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*Four-Fold Auspiciousness: 1. Dharma, 2.Wealth, 3.Pleasure, and 4.


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Phun-tsog Dhe-zhi Nga-thang Gye

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Bhod-jong Chol-kha Soom-gi Khon-la

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Dyi-ki Zog-dhen Sar-pe Khab.

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Choe-si Ki Pel-yon Dhar.

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- Tibetan National Anthem is composed by His Holiness the Trijang Rinpoche, the former
tutor of His Holiness the 14
Dalai Lama.

(The poor translation is attempted by Nyima Tenzin.)

By ascending the power of four-fold auspiciousness*,
May a new golden age of happiness and prosperity
Spread throughout the three provinces of Tibet,
And be ever flourish the glorious spiritual and temporal rule.

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Thub-ten Chog-choor Gey-pei

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Zam-ling Yang-pei Ke-gu Zhi-dhi Pe-la Jor.

By spreading the Buddhas dharma in all
ten directions,
May all beings in the world enjoy a
glorious peace and happiness.

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Bhod-jong Tehn-droe Gey-tsen Nyi-yoe Ki,

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Ta-shi Yoe-naang Bhoom-dhu Tro-wai Zi,

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Naag-chog Muen-pei Yue-le Gey-gyur Chig!

May the sun shining good qualities of Tibetan
Buddhism and Tibetan people,
Shine countless rays of auspicious lights,
And be ever triumphant from the war against darkness.

(347) 703 0030

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