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Adjectivul posesiv


Cum se identifica
Adjectivele posesive sunt cele care arata o posesie; arata al cui e un obiect (al meu, al tau, etc ...);

my book (cartea mea) your book (cartea ta, cartea voastra) his book (cartea lui) her book (cartea ei) its book (cartea lui, ei -> pentru lucruri, animale, abstractiuni) our book (cartea noastra) our books (cartile noastre) your books (cartile voastre) their book (cartea lor) their books (cartile lor)

Corespondenta pronumelor posesive cu adjectivele posesive:

Persoana 1st singular 2nd 3rd (female) 3rd (male) 3rd (neuter) 1st plural 3rd plural

Pronumele posesiv mine yours hers his its ours theirs

Adjectivul posesiv my your her his its our their

Exercitii Completati cu adjectivele posesive potrivite propozitiile urmatoare.

Exemplu: Could I get (a ta) your book ?

Maria is looking for (a sa) sister. Luke is looking for (a sa) sister. The man looks for (ale sale) keys. The man looks for (a sa) key. Welcome to (a nostra) home. They are (a mea) mother and (a mea) friend. (al meu) name is Lynne. What is (al tau) phone number? (al ei) father is here.

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