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About Mount St.

By: Vamsi Gorrepati

Before the Eruption of Mount Saint Helen

People thought Mount St. Helen was a dormant volcano. Then 140 years later there was a tiny earthquake. Which caused Mount St. Helen to erupt.

After the Eruption of Mount Saint Helen

By the middle of May there was a incredible lump on the north side of the mountain which was growing at the rate of 5 feet a day. Finally on May 18, 1980 a incredible landslide occurred in which a major portion of the north part of the mountain slid down the hill and into Spirit Lake.

During the Eruption of Mount Saint Helen

On May 18, 1980, the eruption of Mount St. Helen in Washington state changed the lives of thousands of people.The eruption started at May 18 1980 at 8:32 am. The mountain, before eruption was about 9677 feet and now it is about 8363 feet.

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