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ECON 332

Business Forecasting Methods

Chapter 3
Prof. Kirti K. Katkar
3-2 Moving Averages and Exponential Smoothing


• Periodic – daily, weekly, monthly etc. - forecasts of 100s of items

– Inventories of products
– Future prices of individual stocks
• Major assumption:
– Fluctuations in past represent random departures from some smooth
– Once the underlying curve is identified, it can be extrapolated to
generate a series of forecasts
– Only past observations: history or time-series - is required to forecast
future occurrences
– All time series data to be forecast have some cycles or fluctuations that
are recurring in nature
• Weighted averages of past observations to smooth up-and down
movements – i.e. suppress statistical fluctuations

p-Period Moving Average Model

• If the original time series is a1, a2, ……., an ,,,
and MAp (t) – p-period Moving average time series,
where p < n
then MAp (t+p) = (a1+ a2+ …..+at+p-1)/ p
where t = 0,1,2,3,…….,(n-p+1)
And the moving average forecast is
Ft+1 = MAp(t)
• The first naïve model is a degenerate case of moving average
model i.e. it is a 1-period moving average
• Choice of moving average period p depends on the
understanding of the underlying phenomenon. If not, by
simulation or trial and error.
Example of Moving Average Model

•Actuals of quarterly exchange rate with Japan

•No discernable pattern per se
Yen Exchange Rate - 3 Quarter Moving
Average Forecast

Yen Exchange Rate - 5 Quarter Moving Average


Exchange Rate with Japanese Yen


Exchange Rate with Japanese Yen (Contd.)

Exchange Rate with Japanese Yen (Contd.)

Other Uses of Moving Average Models

• Technical analysis of stocks*

– 200 day moving average for buy/ sell signals
• Buy if the stock price now is > 200 day moving average
• Sell if the stock price now is < 200 day moving average
– 25 day moving average for bullish/ bearish outlook
• If stock price now is > 25 day moving average, outlook is bullish
• If stock price now is < 25 day moving average, outlook is bearish

* Ref. “equis” – Technical Analysis fro A to Z


Simple Exponential Smoothing Model

• Forecast value at any time is a weighted average of past values
• Most recent actual is given highest weight
• Weights decrease geometrically as you go further into past
• Assumption is that most recent values contain the most
relevant information which influences future value
• If α is the smoothing constant, where 0 < α < 1
then the simple exponential model is
Ft+1 = αXt + (1-α)Ft
Ft is the forecast value for period t
Xt is the actual value for period t
• Also assumes that the series is stationary – no trend/
seasonality/ cycles

Exponential Smoothing Models Learn

from Past Errors
• Transforming the model, we see
Ft+1 = αXt + (1-α)Ft
= αXt + Ft -αFt
=Ft + α(Xt – Ft)
• Forecast for t+1 period is increased if the actual value for t
period is > forecasted value for period t
• Forecast for t+1 period is decreased if the actual value for t
period is < forecasted value for period t

How do Weights Decrease Geometrically?

• Forecast for period t+1 include all past actuals weighted per
the smoothing constant α
Ft+1 = αXt + (1-α)Ft
and Ft = αXt-1 + (1-α)Ft-1
so Ft+1 = αXt + (1-α)αXt-1 + (1-α)2Ftt-1
again Ft-1 = αXt-2 + (1-α)Ft-2
thus Ft+1 = αXt + (1-α)αXt-1 + (1-α)2αXt-2 + (1-α)3Ftt-2
• Most recent actual has the highest weight with weights on
subsequent actuals decrease geometrically

Illustration of Weights for α = 0.1

Time Period Weight Calculation Weight

1 1 x 0.1 0.1

2 0.9 x 0.1 0.09

3 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.1 0.081

4 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.9 x 0.1 0.073

. .
. .
. .
Total 1.0
Example of Simple Exponential Model
University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index

α = 0.6

U of M Index of Consumer Sentiment


U of M Index of Consumer Sentiment (Contd.)


Holt’s Exponential Smoothing Model

• Used when time series exhibits trend or seasonality
• Extends the exponential smoothing model by introducing another smoothing
constant for trend
• Holt’s two-parameter exponential smoothing model:
Ft+1 = αXt + (1-α)(Ft +Tt)
Tt+1 = β(Ft+1 - Ft) + (1-β)Tt
Ht+m = Ft+1 + m Tt+1
where Ft+1 = Smoothed value for period t+1
α = Smoothing constant for data, 0 < α < 1
Xt = Actual value for period t, now
Ft = Forecast value for period t
Tt+1 = Trend estimate for period t+1
Tt = Previously smoothed trend for period t
Ht+m = Holt’s forecast value for period t+1
β = Smoothing constant for trend, 0 < β < 1
m = number of periods ahead to be forecast,
where m= 1,2,…,m
Example of Holt’s Model

α = 0.64, β = 0.24

S & P 500 Returns


Winter’s Exponential Smoothing

• Extension of Holt’s model to include seasonality in addition to trend
• Winter’s four-equation model:
Ft = αXt/ St-p + (1-α) (Ft-1 + Tt-1)
St = βXt/ Ft + (1-β) St-p
Tt = γ(Ft – Ft-1) + (1-γ)Tt-1
Wt+m = (Ft + mTt) St+m-p
Ft = Smoothed value for period t
α = Smoothing constant for data (0<α<1)
Xt = Actual value now, i.e. period t
Ft-1 = Average experience of series smoothed for period t-1
Tt-1 = Trend estimate for period t-1
St = Seasonality estimate for period t
β = Smoothing constant for seasonality estimate (0<β<1)
γ = Smoothing constant for trend estimate (0<γ<1)
m = Number of periods in the forecast lead period, m = 1,2,…..,m
p = Number of periods in a seasonal cycle
Illustration of Winter’s Model Forecast
Light Truck Production

Adaptive-Response-Rate Single
Exponential Smoothing Model (ADRES)
• ADRES is a variant of simple exponential smoothing model
• No need to choose smoothing constant α
• Low cost method to forecast 100s of items on a periodic basis
• α does not remain constant : it’s value adapts to data
• Time series is assumed to be stationary i.e. no trend or
seasonality just as in simple exponential smoothing model


Ft+1 = αtXt + (1-αt)Ft

αt = At Adaptive value of α at period t

St = β
et + (1-β)S Smoothed error

At = β + (1-β)At-1 Absolute smoothed error

and et = Xt – Ft Error
Illustration of ADRES Model
Seasonal time Series can be forecasted using
single, Holt’s and ADRES Exponential Smoothing
• Alternative to using Winter’s exponential smoothing models
• Pre-condition is to deseasonalize the original series and then to
reseasonalize the forecasts
• Three step process
– Calculate seasonal indices for the series
– Deseasonalize the original series by dividing each value by its
corresponding seasonal index
– Apply one of above forecasting methods to the deseasonalized
forecasting series to generate the desired forecast(s)
– Reseasonalize the forecast by multiplying each deseasonalized forecast
with its corresponding seasonal index
• Simpler and less expensive to use
Illustration of Using Holt’s Model Forecast
with De-seasonalized Data
3-30 Light Truck Production Forecast using Deseasonalizing

Deseasonalizing Data and Determining

Seasonal Indices
• Moving average(MA) removes short term fluctuations – both
seasonal and random
• For deseasonalizing the MAs should contain same # of periods
as the seasonality that is evident – 4 for quarterly seasonality,
12 for monthly seasonality
• For quarterly data
MAt = (Xt-2 + Xt-1 + Xt +Xt+1)/4
• For monthly data
MAt = (Xt-6 + Xt-5 + Xt-4 + ….. + Xt + Xt+1 + … + Xt+5)/12
• Centered moving average (CMA)
CMAt = (MAt + MAt+1)/2
• Seasonal factor (SF)
SFt = Xt/ CMAt
3-32 Illustration: Deseasonalizing Quarterly Data and
Determining Seasonal Indices
Year/ Time Index X MA CMA SF
1Q1 1 10 Missing Missing Missing
1Q2 2 18 Missing Missing Missing
1Q3 3 20 15 15.25 1.31
1Q4 4 12 15.5 15.75 0.76
2Q1 5 12 16 Missing Missing
2Q2 6 20 Missing Missing Missing

MA3 = (10+18+20+12)/4 = 60/4 = 15 CMA3 = (15 +15.5)/2 = 30.5/2 = 15.25

MA4 = (18+20+12+12)/4 = 62/4 = 15.5 CMA4 = (15.5 + 16)/2 = 31.5/2 = 15.75
MA5 = (20+12+12+20)/4 = 64/4 = 16 SF3 = 20/15.25 = 1.31 and SF4 = 12/15.75 = 0.76
Seasonal Indices for Private Housing Starts

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