Thomas Edison

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Thomas Edison Sebastian Thorpe Website

Sebastian Thorpe 2/9/13 Pd.7 NHD Process Paper

I chose my project because I think Thomas Edison is a very interesting man. While I was trying to think of a topic my sister recommended Thomas Edison. I thought that this was a good idea because I knew Thomas Edison was a great inventor but I had only heard of his invention of the light bulb. I also remembered that my grandparents used to live in NJ and we still have a house up there and that Thomas Edison had a museum up there. I did my research in the order that my teacher, Mr. Walsh told us to. First we collected background information on our topic. Then we found quotes to make our argument stronger. Then we cited all of the sources. Finally, I created my website using the provided website creator. I chose a website because I am good at using technology. I also knew that it would allow me to add things like links to various places. I first found images of Edison and his inventions, than I added them to my website. Then I researched each of Thomas Edisons inventions. Then I put the information on the website. My topic, Thomas Edison relates to the NHD theme because it shows how Thomas Edison was a turning point in history. First, he invented the light bulb, allowed people to see at night without candles, the motion picture camera which allowed people to record movies and videos which created a whole industry, and the phonograph that allowed people to record and listen to music, which powered the whole music industry.

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