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Shoumit Sarkar

Carbon Nanotubes
What are carbon nanotubes? Carbon nanotubes are sheets of carbon which are an atom thick which are in the form of tubes, with a diameter of about ten thousandth times a human hair. Carbon nanotubes have strange properties such as extraordinary strength and conduction of heat and electricity. Carbon nanotubes are finding applications in everything from cancer treatments to hydrogen cars. X Rays In the future, scientists say that carbon nanotube based imaging systems could take over x-rays and CT scans. Researchers say that these imaging systems could be used to film organs in motion such as the heart and lungs. Tumors Carbon nanotubes could even end up as must-haves in cancer hospitals one day. In a recent study, researchers injected carbon nanotubes into kidney tumors in mice, and then directed a near-infrared laser at the tumors. The tubes responded to the laser blast by vibrating, which created enough heat to kill surrounding tumor cells. In the group that received the highest dose of nanotubes followed by a 30-second laser treatment, the tumors shrank and completely disappeared in 80 percent of the mice. The procedure didn't appear to damage the animals internal organs, and left only a slight burn on the skin. But researchers haven't yet proven that nanotubes are safe and non-toxic, and say that much more research must be done before such procedures are ready to be tested in humans. Carbon lifts Due to their epic strength, carbon nanotubes could be used as a space elevator, which could lift astronauts, cargo or tourists into space. The material has to be strong and flexible and at the same time almost as light as air. Carbon nanotubes match all these criteria and could be used one day to create super strong cables and lifts. Computer chips Carbon nanotubes are currently being used to create extremely small computer chips with tremendous processing power. Another benefit of the carbon nanotubes is that it is a semiconductor, which is another benefit. Bulletproof vests Currently most bulletproof vests are made out of Kevlar, an extremely strong fabric with an ability to absorb the force from a bullet and disperse it along the entire surface of the fabric. In the future, bulletproof vests could be made from grapheme (nanotubes) due to their light weight and extreme tensile strength.

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