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CBS NEWS POLL Americans Support Ending Saturday Mail Delivery

February 6-10, 2013

The U.S. Postal Service announced last week that it may end Saturday delivery of mail, but would continue to deliver packages. Most Americans support this proposal. Seven in 10 favor ending Saturday deliveries of first class mail as a way to help the USPS solve its financial problems. Only 24% are opposed. A similar question asked in June of last year was met with the same level of support. Majorities across all age and income groups support ending Saturday delivery of mail, but those with lower household incomes are less likely than those earning more to support that. Both Republicans (75%) and Democrats (67%) favor ending mail delivery on Saturday Total 71% 24 End Saturday Mail Delivery <$50K $50K-$100K 64% 74% 29 21 $100K 87% 10

Favor Oppose

Just 34% of Americans say they use the U.S. Postal Service all the time, for all their correspondence and bills, but another 38% use it sometimes, mainly for bills. 10% use post office services only around the holidays, and 18% say they almost never use it. The percentage who almost never use the U.S. Postal Service has more than doubled since last year. How Often do you Use the U.S. Postal Service? Now 6/2012 All the time 34% 38% Sometimes, mainly for bills 38 45 Only around the holidays 10 9 Almost never 18 7 There are differences by age: Americans under 30 are the least likely to use post office services, and in fact, 30% say they almost never do. But among those ages 65 and over, nearly half use the Post Office all the time, for all their correspondence and bills. How Often do you Use the U.S. Postal Service? All 18-29 30-44 45-64 65+ All the time 34% 24% 29% 36% 47% Sometimes, mainly for bills 38 31 37 43 40 Only around the holidays 10 15 12 7 7 Almost never 18 30 22 14 6
_______________________________________________________________________ This poll was conducted by telephone from February 6-10, 2013 among 1,148 adults nationwide. Phone numbers were dialed from samples of both standard land-line and cell phones. The error due to sampling for results based on the entire sample could be plus or minus three percentage points. The error for subgroups may be higher. This poll release conforms to the Standards of Disclosure of the National Council on Public Polls.

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