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Boss will says there are rights China top leader WU JANTO says Country Unity..

Cauchy3 says there are annexed evil forensic words for leader powers. China premier WENJIABAO says no pledge but without evidence follow china laws but I am clean Cauchy3 says what are laws if there are no investigated facts when easy does are there. So and so is easy ways. Who avoid the proofs? Those immense crimes of large

amounts of bribery sins because they are second top. Who avoid the proof then who must seemingly do and guilty. Do not forget china get china modes of imprisonments. Humble pies will also know our china get the courts with china system modes. Only semen swims in wombs for birth. Only crimes will hide as matrix arrays. Bribery sins are coming close for china ages. However only patron saints have right but who care. Partitions made are mixing arts for clarifications.

Free the Tibet parts and all. China ANNEXATIONAL forces are much too harm to sustain. Only way is our ways. Ways are some conclusions only there are freedoms. Ways are some conclusions only there self identities. Tibet people tokens only good for better reactionary happen. -------------Cheung Shun Sang=Cauchy3------------

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