Lesson Plan October 23

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Western Civilization 40S Medieval Times Lesson Plan October 23, 2012 Activating (5 minutes) Students will briefly

discuss what they found in their previous nights research for the Timeline assignment. As a class, decide on a course of action for the class time not devoted to acquiring knowledge

Acquiring (15-20 minutes) Students will be engaged in fill-in-the-blank style note taking on the topics of manorialism and feudalism Students will discuss examples from Monty Python and the Holy Grail and relate them to notes made earlier in the class

Applying (40 minutes) Students will continue their research for the Timeline assignment Once done their research, students will transfer their findings to the physical timeline in the classroom

Assessment of learning Students will be assessed on their fact-finding skills by completing a timeline Students will receive immediate feedback on their fact-finding skills to enrich their self learning Students will be assessed on their participation in brief class discussion

Different Ways of Learning In this lesson, students will be able to hear the content while it is presented, see the content on the handout, and be involved in the content by both filling in the blanks and doing individual research

Flexible Groupings Though students are researching individually, they are part of a larger group responsible for a span of 500 years in a given region

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