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Culture Fair Project Due November 8/9

Having read, watched, and discussed a variety of mediums regarding a variety of cultures and cultural topics, you are now ready as anthropologists to research a culture on your own. In pairs, you will research the culture assigned to you. Topics to research will be: The predominant language Leader (who is in power?) Arts (literature, music, visual art, theatre, dance, etc.) Sports played or watched Common practices, ceremonies, or rituals Customary clothing Food & food production The main export & import Religion & creation stories or myths Celebrations and holidays Marriages A description of human rights in your culture Have there been major conflicts in the culture over the past 50 years? What were they/why did they happen? Are there large pockets of people from your culture anywhere else in the world?

Your information will be displayed on a large project board, which you will stand at on your presentation date. The presentations will be through a Culture Fair, where you will explain your culture to attendees and answer their questions. In order to have the wow factor for this project, your presentation board will include the names of your group members and the culture you researched, written answers to the research topics, pictures, one or more external component(s) (e.g. music, dances, clothing, traditional food), and be fairly large for easy visibility. It will be VITAL that you attend BOTH days of the culture fair in order to get necessary information for the unit test. Your group will be marked using the attached rubric. Ready Set Research!

Culture Fair Rubric

Topic Information 1 (0%-55%) None of the topics required are displayed and are not detailed External component is not present Pictures are not present 2 (56%-70%) Some of the topics required are displayed and are somewhat detailed External component is present Pictures are sparsely used in the display 3 (71%-90%) Most of the topics required are displayed and are fairly detailed External component is present and well thoughtout Several pictures are used in the display 4 (91%-100%) All of the topics required are displayed and very detailed External component(s) is/are present and exceeds expectations Pictures are abundant and carefully thought out

External component


Visual presentation & Clarity Verbal presentation

Presentation is Presentation is unorganized somewhat and unclear organized and clear Student is not Student is knowledgeable somewhat in the subject knowledgeable matter and in the subject does not speak matter and clearly speaks fairly clearly

Presentation is Presentation is organized and extremely clear organized and very clear Student is Student is very knowledgeable knowledgeable in the subject in the subject matter and matter and speaks clearly speaks very clearly

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