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mozart comenz a la edad de seis aos, cuando su padre decidio educarlo y exhibirlo.

Desde pequeo ya era un interprete avanzado de el piano y un gran violinista. El escribio muchas sonatas y sinfonias tanto para piano como para violin. Algunas de sus sinfonias mas famosas eran: la 36( liz), la 40 y la 41 ( jupiter), algunas de sus operas mas famosas eran: LAS BODAS DEL FIGARO Y LA FLAUTA MGICA .Mozart muri el 5 de diciembre de 1791. Yo admiro a Mozart, porque el desde pequeo el tocaba el piano y el violin, yo no podria aprender a como tocar el violin y el piano al mismo tiempo porque son muy complicados de tocar. Tambien lo admiro porque el escribio muchas sinfonias y operas a muy corta edad. Mozart began at the age of six years old , when his father decided to educated and displayed him. Since childhood, he was an advanced interpreter of piano and a great violinist. He wrote many sonatas and symphonies both for piano and for violin. Some of his most famous symphonies were: 36 (liz), the 40 and the 41 (Jupiter), some of his most famous operas were: LAS BODAS DEL FIGARO Y LA FLAUTA MGICA ( The Marriage of Figaro and The Magic Flute). Mozart died on December 5, 1791. I admire Mozart, because since childhood he played the piano and violin, I could not learn how to play the violin and piano at the same time because they are very difficult to play. Also I admire him because he wrote many symphonies and operas at a young age.

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