of .ulft1l. a:n!I an
olJ """,j of .;%1)" On.. is hi<WY
an,1 <..,.,,1, .. , tbe Nho:r ca"I'Y aDd

\\"ho r.l.. Ih. r""",,1. runne, '" t he
"''''M' '\,bm. 11,. ..,' lle<-a"""
he \II,,. Ii... ! ,n II", human rnce
WIuII wUfd ... ill the
<""",m'm 1"'"""' "f both be_ nnd
Ta ... away one I<lter from me,
.. n,! I """de<. lake "way two and
I prll''''!oly .h.:l./I die. if my whQlc
d_ "'Ve KliJ- iJl-Uil1.
-RRF, i, p:lty triek
.. nil "'&\CIlOll, wiheh
'. - will Bmuse the you,,1I'
/Q1b .. hn lIlSIy not fR-
- milia, .. ith the
Involved. HalTY hu JliVi'n hi'
iltc, tfn matchel, whie"
chalkng('S her 10 armog. ""
that they ",ill look like ten: ,be
in tum """ give" him. in the
.hape of oU ... , which he "10
make look bke nothing at aa .. See
if you un gu_ t'- t .... I,""pl!
lol l' _d II noeluL appenda,e
to my lim, and my .. hole II to
Cypher Ani. J, 11. 18,20, I. 9. 12
Wbat i . thol ,lIflfretK'(!
motlu:or ud Tho> laUeT
hal ruon to lhl'"e, and the
has wven to .... , ...
Why IS pol,l",.i.-" like .. V"'nd
piano' Il<nu$e be "ntlther "'Illare
.. or upright
What _all the lil'$! bel .,'t. made'
TIwt Illpluobu
Why doe. it dem(ITlIli ... one \0 &il
in fmc: Rat at eb"",11/ Ilf'r-AU""
yOt> pt cood lor nothing (rood.!o,
What ;. the li!hleOt of aU la
mentd A .hilt " .. ",d.
What i. the""" betwcen
aD organist and hi' influe".... (>11.
k,,<>WI hi, Ilopo, and the Ol lie. lin",
hi' !mows.
54. hRve ni"" I(>;'t pala _
I.- II
H. Sh" loolred "try lrim in India
rohLn boou.
5b. The Main., .. irins;: a can of
g.:.ll1ontly d1Jhed forwaru .
57_Some wwld l:>s:- n1
he. ...
58. v...."n'\oe' li"gtnng t!Ull. the
111'01 May."
59 00 }'OU keep }'<JU' doth .. in
Ittic 01" in lhe
6ll. lie ran down t be Ureel w'tb
lho mob at hit heels,
61 If l-w would "",ke }'our La...,.,
oymll\e\n,-al. <111 bU I ...... oil", and
liveth" .hon. ........
62 a hare-bad,
Ihrough the rily. lO Ib" <'OII5U!tna_
'IOn of Ihe (An i'land_)
6J In Milan sin""" of DOle 10,-..
M The ani"",1 lak"" "' ... ;t.Il cui
In" bru.i;ed ('\D island.)
6S_ A Tanar on RUSSLlIn
ILtI( .. lhe Coaa..:k llikJ1;t.l of ",,-0]1
()6. ,\n ape ruilMd my ",",,-hush,
61 \\,.. it I lynx. a", y.,.. ... .., of
it' (C""nlry,
(>8 I !Wo' ... "';1 lest I should up-

60. Ten 10 one [ "--,,, do it.
spen one ..-onl "'th
"0. Strane .... I pine ..
Ilon . )
I be leU<-n:

A, aEBtls.
lily first;' (""n,1 nn a oh,p, m,
oec:OIId .. an my th,nI
i. a lil\". Rnd my whole i. In anima!.
Cypher An.. IJ, I. 19. 20, 15, 4,
15. 14,--,-,,,,,,,-;-:;;-
Why i. I hald head like
B...,.u,," it i. a hnght 'n,1 Ihimn,
OIJOt where there', no p:lrlLag
When 10 " 11l-ln Ih,nne. than.
When he',. ,having
If "',., .... his ... fall ;nlo.
.. fill. why <'0<11<1 he nut ,--..,e her!
Because he could tIIIt boo a brother
Ind &iSlS1 be.- too,
Wby do knapoacb _mblec
han<lc:ult.l 8eeauJe bolh In made
for tou,;su (IWO "'';SU),
When i, I wall hb a fuoH When
it "'ocala!
Wben i. a hlow from a laJy we!.
""""" When sloe Itnkes you ar-
Why d<>es ." onion tcte-mble I
,;ngtng hell' Be<:au,.. pod (0I1ows
pd In an ""i<>ll, and peal (0110 ...
peal '" ring belli
Wby. LJ' -"eo!t of.
like dista"l 8IU_
II>ev are but $hlhlly ""nneMe<\
How do young abow Ihei,
dil1ike to By "'I\,ng
tb"'r fa"", ap,n'l them
Wby are .. hgiouo "" .... mun'li ..
lih t-il Be<:aUM Ihey a .. ,n.
Why;' a widower Like, houl4l in
. tate of <I,"p;dRhonl Because
he wan"

\\\1: MOII\t..ys in
CEALED guognph)' is
lold thot when
Whyo, the AIr .... n
, p.ine., was .hown into
tho Slalt Stoale, the exiled "'''''I:e
chidlan buut inlo ''''!'S, 13ying thai
"it moind.d him SO of his d;'l3nl
horn . "
Thinking 1h:l.1 ii, in JOme ,""y,
up p:l.inful ... I;ulio'" of
hll 1001 Iway, he was ""ktd for an
.,.planation . nd r'1,lil "th. ulking
0.1 A .. mtblymm ... rceaU. lhe
clun.ring of monkeys in OIl. bonyan
11'1, thaI I am ..,rry I QDI10t
I .. CWl at wm.
Punl;", Chan.du.
A F.nLdun; .. , ",ho ....... luJyiDg
English on lbe O!!n1<Jori mClhod be-
umo: ... imbu.d ... i.h Ihe thaI
he I><'rp<1u.1Ltffilht on-i", of
. I"" oolcher', mooley eat
O)'IIen "" the half bddn?
So, my lrinld: hut !"I,r
l!eadtd 1IIKlt ate 0111 on a war
:l.. W:u lho ",ilo--. mlsllt;coo ampn_
laird Iut Ou-1.tmu
Ya. DWbm; and hi, b;W. f,,1 1<,.,.
twot, U"",,,...-""I the oper>tion
of brinl:' kiow<l by the robb/c,'. ,.JJ,
3 W ... lhe aIL
deJl roytdr
"'''. """"i.,,,,: ai/ of them were
hung in 1M: ont 1<> '''1>.
0(. i!o"" lar ;. il from Ihe \lLilor',
knee lC lhe elbow?
The ,lilIallQ ,'aci ... I,ir <1,,,,,,.01.
WI ",""I. r<ad. Ihat there ."""Id
be: a fOOl to lhe 1".. " of ,.,.01, OM.
5, Arc lhe }.tllch f"'Li.e enougb
10 /
1\0. my ';,1<.: b..t 01 lit.",
hrli .... Ihot if I,,,,, I. n<)1 ,iorrt.o all
he "'ill .soom-. 0. Lalcr be .educed 10
0" .
6. It Ihe )'01'"1;: wIdow of IWO hp,
band. ali &<:",;1.>le a.\ her JUler, I ht
miller'. l"i,1<: I
"l,,'e 1<>, my gentle sophomore:
II",ugh .he af(<<to all, u whm .1,.,
.ft., Ihe ".wl ..
"e<I<.Lcd. he 1"," Itt II.r Ii'll for Ihe
groom' .. "",n.
7. I):, '''1''''' w';thoul thurnbo drink
bc.ot Ihrt"'lIh a ',.awl
Nn, you moct: Illev are 1Ike
""', each IJUI' hi> h, .. ;m" II,. "'k,,I .
8. Did 1M 'nLl>u<ad"t rol 'ehi.:'k.
en', winll -' tm an:hbiohop'l ban

Y", my 1n,,1 : an<l lhe f'"pal tdwl,
t'J.VI of a lu.k,y.
'). Di<l ""1 W blhng ponicull;'
trruuIix 1"" kni,hl'
lI<a\", n",.-..''''' 01 Fr.onrr: thC'
1m> Ihe .veh ..... a"." "'" 001
1rille<1 the ..:1"'/r his t:lt on.
10. Ar, !lOt man), of the J::<1W<'S
tr.>,. from e","nll" oem<?
O"r. my QL": on ronlrary,
then: an: bul Itw "f tI,,,,,, "''',
th." oJJl QlIeLl btcaU!l(' they 'LII'aM.
" .. 'I:t.k
and ,I, Nd .. 11 all he' drowinga
01 Ih. wilh Ih. "ark >l<iLlI'
Yu, "nd II," I,,, ",;lh 1M
red OI'r g;"c hn SO)
a both L"OlC. Ih<lt drew at
fa; .
\V", not )'<lI1r pun
i.I" .. 1 ('om Ihe ,100,'
y .. , my In""d. and 1M lca<:h"
kq>l me .rle. IChoo110 0"' ''''II
mt became r..", 0 .... the )"nI Ihru
Into. rruddk
10 nol the l risky encine-trnder
I"nly blllt?
y .. , Ir:lnltr, and the.tcep-
;1IjI: {til, of /t", i, p.1inttd 1111,
I ... Did the ..-ilCheo caw. the vOll-
IU''-It T_l
So, my wughltr: that I1Jte 1M! rode
a old Itt... Do nnt credit rucb
;,l1e It ..... 001 W Opprcuion
a <HI. /;1'0.
S. IJot! the eall his
horR boca".e his
to. kniuni the hot$o:'. Ay

0, 00. my juvtnile p:I.r:Igr.lphc. :
;1 is betau'e he draws a OIl. of I .. ",
as ",uilv U I D,A,./. could d ..... lief'
n .. dle. -
16. W"" the 5Oldi ... drowned ",hik
1\", """rora1; "" 0L"3S driy.
inl: I r.,,.,., .nd """ on the ".1." 01 a
Ail/ .. htn 11,,, /x;"h IQJ;<lhrr ."plndctl.
t7. Wa. d,e Mdl On Ih. 1'1" .. by
H. Sulh"" and Paddy Rpa
wl1.11 ;nju nlOrt1iI of Ih. viI,

t\'o. my innot ... ,t; more 01/ wal
oIon. wi,." Il,., D"( d"""yl wilh /tOO.
no.. ;c'lhNici.'''' p.y?
Ya, m1 C ...... u, ollho fUlure: it
p.1"1 the d""I.", /T,VI' and """
the eJ<t!';Lvaga"'" ,,1 lbe
bu . ...," i, gnat 3. 011"" a. Ihei. wte
;, ail.
t!). The ",;!or- bringelh hitb."
fleece and pdtry_ Doll> he: mol: "nnl:e
Ihinl!t 10 gn.,. oIIecp and loUD.. tit,
doth uo, 11>.... lorul foci. ; aDd
>'t1 "n.nll" Ih,n", doth he.
!mil ....
\\'h.\, tho one .. -i"drth he drinktlh :
wh:ot 'he otlwT bbwrth he SR"I1Ik(:th,
and h. dantcth at ono:.
... 10 lhe .. will
(oulld io the lollowing put"",,'; of
..... "
llamag<'. Wo-manlrind. Night
nt:L... In-Ian-';Ir. Load-
H"""'1'il'''. Hng ... hQd, Can.
1\_-1<"''", Lq-ale,
Tom-boy. Donkey, Car.
mine, Sundry. N[)-,nad, Lq .... J.
I'm juot lilr. lli. m"" on you. fac.,
n., it R1lLnan. Or G.".,ian, or pug;
Ily ,1-!;ng QL\e optic y0Ll11 wilb

ju., wloy 1'", on sma::.
PROPOSITION_The problem il to . how how .nd where to plBce loother it., of the first magnitude
llI S ODD I' e Z Z Ll,
" w,lt ul"'n 11'e .... _
C'f'nt ,.ta;m of. P",,,oh
1 ""I"""",,.r lu
\0<-.\\",1 .. ,.f
l he flnt !Ie AVO
thco popul:tr iml,rl"tOillll 1",1<1 br
ocicnti I. Q!" the .... bto,ng ''''
"'an j. l....w """ .... 1, "1''''' ,"" .1,.
.... "fTy 1,,)" I. d,V<:T pu .. : 'I th",
the Ie!!." .. R-O-N -f)- ME. It.S
form Ih" 11""1\'1' 1nal:"'llm, ...... 1110'-"
ou.n...'. W,;""' .. me"t,on thaI
"'ill -"'" aPP"1.iUI" ana!tT"m "an
btomade "'Ito th" ...... "1........ 1<1

n.. .wo.". lhe 1000mw
d ...... nl.;'" his ....... j,
<'0",,...,' (0 h,. hrntlw/r .""'nom ....
II. hai dr.>...,. the 1<><1""" ul hlkfll
... of maJ:!"lu.\ .... and
is "" .. loJ 01,,, ... lho P<'>'I'<>fl
in the hnnam'TlI or his "" ... \0
Stc. if y<>u .... n ,I", .. tbe funn <>1 ..
fi, v..-poinIM .Iu wh;"b thall 1", ...
latg<! .. "ny 01 Iht blh .... Rn.\ yH
no! tw.h """ r>I Ihe,,'1
Wb .. i. 0 th" <lnll' ." .. ct ... hUT'
Ilcc.l.U:"" Btl " i he ... RI1l '" .. 11_

A CIUH Coin Tri<k.
HR1"!)' and h,. ",I.e. nro 1C:',ng
10 nne ',': Ill"""
coin trid.:. "'hid, "'" "" I'Ol,w,.r
.... Ih the )'0\Ul1t r,,:h. COIl\J
an: )'1." .. ,1 011 U", tal.le "" .ho,,n,
.., that w. ",n "",unl Ih"", "' ..... "of
r,oIU".-".... hnt. 1,,,,1,1= "


I" du;.<.",'u 1", .- IU Iho po-
811wr.> ,,{ (In!}" Iwo "I Ih,' "",n' to
,""t 110,'", .0".11 Ihrn loe . n.w. of
I'ne It j .I. "en ""'I,Ic.
Ju t th'nk ,.f ,t'
m.,,-,. I .. " 11", (,.,i!! """""Mf'e
'" '" I" _ke ;\ 1 __ 10
rounl Ii, ... "'",., ;""t.",1 or ",,11
IlIn ... 1
- ""-
heade, t h ..... wu. <'Ollectinn or cur.
,.,..".. f"'m Ihe Alnn.n jllngle
wh,cb w""td the rum IUllllllp
to 56 Mau. anot '",I'
piM"", obnq Ihe rhaTa<:lu
01 uh,1',I,on. bil l ft8 We de:&j.
in<: wllh II,e unknown quan.
Ollh .. I'"n\jo. "'e "',11 ".k our
in,codJ \.I) tetl tbe ,,/
00' _. ""d dc .. ...
inll' in l he in an adjoininl: !.mI.
... I"cb <&Pnot be..,n.t all. and aloo
hy .. ay of ltst of itlgenllily.
tn letl whal is lhe the
II) Ih. Idt .... hi,h 3ppe:i1n to be
the d,." .... ", <'<In! of II>. ,ho ... ' A
m .... ..,t answer to Ihi. la,l '1uertion
Ihat you We,... allh. <itt ....
"",I ",Iett.ted in \be other
r."tur ..... describetL
PRQPOSITIOF- Filld the 'll'eight of the turkey ill troy aDd avoirdupois weight
:C".' ,! II"re. h.
you uk fur TO.;k .;;;;""
"Th_ c"",,11 a poun'I." ..
doot vT...... me All many
pound. of wt 3, I OIlld yOll OUll.:",
of turkey. hut I dnn'l l1kc yGM
... alwgrthl':l' ........ ,n weigh It
"pin .. t my pIa"" ""d I wi1\
yo" the di!f<:ff"l>> "n our biU.
,,,.r th .........
The t hinking if tho
",.Ies ... orkfd ,n his favor th .. It.,;!
b_ Ihoukl do II<> "ga>n .
""pted t"" p"""""tJQn and ....""1
,,, ...... th his ull. t.v.l to bis ... r.
prise fnund <hal bul.Chrr.
!It'AIeI l'e<.'Unied 4n .'en numbrr 01
poundt lea lhan he h;td wcigMd
al 0,,", "'.,'"
II _uld arJ>"1lr at lb. fint l>lusb
lbat "fl'Y httt.. t<I ... y am_
htp ..... -d.ou loa._ 1-.. (=brd
for \his pruMrIIl. ""I after ......
n .... nl: tlto uport_ at a ""'ntl
lurk.,. <am., .... h,"", ,b. ........
..... nled '" .... ""ld gues5 the
I" I ..... rorrttt ..... ,ghl. I
... I .. fuod lbal OU' pw:%lS11 <'an
gu_ IIIe <"<>lTeM ..... ghl of Ihal
lurkey ... hl<:h ....n to bo.. Ute
key to. tho! .. h,,1e all gwing
lhe 1>'1"" ...... dl ... liberal portion
"f .. 1\ ",,!uin'<! t<I prov. tb .... ' ..... Iy
"r Ih .. ''''Ihlu\ It"ry
Whr d.- a gOO5C g" ,nlo Ihe
Fnr cI,vc, 's '03"""0.
\\'11\' dueo 11 g"""" C'{Ifl"C oul of
Iht .. a\e,' PM .un". y
Why i.o A .hck of <"Ilndy lik< n
race h"reel mol'll you
ljck ;t fallo, ;t g",,",
Whon may lin am'f 1><1 "",rl 10
be tnl al1y cI... \<<>)',"<1 When 'IS
Ar ... 1I in qllllrten.
Which if, mit ... 10"", <>I' ...,IM
Hrat ... )'''u ,An ratd, c't,ld
Whv .. ,. ""ung la,ly lelltrl
rl .he ion't ... 11 It.amlled
Ihe mail. (m.ale.) ...... n't lake her.
Why are cI.ud"", .. im.
ponffl inlo Ih .. ('tJunlry Imm
land> !ffi.llu .... Yankee dude II
do (y ..... k.., w-t!. If.",).
WhAt /k ......... "nn found ....
t_n tht n<'lOt ..... d .h1l.1 Tuh""
(t'''' lipo),
Whv is a hat ...-ur.
mg' .8to<-a...... t \$ 1IC>IM1hmg to

How ",any "';v,. il a "'''''' law_
fully '0 loy .he Enghah
pr.oy,...!""'k' S,,<t..... Four
ncher. lour I""'fer. f(lur !>toter
fuu, ... , ......
Why lmJ:ht ,o ..... g la,'), hk<
11 Ipnnn In 0 cup 0 teo I Ila ....
oIot i$ ;nttmtint lin ,"a
Wh)' ,1,- ""unJ: man lhink
h,. .... ... rt;s 11k< ,100' knob'
1I.e< " .... 5he is ... t o odOR
(a d"""l
What u Ihe <>f 11 10.. 1

Why '" ki .. lik. I Do-
it goa from 10 mouth.
PROPOSltIOIf- How .onld Iht "ur .1106 h .,Itt.o in Ihl oo tlmal ,,,.tl m, which couoll
I to &, with the 9 lod .0 e!imi .... "dl
/0' 11M

, out.."".., "lJ1_
u. take a look at
oum .... alIDD with
II fantibar. It is
m"", porople h3,'. ",,.r
""eo I lhotlght to tht subj.d be
yond knowlfdgo of Ih. Rtf ...,,iLI""t
th.ol if 7. 20 100 an: aJ,ttd
it berome:o In .... hieh
"""nl .nalyZl:<!. one
I"", 1 ... 1 And """en un;!.._, Thty
_ tn.t lUI)' ""Iumn ""
up to 9. 1n.1 a ..,.., .. ,t g<'t.
.wv. 9. il ill .... rried ",.,... to the
cuI""," 10 lefl. They t hink
;" "" 1io<."", it ",ust "" "'.
CAn', holp )Ul'1f ."y more than I
And 1 tan h.lp j. Pnmitiv.
man "til:i".lIy learned 10
upon the ['lIgel'S of botb h.on<t.. just
as ooee many ,....,1'1. l""'lay
uhhIinr t""ir finK"" in the ill ... _
1"'\\,,'1 of ..,mf f'fl),..!ay
I,..... Itfnr. Ih. ,,,<motu,'hon of
the> decimal "J""\MII If .h. h"",an
",re. as baa hef:n claimffl. 'I'BnK
frnm the Angw"mw fam, y of
"",nk"rl. .. 100 h.o,'e 1.>u1 fuu. hnrH1.
lind ... had ",>t lak.., un that UI,.,.
ling.-r . ...., .. ouM have C<>nt,n",""
... ""knlal. in ... ""t is 10""" ... ill the
<l<:tIlmIlI I)'IlrIIl.
PTOID 11 m.lh ...... OlolOdpo>nl.
It """ be .I>o"n Ihat Ih. ,h,..,mal
"yUe<n ;" ,,<>t 80 ","fect ... """. of
Ih. OIh...,. an.1 that fur ",'m" PU' _
1""""" the tevlamal, ... I",'h <ifill' 1'\1,,"
up 10'. is belte. In tha\ ""UII""
II'Oul,1 me ... 6 ""ven, .nd ,iJI
unit.. !O) ,1>8 AIldil;"n of I
.. In 100. ...hioh
.. ould be <'1,,,,.1 to only 40 In 110.
Yno 0 I tn the 6 In Ih ..
Unit c<!lumn ",'OIlId to 1.
"" "'e .. ould h.u. to 1,1 ..... an 0 aDd
carry I "" to lhe 6 "'ruch in
lum b..,ol:l,. 1. "" we
.""Ih., 0 and n; .h .. I 10 <be
Ih,nI ..,.,hnnn. ""'king ,t 100 ... lucb
lItanti. f'lr H to tI" ..... me way
222 "'p ..... nll U"" umu. 1 .. 0
..-, . ". an,t \"'0 40',= 1 H
A .... ","'J! the <>clam.1 SJo.tem
I" ht Ih. in the
,\np-unt." of (>Ur four_fin_
IfI'red a",,,.lur,, ..... 1Im tltoy <"<>tInl_
"", "I' 10 and kn<' ... JJI1lh,ng
about 'J'f or ur . hn ...... ""Id you
,,nt .. d."", 1?f)6 "" "" t<I
.hu ... of ",hi,'h
dap!l(!<1 oj,,<'(! the Christian
era' It" a\" prohlem .. hich
... ,11 rIta. the roL.".e)..., from the mak. "n. fa.mili witb
tbe rrin<1ple of nlltl' .....
PROPOSI TION Find . numb wbi eh, by . o uod a nd . ou nd, .... ill pio k Out a ll tb, boy .
. 1.L I'l:ZZLJSTS .\1(1-:
",,( 10 tlof'. nn_
;:;r.; . ""' Y 01 Il mrty
- ("hnm ...n "d Tull,. at
..... ,n .. tMm, ano1
haw d.",lt<! Iluo.t
une-n-If of ....0,,1,\
I".yo b .. Ih ... ,wn ",c.6.,,,nl \'1 .. v.
t M . 'ilP Hc;nl(" ,.""",,.11 man
"00 beloc",,1 dUll .It dluulJ I ...
t""'I"'1 ,mpart",I!>', he a""u"ltO'l
tiI"m 'n a ,," I. ""J I.t> com,\
o!"f .,cry ,h"l4:'o"nl h '''''0 unul
UQI'>rtllJl.1I. m.><I->I, ""1 I>H'O ....
l.eI . .,J ". ',,,1'\' I/,ft. nllf' of
(h" el,.,.,,,,n ........
a., I .. m"" who I1olO\.... ! ,hil
1M!"" haJ ..... t h,'"
to w" lho: 1,,,1101,,1 ,J.,q",),
Th<'f'C'fOrt' 100
,100 Ihirtr I>' ..... nl, ... '" '" IUd, a n'an.
n ... ,IL .. 11,,, IhinN'nlh man."
<:ounllnl: "'" fon""""I,, 1 ,,,"an>bly
pTDv. I 10 he " 'l'urk
ThaI POWf', yun ,1",,\,11 .. reo
m..."h ... , lum. "1'''11\ afT.r.ltln/[
us .. y lilt"", ... h,\l' an t
hb,-. in .. rirdr , "" th"l l.v
ron,\-! ."un'! o,,,!
taking .... \" tv.,." thirt"""lh ,,"0.
that all of IIHl IA""h w,U to. ....
mow',1 ""Ivt' II",
u_l f, la"e 11I1rty rounle ...
,n em'l. ,.gm to COWlt arounJ
!,"'kmg "u th,ruoe",h ",,\1!
hft""",, I"".., t""", reffi<)"<oJ_ TI,e"
replA('(> th" vacan, .paces "",10
.. k mon anol let tlor "'h""
boo .. " ,100..,. ho ..
C'hn.tJ.:m. an.j Tud .. must ILn'e
I ......n
TIM! alOft 'V!ry i .-d"'",1 .. "'.
"r tu ,,:1 bu ... " rhanceol
On" day II",t len ebi:d",,,.
&n'! V" 1>0).". "'lunUnl; ftom oct"",\.
f"un'! pM""". ;\ gtrl
found tbe".,."..,. To:nmy
t."h .... \<"<! ,bat as .... .,'"
nU b>j/W'Iloc'T ,he '"lind" re"ily t....
1""1(0"1 I, tho .... , .... J. He b:od },....."
",II 'Chri<wn. "",J Turk'-
""f)'. a n,1 ,houghl it ,,-nuId a
... tn play it a. a
01,,, Img up i,
.-1... r Ibn I here .. ...., 0"1)"
If) R'} 'O'.ly He p13,'..!.
Ihe eh,J.j",n ,n 3 rird .. , '"" .Ixo"", in
II", ri,"1ure. and 1',ld the !:irl. Ih,,'
tllt, tI,,, a"J
till> bo",\", Ihe "Turko. " Tornmv
bad rlanu..J it all right. "" ' hat by
"<>l",\)nl tl" rtl'l'n from a c-irde point
I ,re. wuuM all j, r ,unlN out..
he i'-'!,):"I W"I R'" D
... ""un",1 (Jut . ..,
1M I", ..... leU. ano1 a:1 Ihat
r""""r 1:'" .. A R'''''! h,-k,n/[
... 111<"10 I'", bo) .. him In a ItA
l>ack <If th. ",1>001 Sq", Ih", ,,,, .. Ie
I,a.,", fI"'n th .. ,,1<1 [bn"' .. n. ano1
Tw-k< I"'''-:'''>e "ou are to
1:'10" the 1'... '1 ..... ,,,,,nt . t
_II oma!le.t nun be . ... h",h
,,',11 , .... ,t Ih, 1"')"1 and 1 ... ,,,
t1>.o ]t.r\<
Curr"n"",,,,!!, " .. tb Iht u,',,,,r Ri.t
""Ihou, .. h ...t an,! .mund
to> .. gilt, .. ". Ih"'l'I'nth ... ,1I
"30-. "rI, ) .." Ihe puule ,. to tell
.. h: Dum"", h.\'t'
"-,,,,1m plAr-e of 1.1 I" g;ve th pn-
V! lhe bow,
Of <'<lU'-. '" ... ,h on. ,. <'OUnted
oul. he iA .upr-I .'" .1'1' btock
fmm ,ho .n,1 " """lied ,n
,,'h;,h com.
men""" 1m , Iho nu,
PROPOSlTION--Cut a "IUIm piece of paper into five plecett which wi!! IlIlke two Gruk crosses.
. htl l. r""!c,
. IS ",,,d 10
" ongm"te<1 in min"
- of ROO Cmos b""",
,,-hile ... ""in" in t'ndc Sa",' \m.
wlanN! Curj,... It is .. Ie to say
l h.o.l 1M lmghl .. "t..!. y,,)un_ iliuM tL.... IJem .. linnl
em'!anl of lI",_,, .. b", i .
.,\\ be .....".mh<1-td
lif'!inle<J ...... with ddt d'I'
of """ &ciuor!I. III. .h" 1'...,.....,1 in_
"_,,,e., ,t wu '0,,,,
$Irtct oon"",1' ,n th" "","ul=tu,-"
of , he r&J I<> derur3'e \he
arm. of Ihe """""'. f, .. the "'an>
lbal IUpply of re<l
ronrul\ll very in ...rr.p .... the
p",t.\em. 1>re-<nlIN i.J ... ion",,,,:
t ake. ",juar-e pitt/' of p.""rll".!
wit b(>Ut a .. y wane c-ut " 1111<>
"'_ whi,h win f., ... 10 U
10 make two G1'ecl< .-roues pi "'10<"

PrOgTessiH Conundrums.
," M,.. Grncie," ... id .... "h an
tngagt ng lmUle, "d;,1 y<J\l nu II)'
your ha no1 M one of l\x>se l'tolP'<"
Jive "'>nWldn,,,,,'"
"What i, n p"'>g, e .. OOnUn-
drtl"" Mr, S;><>onamorel" inquire<1
"""")! 1 1'1
"'lIa"..n'\ ,.",' Ihe,"'
He", iI "n." Whr i. a hall of yaro
.. the !tit '1' U"""""". baU
01 nm it eutaw. a rifTu!a. ;,
010";", .... h"'t ;$ flrot. II flat ,. $.\11
mon. h. StO "",nth i.o1 ..... "
w...r; ..... ,'t .... ",I( ;, ,"an" ... ,
.. ''''.u". ,. A i. un
an ,ndlnation ;. .. n
""KIf', .n .. .. " vou>t. a f"')inl i.
..., objecl aI, ItII. olojen. .;mt<1
tal1:"1 IUII",t;" .. mark .
mark ... 11 ir.)l'r(':<"""" an impret.
ai", ;" urnp i
<Iue k "n." ",urk "" i,
,n IO"f. lln<I a v ...... R m .... in
1m ... ,. hke \!,t leiter' t ' h .. ru,.
.wn,b bI'!nre a.' M,,,, ..
"1 d ... 1 'hink r<n1 ha\'o thean
... '" qUlle nght,' sai.t Ihe )'""ng
I,.,ly. ",\ ball of yam .. mun.1. A
mun.! ,. A 'Ioal< <lake i """,,1..,
thing. a ""OO.n th,' i
"'= in Ion. IIn<! II man in
i. hb tIle lotter ',' t...'au ....
1I.. Sf'<'">"a",,,re"! 'I.,k"
de3t\._"\.oxI.11$C he ;1 "ften
r"""""l. ..
Tho l ... man
H. l ook hi. ""I ano1 hi.
' W
is r"'tty .....
"",hI.." .. wdl interetl tlte
II<"h",,1 ,.)ulJ .. n. as ... 11 """'* of
lor tho re&$OJl l hat
1"'pula, anowN i. ml'OrTCCt aa
I he vrinriplc mv,,!.oo i> nol gcuer_
A I"n-Ie riJ ..... ont A in
11,,,,,, minu,.", .. "h . ho wind . .cmd
re, um .. 1 in I",,, m,nute. th"
"'n,1 no .. IlL;l .-uuIJ be rid. a
if tho", "'''-' no wind?

the 110'0 Qull Into the fewesl-;:;;;'",
&.lid form one la.rge pieu.
numb", of piece. whlcb will 81 tOlelber
,.. EVrftY COL-
'. I..,t,on "r "unItt <'<In-
Ulln prob.
. I.m .. ,I to I{lid
. 11<". a who had
a ci:uln. l.000i1'<1 ..... hl'd (" ron,'nt
it ;nt.o 'I"al WI''', "'lIh
lwl ... ,n Ihe ""nt.e-. .... ''''''''n Tbe
pilule i. In <"lit 1M ,.; ..... ,
Into th .. 1_ ... , numh.,. {If
which wiD !."", the u..., .. L.. btl!
u the ,lull-"! ,,( til<' .. lOr. nol
giv,"" tboo pIlUle ..
upon .. too d,Ric-wl and II",",,!,.
iJy III<' modem 1,lan. 110,,.. , .... .
.. "och '" 1.0 ",'-rne a p ....'lot'm ... d
...,..k ,\ b .. d' ..... "I ... lhe may
be 111", .. 1 "")UII" .. a. \n "",b
p..,..."nLle. up'\'<Hbte puule. and
is gi,"on ... an ' .... ''''CI''. 1.,..." ,II
p".",le bu,hlln,.
J}i,-we ,h. t ... o oval Mgt into 11>11
f ..... = "",","1>101 numher nl I'il'l
,,-h,<h orill (" and fonn One
cirt-u13. p;..,e-ble Ihe u.p Df
lAble ... thoul any hole in ,\
010:011""'1'. )''''' rna" f"n""" Ihe
nyle if you ,t p_
f..,t circle It tl'e
fewHt rc-sib!e number of piecea
wh,eh 'Win lit .. nil f<lrm t ... o
no,. .... hown. but rem.emt..r
10 put .. strung """",,,I Up<>Il t be
.. Ie .... !." numt..r of pi..,,,,,.
A Good C.tcb 0 .. Shupe .
Brown (to Sharpe . .. ho
IutlWl'li on bio Ipc!lling): .. t..t
I ca .. gi . 1'>u It word you eaD'\
sp.U, .
Sb .. rpe (KQtnfuUy), " I bct you
r&rl! ...
Brown, V ...... ....,n. How do
)"'" 'need,'- tne:lD.lng .... need
"1'oofJ ol

B",wn "W I'OIlg "
Sharpe "Wl'OIlg/ YU'''DlI: to
kMM bruJ.)'OU auI.didn:t you , .
Bro .. n 'Y ... '
!;hatpt: W.!!, ,t'. 1
1.11 yo."
11",,,,,, "Not at .olL Y"u
k .. -d but you , ... :+<1
bread. In a ';m1'1e IDITY
you c-ouldn't 'pen n,"
Why.", ril'" pota loes i n t b.
lih ,hi.,'esl Because they
.hould be: t3ke" up,
i, t)"'t "'hirh e""'1O!1e
wisheo ... nd ..... m . to get rid of
... .:>On ... it ,. obt;uned / A r cod
Whrn ;. an old lady hto.
Wh"", dI. "'-keo. 8y thn linn,. he!
to thol Wonk
What .. it Iri, ..... ooill,<'UmI "
"OlJ. anJ w.y.the doc\or'. bill I A
Tab .... ). ""y liBt !<olter. 1 re-
..... 'n take ."""1 my IIf!C>
on<lleun. th ..... il no apPAIl'n! .11ft'-
at;"" in .""'; uke awuy all my lru_
and i.ull uneh.needl Tbe
Wbr i. " ...,..-1."... ha1'oy like "
ltonn. Il:a ... It bqinl ""tb a
"'Iuall ,
loI mlion tbe ""me of .... object
.. h:.. t .... ] .... d . onc Imi]. (our
lep on one lide .".11 .... on lh.
. \ 13.1y QI\ h"",,bIotlc
W.hy. i. a 1our-<luut JUJ like .
lady I .. .10-0.;addJc' U .... Ullll i l holda
a 1:'111-<1.
I( you "'''' a lady.
orb, .. ouM be he' opinIOn 01 ntwa-
Jr.'penI/ She WO!II.1nt .. ant a ny
Spcctaloro, nor Obloc!rv... but pl. "..
ty 01 Timff, .
!.I y Ont it a negative J:UI', ly in...."
fint say ".-ben they
n-.. ........ r" ... ;
y IO>OODd ..,,'11 eoll a ......... Il' of
_ghl ,
f'requ""tly u.sed .. ben t.aLking of
An anicl ... lwlYS in " .. is "'y .. bole,
With texlure .... d lorm und .... fash_
A .arnetlung l haC, :0.11 0"""
1M urtb.
YM of ton IS quoted. tlnng ol orn.all
Cypbet- Ani. 2. ll. 20, 20, 15, 14
Behead " o:nm. and leave ."".,_
T . ...-.
What sn"fJ_l:>lc ... is th.o.l .. hooe
box luUn tbe "'''''' pinch ... h
"'1m) The ."uff .... 1
Why h",. people
quam!lcd' B3U>e they h .. ,.., al -
waY' Il(!'eed
Why 'Ira 0/ short ",e"",,-
i tovClOU./ lkeau""
they'", alway. for' gel l,n, acme_
Accident I nsuranc'
To I:I't .. WAY Imm the Ilru,jpry
of m,'lhr"",tirl. . I .. il1
itlultl'llit a 8QQoJ Ilory I h nt tht
olhr r dBy .. Lout a "'rowd hlack.
smith, who w ... canell on 10 .hoe B
pirit<:<! 00"'" for tho of" .. '.11_
known ,nlurano;,e Tht
"Jrl'nt USUI'M the Imllh that
t he h .... 1 "'1lI ",ntl. mnd kind. 11'1,1
mduced him to name. low I'ncc for
1M )"b.
NQI likinl tho viciou,!>Oee of tho!
..... mal', ellf'l. nor the Ihilty move_
menu of in eyoo. the prudent trlan
flf'lt "",nt "ver to Ih"
and IOtrIU'h.l ,n AI_
dental ho:nef,u. The sJ>ow.
Ihe h<'>f'Ie m!lawing the f'1iu,km.
Im,th w,(h ...... kl) annuity of UO
1m frlCtured toll,.,. bone and
IUndry brui ..... , whieh will DOt IooIJ
for y...... puulc. ... ,
.. v.. diot-o,,<,c the ]a,aJity
of the
1 .. m """'vo-l of !elt en<-
ldy 2. B. II, il du.>: out 01 the earth
Illy 6. II. 12. 8. is:a numer:ol.
My 2. J, III III ' .... trument of 'WU
Ny 12.8. 1.lIa veael used In form.,.
My 5 ... ,"owel
7. l. ,I, i.:a hanI .. bslucc.
My 10.9. i.. a pnmoun
.. y bole is now bdore you.
A Il E8US.
My tongu. I. long. my breath il
And yel I no Itrife
My v<lin: ),OU b ..-lioth flU' and. nur
.'0l1li yet [ have no
C)'pMr AnI. 2. 5, 12. 12
Why .1'on"ld the number 21\8
be mentl<lned in ""mpany!
!J.cclI-u,," ,t .. ty.o gr_.
What lett ..... of t he alphabet ...
molt like a Roman eml'<'''''/ Th.
C', are,
What ill the hrood of t he do,.
When Inay a man ho: oa,d tI? be
hlltnlUyimmersed 10 b"",ness' ,\ bc:o
he'. t",nr a ... "moung I.....", .
When g,v,ng ,,,v,,,,-II<1111 to a
dantinr party .. lul l lingle 'II'Of'd .W'll!
\.ell the boll. lei brgllI .un""'r!
At lm-da""" Cat\.endlllce).

.. "
tail 01 the dO(.
thc hurt of thc applc tree illike the
Ih. """,t
,,'I\i('h ,",'
last 'um-
n<>1 ... .. h 10
Iithnugh 1a.:k Jald il
not b.lie'c he ...... Vtry
valuable dng, C1f _il,ly
to poer fBmil" "'ho ,,,,,Id not
afford lQ 1_ him, h' ....nuld haY'
I Mle down, taken him by taiL
I.IId d-..hod bill out "pinu a

).-:k IIIlid R greal many
.hlni', Lut of Ihft best I
n<>" .. as a chall ""'gI:! to
lell why the hea.t of tl>4t apple t fllf!
....... hke the 01 tilt tI",' I am
i'!' ''''g to of(.,.. pnza Ih' 1 ... I.o.n.
to 1""k'. mund",""
m.d ... OOrt'f)C"\ sXd<h "I the
";tt""i.,n. tlit: um.orkalle l('!i!>t 01
lhe I>tl .. le IhOI )"'" au tI> ,II'-
IKnh" tlit: .......,,\.la",. oil .. " <>b)<'<u
",h,dl ynu ,ann" "11 I',,,u,.
to. >tn.,.. . 1>"1',,],.r m"l4h ,he <ai, '.' Iinn of 11>0 Ii ....
""lu,red 10 OJ' ., .. 1 ."Ih ond
the WInd. I "ill
hak- halLwn pUule I<> ;!:u,uale .n
.. I." h in,,, Ihe ream!
01 S.n,."..lhu""nt '. lamou. Inl'
.mun.\ It... To-.;ff
S"p_ .. 1,,,U<lQI1 .. lled
Lv ""mft m ....<,,1 1I'.. "ell
6"., ntil.,. in tell m:nuleo ... ,h 1M
wind. LuI fflluirH one h<>ur 10 ro
&pin tr> llit: II"rtin, 1>"inl
the WInd, ho'" lon, ... '0..1<l11
hayC tak"" tn go tile ... hole ten n"IH
inRuirn, .... thoul.n)' .. ",,1/ Th,..
a ... ma, tn of f"cl. " hul anoUa.r
....,,'j ',f I ..... t tng Ih .. d,..-",.,nn .. 10
how Iar. Ihe halloon. a,tuaUy IhooM
he- c,t:chted ""liI '" "''' hour
.nd ten ,ninull!O

, . .. lottie my
""n. T ... tQ Ill}'
lola!".!}, and Tr.C \0
- lao! ... ""k to .....
Ihe b<>y, We ""'" ",,,ndenully
11"",1< by tlwl lingo an' ... of
them conduetor mm MI Out
bn.nch of tho P_ O. Q, Ra,lro&<!.
A 'elll/l' ..... 'n'",' g;. a I,,,,, rifle
by .. yin' .;.", a member of Ihe
Bn;>tbfthuo<! ___ .and the
condUol'tor man ,>n ned h,m what
tune It .......1 . .o.n when h. "'Y". " ..
qnaner to one." ,he .. ay tt... ron
d l><: t .... =n threw him off of lhe
tra", ",to a "'=1' a raul"on.
.. Pur. " .. be . , any nilro.:od rnan
.. ho duunt kno.. null '0 ... y
sbou!d SI.:IIy in
\.be _amp .
W.o.nd) axol him 00... long ... e
would stnp at Kech""k. 0.0' he ""fJ.
";i<l four mmils, 2Un!2 Tunrh!"
We d"-In't kno .. mud> be but suo"..- tltnn be
OUt '" a _amp ..... lo:ept our 'gno'_
alLOt to <!Uncly ... and JI1>I =1.
them mul.,. y"" _ in our P"'_
l ul'1l. but T hev beo'" thmkin' it 0""
"'<rU!, anfl Il<no'O' ... lull""t
randu"", man meant hI' m:llmg
In .... rine Ilf ... h." "" wcnt
"Chew. ch ..... the ... , the .... rhcw,
chewl" So I QUI" puu:"U to
try IUId gu... 'I,
A HU Punle.
1' .kt the 1>" m ... mAn
..... ,'i' 1m", hy inm,_
duun&, little Ptul""u(\on .... h",h
not uaddy IOCI ....c'<!\
an(] po11l .. .1 01 h" ani"m.
an!! yOlO .. ,\I .pp",...,ate tbe
ing of Ih.>\ 1,">ehu1I"1'tId alb",
al>uul tho d,tIktIlty (If t.tad1lng an
old II.", _ trich.
The lrutb of Ihll 'Iat=en( 'W;I.I
iUuM"'Ic:d "Ihr. day by a .. ell.
\.:no .... at.oul I"wn '" the 1,,1
Iu .. ... ,rdo. well ....vnh ul>e:llLnJ(
"y"" _ I h,o,! jl>-l a $5
I>4t on jelT""". an(1 the
medium (If ,hal I ... tlM ..
",lher,'<Imphcalc:d I'waooi tndebt ... l_
_, So"", t"", Wl)ek. lotlore. I
had a p"" "I
""arto WIth Ih..., u!.Oll
men:hant. an in ....... n". man an<.! a
dl'UlIl!ner_ W .... n 1:',( thrt>LLgh
the nwn:hanl had w"n $1 lrom lhe
,n",,1'IUI<'e man an,1 I ""'I io:.l a
.i",iLar .nx>WLt I" lhe drum ..... . ,
Mean ....I"I. tbe "' ....... ,,, ... m:Ln "-<I
lbe d .... mmcr for U hun..,lf
Thr "";nm""., rond ioai"Rl' "'ere all
,..,l' ..... In and 1.1 none
01 '" l>.ad Bn)' """nfY, a
httl mall ..... "nlply m.rle
a ",...,."",,,,I,,m "I mattn and
to .. II I. up Ih. n_xl time
we I;Ot 0" I he "'Kilt "f
the P"'" ] ....on .. $! hal

my victim pve _ "'" orde., rood
.nywheu in town. I Iwl ''''''''ih
hAu al, ... dy I<> ,\" "'" f(Jt" the .. MOn.
10 nut """""in&, I dropped """,nd
\0 my fnwJ tho mu<hant anfl J:Lve
him ,he ."d.,. 'Senrl amunrl and
Set $5 <on lhu." I ... i<!. 'and ron
.. de. all 100... h . g"""'"
'"'I"'" <>111' 'II bY, HlU .lon'l 0 ..
_ anyIJung. ays he. 'I,lu, 1 otn!
Dilly 'i.' I repad . and III "".n_
"Jer thai ,"",II..:!.' . Bu' Bilh' .... <5
me nothmg, nlh<"<.' h. 1"''''''''''1.
'1 .. on all ","n"i' fnnn Ho1>" I
1"",,1 10 tna.le the lhi"lI: dtutr I<>
b,m. hilt I rouldn', Tt.., "'''''' he
figuro<! on ,t It.. "'nr;le<1 up
he i"'1, and reI.,..,., I<>
Tbeo T ... ,,'
to Ikob, the In<ora""" mlLll. ,Junk
inz 11"'1 he hafl a go<>d lor
f'l:ll_ and ",,,,1<1 _ wh,,,gh It
at "", but I <>Y"'"""tlmal<!d hun_
'What bn<l "f a IS th,.,
.... >' be a.ked. ' t he .... r you
ealcullllo it ... ",,1.1 put in
dd., 10 you and Uill .. - Holy
MotII'$t'lAid 1. 'y",,"'e got .. head
... thick ... 4 m.o.n...,' -.. ... ",nU\1:
to .. 1' And I st lllt<><l aU 0""," alfain
"lib my ul'la"""on H. rouldn'l
gr.,,!, It_ 'Too lor
I/Ii,], I 'I'''' 111111 m dioguot And
hU11I/Xl u p H,lly A. /lOf>n '" he
.... lIi{'n h. briJ;bened
uf'o 'Wh,,-, ... tho <,aId 1<, ,I?'
hr 'thM "'utdd II
"1'1.,,,.1.<1 '''lI ,0, m. to get off (In
Ihe ma,I. you. Rr .. .,,!.
_ t h.d you i<li<>t"
I "",,I 'Tl\t'ro's DO catoh at alL
It'I " pbm . ,n'IM mall,o. Df bll.,i
Wllh t hat f ... t dL>.rH ..w
..,....te O1>t a f'_" uch, and
.... "",I s'uflyinJi: lhe
hatter "-",",pted thl- 0'-
der All th"", 01 Ih.", Ihink
thaI I .., ... .l them in
"",nner "
II" .. I ... poor,w, tbne au .. ho
.. ou1.\ rea.d th;., olnry ... \.o,\J, ""d
iP'p thfo ... ho-,l. '''Ull'inn ..
reoortUlr '" ron"';l and p.o.po<tl
Which are lile Ligh_t ",.,11 .
50::"",,10. Irish. or EnCh.hmen PoDg_
I .. hm..." In SrotLalld tJ>en, ..,
nf .h,. in lrelad tntfI of Co.k.
1><.11 in "'" liJ(h"'rmon.
Wh)' &hould an arti>1. ne""" \,.,
Ihort of ra,h> If he knOWI his
bu.", .... u" dnt ... tnOI\.y.
Why i. 3 pruden' man lih" pin!
.. 1". I'",,ent.> him from
I"" {."
Y"" 11>11:0 In " drum .. hy
.u \'OU" good Judge I lJ""nu", you
.. both tid ....
,..e ..... d hD .. the hD',n ."d co ... ,..tTl
ju.1 Ihe" WltI and lell how
tM ocn "nd hn,...,. we", p<lrtlcned
l1li1 to lb. famlhu, I would be d._
hghled tn distribute ouch hones and
",,.,' ... fo.dHpit.ofiu be_
'''i e:o;tl't'mt'ly SImple it tall< 10' in
J:'<n",ty rathe1" than maLbo:m:.tical
kno .. __ ___
Tba Luc ky Boy"
. i
1 ' 'Irange IMI in the .tory
T IS SOM "WilA'!'
'. "f lI,ero, KtnjJ' of 5,<:>ly,
, - ",ho 1>""" hi$ crown to
Atth,m",lcs to det""-
m,ne the amount of nIlov "'hi,1I had
t-n addtd to Ib, ',,11 acruunu
I'yo t1u: same ",,",on; 10 Ihe
.mnule d.t2.i1< of the giyo:n
Ind yet. I hive nen. """ .. thl! prob-
lem ...."ked out to shn ... how
much gold the dishon""t je'ulc. ru.d
It is toM that Hiern, II:.. King of
Si.aly. lUI u> make
him. ero"'" .. "ty_three
0UJK'<!!l of gold When the cro"'"
W'U it W'U found to be (01"-
teet In wrigbt. but u... Kin(, for
...... reaMn or olheT, at .... y ."..
pec1.ed ie .... ler of ha,-;ng stol""
part of the gold IlI1<I wh$tituttd
.. I' ... ,
In thiJ enlit:b"'nM 1lK", "'Mn you
go to an to..,n ..,me p'Ke
of broken-down Jewelry. he lnU lhe
propOrtion of got<l <,mt3.inrd in the
pie h}' ",lJtnng it upon a \CSt olone,
... bkh lenYH a ttcak of 1.'61<1
Some acid ;. Ihen "l'lIlil and the
time i. to delermine how
lonl: it takes the acid to d tre)' the
;o!J, ... the me""! wiH r .. i<llba acid
in prnll<'tIlon to the punty 01 the

They probah\y bmd I'I" .Udl test-.
in tb_ daY'.IU.,e ate lohl tl .. t
. ., .. 11 III ..
wu trouht...J for. l"ng
time 10 di..rovt, .. me'h,'" of .... hing
the vrnhl.m The.., _m' In be
dille",n,.., of orl\n;,,,, 10"''''' 01"",1 \
be _"h the hnnor of hltt,ng
upon Ihe harpy Ih""l:hl "'hi< h 0Il1:'
",ned tile ..,Iul;"" In Ihe my"ery_
It is "';,1 lhat 1M W'U uking
a loath. and ",-, .. n
.....,;gMd leu in Iht .... 10' than ,1'1 Ihe
Ili . p"e ,'ent to hi. i<>Y hy tbe
memorable shoul of V..,,,,k;I,l"
... bieb hu t--n e,'er IOn".,.
Wtll. tM aulhcnt,c fa<"1lI of the
eaot _ ... M f,,\Io_' The <'1'O"'n
'Ir";gMd ... &<"tly "'t),-III.<)(' OlIn,".
and "'Mil "'''gheo.l in th .. WAter jl;a\'\!
... ",";ghl obu_ed Ihal ,I h,,'1
JUo, '.2245 ""Lic incMt
01 .... te .
It .. ", fOlln<llh3t inch of
g<lM ,-",,,,fun,, t""teJ ... e'l:h. uldlv
10.J6 <luun'O, an,1 thAI A ,nch
of .ilver hut Th"re-
II'''' il R oi",l'\o ralt'Ula-
Ii,," 10 Ihe quahTynf Ihe
all<lY fM a.2Hl ;nd, .. ,,/. p"rt' Kt,ld
.bould w.'lIh o"or ylwoouncet.

whereM Cl'QWn weigh"" but
e SUPI"',inlj: 'to to be .. :1
\ ho 8_2145 ."Ub," ,nch,.. BI
1 AS w,,,,lJ "'""gh \"'1 a httle 0"0'
fnrtv o"n',,' , ",'h,,'h ....""10.1 be omne
thi,iec-n nun' ..... ""rI_
\\'i,h n, ..... fat'" before U'. il
become' 3 .. ",pie "",lies to ""'ke
eyen a <1,,><" gu ....... 10 Ihe alll<>U'"
of the )c ..... 1 ... peru]ati"". and il
.. _me that an ou""" of pure
golJ I ....".,h In, and an of
II!>' .. In be val.,1 at ",nV--<mIl!
_ dotenni"e lb. uact
amount ... hich thf:n, h.u bo:>oo
., ,,"u<h I., ... n>a<le for atl of thHt.
.,..",,,ri .. ,
Arthimed.. wu lhe greatest
mathe_urian and philOSC'Pher of
hIS time. he it """ .. ho, ""nng the
".01 '!'my. ""emy',
Ho:el by mean. of reHccting nntrorS-
He in"enl"" "",ny
po .. .,nil hauled to King Hiero
IhAt he o:oulrl mil". lhe ....0.10.1 if ]",
coulJ only ba'.., a point on which to
re>t a It'..,. The,..".,.,n why the
.".wer to this oro .... problem iJ
"",'or !;i"on may b .. ,counted for
by b ..
In my first mr _d sat. my
thord and fourth ", .. f In-O:>I-l-atc.
PROPOSITJON_ Tel! how few Itepi nud be
tba top, ueppine t",ke 011 nery Uep.
WAt one of lliooe mart
AI""" who tltillk th:n
, kno .. It all, wu
qUI",lne .. lind ca.ner
aboul the .... 01 .. If a
bnck wel,o:h, thn:>e-qu&l1cn' of ..
all.! thn:>e-qUll.(eno 01 a poun,J
tlla ""'''<l by M),ln,o::
," 0", one sbo\okl &\.lek 10
I". l r.Wc, YOll a ... IIJ1 on figurel aIId
I am up on lhe b'Mer, II<> I ""II
agree 10 ",eu YOII. puule il It ...
WIll lell me Ihe 00Tn<:1 aIlSWC. \0
m,ne. JIlII 6gurc OUI lhe fC"l:JI
lIumber of 'Ieps one IIu to lake 10
go lip and down and lip
10 .q lO be uri"" 011 lhe grolllld an,i
I"""" "" tbt lop
Eve<y Itep mil', be of Ih" Mme
bei,o:hl an I all of the #tops "''''1 be
uoood lhe "''11. n"",bu 0/ 1,'11'"
The.e ,. no cateh n. I'lln .. bolll
1m, It .. Ilnighl ro<><l.,
and yet ,\ II .",Ip to ... y I hAl (>IIf
younll' Inl"" .,..,11 ha,'o 10 go "I' uoJ
do .. n th"t lo.ddcf lim
they hit upon the correct ......... ,
lb. ladd I" eo up and dowli an d up 10
Nili'h! it n , .mh allltJ horron,
SWfftly ....,.\"),,/:" ,n hill b'''*'It ,
And Ow ca.. (II fan"" wm> ....
Mom,n" m .. ts. \0 lull lb. ",,,01.
E:", be CO'Inco ,n all hie I"lttdnr
Hark' llUlk\- ....... OJ seen'
SIKIIlItg' a =,<1<n
In 1K..- bo .. of ru'-'y gl'e('ll
Such a .. Iu) "'n h., to.
And not ... ... _k
To .he '-'urni", , ... t.I
Of IllJ.%l,O.s n,"" thf<ekl
T!u15 . and .... dear
RDIIN III "'f'o-l4n1 .,,!..n<1or, '
momrnh,"";lt ... year
lIh",,"" by CupId', caplu",!
And ... ho-n j,wI are ou,.,
Aod m"",,,,., ""'1"1 .toO'. WI,
liD?" ,haU lar fUlu", yun
The !ove 01 all ... !nvt WI
Wb:>1 tree it. of the ,.,..ut ... 1 ,m.
JlOrt:'"1;<! 111 "''''"'''yl
'" htn '" n bJy nn nil,"'.
arml Wh." it is little .. .i",

PROPOSlTIOlf MOW how tn ferry. quarellOme party acrou tbe river In I. b ... t Ibmt will c&ITy but two
A J w(>n<1er, "" .. rvef , if or Our The punle i,m.l'dy I" lho .. ho ..
III .."y to
1OI>!t. ('" ro<LI
the natUfal t.e1lde1ley.:""'" - toma,o
un tOI.1eocopo .nlolhegoat_ Ei\Mr
of as fam,harly tnld. pos-
_ inltr""t for Ihe and
.. 10m 001,"" would otn:ngthtn a
brand of <he _ory ""d rn.",une
po .. en nol I:flI"I1IUy C'liIed ,"10 n-
erti"",. To. tfallled pu1lhot
problem,: M .lI' d,ffkully wh:Lt
ever, but 10 """ whe i. "ened III
<lid matte.... if he ""n jD.t try to
... n ..,lul 'en th<Dugh hit mind
..0 !.est m...,tally ho .. many
l Ima bo;o,l mU$l o:n:tUlhe river,
he ""lI lpeedi!)" teali.., .. hal B vlllu
.ble I<b001 it is 1m- learning to con
nl.ate tbe theught<.
rca<1CfI "'ho nt. fun"har ""Ih 1.'lh many tlnt.., th. little l .. o-""aIO'<1
.t"ri, .. tv ,..,,,10,,,, "'ht 00,,1 mu_,1 tros.o .he "tre"",. Ie ferry
a funny ,1'/ "II",,," m,p.h, Iho enl1", l"'"'Y but I oc
If tho twu ... l'<'ml"n...1 <a,"m", "')' Ihat n"lone JICR<>D.OU<
'" "n,? That,l., If!, k I ,,(1.<>n of a " enrlowed ",ith a
oort 10 I Iu,c CQu!,I. ,,' .... )" h"""lln"..., ",h,eh would ,t out
1,u",Ics .. 'h,,1l ..... .. f I..,. y. "",bout _ ..... \<) penal
1 .. ",0<1 Inplher ilI,u pnu and alth""gh the pow"," or
Ine 1"""". latllltr 01 Uolng "" ""')' re.dily be
by tW .''''1wrN.,
1=<1. whloh l!>to .. Iua(,nn ,n
a way wh"',, .. "uhl {,,'; "" ,J...,
"" ...,n Id! ,he ,,( II I""MY 01
. .,ho, re'l1IIrn,ng I .... " a PI""
n,o tIL a _I",am
In .mall boat ... hieh ...... 1.1 ht,IJ
hUI I"" a! t,me. III1d none .. ( the
\.:oJ_ oouJd ",w
I,ll> h.:ol'penC<lthat P ........ (',n .. h
tM po)Jul.,r <OInred prH< her, harl
quarrel,,! Wllh lhe other lwo emIle.
film of lhe party. aIId U nllllit
101 ... eweh had falbng OIOt ...,IIL
lhe other lad",.
Uo .... ,t 1"*'hle In, the """Ie.
rom lO rondurt IIwn mil acl'toll lhe
slrum ill "",h 11>0.1 no 1_
,hS'lgrfflng part,er allan ero&S
nv .... t"!lnher or e .... n remaln on
either OIide 0/ the l\fum lit the lante
I",'.. Anuthtr curiOU!l leo,u,," of
011" ""011 IMinns being that no
one rcn,Ieman lbould "01U";1I on
Clt ber wah twe lathell.
I1ft 4 1<> Kini"".
They ........ ,n magnifieentl}
,kct>r.>.u:<I room ID the "'051 Elld
,,( Lond .... n TIr>' apprn"d d <:a<:b
other 'tom OPp<lt" oiLrttllOns.
fIl('l, end carcl<!a
of the I ..... do...". of cyeo ... ue
".,Idung 1.h=I. they ki<:Iod ucl>
other .. ith '" rnoundmg OOla<:k!
1'h<I meet,ng .......,"" lO briag
,bern I>ut alu. ala.ckl
the)' haJ II<&Kely t-n ,.;de by lide
.. I.,,' ...."..IY _b ... lIm. ""'"
"pVn>:Id,.d WIth tb.lin of \Lattle ,n
hi. eye. W,th ><>1 UIl'>lence be
rai.o<-d tbe luck "" and
-<:>h. horrorl-be struok a
'barr, 'l"',k blo .. , and the pale ene
....u AcIIt severn! feet ,..."y.
The M1ther ","earned nor
fainted_ Then: was no h=Mb,,,,,k
'"tot. no I'CICnl mem, not e,.n. mUf-
mut was hellli . hauso. --,
A "Reol GO<Id Caleb,
I;m<' )'OU go w .. party
ub .. th 'Oil a ..... 1.,( "'"!ton
""", /I 11.....-11. A\.ho- lim 0l'l""r-
lun,l)" th,... ... rl the """,,Ie and !l,nl'
'M fO)(>I ,n."I. your breaot
pus I1<'1!<lI. thr<tl1JJh your C'OIlt
/"'''' the . and detach it from
l'""'nl1"bout t"..,
hanlt'lIg upon 'hll outside of Y9U.
C'O,'\t You "ill bo UlkrHlod
to _ ho-tr your will try to
do )'till the I.;indnea 01 ntn'>Y'''I
lb. cow,,,. and the ... 11 be
",h.n lru-y pull out an
apparendy ,",,-ll_length of thrud.

S"' .... .....

lem from one of our
-' otandam arilbmeti,c
boob. l>on', look ,n
, the book for lhe a .. <nr,
nor &Jk )'OUr \.taeher. ror he or .he,
.. It", ... 1Ie may be, I.C<:1:pU the
an50rer '" good raith, 10
)'0\1 "".,,.,ld 1_ your oh"" of
101v;nlt '( currKtiy.
Tab!'y and Sport r<I<<:d Irnf\'\ ..
Or.... 10 a an.! bark l<I the
di".nre ill aU. I'r\"tllty/i". yanh
51)011. .prang five 10K at ,,",eh bound
and the r:lt IHlly Iblft. bul Ihea
Tabby made A,'e ",';np to Sport',
th_.1<> .. hat shuuld be 1M reaull of
tbtr",":;-' __ -,,, __ -::cc:C
by a Puule.
I "'lme forty odd
yen ... ag<). thnt IW" C;ncinnnii edi
ton l>erame In"oh'ed In " ne ...
"""Im,'eny .... hieb for IIOItIt
I""" ..... conducted .... th olll tan
do. and eourt.eIy_ AI IeDgth, hotr
C''tI'. one of !hom .-ho wu tuUy
getting the wont of the
so far fOtgQt ttimtolf ... to b."""ue.
first tlw:n 5<1ItTi1ous. and
thea .... h,ch indu<>!'<l the
other to qUIetly .... thdra ... !rom the
"""ten, Editor :-10. I
indulJted in l"ul\ paeM of v;Cto.y.
in .. fiich he 00asted of "ha .... ng II;. guns." "put
him to ""'I. , . d..."nl .. hed
I,. ..w. llIat the
author m.gllt ",hen be beard rrom.
T"'" poem ran ... f.,u"w.
The spring once more ";th
Chaplell crowned
H.,. be. cholcen hI_
inp all '"'trul\(\
Each ":I.nt valley and each vo:rd"nt
la ... n.
Enrithed ..nth 110....... loon amtling
... lhe da.."
[)em",. and modest hued tbe "",Itl
10 bIooIns th, blUlb
In, ..-.
To these. 1M hW: addI her
do .... r
Of perfume by Ihe mn
nnd ./>0 ... ....
Rev; ving Flo"," ..... 11<1 the world
Of kingdoms P<"'rll=u al a lairy

Paro .. tile bills. io tIWIy. fnIoCCful
The I'IlfIbow bl_, 01 \hot Of
chard &!line
How .,nly olll their tlnll
lbe alt and bleu lhe gnte
S"'fel vni.." no.- heard cn
The brent. Ihe bird.
01 Ihe be<
lind do,", the clift'.
the ",urmur
w"e,e roc'"
111m." HI;. Whllt he .. as III th.. OPJl<>Se In .... "',
oompllC01ll f"""" of mmd be.,.,. R\lIII the drat 51,.,.. .... n m",", 01
caved from an """"ymous ""n. the plain.
Iributor a -.o<u,hl. p<lmI on In n<:my Jtn>IIps. far hom their
wlucb he puhllShod, ac- """them homc!.
COInJ'l':'led by a eulogtum on IU No ... ""'rut the lofty 'pln! the ..... 1
Ofiiinahty and beauty. wlIh ... arm 10_ roam.
The fearless rollin buil.b with Jl\ouy
Ie .. ves
H .. f"'gilt nesl bmeatb lhe farm ..
" ..
Emboweted in ...,.,.." the
her 1><'<1
WIth lilocn """" oer tend .,.j ....
Eaoh hJlpp" !:Iml n)X'ndt hi' dol"
pled ...
Soan onth h .. nntle maIO and
.w_ly .nl:'
The bf oath' h ... b .. ,,\1)' aroSe
In pleo. .. ng Tnu";"u .. to tIM' pile
bl .....
SIu'ill &al< lb. wlustJe
.-b,le ,,-.I.
MODJI: the )if' ... rth his pat,.t\t
11eeo1 ..
JO)'01I' the ble ... h,ch ti1\. th. preg.
nant lOll.
And $1>"'" the profits 01 the farme".
"" CoolMll_ .,. .",,J,ng as an ""gel

K..-ps puoeful viril round In.
d .... !I,ng pIlI,
And,..,.tlt Hope aM La ..... f""', ....
Smiling ... uph. in lheir lxn<en
of Ii,ht.
&lute lui mom,"p lind tmbo.1m
each nIght
A fe .. day. pUlled b<olDre t he
"""'l'la",-,,\ edllor had til. morti
licallon 01 ,udlng In the other
""per Ihal "Ihe ed,t.". 01 the "Star
of the West" b.u fully JUrt.i! the
ItTOSIIC <'OIIt.il1Med in .. beautIful
\X>CIII on 'SpnnR' by,
and tndOtsing il In his paper_"
WIllll i , Ihe """rot kind of _t
a man can lit on 1 S.:f-con ceit.
(""tinn nr our puuli.u
1<0 an Ilyle
I, ,. nf "'tiling
... I\,oh arr"n\a ompe rnr
de .. IngeUUlty
which ","nlnK
back..vd., i. applied 1.0 "'O!'d. or
..... t<n<'el like I!.w. Hannah. and
"'oon, or tho fam"", of
Ada ... tG Eve. whm h. rmurkod
" Madam {'", Adam" It appli ...
as well 1.0 words or eenledl which
when read back .... n1I ... U p..-nt
an ...,\,,..,Iy dill'er .... ! meaning. hke
munter, Moor. d"'r. etr .. etc .. many
olwhi<:h.,11 aPJ)ur in othH f'Uule..
Tboe children', l)arade is It','en to
a little pO/ltical ""nle
which .... pick...:! up on \.he Itl'ft1.
in Ihe neighbo'hnod of Ule St.'"
1n'eOpe<1;u of pao1y pro-
drib"" the young kid, art; hav.
in,. gnuld .lIh f",.;on 01
inureru """teat ted UPOD tl>tc
p .h";ng of .. II barn:l. I.".. rrot
bonfire. Th" punle is to . ... hy
th.u COlI WIIdudes tlln the I>I'OCH-
Iioa. d.,." not tOfIflirt with Ihe ordi-
nance as postM on the wau
What Is the olden tree in Am ....
ita 1 The elder ,r""
the men au laughing at.
my lint. "1th cautious
my lUII.d aa ... na ... ;
nut "'hon by Y""I'I mAluro. 1:"',..."
His t hou!flln a ... u,."c. tone
011111\<,11. wllh .. hat 8""dioUll
I Ie found my ",hu:" 10 pkJ. ... lbet air
An. 19, IS, 14. 14, S. 20
Ny .. bole' .. ad N.LUlrophe
When -.. to help .... II.lgh it ;
Curtail. lran,_. and you <lilIcbe
Who rr\(l(tlly &ull ... by;1
Cypher Ani. 1J. la. S. J. I I.
See how ""'Jerue I am barne
Behead ..,...., ltaIl me Ibm "';111

Yet lrnavu "';th all lheir an and

me to often Q a priR.
Ruto", my t f"anSpMC, .. hat
I'm higher tbaJ! I...., !>tin .... 1
An . U, I. J. S
I Ilftd mhl.,.d
I p.ay you tau hffi!.
ltI y wit', hke \h. point 01 thUstle:
Be nic. in YOU hOlce.
Take Pl'lInklin', ad ,ice.
AnJ don't pay too muth Ifl. your
AIlI, 1,21, J. 20, 9.15, U, S. S. 18.
I'm but . blUe letler. ni'l
Have 0IICnld to hd6U:
But il you tau
ltIy wI. you
An alteration ;n my 101
You'll oay I'm Ihofl<'r-1:>ut I 'm not.
C)'tlhr. All. , 14. I!. 10. S_
When ia b .. by Ioke ., h.ukfMl
""pI When ,,'1. tea Ihmll (teo:tb-

Two pmoonal prono"n, if you Ide
And po IhI: ... in d"e omer,
An herb wiD ....... e "'Ihou\ m"take,
Tlult ocenu the ,ani ... bordf/f.
An.. 21. 5, 25. 13, S
Wby Cannnt II. dul -m-.-,-C
convicted' l:Ie<;auM;\ ia not lawful
to condemn a m.>.n .. ilb",,1 he-ar.
II.,.,. YOU ,peak a I.ilor
whl:n you di 1 nol ""mom!>.r hia
L.m.' As Mr. So-and-Su 1M ... nd
..... ).
'M Jl'.n:rt.. d ;, wry i ....... _
/,t;, csting ""''' ;ui...,
al AllY amid the
, i. van':'". chan/:C5 and
cl>ar\a!l (1 Ihi' rna,,""
aid tho.\ JoIm-
100, the ,-try tr.ilhful gu:mlian (1
the dt>ollr. Il)<lJf1 at "-'<'nIt
IlhIol il1nrt;,.",. "lUch .. for the .,.,.._
n:ct ...... of the problem.
oay" that 81 the rl_ of. tho
feW";I;'" ;hM-t: wen:' jn't ... 1>"'1$
lo'fl, bul the ar>1,lic:m", fnr the- "IITIC
were in sud, " hrlf-'lcos """Ie of be-
luddlem<'nt \hat not one d t!....n
could bi< h:1\ cl><',:k, much
I..,. l'OO:'I:'I1i..... hi:! bat Wlltll '"" a>.w
it, JO in de'pai,. ... <lS rom_
poil...-J \t> let ead, ""., mal.., h .. own
lCIoctitln. and .. i\ afl.<!rw:lnb trans-
pin:<!, rvery (X>< ol the m r>ennoo
took a hM which d;d not bclung 00
N_. Co<!<lTl:'C Washinl:\Ol1 J., like
h. J("eaI. """ ""'" .. 10"
eouhl _ fub.-;"""" e,,,,, if de-
airod In do ." , .. , .. /rom a
11UU.Ier'. iW>dl"'inl il. is
10 dc:t<>rmiuc the for 3Dd
a,:aina tich aft 0<'CU1TI1lI: Q
thai. ... ""'" cacb I.1.kinc ""t .. I
fllD<Im1 oMuld ., h::tPl""" !hat ""
nIIIn tot the .. hi"" hoblgal to
I "'" won! 01 fi,.., L;tt=, and
dear I<.> tit bdiet<. and I haw
..,,,,.od!(rel! calamiti.,." Tab: ar"y
my 1-.1 and I adom "" Ile-
bead '"" 0fI<r ""'"' "",I I am a
wbm. all lbe worW. un""
If at fll'<\. )'00 "".-tail me I am a bmu_
lif,d mincml, Curtail on"" m<;1n!
IlI'd I am 4 Iw;hionablc f'eS07't. To
rot b<>th my 111'8<1 and U1il d.oes not
detfor\ttal" my
10, 16, I, 18, n.
The Comica1 Doc
We ,,'ill .1-<k ' ..... t", <Ii,,,....,. Iho
h:::.hty ,,f \"'. f.,:I .... ;,
........ Wi!h .. ,..... hrolho.'r
tst. I """i"lJ;J.tcd ,n a ..,.,
r->dil;l>" in wiLt. ,11 ....,...., 1,."..y,
and aJl/luul:h ;1 " ... 11 ... "" r ...
.. tame ""'. mn<>mlN. ".,. twJ
II)(lIt A"'" ';"Ii: lin .. Ii.,
0/ wr cno1r d,,'II. U .. "'U ""'1'''''U,
roUr II CIInme IUIllthe, tu
'rig III n '"><t 0/ '1Mu.,,,'!,,,, At!,.. ,,,'h
wllS ex('\ .... IMnical, !luI II,,,,
<l<l!l<lu"he to) c.w loch:'.
I tI., Io:<>d!lk, on him
on" uI his 1"'0re., th,oki"li: it "''''ld
(umj,h IIILi<-ct f,,,, \lW ju, ....
PI ... 10 l:tUj:h nl ,
Wh,," .. lin army \IlIaUy d<,-
Wht'f1 the IUIdien an!
all in 1[Uo1rttn.
Wh), is too mum wIti.lrv .nd
Ilk.- the fI"",ers thaI
bloom ,n tho: "1"'111:1 !k<:".,,(' they
InIll: lbe ""'" ",y {lIW.:gay).
"AD" ,..... the ,,'QI"(! lbe muter
"''''' to Dick,
Who IImltrhed trill bead, and look,
mit "'lh.r thick,
RtJ'Iic<.l. - H<'m&/'tcr ;t 1<CUld ma\o!,
It Io<i<i{:"
"y"" may OIa)' 'IN' aft booIr, you
OIupid d.....,..,"
Th(:o "ddinc aft IN at

Dicl<, upon
lho- 110... ,
.. u .......r. .... il ........w! it stick
.,..... "'''''
"Y(OUT bed: "ilb <hat ""- sticl<,
III put in CO.
"". t.1:ao.m Aid. "um.- thi>..-or<!
''\JU know'"
"C",''' ",1<1 Dick. "to me
IkreaItCT;\ ... ill >tielr thl: fustCT:
11'ho.t 1""\, ><huuId one follow m
""\,,,. to', l/Ut a fil:',re ill tb., world1
A """I"""'.
Wh .... d<! mnt. mo.t
","",,,.1 11'bm lhey htlon.l;: w
vine! <l.oQ bee-f grow an?
Wh.,t is the difference Ilt'twem
ll-.e \1,)ITO<m..' relil:ioo and thoi.
wi"",,! 1'J-K;r is Ginb'UI1lt,
but d"';r wiVt-'S R'" VlumJ.
\\'h'l1 i- II dU1 ,Hmtodl Who>n
",,', 1",,;<1" hi"" .. 11
What mal'S ''' .... }'body !lick but
lh<ooe \h.o.t -"w..u"", iV Fiatu-ry.
Wh:!t ;. w!ri<:h ""' ..... Bitt
..,.""'" ... "ings .... brtlI<ml
An M",",
Why is a drunl<m Irishman lib
....... tm.J tom' 1m rwnds? lie is

Wolo!l the most
iJ""";,,,'" l;ve 11"1 tht
j or in the. cellar !"
. , . .."IL. "f the 1 ....... 10...
I ' tbNt. I "-"10' dunne an
I' "_' ..d t,.ur <>f the okl
"".Id. In
,,,,,,w:::I "'i\h ... dut"tu ....... tmh
_"'" tn h,'c H<"<l1-..1 the ,,"htf (If
writel'll, In. t'.M.";" l",;ahw, Inr
,n,tu.Rc1'. the ""me ,,( ... hi(h f hue
(,,'gouon, it look",l.s if the '1 ...."11"..
had oc<;ul'ie.l the h"mcntl or
Auie-. 01 hnu .... , "r ('01'11
m .. the '""'"11 "''')' aLout, AI
we tenll it, I,)' '"""'!rUtt,ng
the rouf li"'t an! Il,e" 1",,:,\ "",.-n
tIllI'e ,clb"
1 Ihe guide
an.llrom ,ny
L""k I M,J h ..... J,lied IhM
""uel! Wall ,h "",,," {'uule
is to d,..-ol'<1' II", "".&!"y ('<,n""",I."
in 1M de"'';I'"on nf til<! ru,,,. 10 III
to \""",e ,he;c 'nl .... "ng run".
Lord lII .clul.,'. Lan Rlddl
I.onI hb Ilyron and
S, ........ p<'r-pelnud 'lu,,,, II nu",ber
0/ poo!IU.,.r n<lill.,.. wb,,'h may be
a,d to rdk",t tilt 1"-'l'ul ... fomt of
"units of ,h_ du.,,;01 day" H ....
.. 1.01 taort In IhM h .... of lhe
great 1""" and hittOlU-II
.. LeI us look al ,I qu,te d_Iy.
'T" II ...ery IIIIly _1.
And On" lila, m.akeo u hudrlrr
Whe"".',,,,t it
It """),1'1', be v'trf wirkod,
II must he alway. !.ad,
And spnko of sin and ""lftnng
ElIDugh '" milk" OM mad.
Tlo .. y Ie}';' i. 1\ romllOUn,J wonl.
And very Iruf,
And .. hen tiler It.
of "'"1'1.... lhe( ... 1= to

If, "I tile Ittt<:1'1 they take otT
,\nd ..... cr the first thll't!.
They havf the nine n:maining
,uMd ... can be,
For, Ihouf$"h II Wo=III to make It less.
h,(;u;t It lUaka II mo ....
For it t.ahs c<=liol'l in
it left out hefnre. .
I.ft'5 try if..., can
It, pcmible .... ,t .may.
If nnly we d,v,dc It
11'1 lOme ne .... I )Jionl way.
In.tnd or tbree .nd rune, t hen.' it four Rnd
YOu'U "'Y It mllku 1'11'1
;\t leMI not "ory ""ut:
Ilut only t he <)<In'''''luenoel
That', aU that "eW' be dollC
Tn chang<: th,. ma,. of ...dflC'$lO
To uamltigaled 11'11'1.
It dea", (off .wwd. and "islol .
Re"<Jh'_. towie_kni' .
And ..u the horrid wupons

little puffs
the ),ochts.
Ih ",hi"h "' .. n 10&0 Ihci. h,'
It"; h<,1."" fcehnp-
And 10.. Joylull)' it heard
The nutivc ."uro,l of ..
C""'I'rIIih'! illlo !>flO .. ",dl
y",,1 loura",I"'IlM. m)' Inrr.,!>.1
.... \ th3t }'''''''' a".! mon .
Thougb o.Illh. h"",. "I ,lrn,,,n.
Rej"". ,1'1 IhnJc an<l n,n.
T" give our young ,.,'hlsrn.a a
limelr ... 10 puz.1e owr, I ..
"""ntl"" I .. ,.. on ..... an ,nv,
runt .. V"" ' ..... of the n. hl; dun"
" sen ... of Ind "...n forlh' HIe, I,
of II for 1Il00 <"UI' in lilt '"
teroatl<'naj y..-ht ......... I 1\<',,'
pt-.J ... a ).,..-ht"""n. and .... 11 ",.L
U,""'vt to .ltll bow Ih., o,1t
1h3llhc I",,,,, booL """,.t""" .. WIn'
It lIlA)' I .. ,. J..n un ,.,,;nt . Lr
broken "nd '1'3T<. fur I
tll<>uJtbt Ihat nu, bo-><lt outdnfl<"
lhe Olher Ihf'Y ... ,.1
...-... hut.n on 1,1'11"
Caplllm Sh.O.w ... 1<1 little I,,,i'.
0' air "a.-tn't I1Iu,'h 10 do Ih.
l'Mult;, &,,<1 I "INk a nolt oi hu ft
I'\1llfk. I " aT<"<lm!,"n), my
our young 1'1'1.. 1"" ....i11 lin" Iho
loe3lil)' okilllu!!y ",o .. led in Ih.
... "rd .

My f'l'1>l i. a "nk In)' itt'"",! "
!f you mt'CI WIth my .. 1",10 look pul
I", a,,,...
0 .
Wby are dta! penple like Ir.,!i.
.ha ....,,- U..,. .. .., )''''' m.aL(
lbe,,, bere
Cues. the 'icbll of <h ,
!.. COt:RSE WE
,,t'" "U "onn!: ')T. ,. ""
h"," true hI" .. ill
"M10.t """0 <d lhe
d""h'tl or n giwth
S,"" ",1, ... 1 ,hild" ... t.o h"d
,Ii"ol'.,,,,\ Ih>., I,y on ..
In =1'11-'1... ""d
Iholl uchirngmll 1,130"'. "t a
'mI<!. they L'(JUt,J gd II,e ",,:no'!
"I a ... liarty on lb.
mfnt "I hut Q'" '"
C<lIlj'l ... Iht)" 129 poun,\"
lH 1"''''''1.<. IH 1'",,".1 . t23 ,,"unth.
121 1.-OUlJ' to. t I 120 ].lOU\Ids,
I'.,U"'!;' VJunJ. &",1 114
poun,j, Wh,,, w,., lh" weigbl "I
.a.-h "a. nr the f.,. little gi,l. if
II p',,"" Ilia, ,hry rnu.' b3ye
Lc<n .d:,t:.. .... ", thoy
woul.1 Leo:n "t,I,' w uul
... : "...,.... ... 10 'uch 110 in
"l1li: 1,,, .. 1, 'J""","n .... hich i.
bal.:" lu <.iIo.i<c lL.>...
lly /l."" in the ganlt .. luxun.1lIL
tn>" ..
o"hci<lu. "",J ... 'ee, "" ",""'1'onc
"no.' .
lIy 1CCOn.! a noit., "ain,
.-."'" Ihi"!:. .
Th. lurd 01 haf'tfll. a. proud "" "-
ki"-l! .
Mf ... ho'.;,; <11111'1',"''''''-, and....,-,na
'" rop.<..,
A. .n I". lad he d""" ,n hi.
1<1. \. 1.3. IJ,J.11
-" "h a t<>nlb'
WI"." "-,, ill ".Imlf>
" " hh a racel''''''''
Bc.:'N"" hr fU'" to, <ttp .
a ,.1 .t<"k,
pm!>1..." ...-Web ... "uld unI,' M
Ip<>IlI il ,ho ""'" oan;:e<1 '"
"",re <'"ml'u<;,,,,d.
My hn;' .. n ",-,"",ed
Ilu' lv""'!:!)'
My n<Xl a "",n,. nnJ
Iho ",me
N" .. illhi, wero hul ".."ted
An,1 to \hI! allar ,July led,
To be my .... hule .. hi.,h might I>e

What'" the di:l ... mc Iootw",," a
clourl .. wh'llPW ohilol' Or..
poun ... '<tll """. tho roa,..wnh
What wu tbe price of eggs?
, .
PROPOStTIO" lato how ftw pit tu need !he able top be ell! to compld e the do, bOIl5e?
T RICKS "l""yl keep tllt L.,ob'
tl'e bu.ine .. it a joinl "IT,,;" h,,, hal no fPel. An'\ ye, ""'a ..
II'hat key i. Ibe barcl"" to 1"", - sbor:ll Pu,t,
A donkey. Why .l.,clclrr li l<t a fight!
n<:<;".. "" I, ,I ",.we up {O( rouncl .
TI1. n .... !:'inn "n",ht"
Ie ',"m on ""ncealed lr""'lI",phy Ihi.
t" d,,,,ov,,," thr 10<...;,1), QI th.
I,la,,,, \.>eong di..-u...,J by the.
learned prof ........ , ,,> hiJd.n ;n II!..
d_nJ>ll1m of lho ....

l:\S KarteS Arctic..
. "
Why ), .. ,1 . M Ie.. , <>f t l,e
",."", 1,.. ' ... oM',1 Aclam

Why ... ou),1 )"011 boo j"'I\f ... ,n
r,ek,ng tht of .. ".nder of
D"'au' 11. 11... 1""
l ures (I"ck\'d }'''''nt),

, Imm our du.y.
... ruth will inIH"'"
, )I"t"il,, <pclh"g d""", It
'" bu,lt upon linn
10 tl1. nory of the opitaph uP<'''
I l1e WIllII cf the 1<1 l1t..bey. "'hICb
P RS\' R. Y pf{Pcnl.N
The rrprt .... r.t " ,.,,"'.,
whIch ba<1 /",Ie.l lrom lhe
lion In Ihe ,!J",,'mlion
collrgo prof....." e\
wu a.ked 10,'0'''''''<1 the
properly hy Ihe ;ntrod"",ion of the
c"'" ____ _
101,. you heo' sull"" ..... ,.
When wand"""g by the """",,'.
Ny -.J iD the gamhl ... an
Hub playtd nomean cr pal,,), part.
Ral. fired .... lh .orlM thim to win.
It .id. him in hi.5in.
101 y whole if ..",.,.."b;ng tbal ;,. faul\d
Upon tbe fa<:e of all
Y if you lake from me my,
I .m a lule commltnpb<:e
Cypher /Ina. 19, 21. 18, 6. I, l. $,
Wby is an o.t'quiued pn..aer like
a gunl BetauM! he is c1urgo:<l,
taken "P. and tben let 011.
Why a .... hones liltle n-'od in
\he h I .. of Wight I ... "isilon
pm ... Cower to Ryde (em"" to ride),
Why ..... ", .. I riddl", lilre ,. de
oentd inn Boca....,
ila holt pul cut and ncl guest
A PUUUII, Vtr4lcl.
Here ;$ wh.t ,,"'0 ,,;U term" neek
tit l'uUlt .... I\cI'('In Iho ol'lee' i, to
di"""'er a mi"'''11 ""rtl ICM placed
in the how, ." that by I"ftId,nK ,t
, wi, .. rut }"-'" KO B",,,,,d t he t he
..,n\cDC<' ",,11 be ,,,,,,,pltl.. I think
,he ""me"':' '" this Cf\.., have
1"<1 I 'l"(>un,1 the
tull'rin """-'It (In of a mla
... lItrh whirh l"un<1 ,n hi.
j", but by ... ",. t""st .,/Illt
1:1 ... tIl<! 1<1110"''' .... , ddecti"e. 10
I will Otlr ).,,,ng I'Unli'iTl 10
I)", m, .. ,nK "W(IrIll ... al to
mah the mrrect.
\\b,. d ....... dnnkey eat thistlesl
Beea ..... be'. lUI .n.
My flrot if a ..,10. ; my serond lUI
agreeable e.u ....... ; my tlnrd IU\
art,c\ t>I dDlh,nc . nd my "hole a
chara.cte . de .. 10 tbe
)"OI1n. folll'l.
eyp"",,r Ans. 18.5, 4,18.9. 4,9,
14,7.8. U, 15. 4.
Plaft IM .. me wnnt in tboo bbnb
... u to make ....,h title .... ad prop-
"" " Pingal', cave
would the ,;.;\<:>,.
2. Arat. ..-t',m_"_--
traVdt-n:;D the
J. To .. 1<:<:, ",,,,,,';00', .. _--
\>:> an"",'lUI"".
4. ToaC"USe d(JllalIng lbey-
W ..
X NAn...... t: ...eommunication.
Take l be bta ...... y from _.
thing we ut .nd md:e it read l1li1
lou,1T A".. lI,..,ad and be-
00""" "",<1 "n,1 u,U' r.
What is the cliff. renre bet .....,.... a
bottle of medicine and B lrouble-
oom.ooyl One isle he w. n lhaken
!>teo"",, I"ktn, thG Gther \.0 be t akea
Iben .haken
Why;t. 1",.1 of Lread 00 tbe lop
(Of the ,tf. l Tow ... like. r"""benel
He<-au"" it is high brucl.
At what tilO.""" Ad_m married '
UpOn hi. wedding En .
Whal pa.t QI. fi>5h is like t he tftd
Qf a bookl o",,'t)"011 knQ... r
Wby, tbe
how keen.". _ .. _
bilitoM, wben conflntd wothin the
linu,a(;,,", of the <lomO'n:c apbero,
pmne to " new era,
,10(11111 fmm 80m" "P'-
.,,><1e. "e quote .. (If Cherry
11>11 goal". ;nci<.l.nUllly allied \0 a
p ... uy IIl1llhemDtiCll) thought
"V .... ote," ....:tl Mrs. Murphy,
"P".!<Iy ;. 110_ one ""d o"e_third
lima as (lId., h. was .. h .... he took
to dnnl:. and lillIe J'mmy ... bo ....
'<>rty """"ILs old ""IOn Paddy look
to rlnnlr. ... "" .. 1 ... 0 yeus mort: Iba ..
half a, ...1.J .. I ........ bell. Paddy
t" <lonk . ., .. h ... lint. jImmy
Iii un1<l at Paddy ....... hen h. took
to dnnlc. our tbftt ages tombinod
w,t! to jun one hund<:rd
y ...... "
lInw 01.1 i. little ]imlIlY
At whAt .. man marry!
At the l, .... "ug._
Why", lUI t1:g underdone like an
'"1Ut ","eN,,".t Th.y a .... both
haroUy ,tOIle.
Why io a very old um""'!la. thaI
lias bern 1.,.\. u ... new wb ....
f<>u".I' ;t', ",>veTa!,.
Why ,10 lh. Saln.ooD Army
1_ ... "Ik "" 'hel. hedll To
Ave I"",. ,..Ms (oauls).
Why II lett .... \\. like
11 m.oJ,;", 111 ""ill.
Wluch i. the odden lOll ..... the
<!fie who uk< a quest;"" or t he OIIe
whl) a",w.",1 The 011. ""h" alkl
h ... nullC he i. the queM.
<1....... Ihe wind """'I ro:-
teml,l" R OOok..,l1 .. / Whell it
.latlQMry (l;tatoonery),
WhM b('ntfi\ nn be <lerived lrom
a Pl'tlef nl p;n, I I t will gr you
II'I.Ony gOO<!
Why .... allll",,,, .. ho treat of
hlu! ooldlnsl Be--
cau," they wrile about lace.
I .. tnl ,,110 tbe wood. and taught
It, I .. t dQwn Ullook lor it. and then
1 wCnt home "';th i. beea .... 1 could
""I lind ,t A .phnto.
lIow <lid Ihe .. hale t hai ..... 1
lo .. eIi Jon:th obf:y the <Ii';n 1.0.. f
Jonah "u a Itrange. and he took
h,m ,no
I capUVAto many whe" I .... ned woll
by arl..
To eaoh loverol..,nj! an impua.. im.
Thoulh to lay pi.....,,,, I'm c!.-Jy
The ..,,, olt ... in "","';11 con
The miwr .. Ill ..",Ie when .. f. Wltb
hl& g<t!d
My fa ... "t of forma he has ta.dull,
I 1I""lul am I""nd In com.......,. and
T" frien<lohip and \0..., I lend mT
kln,1 a,<I,
1.&<1,,,, tben wbile you ... pi"nl

Let. Ylrlue and wortb your mot to
11111 be.
Then grlLndeur mAy fro .. n and .nvy
ma.- ""'rn.
But harpy If m.nt your hfe .hall
An. 15,10. 5.
My (in. is founrt ,n "'.lLDy min ...
And my c:c.tJy _d obi" ...
,u for my .. .. hat sball I .. yl
II _ma '"te""ed 10 \let",v.
T'hm.oh' bewA.., unt1unking yo.>lh.
Ad"""' to ""'-ty a"d truth
Cypher An., ,q,10. 18. I, 20. 5. 7.
5. I J
--: ' - R O' "D"D"'O,C-.
Ladi,... nddle I Nbnl1t:_
To nowlLdd one;
And. havi"g lhereby .ho..., ynur
.. it.
You lI'I.Oy my whol$ INt onl
Cyphe. An. 11. I. J. 5
The thi"p .. hocb daily pclU,
Cause .... muth dee-p ..,AIion.
Bt:bead ..... t_l.I be ba:d to mah
A Cid<!,.r ...
Rebeao.l apin ....... 8tUi.>bo""","
Will "'aroe ...., detection_
Cypher An. 7,12. L. Iq, 19
WbY;1 the polka litre h;tter beetl
Tht.., are.., many Imp< in ,I
1 H I .""",1,[ he p1'tL<><! \(. enl<'r.
taln <ucb a "",,'1
IJ.I. !'\hall .. tb gh""l to-

1.\5 Whith .t" )'(111 p".f..,. for-
lun<b, _ ..... tor -p!
rJ6. w. ut 11>00 mel"o, but Ihe
nn<l):\'1> til",." 1.0 tht riP- (tout
'ry ,
IJ) Pmm ""''' t;,VO',," I ILllru.-;.
p!L1-C! a I:""'t dMI uf p!euu ....
1,IA. My 1>""t1o,... , I tnter )VU'
hou"" with 1'1.3." .... .
I.lQ. I!ij.!b........ ught tU,,,,,,a.
\,on bll..-I the .nemy ""b dis.
IIIILV (Slait 1
14(). thtv OQly lighl lhl!ir "-<Iral
Sun lay n,(I".
Ul "-"It 10 Pl"m""lh on a
t id'''1 10... Qu,l\o<y .
1 j) Tht liege of Soc """'<>pOl gave
It .. French mll"b tmuLI".
lH. Pan"1'" 1001 bo-r voice
on that <>C.'C&IiO".
I.... Tho amphibinu. 1%ICIL:U;1C1'
.,.........,j th .. nvC1'OQ a raIl,
145. !;arah ""lIht on aU at<'O\lIlU
1(1 be ",-tntml .. r 1
140. p""" S.o.mho J:(1t a .. hipping
ro. nmnme a .. "
147 The Mu \ling I
iUppus..-! f"-'<' 1<.>
145 I mn.t for

\\"U", I eM, t.rc:o,1 t rlrink
150 In I', ""P a!limal
I """'"1' :\",1 Ml
lSI We notl<i ("",' , .. " wllb
hov hI! Juo.
151 w,,", a <no"" rue"" on
her 11.. 1< ((<>Untry)
The Quooen of lhe A<lriatit
o-r KilLJl: 01 AL)-IIoini.o. IIIu<t reign
IH .\t I"" Ir""'lt .\n .. n." I cdc.
hn.1-e<l the F"unlL of Julv
155 I a hun.Jni.I And """
I cay you ha,'c a huodl'l'.<! and
twtl (I.ake.)
156. To .. mAn . no
"J5:"",m."t tS
157 Tbe ""WI IIr. Alderney
ISg 1 met my a,,,,, 'n
W .. hinrton
159, When lhe t:Lin began to fall
I 1I'\.Od" my fnen . .! put "I' hu urn.
b lla
100. Ow mok. n."", i. August.>.
1 01 00 Y"" tbink Louukl Ollra ..,1
... 1II1eJM\,nl in as
Kane'. fo:Xl'eo:.iilion 0'...,;-
161 N",. "ehid"". ,n the open
da\". <I'>!en from tl><- public

Wby 11 m Itk Dlusician l
BecalU<' he Ibe key .
11= i. the l'ul.te of Tom the
Piper'. S<>". &5 told by ,. ....
'Iule the pic and .... y be
run It,. known Tom cn\er.:d
1M far pte .htJ .. n al the top on tb.
han.\. The pig ..-as fOIltina:
at t"" Moe of the tr.., 250 yam. w.
unto an.1 Tum it by al
wmyo running. "''''''Ily to ... arda. 't,
.. h,le lhe p.g made a beehne
t"",at,l. lhe lower rome ..... hawn.
Now, aJILU""n1: thai Tom .... n o"e
third llUle. \blLn .be llLg. bow lat
d.d th .. 1';1; run lo:f"re be .. "" <"<Lugbt'
TI", punle " a oM
on 1Le<.'OI1!1t of it. apran.."t ,implicity
and the ordinary mannC1' of
h.:I"dlinl( prohlema of thU chanlc-ter
" .., oompliMlt"" ""h'e," a.e
ukI me .. ly to IOlb""t ml'ptc1"
ma!ely ('LJrft<;1 """ .. upon
and rommon len ... jusl
to _ who.;:an II'LILke the be<1 gu-.
The llimplc fOt' onh"lLJI: 11. bo)w.
.... .. , ... hi<h ""II dm>bu- lie qUlle
_ 10 our pLU.tioU ;,. bged upon
el_U.,.. "n'tur...tic:.
A .. hum . herdt nf tllli
and hurl.
A 'lul1<lrul'"d will give you in i\.l
Cypher Aao. I, 13, 21. 12. 5, 20,
When i.a I3dy'. d ...... like an un
Ibrtunal bull.figbter? When it il
Why ia ." ohl ma,,' larm in
Tell like the f""". of ",,0.,1 ... 1
Bttause ,I" pbct! "'her<: the ...ns
rei .. ,tid!' (sun'.
A,hI haif , IIC'Ofe to nothi"g, ,oml
wb:tt mnllna! does ,t make' OX
WMt IhiL"" is ,.!ri.s' Elliptical
(a hI> w'klo)
How i. II thiLt u-.a put on
""wt,l......", ... ,thout "ovenin1: IhM.
trunkl'" ... th<:y leave out
thei ....,,"' clothing!
Idy Ii"t illound in "'lO.ntry
01 tht 1:1<>1>", my IeCOnd .... ht We
be. my whol. i. tbe ... "",
u my hm.
Crp""r AM. U. I. 4,
11_ maay /(WtLpen make. mao
unnvd' Forty Pulos make ......
ru<le (rood) .
110w many """,100 belong to the
Ye&.1 tbe six a.e
onlv I.nt (Lent).
\\'hy i. a bigger b}' nigbt
than by dayl Be<:au"" he is let out
at and lak.n 'n ,n the morn
What did th.y hove in
lb. Preserved p.o.i .. (pea .. ).
Stud.nll of rograpby
.reIP""" an opportunity to Cl<trciae
tM" .ngt1luity '" d.oeo ...... "'oII:.lbe
Iocallty where -""I to tnditwn.
the custom of nng>ng the merrr
wedd,ng belli: OJ -..d to haH 0TLgI'
I Rivtod the loIknring eom",u<t.i.
QLtion the' other day from Y"UIIg
"""". y,-t l>er-t..,.,. at the ,,/
king of t-emIn. 10 milb for ru. quu.
on, IU><\ who, which ill\d .. hat
Tbey 0..-1C1' 1M I). JUVL!1Uk: Hnman,
ity ( .. 1>01_1 I)r. HaypteOLtrVtn.
httlc bf:hold goi<l hanrl _.
nnto, stump U( he a.rived.
tho W"-l ro\or
Here If imend..-l tram,l.o.tioD'
Mr. DtlOg 1'0;nt of
deAlh, ,,"0\ for Iu. 1"",<4 and
tlVes. They ICIlt for Dr.
.. 1m ,ndosed a 16 Dr.
Barn iml'-lo--nng help: but before
he urnn.J tM <\ ..-1
What is the ddf ..... "ot between a
t.e..hi,e an<l a had Xnne
al .11. ... th .. one i. a '- holder
(Ioeehold .. ) the "tboer a 'pe<k'd taw.
(.ptMator) ,
Wb.t', the difl'eff!1ce
r.ere nf h<'ne),(Omb and a bl:td. eyel
One 1& pl'<xluc..-I by a lal>orinl: br.!.
and the oth hy a bf:labonngl
Whieh of lhe four ..",..,"" is !.he
"tcrary' Autumo. for when
the lu.vCl arc t urned. "'" red
is a 1ll<1y a young
lady I When .he, a .w""" tart
nQW d ...... PIt""". of ... "ter diff ....
tmm man th", .. iog his O1'fe from
a One " Wal'" in tit..
p,ltbe., 1.11.\ the oliltr is ptldl Iter
In Ibe wa\O.
What is the ",If.ten..., bet .......
an I.IIBler an<i a dun"" 0""'
bit hook. the (It her h:Ltes ru. bool<.
JE,op uK, eo( !mngr.Y w,!!. who.
_ inl: lat lIttl. ,t::nQt 110..,,;,,/: Nt 1\
Tool t"l' . "",1,0<1 cn\,t,,,. " "" . )
by i"'J><N<lnal;n/: 1\ who
wo"I<1.<1''''. Ihe 1"""I:,\('r <>1 Ihraw.
in" .""",ball. him . ",1 <>1 ".W;I1)('
bunod him on n !XCII,;,,.,.
"How <'O\,hI I Ihr"" ,110"'1 .. 11< .1
)'OU in Jul.'. "'htn 11,r", i,,,n ,,",wr'
",id tho kid, "' he ca_
cI<!.. n Imm II ... tll<>1. ..... 1
ha,." brm aoJp I"r In In" .",1
drnm",,1 01 '\I<"h a Ih;"" . nd
I am not Ihe kind of a hi to tt>tt
""f'J""I" ....
"Yoo oW.... n eII"iY"O-
lion i" rl3nl of """'i.1. and
1 dNpioc l>or1<m .'110 [IIl'''':. re-
, lit cn,d ,,-,M . _ he ... i,,,1 hi.
virtim. '"Tn rrh t"ll ,,-ith ."" .....
balLo i, only n,iodmJanIlT. and
... onlol h."" onlv <:nOl )"<)n pelt
hI'l OI,t of ()lO.n mnnlh
JOlI aT .. IYIW t'OQyiCl.<I <>, a ht;nQUI
crime, an,1 I "'iU h..-. 10 lake yC'tl
inJ" Which lit 1>rOc<'f'01",,11O 'h or
mu .. ". tilt mnral 01 'his lrue 1:1),
i. tho. il is ,<>ny 10 ..,., ... ,,,,,",.,, 10
argue .,."h I ""1'. bul how m.ny 01
"", ..Itye. puuh>ll can Jr" .... th;,
rnun,'.um by tolling Ih .. ""IUT. of
the charge _!:'lin,1 lhal proof )ittle
Why millCrly ]>oN)p1.
Deca,,,. tl,ey Ie". 011"'_'" a-gr<'Cd.

J. Rebu$.
To a word of rltni:tl .. Id to inoite,
YOll'1J Off what the", I'U""" 'tW<x1
.nominlr and nighl
Ciph<r An'"rr'_'4. 15, '5. , +
When !'mith I"""hl I", "".
pt:(rOl thm: 1"'MJ:I1'"'" 10 ,\0> 11",
.. .,..k. al(f't'<inK 10 P>Y 11,.. for...,."
$1.10 p<!r day. tlk ha",I}' m.1n .s,.
0",1 hi' IItlf>l'r 90''''"1>. '" as 10) a,.o:r-
"lit 1'<' day. COI>lnol\ t(l
"''''k 101 d fo, bel on ,ho
0('m0,,1 ,lay Iwo of Ihnn orl-",,,i,,,,1
1'1.111.... and 2 ..",i,.inn.

A Rebul.
My who j. a relative, lool<
n,y fi t, ." ... U'l"g "'y wl.,le at clin-
Ciphe. An$,,-o:r._14. I , .6. II.
9. '-4- .", .. 1 lor .hortrr houn ... ilh in-
........ ,f f"I" 1M ju.tice
01 I""i. ,leman,I., uplaintd by lhe
nn<'Tl>.inonml ht in.
W3g<:1 I IW<'I nl til. IMn
'" 11m, neT,. """ w:,. .. , ... !. .nd
,'rt 31 (Ild of _500 toch
''''''' .,." ... ,1 $'01. thrre Iud
I""," i'''1 J".l ,13_'0' "'llrk dOl't.

ERE i. a r .... nk.:tl [,rob-

10m ;" elt"C!ti,",,! wi';",
; " hid, <k',-eiup<d re-
,;. a "",,unty "on
. I'cn!:'H' and "'hi,h w,lI
101,1 ;n"",,t "n. p" ... li,t<. It
gh'es mlJII< "'-'P'! {'I. "",,'. g<nit" {o,
and .. inll. so il" ..
10 ... ,. that tM wit;
'''' tMble in IIllItcring JU<b a prac-
linl p..oolcnL
It .1'1 ...... 11",\ r""",,\ l'ri,,,,.,.y
m<ding .u ,,1<'Clri,i.ut w:to. 1:"'''''
C<II,tn<:t to (>lKr "" ...,1IIK'i:to1J. in th<c
t..:k ttl tM IWI. n. br WlnX'ctro ,,;Ih
a I'u,h-buu,., at u.., h,m' ,h .. ""
that the woW lJ'july thr
1""1: ... i1l<11 ""010',, .. 11<-" ttl ""Ii:
ofJ. Ioo"l:'h of ,1M: ,,-in: T"1""'''''
fur tilt wnrk I:"H ti ... to q'''I<" a " ..
rug"", btt .. Cffl II,.. ''')ri.''' ..... 1ft'1
Ihr "'" .... 1 ........ 1 to> mr. :lnd
I find lhal ;t a prnhl..",
,,-hieh 1 am 'n'" OIlr PI,",'!;'" will
bo qualir,,,,11J) t:w:klt-.
Th.. hall w:t. jn., 1 .... hr (...,1 "ide
by t ... dvr tOft a",1 thiny 10'<"1
Ion", .,,01. as .b,,,n '" 1M pu:!"",_
the ,,-ire mu_t t.r ,t"OOI:" along th
",:oil. iling or B"", from ,h .. ",,"u"_
ciat ..... tl .. "" ftt'! Inm th. cri:i"i; in
the ernl. r of tM baclr ",,11. to"
button 11Im: foct ("nn II", Roor, iu
tI ... crlllo:r of the Ir"uI .,.:rJI, I1tor
"YOII oa"'t trU :l . ". by 1M
.number of ';"11:' i" It .. b<.,k," laid
h-nf'nl t=ilM, Ii,. }'caro 0j(0
<i'ter WU I"ur lA,ie. II",,,
J. Rew.
I Chcr:T tile pilgrirn',lrmdy ..... 1.
AI lui!. he on Irom day to day:
CutUiI mr. and I Ibm am found
Who, .t"" .... " rio on cnll.,.....,.,...nd:
C"rt.iI ""(t nton.'. and
"",,11 fi ....J I '''' an inl .... j<'Clion.
Ciroto.r .-\n ... er_--fl. '5, ,6. S.
lUUllra1ed Chu.Io
eRn our vnnnA" tulb lrll .. hy
bilth ,,( 11;_ 1iI". I .... t:ious
JlUIla1ik" !
A Charade.
My fifOt. k,"r\ ,ea<ler, i. th, ... l t ;
;, ;n In,
Hv ;"1,.,le Ie) many wm'pply,
Dut n<tt to thoe and "' .
Cipher 8. IS. I?
I. 4.
Qf n!On8l .... "",d, which dr-
priv<,1 I its
II ot""'l:. IH::tlthy. he;o.rty and
And if )'OU rq>nt, :l btl:w- )'011 "'ill
gr ... t
That is ""'lty and hallh.Y
(il,he, A"" .. 'cr.-2J. 8. ' . ' 2, S.
Fi,lo, now sb. i. only thr ... tim., ao
oM)" {.llll,l .. S\o..pop i. ve'y "nx_
i<lIt! to k,,,,w' FielD' C.., rou
n.. abovr ,,( Mv, ...
I."J'<I " .... rn;uJ" on ,/Iso. an<! ""' ... ,
Ihr. niM-j'n."loI. lad !:i"ing .n u_
hihi,onn "I liJ:h'nt"g (IIl\:ul.lIl1f:. AI
his ""uhr", .. ",,1 and .h.,. Vobl"",
"I ch:1I aCT .. .11 kilO",,,. WI ... ill
gio-. hi, .,.,h .. , 'rv>lIl:t1ioa of pre..
rotWot> f'g"""!:. 1-1.. b,h<'t
c".., It,"' .. " .... frorq. proLal. and Aid
"Tho ,n:ln olT(.OId me on. k ..
or t .. lor. qu ... tt . and salol
h ...... ould ",;okr j ... , u "'uth I" .. fic
.. 'nch..... 1 w.k." '"Then," nid
-"''''"'Y. "'ho ..... 1:>0, lou. yn oM,
'"ch" h:un" .... root hi'" t.., ."",'
.pi ...... I". il hr hlod. 'h .... mr ,"00,
''I ,i'hoc . h. n',,51 I<>Id ,h.
...,....,,1 ...... a' II. iJ iT!1p'.
pmbl.", ,iryo;,1 nl .n ,hllitully lIt,1
,h .. """<," "''''''"' 0'
at tl1(l rr""",n ,.hy_
Pun]!", Synonyms.
I. Ik_,'. m",ieal
and lone a ",YOLc.1 in"",,, .... 1.
. Ikl'tad Itt.lrgin and
.l- Ikhtad a daM of anitml. and
I ye """ 01 II>< oanx db>..
4. Bdlra<) a _.-\ and I.....
.... ,,\.
S. D"h<2d an .ruma! and I.",,,,, an

6. CO hquef,. and I.,.yo to

7, r.c:hratJ 10 _d and to
8. Bc:_d .......ans n:lme .nd
inY(' a ........... ,
<). Ik""'d on animal and l03n tho:
d ... '0 "luch il ...
10. Ikh .... d lu hlO.-. >10.. -1, ""d
k:ln 10 ....,.t Ilowly.
". Ikh .... d a woman' .. nam. and
h.ft a w<.><tWt, rame; ; nd
I .... yc a man', !\an,C.
'2. H.l,oart and cu.lail bird and
'ra,'c a bird.
'.1, C .. lttil and
10 !:un<nl.
14. CUItt;! and I .. ".
I roI:ti/ln.
's. C"cta;1 '0 bloni.b ""d I v.
I<> blm,j,ll.
1(" ("uIlail to ,tioclooe .nd 1e:Iv< 10

HoI"< ;, a ",otl,. pn;obl .... whid! I
OUI dU'ing I""" nix_
l("y 10 Quixl("y "-'Iride Df. t1l$"-b>clt
muit. I uhd Don r.lI'Q il "IV
IICC'tl had ;LQO!h<r pit. ""d he sa;;]
il Iwl but lhal it wa, much .tow",.
"" I 1""luOId m_v ioomrr al ,h. u"i-
I""", hown in 'he 'kmh.
To 0fJC'0U1WII' Don who W2'
"'Y p",!",lIin!: "",..t . I ""i,1
we ,,o..,ld 1>O!oS ,"",,,s:h )'i/Cl.y . ..,
10 fW ..."tle liq"i<l cof,,'<h'''''''I': "n"
'7 ("muil II> .nne ... ' .nrl
,\n''''or< ,"" ..... 1\'il! be l.x,"d
""""'g II .. ",,,..d,:
M.d,. 1'_ln".,. .. !i-moil,
I. F h",', (I,,,,.,,. \""'I'I,in-l.
!'-Iat::. A_ro",', C-",I, ,,.. II.,,,,,.
l1i.I..,. Cowc ' . \-
A Burbdl I'fob/rm.
TI" 1:"" w,. : .......... 11><0
...... .. .n..-
.... 6'\1 Ih h:u, _\1 Ih. ",o,J
01 1M oi):hlh i""i ..;.: .... ill,....!<':Im haol
..,..."...t n .. .... re RI '"", ..... 1 "I
iItr ninth ..... 5 \\'h"'/I .. ..", >
A wpl Problem.
A c:orr"f",,,J,.,,1 "ho, ... ,-.h .... '"
a <1;oim 10 an in cl",It..-, .-It .
il U,..,.C' a ta,. In ."y d "'" ".'r,
.. hich ..... ,1,1 Ie,,',- j",.hj1"',,,1 h ..
gn.udf.lhM' In,." 01"'1'\;"1: 110<
,or of hi. H .... "., Ihal Ihr
<"Ii,.., 1'".,1 nl hi, "I ;"h'Ii
l:mc:< 10 an ,.!,j him "'l'" <",, ... ,1
wi,h ,h,sc"'r<-'" .n,1 [',I.,i.1 rr.i
dcn<co 1\",," U,N'" 110" ",1"11.'., "I Ihi,
'l"""j,:... \\'1,,1 h'..-e o"c """,r ....
,Nmdcnl. "''''y '"' Ih. ,,,J,j,d >
CAn ym' leTl QI what 1I>1I;""o.ll'1
N.""),.",, wa!? Of I can
Why,. r"'" youc
I;",nuroo,horl !'bc" your a\lnt'1
,i>lO' (;LQO<""r).
.. "
In''''- 11"11 twmm\ I,.. (OU),I chink 01
'''''"'''1: 1to,1 After w< h.,]
""'" tl"l,,,): f"r InrI)' n>inult'Il I
a>k.l ho ... fa ... h;o<1 ".
<!'pI,.,I, 1>:111 a. !:O. ," i, i. II>
... Ai",. .1''''1: fnr
..... m n"k. I .", .. 1: '"1I11w I:or
;, ;1 '" Quixl,') , . as
td,,,.., "j"'1 hali n< br :u it i. to
Wo arriw,\
on",h II(1"r, wh,oh m" ' 0
ask Y"" 10 ('II"" "",1 'ht dloiano::e
1m" Blxl<r 10 Q";,,ic)'.

11..... is " new _Iyl. mi,,;"I: wnrd
Inlul" ,,,,. Ih<- ,-""nl( folk. which w;1I
'oTi yrn, j"., whal 1m-, li,tJ. n-
'ff willlO"l lho lormali'y (II
dim.. y"" there i,
sOmo oon DI a ,hov,' ""inA" <XI ., d.-
ocribo,1 Ly tho .ign on ,he lenor; I
""n'l ton ."QU ."KU)' wl"'t i, i,. t.e-
Cl .... 011. w".d i, h,dcl..." by III< <cp.
.., ,."" will '0 ):', .. , it. PI.or
wo,d a\ lb. inter .... linn 01 'wo
IICItI<n<'M which will ,hem botl!.
..... d and )'0" win kno",.U
aboul ii,
Co.d Th .., Thin" Be Truer
1\ Irn'd in a linl. '>'iI-
laj;:. )..,1 "101>1 \0 optak to an old
",*n ... 00 "'" "''''ing ... nod in .. back
.... ni. anti ... id 10 him. I'ihcingly.
I,. m".1 ... It .. 01 anr
;nl<ffOt in .., D:l1TOW and confin<rl a
01<1 "",n 1\"3.' ,lufJ>C" Ih>.n
h<-lonItw, aud rq>liw u 1,.\1""'5:
'Tbno'J:'h $01dorn from my ynd I
p,,' "I""'" Ihinl[' lI<.c at
I "" ...... ".,,1 n01Lling m Ihr air ;
I ...... bigger u...n
..... ;
oa.. an .",,,hant wi,h a .....
1 "' .... h"by \)rQki1tj: iron bant!.:
I "''' ",,,;!thing half a
'Q11 ,
I NW a otalu' <ing :m<l and
"'" :
I ow &clK>clboy n03rly ,." 1:,
tall :
I .,.w on OIIk lI",n
foil ;
.a ... a ",,,,bow. bl:Lrk And "'hil<
on,t Lrown;
.aw " ... >1 walk .h",. iltI'ollgll
I NoW a !",Ii,ician do;nl( U h.
.hod" .
I !-Ow 1:00'1 man_,,,11 .. w ... ,,,.
Thil "ltnr young .... 'l"""OT
i.-Old cllt., "I 1"",10 I ... a
mn prr<mt, and nnm.dialclJ "'" \0
co milk. a ro ... chtn-boa .. 1 \0
1"....,1 10 Dr. I..ui<CT, ,h 110$1
"""",,,ion of ,h. wor!o!. who if
mOlhm!alkian an'! lmwi.!
l)c, i, m:1rytl"". ell ....
pb.,..-. lo'l lIal"')' wood.,.. wh.,h
I, "n bUI OU. p",.li." i" ,locny-
,;nll ;nto how ",o"v plcc" Ihi. rhe ..
board ca" br dividr<l (on the lin,'.)
.. -, \In ... II,.", ni OIJC do,'"
r"uh.t. <:"" ,1'''"'I'I;<c lhe "IJ man'.
.., .' I" , ..lI J".l
... hal II< ""."1. an<I '0 """" tho' ! ..
... .. r.ut .,,,h a lin<O.l (. ,<"<",da", ,f
I:..."", )[u""h .. "..., .. "" "",,.krful
talc "., tloJ t(. i",I-"
A Rebus
A, ,h. otilll1on. of "'0, whm
And ."cot, .n: m\i1trd from hb ..
Tn in_lI and bon. my 6"" doU b<--
,lor DOl .. 01 bc:rn,ifd
To"" __ utd I lib ""I co own roeog
IIIlI in dUI' I'm boon" to giv .........
All a ,d",lanl ID tho f<ln-
I ..
Who" in II.. t,.;,(\ " t... 1 ..... -

My",""'" ; 1<fIJI "'" .. of iJ.,,1';"n
,h>.n rule;
Ih. il,. \\'<lUI,!-
I",. tl,. 1",,1
Ti, ,.,.1\" .11 hone<l ",on ju,I:,

A"'I i, "",il}' ,I''''', e<l b." .uth :t!
"',' .
Cil'''''' ,\,,,,,,,,, . -8. T 3, 2, 7 .
10 ,hoi "nor pi= will "" difJ.rmL
"0Il """, , . .., coo,I<1 mako "rip
.. il/l righ' "'JUlI'''' ".,. ";Ih ..,vm,
'onc. Ihc.". two and 1lrK", a
.l"LXlI<rd pi= ,,;,h I"" whil.
a crool"'<1 pi"" ... ilh IWt>
bIo.k "'1""r ... rtf!.. in ... ... ,,,,iny
--tKoI lbon )"OU art li",il.d to
four "I"a'." l)oct", L:. ..... i, I. ....
ill!.:" I<) Iry \.(l ,o(>lr" tlw \,rohIf1l1 blind-
r"I')!, "" ,I .. y , .. ", II , 110 p<th .. ",
h. will O\""'Jook CI'" ,,/ ,h. lilil
1"9.'<0, grcol m<" 01
OUr ""'ell, !>OIed for
"' ... C<IIllill! carly ot..ta-
oJ" l,,(1 !(luling Ih"i,
w.)' to .uec,"'. II",
1Ien'y G<'\IrS< ,hauhl Ix: ",,10,\ n
w.U <1<:",,",.,,<1 1''''''';''''''''. By 1M
pmf<l<md ",,<ly of h" on. rl"",,".nt
""hjte .. aut"'" ,,{ "1''''1:'1"''' ","I
PO"''''y,'' 1ta,I ., lan"lIar;,),
,,-i\h .,' .... Y p"'"hlr 1'1\:110( (If af'j(\l-
mtnl Ibn ,,""'" bi,,\ in,'"I-
"cralll<: in (\d>at.. We oh." "",.
II" proh ......... P<'11';";"1I" t<l
oJng\<" \ualioo, and .. ton-
i$htd.1 I"" rcad,"" .. ",II> " ..I,icl>
<kmoIi.h(d .. I>;':'h <Jlh...
(OUlJ not .", .. tt. I t.ccam. 6rml .
<Ot\Yin<<<I thai li1('1'< "oul.1 be not
...etC.,..". 10 W" up his
Who but II ... .,. 0",,1,\ -r""
"""nd and .. ,i<fact,,1'")' Iq'dy 10 the
""""",ilinn: If buildings, as .
"""ling bbor, ..... 10 bc jrft h"'n
tualion. how .boot the: poor man"'
house (II" "hkh ju.t
ao murh land u tho pi",!i,t'. ad-
joinino: fiv. min.", ll<>lIar f ........ frtlm-
WI: nII'ta And fTtm
".htn<:c ohoohl Ih. derive ilt
".., ..... y i"., r .
Half of Ihe """,,10 01 lhe l'niled
S\2.ICS wooid .o,,,hul. an oFrI",n,1
am .. H Ie Ihi. problem. ,,'I,ile, ...
ma!!e, of bcl, lit< bHl 01 Ihe!!! .",,1,1
ponder oYer il 10' a Uf. Ii",,, "';'00u1
rt>cbing dtf1"It. ton<.lu<Km. ,\1
one Ii", . wbl"fl we u><<1 Ie .1
" ,,",I doily al Ihe Pr .... t.1uh, M .
Cftl'l:< h.d bttn I>nlahzing me with
Mltnr hi, ",aiM",. on po.
1i1l",,1 '",,,,,,,,,,'. 1 rclAliated bl uffcr-
;"1: a p""io vI "wn. "hich offeN
a rnn/:" "I 1"",'i1'liiitieo-fn"im a
';"'1'1. Irick ,,'!li,h a chilJ mi!,:h'
if111'>a In. ",inule_lo an rndln.
dc',.., 1l\'''''K'h \\'oboter", L"na-
II i. bui!1 on oJ,. principle oi 1M
nl,! "a' ""nl. ,,hich "'m" .. in fin
inl\" up tbc I,":nt< of ...... , wilh
.,.,"'Iter ."" .... d"'l\" 10 lit.: folb\\i"l;"
rule' Tao. an<! place il
on roml '. anrl tbm. g;,.., il """
jump---<O' in d,,:dH" for.nnl or
hld""2fd 10 Ko. J or Ko. u: then
I;'Ixt anrnh.r. on :><0. 2, and
JU"'I' along the I'"e Ie :\0. 4 .... No.
IJ. and to on Imtil all of tho poinl>
an o:<>.e.1 bl.1 "" .
Th. idea of tho Hmry G""lI"
"nule is 10 "'It ....... d 01 Iwd""
ku,",.,. and .. rile a dilTtrt:n1 ""
each of Ihe """n'..... Then blcr
thl'M1 up in ord ..... bq:inning
'lfith Ih. ... letler of "" .. d.2IKl
_ in bow fe .. jump")'Ott C>.n nWce
'''''' "01'<1 "1",11 r"'P'rly.
h iJ aJlUzzlt PU'"
punk,,, kind a knowl
"f I"" II1Gn;n" ..,,<\ cha'ao;t .....
j,lt of ",,,,d., it "ill be fotm,J
Ih>! differenl ",on!. diliot-

enl .,.,.w., .,.,d all for .killl" play
H"'''r greatly
,,illl the 1", .. and paid n ... Ih.t
c<:[ui",.... 1 """I'h"",,,, ,,( ""'in" ,t
.. ",he brighl ..c Ihin!,: I had n"
oril.'in>.'ro." il find
g(l<><1 ,,,er,.l<Ucr ",,, .. I ,,'l,ich can be
r....wl)' UI"'" I""nl'.
Concealed GeoV.pby
!t>j. I am ded<kd to 111 ... " ....
J nDI in In) righl mind.
' 14. men.
R/:,Is un ...... 01\ a bUll''''',
,6S .\ r1la:Q 1<>'" his .... lll101p Ie
lhence 10 1m
in 1ht .... IC""n"},.)
,O' .. ....... itt are 11.. "fry
be.1 I ,..
t6;', ... J"" .... ,,..,t ," C""" t/tgt
love<! Henry 8th.
, 611. If you any jnle a roo", "
halldo<.., "Y"'fI, tbty .. ill b/ulh
lik. a ninbDw.
IIit}. 1/ ."y on. llQN " nil, 0,
Xa/h" up lh. f",,,,,,.n1l,
'7<>. My ";"cr hnd B f"'l by which
w .. la",.a 1M a<1}'I,
t71 n,.,
a\>ot'l hor. i> vcrv grn.
A Cryplogrtlll\
I Y Y , own WI't<:.1.
J{ f..-. Ioa4 ," pIocoo
oIcUJ ....... IlD""
-. wb .... 1M -...l
...,.,..... .. _1000 (lIMe
1t1l_.". ..... 1O
_. u .... _ """
__ oo,,*,ta'"
..... 11. __ -
.....Id "" ",,"PI I.,. ..... Iu __ wt. __ .h
...-ld '" ..-1 117 Il1o
t P'"' o/ADt
-. -".'.
The TO\Ner of Hanoi
M. l)f lhe fUU"""'l;
attlr) (>f l <nn:trlcalk 1",,,,1. In tit<
al "" .. I,.,. he-
nnth don.., wweh mark;. the C<"n'
"f Ill< ..."tld" rc.u a of bra",
in ... h,ch fi".,j Ihr..., ,h .. mor:,J
ntc<l!f<. ncb a C.,t>;1 high an,J ..
IhiO"J. .. I .... hMr (>; a ,On .....
of n .... I .... =tlOn ""'.
pla=1 <Ii..,. ,,(
1ht btl:"'l ,J,,,, .... ,"'1: on Ille brno
plaIt n.J ..... "llI:l!kr
....t """"In- ''I' I" Ih< 1,,1' ,_. TIti.
i. lit< ...... "I Ihy ""d
niJ:hl tm< ..... "'j!l< ,Ilt I'noU> Inn.fer
lhe di'<" f""" nnt ,/i;unon,j "mlI"
W anolMr I" thc h.,j
immut:thl< I,,, ... <>f fltamah. wbich
... t "'U'! not
Ih:l.n one ,J,,., nt a Ii.,.,.. and
thai IX' m!l'! 1,1. Ih .. ,Ii"" I'n a
'" IhM 11t... j, nn .,1>.11 ,liS("
below il. Wh<n oixtr- oot
ol",n beo:n Ih", Ir:t"'<rtt<l ;I"Orn
tho 00 whioh they wo,.
ar 10 O!le of Olit<T
towe., ami lirahmi,,,
olikt win ;nlo d",I , .n,J "illt
a Ih"n(le'd3p n .. "",1<1 will '.1ni ... '
Th( number 01 1""0"'
ef .in!;lt di,... w11kh 1M 8",1,""",
",U'I "h 10 dt""t tr: .. "i .. '"
tbe lOw" i,:/''' I, Ihat i.
A Rebus
An im"lemtnl in <bil' "'"
In d l )". lu ...... aDd
no.. ..... in "'ill nne ito aid
F,mp"')N in "",,, of lillag.,
Debtadl, )'0u'1I a km.
Wh<n "'in''Y .. om .. a",
Ontt ""hod. lramposc: I'",
"'" A p.o"''''' ...... 1 eng:aging,
("'pb .. Ann ... _'<), 8. '5, u . S.
" .
Prot..,1 my ... tt. b<lpln. elf"
ft a.ks "OOr nJcr .2fe;
My ...,.,.,d "'Y Ir"andma'.
h ... d.
AI markO!., church or fair :
My ... hole. a rel'''''I'''''I;''e glance,
AM,.,au """,,>r.'. mnm,
A h 'ling dream of biry ;or'.
Gon . neVc, Ie ,<lum,
Ciph .. Amwer.-j, 8, 9, a .. 8.
'5. 'S, 4.
t l/l 5. a n",,,b r I.r.i.-h.
C"'" il II.., r"'C>1 no
""d <;<>.,1,1 n .. ke one lran.r .. , i""
"",I, .. ... ,Id rftIulre: 1lW1y I"
of milli"". of ,. .. '" rn raTf)' "'JI ! I ...
OOr punl"l """ld "'" afTo .. ! 10 'pal'l:"
Ih. Ii"", 10 >In .. och a "'''''I ,I,,;;!o\td
ruul . ,,'e gi>e Ih ..", in'l rll;'locn
oIi.,., i""" Ihe 1"Il of lower .nd
uk In how !!!any tran",,, "'''' Il, ..
"hang. now t .. ""d.? ,. .... dj ... are
in on. pil ... and )''''' a.t allow ..d I"'{\
.. > to "',ih! ''''. hill arc neve,
1<1 p4ce. la.gcr di-<: II,." manor
Ill< Ix<". away Imm ntlt-
1\' ."t atui n1<lke ,I read OUI
An." .. "",I bl.11Cr be--
"""""" ,ea<! and uller
Mr .. \>ot'lrh! a new IOC-
fOOl "Iol!"" wilh h .. lritnd Mary
O!V.ill. but a, p.Io;d Ih( I.rgtr
A R.bua
In ncry haU my finl ;. r"""d,
C""".nicnllO 1M hand:
Ko <Inlel .... ",iJed abo:wc gToun<!
WitJv.n my notl could otand.
whole, .oltliou![h tittle toy
Willi ocimce fraught.
It dwm. the M" of no')' """.
And 1:'''''' tbem food fer thoughL
('"ipit<r A ......... - ' 6. S. 7" at), 'S"

., .......
My .. ""'" io bWt ttuuoO<I and.-fuI
I w .....
Or yet In<I" be procious an,J ran;
It both in the and p:>hco is
And ofl<n .. Iornl"th the fair;
Iklltatl: h ... Ih .... U<I,,;.j ... ly .... _
Or hanh anti ungnr.ldul it 1IltUJdo.
il ;., masaive--to make il
YOII """I fum'.h gOOd mllny
pound .
Ol'i>r:r A",wu.- It), 20. ' 5, '4.5
A Cbatad.
WI\(n yom r>De .... l on the ocean

UnlO my 1i.. 1 the waleMulln'. o..t-
t.ndinlr :
And lecond cfl emplo)'S Itio
\\'hrn ., "'y hi. pow .. r"l
forn, i. bending.
(1h .. 9, I., ., 13,
t. '9. '<)'
A RebUi
rlnl mcirclet all the .artb;
Y';" dal< my >nn<I from )"01.1' birth I
M)' "holt i. al,,'ay. backward 1ncW.
lI,,!,in!;' il...,..H "as <fugnce<I.
Ciphet' Ans ... tt._,2, 90 14. " I,
7. 5
part of I),., bill. one ... a. ooly
.. nlh. 01 lh .. lonl(Th 01 the
oth..... Whal 1M It"ngths of !be
\"hm Care, Joon Son,lh rlit<! at
GI",u'lor in lbe 11'103. a re-
ptnI and ... onhy citi n. he Idl
lhe pnxC'<'dl "r bi. fU= .. r,,[ """.
'cS in .:I ... an] omU):hng
!nIIir: 10 bi. ni"" of
... ""uri"" ...,., ",ith. wif .. "n,I chih[;
""'<Ii"" .t."I!hI ... h "u.!>anrl.nd
child. and >'tl ..",. "ho aho had
wife and rl,i[J-a. .. d .bert .
11. lIip,,13,.d in hIS w,ll t!l,! eoth (>1
lilt hu.b;>nd. 'M"ld ,=ive op:;.
fie f\lm of m<>11'Y mo,. II,," hi, wif
b,, ! that ,h. ill rClu'n w .... 10
i"" 10 ",u.h mer. lllan Iho" el,ih!.
Tili. a"."".mont p .... ified d,. pJ
wi"". who in Ih';, ill"""''''' 01 fig
," ... Ih.1 thoy ,,",",h[ 10
nothi")!, . ,11,)' w""ld 1: JI"I a.
m".h I",m Ih. chitdr<'11 a' Ih.y I .. ,!
to 1(> tho I",.J".",I.I II wOJ a
<:\Inning!) ,1.. vi .... 1 will. ,xc<:ulcd in
.... h way Ih .. t ",,,,. k,,,,w MW
mue" Wll kfl to til .. 01""". The
1lIQ""'. conol;[.d (nli,d" of ...... .dol
tar bin ..... tach hr" a
pA.h!:" of..,.)"" en'eklpn. pch..,..
,..,Iopf juat U II .. n} dalbr
!nTh ... Ihrre "' ..... on]o<! enydOJK'l
in hi. or h., original """,,,,1:" Each
paclr..", bring .... rlred Wldlh the ...."e
of "",.,.". for ,,]""" it " .... i ....
Imdt<!. il i. t .... t
uUlor:l did nol Ir ........ how muth
.. .,h (inC .ettivro, allhoul:h il ,"I
in I"" "m and
S>r.oh gel ju.! q much
TOnI .nd Ilitl . ,,hile t\ro.
nill an.! M .... IOgCtM' gct
m/)f'( \ .... n li:ltllr. In ..,.,.i,1.ralion
01 the of lhe
Jone! I.>",U). Ih .. y VI 0 ...,inl
IDOrc Ihe Rro ... n ...
Tbc: pom.itt .bown actoN the 1{IfI
01 Ihi. pog" no hl..!icallon. 01
lho;, ."tf. wI lrom , '''' .1".
of lhe will nu. puuJi'I' .1100101 have
no I!'OIIN. in gut",iuK Ihe familv .u.
...."t:S QI tbe nino .hown.
nd the amount (>f """"'y each .e.-
w.t<!, fu. I"" <". f"""re 01 ,he.
pllult is il .r.o, .... ,,hich. arc Ihe
.. -i .. , and cl"
A Rebus.
I Iw>pe you ........ two of my lim:
M 1 .... win lerm an utrm>c:
My .. hoIot ""rtain. 10 ....oml 121,
Wild and ","",nlic as a drtam.
An,wt . _.2. S, 7. S. ''1,'"
A R.buII
wool. i, a pix" of
And lor me oft a i xpt...-l.
My now and 1"','11
quicklv di<c1oo<o
A hy tl .., lad,,,,, l>()[;'
.. ,,,,,I: me d=pilate, .nd theD ) 'OU
Withtl", ,..hi.h all Natllre would
'r<l'<Iil., die,
Ciph". 8. I. 9. 18.
Prof. Apr .. lboum " ... pbJing biI
tiard. th .. orll .... day .. ith ru. In.",!.
1IIumtll<l,;n, j:i,ing him the odd; of
at) ,><>inti in '00. ,,hen Gugdheim, \0
... hoon Diuon"'''I.;n gi .,. 2S poinls
Itt roo. in 'n'! ['<opo ,]. thr .....
handed Kam" of XlO jXlint.. Of
Ih. n'"at di><u.'io., .mutt!
A Charad .
My wife', 1.><1 'I .... nf i. m ,Je
Anti .h:n. .. in hI>(", 1<,..<1)" oil ....
W,,", oil it. """'n I" r.. .... I th"'k
She i, I"'rl'""\;....,. ,-.,) pinlr.
And ,,hen bi.r-n ..... 11 Ih. !(O-
W""re .rr!e ... '>tt the 1 li .. ""'''''
Sh. on '\'!><'al', ...... ,lUI'"
T"" (oj oil .... ho p'me
To <an 11<'. """r,l. fine 1lCa1.
.. uf ...... I ho .. cQ"'fklr_
A Robu..
Vir .. }'cru!.r omilinl: OOMV I ... :
M)' lie.1 .".".hnt .. ,"" ... r""k",,d.
And you ,1'111 we , ......
110' d ... ..,k, ""Ivi. my o<>nd.
Al1>I1n,1 h-. in 11,. ap,ing
:lory ... ""'e l"" may ,I, ... ",v;
Uh h<r <impto. n""l .. t lI,ing.
\\ilh nl3llY an J<.n' 10. ...
Ciphe, Anl ....... -,6, ,8. (I. '3. 18,
15. I'). 5
rtprding 1M number (>1 !;"linl' lhal
Prof. Apl.n.. ..... oilould I:'v" Gnlft"
heim. and it d, .. loped 1 .... 1 nO I ....
.... I"'nli.l_ or '".\h ..... ..
rooM btc fou",' 10 81:'t<' upon Ihe
.impl. I'I'O(>O;<L\i"", A"", J!'1vc n at)
point. anrl fl can 1:I'c C poinlS in
100; Ih'n how ",.,nv l"";nlO can A
gl,e C in a 01 20<)?
To familianUl Harry wnlb. tho Afllb
melleal IIC'I' of rnu'uphution X.
addltlOlI +. .nbol ....... ou - divillion
+. and _. t....,ru,. hao p'''''''''
a k" .. lert.r1.e1l .orn in pictonal ""tb
"'tUe upon ,be Lll<:k board It io ...
Yrty Iesa." .... hir::b ..,11 pa,.
lbe ... y 10 th ...., of Ih" ou.." tOf'II
"",ploy..! ,n "',etn. .. lucb are not ..,
k....,wn," .. lueb .. an<b lor
illO. ' . *' IS. Tb ... we WOuld ,,"nle as
'4 :':16 Thllbon'<lmterrl't1..!ruds,
N 2 itc lO 4 '" .. 8 lO 16, ThOD we ha,etb.
"'tn.. henoe "" ,he",f.,..., and wh,eh
_ . ... "nc. 0' t-...u ... ,,11 " I wh",h .. i/[
bt lound uuful in .. l..!"m
A Puzzling Quo.rr.
thi. kind i. b)' aiLI of 1''''''''".
""hieh \."V(' rno .. ' " lhe
10 ,ell II",} H ... il
impl< illullrotion 01 "'I".'"
Ho,," do I Ir ........ ihal this ....., i<
prtp,I,ing ... loa"
Of ,II puufu.- Icnow how
10 nW<e "I ...... 1O't>nls. Take a wurd
WI .... a ... ftQznl """t!; ... ha, pa
ems gi ...... In child"n; a "gn. anrI
....ord lhal intlia.ltlI 1:'''''. ",... "ill
lorm a "'I""r( ...".d. lhe ....", fran
the top d",,n or from lef, 10 right.
Tho "" ..... , <:our,.. i,;
O:lo1 E /II
A Wlt<'t" to lann p=l of
The 'amlly PuIlU. .
P.umer Sm,lb and .. ,f. say tbal
tb. no .... iride .,.te '" of no accounl
down I""i, ".y. Muo"
child.en born al ,nterval. "'one
yeu IUId a ),(,11 Pcubonl ...
Ibe .Idnl of tho child .. ". wbo i.
Thr m "I .omarbble "'Iuare .....,j
u\.Onl iJ; lhe on! of , .... Mr<:or-
tn:iCk,. dlt 00.",10>" 01 t .... reaping
'!'hi< Lalin'ion ... dl th.
An1e ffDn\ f<>tl. direction . up or
drlwn. right Or It/I. and ft .. ly I""",
bt.d. ""Y": Th .... ve' ..... 11 .<aU
from hi, lOil ., tho mOw .. work. hi"
wh I!.
A Robul.
A pl.uanl herb. or wh.u ,.lin," our
I ",n.
will span upon the ver
d,nt Vbin.
GI'''.' An r._. T, I;. I ).
reluctant ,bout ml!nlJon,ng het ag<!.
adml1l ab" II lIevel! Iunel old .... than
Caplaln fohn. j .. the you qat of
t he brood.
Ca" you UBiII th. CellO'" man i n
ligunn, aul t he age 01 M .... pO("&-
bont ...
would btli<ve Ihe lbourd
t:XptTirne .. I (:0 M, !he
.illy qu<uion. I InI ... lrc<l 10 In-
durins:: Ih" ""u'", of Ihe
Ihe .mll PMI", ... ter,
"A fow rlay. lL{;o a I<lIMI At..c
'a",,, II'I"""I;'IS:: hi,,, to
,,",1 h}' 1M wi"do .. ' holding
QUt hu t<>nG'ue fnr ptOfIt. to
.ump. (.on. I wu tryinr to
bim lhal be ww 1M "etinl
of a job ore 01 thote ..... ak-
mind..J t'OTrespond""u .. 1\0 an'w"r
Inmd """'" &lonK Ind
.... '"
" . r. I .... n I k'llcr here me 1"
'''Whal', II\f nmoer oar' I
'1-1 i(n$ hit. name ju", 'lionor-_
abW: g.'o .he, -and il ....ould ..."e
by lhr fint ..... \'ortr mail:
,,'hal;1 r<'!" rwner AI' I,
Smith.' ",s ,$he.
. 'Mamttl or f1ngler sa,.. I.
" 'I\"nnc of )'OU' bw.i_: '"', .. ,b ...
JUII ri mt or 11] Irnow
lhe! ""'_ ....hy.' and LMn .he: planka
down I dollar bill,nd ArYl, 'Gj..., me
1 ....1>-111 "WI>fI', I"" tim .. .,
moo,. ont, and the in
Thcr.', a pu"l" to riv" the PQltrnaJ-
lor a poin. Some two-cenl
'WIlII", l en tim .... ",""y ""eem
.t2l'l'I>l U IWOlI, and llIe haLon in
heo! J nOl figu.e it OUI Ind 1.11 ho",
many otampalhe got for h d.Jllu."
A R.bua
Take the ""ad of a 6." and the h""rt
of an ace,
Wilh on.-fourth of whatever i. mean
.nd bole;
To thu. add, title of highe>1 degrC<',
And Il'e and bHe>t of mor
tala }OII'I! Itt .
J WU Iniml .. ] ;nlo Ihp ..
"<in<h" in Ihe co.droom 01 tbe
""nulli" I 1"., the: fi,,,
l;aI1,< 10 Ha ..... ""'" D . nd c;.",nt d<
C. wloo ","eh wo" '''''''Ch to ,Ioohle
th." .u.clc. of chip.... The: bar""
an,l I tl'Mecl Il,. """ond pmc, thor._
by douLhnC OUr a...,b. on,." Ih.
yolutleo P"u!e,
!", .. k- alt wr) ,p,.,.
anrl Ill<" 1"lk ,)""kJ
I'r.I<"li<" wnh Ihtm " .. 11I.. n ""
to Iu ",,"., (Or
oom. lIu" 10.",,1<1 ' .... ehonRC a cat
into a dog, 01 Ii""" by
;"1 .... II"inl:: n ..... rot.
<1<>1, dog, and 11t<H )0" In It."",
A PitloriaJ Ch.,ad.
_ ..... J <.<"---
Can )"01' I,n wh'I k,n,J of a
A Cqrd.,
My fit$t .. in a olrclt found,
llet:lk.. to whirling roup<l and
My elc...,l"d higll,
Glmly ,,,rvcy, III< l'uKrby;
My friendly ....hol.IoCI, Ii.. a brother,
NOl for hi"""lf, but ,,,ulher.
Ciph<. A''''''or.-19, 16, 'S, II, S.
19, 13, t, 14.
cOllnl I ,.,,'" Ih. Ihi"t game,
,,bich d""blecl our ch'IIL Tho my,_
1<""",. f<:>alUrc 01 1M wu
<ach .. r had "'on , .. ice ond
10,1 only onec, each th." hu,nl: the
"""'C "m"t.... of chipl. altll<)ugh I
had 1"",1 $1<.10-
liew much monoy did I .un wlthl


Iri.k of an
, . hid,
.. bM .,mple.
, repay aU who
.. f,nnl'ir1e ur<'" .. bich
,t to MHd
The after J"gxlin.<: .... th the
tnlngular p,ec... ,,! c:amhoard
aU ,act allCf1lin" . I,,,,,"ftd. II, art
Ont of them ",10 ' ... 0 pifl.
lie Ih"" lal"" 1"""'" ul"'"
thlt 1<'1' nf IIIe b-,x lIod """'" llou
Ih"" .,111 fil I"""" a
I"'rf:t "1""""'.
The poecn "'P"'lIt'::t h\"\' ri<lht,
an!flrecl .. ' m<h h,gl
by I .. n tnd .... orr tho hue, .. P' U
(';UI '"',' hl'e Arn,
from 1".1 Ih"" gu_ h<.w '0
ttl, ""., "I If] thaI Ihe IlX
I" .. ,II )nn a p<'"",'1 oqua .
Tho Mill.,. Probl.""
A I,.,t of lhe
.. l ur I)"", h, lJf1u,j; 1m "lnU,"
llv .... n"",h ,hoi ht, if th. nu-
h"'l jU" nne hu,,},d aft.r th.
tull h,o,] ""'I!
Wh,' wu "L'ndo Tom', Cnhin
not I'r II """,,,no'. hand)
Ill''''''''" it ,",u Wrltu," hy
IIN(-her Stowe toe)
Wlu11 "",nil II'SOOn docs thl'
... ""lher <"",k t.a<h' It;.. vane 10

When':' , he",," like 3 bird!
" h., ""Ingo.
Wh,' i.< R lam. dog hire a ",hocl
a,j,l,ng lOX and .. '-"'"
Ik<'au: rut. de ..... Ih,..,.,
and ,'nrn ...
to 111... ,' .... hke a b.,.,! o'
bumrn' \\'1"," dnawinK coo_

\\hr ;,; a ........ ,,1 !ike a leah
Rocau* the) roth run -
If h(,rt ""'" ,parried a ,.-;.10 ....
.hat "",U h,A call hun' A
,.;,1" .. rnilr
Who Ie ""I bel.,..., the
QuHn .. ublusha,on' lI .... coo.h_
Wh" i, it uniuo! to blarr.e OOtlCh-
....... II!I' Decauoe ... e
call Ibe", 1<) Lob UI In
Wha, ,. a count .... -'rritantl A
la.hiunalt. "<)nun ahoppinl:
When ,,'as Jrafll'r lin;t
"'."t,cned m tho Ilih\e? W"h." Ihe
brought tll8 I(!'tt'1I 10
i. the .,,;rr profe:lSio11.
d",v,r'. or dorl:"man.? A
hI' Ihe av<-
\.0. ... ctic<"J
\\ I,." ,I"", water ."",,,,hl. II ",1
Wben ,I make! a .p,ml{_
. Tl1f WL.OING .

; IMi-e b"ihling block. Cl.rrird by
"",n. u .be ...." in 1M .kC1th.
and iI II", Ancient. w SO cnot
and in lhi) port i.,,", . _ a"
,he. II) be the
QI the ",M,' I"'tts. " wClUI,1 ",,,,,1
a I'f<lt\' """Ie. ""II worth a m<)-
".,..nt"! .on i,10"11"". '
, gi.c 'M p,oLlt"m 3, ! "'\I"d n,
....ith the 1""'1 man I:t:I'!,ing the
Iu.n,II, .. of the carners thirh,.ix
in<llt< ohe:.d of the bI?<I< of ma.,bl
.".1 I a.-;k ,-"" to kx:at. the
di ta ..... r"": the ""I) ",m in the .. "."
$<I tNt th ... "I the "'_ .. ,11
be dirideo.! <qually tht: II"""
The C'Id picture from ,,'hi<:h I gl .... !'
Ihe probI .... , 1:"'" the ""rr=t 1>"'"
1;'-'" "I the Ibn.., ."..." and -=- ..
01 a prublnI'!'
L'fI ... Ilh puuk prochYlILc> rould
nnt !ni'1 th.- 1<-rnpl31i<>n of ""'king
a """,';'1 alcu1mon II) w,t....."mc
.. hC111c-r Ihe ""'"
but tD ronc-oJ .. h>.lno:' dlf-
ficulh- the pu"I ..... y poooona. I Iu.\"c
<banerd th"" J'O"irinn.<. 00 th>l as
",",W ,,,,,",,n ;t .. a I,ul. I=-d on the
lou" ____ _
A Charade.
1<1)' Ii"t a kind of .. ,nil' l1Q aid 10
l>inls I Icnrl:
:<Oly a bevenge; my "'hole well
the ""d,
Ciphtr A"""",.-6,I), '4, t, '2. 5,
A Riddle,
M r, t I 'C(lIlI I)'rir faith
. "
A. man h,. wife "ere londly
My (likt .., my /int
1\1 hio .. Iul vocalin" ,It. ail"}'1 '1-
.\0 a .. hole t!tty .... ,...,-11, both
skil1ful and
Whll. ak",. ea<:h i ...... ... II> join
1hm1 together,
Cipher An'", . _20,II, 18. 5, I , 4.
1,14,4,14, S, S. '2, S'
In """h nflh. fcllo,.i0l:
a word i, Whm I"" ..-oro,
art n!;ltd)' gI''"td. and Il2d in the
Nd ... h<n I:i ..... , Ihey U form a
bmilia, pro.'r-rb:
I. A (lit nn ..... y. a.
They lound a d,_lv ,.rinen roll m
Ir.'lh<ring up the ruW.h. J. It i.
tMtxst """ thotl ha .. eYe!' _.
The mil: at hrt .Iai .... y ;. 'rIO!. a
o"e. 5- lit i, an old ac
quainlUlCe of 6. Arnot I0OI\
$>W through 1M
A Rebu ..
AII<>,. my Ii .. t and Ihird to nlefl,
The" f(lTm noble n"!:"r,
.';"'nd po.n,I." 10 <Icil.
. And ,n my .. ,bntft'.

The Inlantry Drin.
Hore b 3 in military 11\0-
tko which J:t><'I to ohow th" Grnenl
Ci"oh. tho . ..,..
h,btlrd a lor ,I, .. aT'
oi war 1.1 " <3fly
.. ad,ed hi. "nth "ear Itt dril1.d
e<>ml"'ny 01 ,1<"", in lb.
m:!nuol "I .""'. and oti<;in.led the
fllmOUs "ll'm b,- two much," whioh
il W !I""linll' to military
The romp:!ny is '''f'II''Kd II) be;
slandinl!' 0.1 .rm.. w'th a boy
a ericl alt'",",ldv "'"
Wishing 10 ..-pu>1' sol,li<1"$ from
the =J <T(Jt'. tr. """""I:: "'..,
adjK<n1 p<nonr. al a 'lime, he c:illA
thttn by 1131'1><. ,,-, '",Iimtrd by !he
1<ttu-s .., !M'. ","Ill, :lh.,. .... """'inl!'
Iwo all;""",,1 per-.. .0.1 a Iitn<-, ""
thai 'n fou, mottO. ,,;1[ .t:tnding do ...
l"<!'1h.,.. tM hr. ... au sq:>;U::llcd f"""
the girls in j"" IDol 01 fOIlT
A CI>onde
mod .. 1 finl .. UU:rl nc.,
To rise abovc :m equal,
To pity of my """I h,. c!aim,
A "'quam in ""'Iu,,!.
A Rebus.
Tab nntnt,.,. and ...".,..t it,.
Add .net"". II) e<>mrlrt ' iI,
A .. " Ih.n I think "{>tll! ,!uiokly know
That I am nc;th dul! nor alQw.
A Charade.
The troop arranlrtd InT baltic,
W;thQut my A",t wOIlhl Hy.
And "'h<tlttr gOO<! Or bold,
Wilheln It )"" W9Uld
G<> ,..,k carth ."d nn,
For 'mall ... 1 IlIi"II"' )"OIl
Yeo, briM!: 11'0 atum 'mill lhe air,
And 'Iill my II"'<Id'l lou.
n.,. lrai\or, .. bm condemnrd to die,
11.1)' ,..Im I,i. ear .. Ind pray:
Yet wi"", lhe ""e toUndo "dusl to

",hnlc he', borne '_y,
Ciphe. """' ...... ---8, S' 1.4, U, 5.
19- '9-
\\'h,' i< un1!orw .lwIYI in the
Rtt:t".., )00 haft put lhe con be-
ItII'<- the honc.==--,----:
WIt:II hu """'7 IQv", bnt no ItmI
W11>t !Yro kt"'" prophet
Ib. FtlDMpn.n" Jolt .
-5oy, Algy."uid Mrs. FUnnyman,
01 I,,,.,,,,,", "lell "'" the 1m:111",1
""""''It of .....,...,. abtrte Ih_ t:ftlll
11>.>1 nnnol 1>< 'CP'<Se<lltd by ''''If
Am...-ic:"" mini r-
Algy gnc ;t up, at il T, hard
lillIe puzzle, I>ut he "",,Ivtd t:I
1':" with 111,.. Al8)', 10 juH
bef",. lIortmg for hi. ctli<;c .... .aid:
"Sy the way. deu, have a i0oi< AI
Ihe dn .. of yo"r coppcrt "<)\>I nnd
&pin: ou, cx<h",,1l'" <l.,k told me
"eMttdov that J!>60 penni .. would
(tiel! 0"'" .. "en pounds JUSt now m
"R<'lOII" I \\'!",'d l,ne boli.,'rd th.1
nowl" ,",,'i.d Mr .. "11!
just 1:0 Ih""'Kh all min< \hU; "try
And .. Algy clOICd the
door he "Cot. her that
$>id he.
Whm h" tQchtd berne lbe _
""ninlt he found JoIn. Funn)'ttWI in
front of her m;rroo, I"';nl( on a
domly Puis .....",tion in hgl3, while-
Ionlr jadttl by over the \I;Idr I){
""'be'. ldt u' a fortune this timt.
pUlOr' aid be.
$>i</ Puss. in _y, - ,
found two l860pmni .. to--day,love :
lhal memt f)ITr '",,"em poundo, ..,
I knew )'0\1 ....",Id _ obJed to my
getting: a h:w_" BUI here thc
palmts.< of Funtl)TII:UI'. brougtn
h .. tD a "" .....
..\VIIlII ..... the matt ... , Alg:id"
........ " I" b" smote<!.
"Whoevtr hard mch tnO:ln>truck
Can't "'Y idiot .... that
1860 pmni .. "' lwei..., shilling arc
worth 1eV<n """nd.?" And
II... lpetth fail1 him.
always UP"';"" hi" little joka

PROPOSITI ON Show bow the mell I bould dil'ide their mODI)'.
, pmhleUl. bm...,.,] 'u""" t he
". " n<'CI,I',nul
(If or,hnar)' affalrl .... h,eb
are jl(!f1",hoally .pringi"S" UI>On the
wbllc. and ... hiob au t he roun.l< nf
the p"'"
""planatlon .,. safe
to uy that the p,uhlcm. in "ne lorm
or anotb . hu rearh<od me from &
...ono "I noted puntiltt .... ,1 matl,e
matid .... , .n of whom qut'>\,nn !ll
eorff!<'tn .... fM the IT_n
an' kd to IQtlk (v tlt<'1'f'< pfOpI""-
lion then I' .. rtllini to tho "roW"m.
Wru.r-ul ,t,. a "mple Imle in",Mnt
io hi ... rnalhtmatic'$." ....h,ch the
laboTTn could Jft<!lly I<!r
the", .. h'e$ :
A gMllleman I...., work-
""'" to d,g a dn,tway lrom " Hw
houa ho: ..... bu,I,]'nJ to tM road.
di,tant lrom his door Ju.1 one hun.
dred yanl< lIe.1tfft'l \.0 \>.y one
hundred In. t.he ,.,h . .. ,t
made 00 ,h/ICTM1'" W ho .... Ihe
"",0 dividtollhe monty. The mm
<1,,1 I\<It ...... rk <'OO\,nu",,';y .., &. In
1M wnrb1
Imm n,,_le end. of ,he "",d
and _,mate<! ","""",inJ: II> _rk
dane por ru.nning yani, Tho man
wI><> "ofk"",, lrom Ihe ul
a larl!'er di-<lan", 10 ... beel Ihe
dirl hilt ,h,\ h"". 10 remOVe
"" ";uoh &' <lid Ihe INn wor kinr at
the olh ... oml ... he agr=! tu lake
90 otOnt. p ."nning y:lfd /"r what
he <Ii,! The ttllln worlo:ing in from
the 1'<)11.,1 had mo,., earlb to romn"o.
1(1 it w thaI he ohou1<1 ha,'o
$1 10 Jll'r running vard fn. hio ,",'ork,
Wb,n the road ... a.<!,
.,.timut.ed Ihei. worlo: """""''''g 10
and round that man
was w fifty don .... 10 Ihey
di";,I"",, thol hundrt<! dolian e,,'"'>lr.
.nd """,t "" ,Ihei. war .... )oicing.
They u. nQ d,e;<"IIll y o. Ihe ""I\le_
ment, and d,d IIlIt e,.., su.pect lhat
.... opportunil), [0. disvute, ".
inlroducUon of eomple:< pmblem,
'"'" owner of 1M botl,r,
.ho W2S note<! of mat he_
mal" ... called ba.k and sho ....ed
lhellht monry should lIot bedi.;ded
in that .... y lle up1a.ined tbe im-
,"";I>ilih of figuring ""t bow murh
.....".k uob man had done at the
priC't.greed IIpCn. to Nm an
a"""'lIl or money. and evul""",,
,h ... l""" a Mmplicated sl3Le 01
a/Jain which made bot h Df the men
The o.flItnl" .... ma""".
an,1 plum""" Itru..lo: OUI or . ym
puhy. to thai 'he t.ou.., w;>s 001
in two yeo",
Can you .1>0. how much ...,r k
.""h man <li,1 to """'ive ... me
",nouM 01 mone)"_ ,
Why i. " hlum like " youn" tady'
Boou"" il """"m .. a yuung wnman
A CflARADf..
My fi,.,t;,.c<:n in overy lin .
Ami nmy Ix! fntl"" <;<I" ..... In min.:
My "",,,,,,n,\ how"",,ve, no",.
V"" ca"n"l """. \"'\ nh." b.,,,.
While hy my ,",'rn,te 'ho man (01

Ha. i"(""not,,,n ....dl
An' ". 11. 1. I
:My whole. kin<l ""ule .. Y"" _ill
l>eoignalell l he kIn I.
.",1 then )'0,.-11 \>Ia,nlr ....
Tho","" 1'111"... 1", ,-henJ"" b .. :
I>IIrt """re. andll<o-n
The I"".ol.e""x a""""",
Cypher An> 11.1. 4. I. 11_
1t!UG .....
Thou,b Ibey ",,'oh "'" Wl1h. ",..,k.
I'm ..1 '" Inrd Ih.n h<out.
In lorm 11 .. ,k.
Though Axl..,n I ... t III
Cyphu _\.... , 5, \8. 1. 8_
if Y """""" lak "'y finl
A. fim ,he i<:av" her_'
My .. hole a hnlv l",,'11 fin,1
Amonr mart \.,.. 1,1""
Cypher An._ 1'1. 10. 5. 1.1. 5. 14 (0
Whirh t _ <"",manti. n" .. 1
re.pect I",m it.. '1'he

PROPOSITI ON- Sholl" how 10 chlnge tbe lIfteen s tripe. ; nl O tb l rt e- o.
I PRETTY IJ , it "'40 thaI from
I . I and after )lay I, 1795. the Ilall
oh""ld f,('cen .,ri,_ In,1 fif_
leen .\.a ....
T ... .,.tyth....., yea" I.t .. r. in De_
cemLcr. 1817. M. W.ndovrr. of
New York. h.W the fon""";n, rCllO-
luWm po.soed
"U" II enaou..l. fmm ""II
.ft ... Ih. 41h of July next. lbe I1ag
of I I", U",lal Sta," lhelilot thirteen
oon 001l\&1 rtnpa . It.emauo rt<!.nd
white, and tl14t lhe U"'{ln lie I ..... My
stan-whlt.e In a blue r",ld. mn<llhet,
"" the aJ..u..iQn of. new State ,nlo
the Un", .. , 0"" <la. be ad<led to the
Union. 01 lhe IIq: ..... that aurh
add'tlon ohalI \.ate effect on t he 4th
dAy pf July nexl .. ...
The PIlule to which . I tenuon iI
""",,":.nee not \.0
..... tca.
),I . Thetchtt. '" Y_huseU .
b!lUl<l"",, '1 as "a <X>IlSQmma\e spcci_
ml'l1 of fnvohly."
OIOW called. turns II_ l he ronvtrtlllJt of
aliltHn .... ,;ped IIaJ inlo one 01
t.huu"n. without any wute or m&_
t.enal. Sho .. how to, d",,,'e lhe naa
jnto , ho lewHt ,_hle number 01
1'\"'" w,ll 6, l08td>er .n ..
1.0 m.a.k., llag 01 Ibirle<:n 11'; 110l0I.
Mr, G,...,n"p. 01 K .... oon-
u "of very g .... t impOrtance
10 .nform Ihe rest nl I he world that
w. nQw have 1_ &<Idi,ional States."
AI ouggcstion. of
Mr, fl"udino' . of New Jo"",y. who
Ilw"Kht VNmonl "1>d Kentuckr.
Ought,t" I..! kept in g<ovd hllmer.
the b,1l w.o p""sed. On j """u,,,-y
Why ... cock-cyc like nute of
int('rroplionl IIccauilC' il ;, a
What;. I"r on . 100 mucb
for two. nnd nOlhing at all for three I
A Secret.
11,,,1 might Ix! called !l
II,i.11 A """'k robin.
What ,1;,1 Jol" w.>mrohe ronsist
0/1 Th= ",'",wiled comfort ... .
\\'1I.n ;8 gil"," not" ... ito<l
WI"". be;" ahoatd.
Why i. a r.tIDer ijke po\1l.UleI
He rltjlOtldlun plough.
What wo'" of a 1e1U'r
nukH ynu sick! M 'us;ok
I n ... bich month do l:.o.Ii... GOUiP
th<olea:stl I'ehru..ry.
Whllt "'" thr m<>,;1 ....,,,,,blc
dOl hew 1 Pt.[I[If't and wt,
Which ..... the mo.' Jll'ppery
I-Mt.enl 01 the .ol.phs.btt.. KN (Ca_

Wb"" ..."..Id fO<I ...,1<"Orne a blo ..
from a When ohe strikes
you arr-Wy.
When;" the puddinK inhabit ... "
When It IIUle l udian i n ii,
Wh.n k:",d '" lealher would a
n:llt...! MllOI' ",min<t you nIl Nol
not un.rr-i kid . but undl'ellllOd

Why i. 1\ frond, f"",. of 1>0 value
compart<l Wilh l he Am"';""" dal-
Lu1 l\oc.t<> it i . wort hI .....
Why ..... \><'01,le ",ith shm mem_
on .. ro\'ote<m,1 1l00000u.. tbey a",
III ....ay. .",,,othing
Wh, are p'g' "'ute int<:lligrnt
than human bcmgst They n"""
(kno,,) "'ore
Rip VI .. Wlnkl. Punl.,
uld Dwe'l, pI K",:-r"pid,
from which ,I ... ",,,,10m 1<" pi"
\la< okr;,'c.J. I", pi nt"! ""til
thitt""" pin. rlar"'.! jn a ro,,', 00 \h:u
only one or Iwo rim C"I,!<I
knlc",1 ""I at one ,hOI. Tht 10),,1-
... stood ,., do t 10 I"" pinl lh11 il
did"" call for much 10 hit ... y
i",1e pin, Ill" ,....., 00",
which the rob)" dttJr<'d 10 knock
do"'-n. AI 6,.., il ...... ,1,1 Io<,k if
it =,1. no ,liff .. flrl"". or
1",,0 pinl r;:nt l"",kcd do."". f<)r
pl.\'ff' 1>':>,,1,,1 al' ....... one holl
at a time. and Iho: rW"! of tho:
"'.., 10 .... ,,110 wu/J knock do.>om
tJJc, Int pin.
I I;' .... 'n.m that pb,'td "';Ih
.... h Iklll Iny pon ..",1.1
b. hit at .. ill, f."., accnr1hng 10 the
old rul ... a kw. il h. K'O$
min. Su]llJOlin(.IIK,clor
thol a pla"'r can hil Iny pon
or "" .. \ .. " .,Ijactl'l OMS he wish ..
.".1 thai I,," pl>v IlIrn 100u1, one
b111 at .. 'Oiho (;I.n oulve I""
pmblrm lhat now coulTOnl1 Rip Van
n,., I:tlle Man.,.,! lh ...

Rip h.o. Ihe 01 twenly.l"o
diffrrtnl ony nne of 1m,
l';n., ur an,' <)<1. vI Il,. I""
n;d,lIe 'I""" ,,1,; on ",;11 bri,,!:' down
tw" I'ln' Whid, i. hi' oot hot In
"in Ihe It io uaume<\lhat
th,' ,,1m< ;1 .""tin".,j to the ""d,
... ith tm, bt-O( ?CO illl. pl.o)' On both
Ii ,.iII". 1""",1 In be verv I'''''-t)'
I'roLlom in ton pins. .
1'wenty_n .. o Bird. gq, ..... d EDig_
.... tiCIIU,.
(t) A bird f"n "ffrolic and f"n,
(11 lit<- .t.ndard 0/.1 R"'"'lns adort<I ;
(3) the ",,,I t1ut ud j"dgtl JKlt on.
and (41 the bird tlut fnm Eden 1I:l1h
_red. (5) A bird th:u 11m>! ""Ip
''IlU M din., and (6) a hird that i.
;'.rr,,1 i" eht .. ; (;) a bird nude of
pol"r .... 1 twine, llId (8) .. bim in
""",m,n,:: dng, (9) Tho bird 'h>!
mu>, be in a H<rl, and ('0) """ .... i __
in..:. 1'0'1(1.",," 1",",,1; (II) 1M birr!
"'11,h ... lIS ....i'h meal "d (u I
lit<- IUJJ'H' of an ;1'1.'11 _,L C :\
1';" ll h" mimics and 'JII'I, 100 ( '.;)
food lhe (hin""" "' I. (IS) A bir d
th.:.t h"!!,, In make .loth", {or mOn,
(Iii) 11,. bi,,1 tlut Ofl (ron' dOQT
III doo,; (17) Ih. !.>ird th3t e:m ....rit.
wil)" ""n, and ' ho n.:"',.. of.
rG.. .hor., (19) 11" bird tl.,! in
1"'>1 ... .,,, Ih.
ou, SI>";", (4Q) "i"llha, .boo)J
'rayo! 1,,,1. I 1 "n,' wilh a ,h.,!.
1r .. fl,e , .. a,lt ..
halO br.,J (.f 1".IlV a ""'n,ler
{"I ""'. Imt Idl lb. i"",. of Ihe
bird !hal built of our cbur.!' ... t he
... ,
A Stnd,. In PaLmil l ,.,. .
Inform a )'0.1"11' ""In 'hat you will
tdl him IhelW1l<: of I", wife
b,' rrading the Ii,.,.. of hi.
. \ok him IDe lW11e nl his
.nd mnt"",", "nd also fllU IW11C.
"" tb>t )'OQ nur ..... "11 numbor
of (lit ,"VI ]"hn IImry
Smi,h,) T1><n, .sci,,!: hi'"
nem."""" .. ing qllMtion. ft'
I1'"Jing how ""'"Y time< he hu 1;ftn
in [m'c, ,,'he'he,- ho ...",ld ."ppon I
.. how man, ti", .. I .. h.u bet ..
...j<rted, etc . Itil him ,ha! Ihp " ......
pi hi. r",,,,.,, .. ,U I.oe Mn. ] <i111t
Henry Smith.
,\n oni",al "j h;, kin'!.
Ilei".- jll" iudi" ... 1 In 1:" .""""!
On .. ,1igh,I,' C'l\,," up
An,! Ih.u il ftcw


1,"1 (\,. , .....", .. I .Tko 'x{'!Ti.,.. ,I,d,
"i,l, ti,l<lh-
if "", ,,'ooM I:TDW hri.-h,
0.,,1 ",othinJ:; <harp
tn. ,h ... il. !('3"",," one the hid
.Iff! mranin.- of word, lilte gt,,,.,inll
con,,"""''''''' The rl'PCCO' of Mm-
I' in..: nt ('On""dmrTll rlc.
\'<k'l" the anr! ..
.. " ,he mental Harrv has
I'rq .. m:1 I >M "f """,,,,,Irurn. upon
,lor kilt ... ',f Ih. f...- Ihe
"""<fit 01 hi, fri"",!.:...., how
IIW1\' of tit<- 'Iue<tions you 0211 an.
,... .. correclly
I rrived 'h following mmml:.,i .
Qlinn IDe ather <by ircm a J'OUllg
.. m h-ucn hrin.:: u 01
kirw (>1 1.Tn'..... ' 0 mill. for- hi,
""lit ...... n.j ... hn. which and .. hat.
Thev odor frlf Dr, luTeniJe HUln:m;'r
( .. '1>0)-2 Dr. H3'1'<C"'''''<r<. an<I
!,nle bct1<.ld """Ie, I,;, a .. i.t.
:uttt: btlt R.; 1><: art;,..,., the oot Ie
gollv ft'l"'d eh:ll1r;ed
HeN' i. the ;nt""I'" ' r.ln<btion:
Mr. D3.1"':00<1, h"ino:- _, ' tht
of ..... 1 for ,,;, lri,." d. an,1;" .. , Thc)' ,ent lor Dr, tp,ild.,
, i".-I""", fe .. Hn... to Dr,
llor ..... and ),l,
Ull' tot/u'e he ur;, .. d invalid
Ari th"",tiul P .... dol<.
I am a word of he 1<11en. Mul.
tirl)' nn' fifth by t .. o y<>II have
r".t, Di"i"o mv ti .. t by 1"'OIIl y
and )"CU han m)' third. my
thi ., In' five and you bave my
and fourth,
Opbcr AlU\wcr.-3. 9. 22,9. 12.
A Reb ....
I'm an b"y in lho land.
And UlOugh I'm <li!:"'i""" and grand,
I'm sure len th<oo.,sa,,,' lime.. ya,
..... many I'K'I'le un "'" <'I"" ..
JI.hootd me and b;ro't\I dD.." ",ith

Yo"r oldest reb,i"" appeo.u.
IId,..d "gain, and ,m h ... d<alh
" r"".\cr mothe, ne ... " ...... bn:ath.
Ikh ... d agoi!), but a 1<i:,
ror codme)'l lik! wilh an tl:'::,
... d 0!Itt more,'1Id In JH
A thou .. nd thin"" . 'P f""nd in "'0,
Now 'trom!nlc! )'0<111 fin,! "'). nome,
Ib.k ....ard &lid Ihe
... n' ..... I , 4, t , 41-
Alphabrtical Additi on.
To "ubol""I. l1urnhr .. I,..,. lelletIL
1\ 0 W
Alphabetical Addition.
T E 1\
o 0 Z
o X L L
Con",," raJ. into in
",b.!itnting cnt rett..,. at a
1;",0 &lid alwaY' formiog rorr. ce
..", ds.
A ClLarad
The lim gf "'Iua!
1"ht "to. d to dl'(:l.),
The whol,. vt,y no;,), lied
Fmm Sou,h """,riea,
PROPOSITlO" - How mI.P1 word. end .. ith cion?
. I tul(bl)'
. lrom a lady ... b<>
")'I \I.;.t h..-
. \ IN<b Intefell on my
"" .. I .... nd who IMt. I(W
mod word_puultl ",,,,,Id "" ,MU"CI-
ivo. if' u""" plan ...
would induce the .c;I",\.an 10.ludJ
,heir bnob. we ";ll , .... ',"' .... \.e a
bltle chaM Ihrout: Iho
1I.r-ce"''''' nut _ .. hal hmllm
I IlK>ulJ blre 10 leU about t .... d'5-
appoinllng U,,""CR of a ""rty of
pr.-P'ling ',/bo Raked out
.10 .... an,) it "Didion-
ary." ber;oUM, .. IMy l>elle,ed. Ihu
lhe dictionary "''''' "th" only pia,..
peace. p..,.perilr. and haPfli-
""" roull be lound. Rul Ih"y
diocow<al by bitl .... UflC'nenl'l! Ib.t
anylhlng and ,,"orytbl"g can u'->
be round in Iha\ u"'" dictionuy.
10 il .. "" t he Ihint'! Ibal 11",v "'etC
not; loolcing for wh,oh turned up
Just to .how bow .Iua;ve I(IfIMI
thin!r' .. bieh W(! _nt nlay "" even
in Iho cii<tionRry. no mattc. how
... tboy Are. try 10 bell> n""ry
I'>IIt "I. b1t1" 'Iuandary ... lUch loolcU
h,m 11>0. mller nigbt in a drea",
II" IbougM be ...... paMilng tbl"OUjlb
... , ....... wood. 00 hH "'''Y 10 ",bool.
when he ""', a wUe .:..1. who took
di<1io .... ry. and to gi'''' hi",
oornetb111i .":1' .... d. =me
me a I"w S tnd"'g ";lb cion "
Harry .... eoIOpletcly fIOO\p1u.ed.
and aeb OUT younl( pUull.", to brlp
hun oul by ",Uonin, a I .... word .
Wbl " the difftrenot hf'lwren.
photograph..- ""d tho .."" la m,I.,.,
t he other .. d. b.m,', ...
What if. tbe 1 ... lwte'!
100 .nd 0 (llIIughl)
\\'hy mould. oltip'. nlhe'e' .... ....
pu.t his thmno"",'c, un I",. hlO
'QW' O"".use he lII<Iul'" ,'HI>
.. _ h, .... ,.b
Wh"h ... Ibt """, ","U'nIM
bird.r en> ..... beft. .... they mv ....
romploJ.n ... ,\h",,1 raws
What au ........ "",t.! cn,b_
.. ",1 a!>UrI,.. "",,,Uun '" Ihr .".J.l
if Irn,y nnly \'1'>11_
1>y (P-.. ..,biu.)
What " lhlI, .... "", ""t ....... a
hen a",1 an j.l1c mU"Clan' On.
la)'" at pl ... ".ho. play. M
Ihe 1"- ....... "
your la.1 ";\1 .n 1 ',",WIlI.n\ .. n,1
... an whn t" ... "Ien as m".-h IU h.
tan' One "'1I1\t<1 Rn,1 ,\aled. II",
<linN .. 1.,1
Why if. mouse hko Bo
<a,,$!: tht (callie) ""t it,
or <'<lUf5<' YO'I ho",,1 "f tht
"hilooopbll'411"'''' ,..b., ... , rrit'<1 her-
""II un\ll III"'-k in ,h. fAoo
in try,ng '" ",Ive e""I"hnnary
(lrobblcm .. to ... two.!>... tho
en lrom .. or 1m. I'><>M
from an in ,\I,. ,-:>.,;(' yllII
are to .how tm. """""."IUI '''' <'II'
,nto In'' lh= ,,'oea ... 11"'10 ""Il (,II
lhe. egg. an<1 .. the "U <l1nno. ''''
"""dedlO ... lO mak." goooe of .ny_
body, il if m>pr-! Ie) Ih",. some
lighl UpOD the __.... 00

"hc ol'1<t inhahit>.nto or Puuj.,.
1.",1 "',1\ '."'ember how in Ih.
... I the =tirt wort!
trUly m'eT n hl1le box 01 ,""",1M
wl,,"h I>e<ame kno"'n a. the
"14-15 P" .. 'fhe lifl""" bl<><b
in the "I'u..., OOx in
.ml",. CH'ly ... ilh the 14 .nd
1; ""'.", ... 1, a< ,l,own in the above
i!la"roLli"" 'fhe: punlo '<In.i,,'''' in
1l1O"'''1: the bIoc:b about. one at a
Ii"",. <0 H 10 bring Ibcm ba<k to
pu>itim inc ,,.ry r"reel
''''.1'1 th:tl the: urn' 'n lhe and
15 10",1 be
A (lri,. 01 SI.(x)) ..,hich wa, . f
rtrN I",. the fi'<I cO"1 YliuliOh 10
Ih. problem, ha. bttn daimN,
alillnll!tb Ihe, I'I! IhouYnWo of per
oon' "b<>"",y performed Ihe.Oo
quirN k.L
I'.-oplel>o-ame infatnall'tl .ith the
f'U"le an,l It><li<:rous tales I." toll
"f ... bo neg!lro 10
"""D Ibe .. "or .. ; of .. d;<lingui>I>o<1
de'lO''''lIn ,,'1>0 <tood nnder I >1rOH
].mp :til throul1h I .. inlry hil."'l Iry_
"'I( to "", .. n IIIC w.>v h. Ita,! per
form",1 .he I""t_ '!'h.
"r lhe pLlule IS Ihal no one:
"""ms to be 10 ,,,,, .. n Ihe M-
'luw.:e "r 1110".,. """,eby Ih.y l eel
.ur. \!",y .uC<u<Il in soh'ing the
Itu.,l" Pil",. ar<: ",;<1 to loa".
lbc:iT ship", en):,,,ee .. moh
IhelT I",,,,, PO" 8Iall ... ,. 2nd buJi ness
l't""er.dly b.ome de", A
fanlOU' Baltimore lito, \ell. how
he went IQr hi. nann ",,>(10 and waS
di..,(". o(! by l,io f,.,I(i llIff Ion!:
1'4$\ n,id"ighl In"l"n!:, hili. P'tceS 01
r'c around on A I'lotel F"JOe .. ar.
known to h,.c desertt<l th.i, plows
."d I h ... c \alr= one . 1 ,\I(h in.
IIM. 25 an illu<trAI;on for the
Sevo ... 1 nt .... 1'",,_1=,. dt"eloped
rrem Ibco 0"1:,.",1 1","1. wbICh .ret
worth ti"ing:
Sttoo,1 al(ai" wilh
tho: blocks" in Fil:, I and mo,t
to &5 !O ReI numbe,., in regul.r
oftkr. bul " "Ih lht ,."""t
at kfl _h.. ",1 e<>me' of
........ righthan,1 c:orn<:T; tee Fil:' 2.
Thinl ProbImt-Start wilh fir
I. tum lhe 1>0". quam:r _y TOlIn"
and """'" 1M bloc.I<l Ih:11 iboy
'." aJ in Fog_ 3
Fourth Probkm- Th,. " to
lhe a"""l until they loon I
"""'I:>< to 1"'111>0 numbcn
,":il1 ad,l up thirty in I"", t!itr.m\!

Fig 2

Fig 3
, ,

, ,


, ,


" "

The Picllic Puule,
When Il<tr ,Lo.n.d off on the grut
.. nn",,1 (11m'" .,e<y _g"" i" town
into set."",. H:tI I ... y
'0 1M 1:'..... ''''1. \<on "ag<>n5 hToke
,),,"'n, "" II w,,-' lor each
o f tlw: r ...... 'n'ng wagons to c:an-y
t.o'It ""' .. 1"''"0''-
When tht)' lor home il
... u MICCn more
",'aroru "'er. 001 of commission, 10
on lhe r"lum 'rip lhere ""'e Ihreo
persons in eadt wagon lha.,
.. hen ib<y ,tartro 001 in the mom-
... 1>0 eon tJ:ll bow rrwty
::or" Ih. g""', annual pic-

1'1", ]ap"nc><: j"lIgkn lOme
ohmlo ",bid! IX1uli ,. art 10
l.mlc Tokio P<'rlol'Ilu
J>(T bohru:tng foal UI"'" .. la,I,ler,
and) ...... are ... kedtn g-ueos lin", many
steps mw;t bo,o laken to KO up and
down an<! UI'. Ja ... to gn \",ioo to
the lop &nol ."in to
gmund ( .. the "" .. I. naru. from
the I;"round) 1Uin!:" en.,. "01' the
... "'" numIK'nl Tommy Rid-
dk< .in", no CIIlCh
about this !,,,uk. If. ocr"'gln
bul ,fa a ... 1. gUMS U"" 1.00 will
11:0 up IlId down tkn 1:1'1. or .......,
hefore you hi, lilt. o;:orrttl an,wer'"
In the a(1 Ihki. ,ho: fam.
OlIO ... "",bman. po,fnrm. feat
of th11)w"" l "'110.".,<1"" up in Ih.
air :ond fUlting n inl0 .;I:'hl p.ea:.
"'1h on. \I""'. 01 hi wn"t Tom-
my ... ,.: "Cut out Ibe rit:b, pi."."
and fit Ih.". l<>I:o,h... btln PIV._
licinj[ tlH:: Irick ....ith a 1"'0
melon." Of >II ..... the punic i.
me .. l,. to (" tbos ;rhl pieces ,mo
a perft cin:le.
A O'band"
My lim iJ the SUPrmlO, my
second __ mblall'. and my wbole,
tb. high .. , epithet that CIOn he be-
. towed upon .. horo.
A Char&de.
lily fi<'1't iJ a prayer. or a ..,.,.ioe di
By my "'!>'I, is a portion of l.u!d
M, lotal. _lui you =y truly defin .
A h('lrrid .ffwion of innoc:""t
W. we,e comi,,!: in the othe, day
from an automob,le trip. wh." w"
"""'. 10 a ahort li.."al t;"e 01 th,ee
and he..,ighth. "'iltt of tdegnl,h
ia W,th the aid of a !t<lfl watth
,h<eovered \.bal the a,'eral:"" poles
A Ch.rad .
Yoor heart i . beayy. when "'y ("5t
i. lig!!t,
My '00(1. fool. u well u wits can
'T .... al 1i",1. within my third
10 Iry.
F", S."''''' ,t .. ,II tdl you by aad by.
pa=d pt, mimae. multiplied by the
lb,.., and fiy...."glllh. mil ... WOIJld
give Ih" numbeT nl miln poer boor
llut a, w"" going. Ilad now .. k
if J'C'Il can tell hOW far .part wcre
the pole,?


King Puz!ltp:.te i hown 10 be
;n bol lu<k in I,lo.ylng (nip' wull
Ih. ",iM man Ir",,, &rneo. In the
Kame ul nungal",c ''''''jJS a diee i.
louW i" the air 3ml the o,ho< feUow
the numbe, "'b,eh turn, up and
Ih. choice 01 ""Y one of the lour
lid.... lIiJ ""llCnenl t.>.k... the
of tht Ihr.., .ide.. as Ih. uthlcr
number il ueyer counte<\ The g"m'
is "cry .imp! althougb tmlhnna-
l ki.>n. differ rq:anJing thc """"t ad
'"ant.og<: in luo. of tM twO numbetl
ovt. Iht thm.. In the &ketch. Ih"
wilJ n\.lln wIns thi. I.,.. by Iiv" points
...00 br ... lts thc K"ll:-" excl>oJuc . 00
lhe puu.le is tQ ltD iu>t "'IL>I num-
bot musl ha,'c lU""", up trI ..w>!c
... pla,...r to ........ live points! The
PriDCeU Enigm.> is keepmg lally.
... hid! obows 1M King to be a 1oQ.".
1O&cr. but .. hen you Ie<' the KOfC
Innwloi into n will look
$lilI Iatgtr. The ... i1d mm of Ror-
aI ... alt know. han: but tb,..,
fingt ... on nd! band. '" they have
I ... mcd tQ rkon by the o<"l1In,,1
noIal ion. "'hkh don not lhe
7. 8. 9 or 10. as ill our <lccima! 'Y'-
tem. As a "rrity there-
fo ..... in ol.."."t.>.ry ....
.. k our pu ... li,l'l to Inns!at. 100}78
in\<l the Dmlg:.l(IK notalion . .., tlut
Ih .... i1d man .. ho dOH not know lhe
mUninlt of 7. 8. \I or )0 will
know IU" hew many gold pirca
be h., won.
A. Char&dl.
l.adi .. , my firsl you OUghl 10
I{ you ,..ou1.J boauly
And lilme poor I"die. who have
""', ..
MlY y<1 bo .... ry wi ..
otoond th." I .KOItll1!(nd,
\\"hi<h you may jointly lind;
'ccnnd', IoI,'I'Y 10 attend
Tht beauty of Ih. mind.
To YOU. then. I tampa ....
.... as bc:ing bright,
For lik. the lInuty of the fai .
hill .... ,... dI.Inm lb. ,ight.
Th'ee Trn. tl!"Oftn mt! on the
l,ighway an,1 p,acceded to dicker as
lul1o ... " lI.nk 10 Jim: "111
give yO\! .ix pit' fer a hOlll; Ih.n
you'll hav, twice as many .rotten in
your drove u 1 wiII ha"e in ",; ..... "
Says Duke 10 H"nk: 'TII gi yOy
J. Charade.
My lir51 i. as fa1""lou U iron or
11 .... 1.
nUl my _end it n , y :KItte.
"he hij:(hnt .. n .....tinn. it oft.n Cln
And yot 'Ii of ... brul .
My ... hoI. nO idea that". bn1!iant .....
kno ....
ADd frorn the lirst hour of its
II. >CI.t<ely Cln toll "en ... friend
from ... lot,
In .bart. tiI a me'. lump of =til.
founccn Ib..-p lor a h"''' then you'!
ha th_ tunto .u many <titt .......
I." Sly. Jim 10 Duke: ''1"11
you four <0 .... 10' aha .. : the:d you'll.
have six timn u m.ny critt. , . all
I" From tho<e int., ... tin!t" fact. tan
you toll jun how many .n.mals there
W. ' e in tho th, droveo?
King p" .. I"pa.!e o;,it. Ilo.. Dark-
' D"'n K;".k'J;art<!I .".1 [,,,,1. tllat
l'CIlf. jO)",;illK i. \roubl ..
with hi' <la', or pick.,,,;,,,,,,,,, who
)"",. lak./\ tho hl.>crty of eM,ln'tl-
In!:" a nm 01 (lit bock
of hi, II. if ord"'inK the
rh .. mpion of that check dub (0
p"' oh "I' the eN,1 or .uff., dire ron.
Of CO"'W. it II a ,'.ry
imple pr"W.",; ""..nh.I .... )'011, ;1.
",en Ih. ",""be" <If th ... h.,. an,)
dobs. art ;".;ted \01"" t in
u.., "'rUei"l: nf 1"' ... < right "iten.
In the ..cno,,) flU"),, Tommy Rid.
din and It..: I'rinao. .. diKoY ... ,1
I problem in .impl .. a<l'lil ..... On th.
",h .. ,. 1M figu"" l. Z,
3. 4, 5, 6. 7, II. 9, 0 an: "'pr .... "t .. J
by the: loti ..... D. C, D, E. 1', G,
II. I, J Y"" OUt by rule
or .. -hocll kn,,, rrpramt
,h. nun,I .. " ..., lil .. , ,,) .
1M kll' "" Ii", bIockboonl
,"" IUltl ... ill pro'-. \0 be cornet

Whm IotUdJillg ... i,b a ploaIanl
Jack .,.n, my h" /",o.!.
Iftinb to m1 an.l .. oaK.
S""h hw .. he !",." 'n '1,",.1-
nUt wh".., my fir \ ,J.,lh chanee to
0, O'''or ... d.,d,
Sl rait:ht f,om my whol. \0 f",l oileh
.Witlt hut. Ih. In will mevo:.,
A Cban.d
My finl i. a ,orm Iha,', di,li"",i
01 i"1.
Fur all .ro form,t i, ha.
power 10
'Tb 1<"3,'d in tilt 1'>.1000 a. wo!! aJ
the cOl.
.... nd yet had " haod in tho gun-
loowd ..
5ei"'\ 01 I fe hal bttn some-
timts til< Iw>c,
An', <I,l! !la, a "'it:hly e/roci (In the
J tear Icbu,, what "!'"Ikr Itl1 .. hoI.
nnw must
nUt I )'et dtdar. il i. noughl but a
5,...,. lho' .. 'matt. " a "," .." uu-
ful worot.
Atld Ihere. ",,,<1, .. wh ... ;\
),0< ""t OC<"lIrr',1
'0 lh" tIItlle awl curn il ..
And ,boul I i, t,., .. am",\:, th.y all
""'y be- n).ltt",,!
whol. I'd ""I g" . ""r would
w,!!il!gly .ak .
Cumider and w"'l:h. i, ""y be ami,.
I'or thing. do not ohU1' OJ
Ib .. y ....
A"'] ""he> jlldg"> ''''' .. .:tlly ""'1
,,hon h. met Jill whom h. bal hom<'.
by hall" m,nulo Th. r .. erd of Ih.
rac. io complicale<! bl Ih. runn.r.
being abl. In run down hi!! one-half
a,.in fa ... , than Im-y .... n "1" ...
you are asked 10 filtUr. out j_clt.
I'm<! f"r the half Il,iJ. run

Malhcm:l.1iall'roleo>t", ... y Ihat ,I
,,"1$ tItR. rau in thr
min,,""'. !hey eab;:h ral n-cry
minul.; lho:rd", "the Mm< thrn
old .,,"OI1!d calch ...., hunduoJ
..... in ark bundnd minttlcs, bOng'
just Pnt ral "" m;'111lo:.,
This io ""boo\leacMr'.
an",..-. and 00 oth..- 'OD be giftft.
bltl 1M tffn"bJe \i\\le "'ith the
bit:: ht2d "'"h., 10 .o.k the 1=1>..-
'implc q" I:on. jll!! I.). ;nl"."...lion:
"If Ih ... ,,"II- wiU e:ltch thrtt ra ..
;n Inrtt minut .... how l<>ng ,,-oc.M il
uk. to cotch four?"" How long
,....,,'1.1 ral 1;\.01 "ilh tnt (.O;IJ
Ifter him 1
JU'I 13k. a look at tho: picture
It wu I:i,'''''' . ne! rtmo .. 1m",
to .. , loachor !13.'" the", i. noth
int:: ".Ied in th. propo,iti<:m Ul'''''
wh'th to buil<!. hlp"th . ,i. r<'l':3rding
lh. ''''''inlf I\,i ... 01 3 ,ing:. ral
t o <'alo. "Tnen,"
11,. ttrril,l. where rl""" II
Jifl"rr from the 5nl 1'I"O\>o,it ;ol1 01 a
hund .... ! rn ... fnr alln Ih. rato
dispoltd 01 "il,.t)'ni"" rail en seh.d-
ule limr, ",hat wi!! trn-y do .10 th:Il
l"." rll? One ' kilt. a rat ,n thr
minul<:S but bo .... !onlf ",wId it take
":10 to kill tht .,.".. ..... t
Tllen the temol <""tar:u!cw the
" If pM.,.I";"n .. ith five
loes on fad> fOOl can ..-aile a mile in
minute', how long ...-QuId itlak.
Oh.lmolT. the Ru .. ian. who ha.t eigl,t
toes on C2<:h fOOl, to .. a.Ik tbe """"
diumcc? Of ill good tchooI
chi1tl ..... I .. taughl to pbcc itnpLt61
lailn;n the maxim lh>.. figu_"....".-
Ii., and )'H oamt ....d1kno"'" ptOI>I)-
siticnl or th. lat bo:lI<:$ a",
10 ux o:onumn ...... of any Oft('.
It j. ""rdly rea.onable It> :uk a
"If a star-ring man could .I.,..
YOIl. four of h .. ad in fiftoen
minlll". how tmny could he ""I in
1 ....0 hours j'" and In the cal and ral
probJtm i. very ";:milar.
If thl": .,. .. ....'11 catch Ih,..,. ,all
in till" minlll". hew many ca" witl
il to ki11 cme hUtldrcl. r:t.1.< ;n
len. hundrod minnl'"
A aeb ...
"'hole , ! ....... tlI"....-l by plUI--
R.h""d me. ""'" I am a """,,,,,e;
Tah "'Y head one. mo.e. and I
:un f,,"nd
In anw church or rmoW1lrd,
Cipher ."",,,n.-II), 13. 9. Il. So
Worth Their Wti,hI In Gol
Old let ;1 bt lmtI"'n
In," be ",,,,,hi (",\ow hi.
... itb lI""i ...... ill'hl io 8"'<1. !IO tbtl'
"' ... ."il<,1 ,,;,h
ol1itors. Thfol ....... U mam<'<J.cot
lhe Jam/: fb,', .nd bd ........
in partook O( .... CKc('<'d;ngl) buY1
"'Idinl:' calce. which made tht
Colketivdy. the brid weighed
Ihr hund .... 1 and niMly .. i>: ,-nd<,
bol 1m f'OIlnd. "",.e
.han Kilty. and "cill:1>od I""
1X",nc\s mtrr. lhan :-I.llie One 'OIl the
bridtgroom Jnhn D(1)Wll.
j"" at mllth a, hi. bride. ,,'b,le Wrl-
lia", Jnpe& weiRM<! hall aga", ..
",,,,,h as h,5 Chari ...
Robi""", Iwice ... "'I'h .. hi. bride,
The briM> "nd gTOCrfII l"Rl"her
....ighc:d half len. R"I you nHJl
nlJl belh ... boul the weil:btl Ih.
bri"," for thl' 1'1,.. 1. Inri'"'' 10 oo1ve
illO I." Iht l ull 0 1m- K\'enl
brid ... fter

T1Io Game of lIalrimooT'
J 1)

TIIi. o<I<llilll. "'hi<:h
i, "bred t:.-tw .. n two 1""''''''. pby-
int:: tu'" .1""'1. w,th lhe one
is (IIc-ull'M t<> .harpnt tho ... illl and
I th )"" 10 qlti<:k!y. Pla.
mark .. en anv on. "I tho
$hown en tho and call out lhal
"umbo'r (fOr Yoo. upponent
n"'I'OII il to lin)' ",I,.r """,ber (lOy 4).
aMlI addm" "'Ith.r .alb oul 9-
Th.n )'''" go bad. to 5. nIHI 14.
'" Ihe game 11<"" "" unlll on.
,n"", n-.nk., ." ..",.1) . "d WIn'.
If .ilhfr i. to It" .\>ove 35 . he
0, II<' will be an old maid or hachrlor.
OJ the e."e ""'y IM'.
The ! .an be pb)'ed "ery
nk!.'!\' Wilh a ring which;' dllngni
I,,"; Oft(' finl:" to .. "",MC<' .. hl't_
1111.1, by the play ..... as d.,...;Jxd
abc",o. 1h>.1 the thumb
.h.a\l rountJ S. the fin> Iinge-r '.
ete. . Thi . io an innoc<1l1 little I:""'"
I,!,,.d i"q for fen ... ,I 0.1 al1lik. the
='1 game. ",'hrr. tlK; pbring of a
rinl! .... the th,rd """J pbc<
I"'" nnd..- rn. girl'o Ihumb fnr the
.. " 01 ,Ol,. "",rt:tllife'
Voh... i. the bc:>I number to
t.-gin .. ith A. lIamln Jay. !hr..
" Ih. questIOn,
A Riddle. io a talch, r..tutw with 1..0
ocr .... l; can rOll 1<11 wh)' one KtC""
is iLl.t lik" Il,. other?
. .
" ,"
Each hm keep. IICcount of M'
o",n tgg. by makinR il I rule ,ncI'er'
to u.y more than 'wo <J:gJ .n hne In
am' pOfoOitu di,o;l..,." up Ind down,
right and Idl, or 01\ ,he .
Thil ;, a ..", p.<,ur ... h,ch
... "riers, or (I un.O.IIUI the
wad< of the hcnJ. and bel ... )">
high .. ;nl<lhgcn<<' l .... n i. develOped
II]' the gooH. who cannot Ix ,,"ught
I!) porr_ the feat.
Can ,..,.. 'dl how IIWI)' ogp " i.
.,.,...iblt to platt in 11>1: aboot 6 x 6
.... t .... ithout havin( mo ... than IWO
eggs in. w. have pla<"" thL
two lirst on 1M bi ...... 1M
l:u1ie1 tenn it. 10 you place nO
more on lhal bul ..
"The litlle black n;Qfltl' Mold 10 h;"
'Do what you can 10 6Il up tho
tnt .. .' w
A Reina
)fy bIonrninl; fim <.DII1Q I fnr,
And only 1M mind to elltt':
My nut CCIm.. wilb lilt .;';nK sun,
And di .. wlM,n h;, cou...., hoI run.
My whote i, by .nd young
With prlan.! and with feu",. """",
Cil,he, A'''''' ... -IJ. 1.25.4, 1.25.
ia a ptt>bI<m de--
nlopcd from a .ha.",. mooting of
1"'0 ,hoppers at the poultry marlc<l.
Mrt. Q'f"lahot1y apbinl lhat .h.
pu...,hao.od &Ome It twent,._
lou ..... 11 """nd, and u.., Wrut
",.ight in (OHC at riJ:rhttttl anti "
pound. Mrs. Smith tdJ.Mt tho.l
Good AdTicl
I Iq>. " .. ,II t.U.< II"",
ro IlWI ill"m'ltN </t .... ade, 10
""'I J'OU wdJ it all \ ...
Sammy kMw th3t hi< .i tOT a-
pt<1:<'d a """ ul tic", .. lor a l.inhda,.
p'e'nt, 10 he drow the .ktlch
and "''''od bu ,f Ih.\ "'lI "'M,I Ih.
1Vrn,1l oboe
"'llob"lion at lhe P"'''\l1 01 .re.iy-
inl: ""oh AQ attqllablt p,....ttU. the
bnI,. exd.i",od 'AII I
P'''''''S< 10 give )"0\, box on th.
n .......
hn. /:oJnffl lWO poun!ll by
fnllowing tM mI. /:"'" in "Hinto
I<> Boorrling_bou.. Kl'"': which
uy. 'For Chrii\m.u d"..d. the
money tnl,. brtwecn tl',kcy Ind
Wh>.t "' .. the .lmOllnt of the pur-

The Architect's
An """""1 kill!:" Or\<:<" ",,[ltd for
I". ....,h,tl ""d, p'.M1lliDI( the
groa.tId plan r.". a "" .. dunge<ll1,
$llltd .hat he ... is!w:d to ha,. the
pI"" .., modifitd that the gaoler, .. ho
ocarpird on. of !he e(lmo<r ",lis,
muld mak. the roll",," of the prison
by tM mo.t di.ttI. rout
The raul a",hi'ttt pid. .. l up
poi. 01 ..... ,."." ond, ' ..... 'lring that
he had b:n l:lI,,,h .. , "'''h the inte._
ior III jf.IoI. dlJrlog hi arly lifc. cut
tl>c plan in ,,, ... pirecs ... hkh he
say,ng, By !hi. ar_
un","","' tM .. lln. amount of
K"""",I i. """crt<!. the Il00 .. arc
in 1M fmlor of ,ho "",n.
eadt ".11 .. lID '"' 10 &in an enoL-
llrud...t _ .... f lh. ""' .... ltftJ:lh of
tho un . and ... "f'P<,""n'ly II .1
lon;Ied of paAi!ll:" through tho ..
bock II! I"'int "i,h .
oul ,-i,il"'r lhan onu.
Sho .. tM improved pbll and sug.
gested tour of 1M ..... drr.
A CI"mde
My lim in hall "'y !Md. JUII,
011. lalK Iln<I Ir."'omu. JOOld;
My total ,!Inn in ,iI""t ,hiod."
PlII";ly', fnwk", ,eckond.
Opbtr .'\ru" ... 9, 12,9, S, I!)-
II.,.., i, map .. 1 th.. ....... 1,. <fu.roo
..... 1 .... .... in (>D. r>ciG"h-
I." pbnol. :\10 ...._ Stt il )">II aD
make. b"" nf a1l oIlhe- In", ... 2lI<l
blck 10 I",inl of bo,:inning without
png Ihrou,,11 any on. <pOl twice.
("omm....,-e at tM 1011111 po!,. tht
Ime. T, '1',,11 a """'plot.. .... ,""" .
",in, urh ........ The po .. le
w,.. "fMt t<l Iud;"!:" nag=ine,
wt...'r (w Mty l """And rorre-
IIn;u",,,,,, .. .r.
"Thtrr i. nO f>""'ihlc w.y: and )'<1
ill. a >try .;1111". p"ule.
II ........ lhe twnn of !,;""
Engl",," I""ns &inn in pictorial
can )-UU en ... thrm?
)lr fi,lt i, a m05q,. of 1pa(O',
IIC"<'<md ;. a part of a 1,..,,;
)ly .. il bul half of my lint
A"d;' l.oq"o .. ,I. lI<en sea.
Ciphfr An,,,,'.r."--Jj, I. 18, 4, I,
18, 13,
'\lhil" "niO}'i"&, rMe 01 Ihe
tHo",el Sammy prop'"lndtd PUZ-
zle which ,.,ke'l much trtd<! 10 hi.
RICllal abililio.. "On. ni ,b.
number 01 kidl riding .1, nl me,
""dod to of llIMo ri'l-
'IIf: behind .",ell"'" ,h . CXltt1 num
ber of .h\lolr"n on tl". merrygoo
'round i. th. "'ay h. puts ct: bu, it
Mll p\ .... I. you lml. to ,.n
iUlt how ..... ny. r,del'll lhe", .. tte al
th .... hirligi.c cm:us.
With tlK Lord 01 Cre"iooI
A .0 ....tI ((nJ.bu>fd,
II 1>0 ornaIl dccontion
To _ animal bnd;
And me poet., =buiOll
Youll (luickly dildoM.
1 .. ilh .U
y"" ,;,hllr tflInspoK.
o.i.gft 19ain to tnnopou me.
'Ti. full worth YOU' .. hile:
For you Ihon will u pou m<
Drtul<d &lid vlie.
Now lb. wnc
A Ihird lime 'ep<U,
Alia <..,h OM ."ppHC_lion
I ,."aer ",,"pl.te.
Oph .. A ..... IIT-'l. I, '4, S
A Cba,.d.
If tq" .... you'll rombin. ,,ith I
l im,
A mrt:ll you'U have, not found in a
Ciph., An,wu._16, 9, '4, 3, 8. 2.
S, J, II.
At " , .. ""I HOlddbef, drinking
loom bel"WI tl>e Red Capo and the
_h !lud."t invitod >.II the
OChers 10 plrdgto hi. good hailh in
fIo .. i", bumpt'rs 01 beet, There

1I.n: "nn I .) hnl
inc"knl> .. not... the n""
""""'1 of om hun, '"'111 " ......
and pwvc.. a "") "hal
L,;< i, \>1". r>;i,hl ..... 'I*"SI,.
You ..... Y 1:'.' Tuti_F .. "i.
Or }"'" ". ... )" , ,'.
At II,., ,,! tn'lah-
nl),"' 1><n" ., f,.,.',,"Ii .... , lite
'3)' !', ,11<" gnnf,,1 1.,ly "I ,I,..
'AI" 1 fu"l ,,! y"ur
""au,;!,,\ \" 1:",>1 I'
It wa nnt . '1>," n',,' ,.' !lnl ')1)1)"
,Il( .rr,,", ,,( I
'''1: ""II ,b,licull, "I ",,,
ago, en,\,.,.,"",,,.: t" M'a,,,,r,ct"r<
c,,,,,cr,at,,,n Up, "hat 0.1,,1
Count ",,,h to ... yr
...= .. IlwI 1 .. <In..,..
preHf\' . n,) "<t Red Capt C'III-
ll'"tti.,<ly dunk one .",1
";ght '''''''< th." thr Bluu
ups . .., are .... '1 1,11
much I><o:r wu (QIl'umtd ...

Sa..,., Loyds Puzzle of the
Old Wo..,.,sn VVho Lived
n"'t i .Ii ,1,. ;t. ",h<1I1.,
.1.. , "bippin;: 11"" br"ad
,I"", <11\ an)' ,n II", pm,le,
Til. 'I""q, "" tv <ktnmin.
"'.:my lh" I,,,,UI" OI'\X>Il<n.
to t:l.0, ,,,k,,J,, 1",0.1 tv 1"'<10 in her
.Il" ... '
Punle of th. Letto. Carrier.
This I,a< to "'"" .,"
city lllo<k.,. ,.., .hown ;n tho
on.1 he "'k if corn gm" 'he
,h""I"" "O"t '''l1>t lair<, !kgin
.nd rnd .. Y"" plu,"", Imt
Y"" Inrn. lurn ",,1, to, the
n).'l!t an,\ lit"" Y"'" ,,,,,,,'U will he
"I:h, an,j )"" """., bo lrft. 1 .. , u.
....)" the \"">: Iohlc,h "" AWn,,
/\, Ii and C, ....hil. ,h" Mwrt <.n
In a Shoe.
<>II ),t. tn/I. 3rd 1UI,1 4th SIren'
Tha' w;11 .'."t Y"" in Il.... ribilll:
what fOIl .. , a. Ihe .h .....,. I
rUlae fur hill) toke,
II ... i, aMlh .. I'uule WMth m<lI
li''''"'1: In N""rr"'m Willi 11,i, ,,,h,
j"'. It 3\'I"-",r, lha, a valr"'lI'. "'.'
..."tco.l r ",m t ,mol"" '" (Jil,,,,,.
",,1, 1<-.:ilol. kth"h "" \10< p".l.
''''re' I\", \""W "'1... , ... ",,101
J"" ,a)" tho ella",". the
""1m" /, ... " ! .. 1
n. Die, GlMt
AI'''''',!:I, an d.",.."t M rhahC<'
enl"" lars:<'l! intn a!'tlO"It all pm .. ,
" .... '" (t"'I'nu.l1y 10 1i",1
h<>w "' ..... 1",""n1 ha,. no
"'''' of lilt ,htory o:.f po.-;.
bill",.. It;< 11<'1 ('"\-.rr "'M an
fC'D '""" offhand ",hat art the chanef"
"P'n 1 a pntny laUi1l!r lh, ... ti ......
in with 1M ......... ide up.
or. ""h lo"r ace< In""'" do .. n on
Ihe ,,10o, ;, the probabilily nl
1_' pirkmg up 1"'0 car'!> nf I <XI1<>r.
T"i-l II>< t<>mcn uf. handktrrh,.1
t''I:Clh.,.. ""'\ ....... , arf lhe (\u,,><et
IN or "Pinrt dr .... ;n' IWO diogorwl
<Om .... !
I asked noIod "f""\"1<m:In ,he
",her do)" ",h;u "' .. 'h" rhonea in
I.:",.". nf mrfllT,ly Ih .. tn ..
nl a .... 'nv I.n t hnet in IU""""".
H. reph .. 1 thaI I>< di,l nOl: bth t
,ha, I"rb " ,hing rould happ." i"
Ii/eli"",. Alld y<l, if liul. pitch
penfly tourn.:unm' wer. io;mgun'td
"lIh 2.(\411 rom!",lit""'. ,h. f,rslll)O'
.. ",,101 Iurni." t.'''4 win"" .... 'l!c..,.
,he tI:it'1 1M /,,,,"h
._11. ,h. liltlt f .... .i:.:tb
. n,t on Ih, lhm ...
"'. """',1.1 han <>= "w,.. . .... <hrr
ON", ....,. Ira ..... ho lu,1 c:o<nct!y
1:"...00<1 the 11,.. of peony I." tint ..
in .. ,<Tft<i,>tL
Wi,1I II><... p",\i", ......,. n..w...
10 Iho,. th .. of ILl
'ht ."""' I ... ill ",La,. Iltat
I ontt I><amo- ",urmhounol "'j,h a
parly of mi", ... I'ff ",""rlr a """"th .
.. ""'" our .\<Iek 011:= ...... 'U limitd
tn I .. Ii,:try' ...... lI-"'om di. lrom
,,";"11 I t'"\""Il ..,j II><' fu IQ""ol>: p.m<".
"'h,eh I ...... "'. kn<.... , . T ... .,,_
1\ .. t'I' l'un

111<' I:a", j, 1'1,,,'d bct"CC1\ '''0
1"""'''''', .",1 Ih<' .,bj ... ' iJ to 0 who
un g<t f",1 ()r mmptl
hi. "fIl"""'"' 10 >core sbnvc
thaI f>'>i"I. 11", for" 1'12)"" "frt!, tI ..
1'"",,: ... tM 00'" tOM1e1l il. by <all_
in!: ""t any nu",l.,. lrum On<" In oj)!.
h ...... ,,""ncod the gIlme
"'lh, ,he """",d th..-,
tl ... d.... Ihr"" 'u.n' "I'; thr
"""'" _&1, t,P "I:ltt, 1bc <lit i. ""
lMl:" ,hro"'n """': ,t... d<mcn, of
(:01.... lo,i,,,, b.:gins. The pby<1
ro ... ,.-.II. ,h .. ,Ii. 0V<'f", il
"",rd, _ .... lnm, '" 8> 10 ..,I<ct
an, ut ,M fOil, .i,\ .... on<, I".."
Ii.,. or oix. SUJ'l'O' I>< lonk oix. the
...... "ould be fourtttn. 1bc """t
rlll'tf ,,, ..... up four. making lhe
oce t'ighlttn: lhe Clth.r pb}".".,u ....
up Ii ..., 0",;01: ,he lotal to tw..",y-
I""r. ,"'hioh ,,in al h ... oppon.
mt ... "not mok. ',,""'y_li .... :uul it
cnmpello:d 10 Ill'> :obi> lha, /iJ:u",.
n.. mi"" .. btli .... rd in \utky nurn-
boo". and ..... e ;1:'"O<"nl 01 "",the-
",a,ia. Hul ,,hat I w;,h 10 kno,",
lrom a oci<nt ilK: .t..ndpoint '" lhi"
Wha, ;, Ih. be.t number to nIl 6fj'.
and ",he",io i, it better th.:m the

If.,.e ;. an OOrl lillie puuk whkh
DCCUun!!.hr 01","' day at an .,then'
me<ling. l.dy "'100 .
nod off tho Ii,,1 pri'e ..",....J eut!ly
""" hund.od pcinu. Can l"'" fil;uu
Otl l Ix>,," m;u!V .'"",,', mu.' Ill,.
10 accompli,h ,h. feu?
1 note ,,;th a"."se-
,nle," tm.t "'''''n OM of "'" JI"' .... I in-
ventor. Wa' .okcd , ..... ""ding Ihe
study whid! brn<fit<-d him ""'ot dur-
ing his .. hanl <!a)I. he 'q>lif<\ tm.t
IK: "pidrcd np 11K: ...,..1 " .. ful 'nfor-
rno>Oon during ...
It is .. fe to say thaI lho l un pot!.
and ."0 .... "'. of bripl id""s bt-
I,,"UD a lot 01 romping ocholo ..
A$ muclo 10 wrptlllh. "ils and in-
}tc1: vim and go uno a '->y', c .... m:-
\cf" .. do ... rilhmetic or .. ,
We neft' lhe: jokao and 10m
of the rtenS hour. and 0<1 the 11m....
hono:lrnI mumu nl --ann: p,,,liot.
81_:0- a pu .. Iin." to paa lhmI
aJo.>ne In !.h. lecO'''' and Ihird gcnr, -
'liI;onl. I (iv. a li.O. ""we ,..hieh
coma u!' wltli pI_c m:dlt'tlions
01 lhe IcwI&" ago.
A brighl bill ch:aJlcltl:c, hil
rnlOtu 10 gi ... a .... now.,. as
II) "'hal Idlnw .1>o"ld do ,,'heu he
h*" forgotten hi. lunch' The
"",\ivc" an, "'" I, .bown 00 tbe
bbck ........ d
Can you decipher il! I _ tMI
h. has that famou. 01<1 pun:. on
l he l>Iark'-,d. four "'1<LO.tU built
wllh f1gbt ma,ko: d .... ng" the P"'"i'
lions 01 f,,'" of the muh 10 as 10
b ...t three "'Ium"""
I! '<fI1indJ rot 01 Cap,ain F,n!, o:perieooe in :an Armco-
ian tebool u ,."1>1",, in hi, book. --00
Through At;' MillO,.."
II ... ) . ., "n .. dav I wo",
to He 1M lICho<>1.
'''l'erhAp" }'OU "'0\"<1 tih 10 :15k
,h. 00)" ""''''' Q"t..,Klh,1" ... ,d a
... ho:) me th,,,,,gh
lbe buildinf
"ow. i th<re iJ On( tHng I tfu..
"The lOp of ,he mornin' 10 you;
Can yo" loll th. lime on thai
IIkn! 01 hi! Irimd a.""y,
whn "'If known on ,he ' ora: lhe
cop. "1 ""n do lho,
1lI11.," o..""y. "Just .dd
like, i, i, being t ...rned into an aan,,_
n .... I hesiuled.
-- W.II: lhe 1"'"1." liUl. ,m_
they art .... iting for you.'
...... M;id pa ...... tbm
1 gave the ""'My divine 1M .. -
ing '!" .. tim: 11 on. m .. n <;;In ma"
a in !.hUt d:lyo. mn,1 .lnotM. INn
in f(tW". how k>nK they be doing
1he ,,-orl< il thoy .u both WQfI<,11C

'C""",: ... ,d .ho diri ... , ',..,..
h3v. ott than very euy oum: and
be: duly \:raml ... d i, into ArmmWl
'It is .. "<Ifth <Ioinl:: a id
Me 01 lhe .. hooIm....... lor. 01
co..I"X, the am"',, il tItr ... and
""'" -- '01 en' ..... thr .. and hal l:
Did lhe pri."l.
'''n,' I ropl;ro, and I ht thtd
more Ir...-l' on arri""'lI" in Ih. opm
oi and llltutd lilY oM mUltr. "'110
hod """. on that (lI(b qu",ion.
lor my ,""",alion . ... prolound IN-
Ih ...... 'i<w. was .'I.wh.obcd antOc\iI
the schoC>lboy, in
It. R.b ...,
A di rty. idle , ace a ...... ,
A. f(l\S in .... thrir Irn>gr 1;
B ...t pl.lcc th. be:ad "poll ,h. \.:Ii!.
Ann whtn wcr. a,lver,iu'd lor lal
1.0' so<u of luxu,y lItw.,.1
Di .'ino'i"" .. Itt"pling I","re.
Cipher Anlwor.-19. 2J. 9, 11 5
(m(' qworttr !.he lime from midnigilt
till no,.. Ie hall the I1me I, om now
'ill millnight. and it will giVt tho
aon .. 1 tim . '"
Can l"" Iigu'e 0111 tho Ulet t'rot
when !.his con"., ... ,ion OCCIlrrtd /
The Th ..... l"pki ...
Roo, ... ",.n' <0 mnd, 01 a
",nth ... "h he, <la. cutt'"": "'",nt. I
don', ,hi"k:' said Ih. o!liec boy
"That tnck i. r.o dead ..... y il givl!>
"ItO a pain. She wOUidn't be o"e,
'woo ,h,.., in i, " ..ith the jlirh ovC1"
II '" la"'''hl. Db bu'
thq Ih. c ...,-up' I", l>.ir!"
a puul. .""wttl
rot the eth", day. Ihat'& a !"udo a,
;, a "", T alr.e Ih ..... c.apkinJ. each
I foot "'Iu,.,,: tbrn Idl me ,,"'"
hi/( \JIbie could )-ou. C<>"er
....,," three .... plci ... ?
n",..., ain'l no cutting. ju.ol lay
llow! dmrn, lappt<l Cr folde<!, :and
.... h" .. big a "'I""'" tbe .. ill
t<W<.. y"" oeud ""l"thing.
jll" ,dt ",. the .ue or tho "I""""
:and I tan 1.11 if you 11>.... guM....!
" III righl. :ill right. ""d then I'D
live )"011 oome
Tortuty-One Pltltndrom ..
Originally the term "palindn>rne"
"""m, 10 ha ..... bc a""lie<! =Iy to
....."mces tlut ,."ad !.h. sa"... from to righl Iml lrom ril:'" to
!"he ano;"",. WNt ,,<f)' 1 ....,,1 of the;e
vorbal , ri.k. :and vc-ry likely"'.
,h,,,,ld be !!(I, 'M. if the I.lnguag.
lent "",If I" them . \.' a
maU.,. 01 latt. il i, vory diffi.,,1t
In conSlruc' I>:t.tindrorn. ",nle",""; ,n
E:1J:I;'h. ("I". of the vr. few ox'
Unl i. Adam'. ImOIl' In-
,,,,,1=,,,,, "I hi""",lf 10 I::vt--
'" Madar". I"m A,lam."' lIor . h,>w,
Hot. 3<" ,,,.nty-o,,. riddl " the all'
.w .. to .ad> ,,! "lticll " a 1",lIn,
dro",k ,..""\
I \.k.11 SWII' "[t,,, .,peaks cf 3"
.... ,..h,,.<wa<J 0' l<>tward. il
"I,.,,)"' tilt .... "".
2. of rum wu I lady
Road<w.r" Or f"",,,ar,1. i,
al .. ,,)"' the ...
3. And cu" ttx,k .. wife in I,
exi!<-. ....."'
Read bltcl<-.n.rd ,.r (or ... '.
ahuyo the ... ,
-t. An.! 0/ /CfQl,\c rr.:1",,; .. c know
tIw W """"'.
Rea,l bac.kwanl or /.". ..... ,1. i.
alw:ay' lhe _.
S. WIw:-n yoo ",",I< 10 a lady. y.:..t"11
find tm., the 1lIImt.
Rad bltcl","nI fOfwan'. it
.\ .... )"'
6. Wh." a child. lUll we,. rI,. ........!
in " pm"'ut wh,,,,,, '''''fl<".
Rea.! ha<kw"ro' (1' r'>rW:Irol. i,
olw'l' ,h mc
7 Then. '00. you we,. Icd 00
,h<1 ... 1..- ".,,,...
Rca.l """kwar" Of fcrwarJ, i,
31-.. 3J' the ... "It.
a. Yoo may tnvt! .hroad in a
ram"f{<' " .. 1m... "''''''0,
ROld ba<;In-,.,.,.,1 or f"",,anl, ;,
;a/"aj"' lho
9. You may po ... ,,c f!.,,\ 1''= 0{
.",mtry "'11<",, """"'.
Rra.l tJa,;kwarol Of" fo",-anI, iI
;dw.y. th" ... ""'.
10. Whm tI'e l.",b tn.>t.' .,""", by
."' ...... '" whotroe n.:unt,
R",," ba,kward or is
.1 ..... ), <he
11. y"" ",ay go OII.t and 'r.tlk:at '""
bon. "Ik_ nan ....
Ifurl h:r... k".r'S Of" i"""",d, is
ah.,,) ... mo:
12. y ......... y ",Ie at !h:tl is
b,. "hose! IWTIC".
Rnd loaol<.. ... d 0' f..".....,..d, if
"I"", the:
13. H ''''' '>hool oil a gun. youll
h,'u ,""",.Illlng ,,110... wne.
Ku,1 ""dewanl or {'-'"'"MJ. "
.l .... y. the 1'3"'"
14. A"J your 'l<>R m. y hun.
{"T no 1- nl:<' he, """"".
Read backw.,,! or is
alw,,}' II,. "' .....
I;. Yoor hi"\. too. =y ,icken 01
"",,<th,n!, whose n:o.m".
Ro.d t...<k ....ud o. fmwa<J. is
:alway, "'" .
16. y" ... n,ay 'I 01. drink. made
"I W\"'''l . nd it.< \\:1m
Rn,' h;",k,...,,1 <If for ... ",d. i.
"Iw,,) .. , ....
17. OT >(a", 31 a ",';;Utt, whott: litlle,
'''''' ''''",,'.
I<ta.! bo."k! Or /..,..,..,.,d, ;.
IIh",,)" ""til<.
It( nat ,h;, )"'" can'l ..... withoot
""""Il,in!:" ,..h"", _.
H.,.",J 1 ... ck"3,,1 ur I<> iJ
31,,")" 11K
I" yuu. docln ... 01" dog_
......" nan ...
H.."rl ,,, i"""ard. is
"I ....... ,
ZOo Do bui We<: a >!1 1001<. =d of
!.hi . , ...... 11,. mmr,
Rra,1 1>0.<1' .. 3.<1 or i<>l"'oll"lru is<".
21 :\av, ".!t.;,'.Y<T i. don., .<till be-
l,""" mo. ;t< ,...",...
R .... j b .. o:IcwarJ 0' is
oJ.... )"' tI", "''''''.
l"m :an" Mm, "",I aid th/, bold,
Tht-n tab nlO ond tran'''''''''
r", ,La",p and "'01. :tnd "ill' more
TI,. of Ih. '''''''" ..
Opl,er A ........... _I<), 2<:>, 5. 5. u
The Hard\N'are Store
n.", i .. ,impl.
,,'hd, ilt, "ratc fC'>C" ,ale in a
h .. d",",c oto,,,, , ,1 Y"" cnn
rorrt'ttly ""m. .,Iidt.
... Ilkh the '!Un'k<q>fT 10:..
for we.
Four Kind, of Sound
To """,i".,., hi, nwna lhal "",nd.
lik. I:QOCI lin,. chi! bC'll, bt
IIfI bn not heard, duw eh.
."""_ pitturo. in which he .. ). you
can..,.. fOlIT kind<. of noi HI Con
yOU gu<f.l ....... , arc lh. Iou, kind. Clf
oound, "'hi,b ar. 1'1 it,l ..
A Crypt og . ....
He .. ". Upil.11",ul. whirh 1'0,11
be apprcci;!lctl b,' in tho ''''''
hav. ""joyed p'""""hllll" fd." .....
wilh II.. ,im._l".",,,,1 T"" r nf
II: n. who, r .... ling ovid, a llN 10
hi.< ,",,,,her, whO} .. ,,' in Ih. liL,,,,\'
,ea.cli"g A ' , "I >"y. molher. il
Il m, put- If lilt n . l'"n'''1: :" Tn
,,1,;<11 tit< ro",1 "><11h,-, ,o"lil)l./-
"II"", ean 1 1'\11 "itll .""h .
I kIlO... if I wo-' lhe fir .. to
f'nl"" .... !c ,h .lbo\-c. h.n i, I"" booen
Iv me r..". half. ITn,,,ry.
.., ,.ill . ',unlt' 'tI,c lin", d:t,k
"JuI."nlr. "'" ky," ... id a IIlCCe.'r
("I " ... rehaot 10 hi. ";t "
not ...hal I""Y fo, t hin!:" bo.1\
wh,,1 ... gn (u, tho", lhot
f::UOd wliuno. I pi""!!l." PC' ",nl
in h<tI "i\1> "",1>1011" I". 1 .... <1"
,of ..... 10 ,...,.1 ... hon h.
c:t.ll.d '0 hi. """h':T, wI "
"in n<> ",no ... hro. 1 I,y m:I,k
...... in." i . "If "...,.", n lIn I'.n
t'()1",,_ If II", Il'ca, B It,ll ojop IOU,
col""," T, ... fUch tho 'lI1a'l
.... 'hr' '<l'li,,1 "II, .. r.n I 1'''1
Ikon wilh ."rh a hll,hmd
But I ",n,,1 oJl'l 1<, ioU ,I.M II
""'" mHtrriou n'"",,,'T."" .. h"h.
mit taJ,' I,inn<'<!" '" ho. 1";"".1'
....ill, Y"''' ...... ,h a1I.. l I ,,,It h'T
"to> I""..h, "'" ah .... "'R '" .-aln
In. an bour .h< pi'" ,I f. >un>1(
... on II ... 11 ,I 1 ",1

Fm the ,,,.h a. ,10, ",,1
Imrla Fr.n ... ,", 1 ""jll "",,,Ii,", 11t'1
lh. f'r<! lWO kit. r$ C .. "m .. )
little "''''''I:" ;ll F,c-neh, b>:\ lb.
11,!'tt nu" ,,--,1, "XI"'" her !.C,ai
n1<"t, in ,1(,... 1 h. ",bl. 'ho
!'O't,.,ript ... a "'1"1.1 J k. "I"'"
nam . ,d""h hN ftocml w,ll
;',t<t1"o,. Th-", '><>I an ",'y prot.-
Ittn. i, " 01... uf "".tf>I",nal in.

"" fin. ",il (1/ <1',lho_, "hile if
I b.d tx .. !:hl ill", J>t', .m, ehul""
.nrl ",.),1 il for h.','m,' I"" oem pr"lit
i, "'()UJ,l haw ""'ullin. 'l"ort., nl
>. Ie.. """'"", .... h,'1 ,li,1
I &<t fUr tha,
lIe,e i. a" .,h"-,,lion,1 r,ml.
..hieh, ao 'Tommy Rid.!l", "y<, "h
'I" to t Oil .c",,,ml
pf lh a'<' "',,), ",hich lhey will 1""-
r"nIl on m<'O,hlle Here are
dn",n 01 Ill,,";e .. ,t!'. wi""", w"""'-
""""'. yo" C>.n aduilly ""."" from ';''''I,h. I Ihe
Ion.. of tho ,,1,1 bin' Uk, wh<n King
I'""I"I"'-'e ... h<j iho-m
"th.y rf' """,, .. 1 "'ith on<'
.... ir .... o'e. ".nd lived hawily <:YU
aft ......... d." Th<i. ".me. "'.'. Ad-
.Ii OoIi, ..... fat;"",. SaU;". Au_
Min., Edllh. 1'hilbet. Atmftlia, Shir-
Iry. Rose: and Lon;'" flhat i.\. 1>='-
La. name: Jid you ,.....' "'" foo .
, ...... tt. rome togdM-r ""ford)
!\ow. ,f you will >t",h- the 1'1'5 o f
oelt ",r. Ie '<peating the: I"t of tho
"nll-. nattIt,- you an ,",dily tell
.hich D.m h on<: i< Nli ... i_l
In Ny_ It is an mlOrc,tinli: lip-raJ.
ing poul. wbicb iUu"nUe> 'he man-
ncr Df te.ching It... deal .n.\ dumb
10"'cry "" 'p<tthl"" connruti<>n.
In lh. ' .. 011<1 '<1, Ilh.!>o:.nI "".
r1 .. M that hi, m!Meh 01 k"", "':1.$
"1''''' an en,lb. h,. and
do.; 1 .. 1 ;nt" th!'tt I:m"r' "" that
U,,, fint P;""',p multiplieJ I,v t he ..... _
"",I third! w..,
the ",,,,,,t hy whi.h he kn.w whether
tho key. h,d bn tantl><"J wi,h and
te'\ You .. ,. ,h
\'v 7 J<>eJ ",,'
,It. key. "'.ff " ,)
Can 0'" cleve. h
Ih. ,'nl" have I:ICm a ..... "I:.,1
in th,,,.. 11m"!,, 00 thol
R'nul' by the second
nlake. 1he third?
Tl", noble kni/(ht ha. cl,<>Sro a \'ery pteu1ia, mDtIO. You will have
to change 'mc leuc, 10 know word wo..

Lillie Tommy Riddk.
two 1,,, .. 1 In. the oem-
liduatl<)n of "",I.m< nl Ame".,."
1'h. youthful Grorgc Wa,h.
,,,gton j,. If) be rar.n'-
al """lulL!), by hI! awful .o"f ... ,,,,,
01 hav;IIS' <"I ,Iown the (hur,. tree
with th.! linl. '''''plod ,,"In
'he claim hI l,i, ;";lJ,,tity In ,<II a
lie, whlCb ill It",lf w", ,'.r)' d.-'c .
I'or you >. if h. I'all lie<.J "",I .. "I
that h. ho:d, h. "'<)\1M ha,'. btt<, tdl-
ing Ih. tmlh. wh.I"U' ,I be haJ nnt
been lying. Ihe f:u:t 01 hi, .. ,'lilt
that be Iud "ouj,l _ Iu _de II
so; hen<:e hi. to ,ell a hel
The puT .. I. to tn Y<>II
i, to fmJ C<ln<.... (n the
pictu<1' the pon,.,;, of \\'a.hingtC<l
as be appul1!<J ... hen he btcune
"'J'ht 6"" in ... ar, Ih. 61'1, in peace
and 6", in tho hearu of hi, <:OlInlry"

In ,h. _d ruul. Prj""u" En-
igma oJ>o,. ... In ht ponokr;ns: 0 ... ,
Ibot famous I'robIfm of
dividing a \\a.h,,,1(U>tl "i. IntO ,,,.
oqllHC! pi_<, th.", "f
... 1 il )'OIl wilh, bill Itt l!>e't
be bul ,ix p;c,.:.. , all
A. C4n.d.,
My 6f'lI, an of frtquCt!1

lly _""d, I. of "0 .... il Oft bnd:
My Y"" may compla,n 01, if
Whe" cruelly nph/!, i,on
A. Ohar&de,
fi,st ro, tr=bii"R' "f' ;. nam'd,
My Itc<md in Ih.
U<"h nly lair ""'" join,
"hoy 3 I""" nI<I'1
A Chand.,
Hu. i, ont ", ,ho I'I,Him. III" ..
tntl CltanM 1'"".1", of the lUll.
<If 0'" grand-dodilies;;
1>ly lim i. a n<>i'<)n", in"",!, my
nOX!: a loroc;"". animal, and my m
",1\<,le i, ,,"'<1 10 frir!lton child"," and [I
fool.. . 1
i, dr.'.r little probl<'fJ1
,..hid, i!!II'>!r:ne. Ib" f...,inine in_
.!j,lt! lot Dupin_
IlIln!.r pllrcho<ed $1.30 WOrlh of
IL,t .. al 11... grUI china sale on
"'day, ""hen 2 cents W:L!I marked off
from ove,y artick She .. tuml
t!>em on Monday., .. gular priOl::!,

exch.ngtng ,I>O'm for en!" and Un_
CO", on. pla,e being .. onh eup
ami ,,"ucor, 10 lhe rot 16 more ar
l,cI .. ; but a ... IIC... ,..0'. _'th
only J CtnIO ,!>e "".,1< 10 "'"..., "'"CUI
than cup .
Can )'0" loll how many cups Ih.
could h .. b'.>11ght with h., mQnty
\>II Sat"rday 1
One. upon a time whm tillle
Bo.Peep wu lemling her Ilock! upon
Ih. hill. of Punlcl."d, one of h.r
.<lmi"n pr-e. .. m...r her wilh a
l;lIl. Iamb whole Ilee w;' bright
10k. gill!!.
"'"w !'ittle flo-Peep had t wo pet
lamb. ,,hi<h ,h. endOW<! in
fold. nude 01 four b .. =h, U
,ho .. " in the pictu...,.
Tht puvl. i.o for you to lind how
10 lay oiGhl ban (.trip< or paper
\lIay w u<i 10 illl\.st"'lt the pilule),
faur of "'hioh ... IMCO 'u Long ...
1M 0Ihen, 10 as 10 nuke Ihrft
tqu:t..., fulJs 01 the Pme siu.
A. Clw-&de.
W .... t i. 1 .... 1 IOtUld the lilmet
, ..... ,
'Ti. mani>.1 OIUS":_ load and dear.
An .""y com .. : 1M finn gTOUDd
..... k ..
W,th U,.;, m_urod t_d, as my
"hck .ppo<ar.
Their waving plum .. , their helmets
Proclaim my 'tcond'. in my lim.,
My i . 10<), my in fight,
AI headlong on the fac they b"rst
A Cb.and .
Of!!imel yo,,'l1 fin,I, laid up in ItQre,
Within "')" Iir,l, my l<a>I1cl,
10 tal .. of love, ."d dell of war,
Quite fair my "'h,,l. i. rtclum.d,
A. Charade,
;\ly il term'd a vital juiee,
The "'y =onrl doc. produ<:e,
on, hmli",! oak Ihat "'";I, oem,
;\1y len,le. 101.31 onee has bcm.
TI .... '''""It tIt,I., tu h' .q",,1. ('an yOIl chanS'e "".Iotte.
awl 1'''''1" a word .. h'eh ,e .... l, Ihr ,,,,I., b. wi,hed 10 g;,"?
Liltle Tommy Rlddlel annOunoel
ll,a! Ihe a<lmiral of Ihe Sw, .. II.VY,
n'ho i, ,uLlor for Ihe of
I'ril,oesl Enigma, UlvUoi .U
I'Wl'le .o d;oco':cr how to o<,t the red
part of 1; ....... ",10 d'e fe,w-
<'I' poutl.ok number of 1"<'1 wl"c,h
an be fitteol t<>gcthrr 10 ... to lonn
.. This i:"es grul
"""PC' for and ingcnuuy,
lor, any one m'g!1I I"'rlontl
lhe f .... t by mak,", .. dot ... or more,
a better am....,r rajUlr.. I ......
Thm th. Svri .. ""mil'll "v .. l be
famous """Ie .. h,rh is
11<1 in all ci.;J .. nicc e"lm,,,,,uOnJ
for \be S"';",, nUl' Into""'" INny
picca an YOll di"i,l. a S"" ..
with 6 strolo of l ubrel
The wao abo un ....1 upon
to a p ... l:y """I., wh,oh Tom-
my Rid,not "'Y'l"'uJeoJ u.k.r, lb.
. hea c1>=>p;o" of Ih. al_
though on<: ,Ion n<>I 10 be a
<lieu or <h:ker 10 IOln
problem_ 1t;1 m.rely to I:u ... h",.
mlny pi"" .. a ."""k.r boa.,! an lit
divitW into with""l any IWO plos
being :o1ik., Th. ,",:011.'1 pi:e
might ca,laln only"". "'1"3<0, and
\h. larxeS! eight or a do.on, but no
1'"0 piC! mutt be alike,
A Charade.
My rom ;1 tI,. light .. , 01 Ihings,
WIthout doubt;
.sond "e oJwulJ not be always
My who/<" you will f,n,l, a I:<oat
"ri.e i5 reckoned
By people .. ho atc a long way hom
m' ......
Ht.t i< alimp1. iIlllstration of the
alculalK.nS llefform",1 b the Chi-
n .... with' tho .ha<t1'l
O. "(riJiron,'" ., 11 is termed; A
Im.ll mero1u"t of Canton OOul:h' 3
""mbu 01 f,1 pup!, i .. 'a", an
!'9ual numb .. 01 each, V"-ying ' .. 0
b.t. nch lor Ibe puppy dO!:' and twa
A ChArad.,.
My first i. a jl('tI(l<l 01 whom ",.'" .
011 rcad,
On my "Ond, I lear "'. olt beed
1 .... ly t.oat!;
II ""', tl"'<e are .. loct"", and rii'hlly
A .ubstancc I'r<)vub<ally hard you
... ill lind.
bill 101" ar nts. II. 10M th.",
a' on .d,an "r 10 per nt. Wh<n
h. ho.J di.po.I of .n 11m "VC\! h.
had jU\t roc<i"N the amOllnl 01 hi'
liN cutla)'. eo Ihat hil wa,
<epr .... m .. l by th e KYon animoJ..
Wliat at. thoy worth at rellil/
qullitr of a pouud up to ' tn,
...., of tha four rinll i' they give .oy deSired ."i,h'
:.n <.>IJ
'-I ... ludl
, ,
struck hy t,",
man "tal'S
mamll'1". on
tr1l,ltr 1<1 .. uh.n A 'Iuaner .,f a
\w,un,1 "f an,' \\'1,,1( An
.... .,l/htl> ,,/ II> "'1"'""<' ""Ifd'
In my J< umcy am"n,1 wrn-I,'
I onor I. lIn ....ill! a I' I\y
""00 ""rl ... v" .... 1 to Imp""' Ul""
lit.: iml'""'rt.ln.'" nf ,'n.'s
u .... i,) th .. 1 ("",i!/T'c"
"' .... al .. M ,mJ"'<'<1
1hev V<i8r'e tl,nnounced
W 1bd)l,1'

uJ<',n, .... en,n when
10,'.... )" .... nloo at Ih. =urt m
Pan, h. ;,_,,"",c j .,,,,,,, P""ncb "do
an') r"dH_1 r.ll tht ."On":d<ratiOb
W"M In tho
I "nul I MI ..... ju.<\ how"" con_
<'<'41f<l Iu. .., ... n. and at I
n'JW ",,::.11 hi ap""A ... nte,
I' '''' U""Ufill hidden aty
for .. fcolh.
Here i. a tantO"! pri,. pml>l ..", 1
i,,"fd '" ,!!$;I. nlf""\j( a
pi ... f"r 'he hr" ,1",,,,,,,11'
"'""', 10 1monl:t 11... 0",1 ,I'M
\\'h"l1 a,1d
Ihe ".,.,en to R.. 0.'1 II! ", .. ",I ",il
lion aM".". onl) IWO were I"""d
to be C<>!'1"'C1:l.
'-AC-::-"C- ... -
Al fi", I'm / ..... or
".f .
Behead. and )OU'U 1'\. a
on 1M .IIeII:
B"t bdIn<I mt apin. and pt1"form i,
11 Y"" = now, >"" have ""<I
10 bew>..1t.
Cipher Am"(1'.-,t;. 11. 7. S.
A Charade
Tho ' hing> .. hirh d,,,)) 'I."c me pus.
Ca".., me m".h .. p ,-.,H1''''';
me, ',wwM be h: .. 11 to
A giddier .. J,,'ion.
Bohat) .pin. "',.., ....
Wil) oca= <1.,<,<:,_.
Ciphe. Anowe . --;". 11. t. ''). '<)'
A eh.r&d,
My iJ ""thin&: bill a nam
)oly luona i, '1II"It.
"'h,,le i, little lame,
It has nu n2,n. a' all I
TwO) khool .hild' ...... ho ......-" all
l.1"f:I.,j "I' '" ,),.,i. f<ckoninl<" 01 lb.
d.)'s 01 ... ..,k. pa,,""] '0
m.,U ... <ru' m ... ciTelll
03,or, .. lim littl. . who wu
1'''' ' '''1: for an in.i,.,ion to th" """W.
to "Who", Ihe day
J. Rekl
Tab a ttft } .... , ofttfl _.
And th ... a leut. add.
It DOw wiU .how roo go,
Wha, ,nakes our homC$ 110 glad,
11 b,' mi,tal<c )"011 I>Qw .hauld We
A k Utt, how Ad!
You tonld nat JU,1 " ""sle
T ...... 1d make )"N limply madl
Cipbn- Aru .. u.-6, '), . 8, So
A ChaJUc, Plug in biJ 1aI1,
W .... ing md and , hi' an.
A 01 my 6 .. \ """Y be '<'<:kontd;
For <k<'d> 01 blood m) .. hoi. w
Bu, innocmce i , "ften bbme<l:
Trarupooc: grain lor my
A Rebu ..
My fin, 1,,-0 are bodl nto Itpt
My nox, Oi L dh 'h"
M)' may '1"J!Ultf1l vantl,.
YOI lea,' .. bthlnrl a moral IUl in
Cipho. An",'e . -I'), 20, 18. t. 2Q,
t;' .... SFRI.
..., AT.
"'"'OhO. ;1 'to-
day' ",'iIl be u far I ..... Su",iav ao
11-..1 ,In wu which ..... 'tl)-day'
1M da) bo%r. yen.rdu wn
On, wh.>t doy 0/ the w(ok did thl.
f'U"bnr praUI. DCaJrI
H,dd." Citiel ."d RiTe""
Conc::<aI1 wh ...,i" ,.)t,
are a.J<.. 1 ", lin.l th<" ,"",>< of the
Ioo:Ili1\' in ,he- /k=ipli"" nl
Ih. I'itt,,"" form'iucl, an
10 the w",ld 01 punl ...
do",. tl' I """,001 ref.ain lrom pr ....
omling a largt ",k"tion of .i",iia.
.ubjts. It ,,"{lO,ld bt wdl il f-l".
,I."tl I""m 10 form l imil ..
puultS alter I:ll<"i"l:
I. It ","" .. id man <Om ...
timco at" Ih. "",,,hr.
J. Th. of July and A"J:M/I
au 'M wln" 1 01 ,he: yeo.
). Do }'ou .rill imggine lhal b.OOr
ronl rob eo.pi' 2!?
The nlM _d ran ...
c.'s Q. the In<k '''I..roay.
5. It wu a ",ira.-It'------bv t alrno<t
to a c:ri_"'" >1m lind!
6. Ma ....., "<'" rdt tho door opo-n,
and )'0'" "'/u<h is "" tho 12b1e.
1. Siopl.". I ""'y m)'''I'lf!
8. Cu my pam:! hctt?
<). Tho poffint:aJ ... "" unique. aNI
fur tht "'U. f , .. ,:<7 ..... ;1 rqual,
10. She IuJd "" a b..""uLiful lilk

T ...... position.
Firat lind a ,,'On! yo" O)flen "'y,
II mal' be <In a SabW,h day;
T ransJl'>lC il I""n, and il ,,'il! ,.U
Who, d.-cont", )'''''' ... IL
Ira,"f'O'<', aDd )'Otl ",ill ICC
Whol ..... y one be"o .... (In ".,.,;
T .... n.pno<! .. ""ill ll....., lotters four.
And write th .. " "" 1M mi.."., doo.,
Ciphtt An,w" ,-" 13, 5, 14
Some DifficIIlt Anagnml.
I. Mind. nil "on it.
2. A ""k 0;;111.
3< Ti, g1n tea.
4- nh, Ma, ra
5. D..n titl it on.
6. No .ar? go !
7. Ma ktpt Ii"".
8. Meal il on il.
9- :O<n too! i. right.
I/). L<I n,an I", .
QJIC word ",i,h "",h line,
An,,,,,,., In tht above will bot:
fOllnd ;n lullnwin)!" ",0,,1s:
:"1.1 .. -oJ.:w". Cnngkllne.:"e, Kltp
E.,i",.".". ()rni1!l'Int::i<t.
Arlmin;"rotim, Cakulot h ..
" '1Iora",:1..
..... "'" or ,,11, 1 no,U
""" mu.:h of as , houe
lrad... [buui:h' broodlO ,1I)",n In
Tua. f"r and .ftc. loa)";n, for
hi, k<'<'p fur a ",10,1" ,,,1,1 hion Iilr:l(..o.

A Rebus,
Whffl len thei-r love 10
ltIAidm. fai.,
Y .hilling fint fin. thoi. ham "ith
d .,..air;
Ah ( n. Imm m)' flclmI. <In. }">Uth,
', .. )wt
It, lru'ls a,-., 'q>m""'''', and ;om,tW
ami pain:
Woo tlMo arts and bir scKncc, ad
1" .... to tht goal
y "" may pin il. tt.. .. gh rIOW)'OI1 ""'
mt",11 my ..
( .,..... A",,,,or.-I4, IS, "", <),
A Reb ....
My Ii",. rln. !:ad;"'. has DO ... d,
An.1 '1 IN)' quickl.' mn }">U,
Whiop<nllg ..,111" altrod
To biD.I .. koot th:It'l endless, \00.
M)' nul io onl .. hall a I.u ... .
n.r.! you Ih:ot loti ... otd:;
M. "h"l ... It!. (h:orm to <"ery I ....
I liff,
An.1 !!:u(dul dk! Ihe be''''ly'.
Gph" . - ,", 9. ' 4.7. 12,
S, ><I.
W""k1 )"('\\1 kn"w of what Ie mn.
...... 1 If Y'"' ,,,1,1,,'1 ""' lin.
01 roo,,,... (roo .. e),
1I0w di.! l'eTrr h;,
With ."... (e,j.
0.:-,... I man know .. h:ol he pm-
P"""" ,n ho- he-, du>mn the In""
of i'h? Tobe.hoO'r(sun),
111 looked !ikt a prol'ibblt deal.
I\"tY.rlhrk" .. [ 1o",,,! tlu! I had Ion
jU'1 half 01 1M orifll"ol pril:t and
0"""'1' ....11(. th" roo' 01 k""l"
[on you A!!:"'t out j"S< how
I )<)It On 1M de.,J?
PROPOSITION Divide the lIeld into lour part..
IS AN ODD The I(Inl n", unAble to
1 1,,, .. 1. I>.oro upon th. lano.! amioably, ... thd four
l"'""iLi\ity <>f di>";..! [umuhed no to guide
;"g .. ",!u."e !ield. UPO" them, to lhoy "".nt to 1.w ,,'ocr It
wh" h there" rnw of "lu.o."<lered tbe ttlt!rl: .. 1.iIl.e In
trcct. ,"W {<>II, l,i.<". "I the .. hn "'IIJI kMwn U II ... "hanle of
""me .i ... and .1"1"" and 10 Le., tbe fou. (U.k . " The pttOon who
.rranged that esch 01 the lIiecel ",ill told me of It _,,(galed that It might
COD\.IIin on. nf the It..... PIli- form the rroundwQ.k lor a i!UOd pUI_
.. IfAOO'\ an inci<l.nt which I\e, which It hal done. flO far .. the
.. SOJd to ha orrom>d In tM Par 1\11:1:.. \;1111' of I; tbeme i. oo"""moo.
W .... at a pll"" ralloo Four o..kl, but ,t iI nt-edl_ 1.0 ... , that . be
"hi,-II dom:'-N 'u n.",. frvrn 1M problem and Iketch il gi'en to ..
ma,,, facu 01 ltu, _ry as 1<11<.1 \.0 met. bo ... puule ideu may be gle:arrmt
alth"",b had \.0 be mntldt'nlbly ItOm any In<'ld"nlS as ... " j<>ume)' by
rrl()(hlied 1<1 h" p,,,,,nllhl. in puu.l" tilt ... ay .'lth our and ea. ... 0fIt'/I.
lorn:!.. I ho .... hat! to tbe The PICture ....,,. ... ,1(.1 ... "'I'"''''
field 01 opo""'U"". u ''"''''n In the field Wltb four ..,cionl oak
sketch. 10 .. hal milht p lo, ... h... equal dL&I.:uI"" apan. In a to ... (tOm
or ten..".. 1'110,. and 10 pl .,., tilt , he center to O<lft lid. 01 tho. fi"ld.
<!'CeO in ro ....... h ...... I, ac'<:Ofdlnl TIM Pf'I"P"'1Y WU 100ft to lou. _.
to the JIOfIular vemon of tilt 110<)', ... 1>0 ...... i ... trucud to d,nd" lilt
tlul vi ...... of gt"Ound cnv<1"f'l I01Il. ,n\o four pieces. each 0: the
... von .b"" .. nJ &<Tel, ond .h" lour """'" lhoopo and .i:.e, aJ1d .. In.,
oa,," hirh ""'<'11 as im""nant eacb "''"'''' of I.ond .,.ould ront:>in
I.nd ...... ,"" ...... .., """rl v ... mIle "pan """ 01 .be 1..- A. tl1<> puul" i. an
I wu Wid lhat p,,,,, Ook> d.rived Impromplu "" . fQ!ten up on lb.
ilS !I.IUT1e fro,,-, Ibe fa"1 Ihal on. IIf 11lU' of the lIOm"wh,u In
thftw.l.rJy .... who _ord.o. Ih. of .0. chan"nge 10 fill I h"
tf1lCt of land. havlnlt' It 10 bin al tOl<!, il i ....... Uy not very diffi.
hil I"" ...", ..,Ih Ihe lu""bunn ..... 11. nevmhel"" it is ""f. to ""y
tha. they .h""ld "divide it ;nlo llul eve,y"" .... ilI nul hil u!><>n the
eqllol portionl. as ,ndicalet! I,y the ben pnuihl" ....",
P<>eili, " of Iwr nnden! (lAks, ..
had alw"y. ROVed ... l .. is 00\ OU!' A

05""'- 1
An animal li",,1 of hi, \",,1,
Bring J" I ,,,d:,,,,,1 \" I:" .'<\my:
0"" .'i>:htly "I ... hud
Ami ."rd V Ilion 11 fln. a wa)
:My lim f ..... I'<'<'k_
W ... "..rr .... MAdI)' 'I.' m\" 'H"nd,
JI ,ightlv conjoin t"o .
r tell ... bl ""'" ohou; I du.
Why is a opon,nJ: r'crgymAn hh
Il ..,Idi"r .. ho .."n. fl"<"" figbtl
Ikc:a",", he from h" $ploere
of "',:-IL,m ('= "I =ti"n)
When ".- a ttI.U1 u"rw- nn h,m
..,U' 1M! .. h" rr.emo,.--,'
Wh\' an> ohem,.\S and IIJdw", ... "
holh 01 lhe- Be.
COlU" OtIC' i. an a""h..-, (Ann [lu. l.
th" other a charlalan {('n.,WIt.
Annl .
Whal a.., .he 1M a lad.y
.,.1\0 d"';ft"I to enler tb" I.....-I<!
She <rught I" 11:>'0 caploJ 10 back
her. be up 1<> .""if,
f"r:l qu, \ pm '1"" anJ Ihen >.I "",'ll
if .ht
IVb" w ... luln,' The
tht hroul:hl him up
WhM is the onl\' I.ain of whi, h
one Iighl' A ... indo.

.. ..


m .. ..
'" '" .. ..

.. .. .. .. ..
ill .. .. .. .. .. m ..
.. ..
.. .. ..
'" '"
.. ..

PROPOSI TI ON Sho1\' how much .... ire it will t.h for tbe .. r d.
. It""'i Ilu,zlc i<le....... "e:l
. R,.. a< or.f(>rmallon n",)' be
. \locked up fro'" mne to
I,,,,., ..... We J<>Um<"y I.y
... ay." r 1<iJl gi V" a Im.l" prnbJ<.m
Ih.;.. I .;0. ""U<'<I 10 ladur 1M
day ... hieh "c,>n," " pOlot 1o,
Lhe ponh" 1 lound two "-I",,.
lrid,.", .h" had in\'enl<;<l ..,me
k",.-j of ..... 'e b board (or annunriator.
'lrrnnll.i1nt <>VI."I' llie tIlon """""",'cal
melh",j of Mn"ilCg a fine <on....-
... ,re .hieh ""Oul,l '''''''nt aU D( tbe
"""tact ""in" '01(>.'110..... It .. an
"laoor:nc aHa", ("()ftR'tmg of "-'me
hUll, .... 1 [>')inn. ("'I as ';1<1' -four i.
... In ,11urt"'I" our "roh\ern.
""I)' "" S:x8 .."tmn of thc boo,lI i,
T'", ill to {,,>II .hnn .....
01 "ire, j{',itlg {",m Il to A
""' .... nl: U"_",s the .-.n""", of the
.,.uy_!."" "10al"t5 TI:r. "'1UIl,"
,,,.,, ,ul'r<"",l 10 t..
Bod two .",,11. Th ...
",ill ."". lha. an
CI( wi.e i, ''''llIi",l in 1h81.;nl: . h"
n"" ........ y ,,;nJ. armmd the rome ...
Whal i_ the differ.nrt be" .... n
an I 10.1101.. ' Onc
n'Ak", f..., IIIUlles. tbe otbet IIIck
I< 1t\!'1IUs..
l'ln of li\.(" impol"tBnco,. on tT
my hud.
To a I"" I tIlili'''' then toe the "'"'"
and M<:d.
De<-:>.pitJItc hue",. and .... ,CNe "hal
....tnaln .
AntI tol } ....... ..., "',"odBi.'1g <P"'" fur
,"our I""ns
AIllI I\!. 18. ", 6. 12 .I.
An..t,Jos ha.1. ,,( Greaan
M)' Ii", . \.0 "'" name 1
Wbet-e a.:.rus ":l1[I\S my out ill
ImtIlH'OI:<i in d"",lh. pro-
"'y wbole 1M balall"" rightly KUUt.
And bam." F'alld, "nhallo-..ed
C)'llhrr AM. 10. 21. IQ. 20, 9. J. 5.
Why a..., lad, .... who "ca. Wg"
coin .lIn,.. ugly 1 lliey au
nul ">'en Il"_hle.
\\'h" "h""l<l ttllln !lr\".' n,arry
Wnman named f:l1t111 Bcc.IIS<!
l,c hi. Qwn (Kln"U.
1:1..",;. a , "I) ,n coo-
1)""I:.apily wllt ;n you ue
.. ked to find Iorality of Ihe Ktm
hidd.n in the oIe",rip';"" or Ih.
IU' Puulu of 11, .. kin,1 AT.
&tI1n.i,\.!:' and in t'1"'I;"t. If 11",_, fa-
",iliariu with Ih.i.
phy. '" we I:iv. a 1,m h ,,,,talm.,,t
of clove, hiJ'kn ",hju:
195 Ir'. slrio"Jly ",Un 10 ""
(Ith ... )
1<)6, A rrb(/ 6r1c"gi"1: to lb.
Trnlh wu .hot. (\(iY".)
' <)7. Wh .... "';111 ,h,,\
)'OU'.Y'" .
I!}!\. She J:<"Ikulaling, and
1 lautht:d. (R,,'.'.)
199- SI",. "'" h<:T ""//
!h;ncl (N,y . )
2M. How f .. _ <I pie be
""o,w,ned intO oquuh I'i< (PTo.-.
:>0'. Gin"'" a t ... '" S:11ll,,1
202. I I ill .... /I .... and
is his b"",.ile diet.
'""3. Hn.)'OII a b,/wI., C/>, ' .....
,G!, if you ho.n.
204- In Lhe da)" of 1\em. IMY OC>T'
....,01 the fOOl ... iLh a RJ<d1Jl 10 .......
. =il.
'""5. Simp .... , ton and N . I ... d.J
em the Iw.nty-filth. (Counln,)
206. II. i4 1 .. 1 al Ih. ciub w,ll
b. 11L'/!1flll bttufu\.
2<Y]. FM y.1 n.u. abMnl IhoIlg"
pr ....,t
do ))jd lho 01..1 m:m le.n em a
.laH, JJI" did wall< wilh. crutch I
A"nl letu.hy .id .. <I .. lalll
no. S.,an Iov\ rn; h ...
or,I, brothe, obj.ClOd.
311. Roond the ''''I:
the oa.
:U3. Brown "Broth ... and
Ro"",,,, drlJ't on.
21J ''-'trru Polish inn-
ktq><:(1 '1
Frott! the "cer" i>t,a/ mirrQn
....c'"" Qmitlro.
H.n,." ... id the tOm .. grocer to
hil n.w boy. """". )'011 "'II' m< lay
tl...., fW ...,fully in a pil . 10 do
not kt tnt! h .... ' )'01.1 Iell .'lOIh,. au-
tomer th:u yuu de no! \",ow i/ Lhose
A Chuade
Wilholll haw y<>u know.
My beard a I.iglll/ul te<ig-tb would
..... noi .,. Iron, mv
Might n!aloe you fed .... OO.'N ;\%><1
YU<>d :
My ""hot.'. Lh. bell-you ntot<J not
For h.,. a "'l:ut "ho i, ""i!houl it
CiJl/K'r l\n"",.r.-8, 15, 14, S. lQ,
'" '5-
, .....
Should yoa .a'f"'l'd my /i,", no Irt
CiLtI to my ill d,ann
Or mac;t Iw\ly IOUnd;
,'nd olIouI,J mpe my 'II'halo: tm
b ......
You11 fur,1 from it in .. ,I di'nee.
credil can rwound.
("ipM' 9. t4, 4, L6.
9, ,6, S
A R.bua
Behe.d ,. )'OImg and l ender fami ly,
And .hen a $l1lo11 e.ute you'U I,lainl,

R"'en<. and 2 protect ion .. Ie i.t
When the miJ.nigln Ila,kn_ mvcl-
OJ'" '<.lund.
Cipher A' ..... c . -2. 18, IS. '5. 4-
.... ")." had ju.<t bont Ioi,1. Run ....... te
Pmf. and hnw hjgh it u
ID builJ a pYnll1lid of t"" i l
<a<h woiKt.. twn "'",co, and
would ruSl:Un a V'''''1<. of .i(ht
PROPOSITIOlf-Sbo" how to cbange a , Into a bean.
; v,sit t o Cl"f'SCf!nt ClIy
Whial IlDd Ch .... Club
, m)- atLention ..... called
\0 the .,..n<1Ilf I .... t u", nf
"'" apade which appea'" In one 01
the ... ruln ... of the main """ption
room The design .,...,.. h,>m 0--
and, .ft ... the mamle. of calh ....
dral windo," ... made of OI1ll>e2"OlU
..".U p1""'" of a\.!linw gl_ skiU_
fully fitted iOgt'th.,,-, on AI to make
Ibe dest...J patt"'"'
No I"U.IOn ..... 0.,"" OIIcbQf"".
not evtrl asked for. the
,nooognl""""_ of lbe <OIor of tba
emblem. h ...... lnokc!d IIpCItI "
blllnder wlucb nc<.uioned c:onside. _
.ble .1 lint. btrt whi<:h
came to be looked upon aiu: ........ rdl
with favor. not rmly ott "=1 of
th, novelty of IUclt \.b.i.:Ig ... "'"
IPMie. but fm"> thencogni!ed point
Ih.t blaCK _pade ... ould ....... ., th ..
room 100
Hurinl\'. atcidelllaItr. ""weTer.
t hAt blunder had .ctuallv heen
commilt.t:<l by the in
t hat the ."" of h ... no '11'3$ to have
heeD the iiWgni. of 1M club. I was
1M to e;u,nme the window c"".fully
.. nd Itlundd tll"t the .pad. "'''-' ,. "'_
p<>II"l of ,h.ft .... and Il"'<'lily
di""".,,,,,, Ihnt by ].>.op'" a ... nge_
ment 01 Ih. thr pio<u they ....ouH
fi t logetll ... JO ., 10 frum tb,."" of
heartf ... oriJ:inally
Til. meml.>o" ha,'t heeome 10 IC-",...!, II<>t to oay tn" .... ""'. to
the" un''"!.... emblem lhat Ib.y
'II ..... ld nOl C'OfI..... t \0 lI.vini! lhe
A ....... hanted. oevenhd_,I"",kes
un,'1UC! toItllou.Kh lImpl" puule.
.nd lhe honorwiJJbe dm'd"" amortg
sucb of ()W" YOllnr f,..;.... d' .. d,...,v('f'
Ihe bell ..... ). of dmdlnr lire op&<Ie,
.. Iohawn. 'Oto Ih.- l'i...,.., wbi<h
be .... nged 10 .. to f<lnn a pu.
feet """ of beans_
My finl for oIl ia nomed,
My"""""';n l he bottle famw.
Bolh when Jo,ned to =k.
my whole
W,Il ""me POet IWI of IOUI
Shak ... pou,
Yy 6rrt illM """nd hy my
oe<:<>nd. bul my ....1\(>\1 doeanol uittl
My firn ;, J.n !nst<l, lind my
whol e ,. ullCd \0 fn).'hltn ch,ld,en
:tn,\ 1""li'lI pt'<'I,I. / BU):-k .. ,
I am bomo on tho galo in th. a\,I1_
n_ "f '''illl,
A .. nl.m.r, .. gut lilal all ia
I .m a ,,,,,.llow, )'tt ,kirn 0'" the
wa ..... -
t J.m. dO<tOT, yet pat,rnn I avo.
Whctt the Moling hu em- to
jlol.";lhlnr t""",
I t fu>tt prul.l<to. hoacefo ......anI
,n """
-CC"HC,ORC,OD"' C. -
EIWI ..... lO<Ihna IInlldy l<HLt.y
A. oho may "try ollen be _n.
1'.,.. my whole rouod her bud.
tholl,h !bey Uleful may be.
Are nol ornamental. I ...... n
lei h ... twist up my firsl in her
oerond mgb!,
She ohoulJ tal:e thern aU 0111 ill
Ih ...... m.
Per my wh"le, though Ihr.y be
pretty well.n I way.
nove. al noon 10 be "II"Orn.
Why ia an Ot311ge Irke ... churth
.. we Pl
f,,',n '1_
PROPOSITION-Show how t o "'hl 777,777 fr"nc, by belting only
11 E RE(',,:-"T STATE. u i:lultrating the mt .... lIbsurd
the multiple of liven.
mont thut ... ,,'" ooe 4d ityor "'hM known f01' lOme
""UI\ 171.777 fran .... at umo u "RO$llyn'. lud<y oyr,=>"
).Innte C ... 10 _ .. n. the Jf you. eannol produce the eJ<ru;t
"nndp!<> at Lord Roa- .umol 171.117 f .... nes .. t lint . few
.. fe.. u,penmont .. 1 (rioJa win show lhat

goina: into Ihe tech";
t he pl.o.y of roult'tte ...
at 1.1 """" Carlo ",-e WIn
stat..."enl th&t L<ml
'M" pl .. (merely I"""
ung OIl red or black. "Mt'1I! 1M
chan""", an' nC'Olj. la)'1l d",,", a ";nltle
lranc Wx<! ..... on limes in ...
and Ihm wht'ther M .. on or lott
raj_ the .takel 10 1 .ntI
agnill ."tIl I,mn, lie l1>on
bri5 49 frann It""" 11m.. ; IMn
JU fnlnn! ..... en 11m"; Ih.." 1.401
frana ... ven tun ... ; Ihen 16,1\01
f .. nao .even lima; then
f .... nCl II<)nn tImet.. II by t hu.
pl .. y IIg 49 limeo b. chaace<l to. ,,'in
711.111 I",n"". ho,", many llmeI
did. he win to g3;n t hAt amount!
Tbis is ":lIn .... hM 5im;M, n.,' ..
thtl_ inl .... ting al the pruonl
Ih" pllUI" ;. "at 10 m.atheooticoJ
... it look>.
ltIy fine. i.J .. 14n1. my _.I a Mh,
And I04<:h h.u ...... ed upm .. warm
Ny .. an inoe<t whICh leedo Iik.

On .n)'thinz cood it find. on tbe
"""h ...
CyPMr "'m, l. H. J. 11. 18. IS. 1.

Shun. wat. m)' hie. IUld my
1Jl<.[ in Iovd)' gTftnappra
all"'o. I once ..... made to
My chosen "",lat .. lro'" a ,,-aut}'
Cyphe.Ans.19, 16.1. IS, II
Why is Can&da h.e oounshipt
n..,au'lO borde", on the Unitw

A ,,{ k,\,hen lumllure,
I'", useful in my pi;uo<>.
TM ... van,," all"ayo !eke to_
Myromlortabio (I,e.
Tran __ me. dn"o

A ..... '''Y ...... lI1u ..... r
WMre I remaIn i,little 100,...,
,\nd adly ftalura.
CYo","r .\n .. 18. r. 1. S.
1.1)' rnoden lim. ...... ...... "'!lire
To n ... ""'.1' ""
To PIty of my nnl bao chim.
A lite ""'Iuel.
Whal i. ill,," ",ruth O\'er)' \iVlnC
beinr bao 1IeeII. bul nevet' _
Who it t1>o old...: lunal;" 011
....,on11 Time 0111 of milUl.
Why dooa young lady p .... fer
hH motber', fut!IIJ>1' 10 be. lallier'"
Iltt&1I>f:. though she hk",
.he ltiU lik boner-malnm .. "y,
What;' the toc.t,uy 10
hapvinu. 01 ooutUhip' To itl a
gal ... n,lry. m" t !it don. to .,.,ncluel
rightl II' rile.
PROPOSITION Draw the Greek l)'IIlbol with. conUuuoUf;liue, IIllilng the fewest polISible tums,
N LOOKING OVER that the figure U",.I he hy ",'"n'\ a TOOl . ",1 my whole ...
. "'me phoq.apM 01 on. """lInuo,,, mIlktng Ihe tool. Hu ...... l1Id,<l1.
":,arvo1o:a ",u"" "I an, fe ..... 1 numloer 01 lum . il
Clent lima unean.tu:.l long odd. l he puo St.".!enu in (On"""led geography
. dunna: the recent ",na .\. ol,U kInd "".t;1 ...... 11 di...,." ,,. lhe l<>=lJly ,n C...,.",.,. I ... as by gwen 11 our I'tnoh,u ,n t hat furm of Ih. liWe inci<knt .. hioh I
Bpl',,,,t:lI.n of 1)'ttI slr"",h...t during .. trip 'hrougb lor.
bol ,1>0 fire'" and the lriang!c>. My Ii ... , io u..,Cul Inimal. my .'f" ""rio.
NOI enteri"g ,nto II"" dJ$\lS$lon .",
gWlnl;" tru. i"""'f"eta'ion
of Ih. "bout whirl! \'01.
urns. ba"e bec-n wntten hy <r>en. of
1ea\'1Wlg. I ..-.11 call .ttenUOt>
to I"," curio-uo IrIathffnal>caJ or pU1'
t ic leatu"" which Illway. apl""'ts 10
lie a pat! 01 lho scheme ,n ..,,,h
matt .....
n... sip' ;. aUaeM<! to cen.:Un
inacnpllons 1m memorial mnnumrnllL
IOt'J\e'Wbal III tbe nalure of" seal 0.
oignal un! .IJId of tho
we!1known puzole at Mahomet.
... h,ob. like ,"mila. t rich of ao.
rient ongin. wu 10 \ie dl1l"'" by one
c:onhn\lOl$ II is a pl""';nc
and feal 10 .... the
molhl)<[ 01 doing the triok \iy ""e
conlinun". lin ... withm>! going Ont
IUlY 11.... t";I. Ii<lt if we the
tuml to the m<>n! (.<>pular 1,1.00 01
gomQ over Ihe ""me 1;"..- &. oft."
as one wi.,l .. ". and mt,dy 'ell"ire
,?", .. J1f1!:
and on the fMlrth day the tw" liN!
appU-red ate"mpllIIled by old ....
",It'; .0 it ...... then tbe comblnod
o:>f the three i".11 .'Plnol 1M
two boY". and the girls 1Fl)n of
cou ...... "noe mnre LringonR th ... , apa
Ill' 10 JUII t ..... tlu.t of 1M boya
Axain tba ctruKl:lc .. <In "nl1l
d ......... filled up. but .. our
PfObIeD! d""" not MM t<> ro hmba
I"",,, this point. UI ttll me the r.&- of
that fi ....t lour, that the Ian
you ... lo.dy join! the dati on her
Iwnty.fin, tnrtbdloy.
It u .. simpl" but PAlLy "",uJa,
.. hieh o::alb f inl:f'll".ly ratb ... than
..,.,hcrn.o.bcs . ..,d )'IoIdf to
punlco metho'b.
Wh.o.t ill that .. hi.h w'JI rift
<:<lid. cure .. mid. and pay the doc-
tor'. bi.!? A dnUJI:bt (<traft).
What it that .. h.d. no on. wllbet
to h ... c. yet no one C"II to loset
Bald head.
A ... study In ton"",ted
we ... k ou, y<>unR 1"...,,1. to I'V. tb.
PROPOSI TI Olf_Guell lbe boy'l age.
IIJItip".Hty 01 t.", hApten foreliJI8r1
... ho mixed up in .. On
the !lowory ... 11 gut pnUtd In
\,urgial'll .... hile the ,.._1 culprits woo
"od a p\lll escaped w.lh
able .ge "rohlcm. wh,ch
- ] ani lUre w,lI amuse 1M
young fnlk. and ot Ihe
urn. umeo!>C'n up. 'In'
hoe of ..... lOn;OI( for lOme ()f lhe wioe-
acre.who make a CIt IUlt;s-
lka! calculatioo .
II .ppe .... ao or
eccentric -ache., .. Ihe c., .. may
be. being desi"",s "f t .....
pth .. a number of oM PUI"'- ,nl.O
" clAa M w" 101'llling, 01i0ft0d to
give a priu day to the side of
boy. or g.,rlI whole combined at8
would prove to be the I!fUtIIl.
Well. on Ihe 1i ... 1 day there was
only ooe bey and oat girl ill a\lend-
ao<:1' . nd. "" the just
twice Ib.o.t oltb. &irl t. lhe fint d.)".
prize w .. 1t 1.0 the bey.
The out day the g .. 1 het
.. _ to Kboo!. and ,t .'" found
th.>t tbeir mmbinetl IIfl -,ull
twi .. thal of lhe bey. 10 the 1.0
girl. divu!etI the prize.
Wheo II<hool open..! tbtl n"ltt d.y,
ho'II',vt!', 1M boy bad one
01 hi, brothers. and il W.I found
thlt Ih. mn>bined .. "I the two
beya _tTl ."actl)' I",CO .. much ..
Ih,.get of the . to the boy.
camod 011 Ih. honor. of thaI
and divided the pnoel boot"""n
The b.o.ttTe waxed ... arm no,", be
tween Ine J DIltS and Drown famHito.
Two bur>,9/?"r men 1 arrest ed on the
Any or tnry 'tyle of puul. which
udt .. 0. Affo.-d.
4 Mncfidlll. in thol it train. Ihe mind
to ""nctnt .... te and pu .. "e a line of
thought 10 a dd",il. pU'"JlQk. Maze
punl .. are alwa}" inr.rc"ing 10 boIh
young Ilnd old on BCrount I>f hi.-
ter""l U$DCi., l<!ns which
them with nottd mare. in Incient
and g:ard..,., .. ,",'oil as from
lhe ,, .all ftd in OVtt_
caning ..... .,ing ohll:r.d.,.. 01 I/OU..,.
arc. many sty! .. of bID')"n,,,"
WIth nnou. conditio"" which rmk.
thmr c. I.,.. difficult, but Ibe
JIboy. may bo= Aid <0 bo= OM of Ib"
bo=lt .. the ...-ouinK of path. by
rnnns cl bridg<:1 penn'tlt of a mu<h
wid.,. 01 In. .. d than the old
faohiontd limitalien to bnnd, walk,.
Thio puu.le il by L ....... CafQIl .... he
as you .all r.",.",ber. """". Mitt in
_ a great mathcm.ali_
t<an and DOlt<! puttlist. II is lUp-
rIOKd to poor little Alice
loll in th" woodl ; Ib" ltan. from the
little park in the crn". and .doh", \!:I
g"" OUt of U,. woods to .I:" horne.
Can you give ho:r :In .. a .... in
6nding the "".-..en You ,,;11
t>QCice thai oem. of the paths are 00..
lirurb'd 10 as to make you .etra
)'OUr Sleps, but not to be di5COUraged
IIIIitremember th.ot ubcr formubtcd
a .ul. lor 101"",1:' IlII rna.... I\n ... _
thel ... it is quite :r. d ... .r and diffi.
cull PIlule.
A Reblq
My Ii .. t i, a nt!!"ti..., greatly in uM:
Which l>eople lint My "htl' the;
mean 1<1 r"'u.\C;
"=nd .....'n call I m . Uu" of
F'''!'''n,ly ufC<1 wh.n "Ilcing of
An .rtid. mhnYI in ,,, .. in my wh,M
Wuh t."I1". an,1 frnm untkr
iQn. <OfIlroI;
A a:m.,h;"!I: tIuot'. n'<ltd III OVt1'
the ","rlh,
Y<'I. oft ... i, quotod. tl,ing 01 IIt\,Ill

Ciphrr Alu,.. .... __ 20, 20.
I S.
He", ;" OOe of the lIylo of
clu.nd .... ""'" quite OUt 01 date'
An harmJas and mcU,
The mDrW'd, and pride 01 the
.... ,
What ... .. ..,
\\'hat ; hunMd by the wi.., ... d
110. goo.,l,
The initials ..,jou.. and you then .. .;0
haft pl:uo
What 01,... pleamn: but
..... cr .... paio.
Cil'!w-t AnSlorU._U. I. '5,
I. '" u. 15. <J. J. 5: 5. 9.12.
. ......
My lim it. pel the hoo ..... ,,-n ck.
II. ranlr'S aJu)s
The harp ond the groeo io my
.. .."
TI)C)ugh aftm my thi,d ;. ignortd.
With. !wp in hand Iny whal. tn;ty
now .Iand,
LillI' a ... 1. Irom Ii .. t
Anow.r._13. IS, 20, 8;!,
IS. <;, 14: lJ. J, 23.
A RIddle 'j
Tak" of a wil<! bc-a>t lwo fifth . if
rou will,
Hud and tal! of a motILO, w. will
.. y;
'T"ill nam" whot tb)uoao<!. are
atrivillJ: I<> kill,
Thoogh lM)-'re kill..., by the Arne
evny da,..
Ciplltr 90 13, 5-
wh"'l ""'. uwtb 75 c..,r.. I
but I. ,,heat "al now "OrIh "
bu.h.1 h" WU ,,''''illl: S8 pt. to
which he t),.,."gllt w t"" much. '
Can you loll how large th. bnn
" ... '
Red SigD chalke4 on hi, cod.

,\H OCT lll'
Jrnnt.: rt'm&rked rom
mun,,,,,,,,,'c wllo
I w,w. pa,lI. bench
me tbe Olh<1" 4 a y,
"Tllaoe tru.U and Im!",,!itien are
cultin, I he heart ""t of butine..
and ,t. ju"," <1"1 ut <loa. Of" evlOf)'
_ for hirmelt_
" I u. t<J belong to the
t.-. Mutual Help A..,...atWn. but
the orpn; ... t"'n "',Ib lhe
Be .... itenl. lhe In""
.!K'eC.n' .......... lhe Un.i11:'<J Colpor.
....... and evmtuIUy ortl:an
grindtn and ",.,,<li,ants. which pUt
an md It> OIl' IIlkyon da)I.
... COIllplainU thu the ...
printe ... _Id l>uy back bloch of
m"rtl$ from ooll>Ort" ....... 1 ",,",,""
men ....ho ......... not in sOOt! standinK
w,lh the The prof ...
oion.oJ walk,ng K<ntlcmon alotl ;n";n
Wlted thn tM t",de ;numml laki ...
and ....itb IIChemet worked
both oi,l ... of Ille 111'fft. and th.y
retaliated by pUtlinK the le<:'rcl
.zoo<! IhinC' lign on th. Iidt'll'alkJ
qr <loo ... of plaoel when Ih. 'O}'ltU1l'
'll'ereout of 10....." qr whe", ....u
no ,ho" for 'bi,"1 an, "hioh mwe
hundred. of u .... 'te tima Ind evtn
..,,,,.I1r.lU 1:\'1 ro"o1.':hly hAndled."
lOme of the
I"ke'" t he 'good th,ng' ,il:n
,n front of deat and dumh u)"lumo
10 annoy the mU!lidano. or
q'mpllthy men IlDd Vo1;.r.lnlI up
araiDS' d'ltnbut .... of "",II. '" mal
hdttu. ,,11m tbn>! ..-as !IO ch="'"
for '"-r ........ y ... tIN' t:nti", . pru-
fesh' ..-as soon at 1ogvrh .. d ..
Wany ltenogn:>.pll ... t<> the
orpni .....tion. 10 the of the
.. sood tbi"K" llign ... oho..-n on the
door port in tb. JI,CIun: .-ill be fa
milia. to IUch ... _ poote<i, but
hem, desirtIUS of IOr1;!,.JUort bo,..
of the ...... ra"" Of may
be able to da-:ipbet tbe meaning of
lIN' 1I>g>I ... ",.oed to be
or obalked on 1.0
ph;lIr.ntbropisU .... sholm ,n u... pic-
ture. ,t is prelll:nted in the natu'" of
...... pilal ",pus bunl .
Why are talkative r"""l: mm
younr pigs' Jka,.use ther:on
t<> become 110.....
Wby arc light .h<>e$ like rurumer
Iho .... n! Thcymake lhe ,:omgrow.
Whert is'" o.ndle like a .... t omb-
.."".1 Whe" it i. up for"
What i, the dilfc ... n .... ""tween
aU.m\,\"<1 II<>"';"';'!. I,.d L"8 kit!
int: 1 0"" i. "",;lul\ ",,,b
I<> kill, and Ill" olhtf killing w,th
intent 1<>a11
Why i. a """kluo fellow llka a
man a shAdow I B..: .. use
he 'trikN at notl"nll
What Ihip <.10 the lad,,,,, prcl'eo- \0
emba.k ,n! Court-sh,p. kind of .. ItYk .bould be
p1aa<l on )"IU' fanst pretefV""?
Wbat In<'k the attention
of a Jlhyo:i,''''''' Lock'Jaw_
WIta, is the bet"""n a
and a ra,lroad con
d"t'lor On. 1r.U"" Ih.e mind IllI<l
the other m,nd.o the Ullin
Whu k,nd of tuenoodoesayoung
man prof ....... hen h.e pOpI the que.-
'ieml AC<jui_te
Wlutt is the dilftl"t'O
an auotion an,1 I1ea oirk ...... r an..
;s thr ale of "/f",,u. and lhe otl>cT
the of a ... 1._
Wh, i. like a gnn
Imilh .twp' nwause.t ronu'llI
fowl in_pi",,"
WI"ch i. Ih" ' If'O''gat day of t ho
""",n/ Sunday, bf.u"" Ih. othera
are 1'1":11. daYI.


coi!lll had the monk,.
appOt'\IOO ea"h m_,n/:, 41lho1lg11
to ,II< ...."n.! n/
AuthnMy (I,,,,,,<h IIIMI .... M ohje<t
"'at over AIol;1.lln",1 1M Iht
"I lb. "",ncy, .. i,lo Imm II,.
<of keep,ng a rt<:onl of .the
The min "'u dmppcd into 11:."
ch .. t every Salurday. and
\0 rul .. al I he monasttl"'l' Ihe
_hole .mount onlv
.Ncb Ltm ..... Saturday DC'
""...-l on ,h. !an day of th. \"<4._
1'11. I,..,a ... ", .,u fo"""llr
three tim ... a .""On! nl the ""m"
rrwI. and _illl the "b .. , riven ;nto
tho """",,h .. n.hip of ne", iUlrd;.".
If I mig-hiM Ptrr"'tte<1 to m1lke"
dight digression, " ""'1 ht .. ked
how 1111 t!utl. ,n "'c" 0 tM,.., hay_
ing \xen fourt ... n I"'I)(!I of the name
of Dened;<t, a",1 of Ihe fart IIf St
Bened'CI hav,ng en(on:e<1 the Vyw
of lipan h,. I,y
... lutt nghl or ,..,.,.,n Sh .. k ... pea ....
te.o.h "' to I\yl. "U marrwd men
aut to bark to t .... oimpl.liltl"
proldom whicb our Plln'un ran
'1$". lot \III UlUnM ,hAt Ihl& pat.
"",,\a. Bmeod"'I,ne moruulr'1 Waf,
fouodN on the liM day of yu,
heronn'nr 011 a Sunday. and thAt
one roon .... dropped ,nto the treas-
ure chql every Satunin. "nl,I",<h
Illne Ibe ye;>.r mul,1 end nn
Sat"nby. and that Ihe ('<mI. m.ght
b.- roulU'td by d,v,d"" thrm .,..,Iy
mlO lour p,I .. , or h. fill .... or .. "
p,r",,-each un<tLy alik_bow
many COIllI wouIJ the", be'
Which of Ih. r"". OU""M if the
mOllt lit ...... '1 ,\u\u11ln. f .... thM
the lea, n turned. an.! the)' are
red (.ew).
Take l he of .. noh. ,,,,,d tilt
of IlD ace.
\\',Ih (<>urth 01 W1Ulu ... i.
and ba ...
To t ho!;" ,..ld a title of h;glleSl devtt
AlIJ the mUM""t , ..",t rn.- o! mor.
tal, ),,,,'11 _
Alv.w my 6.-.t a.nd th,n.! I<> """,t
(orm a nubl" rangt1'
)ly I<'conJ f>O."dr... to d"";t:
A"d ,n In)" "OOle the .. ,..
Ilow.-l" ..., blow Ihlt Lon! Hyt"OII.
....... good., ..... pererl' fl.tcau .. he
.. kept ("<oUar (chol) down .
1\ b..o.t ,. lbe iliff ........ c"" hcI;_n '"
"'"'""" bte 1<0< lhe train and II. I<'hooI.
m"tress' One the tn;in
tbe otbH lr:liM the ttIlUea.
Why are d<><wra ..:r .... yo
"harao:k'" 8..."u... the 11'0_
penpte a ... lhey are "';Ib

\\'hr is the world musicl
... ,t i. full ol.harp& and SaIL
II hy lhoulJ a man lmuhlM ... ith
Ihe m.lke hU .... J1' Be<:o.u.,
he "",II tlN'n b.o."" his .... (Ira;
at ea.w).
Whv i. B W3<h going down alleep
b.n hku St. George1 Be<-"" .. i,.
al..-aYI ... n "';th tb.e drai'-<>o.
en.:.. while .t:"'ing In Londnr1 T
(hat .. heavy wind .(orm.
,,'hi<:h la'ted lor over a wt(k. the 1"1:'
hcom hlown 10 .u.h .... u-
ton, lhat ",. woold .. 1M \01" of 1M
dmrch WXf'Ia. I alk,1 ,he aU ...
tion of ,""von! tn I'"
fOCl . IId WU luld th.>J 1M samollli",
!wi OttUrrfld in 1 i;'f'. "'MO it oral
__ ruined lhat .U of th. '1<'ff'1 ..
wcre 'Woal.l>tT cndc.,
in order 10 ,,,ducate a ... In ........ ."
ttIIII'IOI I ... on. and ntot. as one miltht
1lUJ'P:'*. 10 I.U IhI: direction of Ihe
Tho muim or """"I p'linl of the
Icuon. hown-er ...... 00 wtD kaown
,,"', like all common thin!:" it had
f""l:ounI, I oould nO
OM "'ho knew il J\hno,I1I, me
the I..,t, and Ih. ",,"\IOm
of ptllinlt .... the. rode. "1""'" .11
.. IPI .. wu It ill main1ained for lhot
... -.
[ IktlCh like" my
hotel .. i",\(>y, and w;i1 alk In)' 1'111'
frim'ls to h.lp toll'C Ihe ronl>n-
d",m ... 10 what ,,,,, ... 1 i. in-
,.,.1(':>,,,,] by Ihe ".ath a ... k (m
\VIrile goiug fTUn In .... ne .. 10
Gbigow di.WlCto of 189 mil ...
the has 11M: clK:oice "I
looJoi"t d",1oopt on a veritabl ..:=ic
railway, or of bumpi0lt the
an,l oI>oQI.init I"" elml .. on lumber-
inK c>I<l "'-"""'. ! wlttttd lhe
IalkT a, l>ei"J:' j .... , ho.lf day
quiehr. Frurn ,Iu., ci,<:um.tantt I
was """bl",1 to jOl. do",,, ..... ,,1 the
nlOllt m1.... ling 1,u"l .. of mJ
lTOUinK I"".. Tl't Irain ... well IU
1h. diligence lell .ltm,ll,
I"." "1'1" .",1. of Ihe """Ir,
"'. b, It,. a',j ,f 1"< I ",oJ
To mtfl.. need, oor mal" '''I.leIIl in
IInto; my .. kok is what .he w ... t
" a.he.!!. trlnopnot. the Lhinr .no
Appear>. and .. hi<:h ohe latel,.
Curtail. and take for
YOII "" .... !he ... d 101" which '1_
TTVI'pme oac. Il10<<', though
Tho: maid(fl'l aJ'PCVI ia >'iot...
A CIwU .
Fai. L pTUnind to bestow
:\Iy lin, "pan her love.,
And much I Mp<- lhal no dark cloud.
A"",nd \he may h""ct.
S ..... I L YI i. JUI! fighl ......
0 1 gold _1\0: has my ,econd;
On hearing of 1M I'r; ..
How many I>o:oU]\ N..! rl'Ckgntll I
And no .. ' my .iddlt I'll
And hnpe you'll net me qui.
For what' oay ;1 very I.u_
My wool. flir L 1\ i .
Cinher Answtr.--'9. I. 14, 4.19, IS,
13. E.
able ,<> ""I ,hll ",11m ... m,1
lhe tr:ain -from GIa'CO" we had beal<1l
i, jU$\" m;,nJ ntil.! U "'e had
truding hours. Froon \hil 1",1 lhe
Olher facto ",."tioncd, I uk JOII 10
lell jusl ho-.. far .. en from GLlt-
g<I"I' "hen w. n><1'
I oeen from an ""'Ity in my note-
book lhat I ""til .. ':;'-'lIli.h I:emte-
man who .... I",,';nlt wilh hi. f:unily
,,'hy Ihe Srotli.h I.'"(:nl,y alw.,. 1 .... -
.Itd 11,i,d-<b... He r'T'litll I"", it
"'ao 1h... wo. no fourth
<la ... J e,n ... '" 're, .... "e' ... Ih>l
,hi. il.'" h3d ,")lhi"l:" '0 do with Ihe

To give our)"Otmg friends another
Jtud)' in r...m oay tha,
,he"' .... oertlU1I dioun< leal"'"
Or pertaining 1.0 lhe
of our tli!!"...." SUIOI ... hlch
.... .... nOli,_ble 1.0 ..... wlto hao
t .. and be<:mne f"""liar "';,b
'Mi ...... """ .. and IC<;<OOti that ....
unronv;oualv guou .. W the I>otneJ,
"f whom ... me.;(
ahmao.l I ..... rurpriood W lind
tlwollbey hne Ibe ... me thine duwa
to .. much lin .. point in Gre:ot Hnt.
.,n. and pmf ... W be ahle W ten
I...", """'ntv .. p""",n .une
lu.ot ItnflI ,he tOl;" 01 ru. .-oi ..
Thev talk .. fe""""rl)' lh...--. .'-t
,"" I,ltl,..,unt..,. .. _ doa'-, the
Sa", he .... and an ..,rprivcl "
}.:.ur if{ll<>Tl>D", bec-au>e. l"<'1Il do nol
know uf the CharactH1$UCI or th.
d,lIerml __ t,n ..... and I lound that
,t ..... mmid.ced .. wmph.
m.", 10 ""rr-eeU)' J:UHI one'. n"tive
10WD, Con you 1I",,("e' the ho"",
uf OUt fnend c"o"I00i in the de.
ICrip"on nl Ihe
What is protty ... d "",ful in various
Though tempting ", .. k monals to
Ihorten tbei. day ...
T .. ke ont Jeltu aw"y ..,d ....ill
lolmire every day
,n Ihe year.
Take .t"o .. a ..... y and tbe ..
..,(h""t doubt
PROPOSITIOlI- T.lI h ow mucb col d the "".,
You",,11 "" ... hat it II ,f you don',
it out!
01 .....

boanlcd up .. quantIty
01 . en and , .. cnty_
dollar guld _ usod
w keep lhe oame in he
bi.p. eacb or which <:onuinm ':mi_
... t'CtUts, Whit.. to,inK .. "h luI
.. be would dtrtde It inw f""r
pileoo. $CII or which wOllid t.. ""aaly
.. hke; lhen. W be .. rtain Ihal .......
..... bl. be ...",ld akc I,.... 01 tbe
lIOTtions and ron.uuct Ihr .. pilei.
<'&eh """taming oimiLot- coi ....
As by I!WI melhod ,I could b8 told
if ... y coin. weno IIli$&ing. it .hould
a1so be an usy malt.,- to guus lhe
""act. am""nt 01 his hoard, "" "'e
WIll uk "". 1>Uuhsu 1.0 tcU jus, how
money lhi! poor old man bad
.. hen he llarvcd 1.0 dealh
Wltat i. a gOO<! d,Emi"on for _
mu!!"1 II i.lKlmething 0. IKlmo1xxly
11111 hold. hand .. it bout
l<I.u,nj( ,I,
mto.", 1>re yo... of
i' ''

- -
PROPOSITION- FufY four lulou. tOll pl u acron the river.

COlkSl, ,\LL G()()!)

"uuh. t, .,. IBm d II ..
, ''''Ih lh.
1''' . of the wumry.
mAn ,"'100 had to ferry It
fo:<,. g<X>IIC' and rom Ito",""
ri'"cr in bo:l\ ",,'hid .... ""Id urry
but two at. u"",_ The .IMY <>. the
four old. i. built
upOn similar It .... hut p..,..,nt ..,
many th.ll 1M bHt
0' short.eot answcr _ to h:ave
bftn ovwlookeoJ bv methemat;cuf\I
and .. (0" the ....
[t is told thai r"". tloue<l
.. ,t.h tht1r IIWfl'th""ru. 1",1 ,n can;-
Inc .... ' pi;u, we", rotnpoll<'<1 to
..... a It .... "", '" boat "h'rh '.'oul,1
hold but ,...., u time It
tnot 1M lOU"K mm were
... ;"'1"", that 1'101 oat of
thoem """,1<1 perml! hll IltoSUfC'ti"c
bnde 1.0 """ain U any lime ,1'1
CQmpoony of UI)" ,,1M' man or men
unl_ ""U .I>(lI>T .... nt
Nor was ... y mo.n lO get into a
bo:ll alone, Iht'" hapl><'T1n1 to
he It gi. 1 alone on bland <>r .knl"e.
other th"n the one to .. h"", h. ,,'U
Thi. 01 Ih. C'QII-
dIllon look. ill ,f ,h. ID.I .... R)IQ
inl"". and th.u th ... f.llo ....
run off with ,h. girl if
Iboy (01 . W.ll. he , h",1
,.. n mat. the IlroLlom i. to gu .....
tho qllickC'l\ ,,'a" I<l g<!1 tho ",h<JI.
l,",tty .... mot lhe Ti,",. accoroing 10
lh. MIIdi.ioru irnpooed. J...c, III
""ppooo th .. n,'er to be 1 ... 0 hundred
l'anl, wide. with the i.<Jand m the
m,oidl" Ho .. mo.n, Inll' WOU:J
the 1>oo.t nu.k" to get .he four OUples :Or""" in """"nia.noo with lhe
Wh, -.:-:.-.CC.'d'_C--C,,'''--:twu "'""
II. is L"" one !>Hid..
Why is rour hand hke a hMd ...... ...,
""",' II has ruuh.
Whl' .100< " man who runs n
dtbt Yl>l1 of a clock' He
ron on tick.
Wh- is a lira ..... tooIh lOOn 101"_
(Oil"';' It i. <Nt of you.
Wby 'J ) .. 1 ... like mUS>Ci.>n'
H. .. the koys,
Why i. a Il>.inte<! lady lik. a
I>..... She m<p\arl false colon
Whll is y<Nr uncl.',
brotht. to yoa. ,,'1>0 i. not "',,"
uMle1 Your f.lber, .
W!to\ 01 ..... of ?eOIlle !nighl ... "
ClI1t 111_ wlln e.>"1
"Mmd I (tnu."
Wh.u mc<li<"int i. a c, .... dnl fond
of' !lark and "',""
\\'ba\ .. t he d,ff=lIt"\' bel ... ..,"
I"'ne,'.nmec and omhnallCI' IOn.
,. a nrona: .... U a"d the OIMe " a
"""'I ..,on1
Wlut count!")' doet a ha1:>r ay
far' ... h. 0, L-apland
Why iJ a coo.' ... nm l>y a .....,.Ihn.
heal..., lramp Ilke .. man ... "h '''_
...-nrua! has fIOl had a
nal' for a lonlt I"" ..
Wby "1"" ..... jJOOd
en .. - II ..... ...., I,",y drop a line
l>y e,'ery J'05t. at tvery bou ...
Wha. d_ .. young lady bo-rome
lite 10 be pet\Jl, '
"""'"', .
What .. Ihe..,,.., lifO of an .",11
.pnng' A cal .... Iduag .. bole In
Ibe wall ...,.h h\'r back up
A lady ""ked " rmtlnnan 1\0..
old he ..... ' lie an ... trod .. My ace
.s .hal you do In
I (XL)
Why i>c the ...,.Id like a cal'l 1.0;1'
it ;,. far to Ihe end of ,I
If a t ... o-.. h .... 1W .... Ir'ln i, .. bi.
cycle, and" 'h"",-wht<.eled .agon
i Incycle, what ... oulJ lOll can ..
five,.,h .. ll'<l onel A \-tuc!, of


PROPOSI TION Tell how ma"y aeul tbe lake <0"'1.1ned.
on '''>unt a
.. b,eb develt>Vl'd
buyet W(>Uhl 1<'1
1'mU'''' on 1M
,ndoding a ' .. ke.
."0,., up tbe 560 aNes
lak ... bul a. the l .. h ><:IS
,n lbe .. 1<-. I, as .. en u other
be .....bN to
"!vlbe. the lake ............ ;;;n:;
rlortlucteJ ftno> Ihe bn"
The It'J .. S60
m",,, or l.s., .. hid, ... ""
ont "".i.bclOry to .be porch ........ .
.. We ldl hi,., arguing ... "h ..,me
K",y !Jid . and I<l the
bulhf"1>g5 '" lhe lake. "'h,eb In
.. ality ...... a .nmp,
The '1u,",lion ..-I:irh ! uk our
pU .. Ii.\S "bo in Iu'l ""oh
'1""'lio,, IS '0 lU'\ how
"lanv a ... .,. 11>"..., ....... M he in 'ht
lake. &ut-rn,," 1..,1 a< .hoWl]
hy "'tua,,, pInt. "I liO. lib an,! H
""" The ,. I""'u!",r
intc,elL to t ho ... of a malhe",a,," .. 1
t um. 'n lht" give. 4 f'N,U\'e and
dc:;mle ." ...... IQ Ii. pn>!>O",I,,,n,
"'J,,,h. 10 u_".,1
p,,><In-l 0"" "r th .....
ing, but derifWll frae
A CH,l.Jl:Ulli:.
M,' ),"Ie '"I 'i,...,
h '""lid on .,tl>c, ",1 .
M t f .. nhful """"'d the CTowtl
\\'nh d'gnuv and pn<tr
l/.,' .. hoI. dd'gbl> ,a lu"''''''' H" .. _

AnJ Io'ely Autumn'l fruilful
""- Cypher Ani. S, I. IS. 11. 9. 7
I o.m fat ... ell fav'",rttI
II"ho-n _do! up rompl".,
(""nail anoi vou'U lind me
Qu'te ..-hO""""", 10 eat.
lIest"..., me my 11.'1. and
In t.:ok. my hnd.
1.>1<. r .... tllt ... l'm light.
n, ". h"a.') as 1<-3,\
Cyph.r 16. 11.71. 11, 16
A In,l,,. .. rote nn tho I>I'1Iom ",
/l'lIIr bA,..,.e) 0 leu It M T how
did her hu.b.nd derypehr ,1/
Whon n ... 'he ""At'e the v_I Hi""
Her m ... U And Pli. my .bolt!
Ileh .... d. thoutb to.rt my longth and
! mo,'e will! ... o'e, the
"Ia,n .
Ag."p lM:hud. rome ,..hen 1 .. ,n.
Tht f","",o' r .. " and I(rumbles
Cypher A"" 19.20. 111,9. I.
.. RliBU1
WlwrI .. ho>le 'w 'rue. I l<J""'Uma
lend my aid
NI) daU)" to lbe "dy.......-:an. maid.
On..., lah my '-<I. twill clearly
tbo,n al'l>"ar
My u.eful hole i.oftm .... nl.ed .he .. :
Tran,J>OW ... f<l<cigtlO', I boldly
0. land
Cypher An. 2. \8. IS, IS. lJ,
A CHAR,l.D&.1
My finl appoa.-. ,n ' . ,.,. and !IrMe.
My "ex, men, wi'l d;""Iooe.
My "'hoI" ""-eal. B poet", n3"'e.
n,,;,dod "'!l1l im",,,'tal fame
A .... , 23, IS. 18. 4 .19, 1J,
PROPOSITtOft_ TeU Ih, . peed of tbe hone.
ABO U T yeu .... th a .. agon to"", of hamo,
" manner of IOOring whICh be would among. his
the time Oil th. ... at wholO$ll.le or 'tHIlL.
n\llH. in the recent ,.-an The w.", II<) 01 a
dcrful "",formanco 01 "Oll that d,d nat tre"bl. himself
qun. Lou 1),11"". about welghmg 11wn, but .aId th=
.:.",:;:" .. nn odd hUI. problom at Ih. uniform price of" doUar and
lJC<'II".!!! bet ... en A <'OUl,lo 'l"arter uch U. d,d not like
,;"': tim.,:,' "",.... wl""h proved to UI ell' " ""1'11, I>o",.v , but In or-
too much t(l, their bm,te<! knewl de. to be ac<'Omn><><!.ating estab-
of mathematia !lobed tb. rule that be would ..,11
h apflt'&n tha\ the fi"'t t it...,., I he hall (1(. ham when ,\ ...... ask""-
quano .... of a m,l ... lroltM in for, but wouk! c:horge double for it
Il .. ..,..,nu.. _lul. the hmf-\l;oep'" In tbe innocence of his bul"l. he
"ho rOrded the finish .hQ-.ed did not _ that he wlXtog
t he wt th""'-<!u:;I.rt(n ... e .... ,rotted ttwo Arne P""" for half a ruun as he
,n 8'.. -"ltd . and that the W! uked lor a .bole OIIt. and u many
hlollof !be noe ..... 1'<$\ as fast U 01 lui .,,,rtomen kne .. lea than he
the fin! half did aboll' anlb.m"tic, he sold ma"y
Dell'u." lhe appeu a half of a ham for .. hal he asked
an"" of 00.,. .. " qll&r1"" to for tho! .. hoi. <>=
that mile. botb Iimekec:p"rI "ere Wd!. on" day be started off";, h
cnrNCl.. but Ihey lacked lhe .. .....;".,. h ...... d 01 ha ..... and the tim per-
of a cle"er lft1u!i.Jt to toU Ihe I,me 100 he met ""&I 00 pleased .. " h
for the .. bole m,le lIow man,. of th" .. arpe .. rano" Ihn he pur<:itased
OIl ' "" .. I..... can PlU\I il correctl,.r tbe half of his 51""k and half . ham.
A St u d ,. nam .
He,. if; problem 10' Ihe luvn,l.
h'M ... h,ch .. ill .u .... ly "It ...... , the
youog punl"u aQd I,.obab!y halll.
OCIll. of Ib, "dUld'ttI of & large r
(ttl. th. "
It appean that & Dut.h farmer.
... 1>0 kn ... mo .... ahoul cunnII' ham.
than ho did dlOut &nthmell" ......
in lhe hab, t QI atArtlng Qut ono" B
II ..... "'luaU,. lucassf,,1 wit b
lui lIut customer. who "'&I ..uo a
d. alu , at he loOk balf of the """"k
he bad loll and hlolf ham. besides
da e<hng hu" to another pia""
.. he .... 1>0 ,eadily d .. pooed of half
of .. hat re mamed and half .. ham.
II . t hon eom" to a large bottl.
Ih. propne'o, of wh,oh .. as oot a'
h"", . but he to prevail
"PU" h" ... ,f. to la'. haTf hIS
$to<k and half n ham. lie con'
tInued Qn h,. )OUmlly. bUI nOt
gone mC1M thlln " qua'ter of a mde
when he. me' the
a nd II Incn" Tho hotd "'ILO. nOt
knOWIng lhat hOI ... ,f. toad pur_
In)' of the ha", . look hlLlf a
ha.m lind tl,e hall of whal ri'ma,n("d.
mduct<l hit: fnend to take hall
"f wh.o. t "'u ldt and half I ham,
u it j .... 1 dean..! Oil' b" noek
No ... "'hat I ...,,1. OILr young
puuluu to de .. to 6go'e out Just
11<>.. m"ch motley tlus lurky Dutch.
man for h" harm. Ill" be
that 1011 d",,'t mu" a mlllake,
for lhe prohlem ..... _I. to on. 01
OIIC UnlVtn:L11101 ""d uo.
sol .. able whicb .. ould mlh , t
rank 1I1,h ' he .:juanng of the CI",le
Ho .. muoh money <i1d II .... Jel.
lor his hana'
HAMli '"

i,I\O ,hr,, I",n"." "mil .11 fI,. u e
iu<t C:;an )"" Il"cu h"", ='"
.... h cach I.>.oy
ll<te i l"eUy cuned
{"." lhe Il0l .. of 110'0 gcntlt" .... of
ld.u .... rctun,td f,am Ihdr ,urn,,,"r',
oo'ing', Wury Willie, WllO h,,,1 <>ul
,13, .. 1 hi. wolccone at Joy,,,wn,
10. PI ... .;muII:Ulc,
(l",lv "itl. Ih. ,1'1"'nuf< 01 l.hl<'Y
Rl,,"te. from 11, .... Th_y
A Cbarade.
An objecl 10. ""hid! many Ibous.>n.t.
110 .;gh,
A bI<"LLoi"lI" I pro\'e, or a cur..,;
And "hen 10 the altar 01 Hymen)"ou
Yw for bett ... or
am of OOI;h .. xes-both hu<band
y ..... <"Cr.", me, ya... 10"" me, ),011
I<OUt ""'.
1'... the "",,",e of much jo)". <:<IIl""-
ti"" and <"ife,
Yrl few can be happy .. ithoul me.
tn.,""1 by land--o:n tho ocnn I
With ,I f<>wl., '00, I .... , ;" the
.ir .
I"m ron"'anl. I'", licld<--loo much
givtn la ct .. "ge.
Th<rdnr . wh." you choose m<:,
til'hcr I, 30, 5.
A ClIande.
ho", rm horne I
Ikh('O.,\ """'" me ",ith looro;
Yet. kIL", .. " WIth .u thdr art lIld
1:"'"", .
too "flon a, a pnu.
He,te my tr.LlLJPO.'C. ,, .... t
I"m hi!:""-r than I ",as before I
Ci)Jhrr I, 3, S
Wh,,, kind al. diary i. produai""
of harm >
lnccn-di .,. .
m<I .IId exchanged the Intmw. triP
at I point where Willie .... d gone
.. " milt. fanher than puaty .
A It .. "" .lftdiona'e paronII' , It took
tl,i,!...., .nd hilI bouB 10
,cad\ ""d Ow.ty tw ... -
Iy-four houn to I(et to Jor:o",n. How
lor ...... it i,an i'lcuauh,l1e to Joy-
PROPOSITI ON To tbaoge a 'Quare inlo a G.ftl< CrOll.
e,'.ryth,nll at prices. 'rho
looy. ",ot ,n I>"rk, In 0PPO-
lite dlr1l<:tions , on the full run

ll",hL<:m i. 10 d"'I,le
-ruanl IDto rour ll_ .. h,eh will ftl
and r_ IIOn ... 1 G=k
Li Ch lDittl: )le'HIlCer R071--A
Problem f D. Ihojuullile Cl ... .
Ha.,.,. N,mbI.," h'K imph .. .
is l he most 's-<ly loof In
the city ... bJJ. Ju",,,y l'a'. un Ioet
the ,-"",,'ot all thed, 'n<1. inti
.. In Iho __ ',,,,,, It ..
pnomg. Iherd", . that" onn 10(1
bappttleti th Ih_ PtlllUiar lIyon
"'ere .. mul\.ll"""uoJy on
bu"D_. The ont .... 10
cotr ... y _ m_Re r",m h"'l<t' to
a <:ullOmc, bim Ihat tho
ma.k ........ 1:(>1"1 to om"-'h and IhAt
ho had beller Itnl""d
The Olhe, to be
from the "". tomee 10 Ihe ... me
broker, o,dtring bim to dean out
"Bullo, Harry, ... here )'OU run
nlnT '
"Upto"'" "',Ih hurry
"'Oo""'town. rush LeI" ....,.1
110" """"'y you g<ll/
"c;.:." .. lut. pil . "",', play ..
game of ""hf fun while...., k<l
OIIe wmd I'Ve,l:01 (iw r;."tJ, . nd
)"0\1 C-'Ul '1 lteal ....... )'0\1 ,lid lNl
"Y ... I l<m, rom<' on W.I:'"'I
lou of lime." So 1"'-' '''0 11,<1)'
hoy ...... t.ed \I,,,n .. h Oil .t to
rtlpenle their mmd. IhU t hn
mIght all ,he I .. tler ,peed
.. hell the" ..... me<l !.l,." hRhtnt"il
lOUme)'", Tbo-y .....-r't "'" !
fur ket-pt . nd .. "", I" .. llw1r
Ii ............. t Lbe",d ot the IlIme.
At one or the pl., IIIlIT}'
had t..,,,.. .. many !,..nntN .. he
began ""h. hv.t Jlmm)' in hia im.
pnuuus _y <tak.,.j aU tlull he had
I.ft ,n one ja.'k JI'" ." I ,,<><>.... he
then had J6 ",""rue. til HaTn. 42.
M II wall t<>O duk W play
longor they hmkt IIll .the un! 100ny.
st""ghtonO'd nut their .nd
resumed their mad COl....... Tha
i. tn ",n ju<t hnw IbAt
money w"",, t.O I,.. ,lIriJOIl on Ihat
u"h bo)' rould get batk hl. orisi .... 1
number of
e ri'Pln, . nug In 1"0 nail.
W nl1l1: h" t:nd ,IrWIn, hll . .. 1,
A of nly fint may _Jr.
Foe deed. of blood nly .. holt " ....
Bul it .. hcn bla"'N;
_ grain f<l' IIOrond.
Whon dOl"l a <uw become Ilnded
proper\y> WMn .he'. t"mod ioto
PR.OPOSITIOK- Di .. ide .. aqll .. n piece 01 ,.," Inlo IWO b .. lnl wbi cb will III 10tuhUI$ $bown
"<:OOnI'og to Orilt".
in.ol but imp:ltt.i>.l Ii .....
in lbe Flo"..",. King.
dom," sayo d,.lin
guilhed trav.l.... .. . on ........ n
ac:cident w""'" Ib" of a
p40l fonn llreciPltated a workman
from the roof of a lofty building.
II. nruck lIqIIarely 011 tbe head of
Pf..,, .. hI) was killOll instantly.
.hile the fellow who tumblod
"early a hundred f""t ",""aped with.
C"Ut IlCI1Itclt.
In "hi! .bove narrative. "",ngft
all It may -.n. we find the d_rip_
hon and lenni of caPItal PIlule
l ully ..... f<>l1-h. Th' lIocltI. "hi,h
secun: bead ... d wriSU of Ibe un
h.llllY culllril .... ho .... in lbe PIC-
ture ....,'" made /""" oquare!)ieee
of wood. which w. a", told ...... di
vided into two l'ies, Like .n
malhemal.lcal p",ble"". the propo-
ation .... n "'= worktd WIly,
.. to ",ake pair of Jto<kI by
dividin, "'lu . or 10 divide the
"ockl Into .. .. hkh ... ill fit to_
Kother and 10"" a oqll."'.
The P\".I . - IIOrfeetly
oq,.are pIece of paper. and. wilhout
... y ",ute, cut il lnto two pi""""
which will 6t \OB1' t Mr ond lann an
oblong ""ir of Rod[s. wit.h Openings
.. d>o .... il'l t he picture, for- bead
.ndwnsuohheculpril. Asa1nady
rudl' exlll .. nod, lhe two pieI
fannIng lhe &toc:i<s Can always be
refiutd into. pPriect. oquare
.. ith t be tbree cl".....j. bui
thl!ta ill a Jlrt1.I )' triok """nmed
W!tb the i_I u/ llrodllciDg the hoi",
in tbe ex..,-, J>O$i tiom .... ho"",
which will 1= unc'. llatienee and
ingenuit y.

WAS A eIl,-
1<>11 c!<,1;n Ih .. ether
<loy, paHornc,] altor tho
hid a,stom of <':I11')'i01l'
,. 'IriuK of coinl IIt-
t:l<.hed 10 a ,,aleh. Thi. ,"'Ikula'
lob chain corm.IN pI lOll. ""in, an,1
tho: of an e:IolI'lt. Tho ernn'" a.
\hoW", ,. .... e f"'"rh<1l ""pI"dy
.. itl> 6vt. four, anrl t ... o
1(1 that the .mall "'hkh J'""CI!
thm! IO/Itlh<' ",igh' mvc I,...."
rbud dil'le .... lIly. 00 II to hay. rur-
..uhcd '1,,;\0: " nrietl' al
TIt;. ,,' bring ablt 10 pI't>-
do a >eries of f<>b <lui" .. <0<1';.1-
"" of 1 wing of roo. ernn
Inlt the " .. teh Ind nglf. C '. me
10 quite ... rlilC\l"ion 'fiordi"!,: tht
nurnbo:r of
.. b;"b o:an be fIladto {mm tho 1""'"""
as """ ......... it!Pst any two killJl' u,
actIv oimibr.
The d .. ign ..... bn by
,"" of rotri<:>lic AmmUIJ.
",hi<:h ",as rfnlly pni_ ,rre-
01 I",rt)' politic< In II..,....".!
r.opn:t lor tht Ch,d Extent;". dur
ing hi. 1<fI" of office.
The emin ;s buill upon P'(I(""'"
oi,'. order of l"c"nt.ltiM, "" thaI
"""h one woo.llrl bo. dilltr.,1! ,."d
COIlld ul"'" a Cdl)w
,,,.,,,1,.. ,I""igna,j"i a

TIl<' I'rob!('111 01 1'",,1, i. 10
trip of tho ,,",,",in' In you.
Mrs. OX.iII," .. id Oancy. the
mllhcm>,i ... L Idl m. why
1M tnn.a1ll1 rmrk., i. like a r
"I'm [10( <I""ling in j .... ,
no,., ("I.ney." Wid ....
0:-'ci1l. wi,h a in b", "',
., .\J<o nld conundrum,

dtte"";,,,, ju" I"IW ",.ny
routd \,.. wi,boul any two tit
illl;" """ttlv "like.
"bul ptm:.po can toll _ how it
is ,hat "h ... I buy yollo ... ban.anu at
th ... duUinj:f< a bund! amI the ",-me
nurnb.t" of rnl ann ., fnur .hllli"".
" !'"neh I would two more
In,,><:,,"- {<)I" the """,. lmount if I
Ihe money e .... nly IxIWtnl
Ix!w,", (he y.llow 'ffl
bnnam. ,"

" ""' .... 1 the benefit 01 pu>:.
I ' I.e procti"" they .. ould
: ","c'<>\Iragt' In
the f<.>rtn of conundrum
';<ldles. problems an" I'a-
milinrity with ronunJrutm P""es
the way an,1 ...... Ihe ".pping
.tone. to .... rd the Rbilily t<.> ",,,ole,
an" origInate pu .. le., Tile
"1,,,Ye ,inlpte i_. OUIl-"
pooed In he a,.",l by .. opeci.,. of
human gartlly whIch had '-n In.
m.nt,,,, h,. poor aunt w,lh.
"" .. ,ng ..,ri", of qutric.," Aunt
s..r.h, 110,. do I know thaI thi. field
;. older lhan ynu .,." "
If you. journey ove< lake.
mUUI" "b.n Of
Ny lint youn ", ... ly to pooy
Del ..... you can lbe,.."
.wy I(>JId you wuuld ..... ""'Iy ....
If London through}"<lU- go;
But ,'iII Li, "bal I bo"" you a,.,:
V.,.. better lhinr J know
I _,.. my whole .mb Stttt!1 pain,
Tbough hoping _ to m"'" apm
Cn,her .\115 6,1.15, S. 23. S. ll.
Why' hri("
make bad Je",'anul D"".u ... ,I IS
;mpeq;ble for" man to ... rve t .. o .. ell!
Why a,., Ilnprol""ll'Il gnl"" hk.
"'lIOlenl begp ... Becall.., tru,y ,,'"
d.,!JIllle of.fende",.
Whal nol ... compose the
lunes. and how tIlllny do they""",.
I>0I(l1 Bank ,.oleo. and th<"j' mate
for,un ...

I had occ&lion to
ia! artist who
oelLi", me a
I bu_f<\ him P'P ILDd ",,c'Ii
hi. t.!l'Mh. but be '.n .... l'Il
tM IIIt.a<k from R iliO"ctenl ftnn"
I"';nl. mftk!y sa}'I"1: 'Our bay
rum io II hltlo ""lor eno'" the hot
wt<alh.r'" Uul again I hellded 011
the enl.,;n&- woo&" by ,""""king'
'If you. t.ay rum i, ""U'. yw may
" ... gC>Qd flvor ... torl"
Tha. II and
I,,,,,, lite l'mg ,i1.n,." I ... '" inclinod
I" II"nk Ill> ""tIS ,,"orling nut
<M"" .I,,\ in nw It
IS n ron .... "Jr-rl .. .-.m puq\e _h..,.;n
III 1<0<\ a goographic>J \ ..... n
I"d.\en ,n lite <leQIflplJon of tbe pie-
$01,.1", 1

PROPOSITIQK_Ho,," ma"y ,ripe yin". be pllnte", Dot ololcr Iban nino feet ap.rt, In a Iqua"
plol cOnlainin, "n.-slIt nth of a" .cr.?

the pO\,ulllT cof
- Ih. "-Iller,,""t of liar_
t""', Vlnc,'ard. ,I may
... ,d thAI t,,",= ,. a
>DIble 1<>1n\":>11 f>. "",,pbn:o';"" '0
the "<)1}' which i ... "rth1
of being gwrn til pu .. '" form
II to ,,,lot 1m... ". Colonial dlv-..
one cf the Uti'!!}' ..,Ule,.. .. 1>0 had
un,l.rtaken the difficult !a,k nf
cull"'''!'",r tho rod:y 00;1 of IhM
b;o"." ,.Iand, ...... red with tbe
ai..! of hill ILuie Manh.,
tn set eul '''mel'''''\. To en""u',
ago I. well ,n heu of olher
he 1'<"""lud Martha
10 CIlU;VII(! for her 0..,. UR or !'fen!
I litlle ""Iell ""l!l\.ain;"K
"""ttl' II. of an acre of
It 11 Mid thai J,,", planu,d htt
nna. &<'nmhnC to cu.tom, in ..0_
ttule ff<"l'J'IIr1. and oultivated \Mm
just lib, and th.
JtMY gnN, Mr little ,',,"'U", pm<'
pen-<! and ".,W ,n .. way that m",le
Martha's .. rd nol!.. She
niM<! more 1t""J'U to llIan
any vineyard on the island and
pmrlu<"ed mlUlY new and ,' .. Iuable
... .... hich t-1ltOe ....
Th;.t is aU the,.., II to the storY
... bw ,t i. rt<\u""" to I,}ain r""u
... thnut w,.h,nl: l<>
impe:l<"h Munb.1'" >lull Mr to 'I_
t"", her '_tn.,. wbich unp;>rtN
lbe flavor to Mr Ilrapes. I .. to
a pr:oM"',,] problem 10 he ..
VlON rn:r.v ""plaio ,be .......,n
of hu W1>1>dertll] SI1C<:dll
II",.. Illany vm... Dol
do",r n,ne fect 6part. <:aD be
sc:t OIl! 'n a "lot on"'>lx_
1C<11lh of lIM """' in iii..,'
The prohlem is a p'etty <me. ",dl
to tax the ingt'flu"y anrl
c1.vem_ or ollr puztl;.U and
mathemah<:'anl, bllt nol W <:om
1'''' "'tum to the long forgull.en
Jcho<>l t"lOkt. occa.."", is taken
to S1tV an ac.... is 208 feet and
7101000 of a foot "'1UM<:. '" that
... ixt .... nth of an &<'f'e in reet :2
m<he. "luart Tbi. you will ob_
oerve is .,me",hal dill."",t from the
""""Lu mu"",,,,,,.nt DI 70 y.nb
"lUll", ... h1<"b I'revailJ in Ihe ru"'-'
dtricll ... ,,'01 210 r .... '
"'Iuart i. reo:konl'd
Wbv " a naughty 1<:I,ool-OOy lib
a 'tamp 1l..,......)"QU
l'rk him .. til a "l<k al'ld place
h,m ,n tho ""mer
Wby it I the l .. d" .. 01 aU the
vo .. /3a-u.ue it is 1ft tho "",,,.
In: <>1 hh ....... h,l .. F. i. ,n hell and
.. ,n ""rptory
What i. the Inngal word i,. the
StniIa, be-
(3""" Ihe,o il. m,1e bet .. ".,n 11>0
fj"" ."d leiter
Why hvt thickeM no {""r of II
luture ."'I.e' Ilttau"" tbey
theic next world (n..,k. t wirlod)
in t bio.
Wby (anM! R man be
ltl:al1y ronviCI!1 n..e.. .. re il ;s
unl ..... ful to ron(\emn man
0111 a !luring
Why, man ....htt boa" his wife ""_' lie
tau.., he', pon".:1. b",\e,
Wh.o.t i. llIal .hid,)""" ean keep
ahM 10 _ One "I..,!
YflUr .. "nl
Why Are dealt!nr in gla>l!w;>n!
unlike .oJl "Ih .... d""I .... ' 1Jeca....,
it .. ..,n t do fur Ib ..... \<1 t'1"aCk "I'
theit good,.

'I ' (lU(I(ENS

p1l.0pOSl TlON.-How m."1 cblcken. mull one Ita" with to hau6.68 ot Ihe e .. d of thru y .... ?
ilE OF
al>le- \() t$l.unal.e
.. ttb ahK>lu,"" ""1Teet.
n. II tlte pmfiu _
sull,,,, lrom "'" """,.
boll"l venturt ., as 10 bv """',,
r .. ,u", pLaru ..... th sail)' "illUstrated
i .. I.Ius ,nl.eresl,nir pilule
" 1/ you obould ""'IT)' tha, .. nnh,
1_ 1.110... " "".Iaimed the iJ"'ll.I.e
fatl>o , .... lut.t do }"<>U npe<:< to
bv, .. pon'"
.. My dear pa""." ..."lieJ hu
d"lIJIhle1'. "Claude h ... got it Rll
planned and out. l-1e '"
romg to buy lOme chid"en.. this
.pring "nd raise J(l many brood.
of young eb,.k"n. tlut.l in Ih. fall
we Un tell .nough of We surpl ...
rentlemen chich" for u' to get
rnarned on We will ...u ("ttouJ!h
.t the end of lb. teeond }'.... r 1.0 pay
our ho_keep,ng- HpnISCS. and on
the third jur _ .....U .... M6.'I
chick .... 1 Which we ..;:11 di,rc-
01 JU .. to "",. oft Ih.o.l. $1.000 _<t.
'lICe oa tho house. whtch """";H
you JU much."
n.e data seem. to he
vague. nevrnhele .... allOWIng lor
enlbll5& ... m wru"h is a part 01
loY.', young drum. we mwl a ..
e..rtain .,uagH and ralt ....
..... to he ma,nU,n"" .bn>ugboul 11>0
"nto,.., enl.erpnte '" as II> produao
th" resull. o!o,jmet!
It lINd ""Iy be ... 1<.1 lhat .lleo- ..
rardul ,""a,runation of the <:ain,t..
t,ons wh,ch the young had
mati" on the other <tde of tho..
pap"'. Ihe 011'1"11 paf'" a"t!
p b" I'On'nt_ '" lhe .. rd,hr.C
took pLat'e a".1 the .....
ra,d 01T Dn ""h .... ul. tome. ..
httle lU!"!Jlm lor .... non-
Ireno, .... h,oh de-v.lopd. For tho
k""ftt <01 roupl,.. ron
lompl .. ltng oimil .. v("ttlure' ...." ""k
Our pun]" .. 10 l\n Ju.' I,.,,,,
"h,eke"s tho\' must Iut."c had to
,ta<t .,tb -
What::: ":C",,"--;""""""'''',,',, m3n
...u ,n hll pr.I"'" 1-1.. 'm<
Why doe. .. hach"lor .. 1>0 ha,
"",,"terCCtt half dollar on
him _nt to ",I. mam ... P To VI
a t>et_ h.olt,
Wh,. d" we dub a ";tl'
"'" .". Be<alSSl!. about. city
the i. '" much bu<tle and be-
e .. u .... he has ""tskim
Wh)' ore .... b""""," great !\.ir\..'
II.., ...., the)' wring
Why ,,'-" " .. haor..J",.",r die ,
satI duth' 1k'<'!Ie he ,"11M up
and ,Ii (d}'H)_
If th,< doogr_ .. frtH;Dr
pmnt .. whAt io I><>lDt'
TW() '" the .h<1o.
Prove lhat th _ t.lmd
The u a ... -phr. a upb)r ..
a J'Io"" i. '\""' ... $toy is
.. ... 1,",,1 ,A an ""aehmont. an
alt",'h"",nt iI t"vo, =d ]"..-c is t,,",'er 0'''. .ind, a",
II"h .... mMTI<.j ma" lih a fir.'
lI ..... ho l'Nlv"ke.< wil" "1
oul niRht.
Wh, i. n I'ill', lorain
any ,,(It .....
h.. h"it'. ht . ' full.
II th .. ,!ilfer""", ""I .. ."n
.. young 1",ly and a ".."u .. / 0""
clut.rm. Ihe he ,he " ,ber h;umo
the d,_
Why i.I'art, ltke .. "ler' Be'
<au," abe in pl"U"1OtlS lloolt
(p ... otonH)
When io ,_ roo"'"
\\"b .... ;t il ..
What il 1M I ..... "'''''''
a a 1 One
Ih. b"'n "cl. othtt
keel'" tb" j" .... 11. .... r,'"n<lry),
- -
PROPOSITION-Give tba (orrect time of this uce.
, of M'" ,,c Mil a.1<
'.. our pIlU!iSU to rome to
, lb. 4,d of tlllft lAnd
. . lubbcn who know 10
litlle nautical maHfl'I Ihn
tbry are all at IC& over. prob-
lem pertaininl 10 the ;ctef1lAtional
The,. .... to keep u.&Ct
tab 011 tbe sr-J of the INt not
hoill!: very load ... ilors. hiller
l une """",what WIth tho:t.
obse ... aUon.. '" their log book
show. tlull tMir AccOW\\ of the BCII
i. di.-ided into twO dog ... lbe
OIIe oYt"rlappinx" t.he tXbo:<. Smith,
who had chuge of tbe fint dog
.... u:h. ,,,,!cd 10 1M tuct
bour of .t.artinll'. but rt1>O<U 1M!
the bo:tt "a,ltd 1he thne.(j .. a.-
I,... of the .... ee in three and half
boun. at .. hioh lIage of thtl:"me he
retired. owing to .... Janel,
.. 1>0 h.>d chup 01 I"" 1 .. 1 dOlI
n:c<nd. 1h:11 the wi tlllft_
quam ... of the r.lC'OI we .... oailtd in
four ami R half houri, while Brown,
.. ho hud ch .... gee! the middle .. ateh,
...... 10 anI;"'" \0 ruth llUld that h.
only noted lba! the I.!! nl
the fAN! .. "" un m;Cllt.elI s!cwer
than the first.
To lOme people it may look"" if
ther .. 0I'C11! .i" qlLU'ten to the ........
but as puuli$U a .... notd"turbe<l by
II1<:b trift",. any "l<plan;o.tion would
be lurerl!uoua. You ICC it ......
trianlUlar COUIW. of 1m miles to
each frs. although that ... irnnawial
... the (lit of OUr probkm tum. llpon
the time betYKn tile
.. A. 8. and C. iHe:Bpeu:ti .... of
lh<': distaace At .. hat bout did the
...... end. if the bo&tsstarted u nine
IIllfIlltn tm!
Exp_ 1I'itb feuT letters a ..... -
ten ... of feu. <'(ICI.taining four-
1<1 lett .... Ani. I OU O. a man .. not born.
I h' father .... Dot born beiore
He did not he did not di ...
And hi' ep taph ;, not o'er him!
Ans. The man.l1lltnc .. as Net.
Wby i of baod Ulrc a r0se-
bud/ Beea .. "" it iI matu'ed by
t,ning due (dew).
My Ii .. ! it i CUriOIl, th'ng,
Of .... own produ<'C.
And ""'ny who ha .... IQII. a limb
Ha"" found it of .....
By my ..,.,.",d. wondl"!l\l5 akm
Ships ..... On;tde "'th,
Tn rt"", again5t both wind and tide
A"""", the Lollndl_ seq.
My ",bnlc if vcry often fOllnd
..... th my lint.
An" la .... ry h:lndy
Whrn. ]"OU .,cu.\d your

CyphM AIlS. J. IS, IS. II. 19. J,
IS. 5. 2l.
My lirst ill female,
My oecond tbe _me.
ldv .. hole iI mu<'h druded_
P ... y what i. ilf. ""me?
M lady.
How would Y"'I UPIQl in on.
...,t\I lbat you had met you. doctor!
Why i.a blu,h." l.lIomaly) Be_
"""u",, a woman wI> bluah .. i. ad
""red lu, d,,,,,k
II ... i. a nl:l.nk"l:ivi"I:" [):I\' 1''''-
.de. rcpn:ocm"'l> lurk,'.' .hOOl in
wh,.h ! ,." .. l'"licil"'I<J in Ih ..
"w,I,1 .".! ",.,lly W",L" ",,a,
I>":tc ul f"l "",I I rcmcm-
11<. Ih .. w< all made ,i. <Wfc . 8Ic;h
11,.. 1 ,ix ,ho.t. an,1 ",,"cntv-<lt>t
I"';nto UI':' . nIl "ill >co il ,'<'u
arl,1 "1' II,, hi" ;nolien,,,,1 b .., ',11<)
ill the ,;tll<' Ptl th< tarp;L
I ttrn,,,,h,., 11,. oc<>ro ",aJe qu"e
r('I><'<'I.>I>I.. tn. th<' rca."",
that i, ",wirn "",,,,, l;ttle in!!"n"i'v
tf) l'i"k ""1 th, ,i" .",,,11< w\tich c-uh
nne m" I 1<11'" ""de if "c tie

A Charw
My lint I>I! burn. by SOO'1I' .."._
row/ul hadc.
ad,l, '" hi' Cll"dI and II,.. >01
on hi. back;
DUI.oIl! .1"",1<1 h< Ittl .11 the ... til(h.
of my ..",.,..,J.
H,I mi.<t,, na<ly tXJrnp!d rna,' be
!ofy ",hlole often a<l<l. to your pltaSUrc
I "Y--YOllll"",," fin,1
Ans" .... -16, I, J. II, '.
.\ R..bu,
M .. Ii ... t'. a .. ellxnnwn (ruel rogue
Who b.,' d....-l. of fTaud;
My "On<r. o/ltn in "00. ,,"lid
When \'Ill] ... m,1,1 "";lk ;.brood.
M.!' "'",,1;' ""Y fr.,."",,'h be lou""
I" tidd. ...h<1e beaut;". bloom
Orhe. '\I,. ... n.--t., 15. 23. ;.
IS, S.
D,,,p Leite( Puule From Tennraon.
Enry Vowel Omlne<!,
T. \.>. Wr w. Ih .n. w. !. v.
0.11, ",.r\!; I.k. m. dn .... n Ih.
'" "
C."II"',1<',,; OJ:Iunc,', .It a
.tt,", .!i':I","' ", .. diuI'. ",he pTU"
tnt ineo",,, l<'Om l!,co ratning. of ,""
"",d ,,"0,,1<1 pI)" 6 at. upo" lilt
mtire '",ck i .. hit! Ib ... i.
01 )l,d.,.,. ... 1 ",,,k "I.on
A Robu.
St-<ki", IIIV fira', .. OII<'C :tiT Biddy
And paced the ,ttdo.ut "'<:ads with
maiMn priM:
Paddy pm:hall<e "'Y I",tlr K<XInd
v ........ I,
An.! lIde. ki .. , and Ihert far pardon
n,.., .... r mv .bole "" "".ck " n<:at
boqut1, .
And ""UN be. Ihert to 1WI>e: the
.fdding ,by.
Ciphtr "' ..... u.-J. '5.23,19, 12,
9. 16, 19-
My I .igu of pain,
Of OUITOW, 01' ",tp";"';
lly .....:un.!. il is plain
\\'i!hin your kit,,""n L ...
1Ih whole: is found in Spain
'/I.'talh geni.>! """Ihero.k;es,
" fruit_bul I'l! .er .. in.
And leoyc it i" tfuguioe
CiphtT ,\1"",,,.-15. IS, I, '.,
7. 5
A Rebus
and whal 01 me
behind i. "ill be!o ....
Cur\l>il my laot, ",.11 pl.a,.d to"';
The prudent 'till provide ,ore.
CurUilcd m)' h"".r replace,
S ... mt on b .. er. llordn- rund;
My ,,hol. I po.:l. name di$play
\"""'" fame if koo,,'o in ""ory

Opbe. """ ....... -4, I, 14, :ao, s.
"'e pay 70 ptr ecnt.
.. 3rc IhorrfOfe oo,h able to 5
ror ""Ill. ",t .".1 upo" Ihe C<lhI%IIOn
i!" f"<'Om thue f><b YOU a
wo<! to tdl lit< anlOt'''' of tho rom ..
mnn '1<1rk.
PROPOSITlOIf T.ll thlaiu 01 tho two Iqu ... that urn. by npTon.
, jnn 1''''''. 10 plum.

, \"'.. Utile proLlem
"ll\,'h .... ''''y
P""iml: po,nt m 1',,,,,.
loral "'''''hAn'<I,
Tho, Ihlen reprrxntt " .... n. ,n
the w,ld and ",,,,,l1y t ... tbe
0.,,,,1....,00 amv ... al tbe
I!Ohl ,h""r.!, ""lb" ('t>fI .. gnmcnl of
.., bous ,,' tltt' )'('''"1: fond
...Jrni!'e1'S .... " Ii,.ly
d,"I"'"' wllh the UI"",,m.o.n .. to
the propo:r for til<. arne,
Tbt..., .'" I ...... MU'II. nno of whi,h
.. 10 vi .... and Ih. other cunc",,,I.-.:\
m til<- """1;'''"'
The poiOt .. lluol
w.<he<i to for the at
the ""'e 01 $5 ptr ",,1"".1 f",,". as
f",r Ius ,n_tru,'11OI>$ on tho f ... ,hl
bill Th. !tUnen. "" .... v ....
ObJO<'IN on vnundl Ihlll
Ib"" ""qom "''''' ,nv,,,,,,hly 10 pIOV
'" mu,h ptf runn,n, f""l-a""" \.
inr to m,n,nr III"'" and I"")' roulti
not ....... hat an upre_ corn
pany h.o<ll" med'lIe ... ,Ih the '""b,
(II <00,",,10' . of a y",mg bdy'. 002,
.ny .... vl
Tho . ..,,1' ....,,"" ",.s (omptllM
I<> ."'.1'1 the 1'I'fJp<>......J on he
mrllJUml Iho I.ngth of Ih" b,,"n
Bn,l charted '5 I"" runn'"l f.lOl
"ib" ue lIqua,.
o"e il ""","Ill' half
af the Ollie .
The lua"\:,, part nf the PTOU"nl
" ,h" ""rTeMmnn \>!ac(-d
the .. " "lid ". ... "".
ur\ the;, <"ml,,,,,, .! length il wM
found thaI the." ",as not lhe
,""""'odd, pari of " cent diIItt
flI<_ in the ..... ) .. of clmrglng-at
55 pcr <'Ubi l foot or al $3 PC'
runninc foot,
Wh:r.1 ... ....., lhe .i .... of the \ ...

It ilia simplc. yct
I>uult. 9Ch",b will cause , he Va)"
,n the bl'll'''' 01 our ""'1""-
tmLhriarL$ to 6rcuble """"''''hal
t,", hill,ng "pm> pn>p<1' .... y
to these nprns bo.:<cs
All Odd Trick.
.. a pnlly _y of u!ltn'
in ... bieh hand penoc! hoI,b an
<KId Dr even number of ""'no. which.
i/ .. tIl underswod by lho per.
form.,-, "" he ran vary tboo
.,.."e, be olio .... dIec
Tell p"niOn to hold an t,'cn
numbtr of =rL$ "' ooe It:md, an
.... 101 Ul the <>Ih.... and yuu
... ill find out ",h,ch band hnld. the
odd nu",ber
You ul\ I"n, 10 the ntlln
ber in hil right h.o.od by any odd
number. !lOd to mulliply the num
be.- ,n hu left hand !.oy
"umh", an'\ )'OU h" ... much .\
Am"unIHO, You m.,y into
... rne )',,\:u"flOC'" cal""IAuan or
.. ... the figu ....
",.",,,,",,,,. whIch WIll m)'lllft h,m.
all you nm 10 II,,", II wether
.he sum "'erltiOtlW if odd or even
... it leH. whet"". lhe IUm ,II h
right hanJ " ood or If he
oaW 7'J2 yuu Ie""w that he hoW.
an numbor 01 coj"" ,n his rigll\
ha"d. 11 be o.bouId oar HI, hll
hanJ buMs .... odd nUr'I'lbtr-.
and ... ""'1\('1' of COUt'le the Idt
lund hold. lbe ",verst
By d"lIlg'lng lbeOl\ler, and __
\UrI" h,m to multirly lhe
numbn '" hill Irft h:r.nd by .n odd
numbcr.which .. ""Id re?ene your
reply, you call conceal 1M tnek
An<>t.her _, is 10 "'r. "1';d" ""
odd numbeT of oolrL$ ,n one hand,
&II ,,,n,,beT ,n lbe otber. No.
lrehle Ihf nmnl>er ,n the
d""hl. '1".,nl,IY in
lind ten m. how "",LIld
then be."
Wby .... hop lil<e t ..... Be-
cnuse Iboy ,,,,,1 fo. a living .
Why i. a fou.quart hke
1:1<1\'" lJecau.e it
holil. a (galIen).
. ,
"' \ '
" '\
" ',", ,'.
. ' ,
Sam Loyd's Endle!U
Chain Puzz1e.<
H ... ;1 a I'" .. which
of the p,dly 'i\lh' Fronrh
She n,<:dll'ffi b(110 Ciln-
1hin..-n I';ccn of ch.i" ... '11;010
the wu 10 n,.,,,<1 and rotur" in the
oan", bmt. y"" IlOl a.ked U! dQ
th. joining and "'el,ling. but "","11
10 .how how the appeared
"'II", ["QCkO<\ in 'he You (All
Off lhal ....... '" nl lhe l'i<ff' do ""I
61 nn .. plOCf'l s.. take
Ihinn 10 .ho..-n
""",. lhey ran "" rackf'll 0(1
U 10 aJll'lC"" mmd .. t
He", .'" ....... simple IIn.lita in
gcog"'phr tor lho juyrnM
l iZ, We oh>.l1 ""'" cake for
'7l- Do )'<III like yoa. (I00I,.,. UI
lu ... 11i<: /If' iN 'h, Trochaic _\tel
<7,j.. Agatha', \00111 arlit.: di1_1
'75. w ..... 'e ..... , . liN"S
ran do ... mo
170. "h ,hi ... ,HUll. a, ... "
<Gil,d Tin<le,. popf'<'d lhe q"nhon.
177. She ""l1.d it a rllbaJ, bttuwu
oil. is l nlru'y.
1711. I have I",! my my ""nrr
an<Ol'!1l1l<ln opal.
1)'9. Ari.stl ri,,: 0--,..' a """1
,&>. Quew m,,<Jh,,1I .... >d _,,,I
181. Adani,alll i, '0 ION: hIMd-
,Nt J=b.
lib. iN a line_ (CoIlnl'7')
183. I"'d to Iocr, 0 ",,,"<).j ""ha.,.s
lhe mI"er?
1804. ,10,,, ",id 10 me, I
my ankk
Harry and Jim. Iw" ti,.l ",:,,-ble
.hl)Ol .... , 1\."'10<\ in to puy Inr kttp.
"'hon each h.,i lh. >amO ""mbeT of
n,>fbl... llarr)' won lwo"ty io tho
, "'0\1\,1 nIh .. und .. a"
el'f' mN l rat.
,&;. I m)' to John, he
p.--e IQ II ',U!I:UI<, I
I ""YO ,,(1..., oem .... omvt
ri.-!c un a bul "" ,', ON ""
,88. V>,"!:C .. ,,'(fded the
\\'lIi"h ,,'U,1I' do )'011 I'.d ... ,
Q' H4",il""f
H"" Shotll JOU h .... IM)ot. thil
.urrun .. '
1<11 K';I!oer """",n __
dwd !hri,. .... ir in Ihe ",;,IJie ag ...
l<p, ..... M him..-lf ITI"'" hit
<M.I. and "nk ""'II"
If),\. S"ch el>/,.' d"" .. ,i./ol
briclr<Okr_ fRin.t.)
194 She b.f'fI;:'" a bnt,k 01 "'.'(1",./0
III Iu.od. ,lly"hl 010, .n'n
Ioutb II.. L 1 i"oro.)
A Rtbu.
My 1i"1 i, ... both pluunl
and good.
iu \I'. by II,. 1a,1i, .. ;1 ".11 un
d"."",,\ ;
M)" .vor me"i",. I<l lil:hl an<.!
II) Inm.
01 ,tnl,lurc in both bod)" Ind
,,11,,1. I 1.11 ","", how \)ri!-
1 ... 01 on,\ ""y.
v;""I) ;1 !1wtt.... ""W ,!!orl ;1
iu day.
II"", jlUl ;,. Ih. em,*"" frail man
h'" hit prime,
110'" """" ",tl3"""poo..."<I. and
changed by time.
Ciph ... An<wor,-<I. 21, a<1, 30, S,
,R, 6. 12. 25
fin, ",,1 1.-"1 1 ...... lhird ...r IIlI
.uxk in the pl.' ... ff, ,,1,;011 tofl Jim
f<)Or Hillel U U (.n
Y"" ,.n I",,,, TI\olny n>.rhlu .:>ell hd
WM" ..l 'oJ
Bow many men ha.d .,,;:1.,
An<\. lIenry of lIunhnKtOn I\><'nh
or "'wa .. like unlO a l'aul<,
10 Ih ..
Rnl ...... W,,,. a ",Mury !atM. ,on_
fir:cn,; th .. of fnrc:K
in a thllt IIIIJ!I:O<U " ",*,1;.1e
"'!uti"n UI the myn .. ,)' roneerni".
lhe ""(,,oJ. "umbet of
in lhe h/lltlc So let !ook for a
h\.enll an<1 e.u.ct answ<1' \.0 the P"'PO-
oitiml. that If Harold', f<>1'<ft ....,,..,
diviJed trun .................... ru.h.
.. a.Merl hlmHif In lhe num_
ber. (QUid he aml"E"" ;"IU !.1"8-
1Iq"""" lhe I'",poootw ..... ormp!e
0"" II". "'-""y men mun there
ha..., '_n' wt the PIlule rlllfi_
rult !.hal il ;s oar. 10 oay IMI lew
IJD.thematiri.", ",11 .::>lve It rot'
...ctIy . .. I shall 0 ........ "1 il ""w ;0
lbe. ,!>.ape of gu"";IIjC ""'tt'll. and
ask all OIl' puu\U.u 10 guest a num_
ber w!uoh .. ;u the (100('01 \(I tho
nnmbn ",I mom eng_red ;n Ihal
An ","Llem of OIul'i,lIly,
finl in I"reol found:
L'p In.Ir ofl rilel blgh.
Thous:h f. ,,,n,,,' \U tl",
Uul Ly ",ean,,\ i, .tm.,y",t.
An.l nriOu' way.:
111 art or ole,:' It io ,ml"'-uI.
Or. perb.ol>-> It _k",,, h!ue,
My """"od is "I e,<ory kin<l.
b roud, or baJ, Dr gay:
II dull .... bright. 10 mIlld .
Ry night as 11"<11 .. U:.)
Tbe """ent '""" ...... 0 keep' ""th c.....,
my .. I>oI .
And _U it 1<0..... """"""'" night
and day.
And th<>ugb ,t h:o.o DO 'OOPT. IlOl"
Iw ..... nOT .. 1111
It .. n. the '101"}- of til, ,1"1>\ km<l:

Cypher ,\n<, 12. 15. "1. 2, I;. U. 1 I,
ell "RADE_
N., fint i. a """lure of wonde:-ful
illy _d 1:"." .helt .... in sun.hine
and ItOntl.
Tho. 010plfe ul FIn, .. emlln= my
..... y<>u O\a}- find llle ... here Iea-
Lillmn rol\
Which is the mtlllt cheenul I"'rt
of an The ballroom.
Why is a h"".., a
Luuk of an.cdnte" U"mu" It IS
"11 .. 1 ,tori
Little Tommy Riddles <:JIlt King
P" .. lep;llt'l 1!t('Qtion away from the
agrC'tabie task 01 "Iiltmll' in the
coumina: roon' "mllng up hi.
money" 10 monlin" the tala<t'0l'he
of the n,ahl tn<inl:' ),,' "" .. while
h.n!:;0l: up the '.mily 1.,,",I,y. lie
tbtn 1'"'1><'''11,10 Goo .. '.
groat ,id.n. nl'
'"Twice f"". an,1 blackbird.
are ,ilting ;n 110. "'in.
On. 51101 killed """tnlh I Ho ..
many did
TOOlmr .ay. t"" Orn-on /r.'vt him
pi= of brta1 InJ hnt1t)' bis
clevo:r In, .. ' to p"rr"
The head cook donloUl,l, an
ene. to upbi" how tht fa,"",,,
'IOluaini", I(IU' and I .....
11 hlackbir<l. an be .u' in I,,'n
iuJftS of .. _ <haf'C! and 'lU,
each ctIJI,.in,ng do, .... bin", ""
111:11 wh ... lhr pit i. opcm<l \1,<
birili, not hurt b)' the CUll"'!:.
....ilI all be".;" I .... ;ng.
A Charade.
nehol,\ my fint in sable hue,
Vicw it _!['lin, an un,e blue;
Somttim .. carnali",,', not more
AJ::Iin ;1 S'mf' milky whM_
My HCOnIl, I mn<1 makt con/OSI;on,
b. mon and .;,h ""'''' ;.,n,
Wh;eh all ""joy; for .ith and """.
Po:uo. Ih;, valued 110""
My whole i, lCmolimo' /oflmil by
I ... d,
And vcrtic n$eS o'u our head,
A Chuad..,
My finl i, .. hlt yoo'.e doing n"",
My ,,,,,,,,,d is p'l)C:u.od ,tone;
lldo my whol. yeu oftc" 'I2nd,
But """tly when you alone.
A Crow CODUOdrum.
"01 only have bjl. a
thei' own, according 10 Pmf ... ..,.
Du POint, who Ju, 1n"le th. Ian'
of bi.d, hf. Itudy, Ihey
,amctimn ""1 nry d .... thing.
Whll. d;""'.';ng pr.oc'ic>l "'Y'
on,1 meant .'ilh hiJ good woro, F.r_
",e. Jon ... M',J:
""Now, MaMh, if ..... hould .. ll
off .... "'y-fiv hicken., as r pm-
fIOH, ou. """k of feed wO\I101 l.1.11
just tw.nly day. while if w.
ond 'f, tlp"",a1ly pani.l to (onun-
dn,m., H. reo:.ntly oVeThea.d lh.
Mla",n!:, lillie bin! I.o:lw n
twO cro.o.l<trt on t,ong"d:
"S.;,\ .me ohl .'ow unto hi. mal.,
I nel;"e lov ... ltay .,,\1 late;
In .hihlhrl(xl". hours ',wa! evct Ih".,
Nnw tell m. why arc th,y like ",t'
The I',nf ...... i. vc.y ..... " 01
Ih. cor ..,1 sohlhon to d,;,
CQRunti",m Who w,lI ICnd in Ibc
be<ol >n<wor and.., fllea .. the linn
of Ihc puultd Prolcuorl
'hould buy hund ... 1 ext fo.,l,
., you we WOtlld run oul of
elI"k..., leed fiflWl dart lOOn.',"
"Wen, now, J""iah, how many
chkk"". we, onyho.,I'"
ThaI', Ih. pmblcm-how many
hi.ko", hf;d Ihey, anyhow'
M announced by TQmmy Riddle>,
tile coort 1"'1:<, King Puz.!el"'tc iJ
hold;"1j: high court and .ho .... how
jU'tiee i. a(lmi"i'lcm in Puuldand
)0 as 10 m.:okc the punish""'''1 [" ,h.
en", . A . l ul'id hoor, ... ho eoultl nol
Ott lhe poi"t 01 tI,. old con"oorum:
i. a dom 001 .. ll<x>d"' w;o,
condtlm,od 10 "" pi!loriroJ with the
door about n<ek and " .. until
he di>co,'o ....:<1 how 10 divide ti,
bolnl into tWO pie<:<_ which will 61
lOieth .... SO at to fonn a pcrfl
aqua",_ 1I0w m'or of OUr cI"".r
puubm can ",Iv. tlliJ unique tri<:k
of eutlinll the bno.rd inlO ""0 1 .. 1. ...
.-hleb ,..ill .... I.;>.S. the culpnt, :and
!ben fit the pi<-c.. SO as lD
mak ... pcrf1 aql1.1,.." with the
ih,", bore. do<ed
PrirKus Enig"''>;' abo..'D .xplain,
ing 10 a .oorle of qoar .... t..,..,., "'cr-
chants, .. ho."" di.pu'ing ..... ",",cr,
,hip of a marnious Persian rug,
that they will he """'1:"'1 to pri .....
Wltil they di.ocov how, hy cuttIng
OIl th. lin .. , '" as to <lirid. Ih. rug
inlO 1.'0 pieo:es of the same
and .i.e, ... ;!hool destn>ying any of
the pattern. Thi. 1"",\ ....... giv""
10 d<:me,mralc WI any
lonn 'an ""ly r.. ,livi,le<f inlo .;m-
ilar halves by , Ii". from one 'ide
to Ihe olher, pas,inll through th.
e",,<1 ccntCt If the line the
,Luli,,!: poi"t 10 .rnl .. i. i.rol:"lar,
then;I$ s!upe mu,I be dupli<:l\led (m
fnene) It. ""Icr 10 tbo ""d-
u'';' Thi. n,le tho I:tnund.
wOfk lor lO"lC uccllonl 1'",,1 ,
A Charade,
My fir<I', a porti"n of a book,
0 ... "f tbe ''''olel tribe my OCC(Ind;
W""ne'.,,. "pon n'1 ",bole you look,
A .how \I m, .. I be reck,
lIy .h,nS:ing 1<11 in tM, Grcek 00.11:.,1 )VU will know tho cam
by whkh It tllcrmed by all of Ille Ie uantl in an UplOWn ap.artmcot h""o;e,

Little Tommy Riddks
that 1""1; ",1 Prin-
ces. ElljgmJ arc th.
.. crct. 01 the falT\<'lUS 01 King
Solomon. whleh i, cngTJ,'e<l upon
the royal lomb. Kinl,(
;. tngag...J UpOIl the puul.,
which CO''';'II ," fis:urinll' oul JUI!
how many tnanglu arc
to) be: fOll"d in the do;!:" of the
py"""id. i, cnll',,(fll
upon """,th.,.. 1I,.. ul . cndea.onnr, to
ttl ... , .... the bo<t method 01 <1"""'''1
the dWgn of the Rat in the !ewm
JlO'<iblc nurnbo:r of " .. ,gilt !ones
without mT\Q\'lng hoT pmal from
the pap"". In OIl\tr words. the de-
sign is 10 IN: made with one contin_
lI0II' of
moleeo, although il i. not ,"""ibiled
to go oyer .. <lrob twicto. n.. point
;',10 complttc 1M 6kotth in Ihe few-
eft !lumbo. 01 tum.
Aeco,ding to ""ote, an<l Que.-
; .. ," the oIol I,b,. , "u difficult u
In I:i'". th. fir" lSI of .. l0b3tu,"
orij:inattd in ,lit' of Rt'(Itt-
during Ihc b,ne, war OVer
protti't. larill' botwc." John Qu>n_
cy Ada"", an" ... in
18.."9, ... h<n the latter ""'" olc:dn! in
oppos(ion to wh., wu knllWn Q the
During a dobln. "'J:'I,,!in,; the
placing of a tal< UrOl! t)l. fir!! coot
of raw mat.ri:I.) a of
"". of the F,Mlem SIal w"hn! to
knQIV how Ihey would calculat. the
firM CO,\ 01 the lobol.t, which wu
doobtl"" an imponant branch of
Eaotcm c<nnm .. rc., anJ 1h. phra..,
became on. 01 ,wi.ul .og:tinst the
Tho "",mbe, when pressed to
.... hal I.e k"" ... abou, the pri .. of I<>b-
OIus could only ... y lhal "pri.". ,.,.t_
ied, the original lobsler catchu.
much for il: doU:n IoIt-
fM t1uny_
mcmbe ........ e
Big Jim, <ngin"", of ,,,. 0,," ;.-
pttS., <;11": "We lile ... ,,1f a cylinder
h ,l an hn"r aher I",,';nl: 1M sl a-
liM and 11.", In Irill
Ih, .. 01 'he former 'f><'Cd,
ne! giv<n 10 m:llhemMicl SO Ie ... If
any we'. abl. 10 cuI "Wlla
i, tho fiN co<t of .. r' Can
fCU give Ill .. anlwer to the clc".'
A Ckan.d.,
nl'1ln <""""e,..,,... in my old,
Where d .... "'" fr"", 1>.1\11. b<nnc:
Oul uf my H<;QC\d, "Iv.r, gold,
COpfl<r '00 d ... roo:ttc.
The Wly "bo ""01<0 wan 'h'o' Joan,
fxc no ,fd""" .he .... ;
By U,inll: "f my \\'hole appun
A. {'Cloh a' any ....... ,
If Ih ...... i,lrnl h,,' ... fifty
mileo 1>.\11<" '''', the \\,0\>1,1
It..v. f"m' minul" """'''.''
I("w I ... ",e run OCI""n '1.-
To aha .... he", lh. tit"., 1""'1'1. of
Puul.I '"d, hk .... .1..., an
on. 0.. wod,I, Iry '0 gel II\<: t..:U.r
of a bargam_ il be ",e".i"nn!
lhal '" a1" .. y-< in
e>dd ohapn, muh,J off in SO =ny
htlle "Dun fur a p',my. B,,,
II alway ... a:>nnocI('<.1 with
ling."b",,,,J ;0 ?uuJ.lanJ whith
giws purdo.>><n ... 11.>"". 10 .. in lhe
,,hoI. oak. I", tIOllung- Thi.!"U-
ri. is 10 how '0 WI Ih. nke on
Ih. linu in 1 ... <1 pi..,n wh>.:h con be
fiu..t tog<:lb "" u 10 fomo Ut W
Then, as 0'1101, 1M " a ......... J
prob]om "OnnI('<] ... nh 1h. gin!:",'_
t',.ad exhil,'1 .. hi<h )'00 .'" ",'<!<fd
to """"'. Each o f the cb:1,J.rn .....
a nid.1 and lhe funny 01<1 salohdy
otrers to let ncb of I""m I.>k....
Lie" pi""e for lhe nidol as COn be
ma,kt aff I'"";d,,,] ih>1 ch on.
"f ,,,",,, a piece containing jIm
at many of the little squ:. ... a. the
hor pu .... ho, ,
Like all lI:ood child,..., th." wc,.
ry cle"u .. , 1'",,1., 0.",1 got """I
big pk;: ... , In" roo will r",,, It qU,I.
a 1"'."in8' prnblem 10 jn.1 hew
",a"y of the sma11 sqU3,., each go!
.A C1a.rade,
l'.oduOllon. A"I ul ,;".,,,,,, Jl'",,;l.
For In4" an'\ be.'t h><l;
My ""xl Ih' efT.. , 01 Wi,] or r., .. ,
0, from Ihe f'''lher'd t.ihe .... hu.;
My ",hoi. OInk ... I.,ror 10 Ihe hent,
And ..... ful ,end! my 6 .. t al"'rt.
I a,kM 1l,ll II h< wanl .. 1 10
,,o.k, anJ h. "Wby ,h""I,' I
"',,,k'" '.oro eam rTI<lMJ," I r._
, ,1:,,01, "\Vh .. t'l Ihc u'"" of
moncy i'" M "T" ... t ,I "I',
I "ph.d, "nul ... h.11 ,It> I wanl 10
save In"""", forr ' h. "k('<L "!\n 110M
when ycu old YOIl c." .. ,I,"
lay. l. "!lut I ..m g,owlnl;: old
f 1 I wiah n ..... " Ia)'l ht, "and
.. hat'. Ihe UK cf workin,:- to , .. I

.A Charade .
)Iy yo fair, a,In" .. Y"ut head,
\' , ,-.. "01 ."y Ih,,:>: m,l .. d;
\\i,lIio III. 1;1<>OfI1y Walll,
V ,"',,'n, I') ull.;
In J,dy', .. my ,,1>.-.1. i. souod,
l)(ock'ni; ... al> a.r.ure 1m!. the grOWld
wh"" 1 (an btKin. to ... 1 right now'"
I. b,k.! I" "",mIle. h,m, bul I ):'>I
111m I" corrtnC'l 1<> jo,1 try to< JO
da,.. at If, 'h'lling. a <lay, bI'l 5Iip"-
bl." Ih'l h. "=,,, lo'feit 10 lhi]-
linli;' for d'r h. ... l. AI tho
end of \10. """,Ih. 0""",, Ihe
{,(hc. any,h",Jl'. wn,ch c",,,"inct 11m
of 1<.11y of b!>n" CUt ynu \.11
J"'t how much work Bill .""""'_
Tommy Riddl .. to
w""d.rful WU<:IICd spellonll" 1>,
whicb Iu.. \>e<n m.i" .. 1 to perform
aU of ,,,lor.,li"g I"cko. You
.. ill obo<,,. Ih.! uch of Il,.
ull. rollla;n, I<u<r. to Ih.t Ihe
'nt.llige,,1 t- .tart i".; fr<>m A .<r letter, un p3 in <,,"Ilill""'''
linc over th . 1.1 Itu." In,1 out
little eO<11,1(1 "';Ih wlu.h rybo<ly
i. familiar you ligu.e oot Ihe
route .. bid, .""U. <lin lhe hiJdcn len
The oewnd ruuk: If _ .. hat
diffe.....,1 The """ mIen ,he door.
Ind bqtnni"g .t on. o f Ihe 10"'.'
coil .. ""'"" OVCT aU 01 IItt 011>e.
..,H. ,n ""'il:"h'.lIn"- "",ling up .1
the top c.ll. hn,ng followed. roule
.. hic:h requiTal the kwest pos&iblc
numbC'r o l lUm,nl:" I""nlJ.
\\'hen I..ongfdlo"'. the pott.
lhe pror ......... h'p of mO'tern I",,
,"'g .. al Harvud CO/lfg., h. Irc_
",,",,!ly refcfTN to \I", I><>,wloty 01
clothing matl"',,,,,"cal pmhIems in
"",rc .nnClwe to IS to in,.,.
t the orudt:Db lie .... fooul 01
""'Ihematical ttu,li .. him ... H. and III
01 hi. pl .... 'ua:gt>ted
tome very inl,'es"ng .nd d.ver
which "'ere afterward em
bodied in hi, .. ork e"t,tlo<l "KIn
nah." T!,. rc .. Ipt<:inlcn. of hi.
..... themati""l .kill lntrod",:ed in Ihe
book IIJmed In! th. only problml'
which hayt b<:en I'rnorvcd. One ele-
mentary propo$itJ<>n wh,ch will
.,1 our you,,!: puuh.lS i,.u followl:
I r one-fillh of a hivt of bee. flew
10 Ill.l.,l,tm\>a Row one-thi.d fiew
to Ih. Il,,,rlbo,r.; th,...., tim"", the
.. nc:e o l tll ... IwO n"mllt .. new
1<1 an arbor. and ono bee eonlinuC\l 10
fly about. aU ... ""d on nch ";,1. by
the f .... g ... nl ketaki .cd Ihe maLtti,
What .. as 1M Olll1lbet of heed
A Chand
IOmeUn ... while as milk.
Tile 0""" .. re.el in ..... thema" ...
en.,. ",.rehaol i, '''II''rt jog-
,n fi\iUrfl:U .. "n .... ";gla nd
me.,,,.... nen! is. I'"ule in mi xed
ttl "'h,eb H<>ng K<>nll"
.prung on a memb<:, of 1M Taft
Party during il! $Ojcum in the Flow
cry Kingdom It lCcm. lhal the
And ohen is composed 01 sil k:
Anrl though it'l "",1Iewhat hk. a
lable .
Apin ilS color i, a IoaNe.
1'0 moke th. wonder ,,,n mo ure,
1\. oft.n ... n,t made of hai,.
!'.o you'll find oul WilhOltI m"oh
1'i. MI Ia. ,Ii. t.nt I,om th" bra;".
My """""d. I n",,1 "" .. renal.
Is my former to concul:
M1 fi1'11 .nd >C<XInd now connect,
And tb ... "'1 inJpKI.
"Chink" ooId I popalar ",i><lure of
t"", kind. o f tea. 0rH' of which _ ,
lum the pound and th.
other tbtC1: "biB." He m,xtd up
lorty p<IIl1ldt, which b ... ol.l for .i"
"hiu" ""r poun<l. a profit of
.\.) 1-3 ""r .ent. Now can 1U t. n
bow many pound. 01 Ih. fi "bit"
te. h" uoed in tlte m;alUre 1
Our puul"-t, are h ..... 10
one of .,.,,),-<lay little prob-
le"," willi wbich 1111 good <:lli .,,,
of Puule!.nd art .upp<W 10 bc r .
milia. in that wunl")' 01 ,i,IJ1 and
Irick. wh ..... 11 \,minCH Il'3n'30titln,
.'" clem. ulJOfl a puuling "",,is. Th.
school child ... n w" ... rct.""u,!; 10
t heir"""," when I"'J mrt 1M math
cm.ol,c::al milbnoto. ,,'1>0 ptopOllnrl.
the 10U"""mg prublom .. ,iln ,,'hich
tw. intc .... ts hil "In one
01 (,ln, Ilttre i. milk whICh ,.
10 rich ,,,th ucam lhal it beMm ..
absoIulely D<'CCMarJ t<> di!"le it ...
little "'a\u to make il ,.-hoI ........ ..
'I'hcrdorc in 1M other can th"re II
_ pure .pring ..... 1...-; n"", I pro.
Cftd to pour I""" Ko. I inlO
No. 2 dou.ble ill< CO'U""..
and the" ...,""'-t from Z into:-lo
I enough .. I th" mi"", ... 10
tbe conlents_ 'I'hm. 10 t'qUllJi.e mal.
I .. ". I "",in pour from I in'?
No. Z 10 double the: '" Ko_
2. and 6nd th .. """'c n"mlltr o f
Ions in cach ,",no althoull'h i.
on. mon: gallon or ... are. in .<1" '110.
2 th.n there milk. sa I wont YOll
to tdl me ho,. much more w.ter
lhan milk i. in can No. 11
"That i l imple problem." ex-
ciaitrH:d Harry, "but if you want.
,cal linle pun!e '" rr<>J'Ort,on
10 ",ork off 0" )'our ju,t
..,In Ihil '. "Sul'po.e yuu h.:d ten t:al
01 m,lk in on. Ion gaJ.
10<,. of ...U.r m Ih" 0111" .!Hl ).""
.,I"",hl poor 0 quart o f 1 rom tb.
1i....1 < .... imo Ih. "ater can
mixture wouM .. "Ienlly be .;0 to I
11111 ... tlul mia:h! be too neh lor
LI"",I of tome of )'our rlroru an"
Y"" wanl <.:Iell Un to lI<.>1d It'n pl.
1",,0. you pr"" ... 1 to pour on(' qu;r.M
01 Ihe lnixtu ... bode <fIto lite m,lk
an. :<1_lell....,; ho", mIlCh
II tlte prupr>MIOn of water 10 mille
,n one an tlw! 01 milk 10 Wllet in
1m, other'" There i otudy in pro-
portion for you!
ltury aboul
. '.'
It II'e doily prllice 01 (.On-
rr"'k1lU", to ,,11 1". Iwo
1,,,I..,n ca'" WIlli pale mJI<
"",! i:art (,luI 10 "", . cu>(ornet6 011
dll!erem .u-ut<, ... rne nUm.
Lot. of q ... rts bting .t'quir<:<.l On """h
Aft ,clY,ng lite !int ... t
he conn:l",j w,(h otv .. sup-
I,ly at><l 10, h,. we:ee agau. 61led
10 the bnm. Th<n h ... ,,-<:<.I "...,t
number twO again bodecd up 10
Ihe {""n'. ,,hio:h '('JIlfnishcd his am
U bcfor.. And to he IICrv.
Ing each Olr.. t ...,.1 d,luting with
...1 .... unul all of hi, .... pp. CU51Om<:B
" .... e .. " ed. I I lorty and on(
pint of pure m,lk r.n'.:lIDft1 in the
aM allu .11 of CU""""" "'ere
al1en<f<:<J 10 how "'uch pure milk
m,,>t Iu.,-e b<en .. "" on c:.>ch of
the four
T(lmmy Ut thl'
"red know n<>thi"s check".,
Or <he.. \0 sohe th"", !lun]",_
King P"nt"!"". i. Iry'"g to plac(
the gtnlQ\ numlle. of meu on ..
(lieu !>word widlOU\ ba.-in, three mm
in In an)' "" .. ihle II.
Ia< ltarttd Ly pllCln1!' the first 11'1'0
men co<<ectlv; now il ;. up 10 ) .....
10"",1 him 'by a,Ming.' mao)' n_
... pOUibi. "';Iholl\ gclling any thl'ft
in line.
\\'c .'" told 'Illol the ('''1 <heck-
.... ('0<1""",, .. 1. wNch ""I
mack by 1 man by 01 S,. ....
and Is 'Iill I" .. .. I in 1.IIt nnwh
M""'u .... ;, "I 1"", 1';":""
1M (inC ,h,)O,'n In SOr'Id punl .
r-; .... the four pi of lhi.o board
nil bt rnrnnl:"'1 I....::rtrnor 00 at 10
mUc Ih..,.. ,1111('1'"'\ paulos: ...
1'1"",. b:lanl "I 64 "'1L1u". In 0l>-
IOIIi' """ 01 M. or an ,odd . hap."
on<: of but (<3, It" "",J thOl Dr.
Siubc. ,,"" th. d .. mpion.hil', by
Ihl. marvel.,.,. ""'I' 01 ",ng,nl:
th. four r;ccu ..... '" rtdlitC tb.
board to 63 sql1afl"'. Sec if yoo ar.
able \0 do it Thuc II.. bun ...
nluch di>Cu.. ''''' '"lI' ... ling fIII'-
... problem 11... 1 ()(casOon ;1
ta!.:.n 10 "'y tMt M . i.Q)"\ l' ....
it bdo .. the Ii'>t American Chess
Congr.Q In 1851:1.
It. 0l!a.rU .
1 ani what I wa" whicl! ;. $0 mueh
tilt ""'"",,
I'm not "lu.I I wa . but quit. the re-
till night I do oo!hi!ll"
An Enllli,h loumt in the .. ild and
woo11, We.t w.o, infot:mcrl that i l
.. "Mtj 10 .. alk on 10 l'ik.laW'!
the .tAIl" wOuld only 1:<1 the,. one
mil. Ahe.d of him for although it
wo"ld /(<1 '0 a c .. tain w'yh""..,
while v,"", W.f' walk' ng f"'If m,Ie<.
" lloef, III mi"ut ... !iO }'o)U

It. Our.dt,
My fi t>t , ... ,ub.tnc. lu.rd and
IUt;ful, tI1(Imi"J' noon, and
My ....,ond, find ,t wMr. you .. ,n,
b of the ....,.. dimtnlioa
And by my whol., I often try,
Dutcben' and groce,.' honmy.
ut<h up in '0 rid. on to
Pil<c!own if Y"" ",i,hcd. "But."..,
,h. h"'" of tM Pilgrim" hot.l. re
marked. "from btu th ... " a
dever way of fol!'"inJ( out hn .. to
bral the .laK" by \.1 minut .. '" Con
)'oy tell how br !t wa_ Ir .... the
hl>lo' '0 l''';r\nwn'
1 have taken ()(c .. ion in a fonn",
puul. to ,I\<) ... how .lucn bd,u.
each centriblUi"g " "loa" piec
could "",k 13"lJ palCh quilt,
Now we will pre"<l ta the
rrollltrn and ohow Ihe good p.rn>n
and hto beuer hall .",,fronled by :rn
ordinuy l'robI .. " in ec"n-
e",y. loa," u>c for I,..,
no .... ao they have hut on" in
nodr, 50 they are roml'dlerllo d,aw
ur- re..,,,reo The
okoccb she .... lhem d""u."ing Ih.
..... yl and mearu of """urine t ... o
ftOm on. to lhe beo.l . The
problmt. i, "''''y be S<en, diff .... f rom
the P)'1h.agorean rule for uniting or
Jqlanlting tquare<, in lhal the cbcck_
.. cd pattern prey""" the bias cu. OQ
u.. line of the hypoehm""" .......... _
thd ..... n is cto..:ly '0 squ.a,.
fOOl 2nd tM 047 probI""", cf EucM.
Cut the IW palches inlo u.. fn'c<t
posoible numbn" of pitt ..... hi,h .. ill
lit ...,,j fonn two
Worryiq- !.be 1211 .,. Editor.
quOilion, _ir." said the ehair-
man cf 'he del.gation, impor_
lant one, bul more difficult Ie :lmw ..
lhal! y"" WOtlId .hink. when y<>II C,,..I
he .. it. W. have .... a "",Uoc
cf Ih.oe "i"a .... on it. 50 Ih= is a
opecial rca""n why yO\! _hottld be
Ye.,. .ud,,1 in an.wc,i"g it."
"Fi .. away," !.aid Ihe Query (di-
10', .hortly
"wen, yOIl Ite. ,t',!hi< way,"
plain .. ! Ih pok.,man "Over it!
Otlr di<lricc Ih.r. wcr. t .. o men
n."",d )""" Jink., 'I!d Ihey w
bther and O(In If that clear /"
"Perfeclly, Co An ,I"
"W.It. 10" nighl they Were both
10 death In Ih .... me hot""
.,,,1 ,,,",lay, ",hen "'e wer. maki"lI"
up a h lor ti,""," who 1",1 Iht,. Ii,,,",,
the bop in,i'IM on I'"n,n" down
.linin. "C'n,' an.1 'Jehn link
"Quae nght." u'ened Ihe que.,.
'''I'ha,', whal w, 10 osk you
about." Rlu'n"" the
<:<Jur..,.... all kne .... Ito "'11 OlU/It.
hut 'oehnically-"
.. h"'cally ;t .... uaelly nCht."
inlM't"UpI.<l th. quay \iIOt.
"SUR ""
01 coo ..... , I'm 'UR, lIow
.1 .. wool.! you Rfrr to th .... :O,'
'"Ob. il J"'II',. 00 deod ...... boot
it ... 'e n." J:<,>inK If) di'f'\lle you,
but you "ugbt If) all the todlni-
ealili .. into con,;Mr;a"""."
'"I I ..... .' Ihun,jeR,IIIt. query ""i.
lor. '"If )"nu can ad'.r>e<: any ' loOn
why Ihty .h.mI.l "'" .. k .. r<' tn '0 .ny
OI""r .. ay. II Y"" caot.
&,1'1 OUI and 11'1 me go on wilh my
"Well." .poke .man .. ,lo ... ly
d.hberalrl,. "I 1\ oul
linl. diff .. enlly \"0" tee, the ot.1
man ltvl <Io"n,,.i,. And th. boy
hvod on Ih. floor and 1M fire
.tart"<l in th. ha..,me"1 Con",.
'l"(f1llv. it .... 10 r.a""n ti,e
ehl 'lied f1fSC,"
"Why, when Ihe old mao died. the
Y01,nr;: ",.an "tastd te> be 'junior,'
didn't 1,.1"
'",\n,1 if h. he \<'11 not John
)ink., iUM., ",h.n he diffl Corue-
""ently. no Jolin Jmks jua .. diw a'
all. That i. lhe "'AY I figureJ " OUI.
t..1. of <00"' . q"ery Miter is al
u)'I right. and if you Jay lhal--"
chairman 01 W
rl",llltel II an inkst::rnd r.:rued his
he.trl and <truck the ... :011, I""ving
"weir,l """rk which loolu like a sigtl
of th. bbck hand.
It ma,' be because I ..... I.b<:r. and
""ard Ihe ej2CUlHion ..... , that
being a ""ul;'t, $Oth t hmg< come
or i. may be shttr imagination,
b." when I look al. tha.1 blotch I """
..... .-1 Ih. witnt'. lUI remark ill" ..,
pl.,n II il;I"'U .. rinen in blark...,d
,,'h,te, And I .hould like to Imow if
it i. de .. to oIh .. palmist> ... it
t> \0 me.
Eere il tho b",ou
halo . hitb I porpet..,1.ed .. "'l
dlY" It It ",o lr I ... .
l .. IUlIi of.n tb. b,roIJ, 'beul .. ,,10. .. .
... d .'topi., thi.p \.lI11 .nld \II
Ihn,hl .f. II 10 uJ. 10 "r \.hat
.... ..,. UYio, thift! rn 10..... "
I " .... \II fo,," i. tho pl.tur .
ro, CAn.
........ .. " ....... ,".1 ," .. '
. " .... '" '"', ,", """'
0:':'>L .... , ", .1", ,.j ,,"" ,.", ,
ho ,'- ....... .. .. _,
...................... -' ..... ..
.. _, ...... _-, ... _ ....... -
............ ,_ .... -.... .......
,"",,- ........ __ , ....... -.1.
"'" ....... ,,',,_ ''''', ... no .-
"""" 01 .. , ...... ......... 'k .......
_ ........ 1<.. ,
fI" ..


\ , '

X ,
The Re-
bus f'l'nl . ""in.", by the late
.In M",m.r. 3Dlho, or
"T,ilby," 10, hI< lri<:n'1. Shirley
Il".k ... On 111.1,- 5 Shjrl.y ,n.,tt'
Mr. 3ulho,,,r "Th. Liic."
rou",l ,ilii ltUer in an Oxford
."",,", book _hOI'. tl,e
"l1eard ITH" ).;iki (dll )'hnri.rl.
noTe nf ,y ... l"'l;..._,rry
'.\me I I'lS I;",dr:>n
" =1.iIlI:' 'Juite a I"n,r._ 1
"Ol' cahlw to from Ln".I..,u feo, m.v
"ic"s.", ,ubjC<l, and th;,
'0 ",y: "11,," p"nl. dt:ll. ill rnal-
of f\K'!' re'''''''') :111,1
Ih3\ ;\ i. ,iiTlitull 10> "!lad:
;t ... ",,,uld a Rtlil's
f"r tl", I'"blie
it iJ ,,, MV thaI the /,,11 .willg,
"'hid, i., ,he rrpiy I c"II,,1 I Ens:-
1",,,1. j. ptttt)-' T. t1,. i"""de<1
am.,e" ":\1)' DNor BroQb, I tan
not hanJ ewe by pot.t k1ng lter
lo-day, h(\1 upect one brft)1". lone,
""M"J K;<k
:-':oc knowing The di.1e or locality,
w!, <II I .... \1m<: 10 be ,<presented
by tht .kd, :u tl,. head of th.
Ir.l.r III.,t future is
A 11.... 1 .... 'old a for $50,
In<J t10m it b:.d: for $40,
de.rly =king $10, as he
had II,. !I;II". bicycle h>ck md $10
be.i,J",- h.t,-ing r.,.,"j(bt it fur
$40, h" ,"""old it f._" 3I1d nude
f.5 mo"" (or $15 in alL
n"I." 3 "L1'"
m.n 'b,,, <>If \\'i,h 3. "h.,.,l '.-.,nh
;111,1 at ,h. eo<l ,,( the second
lo;u j",t How thm could
h. m.,lte m"t. $5' You
the ...:'1:i,,1;' of tile whc<1 at $50 is a
"""e t"c)w,!;l' which !hows
ntilhtr pwfil n"r 1".,. but when he
00). at $40 and .tll!; $45, he
",>.1<", $5, tl,al j, Ihe ...
10 il."
"I sa).', an
"110.11 wh." h. ,<ell. at $50 and buys
)'C has cknrly and
l"",il,\"dy ma.le SIO. b=lIlS. he
h:u tl,t ..:\"'" ",10... 1 and $10, hut
whm .. w ",]1, at h. m:U:u
11><'", to.
which .\oow. neilherl'ro/it nor lou,
.",,] (I<"", nol his fj"'l profit.
and I .... m:l<lt $10:'
It i, 3 ';"'p?e
nny in Ihe J'rimary cbMt:
-h,."ld toe able to ""I mtn--
'aUy, and w. are co"fronted by
rliA"aent 311",,,,. TI!(, Ii""
a F.rofil nf S-15. <"ch as any
hic)",k (ealfr ".,ul<1: "hik the
b< .okl<"tf1I'r dnrly ahl. 10 dt-fn.
"n lute ,hat "'nre tll:ln $5 rould
n"l he marie. ant! yet Ihe Preidmt
(If lhe York Sindt:
\\':10 bold .. ::h to maintain O'V
hi, """ lhal the COn-ed
I''',fit .houl.1 be SIO.
tt., " _ ..... , . ____ ..
oW ... " ...... 0._i00i,,
0 ett.u
H(g (J
..... __ 11<'" '':', .001 ..... ' .. >1... ..
...... ........... -... ......
.' ......... , ....... ...... , ..
t ......... ,. _ , ....... '" ... " , ... .
1 "illl>lke. OCC3$ion 10 lhal in
my early y.>nll!. I (\f:,-c1<1.ed a
l:.cuIt)" for mllinl:' .ilh"ucI\C'o. a",,l
!o.... e ha<1 on""j"" 10 ,nake
nes.;a of many of Ih cf<J>\-".1
01 Eu",,,,. a .. "i .I, ...
tingui 1,..,1 fro)ll1 :0.11
parU of the "-001,1. 1 prI'Iooot al
.by to "",Ie il-
"hi<ll \.0:1"", 'Imlt
no\o:d. bul "ill.'1 pre
to an :una,jng "hich befell
me al (.;1"1:""" Sc:"tbml_
We wCrt di tI' ';"1< Ihe
inK'. or &;I111131i.111;. 01 the di rrtllt
1 il1u,lrated the
"ubjtel ,,"Ilh Ihe pnr!raia lho\\u at
the I()I'I of
No'" let me erll you IInw Ihe lIif-
JIe<lPJe O!OIy
"How can )'0111" ThaI',
"lIow do you art?" That'-
"lIow do you ,t3nil?"' n'l!"
"Go "illl God. ien<>r" '

"How do )ou on'"' "IlI,I',
"lIow do you P'l'r"pird"
"How do lOl' M,'e )o.mclf?"
"Thank (;'.1, h"w arc your"
Tbat's " ... bi;u1.
'toby Ihy ,had",,, . .,. KfOW
1t5-..... Per<;;'n.
"lInw do you Clrr)' )"t'It,rwlfr'
"& nnder guanl ,,( r",,1.'
ThaI". Ottom:",.
"Hn" i, your ,1(KTI:II:h' lto,c
YOI1l'3I." your 11 .. ,1', (hi

And lhe '""'" ddkulo<" of all
i. Americ:o.n; "lIow 11<1 Y<)II do)"'
II does not say WMt yOIl art v;-
1<> do, but jllit .imple, How
do ytn1
\\"e .... di<Ctl .. ing oi
,kill and d13"",". "hm a gnll)'"
from .."id ,lui the
.... ,,',1 the ".",.Id at
cht<ktr.. I attq>1<'<liM chal!m&t"_
,."d pb)N ,me gam<: ",Ih .,.rn of
the .,,,'CCn ,"',._ lLlj.:<:> <I, 'wn It.
,.,., I 10.1 h) 'he from
lhm.!e\', the one Inco" l)und:!ll.: ""J
the nne Innn PuuJ.irk. 001 ..-"n
ir"rn all the ",hen.
examine the ""' ....
fully. ""'\ "'" if YOI1 0111 ,;irk Ollt
the IhTt<: ... hn bo:at mel
nut abQut <1,,,,,\': ..... ...,-
min,b lilt of aMlher 1:Hk j", .. le
wilh the ume ;nciilm!:
The di,cI1!1>ion of the prowess 01
the o;tytrnl resolved ;\-
ull inLo a word)" battle which, for
bel.: of n checker board, could not
be brought 10 a when
:t to the problem wa'
rlmly di5<:"vered. A woman was
"I"fr\'1 in of seat.. ,,"Ur-
ing .t which had
repairN by a rcma.rkablc 1>alch
A .hilling nffered to the good
"-,,,nan I ..,. ille privilege of playong
a iew 1('1""'" of cMd-en on lhi.
p:uch. "hi.h offer was. nnI "n!y
rod;lf a<:a'pled. but .he CUI ""I
.".1 pre",nted us "';Ih il.e pltn,
HUI ril(lll here comes " """,t ft-
nurkable puzzle. She cut thai ir-
regular patch in twO pier ..... whith
fiulO<.l .0 as 10 'orm .t per-
f""l checker bord I
Com you lut'
To ilul Ihe gc-.'Il " ..
was wilh W full q,Ha
of I".,.in_. I "'ill gi"f t"'z-
",hid! ,he
Olt-eni"i: Ihal "'C I.!ayed onlr
1m the black she 6ugtUle 1
Ih:!t 1"'0 murt pbYf<1 m'ght tn
to a pome on 1M whIle
JqU>.l'CS. Whffl ... e TClIlilrhd IWI!
il woulJ be wmewhal inc:onvml'
WI. rmt:lrked. "1lIffi I would
c',". Inl<l checker .. ill!. only
Il!.in,.-\wo squa ....... so IMI lhey
" .. "IJ all be ,,>oW."
Thj, i, Ihc t"'"le' Ctln'lrucl.t
1l""y'IW""q"3re chmer beanl
whid! e.,'ery poo,ible combi-
"ali"" of Ihe game as il is "OW
I'byW. but d" away wjlll II,,)$<
u;tless C"'lm thirty-twO) square .
n,t" Ihtlt W:I.' atlOlhcr puule
which I W01l1o\ call to your allen-
tim" One jpme was played and
br()Ughl 10 absolule. fi'li.h in jWI
\weh'c mo"H! If I am nnt n,i,..
",hll. il h"ld. record f<lr bre,,
;". rhe<:kcr robj'_ Can )"ou 1>1"0-
ducc the game?
I lave illl) dIe of our
puuli.'11 In figure <>lit II
rq>ly In tl!.e follo,..,,,g q"ery 'r'K"
" ful1cctor of I":'Ift nld manuKripts
i) n<>t" nl:>n ,,110 is
( 0 expreo'in!:" hirmelf in the ordi
nary. ..."" lhal
01 us lIe.ays'
Rq;:o.rthng the ,,,,Iue of aU of
my .Jr,wn: I w""M uylhat
IwO wnrlh .'x .... ten are
... <>rIh ten d"lb1'<. "hile """e ;.
worth .ix'11 d"lIar<. whilc ntle
being worth d"lIan. I woulol
like you 10 e<linute the value of "
to" upon Ihe :I:IOle b>.si.1
"T. OWEN."
.. ,," ..
,.,,' .... ,
t, ......... ..
t_", '" ,. .. .
''''0; t .... n t" ....
" .t> .. , J ...... .
t'"',. K... ; .... :t
t J" ..... ; I. c.,,,"
t . .. ", ""'; . "'OM!' )<jill,:.
Gc." I .... If ,. t" ..... woo
. , .... ,. to.. , .... " ..... . . d
, ... ,. u. n," " ......... <,
'4 .... , .. ... " .. ... p ... , .. ,,.
tho "_e>. I ... '., .. ," ..... ,.lOU I .... ".,
1 <-my r""',e,," <k<tl"" , ....
.... ,_" . _ t" ,_ .... ' ''''''''' "'r j II, ,,". - " -_.
" "",_ .. ,,1. ...... ,....... .'" ..... _ ....... ,',
,"" 1,.. , ", "" I'"",, .",,' ...... "< " ''''''''".1 .... , "., "'..... , ,,., '.
. .'. "' .
.. \" .ho .. ,_ '..... , .' 11,'." '
" , ", ..., - 1 '. .".. .. .-,-, ... , '''1
, . " r,no _ . .. ; "",,'.: .. I ",.. ,,: .. ' ',N .,j -'""" .'" ""',. e.;;
__ ,. "' , '''''''''' t '.' ,,': I " .... ,' .", _,
., . " .... ." ,._ ,. ..... .... ., ",c. H .. "'" ,. ........ ,,, ...
........ " ....... '" '" ., .. ,,,, .. ,, '." 10.. "
, ... ".; .... " ... .m""""'- .. ' .
' .. ':"';.,;-._ ,;,;,,:';'- c -' ..... ...... ....
.. -.c<_'.d , .. , ...... < "-.- ... .., -,,,....
.. -.-'" ." ... - .. ... ........ .,...
....... ."'.' m .... '" '. t
- - .,"
He"" ;, an odd lillIe pun1e
in the form of monogr3m ....
,hr,W". we aim di lhat ,,-e
n",)' begm "rid III 3ny I,
and from thlt fact lOf mono-
I:r:om 1Jc:i"t' ""IIC'1',ilM of be,,,,,
up,,,fe .t wn, ". :os 1oa<k-
wan!. . p"",le be<'<.fTlC'< "cry
,""rll mg- t() jn I h<>...
tn:Iny "'a}", ,I ... n he ,""" ,., Ih,1
"0 t"" way' "ill I ... t"lelk .like.
r",ly .tTp"!;,li,,,, be;I'Ir 11,.1 'he
Im"\ "" '.1: . ... ,1.... Iltat
"I1C ,. ". '\ l.e:milleol III slip 1<:r0!!05
II .... to . ...... , ,.wo,
,. ... " ... , Iilo... .........
,,1 .. ,w
... .... ,j, ... - .. .....
.. .. <4 . ....
" .... <'"',', .......... I.- _ ..
.. " ... , ........ -..... ... .
".. ..... _.,
", ............. -1., ........ '
,..,. "' ,Ow ....... ......
... !"!':.:' .......... ,- ......... .
,.. ....... _'''' .. .... : .... _
., ... -,
" ... 011 __ ... _.
...... ' ........... ..0 ....... ; ..
......... , .... ..., .... ...-- ... -
too,.. ..
""",4 ........ -.. ,.,.-.
..,j ............ _ . ,..., ......... .
, :t S''::.' .... , ............... ,.
-" -. .. _ ... -... "'" ...
,. _ .. 4 """"-.. .. ,' ...... _
............... aI .... _ .... loa,.. _.
'1'.ltD novu ..
h.", "''''' ,...,' ....... ..,..,.,
" ........... "-. .. '"' .......
.... ,.. " ,., ..... ,", no ........
j .... . ,_,'" "",..... ..,. ... ''''' .iD
, A _,,, <01 ...... , '- n. "'-I
.... \. j""" .on ... ., .. .. ','; ......
...... , ...... 0""" I ........
........ '";' ," .. , "'''.'' -.
oj ..... -.. A' I. I ... "'4 ....,"".,.-
.. ",...... - - "._ tIM
Ttoe 01 Ib* l"'" .. probl"".
I. to tbo' ""Ok'llor ... In!o
I"", .... wO\,b wtll n, I,*.,h" to
f ..... pori"" tQo.". tu tbe _u"d
loubl_" ,be Mullan 01 Zulu II eo'
pltJ., Jun.l .\rUb"",I, to ...
&,,'"''' )lOnk." (. .... ' ..... Ila, ... 11 on
klopbaot ... WI"" bot. Tho nlu.
el Ibo )iuuko1, c.......>cI'I "lid t;I ..
ph .. t ,".\,Iolt"" I,*tlb .. _110 ....... .
Iuot, U!I .. lb. 01 """, ... ", ... 4
." ..... Ill_." tU ."". _110 .... .-
..... , lb_ Zulu ".M ,.,.. ".
I'Ilk ban
.. 5T\'DV r.!OCurllv.
T .. ," t.... ... -_. _ ..... -
I'" " .... - ._"""- " ..
_d .... ' .. __ .. " ......... ..
'- lO<o _ .. ,. ".,,, _ ... ,
:1._" ...... _ ............. .
l ""'" _.. '" ... -' _ .. '".
...... -,
....... _., " .- ............ 01
-' .......... ; ....... -..... ......... -.
......... _ t. ..... '"' ... .
...... 01 ' ..... "" _ ...... '
"'"' _"''' " ..... N. I ....
.. , ... , ... ' .......... , ................ ..
_ .......... .
,. , ......... '""" -"" _.'
, ,:1, ,.'
u. " ..... " ....... _ ..... .-.-
II . ............ "", .... It.,..,.,. .-...
............. ",to. "" .. ...
...... . .,.,.....,, '
r . ... , H,. ............. " ........
...... "., '",'"
" ..... , <>I, ,. " .......... ..
.... 100,.. ,
n . ........ ", .. _ .. ""'n I "".
01 "' ..... " ... '
ne .... u old .... ,. "lIh ,h.
n."'" 01 lb. I" .... ,h II "" ""''','.
_, .. I..t ,. .... I1I'1I"".
w., .... _. Uk ... "",I ...
..... , .r "" ... .,. """ ...... .
w .. , ... ,... .... 011.. Iood ......... " -
, ... ,'....... " ....... ",,11., ... '., .... r
From whence

came the
Here " hulani.a! polp<mrri of
tree" Tihrul"., vin.g, Ole., giYet\ 10
1".\ Ihe re,,,Jet"s knowledge of su<:h
No on. i. 10
/:"he Ihe enlire li,1 cnrr<'Ctly, SO do
not h.,julle 10 preoertl Ihe names
(>f 'tleh as )'OU may hil upon, as il
is safe I,) lolly it will pro". to be 3n
gu.",in" contest.
I. Whal i. tho """,jab!e tree
2. And Ih. d"lll"1og tree?
3. And till! ITCC which is ,101"-
est Ibt-
4. Ano.!lh. bu,;"'1 U"Ct'?
s. nll! .. , );e1ding trCt'
b. "'"d lhe' 1= "'M", 'hil'
may Ix?
7. 1lIc Ialll(Ui'hing II''
I!. 1'ht-1e.1<1 <dfi.h tree'
9. "no.! the tree lhal be",.. :a

10. The (hr"notpgisl Ir?
II. The fj h"rTT1iU1, ITee?
12. And 1m, lret: hk" an irj,h

IJ. \\"1""', tI,,, ,milor', IT""?
H .... ,,0.1110. lelltale Ir?
IS. And lit" ITee 1h.l.1l> w"Tme,l
nle myman, ,,....,?
17. The hou,.,,,il.', tree?
18. Ami the IT.", \h.\ ,mi<:es one
19. \Vbat'llhe Irtc ill death
will \lc:nigh\ 1"U 1
2D. Anti the IT thU )'ollr wants
will 511111'1y?
21. And (m: Ir.", thaI 10 lra,-"I
in"itt. 1"U?
22. And the Iree 11t:1I forbitl. ,1>1,
to dte?
2J. What Ir do the hunten reo.
101M lOki",?
24. \\lh .. 1 yUlIr
and your" ..
25. WhM II' IITJ.:CII 1M
runs in 10 T;....
And light hr the "jetj" ... by
lyra"'I' .lain)
2fi. The ",II
27. And lhe' ITre Ihal <>be). y"" 1
211. And the tree th.1.t T\e\'1"\'
stand, ,till?
29. And the trR Illat got up?
30. And the II" thai waS laIr?
31. Au,l lhe "ff neither lip nor
31. The IT"" [<> be 1<,_ <..d?
.13. ,\",111 .. <1.:>".1>",( left?
An,1 ,,-h.l1 guj.!n The ;.hips
l' go r"rth?
.15 ""i>t>Jlhiest lrff>
.li., -\n<l 11:<:, "j Ihe
-'7. \".J Ie .... ....00<1
fa<:f!" the ""nli?
.111, T\l(, ",,,,lout II.",'
J'I_ 11,,, ; U""?
oIlI, tht u.", lint "-:l.r""
"'''If II ",h<,., ,old
n,<, ...,h.h'"",n leff?
4,", The rnldi, In:..?

C"h;.Tley h treat. h,. be>t
girl I" lr<>lIcy ri<1.,. but 011 ".;coIllll
or hi. l"nile,1 Ttv ....Tt<"> 1'I:t.n
10 ,,"OIlk 1.>.Kk, ..... If Ute QT goe. 3t
the rail' "f ''''IC' I1t,1c:s an h<>UT :utd
Ihey On at Ihe ml., ,,( Ih""'-
miles. an hOllT. h",, ['IT "<)lJld UKy
no.!c II ti,l', mu 1 I", back III l'iglu

"Here', ",lal's iOinr 10 fly the
Boss Ihe y:r.rd and m;,ke thing'
I won', be sal on by a hen,
I .. ant 10 \'OWl up wnh Ihe
Fbp and CtoW u usteT,
Fight anti Wilt like
Join lhe uni.:>n lI.{1I.a .....,.."
Sma.b and bu)..:<.tt ;ncubatm.1
Now mam:o 11lI1'eJ ller Iq::Il Ihirds
Of pa,!Q" "'<Inns 10 feed us bird,.
But wh:lt's Ihe of rrub r",

(Allhough as smarl a. any Ihre4')
Witll 6flttn other!. in the broud.
10 one 10nl: iCnn'!.!e after foo.l1"
T!u.t', lhe mathematical prublcm
in an egg wll; what arc the
n for 1M! little broiler 10 catch
an early Bm there ;s an-
other punic conntfd with the P'C-
which ha, a btaring on (;00-
fuei,,!' gr<:.:1.\ I>TOpo"il;on, Did Ih.
OrigiMI Chicken tome from the egg
or <1;(\ the fir.! egg come from th.
chickon? 1I0w wII" ld yo" CUI Ihi,
littl. cbicken in \11'0 whiCh
(.:in be fi\tttlt"lo:cther 10 aJ to funn
a p",feet
11." 10 ... n .... W _ .... w..... \.
.-. ),..... W .. , __ <!ok .... r ..
....... ..... " --,.. .- ..
... ........ ....
.. ..... -............... ' ".-
........ . .............. , .. ' ,oJ
.. -
10, .. all .. ,,.., lIh .. -
___ ..... ___ I .. , I ,
Here is an old tim.. ... bus by
P<)(If Richard, which might wdl be
lemlw "il bhmdc,bu ... " It says,
.. a
'AU 1.hal g1illef'$ i, not gold."
,,hi.h i$ far fr-om the lrulh, for
,,>ld d'le< gliller. It .houJd h .... "
".id: " ..\11 i. IKK gol" lhat gl;tlc,"",
'f, , t;n<.Cl, a"'\ uthe1" Ibiob"
gline. bUI arc 1\<,1 gold. It is on a
l.:or "iill tbc 1ll'I'tT2ltun:l1icalll'>li<e
postfd io "" ub,,'ay,:
('Ill 'he ;'1\'i,,,,i,,,, ar<1, 1(> a "LIb-
lic "'hue il was bop<:<! Ibat
lhe I.",n,!('m.lll woolel appear in full
eHnill!:" d ...... , was added "undrCi
,,,iii allowed:' n,c imima,;"n be
"'G' tI'a! fun d'e<; ..... "re
I,ullhat "udrf!';J $uit< wouk! be
millt<!. II is, ,he ... fore, thaI
snmk;n&" in our $ubw"ys i! pre--
ferrcd. bill no ,nlOki"&" w,ll be al-
I"wcd, Of it would haH '''e<t
pbinly. " .. I ;I!I<)",ed,"
.-\ ,"cry pretty n>'ly be 1",;11
IIp<lll Ihis NO 5MOKI:-i(, ,\!o'
I.OWI::D 'iC">. !I1Juy "'<.1,,1,
.-::In Y'-'II rell,1 in lequclICt
loy ", .. rely "mitli,,1't "Iher .. r
I '-Ct: no,r, 1\,,,1:'. u"" ""'''Y
,liTer w"ni<, 1"" h()w l11.:1ny
Ihere ali
Do >"0" knew a nlmlber
when y<IU >tt: 111>1: 1 Any nllmber
which is u:Lctl)' the ;lIm of :Ill of
its il e>lIed "per-
iect: Then: g'>Od many per-
'''''' numben-I) il "ne. 2lI 1$ an-
other, Tim, J. 2 1 an only
munbcu Ih,t di'"idt e:<.ac.tly into 6,
"",I Ihey 3dd up to 6. So
with U: it< d"i.on are 14, i, 4,
:!, I, lheir sum beinG' _'ll Do you
kno .. :I,,}' "Ihtt (>I:ffeet
FilzS=rt-"WOlild )ou I3Y a
y.-J.:e of ""(11 " pi"" illl:' n ..... '
"I<>wing f'
l'"il1:""'..J'-"h of COlIne."
FitzSnurt-"WOlIld )"OU "'Y
the }'(olk of an C" " whlle Of "..,
FiIZ:>.'wdle---"ls, of Cl)ur-c
What nut?"
FiIZSmart-"Wel!. I Jhuuld '3Y
"r "" cl:l:' i.
SW;'8 will '''''''I.'nile ;n
Iht a<cumI"")''''jf d=rtN
churth ill a 1r,"C!Y '1,.1 ".3< Ihe
OlI!Sk;rt. 01 Zurich, and ha,c ,\(\ubt.
t,c"n ,,-,1.1 Ihe wcini ,ln'T of it.<
be"'I(hed d,xk. o."illing Ihe '11_
peTTl:ttllra] and my-t.ri . ", ;eam",-,
of the 'INy of w],id, lhe l<>uri.1
i. rqaJed Wllh m;",y ,.tr>;""" ;1
1m1 k briefly S1ale.1 th.J1 Ih"
dm,..,h W'U al""'t
the middle of Ihe <'nI1".y
anti " . .., lun,;.hed wnh 3 elm hy
ottine c;tizt'n of pI"",,. a
mut named Jorgen-en. ""h,, "'a, re--
PUled 10 be the f"under of Ihe 1mn
of clock., f(Or "him the
pbee Iu. 1,......= noted. n", dock
""as "lIned. al 6 0'"""" in till:
mo-,ming. acr"mp.>ni".1 by !be di$-
pby ,.f cere",,,ny with whiCh any
el'tnl of Ihc llil:'be<t imp"nance i,
"I,..,,),. i"""I:""""d by tile Swi".
By what I h.k IIp<ln:t.' mere 111<:-
ch.JniGlI 11:1'1<1< 01 Ihe
dod: m"'1 I'ttt "pon 11,,,
wrong pin",,",. <.0 lb3t Ibe h,""
h.Jn,1 "arled off whilc bUl'r
voh'cd I",.hc Ii", ... ,],,,,er_ ,,-ilh.
what Ihl' pea,,,"!, tern, the dil:\I;IY
"f Ibe bnu. Th" ,,1<1 ,'h'k
makor ",:t.. infirm, the.
"I lite ""w,tchl"! t"'l<1l'Cl'C
r.'p!:t;ned to) him. he m<j,tt'<1 on be-
ing arri",J '" hi' !oed Itl "ilne" Iht
SIr."'t:c "he"""l/!w,n. J,HI when he
3rr;'"N th. li_ M in,J'C31e<! up""
lhe rh:k ".", tnrrt'Ct.
had "","h an Hf ... t upon Ihl'
old man Ihal he ,Iie<t of
Thl' d,clt, huwe, tt. ",,"Iinllerl
il< ""t,,.. ""I wu I,"*ed
upon as bottl;ld ... l. and Il<, "nl' "';I_
e,'C'r bold C11'II,,h to "",.,i. or \'l-Cl'
,..ind if. w iH \\"",*, ha,. nl.!N
10 pi..,.,_. and ,,\llhM !.lIlt"
CllJ"iotU I'rob!'m ... hkh I no", pm-
If the dock ... u .l.1rttd al (i
a. .h""'n lhe I'kwll',
Ihe hell,. lund ,,,,m"g
In,,,,, '" 1'<1 ;U Ihl' u u-
... L ... will lite ILa",I. fir !
tc;r"h a po;nt which will ;ndie:tle
Iht e<>r=t liTT>l:?
A LEr..\t. QUESTIO:\
ttl n Wa.hinJl1o" " .. re winrl'lW
i. d;!pl.ay1 a freak
p;e<:e of rno!>I:y whkh hJ!
It i5
;' IIhich. thr"uj!h "',,'" error of
Ihe i. a m;s-
pro"t. nn one side it h, Ihe per-
l""lly primw and numl>l:red
rof a t"'tnty-d"l1ar bill, wh,le 01'
Ihe olher .idt i. Ihe "'luaUy per_
f1 impre;,jnll of a Im-<!n1iar
10,11, The qUMI;on <If .... it i!
lIorth nr mighl be .,,10.1 f<'1 i. not
u11,l.. diKtu<i"o. I", Buff:llo BiJ!
and ;, "ill wilting III give
f,!teen hund"'" dot1a ... lor il. but
P'U arc aoJt.ctl \n !:";"e ;uI opinion
a$ ttl the ""'pon!ibi!ily of Unclt
if he wa. "!ok,,,1 III redeem
Ih.lI "'''''_ Legally or
IIV)nUy. bow lUuth .hould the
tnuntm l.:Iy fur il?
"'''''' <::<><lD """1('lO
" ....... 0 ...... ,
PM'" Ihe pcttn\lln hal to
th. moi' from .ixly_thr 1<11'"
box,",; hi, prcdCCf"l' .... nl over the
ftIIIle from Ofl" IAmp-pMI \0 aoolher
atld batk to th. 1''' !-office llraT ,h.
ctnte, in nintl'fl 'uml. rcl., has
fOIl"'! a nmel> 1><11 rnut. 1<1.
a few.r """,her of II""', And <1,,"
ltflS''''' }'O\, In ,\it.('OVH il. J"'\ ""rio;
II II.'" "h,t. in 1M 1 ...... 1 I"",;blt
numbtr cl move' from th.
pooI-offi to flit" la"'{l-I""t aM
to \h. mttinl: point. 1'otcr i.
nllinJ( RU...,lion \0 .M bet 11la\ th.
';\fl,p-poot ;, .. lillie 001 .. (
alignment. _____ _
Ii. Re .....
'Though my first may hr $C:OmM by
your of lUlIe,
Yrt mv _, "illl hundred, hu
full;;'" and _;gilt.
For",y whelk. you may Glld;1 "" go-
ing to boot,
Either und., )"ouT pilkr<1- or (!'to' )W'
CiIJl>tr AnI ....... -3. '5,;10, XI. IS,
' ..
Ii. Charade.
A \ ....w.' w;,h two bu.'\! "n;I"
You1! have "'hal twxll 011.......
There arc ,,, .... 1:00'1 an-
."" to Ihi. 16, OJ, 7. IS,
1,13. or I, 1.7,18, I, 13-


+ ,

A Charade
\.adiel, a ri,ldle I lubmi t:
Tn fifty now add .
And, ho.viol: th<:roby >hown YOOT ... n.
You may my ",hoi" put on.
Cipher An." .... -12 . '. 3, S
A Rebu.
1" whole tun 3 lolty po<itiO'J1.
yo, be , .. k<mod obocu .... ,
ikh'lllrl, th ... "ho.,,'.r in ccndnion.
I. rannllt be ,;1o:'nl, I'm .......
uph<:. AnoWf.-J. l1, '5,21.4-
Here ;, m..:k<'1'lloar<:l
poult ,,hicl\ 0;&115 lor much
111 and patience. It appUn thal I
tx>y =eiy.<:I p,e<t%It af a ch<d<tI'-
board ",hid, ha<:l hem into
fOl" AI! ('If th .., pi.., v.'tre
.nedv tbe .hapoc and .... e. Thry
""ere re'ptctivrly 1, 2, 3
A Reb ...
My fint i. a .,riOI)' ,hinlr,
Of :>;'3I\1r.', own produce,
many who ha k,.t ... limb
Have 1000nll it I KTU,t u .. ,
n, my HCOnd" wonJroul
Ships ar. mad" ,,ilh UK
To 11_ api!\U b<>lh w,ntl and lide
Acrou tM boundl ....
My .. hoi. is 'rtf1 oftm found
... ,.-ilh my fiut.
And tom" In ye.." tWhly
Whm '''''' WOIII,j qumcb your
CilJh<'r 1$. _8, II, '9.
3. 18. 5. 25 __ _
A Rebu.
hh fi", i number, "'1 oecond an_
oth ....
And nrn, I ....... )'OU, .... ,II rh)mt
wth the O!l, :
My fint. you wi11 find, It one-fifth of
And In,l) nil' whole II. long period
r.dmnro :
Yct my fin! and my -.ond (may
think not t cnHn),
When MId.d 'IIethe, wil! ",ok. but
Iwo ,Ioun.
Cipher 15, IS. 10),
'5, .8, S'.___ _
WhnI i, dng hnrl like one 01
Dkhn.' charactorl? When II ia
all af a IOlive.' Twi'I'
and 4- He piKes l"S'otl>er,
making Ihe (Ompkle boa'" ,..,th the
numben Irtf1 in lilt iIlu ...
mtlon. Th. PI, . oIc. 1"",...1""., i, to
.", ... the ptan of Ih, bay', work
ing ;\.",110 1M ""ard inlo four
pital, .11 Ih. l'i<1 dM;Ily tli ... ,
""wlttl;"" b"ar;ng one of l it<: num-
bo", I, 2, 3
W. arc h"rt gh'en an in<ighl inla
the bu"ne<.5 mctho;><l. of Pu .. leland
who,o e.ery Tran>3<tion i, !,a.ed
UpIII) A pmbl'''' a. Irick ,,hich "".
ablos tho d ", 01'" II) gel the b.,1
of a bargain. Farmer JatlU t<ll'
hmv h. proceeded tQ so11 ,he hall
01 ",,1m,. Alld hali of a ,,,.1,,.,
to Ihe Ii"t "",jorr . ' he met with.
The IOn,1 pu"'I1 .... , look one-Ihi,d
of the 'rmamJo. a"d on.-th,n! 01 a
m<l"", Th. It",,, ",,"omer pur.
.hued one-qu .. rte, oi what ,"maiM<!
and on.-q"art., of m.lon. Then
he 10M o ... fifth ui ,w. ... Idl "
fifth of "mel .... _ Wh:., .. u ooId
di.poonI of 01 thr ""I. "I $1
doJo,m. bul thon eI ..... t!<! oul lhe
""mmJ .. a, d .... ale of lhirte,""
for a d<>llar, an.1 :tili yoo 10 gu ...
bow mu.h _,. he go, fo.- his .,ook
of _"",-,?
Liltk Tommy Ri<ldl.. ..ho is
,100.." 1't'<'l'Q';ng (l<I a lan:., a)"" hu
h .. ".b ouch puzoli<u
are fWHIt.:!. with 'M problem> of
piling tannon ball<, 10 tell him .. hat
two trianJr.ll:tt pyramId, of m!l5k
"",lon. wuld k """,!lint!<! 110 as 10
mah 0<><' large 'rUnJ:lll:t, ry,amid
II" It ., Iwo pyr.lInido of mdoru
'""hkh be d.,iru to in ono
My i . an u ... fut "";111;11, my
ICC(lnd ... root, .111<1 "'1 whole i. a
A Chamh, A Chatade.
My lin;' i. 'II1arrt<:lc<l ' n, My .. , =\1,,, and gilllrd. "'Y ....
My nUt. p""derous ",.ight will "wi,
\\ \tleh " JOrI nf I',nr.l ... I<O,,'d
\Iy n'b"l. a1'f .. ar. nnlt VIOlIn! mi.n, Awl i,,,,,, my ,,,,,.,1 ,10,11 pr<><<<"Il '
AllI>o'I In id'ol )"oull aIlow, Ii by ov',y 'rade al;, .. d, '
By the 51;p of hi. pen
'poe'''' M rn""hy, Can you
I" :Il what O",y ar.'
In"<)'I" .... 1 a ..,ry .""f"";nl:'
h by .ul"titl";"1': one J.,Uer 10
Tommy Riddle. h ... IwO
p,,,,, .. ",hid, h.
1' ... ,1;". ",.It ''''\'' 'X1T dr"" '"h'c"
lot 3" h"",. 1\:"1: 1',,,,',,1"" ..
r<mrletinl: 0'" tl'" ",oolt'"
of To".r, ",1I,,1I i. u bl-
10.... ' ft guanlo a" ,1\<"."" on the
plan of !l,. lOW" hy 1.u,.,_ And
ptompdy at the 01 gun wl",1\
denoIu th ... tt;", 01 th. ,un Inc
guard A nlll","" out b)' the n" A,
Ii u;u at D. C .t C. D at D.
E cha,.gt1. to F puuhng (t:>-
lure of !he fYIIW ........ "S """,,;onool
j. 10 ,'iooowu how the 6\". matt"'"
of u.. pr<4 111: =ole .. ;,bout
aoy ..... man cr .... iog th. Ii". of
nuKh 01 nother . 11" T"",my
say, il is a YO" simple "id, when
)"DU know how
ThaI. bu .... ' ..... 11<>1 to u"'q'"
a puuk ..:co",L one, ",hert;n
.... a"" tolJ Iltol the wanl . rom-
monly 1m.,,,,,, in En):bn" a. "The
1Wt1 r ....... M .,"ery the
... 'tehing bour of I!. en ", the ,."..
tal W, and ... ith .,ately 1 d "",,,,10 ..
through ." ..., (111< of thr (l..I rooms,
emI,"!:' .t the .lark .han,b,
the }'O\,nll I,nll"'" nf 1::..1,.. .... 1 IV
.. 'ere to) be n"",lere,1 D1
long praotice h" hu d,<o,,.crei til<:
,hort",t w.y to thot
chamber of horron, 10 .""Y one ;1
da\lenll:cd 10 di"""v Ihe ,Out.
which makel the fewat f>OiI"ble
lun,. wi!h.,,,! I(oiog through any
room ,wit. 1

In m" _, ,,"'," yeu TTl.>.ny thou-
,,"',), arc I,id:
Hnw Iran.itnt, alo' t 'n oil urll'ly
fI'l'" 101
l.ct a nun" hi, hr.-tulle Lc tver 1<\
lkll nr. i"'t when be', bid
in my whole,
nun"!:" my ,-, ,I to SI. Pcter"'b<,"I:
I met T"''''l:''nruky. til<: R",<i.on
eh .. , u;",,,, ... Iv> t<ifd me Ilut.1 the
OOllornk of I"" RU03O-Jap IInplus-
.nln .... "" " . , put in c"",mand of
.n arm,'" Ilali"" ... ""re 2iI tcgtmm"
... r. cuntinu.1ty in proc:<:O$ 01 lor
malion. 100 men I"" ,, .. k being
aMed 10 Nch ,.,::",,,,nl, so lhal on
tl,e 1 .. ,1 ","y of C"c'y ", .. k tho ()"c
ha..-ing I"" mo,1 mm would be ... nl
10 Ihe fronl.
h JO h,pv<n.d at a I;me wh,n tl,.
{'"I rel:";m<nt hall 1,000 m .. " Ihc
' ... un.1 950, Ihe thi,d!lOO, and 00 On

,Io .. n, ,I"",u "I:" !iO ftep '0
.. b. ",h,,,h had bul tho.!
Gc:n. Tlul! .... rin,kv f"und 111.>1 tM
ClIond of ,h. 6f,h ( .. hich InI
",,,,,1 "'aJ a al'i, .1 (h .... 10,
in ""Ie< In k ... " lum f '(lm he,nlt" ad-
uncct\IO) Ihe ( .. ",I, which ....ould oc_
CII' in he " ... k .. he miiollN him
bul JO "" ... "cry week inllud of
100 ., Iti,""" I" ' he hlh., ...
A,.um;,,: ,11" ;!I) .. j!imentJ ..
being .""'H""I1> rC<:fUi'''!. un
1,,11 jml 11<>,,' mon)" w."k. il ,,'I' bt-
fore 01" dk't--I' I.vinl:" had
I Q go 10 ,I," ... "I
OUT gTO;<\ wa.
lho"'N a clue< wh nn you
"TO ..,ked ID to,. nine (gp 00 a. to
form the gr.a " po.,ible number
01 rows of th, .. -inlin.. King
Pu .. hal only .ucceeded
",lIing "ghl 'ow .. u ,how" '" Ih.
pit.ur. , but Tommy "'Y' snw1.
cbicken an do betler .han .hall
Th" funny old King u now trying
10) wO),k oot " >econd ""ule, ",hich
is 10 draw I conlinl1QU.S line th,ough
tlI(c .,cllcr of all of the SO ...
10 ma,k them oR in the num
ber of KiDg
",rform< the fUI in .;x roIee . but
from ",e take il
10 be a yery $tupid ""'''''', 00 we
.xpect OOr dcycr pu .. lulO 10 do bet
tcr ; it i, I .. ery ingcUOIH trick, fully
u i f not bettc, than that of
making an .gg: .tan<lup on end, for
t"" ",.-pctrali<ln of which with an
ri", "l:J:" the """'" ....
waJ loaded with .....
A. Chan.d
My 6,11 ia" my"""l\1ld ton-
uins ;1. and my whole .. an
mUlieal ;nitIum.nt
A Ohl"-de,
Wilen I)",,' tho nludow. Sally
fiN w,th 'I",rti ..... phy" plays;
l n)rn,nl>.'''' aneiml name.
da,k o:Qmb\ll\iou bum, ,n
\\ name my _ on SaUy'J
My glil\onng ",hol. does nllen raL
\1adame Donpain. of 51. Ger
nt.:lin, pureh.! .. ,1 ....,"'" from a mer
chant ..... ho nR ...... ' a S PO' cml di.
counl. IIcr bull,r, h,,,,' .-or, in_
fom,"" tho m.rc:tunt Ih,l he ml1$l
.... i' 5 PO' Cct11 .","mi.,;nn on
bill. Or Iho good. WGIII,I
IIn ... l;d,ctnry. A. Ih. n""('t
A Chlrade.
\\'hcn ul)!o U\l:hl ,;de. down Ihe
CI"" .. I h) my first amy;
)Iy IoCCOI>d tOtnts Iii"" ,,-ith the firll.
iln I bail. tho I(enw ,ay,
My whole <oml>illCd, 10 you "iD
A lUnc olio,,'''! fo, , .. I:
Tho' I" u,,'. a!ullOo lrue,
Coo..! Ch,illian! III <onl ....

billie, not
g<>1 Iheir .1
bill /
of tho n ...
il l pilule which illoWI that
en'n Ihe moon.hin ... who ",anufac-
tu,. ",\fountain 0.,." in 'he wilJJ
of carryon Iheir Illicit
, .. <I. with "",M kin,! of a dever
trick CQIIcealtd in every , .. "<action.
0 1 con""" W. 112 n heard of
the IrnIn wi,h the b>rrel of heme,.,
"he nn,!. ... W'\lIIner ... itl! J an,1 ...
5.-qu.rt pite""" who wamN 10 pur-
th_ 4 q!WU of h"".,.. Ie II
simple mau.r to jUil:1. the hOller.
around wilh the two lIO\d
... ttl the ""Iuim] " but
jUlt ,.,.."...:.'" Ihf. gra,. mane. of you.
b"';n by trying 10 001 tb. puzzle
m""uU,.. 00 t. to !.til in how few
dlanges ,he feal un be
Thot w.U k"" .. n I , will
your mind for o"r jugglipg
puttl<-, wbich i. 10 ho .. ntar
WI m" ..""lIin ..... "h a birr., of
.nd l bIorrd "f cide. (J I)"
to ... bo.,J I can come 10 eiY,
In!! hi. CU""'''''' $11 ("I'i worth of
0. ..... __, they t.,,,, mix<'ll
applejack anti (iMr, ;n thaI !6-1:a!.
Ion itq. if he ha. <II11)' the 1 and 4.
!;aUon mcasurct to juggle with'
VOII WIll ob<fc....e that CIder i.
worth but 17 pilon, while
.!>!>lejaclt costs fj,'. a1 "'Ud!.
n. ""nle I. 10 di_,'.r ho ..
f . .. manipulation. Ue to
pe r/onn the feat.
ph .. 1 th. !:Inner. "on,J. n,,'roov , r
I,,,,\,h:l' if w. ,\.,,,101. ,h. """,1 .... ,.f
ww, "'< I ... ,. l'ick('>1 Qat it wo"hI
m.\.:e nind':." a"i",,1> 1tI all.
we w'ould J,,t hal"< el\,,'k<-'h
tQ p"y fQr ,hffil."
Ut"'1.;'i li<al,"1 cnuntty
,,,,,bmll' .1."" II!:eb",
or ",athemall.:.,."d yet 'hey Itn .... ,0
f.a,I .. " jln I>rnor ''''''')" <hlrken.
thn 1ta,1 an 1 '"" n",,,t.,, f h",....,.
a...l ''' . ,,'ore to flO',
are thor f." 01:\. pou:.
zh>1. 10 an""'.' .
Once a Puult.\. A.hnYI B Puuliot.
T" 110'''' 0 mo,al ,lid "rlorn a t,le
[,..ill,ake ."..3.i"" to [0 'uch
a. h .... bt<:n ,ttucir: by ,h. innate
f\"lOd('>ty of the p"ul. ",Ii\o, tn.t
when h. bcca",., of age Ius I;.an<l
""'ther p .. him .. ith ... "Ieb.
III he. ratly which ,,"I>U\<! now
dolt- ltad, ahn<II a ",emury and I IWf,
.he .... , ,'ery p"'tw 10 puzzle., m,1
II'<'d 10 to the 1"",,1 ""pen
""du Ibe MIl> 'k plume uf Kilty
Sharp, Wdl. io ."""rd:mee with the
motl" of our enfl.
",hil;h ... y. ",;.nn a punbl .hn,-. a
I"' .. the mli,,!: ",,><Ion .. .". ",II
ufODII:. for .lie p,..,...."lro the 1Im<c-
1'Ita. acrompaniro by lier admoni-
tion that "th. ""-Ich ",i1\ "hnyo lrach
)"00 to be Mit ,m .. 1
umed ........ tTflll inAllen on my
whol. \lfe, I. inlimalro, r 1M
Ilnng for tMc "'ing gene
lio<t: ",,'h)" .hould a ,..3teh ICach yCPtl
to be m<ldmr
Th.n <he ga," me an ,Uum,'led
,..,bu. by Davy Croc:kcl and on. by
Bcnj:unin Fnn!din, bolh of whom
"'<T. fond of I''''lle. a, .choal eh,l
dr.... Iml think " r i,J Wilhout
dO<lbc, ('oW''" W.,hinGlon hu put.
.led OVer th .... for they were
popular in Ih"-'" days.
Two Old Stl1G RobL1l1!l.

\J JL T'f
,F"1. <6:s
j3. a y
Th.r. '.':""rulbl. probltm
which come. ,,ith ,II. whin uu',
whIch "'ill ...11 ill ..
" .. IMY pia)' the ga"", or not.
II .. a ""lvie arnng<'t",nl of a patty
of viay'''' and Ii," talht. and nukeo
.. !""elly pilule Ihe young folks
(oull wi<h 10 ""<1)' .. ,,.r. I< """""cd
at _""I ,,hi I party. wher. lire
martkol collpleo wer. pttta!
fj'e pain of JOIIIIi lolb.

Mr. I Table
J Dna. 1""
I 1\0,3,
Minni .



Sh""';"1: h.". ploye" were
scal",l fiyc lHoe<-
an<l "n, Smith, for iMIaJ>CC,
alw.y. :md pb)' ODe
Kame at c:tch 01 the 6n toble.. Tom
an,1 31... partow". and arc
10 play OM" game wuh each of the
rmmet! (DUpin. "'n<l '" OD; 110 one
tn play twice a, lbe .. me table nor
10 meet ... me oppooents a ...,.
"'" =.
Thi. i. a \"Cry fIOPIllar plan with
.. hi$I,'''. 10 '61 Ihc urf!Dg\h
of their 1(:tIIIL It io impl. mal
ler to rour with ';x
111 pla},e .. , (It fi,. w,th Iwenty a.
Riv.n in Ihi. ""ul . Or ,.,-en ..elh
'",et>ty .. ;ghl playe'---, "hut for the
hfe of ."..;' 1< 3 noled whi,l ct.:lllk
$Ayl. '"I do,,'1 ;ee bow 10 make the
rltan!: .. rm lix Ulbl ... for ,"'''''ty.
PROPOSlTIOIf-TeU ho.". l1IuGh they dr.nk Uld how to divide the remainder into three equal poriiollf,.

ERE I!; A Jrer-L!NG
trick ... 1",h ""<"I'm:<.!
In B ""'"I'a"v "f crur
. h"y. in hh,c ,luring
. Ih"'-M"l";r,n in (""1,,.
II is m"",t. nn nlt,.,.i,,"
fR""''''' oM' .1",, 01 !on",,! vf
Bnd I five- .anLl a th't"I1"llM
""",.ure, ,"10 wbu'h )'ou art 10
[our p.Un"o "I I><>ntV,
In tm. ,"otan-. lhe h<>}'"
h:3d l>e<n on n1"',htl"".
e.of'I\lt1<tI. among ",h 11I,,.,p,
l en,ltallon kt-g n( t-T_ TJ>ey MI-
unlly ... mpled m of ,I n1
earnc<l .oma,nder h ... k II, rlmp
in \hn:e eo-lual pori""'" "".
porIion in tbe hI: and Ihe other 1"'-..
portImIS ,n and

The punIc '" l<> .how b" .. mud,
the,' and .... lhey mp.o.un-d
oul .n<1 oil,-,.\",\ ,Juo ,nlo
IJI= "" .... 1' ... 1'1._ ...."IKoII'
III .oy other ""r,.henl' U""pl
5tra.&bl rnea.unng. a,;. onrlM"<t""'1
lO juuhne pmlolcrns of Ih.-

Quest.on of r .el. IlJ]d FipIU.
An ... ,IKI"I), 011 liie ;n_"",n'c
"",ILen "'ro' "Il il ;n<'(Jrrt<'1 to
&awn<> Ihlt N:hable (.Ieul .. ,inn.
<ann<)1 1>0 madc ul",n Ih. proh ...
bilil)' of the of hIe, lur .. e
know that Hrn Ihe health of Ih.
d,rfer-enl tiM' h .... bH-n fiHUrM
down 10 a" UIl<'1 01' proh.
RIo,lty. CaO t .. drmon.trnle\l b,
Ih. in/nlhlh la .... .-.
Th. has
1"11<-,, inln 111. p<ll\ub< error nl
1,ln<"nK implin' onnhMn<:o> 'U til'
po ... er af
M''''K whole ,I .s lrue thai
., nen. I; . no"erthd ."
00"'" !pn w,ll d" nN
rca!,,,,, Ihn' ,h ... .. rnnnr rlll",,_
lall"M I"'rt.:l.ining 10 the prinl."ipl ...
nl M. ,,,.,,,am'C ....1",11 w,Jl ""'y.e1J
I" ",-",h,'u',.I",O. No rn(I.e tln[o,-
dlu,'raU"n ""bid ,"we httn
rdcrrtd \0 IhQ Ihe hnJ,h ... of
.It; .... fn. Iba ,Iulb t:>.lC m p'upnr
I,on In Ih. po>,ub.';011 of. lo .. n 11M
nnlbona: ",'hale""" 10 do .... th !.he
htal'h of !.he pl.,... 11 a ..
I-o.. allly ... beallby lhat no
died lor ) ......... .,..,.
nM ag<' mtal eventually
velnp .nd t-om. "" .-irn1.B.1 .. to
pro<ln a b.Jgb(r dUlh rale.
onl\" ""'""" methoo of de1.OT"Dl1nin,
the healtb of & 10 ...... or of a el Df
"''''' hued upon
age of th.,.., "'IKI die
.bout the infallibility
of ma1M-mat'os, mV fritn<l. the
actuary ;. <h:L!1..,te<i to figun- Out
''>e .... lutolmv "It ,f I sa)": You
......y lOa a nt and AI I<,lOn '" ,t
f.ll, head I ..-ill [in you pn ,
If il bll. hud on t he ,bm,," ,
..-ill you SIOO. but il dot'!! nol
{"II Ibe k<'Obd thmw, I
.. ill f>.1y $100. O. 1400 if hca<t li,..1
"I'pe''''''" on ,\,e Ihini f.l1. orUOO on
the fourth Ihm .... or $I,WO 011 the
filth . Iway. dnuhl,nlllhe Un'
til the hend fi .. t al'I>O"",
It lon\o; like n oimvlc I'fnl,n'!IIion.
hul n<> nil. 031! " . t"en P"PPI"ox-
..... luIl cl the "IT a. o.'lt",ally
\\"ut allenit'll ,I" landlonl. 111001
,!' '\,lalt' PnomtA! (l"y-,-.,,,tAI),
\ """ dav hN:ak., ",hat I.oom ..
01 Ihnr'".. ... Thoy go ,nlO mourn
Wby w;ubenromen Ihe llil.
of ....,m.n' U..,au"" Ih'1' pUt
oul Ih= tuh. 10 !'aleb 00/1 "Mer
wb .... II 1'3,"" hanl
Why IS a book hk. a king' Re_
... it h"" m,ny
When :lrC' I...., .pplto Whrn

a ('Oln.-.d .. ailer dropl a 01 r<a>t lurby . by dea ,t
a fUIlt d,uslerl
Ileo:ame ,1 IS the lalJ of Turb". lhe
",-enhrow of Grttee, Ihe ni,,, of
Africa <><1 Ih. breakl", up of
.hnuld an inn keeper "wt
Wbo:n he W&flU. bar-
Wby i. a,., aUlh". molY .emarka
ble Ihan a tal' netau .. he \I lhe
owner of ...... "1' lalo and they .n
ooMr (lut of his Mad
11"1>" aT(: tho m.n "'ho m.rl.
Iheir mark' Those who fa" 't w .. to.
Tommy Riddl .. , 'he O<',lTI page,
Innounc .. Ih.>.t Ih. King 01 Sw..,
who up"", 10 Ih. n{ the !'rin-
.,,!,milS upon
h,. <""n1fy'. fbI; for King Pu",I._
Pile .nd hi, ."b, .. " In gue'<'. The
problrm i. 10 fin,l how to rod
,n/D t,...,'l IMJJible numbrr
of ,in,s u-hi,A ,all br rrfimd to-
dra,n 10 4110 b""llho ",hil.
, 1"A .. t ,h. ""dril' of lh.
,,, liu: !t>I1t1 puzzle p'i>\ .....
Enigma 1.310 the <I"" ......... of he.
..,y-aJ "'''or by .ho",nl'( a pi..., 011",.
flvoril. ,,",hard, ',,",Wn'
eighl pe'ar .ight apple tr ..... ep-
ta<1I\(1f by 'p<'Cln>o:D' "f the frui, :u
... n ",. punl. i. 10 rD"""',,
. 1 u1 Df Ih, ,i .. AI ,,,, .. d
_.k ,'" ./ooTtol ,,,,s'bl. rMlt.
IA<"/{" /'" sUtrr. "rrrJ of 1"'"
,..A".10 ,ouIs <Jj 1M A ... <I_
Tlot num ... r. placed on the
(ruit m.rely '0. C()mpe't'l<>rs
In dNCribc th ... an ... ... d<:arly
Stt il ynu can finrl " shon.r
t .... n the one ..... rked out by IJIc King
01 Siam.
n . " 01\ l.llci \be Co ....
Wc .... ,'" all ad about the trnu_
bla of the brmrr .. 00 twllo Itr.y
fox . /:0<'1" anLl """'" enrn acr",.
I Mrcam in boal ,,-hich ....'" only
I<> hoM .",n. so ,hal
..... nylnr" had 10 be mad. '0
the Ie" from thc gomt' o.
11_ g<tI!h1:' ., the co,n
Sirange 10 'ay, Ih. orig;nal lam'er
has now lum .. 1 "I' An,1 'OOIO"nl, 1l"1
on t hc cotum trip there wa,' nn
"" ho to 'wim l!.1ok "ill! 1110
[!OOI\f: whil. lhe Inx 1;>1'O\'1>lu Ih.
corn_ He 5>.y' tm wcre Iwch,.
can of com in Il,. bal:. An,1 lh.
I"" .... Iy em ... Ih. ' wilh
th ......... It IJrm. il
new and m,c""'llnJ{ l'mhlem 10 'dl
JUII now many 1,,,, .. IhM r"" h.,\
10 C'n<1 Ihe ,\ream both in l1"inr. and
.A. Cba.racI .
Though my 6'.1'1 a lingle 'hi (".
A gypsy qu .... who ekes 0<11 I".'
eu,,,, ... ,,;;I.nee by galherin!: quu
I<n {.om eulhbl. "jq,m, ,,110 wanl
tho .. 1,,,,,,"" Ihe
din. cf ,h. fO'lunc'ldling ind"'try
"'. IC>lJ()W,:
Y ... mo.n)' hundre,b from;1 .pring.
To m<n an,1 ani"",h a trUI
I'M will Irttly of it caL
I (kdarc il is a Howcr,
Th..1 Iwrelly ":C1\U Ihe vcrdanl
""" .. ;
\\'"hin my .ecnnd I disco"cf,
Th< In.oc 01 a lover.
An,1 when Aun:",,', linll Ir. ,pftad,
lIchnJ..I my !IOnd leu. it!
Cutbunln' by a om", 01 feor, .
lh. w"r:age nO,, ....,.. a\'P"t.
I'"or ... 1 ..... """1 ... 1<ng for a pme
He. ne,'cr yi.),Is. I!lOI1gh
My "hoi I "..,. bog I.He 10 uy,
I, II"'I!", dk'd in gay array .
'''rho ""fo.., 1". I earned
1m I .... n thr dC>lt;,,... lag ,,ttk O)Oly
IhITd IS ,"".h lhi. week
.. hat Ic" than hall A. much I.t thc
", .. k beforc" How mud! did 11M:
.arn ;n Ih. ..
DuOfl lII ,,"ch.,ulctI enlcrl:linl our
puuli!u with an of hi.
.. .n,,,,,,I._ .. ,h"",;"!:
En,!:",. ),i, Ita;"",! If,,!:1
which he all. "The Digill," He
comnu.nd. Ihan to form a pyra",j,J
0/ nine frocs wilh tM al (he
ba .... in the """,,ble number
of hops. ""e fr<l\:" at a lime.
AI no time mnot laf\lcr r,OR: Oland
upon on\' of mallcr ';'0. and the
punic ;, 10 teU '" jn'l ho .... few hops
the I.,., C1/I be porlo ...... !. :"'"",1;1( ..
h ..... been up"" lhe fmgo 10
,JW, il .,ni.r 10 deKnl.ot In',...n To
Ibc althol'l:h i\ i, only n"" ...
"''1 10 .tatc the enet numbor of
jumpa tl/'l.uirm 10 rer',,"" the feat
Unl. Tommy Riddle i, lhow,ng
lne I4ron's Scotch owl. "'hieh il WIn
be ranembC'red ,lour" made: remark-
TIu> Baron .,.. and
;\ is tol<l that .. Me i""meyinl'
through the ",ood. he mtl.
.... 1 and .aid to il. "11001 MO!I.
lloot:' and Ih. wi ... owl ' C'fIlied.
' Too HO! TO HOOf:' .. ''',.,h wal
nIO'Il rflI\arhble '"'WeT, for no one
hao ft'l b<cn ,hi. to diKOVO. in ho ..
"""ny .. ays tha! one ph", an be
.ad in lho", wonderlul word. 01 the
wi", owl I
Ii. OU.u.e.
II lrom .",Mble 01
my !\tCOIl<l. J {'I".",ly but ]urli_
c' my fi.t. it ... ,11 nu..t.rial
Iy """uib,,t. 10 my third.
Aeoop leU. how :II la'he. 2fld <on
biling 10 ri<k ihtir donkey in a ... ay
10 pin'" 1M public. finally decided
10 arry the beo..t.
Tht)' h:ad nOl gone br. how,,.r,
whon they !TIn the Khool-
who oxploinrd tht as the
Ii. Charadl,
You rat me. )''''' linn],; me; ducribe
'''' who ,an J
ram ""netime. a woman and 1OIlI0-
lime. a "'''''? ..-a!I Ih.o Ih. hoy. :and
,h. donkey w';ghe<1 220 Ibt., Ihey
,hQUld arlJu" the f'O"ttlon of the
w,ij:!ht J(> that th. man .hOllhl carr,.
11S 1"',,",1< .nd the b<>y bul 95.
Wh ... ,1I0"ld lhe ... oiJ:ht be hung
if the <I",;m from .lIouldc. 10
.h<l\lld., wa, lOll. lc",?

a IU'-
p.onOU!lCcd pu"ij,t, Inlt
who, itr.",," to _;ay, h.ld n.\.r
h."d 01 a I'nule
""Ih I h. PIiffi5{.ll lI\u],; which

.b.,,,ld kMW' C('Tll-

Il al on. end and <lr.t'" Ih. fa_
",ark ",,h on. c(.nlinuolli
In., 5h<)rtut polliiblc
.... , " " _'" .. II ... II ....... ".,
upon tHe
falllOUl i ," the
P k " 0011'11
the world a-_ "th.
F nend," a continnous airlia-
""n fur liilttn yar; indncm Ihe
Eng!i.h to ha,'c f,Ll<:w
upon c,'"')' ... I lhal "ie." the
llrit"h flag, II is pl.1rcd on lhe
ul.mlC "all'>' line, and IIIet'e an:'
ltn"}' finCI infl,cted for loading a
,"", .. 1 "" lhal Ihe tIJ:lrk is below ,Ite
.... aln-. III Otll' (If his gr-e:.t
in P:!rJiamml he proud thaI more
lhall fi,'e hundTtd were aree,loti
:mil iml>ri",nc<J {'Jr refu,ing to go
tosca in roteen .hip5. He pro"cd by
tll>.1 jn;lnd of
up "n-;eaworthy 0" 1,000
per )'.-:u- went to the boltom from
mc. l ..... ding and o'ct';n!nr;Ulcc.
The Plinuoll Mark i. of len m:ld.
wiilt only one circle, but /l.I T. Plim_
__ ,,.. .. ' "" , '" __ " TO
"''''' < , .... ..
...... , ,_ .... , ............ _, ....
4_" "" ...... 'fYI.
",II , .. "'''''_'''' ... , _, '." " ' "
.. ", .. ,-)I ........... ,oo, , ....
1010 ,to ...
"h, ._ ... 01 ..... " .. It""'" ""' .. '
... _ ... " . ... u
110. d .... ,.,.t., h ... , .... I" moD
I. , .. _, /0._ ...... _ ..... _ .
" ...
..... , t,",t I. ''''' .... , "" .... .,. 1 J..-
t ...... , ... / lIMo .....
n ... " AO,..,. ......". "'w'" ,,,/.,
""", .... , ... ,,,0, ,_ t ....... y_ _
1::"" .""" ......... I ..... ..or ..
'.,,""'0 ...... T ........... ,.,... ....
, .... , ..... , .......... , t'.- ... "'''''''
.. "". '" ,"'" .... -.. " ......... -
.. .-.11., " ...... _ .... ,'- """",-.q ..
.... -- -,....
" '" ", .. ". ' .. -" ..... -
, ... ',,"" ..... " ... -..... , .... ...
___ o., ..... " ....... "" ';'<' ...... u
.... 'k. "' .. , .... "'". '-'" . _
... ....- ......... ,-" .. _ ... ,
the fIIg.

, .


Give the dim,ol inoa of a erOBI which will be JUlt II large u the relt of
the the whit .. or.,... whirh
t3KOII "I> eXil/;t!y Olle_h3lf of the
'1>1"" /
A CKAIIAtll::.
My Ii ... , i. ("".--sixth, of .. otep that
is !<l1Ig.
My _ond a penon of stat .. ;
My .. a thiDg that we 1m""
to be. WrQ:rI,.
Iu .howl", 'Ynlplom of hale.
fint i. (""nd;n . ry house.
I'rom ... "uy ""ndo it l:Uanls.
My -..nd )'OU ";\1 al ... find
I n park nl unk.
).Iy ... Srottu.h cbid wcU
By ballad. b:onl .nd 1\.01T.
Who 1M hi. country lif.,
And d ... ". f.U .. 'th ll<><y.
y"" ... t m )"011 drink _.: de-
tcnt,., me .. ho """I
t .. m ...,,,,,,,i..- ,.."man and ..,_.
lim",. =0'
)ly flnt .. fIOn;,," o;>f. book,
of the msect Inhe my ....,.",d;
Wh." 'cr UIl<>" my whol. yo" look.
, ..
A .pTenll"l 1Iila it mull be <t-
Som.'imes. I .,d Ihe to"."1 cause.
Smn.timH, 11(11<1,. .. '" th. waR:
Sornotirn"", 1 wllh the th"'f
Sometime><, I'm uM"ful at a/int,
Sometim ... oa."""lu bWri."d
SumelJmos, the ano"ol,
5on><tunes, the IWI my
Sometimes, I b.lp lhe painle.',
Sntmum ..... """"Ibly iIoy, Wlll try
By me to Z ... " I bird'. " .. I lulb
II lo.dde.
WhII1l loroe or rt"'ngth un 110\
I .. t.ou,h oan do.
And m",,)" m 1M SUeel.> _Id 51<:1nd
Did I b<lt p ... ,'.alnmd II bandl
A .. ,
laIy lim make!! all nalW'e appel'
"';\h DC" fa"",
My aerond hao music, and beauty
and 1tf&C";
My ..,1><11., when winu. bAnll
dull 0''''' the .an.h,
I. Ibe IOUrce of much pl."" .. "" of
mitebid and mIrth. Snow_ball,
Tommy Ri'I.U.. .."MunO., 10
King P"ulcp:ue and lhe bi. Pri"-
e... Enigna that Don Quixote
",i,h ... to exl,ibit a rno;l.l of
the windmill mOn,ter which he de-
in .inKI. oomb.1L 'rhe I,uul.
in Ini a."" .... hich Tommy. sa.y .. "i&
.. "ory liule CO te> cut
cu, the ni,1O pie<:.. and .""rrange
,h.m 10 ... In make .. per/<'<;I !!qua".
'rhi. il" de and in<lnoeli <lUdy
in while the :iC<'<>IlII i. "
l"b"I' In ""'" $ancho P"nu', moth_
tm31;c.lgrni1lJ. II .... id Ih31 ... hen
be ..... 1"",,1 in the blankrt he .orn
puled by " ... 100. la .... f)f falli"g
bod;,.. lbol h. up lh;ny fttl.
and 1h:I.1... _h utent
by len "". <""t .. it """,rd
he an eny m:mu to I.n how
br he mn'>l bo,. tr.onllcJ btfo
h. came to an aclual "aU of =t!
AI; he to cbart:" mi!eage lor
dis..,..., b ...... ' thrown, h. ash
p""'!;'I' 10 hrlp him out wilh ,heir
aolculalion._ 10 aid him in making oul
his WI of
A. P1w;1e or our Gnt.D.d-dadditL

A. Chan,de,
,erond wu giyen thrn"Rb my
fi .. 1 to an old ... om:<n itt the dArk
A Chltad.,
fiNI y011 1'1,11 no,.r ftt,,1 011';
my 'l<ontl ;. fou,,,l.,1 in 1'11111 r
1",,1 Ihat yllll .... ,11 n",',,' b< my
A Charad"
My firl! i '''lI"in. my .t<"nnd
wbot Inv ..... ""'I'or. Ih.". mi'I'"'''''' J
h<afl, In. .",! my ... ht>le .. 1M name
of a celeb.aled lown in
F"rmc. !'mllh work .. 1 " I
Kr.oi" 00 .h>.rt< ""Ih hi'
Jones. 10 Ri'" ,,,,,,,,filth. of
lhe ,n lieu of r<tll II. tonk
(or hi, own "", """" wkeat which
Ihey he wOflb $-'0,
whid, "",,,1-1 be. SUI 75 mo tlla" lbe
",,"'her of ... ,,1><1, 01 fJ", lor
'hry .'t1l11.:1,,,,1 ,h>.. !.\ 01
... h .. , W1' "'<lnh (Il'''. th>." 8
h",h,-J, nf "'., A. J"tt'" p,derrcd
'j'., """,h ",,,,\. ,,, \m"", how many
(,,,,),,1< nf n'c h. m",! Ii"'" him to
'qnar' 'N' """<..
tie \I>['ythagor.l, c1a.. i-
cal p,oIdtm ollhe "',-
of IwO "'lila'''.
",e otin I)oX'l>ll White',
bup.,n 1"',,1 ... wh;"I! illu"l'3lrt an
nlen.ion 01 the fan""" ['OtU /u;-
notunL Ma. White h:u
purt:Mwl pit of ]ineoleum . nd,
hlv"'l:" a lilli<' trianS:IlIa. p,e thrown
in for "",llIng " endta ...... ing ... III!
I hfc """" ()cacon', aWOIan, 10 "Ian
""'" 10 (III II>( pitus to .... U! form
a perf1 oq .... ,1O. It contain. a
oimpl .. bul pretty t"""'rical prin-
cip!<, which )OU could not kim at
"" ....
Wh.o\ Did Sbo WUI1
"At my lone thr ",her d.>y
yo''''g Imm IloJI"" ,""i....,.'
the bo""'hoId by """''''II: 'he loan of
a dimi",,'i .... ITf(enl"""" Irunc:o\!"1
ron .... 011 it "mmil .nd oemi-
p"fonled "ilb 1)'ITIm,'ri..-a] inden-
WIw land iJ like & IIICTf)' dog wag-
hi, tail? Am ..d .... (A mtTl')'
Wh:1I ;. Ihe ,Iiffe""ce !>clw ... n l
li![ht .. ;n and. 1"',nl(
(1"e i, mill .nd Ihe OIhe. Mr_
.:j. - -.
- -
. '.-:
.... '. . ',-
A Chand.
I upli ... l. wh..., trained well
by Uri,
To .Ioh lon' 01 ""1: an impuls(!
In i;3Y pl<asm. 1'", do_ely

The pI" lOt> of n,e II> Ill<! will
mnfid< ;
The mi ...... ill smile ... hen .... Ie with
hi. <>1.1
My faireot 01 lomu he hao "",dully
I uldu] '''' found in mrn<ru mil.
To frimd.t.ip and !a.-c I lend my
kind aid.
llYn, "'lIlle )"OU are upirtnl:
to me
Let vit'lut ",,1 v ,rtIr. )'OIIf """\(I .till
Th ... trnndeut m>y r,ml"R and ,,"yy
may KOttI,
nUl boppy if mHi, }'OU' 'ife .hall
CiphtT An n-.-14. '5.20, So
Ho. fir i, it from FclJmary 10
April? A M .. <b of Ihirty-one doY"
Who is llle mootl poptll:tr man of
1cttn"' in III< "",mt .. ? n... f""'lm:In.
Why i """"ltm ... la:e
a u,,-.:nt,r1 hr i. ofl<11
A Rebu.
My fJr<1 \, fair alld lil(llI II a",
All..! moe" ""r """':
My n.,., .. oorno Ihr '''1:\:0<111>'),,,,
wtl wilh !>t:Itl.v ..!t\\",
In mod." .!lim m,' whole il
In y.)"d., p,drn gay;
It', lorm olt bra\'" Ih.

(ll ,,in'.'' tlM;ng oLoy
Cipher An ..... r.-'9, IS. 23, 4,
,8. 'S, .6.
A Par.d"';ca] Word PunJ..
Wh..., YOU, JUC' on m) l.u
It Iooi JII" like my t-k;
WlI<n my form )"01' eon Ira
A ....,.".n you11 lr.lCk;
And when .IM: i, lou",I.
"00'1 6 ... 1..he i. nQIM'.
Now go and we'll'nund."
And dooI' t "'Y I wpollo r"n."
My first tD my o<>n,1 ;, lik. a
Eacb but an trho Df Ih. Dlhft,
My .. hoi. may br"1 tho .. ild,
,u.!(ing Ihrong.
Or .. he .. the c:001 rivulet tbn<tI
(iph Anlwo . -IJ, ll. 18, 13. 21,
Of COl"'. Ihere are m.1ny way. of
doin!: ,hi. p" .. I.; for .
... eigh lourteen of >ogar h.
rIa";"!!" ,11. r,,,,, and niM pound
... oll(hl. on One .ide 01 Ih. oc:o.l.. , 50
., In but ,ix ol'''Ifo'.;1I
Ihe 1Irg.: rhn>. weigh in" nut
p<h,n..!. fmm tlut w;,h
fi,' . """n(1 ... illhl. ".., bol
one l""'n<1 in ,hc bag, .. hid> tIlly
be uled weight \(I &'" t..., pDI,n,lo
in neh bal:.
n.. 1',"1l . h" ... ",..,<, i. to !",r-
form the in ,"" fewClI _ible
nu"""r nl m.utip"blnn<. '" ... 10
.hmr tho quick" .. \(I do il
A RebU5
M)' run iJ n11lri"H and "",""
A .....lued pm of bttman food.
My nut aft blooming the rooc
Thol in J'OD gard<ll .... blows,
M} .. hole trips
And c:hu tht haml.1 .. ilh " oong.
Ciph.r A ...... e1.-1J, 9. U, II. 1,3.
1,9. ...
My fint.
lot ages
nc.". SO deatUy a< my >onJ.
" 'iJ(l1tly fOl' ,h. 1"'0.
I telf wbat man ,00,,1<1 do.
A Rebul
" ,00, my whole, wou1<l MW N"
Y0l111 fu,d ,h. rnrm I, m<><tly """,.l;
CUI alI my 1,,,,,d, you ",ill fin.l,
I'm not bUI coo'. bthin"
And if "pi" my hrad ,"OIlR'-e\".
Y",,11 fond .til! in 1":..,[ Ot ri,'er
CiplM:r An.wet.-Il. 6. 5. 5.
Frank and Simmy bought ... 3t
m<1on lor tonto. frank
...",,,il>l1l;ng Ih;rly cents an.l
<lg-hlcen ... hioh thoy go.;nt:: 10
,li.iO\< P"'I"'rlion ,1\ Ih,i, rd"ive
;nyu,n,.nlJ, .. t,n,. <f'yin]l" om. ))a'S-
'"I( 011 road. tM.V C<lf!'p;,.,1 I,)
Hrre are t .. o rr.1ty
puulto btIongirc to I""
OIl<' <koign. A Wlor
h,,,1 a remnan' Dr ,10th
.. -hid> ... Wxd to at
inll> fo",' p;<I Df
oIupe and IIu.
Shnw h.,.,.. ho performed
11M: 1_ by rnan.;ng "",
1;"',4. <1.-..;".... Tho _d iJ a
e"H,"f: ""ule. Take" pi< (Of
f\"I'<"r 01 Ihe """e slu.1'" and CII', il
onto f .... "" p"'OLbk piece<
will 61 I<l-:cthM" ... as 0> mal<.: , per-
f\ "'Iune. ____ _
A Rebul
My 6,,,. [ mn" awn. '" dupldlyl
... If,
A !"'mU .. ion my ICCCInd
",ill TWl'H';
)I)' "h.,le ..-iO a
To ",cifcle pan 01 delicate
('I'ho< An,W<1"._2. 18, r, 3, S, Il.
5. :KI.
II Charade
In Mttl.fidd when fron, 10 lronl,
Cm"cnJ;ng 3rmies bear the brunt,
fir., ;. in Ir:ty;
If ie' with 1IC'pl<'.xul
YCIU m.y m""sure with my
.... xt,
Or with my lotal weigh.
Wh)' i, fuh ba<>k lib a hond
The .. both n ... d b>.iling.
""I"",] a thi,,1 of IN: ",.1"" llpon him
l(>r ,1><- .",,1 of t"" "hoI<. Afl,r
hod g<mc the ho,', prttttdc<! to d;"
,-id. Ih. """'''Y:OS Ibry thou]l-lll ,igbl.
and thO'n """h than al<" a h.lf
of t ho remamder How .houl,] ,""
"",ner I>e di"io\<d \:o<t"'..., Frank ...,<1
JUII to l110w 1\<')", latle many
p!o who ,n,b lb. rIlCO.
know abOlI! Il,e Ih('C,y
... we.<Ii; tbe followmg oiml'le

If 110. 00,1, are 2 10 I again.! the
H'PflDI'OIatnu, on'\ J tl> ! again',
Ihe Rhil>Qt"cm<. , ..lul II<' Ihe
odds ag:tin.1 the Gi",fFe if ."c'Y
thing " on tbe "'l .......... ao ,t Rlway'
is in I'ludtland?
Hen: j, the sonrl p" .. 1<: con-
fleCl.W ";Ih the IoaltIc pi<!U'e, "'h,,,h
.bo ..... how they mala: up a lwIJicap
m Puukland:
If the Gj",fFe UII but 1M Rhin
ooerw nl I mil. in. t ......
.nile n.t. and Nhin
<:OIl1d bnt Ibe
Cne-qu;ort<T of mflt ;11 a lwo mite
handicap, ",,,,"I 0\;",,,,,. coulol lhe G,
ofFe bnl Ih. H;JI!'O in Ihe same

The 8&1uy PIW! .
I1.,e i I""" the ordi.
nary .Wain of llfe whi.h i. I. in-
a' ;1 i, p" .. hng tn .11 who
taclde iI. The "RQoo." Wa' 1 .... 1<">:
p.etty >: 00<1 the OIhor dlv. to he _.i.1
10 hi, Ilen<>l/nph":
1I1ary. in ,'iew of tho f.'1
of Y"'" ne r mdullt'nl> In .. ",los
,acat,.., I ha<e dctemuned to
Y'M". $]00 e"ery Be--
Itinn,n>: from ,<>-day. lor !be
ins )'t1!r. you wi!] be paid week]y
al the """ 01 $@. y : next yoar
al the nle 01 $.oW. the next 01 $9(Xl.
anrl 10 011, always incre"-'ing :11100
1><' ytot.'"
"On aee'll!Ot 01 my 1I ... k h ... rt."
ropl,,,,1 Ih. Knle/"I young woman.
"I ."ltlt .. , thai il would be .. 10
m"ke d,e ehanlto 10... brupt. Start

tho salary from l<Hlay upon baJi,
01 $600 a .rur. a, .ultl;"'w1. bu, II
the ""d 01 '''' "",",hs rai!oe ;1 $25.
and continue 10 ):i ... me SZS TlIM
.. try .i x "","'h:\. to long as my KrY-
>s are ..
The bou .mi]'" bmiJ:'llly upon his
h,thlul crnp]oyee. II M atpled
but .. Iwinkl. in hi, other
eye set toIIlC 01 Ih. boy. ,0
a. to whether or MI the "Bo.s
m.M .. "' i!oC move by aeptink Itcr
Q.n)"Ou lol! 1
Apmr_ of Ihe popuLar
tion 01 oWtI;cs;n 0\" public ,d'OIJ!J.
II'. wil! ,"" ... hnw B \it'l.
pul! mi&fa ,,1;\i.I1I;I muff .... te lb.
I'rineil'le <If clwIging ,ttmJ by &lib-
it;llIt"'" in a!g<bra to clear
The """"hinC'd. P',I\;", po ...... 01 the
{,..,,. $1<... ,1 """s i",t <qll"]< Ih,l.I of lhe
h. plump 0;"1tt>. A .. 1M -.I
.ketch oho"" Ih. .tim h<l"" !O t...
"'1".110 ..... , . , bo)' !"" plurr.p
t:"I. w. al ,=< ",,,,,,hiy n",'"",,,
m the thml ilh"''''lIiton hl'
1M _hm I",,,. for their .. pi...,.
!tnl II> p,.lh", Jl"!,,u. SO .. c ."L,,;'
tul" 131 boy ,,,,,I lion) plmnp ..
a.v Ih,. cltan..,. ... nOW in ,I><
pkture m. plu",p .,i" ...
"'!"" stoI' l h>y 0pp0...J \0 oue phmlf'
gor] and lour ."",! boy .. so ..... ea .... l
ofF fiv. plump gi.l, I ...... ,i<le
and 100,r 11001 boys from ,he
bt<;a" ... Ihe 1i.. 1 .koteh I[>V. il as
th .. i. rebtl..., IM,ning I",,,,.r . we
kll wilb on. no Ih. ril:111 ;0.'
'r1>OK<l to on. 1.>)" which p.o ... Ihat
Ill<' left tr ." ,lo! "it( ;" Ih.
Ih,,\ .hlch ,I h .. <,",,f,hh ,,' a
"""'l:lh more Ih311 ,I,. otM'
''''In. The m3lhomalia! I,mfc ..,r
,,1<0 "mpir<d Ih. mateh ... ,,' in hi'
...... 25 24 Id,
I,."" I .... righl."
H ... I r ... Il<ol .. ", rro .. , __
lOon, Ht''1'-<I., .... J .... M,b I, ... n
,",.rtb, 01 '''"'' -.olo!""" ... .
t. ,he n, .. Qr ll", ..... J ... ...
D, .... M"I 0 ... & """" u .... ..
r.r ltal ' .... I .... I: b ... ,._ u
..... ReM
To I;oo.n of In)' 6,.,1 would but WI.
low rcd:OhI,
To aU it lo.. h.1ppnof. and thou at
10.'" _,nd,
I'ut .. bo it ., "nl..,!ing, "" c.olI"", of
..\, nvt I" n:j";,,,,* ,,' the .Ighl 01 mY
II"h,.oI. ?
t:iph<, 'J. ,8, l!O. s.. ,6,
11, ' 1, S-
A Cban.dc
Y. borth. pcrh:lf" m)" 6.-.1 may do
En: )UlI bq:in tn &lug;
"r, ",lu'" ,he =
Wht n l1(>rrill "'3"
,,'''''Ie denote' a ''''pid .11,
So Ih" 01:1. t" d""" }""rwH.
C;I,It..,. .\ns .. '3, 4, ,8,
21, IJ.
.\10.. ""'. onh ('v. ' ... n old
And I<ucel}' IOl 'wa, aLk '
t Im my Ii',I .... 1 am wM,
To ro;l<1t aMy. IIM'table.
,",., "'Y o,"'I1' .....k. qu .... ,,, .. 1.
A",I "" o,her
1 )"" !ha, nwnnta ,d'"od mv whoIo
]1"1;] .0,,>0".
I,.'ph<r l). !6. ,6. 5
A eh.rad.
M) r"I,,,,1 i, f, .. ",.\ where Ihe wild
,..a,-,:. nn: ,t.,hing.
An.1 Ihiek u... cold. brin1
fin,1 i: _n wi",,,, the fin .) ....
.'" A,,<hinl:".
An.1 .re Ih",,, .... n'u.
PROPOSrTION-- U the Three Gracel, with rOleS of bue, meet the Three Graces laden with golden
apples, and eacb MUile ,an each Grlte the .. me qualltity of roses lind received the .me quantity of IP-
pies, how many 01 ueh did they bue?
,,::C' . ,S GREtf.\N Problem of the Gracea and Musu.

'" hot "f dusk;,!
,,' an .1-
legmd .h..-h
.. m.albemat,ral
As throug" Qlympi"" bow
'" Slm!! .. 1 til,..,., (;lif Grarol. culling
f\" .. tH
Of l'erCuuu: .0.,.." and v, ... ied
Frum pInk and ",-bite 1<1 red and

They n ..... Xusa fa;, to
W'lh roWen.!.<>reI of apples .wet'!
Rae-I!. Muoe. in turn, to ,,-'-rry Grar"
Some _1'1'1"" gave,lIn.J in lhrir riMe
dId as
'the.r IItn..,. aU jun lIlike. 1 ..... Ai<l .
NQw. 'f tbe numbt>n ..... ,.., the .... me.
The quo.ntitics of earh p"",bim'
1 do nnt hf.liev" th:at .. d...,n
In"cons .",,]<1 make tho """,nmg
TIMe,., wn1;. rune Nuses
.."Ih ",*s of n nous h""., all de-
ICnl>cd. who met three GraCH
..,th mid .... appl.,., Y.""h of the
MU<H 13vn to ea<:h"f the Ora=.
anJ nch 01 the ()=-es "','., 1<1
cad, of tbe Mu:;"", .. thst
. '\",,.. .id" all th.,r ow ..... were
lu,t .1>kt ---fcnry M USfl .11<1 Grace
"a"Lng .. ';"Uld' 11lX'i: .'.'l' ... 5C'>ling
an equ31 of lind
rn .. ,. 1\ i ... pretty I'''u]" rur our
l)\u9u 10 mu<e ",'cr ,
Wh)" are pi .. ".,. ""ble
tet'\l? Ber4""" arc grand,
urn!:,!!t, an,1 "'I""'.'
Why i ... d"l!' hi. tail like
" g<><>d H""3U"" h ..
m.o.k", ooth m,l. m..,',
What II 'he d,!1nen<" bet ..,,,
a gl ...", 01 .... Ur .. nil" gl .... of a><la
wat ... f,"e e<'1IU
Why ... a good ralol""" the m05\
:unilI.b!c> of "('Ittal>l ... ? RaUte It
.. :lll h,,;u-t..
Why i.s an a" ;1O",c",ed man I,k ..
a"""" adJ<,<'wel Uecause he
dOni sund. alnnr
Wby II .. rlergr"",n'. hone hk"
a king I U""au.., he .. tuWN by ..
Wby i .... DI:I.II in a garrrt t'OTI1-
miltlDIR nn.nlCt" 11k.. a ro<>d
1le.;311Se be I al>o,.., C<lmm,tI.nt
b><l acllon,
Why i. an avaricinu< man hh
one wllh a ohnrt me ..... ry> He iI
/".- g<"tt'IIj(
What is t hoot wh'<h I,,ts in ";n-
t el'. tUn in .umm .... , alld emw, w,th
its roul ul'",anl' An i<',de
Whr is .. woman 4ke
bteM "('(""'" ... toa,t"d
\\'h)' .ho.,I<I " .. he a
goo<l namt f<lf .. " .... 110:-
rau'<e lts ,""II .. ,,'()Uldla

PROPOSlnON_AlI l.rmy 50 mile, lonl dUMU 50 mil .. wbll. a cOllrlu uo\llld It.

."" not
iSlle ...... ill I
a.,dent v.r""" ,..hi,h
tile olJe>t lI\ .. works.
II rouri" from the
01 a mov",!: """)., (,{tv mil<:l I"",.
daM .. forward dela'on a di
patch to the fmnt .. return. to hi,
pceition in Ihe roar, during the "",
""t time i, the rntiNl army
to advance. ju.t fifty m'l ....
\{<>W, far did Ill<> hve to
&"d ret"rn,ng to It,. 1', .. 1-
tlon'n rnr 01 the!
If the army w.", 11""<I""ry Ite
.. "uld have 10 trn..! fifty
""I ... fonranl and tbe loa"", d"tan<:e
bark. Bu, un,lor tho6,,um.tanra
... otJtt<:<i, h" mu.t go mo", than fifty
mil"" to tbe r .. "n_ &II ,he! &rmy "
Itoadily advanci"i; on hi. Tetum
tnp he m('("U the anny "n,1
fur d __ "<It b4ve In lravd 10 rar
To tb,- who flltnlli", with ,he
rul", which I:""ffTll!te '1u .... ,on "
il .... mVle but w mo<l
p!e, il wI prove to be a pmbl","
.. ran not. be rue..ed oa band
A l.oett<"r rullle is <Te:IIM hy lite
foLlow,ng nt(1t""" Q/ tht thl!1ne
giv.n """ l'mt.lcm Nil, 2
If a "'1..... ,., army. filly mil .. I,,",
hy lilty ,",oJe. adv ., .... fifty ""I ..
whIle 1\ tUner m3k .. tho
O"(ml of ann)' .".1 TeIUrns to
t he "art'nl!" ,n Ihe rOAf. h" ..
br .1_ ,he """ritr 1""'0 to ,ranI?
It" kif ""Mnt I h"t t he .. ,uri
,..""M hav. t <l two hlln<!rod
milO! if Ih" nnny ,,'C'" lIa,,,mary, ""
t"" VO,n, 01 thc! "",blem l urnl upon
ItQw much b. galnl Of
10$tS by th .. Rdvanco.
Which is favorite ....tlrt1 "iLl!
wumen' The last
,\ 1 .. age Ih<>uld a man 1lIAn)' /
At tho p ...... nagc:.
Why is an egg unrlerdor>e like...,
"lOt o"erount' ltft IXItb
Why is ,.....,.. 01<1 umbrtila, tbet.
lIu t--.a h>'l. &. good at ne,.. ,
("undl lIee ........ il.
Why do Salvation
ta..... .. .. Ik on Ihar heo:lIo' To
... "e IIIrir ..,1"" (!lOUIs).
Why il the .... W fu JOIIIip1
B ..... u ... 'lllIk ill will
Wh,ch i. ,he! <><ldC'St fe\k)w, the
(I<tt wh .. ,,>.1<... or tht or ..
woo a .. ,"'"",/ Tt,, one ... 1>0 asb,
bonu .. he .. the querisl.
Wb.-n dOH 'he wind ""'"' .....
oemhl .. " hookoeUerl When it Iccrpf
It.ahutto>ry talaonery).
Wbio, can be deri\1!d
fro", a J'1]'e1" of pinll zj.-e
you ..... "y Eood point ..
\l'Mn i. a ... drea older lhan
DId on.' \\'ben it', """" {moino}
Wb.o, pbnt io molt fatal to miO't
c. ,.",p
Why "'e halJoon. in the air like.
"'l(T1onn' flf:<'''\Ue th"y loaVR no
",.,hle mean. of IUpptITt,
11 I WM"e in tile IUn and yoor ,.., ..
out 01 il. thD otUI f)".
-, ...
a ",elHillw<,"" and de-
6p.te the bet thai tbey had
no mo", firecr.tch.< at,,1 were
finaoci.o.lI, they 1"""'1,1Iy
the "allet to an".
old I:Idy. who 011
th .:un. l.>I"d<, and .... 00
her own ... hi], by nammG" tile I'.'n
twl$. To r ..... ard th. 00y$ ror
IJ,e 1('\'>It .. hat 'null
(hang. t ...... wu in the boool< and
It"". i1 to ihtln. Ther. ju,1
58 cnou in ooin<, but " it
could not be divi,lw ;ot" lhru
.'w ]''In<, .he J;'I' . th. (1,1.,t "f
lh. 00ys one ooin, "n,] then di,'"J .. 1
Ih. the
other t1l'0 boy . but them to
in'esl th. cnlill! .'noun! III rltt
cracken. whi,h they could divide
Thtn: ,.en\$ to be bt,t !ittl.
to figure from. "e,<ll,
Ihue an: .It,ern! divj,j"lli flf

fill th. bill, ! 1. ,hould ha,. n<l

the amoul1t of
kind old lllly
['lit .0 Iolm> J ' .... .. u 101-
;.... A." ... "'" ,,,,, .. Iolo, , ... J ...
, .. ... . ..t K.,. I"". 1'''' s...". ,';"k ..
"'''II' .. b;. II""". T ... D, .... . ........
,.""" "" "",b L. "" ,J ...... " ..... & ...... " wII .... u',k
l< II .. ,' .",,1 U, w ,' ............ IL
........ !oi, ....... Ilin J .... , ...... " ....
.. .... r ..... ",,, ... "" 10"_ "oloo...
,..... " ......... .,. _,. ''''<f TO. ",,,J.
i . .. ,'OVa '_a JoIl .. _,.J'-, I ".
Wile ''''1 .... 1'' hilt wotk to u mIt
I loqth u .. d .till 00 ...
,lot .. il ill w.., n. n>ptoulttt.
Why io. phil ... th",piolliko ... old
Uno, lkeause th.y nop .t th.
""lid of wo.
How "D' .. [t.hoil .. ow enId
tho liaat (kdiolth cot lpol aa .... pt,
ltomaeh' 0111, dIu .hkh bh
lto ..... h it 101 .... pI1.
WhJ,t a." .. hUI thoir oJU ... r
.. t toc'"thuT n ........ U .. t.
Wh, ani ,ou I ... ud obia .t
n.ri ..... 1 B ...... w"nI, ani paM-
iog botw .. D th .... .
Wh, ia. IIIla il lih ... III,
milrl Bon .... h. l,,"moud.d
.,.;th du .. ( do .. ).
Wh. W.I the ! .. t Ih.t IMlllI
Ad .....
Wh.t '10..11, moot !. thl dtu,
shop' n. DOM.
.... . " ,.,4 , ... , ",,,It_ '1".11 .... ..t
u,., .... to .. , , . ..... , ....... .
.,,, .... or ,O!." ..... '_"" . e .. ,..
'.11 ... " . ' ."' . ...... 1 "'" ' " . . ..
_b., .... ... ""1" 0' ' ... "'-" ...
' .. '" .f w. ". wu ........... Io' ..
.... wO'" ........... Willi . ...... 11 T<.
_ ... .. ,.,.,
", "BOCU 0_ ."OW1.EDo;:o;.
'"t " ', ... - ..... CIo ..... <". tII-
""'- .. ,,. ... '- ...... -.. -...
,., ..... , ....... .. . - '-.. -
... , ........ --
""011. I ... , . .... '" ...,... boo .... .....
...... .. _""' f
-Y .. _., , -. .... . . ..
"",., ..... "" , ...... , ... __
....... "- .. ... -
-" ....... _', _w ...... I . .. ..,;_
...... ......... -
-" ...... ---
........ .. -......... -....
..... -.. __ .,\-- ...... .
M ... -
.... _ 1 , _ t ....... ,_,
, ......... ..... , _ . ..... r.
.. _., _ , ... , .. -. .. w ,
... _ ... _n,.r .. _ ..... _.
.... . ...... _d '" _. -.:J ... , _
. 0 ... _ ..... .. _,.., .... .,
. ,.
-v ... ,. .. " . ... _ I . _ ,
... I .. ', ......
....... , .... -.... -...,. ..
........ ... ..... _ .... _-
..... '_ ..... ",,,,.
...... , .... . _, ........ ,,-
-... .. , ............... . ....
... '-'" ,-.",...
" ........ t , . ........... ft , ... ....
..... .... ,..,' ... " ........... ..... '
H... , ......... . ..... ....... I4Il<
...... Ft ....... ,... _ . .. _ .... .
. ............... , ................. ....
.. .-. ...... .. ... .... ,'
...... , "'''''' "" .,...... ' 01' "
' ..... ,., ....-\1., ... " .. .
WI. ' .b ..... " ......... .b .. "
J._ A_ kU or "" ...... .
" .f .... .
.... ' .. t
"' .. , .r ..
H .... i ,...."1 b,,'" ruvl< "hioh
.... j, .. ,f n, h.d ..."r.' ,.,1;",,1 ,,,,,,i';.
'W"'l'''''' tu 'h, "tn,,,, .lId ..
.. ,II I"",""IQ "P'Y .1. ,,-< .,h,., ''''''1 "

I, ,Ita. (1,, bul. ur<,h.,., <0.'1..,
I.od 'n ... I. "",.kine I"fl"""b,p ,"""d
''''", .. 1" ....... <n<I yl <lap w.o.
... tII $.1<).1, .... , ...... , .... h, ..... n _."
, .. tb. <" .... <->uhf "'" !..- tt;,id.d ,n'G
til ....... P'>""'" ,""" ollP<'l<d '0
....... _ ,h .. ' .... If .. .oN! ,., ,I><
1 .. ... 100 .wU ... ,I, hod plmty o' ,_
.... I .. hood, '0 ""J1h.,. ,hal
0""" '''m up Ahet Ij.. ,nw..- .... ,h."
.. ., ....... , lor '""k "". ,It< com. .".1
<T><III) I""'in, i, mt" hi, _krt .......... kl
...... , nl -'1 -y". .. ,U "" ..
f",j ,n c!;".I ... ", 'hr '>s
00 ,1, \ ....... ill .ath bo,'. , ..........
"'_ . ..., .,ll nn< ",,,,'haI ""'" p' ....
of """".,., .. ,d ri .. it) ..... 1,_ tb.
"",-", t 1... <10... , .... 'h, ..... " ..
All """W n .. r""" .It, ...... '0
"' ... 'bkl\" ill on odd ft',,, . nI"
,,_ II .. r ... , ..... ,.,.. ..
... d h'''- did .h.,. .in ..-,
Wh.ol 10 dllfo",_ce &
100, nd Hi, ob&d.... ' Tho!>oy eu
uo hi, .hldo ... bat Ill. ohad O&lt.
aol It! .
Xo .. Ult I"' .... n Ii ... e.irht,.
JOan .d .. e "nl,. t"'nty birth.
cb.,..1 Be bOM! ""Ih. 29t!t of Feb

J ..... .. "w ... ' ... " ." _. bi. to, ..
,I.. ' .... IS .. d""",,, ... ' ,. ,1000
_ !''' .... ... 11, .... ,
A, ,he ................. -. ,M.. , .... ....
''' ...... -.k .. a 01 Il1o "!of<
W .... ..... ,.. ............ _. ", ......
"'-';'<4 ..... do' .. , I ........... boI .1000
r-. ..... ,11&
..... I ... PI . """ lot .., ...... ' ......... ..
,.' ...... .. ","","ool ,Ite ''''f.'' ........ t.:I tM ___ of .... __
I "'" lo-iJ(h, ., """I<
lit! In. "'I' elf .... I!..oot:
Tb... bt&<k " ."...
0 .... "tUJ '0'''>01.
Shal-" .... ond ""' ..
.. .,h ..,;.."". n. f.....d. tt& bad (.""" Ill< la.(
Aad ""dot <1"'""".
......... 1O I. 1&
.... " _ .r " jJl, ..... , ('> ....
CII"'''''' . .,.,.0 . lie"' "" ''0 '<C" .r
"' ...... I , II ", .r p ...
l , toO<, I. " ....... "r " ... " ""',
1... I '.v, ., , . ,,, ,b ...... '",
lo,.,! ......... j,,,,, . "" , ... '"."
-'" ... , .. , ......
"'" .... I , ... ,' , . .," ... ,I .... .
...... " ... ,,, .... " ... " .. ". , ... ..
,.,,,. ,. "' .. ' .. ,., S',.,b ..... ' _,
t ... '"'''' ........ ,
Lt, .. , .....>OUJ cori "',
n." "", ,.t< ., ,)"<:
I <OF_ 1''''' thin'
ut ...,.....,"" ... obI<,
H_ ... ___ . .... .., ..
It , 00. " n .. "',,_ ...... , ... .. _
... !"lU .. IO PIOn,f:M
",,, ... , ... , ... , .,,_ ., 1101'''),
.... .... " ....... , 11, .... ..
." .0 .. , .... ,._ ... ,"'." .... .
.-uUq ... ".
PI .. , ........ bo', ........ or ...
".'" .... ,.., , .. "' ....... " "0 , ,
...... ....... ....... " ...... " " ..... ,

Wb\ rell.tto_ iI door .. I 10
",ftput A 'IOp ruth
WIly io ........ d ..... lib ltaro
.<10.1 x. i. know. by hll In
IWItOS'S 1');1"""
r", ..... in nnlo. _ Ih< ....... .11<.
y"" _1 ... ,do oil th r", "'"
tbo ..... _
, h, nnmt-
,."" .. """ ... , f ..... lilt.
1 ... ",;.J....., ou ...,.,rd in .. .
"'., 1"' ..... "" od
1_ n."" u.", _.0 ........ ,1,_:
Th<>q!o in ,,-i, .onol in t "" .. II,
r ... 110, ..... n 01 .11 .... 1 ..... "'"I
Ii .. d in , .. i,,_
y" t n ..... oIWl b< '"""d ;,. tho '0...0.

J(.., ......
,wwftti . A'it'h,f hflt d
r.{lIII"bOS CIl!;"1!(I1:.
n 1>0.. pt. _ .'W']' 10 !(I''''''
."I'P ....... WT '0 , .. or _. IU_,.
'I ..... 1 .. ""'1lllJ! "f ... 101,_
- __ ........ oJ_dy -..
,1>00. "10 oaf. to ..... tI>U <10_ '-
.... _pu... ....... on ...... lIls _"<1"'_.
"Iold. U'''''''o mdl_ ..............
.. _IUD, pl""_ I. w..-k oDd .. OIU.
J" .. 1o.uJ> pol' <of ... LO<! ..
""Nt of _. all <Ioat .. ....
Q"I.oc!. AD, _ <OD I ..... to
_b _pI<." ...,1"... . ,, __ and
-.. <loll' '0'111 lot .blo to pun,..",.
.... d ,h.D ,It .. bne on .,
..... oll.b"' ... ' whl,b 10 ...... foroo'.
,.... I ""'noo.1 '0 t at
"'7 "",0, ..... d It h .. -.. , .. ,
pi...." .. '0 "' "'1 .... tlre
It I wemU .tI.!tdf behind .. tree,
ho,.. dot, the lIee .lalld I u t.h
Wherrln 0 IlIrhy eoek di!.r
troOl" la4yl Ho IIollrilh .. hlo tILl>
WIly ... <uh.!",", 1lh.. ,..1o lib
ptnoa.f J..,.u. w. caaut
.... l<e Ih .... hen (hou).
Wl!y io UI Indiut like lIirt I Xe
hu ...... y CUI ... !! ""'" (huu).
WIr y io UI hdialllike .. scl>olul
He II .. will n(ljd .......
Why lllIIUriqe like mOl 1 Be
ru .. it II. eort.o.i_ tie utaiJrly).
Why it UI hUi lib
..ioluR or Ihe .......... ' II it duo
Why It DlIpiuary epitt!e lite
lIU"pOO' 1\ ilo lettot'" blood.
WIry" o lost <hild like:fOlI 1 X.
rI- II u,.
Why .. on Jlehru,", called >httpl
Deoetttd04 '...,m A ......
WUt II 0.. _Of! nitr.h]. du
t.. wiad 01". r ... lie! TIt. re.l
G ...... I f "''''. _ ,,,", ",""en
... " ,. ,to ",,,,,, ,., .... of , ........
..". ",." '" .... ;." ... "0:"", f.,. 100,.,.."
I.". ldd ,,,,,','._1,, ..""" " ....
_ I. , .. ).k. ,"""'" hs ... ;,
.1 , ," 01>,..., ,,-, .. "'" ......... ..
.-1 .. .. ". __ ,..!ltd .... n
ft;fl fo, ,.., ,. <om...,_ f
B ..... .. ,h;'I;.., ",,' .;". .....
r. .. ".,. _ 'h ..... ; .. _ .... 1 'n. ''''' .. .t.
110 .. 10"" _'1 ;, !U .. Boo ",. am
,. k ... , .... 1., ... ,b * .. "
Ror. 11 lItotilc. or th. old .. "J.
illumued reh .... eo 01 tho Ilmeoo of
"hlot .IQUO UlU LhuU a\
your .outal._, A .... I.,
Why II t.hinr purohuod UII,
,h .. 1 HIt.old.
Why wu Durie! hk. lhbueud.
aeuu'. i....,..1 th. lion.
,ollld 001 t him..
Wht Wud Ie th. l'.rile It oJ.
.. lyo.I .. ' ..... 1 Ri.lo,
Wh.t It &It .. 1 Uke .. lad,..
...UIJecallH th.n il. "b" I, bolh.
Why ... hotehu'l dOli" t. 0.,
, .. lot lib you IItolhr reotl.u"
,Ilure ",,,pur' Xo II ...... 1111"
Wloy Ilrollld I houd 1I0nt _ od
mil!d ;"10 the ho!l.lll H 1tuo
the d .... (deu-) .... d II IOu hold
Whn I _It like blrll
Whult' ... ..,ttet.
n". il 110 pu.ule .. bollt tlili piG-
it i, IIItrely ILl> ilI!l.1lro.Uon of
th. I ..... head.d m."d.r which 1.cir.
Ih. GJut Xillrr II.,... the oaly .u ....
iM'olVld bei"" W ... it I",
heod.d or. th .... Giu.1 thai
.. .. klll.d 1
Why II d.ndy lib. hau<h .,
l .. a! He 10 I hit 01. huck.
Why Lhould doclon Itud I ..-in.
do .... ,h .. 1 Bo-ca1lH t.h.,. hue ..
moy pailll (p .... ).
Whot u;mo.lo Ire lib n lpoUoe.
....,.1 Th,..., boo:.,... he bTlYO;
Dr. l'oU, jUne, beelue .. POI\ U
WhIt u.i1Ul io lib Ido ... broolr:_
..I nIOII<r, He .. ,... he plcb ud
WhlI po.rt.r. oIUp ...... _d. of
C&lal TIIo tille .
'l'bc ..... """''''"'' of """,ben 10 til.
"'"" k f<I........ 10''''' ''''' .,n o4d 11\1
It.. ..,.,. ... _, In , .... '1' ""'."'" &Dd
on...... , .. n .' '" It.. ,_ ", .......... , i,
... ,,",- _" ,b. ,:<\<., .u .... ,t..
_,1<>1. """I'" II.... ""lei '" ..... ,
...,........ by ,..., 1.",po"n,; ,.d ,be
'0 add 0lI0<< ,1I\c..,. lAd
nrt .. til ....... oq...... dl', ...... "
to ,10< u><"-boo.n ... ." 1.latt.
,_" ........ _'_WI on _>1 '"
porUiD. '0 ......... , ..... , bI.,k .n. , ......
............. all;,,! w"b ....... n''''' aad
bdll Ia. _ "",,'10011 To ft'1'
do, .... CIdaoo>< ..... C""' .. ""'di,,, <>"'7
..... Ia ,be I""", .,f ........ oq"'''' It>
P"""" ,bc .. 1, ..... "" on ,,.. .... 01 ... ,.
t1_ OCOI'" "_ ltormt ,nn,'" on poe< ...
01 POP<' to "' .... hock NOd '0 ."rooaIit
lI>< .... ..,.
",.. ........ I",.k ." ,...,. ..... , boo
I.,..",,;., p",.,', 'lof.landool .. - ....... ..,
"" <OPP" ;. lSlt
A. ""' .... bI' .,...; .... ,um, .. ,lit ,110
.... "'" <111'1 10 .. lb _ .-nn,
P +l in 'N ,<II 'vU I I ..... bo>t '0 d"
<ow. '" "',,', ...... , ... _.0<" """,biI:.
, ...... ,k u"", ,_, <lin ""
... cd Tok. ,t . h 1, S 'nd HI.
or 2. 1.1. II &. or 9, 6. 4 .IId IS, ...
1, )2; ,4 OIId I. at ,,,,11 at 10. 11,6.nd 1
10'0<<1,". '0 ,,,,,,,,,, 1"", "')"01101''',,01
"""'\>U>O!""" M ",On .... Id "lUI>-
""," wort ' 0 bo lound ;" .hl! .... "1.
,I>< I""" .. ..,. In <'
.... _III' ')"011.,,,hkol .. 1."",. hll' 'IK
lou. co' .... D ond 1 n.
.!o id. 3 2, l! or_.l I', ". 9, 8 .nd
12, ..... 11' ... n,. JI",.;!>I. 1)"'Ot".leal
.. , 01 "1'"",,1.. r"'!!on ... "n b<I kl'
upon, l,k, 5. J, 11."d 0' 2, a 9 ond
15... ",II II "'..,1 .,.' ..... on ,h.
,.,:. ... Ii . 1. 8. 14 9. ot 1. U. 15 ond 5,
<If 16, II, I fI. ., 10. II ond 7
I ......... 10);, I
9. 'nd a <><
I 2, 11 d It\, 0.', J. I .nd 10. "'" ,II
1...;1.0 hopn. ........... ,I>< '1<1"",d J.4
"'" ItO f .. 'G b .. , 0<11 ,I>< .... _
d.loa.. of the (}rjtQt>1.o MOl>< Ot[tI&'U
.If dioi<\<ll I. '.0 d ............ k ..... ond
odd ".....t><, 01 """'" ...... nd ",,", "' ...
... """ d ....... 'f'<f I ... ,tool_. ,II<
.. ... ,.ri<tr. 00 ,h., i," .... Lootc<'
'0 be ...... ".,-.. , .. , ..,
Iouil<f'_ .. ".o..ti...,. "" 00.
inu." .. "'" .hco.... ,lot I".,'". """" ....
'"t", .. 1 ", "'"' "u",b." ... h"h up
IS .. "", ",,I ....... bot ,f ,Un_"
dup[hl< O'J ............ ,.... ...... I. IIow
",IllY pO .. ihlo d ..... _ <2'> tho ...-
oMu"", '" ........ .
c.o f"'I ....... , 1t.>w ....... ,,,,, h.
1_ wnnI. con too .pcllc<! .. thao c\o><r
PO"1l1< t. F
F V 1 t.

"lImllnl rItOVFIlB.
V., [ .. , ,h ... olll OIl pd ....... p ' .... 1

Old ... ",,,,,., .... 1 '0' .. :
With 0 ...... "b ... "h Oft aI.I.
P[d <ry,
n ' 1 """,,,,11 hu.1
W1Ilth of the ElIeU,,, ,,"If ... ould
bt """t IIlr.00ylo !II.I1r.I. feel al
hOIll. 1 Dry-du,
"'ht d""
Why it
Ad ... ",ht" he ..... tho H.
1. abeulle fill! .
Why it II piet"", . umIlLl,d.<d \y
hooko like II happy maa ' It iI u. a
rcood l ...... e of
What blri iI Ihal ... hith hal lIe
.-;:,,,1 The JoJl hlnl.
Add iIIm.thiq to 9 .d 111&1<0 it
I ... IX-IlII.

1h, .. 'M" II.od. '0""""' . "11 .. Uhtd to
I" J.II '''''1 mil... I, -.ld <ompK"
.10. jou,"" .. j,h I .. p .. ><" .... "' Oft<
_ "", _ l d nO! urry tho ,}",. pH
..... " .... liIII. w.ll ",It """ ......
Why ""I" the" u nr
aUo",d to .,eo,kT 1!1_ ... their
ltiJoe ...... -(&(.
What part of alto. .......... eo
tw. qurt" ne tt""l'.
I''.W! I"d",,,=. .. at ,h ..... of
o ""k i. "n flunutt" 'OOIk.. <'MId
.. olk in M, .... ot>d .11< <>tko . '"
' .... 'r \111>11 _oul.! br 'h, 1>r1., p<>Uibit
,"". ,n .. h"h oJl ,h, .. ..,.,Id I" <0 the
,"d 01 th,i, J""rno,f
hll 10 oh01l" the Jtyle
""'I et.ltul.tH lit .. 11 ill
tho otam u by .tnet
ha ... kero II 1I0 1Iy.
_ .. io" iI tli." lit ;1-
h ... 1.110 1&111011.1 "Get
Oil 1.11, p..w . of
IO'hlth our I .. lllilli"",
w .... .old lit 1.11. paltlio.
n. pUll ..... prialcd
itt !meltt .010 .. Upolll
t.,o "G .. pieHl
(wltith ....... 01 he .lito ....
Yoa int ""
tlurtcn III.... uti thea
toJy 1 ... 01 , uti thl
pull. Is 10 t,ll .. hid.
'" ..
. 1'1. J), 11\ t9, 11 om!
12 S. 1].
n.... ...... hiM ... <niH h<.. ""WI_,
Oo.rt ond K<1It:
\Volt willi. I 'lnnk til< .... " .. 1ft'.
On b"'idor ;", .... .
Tl>r lot., r.r ....... i . ''''''1 Oon-t.
Tha. prri.,. """ of K ... ,
J\ft _Il. lI--!\!. S, Z. IQ
.. d 10. 3), 9. Z2, S. 1.1.
...... ,., 101:... .oo, PI'" " ..
.. ,)0, , ... , "<ri., ... """' """.
.... j ... " n o _ .... '-"_ .. "
lI"lIo, ......... '" oU " t ,, "'".
' .... 10 '., .... _Ito .M .... , '"'"
W>.I, ,,., ........ .. . 1. "r'. ,_,
'Da .... ,..,1 " .... ; : </..... ,' . ......
.... , ..
"'loa' "'0 >I ..... 1._, .... n " ... to
, ....... , .. , ...... """ o. t.",

Why ;. II _10. ...... 1.01" thlll ..
"'-I'I Tht (0111' IIIU .. a dl .. tho
.... k .... kts
4 wbat do eru .... d ,., peep]
dille. at oh .. "hl 0_. el .... th,i,
oYfO uti the o1.ller 'J' thur olat he..
WhJ i, II >potted dO( .. ",t 0'!1ia-
hIe! He iI 0.1 ,. u the 'pot.
..... "ttl. "'_I 10 -. MC.' 1M",
- ,.u ...... 'co _, ,. ......
Ot whot tnd. u t}., ,l1li itt X'J"
A la4B.,.
Spell hanl .at" .ith tb," let-
len. Iu.
Whot .... rd iI that to which. if
yo. add I]'lloble, .-in it
.hol1trt Sbort.
WAJ to 1(1" fuont. pUPJlJ' Iih.
doUI 1110. ht Is. pup-pet.
n,,.. 10 ",.,tY li,,\O IP"" ..... 11
'0 1>"",,= PIa< ''''''''''. ,._Ord
10 be .... N" 1 _" ""
Jt!. llv," .It ... ,,,,,,,, ,n '"1
.-." I ... 'obll.,.. . " lar pi" ...
TIlt ..... vi "n ... """ ... bid
,..,.. .,1) ... ( In" "''''!'1 ,,, ... , ....
_I .......... ,"' II <1,.
..... ..,." .. h'" '" of II II.
.,,,,",,,, to. ... ., I! ,,' U ..... " ..
.110 "" ... ,I>< ", ... ". <.","" ,t.. '"'
l.,_ lI., '" 1> .......... ,... ,.., ..
...... 1< .. ,,, HI"" ... "." 1
.......... , 11K " .... I,..,." ",)II rh
lU.h, t .... , "'" "'''-', b<' u.. t,,.,, "'""
copo.". n .. -'" ""'- ... , "p . "r
.. ..,.,. ... ..... '"'. I.' - "
WII,. iI farra,anl 1J1te houll
It Is ,"uro.U,. potrnluol by 1"11-
WIly ... IUB .. ith .. 004.0 Irp
IIU Ollt _h ilat am ...... MrroiBl
11...... 10.10... IImia, to boot.
WhIt hh d_ bridl -*' 01
her blf-rt H .... riae
A_ 101 ., _, _ ,.. .... " ".
1_ r .. olo. ... ....... 1Iot dt.
..... __ ... _ .. "1 __ <",,,,_ 0' ,110
T,..,,,. ,ot .t ".".o.! ....
... , ...... -..... -" .. , -"" "'
lko ..-,nd". T. h. t>-o, ....
"' .. ,. ... ___ .. .... _n", .f
.... Tho ,., "" , .. ,.-l _
__ ,.., ...... , ...... , .... .... I,h.
11 .... , .... " .. .....
..... 001 .... ...... _" ,) ,\,
."k 1'...- ....... "" ..... " ,. Mo-
, .......; \0 ....... , ,.. .......... , )I,.., Up<
, .. 001!_
Whr In hl.lldllOmt ... omeB llb
br,ad' B ..... " tiler .n oflen
Whyl, 1ft uoui';.n. mU like on.
witll Cto,' ... m.,.,.' B UN h.
10 01.... ,.
Wb.r i, I p&rUh beU like .. pod
,10,,- ' lIec:UK il it oftc" tolled
WIIat kllul of III""" an: UIilr
pDI on ud 01" lIa1 ...... rall.
What b thai ... 1Ii.h I, hulYlble,
bnt Oln, 001 of TIl, lit.
lor ".:'
Whr In m,.! of Iht beNe ... 4
b".in., io DOyeJo like tII.leller 01
Ther In: 11"" 11 iD Ion.
Whr il I lhip ndff fgllnllUb ... 1 BeeUK all. ,ho ... , ber
SowiDr .b .. "-
Whll .. 1i,,..1 ruembl .. til .....
ud n. Uon. beoagM be hu III0wiDr lUll" (10;"')
Wbat lJIilllalllr$ the .on wi,dr.
.. d .,hrl nlli.ft. be.n .. h, bel
10_ ud th, .. hale, beelllM k.
Whit hclonp to .... It rot it
ue4 IIIOR br othen thai r" ... ltl
YOOT ...... .
Why !t ..... l! tut in. wall Ilk,
an old .... l BenoIlH It it u a ..
tI. .... .. ,.... ,'-""" ,.
, .. -.. ",-' - .. .... '''''
-... .. -.. ," .. ""..,..- ,.-
-... ..... " .... "'.-""" ......
:::' J::. ......... '" -, - ..
' ....... -. ' . ., , ............ ', .. ..
..... '" """,,,,,.
_ ,.-. ... .... .... ,,' _. 'v_'
.. " ... 'n_ ' .. " ""' ..... .. , ..
.... -"., ........ , .... .....
..... ",., "- '. ,',,,, ,,..
Accmf:'lT"'L lH-R[.\LS
The oId."I. roh< r"""
_ '" I>< ,I>< ....r_..... 01 , ..
f ....... , ..t.i<.b , .. i" p<>plllon b", .. '
"''''''' .. ,n, ...... ",.;,,(, tr .... f. (0
.. , th.. .,.,..,. dn-., " ....... ""
<u I>< f.--.;t in lO!_ ... .",. b .. i1, ."<H_
...... 1''''< _ 1''-''''11
Ioio!<. lit .. h<n II< .... _
-"II ,h ", ..l,r '''fIO".
And III tho ID<m >t>ol .. _ .. I,
0. .. _ b. "",,0], ,..., "" ..... 1. \II.
, .... ..
Uk. '0 d<>obl. cb<....,. ... ,.,;..,11
"'..:1 01';" wb.-n be ri .... tb< _, 01
,_ "",.,>1 .. "'" 0l<I<tlI$ ...... """. in
Ibt f"U""';"1 Im<. .
"Th, blood moJ. "i"
To r_ .. a Ii"" ,iNn a hll"<"
..... ,. hi", '''0 \wr, .. , ",....
-I.d '.0 "" ....r , .. fiT'"
whrn b. .... '
"1. ,IIo"I.for hen", I"""'r.
Th .., hi. h d " ,h.,'
Th. 'n .... 'd .... Po''' hi'" b,;
W. dot. I .. pt." fo,. ,I",:'
Hood kilt. 1''-0 "i,k on. ,'0,,,
"h.n I!< lOy"
., "",...,1>< 1 "",,","lit,.
11", h,,",. h, .. I "14 born
Th. ",,'" _,"<in .. ,,'k ... th< ,..;,
C.,... II> "' ""'''';
It< "" .... Um. a .. ",. , .. " """",
br<>o.h1 ''''' I ....... <Ia,;
B"' ...... I w;.h the niPt
Had """" my !.r<nh ..-.y"
r ...., .. _, ,I!< ""'PI ,'1< .. I>.....
.... 1 ..... "",1 ... .... "'" C"",.
1><' "1"
"Dorn<,,;'- itop;>ine... ,htro ",,17 bH..
or .,..,od, .. 1hu h ..... ..n-.-.r ,lot IoU"
0. wb.-n LonEf.Ilo .. , 110 ..!.<<e:
Pfrr.. tIt&d<o <>f niv;hI ..... roUi"1 1 ... 1
A, ,1"" .. ,.1< "t;._ .illle< ,,'L'
'''i1>.. o .r_ ..... :
"!low ....... tU """" _kn
To ..... ;, ., nie'"
0. GoIdmo"lt ....... >.1 lOll< animlO!,
"Tlta, ..,."... or oil bl<,. ... .d oJ! .........
n.., """'" _ ,...". .. r... ... -i ....
--- It_ L<l,h H ... , ,d!. bow>
-1'"""1 ...... t.m .......... -
\\" ... ijl ... ho", d""I, ..
........1.0 '..-0 ...-.I, >.n<l. ''''''10
"\.-""" a >pn.I1i"" ''''''"01 tf
TIl< TilIqt ..... thy .. >mI,;
Th mrth, mwuy ""'" I, h.,
W"b lo .... """ .1..... , _ ..
And t h. ",uld .. of 1,,, hr ... ",.,."..
" .. It""'" .0 I"", _,,"
Or _he" b. "f"
"An i. ""'I II.d ,; ... ;. 8 .. h""
...1Id "'" bt>fI .. lit"""" "n"' and
S,ili. mufll..,j drum ... r< !;.ali"",
r",,",lO! ma.,h .. ,. Ih '''' . "
-Ttlc- O.
I",,'," 01," ,,,,, ... b 1"'0 lm,1I In ,b.
'A n,
I .. w.. ,."""In .
FOT h" hu.t.o",1 wa, rOt "" ,ho .,;Id
'''Ir'"" '<0,
'h '''''P':01 ..... Ilin.
,,,," 1"1'.",,,.', d .. ,lI,".
"nd 01" ",,,1, 'D.,,,,,,,. ... oil ...;,.
"',k ",,'"
T.)I" 11. of ,;" ...., 'wo ,,"',,01,
_"'" b. "JI;
"1'" .. ,INo <k'", 1 .-.- '0 ,h ...
0 .. , .un.", .k"d .;,h fif<,
,I."d lh< ... , .... on ,,,, 1><11;"4.
tho 'I""'" "f "'"I "'., ...
tr>tf .. ,110 ","""w I ... ...r.
,o....r ,ho ..... Ill, CQ"
,o....r ........ 11 I'>m 1IUIJ' "'" btlit.. it.
tah ..,. .... 1 .. , ,hc<. ;. a.
_""' ....... ,oId 'iw
1I ......... [10. ""'" btlow.
NOI' .. om. <1to. ''' .... ..
n. palm lot .......... ., 1", .... , . .....
, , .
t.o ".Id.d l'io.d'"""h ror >alinll
.. l.ut ".Irru.If in 0 ,i ... l .....
"11". m ... ,f-,. 'h ..
11'1><" ."cIt at. un,l,"
H. It> lh< 1>"'0<, ........ "'" b.
1<11 R. .., .... d ..... r< '
. _Ro.. ",,, JoII",.,.o "L.lw.=,"
Sam< '0' 'ho" pl"'Jlh. .. "'" bud _
I""hl "n.
I .,,"';,. ... .....r. !O Ii I<nm.
-n ..... c..."r'1 Sa'.'<Ia, N!Pt."
H_ "'""I "I. 'h,ir """it ,.n .
n.,.., 1>0 Iouildod IlJ ...... oU. ill 'h<
......... &-..... 000 0[,,,,,,,,
_jol .. W 11 ..... H.. ,,,, 1l)'mD.'
An4 0, "a' it -.. tIu,_ ..... ui ...
..... ,',r hiD>--
-Sro!". -"<I.-dip..'
p,o",.- 1<11 ... 1< 'n 11<0,
... , ... hot ... ...,., ..
N,.".ph ... !.nt, .. hat 10,..........
P .... obo-., .. --.
_ .......... _ .............. .
""-"'''.''''-- ...... .....
..._---....... - .. ...
_ ....... -.
conoDOU tURca 'S
"""'. '"
HI .. are ltll. klllahl'" .d,...,<-
i", ;11. \wo roy!; .pOIl. tho
of th ..... 111,. fur of th ,u .. 11
ohan," \he;, pooiti.", by Ih' .hort.
tol tattles, 10 Ihn lha f ..... liOJl of
the I.d .. m 'h .... h. ro",. of fOll'-
ill'!!". III. .ach ra",. Ho. eU yo"
""rfona thl by .Dly mo,!ni
fOllt n .... I.I Tell eQu.. ma,. b. ""d
to pH' the pUDIc.
I/o. ...
(Il1Rl'lhei",', 1 ... l<oy h%1le.
- " ,., I., .... _ ......... - .. ..
r,.,,' ___ ... ...,.",....
" r ....... t .. " ... ..... oM .... ,,,,,, ..,.
u ... " '0' ............ , .. .
,",. "0 t:.,
.-" . " ............. T. .... ,., """r'
w ..... , ... , "., ..... _,II ,W, ""' .. ,.
,,' >I"" .. " ,,", , .. ,bo '" ",.,'
,-.. , .. "" "" .......... ,,>0, '0 ....
"."" .... ,)" .. , ... ,
110 ...... ,. _podut> hu. 1._
,!lint ncvlt"r I&t 00."'<\ ,ropo.r_
Ii .... .r LII on! lor pien"e f'alae>,
tabl. oonn, ."',' .to.. Iht ,,-. he ..
lin the ".1. for .. >.Iu., aula of
.. 1 ........ oIia ... i<>III. 1'It ... "lo.o
han _uln 110 '0 no:" ,.urall,
foIl a pi_ .f p_, .. oil ou It 0:<-
nne ..... re "'"
boob C1I mill_ Vol.
L W too l ... .... VII.
TI. bad UO l ... .. , ,
k.l nle\iYe litU, b!Iok_
wo.. (PIi.... b.u_
1'1 ) "''' b'fe It tho n.I< or .".
le.r lltiule .. <<IV..
I "c bow. ho", lOU;l dB il W.e to
IIore t ..... the ftm]>l!(!'O.r Vol. L I.
tit. pul V.,l 0.1
t'nf"",,'h<"d I 1<11 r....w;"" ."d
B<h.. d.d I 1 .. .1 """"I.d ........ Of 1<".
I .'" "I .
Apia ..... bul< .01"" I .. < ...
III .. bat do ... dill dl6tr fr.",
rroo'" bls 1" .. lm 1 of ho=l
n. 40r ... rrl .. hilD, u.. VOOlll .... r_
rI .. hilII; the dOT hil hi"', Ill.
rroom bilH hi",.
.. .... ..,., I. _ 1,.,,,_ I", ....
10 .. n.". "",,'j .. "" ...
pon.ut&ll.,. hi IUU"" til. ,I ..
.;.JI, .. rnd uli,...
rallo o.Ilen .f p ....... uk
.tral,.!,1 hIe 01 111, .aJ .. 4 I .... ':...
u, r ... Ii ... f thl .. Utb, .. , II
i.u<hu I .... I to " .... r ...... I.
t inert hr' 'pn,hl ph .. til c..
" " h:., 4'/1 ilI'h .. I ..... C (bel',
... I III hIt Ih ) ro. 01 thl d
,ited .. 111"11... ith U.,.,taI'J pia
, ...
A .MI ...... ...... "r. ",IUler
.)0, b<IU "'1"'''''' 10> .hl "",
"'otn.' .. , .. 1 "". """Ph"" .tUb lb.
I ... "T "11" .
'1 ' .. "" ..... ""
'",. lut.lf, m .. 'M,,! g,! 'h .... 11-..
'h" ...
J,,' !h'" '<"" ,..,. ud <em ,0011
-- WM<h " ,b. "". 01 """ aod mo."

.t 0; pili I.trl.o.r &t0ll1ld the lhne,
pllll .. IlI.IWlI hllouhll. pUe.!l
,.,111 i. pb, ... ot pill. C, lb.
Itria, tnt wbill ,U .ow 4=riIH:
t.he oui, i.IIl", Ibe Itri ... llid. u
Ib, hr' pi ..... u th. ont will
Jeri ... t. u J71IlII,tlieal.
.... 1. .I\'lNUII. to rq,,....111 wllat ia
.... Ib ..... u<:&!ly kaowli ... eo';"
.eetl .. .
1011 _. ........ "' ... Il3d ODI, If.
" ... " .. bl' 0"' (C lrom Ib_ ..,....
, ........ 01 .,." 10 tD" ... of '"
""1 ".!" ... , Ih, .. ""<",,1, .'",plo .Z>II
... n,', ''''' ,,',h. ,k'" .... " .. ,.
.. ,."1.,, .. , ... ,' H. _ , I .... .
W' ............ , .... " Wh .. ' r boa,
.","* .... _04 _)oj" ..... ' .......

L'_,;. 1 am contracting for the erection of a new
terml can be gotton by contracting with
Allied Trade. than with men individually.
For instance:
The Paper Hanger and Painter
Will Paper and 'aint for $1,100
The Painter and Plumber for
The Plumber and Electrician for
The Electrician and Carpenter for 3,300
The Carpenter and Mason fOf 5,300
The Muon and Paper Hanger for 2,500
What i. the cost fOf each kind of work
erecting the New Home for our Puzzlers?
.... ...,.; TL", I. I't'UU,
no .... oal _ .. u" , .....
'-lo _., .. 0&1. a,. ..... , .... , _
_,,, .... . , 01.......... "
,_" "'''' .. II, ., ,_ ...... or.,.
,,..,, ,,," _"ooI.f 1M '''''' I ,..'
.. to .... , ... ' , ...... , _ .. ""'.
,., ,'" ,_ ... "b .. OU"" .,.,
, .. -....... , ...... ,.- ... "
......... , ... ,. ,b ... ""o, " II
'b'''' ... " .. ,. 0,'. " .. ,., . . .... ,"0"
-" .. , .. " .. ,.,- ""., ..... ,-" ...
01'''''''' '" .. "'r'"" ... '".
... , .. , .... _"'"" ,10, ... , ... ,h.
......... "''' ... ,," ... "I' .. " . 11
........ ' ..... '" ... or ' ... , "r ... '"
...... ...... 'd"" .. " 'j 1o", " '"
.... t.ot .... t. I'" 00'''' "'"'. , .....
... """""".V' wOo, _0. ",,0.. 1

Thio ;J ronund",m.
nO! '" tM ord",o,.y ,,,,,'e
'" wh;." >1""'1< of s .... 'kcl=
pawd.r. Ucciag"" ",,,d ...
,dea;r.phy. and ,ho and it doos
DOl of ann
coum"ip .. ,hieh nel'tr boI 1"'1"'_
lar I morel)' mun to iotimate 111.:11
th .. rOllng toupk u. m;,J.;iltg
and u. getung 111 nllh<. It " ....
and Ann... :uked P., if
Ito " ..... f""d of t<anl;ng. IOd ",hen
"'ponded m ,he 'he
ul<ed him .. hy w,ln', 1 ..... :1, an.!
thai pn.;'l"ta,ed th;"gs,
Sl>I'h bro.:..J h;n\ nnL'r pha!!td
him a bil. just looked
ious and J,oid. . [ 'h'nk of
to vtry '>On," Tho"
slopped a C<lj( and "Why ace
you to Cut..'"' and f'31 "'tlght
ht.;n his Irm. "n ...
I am going to in
a hurl)' I"
Then on. of thm', I know
"Why wu
man the !fi<:lure
"r ""'''ntain to' Can
l= I why'
{'.ddl .. PCI. gr>I 11" aa:n"n1! II
t:ln!:lro up ,brough Ih. J"'CUhar ""
<haloe> of on .tntric old la,ly Fi.!!
bOIlgh, O<>mt shoe: Itrinll'l and
I'lml U nuny pap ... of
pino, followr/d by Urn ... U many
h.lI<lkerthjd, 35 sh",,m.ngs, pay.
To QIU to ta..'tef of rTWly
who ;n fondneu for "",tht.
1IL11,,, I'Dre and n djff.r;ng
f...,." ",,,,1 .. , an occa..ion>J p>Worn
of " Ub'qlH' .hllndec d'""'n f...,."
lilt of oTt!,nary hre las
rr<n-..:l M .....,.1"31,1. and i",true-
m... H ..., i; bUlh ,,[>Oft a com.
tr.<>n. n.ry.rl<ly tranU,I,,,,,. wbich
ron ""M,..,;",,!. whelhor
th.y Imt>w &lIythine 1IL1tbe-
or ,,0.>1. ,\,,, .... " .... of f>Ct.
" ... ",111"",10,] anl c:orric!d oul by
a mUl ,,-ho " ... PO .lftio:icn in com_
''''''' Inth!1Wt;" du, "" could DOl
C<>mpUlC "mplt ince;! Iu.J onch
a feu of !>tm!: al figures
1""1 h. "',,d.1 ,"It malo. Ih. deal io
other wa)'
. It 0Hnl. 1""1 "" w;,bN to buy a
p'. nf J>fOP<'rty. bul """ing only
a '""i! ","""nl \(, pIIy ili>",n ,."d
h:!vmll an aLhornnt. of ligmu,
and iul<!b!, .... i" he
.'I>Il1d nut m.ko the "",.I",,,, unl ...
ht <ould gel ,I upo" whot he termm
Ih. "b<,iloling I",,, l>!:m" H. "'outd
flAy down .n,1 m"h Ii,'" mo,.
l'3ym.nt' of $Um ot th nd
or ."try tweh-e ",onth. Such p.1y_
mHlII WO'e 10 C<1<"e. Ih "tir. "O<t
of the rml><n,.. Indurling Iho int.r.
,",I up 'U ,h. dllto of ... ""h of Iht
fil'. ["'ym"""
... 1. Wal ao:ording Ie)
<1>.1.-..1. but u Ihe """'or
..... , flCtuuty ....onh Ju'l S per cent
a ytar to the party who oold, tht
qur.ti"" il to iIBI ho"
much he rnlI)' got fo. !he property.
,ag for nel, anide just a, many as ,he bough! numMr of 1""1
ankl.. She altog.tho.
:$3 N r.tH ;, puulod 10 rcc.all
ju,! how mInt handkerchitf he
have puro" ....

"" .. " ..... , ......... _ ,,,'n .. -'
....... ,,_ .. "" c' ........ . , ' .....
.. .-... ,", ... "., ..... ' .... ,
LA"" "", ... _-.., .. "no .' ... ",'" ,.,.
..... ... - . ...,,, .. ,., ..
WlIo' !1 I, ,h. , ,,'or " It
.. rot I' " , ...... 0( ,01,., ,
r ... ."
Wlt., "' '"jo", ....... bI ...
...... , " h', " "., ""'''''_1 I< ,
.. 'hl., ,_, '" ,,"
I 'ral.t:
A. ,bO'O!"J .. rbo ....... , vubll<
1," to .pol, _'"'''''''ry .r!,,_lc , ..
.... 1' ........ .,.11 '''.n'jOo \0
, ... ,olJ .... !B. ... :
.. tnpl _ ....
..... ,''''_ 11.0, .I,h f;:, __ ot ....... .
... .. ,boo POI""" !n.,.ll ..... '
P ..... . .. b .. 10 _ .11&' la''''"' ,he
...... It ..... lor ,he _ 0' ,ho "'-"7
TIIoo I.*rIDt _.r. tb .......... ", POI
dO f.l cub all>l J.) "' _'II.
IlIo _. 1rU<o pal4 ft." Inc .......
1"'0d ."' .. .-..II flU .. ""'4 \Ie .b" ...
oil. 00 ,Ile .nl<-I .... "",.t "'" .... ......
11_ man, _' .... B ""'"
lltlo .. 4 ........ ",' ... _,)
ob" !O ... .. ". ,.1"0' , .. "
..... co... ,1>0 _"" .... , .. "'"
u ... Of ... ,.,.., .. L ... " ... "" ,..fOU .,
_,_, ..o,,' r ,4 ........ "'" .-
'4_" 11<''''''''' "'"'' .... """""4"
.... ".1-., to ' .... , ..... dod .. "k",.,11
,..0 .. "
no f.' .... ' t." ... _ "-7 -r-
U_ ..... __ ..... _ ........ ..
_......... " ..... . .. " ....... , f><
..n., . ,_ ., .. ' '''_' ,....., ......... .
_nO' ,...... "'lI oJ-.-....... ,
. _" ................ _ .... .
, .... '''. " "'" ..... t ....... , ...... ..
....... .. ... " .. .- ...... . .... roo
., ........ "u..._, .

Wh,. do ci,l. blow hbbl .. bottt'
thu bo)"l ! Tho,. . .. more . if')',

... ......
..... '." ..-1 " ...... _ .u,-. "-
... "10 ..... '" ." t "
...... "".dt.. ........... d
... __ . ''-' ..... 'i'..."' ...... , .,,,,- to.

,.,. u ... P'"'' .......... II .,' .......
.. I .." .... " .. , ...... ,. ...t . ..
'[jjl:l RE/i\NANT
.:. .:.
.. '.
'. ..
'.' .. :.
: . .. :" ; ... ; ..
. ;.
< .
, . ,.
'. ' .
:-u- ItU f . ..... ,; .. " ,'"1 .. " ""
" . _ ' "' ' .... _ " ..IM ",' k,
. " .... , ...... "4 .. ". ",.,.
,," of ,,,,,, .... b,' .., .. n::
lou< 4 'u,. , _ .... , ... 1 to Mr,
. J .b1Z <lu, I.,,,od .,,". "'Id
.,-n DlMly .... .
, .. _ t'" .... ,',., .... ..
"',on, ... ., .. , .. '. ,) .......... .
n, .'_ ......... 00.1 ...
.r. . . - ........ .
.. .... "'" U ........ f." .. ""
. ........ 1 ... ...... .....
t"' ,,<o' .. ....... , . .. .
.' . .
.; .
. . ,

Pl,," 000.4 in th. n", 'po" "I
'><h .. n"n, ,,, .... , ",n,. "hr"
ttl'<>"d in 'be .. <onJ, ,,',0 It
m,y h.,-,. i.lf<J,m m,an_n
I Wl\i, \1.. II'" m.
.. (,,,-,-.,,,
2. Th, M, .. ,h,..ou. . _
0<" ,h. _ 1",1, , .. ,.",.,
1. n. ____ ",in"," ,eo ,",h ,',.
',,-;n '" h< n,u., _ '" II< 1.1(
II I h .. __ ,,' "II K"J
.... he " .... , ",."t.
J Tho ____ , .. , 'he. I,,!inrm,d
on. M ... _." hi ...,....
<\. Ih, ... ,,, __ '" ,h. h.",
mock .... h ... -- "'" (, <
Fill in t'Lt (,,11 .winJ;' ,J.,,,n
",ith ,,'otd. "Iu.!! h:l\e l:mi:lor .... d_
in!:.. Euh c: .. "t<' ;.. by
'nt..lilutOon Qf I "nt:'c kller.
... --- Jonn --- in her
rl>.. ki"l:"-clwr. 1>.>ntI.r;n;: (I\'.r la,(
,,,,,,,tho, pilule "h<1I .!Ie 'UI
'\.>.rtkd by "f
--- .. hieh in it d.'r .....
10 """J>C! ---
wan. Thi, "" >earN ___
"'hicll was ,;nl: "" .flor
'huing a --- ,,-h',h <.j., l"f-
l'"ing 10 -. ,hal .Ioe !oll ;'>1" I
"-_::"of hnl - .r<-
rued by ___ "h ... t,.r'.im t
'('o<>Od gru,up" wh",. om
T,,,,,,,,, 1.1"" d pf"P' .. "J. I"
h" I, '" Ih. I" ,.1."01 ........ ' "Ii
" ... " .l.l. "'h ,,'n"'d ,',.
h ._ aI "..- Th. pup,l>
1.1 U, V" bl.m .... d,l,. ho,
,\ IISltll;t;
".m. th. 101l0","C ''" Qf ".",
I .. .li.
2. " ... ,.,v
J '1"" ""It
, " lAne.
} ma,'"
t. "(.10,,,,-
} " .vb,,<-
\!. .m.,,_
'.I. "D ..
HI ......... "".
II, ",.am (I""' .
IZ I .. " ,k. j<>O\.
tJ T."". ,., ,
t4 k,nd .. ( u"
I.' A )J''--'', ... n t "-
A \ .... ,,"". ,"".1
17. Tho ...... --,- ,of
IB. ,\ .. ,,,. r I'" " ....
\9. A .. .u ",-u..-.
zo.. A < ,.
,;!'i. R(f>X'," I,"e, frCdJI try
",,<I Ita", a coun,')'<!U,I: ,,h ....
hd1 ... <kd -.nl1 'lU:lntily
"f I"I-pcr.
T,o ....
.... , "hoi' <r .. ,d " ..
,nJ,h" . '0 oW ."k ... 01
,h>., ,' .. h., \"<, .. ) ,\ ,o.

rIIlI"YO/He ODln 'l'O '!lI!!t
Tl!J. !'tJlWOW{G loWtlt:AGI !O lIN
I. 'he fi.. , l.tI.r f'Qm a
word whioh .ignifi d,,,.ble .nd
l.av. l 01 fu,n;'u,,; bohud
<In<. moro,..,d luv .. a word lI .. , un
pli'J .kill.
2. Removt 'he I"" le".r fmn'
building ..... t<rial and 1 .. ,"<= a m",i-
nl ..,.,nd; bthc:I.d OI\Ce m<lrt and
ka ... lun;L
3. R.mon Ihe fi, ltU .... from a
railrood .. and I ve OOr-
re', b<h<ad again and pr-od,, :0.
4. R<mO\'" lb. first 1ttt f..,.", a
ookrnn piedI:'< utd l ... a .. ..,.d
.hich ,ignifid 10 w.; behead
\IIOre and an impon.>.nl organ.
S. RtrnOve lbe w., letter from
_rd which .ignilits u> g2H. and
I ...... planr'; bohad it and I ..... "
6. R._ lb. firSt Ie, from a
"..,.d whirh !"'rtain. 10 h:l.m .... UId
In.-. :0. ron",,: bdl .. d (lflCe more
and Ita,. a "n!:lt opol.
7. R ....... ,. tIM: fint Ittt .. from
... ""d which '0 folio .. and
I.a,. of :0. imoe: whon bohead-,-
ro onu mo i, will\'" .ide.
R. R,m<)\" ,10. fin,l"" .. Qne
of fill" and [ ..... a v><'ory ... hidt
\><b<:ad.d again implies coota;n.d,
9. Remo". ,ho first 1.1t .... lrom
.om" linin and <'''''' warm,h; \>t-
hoa,1 a/ and Ic:tm ",j,a, '0 dQ wllh
IlL. firol.
'II' "<lin
t .....
mO" and )'OU
l.nor from
of Imu< ..
I.U.r from :0.
.n .1cnlion ""hith
""'.. hKomc:. ,'ery
R<:mo .... ,h. 6nl. I.ut<" (run
uetping an;mal .nd 1cf, an ir(lll
..-h"" btMadod 0<1 mnrc do ..
n'-". 1 .... 1 .... U.
F ... ".r 1"" old I pOi. of OOW'
'Q' $110. On on, h. " .. lU P" con'
.nd on .k. oth .. )" 1001 10 I'" <on' ..
1.>, Rm>nve Ihe Ii!""! Itt,., from a
b<') '. "..,... and lea .. <kgre.o; cur-
\;1,1 and il t.n. 110", h" ... ''''''y.
16. R."",,. the 6"1 kilt<" lrotll a
ulling ;mplemwt iIJId 110 told 10
...... k..,; bohnd mor. and learn
... hal yO\! arc to 1:' ....
17. Rcmo"c tht fiNt leu., from
'he _, and luve a gnin: \"'heod
IDOl'(: and """",lbillg -nry
. w.
Ill. RtmOVt tht lin-I kner fTQl1l
""10 ... di,h and you .. ill be bthind
I,,,,.; bohad (101 mote :anil il ",ill

\'1. RtIDO'Jf: I"" \.,t..- frun a
f" '''''" and <n>htohlny;
lx-htad IInce more an<! be ODe of

.!O_ Romov" I;'" fir<t IoUY from
beginning :and lu,. a .bar]'
.a' , bchca,i OIIC. rD,". ' 0 l<:arn a
21. Romo." the Ii", 1.""," I .. "" a
"",1<><1.. and In. .... 10 bthead
un,. """'" and find a ,110"",.
22. U."",v. th. Ii, I 1." /rQm
>&f't.IJ" and I ..... a pair; and
loa". you ,,=, fm ,uppcr.
2J. w..movc th. Ii .. , loll'" Iron,
<li.b<mmg and fin<l unfin'
i.nfd: belt",,,1 ()IU:C :and YQU
w!lt ... Ih. (",L.h.
24. U."",vt tl,e fi"1 Ir"",
'pi .. of "on< and f.nd an ."
Inhe.; bdl""d <It<<c """c and kav.
.. hal ,if:(11;1\e< <"".'u,,,,<I.
25. R.m""" Ih. 1i"1 Icnu from a
wo,d ",hien mUM 10 inqruct and
In" ""0.<1 ",hkh .. 1<)
1I: bohoead O<Ice mon: and "'. N. ...
a ......-tI ",I,lch ,reals of ,hings ..-par
1. Tak. a I.tto< from a lo\\"n in
T ."ntoote and Jene a lown in
2. }b.t drop a J.l1er Ir"nt ti,'c,
i" "'.11' York and lea"C a 11',,,..1
",hicll tnt2il.' to nlUrntu, IOftly.
J. Tllkc I lentr fro," a town in
Oro""", and loa'. a "".gtr.
4. Take. klltr IrO/1l tity In
Florida and In> counly in 10"'L
S. Take a from a riV<!. in
:l.[i"'''ippi and loud noi ...
7. Take a leUtt fram a York
(O<mly and lea.e a fIo ... in!:" garmml.
8. Take ... 1<11", lrom. X.w York
IO>\-n and lu a "'ord which ,.;gn;..
r ... "alclofullH'''.
9. Take a lc:Utt from I lown in
x .... J .... M7 and I",,. a "'d.
to. Take I lotlt. from a town in
and lrave lit .nimll.
0. from count, in I'mn.ylvlltil
and an animal.
II. Tak. a I.lter from a :':ew
YOlk tOll'Tl Ind 10"'0 """" vaRS.
I:? T.k, a ren.r from ,.
YOrk lown and l .. """'d.
tl. T.k I.lltt from a Go:nrllil
;ancl lave !)art of fi.h. 1100
from a l\tw Yo<k town.
H. Take 1.11 from t
.... irginia to ...n and I ..... work lor a
eol>bl .,.
15. Take a leu from a )low 1 -
":;'- lo",n and lrase a d",in of m()Un-
16. TAke a from a state :md
I.,.", what btl",,1:'" 10 mc.
17. Take a !clIO' {r(lln an island
and I ... younl1 animal.
18. Take ,. t'1\er fr(lln a :-Jew
York lown and I .... ". a wild animal.
19. Take a letl", from a foreign
<:OWltry and Ju,'. a Olin 01 the
20. Take a 1m", from a t""", in
"' ,,,.1 on.,i"h 01 Uly 1U,. ,0 tb.
old ' ''''.''1 a. a bor." ' ....... 001 .h
U_. "cn ....... Utb i. tho liqu", bu,i.
DC. in N ... Yor" and
.nd ..... r. hi ",,'i.k. and m ';
New York and leaVC' ]a:k Spnotu
(nont. food.
11. Tak leuer away fl'Ollll for-
eign counl.), and la.. "'hal WC all
2.Z. Take a Iwe. away (rca,
'own in }.b,.achu us and
tfa/Ufcr of 1''''l''"rty.
ZJ. Take a kiter ..... y from ,
in ltuLo'" the .... me
or a RUjOj;j" I'rutOt .....
14, Take- a leUer away f,."."
ri, .... in R .... ia .IId leue 1M ' .......
01 ... R"",ba [1"""""-
25. Take a Irnrr ... .Y froR1
roun,, in I'<nn'ylnnoa and I ...... 1
,,,,,iona] A"..o.i<can delicacy.
!r . Takc I,"t\e. lrom Loaa
f;bnd to ... " ud lone. landinc-
17. Tah a I.ttn away lrom
M"'",n. cil, t"ollcave a girr. ""me.
28. Take ,. .wa, from
1%mOD' r;v ..... nd lea", nOlhing.
19. ,. lett.r away from
lown in Kl>I"lh Carolina and I.ave
what llol he. Hubb;,d .. "111 unable
10 Md.
.30. Take ,. 10ller ..... y lrom I
town in :-Jew York and lea". a bird.
31. Take a lell.". a","y from ,.
!Own in York and leave I

3Z. Take a letlc' IWly lrom 1
lOll'" in and Ie e,
33. T.h teller fmm Itlte and
leave a btveral/o.
34. 1.!Ier It"OI1I. ,tail' and
35. Take: ..... y a lett from
51at nd Ita"f d,li.J, .....Ie,.,
mony. ",h.n Ji,.,my WI, born II, w.,
.1I,d Aid .. "",. I"", "'" wi,,"
h .... bol hi! my pr nl """
flow old "'" lb. II" .. ,

C(>mpkle the 1011<1\\ ing 'crse> b.
in .... tinR Ihe namu 01 wdlknoll"
I. :-<ow S(L>.ring hi!:h. while "".;ng
al tI,. ''In.
Or I"'r':),,,,1 upo" ,"m. clilT,
with a.'pc<1 '(j(al.
I'ar. f., ,he 01111"'1-
.,. It"n.
Wbal bi' is llut? The .....
2. A Dibl. tale "It TUlUl<'th in my

Which. "" my memory' d 1'1I-
T.IIs of a prnpltct who by bi.d.
..... 11,
\\'''''1 bird ...... thai? 1be ..... .
J. Wis<: bild.! .'" Ih.,. ..... ..., '0 IIY
moon .""'rlain."
Of .roll and IUl< and beoo ...... 1>0
pm ... L
1lJough rol lId mic. from
lhal bird in nin,
What bird is thol? 1be , .... '
. DlI<k ... t ... hit .".,1. w;lh ..,l1aT
buff or
WII.I bird i> this. <ka. och<'>!.... s?
C2iI you ,hink'
IIi. """II i. lighl and gar.
yet mellow.
Sure, '\i, the ..... .
, What bird '" deu. _ "",re.
. """Id ,10 ,,;Ihom him?
To bo,il<l hi. he ",,;,e. cord
iii. "'hi'lling not enchant the
ai. aoo"l him.
YOI' can't nu.uke the ...
('AT DOG PLZ7.1.F..
Da,k' .. ., .,,<1 ... r
"d< .tot >i", """ .he ",,"
,r " D4 4"11 fa .... 1\>Dol' ,b, ["to
.<><1 .... "I .. "" ,....., t><""""
..... , .. ..:..... It ,pp(an 11>.0 d
upon ,. IIIb5tlDtial bu""" ...
buiL llit.aj:gcratcd yarn. ollh. oM
.. Ih: Ul"'rt 1t'lituO"Y prol .....
.iQn:olly 1"1: Woka are
no Ion""" _pted unl< . up
h, a II" , ( p,nun:a by man
... of tbe ",nlleu. kinct""""fl"'"
.\ 1"''''''''''1:' lor), 01 "'"" ,..,...
I""". lold on tlll! IUlhorily of Cap""
tain 1J..,I""un. ;1 thai .. he
uh .... ..J ..a l.II'" Y 1 land h. wu sur
ro"",kd b)' a ochooI "r '""
Ti,e ..... hlJ r<p'"a U:
many for Ih. I<'TpttItIt ... = blind
II ... , . ., "Th,,... c"uJd ... ..t look
f' "m tkir <lart.'O,,j Wink"",: !hte ..
rould I'>ok Iv 1",b.",o1.
(".,Id k.ok 10 0la,1-..1. 10 J.:r-
bNlrd: Ihrr1' e""l<J IY>lb 10 <1;11
be.,.,,1 and l;u-be ,,':ll!. had
""'Ih th .. " "1>1;," ,,,,I <of """mi ...
5<. ;1 ... ,\ul, .. "cred "" Ih.o:
In"oIr .",1 ,!ul' ....... tn t.' tlul '"Ihe ....
... r il(lIl,";' .<rpm!. in .ighl."
B,n < "'1,10 "r eo"' .... fi<nd, ... 1>0
11,"1 . r,,<,,. on II", of
_I<t> h ... ,1"'..1"1"'(1 thelf <>qf<>u"",
h, I ... that "'l(Iti, .. Ih .... hole
,t"" r.d",., th. "umbt. 01 .or-
peni. to 111. ",i1lj",,,,,, 01 pc.I>ibiii_
,i,'. ,I,;"h I>r:n/!,' il "r 111 our d""tI:!"
1'''''];'1' 1<1 wll i'!'\ b"w n",ny str'-
I"'nl' bd,mlo;od 'I> Ih.1
A DOZE)!, OF LEG"'!.

I. Scp., .. , ", ...,d ... h"h r.p,,,,n!,
In'o> ' .. 0 ,,,.10 ,,"' "I
.. hi<h i d,,,k. f", "'''"II ft",d.,
,,!,o, ....
2. \.",,,,",, on.1 on
om",,' I""N'''"_
J, .... 1>0"" .. "n
I."fd .. '"rI,"" "nd 'til ",I. .. br".".
0' Jok. ',
4. 5<"",,,, "I,,'i"",)' ""d M" 'by
Lb. way'-"",I """ 01 "I""'m
5. 5<p ... " 1(, ",ok. ",.bl,
th. t,...,in>""" "''' ,,' Ih. h d.
6. 5<1"''''' , .. '","",," .",1
r''''''.' ond 0 " .. I "" .....
1. 5<"" .,. on 'nd Itt.
I'T.... d .... "d .nd , 1"'". ,
I. s.po .. , <>Ileel,..., v,I., 'nd It!
u .... ,""" .. 4 .... ",1>., 7""
9. Srpo"';nw """, .. h;"II <h,op ,nd
, .. th. port 01 I .......
10. 5<1""" ., ... hi
<) Dd oom<tI!;" b" .... ".

II Sopo.". & "",! ...
_d ud .. hat p ....... ".
12. Sqo, ... .. ." 10
,,,.k " ol ... d'1
In 1M (ollo",;n" linn may be
lound ... ",<It ... h'ch, ,n
rqrula. ortkr, ....iII a lami[il.
V",.. b,
\',1 I th= alll On "o[den "';ngr.
that fty
Old "Car an,...,.
,II i'!! a wilh a fig!!, W;l h an Ol d,
old crr,
'I'My mum in hue'
[n lho [,,1[0"";"1( ace",,'" 01 "
pi",tical ate , k;lI!u[:}"
""""A[[ tho n.""" of " do n
(;1;'" :
There ''''ro "inc V.h.mC111 mut;-
II ;. ,,,,,,4<4 ,"", '" a rntl. ru. 100-
, ..... '''0 I"'''' 'I h,,,. ,h. ,i,a!
' ....'Icd I,,,,,, "";.,,. ,,, ''''to:
,n ,h. n,b,,', p'ac. 01
\\'i,1> 'be .d..n ..... e of ""'"1 .... ad
noon .11!' . Ihd,
.h,p. 'A P'''''' oj "" .. ,oeu:
muttered the mate h. h" [oar. "My
,.,."k nI.1kes till' r-n an .,..). ,nauer,
bul the p1." i, In bi"J ,he "'I"
lain Juring hi. n.p Ie, h.
..... k. up. I-Ie', u,""Uy ha"J
<'nr lbe ."",d '"' II,.",.,
cur. <hI> ",wh'" ern " .M[I b)' hi
hc:;ad, t rom .''''y ["'-"""'!l"or we UlI
then cuet a !M!l"' laJI"""'-"
SOM!'; ).lORE DECAr l.
<;h .'"R F". W",d, \\I.,.b Au a.
T .. ", ...
T ,,,.,, W .. b: .. .... ft}' _
A,e..! oound nf ",nd., .. ' _
\Ii. bc .. , .... n acc ... d.,b _
"I'.ha ... ,d , .... '1111,1,,,1.--
W ....., ...... d .. / ,[ .. __ a-
I[ for a Inc,""., I 1""'1' __
WI>, 1 In' tilt ".['i. _
1 m 0-" r...,."b '" __
<U< In ,.
\\"1 I;' ., "I,n' "0 'b. --
Gin ,." ,0"" ..... i,, 1I,,,!i, __
On all ,h .... D', 1"hI __
II rl, ,bi"'"l --.
n. ,1".1" '/ .. h ... _
Earth, ... IIb a 01 ,u",h'n' __
m.ny ', ... ,,' .... 10-,,"'. __
Why ,b _ 01L1l

SI.MPLE RrlrrrITlO'l"5
Nac .... ".d ,n th. ["" .pa ,h ..
.. ,II rna, ,<tt" "1,,n '" t' ..
.... '"d, .:,", 11 m.oy bOl Jdle"
Iho f<d kn ....
w ... _ ,h.( h.,dly
- t" dd,.,
- CO""' 1.1",,,,.d Ih. l.tIlil,.
t " l"'m ,b Ih.n"
1:< r"",
..,,1 ... h. ''''<Iud. p'''r<r ",':,m,n'
W, 'f< __ ,.:J ,10 .. ""', 10
"". .. ", t "" .... ,,' toe

Tb, .. .. ""d .,. wi,h ,)'i,
1.>., _ ,,' Ii" __ ' " ,I" .. [.d
\,',11;. __ I" I" ,u ,h.
o '''"ITY. b,,, .'" .. "I ,oi1ld no. i"
""," -.
1 .. ' .. ON .. ;,b ." ,,,,,II ",.h
,h. b""n .... __ ,,"<
Uftl,. h. -- h.
hd "" n,h .. __ ,han I .. " Ih.

CO:>lDl:CT(lR'S rUZl!-.
....'ha, i, ,h. ,ru. '" 01 ,h" 1>(0,'"
,b. <onduct"" FI,U.,.d ""h.
,nl",,' ;ft b" 1, .. 11, .II"n, ,h.
My ."ft n fi," tim .... old .. my
I.kin, boy' ___ bim a..-oJ'
I,om >.he h. 00 ."",bl,
IIc lal<l ,h.o, h ... auld ,><0' --
I.mbh", _nd th,re/or< ,01"",d I ..
-- Ih.
n. I ........ _ or. _ '0 ""'"'"" ...
-- " ..... d .. ",,,,,,4 ,h., >.hOI
,,",I 1"'10"'" ,k<;, "".1<>,
'a. : ... 4Iadr .. ,. ;, ;. __ ,-'
b .... \>vo,<Ie.... ;h' IL., ""1 ",n.' _
I" " ...
It, .. ,d ... '" __ <r1Il ,,'
""1 hi> n<. b", "<CI, ul b
br.I) ...-.... .,,,' .. 'hOI "0 ,:.&.I h, ..
Hc.ud a " .... It ._<d in
.... lu,. a 1m" aK... ", ...... I,a.< .b.,
1' .. 1. n;UI td. I ... ".. '",,'0 "'<f1
"'"'" III.,.,,! ... ,\,. l. .. II
.. 01 I" "'nk .. ,il, a,,' :
p "f. <ba, ......, h"wd 0'
..... 1
!'.hu,! '0 ,.pb .. id. ..,d 1 .. In",d;
_.,u,. Iod I,,,,. an"co"
0"'" "I an .u,,,m .. bu<. ,d
lu,o ...... " t>.ad I'. b< "..." .,.';
'''" 1<.. < <W .. n .. .n;mal ...
.... "'" ..... T
,,, 1,,"0, .""" aoJ I.", kio.d
lid".,! 'h anim.!. .nd ! .. ",
V .. t ,! .. ; OK''''. and 1,.,< ,,, b.
,j l "" "d
11.1.,.4 "'" '" <11hi.01<;
"n" I .. " h'TDI.
Ij,h d ,;,,' .. "'g01b."
",n . _:' .nd I .. " .. "Iody; 'B'''''
I ....... ,I,
"-'".h', ... d m, ",if. I, ,1m .. a.
ol d ... ,ho ,oa oad I .m , ... .,. u ,,111
., ... if<. .. , ... "ruooli," ... hg io
"old a, .11 of U' pu, .. ;, <cI.,
b''''n, h<T BlIt
How old .... ,h. t..,y'

I ... '.
PROPOSITION-Gllu. thB 10e.tloD. 01 thB hll ..
s A \''TERAN SII01'
whQ h .. partirill"tfd in
nu.ny matcbea. I .... 1
- K"'''Uy inv .... lfd in 1M
rt'C'm1 pistol mavh by
<"able ... hcrt'in the American. provcd
their ... periorit,Y over Ihe
men. Iltbo<.lgh ,t wu I ,,"'tty cloH
oeon--U8? tfI Ult _ Tt... ohoolina:
took "lace llimull4neously on both
lidea Qf the .. n. and the results
"pOn tacb target ..... re cabled
.. hiob mD th ..... tch .11.
lad ;ntcfUt;"i 0IIe.
1 ... ,0$ grutly IIIIIlItd b!' the Mm'
=n" Qf Ibe unlnililltd
.. ho ..... ,.., greatly by Ih.
Iangu.oce of Ibe ....... who we11l
CODI"'u&lly call1n .. out bOIl ... of Ihe
day Ar .... 1"11 It "anan'" wilh Ihe
COITed \1__ :),IAny J)I'..orIlgt:I\'tly
u plained it !.O Ih.
dlll'.,..,not in limo !wnoef!n Ne ..
y",;; 11\11 Pan... "What lime did
y<>ll 0110011" "at upen woul<1 ,l$k
n l<,!.btr. "Half five. bul I
!.bill;; I will try half.pul f ..... r.. t
lried three odock. four. ODd t
,hall BOW Iry five o'dockl"
1'h ... hole pOint i< \h.1 it I. necu-
ary. nn Ihe lon",r ra ng ... III. make
all. allowanee fGr wind Ind
"" III n'l4ri<lmen look upOn Iheir
... Ih dial of I
clOCk. 10 il. w!wn tirinK IlrI"ghl al
lb. bull'. oye lhe I>o.!! hits dG ....
wb.", tbe lipre live wouJd k. all
be ILu rot to do aOW iI to fir., It
eie"en o'clock !.O 100", a "plumb
1'btr. ..... ,.., 10!11," interesling prob--
iemt dey.1oped. dunng Ihe mavb
whicll t am C<'rtain would illte=!.
our pu.ulDlS_ Here, for i ....,
iI on," .. struck me as "",og to
pretty !.b.t I am ....... it ..-ill repay
one for Ihe trouhl. of IItlIriq: II.
On., Gf the "">rUmen scored 96
with Iix .h.-.u. but it requi.-M a d.-
uaminb.ion !.O obow that be had
100M th...., "douhl.-u," as they
ttnn the feat Qf tom bolls
Ih""",h Ih ... me hole,
1'be UI'K<U .how l he ringo
fromone!.06flypoint-. The"" .. l.
il !.O fI,.O.lrle the tholS wrueh Ibe urn-
iii.... .... uamining. and which
mllke up !.be oro .... of 96 poinll.
Why is pair 01 ,k.o.t .. liko an
apple' BecauM Ibey haYe belh
ocealioned Ihe f.1l of man.

Why. if a man has gllliery of
pa,nl,n&",. may you pek h,. !"Xkctll
aecause he has PlO;;ed'youra (PlO_
tu .... ).
How can )'0\1 ret a De" ..:'1 of
teeth ,nxrte<\ grlm .. 1 Go in!.O
"""",body ct.', lUden ... he'" Ihey
keep a bis! d<>g. and luck bun.
Where did you go on your tenlh
Inrthdayl Into yout mvenlb ) ...... ,
If Did<., father .. Tom, IOn.
..bat rdalion 1$ o,ck toT"",,! Tom
is his grtodfather,
If Joa!> was kruiah', IOn. whal
relalion w;u leTuilb !.O JOIb! II ..
mot.ber. bt. ""'lemal parent
What is 1""1 .. hi<:b live. m w;n-
let. "-'- m summer. and grow ...... Ili
, IS rooLs. upw.nlsI All iMclt.
Why .. a prol.,.;ona! thiol Yet)'' B<lcaUM boo ...... Uy
taUt lhittp .. easy.
Why iI tb. fond on. tatl on ....
oooa.n llteamer like. dil'lio:ull COIl",,-
8e<:auM ... have to C""
.t op.
Why do little binh In IheiT """I
agree I For ftaT of falling oul .
Wluch of the leub ... cd tribe oan
lifl the boa"i""t .. eighul The
H ... i. an ;U">lr.llion ill kmMT-
garl .... 00 lb. firol .... kI
a pilch ... b:obnO ""Ih a bottle and
a l urttbkr; on lb. 5ttObd sal.. a
bottl. babllCCl "'Ith one tumbler and
pbte.. In lhe lhird ... tioo I"'''
JII":bt .. bob"". ";Ih th_ plat .. ,
which oho1lI. Ih.>I one pIalo "'Iuais
t .. lHhi.d. of" pitoi>tr_ In the loorth
,"Ott .' uhd 10 ten Ito.. .... ny lum_
bl .... il .. ould ""lui to balux:
a boltle?
II .... w. have an illustration of the
""iom !luI "l runJ:'! equal-
ing the AI". thinK"' CQu.>1 ""'h
OIll...... ru the lette" x, Y. : an: al-
way. tmploy...J to r<j'n:wm Ih(' un-
. ....... " qUlnl;ti" ..... ,,ill Ioay tlw.
the JilI<Mr <'QU;tb.J(, "". pt.,. mun
of.J(, ""'" kt ul
adot tumhln on oach old. of !hot
kala in KOOnd i1Juslr:llion 10
make lhe left .rm the oame a, tNt
01 the. finn Kale.. Th31 .J(
(thc poth ) 10 equal ttro-thinb 01
.J( (the pbt.) and I..." IU,,,w.n.
Then lh. plat . boi"lr 1""O-lhi"Jo of
.... ,t... '''0 Illmbl ... ",0'1 th.
oth .. one-Ihird. 10 tacb 1"",bI.r rop-
r<S<nl ...... ,"..,th 11.1 r. In 1M fint
illmtration "e ... ..... i"lh 11 tum_
bler) and. boul. eq".l ... , l'h.n
bolde "',," w.lth tltr rrmaini",
,iXthl, th", ." ...... ill&' the que.y of
th. luI iI1UltntiOd by ptVring that
boIlI. ,,"O\dd t..lance wilh m"
Wil', my fin. do lhe ... attn """Ieod.
Or 'tis ....., in the putn, .. on
My _d bri'WI all 10 an aid
And "'y ... itok, ofl e-fl"o:ctcd by
Cipb<r Am"".r,_4. I, 13, I. 7. So
A Charade,
A ..."d of "'-0 .. b:u iI ito
/,.'fIrpl .. 1-"0 things. bott "".
II Oln cbnn
If f be apelkd I""" thiJ. Ii,tl. wQTd
l'h<1l light a", n<'er ...... ;
1',,1 ho:r.d 10 Ibe Iolil. Irnn..d..--ring- ... ith
l'h" Ii(:hl. floating Ihin!;", in IIQ, earth
or "".
Wherever )'OIl ok, ,.,.il! always bo
Cipher An.w.r.-s. p. :K>,8, S. 1&
TI,e foIlG"inlf wmpo.silipn wn
',.ud1 10 Ih. leacher I,,' linle ad_
m(".t. of ..rom1 >polling: il wu .n-
l,tleJ: ''1"hr G.<:y Cow', Soiilcq"y in
a D n, . nI." -
!':"brow, .awl thr.w loan
would &J.r nd. weight in!: four nloe
_'. "00 r.he 1 ... 0 :\larc Thoe Om
The m:"I. ",hith.r p.o.le honor Ed.
L ...ts Thee: don,. lruy TIt".. pit.
Can lOU rtad it uodt-nWldiogly?
Kilty A)"6 In liar,, "G,v. me ant
Qf yn"T penni"" and I CUI bot.. ....
.",,1. '01' bab,. one for mYoHf
and you will h"'e jU'1 money enougb
In b"y l"<luf"'lf on .. H
"No. say. Harry: """by hu,,'t
,." t.eilt anti COUldn't eal .."
"I'!>k Git. n,. lint: Qf your
an,I}""" Ind I can Qch g<:t an
an,! baby oan hear u. '''ok mt."
Ho ... mOl', peru'; .. did the chil-
A",,",WICIl.'l TO
Ol VDO I N uau u.OI OOIOB .
, The.. dOW"" ptQblt-m i, wived
toy the which pr<.><l\,eeo nl::ilt
angled \ri""gl. from any ",1<\ num-
ber. viz. Squ3" il; 47X4i=1.209
by 2, "",I make th.
(Jrle gr<'"t lhot" 'he b.,.. An.,:
I,ll and 1.105. Strong<: tbat
fool .h""ld ho.vr bit upon 3 d,-
",.,,,;Cm to wbich w. <on find bul
One on,wer ill whel< numb.-u. Th ....
",,,old Ita,', betn t.n an,wen il h'
hd.aid 48 rail . T" find a ttiongle
from .."y even ",,",ber. tqua .. the
givon numbor Ind divide by 4.
< be: 1 n,or. than the bas.
and I Ie.. than Ihe 1t)"""lh .. 0,..:
SXS=64, divide<! by 4=18. So the
triongl. would be: 8, 17 and 19.
I ... .uy biu,h 10 give ,h. fool',
anlw" to "Why wo>. the blade of
,ha, ..:in,<lcr curvodr' It was
curved 50 thaI it "'<I"ld fit the
oca,bba. d I
In the ,.qu3re m.rk off 25,
6 and 19_50.
I" the lman p"nle the word,
an:: Solti<:<. auria:. "r artifioe.
nooo<, offit: . Iifi.e, malio<, uncio .
cl,oioe I>r p.ejuJ;, oIlice, p."clI<e.
poulti"., ju.ticc. <"n,i<t. lat""". ac-
v<Ce. ."rplio .
mice jUlCO, pm"' .. coplCe. '1,lice,
drntiln, bot!,,., ,u/liee. ca-
price, polic . auv;"., d.vice, .",vi,
and I>r<:<il'i<',
The puzzle \he
nam .. , Jule, Len.>, Dinah, Edna,
Manu, J<nni., ),!inni., Ann.>, Carry,
Mary, :Ohn. J3n.. ),Ia .
Judy, Han",h ."d En.
Sammy -""u that chid<en wa. like
a bee." .. he lo,.d a full .. CIp
and m ...... uml hi. "'-'Tn by the peck>.
It wu large b<oome it was ''''Of
feet. Th. wings. r car on<1 head of
anny. 11,c ",,-, mau', b,ll, 1 hc
foot, 'pur and ,id.. The tai1. Th.
Call'. and I .. e, The eye, comb.
head, Hen, Biddy. and Bennie. The
tl>W' I<g.. A 0011 pl .. yer
might it nl(lItl .
bridft. Icngth. Ius 011. foot il tqual
to tw" and a half bridge length., I ...
Iwem,,fi"e I..,t. H<"flcC h.ll a
bridge Ir"gth i, twenty-f""r too ;rnu
the whol. le" .. <lh i. forty",,'ght feet.
Cooco,led gwgraph,. ,how,: Ar-
toi., Smyrna. N.h.nt, :l.brblehud,
Amherst, lAwrence. P."..i:., M.
derio. Andover.,
Am.rica, Molta, i-'i,a, L"mbaRQ, To-
110. U':U!, P:IJlama
and Oohua.
Such. 01 cur puuli.u ... rompl.l<d
the ."",,-S(3te run. 'q>Ott that the
()!Ily "" .. ibl. rout.e by wh,<h .u "f
the ,0"'nJ can be vi,ited but once i.
to talce them in the foUowinll; ,e-
'1ucn .. , ,<<'<INing to. Ihe d .. ign .... d
numbert: Phibdelph,a 10 IS. Zt IS,
14, .1, 8, 4, to. 19, 16. 11. 5. 9. 2,
7. IJ. 17. 21. 21), 6, 12 and .then 10
Erie, which <'<Impl., Ih. trip after
having vi , ittd the IW.nty.t wo 11>"'''''.
","'W" TO ..... CYCLe ...
In th.t nary from aClHI experi
c:ntc it Wl.l made dear, by giving the
r to lll't a. \hey otturrcd, 10 a. tl>
appea 10 the common S<M(! .." well
IS the mathematiGal powe .. of the
It wa. told that Fred and
hi. be>! girl oul on a century
run 0<\. bright ",oming at 10 odook.
Th<y weI\! .t a fin_minute dip and
had gun" wone di<lancc when Fred
brC>l:e I", whed in way
which perm"'ell 01 no temporary "'"
pair>. They WOf. tompdlod to re-
turn. lie could maintain a three
minute g;1i, on hi> Owo wh..,I, bUI on
her wheel c""ld not do bener wn
th, .. and a half minutrs. She could
walk. I."ding the broken whe.l, at
Il""'d of a mil. in t wenty minute.,
.nd h .;auld do the """e in filt..,,,
minut... Everylhing wa, fovorable,
and it ,u. al'>O SUl<d Ih>! a ".w
.procket wh .. 1 w'-' ready at hom.,
and could be rt pl:.c,d in len minnt .
Now then. if th.y left hem. at to
A . .\1.. and ... uming th.t t hey did
Ih. best lI"t per_
aC<;<lrding to the <:Onllitions
menti"".d. ond boIh g<>l bome at
enetly 6 o'clod:, what ",ould thtir
ro,peotiv. cydorn.ten regi".r if
they h;Ld gone OS far ... p<>Uible up
to the ""int 01 the
Th. accident occ,,,red ",h.n he
had goo. JJ 3--17 m; los al the .peed
of 6ve minulcs-:?h. 15 17m.;
333-1 7 mil .. return . at
ute >I""'d- l h. 56 2-lim.: 23 5_17
mil., back II> mt the lady.
ute speed-Ih. 21 9-17 m, : mmding
wheel. 10m.: 5 mile. on his own
whe. I, .t J--miDute rait_ 15m.: 18
1:l-17m,, 9 15_17 mil.,. wollting. ro-
mu,ute .poed----Jh, 17 !I-li'Il,; 2.1
mild riding hoo"o. fi," ",iQu,"
.veed-lh, % 8-1710.: t"tal. S """ ...
Htr rccOrtl-JJ 3--17 mil., t"
d.m, 4S
15-17 mile< 2O'minu,"
opd-Jh. 17 !I-lim,: 23 :;" 17
mil., ridi"g horne. f,vo_",inute
_Ih. 56 8-17 m.; tOlal, II houn;.
M.ny the point Wt
,he might ride on "hile he wa, Iix
ing hi. new !l'rocl<N whet! , and tha,
the time I>r io .ff""ted
by the 10.. 01 the ten minule.. l1er
cyclometer .hould reg,".r 1\2 15-17
mil .. and hi. but I'.li 5-17, '''''''ing
the ";all .. a. 10 which Itas done Ih.
h.rtI .. t work and i. tho moot tired
an f>J'<D ""e.l1on.
The hardw.,-,: .tore ,00,," ,he ,r_
lic!",; Sw,'.lift .... hamn,e ... nail..
1><>11:0 pade., casto", locI. gla .. ,
The ""'hier gave 3 one., 50 tw",
.nd 19 jis . ..
II lOU out Ih. sIt,11I I>ff do,e and
place on the other side the h""d Wlll
be: wbere,1 ,hould "":
The \>ron.b "Y', it i. ne"er 100
I.te tl>
That ""to ."t'mS to hI! prying.
...... wu
Ii the <.><lei, are ;- to J again"
Appl. Pi th.n we ,,,,dve b-s-.k
$10 for In ",,\I.y 01 $.l: or would
got back $11 for ;rn outlay of $5 on
Bumble Bee. The .. for. to balance
the book We must place $27 '0 $8J
on Cucum""r, ... prO"on by the fol-
lowing: $.lJ on A would bring $110.
er $SO on n would hring SliD, and
$27 10 SSJ on C would bring :f;110.
So if you pb $33, $50 and $27,
... hioh ;unounU to 5110, no "",n.r
which hots. win. Y"" jlUt get yonr
$110 batk,
Th. Swi .. /lag \Va' ron.<truoted ..
AN::'WLRS TO ... U,,;,ZLJ:..S ON P AGES 10 2 1
10nl( i.
_ 0'
10 Otlnvert Ibe
. <:-.. ',,,. I
:--, :.,
" Tht literary burjj:lau 10 guo ..
wl>rd PYX.
Grandiather"5 query as II> the dif.
fe","ce in weight bet we.n li x dozen
do .. n J>OIln"--' cf feathers .m! hlf a
dozen dozen poun,l. of gold, <how.
tbat the ,atch 01 .iJ; do n dozen
be;"" 1\6<1. while do.en do.en
would be but holl a I:r".o, MI
ntisfy tho "",,,ion, ""Id i.
....eigh.d by tro), weil(ht, ... hi1o fcath_
;,. by ,vQi,dupo;,
weiJ:ht. In 'hi' ca .. Ih. tin!e hon-
ored replv of "'A pound i. a ptlUoei
Iht wo.ld I>\'er," wiil not
Te be exact. oil( dn.en do "
p<rund. Qf foathe," woigh M4 pound.
while 72 pollnds IrOy ef
goM ;, only tq"al te> 5<1 po1md, 3
ou""., 3nd 4(0)1 groin . ..0 Ihe ac-
lIlal w""ld be 804 poI",d,
12 Ollno", and JO Cni",
Tbe av.rag. por"'" no rnn-
ocpticn 01 Ihe ",13IiOl1"'i1' bt!wn
troy ;nd >VOirdupoi. weight.
""heve that the pound. weij(h
"""'. but in ""e ea,. i, inw
lixt .. n par1.5 in the other ca,..
into twelve to rep",,<nl oono ....
More pwple. however, believe th.t
tho ",,!>Ceo are the ... me. >0 that the
up;rdupoi. pound weigh.
onncu whit. Iht trl>y pound ... eigh.
but t wolve. Of CCIlue, neilher C:1S.
i. oorrecl, .. it will be: I""nd WI
the <ounecting li"k betWet1J tb. two
.y.tem. tum. upon the Iftct th.1 a
pound avoirdul><>i. weigh, 7,1m
crain.. while a pound troy
o"ly 5.7W gram .
In pr .... n'ing lI'e a"''''er to Ine
rony Pilule, Mr. Loyd ,alee. 0<"
ca,ion to poim out tho f.ct of the
Ll:>d: pi..,c-. "I paper being tlothing
but a ddu,icn a ,nart. Th.
pics to 1'la<<<I .., :0.. 10 make
the I'q're""'t:ltion 01 a littl. whi,.
hor", in the .. nter S o .hown,
It ,,as thi. \ria 01 the wh,te no"e
of U1>Pington whiob popularize<.! the
, "On. but that ;1 a
of 3noth .. col",I"
The boardinfthouu pi. Cln be cut
into 22 piece . ..... hown. The I.n ...
I how how Aunt Mary her
pi., '<1 .. IQ tell whcther 'lis minee
I>t 'taint mince:

....w .. TO rHE.AT ..... O ..........
In n",num. gr t puule it wu
... id tht "A trained tat and dog run
a rate 100 t..,t straightaway and "'"
tum. The dog 1<:;1" thr.e fet-t .t
nob bound and the cat t wo feel.
The .he make. thl"' I.aps 10 the
dOll", two," and the p""le ... u 10
t.n whO! ",ere the "".,ibitiue. I>f the
"ew, the cal wins. "f COD"e, It
has Ie male. precisely 100 lUI" t"
eompl.te Ihe dinane< ;rnd ret"m.
dog, on the contrary. iI rom-
pdlod to go 102 feet and baclr. Its
thirty_third leap lake. it 10 the 99-
fOOl mark ""d .0 another leap. ear-
AMa"" TO ..... _H'D LDTdI
10 'hi 01""7 "f hidd,m ali .. w.
fIlId InlI"wlDl: I.""ha. pl;KU in
,Mi. rel(l1b.. n.<kr C1ndo.oJ. Bal
UD>OI". kakil(h. lAlla,. Omaha, MI.'
(001, lilica, W"'",, .... , Ko.walk, AD
do""" J::Iovft', DertJy. Yo.k.
Rndill(. Rome. Early. Dayton.
Lowe!! and EU"'l'Onh,
Th....., .. calt. On \h.
linl oounl !he YO\( w ..
fOUlld 10 be. '0 the Mgali..., u
.. 10 J, bol .,Iom votes .. ere
InlDf.........t from 'M ..... 10
t be the "<'lI1liye IwI a mao
Jority 01 (1M. Thll Jho .. " lf
WU OIIe-_e,nh 01 the .. bole num-
be. 01 VOla
WNn "" .. __
In thij roIhe>Ome pictu of th.
.Itpbo.ql :md Ihe miJ.<:hi... auJ bc:ol it
...u '"",,!rod to tilt Ih. picture ,alO
1 .. 0 pi"" .. ",hich would fit 1"",lher
KI ... 10 &bo", "'111.1 happened .. h.n
the cha;" brule., The 10110wi1l( il
!u" ... tlOP dncrioo Ihe I(,n. nrr
Th. monkty wen, Irom 10, 1 t. 11.
8.4, J, 7, 6, 1. I, S .a"d 9, a. Ih.1
rQuI. I ... ,-d. Ih. Wide IPfoCU but
,wk .
TM rebus arithmetic .ndl: C ....
Ies. I ... cOW,
whid> .. auld Ie.... 0
In 1M $lOry 01 tho g'Ul p:a... dc: il
..... told tha, wb"" !he m<1l an_pt.
e<!to ma..,h .. "II any numba 01 "'""
- Inom ''''0 to I ........ n a row.
wa, ahn,Y1' nca.n '1'" I.ft ,,IIn.
ea..., uted 10 .. .n.. ;';ow:all of 011.
)'OUng pu.uli'" biro.. bQ".. 10 lind
tho lust tommon mlllbph: of Z. J,
5. 6, 7. 8.!il and 10. bul that nancy
01 ODe pu.uJ ... tlum, beu.UK il 1001<
lhem a .. ay lrom tile rul .. 01 liIc:;.
boob. N<,nrtb<:lest. il " plauL
arithmC1i<, and )'kIds .udily 10 a
re_ing, 1520 ;. 1M
common multipl. 01 1, 3, 4. 5.6.7,
8, 9 aod 10. and ""'y be diridc:tl by
o.qy of 1h060 numben, thaI
mu" bn origin:aJ num!x.
01 members ... h.., Casey "lin.
... oay the or>\' man and attempl
to " Ih. po.... d ... ith any num-
be. of mm from 110 10 ahrean. and
It i. plain 10 be !Un that the: lasl
ro .. will always be thon juS! ont
man, 10 il is obyious that the correct
I ns .. .. would be 1.319 111m il it
not 10. lha, pu.ule catch where it
said: "A. ol.ven would IlOl do" ror
2. 519 men could be diyidl by II ,
10 ... WIll havo 10 give as tht
<:Om:cl number 01 m", ,,'Ito CO\IId
not !x divid.d illio rows Imm l to
Th. Monad pu ... le is cu' into lou.
ploccs by Ih. cun'O'tl !iDe as .hown.
.. , a '!night CUt lrom A to B
would give 4 pi""es 01 lime siz<: but
dill'e.<1It Th. ,-", """"
mal be diyule<! inlO four piCCCl
.. ,h .. h will fi, SO as to make
1 pe.f..,1 rnotwL
Cbande: M .... 'a or papa.
aoumoN TO ","","an 0'\aZI.IE
It can be ..,. !ha. il lit....., "' .....
Ihiny pi"""s of ]aUJIdry alld fred
die .u 17 cents lor !WI
Ih. cufh o.qd OM-lhitd of t he eoI-
I ... , lhere m .... 1 ha ... been 11 cull's
Ind 18 >lb. ... KI Charlie "'ill ow.
)9 a, tollan COlt 1 C<1II1 and
tIlff. 2}1 eelli.
The Smart AI"" puule, as was in-
t;mated. proved to be a diffiouh !Uk
10 m&Stu by 1'1..... 1), . xpenm<1ltal
m.thods. although, IS IVII
knowledg. of 1'}11t:Lo::ora< pro!>-
kill i, of u .. in !\j1CQ ring an_
l'ythagonJ' n,le "'III give II. al
1 ... 51 Ihe ,i .... f "'I""'C 10 be
formed. I"', if ... d""dt th. "'"PO'
11110 four ",ceo,. by 'n the
""ne<! h ..... , .. know tht 1 and
,,-ill make on_ tqllart, I ... d J
-.rill {""" a ..... .11 on., 1'lac1 .... tloo
two I<jua.t. to(ClIoc accordi"i to
the man .... uplainl ...... I1me ago,
the jiM {",m 1M COI'-
n(1' X to the: VIp of lite .maI,...
oquan a t \" gi .. n the <Ire 01 1M MW
To tho "" .. Ie. bowcvu. in
the: 1n. .. 1 pouihlc: nurn"",, of plett_.
linl clip oH 1M lillie: pifICes I :and 1
and p:a<:k Into cmt.t. Then
CUI tlu:: an,t move the
picee 1\0. 4 down or!<' !ltp an" the
100. pi .... tit 1",.lhtr "' to make
a porf"", "'!uarf, Thor. I numn_
OUI ways 01 peri,>rming, Ihe lcal wi,h
from h. to a d"...., p'""n, hla Ih.
an,w U giVUI i, lx>th diffialll and

.' ,
Thc Quarrelsome !>l'cighbol'l made
th<'l' p:alh. a. rLho"", ,n the aecom

corn grory
, dtvtr pU.. ",I'. al_
;C"-,, \hom I'.Clnd 10 be
I''''lIy ""rd nu\-' to crack. Thc foJ-
Iu"',n/t a ... the ... ",.do g;VeD 111 th."
'<gI'b.. onkr: u":ag... 1k<:1I,
Denie<. Ta., !J.orH. Tn"" and Sag ....
Tom ciJo:ht 0'" m ... k kin!:. Pea ... .
R .... Inn' . Turn u]><. t:oo.l and
,,00J T .... and C<m<lc,,>Od :\htk.
Da'e<: Candies. Can<lln.
Canned l'idr]<"L. ehess,
C"I sup. flour. A/,-ta-.. Indian
and Rhyme Is. Fan.o;>, and C"rpet
TM: 1tD1I. PUUU:
J n tile ,\retch of ,10'0 parrot.
,,11"'" lin >tIppo",,1 10 rep.esent the
mouo 01 a ,ea a clev =rung
of th. silualion "'1 di=nr that
ST i. the be<t poll I ft." M,
u Ih" mtrcl ... ,,1 would '"-y. "11",,_
"I lea i> tile be"
In tile fi"l 01 the Time Puttl<.
Ihe "",I<ht. "'IL't have al 45
minutes anJ 15 ....,...,d. p.o..t mid_
nil'hl' alld as the f.'IOII
ah_ad of tI,. olh very
hour. ,I "'(jILhl be onc hour ahead ill
20 hour.; il is there/orc 20 minUI(!I
ah",d of rot,...,1 tim th.
ol he. i. 8.43,n. ZS .. e.
In the [><QI""iti!>n, How lOOn w,lI
the hou., minute .n,\ 't<lnd hands
a!(:lin 1.1'1"''' the ,,,,-me di.lan<:e
.put! HuM 111. l>el!>rc a
n"rro' .nJ i[ ... ill indiate Ihe lim.
at "'h"'h it will in e:uctly
6 hra., 10 milL. 50 sec.. The second
hand occur. Illidway belween the
houc and minute !wid! 1.-427
rot.,. IZ boo .. (43.200 U<'OOd<f .
vi ... : JO ...:on.a a. Ih ...
co .... tar1t. ,,'bich gi.... the l'O'ilion
on dial Is Ih ... ncaml pcNlbl.
A pendulum Sl_02981 -Ch
"Ill ,ibral. 52112981 1ImC:. ,n a m,n-
utt 1f)'Oll c;m't figure it 0111. !:alt.
my .. Md lor ,u conKtne!&.
Butchu Boy problem i. all_
Ih<1lti. in n.ry dc:tail Buld ... Boy
COIl $2'20, IOld al 12 por cent. 10"=
5198 The oth<:. hone cost Sl64.
>Old at 10 1"" ccm. pro61=$295_68-
Total. $484; .... ivod 5493_68, which
1 per <:enl , profil on the who1 ..
Tbll m"etery of ,he Gold
Ie"t.tically eXI'L1lnoo by
e.1,,;ng j ilin t be n .... form;, re.!.l1y
sill! oontai!l5
676 "'1ua", Inches.
Tho !lindon punIc lonns \he
crou a. follu,... :
I. i. arpar<1lt tile ...
thal.M infant *caMOl ICO a "..pI ...
n.. oltro.. , lhat
Ihe .... i,(1',
The inf<>nn1lion gtcane<j from
Weary dwy proves ,hal the
di.uncc: bet ... nI"11DWn and rIeal-
.. ille .. 18 ttU . s.
The an ...... 10 tllis probI .... mar
be ohllLned by .,mpl. addition. JUb-
tr-ac:tion. and 1I!11e: mmmon sen!C,
M 101""'"
Wh.n th.y mel for ,h. A .. t Um.,
\\" u ry WiIiLe III.d gone ten milu
from Joytown. whil. their combined
j"".n'Y' equal." ,he d'JI.lIlCe be
Iween Ihe IWO lowm.
Meeti", lor the ..cond li",e,
C(lIlLbined journeY" equaled
Ii""" the di'lanCt bel", n the 10wns
Wi1\i . wbo had gen. t<1l
mil .. It Ih. i. m ... tinC. by the
.. "'" ... ti(l' muSi hav. I .... yded JO
mil .. when \h<y m.t for ,h. sond
"-W .... ry \\'iUi ... :alk..t 1(1) mil ..
from and "",I Tim; th""
he ..... 1 Ih. d".a"". rrorn thai .. go-
post I"
Dack b. ca",. 12 miles l rom P!ta$-
to tbe lignpoot in Ih. Ott-
ha..., pro ... d that he .. cot al-
JO mileo<., AU<> that be
"'ml 10 Il m,le< and lhe d ....
I""" the "(1;01"'" ,n t:>c 1i1
]II<Iur. to
ThaI unJrn.",,-n ,u<1<h we may
now ua:rtain by dcdU,1illj( 12 moo
from JO milo, gi.lI1g 1:1 miles as the
<Ii........ W,H,e had 10 go to rom-
hh Inp II) f'k .. ,..."tTilk.
h. had gone 10 mil ....
nerdore. the distance
lite 1""'01 n"", be 18
The .Iu.',i ..... 01 "hi<h is Will:.
and .. hieh i. Tim be :m_
Irom Iht Iclo.e. but \ft
may .h.i,t01I Ihem .. , w. like .. ith-
C<lt affeeting Ih. I'uule,
The Picl,,,i"! Ch:I.rade ", .. ds:
"H""", '0 1<1 or lor .. 1<:_"
Pat'. pi,g "y puuled many
m.,hemaudall> ... ",.11 a, punli.ts
who lailed 10 I",enty-one pigs
in fout 1"'''" .., thl thor. " 'iIl be an
e,j,j number of pigs eaeh pm.
aI ",ell n c,'en number 01 I"i ...
.. pun];,t_ hit u)",,, the n= ..
"'''1. u pcdie"t of "ne","g" ,be peru
on. ,n .. de of ano,il<:r, bat 1M I"",u
of "villi' thai uc." pet, mU'1 con
tain "." r<jual number of pai .... " Ii
... 11 '" th. fact (lr the .... ]1<11.
which i. in Jighl, boldin" nO! IcSI
t han five ]Jig. ..hid> c>.o be fII.
.poiled &Om'" 01 Ihe ....... e"" sur
1<" d <
.,. ,..

... ...
The OrLlr Jl'DU,bl. an'\ft. 1J 10
place 6v. p'g" in the cenl pen . .. i . :
1"0! .nd an odd pig. Theft
build a I"n round !hat pen and plaCO'
four pill' in i., a third I"'n wrrouods
that on . also witll I"". p'p. and
the MIb pen wilh .iJo:ht )n-
cI __ Ih. ather 1'""-'. and .. a mat-
Ie. or fact lb. en"'. Iw.nly-
en. pig'!
The I'rtt,d un ,nlo
pittts a. 'I ......... ,
Ouck ,hnot'''1t" .t H ......... ,j". Bay
i. ",:,'rd by Iho "''';,ion
(If Iwc' ll'Kk . a h",,o. which go.n
6\"< '0'" "r r, ". Ill'! p!a<t.
<lrI' In G .""'t b>j,(
AN.wn T" QUiLT PU""U:
1)," 'howl how
IJXI3 ... " bo> d,.,.l,d inlo
<I.v." .m.olk, "'1" .... , which the
kUI ""ml"" "I ","'r. pi""", whid.
i, will diyi,l. im" "'hi"",,
Ih. oheck ! pan""" h p'Qv'd 10
be a dlff,,"lt pu"I" A''') 11t010 wlou
di'ICQv,frd Ih. <;'1JCfc,<1 A''''''tt. fo .. "d
thaI .h .. "'1> a cc"",i" "",Iofflla.;-
al Pf",cip!. inv"tve,l. wh,(h h<'ld
Ij,,,,,, dUO( Iu Ih, rul .. 01 tquare
_ . ... UO TO TilE .H1. ....
_U"'O ........ H
To ladcle Ih. probl.m from
som ... hal lit.. """"II''';nl ;1 ea.n
. "Iily be >hOlO'n lhal the .""It<. , I
ooJ,J " 1-3 of ptnny an,1 12 of
a ptnDy. w",,1d unllKe .;-6 fOf 1.00.
or 01 po-nny lor .. "h appl.,
bu, a, Ih,. 10'", d,,!.cl OUI al Ih.
ra .. 01 6,;. appk. 1<11" 1100
which the <am<' a<15 or 24.()O 01
a pftlny 1""' '1>p1 'hm 1-6.1 of a
pmny wa. In on a1'!'I., AI
" wall Ital<d lha, .. \'tn pence w ..
"" I ..... e will m"ltiply 60 by 7.
... , Ih ... mU_I hay. boen
A;!fl arrk.. oj which Iho ... rh had
M had 210.
f(lf" whidl Ih ..-oul ha,. 'e<:eI.ed
105 . but nulr got rme-hall ()/
'he p""" .... I. of the sa!e 0.1
1M ,ale of 5 f(.t l ptn. vi . 84
1""". ,h. v..1 twenlJ-<>nC pe'lCt.
wh,lt: MN Smah. "'110 ,huuld ha".
bll' "'..."... ""'''''' r, ... Mr
th", . lor--a-pcn"y fnril. "",,,ally Ke(,
is:hlrfi ,
Tht fnT>'.riotu d;Krq>an<:y <)C-
..,r. at ILe rnd of tIw
1m!>;">'!>"" <al<, "t>. Smith,
f ... i. r;<,/uu<lod ""
tht oevmtieth .air ... 210
01 Ihlff-I",... an,1 1-10 ...f I...,.
In". aDd 0.1 I""t ...f the i:;uD<
"n. Smilh wa.' mIni..! 10 half 01
Ih. 1"""_1 . and ,b""I.1 ha .,.;th_
.In. .. n "';11t 1'<1" .... .",Iy f"""''''. A,
11>< 10'.... n()'!< ill" ",,"mlJ 01 Ih.
btlle. da H<><lr loll, ev.ry ... !.
now inv"lv., Ill< l{ivinl':'" Illlff ap.
pi .. lor a pmny. ,,bid. ahuuld 11
for two 10 pcOlly. .... 1""' ...
alOOk i. sacrificed.
.. N.W_. TO ..... c:. .. un ...
0". Ih.rp l'oung p""I .... 1"""1_
1)" lurmi d Ih.t ,h. half d'.,un I." ....
"hleh dill com. 10 .upper "' ....
LT. \., W, X. Y .nd Z. beau," 'h.y
com. nFt .. T
In,o th. ''''o"'! l>l'Op<>Oi tinn. c!t:rng.
, h. M ;nln Y and )'OU word
av.nne. The Itt""d bI .... k r<pr.
.... " Ihe ")",,,1 "Cuba A:'
..... wu to "'_ .w .... OF.Ufo
Th. goo<l ,couIul;on. ,..hieh
tltt e!o\'., young mi .. drdt..! for
).ar wm be loun<l 10> .,1
I .... y. being "'I>< ba."kward itt O>Oth-
bt ".; .. , t.. b. be_
nign. bt <'II ,U..... be """e:.'. and be
behindhand itt n",llInl(."
UTU "_A T.,c.
ThaI odd .. ...,I-hand
with the 1tnlJ"
and lour fuU J;w. ... CaD =dijy be
rmx-mbertd hy Ihe folJ"""nlt rule,
Fin .... hy on. Ioog moT". Ib.", twO
""'n OM< and thm one Ioog ODe.
.iz.: Firsl move Z anrl J 10 the ""_
Ir""" end: Ibm fill the pp "'ilb 5
and 6, Fill pop with 8 anrl 2:
fin'Jh with 1 and 5_ Couoling Ih"
number. of Ihe
p"ule: Shark..
Ani mals eDI,lltmatkally tIp"""_, Gt"U<lu.
Pole OIl !, Marten, QO.IIt , A nle\ol"'-
_ ........, u ....
Evervbody. ind"ding c"" ...
in . und and aun ... au!;h' tm ,0
'he Ipi rit 01 "ne Or "I Ihnse
yam . '.''-<"."
lor ,el"'ting onr nf lh. m"'" r.rm,k.
abt. "I ,h. th .. ..\1 " ... ' "'"n ... .-I.
wh,l .. manv ,1i''''''",,,1
"f 'he n'ch.,. "ft)' f ... hi!
IWO, .<C'<'mhnlol: , .. Ihe Ih,,,,) ,,/
Ih. .. I anr """
I"""'''' <.a,d,ing 011 , .. U II" ... 01
the poin" " ...... , '""",'c ,1Ia1 Ihct
11' .... < ",,1.- a fMl" lell I .. Ihll 6,,,,1
.ifling. .
no., .. ;"n<T' all ... In:I .. 1 Ih< 6r l
.. a. brinK 'mtarkab:)' t.n. .... 1
:oil b<h.-l )"" i"I>.Ki"" II,,.
yn, .... ld inl""1 Ql.mi!: f ...." oftJ:hl
pip' 1m ,n ,he' <If .. 'i, ..... 1
He had alr<cad1 ,k."", ... ,"'I "If I"CO'
f ... C ,_ "I,,,,, pil', 1'-"<"1 ") nd
Ih ... I.1d;k.ll .. '''''''T mo'. 1,\1
me""'l j,,,,, I' oa';''' h;, II' I.!
gardinl(" "".h 'If f..lL ..,. Iho
ui""nce (If >. null,"
Th<T ... a. in Ih.
",h ,to,iet "hi"h < I(ivr. rvi,Jcon". nl
U1..,' "diru.rv '. "lti'h
.I>o"ld .""il' nll' ''''pri... .\ 't"pi'l
child v.ili,h had ",",,, llIal Ih",.
,.. .... n<Uy IWI> pi"t. to. a n"af\
.. id ,h., .h. ".1 .. , \\-hi,'h ... n ",'or
'h< Fall. 01 in a n"",,1t IVai
aho til''' N qll Ut_
N",hi n!l. ,,/ eo"r..-, "'\11,1 br
M'"...! Ih.t a ,luI.,,,! ,1o""b
hob hod,1 ... .I),.,)u,<'ly "",hing,
.., ,It .. j'3m ""I)' r.-
.. r' which w<l\Jh!
a 101",11 tu lh. d,nk ',f
.UWDI TO ....... " . ...ZZ ...
In npariolt' J"4,'k In whirlt
wer ... j\O \",.. whid.
.... l \Q .... /,I>.'t'1>! Ihe
th"l ... (If .. b"I' I"'< " I' 1"'''Wn,
"'f'llO:'Itin tLA 1.-." ..-ilb " wlluh
and ."d
h.i,. I"o:ke,
.m, ... palm, liml>/!. ,,," Ii!"" IWO
t""t, drUID.
f(\rda, ... PII I'it,., Iwart,
",I"., tempi .. ,,
oorns. toPIfI' '', hodr, .kulI,
blade, luh, llgbt., gullH a nd
.. indplJ>f'
I.e .. i, Carrol'. """'key 1'11.. 1. i.
aboul u po.r.od"-'Oial at a ,=, co-
nundrum ",hirh ;, IfOinl( thr
as 10 ,,'ba' ;,; il tlell .. iII It" dnwn 0
chimn ... d",,n. bul "'ill IICIC t:O up
a dUnm'r I\p? (,j Th..-.:
. r< th, ... po ... ibl. In
",Ittt j,om in mll<lKf)' )".,blfm:
Th. prngn-u dimrnng ''''!(h' hnv.
ne .ffut .... r "!W," 'he '"'!u;lih.
dum: it mi!:,h' ,h, w.inh n
fa ll , wnuld Tai .. Ih. mnnk.,
th.n 1," "i,lIed, or il migh'
rai .. ,h ..-rig)". "'hich ",oold be apt
10 the From
Ih< .... ".1, ".;"' "I gu ...... pure anti
limple. Wi"i"", "cfe .bolll
<l,viJ.d. '" Iw" 0'" 01 ''''ff ..... c.
,.r .. ng ill the,r ... "dn";,_,""
From & ,h,,'n:'i<;;>1 ",i..."i6<:
""",I of ,;,-". i, i. jusl ".
as Ib< .,nh ... U. <<>nun<irAm, I"r ,I
tho monk up b< ..-Llil" do->wn,
wbera. il h< 1:"'" d.,.." he .. ill gO
up. Th< arl(U"""nt. i. haocd ,., "'_-
"",'. ]aw thaI ".",,,,,, i. ""uall" ... -
a"ion,' n., ... .; ... ",h;<h "' ....... , a
lram " pullin;: il<;o:-1/ al<mli:. b .
.... il... .peak,nlt. ,f
tho .... nn fric,:on Oy <0111.1 ""'-
<fa,,-I HI' ""'1'1' .ilhou, <le<trOJ
;nJ: ,b. """iH"';m . .., """ 'h< rope
,,''''''<1 be dr.own OY<T th. l'uUy and
Ih. mpnk.y mil /0.:1 by II ,n_

_IWP TO Tn EASTU ...,,"" ...
Th. /"lIm"i"l: .!'OW:<
Ih. ""'!In" of dil-i.lin\: Gr .. k
ero .. in'" 'hr ... I';cce. wh,d> un be
.. sn 10 I,,!",,_ a
Iwit. a' InnK .. 11 w,d .
Th" ,,, ....... inl: "I ,h. prop",i,;"n I"
tho Ilivi'linli: 01 .n oblong ;"'0 a
r. ... k em .. ,..""Id be more ,Iillicult.
II II<l i".li"l-: "I til< 10 be fitted
loge,her il Ri""n_
.> .

___ 1
The S ..... I i.'" I ,uul,' ru" y t. "" t
and 8'-I."all'd "" f"ltowa:

..-In.. Sltot'. IhOl, -t, boot,
N:--rlh. I"MIt, f uria, wrl4, IPOtt,
tPOUt. toolb, 8OI1lh
In tho 01 tM Gold
il boc<wnr:. nO('t"." '0 upnn
the daily !:",wth 01 g,;.... Wt ..
lold ,1Ia1 tht eow .. m""h ..
II>< Il""'t """ lhe The,d ......
il the {OW" .nd _, .u Ihe ttork ,,!
",,",li"1: gn. .. a Idffi 10) 43
grQV\1h ;n dap. il .. pi .... lhal 1
pu and a r:<"'"" WQI1J,J take ,he
,,,... A. a _l .nd ""*'
.. 'wid be I"'iet ., Ioni!: ... '< ... Ih.ol
on. 1t'''1 ",ould take 'ICI day< . nd
lhat 1M "",K could j_ bop up
.. ilh Ih. Ir"uw,nlj: RfRN. Th .... lurf.
if the <""" .... 14) ,t,.k pot"
da). and th. K .... I l')(),I"I(l1h<! Ihey
would .. I 1-.11'1. Th. " thlt
tlte cOW and gnal ,"",,!oJ Ul up the
.tanr!inl( ('op ,n 36 d>.)'I, wh,lt the
Mm'" Ih ... m. '"". ,0 w_
ing c.'e 01 d.ily IfOwth
1" ](iv;ng Ih. an ... ' ... '.0 the nock-
lJ.oe pIIU). il OIAy be .,","1
j.wel" . , ,..(11 ... ", .. ttynm. WI
of a It .. "drtd ,nalh.",alk,.n . wOlllol
... y Ihat to oolvc Ih. PUll"
... ""Id !)c, '0 C!pCn ,h. amall hnk.
., \h. ",ul, 01 the 1" .....
which, il may ,udily!)c, ..,..n. would
,h. to $1.00. TI,. cor_
r",1 an,'"'.r. how.'cr ,. il ...... ,1 .1
by oponi"g Ih . '.n h"kl on thuac
111'0 ...,.,u p'OCCl. on lb.
. igt. t and ]01, lidu, ... h' .... tb, ..
lmaU and ''''0 IIIIkl uch. To
ope1> and mend lh<Me ,.0 linkl .., a.
to brinl: Ih ...... in .ntO. an .nrll ...
....:k .... ",ouid )u'". $1.70
....hich i. the cl>tapc<l pooa,ble an_

Rebn., }o'uII.l
lor"" II-C<l"k
.... : 'Eighl ."
Ihp;lr-ltop JtIid IW """ mil. up
,h. hill in -40 m'Du'e'. .nd, (0111d
<"""" d" ... n a mile in IJ'1 ml""'''.
,-".,..1"", h nerag m.1o up
and do"'n i" n,in,,'""_ Si ....
the JI\Inicula. hill which h. I,.n,
.b"", mJ";'ctl hour< In,
a",1 deoc.n<t, .. t may "!
hois:hl by di<ic!iP. lix hOl1.. br ;J' 1
minllles. Thul n'e 1",.n Ih.ol hilI
hov. bc<o till . nd
'''' mil .. hil>"'

Thll florln hnd a l\O piece
and,. plere. TI'fY 1)()()11ld
",\1 tb .. lr mope.-. Ibe
I th .. t I _ I he " ft nd t .. O
pice,,"; tltn 1n,l )' r.o, }(I, In
and I .. nd th9 boy 2!i .. "iI 3,
wbftl,' giYd euh thl'<ir
TI,e ....... ""ld II<' '>lany .. 115...-......
to tbo I' .... hl .. m 01 I,la) in!; Ibe
_ it m,t the f.ct 01
frtl.("lional pa.tU of .. d .. lbr \),oi,,/!,
fO"tr&rylo the rule. 01 the I".rf
ile", 10 Ihe only amo",,'" .. hl(b
.. tidy Ihe fondltiops of tbe pro-
IlnI that euh lad h",", iii
J 1m bet Hi at I:; to I 8t""I\:I, .... " d
W"8 f.?'J:., wblch wilh his od;..';n
01 t..:!5 eq"al, t;:;!.;o. Jadr. b..t$IO
III 10 I fOf Ht'O"d pi...,... rond
won .. bicb .. ith hill *2:1.
tll".I. III'l hI' bu jlln half
.. u J im. AIgAi .. akally
uJ"e$Hd lb"l,robJ,'m Is 8imply
2 fa 11j. ph,. 0 1,ln8 b] "'tIlRLs b sq.
] I IU8 b phUl:1.
aH ....... TO e.",",,",," ..... :au:
Th. amounl ", be di.lriL",",1 c.d>
" .... 120 ohil1inp. Tltil rl,';ded
a,nung ',,' .... ty !'C,.om gave {, 'hill-
10 .ach. If there had bttn only
6ft .. " penon, tit.,. ,",'auld han g'lI
8 .h,I:;"" _pi"",. bul ",h'" t-ocnly-
f,,,, r .a"", Ih. "I "",ch VI..... 001,
5 >hilhn".,
.... W... TO .<LOIA ......... UUC
lorl ... call "',. ...1 l<n-l:>-l1""
canl A V><1 Iht <>!her n. """ pro
t"d .. I, ", abo .. ho._ ,h.
,urp!;<d hi. t",,, =>1""", ..
w"h 1"'0 quan.
Fill S qt_ fl>.il. Imm caD A.
I'ou. S qL 1';1.11 inl'-''; p:til.
Emply qt, e:',l m'n caD A.
POI .. 5 qt. p;,,1 in'" qL pail.
Fill 5 '1'_ p:til In:om can A. _
Fill q . pail I ..... n 5 '11. P'''!.
F. mp'Y 4 'It. 1'"'\ """ A,
I';U 'II l"il Imm ran tI,
r", .. 4 qI. poil inlo CUI ,\
"'hich UJI .-\. .... in!! 2 """r ..
in 4 'It. .... ,1 the milkmon h ..
,uPflhrd nch of I", (>><1""'.", ...-,,1<
u.",lv ''''-0 or milk
IOh!"d hi. ""rl>lHinO( prol>I.m,
In mailer nf ,hi,ling the
OSh."gt!c ... it cl .. t
thol It w d .. 1,1 gin ,t.,
moth(r I milch at the &Ough-
I .... and the ..... t .. icc .. much .. 1M
math(r. n hecom a simple mall ...
10 no,.,..,. oul th( 1trm, of tM be-
quest by ving the daucht .. """_
1Ot ..,th. the mother ,,,'o-Hvonth,
""d tM IQn
That ItIn"Ch.n\ told tb(
13 and 15 ,ftRO of oil.t SO emU
14_ lie Ibo told 8. 17
&Ild 31 1t"" of "'''''pr It 15 cenu
=$14 So he IwI the !'.l pi. b,urel
Itft ... hieb Wall wonh $4j5, or $? SII,
acconliog to ... b .. tbtr It routaio.
ed 0' oH.
Chandlt, Clpbl'ts.
Ma.,... age probl ..... bow, chloc
lhe wu throe limes II old at
Ann ... l.-c a. Iry 11 to 4, ,.-hi,h
oh", ... I ... oct of II yoaff. IQ. il
t heir tornbint<l amoun! Co 44.
Ann i5 16 yn. 6 mot. II) Marl" Z7
yTl. 6 lII0I'. Mary being t ... l<e II
old u Ann wal (13.9) ... h.n lhry
..... (24,Q) half II old .. Ann ....ill
be whcn .ht I. (49.6) three Ii,,,,,, II
old aI l l ary "ill whcn Mary ... .,
Ihr lim .. a, old at Ann I
\\'hen llil-l Carde Wa;t hd htr
aUinK 0111 . he mu.1 have ...
120 Ib" a. the following 12 <ordl
nftll>! 11a ahown
In tl, .. !lllt"t nltion
.. bleb Bbows tbo t .. el .. e
beglnnlog.t the !ll'ller leU hand
Clanc:oy" mule i .no.,-n on II><
A Ch,nd.,
A R.ehns; Pat...
mll,", had
1 .... 1 .. <hl in Mr Hock. Eight
I>D.IIJ '"AI'ge.! in '<luare would
rontain .. "'" ate> U Ittl PO'\5
01 an oblOl1g-<lf (our"" b$urning
th.t the I""IJ W1're ;n boIh a", .... t
I distance 'port. For in-
Ila"" .. , if tl,e PO'" he ott one 1001
II'l". an obIon!: wilh five posu on
one ,id( and two 0<\ Ih. other would
. nclose lour "luue fO(t .nd r<qui ..
ten pom. Whu .. , p<KIS set
Ofle (<lOt '1''' and arnnged in
I<juar . wil likewi .,.,01""0 lour
squAte I .-c.
A It.-bluo:
The dock di,1 WllS 'truok by tho
bullol 10 oeloclr. :1'\ ar><l
1.11 KC()nd. u provon by the p<>"i
lion of the .. cond hand.
A hal f lurn of Rip Van
pirturc .no... Ihe ftaturCl rop-
rtsoenl a liltl. dol:: curlod up:
The Admi,..J shows bQ.- he: oanIt
tb. five baltlcsbip' in four nabel,
e o
Ob. ... rrll that Ollft o( d rdea
U. purpoael y oot of aJignlllell l.
The i!)U-'ltratood prn.-.rb .. yo: "In
bite lreu'IC no mafl."
Mandy'. juh on Mr, Jolm,,,,.:
was "POrl<),"".pine,"
Th. pal. at SinK Sin( (0 b)' Ihrir
nuntben and not by th." ""mes. JO
If you lI,ye "Fony" ,,"von for
the lpplu and 1Q1<1 them for ... venty
you ....1>Ulrl mah <I()() f'l'r c..,t.
n .. Reb! .. Pu.uJe .... you 10
"be: ind':!"'nMnt. but not 100 inde-
Jennie i. eTidttttly off ;nc hay to
that cow. outlined in pic:ture.
In the proolern all
that H.0.!T1" had to do .... 110 rtmml
be:e that 'f Jim II emU
othen "'en' otrppOJ..J 10 bu. I';url
!he RITI<" ..-hieh >muld make t./tf- II
... , .. ",h JJ om". narry
had boughl 4 lor 12 Cmll. 10
lhould hIt.e I nl. Ttl<Ilrny ",",j
bought 7 for :1'1 conU. IQ e.. ..... 011
1000<1\5 01 the money. and thm each
boy wiQ hIt,l' chipped inll cento
Concernin!; the "'!ult>.ble d,v,,;"" nl
tho Jau .. , ... il ""'y be aid thai floe"
boy" .." ""':d..J to fIot thrct 0.11<1
t ... o-thiNl. 01 .... u""t fv. b" por_
Tberll "en> 17 [II the
Aording to Biddy'a ver ... her "If"
i J much mo,.. th,n two twice
her 0.11" i, than t,,onty. Thil make.
her e;ghtee" yean ali'o and
fi/ty(iglu now.
aOLUTlON 0' .......... H cou ..... "
John Uncl(Aoo.r. l.-clft' mUit
hit lrom the KeyllOnf: fbte
""d w;o.. da'ed "Idcd
The Pictnral Algeb", Pi ...
+h .... _""n _'ho .. _-o.=pinl.
The I'uul. an be IOlved
by ""y 12.1(lIe. ,,'o.d in mnr. or I ...
mov... n,o object, the.dore . .... I
tn lind & word which "'ould but auil
the p4y. Th Iitle 01 Ihe punle.
the cole'''nce to b.y in AUI".li ..
and hi,,\5 wore IP""" a, .trt,
tn u," word "Woo!oomooloo." which
solves the problem in Iwonty movel.
Th. following are the
rical fonh.,
In ",m .. ('lit
II> pri( ... U Ihe dealer has rcductd
tlte pdo. 3-S u.:h ..... rlr down, Ih.
next should be 51 cwU 1 milt,.
.oum_ TO ...... n .... nt
Thore ,,'<to eightttn Ion. b:mghl
at SIJ.SO a ]01. and sold at S18, nuk
in$'I proftl of $81. "'hiob i! the , .....
pnc. 01 ,Ix lot .
T"" fullO>o ing rOUle. ohow Ih(
.... wu to Puul.I:lIld Pa,Ir'
Rot.u, in th( .. ory of III<
hunt ... al.d !he <quirtel oay: "1'0-
body bc!ie''U a liar,"
In the ctection punk add,
plu",litios to !he talal VOl. Ind
by tbe number of candid""'"' Th.
....i11 be the "role of the .ue
c60lul nne, from .. hi.cb the- VOl..
of !be ot:htTI can be .a<ttrtamtd by
subtraction_ The ,un,. w(r( 1.JJ6.
1.314. 1,Xl6 and 1,263.
Liltle Bo-Prq> di.-ided her oheep
as lollow"
In thaI puule of !he matH! ealclt
01 the ..... ton tbe rul Qll:h lu ....
upon t"" ""t_ that tal ..
... eigh ninc pound.... C dnlly!lOU
lhot it dou IlOl gi<'e the ""tight of
the $(\lies at ni"" """nd.. bul in
lorms uf that the Kal., .. ill weili'h
anything up 10 ninc EY(ry'
thing now plain N;Ii", ..
,he ... (ighl 01 the lUhennan i, 12S
poomds So the .. of th. &,hes
must be 20 pound,. plUI Ihnr oc.aJ..
;{ pound. plul 9){ pound J the
weight of the _Ia. Total I!\.'S
paull.b. which !"luals one-ttTIlh of
tbe .. eigbt of the osbumao.
In that wmpound puult we know
1","1 he i. 1>01 )'OIItl1( man as he ;,
o ... r lie i ..... ""lar h. ;t
int ... 1 no his klltn: lIe;l ...... n
beuu", Joe it bound to excdl
The Deal and Dumb Stot)' read. at
n... Plher day I t\Ot;ced,n utiled
.. oman who no ooe undentOO<l,
ating "QltlmQ\iOQ On an elnaled
train, Aft.r vlinly enayinli' Fr..,th
and it dlwn(d on m. that
.be wu d .. 1 an,1 dumh She quickly
lold wilh her finger. tltat her pu''''
.. .. oIoIen .. ohe boughl her titk<l.
" tick.t in h(r other hind.
and Ihl .... ing JIIe had deposil.<1 her
PU"" in tht ti,lrtl box. I miKentd
gening off II the nut IIOS:> to Ide-
p/l0M bad< 10 the '!.atlan multl"_
lie lound the pur .. and .. nl 1\ by
nul tf1lio.
n.e OWIItr could not ;maj(1"" bow
I the purtt, hut I tmow
l rom lhe look ahe rue me lh1t1 ohe
cool! me for pick_pock ....
I h""" the I:-' larty may ton""""
to live nuny, many da)'IIO Wi of her
thrilling .dytl\lUfe " 'lIh York
.ronIt. SAliI L OYD.
The Darlnown Pau:'''luill <:alb lor
1\1"0 ..,.y. of .ltven "I ... r ...
'1(1 hoIh In<won .re ii" 'n:
In ",,<>lutiQn pIl"l .. ,.'. find
the chulgct, Eat. cat. dot. dog,
Hoy. bay. may. 1tt,llI. Wood, wool,

0:001. toal. Uon. limn, Iamb,
Warm .... NI .....,rd, >rd. cold. Fiob.
rul, f ... l. mea' More. lore, ","",
lou, I.... F",,- fort. fO<1i. card.
cold. RiM. wWk, .... d<!.... ak, .... 11:
The hxlden tuy i. Macnn
Mr . PytluKCnl' .oho...s the proper
".1 of "J .... nng ber mailing so .. to
prrM: .... pan.",
Benl ia wb&t tbe telegram ""Y.:
Prof. "loue o<\ce took m( to lunch
at a vla<e 01\ Dey .lr1. I earn-
mont<d on the number of young J'<'D-
pl. 1"05<'"1. and
pretly Ri,l , who appcaro-d to be
'lttainted, H. ,ntil.d I<nowingh' .. ,
my r emarl, . bm ... iJ nothing. We
IaJ be.n but a short time ".",,"
a )'OlInii' lad1 tnlert<! l ook the
next no,iced h(r bdght au-
bum hair ami '''''I'I'Y black eyes. an
unu .... I, but yer"! pretly <ombtnation.
A lote'll"-Io<>ictng chap ... be w ..
... ,ed at the Ia...., uble . tared n!her
impudtTItlr. and uking hi. lmile bat
the 10110... ",11' IItloo upon the of
hi! plate, fellow .., me """"
the pc.o.Oxid The ,.,...,g
lady calml1 ordered h.r mul. tbanIr-
eel tIw. dud. for otrering tho salt and
pepper. then t>.lcing ber 'flOOII .....
upptd off the fdlowinl!" on tit. rim
01 hf:r cup: ''Girls I want vou 10 sec
me lead! a """b ... a 1 .....;.1 When
I glYt hint the """p (vtry" OM
Intnbule oom.-chinl(" n... impu-
dwt PUI'P1 out lollolonl by
Ih. ohoulJ ,..,., j..,u of <Y(ty one.
No 00. enjoyed Ihe lun Itt{)te than
Pro!. Mone who. in l elling tll< story.
al"'a)', .. ,<1 yOunl( ta,ly .. -u the
"'ife 01 """ prominwl in .t",trieaJ
alTai... ... Lovo
I n tbnt Tmding Lot puzzle III
the IIIlme proP<lrtion of squ...,bes
DJlllcrPfl l(lIIt th .. fanner!! I" ....
4 $QUfI.I1te. l a'r RC....
Answrr to !he rln.!.Ioapl h id .
Ik>t.i,. it> W.."d an,j childhk(
IUnpii<:iI)' nn:1 Ibn. ",,,uld "'y,
pro .... 1 II) h. "'':IIlY ounou, hi'
tle "",inl, 31.0.>'11 Ih. H",k' (" ""al""
pn::d>km ... h,d, t""'dloed 110.
of ""n<' "I ""c k""no}',,J !'u .. hots.
It 10M Ih.u In.. ....,ij:hl
01 the: (a,,,,, ., and ,10( am .. unl. I"
J90 rouoo., :>n<l ,hal " ,,a' only
oaf. 10 k>w'"T ,h,rt." ,,,,,-,,,<1. II
tim<. .... '" ",,,,IJ ht Iu ....
ered if Ille OIh.r .n,1 ,,u 1""1",,1,
Many ..., ....... '" tott".d. g;,..
ing th. ".ighl I" Ih, h,,.
band. "hi,h Ih' I""IU nt-
fUle"'. ot ."ho. I,l;>n' I",, ..
Ih. dot:" .,.. boby anJ ,,,,," tn<1ow
lban ... ith pM",>""",,,1 an.1 plttO-
.;i<>'1> iIllon:g,"n,," ,,'Iti<1I ..... 1>1. the",
10 climh io .. "I t>t" "f 1M hnek..u
... ... hun,". ,,11 01 ... lIi(h, al
,hown by Ih. '<>II<>wing toI'1"1 a,,
.we'. i. n,,1
W. "ill f'N al'l"-'n,,,,, Ih. woiJ:1I1
M" ZIO ""und,;
M Wal,h",.". 90 1>011,,\1.; dC'f:. ({)
I"by. 30 PO""']" whkh w.
I'.oo: ... d In h',..o. u
baby 10 )><.JI,nllt.
S.c,,",\_,-,,w .. <'011. W pound .
a"d br'"1:" up J(J 1'('1110'"
Thi \-!."",.r Watd"nan,
90 [1""",1,. bring d,,&,. 60
F" ..... h-L.owc. boaby. 30 pound .
Fifth-t..\\'<'. <1,)(:. (jJ poundl.
"tid bring up holh". JO 1"""0,\ ...
Sil<lh_l..,wcr JQ poun<l ..
::;'v"",,Ih-I..n ... <r .... Wa!ehman.
210 puu",,J,,, .nd hrin&" up all th(
Eigluh_'-""",. JO pounds.
,1"fI;. 60 poulKi
an<! bnnll" ." bah:!. ,lO poutId .
hoby VI l'outlds.
FJ.,.""th-L.o,,,, Wat<hll\.1n.
90 1""'",1,. hri"lt" "I' d"(l, r() 1""'0.1"
Twelfth-I"",, ,log. 60 pound
an<\ "rinll "I' hohy .\0
TllinO'<'1l,h-I..nI.... h1by. 30
!'OIln,". an,] .hey hal. all ruched
Ih. I(fOIl,,,1 fl,,,,,.
In I:",,,nl: 1M .n' ...... 10 In., bil(
"",,,"h ,,hi<1I "". 10 loll 1M
time ,,( day .1"")'0 ....n"'1 upon
,h il(Jl' in I"",, of jow.l.y Iorn.
I ",i.h 10 W"..,1 a"
whKh \0 han
10k"" h"I,\ 01 Ih< 1'Jblw: n,in'\. I
w;\.! ,"" .u,p.i<c<1 N f,,,,llha. a!tn.,.1
.,. ... 1)' who voueh ... ftd
an npini"" (1<, Iho ,j,b)..,! IhOl
il w A wtll ktmWI1 flet that Ih.
lim. giun uI>OO Ihe docks ,,'a. in
twdlld to 'qlrfiOnl the hour wh""
I'residmt LilXOln """
Th" rumor ""!;,,,al..:! [rom the lact
thalll\.1ny l>ubI", dock> ..... t< ''''PI>eJ
i 2! a. !II. to '<tI .. ,.."t .he n .....
m",,1 ...11<'tI L", ."oln bul lho
official ......,.,ru """. tlw ho "'"
,hot .( euctly IO:JO .h. mght be-
I"",. no <:On"""li ...... lhe,..,..
1><1........ I"" of UnN'"
and 1M I ....... u).'Jt> lhe .ign c1ocb.
.. hi<h, U rn>.lte. of bel. ,,'"
a'loilt..:! ,",era! hun,I"," ysn ago.
for 1M t.akc of .ymm."y. a",1 1
cive a (Oftttni<n1 for lfuploy'
ml:" the: ) .,.el, n ....... upon lhe dial.
The v:act limo. as ;!ldic:t.tcd upon
lho$c: lien (1",,1<>. with 1M al
oqual fl'OO1 lhe iij:'ure 6,
.an only ht 18 and 6.'131h m;nUI ...
pa.t 8. O. u i, nu1 :01"" M cOl
", .. ,..:!." 8 odO<."k, 18 27
and 9/Uth It ron"ilUl6
pu"llllg h"l. problem whid, many
J:!K><l nuth.mal>Cian. failed to nu.
Ie .
The "("<oI."enl un be dividotl inlO
. ix piCCff as ohown. when by lum
ing over on. pi..,. Ihey "ill 10"" the

Pam. of lb. Botlert MJlkman
That milkman had fiv.gaJ
Ions 01 onlk '" an:' ... 2 and <:\""0"
J:.'1onJ or I"'''' .... Ie. ill caD l\o. I
The,dore, (rom 1 POU'
& Can('H11 of w:lle. :>I... 2-
TIl ... putt. ';x of Ih:tl mixture bock
,nlO 1\0. I , \b." pour from 1\0.
I inlO 1\0, 2 and 1M" a .. eighl gal.
lono in uell can. alllIonJ:h in 1\0, 2
lit .... a .. !.....Jlons of milk.
in 1\0, I but l wo.
Dy "'Ihng from un :>lo. I >I 10
.en ... qll.:lrt h ...tly gou 40 (<111'
o '1'!art for all tho .",Ik. it c<m,";n.,
whll. for Ih. olhe', ",h"To M ... !l.
al 5 .<nll a quan. he gt"" bul 13 1/3
quart. JO h< really 1:'" 111 ......
Ii""", a' mllth for ,h. milk from
an :-<0. 1 for lhal "n, :!.
....hi.h. th.refore, i. Ihe co,,",,1 an
ower to Ih. pu.,I .
Now. rtg1l1"lI"'g h'l o!
i,h 1'1:.".11). In., ru"l. being '"
,1m", how u.. e'I."'1 r<'lOlll.' "'ere "".
CUI"otl. IU thai tl .. ,, ,lklt1l,1 ho
I'"""'" OIl .",.h . i,1e> I Ih.
... ilh I",;"' O1I.h1 I'.op 11",I>r,
il ( t.c ,;bg"'11 at f,..u" ...
Top floor. 5,"('<.,l<Il'ln".,
lSI 121
5 5 Z l
I 5 I I >
Afl .... 11", ";nc .e.e earroe.l ,ff.
the! we.e a. follOll"
1'''1' 1-1o11r Floo.,
323 III
<4 JIll
... hitl> . hmo_ on an f<>ll ;,!OH
in both UbUnCO
The o/[;oo t.,'y.' I";n; in
'crpn:, ... 1 ""y': ''1"'1"1 .... '. tvvm,
Til<! c'<nln'lh;';J hu 10111<
tim(1; !Jc<,n ",II,,,,, :t. ,h,,"'" '" Ih.
ul U,e,. ad .. Iou. "
wm"1I" at " II""'" 1 ....0 .,!<I,I,on,
24 J/6 95311
73W1R 4W.!8
'00 '00

QRJ/6 9-l}',
2 1271.14 5.1&76
H" H" H"
I 1i'7 57 J//j
9.' 42S 4!".'18
'00 '00
,:tn<,..... ar... <JK,"'n
f""'t;"" ..
III liIal PO<1;"al IlK
!In " . ..." "<111m in Ih. (<>11.. ";,,,=
on\." eta.I, SI",":l'. ny".,.
P"I"'. Pop". I"'f"'. c<'>IJ-
,m;,II. \kalll<, Y"""'I:.
SIw.<' I'0fIC'.
sm"h. Gta), S1t.>h'j>('a.
R<;t."lirtj; Iha' lin]. in
multir!i .....liort an'l a,I.!;,ioo.
il ..."uirr<1 '0 ."" .... Ihal
ItUmt.:" k,i.Jt'l Z an.J 2 ....,,,,11 " ....
d""" '''me ... ,ull' ",,,,," ",1.1... 1 nr
",llhirlir<l I''::"t!h". I (",1 Ih,u ...
'ril0 it' ,imph..-dy "in"ly.
nine "" I 01 ow ..y h"".\,..,1 ptr"m'
hon t.r,.tI I.,! In aj;(n'< wllb
1M .. tit" 1 .."t< an! r.I).,;,,'
in hoi;.,.in!: IIL'I 2 y An.1 !._ 2"'"-4
"., .. an fell, iu n"",n.,n
..-hioh cnuJ.i ""I "" with
or "",houl the u,. of fraclions.
Thor. a..., bill;"", 0. simple ....
oiltain,,1 lrom "'" fonnub
x + by gi";hg any ""luu.d
val". II) x, a.' 3 + Or J X
IY. -I .
I." thu "',"'e. of """"pli_
.al,nnJ, .. J""'" wa. the daugh.
ter ,,' Ii><' ni= of
Brown .... Ih.'" ...,.t< b,,, foor j>('"
aun.. $100 """ n>nln'butt. sn
'p""1 and eacll recei ....:! $Z in the
ADnvtr 10 lb. I%bting :rub
wnuld "" .... mI, To,,,.. hoeII
a battl. in Ihe Siam.,...
JUDI had Ih Ion ..... """'y fi,hn
!II thaI I1j;h. ll., I luve .......,i,ttl ...,.
." ..... \0 1M ".ohIem. 3",1 lhey an
''''''"lO.in1 ""'h 1I,11"<."1"Oul ,i ... , .
111or ,.. an,We", j;.1lo", ,,""Ork<d
0111 in Irig,,,u",.,.lry
.I winll" . ,ido ". Ih. olh,.
ih"uld wi" out in fran on" I" "
minul ...
Fur c1t'am." ""d .implidly a,
a/:n'<illJ: w;lh Ih" atlll:') ""'<)I'd of
Il,. Ia_, (,,,ht J ani ioel;",,1 to act<rt
Ihe foll"w",!,: d"""ion 01 Ihe lime
k""I"" .. , Ix",,, "'J"""I
Thrt!1' nl the liltl. (',h ,,.re I""im!
off wjlh tach ni Il1r.., of lite b'g (,'"
and Ihoir al1mliun ""hue
Ih" other fnur li\\le ""li<MJ
off Ih" f""'lh b'l: "no m l",t Ih ....
minule!C. five title
t:l.rkl1 on. 1i,1t "ruIlall.d him ;n
minul .... and Iwmly =oD<\,.
... h,l. tl'" htlle "" .. ",ere hal'
lliol:" ,,ilh the other big ODCll. II ..
.,.-id"". lhat i Ih. remaining 1_
troup< 1u,1 ton u.;"ttl by """
"""" Ihq .,.",,1<1 hare fin
i'hed in .he "'''''' tirn<=. "" Iht,.., i.
0011 .uffid .... 1 res;.UII .... lel. in .""h
of 1M hil:" 10 <:all (<It the:
lion of a httl. 6,h lor I ...... min
"Ie< .,,.n.y f"". ooron,] ..
Tho ..d",. if ""'m 00"" atUck in
'tn,1 of on" tl"'r ,,-onl..! do ,I in
"". .. ,'oOlh of lhal lin",. 0' lwenly
an.1 ',f a ..."",.1, In
divi.ling the liltl. 6,h
the rem>ininf;l I" ... on ..........,'e
"""M be aHa ... k,,\ h, . an.I tho
DOl,.. by la" /i,h
RI Ihe "".! (,f tll< I".,,,y anJ (ou.
",,'onlh ........ "".,M .til1 ..-qui",
tl,. "hid'l ono lin!e <me
<",,1<1 adm,,,i,I" in 1n.:.1 I,,,,,,. Th<:
whole Ihirt.,.n (ollow,
In.linl: II"'ir alm,i<. wnnl,1 Ih.
r;,h hi. q"ietu.! in "";n .. nlh 01
Ih31 oc on. and !i.(ty th",,:
ninety.finl SOIld,..
Adding up loW. of Ih. lim.
gi"en in the .. vo ... 1 mu",\,.....J min
ut.,., 2 ",inUI" a",1 24 ......",d,. 20
4/7 and '0CI>n,1
ha,. 5 minUI" 4(,2/IJ ......... ,1. u
lho onli .... C(III.""",1 ,n (M toot
Rq:anling thol ("I)'t-t "" ..
I prom;"",, 10 _how h.",
.....n ht .. ,Il ",I Ly fOmm<Irl ...".. an,1
implc> a<\,lt'i<m. whi<1I ! .. on pn.,......,1
10 do by .. 10 thf lollo,,,og
iliagl"lll'll :

It "". 10M lhol the two forI')"
boat; .U.lw lunulu, .. "",!y If ...m
the ,i.!c. of Ih. ril.' ... ,.1 111<1 0.1 lhe:
polnl X. )U;I yards It"'"
lI: ... w \",k .ho,e. ,\ ,Ia"," Ih"
ok.,d, ,how. 111,,1 tht com
bi"",1 di,lln(t h:t,o Ira'
( led .. C<lual 10 the "i.jlh of 11t< r,,'cr
andlh:tl Ihe black bolll loa. 720
W.II. '''IH'''. Ih.i,
lourney and ",ach "PI",,\lC
.110"'. .h. Inwl .. 1 ;,
"'lna! to ""oe lho w"ltlt (of th i"cr,
The amo"ot "f l'mo C<111'U!ll<'! al Iho
landing " of "" ."''''''!''.''''. an,!
dOH nol alr..,1 !I", !'.ublem, TI,oy
"an",1 (In It><:i< ",Iu'n lril' an,I,,, ,,
0.1 Z. a. <how". 1\0"', Ih. ,!,.uu..-e
, ,,,rd,,,1 by bulh i. "'1",,1 10 th"'"
Ut''''' I"" ... "hlt 01 lloe ri.,... U
_"""." by the: liBe<,oo il i. WIi<>u.
Ih:tl .uh boal loa. Ih ..... Ii","
at far at ... bet> Ihey Ii ...., md. ""d
had made but on.:: width The> bI""k
bool ha<l then g<me 7.'0 }"1In! on il
h.u now 11:'_ Ihlft I,m"" Ih:tl d ....
UDCe, m .. 2,160 1"".15, to l. Tllil
.he .ketch 10 ho .IOQ yanll
nlOf'C than lhe .. ,dlll 01 lhe rive .....
all lho: IIl'Ilh.m,uoni ",,,k " . a.c
ohIigJ to ,10 i. If) de<]l101 -400 lrom
2.IW '" 6n,1 Iha, Ihe rin' lrom
1\"", \otk 10 J ..,.y e,ly ;s 1;60
yanll wi,I., ,,hieh i, exaclly one
mil. Witl'''''1 II", .,,1 "f .I"rbn,
g ......... 1')' 0. ..... lun
ooIvttl toy o1emt,'\af'J kin<'orpnen
arilhmoti<: a 1"01>\... , whirh ",,,,,Id
h1ftle halflhemalll ...... Ii<:ians in
I" Ih. P""'IO Race !'unl.. it
.Ioes nol lake lI\\1oh lim. 10 "rov.
\1..,. 101@ . oc m
lh." 19 milt mu,l loe ,ravoltJ 10
gather 100 polal,," pl.cotl Itn
fk.tpd. ()f In. fad !ha' il
10.1 .. if Tom. who ,..u P"'"
.... 01 qui<:kor an..! obouW ori..a in
ninoetl"ni"e ...... " ObI to; A Inmdr<d,
l'ot Ilarry w,ll win toy Ihe .Iight""
I"""t.l. _'1:'" 'f he t.lh:, the oddt
of .h. n""'ynin,h . pnulO. Tom
bo.n!,: ... ill Ji:<.' tho 6",
[>01.>10. Ibrry """"",I. 50 on
10 the la". bo:l T.." n.,'., get< tho
1<1 1100 poto.

Harry .... ill I..,,,,, 1<> go -49.9110 feee
10 Lrine m hi, w lox..t "' .. anJ ..
Tnrn can .n !.Q.I pc. ""nl. quic:ke
ho conLI 1:" )'''' 5O.'m and " hall
r ... t .Iurinl: Ih ,.me li_. bu, a. To.
... ,,,,Id "'" h. 1..-<1 In
brinK iot hill 50 1><>1.1.10<.. H",.,. w.n
"'m 10)1..... ,I",,, half a [co:nl
Th. .. b., w <It:'r!y in
jU.N h.,! """,nv l a .Iu>o!
I" Ihal m''''''K ,by puw.: Fim
""'v. th' ... h;<1<y Ba,k L oaubLoinR
b,.,,,h 2. nal1ron 3. wh"ky fl.",
:1. mo",. l"Ip6. I\"
n",k 7. namon 8. ""rubbmg lx",h
'I. 10. II. whi,1cy
bolll. 12. m01.N Ir>p !.l. 14.
>ePI",r 15. Rn,bbi,,!l' 16.
whi.k.v 1.,IlIo--""..! tho 1 .. 1 i, .c
""rli hf,l
I" 1'1"",1 ... ,, prohl.,.,., ;1 w;ll
loe I""nd Ih:u a taDk
I,..i a .... jJt a. it Is d .... p I:"i ... ,. tho
""'" f"mI. If a co! ..
T: r ... t 1,,,1<1. 2M ... ubi<:
fl. hall 1t...1 .1"I'lh "',,.,1\1 g;
lite- ""Iu,""'" I.COl I..,t.
. ......... ,
Fic B.
Our ,,,n'''Yinj;( tlaM find that
Crow fann """",intd 58 a<n'<.
To 1<:11 Moth,c', age experim.",.
.l1y, I wnuld .ay th..1 for .>1:ry yDr
of T"'lUny' ag. hi. l:ul>tr ",,,'1
Ii. : II T"",m), if I ru,
blh .... 001<1 bo 6 ." by ",!.ling fnm< to ud, Tn",,,,y ",11 boo 5
hi' htl,.r I ... a. ",,,01,. $<> ",h,t
0'0. age Tommy 1><. U .hown
in Ihe "kll1'o, he wiil ht 6v. limos
aJ 01<1 al Ih. when
I""ir tombinttl .goo a",ount to 140.
M Arsl Tommy"1 age p!u. Ii .. l in'l"
hlI .,ld1 to """ilt", t'quall
70. ;;., roother', -':0 .",1 .... "tn
,Uno:< Tom'ni' al:t ;0. Thtn
Tommy gd. fwr umOi ull. Rn,j
.$ ,he alh.r and ""'th"r both lake
on u.., '"""'" 01 Y"'''.
find that tho of t,,,,.,.
Tommy" fir<! a.t:e h,n ",i .. ,1
of thm" an txtno
onttI'Y)'Qn.. Uy ,,, .. ,Ionll 70 by ]2,
thudnr., .... find ,'''', Tumm)', age
hI ..... /u"C 5 and 10
month-., the alhc-t ,i. Ii, ... ,. "Id.
y;"., JS Y"'''' . ",1 the mnth.r jn I
29 years and 1 monlh ..
Th. HCl>nJ t>by<:r win in
the l);oi'1 pmt, bul the OO'CTtt it 10
the of 1"'1>1<
into I .... "'1ual hah... If y<>u' op-
"""ont Ita,]. off .. i,h N"o 1 }<>II
droow N"", 1 an,ll!-. Rul if "" droow.
!II!;III, I lind 2 10U d ... w N ... 8, a".!
in both ca"" Y,)U ,>(",1.1 IllIvc th"
nowc. di"iJl into) Iwo I!"mu!>, of
fiv" On a oj,lo, as .huwn to.-
No ... aon,in". Iht ('lay by imi-
tating hi, play, II h. ,Ira .... t,,o
ita"., 011 1h. kl! .i,lo, yuu mml
d", ... \ht corrfI'",di"l: two from
1m: righl. If h. draw. a <i"l:"l" Ital
from tht Itft. }'m' rl .... w a 'inscle
r .... m Ihe Uy 1hl' .y.,.", you
ke.1' th" nutnl .. r of "lx,II," "'m
and m,,', 1:"1 Ill. la.1 ""hieh
tea"., him wilh Ibe """mp:'
Alutwer \() \.he Gr.t Pool Puu11.
Thi, """t,l",a, ... 1 mi"ul' rc."ltcd
Irom an ulocn al:"rffinl:" to make u
man)" ,,"U ... , .. " ,nftrior playt
A I""tth came
iq the, pmr, bow.:nr, anrl being- a
.<'ran....,. "I 'trrngth,
p/aJ<'l upO<! e,'m 'c"", ....,\h each
of the othtr Ihl"ff. neilher giving-
roor rtt";v;ng O<kl.. The bt'l fibr-
e< .Ia.i"""" Iho.! a. he bn.t ...,
did not 1_. DUI "".;ng
bea,tn :-;"0. J. o.a,<I that ..., couW no!
to. helJ for ,"" /1:= ... bi!e fo:o. J
-mni"cd ,""t in p:lrlnc,..rup wilh
No. 2 h. h30l bulm too. I. and
lb ... ,,,,,"donI!" to COIltrael.
coutol 1>01 be h"ld for Ih. game.
other compl;aliont
wbieh <lJICn 01' diffc .. nt Ion., of
bul a, )/0. 4 nme ,n .. ,
he i, IIOC bou"d by any
printe MI, whm he
made [on, to the 10.., man', two, h.
I",t on hi, 10'1 and .001 lnd "'en,
honwI. Ko.! Ih." had \0 live up to
hi' "I:"rffmCnl. MI, a, II. had ,u.I
bUI five ball. to hi' opjlonenu' 'ix,
the dd t "'hkh No.3 ... uul,1 ha .....
",t>.ine<l ... al Inmdtrrl O,'C' to
No. I. ,,'bo 'hould pay for the
a,,1 ther. i. anuthu v"'w 01 the
matter _htch ... auld -.n to re:v ......
Ihal y."liet. 1\0. J t.... KOrcd
again,L 1\0. ], by agrttmtttl,
but a. So. I hu bat"" 1\0. '. b ....
rd",,'ed uf aU ....".poruito<l,'y. and ..
I\os. J au" 4 fIb}aj upon ""en
te""", wilhout =r agreemml. 1\0. J
I, ....... a.. he only pI ... d u.., term.
of Ih. I .... ,li ... p "'Mn ,t .. a q .......
1,0" 01 "",rinK betwetn Ko. I and
1\ .. J_ 1lD.IIft"t.u by aocepW><e
of :\0 ..
The Free Aau ProbWa.
Forty-thrtt lhuu.:ond, fi,.., hun-
tl,oed .nd .ixly rail< will just inclose
111>1 nnmbe. of :tCJ'C:S and is, there--
rore:. ,'''' eorrect __ ,,cr. which w ..
(;tI at In Lite fulluwing .... y: We
Ii,.., lind the fJ'K'ibili'ics 01 one nil,
00 .... all a twelve-lOUt nil in,o
font jlie<u ,hree feet long. aod by
,h." tutti,,!!" for lb. roor
find tbal 'M one ",0.1 would "net"",
Just one foot, so therc a", j".1 .3,-
SOO I<Juar .. rotl in In ac , .. one
foot i, to U,S60. !:ives corr<:<:1
allS .... r. T.k .. 4J.560 ,.ib, di"idc
by 10 gol t"" ,hree''''U high,
Ind by four ,0 gel the lour ,ides.
We tMn multiply Ihe 'ide by 12
.galn LO gel. 1M length in /cet, and
lind ,I il n,1l 43,560. which we
IQIIMO tu get ."" lotal nurnlter 01
rtt!. 1);vi<1. by 43.560. ,""
!lumhet of fee, to an acre:, and ... .,
tet II... ("()f"n!CI """ ......
Auw.r to Miufn, Jfgmbera.
.... " ... fu] lnIlysi. of Ill<" rum, ..
in the :>.,.....,... 5oUVenir,
pro .. n ,Jt.t the: 1iguI't'J wltC2l ,..,.
.lUred mwt h:I .... bc-m a. Iollows:
6J8891 (SSJ


1. Ba<.k tho R ""gine far OUI to
!he right
2. Itnn the R .ngiM on 10
J. Itun I. eng''''' w,th lb ... cars
oul to thc righl
II. "'IOinc bad; 10 the main
S, II. engine out to Ihe left, wilh
110 ... cars to loll uf .... it oh.
6. 1. "n!:in. on to ,wi'"h.
7. R cngl"e and /1 '0 righl.
8. II. engone pula .. ven taU 10
lefl .
9. L .ogiM runl to main , .... It.
]0. !. t"g,n. ba<":ks tn t .... in.
11. L ""Kine I'ull. Ii,'. ars 10
righl of .",tch,
1L L mtin. rear tar on 10

IJ. L eng;n(' draws fwr ..... to
L En;;",. bach lour an to
IS. L mg,n .. 1:0""' atone '0) righ'
16. L engine ""cit, tl> ,""I<h,
17, L ""Ki, ... pulh car f<Om
IWlu:h 10 tn<:1t.
18. I. ... giu. bukl 10 l<"It.
. 19. L ""I:''''' gun 10000aroi willt
... ars.
20. L mgi .... bact.. r<ar car on IU
21. Long;,", g-"" '0 righl wilh
five ......
22. L <11:"" bub five "ars '0
23. L engine gOM to ril:ht wi,h
one ar,
2-1. I. mgine back. 10 twitch.
25. L mginc got". ,0 rigtll w;lh
''''0 co"'.
26. I, mgi". 10 toll of
27, 1. engine draWl 'en an 10
righl of .wi" h
28. 1. engine ar 00 10
5 ....iICh.
29, L ar gee< to right,
30. R train to righl.
31. R tn.;" p;cb Up;\:I four e .....
and <kips.
32. L train 10 s ....itth.
33. L t ... ,n piela! up ito thiN a,
and goes 011 iu my rcjoiciag.
Dolla:nt ud. 80_.
C. S. A. money .... " boo
tM <amt! .. F."glu.h 1I>Ort<")'", f()f il
)'OU aoy "'". of S""rn and re-
Ye"", Ihm-t aDd Mdnct lhe ..... 11
from lbt great"' it wiu !an 99 Of
the muhipl. of 99, "iL:
$8H 9.JI 1.J'J
g) 7.9! J087
Annrn- 1.0 CoIULUq Cola&.
Heindritks had pif<e
ond dime, Ct,m, had 51,50 got.J
",,01 a I"ce . K,ri hall
dime IIJ:Id J-c .. u' vie. 1In'1 at lhe
.... d of the I'lay Il.",drich h.:IJ thc
J and 2-cml piCC', which would
.bow a I"" o f JO t1auJ had
I"" $2.50 gold piocc an,l 0fI. dime,
",hich ,ho .... "f fI ttnl" ""hil.
Karl ha, the 15-te'" pit and one
di",., whieh ,hom. p .... fit 01 22
In the ,,,",,,ebbl ... tor,- nl tho
tb ... OuldUDtto .00 ll>cir "';"C>
wbo ramo. to to .. n tf) lM,y hoJK it
",'., thaI .. d, c"""" "'.>UghL as
", .. ny 1.'1:'''' l"'iJ ,Jullings per
I"'l!;. o"d t\ul I"1Ch m>n 'jICI" .hrtt
gu",.a; more: Ihan bi, ",;;c.lik.:wi""
that rr .. ndrick bno.'l:"ht :OJ more Itnt;:J
Ihal Ca1Ctin. and CI:aas bought II
"""" Lhao Cttttrinl:. The pun:1e
"u '0 "",ir the hllsban,h and "i, ...
If 1'''''''''' by their """,hue>. It ... -
.ulu in CU""'" complical;"" 01
utra<long the ..,..,ore: 01 tht
p;p an,1 ,,',no ....hich fihall)' r .. "hl
;" "."w;ng tlw. c.-.ttrinl: bought I
hilt.. jI'g for ] ob,!linj::. "",1 th:l, her
h"loband who m""t "",." t....n C<)r-
ueli ... "'-"'I:hi 8 for 8 ,hiUinh ....
each. Calwu boughl 9 for 9 ,h,lt-
inc' u"h. her"d Cba.
h''''I:h' 1l hop; ror t1
... rh. ,\nua booghl Jl 1;0'1:" hug.
{"r 31 'hillinit' oeh, while hoT 1:",,001
man IIcnd'",1o by nam . J.!
hog} al J! .h,llinlf'
Tho Diamond R.:>bbery.
Tm, _.I arr.,ngCI"em 01 111..
diamond,. with IWO g",," lO;"inl:",
i .0.$
Am>m- to PnDlina Letter.
O"r y .....og folk. have come nobly
II> "'y ,;,1 in dct'I'IIe'UIg ,hat "'Ypto-
]::tOo",;" lrom my boy on the
I,"". and lell "Ie UllIt instead of
being a Kn Klw< from
)Inlly '\lcCui1<:$, i, ;,. merely a ,ta'e-
"",n, Ihat "',!>c i, buk .... n.!
fo' jIOtO.l"'" !'" Tm, '" on ,. (ba(:k.
word) 1',,1 """""'A>n (.if:hl 0'0).
All of which i. a groat .. hoi to an
The Water Lily Problem.
("dld say,: "That whm 11"0
.1>0,.,1, of "" arc inle ..... t w"hin a
the product. of tllt partl of
be eq .... l Iu Ih. pro.luotl of
.b .. po.'" of tho Other" Thore:lor.
in .m: fnll"",,",, ill .. Ira",., tM 'u"
f"". of tm: ""It. r""", .h 110",
"I <ItO. aro. an,1 .. ,h. Iw" .... '"
..... giveo .. 21 incbeo., lllClL..o4f1
T"" ,Iem of I"" lily fom .. lhe OIMr
inl.r ... ,in" cbord. ,,,,I .... il> ""'ght
ob,,... 1M water f"m" one 1""1 of
the "bon.!, lhat patt. 10 llle""', ",ui
tiplicd hylhe OI""r por'. nou" be the
... me the 441 inch obI.,n .. 1 b)'
thc p:I'" of th. o,he< .bo .. l. So d,
vide 441 by 10, iUld .... gtl .4 I
;""h., a. th. olhor ""rt of Ih.,
chord. A'l<linQ: tht 10 ,n,1 tho \.11.
we Iftt 5H Ion" the lalal I ... "th uf
.h .. eh" .. 1 from /\ to F .... hich I. 1M
,li''''.I<:r of Ihe rh;, ...
",,,,1 IllIl.c to I:CI I./'t ",d"". 27.0.1.
1".,\ ,he flo ... "' .... 1 trn ,nch",
the lur/ace of tllt "'>ltr, ".
mil" ,Idun Ih.:Il I"" An I we
..ill flo"lhA\ lhe lake w,' ""I)' 17 OS
inches. in dc-pth.
The Mium, Number.
.... the d'gitl .w up .5. which in
tum make 9, Ih. lum nm.t alMl
<qu;>1 Q. Wt know that 8
;" Ill<" rt'qUired lirur.,
Mlnln' ...,rd Anacram.
'-it.., ..,.Ii, veil, I.e,; anoJ live.
Annntr to u.a
T..., ...,rum, of the tong of .he
1ioI-t",""bun man ohows lhat ""''''
mn .. to. In eym numher 01 ch,!d<Cll,
a. ,litre- wore ju" If mauy daugh-
ter< ,Iler ..... r........ !CII-
oit. ' 10 to. inv .. ,W in bun. It
1M <ate of a penny. two rnr I penn)'
"r Ih .. fo' pettny. The wppos.-
,i.., i.. ,hat , we", thr..., boyt
and Lhr..., gi,l., MI by pun:ha<;ng .i"
""no 'wo for a penny InJ I"'<he
Ill,..., for a penny each child could
Ih,," rt<:.i t>lln, Icoordin!: 10 pro-
gramme. one halr-!CIIny an,1 t .. ..,
bun. 10
.pil e lb. urioul itt.mptl to wive
,I,. pun'e ;n .".iU
to. found 10 to. tho Ml1 aruwer.
A.J:tdel1t Order ol Iron 0....
T]", f,,:: ,..-in" ill", tn,,,,,,, olio ...
II tn en. tbe eru<. inl0 OItiy four
rbt Battle R.:>yal.
The acc.omVanying iIlnstr.:ltiorl
.bow. bow ,h .. eI,,, .... board ... hich
Ih. J'O"nlf I)'"phin broko o"r Ih ..
D".e of hood was r<:-
lIorNi by th. eo"rI carpenler.
GLIido Mos.aI<l PtwIe.
Thi, porn .. ;, 1n.c,1 UjIDD th.o.t f._
mon, 47 probl .... of Eudid "'hd>
p ...... 1""1 the oqw.r ... of lb. IMle
lind b<uf: IJIllit the <qua'" of
Ihe hypothtnn... We ..., .1oJ.!
J '"'I.... '" and .. oqua'" 5
Pl"Qblellll of Hiltory.
To that '1""y of Ih. n,ne
w' "_, "f lIu" .... '. !li,..
wry of ,,-il;,h wore tn bo
upon t"-,, ,hd .. " SO
!h.ol ,he 1"'0 r"'''' of nlllthl
be made to 1'""",,,1 IrlIclions
""l";Y1ltrn to ono-h,oIf. or ,"'" <lnpJ,
_.,,,,,nh, ,"x-.h,h. one-
KY<nLh. (lnc..,ighth or one-ninth. tlte
foll"willli' clever arr&l\j/c....."h
bew i"ed as lulrdh", lhe cundi-
""". :
6729 1
_E: __ -_
1J..;.;.8 2, In'IfJ J.
27G9 1. 2").IJ 1
5. (',
I 6331

""". of tit, n",nhers
varir<l yel ,,, ..
an in-
""nt Iu wor. thr
bUl"!(laro go"II'; thor. ",ere
21 lrint< of "'in. b. di\-iM,\ and
Jquare.. We th,rdo,. cut IrOtn A
to c: and chI' off another
.nd r., lhe: pieoa logttbtr 00
Iu form \be iar&e oquon: ABE

This rul. holds rood to "y. the
"'lfIIb<n0<! of any lwo oq..attl:
A ......... to po'clln. y .......

clov ...
stone like
24 hnttl ... anJ I, i . the only MID With the 8 oe.
",h,ch ""II ,];v;,le tho ..
qw.ntili ... "'. ],u",w Ihal Ihe .. m",1 ... bc-inl jn" Iwolve row!, ..
Iu,-. to<-e:n Ihr .. '" w. ,.,n .l>uwn in Lh. pictur Hobbs would
on with the part of Ihe,,_, ... , drop .". ro .... in 120 nunUIO:O, anJ,
l ion. ,,-hieh al th;, .t.g. Wt w,n Il,e" "y, could at \be
pme can. I<lt .oo.-r bra,n ralC of a row in 5Uny minules, ... h ..
On. "".-,:-la. tak .. J full drop Ind hiI Ii" rtI'OJl
""Ptl qpart. I futl pint on tighl houn, Nobbs, acc:or<linlto
p'n". Ea<:h of the tlalernent, would drop hit Iol:l RnH
take 2 full quort<."" 2 rmpty on ... m,nutes, and eould <:<ton
J full pim ..,d I OtIC, 00 CKh a' the same .... ,( of 'I"""i, 10
man g<'t, th ... and a h.all qu;orb woulJ al.., finuh h,. won. in
.,.,inc, anJ four lartC and four t'ghl bours. so tach man would be
bottl... enutltd to $.!.50 lor eighl hours'
Dte.pI .... tlODI.
Gm";nl:. """,ng. owing. wing
Trifling. riflint.:. I BinS. II""
a pion. m. la,
PytMROTJ.', CIl' .i .... 1
ptObkm .",Ive< ""'If by the .pf'I ... -
t ;"" of tlw; rule "'hieh ,OOwo tMI th ..
CQII1hinrd 01 lhe: .maller
lid .. of II are
"'!uol 10 th. Iquare of the: la'lesl.
Taking (lilT ",i_rs ... cui f,om A
to B, ,,'hidl p"",'ucr. a Irlangle
w!>oK 1 ... an,1 .k"atiort Ire equ,1
10 the lilies of tl, .. Iwo as
giVCfl in th" p" .. lc, Thelin. 01 Ihe
hypothcn", . thordor., ,hould .how
Ihe dilnOf)$io'" (II the large iquar.
wllith c;ombine. Ihe other Iwo
... ork.
The "hlYSI.'iou. ptopcrti .. of 9"
may be appli<'llio ttst \be colTC<l .....
of oubtracbon by find'nl the:
01 the minU<'fl<i and as
.......... 'mlr1- and tlte dilf.nD:c
ml1>l be equal to tM root 01 \be rc
Fo, ""ample:
689-1321 =6

r.n\"eI J9JJ.157 _1
A> 8 cannot Loc: lak..., lrom 6w<
wil l add 9 II< I0re dr<luel ing the '001
8; thit lea\"u a d!lferen.;. of 7.
to tho BOKer ' aul .
This odJ littl. puu]cgall1<: proved
10 be re-pl.te "'ilh "I'f"-'ftu"'lin ,or
surpri"" and linc pnint. of rlay, as
0/>0..." in lite f"I1<>""'g 1Il1O .... ,
which pro"", t""-t die 6 .. , player
shoalJ scor ... , .... 1><.>:1:.. by boi;io-
Ilinjc .. ilb a h ... frum C w It. If
\be -' pLty.r Ibm """rk' from
J to K. \be finl ..-iU _.. Iwo
ho:lU by markitl from K to 0 I.lId
P 10 1.. and "JI th.n play lhe Wall
ing m",., L t<> H. irutcaJ or KOrinr
,,,-0 mo .. ho:lu, The oth player
nOW JC(Ire. lhe Iwo ho:<o. by G
K. and if th." .;:omptlltd 10 make a
play ,,hich rives the: lim five
others. If, "'hm Ih. finl player
marks IrOll! G to H, Ihe aeoond
playe, muir> CoG, 13-1", F.-I", and
th.n makes the: ",aitlng I,lay 01
M."', ",hich ""o,a four III"'" box ...
It i, tlti, ,harp play of giving YOUT
opponent two hox .. SO at \0 Ihtn ,et
four ,,hkh <X>'>$h\u,.. 'ho pretty
point, of lb. garne. to Plcktl ' 011.1.
To thol odJ IiLtle l .... on in mill-
tal")" \l&ctia ,.-h<rein " ,,'U '"'lUlr""
to pIaa: ,i:<tow (h..:kcr. upon a
hoard of lixty.four "'I"""'" 1<0 '''''
00 Ih..., .hould be ;0 line from ady
pOSJiblc dirtttion, lhe ac<:oft>].0Y"'t
diagram .h<>w. \be (otT! amwtr.
The stipulalion of boginning by fil"Jl
plating two mm in lhe unl"- of lhe
boan;] bars OUt madY which
would othcrwu. be qulle u tOn"l!CI
as the: one here ohown:





0 0


0 0



0 0 0





0 0 0

That punting rttum trip from
the KIOIIdikc JI",. ... rl 10 he II<) ... y
\aJk lor Our roong puuh'.... and
but f ...... utttt<i it gtttinr ou' of the
wood. "'ill' the" treasure. For \be
bcrK(,t 01 ou(h a. coulJ not ...... ""
the """I .... "h,rlpon! of numben
whicb held Ih=> in it! ,-on"" 10'''
..... 11 lilY Ihll \be only leadS
through \be t"aok.nt<l ani! I.".,..,.,d
ocqumu of S. W. to 4. S, W. 6,
E.6. M. E.l, M.E. S, S. W. 4, S
W. 4, S. W. 4, and a bold Slrib via
N. W to liberty I
Those who lailtll to ma;ter il
l\'2IIill diKoftrt-d wt one lahe .t."
al aOyltagc 01 Ihe Lhro ..... """
into the wh,rlpool 'rom ... Ihere
iI DO <tress..
hlw"a- \0 lack and \hI Bo1
Th. following illu,t .... lions ,be-.
ho .... to Cut the hox ioto Iwo pi", ..
which "";l! fil IOKethe. ami lorm a
"'Iuaro. Cm "" the dOI1C1i
line., ... too..o in Filr"re I. and tlte
pi":Q will fi, \Qgt1her to form a
"'Inlre, as shown in Figure 2.
Au"er \0 tIat p_ IDd Aft
Thit curio\lt and interesting pct!.
d e iI given ;0 lhe puule boob I<) be
ooIvcd in fifty.l_ TJJ<W<5. but manl
01 our dn-cr puuhst! .1ICCftdM in'lIl .... ting \be 01 ptr
fomung the fcat io fony .......
plays. Some 10
sbom, mrtbod, bul errtll in counl
idg the moves incorr.rn,.
M lhere i .....-er th:on ""e
sq""re 10 be """.r...t, it is
only n ...... ry 10 "'(lui"" the di'..:-
lion of the play, ., 'n the 101-
l_ing -5ftIUtnce 01 lorty_<c>."
change.: Ea." West, W"'. Ea.t.
South, North, ",'o.-th, Soolh. >,.t.
Soulh. Wost. Nonh. W<'$l, Korth,
We.s\. Sooth, Ea.t. F.ut. South.
No'lh. W..,t, North. Sooth, Soulh,
Ea.t. North. Nonh, East.
Wtlit, Welt, North, East,
South, EASt, We", W".t. East,
South, Nonh, Soulh, and tl,. f .... \ is
The Dewey Pillow puule rud.,
Coo<I peofll I"'.YI dif young
........ er \0 aro .. a-iD-tbt.COl'1l
The .wl<Ilpanyi"f:" diqram >ho ...
Lhe ro<Tea way of Ill
<x>mfltld ,,-,lh c:ia:ht .., !h.or
.,'cry hird hao an uoob->Iructed ,';"w
of an "lh .... anJ 10 llutt there
are no twO bjnb '" the: _ row Or
diagonal. "bc-inl: alto UlIp<>lbl.
I.". the hunter 10 ,h<o>,... !UJId.
poiIot fl"Oftl which he might In
on eh..., turd..
The JCCODol dial:T3m ,ho,... on. 01
the: many ",hmin.d by Our
the ""]><'rI' who 1\I(IIIpt.r:,L to
P"""t I""-t 1M punl. i .,m,la, to
tllt famou. p,oblem of placinK eighl
quttrul on a 00 lhat nO
one ,,"oeilt:,. CbHI player.,
however. know nlOre .boul rooks
lhan trow lIS the hUlller readily
di<wvers lhat t,,'o of Ih hots il
lu.trated "'ool<! wing Ihrt'l: bird.,
whil. in the 1i"'1 ,Ii.gram no ouch
r,,,, i, possible if the uact Cent .. of
Ih. poinl' are calculated UI""'.
... ..

\. . .
.. .

n. hcn:!--of.uceo_ P1u&1t.
MOon't do bulincn 011 lick, M laid
\be clock. lack pa.h," said the
buuon.. be led." said the
pencil. MTak. paw," sa;,1 ",in,
<low, your bu,inns and
never lose your h .. J," said the: hlr_
,el. "Don't do. hght bu.;ncso,"
said the lamp. "Look alive and be
.harp 001 mit.l." aid Ihe
"Keep your eyes pecled." 6lIid the:
potatoes. "Have pI.nty 01 6lInd."
... iIl the 5upr, "Don't g<1 blue,"
... id Ihe indigo. "N ... CQI price
r.or I .... YOU' t<1TlptT; be ,Mrp.M
Qid the Im"e. "Whon you I<'< a
good Ihinl\" 10 il." aaid 1M Hy.
"Keep cool," uid refril_
eralo,. """ever KCl l1w:k on you' -
,.If," addr<l the tack, "Keep your
handt busy IntI nov" IeII on rime,"
Ihe clock. "Yes, C. O. D.
i. Ih. be"'" said the pll "So-
ware 01 the beau." remarked t h.
we,<1lblu. look 0IIt 10.- lhe
ak,n .... said the! banana. "10' .. \be
mIKdqe 01,.., '11'1 h:ool bw.'1161 to
gct .tIKI<.'" "Prictli not be
100 <teep," remarked lhe <Jolorw.
"for boonl tQ i. lhe: bc!.t poliq."
"Yft. make )'our pris d ...... ," oaid
Ille! ,tove; "Ii-. every one a warm
f"Ot1IIion. Ilnl al,,'ay. honor your
huuJd be tI1C\,"
said the (hid",,- HAnd >houJd bo
l'fWDIII.Iy rcwatr<l." adJtII ad old
wir. "ll ... t y""r aM"mcrs ..-ith
I omilc." said \be ",,",heel. "Try
10 lOot everybod,," !DItiUtorl \be
'lDVcripe. "II i. J"OUr w,nrunt
weighs th:1l ""-.... the _ worgbt,"
... id the acaIcs. "Dul don'l g<1
.dded II P,,-,,?:Iittl. 0Irtlint.
"No, you'l Iy llIK1t1te pot_
1111. "V ... do ,..rit .... inlerpoKd \be
pen. "PoIi,hed very d
f":live," I:liJ the bladt;ng. "!I
lha ... , lOU a,t wtll bred," rena,kcd
the: flour. "Ci .. y .... r palrtlll!l nI>
ground, for complaml," 'otnarked
Ihe coffe .. "Keep in the: .wim," '''g_
gf"tM ehe smolccd "C!ve
g,eater barg-ain. every day," aaid
Ihe "ThaI' grt::l.t idea,"
,emarked lhe no"., "bul don't h ..
toe many ,rons in the 6re," ":"/0'
COUIII your ehi<:ktrl'l Ih., an:
halchtoJ, lor if. 100 bad 10 be beal.
en," .. id r .... h egg. "Rio/: arly
and work," I"(gated thc yoast .
-y"" the: IOQ<Itr yo.n: oul of t..d
l he: bettet," ....... rkcd the Qparagul.
"Loafing mak<'t you .tale." said the:
b",.d. Mit )'011 a Sdy look."
the orange. "Raising thc
dough i. important, as you
may nted it." said \be baking. pow.
der. "Look afle. lhe: scm", the
dollars lake care 01
""",ked \be '"1'hafs righl.
look dttr 1M little Ittb. ...m the
onionJ.. "Dc up to date." suggf$tcl
\be .. lendar. "It is best to mlm
Kriowly." aid the Iookiog--gtass,
"lor ... tlte ....,..,t SlIP. 'It iJ .....-cr
100 lale 10 mend' H "w.n, ... dI,N
laid \be ink. "if 1"" want to .udr
seed you ""Iy w ... t. Ihym. 0tI
nutl Otan!(." At this .011 the arti_
cles Ind the I: ....,r awoke,
an lII!<l Mud".i",, man.
The laho. "rike paul. coocul.
TllIIm "' ..-ark, In tho MIIOI(d
puul. di.cover
In lilt: problem of lhe hound. alld
the lhe: hound. ,ain 6 rod. in
every 21. Thry mU$1 Ihorefore run
u ""'ny time.s 21 U 6 will g<> inlo
96. The", fore 96 + 6 '" 16. 21 '"
JJ6 '0.10
Otp III puodSlJ 01 p:o'101 ;KJoq I'to
"",!J()J'V 10 .wo .. '41
"1'1 ;jUl.,"
".ul1 01' :kip 1>000 .. 'pUr
... ''II 11'''' JIjIl!Uli
>:1' ,,'mel "il'l!1n.u" .111 "l
,("""I'A ''1' .t'!""P OJ 0 IU(UI
1qli'!111 , .... :1 J.><jl!' JO 'ql
><'aJ>qlO '?ql "I 1"'1' doJp,
pia wn' .... wow rmb> \[''''
.,.001 ;I<fl f! 11 ';>$.1110.
10 "["W!'" 'Ilp JO
'1JO'1 [[!'Il'nr 1'1110" ":"11."
'1'- ,><I )0 ' , U '1(1
,. h,,,,,,, 1m3 punod-K l'I"'lIlI
.puQ.:Qs J>d WI JO ;>\jl
I' 3u" .. mJ leoli' , 10 U.,
-LIO:> "'II 0 1 "'''I'l utI PJno.oo.
' I:J 0<: lI"![I"J rptInod or "'II Inn
.,ndIQO;> ... 'P!'1"" U>OJJ ....
-DJd J"lnllu " U1 p.1<IIi<
'" """=""1 I I 'I"!"'" J.", 0'P"!
I pilI POI 91 OU/TJ II) P_
'" <r-P "''''''' JO '111' UIOJJ
lIu!!l"J .(I""I.oAPq 11:\fj ..... 1I.ooQ1llj
-II'" '1(1 uodn 'W"l =t<IOJd '41
"aUnD:> 10 -1Jl0<! 11''1 OJ
fU\J "'II JO ,><I, '''''1>1
"'!1 ""!WJ'j'P 'ilL
11''1 01 Of ,.,j;i ,
) 0 IItIl!S '1(1 """'1 ,.or C'
lin,!!,,! <flu""" or 10 wnlU>\uow "'II
01 ",oJ<! ... 10 "II
runol I ... >dn
:.-.('" 01 JO
'41 JOJ '41 I"
l""Ap' :.''''1''11''''''1 0Ij'" '1'!1""'''''
r>4"nliO!I'!P""I.L '.1003 10
"."00 JO '!jllln'.I11 '41 lfu!
<UO!J,nl"'P '!lO!'IU
-uqv 10 '1>0 UO!lt.l)'lIm
10 ....... ,(q .. ::Ullom:)
'41 10 "11 <>Od11 '''In
,nl!1UIl .Io.lwJ ul
.Q1lOf) 10


+ ...



... "



0 0

0 0

" " "


... rzmd 110:l!ll!P ArqqJrIIW
'!Itl 01 J'lIO$Ut r'A!lI
lIuI.(uro,u<>:l, tll 'ooulnb lI"!Ul''''
-:)J '41 01 1101' "[1 pu. \1!Uj JO J.l'l'
_Ph ""'I '4) 01
pu. "u'!j '"'lnl' 'f,;Iptdl
0) 1>I(nnd
, JhJ3At '41 JOJ Iln,!U,1' 1>01 UOII
nb 1II"ld '41 I'IQ .....'1 U! fUOWw!'
-JiI<! '4' tu!u.lI U! .... J
1'U' f.Jl 4,c>d "II """"1
01 Ja"O", "'U ". I! pUIIOJ 'UJC>S
.. u'I-"ImoJ JO '-"0.1 'AY uuoJ
01 .. OIl 1.11 :lup.[d U!
W'IUlui Jno 10 A'U'I!JI!
'UQd pttI

'!A WJJd,.. A'q "[liLt I "'LL
<n o.rrth "'" )011 .10 dUI ... n
II' .1"11>4'" ,u"w').>p 01 t A'q J..J
'41 2IU'P'A'P 10 'Iru PI<> f""Cl3 1Wl(l
p111 'lI''''')1J1 I",,!I'!"" JO XJno:o nlI
'""unuo:o Ol >JoW ,,, ... puo
,.h 10 .... uA' cr 't. .. woJ.
110 'tOGl Iuun .1U>O
lO1I P'P dU1 lUll os ',0..1
dg1 IOU 'L .. CI061 "'I""'[ un",;>
;>1!1 A'q ...
, 0 'IRlJ PI"l "II 1'10 IJU! 6Z
Ion! IUO.L 1'lno." 'J !
d'"l n .... ''''J ....... ( .noJ ;own
'P!4" '0061 IntI lI"',Ut41 U! 'I I.'
-W!'I wo.L P!I' " 'JW'O OjU! II'I
'%li t .. ruq .:I JO 'llGZ u(> 'A!I
" .... ""'.1 It'll l"uOlUJ "'I ....
""-"04 " lS' I""'" "10 10
. ;uOJ !Jnnl;lJ J>J"llb
-OJ '1[1 01 II/flOW' fJlh l>a"!q=
JI'11 ''I'"'' VlllO.... 4",4"
11'..... 4 . s, '4' 11)4....
os 011 1'1'10'" '4 pI/V
011 1'1110'" .4' J>J""!I WIII .<J.
-ruq .1 JO 4lGZ .41 uo (>10 'lOW
l .... y ".4M o.'y iJ 41....... '!'I P'"
".'0\ wo.L J"fI I"'ltJhUOu.Qp
11113:10 .41 1'"1 llfotwl.2
II) dp iJ.<pO p ....... ..
"lOW A'o'fl \iJ!I 11)4'" n.'" .4 a1h
41 A'rp Jm4UI IIlJIl'OU
111[1 110 IRq ',,k "'4 0.""1 _41
Rot ''1 '_d 0111 JO .1.'1'''' U'I
" ).OW ""!I A'a'fl ""410\ '96111 '61:
Lrrruq.,:I Ilq ... Imw " p:>.<Mm
' '11' lJo[nlld ."" It'os
''uInJq.>,:I JO ql(jl "'fl go pua:j""l
"'I uodn .... rudo u... w>1'JO.'d [P!I
-Illifi' n'fl 1141 JUOII"'", ..... II
"11111(110.&,,1 .tv ".I{\I"'S ot .aamy
... J'U'I "'''1 '111 \/, 100[ "'1\ po.xJd
pcrdIJq"'IJ. ; ,pc.. os
!JlI .. n PJ""'" :lu,nnll 12<1.1.
m",,"'fl .(q p>qu""
''P .p.1):1 ""I' JO .l<Q.o.Jw=!. "'II
" 11 Z8"Z9 in R.'!lI I:NJ 411U\:l
91trt mno "'II ,0
J.IOW"!P "'II \>:IJ pU1l . lIlpLt
''II OIl "nw i"J U'I "jJJ!, "1""
"41 JO '!l!P'" "'II II, ,_nb.> '1
)"1 ""Y 'V 'UII) "II 10 \"41 .)!"I
"II )Sn lll '1:1.I!, J,\ IIO ''11 10
-'.jWll"'! tli 'J.""! ''[1 it
"!"'1 ell 01 1""'1'" J.,no .41 '0<l
... A'U"lWW
"II ""'I :oIl1 II) U'"
''11 10 .'11 1""I)J:>Rp
"'II J'" OlO:U"J<un"'<l "'U.
"\UDd 1aDlllOd IIqJ,
.. nd SDqOJ
lap II! W)J:t[!d 21[1 PJ.l'I>I[' """H
'<1" O""l "!'fI'''' )..l
Jq Ol <IUl>O.I! 21[1 ..... 01/. 'I>!'I'"
DO..uqeq"'fl.lOJ 611'8S ....
(Q liZt [S JO UO""UIllXD .. ""'I'J]>
.'" 'I"!'I'" ""o.J '11r".!6$ 01 1<mOlIN
PJIIO-'" "'I '1"''1'" 'fI!A' iJU"b!1
0S'65t P"" 'I"'" Zit 01 I"P'"
''P!'I''''lI6'<$ 01 10""",. 1'1110.'" SO[fi
"'II 110 \JlCUd "'U. lI1'('S$
\ - 1[1....... Jq p,no .... '1"''1'"
In ",'J>Olf' 'f"Jfi[ I/O
0S'16$ ... .""1 'l'qoJ I_
PI"'H -OCU['$ 01 ''II
'I>!'I" "lywd n!')'" JOJ -I"" n<I
01 JO nuRAp. l,\d "!'II 1J<ld.1
1 .. 104 .... ttrS 01 "'I
_u, .JOW OTIlZS Xu',{nq II) PUI
' ... oob!1 II, O!i&;S (llJO <IS 'II! ....
1"'11 I'''!! .... "'''01
''[1 JO ,("O," 1""11 ul
'1)1I111Y.JOy JuJ.l1tnbg JI"II'lI y
'IU:OO :lU)
''I,!ug :tU!l"EIS n> p.,t! "'I
4'!'1" '1II'lJ:1'lP .'11 JO 'IPf"'" 21[1
lit ".ll I1;Irol' " :lu!",! JO Il1IJ
'41 uod" .mnl 'IJthd "11 JO
''l.L :lu,oq 0.", 1U11 11I041!",
mlifl 10 t"IOl pu lI "'II
AAI!! U,,",U' wno .'11 JO
.41 00 '''ll1 ''11 .3u'4"""' JO ..... "
R 1M lIU1\l;j.J! JO ."eM ..
""! ""I lOO\ll 0111 JOJ luop' ..... IIOi
.c... ... '! .w .. 21[1 '1l1""'1)[I! "I .. 1Id .41
:)JIlI""J oDO)J'" "II W<UOl ""I.L
'nlU .'11 '1')'1'"
'wnJ JO til'" ur JO
['101 ... :;tA,lI 11'''' 'P!'l'" ""I
01 <iU"'" ."!! 1"'[ 'PI, 1<)
"'II'''' n ':)JI "'"411""11 pU""J "'I
II"" I! JO Joqwnu "'II :!I",
-IU'''>3 A'a -1"')C!id"p oq 'I"q ...
wild JO nqUlllu "!GJ;oo 'OlU! UU(JI
t QoI""U 'P"I'" '01""1
_b,n"" f1'>U1O<UUL4's J<> 'Idpoud '41
A'q p;ul"" 1""[ ., ""'I'lOJd "'fI IIMjI
l ... Plno ... 1 0111 I",e[(lx:;t
!pi,,'" UU; li!SA'dx" lIt u!"'O <>.1.
'1i!11l&CU1[ "IUI'I ecu
n. ... "Il (UIJ.IV :H",.:I "I
'U\Ul1d 01
611 OJ. ttl S3iOYd NO S3i'l22nd OJ. SHaAiSNV

J""11'IU .In "1ft" olmOJp wnll
pU1 u;v."" JOI
.. I<IJI' """IJY : i)U
"\OJ IV )0 J'II
11Il1",,'1. aAC'I "nw ""1'1!'1'
t{II'Eld ipU.O ot namy
I, ,"""'I.n,
1'1310 "'11 JO l'IlfJ< .rul D.a><\
1'1""'1' )"'L\\., 0111 01
JO."'U '11 t"'. "II"" puB
""" 'llIp'" 1'1'''''" "'l'''' 1
'.'1' lIu,wn"y
10 'JU,'[1
-0"'1 "(.3"'" !':w .... 1d ... oJ""'I.1
"1U''fI ...... 1 .. q"!tl" JO )O(U ... ailio
.'11 "'IIU! .. JnuJ '[""'w
OMI Mj l"'I'lo)"""
'"'In:). JU 41>1"""'"
1':oIl:l).... 1\ 1lO'I' 2I[l DO .I"l ....
""'I"" "1""11-0"'1 [>U'I! 0"1
[ .... "".c'1 ... UUB lIunl 3']1 "0
.. -i"').Jt .41 JO JlI:1",, 3rul "'I
II'" p'l'oJol ""I' JO l<'"U ... ""'" 2I[l
1'1/8 '11"".1 0.", ''1' "1.1'1
1"1'\ "n<in .41
1031'" """ no ""I"U' ..
"''1 .""
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lgJ "Il 'lI<lJJ .uue 341 JO <'fIlI""1
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""It; "I"} UO) 1"''IlI:o\\ <;)PliJY
tlmld 1. ' 01\11111 lI!.L
'x"'l UI g .(n'U!lI!JO " . "
'1M" [10');
'R<>I_JOJ .t." ,,()(it 'ON
'001 6/6 66
'''I11l!d: l'm'HIIQll-lY
.I'll 1n<J. .Jln!."J (, I
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.. " '" 'Ill:,! 0 CO
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')lclI : U<o<lt.,'"rt! ''11 P) < ',\\
.. I PDq" 1I't'
P'" l41[1!3 ... u'tlll , U1j.UI
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.. -1101<1'3_.
P->It..".,,) . .;,.uo!,my
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ou A'q lno 1/11." ..... 3""[ "'I.L
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""'0\1' '! 'puDUlt1O 'l['W 01 -"OH
" . not.'np
... , I"'" l'3UOl[ 'Iqlfudn ..c .... ,.
"1'"'" ''''!In]OGl{ .... ;>1!.1
'11,! .... .:1 'Aq>!J.:I . ...,.'w' ':>..10'1' ,).>3
3:o<K> ;>1! ""'I.'" 'I:mt .(y <>1 .. "'u
"""I' n 'lqd OIU' 00W03 'lund
,p.<o. 341 "'! lIwJ '41 JO orJ""'!Jol l'fU
3ql AqI)UO [>iOU,'" 1'1'0."
3'11 I"'no.n:mot lI ........ '1 l nq .0.('1' 6f.
... !nfw Pi ....... 1"" .. <I (X) !Iu!
HO'b1 U1<I "<I pf"O-'"
UlAJ-lI or""'q a<jl l' 'fIJU 21[1 10
"""'3JW""'", ><t.L :oprnd ul
P,!""f 01 sdOJI ""'41 :)J3." ... "'U
oi.h:l l.dOsty
',u'""PO R.! : OJ 'u : ,",en
'!It: ,,"wog ')t : : 01""
-JOS 'rt :owY 'Zt :"'P!J'l'1! '[t
... '1dulloOO P"l'UQQOO
"1> '''10 0.1
oq 01 ''IallO .. '0 ,,'pJU ' !.I(I "'''''110.
""n"'>tl ... YO 1"'''1'
A'''II :>s,,'t!t .. 'IQ'I'
!lUOW1! .... 'wn ... :'1,oq
uo .IOJ ... "'oi ;osnn><j" '!'i', . :!1
.:In< ""l 14l!,w 'JOuoq 10 poulI n
"ll=h;, .. ,}""n. J"'IIO .. ... UJOA:'P
pU1l .nJ 'I'ltJ.p!,,,,,,,
".'11 : "PIOU 1'''
-1<tlW !iu,oq .01 1"I0Il )OU !'i'lOt'
"'" .(0'11 '1"'1'" JOJ "",0 "'II
"'l r[""'" 'l[JO." :)J'I"" "'I' .....
..... rq3 Q"4'" .1 .... :o..o!I"'.'[I'" "'II
lIu'_"OlfUJ '''3nl! 0"0 A'.I3"b
" '21[1':\11]'0 "'" .f ...
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.... "'!'[ J>UI' 'fI!-" .,,,",u,.nb
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qlInrul[l dUI 01 In>;m .... ''''
""'!-'IU "41 01 P'JIb' A'nt
I"I""'JXI".' "'3U ,jOJnj J!. ... :>1 <t
,..."..,1'" """'I :!In"",! ...... ,"" A' ... JO
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-OJ t i>l['1 'lap lIun!J ... "
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a<jl OJ lH'",1 '1[1 !Iu[p.ld.'!I
.9$ JO hp"" u. 'OJ
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" .>:IJ4' J' 1"'1 Judd ..... "'Iwnu
IUOJ'lI!P :NJ'fI ) ! '1la1 blIOW .no.(
\.21 no.( "'41 'iJ"'lwn" X!' III!I
A"ld 1I0! "0'1'" .... JOJ.3 .'IJ.
11)AO "'11 13J"t'I' "11 l"'lt 10
JO..... OlIO) .41 100 'J>lU",
U'I ',lIZ 31<1, .. 0<:1 Je
'1 1[""1" '1iCI1$ JUlIO"!'" JO ).Jm
"J.l m .... 01 -I riM"
no " "' ....... 1)1"'" 3'1' ';$
"" h!" I't""'" '1"'1'" "'OJ'I' '1"
-)" .110 1'''' It II. ",," PI""'"
'1"'1'" ""0.1'11 51 OJ. :o..o"'fl "" Inff
'10'''' l'ln"-,, 11/ P"" "'''I 1'1'"'''' SLI
""""'I' .'11 lie "'"'II!'UI uqw""
.u<> 11'" no.( }' JOJ ."""1 ]PM no.(
111[1 801 01 SZI )It "":lit .... .>lJ.1
I.P-'o'I litiS
"9Zl ""Il,)IIIO,:Uq put r<t omt 'Of
JO : JU"II :oIl1 'I :)J'II
, .... \00<'1' 01 :;t1'l'"""1U! ...... I) 1"'fI
... t "'"
'"tn::l n 'U'fO!IftU.>'1"'W 'I"""
1e1{l l1!U!11'P os '1 JJ :o..o.nbI <m'r
U!tIUOO O<le 1l' .... 4"''1 ... f'>]lI
"t 1'111", 1U''l1 "11 rug 'f'I>'lPp
,.,.. " '911 JO 21[1 PUI
tj Jo:Htq '0iI JO uo<IU.p ql! ....
''''' ... ,'tI IIlYj1l<>l ['I"""
'P'l['" 'fit! ""nu'4)t1ll(q ><]1 pu. 'III-
"onU3p '(11' """1 .. '1'''' 'U;t IV,\W
JO 0."1 J"
'1W111JO 01 '01lllllY
tp;:.# 0 '; i!@'J'/ i + 1
'" ,
'1-(1 'Q-Z ',-t 't-(l '0-(1 '0-; 'iii'
'-(1 '0-9 ''!'i' 'HI 'ITI 'I"r
'I'"'N'N 't'l "'1 [t 'l"9
'9"9 '9'", ',-, ""'''1 :I .. ,,,oll"J
1""'.1,1 01 'B 1>1 d" 1'1''''\ Rl ,,,"",
-lIOl puc '0 ....1....,.4' .'1\ reol 1'l'.:I
: ,,,,oll"} .... A'Utll""'''!''< ., 1"'1 ',,, ...
. , oq .("" !tld "'1.1 'uucJ
'p, ... 1 ul1"'IU .... d lIu,"'1 JO A'IiJO."
}!IO)J<l ., 3111 ... " '1J!'I'" 'p:>.<_
oq PI'IO.l 'Iuond :lJ<>1II ''''1 ........ ",
np 0111 II! U:N<l .'ftJ 01
p.>....... \["4" '.(qd JO A'u"d
.u<> A'q rw:o"""'!P
I Ina 01 1".."Lt ,t. .. I'WlI a<jl
'mA'!,,,. I"P'" lq "U:IIj .. 'a:J. "Q{
.WQf pUI
a<jl JO \.>llun.lf 0111 "tJ WlI<Ud
.'I.L .... 'llIn'u 10 :>W'I!3
_ U) pOJ"JI 011 A'1'l1<.,gd I'I:!I!",
OOZ-J"P'l Ol .utJluo:)
-''rill '" .,1.". 011'1.11<>1'
pool! '!'1"" 11'" ''1''''1 JO 1)JII()Im
"rclJO, P"" ,uw3'.I. 'I"." p,,,,q
'wo;I pPf ""!lld
all (If 11'11011, but S1dney Smith',
p..n!. turned upon the w!>I'd "duo,"
Toots<:y Woottey rwded at Baby
Hi.! two flOCk joko ... r. in ttU
ing IIla\ the Il00.\ "''"' th. Maid 01
the MISt, and th. "cat OftCI" "'u
like tbe fol4 of N"iapra.
Thai hiE pain OClCUrrcd in Dolton.
HI<fJ', ........ Iion mono P)'1, " .
fODl and his mon.,. soon pon ,.
14 BUIlll1 PuuIt.
He", is the way .. t ddcovtrcd the
litlle white bunny which
onnumed one of the jardincru of
nne uOli<$. You Qn I the eaUN
of the catastropM in th. ... I.' be-
tw<'m the: two yAtU nIbbling at the
The Old Bu.col1 Town.
Thor. "Ort two lrickJ or pitfall.
into .. 1I;';h rnathtma\iclarIJ and puo-
rli.u. leU. II i ,impl. manor to
I ron WI th. of the IwId
rail would ,tp._nl Pyth.orons'
lint of 1M. h)1>DlMnllW 01 right-
angled tria..,!.. Tak lril.ngula.
J)lf: of po",,' and """P il around
pencil and D 10 C is the Imilh
and A C the hypothmuoe-
No ... In the Beacon Tower prob-
I .... !he Might to JOO feee, and,
the di&m<ttr 0 1 t ht .,rel. i.I ZJ feel
10),1 In<heJ. which mulliplic:<l by
3.1416 would rive "";uml.rtn
of 7S r .. t , wh .. h 100. limes al'Ollnd
would .I!tO gioe 300 as the
length of the and l he nlli
would bo:o to the of Ihe
of lhe hypolhrnll5e, which, I>ow.
e"cr, ;1 Ihe Ii,,! of the catl:ht$, f(ll'
oome of thc and Imlhcma
tician. lorgot that it take, JUII .,
many fOT Ike base as it d"""
lor Ike hypoUltllll5e, to
lhe old puzd. 01 the of
fmce which roes ovcr !till,

you go from A to Z di-
m on the Irtd or over the hill
thene ..... jllS! 35 picl<eIs, ill.t one
loot .part. So i.rl u... probl_ 01
the Jka(on Tower,., 1000r ti ..... tho:
woa!d JOO fort.
the,.., would be lOCI plll' I
for the top, .. hich ;,. the ...:ond
{'Oint of I"" problem whICh to many
overlooked. and which m.>k"" til.
correcl &n$wer to the puzik to ""
301 p;cketl or lleJI'o,
Clw'ad .. Kama.
That Ind",n if, "a wdI man"
and tl!<l inscription tcll$ you to "th
in k twi hl'lo .... U .p<ak."
The lobof:g>.n pu,de conceal. the
"am. Canad .
Th, Corno . iu.Wbeo.t.
In that odd bll of encyclopedia
10"". reg>.rdinl( the ..... d.
hy Sheran, 1M Indian. Kinl' to
... .NI Snsa lor t game
01 eMQ by gIVing him one grain 01
whul lor the fint two lor
the _000, lOll. for the Ihird,
lwaYI doubling op 10 the 64th
'<I"''''', ;t was .... ked to t.n how
many gnoin$ 01 wh .... t would be: re-
quired 10 pay th.
It if, ql>C'ltion of simple malti
plieatiort 10' anyone who can do ojx
ty.lh .., ....... without an .rror, and
.. hen we .." Ih ...... wer il looks easy
aftd ytt no human mind realize o.
gTUp5 iu irruntttsity. It was .,..,y
lor to compule bi, rton of
wheat, buliO ..... nl tho: grainJ .. as a
diff.,..,nl "",n.r.
A trinion it ...,.,n i f you
uy il quick, )'H "'.., cannot grasp it.
Ac<ordiDg 10 tho: old logcnd
",\Vand., Jew" ... ., 10 wolk the
arlh un,i] It. rount..! trilli"'t. If
he could count on rar ten
haul'll a !by it wOIIld he a 7S!1X)
yur tonlract. So do nOi ... "Ie any
brain .... rgy in md ... "",rinl\" t<> toke
in the immensity 01 18,6,7,",073,
709,551.615 grain. of ... heatl
1- I "In thi, probl"'" 01
2- 2 dpUbling .ach ,"e,,,.,,-
4-- 3 ,ivo "l"o.ce unlil ti-I
8- 4 1Il..... C\I are reach..!
16- 5 ....0II1d rive UI u.ble
32- 6 tunning bk. thil, which
6+-- 7 io known .1 an .nth
128-- 8 me, i C a I prorrcuio,n
256-- 9 Tn conti" ... thi, up 10
64 and lhen adding 101'
tho .um total bcalmtl
JOllIe""'" W>oriom, os-
... hen the upper
n"mbcn Ire rnehcd.
II th ... btcotncJ I q .....
I""', 'Can th" be
.... ached by a w.a.,t
etc., etc. mctbod l'
A Itlaoc. at the uble
.boon min charxterut.e&, thai
t.hio _"1$ bea emio rda"..., to
tach oth..... Fo. in'laD, tbe 3d and
5th loftl'll multiplied tOihu Iwe
w the amDWlt 101' 7th term: the
6th and 12th for the 17th, tilt 7th
by tho 7th for tl!<l 13th Ind to on
;nnnaDm. "'hich teemI 10 Ilwl tu
tul. lhal by adding Ike nUlnlK ...
and one "". get lhe n\Un
be. 01 tho tUm th.y prodIKe.
A<:<:<ITdin/:, to Ihe .bo...., the 8th
term (lor i",!:lnce) multilli..! by
it>clf would g;'. UJ the I th te"n
(8+8--1=15), thlt II 128XIZS==
16,384, for the 15th I m.
1\""., according to the rule, the
Hlh twn, mulli!,ii"'l by it>clf, wO\lhl
give u, (15+15--]=2'.1), the 2'lth
t .mI, lhat i. 16.J8.lxt6,384 oquab
Z68.43S,436 lor the 29th term.
the 29th term multiplied by
i, .. lf .......w give Ul (29+29--1=
27), ,he 57th term, or, in othe.
word!, muhiplied by
itlO:li gins n,057,m,oo1,927,9J6,
fo. tbe 57th ,trm_
Still applyidj! the rulc, multiply
tho S;th term by the 8th (S7-t8-1
=64), lor lhe Ia,t Of' 64th lCnn. thai
is 71,O.:7.594,oo7.9.?7,9J6XI28
for the
last IC1TII.
No ... all of the 64 ttnnJ mu" be
addN Tbio would be: a
I'.rtty big addition, 10 frigh_
I ... the school boy. Tbis io
OvertO<tl( by a .,ery rule:
111m 01 an arithmctial prorra-
..ion i, loond by doublinll the lall
IC1TII .nd ,ubtra.cti"ll lhe Ii ... t ttrm
from it, thus ""e Un easily lhe
111m loul to he 18,446,744,073,709,.
551.615 k.rnel, demanded by th;,
checkerboo.,d proposilion."
Kate'. charade tllm..! npan the
word pO\2.t(>e8.
Th. millmt.n', retort ttll, u. th:.1
the chair. likc his bilt, lhould be
CN ttd. Hi. to ... giVtl milk but
the thai, "r;'tt. ""y." The dwr,
like the d.-. .bouJd bt "'t in_
The bad boy dreonte<J of Lew .....
Santo CIa ... lI:nted off wi.h his
lelt foot to chue iho.l lurk.y .nd
,I you folio ... ,n h" tndJ in tho
111_ <nnntinj! kit 1001. rij:ht loot,
you ... i11 lind he has """
6ttp tomt.h."... Th", can only be:
done by goin!:, round the fi,.." cird"
""""', 10 hc has mvIe four comp!ne
lu"", to uri...., at his po;i.
Annrer to Bird PIlUle.
The qu .. tion as 1<1 whdhc. a bird
Aylng round in box ...... Id
inc ........ Or the ... of the
box has beeb di5cw.>ed pro and con
by som(' "f our "";
tbe of opirtion i, 50
ov ..... hc!mingl), in bvo. of the
01 the bird being add"" to
that of the box, lhal il ... ouId be
difficult to vre .. bl ..... """"bI" argu.
m ... t for Ihe ide, d"'pile of
the popular btIid thaI ,u.h would
he the CIM. The 1"'Op"""der of the
quesli"" cilOd tM familiar problem
of the fr>h i" va of wate., b\lt
11, a .... t",o v ... ions to I"",, prob-
lem:. Ih. !>ne "'hiel, a,ks why a fish
rill 'nto a lank of ...,... n1>l
inc!""" we'ght a. joke
.. 'I dOC's .. the wergbt. link ..
the \2.nk be,ng lall to the brim and
moulth water OHrilows to
""'It..... The pmbl..., nf the
i, not the ... .s the ,.-eight of
the is th. lime as the WO'e' an"
tbe fUh fl.. lII. bird ;. h .... vier
lhan, air and rnpporl$ il5tl/ by
IInki"ll' do ... n the air and the
ro .. of .""h otrol.:H would un-
doubtedlr .how on the the di'.
f.,..,.,.., m ..... ghl bet"""", d", bird
Ind i" lIi.pbc.m ... 1 of aiT.
The man .. "lth the """'ley ... in
Co ....
er-..coUIIlrJ' RlDlIllu(.
Fin! t<> am .. ... ' It may
"" .... d hound rtml back III
T'rds I foot ""II I and 1/11 of an
,nch to the Idl1und brid"". and
Ihence .croo. IicI I ('lit the hy.
!ine 71J:lnd 7/11 yard,.
as DIle Ii&! of with 600
yarn, as th. OIber, ""h,eh 71J
ad 7/11 yards u Ihe lien of the
hypotbmusc. kconhng 10 EucM.
l otIy .. , ... th propos"'.... This
pnwa the an"'''r '0 be COI"fC'CI
wltich I will now proceed to obu.;';
by the natural pur.1<: mftbod.
To d,-. that nn.nown w...
tancco ftorn the hare 10 the Idl.hand
bridge ... -.. the 1\00 '''''Its of
the ...... ltng1h, "",.fly divide the
l.ase of the ltiangle (that 600) by
the <Iirtan 01 !be hare to 'he
btidge. 2-"0, and to dte '1uotittlt a.t.!
and with that ",m """t mD'l. di.
"i<k the base, and the qUOlien, will
be the di>tance from the ha '0 the
]dt-mnd trndll'<, 250)(,00(2.4,
to whICh we add 2-44, "'-hid! di.
"itled into the 600, giVH 1.16 'and
4/11 yard! lhe di,unce from ,he
ha.e to the Idthand bridg., 'n.] al
the two rout ....... of equal Ienl:th
;, w""ld make the cron1ots CUt 713
";"d 7/11 yard., 11 m ....
hon..!, and ... e have nOl 'tumbl.d
any squa .... root! on OUr run_
Aulwtr to Golt .
In the' l!on 01 gulf prob-
I.m, it was explain.d lor the beneAt
01 the few, if luch be, who
kno ... 1"'11 than ,,,,,,.If abollt Ihi.
po.."""', that Ihut ......
n,". ,I""").etl .... pI'C' 150,
300.250,3.5, .;.IS, 350, U3, 0400 and
425 yard, aport, "'hith .......... '0 be
' ''''(hcd in .. ion by t ... o otrokes
of d,ff .. ..,1 lengtl [>by",] dlrt]y
t ....... m. th. Sc>rne of OUr
d., .... playe .. rrooe ,hit the Ia.t
be pc.fonn.d in 26 lhot. by
n,,"1I' a 150 yard drive anrl .. ]25
yard IpPr<Iilclt.
which ,howt Ih:II NO ,"",are bans,
the one 11.199 inchet iMido
mea,n,..,."."l, and the other 2S 01(1.1
inch .. ... re on the ...ill be
tquaI '0 Iw ... lytwo tea che<u "".
amy 9,954 inclla !IqU;lrc. s,; the
01 green and blacl: I ....
must ha, .. been milled in !he proper
lion. 01 as l7_m is to 2H(6.
Tha, Cramnutical puule nuy be
tII"",I, ChangN b:r .nbstitbl1J1g the
S lor the L at the '''''Y beg;a.
n,"II', III ,I - "Sf,t tho rich, etoo.
TIwo Time
Rtprdinl\" Harry', probl .... of tho
d.xk, ",blCh <:onftin .... ith the popu.
I not"", of UUI old'lIme puule,
,t may be >Ct!n that 'f the minu,,"
t .... d goa Iwdve time, than
the hour hand 11"'1 they will
cle....,n ,,""'" during every tw.he
bouT<, III by ming Ihe clC"<'(r1th p:r.rt
of the twd .. e ""',ra for our CO... lllnt
we find that ... iII be
of the hancb 6S minute, 21
ond 3/1.1 seconds: tberefore the
hand. WIU be: 12 o'clock
and at 1;5:27J/II, 2'10;546/11,
3 -16:21 9/11, 4:21 ;49 1/11, S:27 ,Ia
6:3Z,4J7/11. 7;Jg;101O/I1
8;43:J8Z/I1, 9,49,55/11 and 10:
54:328/11, .
Tho ISquan.Doai Ptw.!.,
Out of an unulually 13rl:. number
01 tom]l<'htOTl to this curious bil 01
carpnrtcring I fiod thaI IlWIY """.
eftded in dolnjt the fcal in fi ...
_ did it in foor
but f.w disco...,red the COIT, an:
.. u io th..... The """"'J'anying
!nulln."on COM\'ey:tl a pretty 1<'On
m root by 5bo...in1\" th:.t til ....
sqttares conulning I and 16 II.tld 64 .. , .hm .hould form
tq ... re 01 81 inella with 9 on ocl>
.w. as $hown:
N'Wll TO
Tm. .trow. Ihe bJ..., to be I!-5C
from the 1>0""" I:oing hy
.'1"'" route. how
tha, the louI I'ngtb al""g the "anal
wpUI,j be In and 4/11 yu,h. P1u.
25 yard. to tho II..... , pI". the
250 yardl 10 the right.ha"d
would n'an Ihe di,""''' from
bridge to bridge 386 and 4/11 yardo
In thai rafn';n&:, bit of Cdtllial
financicring, which called for the
rna: of a fat puppy dog 10. II biu
when II round <:Din. are .. onh IS
bill, I] tq ....... OI>CJ 16 bill, and I I
tN"1I'ln 17, .""h of pu.uliJiJ
2nd mathematic ... ", at ..... up i"
Orimtal. la"ndry report WI the
''''''$&(11011 would be eocuumm.ated
" J' paying 7 pi:a 0' ca.h with
round hOln and .... pi, ... w,th ..
.... hole.. The Inul value of the
eight would be eIIIClly II
bin, The 1U1\OUnl in OUr monty
"'(JUld be .uch An in';jCnlfieanl lum
IhO! it could be cltinllt.,!.
and al I don't any<)rte would
CI.e a bit .. boot it, ... e won'l try,
The On ... W story tdl. of
broken pipe I
Th. Mtted Tn Punl.,
Th.", i, I cute puzzle m.thod for
solving pu .. les of thil kind,
Aturwer to t.b. Moou PT-oblem.
Dy I.1king bo$t po,,,ib1e advan.
of tho larm of the
moon, OUT (lev have Inc.
COfIdtd in produdng fifl..", p;ts
01 o;rtam die... lor tbe hungry
MOO!'1 Problem
Proleuor Spurwood undertook to
TO""" the mOQ<l through the Rid of
QPlivo bal10011. it w .. to g'v. a
COnunOn >en .. 01 tel1i'lg how
many mil .. 01 wi..., one OMhun
dnd!b, of an ineh thick oould II<'
made OUt 01 twenty-four
lnoMJ in diameter.
Wol1. all th ...t ;. neoouary il for
ttudcnl to know thlt a round
.qual to. Ii
height. viz .

A i
high. That the boll into a
(}'hndn. and as "',,.,, is r ... lly noth_
ing but an .xlmdod. f)linder. we
TOdily find out til<: rebti,e propor_
11011 botw""" twmty_lour inch"" and
the one one-hundredth of an inch. ao
the ono is 1,400 times brger in d ......
eter than the otbu, so Z_4<Xh2.400
il>'U 5,7oo.llOO at. th. numlln 01 hl_
u. qhnde .. one one-hwtdndth of
an meh thICk, ,n lhe bg
(},hnder. Ind :as they ....... ld be >ix-
lern inol>u Iong,"e muluply by <ix_
lten and lind thai thon ....,.,lrl be
92,]60,(00 inches .. hid! ... ill MI ....
TOddy to I ..U-1 milH 1.880 1""1 :as
th.]ength of the .,ir .
The .. lall.. proportion. of a
Iphere to a cylinder w .... di",.,..crm
by ArchimetJ .. JBO yeo" 1I. C., and
... as c"' .... YOn upon his lomb to per_
p"tllal. 10 IUOO.,eding ages ... hat the
great malh<:mollCian looknl upon as
hi, mo.t ,mportant discovery.
T1u.1 high Itopping kid was ... KI]-
di of m.W bee"'U$< he ... as 1m I
The 'I wa. on the bocau$< it i.
the of Julyl Th. 01 July i.
lik. In aY't.r "ew lIttau$C il don't
amount to muoh withoul (nck ....
n. Cruu.dlr. Pt=le.
In l hat remarkable triok of eon-
v.rting a Turkish ftag into Il,e Crn-
... der'. Crots. it i. m ... ly n .. O$U.ry
to a altaiR"1 down
the em'e. o f the eight_pointm star
to the ext.emf poinb of !he ..-...cent,
then the rut around !he in_
01 Ihe citde .",1 move the piece
(AI 10 the left JO as to gH the fol-
lowing c:h:tnf";
Dla.rtIond and llublel.
H..,UlR aplai""'" that diamoad.
in u]"" aeconling to
"'lUI ..... of their ... eill'h",_ il wu n-
Cjaired 10 g;ive the s,u of two 5mal1
aton ...... h,oh oould be
in valu. by two ,lone.<> of di trerent
,i,., withOlIt .",ploying fraction of
I brat. and upon .... umpti"" thai
.. bnl !.tone is worth
Th. trade whioh gov. rise to 'his
pun]. and ,,hieh .truck me a. being
IInique inlCI'<'.tiog wat the 0"_
chon"" of two he karat """".
worth cach, viz., SxS=25.
So the t .. o ,,,,.,., ...... "'tin!> $1,tXX),
aDd wc e"d .. "f{\'<1 fur a "",,kanl
atone ... onh $100 Ind I ",,'enunll
.. urtl, (7:<7) $-1.')(.(1. ,,'uob
mow. the ","<>-Ieo",t gmI' to be of
Ih ..."., ,"<lit><: as lI'f other "' ....
Tlut Tut.It:.r'. E.ttit.
T ...kinK' 2&2 cubt'l: ind,,,, ... one
boer gallon_ ... 1>0.,. In. !J
7JJ50 robie in.h ... Th<'!), by prj,..
moidal formub lor ohl.""'111
mne of 61:11"" nf l""P"rI'otUII:
cn<l. (rum of .rc.u nf ''''0 .... ,.
pi,.. four lim ... ar .... of __
lion parall.1 ',0 th<1tl. by
on ..... i: .. h ... 1 e<]uab .of-
UIM ..... ","v. Il inch .... Ih.
h';Rhl. diyi,l<d by 6 "'!'t.>l. 2; Gnd
7/150 dmd<d by 1 rquo.l< 3.515.
",hioh i. lhe ';0I1Ibin",1 am of Ih.
Iwo end, "Iu. f'nIT tom" am
of 11M- miMle 51>on :-inw, u tbe 01 tho I"f' and butlnm a ...
u 2 to 1. the <l,amelor ,,( I"" mid,
dl. """,ion wiU be prfIOll t ! by
an,1 .r .... w,II bt in proportion
of 4. and I; ""I a. we lllre
fou. lim art1l of mid,n.
,,,,,tion,. the prnpnrlion', p.r for,
mula. will be u 4. 9 ."d 1. 0. a
10\:11 of 14. of whid, the of the
tm> a"d 4/14 of
3.Sl5 1,007 2/14, u.a of
l he lOp. Th"". 1,0012/11
by .7S5J9816J.J97 'n,1 .xI ... Ih.
squ ... I'QOt of the qoot,.nt to obtain
dian,et , " get JS IIl'X>-which ill
the di.amcl of the top
'.C'lM Hoop Puult.
I'roleuo. Von Sel>o.f.1mppen
I(ntldully tbe n1ua.
bIc u .iotan"" of our puu]',t. in
mastering the difficult of rceon
$INCI"'", th:u '-P .nake.
CliIIIbllll Ih. Oruoed. Pole.
In 'his Liltle p.obl.m whieh .....
ginn to anord th. young fnlk! a"
opportunity IIf thoi. ;,,11""
nuity 0",1 (omm"" , ..... , h w 1,,1d
Ih.1 l b ",h\tiou, darlrey would
clim!> "" i" minn! ... hut
Ih,\ ot II,. tlf every .ix-foot

dimb be "",,uld slide bock thrte
... hil. t.kin&, "TesL 1'he height of
the p<JIc, wu to be. gun.ed al or to
be uku!atod =c:onling 10 bcu 0.
"t'rutII>ta!lCcl .. 01>o".-n '" the pic-
'"" Of (OU .... a r<>od many _ ...
I'OITtpJ<1cly and ..... no
",olmd upon "dueh to bue their cal.
n>t.It<InL Ar-.g p;uzli,,,,. how_
. tlt...., In' a wond ... f,,] uno.nun-
i1y of O(nni<m regarding the
01 Ih. VUI.... hich o.ny""" with tt..11
an ani,ilC "Y .. <>tI!d pl.o<e """",,_
.. herr be1Wonl .igln-. and t ... ""ty
"'i.hou! giving any Olher .,,_
oon tho" tho effect 01 the
)bado,.., 'n piaur .
The idea 01 judging of the h";l:hl
of I or pol. fmrn tht ]""Kth
of il' .1>000,," ,. wdl knOWD- One.
(,f Sir Walt &011, krlighu
011\ the hei!:hl "i .. ,Ih lhe
aid "I .. '..,-;0111 I .. ".." I"n oIeare ..
iJlun",.,ion of prineipl" i.
in CUllan f>Oylo, "The Whit. Com-
pony,H Sir Kil(el and hi, Ir'l.
].nt corn .... 'l., ,,erc locked "p in
"Th. griukd tonk .... ]
kng!h. M rope from com",d ...
.nd knOl"nJ( 110m! logtth.. he
.trtl<:hl'<l 'htm out in the Ion&"
.h.,ow. wh;c!, ,h .. ,\tn '!orb'<
hOJ"" th. It ',,ni"lI" kttp Tkn he
fi" .. 1 or hi. bow npan
md ..."d "",a,ur"" the long. thin.
black I"," ,,hu:h "th",,.. ul"'"
turf. 'A .i,,-foot .tave th.o,,', 0
twe1n_f<"JOl "=l .... ; II<: mutt.MI .
'The k"". throw. I ,hadow of ,ilrty
pac'"", "" till"" pKQ of ""PC WIll

Th .... i. Ih. "",1'<'\ of IhiJ little
I'll,,]., ..\J1 .h,:,dOW$ in the picture
.. ill be in 'lame proponion to the
h.iglll. hr tIM- ohje<"(' .. bid> cast
them. A pI'mtb lin. fr{m 1he 6""..,.
tJp' of th,:" 'porlioG" man wil1 'Ihow
lhal the .ha;,]"" .. I..., 10 the onJ. I)f
nnc-thin! thc of the objec\<.
'I1Ie p"] . Ihord" ... i. Ib,,,,, ....
biJ(lt a' the ,,,,"<tow from .... ,er of
pole to end of ,h,,,I<0,,, lin... can
Ilion .:amput. the length til thol
... from lho: f;ocl that
.". tr.lcn fr>tlr fM ri!(hl i)).!ttl
wid. .. ill WI
pol. i. "in'H,en r .. I eiJ:h1 inch.,.
1\'",.. ...... ,,""be,.;"'I" ,h. fable 01
,1,. frog in 11M- wdl. we ",n allow
lOr tht vari"". <lip" of tit .. lit\l.
,l.t.k<oy will 6nd gct..
6nn 110M 0" Ih. tOp of pole in
jutl thiny_lour minUIH .nd forty
TIl .JoiDtr -, Probl .....
Th,. problent oalleo:l for lOIu.
t ion in the f ..... t number
of piCttl: ,I will be 01\ that Ih.
heM, ...,..... but I_
"taIg'ln cuU ...,d ICCOmph,bn the
fQt, th""'ih the hoppr medium of
lurnUlG" """ til 1M ",toft "".r_
pruUQlI pie of carpentennr .. h,ch
........ of the follow ... of Euclid did
DOt think of
\\o1tctlw. 1M ltIi]e from 0 to n
mu .. acute or ] ..... acute mak.,. no
ditrc'm. Draw the !tn. from the
Ornte. of the left .ide E co mi,ld]e
",f the an.l:l. al C. Thtn tl .... the
line al nght IIlgle, SO to hit
tol'TlC' G. Ind the pi:H ",ill
ionn the d'ol'en I, Fia . .?
Tlut Dut(b Suber'. Pudo.
oJ.. er pu .. !;,," awl 1n.>I;"'_
maticiuu gOl QUl;hl on at !.u! on.
of tbe IWO Qt"heil'l'Uenlm ,n th,.
n_ , ... ion of the oI"-!;n. apple
women', problent. In Ayin!: Wt
Ihiny were attn during the
6 .. , COlI.... of .n Ea'ler banquet,
at tbe nte of th .... q::p m'nut.,
would natur.lU, requil"! len minut .....
and 10 .....t th.ny mu", at the .... Ie
of two eggs per minUI. would be
6 ftttO I\lOr<', SO 1","1 "xty rgp _'e
.","" in minulH, Dut
during the \lu.d coune, .. hen lixly
more tgJ:'I ..... e roruumm, finl
Ibm: in a ",inul. and th"" two in
minote, SO IS to .,Im
av.nlle 6ve <gJ;!I in t_ m,nul ...
thoot ... 1>0 know the malherna.,a of
the ',Iu.otian ... n 1ft thai five ctP
In every t ... o minute. would tonlume
1h. ';"Iy q:g' in t .... nt,-four min_
D"" . n the enti,.., dn .. n ffll'1 ,,-ould
I .. ralen in exactly forty-nine m,n_

BUI tho o.l!ch I.<tttbcr wanlM! 10
know hnw lonll' il wHuhl hue lok.n
to .al Ill".. ton ,10 ." il there
had bill h.lf many ruuu
II the banQU<1r' Th.
ci .... into the of .... yinl
tha! .il the egp "'C1'1! a.1m in funy
nine minul.... hal f the number of
guut. ""OII.ld ha.e l"<qUiMl twic.
the tim., vii: min_.
1\ tool!: lit<: elntr ptlnh'''', bo,.,..,-e.,
to di>cuoer that the q:gs. ... hiclJ
muOI ba"e bcft, ry """"Ion..,
.. ere IU ealen by on. penon.! It
was a ...,ry exc!USlY. banquet with
but one ",",II So half the
of could Dot hue ea,,,,, the
al.oo1]' Take the .... tated:
Thiny egg. ,n tm m<llllt .. , then
thmy in 6hecn and 'lixly in twatty_
foo . and 1"" can plainly ICC thai
but one en' .... btin!): t:l.ten at a
lime, ...,oJ b II ... u ... id they .... ,..,
."ten with"..,1 inlenniion . .it 1VOIIld
rcqui." but ""e person 10 do the job'
,,",orc thon one per;on c:ou],! ROt
oonl""", \0 the lertM of tho: prob-
lem. Tho: .i"ty eggs eal ...
fi.>! in minute and l hen two
in mUllltc. Ifow (O\Ild two p"
IoOnJ nllhl'ff eggo? Or how could
three perKIn< at tw01 The", is no
number which will into two
and three. except one!
Annur to T ..... er of Pilla Ptw:le_
per cont of OUr pu._
.1I.t. and ",.then .. f<ll in.o
the l"'I'"I ... "f
Ihi. 11 tI, ti,, lot"',,,, "'CO' i><"_
I"'em Acid),, til<- I,.rt" ..... ond
pl't,"oun the proLle," I<J be un<,Q!v.
abl.. !';killm malhematieia ... (i ..e
ooluhon., and show thaI
by lhe Poe of dccitnab CVTim OUI
to con,id.",bl. ]rngtb the 1rlJ ........
... ill be Ie ... than. the billion billionth
pari of I hair.
It no be >hown, 1Knr", ... , thaI
an ela5til: "n, dl'O(ll>nl from the I"P
of the tu ..... a disluttt of 179 1M,
and .. h;':h 10 .. bound one-
tenth of the beight 01 each "'11, will
corM 10 rest after trueling 118
fC<1 9 inch.,. and'nL
Mo.ny makt the mi.ukc of "'II'
P"''''g lhat 218.1n7n+ would be
m<>n: aocul'J.tC o.nsw.... If the 1"0",
of .. v ..... carried 0lII 10 a bl_
lion billiOtl deci..w poill" il .. ould
not be .., accurat. '"' that ni:>c and
one-thiN inch ...
If a ball dt<:>ppt<1 from lit<: n_
tr""'e top of lho: 1<>",r, Iulf of
the dj,l1rtee ill the I ... " ,,,,,,,,,,I. would
prove the tOWOl" \0 be ]S7.4806 leel
Tho: Hebu. word i.
Thl Bridge. of Koniglbe'1l'.
Til .... 416 wo .... of 'Ioinl/ tlli'
Iri.k of whieh the .honest rout. i.
"ill Q-P.l).C. EF. IIG. I.F. L-K.
N-M ond A-n. but IU llItre 1<1: ,"-
enl million wiy' 01 nat dDing il.
lucb a "",all n>alter .. 416 .outes
"""Y hue bn ",- k:Ioked_
Tho Amlre capeors came
!'be 0ellenl.8ton PuuI ..
I /i:>II thlol .If:'letwa ;1 more popula.
wi!.h OIl. puuI .. ts than I, g .... nlly
... ptIOIRd. and fOlUld no lrouW.
whatn'e. in add"'g up bow_
chop<. AI"'!)', pale ale ond cow',
chfts.. to as 10 malce il all wool.
To 'IKI\--if ony there ,,'en-.. Ioo
could ..:II the m)'>lny which
hu p" .. !ed "'" all t'- it
ma, be stated thaI lhe kq"-ord 10
the ,ituation i. "peach 1.1_ .. H a
mool popuLa. ,..ricty of ""laton.
Give each of th...e letters a number.
Nruling from I. 2 . tc . 10 0, and it
beromcs an -r matter 10 dik<I'<Cr
the algtbrai<: value of hllu. .Wln,
soap . t . , Ihe tlltal III which aold, up
wool:' which. to oay the l,a,l, it
,,,,,,,.ltable coi!>Cidellc,
Tbe Red OrOil PIlUle.
The lollll,.ing ill"ilnhon .how.
ho .. the Crttk cro may be cut ,ntll
fiye pieen which ,..ill form two
o:roJRS of the urn C", as
shown in Fig.!. Ind renrang. tbe
om..:oIl ciee .. I hown in Fig. 2.
r., ,
FalM Wria:bta.
In regan! 10 the ""nl. of lhe
brok.r in oamcl". hai, who used.
pound ,..";ght 01 M'ftIIlun OUnS
when buy;ng.rod !Old "'ith a fiftem-
""""" ,...ighl. 10 Ih:lt he mlde $2S
t.y chclIting in .ddilion 10 hi. two
commission. 01 2 p<' unl., il may
be Aid thaI the ordinary mflhodJ
loy .Igtbra .... ratio arod propottion
Sttmingiy fail 10 gi"e a ulishc:tory
ant .. .r. to I will alt.mpl. to give a
plain. common-.. nK
baK<J simple arithmetIC-
In t he fint pi..." ,f Ihe brok ..
weighed Ihe good. wilto a pound
weighl ""!>C. 100 lI .... vy, he got
17 OIlnctl for I pound. WI1.n he
sold th.m by w.ight one OUnce
litbl h. pvc 15 OUIICCI lor. pound.
t.nd had IWO ounces ovtr. 1 these
lwo ounces were $Old al the same
price. 00 a> 10 mob: $23 by
il ;. plain lhat the two ounces ""1>-
ruenl 2/151'" 01 "hal"" paid for
1M wbQlc aflJ durged for ,he IS
ounces. OM6fto:cnth being worlh
fl2.SO. 6I,o:cnfiflcenths. Dr the
,..hoI ...... ould be SI81.!iO. whic:1l, if
...... 110 question of tummio-
.ion. wtlUld to. ,,-hal hc paid for the

We 6rod. ho ... "1". th:lt ""
i,-ed 2 pcr c ... l. from the ",Ik
SJ ;3, arod $US lrom the
making 58 brokerage in u..liti<rn 10
by .h .... 1Ing :-low. if h. Iud
dealt b<;:n.,.tl,. he wQuid ha,.e paid
lor I; ounces, which. to to. end,
wooW h:I,'. been $199218l5- His
bn:>b:rage for buying .M $illing
would therelor. only be $796875, 10
he"" made an additional ..,nl.
by theating, A, the 5tory said that
h. made enctly $2; by cheal1ng.
.. '. m",t reduce Ihe $18.7.50. pri""
10 Ih>! "'.-0 cheatings will OJIWUnt
10 i",1 $25.
Now. ill 3lfi cenlJ i, n ... ct1y Ih.
SOhh part of $25,03125. we rnwt
reduce 5181.50 by its BOhh part.
which will b,ing il dO\Oo'n to $167.27.
0 lhal h. ",ill m.k. jusl $15 and Ih.
<XXl6 "I a c.nt by ch""ting. To
.. ,..,.10 10 to. Yery cxoct Ind honest.
I would thu the KUer be
raid less the
2 pcr cent. brokcrap of $3.745 p/UJ.
Oil, Hilt.! Pu.uI,.
Mary Ann .. :u mothe, to the okk
"" I
Foolball P'uDl..
Tho cahical area of Ibc ball may
be comitl..,.ed as mid. up 01 a gTUl
nnmber of sm.o.Il pyramiM. with
apexn """'Ii,,!:" al the fftllcr ollhe
hall. and Ih";. bun Hp ...... 1inK the
,urlace_ W. kno,.. 111.>.1 the l'oIumc
of a pyramid it 10 its looK
multipl>fd t.y of its height
Tbcrefore. tbc volutnC of the
i. equal 10 the $Urn ollbe bg...,. mul-
tipl>fd by "",,third of the COQ!tanl
heighl. yi<, The surl""" 01 the
.phcr. multiplied by "",,third of
radlU. If thi. vol"me is to be equal
in number 10 the ."rl....,. it folio ....
that oo,e_lhin.! of the rldi"" i. unity;
the ... fllre. lbe radi ... is 3 and the di.
arnote. of the ball 6
Plalo'. Cube,.
Th. majority 01 011' mathemati-
cion . wbo ,...r. 10 certain ulenl
with the SUb;..,I, wbich il
i. pl,iu 10 be K,n ealb for lrComtlri-
cal number': ",hi.(!, be "lUared
0' formed inlo a .cabe, h'l upon tht
combinauo" 01 4, viz:
40.4",4 """k", cat.. cOtItaining 601
cubc->. This mO'IHmmt,
mighl readily be in tM em""
of a sq ... ,.., rLau of II-JdI cubn 110
contain"'g 6-l cabn. I'uulisu,
howcft', ... 110 kno .. that Ihe picture
cull ... Il1IpOft.Onl ficure in the
zk, ..... al a 1h:l1 tht dimtn_
.iom jow df$cribcd would""" build
lOOnument afI<f plau of lhe pro-
pc>rtion> oJHn.'1I '" the '",ch
They. theref"n . hiRtl.
of n"mllt .... nd lound tftac
'nth9 ... oold I"nn a "'I""re monu.
.... nt contsining 719 cubca. Thit
sm.e number of cube. """I.! be .r_
'artf<:d in a 17x2; I,La>& which &'iva
the torrt d"""".iono a. lhown ;11
the pi< ... re. 01 COl" ..... lhe multipla
of lheoe number< coulol be employed,
bUI 719 cubos ,. the only "umbcr
below 1,0::0 .. 'h'eh woul,1 fdllhc bill.
Thl ){onutery PlIDlt.
Our clev.r ,)uuh,l. ,,-ho I._
mlliar ,..ith lht anciml coupl.t;
ye I",rfeet mcn.
Eve. ktep Ih"", f'rtotpll tm,"
lound 110 d,ffit"hy in reaJing ont
of the "f'Tef>!> It"" 10 .1I0"*" in
the window, It is tranola!,,1 to be
Con T in U in bole in S, ,..hieb may
t .. read: "CMhnue.n bohn ....
AnnrQ' 10 IhI Oal P'UQ;1.
Many good mathcmalici:lul leU
inlf' error of 11Itn'ting to JQlve
Abces ayptogram of "Wu il a
al I u .. ," upon the buj, 01
b<:ing t ....enlyfour St.lrti"i points
and th. umc number of endin!: ..
They that th. I<jUarc 01 2-1
";r: 516 d,lTe,..", wayo, ..-ould be
the correct .ns,.. .. , They Oy".
ICIIII<ftI tbc branch rouln wbich giYe
COEICIly 252 wayo of ,cacbing the!
..,.,1..,., C. and a . Ihcrc inu ..
many wayo 01 pllIn2: 011110 tIu! WI,
the $q""re of Z52 g;y .. the corrc<:l
;tItSw ... ill 6J.S04 "1)'1.
Ho .. "'. knew that Annapoli. wal
the hidd<n "'Iy I
The IIlftp\eo;haM,
Our PI, .. and malhe" ... lidan.
h.o,'c had a h<>1 race 10 the lini>h
in that 51!pl h:!.'e It Will
told t .... 1 tl'" smch showod
,ud" .. 'Und 10 bc It Ih' Ofl!lO'ilc
wd of a '''''lang.,lar field. bounded
by a ro.\d 01 a mile long on one oide
by Ihrtt-qw.tten o f mile on the
oth.r. By the ro.\d. it
would be a mil Ihrff-<lUattt ... ,
which could be run in three minule>-

Th<:y wer t libetty. how., .... 10
CUt acrou k.>Lt .1 afly POIDt. but ow-
,,;g 10 the ...,.,gh g""'n<l "'ould run
2, pcT cent 010_,. By 'lIfting
do ..... lhe mile tou= afld guing a
hltle nn. the "'<thth of a mile. and
th ... Wring a tnt acl'OM lo!s 10 the
Iini.h the can be "...., m 1 m'n-
ulcs and .'1 _d, pilI<, ,,bich it
"""",,h:lt betlcr tb:ln by Starting off
on the hypothCtlu .. Ii"" al ",,",,_
" Gr&IIdf.ther, Clock" Pttn1L
'"The dock ,topped .toort,
Nevct 10 1:0 again
wbon Ih. old mati died.
il .. u tlo:tl the hour and
minute "",,,I. had WlgI....t up. arod
the: 1'",,10 w ... 10 de'e""in. thoi,.
point of C01Ita<l f,om the position
01 the IIttOn.-l "afI<J. w.n, ... the
ollI<:ond hand ""'y be ..... d I" be a iiI_
U. less ,han IOnds 1>'-11 60,
"'e "'ill f!nd tl .... lI't time mml h:tve
t-n 49 minUle . 5 anrl 5/1 !tho of
_ond p ... t 9, which "'ould bring
lbe lloor and minute Iogelh.r
50 tbot Ihey aught an<1 "OJl].oo t ht
d<><k. which 10 i"i\aIN and exciled
J:ra"dfatb.r tl>..t lot just "up afld
IInnd. off 01 lhal liger "'hieh is
nn ClIhibit,<>n nl
Tb, PuWt,
The proLl<m i, ",,1.' .. 1 in thirty_
Iwo noove., ao follow.: Fi"l .ngiD'
F pas ... alone th,oul:h tlle _ilch
,. .. t. n, A (two pulls en.
gine E 10 D and one. nll>fC 1'l'>CS
Ihmugb '"il.h "io C. n. A (IDI;ll
Ii"e mo ); ,>uIls car J) to D. pu.\h-
ing E OUI to nl:hl; po....... again
thran!:'h 'Wilch (eighl mo.'".) : JOIUS
G 10 D. f'U.h'''1I OUt to rigbt,
I'Dlt'ioe gnn ,,,-itc:h again
j.r,,.en """' ... ); JOIU, n to O. and
pa..... litn>U,llb ,wilth bel"",
(foorteen pull< A 10 J) afI<.I
pa>.Mt throuo:;h ."";tth for the lut
time ("""",,,Ieen IIIO"HI: I:oes to
righl. lhen A. n. C, D. E. C
10 Idl and bad,s (; onto ... itch
(Iwenly mo""I; dra .... A. n, C. D,
E to Id ... bach them 10 nglll (I ... en.
ly.''''O mo .... ); got< 10 Idl alon .
bacb up on ... ilch 1.1 A .and I.l.k.,
C lell (twenty_f"". mov.,); goes
10 nghl, tI'm pen .. OUt to
I.fl. bacb Il. , "",10 ,witc:" (lwemy.
""VI"I triO, ... ); pull. G. A. 11. C. D.
E out 10 bad,. th'!M tn rif;ht
Ihm lakn F to 'i1(ht and h:td," up
10 ,,..,lth and co"nect.. G to H. I
(Ihirty"""ne rno".:, and is now pre-
pared 10 go ahc.o.d on lh. Ihirty.
_end move,
UalI_ PrIce l'lwle.
My lrimd .... 100 .. al expl."nin&
the ."u1I,Ionn pnc:." IYO''''' 01 dOing
bu>ln .... It the! Klond,ke. lbowo.l me
that ,he priu o{ ..... doIla. for I
qoart of li<tuor WU Ih. key 10 the
... bol. "1U3tiorl ...... gaYe the p"ce
lor aU 01 the OIber attid .. in th.
window, The lady'l ldp ud,U.
....",I.! he ""rib $01. as ,t hold
"gal on." ancloo, """"'d be
worlh $10. bccau ... in w.n. measure
..." anko. 100M, '.n I:&U"",o_ The
""rhead ... ""Id be ... urth $2,1, l-S
thcn are that many q""ru 10
h<l(:!tllnd, and ,he pil'"' wcruld be
""0"" tw""," II m",h, as .re
S04 quarto 10 riP<,
O.-.t Colwabu Ptwl ..
Th nf ... inninl: in .. con.
tll 10 .... whll ean place Ih. tau
<'l:lt upon .. "<rnar. Mal.k,n I..
ICnbc<1 In the. Columbus p".,I.,
lurn, upon p1a<:,ng the fir_" 'n: u_
aclly ;n Ih. ,ent .. r ul the napkin,
ao ,ho ... 1> 'n Ihe oqlllre ,1iagnom.
Th.". uo malter .. here your oppo-
u",,1 placu .. 1 egg, duplicato hi.
play "" Iht in direcl Ji".
tI.roug" </(!( No. 1 The numbe ...
gi><" ilJul,ralo. the .1"lIin"inl: of th
garn., .. j,,,g '" 'egular orJe
of rlay, "i.o.:
1.2. 5. 6.7, 8, 9. m-
Tho placing of thoi- 6,,1 e&'I: in tht
c.nlu ,,"OU!d!\!lt w,n, If limply la"l
on lh. table. fo,. 0""',:: 10 ov.l
lonn 01 the tho II<>nd pt.,.."
nl"l1t I,l.e. an tJl'g in Pf(l,,_
'""Iy 10 'h. """"cal 0"0.1, u .hown
in the I." .. hkh coul.!
r.ot be duph ... I"".
The only .... y 10 win. therefore,
as d...",...,rcd by the na,.i"'t .... ,
acmrd,,, to popular h"tory, it 10
fl>.l1co OM end of lhe firsl en pLayt<J
10 .. '0 malce it o.tand creel, to ill
to rcpreo.enl a c,rcle
TbIt ""we. .. previousl, CJI.
plaine<!. ,..a. not giv ... f .... pn.otial
dcmon.\t,,,u,,,,, but JUSt to
lhc: g"'1 in I"" brain.
Llxl Opportl11lilla.
E,...,. one of <lOr)'Ol1n& Lady tor-
. apondcal< OotM Cholly Slowpop
a "",lion head f'" hit .""t:.n.lioo
01 thc ,wcelnflo of H<>kn
.nd lbe stupid an .... e ... 10 1"'- el.'!y
conund"'Itt>_ Of COUrv be .hould
ha,.e rcp!iOO<! that they .. e,.., lik. thaI
I .... pun,:: Imil bc<au .. th<y ,,.re
luch a "noe<: po... _" If .... hen <be
had .. ked hinl ...... t kin,1 of anim>.l.
1<11 fl1)ln the douds. had replk<l
"reind . " !be would
have ixI(:n Iesa <;hilly during the ride

ThaI drifting ltIe hidn the name
Dlridi ..... the Bpoill,
The ""freel Bn'''e, i. 1""1 Nellie.
.. '110 ,.. yea ... old. got 198.
Mary, who wa, 6 of age. got
2'>4. Ind who was 7 yU"
old. look 3C@
The a .... ly' .. <'If Ihe probkm .ho ...
Ih.1 A!I Su,i. gcto! 7 to )Iary', 6,
and Ihot N,Hi. 1:<1. wt 3 10
4. ,h ... ould get ju, 4Y. in .ub
division of ., ;. (; "",I 7 .... hi,h
lmOUnl'l to I;Y.. J() by <h"din;:: the:
no chennun by Ii_S we get -1-1 :u
Ibc numho. to n'n1tiply ages by
10 Idl hn ... .....,y ch.",nul-' .ach re-
... ,,. .. .-1
111. d,v'oion. and propnninns ..-ld
be CMrc<;1 if we g..,.e I"" "Kel :u
9, 12 afI" I';. or ""y other of I""
",ulupln IIf .; S aDd 6 and 7 y.a .....
bul a, a glance at ,he: picIore .. ould
,how thaI the IgCl would hOI. cor_
... pond 10 tbc lillIe girb "-' ,bow.,.
lhoM: an.,.. .... """rd not be correct,
accordihg 10 puule principles.
TIle Griadlton. PanIc.
Our .SYrian Irin>d. coWd get the
number 01 'GUI'"
'''''hcs COMt.lIDOO<! ID a o f 22
inches Irom lhis Ih<-y
would dedU(1 the number of il>c:hn
contained in lbe J on" !/7
tbey ,,:'O<,ld 0111 the aJ>-
pf(l"'mate .,.., of a cirde COIl""n.
!ng half ".f the number of "l""re
,nc""'. wloK'h would b< the 01
Ih. gri1l*lo"" ... hcn Ihe first man
i. done wilh il. The ""Iy p<rf..,t
m<1hool. how ..... ,. \;s haKd """" our
d""on5lraliOl1 thaI arff 01 cir-
tics may be computed from the
"'Iua'" of tl,,;r Know-
ing from OIlr l'y,h"go"an problem,
th.;ol a "l".fe .I.awn ""Ih," a CIrcle
contain ."",Mor c,.dc in.,
half of llIe larg<.' cin:le,
]" III !like tho /:"n.f'IOM. and .fle.
dra"'in/: ]i,..... ,\ to C .",1 1\ to
D, bu,ld "'JUan:. ,\. n. C. 0;
tbm dnw tht <"TIe, E. lUil w"hin
thot oquan:. ano.l it ....," .. n_ exactly
one half Ihe un of lhe ]argt cin:le
ifninR ,1.:/.,,,1. h,"' ... er, lh.11 ba
from Ihe cent ... hw mu,t be d,,"ided
bot .. rtn tho 1 .. <1 <I_A of Iht-
grin<hIOM. we draw 0 >quare in ... le
of tho rin:ub, bole. and of
thl .mall "t""'" !lacribo a"<>the.
lmall ci",le .... hieh i, jWot half llIe
.ize of tho: circle. 1'. We 10',11 now
work Ihe P)'lhago.U rul. for .,Id-
i"l: ci"'] .... and lhe lmall tir-
cle a, G. an.] I'" hM Imm II to I
.. ill fonn ti1<' hypo<henme li"e of 0
tr"'"!!lc. gi"" Ih.
di:I.""'t.. nf 0 eircl., comb""ng 'he
on:. 01 the circle [; an,1 lhe ,mall .. t
circl . whith i, half of P. Thi, en
largrs tho drdt It ... thaI the dotttXl
line 'howl tin:lo which c<>n,.i".
. xactly Ihe G'''"'\-tone,
an,1 will have. di'!nete. of
inch .
H""h dc-r KaiOC1" the
IWt1C Bcrl,,,.
Oae Ceat I by
I n th>.t Slmpl. lollle IIndy in
Uoited SUt .. <Din..... h .... 'n che
)llductor hal'llm .. J ta one cenC
obort 10 tho dollar b'lI. (\
... ill I)( ounJ th:u h. mu", ha,. haJ
II fifty-<:t<1l pit, t",'O twtnC)'""",nt
pi .. tI. a llIru-cent IIn,1 0 OM-<:ml
piece. As the eo'nl art of
di/fumt aizet. he not ha,.
had c...-o t",,,....,nC I,i<"<" A$ ""',.
o..e Ihlol: .t a time ooxurred at
Tbt Oracl. Puule.
To thlt reply of llIe oracle
which told the poUllnl1 their f\oo:k,
would "until the numl)(r of
.http multiplied by the numbe, of
Oa" woulJ a prod"'" ... bicll
,,'h(-n ..e! .. ted on a m."..". would
."".. of ,h. (:lllire
/l""k:' it ""'y be >aid that peas---
anl>. u 10'.11 u """. of OUr !""-
<lists, Up"nmcnted belOft! II
until llIey hit up"" the ntlmbet' of
nine .http an.1 I;""l$-. 9><9=
81. wlncb hdJ bel"", mirtO'<.
o:>mtl 18 ...-hich would be tht- total
of the 1Ioek.
That puule rnd<, "It
""u the for bo ... but ... ilh
ouclt btuy N1J on lht-y aught
The Puule.
In that 00<1 htde cutllng punle,
.,be ... 'c wo, 10 the
KJan d ... " i"to tho I(wat oumbe.
of which could be fined to-
ro:che .'00 ,.. 10 fotnt a p<:rf<c1
'lfuare. lho lol!ow'n!! Ii"" >h<w, .
bow of our d.v", puz.ii".
"",I"tnt the feat 'n only two pi<CtI:
8amum brought Jum"" from
'fba ChlD_ Sw'lkb..Word h=JL
10 thi. little .. itch_wonI puzzle,
"'hidl .,u built upon hnes
to the old sur puule, I took occa-
lioa 10 explain the principle of.l""h
p"nltl. IUId. """dwtaUy, 10 g"
good tip ,he n.t<l", and
ch:I..acte< of 1M ""<)I'd ""-
co,dinr to "'y own .naly, i,. ,",:ould
lorni.h tho best key I<>
mrmry. In the oriniJ
witch_word punic tbey u,", " .. n_
01 word., u in tho Chi-
0'" language "try ",""I i.
...,ted by ,v,1k "K" ",,>"l. but
in the F.HtnI Amm=n", ,\ nN"1I
of the pu.ule ,I "," t"pl",neol IlI .. t
tho "",t""". mu.t b<' lran,law! 0'
...-presented by a c"."h'e ".-".d.
one Idle'< on ."eh bIock---.o I .,'ro-
dJtted lhe portra'I' nf t .. o inlt",",_
t.r1craJI.bUOR Ill ..... "'L Th. yuz-
zI. being !CO!' the .. 01
the bIod<, by ,h 1"110: th..., hk< the
old puule. m 'he ,,,,,,.,t pUf-
,ible mD>'e<, to th:lt the ,"u,,! w<Jllld
,ud corrutly from 1.11 to tight.
in.teat! 01 frem t.If' to b>ltom,
Many u,.1 ingcn_ an-
... e" ....... J:'nng all ",an
ne. of ,,.-,,h.-kllo' ""n I . an-l vary-
iOR in from ,hirt""" tn
mo"",,. but (n" lOh"" c,,,1(11I un to
my int;m:uion ,ha, a J'f"u.
harly allflmt>""te ,..,,,,\. 0. "ho luck
t""ir 'IU"" .... fm'" the ,n_
t ... "rele,..: hit tb. I""ky wn.d
"h .-\, "'''' 11, right
off the in twei,'e play. w,tOOuI
any "drilh"g," th. rail.n,,,) men
term it.
I\l".. 1,.,,,Lle " loealed aI
flo, Good Luok Puule.
-'- '-
. '.
. '.

The no,'l Bead Paul .
The follnwinR ""t ,how< tho ... y
of di";.Jin,, the head in 1_ flIUal
Th. \rings

fa F"u aarkt'l problem
there d ... on poo.;tiont wbe.e lh.
mUlUt. h:ln" will take ju.t fif'ccn
min"t., 10 gel ... far .... ad of the
hour han.1 a. ,t ..... pn:-viously be-
h",<1 ,t. lAlt af the,e '""'It! be but
DIt. 1"""tlOn wh,cJ, conlOl'mo 10 lh.
]>DI'I,OJ> nf the..cond hand u shown
In the pictu .... IUId ... h ..... thc hand.
be ""'n. '" lh. only .........
... 'ou]J 1>0' tltat ho: began at lOA? and
:? an,j I!-II &on<Is. ""d ended at
11.2 an.! :? and I!-II IiCCOOd..
CnSCltAUlI GO:X;;UPIIY, 85. R:tth.
i.bOn. 86. Ihi>toro. 8i. Co",". 88.
Xwm:tnd)', m Alban .... 90. o.t""<I,
91. LoCJl:C. 92. Chent. 93, Mado-
.. aU>.. 9-1. I...>.bra<lo.,95. Grenada.
96. loW;\l. 97. 98, Lyons,
...... Acre. 100. Siam, 101. I"" .
The .... ry I","vder $lanCl! from
In llIe problem of the pyramids
it i, ""idtnt that il d,,, lion go ..
... tn '!cp5, d'e J:"uide and llIe
tourin five, 7><6,,5 giVe!! 210 .. the
"umber "j ,t<1"', ""hich would bring
thorn out to!;<:the .. al the 'op. A. the
1:01' ;5 five ,hy in th kctd"
Ille Ih'"" anJ the
... e ta" .. ><Iily lh.11 the pyramid
m"ot bo 21)1 5t<1>' hiGh 10 bring
.Lout the ubl .. u sho"".
H,dden .:tJ, Frnlaod.
In rC'l!ud I<> tho crop of eabb:ol"
h .... h 03. W"g' uka O.3sion to
uplain lh.11 by .hv\ding "'" in<:.....
21 I as n.arl,. OJ posoible in hal,''',
"'lo .. ". "f th_ two 11I1tI$ ""II
obow "'" .elatiye d.i.metWon< of
I .. .., pate""' . 105,,105 gi ....
11.1)25 u Ia't ycar'1 crop. and lew:;"
](X) equals 11 ,236 as t his }"Qr'1 crop.
with 211 ioc:rusc of 211 cabb:tgc
Fal". ""rs WeT<' hanl at Sing
Th.o.I of a lil"".
"".ner o,f a dallar tens of ilS beill
I",","PC<! ,n 1853 and when
it ..... worn Sln""th.
Concco.lcd .... phy I. Con>l:In.
t<nople. 2, S=rll, J. 'Tbebu.
Loo""". s. 8(...1...,. 6. Tou". 7.
Met 8. 9. Edinburgh.
10. Ilel'l::en, 11. 12. Dalhn.
13, nerlin.
W3. in l:Lah..
or!>e ho' ..... ho< on Ihe d..,r puul.
be 1<)10,1 r->eI;""lIy u foUowl:
With. f:UIMo hone,lIne nailed OVer
the door,
Many tradwnm mad.! fonunu ItI
u... famous ltore
F"'lt Unoe: tho wlor on .. hooc "Gn
",'al "TIt PANTS,
N." a deale ... ho .n PI:..!TS "' ..
h" ch:I.ncc.
A 80mt tho:o loll"""" ... illl hoke
lot of PI:-;IKS
Which in tum ........ d.ispbO<d by
fur ..... 1 MDIKS.
Af ... llIi' a j .... l.r HliinJ L1 "KS
made h" pole,
But the plumber .nlh h ..
beal him mile.
SILKS "". II", oou.u of the' dry
good. man', ,,olth.
And the carpenter d,d DOl make
SfLLS fo. h" huhh
The druglli" tOld I""h gcUt lot
That hIS SU"''''<lor, lbe rtOU.ry, kept
busy ... titing WILLS.
The ""UOn built WALLS and .10._
tune. too
While Ih. u""ertaker !nade PALLS
far and Jew.
Wh ... the 1:<""'" "",,,.d in he made
money in PAILS,
Thon DI"I. room for the cb.ndlu
to "P<t3<l out hil SAILS
NAII.S pro,,'" a boon for the1u..d_
ware ",an-
And ChAt " OJ far .. old r<eonl. ran,
Dut if "Old Abc" eve. ",,(upied that
lie ." mu,t haye told RAILS
That Oort!.l&1I "'01 PIlUI .
0<0. "" .. !i,t .ud,ly ditcon.CI! by
au",,1 practice thai tho: "'''SOti m.y
be .. ." .... ed from !be ming by .. ark.
Utll the loop b:tcl<-.nrds 'Ione tho
d""ble mrd. Fin' tlo .. n on tbe Itft
.id . up Ih ..... gh the (tnltr, dow.."
on tho ",ht aide, up tho (tnt.r, down
lhe left. up c .... t", down Itfl and
then pass the acWotl lhe
I""", and thoy ,..>1] com. off ;f you
nol produced an unfonu .... t.
tang'" by Iwi,ling tbe coni.
lhe probIt<n of Diddy'l
wcdd"'g <Illy, It call be shown l hal
I"" luppy oouple ""lI cel.brate t""ir
anni,t."'ry on roc:ltl SI.
f'atri<:k', Day. "Wbm a wttl< .go
lut Tn ... day "'U Io-morrow ;t
mu't lla'' """" Mondlty. Feb, 17,
1896. and when Ui,My hid, "When
a day jll" t ... ,o fonnighl'l hence will
be remrdar:' !h ........ lalktnR: ahoul
St. Palrick I Day. 17. 1896 .
" no Qth.r day wOll!<1 fill Ihe b;1l
e...:cpt 1i366, in whi<.l1 case they
.. ()Uld nOw k thinki"G' of a go"'.n
Concealed eeo.. ... phy 102. AD ....
r-o!il, !OJ. Arln, Oregon. 105.
Chemr, lew:; Pan, 101, Colli, 10iI..
Marne,I09. H,"&"t, 110. UUQ, II].
!lost"". 112. Omoha.. Ill, Gta"o
t;tah. US, Dan, \16, Dan. 110.
Stoneham, 117. Sy"a. !l9 Panna.
120 Milall. ]2]. P.lllgio.. 121. Mall:-
d.bu'g 123. Crr""", 1.=/;.
Candia, 126. Cor-ca. 127.
GooIwo. iZs.. G ....... 1:.'<). Ikrnc,
]JO. Gcora:ia. 131. Puhora. Il."!,
AlIIwa- to C'bicll;tD-bt.lhe-Cono
The rnI point 01 1114 punic ;s
Chal. play .. y03 will. the "man'
wold ne, .. ut<:b "'" "'<J01t.," nor
",,"0"""''' lit. Mn," for ... tb.y
.. y in ehr-<J or "hock .... , be f'OO!,,,,,
'ha. 1:01 the mo, .. On lhe mm.
for Ill. ",me '.a"," lhe W<>m2tl Un
n.,cr op"''',li",, "" the
h.n. (Jut if IItty ... ,11 r""erse ,,,,,c.
te .. ,he ."IWOT i. ,'ory .implo-th.
"'an "n uleh Ih. hon in niru: mov
.nd the won,,,,, will 111<- IItn
ill eigl1l. Th. principle can but I>t
.Ito ... " On a cb"d.rboar<l: l'irH
mo,. Ih( rmln lowar<! 'he Wom.lI,
Ih. woman t<>w3nl the m.n.
Dod, hirJ, move, f<>l!llwing ,
would_1>t caplon. I'ow move !h.
nlan do,..n 01'. Iqlla", and mo,'e the
woman to "'lua, "",e him. Af-
tc. t hat Iran<po.o.ition IloU hn ef_
foct",1 llIe con,inuation i implo:.
Th. bi."" uch "'" ... and ... d"",ly
pIIf$uo:J unlil captu.ed .
IJ.atOIIl 1 RaIl Problem.
To IOIf. "'" pmblw.. draw the
cin:le with. pair of n!
.c-mcrnbtrin.<: Ihal inul".b\c Me
that di>lance lrom ernter.
caUt<! Ihe ",diu<. will .Iways divide
clfcle ;0'0 .i" equal pans. ma,k it
of!' ;010 .i" equilotera.l triangles. u
lho..... W ... ill then tri>.ngtila.\e it
onu mo'e hy introducing the iutc-r_
.. from A to B. mtd
f rom B 10 C . tt., ... hieh rq.",,",,11
our 16-foot rail.. Fn:.>m thi$ w 2n
",adily coml",l. that ,n.,
from C to Il i. 30 II 'nch .... and
a. from A to 0 .. i"'1 half a. 1""1: .
any p""li'! will di>co"er
that Ihe triantl .. X X co.o be fiutXl
.. ;tlt Ih. lrilnj:l .. \. Y '" form 00.
oblong JO ( .... 1 II in,h ... by IS I .... t
Sj{ incha. 7hm 477Y, I,'tl c"1',e-
Itnts jo.! on<--.ixth of che acn d
,h nti'e fi.ld. 2,i!66% oqoa .. ftcl
being llIe cocre<l an<wec.
"OW AND TBf.:..! the Amnef1;t.
Th& of Bapad.
The numbt, at d,. end 01 a para-
gnp!! ""DDI01 d,o number 01
nipub'ionl in ,hal [Qragra!,h.
The I,hd no."", f>.J 1foI
.nd the J I V. pit hoMy, Fill
the Ih. lG.pll bottlu .. i,h houty.
pouring ........ n;nl; I pll into 2_
pll. tbul (mplyi,.. bar1
By mean. of the 4-plt mca..u,(
Iill band from hbd. lav-
plL in .gall
thll y, !'it 10 ""rae! So. I III
mnn. 0 4-p[l me .. n, etum 2S
IfoIIl of ..",.r from h",reI to hhd.
Pour I pit boMy from 2-p11
"",Un: inlO 4-p11 ....... ".. PDDr
2 pit .... 1 .... from NrT.1 inlO 21fo11t
measure and rrm.n 10 hhd. J.)n.w
off rm>ai>,ine I Yi pit "'al ....
bIo.",1 into 2-ga1L mea.m. and gi
thi. 10 ",,,,,,1/\0, 2 Pou. IV,
hon.y from into 2_
pi!. ",rain .. (37).
tM .. hole ollhe opcnoliorul
in bll paragnorh 11 more t'mel!. 10
that (i ca.nelJ Ih.,11 re-
.. i,1 two Y,_g;lI1. drin , .nd other
6 camell two I Yi-gal1. drink>. !lnt
on th. 10th Jnd 11th ' "!,,,Iition. in-
,,,,<1 <>1 .ttnn,i,,!; .h. 2 ,.11. to I,hd.,
deliver 'hom to .nr Iwo ""mola wl,o
I .. ,. ...... n" two
only. ml:l,1 c'Ut..:11 1""0 now re-
iverl 3 pit ucl!. and four can..:l.
I gon. rach. and lhe: will be 35
gaiL wale. in hM. (<107),
Fill ....... 1 f rom hOfibead. Uling
4-p11. ma.urr and ,;iv. pit ovn
to "" .... 1 13. Ora .. 3 ,al1. in
hor'o[ond imo 4-pll. mason: (18).
Rrturn .n hoMy \0
Empty t..r1 imo J 1O-p1L botlldo.
and dnw """"inine IV. pn. into 2-
pll. _U"'- Rrturn COIlltnlJ of J
bot,"" to Nm:1, and pour I V. plL
from Z-ptL measurr inlo bOllie /\0.
I (12)
Fill tbe 2.plt mn.u .. from 4
rill. \cavine I pl1. in pll. Fill
barrel from 2pn. ml'lStlrr. and gin
,cmoin;nr pl1. 10 amel No. 13.
Give 5 ... ",ell 2 /(au. each. 111 Ihe
b:ovTnr DOw been R .. t\l (13).
Fill Ih.:Z m1J>Iy botll ....
.d, and dn. remo.;ning I,H pll.
;"10 bottle 1\0. 1. Rotum (OnlenlJ
of boIllH NDL 2 J to har.el (5).
..\ !.
I'ou. I pll. 4-ra!l. m.uur.
into r,o. 2 bottle. Put 6 gall. ho ... y
in bonl. /\0. J. uli"lI" 2'11""11. and 4-
plL mellur... Emply I pll.
from bottle 1\0. 2 into . gall """'0-
u and fill up tb:ol mea.ur. "'i,h
haney from boule 1"0. 3. Pou.con-
I.nll of 4-pl1. mea"'" in.o bollk
1\0. 2. Draw 2 g.U. wal.r
ba.rr[ anJ pul into boul./\o.l (101
Th. iJ ""....,1. II."". now each rr-
coivcd 3 plt of ,,al.r. """ of lhe
100p[L boul .. .,..",to.ins 3 pll of
another 3 1"11. boucy. and u..,
Ihird 3 pll of anJ 3 plL of
.... !lcr miutl T"" hog.I",,,d (0I:>t:';.IIJ
25.\'$ I:O-Il of and ,i>. b>m:1
18 pit of ..... hilt tho 10tai
rrumbe. of nuniruJatioM " 306.
........... r to GoiDc llIto Action.
In Ihi. n20val p<'Oblem. whoTtin it
wa. 10 abow tm, 1 ....... 1
1"",.iJ.1t number of mon,
Uncle S:un . bollln.hip rouk] run
down ,."d d"'troy ,h ixty.\h=
of Ih. tn=y. it may be ",id
lhat Il\(r. are ""'''Y WlY, of
porfOflTlinl: Ih. leot in h<.>m
10 .ighteen mo, ... hUI Ih. lon""'i"&"
plan 'In lom1ttn mo'''''. r.turning .0
IIIr1i"l l'Qint. K<nu 10 be Iho bc.t
"onible ."Iwer:

...... wer to the LiI'-R(adiJ>a Puzzle.
0..1 of ,h. IhOll ... n04 of
...ho .... re in Ih. ""icnlik
Ifill"'" of that curious lip-reading
pu I. 1"" ea .. 2nd unanimi.y with
"ltich lhey pi<:kt\l oul1iule :>.Iauhcw
.u the fi .. 1 boy on Ih. top row m_
rounort\l lhem 10 uckJc the nul.
and by " la'l:. majorily
Alfred ."d E, ....... n '.-cr. Iocalt\l
on Ih. top row. Ri<lw-tI. Theodo .
lake Oom on the """""d row.
wilh m .. wald. Flolcher.
.\nltu "d Ald.n below. From lbe
mlny .0,,0<1 an." ... r""';vt\l it
wooid appea. 10 be lUI t15i .. leal 10
.ead Ih. !UOI;o.. of Ih. lips lhan on.
wo"ld IUppou.
In II,. baby the
the" ""(;lI"hl to be
170 """Dds. and as :>'[r.. OTool.
weighrd 100 ,""'''d. '00'" than Ihe
nrtlbincd "''''iht 01 the doc IIId
b:lby. d>c n1U>t ha,. "."bed en.:lly
iJ5 poundL /U o.kI( wti(hed
60 pc. cent. luo than the baby ...
<an .eadily _ thaI \hc wtiJIh.
25 I>OWI<lt and th. doC' but LO poundL
Alf of ",h",h II "",pie when
you know i,.
In thaI _Ieh Irick lhe nine
motchcf; ue laid in Ih. form of lu_
len 00 .ulo .pe!! while H.rry
is c:><])f<;\t\l10 .pell NIX
COIKeale4 o.o,n.pb,..
CDf>CG1cd C.eornvhr-54. Ven-
kc; 55. Rm)i .... ; %. 58,
B lin; 59. Corinlh; 60. Dllh; 61.
Caloulu; 62. Elba; 63. I..:m,i",; 64.
Malta; 65. Ta'TlIJ:OfllI.II.i. Peru; 67,
Iuly; 68. V.DaiU .. ; (f). Onti!b.
ThOR c .... u i"g "'onkeYI hid. lhe
.... "'" lIlb:Iny.
The ffn' Stat Puule.
Th. acwmpanyi,,1t" di'!i:ram .how.
how Ih. F.tneh ""onnn..: .. wOI,I,1
locale Ih ...... w It'lin! fi,," which
pn:o"e$ to be of .uch h ok dimm-
,iono to <a_llhe other lillie ,\loU
the .l ... .
"" ..... .-..;1 ... folio ..... '


111 that inslnlctin visil III lIu: ......
011. young Incnd reodily cumpu,ed
that ,I there ...... ODe hundred 1,
... ., t)lIn,-,;" huds :lmong the
horsu ...... rid.r .. ther. ",un b:o...,
been fourteen bones and Iwenl1-
lwo rid.... AIoo, .. ,I was r.oId ' UI
Ihr.e IN' ...,d twent,
heads among u.., enn""\!,,,,- and we
call 1ft 1m anu"..... and .., n b,rd.
,n the pictu.e. ,I is pb.m tha, ..... ,
tb. mo a.nosiue> arc to be ac-
counl .... fo whicll can II..... bul two
fed and three h.c.>d. amoog lhem. so
!I does nOl rcq''''. a """P_
tion 10 .untti$t tIw. the "'!n.Ction in
lhe ug. which abso<bs 00 "'''''h al_
lenlion mUilt be the: .,,,,.Hl.d,,1 lIin-
.too snak.-ch.:orm ...... ,th he. two r
""" THAT Tt:J;.Io;F;Y .. eil;he<! just
24 pounds. "hi.h woold (o;t theu-
fo 16 titn8 24. D. $3.84. Or SIIy-
lock pl.yed a trick on Ih. bt!!<h .. by
,,.ill"hlnll" the luruy en h .. own
"" ....n. wMrcby in I'OY .,r .""",._
U'y'l YI.ll;hl. il would w.igh bul
350 OIlnen in,"oad 01 384. a. "aimed
on Ih. bulch ""al ....
The "'''cher 1100<1
Ihe Ion Qf 34 cenU. anti 10.haw thll
h. had no ill feeliMg o.d.,ed .. many
pounds of rock .... It al J c.n ... a
pourul .. he had sold ounce of ' ur-
Th. doclOr thOIlghl that if M beat
the but<;h.r on 0<1""'" h. would .1..,
I;.t .1>ead of him on pounili. weighed.
tI,,, 3:<1 pounds 01 ..... 1. whiclt, "Co
o:onling to hi. Own ..... 01 .hould be
worth $IO,SO. bul ""ben h. .
woigbcd iI, as IlCr ag .. ",,.ttu. on Ih.
lou",,,,,.'. scaItl. JSO pounds I.oy
only weighs 288 pounds (avoinln'
pois) on Ih. 00"'00" sale>. lher.
fo", the butcher It'-incd 62 pound, of
ialt 113 cents a pound. wllich would
be wonb $I.8I'i 10 off .. 1 IIi. Ios 01
J4 cento On the tu.k.y. So ,he an
...... 10 lhe problem ;., Ib:ol I""
bu.",,,,,. """'"' .... , $1.51 on
the ,,hoI. dm.
BIU'1l. at lb. Zo<>.
hI that cornplialed bit of (l<UJn.o.I
.nthmetic. w""rein " .... l. .... rd to
wrile Ih. y. ar 1901 in a ')"5I. m Df
IIQt:ltion which 001)' crnpl",. the finl
tigllt dij(ir,. it ""'y be _h.,,, ... th'l
t"" ans ... r would be 3556. Th ..
.um repr...." ix unito. fiT. S
fI". 64', ll>d Ih .., SI:r.. T" p ....
duec Ih. an.w.r. di"i<!e I90Z by
512. divide lhe rcmainn .. by
64. and what i. Ielt IIy S. and " . 1':.1
the .".w.r as giVCJI, 3556. II we
....i.hed to dClCribe 1902: by the HJI""
t.amaI .,.tcm .... would d,vide 19O1
by tb. mult'ples 01 1. viz,. lirst by
J4.J. lben Ihe .cnwnder '" 41', and
..-b:ol II lef, by 7. \I' g.1 lhe an ... "
5355. 1\'hich .-q>rc>enlf fiye -"J"a
tit"", W'" 7' nd 6..., WI'IJ.
AIII .. er to CltristI&JIJ u4 Turb.
Thio punl ... JU>l 11\0. U'-.'5o of
of lhe or,bna.'y atory of the Ta.'"
w .... Ihrown ov board ... in
1""1 probl.m the point it to If.ang.
tho: m(U In a .., that uuy
lbirtftnth man would be Turk.
..hilt in Ihis p"ult Ih. qu .. uon was
10 find the 1><>t """,ber *I wdl as
the CDr"",1 >taninr point. 10 cOUllI
oot boYL
As di>(O rt\l by lOme 01 OIl'
dC\., pu .. li u. lho soIUlion is tJb.
t:.>,1(t! by COIt1"""cini: Ibe <ounl w,lh
...,.",,1 g;,1 from the left in tile up""
pe. part of ,I\( e,rrl an,l. coun!!ng
h.r a5 No. I. COIllinue to tile "ght
.OIln!lng olf ry Ihifleenlh on
Thi. method wlll count out all Ih.
Ritl nd Ihe boy. wi\! be "I.ft:
Mol if you wi.h to counl out only
Ih. boy . SO the girb will be I.ft.
uSC fourteen in plac. of thln..,n. 10
Ib:ol by pickinl:' OUt n .ry fourl nth
boy. 11":1 \\"o"ld h ... lJOllh. renni ..
and T<>mmy MUllOllh ... d wouhl b:on
.... ped ."" licking.
Red Croll VoiuntHn.
The R.d C"'" p, ... to obcwod haw
10 mak. two croson of lhe Jame
,a w w< will now make lwo eron ..
of "-,H ",,I .in.:
1U4IDc .a.,aInst the Wuul
Conlnry to \he popdar IMw. r 10
probl ..... of this kind. Ib:ol ' f a ride.
goes a m,le in th.ft m,nUI., w,lh Ihe
wind. and tcI"rm .pm.t II\( wind
in 'flU. minnl .... lhal 3 In,1 cqu.>1
7 hould gin (0"..,1 ... 10
that his Ii ..... &hould be I.k.,. 10 be
3}1 minuI... W. find thi. anS,,t.
10 be ;'"",.re<t. bee." Ihe wind bas
h.lpccl him for only three minut.,.
whilt il b:o. worked .,lv ...... I! for
fou, mi"utts. ! f he '0111,1 rid mil.
in Ihree minule! .. ilh the "'nIl. i ,
i. clea hat h 0111<1 go mil. and
a thi.d in four ",inu!es. and OIle
mil. in fOllr minutes apln.1 Ihe
win(l. The.efo two and
m,les 'n eigbl minUItl hiJ K_
lual .peed, the ...."d helped
h,m jn'l a. much as it hu ...... rdtd
hun. 00 bi, .ctu ..... ptt<I lor
mile ",,houl any wmd .. ouId be 3
min"lei and 2!i occonds.
Old. ..... Wi!h H ... Teeth.
In the foUo .. ing dngram Fig I
........ the popubt .... y of ooh-mg
Ilti. old puzzl. =ording to lhe puz-<>k,. 'Til" would divide each
of the onl rin" inlo fOIl. pice ...
... hown i" F'II' 2. According to
"". "",mtl,.-d.-...,rcd method.
... hoch 'ntrodpccs Ih. Chmc.c MOtIlId
oien. a. ohown in Fil;' J. tht feat on
be pc.ltlI'JI>t<l ... uh .", p...,., install
of .,ghl.
Keen Wit.
In lhe jn"mi[c pum.: .. b.rein the
objr. not ooIy to d ...... .r th.
Ioelhly of the 'l>Cidml. bu.1 to u_
pIaln the m.,."ing of the jolly Hi-
II may be said thaI
""r yount I"' .... isu loeattd
the mcidcnl .. cont:C'!l!t\l in u.., .... _
Icncc: M . P. (h,C) (HIC)
A COod balm ye'" get if I c;ould
gel '" y cag. I"
E ... ryonc. how ........ did not "I'-
prcciatt the subtlety of II...... d.."..
the n'DC dummy taLio", as "".
mon. nor IIis slUff;"!\" inlimation that
M . Sb:o ... , name &hould be .pelled
... r to .. y MlhinR .:>bout hi.
crib.i"" of M., Shaw', f""m"",r
in Ja)1nr thaI he IUId nol hi. gOO<l,
rould not be healm.
Old Slyle Enigmo. Ani.
My whol. i, now beloro yon.
HIODE/\ CITY_llanlord
Tut 'Wl. tree conundrum i. be-
QUSC th. tail i. fu!h .. t It<:>rn Ihe
Ah"""t ..,tr)' OIIe.
...... ell u",. 1<11 inti> the com-
m""..,.ror 01 suW""">: that Ih. wind
wQUlJ ......... g. lip t,e... at w"uloi be
th. case il I'e ",ent ttn minUles willi
lb. win<l and t.n n"nute> again'l lI,
.bta it hoM. in j\lll
... mudl at it ...a.d. in the otMr,
.. hile in the cu. ",<'<I it htlpt lor
onI)' t ... II1Inlll.' anol .Cta.tIs fo. a
.hoI. """,. It i i",pl. m.1Ucr
u> fond IlI>.t 1M wind was b10willf
at !he .at<: of. m,1e in 4 ""nllles.1I<I
.s $tCOnd_ 11<1 th.ot proptlhlllt
01 tM machin. II J and
9-21013 of ,l1Inlile I'" rrule. 10 thai
h ... wk! co ... , the t ... -mile COlI.....
in ..... Im io J-I ",inules. 17 .nd 1-7
Th. problm> Wat given u
pu .. le for th. Inlthmlatieia .... who
lailm 10 Mt. ,he palpoblc urot in
u., description 01 the IUt\C actually
Inld. b)' s",n,,,,Dumont.
Rallroad Llnao PIlUI,.
Such of OUr aoln, ... a lip in
railroad hngo ",a(]ily In'erpreled th.
conducto.', '\",em IMI Ihe I,'ln
wOlild !ICP lour minm ... 2221221 to
n,un th,u Iher. would "" f<>ll'
m,nults' stop. and thaI Ih. time. in
... ilrwil I",go, w<>IIld be two to 2, to
Iwo 2. whid! means 1"0 minul., to
2 until IWO minutes po'l 2. II i, no
wondtT. however. that MandJ
Ihoughl the WIll Iryinr 10
;m,l2.l( an engine w,1lI h" "chu. chu,
diu, dIU. diu. diu I"
DlTldlDr llli Plocb.
III WI ItoI'1 of lhe WHI-
em .:oncl>nw! who hi. herd,
among hll IOnS and their wiv,"" ,t
.. ill boo found thai he had 5en IOnS.
.. i" COWl, Ind, :as 1100..... in the
piau , jl1Jt ICV... Ioonoeo. TM .Id
ost IOn 1001< t ... o co"'s Ind hil wife
!oil!, "hoch ,,-u one-ninlb of the re-
maind.r, The n""llOn Ih ..,
m..., .nd Ioi. wif. Th. nut
"'" four and hilt wife fOllr. and 10
on dO'Oln 10 th< ... ' .... 10 son .... 100
look "girt ., ..... ""hoclo Itft """. for
lb. wife. TIottt Clch ton took one
hone, iO .... tl)' famd)' 'K6"ed
COWl .11<1 QIIe horw and all ,Io.;ored
just Illk .
THOS!! Luc".,. found
S,. Ih,.., 25. and I $J gold piece
""l!ich u.,y Ih.ew in Ih .... I1
Arcllim<><l.. "'AI A G.eek H.brew
of pronounced boo'"t'lS .. rocli'l'it lu,
who had many <ltaltng. with the rul-
ini; poI.ntal" who w.rt "om te pili
Iheir t.owno in _k found the fol
lowing ... ullO: W.ight:<! in th< air
lbe wu u",ily 63 ounc ... ""I
wtighM in Ih. YIa,.r, :as .Ioo..n in
the piele ... il 10.;0,1 di.placed 8224$
incMs of w;.lcr. wllieh .. as
... ",Iy deltrmined b)' ito d,fferenc.
in ""ghl. If il ..... _u 1m.,... .. ,hal
fOOl of containinr 1728
cubic inc"",,, wcieh..-t 62.5 paunth.
TheMlpon :an)' .rtiel" will weigh
I .... io u., WlI.r, just in proportiOll
to ill ."' o h. amount 01 waler it
has irnopccti"c of its
It ",".1m",,n WI. eubic inch of
""d .... te!' led ...
uactJ)' 10.36 ounc ... and that a cubic
ia.:h of ,il r ""I 5.85 ouncc. boolnr
nOI m"re Ih.on half the YI"<:igbt
of gold, Thoud<>rt il """'m ...
'implt m.1tter 10 calculale l he com_
poIilion 01 In allo), ... hieh weiglto 63
OUI\Ct!S ,"d 8L?45 built.
aZ.?4S i"cl>eo 01 gold ... cuM weigh
O'l'U 8S au ...... and ..... know that
lhe "'.Ighed bul 63, 50 quae
an amount of ,ilv had inlro-
duc<'<l .. 8.2245 of ,il .. would wt;gh
hUI a Imle 48 "unc.,.. '" it i.
plain j.weler did u.e some
rold. A puuJi" would .ay, .up-
pose hall of '1"an, ity w:u gold. we
"'"Uk! h ... 4.11225 inch., of gold
nd inch .. IIf .;h.t which by
.imple muhiplial,;on, i. found 10
... igh ounc .. ,
sbou!<l be hul 63.
Th ... "')'1 .he puzdi". ICI u, loa)'
WI onc-lhin! of the qt>lnpty _.
gold, and .... find 2.]415 inches
of gold .-.:igh. 28.4()19-IO 0UIICt$,
whicJo lea .. es 32.075550 ""DCts of
"I... (m. S48JOxSAS). which
.. hul 60.477490 OIInttS instead
01 63. From ,h ... lwo trials lhe
first of "'hieh " .... 100 in gold
and the oth 100 poor, ... al
. trib the haM molmm and fino.I
lhal J 4 1964 of gold and
28.SOJ6 CIUJIC., of ,il ""';1[10 63
OIIne., and flU the 'pI"" of 8.zz4S
(lUncq !
The gold at $11 pet" JlUl1Ce would
hoi: worth $718.1244, ",hich, with
$17.570196 for the lil r. al61 n\lO
an ounc wauld Inll<!: lb. <rown as
fin"hed ...,rlh $735.694596. whereu
the 63 ouncu nl gold...".,1d M wonh
$IJ23, IOlh. d"hooHt j .... cl. r really
' tol. aboul $587.30.
That Hod.Oarrl ... 1 Problem.
In Ihc pllulc ... hc.tin it ....a ... ked
10 Icllllo .. many " cps Ih. man mult
take to ro up and down, up t .... Ke
10 the lop and lwice 10 the ground
Illd h.ic. on ev.ry "ep. " may bt
brieA, 112.101 Ih.ol the feat can bt
perfomtcJ in hlnClfCII ;\tpo. L\ fol
IoWl' F, ....\ Ito 10 ,'tp I. back
10 Ind r"' .... ' bJ Ih I.PI
I. !. J. 2. J, 4.,7. ('. 7, 8
9, 8, 9. E"ery ,t"l' ha. been ",01
tw,ce lho: rl'C>ltn,1 ...... ell as Ih
lop h.,..." ruch..-\ I"' .. .
OnoNina tbe Ri .... .
I n 110.:01 .. 1 of Ih.
.""""". 1ou"'1 .. 110 ba,1 10 (T()!Jo Ih.
.Iream in b.t .. h'eh "..,1I1ol hold
""I t...o. and .. lifo ..... ruin ptl"Mlnal
flUll! ad<l..-t 10 Ih. dilfi<ttlti .. 01 the
<trained blion il WI boo .Ion ......
WI the entire can be ferried
....... the . ttum in "VCI\lfom trips
U folio .. ,,:
Firsl-Mr. an<l M". C. erou O\'.r
Stt<lnd-llr. C. rtlum.
Third-Mr, C. takes 0"., a I.d)'.
FO<lnh_:'lt. C. MUm' .. ah hll
-" C. tak .. Onr .nolh.r
C. return, alone.
SC\.mb __ Th. I WO tontlomen ero,"
,,,d wife r.-
r,inth_"! . and ... C. cr<l'-'
o .. .
Tentb-Gen,ltrnan and wil e.
J.'enlh-Two gentlemen ,-
Twelfth-lh. c. ,- ....

Founceab--Mr. an<l M .. , C, re-
fiftocntb--M . C uk" lad)' .,., .....
Si.ltlem.II--Mr C. relum, alnne
SC' ... I"""th-Mr. C. In" ... ife go
ov..,. :and tho:: enlire p:on)' Ioa<e been
InrtlOponed 10 tho:: otlwr ,ide.
Vied 14 Kjllla,.
Th. $tol)' dcscribn two billiard
haJlJ !
In th.o. t problem of dkkcrin!l" for
'OJI<' a. lbllila, il told that Ih.
deal.r mea ....... 1 off Iw ... l)' leCI "'''h
a )'Ird .tick ... h!Clt ,,'as inches
Ioon at OM md. II i, plain, Ih.,
fon: IMI Ih..., inchn ...... 1M! on
each yard in nll'Uurinl( tifth.ocn 1m,
but non. on the Ia,t Iwo fe<l, .. Ih.
yard 51;"k wa. only iho" Ihe ox
treme end. Tho rul'" bein!l" "'arll!
tWQ <""I, a fOOl:, Ih' ,1('31 10'" 81y;
fo.1 of 'cpt. wonh $1.63 ml $,1.40,

which /Ie gn" in rood chang<:, ""
M I""", 55.OJ, If tho fUlure of gel-
linK 1M b,Il changed by a aoighbor
loa. ,,'h.nov.r 10 do wilh the
qnc.""" o( pmt" or ,"'--" many good
n,a.h.",,";<ian nd pu,.I,.ta I<> the
... r, "V,n,...,
Tt.bby ud Sport.
Of COO"". malty "",thfltuticw..
and 1"'ll1i'1'. in b';"ing the amwe. It>
110.:01 rx. bet ....... !he ul
and dOC.... y II..... Sport 'pr;r.DC
fi,'. I .. , al bound and tho:: .... t
only three, bon Tabby made h.
'pIOnit' 10 Ih, .. , they would
be ","ng .... tho 'am. ral. of 'pecrl,
>0 the race obould be a 110. It would
be a Ii. il ;1 _re ". "lIog:bta..-a),
n .. : bul ill running.o lbe ,uke .nd
'C\'mly_ti,,( yard., =h hal l
of .... "'nul" be fff!. Th.
dOj!; ,,'ouM be 10 Inlke
.. 1('3p' to the stake and
.he .. "'" "umbor ,n .t(uminr, ...-h",11
be {"tty_.;x lr:Lp' of fi,'" fce,
... dI, 110 lhe 'Ir>g goes l..10 Iw in all,
"'lIkh i. a waHe of five feet. The
would ICc . bere and back in sev-
'"IY"i" l<'lIp'. which woulol ""}l for
nll {ee\. "<I should w,o the
nce 'wo Ittl.
Tht Star ThCILtr. Punl .
;" ....... 'i,,1': feat", .. of Ih;'
1,,, .. 1 .. if lhal Ih. p:<>f1le fmm lhe
",b., Ii,Je of the .!fcd would read
lhe bono ... , "Tmy Do:mccrats."
Alla .. er III lbe Problem ill Cbancea.
In lhal turious punl. 01 George
W . hington John,ton ,.,,01 mtxro.up
!talA, our mathe .... uc ...... Io.:ove
d...-otral(d WI thc clo.:o.....
19:ain'4 .ny one of the .i" m"" .....
ceio"'K his OWII 11>.1 would be .. 265
i. 10 4SS.
The CCl<"ioc:tl dog Itory toD<:eals
1M "'mI' of Cal"""n,
ThIt AdlDco P1IQ;le.
The boy w:a.. nl';ht, h ... e after AD
would make il He", af.e.
in bceornn IIHRF.; here aft.r
CO would be COHERE.
AT THE RUIKS hid .. the name:
Corinth .
Maeo.ulay, Lan Riddle i. th ..
_I'd ... :'
Th. d...:ript;on of the becalmed
yachts (onceal. the name IIf F.i._

OtttwilUq- u.. Wtla'bbr Maab1llt.
III Ihat liltle probl .... of the Ii"G
httle .gorl ... 1\0 but .IM "'cightng
mad",,". it Un boo .bown
WI cQUld be jll>! len d'ff ..... t
rombmaiton couplQ, we'ghed, aod
thai their .. e ,,eighl. mo>1 ,,"y.
been S6, 58. ro. 61 ami tiS pound.
III prado> .. eirh .. as gio"" 01 129,
125. 124, 123, Ill. 121. IlO. 118,
llti and The 1_ hghleN 10-
""'.'I .. 114. ,;_'"
find by compori"", of the
of the third "";I';hl ",Ih Ihe
.nd the '-<'COIId, lhat the hK I ..
IYI'O f'OU",l. hjl:bl..,.. we kno .. 1 .... 1
.he 15(0 and tht 0",,1 158,
afte. which ;t i. us)' to ttll the resl,
ThIt Prlo:. of ErJa.
III ccolr'. rroblem in dnm .. lie
aritlunetie il .... oaid Ih>l 'he ,>IIid
Iw.he C."ts 10' lhe lot. bul Inlde
rrO<tr throw in Iwo .xlra one.
lotoau&o thoy ,,'ere iO am.!!. "'hoch
ma,l. Ihem CCl't jU.1 (!fl. ptr
dozen Ie,s. Ullt dov.r pu .. li.t
.how. that the g.""or It ..
.ix!een <"girl for tw.h'. ",hkh
would boo .t lit. rAle 01 nm. ce"lo I
She made him Ihrow in two
egG"" ."Ira, 10 Ihu fhe COl eightee"
q,:r.:' 10. Ih. nt.. ",tll<h i.
Ih. nf oil';"l conUl I 01".. ",
or 00" a do,ft> I .... than Ih.
rtt,t r';,:' a.ked. So_ pretty goo<l
maIM","tician. ....... punled O'. r
thiJ liltle problem.
Tlwt Clbar&ct. 1& lit&ltd.
TM young earpenlen aol Ih. lable
tnp ., h hoYrn ... htch m ly
n.<e"ing tl1e principle of the ..... '
..."t ", .. .1. .., u 10 ..... n il
Tho dncriplion of those hook
.,;{)mt' COIlCfsb the name .1uI<a.
made to rcad: O.lhodoll Oxford
don. don't know old port log
wood. which i. like .he oth.,: 1' -
..,"u. ye!Cl men k .. p
th . .. r-opt. , ....
The m"";nt wo.d puu! .. are: I.
... I"'nc.. 2. 3. Objcdll. 4.
Th. n"",leti. plIo.!e "lie
mithl have >:01\"" alf ....ilh. & ... bul
lifo am I"" da,. a, ... 11."
AuwU" to Ap.
If _ call I' .. !d),', I.g-t at the Ii:n.
he 1JIDk to drink X ben l1u.-
ph,'. mll'l . btco 2-3 of X
pili' 2 Z-3 )"1':ln ""d Jimmy'. :ago
..... J ,-3 Whca the lamd)'
tlotal reach,,, 2-3 X mi""" 4 )'an
il ""II equal 100 y"'''''. {rom "ht<h
..e (tI the of X as 22 and '1;.7
Jimm),'1 p ..... f!t "I';' i. rtpt' ..... ttd
'1. J I-J yeln plu. I-J "f X, 10 " i.
U' Ihal he mUOI M 10 and I6-Z1
)'all of ..g.
...... rs to Conceated
13J. . 1,'1-1 . HQlllton. 135
An,oy, 136. IJ7. I'o,."ia, 1,'1\.
l-:ri . IY.l. Ten . 140.
141. Natick, 142. Olga. 143. Palos,
144. V.""" . H5 1I0nghTon, )4",
Il<>s:aoo, H7. Anl(i". He.c/o.,).
14'1. Eri., 15(}, I.i", . 1.\ 1, H1Y".
152. Ac ... awl ['.Il'. 153. Cork. 1,,:
:'\ioe, 155, Ono"I 156. Cenoo.,
Theb ... Taunton, Vma.
160. Saug"', 161 AIa.b. lr..!.
In the puul. 01 Tom lhe Piptr'.
Son, .. ho ltel" the pig, Motlotr
c.:-. lhot Torn load to run
;).7 )'Ird!; 10 uLth l he pig, ",hile
tM po.k ... ran thrtt-quatttrt; of that
di.lance. whim would be 428 4-7
),ant.. The limple rul. for soh'Utc
probl ..... ollh,. da i. 10 haly( lhe
di.tanCf man "'oold Io.:oyo to lram
to calCh u., p;,; in 51ntght 1_
added 10 lhot distance h ....... Id go
it ther advanced l""",ttI each other.
Tom ,. 250 yarob from the pic, and
&. hot Koefo one-third fUter, in *
uraighl line. he wQUld .... teh him in
1.000 )"f.nb. If they run lo,...,.d ca<h
othu. Tom con fOllf"<'cnthJ of the
di.tan<:t. vi .. : 141 6-7 of the 250
rant. ... hich. ad<'.cd 10 1.0'.0. <q"""
1,1426-7 yards. Half of thi< equal.
571 J.; yanb, .. hieh ;. the eon"",
A R.bul=
t..111 r ung 'n l/Ie
"Hchnd .. '
A_,'. Plbll of the WoU.
The ..,. ... cr 10 the IlOry of the
hungry we>lf wbo ;nll"' ......... 'td
""';"<man to 11,,1<' an 'MOC""! ht-
tie pol which h>.d been slte!,!n,. 0 /
th,_iDIl ono,,'balls It IItm, II wdl
told In Yene by
"'ThaI (",d, wallish cappn
Told the a ... lul sno ... ball .. hoppt.,
To the lillie kid, on purpose 10 m-
inI' lit.
To conl_ a gr ..... r Mtd.
ADd be: quickly did luttd_
For a kid iJ lU.ely a kid-
Amwer to !.be Itrib Punl ..
The f ........... n rccC'i-' $1,10 lor
the lil"i! day and lhen <;JQ daYI at
$UI, malcing 91 dayt far $1.01
The twldy m.>n ....orked 101 do)'ll for
$101. The lId!",r put In I day at
90 cenls and Ibm 110 da)'ll II 91
making III day. fo, $101. tn
all JOJ dol:' ""lIrlt, for ....hidllhe em_
ployer pa,d $3OJ.
tn Ihis euncul demonslration of
the trulh of the 01,1 adllt" Ill" "Ih.
longest way TOIInd may be Ihe Ihort -
est way .cross" the Ilnlblcm wu to
"lin<l Ihe Ihotlen w.y 10 " .. ng an
.1lnc wire to as to eonnt the
two ... d. of I room 30 Icct long.
Th ... ire..., 10 be Itrung 1100'g the
... 111 criling 0' 1\00 I rorn I'\'.h
button Ihru fcct above the Hoar lrom
lbe .""\(r of the I"DIIm, near the
door. u .hown in the pic::tur 10 I
point 9 1 ... 1 ";gh, 01' 3 led from the
'eilin,. in lhe of d .. I'OMI_ rhe
room beiog 12 f ... 1 w,d. by 12 fcci
hiVt ..,d JO deep.
"rbt liIonesl dutlnce m be fOllncl
to be I ... inding COlI.... along lb.
I"",, end .. an . along on. lide anti
ICI'OA one end of the 1'Icof, II olio ....
ID the. accompanyinll illwlntloll
"'hid! rtquira 41,785 fed of ... i ....
The alUl_r to lhat i!lullrllfl!
cha1"ldc", they I re bath fut.
"do', Ap , twlt.
Ld the "'go X ,u;nd for Fido',
"'" )'Cltl '\lO' Then .i.tor',
ag. (be,ng four 11...... older, or Ii.e
t;m.,s .. old), ....ould he ..... ted
by SX, Adding 6,'e yean 10 . ach.
5X+5 Itandl for OI"e. lJId X+5 10.
F kIo. and IMy In: no--: in the ratio
of thr ... to emc. That II . hould we
multi ply Fido'. ag. by Ih.te. mull_
ing in 3X+15 il <qUoIt. ,i.t.,. "'.
of 3X+5. A comparison of the t .. o
fortlll .howl thai 2X equals 10
X 6,.(..... To-day Fido i. ten
0 at" and .,OI.r must own to
to QuW.,..
Afler tnvding fatly minules lb.
guide lurtd Ijqtlhe,. had gone jU$!
hal l the ...,aJn'ng to Pix.
I,.,.. to il i, dcar that the lime be
Iween Bild., and PixleJ cmoamtd
120 minutes. Lot on Pix-
I..,. and Qui>:l,.,. hc the,. wen:
JUJI half u far a ...... ,. frum Quizl.,.
I, f tO\l1 l'ild.,., Then th<y ruched
in an hour, .. hich<u
" clar Ihf.t (!In$<lmcd IS) mm_
gin be,_een PiII,.,. and Qui:dey.
Thus we havc Ih. time of the whole
journey IS live houTl. II rcquired
2(JJ minul'" for th. ""CD_mile
.t.e,.h, 50 the dimnc. bo_
Iween BiII.y :and Quixley in JOO
mlnUI., mUlt II.\v. been 1(1) and a
holl mil ...
In Ih. B:o.sebtll prohlc," the Scw:1c-
.r. were victorio,," beeau if 'he1
I,.ad Ih. 2 IIr., Ih. ae_
co.ding 10 u .. ,e, would nol have
cOtllinu.d 0.11<' !Coring 3 point>,
In the l.e!:.1 p.oblem G .... ndlalh.,
fir<! marri",! AM "'ho died
and he m.>rried 11<. ,iot .. ..,<1 Ihen
Mpantd thu worlJ hi,""",!I. this .vi_
pro ., thai he hd ma.ried
hil ... idow, .i.t ...
In lhol CriM-crou pu..ulc the word
I, Ham ..... "
That (I .. ver young carpenle. di-
yidtd the cbcockcrboanl into 18 piec ..
.. ho.e lhown,
In Ih. puule of Well ROrI1mend_
ed the Ie>limrmial "'" like 'he War
of Inde!"'nd.noe bee.u," a beg.n by
droppillllh. l' into Ih. c.
The To .... " of H&IIoi.
It would requi.e 8191 Iran.fe .. to
",Ive this probIun . cordin, to ",Ie
it ",ould be Ih. 13 power of 1, I"" I .
n, CIoUIea: LiM Ptt.W..
Since one pic of the dotht J line
wu eqoal to fi ........ mths of the
DIhtr. the lenrth 01 100 fcci
di-rided by I 5_7 .til gin the I""f'
of j,I,.. HOj[J.II'. fhar. u 58 -J
feet Ind the balan. 41 2-J feet. be
longed to Mary O'Xeili
no. Zeoolllrlc Will
That rermrbble punle of the F,c.
e.nlnc Will pro.ed to be. a ......
inlend.d_ a rmtMkabl,. dtlti<:ulll>rDO-
l.m ... hieh the """,t nf our
"'JIC'"" It ...... tuld thaI C.ptain
Smilb lefl hu ,"""ey to nine heltl,
COQsilling of a married IOn ... nh I
"'ife and dlild. a muritd doUflhler,
her h",band an,1 .,tepson
.. ilh a ... ;f. and cltild, Each hus-
band ....u 10 ."""i,e 'j1C'Cil\c lum
more thao the ",il but the .. ife wu
In """,.ne that !<ame lum in
of ,lte chtld_ TlI. monty conlisted
01 OI,HIollar hill., Pllt up In pock_
"II'"' of scoltd enve\opt,., h en_
,elOflC ju.t :u ""'ny dol-
I.r b,ll. as Ih ....... 'or. scaled en_d_
Ol.... in hi' 0' he. p.o..ka,e. It wa.
$tated that "Mary and Sa .. h lO-
geth.r go! jUII . muoh at Tom and
BiD ",h,l. "'ed. Bill Ind
MIry t"Rtlhe, COl $Z99 more thon
HlJIk, ....hOle the Jones firmly rot
o'er limes .. ",uoh at the
B ........... : Onl,. 11>0 Chrillian namu
of the hC'irs beinJ &i..n. the puul.
.. u to go ... their lUmamcs by lb.
I."", nl the wdl_ solves LJ
follows, Bill J ...... got $8,.8J6;
Mat)'. hi .... ife. $.;..476,.nd lbe_.
Nfl!, $2,116. Uank Smilh r ... C'i vfl!
$16_12'); hi' "'ife. E1ioabeth. $12,-
i ff)_ and 1l1Ci. <boughl'" Susan_ S9.-
400. hk. Bm .... f:N $6.n4: hiJ
wik $J.J(04. Ind th.i, _,
Tnm, tM black .heep of lhe Rock.
AIII .. er to BlIlJ.o.rd Punit,
In lhat probl.m nf tbe billiard
match, m.olh."u,lia as ....11 .. r'ac-
ti<:e .ho ... , .... t if Apfdbaun, can
beal Illl"""""e;n .. lI<:n he gi.n him
20 t"",n, in 100, Al' mak ..
roo In llIu,"",-".'"'' 79. lor n il
d.a. 1hat if Dlll.".n".in ma,le 110 ),e
....oulJ win, and A woul,1 n(>l beu
him at lho.<l: odd. AI
I:i 25 polntl, Blum.n-
mairn 100 to Cug.-lheim,
7-4-100tru. of 79_ .. hicb i,
58.44. show ... II.ot Gugelhrun Jhou].J
make .hile Apfdboum runs 100.
Wh,l. Apldbaum ",ns 20J Cuge!-
bctm would 11.k. t ... ie.. S8.46, ... hich
u ue no hal f pOints ", ... t be
called 117. Aple!b.."," could,
give him the odds of &! points,
LJ 82 plus 117 tqu.alJ 199, and WOt1ld
lhea .IUOl beat 10m bJ lhe ,,,,,u,,ed
""''1'" of 1 poutt_ Mathematlcall,.
'pu.Ilinjr, Aplc!baom 1 ..,d
2077-29"-310 "cry 1 that Cudhernt

I n Pictorial Arilbmetic: 0""1_
W .......... -Man IQ, ... Ilootwo. lJId
I"'-Boa !cava TWO.
That puuling que.,. io because he
;. making I hanqurt.
Thai illustrated >qU<I'" word .... do
i> as or
A.luwer to !',mn.,- Punlo.
Mill Potahonlu Smith mu,1 have
been Iwenty_four and liltl. Capt.
John tn.t thr .... wilh brelh<"
Ind ,iole .. nnlling belw ... ,,_ On
mote oome of our IIltV." to
nOle ,hal Ii,.. .. oId.r" is the
same a, eighl lim .. u old.
rIwr 'Oltntlllu'. PuDlo_
She got he 2 6.fty h and .Iht
Thu .. bu, puule 1oI.k.. lb. full
letter of ..nark, lbe C from au,
In;m "' ..... d. lase and to tbcse acid
M P ..,d il ""'""'1!.
In lb. PKtnnal Charad ..... read
Pot-bc-amn ,,C'ighL
TIM haIe_
This problem ;, readily IIlhtd by
working back .. ."' ... h"" il II U-
,-ealed Ihal I mull bav. IUned with
the baron b..d $80 and !be
count $140_
Aft.r the 6<&1 muDd I had left
III< COIInl ..."d baron .,..,h doub-
ling Ihtir piles and Ita,';"g then on
h.nd $28Q Ind $160 .ap""'tivdy.
A Iter Ihe >:ond round I !tad $80.
III<: baron $J2Q and the cnllnl $80,
Then the CO\lJ\I and I taclt doubltd
OUt """"y at III<: ' ''JIC'r", of the
bamn. Ind we were e.ath Idt .. ilh
$160, and I was lbe only loser, to
tbe ntenl of $100.
The Juggl .. '. Puu!e i. 1C\I.fl! ..
follows, b,. navinr one of the tri-
The Miller. Protol .... iJ np1ainfl!
by ""yinllh. customer hal no .... nine
pan.. Of how n,ud> .. hcat! If he
h .. nine_l. nlbs of a bu.hel mUSI
Onkinally hove 11.\,1 1009th. of I
In""el; The mill.. look I_II and
left him II-9th. or on. bu.h.1.
Solomon', Templ, Punlt.
the <>Iber Iwo IllCT1 mull
10 IWf lhal distanc. each,
give lhem the best powbl. working
pooilitlt1l ....... ""1<1 pt. ... on. man
incha from lhe oentre of
gruit,. Ind lb. <>Ih J.lX inch.,;
then if t2d! ..... n 210 pounds
Ih. weight will be d'stributed .
Of OOUtw_ oth.r di.tanoes besida
Ind J.I* mikht be .. SC<! to dl-
ride the inches.
fn thai buried p1Vt'e.b we ..
" A rollin&' 'IOn<' gathen 110 moss. M
A Rlcbus=Doocanle._
A Rebw=Yiwid.
An.nret to WillI". DrlIL
Ihi. punic by the lel-
te .. upon the hals of the lilli e 101-
diers .. 'e .. ill sohe it by 6rst mo"intt
D 0.,,,1 C 10 III<: end of Ihe lin. nul
lhe Fill UI' the Ita!, .. lth
Ii an,1 F. Fill up the n . ... Gap w"h
II and B. whrn by fill;ng up Gap
apin with A and E. the fe.t II a._
cornplishM, but you ... iU ftDd it a
very tomplia.lC'd trick '" worlt il
bIod,,"aru. agaIn from lhis point, 10
:u .10 bring 10 Ilk original po-
aiuoa .., u...t the boys and girt.
.Iand a1urruudy In a row.
Mr. Funnynun". Joke is (J) <erlls.
Two Mn &ad. A Ditdl PuuJ..
In lho! famous ............ r:obl. prell-
I.... ... .... rtin il .. <hat t.o
111m dug a d,tcl\ 100 yanJs 'oag.
... he,.", the. fir,e got 90 cents pc.
"'MinK yud, and the <>tIw:r $1.10
on at>IInl of th. ditch being
i. an be lho"", tlw. .f the. first .".,;
dug 55 59 yardl at 90 C<:IIIJ., he
would $SO. From the point
C, th. man dug &n." to the
.... rl he fttl: df'tpcr, meullud
Ih" hypo!!."" .. ", line of 45 .."t!
... at 51 10, .. hith ;also _It ..
$50. Whi.h;. d""btl ... . he intended
In."'t. to thi. probl ..... which .... .
bn a bugbnr for centuri .. .
Th. FALSE COI,OR puul.
plai".,1 by lbe followin!:
alp Vall Wlnklt'. Gillie.
In the lilli. bowling proble," il
,,a. tnld Ihat th. pins ..... ar,ang<'d
in. rOw 10 Illat .. pl .ye, could knotk
,Io"n a single pin nr any 1"'0 ad_
ja .. Go.. They pby in turn" ..,d
II the man of the mountains
h ... knod,d down pin No.2. the
JIIl .. ..... ta uU .. bat iJ but
.1Iot fot R,p to make to 10m the
Ta ..,tlIia the clwnpion>ltip a l
SI""'1 Hnlktw, Rip .hoold naw
!.:nod; t1a"'n p,n 1"0. (0. 50 as ta d,.
vL<le thc: row 'n,a grou"" 01 I,J .nd
7_ Thm. no mallcr pl'y tho
linl. .. makt'. lie ... ,U .urcly be
beatnl il Rip co,Ulnun to mah thc:
.... t play'_ To ha"" ... on the p_
al the .... t1, thc: I,ltl. man 01 tbe:
n"""ntain. h .... " I<nock",1 oot
pm Ko. 7 lID as to d,.,.:!e tile row
",to two JrfOUpt 01 6_ Thnl, what
."'" Kip knocl<cd out 01 on. group
he would duplQtc on the atll,", and
thus "'in by I Jgr. Tuk.
22 Binb.
I, l:ark; 2. E.:o/::leJ; J. Illuk Cap;
4, Sir<! of I' .... S, SWlllo .. : 6,
Rook; 7, K1tc; 8, 9, Sai.
lor; 10, Cnn,,; II. 11u,",,"".; 12,
Rail; !.l. Mocking; 14, Ilioc.: IS.
Tailor; 16, I'wl .. : 17,'1;
18, Tu'key; 19, Arma,hllo; 20,
Swift: 21, Jay: Z2, Wr.n.
AlphlLbet OOQun4ruml.
01 <0\,,,,. thor. wcre an
'we ... ubminC<i ",a"y nl 'h"",
bllilt "I"'n 'he .. of
the from ..-hith ,h. ....
ing are ..,k<:\CtI U lhe best i
A i. like ,h.
B OD<MS afler it.
B iJ pI.d befo C. boau ... we
",u<l he be:lotc .... can _.
C i. t,ke. ICh<x>Im.nn. boause ,h.
dw>gt> into cla,,1tI..
D is like a squalhnl; child, ba\lle
il mak." ma mad.
E is lib London, boa\lle il is the
capit-' of
F is like .. beau.. il
malo", an 1 11.
Gis. hot day. bca .... il iOlhe mid-
dle 01 Augu ...
II i,. cu"' lor because
;, " lhe Mlt,
J .. Ihe lucky .owcl. ... it is
in b1iu ",h,l. It ;1 in and
th< OIho., in
J is lib your nnw. .. ;1 ;.
n.xt to )"11<1' (J' .
K i. lih .. pig', tail. bee,u ... it i,
th nd of 1'0'""-
L i. like .. qu .. n, i>anl( il mak ..
tho kn kn1
11 i ... lavorite with min.rl, be.
ell'!. it makf:l ore mor .
N i. like a Pia:, boauM: it mak .. "a
o is lib a ha ..... beau .. G
i\ CO.
P is a fals. lrirnd. !weau ... al.
thoul:h Ih. 6"1 in ri,)- ,\ .. the
lut ,n help.
Q is a . bon .... il a"rays goc:.
head of 1.:.
R il a ... inn ..... btto."", it [ ... d. In
5 is. titled lady wh ... il is a dDtch
T i. hI an i.t..nd. brcauH il ..... <1<
in the of ..... I.r.
U i, n<>l lID qUttf U I. btto.use 1
..... lhe quri<l.
V is ,ho letlO" bonu .. "
i. Ih ... yo in Ion
W il like a ..,a".,aI. it
makn ill will.
X i. a mystery, bcc2.u .. it is in u_
Y is .. gral I.1dy. btau .. it is lhe
J'ounh 01 July.
7. i, Iik. m<mkey e.go, bcea .... il i,
leadiug I.ature 01 the Zoo.
Alphabetital addition i. ooIved by
Ih. keywortl Purh mow . a famous
brand 01 pOUIOU. Number .a.h III
the I." .... '<'1"f,<ut;,oly.
5ond Alphabelical AdJition i,
Don't be luy_
1;'-oT"ti,," P""Ie--F'ad<,
male, ,,,;It. milk. sitk.
A CHAR.\Oli i. rural.
In 00.' trip Ihr"",h the dictiom7
we found tbe: words, Scion, 5uspo.
cion. coercion. int .--:ion and
Answer to u.. 000H Puuie,
The accompanying 6gure show.
how to divide 1M fO<l;OC into three
piccc.I which .. ill 6t into the egg_
Ther. iJ 011< ciaI' of puvl. "'hioch
may be a< m,ve!""" eo, ,"".
"0>, wh,eh a<c I..-.:\'Uc-d on ,he 1;Jc..
walk, '-'1 Ih .. 01..,..1 hawkfn ,n,\
about ",hich [ """ire ,u ""c a f, ...
.. "rill of ad,,;CC' <>. cauuon. lIa .. lIy
a day 1'"'''' wilh",,\ "'y ""Ct' iPI( a
comnnulic;luon abnut 00II>t Ca",,",
puo1e <>. n''''dly "hieh the author
10 pili _p'" ,"" mark,",. I al
.... y ..,min.1 than uj PuLk. ad,'''.
10 ytltD1j( COUp!.,.. w""",pI,'.ng mAr
,;mony: "\Ion','
lu lho fir<l. , ..... , ... Ia are
"cry d ..... I'I""m"'l(. II rS grellt try
.md li\lle " .-.,,]. ... h .. 1eI o .. dy
a""",nt to an}'lh,"; al aU ""'\ """Jal.
Iy kill the n"le .. fmlt1 ,I", hilt" t,..,"-
My ;,. MC,"' \"'<"1". Co.)]')"rigl"
or manufacture any "I th ..
kino! a I","ili,'c (>rM. bcro
,,"hid, w,tt ,,',,.r att ""J""D t'O.
K ot ""'"" on<' p, .. .,.. J;:.m.
0111 01 a hundred i. a ',,(con. You
run no ,;<k it! <hnwinl]" }''',,, iolea
bel"r ... p;I!Onl h"" "'-1:" I
h ... t be"" "" ... lor a ,,.,,,ury and I)<>or hoard of all
idea \><it1&" ..
lin,,;' of IIre.l
hawko"'prot>; ,,,on.
The .. two ..,."ply
bi:l ,h ... i "",her piece of
"""'able canlboard ",hlC"fl, ,h,in in
groov<"l behi",1 Ih<, pic\u,.,. Th.
If'IC"C' h<-,wnn Ih. bar< are cuI 1)1"
and 1\\10 "'IS arc J",wn (in <:Ii",,,)
which un be ... t.d by lh.
By mO"ing the ""rd from riJ;:'n
to l<lt 0I11y ral Ca!l be '...,n al ..
tim<::. 110 il "i, ... tho 'I'"fIar."tc nf
jumping (Itl' Clge t <) Annlh.r.
SI.:&r!ing from orig.:m] position
l'il( . .! mi.) be rnched in 44 play!
a, foUo"" 11. II, 12,8,7,6, 10.
12, 8. i. 4, J, 6, 4, 7, '-I-, II, 15,
13.9, ]2.11,4, 10.8,4,14, II, 15,
13,9. l.!. 4, 8, 5, 4, H, 9, I.', II,
]0. 2 and I.
Fig. 3 =1 be rc:lt:bed in 39
I'l:t} .. : 14, IS. 10. 6. 7, I], 15, 10,
IJ. 'I. $, 1,2.3.4,8, 12. IS, 10, IJ,
9.5, I. 2 . .1. 4.l:"l. ]2, IS. 14. lJ.9,
5. 1.1. J. 4, 8 and 12. T" pro<lnce
a ma,;.: "I'JaIli add in!':: JO fol
]owing i< the """I: 12. 8. 4. J. 2.
10,9. IJ. 15. 14, 12. 8. 01.7,10,9,
14,,,3, ]0.9,
6,5. I. 2 .. \ 6. 5, 3. 2, I. iJ, H, J,
2. I. lJ, J. ]2, 15 ""d 3.
Th. re:>.llrick "f th. could
Mly be l'eTI,-,nned by changing the
9 ;r,'o a 6 and the 6 inlO a 9, by
luming ,It"", 111' ide down during
Ihe oi Ihe blocl< ...
There mu,! h',-,e bten 900 pic-
nick.,.., who would be """let! 9 to
a if tt,.re were 100
!IT 10 10 a "fter ]0 of the
1m I<cn dawn. \Vh""
they ,t:.rtet! 10" with 75
w:.go",. it W"-, ""-"l:""Y lor 12 per.
10M '0 ride in f: .. h "ag""-
Mi,) Tokio first Icp; 10 ,he 6N
rung then load< to th. ground: Ihen
to I and 2, back '0 1, up to 2 and
J. de.. one: >1Cp and
1 .. '(> "I'. and I"", QD be> I"'r.
f"tmcd in 2J 5t'"!>l_ Hiki\ ... tu
Old ..... =y be foDo",o:
'The Ii ... ! ch:tr:tde i. Godlik.; tile
SOnd -"'"-,-,,,en; tbe third Pocltct
The ftalUre oi
Idcgrnl'h pole problnll tUntil upon
the fact tlt3t no lIl3ttcr how many
pole:i you tmy t<> in
minUl" Ille sJId of Ihe I",in
\"1IT;C, 1"'1 thr betW1:eQ
pole!! is the "'me. beaU$!! ... e mul
tiply IIId by tile _ num.
IIfT_ I..,t lI; the number
of pola p:I...ed. alld mUltil'lr b,
3 HI tillll!i 5,280 (lI1LIIIlx:r 0
to a II1Ilt), .nd d"'ide by It tima
60, anJ tlte will aJ"a)'s be
319 ftet bet,,ftn pain.. nUl as
the.., woulJ only be 59 be-
I"-cen 60 "e ,h"uld di"ide
the 19. IJQ fect b1 39 10 (t'l
3242+59 fect, as Ihe corre(( an
The player tnn t
hn.,hro"n a 1 "hich ad.Jcd to 4
gi,a him S, lca.,utt 10 to the other
who "illl by S I>li" ...
109;;8 rqtr_11Ied in Ih. <Ulima!
notation woulJ be 2ZO-1]Z2. The
to Ih. right rcpr_nls ullits;
then Iwo 6s, tlK'n (.Ine 36, lour
216s; no IZ'X",; two ;776 alld
two 4665(" which. lidded logetnu.
p'o,", the sum, The tn-
by the tnu\tipin of 6 in,tull
10, 3< in the detima] n.owtion.
TIle is 5umhi"e,
,he ntxl
H3,>I< h"d tlnen ani"",I!. Jim
3ud Uukf Iweuty-l>n(. 50 that
11>(.., th;rtynin. animal) ,110--

PUZ:U.U.M\"D Au;u .... il;
The lint char.lde i
tI,e OCXI Margin, then
In tile Jack and Jill problem, it
being clt;Lt Ih:1\ 60 fect down hill
;s equal to 40 up hill, we tee
Ihat Jack aecomplishcd the equiva
II:IlI of ],360 flllld Jill but 1,2Ql
whm they tlUit. which _h')W5 thti.
';1'".,\ I , I.., in ,he prOp',rtinn of 6J
I" Jade Jill by 5-63
" ,
of hi, time, which was eqw.! to bh
a. ml1Mt, I.{J of his time u equal
1(1 6 1COOIIdJ, and his whole: lirnt,
thtrc!o.." wuuld be 6 minutes and
18 sundJ. which i. !lIC correct
'rawer to the problem of jad<'1
,pctd for Iht h;!lfmil. run.
In the problHn of tt.e dowers 01
th( June brid"'i ... -( ,,-ere loki ,hat
the Ihr brida "'eigbcd 396
pound>. and that th ..... W3.ll " dif
fcrcncc t,f 10 pound> bet""ffR
uch. Kilty weigbcd
Ill. Kelti. lJ2 and '42
pound$. A. UTo",n ,,-.ighed the
""me as hi. bride, we will p3ir
Kiuy "nd Brown, weighing 144.
We p;lir (198) "I
J30, .nd 1I1innie with Robimon
(284) I .. makc the required 426.
which gin. a t.ol31 of 1,000
pound,. or half 3 ton.
THI G .... 1t OF \IATa!)oION,{ win.
by Ih. play of one. Iwo or thre .
Th.n winn;nK po;nl'i arc 9, 15,
12 ami 28. You will al:IQ win if
)-OU count 3-1 01' the thumb, 32 on
Ihe 2, J] 011 3. 30 on the:r, 24
"n the 3. 19 on 2. 17 on lhe 4,
16 On lit. 2, 11 "" Ih. 3 or 6 on
the 2.
]n that .t .... riddle dtlier Strew
is insecur
.. ftl;TOT 111" JilCJo..

.. .
Cooo NMa uys. In on\t1" tn
be .. ise beak 00 t ... t tool urn. n
HDd Afn. O'Flabcny
but 42 Ctnt5 !he might ha.,-e pur ...
chased OM<' pound of turkey a",!
one pound of goose. Now, if
Ipt:nt 111:11 ume amount of
f<jUJ.!ly divided between g= ;lnt!
would ha\. 1lItti,-.d
2].24. of a pound of turl<ey and
I 2.]& potmd. goose-2 ]-2-1,
pounds altogclher. which i$ 3 gain
of 124 of;) po",,,I, !"eSull;I'!:" h'm
h.r her cml< by Iht
!lew method.
Sil'OCC' an i",emnenl of 42 emu
",ill prod'l I d,ffe",ncc of 1-241h
of 1l pound the IWO meth-
0115 of " i, dear lhat
she ml'e,1 .jij limes 42
or $20.16, 10 2 pound5 by
Inn$tiog- $10.08 in lurloe}". and
the same amount in >,he re-
"i,ed 42 pounds of one mnd sti
pounds of the other, whel"Ull had
bought quaol,l,es of uth
would have rcaived but 96
poun<:b a1togtther.
Till! AICIIlT'ECT COt on m <lnight
line Inxn 'he seoon<J a$ in-
diuled by Ihe Kinji:'1 Ihumb. to
the third 'p:lce as pointed out by a
finger at the 101'. Ihm mo'e Ihe
right han,1 piett up one and
you ... iIl lind thU tMre are but
124 cell., whleh tllabla )'01110 13y
out a rOOle Itnling froen ,nd re
lurning 10 Ihe lell ha,l<! corner.
paning through all the celli bul

Tflll: lu..lJ",IA1'&O TOWN. arc
she raUy 1011 32 ren" by Ihe u-
Thtre mn", hale beet! thiTter n
thildren ou 1ha.1 "lury-fI'(>-rOlln'l.
Thw: "'00 .ode ahead of Winie
at the $.UIM! time ame behind him.
AJ there ... Iwelvc of them. "e
limply add th.u-qmrlers 01 twolve
10 one-third 0 1 twelve .... hich giyes
Ihinccn. the loul nwnber includ-
ing Willie himsd.
A I'\Ile fOT $OIviug Ihis problem
it 10 di.-ide lhe t.ul number of
$lOOmts LIllO Ihe difl"nmc:e bel ..... un
lhe amount, proouml by multiply-
ing 11.. StplLr;lIe m>!lml (:TOU]>S by
the 100ai qUOliml be-
ing the number by ,,hich on< group
exceeds Ihe other.
We mu" lind a las than
24 ",hich will divide ('enly ;nlO
108. and 18 fills the bill. The quo-
tklll 6 ;s the ex=' of Red ups
over 'Blue Coops. Then!lore ,htre
mu$l bLl ]2 Red Caps,nd 6
'Blue Caps. The Red Coop<; ron
216 ' Ielnt and the Blue Caps
The Frenchman 10 J:Ly
lit;Lt he fouruJ & hair in Ih !>ultcr.
OLD WO"'AN in Ihe lihoe
lI;d children as pr""cn by Ihe
oa:upalionl a.nd speru of thole
wo"'n in Ihe pKLure.
Tor; LITTI".& CAUfI!III com-
"ICOCed at AI<. a :uxl hi "r .... t.
..... em LIjl hl,treet 10 the. C. which
he follu,,cd to Jrt! st=t. down 10
A,'e. A, backward to 20.1
Ilrrd, up 10 A,e. C. along: to 41h
down to A,e. A. bad< to hI
Ilre.-l, IIp to A"e B. and Ihrougb to
4th '!reeL
TlI r; DInt. CAME: Player .hould
eunmtfl<t wi,h 2 Or 4 if he Iqlt>
10 ... in.
Till ""'I"nny P"ttle :ans ... cr i.
17, 17, 17. 17. 16. 16= lOll.
Til. Rr;uss Hili:. l'uule rn:r.y
be read: One to wail 101'"
lea. .
n", mathemalial cop ""Y' tlul
his converution wilh "leG,,;re oc-
corred a, 9:36 A. M., bause one-
qll'LTiCT 01 the lime Irom midnight
would be 2 hours and 24
which, added to hlf the limt till
midui!;!!1 (7 hours ami ]2 min-
utes), eqU3l. 9:36.
Were il 001 lor Ih.lacllMI Mc-
Guire bid Cla,ICY good morning,
iho ... ing lhat their I.wersalion
IwI< placc in the /I.. M .. II might be
aIolUmed wt the time ... as P. M.,
and 7.12 P. M. would be. an equally
Irr..., alll",er.
Tlln!; 12-lxcu KAJ' l:t J<5 will
a 13 and 1-4 inch square
'able. Place one: squanl)' on one
e< n,or and lhe. OIhen ,..ill easily
Co,er Ihc relll3.,ndu.
These: are the Twenly-onc Palin-
dromes that rhymes concok<!:
1. Anna. 2. E,c. 3 ..... d:o. 4.
KWL s. 6. Bib. 7.
Pap. 8. Gig. 9. Le,d 10. Ewe.
11. Koon. 12. E'e. lJ. Pop.
14 Pup. 13. Pi!,. 16. Mum.
]7. Gog. 18. 19. Tenet
ZOo req>- 21. Deed.
Til>: H., ItD,..""p' STOll" sells:
H.onn",ts, .padcs. bol l.,
lock., buckel tack,.
"ove ]iften, pulley monkey-
wrtJlcha. white leaw, qU3YS and
read5: Tai grande .petile" .. lit_
lle too long 100 w&il for I.... The
P. S,. is IUt'fl!'Kd 10 me.:.n
a tine ",ore" A,bline Moore
TilE ... n.c. _._
As lbo: difference be.t,..-. a pritt
,,hich i. 10 IlCr cent. ad,ana: upon
""" doll and one whid! IS ZO per
e"nL advanre upon ninety cet1U ;1
1"0 which;. 1.55 of lhe f"r_
tner pncc, !IO in this ca.", the price
lor ,,hid! the: good, told i. filly_
limes ""\$, which
I. $lJ.7S,
,\ linle m"l)' ,,",ll gilc lhe
en! nan'IC< "I RluellCard'. w;,es
,rrecll)". and lhe hY' may be.
phccd in \lIe following groups; 7811
345 =26910.
SI1S'1'TITI1U an E for Rami
.pel! FItALTY.
In Pt:ULEl-AXIl can 'he:
porlrait of WashinlflOll by I:]anc-
;ng from kft 10 TIght along Ihe
center of the big Ire(:, nle sim-
plc,t W3r IV WI a square. into lix
"'I"are5 " tf) m>rk it "IT mto ninc:
'qllnrel, then the b'(nt one w,ll
I", made "p of four ,qu.lTCI, a"d
there ..... ill be Ii,c IlIOre: little ones:
Tnt CHAunu are: Hard'hip.
Sh:r.kespur and Busbe:Lr.
In WI mark down thirL1 ule
MI'$. na.,..,inhunt... bou/thl 1m
p]a'a at 1l IllS neh on Saturday
and rCiumetl thm! on Monday for
pucers al 3 em" each and
cupt at 12 emt ....:h. making
a 100al of $150. a. ,I .. I'flurned the
plata at 15 emlJ each; but 00
S>.lurday we c:ould have bourbt
Ihirteen <;ups at 10 emIl each, 110
LIlT ... Ro PlIr.r arranged lhe
fOUT piece< lolloWlL:
Till; CUAIlAl)U reo.d ; Van-
guud. nralcgtm and Sapling.
Puule is IIOhed ;u follows: A
Swi:'IS O'eesc (an be: divided in to
26 pie<:es by /ivc Slnight cutl. A
chessbo.1nl truly be. di,id.d into 18
pieces without any 1 ..... 0 pieces be-
ing tntlly alike ..., lollt".,,:
In lhe Abacus probkm. the Can-
ton mcrdtant mUSt h;>,e pun:ha.ed
puppy dogs for 88 hilS, and 22
pairs of Tats at 2 bilS a pair. mak_
illg in all 132 bill. He"",d 39
d at 22, eqmls and 21
p;Lirs o f "'It al 22. Ihereby gettillg
I=Ic his original 0011 ..... of 132 bi\5.
He tI,.n had S doj(5 to retail for II
bill. and one pair of ",\5 for 2.2.
"hkh would be 13.2. or 10 per
cet11. upon hi. firsl inn'slmcnl.
Till; rJIIUPP'''E TLlADEIlS ha.c
lOUT rillg' weighing 3 qmner QI ..
pound, IhT-quartrr& of a pound.
IwO pounds and a quarter and .ix
pound! and threc-quancrs. By
clever with these four
,,eights, $0 to place some on
OJlllO!llle ends 01 the Kales as cOUn-
tu bmI:uxes, any odd number. ILkI'.
three and a hait pounds. nL.l.y be
" e,&I>td.
Till! BellUl CITY pilule it I>.tb-
80.55 decimilly upr-.:l GO 80.5
82. Total. Thertrore: "" 82.
The . Qvcr a number signifiu
thaI il is a repeater which wop]d
go on for ever. II ....hen we CI..
deo.vQr 10 describe ] -3 decimally.
V;1.; 3) 10.(.3333 etc., ad bUI
eXI1Tes.ed .3; ",th of nUnL-
lH: .. ..-e plact dQI ovcr the firsl
and 1351, U ",ilh 1-7, 7)10(
1.42857, which of Llumbe.n
wOllld repeat in the: Nme sequence
for e\'C'. n,e remarkablc feature
be:ing W t I. rel",ater il euctly
equal to 1_9, viL: 1-9 and.l are
the; ume.-59 - .5, jLlJt tM
.. 142857 o'cr
, "_1"-'.
In lhal puuling pr:m]e it i, evi_
denl thaI the dtiklrctl .. crc 10
"'er ealmdar lhal Ihey
had ftaned to KhooI with II",,,
boob on Sunday morning I I"r it
is p1:lin that the day after to-
mot'1'Ow i, ywenlay. lo-<.by will
be thT days l!CUre. jllo, as "'hen
Ihc day belQr. ,."",Ierday WlL! to-
morrow (arria u' hack thre.- days
from no"', which mun be Sunday.
10 be midway tbe two to-
HtDDltN CITlU autl R,Vl:IIS:
PC>lite, Augusta. Um... Ca.r$Ot1.
Oeburn. Atchi",n, ro, Nile. Seine.
and Don.
Sixty dollars i. ha!1 the CQ5t of
tht an,,, ... 1 and thra:-qU<trten 01
Ihe co.t "f hi. keep. Thi, maka
one q""rter of Ihe kC'tp oroe-third
of $47 an<! tM 101.:1.1 """ $28 2-3.
The: aceomvany;ng CUt .hoWl'
how 10 di,ide Ihe square lot. imo
four pieces 01 the S3L11e and
i;zt, with a tree 10 ad> p,e
RoUSES: Pid..", and Aspire.
A Swrt("lI Problem may
wired so a. 10 require hILt 234
inches, al
Till! n"TOaICAL llL-aIW err..
;, Edinburg, f,,!1nwcd by 195
Wew-r. Elbe.. Tha.tnes. Ganges.
CarL1da. Hing-
ham. Angw:a. D:t.ltvn. Ircbnd,
Bethel. Rye. Stafford. Acre. SU3.
(;ra'C'-CtMl. Corom:mde1, I'crsep;a-
Ii, and Cord<n:a.
Regarding the question ;as In
how high Han. could . ..,fely build
I. pyra,,,,!! of egll" ,f nch
we,gh, two ounces and would sus- a pre!oSure of tight pound!;. it
m:.y be: 5.liJ 11'31 II",
grer halo 1000nd by act",,] lrial
thaI a pyramid QI 193
cglr' on the line of the !>Me would
cont3iu lB.i21 eC'J.:'i. which would
,,!,port IMe 192 rontaining
I. 16.865 It rmkes no dif_
whether we build
!;Ir lri:l.ngu4r pynunid, Ihe number
of layers "'ill be Ihe same.
To fi"d \he lIU1nlJe. of egp in ..
squa'e py..,..,id ",ulriply the "wn
w of CliP <on (,,,I' ",Ie of rht
by lhal same nwnbo:r plus on<', lOul
by tw,ce Il,e n"mber
om, and di"ide loy 6. 1>Lllhcmalic_
ally e"prr:<;.W iu would be n (n
pI .... I) (2n pI .... I) by IS_
To calculate the ""rulll'r of tl:Ir'
in a pyramid it "'ould
be: n (n 1'1n> I) (n plus 2) divided
TIll' Rm l1t:1y he
inlO a by CUlling IUto thrte
pier ;b ,1" '" II, awl iu..,n the lri
llllgUlar piece below,
The <;<>ndil;o", \\ ere 1Itt('nlins: 10
Lard Roely,,', 'l lei" of
limes ea"11 opon the multiplt.:I
of 7.
are one or Iwo of
varying Ihe a ..... but the I"in-
eiple in"oh'W i. ail'''Y:l Ihe Afm in
producing lhe runlt.
He Ioscs >e,en single francs in
suo;:eWlln, Ihnll<e:s 7-frant
bets and .. in. f'l\I' 7-f",nc
lures, whICh makes his and
gains tqua!.
He then wins IWice on ol9 :l.IId
Ioscs Ii"e lilms on the wno. nurn-
tJCr, and then W;":I K\'m limes on
lie now lor,c, thtce limcJ on
2 .f01 all<.! IIi", I""r time!!, Ihen
win! twice on 16,1t07 and lo.a
Ii,.., lilllC!, and fill'l!iy willo 'c,-en
tin>e:s ou Ihe limil of 117,("'9, ..,
in all he h:., won 8(,9.288
frana and 1",1 91.S11, which
IelVes him just 777,777 francs of Ihe gallIC,
Js Al\CII:.'iT Ille), draw
Ihe ,ymool ill lol m-okcs a$ follows:
Tilt IklUl:II Cn)' is Cobl""">..
Tin: CIUNr""'L buried
puz II' ":,,ne
Ann"" ...
Tile (U'M girl wu just 6J.'! d:oy.
old, :m,j Ih" boy twice ;u much,
,,",ultly I,Z7(, d;,ys. The ".:<1
Ihe )'<lungesl girl w;1l be: 639 days
old, and h ".,'" rfl<:T\I;t 1,915 days.
10131, 2,554 which d<hllole.
Ihat 01 Ihe linl boy. wi1(> ha"ing-
gainw One day, will be 1.277 daY'
old. The nexl Ill. boy. be:ing
do)" "lei, bring; hi. hig-
hr"lh , wha is 3,83,1 .13)" (>IJ, 50
rheir coll1binw :uno"nl 10
5.111 whid, it ju...t Iwiee the
agq of til/! girl,. who wm !\Ow l>e
(,..wand 1,916,0.2.556.
The nexl day, the &ir" gaining
0111' <l3y uth, will n:I,res..m 2,558
which added to 7,670 days of
Illt last n:cruil. brinp up
loW to iO,2ll1 diY_, which is jusl
lI.ite I""t of Ih. IWO b.W", which,
"';Ih the Iwo PO;IIl'l ad,ltd for the
I .. t <by, would l>e i!lCU;l.>ftl 10
We am'. at the 7'(170 da}'S by
laying, tbe }-.xtng bdy
TC:LcMd her tw-tnty-li,..t birthday,
21 tinlQ 365 oqual> 7.665 pi ... 4
for lour luJ'l )'t.1In, and the
exl1':lo OIIC. day, which wilh
!hi! birthday (which is
one day low .... d. the tW."ly-..eeond
yen, im'ohinJ: the t,,-entieth cen_
tury mnddlt),
In 10 lhe query how olJ
was Ihal }'ounJ:t!l1 boy, the reply
lllouid be: 1.276 days.
TIL(I'" wllo .,>:1."1' lhe boy's age :rs
3 12 ycars eulit'dy thc
of Il,. agB of
the pupils from day 10 day,
As a differ,""" (>{ 25 nu per
bu.bel in tilt I'n 01 what
a differenCe of a dollar :an ::Inc ILl
the TCIlI, the le"l p.1,J in .. hul ,.
four In\, hd. Deductin&,
lhe ,,,Iuc of f"ur bu.,hd. of what
from lhe h,tal la.'eJ Sol an
:tete ;u the <1m l'ai,1 ill ca h, ;LIl,1
di,-;Jiul:' $1'10 bv fuur I;"'cs the
nnmbc:t- of acres t\\C"ty.
TUon,. PIlUI. d lUlo.l be
read "He'l =}
TilE :lIOl\.-\STEln' TREAS-
We pnclic;olly ,rb the leap
yen (e:L1ure lhal 3 lear
52 ...-td<., I day an.1 r; h UTI
long. which i. the ""IW al 5! 5-28
wO'Ci<. long. Xow, as il lakes jU'1
18 y"",.. 10 ngkc IIUI 5-li! run mlO
e,'on }'urs, we wil< "'y 5-28
-14(01 wrek. a. a IICrI""l corell' ,.f
}'eau ending w1\1o a s'11l1r<]ay.
BUI as we mIl -I ha"e a number of
coi", which ,all be di.ide<! hy fuur
Clt (",1' or .iOlt we fin,l Ihnr we mU<1
ha.-e a n"mbe. 01 "'tel<. din"hle
by GO, <0 tit' J::CI .uch ",,",her loy
mullil,I)'ioJ:: 1416 by 21'1. II hkh will
&,v. l'),Z10 as a ,.f \\fI<:kl
divisible by 4, 5 (or 6 II) Iht
piles of coin, :LU,1 divi,ilole by 51
528 wedu, whkb COIln'rll il inlo
500 yun, a. n:prc.<cnh"g the C<IT-
ro:ct age of the mun:r.,lcry "'hen \l'e
eoi ... were CO\Ulled.
Tlll!: !U:BlCS and tlI.'._'OS
Srntnp anJ I1ecamcr.
'1'1111' 1.0"1'0); rUG leach.,.. Ihe
mo.-allhal it "",in hI a.pirc,'
Rq;:o.rding the lrip frnm Inver_
ness 10 G1a.<g,,"', of 189
miln, the dif(....,'lCe bcl"ecn Ihe
1"-0 spenb be:iul( one m,te JIl' r
hour, ",e gu" t,tus a h:,lf mile per
hour for _peed of Ihe ;Ialte. and"
minD! one-half mile peT h,"" f"r
Ihat of the l.:Iin, whi<h &"'" Ihe
tquati"n 189 )( ........ neh.1lf-
189 o"er x plu.< ""WlI, ll.
Whence 192 efIu.aIJ IZ" s-q, alld:"<:
elJual, ol. TIle speed., Ihcrcfnre,
arc 41_2 miles and 31.2, which
_hOWl lhal the place of
01 189, or
5211-16 milo;.
A kllllLL
In Ihi problem il "". lold 1""1
mi_ cr 10:0.,1 " 10 13rd (If $5, $10
and $2('1 go:J pi"' ...... rueh he couM
""ide inlO fCoUr. fi,-.. and.,l< p.1"',
e"n\;li,,,n!,: ,"11,1.:.. co,n,. To
do th,s il Iw. been .ho..-" he
nn, I 11;,., ... ""d n I le>s than
C<Jin' of n,:h ""'nm;n..tion, "Elich
would make" IOlal of $1.100.
Conll":1.ry In Ihe publi.h .... all-
.. e'" In the bmolL'i pu:u/c of the
four C<J"ple. "ho had to cm5lL a
nVer ,n a "''''. which would <arT)'
bm two ptrxon. al a lilllC. the feat
COn bo: pcrfonneil in 17 trip", in-
!Iad of 2.;_ L'lili,;,,!: the i 13".1
m \l,e middle of il,e and
romplying wilh Ihe c<",dilior;s Ihal
no young lady W3. 10 l>e ,n 11,e
tflmpany of any gentleman unlcil
her [,arlCC "'as ]Ul:!<Cllt, and "0 man
\\'3S 10 bc alone In a boat, if aLlY
y"",,),:' lef1 alon .. , e>!cept
1he [<nr 10 whom eng:l.gN.
lk",ril""1( lite young Illm "" i\
nell, Md the Y'\II"g lad; ... u
a h d. Ihe 17 t.ip. of boal o;:ul
I,., iol"",-ed.
Lland. 0".,..
AIJCOabed <> 0
ABeOed 0 ab
Al'lI!:Obed 0 a
ABeUd be a
AlleDed b a
f\;ow Ihe mo:n 6cgill to d:o some

COed b A B.
IlC[)ed b A.
nco bod A.
BCDd ho A.
Dd bo ABCa
Dd bo ABC
Dd b BC,.c
BDd b ACac
d b ABCDac
d b o AllCDa
d 0 A BCDabc
0 ABCOab
0 0 A nCDahed
In th;! renuri<able {'roblem
find lhe lake C<l ntamw eJ<acll),
tle"eJI acrl'S. the appro",-
mille of "neo;,ly deyCt\
acres" is nol (orr""t.
This definite i. worked OUI
by Ihe law, ... hich
1h;,1 If' rigl'l-lngle lri.
an):1e Il,c ''tuare of Ihe I<'nl(l"ll 'i,le
's equal 1<, Ihe .urn or Iho: "luares
of lhe IWo
In Ihc ill" l.-ali"n Ann repn:-
"nls our .\ n 1.o:ing !)
acres I''''g and D D 11, henu<c
9:<9 KJu:tb 81, .. hid, addtd to
17x17 i2'89) ",j"I. the J70 acres
of the;<t rltld. ,'F. <: is a
right-anl:le and Ihe
(If 5 (1';) ad,je<1IQ Iht "'ltJ;,N' of
7 (ol9) WI" .... l/t:It ,m
A C iol. ell F i':l ,i,I1,-
angle uiang!c, wh;"h .h",,'. \l'll
Ihe square of It$ '" and 10
prIl,t the t !:lIC (\1\ B C
10 oqua111 The art" nf our
A D n il clurly Ibe half
01 9)117, wbich CfIu:t11 76.5 un.,
and at Ihe are" (If Ihe obl"ng and
IWO Iria.ngles t:Ion plainly he to
be 65.5, we ded\ld Ihe .. ,me f'(>1n
76.5 10 prove that Ihe lake contain.
uaelly II


In 1b:L1 Irournl:' m:llch punic it
can be shown tholl the iour qlLar'
leU .. I"'''tcd rcopecu"ely in
271 ..... 27, 27 1-8 27 1-8,
made m the time of I min-
whICh pro"1IS lbe mile to have been
ute::md 0\81.2
Maoy puulim and matho:-
m;l.titi'lns will be snll'ri W 10 10m
thai he: !Luted off "ith 6fty-/i,'c
banu, LeI us pTO'f'e \l,e ;m",.r
and find out how much hc rtai,'td
for them.
TI'e liT!! penon he met pur
half hi:l ,lock and lulf ,
ham which di,postd of Iwenly-
etgh; b3ml for SJ5. IIit next en ...
tomer look half of his atode Ind
hlli a ham ami
tiire<:!ed him 10 aIlo\.hu ptace, where
he tii$postd of half of w!Lat
mained and l wh,ch
would be ",",'m more, whirb leava
h,m .... ilh lix h;,!D!I and $61.25
ca,h on han.!.
landlady th"", h:M.of
h .. 'I,d .n,1 h.,lf " ham, wh,d.
",..u.1 I,., lhrtt and a h:,lf h:."",
{, r which II!.: mu.t ray $5, :u Ihe
hll a h:lm ro.1 '" mILch:o.< a ,,11, Ie
lie Il,"'" nltl the" lei 11l.I11, "'h,,
out 01 Ihe =lUin,j"r of '..-0 :mol a
hall "I _01< h.,1f a ham and
Ihc h.,lf of ... h.,t wh,ch
be a h3m aruI a half, 10r !'2.-
50. le,,,ing J"-' <,nc h.:un. which
"U by lhe: ",-100
\<d, h.,1/ "f "hal w3.lL left and ""1/
h:un. i r $1.25, wlticll deaued
nm hi, and kit him ,,-ilb
in o.h."
It 11'"",1,1 !m '1< lhe bl\l.>l,
3' if MW 1I""W.t 01 fish fmm 33 ,oJ
4J migllt ha"" b,'Cn ""ughl, as o"e
!11J{, try ""llCl1mcntal;y by \:ivlI1J:
A rum 0 1<> II f",11 and Ihe Ij',an-
to t... by \l1e " ,hc ..
1"""'1m aP!'u""L Therc being
how"",r, ",II" arc \0 rc-
cei,-e "ILlal :Lm"unb in Ihe fi",,1 cli-
il i. clur 'hal 110" numlJer
mu.t be 35 or 40. Ihe tatter
J1Ull1ber an,1 il =dily ..,In:. a,,:1
.h",,; I""t .\ ha,l!'t, B (0. C 14, D 4
an,l Ii: I\, if B, C "nd D pool
their is!".,.., m.:lkin1l: 24, each gets!l,
alter which 110 mattcr how """'Y
J"in and Ihen di,;de thrir slocks,
the ,I",,..,. tcmaiu 8. but if any
numbo:r ;', .. ;Ih, e,'m
i{ Ihe full cnuld bc chopped up, it
il5e!f illln an odd rompli
Willie had 72 mila and
Dtuly only 50l when Ihty Iir!<I met.
!!O Ihe di,t:lllCe fn>m JO}to,", to
P!u",m"ille .. -as 126 mil.,..
In Ihi, pr. Uy ..-hi<h. a,
ImY secn, i. c!lXIdy 11') lilt
Red Crou p,oblem, thert. are to be
fnur pi..:e,. which wi\! iii tn/!"Ihtr
and form the lymnlCtrical (in:d<
cr03.!. The lollowing (,!'ure.
tl::Le =nne' 01 culting and placing
the p,ec0e5 logelher,
GEl{ BOYS 1'l.'ZZLE.
It "in f.;.un,1 Ih .. \ IIMry
<l.anul Wllh 30 (Cl!. and Jimmy
.f8 ... nd at one tu"" ba,1 d,,,,Liul
his to 1:.0, "hldt Idt Jimmy
with 18, "ho thrn plungt<1 and ba,1
J6. It 1.or!"",n.IIIHry, lherd ,rr,
to recum J,mmy j"'1 11 (elll'!.
ANSWER TO ClllXESE l'lI7 ...
Tbe 'ollowing show
the m:lnner 01 <unmG" Ihe priooner'.
board iOlo two piecrs whith be
lilted togelher 10 U \0 InrtTl a per.
fect Iq"",e, n,t ingoniou, Irick
whid, ''''', referred to a, t"'king it
dHrlC\l1\ to I""ate the e'lact P'>!ition
of thr opcningl' "Pf'n the <1<1,1
nitch.., which wrre hidden by his
and pIluli.1I
who ,ct m thr mY'le"et of prr.
mUI.:uiOl"1, and f'ONlb:e cmnbina_
lions, ba"e CO!l"IJlll'N no leN
tM" 92,160 ,liff"renl I,>b chains
tolIld be m;"lt from filll. eoilll and
the pm'",""1 eagle, so 1l(I IWO
rould be ex.mJy .. like.
II ""'idenl Ih3t Ihe coin
could be Impended from anyone
of the f,,'c holel, and" ith eilher
to".,.rd yon, whkh wO\1td nuke
ten p'}SIible thang1'" Alt Ihe five-
pif can be in eight
pooiti'lIIs. the5e twCl alone "'<mId
rtproKllI eighty tombin.uloru,
whi"h, Ity the ,i", pmi-
\;(1115 of dl<: (tilt pie, "nd .. gain
by lhe f'>IIr of the dime,
and by two JK"ISitioru; (If the .."gie,
would "'ow llul in the order (If
size in "'hich Ihey no ... Mrong
thne c ... ,,!d be J,8-40 cll.1Inge lIIolde,
an: I ....enty-four differrnt
of coins 10 be made, by
l"I"Ir:Uly changing Ihe n.der of 14
att<>n1inlr to their <iu, J,840
J:"IVet 92,160:os Ihe an-
.wer \0 the pu.ule,
The am()Unl of w ... 336
shillinG""_ would buy 48
l.'"nches uch of red and yellow, 96
in aU, bul 168 shilling> would buy
56 t",nches of yellow and the other
1(.8 would buy 42 b.tnches of red,
98 in all. The betw"
three'M:"entlu and onelulf "'hich
i. cne-four!nth is an amOtlnt
which wot,ld buy Iwo more .. t three
,hilling. than it wc,dd 2t four,
"hieh anlOUnl i. twenty_four mill_
Thercfore. if of
Ihr ronney is the ... hole
a_unt mU'1 be JJ6,hining'l.
Till t"CI''''''nva t:HIU> ..... _ ...
It 100 po., ....... ..-
Rtftninl:" 10 the problem of
Martha', Vineyard. "'hrn::in it w ...
rNJuired 10 tdl how m:lny grape
"ioes. no)C clostr than f_
al"'n, an be OUt in a sqa:t
plot jmt one-sixt nth of an aCre
m .ile. il may be ;wumed thai :til
Iwtds found the ploc would
not be enough to more
IMn J6 ...ines in the regular rows.
ny drawin.- a lin. on the bia$. from
one corner 10 another, and c,..,.,
par..Udinr:: the ... nlC, il "'ill be
found th:ol 41 ... inn D" be planted,
a link aver nine ftfl apart. and
.... 11 "ithin \he fmce line. whil. on
Ihe DI""r hand. 10 plant thc Ii ... t
row af six "ines on Ihe li"e.
"nd a ut(lnd row i.7i
wilh Ii,'e vines. and the next
"'itll 1;'1, elc., upon Ihe
p;lttem of an triangle,
we could plant but lhin)"-nine ...ines.
. . .
. . . -
. . . ,
. . - . ,
Peopk ... ho connl their chick.
trI$ bel"", Ihey are arr 10
reckit!.S "'ilh figure. lhat il " ... , tn
be ,luI out 0' I"" many
Tei"ed !oj poohry
problem lew of II ... " w()Uld
have Krn Ihe younl: cO"l'le Ihrougl,
Iheir w('(j,jinJl" exptn.,e., tl) .ay aboul Ihe $.1,000 mon-
gag!: whkh had 10 be tntl on
thint ye:lr. Ta
lhat Iheir c .. kub.lions WeTe aU
righi, "'e wilJ explain that Oau(lo
with lwei,.. chid:em, of
which len were hens, $0 tbat with
Ihe 'prillg unit ten brOtl<b of 3
dl)'e" liltl. chkk . b"if 01 whic.h
being hem, he 11lI"e nw al-
se,tnly hens a"d .i"ly.
two chichn'- He would
seU of( fOrl}'-eight 10 U ta
"eep Ibe ,",1lIC ralio of I""
The It'nd 'pring he
""ultj h""r ",,cnlybrood.. of a do.z-
en e.l(h. which "'auld add 4ZO
to poultry yan! and gi"r him
JJ6 broiler. In .. n for ho""'h<>ld
upell$o. Ile "'oulJ then lun
.. lid 98 10 "';Ih the
""Xl halching of 5,880 rho
liens and 93 rooslen he ""OU!d
luse Ihe rt'lllired 6,4GS ,,'herewilh
113 payoff tbe mongage.
II "'ill be 5ttn Ihat ew
lhe uumber ed by
uch hm, and llut uch halch;ng
Ihr number of tn.lJe and imlit/e
little d,icQ are and eno"gh
of tI,e yooflg rOO$ler. are ... ,1<1 \0
tn.l;ntain Ihe ratio of 10 \0 2.
1:< TItA" YACHT il will
be found that Ihe Ii"t log of
thc triangle wa, sailed ;n 80 min-
ules, Ihe in 90 and Ihe la.1
in 160, making in.1l Ii" e and a h.alf
h<'Un' so if the boat. started at 9
pas! 10. the rate fini.1ICtI
at J :40.
The differrnct in inlerest at 6
Pf-r Ilt. and 7 \-2 per Ilt. on
$4.000,000 i. $f,o,OOO, which i.
to 1 per ctnt. on the common
5tock. Thtrefo", there mIMt Mve
been $6.000.000 worth of common
" ...
1I."'" """To ". .......
..ttlo ...... 100"..... .." D. _ ..
.. ........ -
11,e a"''''er to this paradoxical
probkm is 1m: shon ... reply to the
many eorrC'lpondents who d;oim
th:ot il i> impouible of solution.
It waS told that the bellc 01 Ihe
Mining Camp received twa
sqUllre bo"H by C:<Jlf5S. OtIC of
tI'e ;s "isibl. and the olher
il tOllCeal.d in the wagon: but we
IlfC told llut they bntl, per
{< sqUllrr and that Qne is jlUt
t ... i"" II high ".' the other. It wa.
further "xp!:liue<l IMt Inr V<pr . ...
m:an ",i.!hed to collect accordirtg" 10
Ihe cubin.l contrnU QI the boxes,
hut that lhe miners objectul and
prO(>Ol"d .ccording 10 .the
ICDJth of the boxes per TUI\Ill.D.g
The uprtS'\ffi:tn had demanded
the ral. of S5 per culUc foot, and
"'hen he compromised and acttpt-
ed $5 per running loot il W3S
co.rred thai thI'Te ,,"15 Dot the.
"thousandth part af a cent
cncc in the IWO ..... " of
Hen the quetion of the [>\Iule : .... en: the ';zes of Ihe IWO
The 13.grr box must be 13,856
inch.., square M<1 the one
i. 6.928 inchn wide. The two 10-
gether would measure inch-
es, which at $S poer runninJ:" foot
would amount 10 $8.66. We then
3)ccnain tnlt the two boxes "'ollid
(QJ1\l1.ill 2.992 cubk inch..,. which
1.7J2 euMe fH"!, Which. It
the rale (I( $S per eubic fOOl, wouW
.also am",,"! to $8.66.
In intero-llng prublern of
the re:tpers eut a owath round
au.J rvun<l .. square umil h:lif
Ihe trap "OS gatherroJ, I lind
Ihey Md a IJml'!e rule which tart
be applied practic:liJy "itllOUt ;lilY
knowledge 01 trQlhemal;':" They
Aid IMI "one-quarttT lhe diller.
encc brlWn I lJturt eul UUQ lull,
and r<>llnd by lhe " .. .I, the
... idth 01 Ih" slnp ruund d,e lut
"hieh took lulf Ih fICld." All of
... hich a hllie uplan:II",n
to tn:lke dear to 1111Iitematiti:uu,
",'ho will unde .. lam.l il Lc:uc .... hen
we say: from Ihe ."''' uf Iw,
,ides tllr ,Iiag", ... l and di
vide the renain<ler by
n'r f,eld w.u Z,1XlQ yards lon
by 1,00J wiJr, JQ by Ihe aid of a
13JIC lin. Ihe farnlCf"l found di-
ago",,1 line, trOU lot" 1m", "".
cortler I" ....:u a hule Uver
2.236 yar<ll, while 10 go "round"
by th" road, of w .. , J.OOO
y:>rdJ. 50 the differcl>te wOll1.l be I
linl" leu than 764 )"lrd.. One-
quarter 01 "hich would be jll'! a-
htde $hy of 191 yard.. So Ihe
hone,l f .. ml('n Itaked of( a .wath
:lil .oun<l the r..,ld Ihal width (190.-
9S.Il) and found tbat il ga'c I<l
e.ach an 01 lhe crop.
L-.OLQ.S CHAll< PI.'UL&.
CO"CIULI.II OIGG .... N'Y v .......
c ....... """. ".w"'. s,,,,, __ . 1"-
So,\o<, .. ''''' ." ....... . 10(_.
". ("<oi... 1_. 11.-.. , 1Ito_.
v ...... c;..." . r .. ' . . ... " .... 001,.
("<0"",. eot.t"h, l'ot .. ....... 001 ao-.
The number of ....hich
Ibrry had Idt " onefifth of !he
"I,. Ie nutnbet' or of his
original nuntbcl". TI.. mi,inai
nWllber by Iwtnly i.' .ix.
liiths and t,,'en.)" is onc-fifth of lhe
origioal nuntbcr. 1"hen.f"re, each
of the bo,.. mlbl. Mvr ... iln
Jl I nne bunm,""
Pl:ZZLl: .
TIltrc &eems 10 be such a U"",,,-
Imily of <'1,iru ," among OIlr his_
I.".i"n reg;,n!ing Ih. num-
Ler of IIICn "' Ih" e"emiul battle
of l1:utinjp, whitl, OI;t:urred Oct.
14, 1066, lhat I :un i""lined tt) :<C-
up! their account of tI,. (['PI,,}
mcnt of troops :u being oorrect.
Thcv c.,ti,mlt l!>at Ibrol,! h:ld
IlIi';O S<luart3 of 180 tntn lin
,,,Ie, .. hicb would gi,.. IBlhI80"
IJ"-41t200 ttlCrL TI,i. number,
wilh Harold added, would lonn
one great Wilh 649 IlIC'n
Ihe sida Jllst how many men
WI!!iam of Normandy mu.<I have
tud j" hi, am,y, tu r(K" wen :u
he did, 111igllt rt.:tdil) be shown in
Ih" '"'''''' ...... y.
It mayl.or 01 inleretl to mmt>on
t/QI .. !<J'13te number 15 a numbtl"
prodtK:td by lh" multiplication of
.. ny "u,nbo.r inlo ilself: TIlUS -4
11Iultiplied by l$ t<J",1 to 16. and
16 i. rorISt<"Jumtly a square nnmbtr,
4 being tlIC root from which
il sprinr. 'The ulracti"" of the
1oqUln> root of any nurube.- bkes
some time, and afttr:lil )'0I1T l:ahoT
yOll may perlu1" fimllilat the num_
ber is nat a square n:nnber. To
this troublc, il i.! worth
ing thaI e,'ery "'lUllle on,h
rither wilh 1,4, S, 6 or 9, or wi,h
two .... jlrecrded Py ane of
Ihe$" "u",btn.
Anolher pr"p<:rty of a "I""r"
number "'cJl worlh menlioning is
lhal il it be divided by 4, the reo
m>.inlkr. if any. will I. ThUll,
!he: square of 5 25. and di, iMd
by " Itnes :\ mlt:lim]er of I:
apin. 16 l .. ing numbtr.
an be by oJ ",tI, .. m
a IT.llwnder. lL mn\ b.: UU,jH'
,tood. h""'",tT. Ihal "heM!'
sqU3re .Iw,,' lhal ptculiar
ity, OIh"" m1l1d,.,.... ZO Qr 21,
etc.. Itt not "1nare numbtn, al.
tbc>ugh to) oj. de.
Jo;;iah n'lUl
IwJ 300 with mough
10 bit sixly dar .
llultiplyillj!' .J(O Ily (IJ Ihe
tof daily dti<:km
mt.:ili a' I!!.COO.
\.oe In,1 7S
""Id off. Ihc:n 225 di"ided
inlo 18.000 Ihal tI,e lee,1
wOl,ld SO d21", if
]O!IWt purchaJed a hundr'N txlra
fowl,4OO di,-iM<1 i"lo \8,000 givct
45", Ihe nnmber of ..bys Ihe itoek
wOIdd II5L
P\l1ZU\l ... "" "0"1'''.'' (ltlOI ..
T.'" ,",U'" .... , :/1\ ...... :', '. n
0 ..... ' .. tlIo I.,,, 4,.., ......... t.I.
, ...... , ft'" .... ,
rH.,RAD_ ,_ ... , ut ...
rrnu:t.,'<!) "'"" '.11 ....
Lob6ICl"1 .Tt tint 5<,ld fM
a <l,,:H1. II hieh w,,,,:<1 be
the s;>.1Ile Ai f.,rty...,ighl lllillin,C'l
for six (If lhirty_III'O Ihi].
for {.,,'T dozcn. a! lUted.
Thudon:. whc!M' we are talking
",]il h or t;"iteJ States mOlley,
the (0)1 of a singk lobsler would
be ju'l two-third. of a .hi]linl:'.
oN ''''''nITIO:< PllUIA. _"'"-
C""U" . r ..... ..
's ....... SI ...
.",. ...... , Sol<_ .... , 10 &I'U
I. 0""" nro_
From Ihe engineer's Slattrnell\.
lie ]earn lrol Itacllll' gone 50 miles
M fill! !I>cI, i'\.\II::I<1 I,j al three-
f,(tll. '111.1. he woul<l ha,c ",,,ed
4!l lie t;<luld h: ... c g"ne
!IJ 13 mil" at fnll $I>eI in Ihe
""Ie lilOe tlt:lt it lequirtlJ 10 go SO
nllie. at tht'-lihll5 11m,
ht wonld ha,.., .,.nd JJ 13 mile!!.
If at Ihc .,.me tiow: he ,!.a,es 40
mioutes, Ihm 33 13 divided ;nlo
gi.eI, ! 15 mioutes 'IS his lime
per mile going :11 full.peed. h is
de:lT 1h:J1. being .muted II) thlff--
Mth. of his JpmI, he would Iosc
of a minute m;le.
and Iha>:fore would ha,'c to go I SO
t(l !<Me: 2 Th, ... he
"'.,.,150 miles al full _;pN:d and ISO
miles al Ibr!le-fiftltS and IUs
""Iire run ",a. 200 mile..
... "" ...... c ... .., .....
....... _ 0' .... _ .... "
"'o:,..,ham gave hi5
a "Iuare de ... 1 he mu.!
],,,,'e 30 pound'! of the r,"c
"bit" lea and 10 pounds of the three
"bi," i" II;, forty pounds of mix.

lurC. whkh 10M al ,ix "billl"
pound. The 0><01 ISO
"1Iit>" and IMe ..e1:i,,1I' price 240
"bil'." he .1.\ 1-3 ptr CCIlI.
r,,,,,,,,,,,, ,. "''''''''x_
C'UUI'U 014 ""'" ... . " ......
From tl>e h"'fl 10 Ihe "'3}'h"',<e
"lU 6 mile . auJ fr' '111 Ihfre 1<.
t.'\1"11 J if Ihe
w:.yh"n>e arl,1
he .. 11M
\\ ith Ii"" a ",,]]ons
of in S'" I. ;m,] \\\,(1
alit! a half ,,{ mil\.; ill Call
Ko. 2. aflor the di"
cribcd he had pll"", <>f
wate. and One ,1::11]"11 Df milk in
Can No. I "ne a,,,1 a half l"']'
of ,,,ilk 311O.llw', all'] a half /{lll.
1(>!If (II water ,n el" 2, In
...:,""\ J>1'O(lOIrli"" (hc \ir'l ,,,i,,.
mre i; 4Il I" an,1 Ihe
One t" 4fJ,
AXS\\'ER TO '!IU': PU7.7.LE.
The: ruilkllt:ln del"'cred alto-
quart. of l.ure miJr: 10
his CUJlomers. Strttl No. I reo
tei,ft! J2 "ItArts; Xn.l, 24 quarts;
Ko. J. 18 an,111M: .Ircct
cmly IJ and a pml.
C"_ lIOAIIlJe.

.... , ...... _" .. ,1.
.- ....... , ,1o'J.
l""'f. .. " .. , ..
""''7 ...... , ..
"'' J.
,.... .. 7"'''.
' ... .. !"'.r.
.... ' .,. .. " I. 'o.
... ..
,,- .. ,.... ,,- _."
<t 6 '0 ... ". 1 ,,, " .in>.
M .. ol.... 1 'h ,,"lIrt, .1 T,
n",n, i"" " ... , , . ... .. !, r"
0,. w" EJ, ."" , .... thr T W V
... ,,", .. .w.I, .. ...
'l")lf: " .... <10 b,,.,. _"
In , .. N""; .. ";",, !'u .. ", T."
b"" ),,'''' ..... ."" Co._ ,.
.... lJ.., j"""" f'.,,,,,, ..
loom,. R",,, .. Un, J ..... .. t..o _ 1'.1,
1 <10........
II ... I, ,0. ...... ,. I,. I'n.ld""""
"" .. , . "Ioldo 10 _.u,. .......


".-" .' I,

II... ,. "" ." '" fi, 'h ' ''" ... '0_
TUE: ft<>TAlOlC-AL Tllt&-TICL
Th T .. ,.... OJ- U...,.j.
o u........ '" \.,_
.. _.. '1_ L .......
a.. 01. ft ....
._ 1""'0-_ 0,_ roo..-M.
6. !t'r .. A......
1_ ,,_ ... ll ....
.. \0 .. tV ... _ II. , .. __
.. y.. ,,_ 1'1.0...
, .. lM._ ) .. Toll.
,L n_ H __ "
"- 11-._101<. J" T,IIo<' ... Of
" 1- .... ' ..... ,
-. r"",.. 1,[ ... ..,. ..
,}, Fi,.
,6 a"" (,Oft_ .,
." U ....... , jt 1.,_
.t. ''''_ n, 11 .. __ _
' .. . .' "-"'
.... a,_II " ". !t "cl.
...0...... .'
... U",. (OtI .. ).
Co......s. .. ooIq.",... Ihr1tI .... od "d
a...t., _.""
IHU., til ... ,_ .. I .. , Ik>' .,...,d
""\' TI ..... .. ",,,,_,,,,, . 1 u.,t
_ h", "'" ....... '. wal ...... ...! ...
_'''' ,.,.;&"r, .. _ , .........
100.1._ T..., ,odo I ... ,.. -.. .. ;,. ,.
....... ..,., ",IW .... _ '" ........... obo
...... , , .... 'L
0.. ..,. ' ........ _ .1 .... .".. ....
I .... tU _. _ . --. ..... _.
","" ..... _ .. n..... ".-.I. ..-.-1.
........ -.,]' . ., '- ..... ,.-. ....... .; ....
",. _" ... _, '''"*' .... , ....
..:. ..... ""l ........ ""'- ...... _ oI'J_
.... , .... _ .............. _ ,"",lo'l 010... "".
.... """". ""'" ooI!. Po ...... ., ......
nIl04. ...... God. , _ .. , ..u.
.,,-................ ...
n. ,..., ... ............ ,_ .....
... 0. .... ...r ',.0_
n" _ ... _ '''''. do ............. .
.. ,.. .... 1 """ I.......... "- ......
'" .... -1.. ,., ................... .,., \' ....
.,. t. <100 " ...... ......... ,ho, ",Ie
"',,''', - .. ... "'1 ....... ""_
... " ... 'k,.1 ..... __
u." " ' ,. Ih t"", _ io III-
,,10.1 ,. .. h ,..IKt
ANSWERS TO PUZZLES ON PAGES 298 TO 308. NoCe nut p'le f. miul", an,w.n
TIIO .. , .IIOwo rot ..... It1P lJI IG
_: ... _" "'r boo ... 001 bl
JOUI. (II> til, blao .. 1Il"" .. !0<I I. tlI'

__ ,d; ... ,II. .... " 1 , .... k<.
_ ".,n .... I ..... _ th. P.'" M .. ,
....... "d ....... ...!I .... J'''''''' ..... ,
il< .......... __ , .... ,,11.. .. ......
.. , ... _, __ """ ....... ,I. , ... ..
......... ,II .... 'J'" _Q '" '" ........ .
....... lfAI .... , " .. . U ...,. ....... " ...
_ ....... "",.,''' ............... loti ..
........ , __ .. _...! to
, ."A, ., .. ' .. , ......... 011'" fo-.l "
\00 ' ........... , .... _
1. ('0 .. -. c_.'. fa-
_ ...... _1..., _ .. 110......... ,
h .. _ ...... ,1 ,a ............. ..
1 ... -.,'-"
TH ... 100,04.. s...bat, 1.0< , ,.d !Io.
<10.. I IJI
5oOI.t:TlO)/ TO W'I'! PUZZLE.
no .. no .".",.n ..... "'" r ........ "
pl. J of ""' . ,I ......... " .on .. , .1..
,,_ H ..... ,." ............. ' lto_
.. . . . .... tb .... 0<1 '" '""I ........... ..
.. ' ".,. d'K .... ,I ....... 1>0.0. .. m It!
>/' ....
TilE :lo!OQN'SHI7'>ERS fir.1
(,110<1 bolh m ... ur wil l, cid.r. th""
rmpto.d the c,d. r bo".1 inlO Ii,. ke.l
1-JnI'IY bolh ",n,,,res into Ih.
cid .. birr.lllIId 1""" I"," m"",
Ion. from k...: I<> cider bi".!. ..
mtUU', two pU"n. of 11'
in.o tI>e k"lo: .nd both ""'"'ur.'
wilh thl! mixture. l.uI"II: Ilno.l 'J-17
of "1'I'1.j ... k in mi",urt. Fill
up tub f'''m the cill .. .nd
it will con",in a m, x'''''' of 16 Itn."
.. much a$
I ...... "odi"" do. __ .1. " it _
.. ..... I ...... ,100, , .... it I .......
A --. .no! .... .. I . ... ". "'''
no. __ ..... .t .. ooI, .. lo<1..t ... ""_
"" ...... _. _10 <11,<'0_ . . ...
, .. , ....... ... t-_ ...... r..
_ ... ",WL .t..r .... '" lor
.. ---........ .
The nl<>T'al which grandmolh(r
... i.bed IQ inc1llal( hy oyin!\' that
th( walCh should always f(In,nd liS
10 be mod(,1 ,s tlml "it runs do ... ",
its 0 "' .. ",om and keepot its hands
First be ,,, .. you right th(n
Wbere thert is a will there is

Th, I'nle which rca,I,ly soh'c,
Ihe p.oblem is for the "",rried
couple! to mQ\'C up on, table tI.e
end of ach RJon1t. v.M" tb" roung
f"'lts lllO>'t dov.", table in th"
<>1'!'O"ile direction, Dr tlli5 pbn,
"11 tilt round, we ....o"ld ha",:
First round-Table 1, Mr. and
101... S. vs. T. and N.; WII,l. Mr.
Mn. J. "S. Ii. and D.; (.>.b1e 3,
Mr. and Mn. n. ...... G. and 101.:
WIle :lolr. and Mrs. C. vs. P .
and K.; table S. Mr. Ind Mrs. W.
"5. C. and B. On the scmnd
round Mr. and Mr ... S. mQIo-, to
labl, 2, Mr. and Mrs. 1- 10 tabI,
3 \1 . anti Mrs. B. 10 boWe Mr.
ano.l Ma. C. to bobl" S, M
anti :loIn. 'V., who Wet. al !.able S,
go round 10 lable I. 11M: JOWtc:
rouplo ItO in OJII*il" directions..
T. N.1tO 1.0 I:'I.blc S, H. and D.
go up 10 (.>.ble I. G. and M. go t.
I:'" 2, P. and K. go 10 tabl" J.
and C. and B. 1(0 to lable 4. On
th" Ihird r ound Ih. !..Ur><
repe;tted. 100 tltat at the end of
tht fiflh round no player h3! played
twicec at tho !loa""" lable, and the
marri.d touplo ha,' c rnIIll"' ted
against (\'ory one 01 tht singl"
T ... I ... .. . , ,,,.k .... . .., I ..
Ib_ too,.. 1'_ .. I .. , IUod , ..... _
,ot. ,h., ..... _ .... "f_
, "' .... _ .. , I .... .. . ." ...... ....
In Puu.lel.and. Ih. King of S"m
d;vid" tbg in 1"0 p,ec ... a.
lIt"",n. .nd lum. lbe d"""",d
lItlpt<l piece around:
Th" r ,inc ... It ,",0. IS
to 16. 12. II, 10. 14. 15. 9. 5, 1, Z.
6. 7. g, 4. 3 and to the heart.
n. ........ L. r--.
1)/ TII1\ PlnZLI!.
n.o I01<or .,..... _ , ..... ,,,. fi ...
.1'tk, ., " bid ,. 110 _ I ... I .... , .....
,n" ..... ... $1 0 ...... .. d, .. "bI.
.. ,... n"" "" , .. __ ...... 01. , ..!o
" .... " ... ""r " -U "'" .. ,td _k,
""k .. I ) on oiL
In l'uuldaml. the ;'::ing 1.11. that
II writt.n lhe owl', ",i r.mark CV1
be d t.n diff.rml w.y5.
n... H .. f,"Its can f""" I
p""mid ,n 511i
Th. cltar.dOll .... Support And a
IN C\R."ING rf.:UIA.
T .. 10..... r ..... 1_ r ... , " , ;koI
b. 'bo ...... _ . k ............... ...
_"" ...... ..- . ...... ,Ito ' ..... ".
"''11". , ... _,.... .w.......... u 111.
_ ..... _ ... , .. f""_.,. It , 0.0.1

. I..... ",oo ..... ob, . ......

..., .......................... ,Ieart ...
................. , s .... 1M .... , .. ,,I
_ ... " ......... of ... _bot.
-......... ....., -- "" ... .,- .. .
..... " ........ '''' ... 1_ ._t.
... ido ..._....... , ......... r
I. 1'IouIo..... Ih I'rlooc... .. ot. _
_" _ ..... 'oDo ..
A,",5WER TO 0.":>11511 FLAG
In the nf lhe rO:<:\.10"&,,I..
D.oW! ft"l(. of fin ft .. id. by
.. and a half lonlt'. Ihe problem
" ... I<> a ';mpl. rul. for It',,i''lI:
Ilk widlh of lhe ,,!Ut. CIWI whiclt
IIko up e.uctly on.half of the
Th a", n1l.ny ....... of
Ihi, puu.l. math. mati':an bUI fu,
.impl'c'ty, .. k<. I IhouTd t.lI tbe
poor Dani.h .. il" .... wl,o know noth
.bol" "'l".r. <0<>1. to I"bt .... ct
<",. hallih. rliall"'nal from "''''{lI1l.''
I., the di.' !anc.: ",oon<1 th. flag. The
d,'llnc. arcund the flalt" beinlt"
I. 25 f,..,t. and the dia,or<>n.1 beinlt'
9.0138!l. w. mu", uk. 4.5069-4 from
1';25 to Snd 11,.. lJ"*X16 ill fart
I 'Yti the breadlh of Ih. CrOll,
u ... it tlIo ''",
.0 ..... lIIn 'I<>n
<1><1.01,'. ..lud",111
\It. ho tr ... l"...
"'" (!(t() 1M. be"' ....
h ... _ 10 a ,..,L
In lhe Puukbnd n,,". tho od<ls
.. auld be 11 \0 "* .gain't the Io: ; .... ff.
In Ih. lDnd pULlI. Ihe Io:iraff.
,hould beat the hIppo bv ZJ...64th, "I
a ",il .
TIt. flU"!'" of <XIr JT""d-d:oddi.,
.., : P .... c.. 10 be: 'Ute. r.-quir,..
jtulic' . nd, Be not 100 wi .. nor
"" . ... j ... f". il 1011 be. you .... bow
liIo. n idiQC )'0\1 ""-
Th. char"'" ar. : Blund.,bun ,
in ... ]id and moid!!tcM,
,. ........ 1 .......... _ . too,.
-- .. " ,,,.> ._Id' I t! .... lI.
.... no" .. ' . , ............. ""'"
"- fOf _to... .,,'". _ ..... , .. , ...
--..., ............................ ...
ow __ I of ... _ ."" s....,
' 1.1 . . ... .. . Il)o_, , ........... ....
" ., . ... So..... h, 0-... . ....... ...
, .... '_to ...... !. .... ...... ...... ....w
..."., .. ,_ "" ...... ,...... TIIo
I . ............ I ' ....... "'" .... > .. ........
L_ .. .. 100, $0_. 00" I. ,''' _
"', .... ' W. ""","h' , .. _10<0 ..... ......
.... ___ ....... '.1 ..... _
, ............. ... __ .... _ .... ;...
.... _ No.. s-.u ..... , ..... 1
...... ,""-' ....... " ..... 1 _ .....
..-..... , ........ , ...... , ,-" ...
.. . d .. _, _or.. . ... .. !Io<oo.
_ ....... ..,. . , ,1 .. ... _ .. II, ..
.. .. , .................. " .....
...,....t. j.O ..... no .... f.' ,100 .. ....
to.! __ 'IO '" .... 'n_ ...... 10
..... ..... , ,," --... . ......
_.od .1 .. .. ,t. J._ . .... ... N t
lo ... ,...". of , b _ " ..... 0;>11",' ,
......... ..... - 1"1' .. , I, .. , ....... ,
. f ...... " I000o .,,040 ,. _ ,.. .. 1<0>"
fon ............ 01 ..w ....... _ . f
.... " I .. .. . __ . 'Ih_.1
....,. .... -... ...... ooJ.... ..
","" .... " .. , .. . , .. ,1, ...... f I'j
"'''''. ...... h .-10 '''' __ ,
' ... , . ...... 1 ""o. Ot ' _ " , ,OIM
.r 1," _ , .. , .... :.I , I ..... ,look ..
". , "" ,tv, " " ,tv ...... 01
1_ , 1loo " ._ "'!Vol," , .. _ I . .... J
1 . bl ,)0 ,I ... 1_. 10" .,. ... . .. .
>4 .. " loll . ... .
"'" ... _,b.
50<_ .i. _ .. '
'1011 ... _'.'
, ...... . 10 ...... ,
F;fl' 01. _,h
S; " . rio
s.. .... ...
ro,. .... f. __
". _ ..... '
T_I ... _,b ...
II ...
l S.
.- . ... ,j.
y ... "

.. ,
". .. ,
'" ,.,
III THE P .... TlI ... SHIP PlnZLL
"' .. ---- """ -... ". .1.., ... _ . wonII .. IMa )0 _ I . .. ..
h u.. .................. ., 1 __
.... ,...... Tk<cf ........... _ k ... .
.. ortIo ....... lid... ___ "" ......
_ ........ _ .... _bll .. _k Ito-
..- .. J __ .... I . ........ ,. ...
.... ! __ 1..- ..... _ I ......... ..
... ,j;ri4 ..... W. _ . ....... _ ,.tuOt'O
- ...... oqao\ ........... I, .... I ...
..... n ... I ............... __ 1._.1
__ ', ... , .... - .... 1- t ..
.... ...! -
In thio SIOry of Ike mum Inp of
th( furner wtth a fox, a goose, and
com, who had such lroubl
In1>ulalion in emu;n&,.
Now, II I b.ight lillie miu of
Grammar School No.7 says, " If
fox un UfTJ' bul three eus at
lime, ke (QUId take bul om: tar of
corn f3<'h trip, 101'" lhat "'ould mU't
three tan ",ith the Iwo t:l rJ of hi.
hud, It) b" must trOiS Iw,,,tyl hrt,,
__ '" times. wbich, ... l lh Ihe one olher
trip be m>.de in Ihe morning, will
The cltar.d", are: A5pire and mUe Iwo doen limo tht fOll hal
, I .. lr a,dl. ,roesed Iho river in one dlY."
Wbt pod II lib Ilr plei: ...
WIt .. db! .1010 .... 11 .tt.iekumoll
Wltu. lie llid
Di<I 10." <:rJ ... bu. Ute ... It.ala
. .. oJJow"lIiMl H. tIInlhl b ...
roiq- lo Illmlo-c., lImt h. 4j ... 't.
Wh. '" _t nJ.ullle I
Wltu It' .... .,. ........
Wltat to tIIAt ... \Idl .... .,. ....
lllco '" ... ..." ..,,4 lo crt rid of ..
....... pooIOilllo after" "ta II I
U to. oItoaid 1_ you _ . ..... t
Iti d ., II ...... ul" roll pll n
Into ."" tll.1 tIII1IN. .,.
Wily iI a ..... tII ..... clt lW _iii-
110. I Ieet.... it 10 o/toll. .-.;.
( .... ) to .. pl.. ( I .pin).
W1I., iI a mk lib II YioJiB be-
.. to u iu I Ho io .. bid.1
(I.a Uti.) .
Wlty I 1IIId."p It .... lilt. a Ild
pIal I HI II lWll to It ..... roc'
Will I, I .tlekel th. b ... th
1!h .oldlct la battlol He. f .....
th. 'n .
Will .b.,,14 btipdle. 1""" ... 1,
with bll t"""pI, k , bl. to oro .. uy
rin.1 Be ..... llIen II brldr- ill.
,n.,. btipd .
T .... b.t pliTt ... u He.,.,. VIII.
bond ... ben he .. mrM a diH ....
froll blo wtf.1 lh .. 1t1Lb (han
U th ... 11h .ert! """wl.ted.,
... 11, woald it be , p]_1 puti ....
lo ,,,.It. it I It wnld be nI-
..... ti .
What II It YO" Iote)l aft .. Ii'liq
It to u.tlt ... 1 Y ... wotL
What iI Utat ... 1""" .un e...,.,.
pe.... " , ick .. cept th. 0'" th.I I....!.
10..... itl PI,Ute.,..
U I oitDot .t tIlr<. pp ... .....
Ire. ud ldll "', 100... ...", will
"'lIllal The dea'" ou: the oth ...
will 1,._, .
Wlut I ..... I. AoI.a iI II raI tor wilil beut 1 Ad ...
W),U ,,_ the ..... th.r &bow
.- dlopooilioll Wbn il', IIlild
(it ,1Ii1").
Wlo, Ia I " ... _<1 til. mlton
1'0""11 of tho tia .. 1 Beet....., tim
iM:II. . U .''', ..... the .ua-.
iM:III th,le.
ft ... h oawi" .. ", .. b ... a ftI""J'
...... t ccillfottl m elt it to ... 4 to
..... l .. te (oal... ).
Wh." do .. Ill ...... th.r RO<mbl.
a 1 ....,. .. 1 men it'. Inlial ....
(a"alpl_ .. ).
Will iI by Ibe It.SO
IniB n,.,. Hke], to h 111.1 It will
lit t., to 0". If b. oat<bo. It,
The an,"'er 10 lhe pilule of lb,
Gr:lces &nd Muso neceuit3.te that
-=h of Ihe Ihree GraeeJ had 144
"pples. and evcry one of 1M: nine
.Muso 48 Rowen. Then kt ncb
of Ihe Grxcs gi'''' " doatn "pp\eI
to try and Itt t.ery MUle
give 4 Rowen:. one of e:ach hut. 10
Qeh 01 the Grace, and it .,n be
loond dDt utl'y Gnu: and MIlH
has Utrtt do"" apples and thr
dottn nowen, and that the /lO,",'tn nine of thtlr
ilores are "n juS! alike.
This leature of the pn:Iblem i.
not a ClItch. bul W;U .... idmtly in.
tended. .. lhat patt of Ihe myltC1)'
"'hid> imert'Oted Euclid and Arch.i
meda. and which h;u Ih.
legt:nd 10 famous.
Following Ihe rule lor IOlvillr
p,,.zltt of thi, kind. which is to
mUltiply Ihe length of Ihe army by
its IC"glh. then divide by 2 and Ihe
lIlu,l.rt root multiplied by 2 and Idd-
ed IQ the length of army w,l1 give
the answer. we fin<i that tht cour-
Itr a Iinll 0'" 12(1 ... U ...
111. .. ' teod p",,"lt! .. til.
m.r ",olli. lIu. til Innl . mu.
o .. r 101";1 ...
TlIll COIlf l'tlZZa all .... tho
tnt"y rot. 6O-eut pitre. th ... 1t
t ... t.Gtllt pilOn, u. the 1&", t-
out pl ......... I Il \.O.
_ ........... . _."-
_ .. _.-..L .. _ ..... "' .. _
-_.-......... _.-
--.... --_ .. _ ..
- .. ............ 'CO .. ",--
.. -...... -.... -..
TO A.rrl..lll J"tIZZt.1II.
AI'tIt",.,U ..... lt ..... _ ,.1&
wlIlOlI ..... ""',, .,I lluln _ .1.
'''btllOd '_1 .btI b07t. _ ."""
Ih u ......... '_01. oIo'.n bad ..-....
tt .m bo _ lUI. boo..... _bl ....
u .... ..ttl _k OIl' ......... Ire<! 1010.1 of
lI2 aptl ...
.,.,. J"" .. ....s b. 11111
tot ... 1....-... '!>pl .. : .... , -...
..... 4 .Of .. J .. k ..-.0<\ to:
J_ lhalU. ",. _'or l<od ......
at .... I!I. .. bll. Kat. BfoorII .. 4
'1'... 101 17.
WTTJUX TELt allot two Jro. lh
..... '\1lfo. 130. Tbo ............ of the
1101 ,tall .... h ... WlUl ..... l&llu II
jill' ult II I .... .. til tU. ......
II aII"" o ... !how thl WIlt ntlo ..
tho "OIl II .. " tli&' U-,Pri .W-
.... th.t pol, to bt ItO hll
W au 111 GtOlf'8 C.&.:r _I frolll
It took iii; ItCOI1c1a to rtrlke m.
10 the 1011ern11 ,",no one .... d oae--
ftftb._OfId.; tbuefore elCve.D. tim ....
ODe o.nd a fifth would be thirteeD.
TlIELOST STAR WQ found bere:
t.u. .... thfol lII.oy darted GIll with
,28, .... "- tilt.! lteob ... "o.l"- $11.50 tar
hlt l olt u. $8.50 tor bb ut. Sluo
ru' $8.50 for, ut ..... $5.50 to
drooa. Thlrefore U llOUMIl hd.
bo\!rbt $8 bal .... d Ib, ,9 bat,
b,t'. w01Ild uve ... t balf ..... th.Il! thta, .... d th.y ", .. ld ... 11
lun ')ltIlt '1450.
.. --..""" ...... -." ---
----_ .......
noa. __ ..... _ ,.. .. n ..
-',_ ... _-<
.......... 'i'O u ... ' _. PIlO!IUI>IL
,."' .. __ ........... - -
-..... _ .... _ ............ .
....... .," -" "" ... ""'" .....
.. ". " .... .... _... ...- ""
-It _ .. _ It" , .... a<>"r
, ......... _ ... , .. ;00. ,. .. ... , .
.. " ..... . .. '" """It __ .. , ...
.... .... "" ...... -... ........ -
-It .... _." .. "u,,_ ... I ... ,.
, ............ , ......... , ... "," ..
'''J. .", .... ,,, ....... "u .... .. ,.., h
_" , ........ """" ...... """-,
...... ,....,.,.. "'"""., ........ " .. - ,
, ....... ,
" .......... _ ... .. .
.. _J" .... .. " "'" ",,, .... , ..
,,_ ... oro J ..... " ....... _
--............ _ .............. .
..... ,,-... .-, .. ......
'''''_ ..., """R'"" T'T;ut.a ..... __ ...... ",_ .... , .... .....
................ " ............. " ...
W , _, ..... t' ..... , .... _." __
..... .. " ..... -.. ..... , ,- " ... -
..... -.. _ ............. _ ..... .
....... -_ ........ , .. _ .. ,. ..
--..... _,.-.,_ .. " .. . ...
....... _ ... b . . ..... , ... ..
.... - ....... -...
-_ ......... -.. '"'-'''
... ..- ... _., ...... ,. .... ,.-
........ , __ , .' .. ' ..... ,' of ...... "?
... ....... <J
1OLt"n ...... m J................. ...
.... _ .. __ .... 1 ..... ,._
................ _ .. ,., .......... .
........ ' ........ _ ... '" " h
_ .. ,,11>.- """)oo.L . 'or''
......, ... _ ......... H'." , ... ..
....... -.......... , ....... , ..
_ .......... _ ..... _ ... /I, ..
-- _.,..... ..... " .. ,n .. , '.u No- , .
.... "' ............. < .. ' .......... ..
. .... , , .... , .......... ", ....... -,."
.. .......... "< ... , "'U .. ","" II .....
......... " ........ ,... ..... ,"..... .....
..n ... "", 1_ - ,. ......... ,
.... " <of "" ........ ,., ......
llI,W'&II 'i'O ..... 11"'..
"--. ............. to' ........... '" .. ,
-, ... "' ....... ,"" .... _ .... " .... '"
""" .......... .,,... .. , ... ""0<. '"", ... .
Tboo ............ ". ........ ..,..".,
... " '''' ...... " '-......... , .. '''''
.. .......... n" ,,. ......... 'r , ..
_ ,.. ..,. ...... ,-, .......... . ..
.-....... , .. <" ... " .. ,' .... .
, .. '_"''' .. .......... or " ", ... .
.... , .... J, ,_,,,,, or ' ........ ' .... .
......... '."' OJ o. ,_ .... '''' ".
-,,- .................
....... _ .. ,
A,. ....... "', PO".H,IT ..........
............ , ... , _ ............... ...
... ...... , ............. , ... , .... , ..
-.............. """ ... "' ........ ....
.. t ...... ....
oo .. _ .... ........ ,." ... ,."
-.. -_ ..... , ........ ,.
........... ., ...... """ ...... ---
'}" ':" ';\ ... ..... ..
.......... , ....... ,. -' , .. ,.,_' ...
.. ..... , .......... '_I .... 01._
, ..... bu. '. _, ... , ..... _ ....
... n ....... I ..... ,_ I.CO\'
_. Ba\, ... U. An ... IoU.,. _.
.:!. n... .... u. ..... _','" "
Un ....... lILA. " "."" II ".\,
........... 00 ... -. ............... , ... .
. ....... ....
lI. "". --. '3 ....... ,k, I<U. u_
nUl: REAl. EaT A'I'il PUZZt.1l.
At the requesl of many corr",,"
I will ght a simplc. tom-
""''' -mSt mdhod 01 at the
"",wer. wruc.h dif!er$ from
tilt way othen udcled il. Accon:I-
in!!, to the puzzle metlKxl. of work-
ing backward. I ..oould analyze it
from the last payment by saying
that final $1.000 is 105 per cent of
what lurn of money? Dividing
$1.0Cl0 by 10:> that
$9:>2.3809 with 5 per cent inleral
,",'OUld be amount of last
pa}'IDmt. Going backward apin
to paymenl we m.
wNt .urn nwsl $1,952.38()O)
btcu 105 1)tT <tnl of? Dividc
a!f3in by lOS. and we get
$1,859.4103. Add other pay_
mmt of $1,()(X) and " ... get
SZ.i2324i9 a< the previoo.tS
amt:'Iunl. Add $1.000 10 nuke it
$3.72324i9. and another di,,;,;on
artie it back to $J.S4S.9SOJ.
Add $1,000 once more and another
div;';r>" will $4.329.4764 u
the balal>' to boar afttt
the fil"$t $1,000 payment, >0
$5.329.4764 wu the adual value
received for IItt property. because
that 5um drawing intrrest at S per
tent would irut mfft the Ii"
1'"'ymtnl . a[tor<i;!!1r 10 3J:T!ntnl
U'"8In:R ro rOOLU'I puzu.a
TU .... Iodr .. '" -"b. __
, ... rJ_ .. _ po"," or
.,0.. ..... 'icI<' "_ .. ...
_' ..... "'" a. _., .... _ lor .....
.._ .............. , of tIoIl &fll.
N ..... _ "'24 ............ __
.... 00<1 , __ '''_ .... ........ of
.............. _ ......... _1 ..
SoMI.n 01 &anIes 01 II" Eul
Thon ... 218 ... Ibl, .. ,1.11
;, I ....... 1 th,.. .Ice lilly !all, "
42 i0oi ...... or ,'-nit.
, ..... Jor. the chuttl ... 42 ",I of
218 lalhro"illl ........ 1" ...
A:'1I\\'IIR TO 1:>.nfoWl1l:l'!T 1t:Z.

Ao .... ..... of , ... ,.ral, ........
_ .. 111 .... _ ... _"' ..
,. _. 1100 "", .. , ......... ...
.."" boO....... ooIoIl._t MIl ..... POt"
_.t or ""'"_ , ..... u_" 01 a:. ....
........ _bmr .............. _ ..
' ... _r .... lJo. "., ,"'" __ .).
I .. , ........ t ... .... '0<
'h. _', .bo. ,.0. f'IIi. ""'II. Dl.'l.$.
Ull ......... __ '.1 , " ...",) , ..... _
"""' ... 'or ...... of ........ .
,"g, _old lJo a' .. ot "I
........ wlll<ll 1. po, .... 10.*+ ......... t
'l1Ie ......... 1 _It .. , 10 II 'oIlo1rt,

n.. dla ... od..,11 U '01 ..... '
PIcn."R Sl,IldS.
H"..".. _." S .. pt... Sco\ ..... ,,"'"
pI.. C1n<k "'"'''' AIo... CIodt oqalo-
SI)ll'L Rl'TITIOlol$.
'tbo IoU"",;,. W<' ... h ... pIootd ;"
.bo I>lonk _ ... >n>pI... th. __ .. ,
!'an.<cd.. <t,.>I;"L 100.............. f<ll!>.
...nd .. 11,....
A CIIAi"Tt:It Of ACCll>EST5.
n.. hlaok 1000<' filled '" tho
MIu.r; .. """ol. it! .!wi, !P .... o'<k'
"'. bo., _I, .. "' ...
I. ",
The .a",.. o' .he S,h ",.,. Sta" , .
Ca'1'. Pikt, 00. 6. Co., 1 Glob<,
,. nolo. I./> To'1"'<l<' '0 S .... d, " fUr, ...
S<.!,. 'S. '!< S\>J,I'". ,6,
'1- s.m. 'S. S"'I<. 'II> r .. cII, ...
" ,
REltOVlXC ,\ t.FTTIl
SCII.LUI 10 dot -.I f.OG! .. lIi<;h 1M
6nt 10<1.- ....,. lor to p .........
o ........ 1)' """""" ...... b<bood ... i,
I ..... '_'101_ .
IlEUUS Pl,.7.Zu:.
-WIIArs I); .. ':':A\lE"
If "'. u.- obr;' JJ-t .. ....,.w ... ,
aII, _ 'J of .. 1>.ot JP .. <0111<1 ....... ,
Tbo ."""G "" S ........... ,
I """"'" ... '" iQ .. 1""" .. d obo , ...
pI,I "Alf .... D lbat <tid, ..n"
OOU8l.F. 8m::"!)l"\"CS .\.s0 Cl'R-
, J Sw",
S S ..... T.", .. 1 T ..... 8 T ...... 9
\\ ..... '0 Aboln. " IIna!<. u Ou." J
CM!. s....t, lJ h...t.. ,b '1
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lui '''''!'Irh .. - an'! ,h. hI'" n-p!,.d
"y.., tIl .. 1t )n. ili,n'."
C ..... H .. I "'l ..... V. ..... l pt
Co<! pi", lit, P'"'!ilc min", Be.f 011",,1
RI!Y).fING DlR05
Tb< folio."", word. <Oft1r!cl. tho
-".1IliIot I ..... , E&i;1.. R"' .... IkJIi>.
..-J< ... R .... .
n..... .. <t. .... <Ott.!1:r bIiIuI
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"All" WeD ,hal .04. W<II."
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........ ...:I __ 41.. __ of ,t.> ftd
;"s..J __ .. tlIcq ..... , I ....
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DIT\dirof tlIc .. ,', SO 1_ .. b7 8 ....
b, .!. >how, ,.... Ill< dot!
..-...ld b< ">It .. boy , f_ l bot!>u
T,p \>1., Il+< "' .. Fir """'" Boof
oq<u.l. TAPIR.
, ru."'lI"kin, , J "-_loot.
.1. ; P, ......... : 5 En4- " 6 RrI ...
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SIo:;Q, Kill. IU; 5,n.,. P ....J'. Iqy,
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.. 'l"W:lo:. &a<I b. , 10 wiIo boy oil<
PtiZZl.. SCIL.
SIIa.1 """'" ni "hit Ark <q1Wo

The follow .... word. III th,
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__ ..... ...................
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h. ,...,. 01 ....
1"100 mi,_ held r. oJ,'-; ....... , .....
, f.- "'. po .... 04 th. ,.,... ... ,
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Of "" "';"" fo' tlIc ,un', low . ",.
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p.ollon 1M, h .. 4 1 <4 Ihe h"d h,
,be r.1<"
IGni. 7" aad lou llrolhu II ...,.


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