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Section 1:


Introduction and Basic Principles

Bill Brown, P.E., Square D Engineering Services

With the increasing sophistication of modern power systems, it is easy to overlook the fact that the basic function of a power distribution system has been the same for over 100 years the safe, reliable distribution of power from a source to the connected loads. This basic function has not changed, although the complexity of the loads themselves, along with today's reliability and efficiency requirements, do make its realization more complex. This guide discusses the basic considerations which must be taken into account in order to obtain an optimal system design. Because the characteristics of each load, process, etc., served are unique, so too will each design be unique in order to match the requirements imposed.

The purpose of this guide

This guide is intended to present the fundamentals of power system design for commercial and industrial power systems. It is not designed as a substitute for educational background and experience in this area, nor is it designed to replace the multitude of detailed literature available about this subject. It does, however, bring into one volume much material which has previously been available only by referencing a number of different sources with different formats and terminologies. This guide is also intended to present the state of the art with regard to power system design for commercial and industrial facilities, in a consistent format along with traditionally-available material. For the new college graduate from a four-year electrical engineering curriculum working in the field of commercial and industrial power systems, this guide can serve as a starting point for learning the different aspects of the profession. For the licensed design professional, this guide does present a number guidelines in a handy and convenient reference. This guide is not intended to substitute for the services of a licensed design professional, but can be of aid when working with such professionals on commercial and industrial power system design.

Applications of electric power in industrial and commercial facilities

In both industrial and commercial environments, electric power is used for a wide number of applications. The following is a brief list of the most common uses for electric power. This list is taken in part from[1], which provides an expanded treatment of this subject.

Illumination Whether for providing light for an office environment or a manufacturing shop floor, illumination is one of the most important applications of electric power, and the oldest. Environmental systems Electric heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning are a large application for electric power, and also an area in which electric power receives direct competition from other energy sources such as natural gas. Industrial processes Industrial processes account for a large percentage of the global use of electric power. Typical process applications are listed as follows. These are not all-inclusive but do cover the majority of process applications: N Pumping

Chemical Processes Semiconductor Preparation Processes Furnaces


Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001, pp. 21-1 - 21-99.


Smelting Rolling Mills Pulp-and-Paper Preparation Processes Welding Refrigeration Drying Well Drilling Materials Handling Water Treatment Processes

Computers and Data Centers With the advent of large computer networks the need also arisen for reliable power for these. Health Care Reliable power has always been a requirement of the health care industry, but added to this is the need for power quality due to the nature of the equipment used. Safety Systems Systems such as fire alarm and smoke detection systems, sprinkler systems and fire pumps are vital to any commercial or industrial facility. Communication Systems Systems such as telephone and intrusion detection and monitoring are critically important.

Basic design philosophy

The following basic considerations are fundamental to any power system design:

Basic Safety: The power system must be able to perform all of its basic functions, and withstand basic abnormal conditions, without damage to the system or to personnel. B a s i c F u n c t i o n a l i t y : The power system must be able to distribute power from the source to the connected loads in a reliable manner under normal conditions. Reasonable Cost: The power system cost to obtain basic safety and functionality should be reasonable. Code Compliance: All applicable codes must be complied with.


Above and beyond the basics are a multitude of considerations, some of which will apply to each particular system design:

Enhanced Safety: The ability to withstand extremely abnormal conditions with a minimum of risk to personnel. E n h a n c e d R e l i a b i l i t y : The ability to maintain service continuity during abnormal system conditions. E n h a n c e d M a i n t a i n a b i l i t y : The system can be maintained with minimum interruption to service and with minimum personnel protective equipment. E n h a n c e d F l e x i b i l i t y : The ability to add future loads to the system, and with loads of a different nature than currently exist on the system. Enhanced Space Economy: The power system takes up the smallest possible physical space. E n h a n c e d S i m p l i c i t y : The power system is easy to understand and operate. Reduced Cost: The power system costs, both first cost and operating cost, are low. Enhanced Power Quality: The power system currents and voltages are sinusoidal, without large amounts of harmonics present. System voltage magnitudes do not change appreciably. Enhanced Tr a n s p a r e n c y : The power system data at all levels is easily acquired and interpreted, and the power system is easily interfaced with other building systems. Enhanced control of the system is also possible.


While it should be the goal of every power system design to meet the above basic considerations, no system design can yield all of the enhanced characteristics listed. The relationship between the considerations listed is shown in figure 1-1. As can be seen, some of the enhanced characteristics mentioned are mutually exclusive, and to obtain a combination of several enhanced characteristics requires a significant increase in cost. The design engineer, therefore, must take into account the balance between the performance requirements of the system and the cost, while not compromising the basic safety elements, functionality, and code compliance.

Figure 1-1: Power System Design Consideration Heuristics

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