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Middle School Planning Meeting 10 February 2013 Held at 1304 Broad Street (office of People Designs) Refreshments coordinated

d by Elizabeth Plyler! Participating (22): Amy Pine; Anthony Bennett; Cathy Rimer-Surles; David Farrell; David Napp; Elizabeth Plyler; John Rockwell; Julie Daniels; Kelly Perin; Kenny Levine; Kristen Gerondelis, Kristina Silberstein; Laura Benedict; Lori Ramsey; Michelle Rockwell; Rebecca Gibson; Sara Seten Berghausen; Scott Morrison; Stacey Modaress-Razavi; Sunshine Scoville; Susan Haws; Teri Lowder MEETING OPENING AND SUMMARY Meeting facilitator David Napp opened with a welcome, introductions, and an explanation of goals for this meeting. On one wall we had a Timeline, showing January 2013 through July 2014 (proposed opening day for Middle School expansion!), and on another wall we had a Board of Experience, where participants were asked to put a checkmark by any areas in which they had experience. These visuals are included below. Susan gave a summary and updates. The workgroups that formed from the 1/27 meeting have been productive! The meeting with John Heffernan and Maggie Chotas plus a few parents and a few CPS staff/teachers happened on Feb 1. Susan has also been continuing to meet or talk with people one-onone, including Kathryn Meyer, Paula Januzzi-Godfrey, and Maggie Chotas. Susan Haws has been composing the Letter of Intent (LOI), for which she suggests these dates: Next steps for Letter of Intent: Wed 2/13/2013: Each Workgroup Point Person gives Susan Haws a workgroup report (summary of what theyve accomplished, and what they plan to do). Sun 2/17/2013: Susan Haws distributes a Letter of Intent first draft to planning committee. Wed 2/20/2013: Each workgroup submits one set of feedback to Susan, via TrackChanges. Fri 2/22/2013: Final LOI (approximately 5 pages) is submitted to the CPSFC Board. The LOI will explain that a fuller and more detailed proposal will be submitted by June 1st, 2013 (which gives approximately three months). Other points made: -Consider that a transition of Board members is coming up soon. -Consider asking the Board what would be a good timeline for assessing the proposal, and a communication plan. John Rockwell offered to help with this. -Questions were raised again about sharing updates about this planning committee with the rest of the CPS community. Perhaps a periodic newsletter? -Lets keep in mind that this planning process benefits elementary school in multiple ways. WORKGROUP BREAKOUT AND TIMELINE Participants broke out into workgroups to: Finalize their workgroup name, List all workgroup members, Identify steps/tasks to add to the timeline. Here are the workgroup names and the members of each, with the Point Person indicated with an asterisk, the color of their sticky notes, and the content of the steps they put up on the timeline (the photos below show where items were placed on the timeline).

-Educational Models (Kristen Gerondelis*, Teri Lowder, Scott Morrison, Michelle Rockwell, Amy Pine, Sunshine Scoville, Kelly Perin, Cathy Rimer-Surles, Karen Ciccone) Review current charter; pick out language and guiding principles for expansion Feedback about 5th Grade change; Interview teachers, students, CPS alumni Sort out what drives curriculum Investigate core principles of CPSFC; compare to charter and clarify Reach out to: economic diversity planning team, Exceptional Children team, Teachers, Community Partners Create chart of model schools listing basic school info, and philosophies/models Visit model schools

-Advisory Committee (Susan Haws*, Julie ?, Kristina Silberstein, Rebecca Gibson, Amy Cummings, Buddy Harris) Youth middle school forum (1-2 hours, with snacks) Advisory Council workshop (1/2 day, with honorarium) Develop steering committee, smaller group that will walk the whole way with us o Set target dates o Invite participants o Plan sessions (facility, facilitators, honoraria) o o o o Record sessions Take notes Synthesize notes Disseminate notes (to selves and to participants)

-Funding and Finance (David Farrell*, Kenny Levine, John Rockwell, David Napp, Julie Daniels) This workgroup added Phase 1 (to June 1 2013), P2 (from June 1 to just before school opens in July 2014), and P3 (when school opens) to the timeline. Get accounts and accounting procedures set up with the CPSFC Foundation Get approval for % of parent fundraising to go to Sunshine Fund Raise $2000 from the planning body by the time of the LOI (planning body was explained to be anyone who has been to any of these Middle School planning meetings) Get verbal commitment for additional $5000 from planning body for LOI proposal Send letter of request to planning body Develop funding/donation request strategies and communication Request funds from Foundation Identify funding sources for Phase 2 (startup) Develop budget for startup costs (by June 1, 2013)

- Building (Lori Ramsey*, Laura Branton (Benedict?), Elizabeth Plyer, Anthony Bennett, Sara Berghausen, Stacey Modaress-Razavi, Rachel Russell) Weighted criteria

o Location o Access to downtown o Green Space o Historic Tax Value o Cost / sq. ft. Property Profiles o Weighted criteria o Pros/Cons o looking at either Profile 1: 30,000 sq ft (near elementary school) o or Profile 2: 65,000 sq ft (elsewhere)

Figure 1: A portion of the timeline, with workgroup steps added

EXPERIENCE AMONG PLANNING COMMITTEE Here is a tally of the Experience Board. Susan will summarize this and include it in the Letter of Intent. (Please send Sunshine a note by Wed 2/13 with your experience if you didnt get a chance to add it to the board at this meeting.) 2 8 2 7 3 3 8 2 3 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 Communication professional Teacher or former teacher Teach for America corps member Health or wellness professional Fitness professional or coach Artist or musician University faculty, staff, librarian, or administrator Architect/Designer Entrepreneur Youth and family services provider Social worker Consultant, strategic planning professional Grant manager Finance professional CPA Previously part of school planning team Real estate Charter school requirements Technology designer/manager Peace Corps volunteer MBA Lawyer

Figure 2: Depth and breadth of experience of planning body

Other items: -We agreed that Sunday is the day that works for most people to meet, but we will shift the meeting time to 7:00-9:00. -Note that theres a School Council meeting on Tuesday, Feb 12. At least one person from this planning body plans to attend, but it would be great to have more. Action Steps: -Workgroup Point Persons: Submit a workgroup report to Susan by this Wed 2/13. -Susan will continue composing draft of LOI, and will share with planning committee. -Tell Sunshine by Wed 2/13 if you want to add your checkmarks to the Experience board. -John Rockwell will communicate with the Board about the timing of Proposal and encourage them to prepare how/when to respond.

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