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Teaching philosophy Chinese Teacher I believe that every student is unique.

Every student can learn, and they learn in different ways with different paces. Students have their learning styles. Teachers should be sensitive in detect in which ways students learn best. I will help students to explore their potentials and teach to the needs of each student. Students learn in their own paces. Some students grab knowledge very fast, while some need more time to understand and apply. I should monitor each students learning steps and help them to grow based on their current level. I believe that peer interaction is essential for students language, cognitive, and social development. Students learn better, especially for language learning, when they interact and share with peers. Learning should be relevant to life. Pair work, group work, and cooperation should be frequently applied and effectively monitored during students learning. I believe that students interest is the best teacher for students learning. Teaching is not only passing down the knowledge, but also cultivating students internal and external motivation for future learning. Students with high motivation are active learners and are more likely to become life-long learners. Teachers should try every means to help students learn fun and taste the proud of success. I believe that communication is the core of language learning, including intrapersonal, interpersonal, and presentational. Teaching languages in a non-target language environment should be focused on what the students can do with the language. Performance-based instructions and assessments, such as singing, dancing, role-play, story-telling, and project, should be conducted in the classroom. I believe that language learning should go beyond classroom and should keep communication easily between family and school. School is not an isolated educating place. Students learning outcomes are the efforts made by both school and family. Family has influential impact on students learning habit, motivation and application of school knowledge. I should ensure that families are actively involved in students learning process.

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