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1. Implementation of token separation. 2. Implementation of symbol table. 3. Implementation of Lexical Analysis in C 4. Implementation of Lexical Analysis in LEX 5. Implementation of Syntax checking using LEX and YAC 6. Implementation of Syntax checking in C 7. Conversion of Infix to postfix. 8. Evaluating postfix expression using LEX 9. Implementation of Intermediate code Generator. 10. Implementation of Operator precedence parser

To write a program to implement the token separation operation

Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Store the possible keywords in an array key[][] and their corresponding byte value in b[]. Step 3: Declare all the variables. Step 4: Declare the file pointer fp for file operation. Step 5: Open a file sym.c in write mode. Step 6: Enter valid data into sym.c file until # symbol encountered. Then close the file. Step 7: Open d.c file in read mode.Read the character one by one.

Step 8: If not End of file using switch case check for special symbols.Print the special symbol. Step 9: Check whether the string is alphabet or alphanumeric using isalpha() and isalnum() functions. Step 10: If the string is alphabet assign it to variable a and compare with keywords in array using strcmp() function. Step 11: If string is keyword print the keyword and its corresponding byte value and copy the string to variabledata using strcpy (). Step 12: Else copy to variable sym. Step 13: Check for the character is constant value using isdigti() function and copy the constant in the variable val using strcpy(). Step 14: Print all the datatype, identifier and constant value. Step 15: Stop the program.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char key[5][10]={"int","float","char","double"}; int b[5]={2,1,4,8}; int main() { int byte; int label; int i,j,n,k=0; char data[10],sym[10],val[10]; char a[20]; char str; FILE *fp; clrscr(); fp=fopen("sym.c","w"); printf("\n enter a valid declarations:"); while((str=getchar())!='#') { fputc(str,fp); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("d.c","r"); printf("\n______________________________________"); printf("\t\t SYMBOL TABLE\n"); printf("\n________________________________________"); printf("\ndata-type\tidentifier\tvalue\tbytes-occupied\n"); while((str=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { i=0;

label=0; switch(str) { case ';': printf("\n\t%d\t%c\t a special symbol",n++,str); break; default: if(isalpha(str)) { do{ a[i]=str; i++; str=fgetc(fp); }while(isalpha(str)||isalnum(str)); a[i]='\0'; fseek(fp,-1,1); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(strcmp(a,key[i])==0) { // printf("\n\t%d\t%s\t a keyword",n++,a); byte=b[i]; strcpy(data,a); label=1; goto aa; } } if(label==0) { strcpy(sym,a); } } else if(str=='=') { str=fgetc(fp); if(str=='\'') str=fgetc(fp); goto aa; } else aa: if(isdigit(str)||isalpha(str)) {

do{ a[i]=str; i++; str=fgetc(fp); }while(isdigit(str)||str=='.'||isalpha(str)); a[i]='\0'; fseek(fp,-1,1); strcpy(val,a); } } } fclose(fp); getch(); } OUTPUT: enter a valid data: void main() { int a=5; } # TOKEN SEPARATION token no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 token name void main ( ) { int a = 5 ; } token-type a keyword a keyword a special symbol a special symbol a special symbol a keyword an identifier an operator a constant a special symbol a special symbol

Thus the program was implemented and verified.

To write a program to implement the Symbol table operation

Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Store the possible keywords in an array key [][] and their corresponding byte value in b[]. Step 3: Declare all the variables. Step 4: Declare the file pointer fp for file operations. Step 5: Open d.c file in write mode and enter the valid data with # symbol at the end of file.Then close the file. Step 6:Open d.c in read mode.Read the character one by one. Step 7: If not end of file, using switch case display the character is special symbol or an operator. Step 8: Check whether the string is alphabet or alphanumeric using isalpha () and isalnum() functions respectively. Step 9: If the string is alphabet assign it to variable a and compare with the keywords in array using strcmp () function. Step 10: Then print keyword and its corresponding byte value and copy string to variable data using strcpy (). Step 11: Else copy to variable sym . Step 12: Check the string is alphabet or digit using isdigit() and isalpha() functions. Step 13: If the string is digit then print the string is constant. Step 14: Take fp to the assigned position. Step 15: Close fp. Step 16: Stop the program.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char key[5][10]={"int","float","char","double"}; int b[5]={2,4,1,8}; int main() { int byte; int label; int i,j,n,k=0; char data[10],sym[10],val[10];

char a[20]; char str; FILE *fp; clrscr(); fp=fopen("sym.c","w"); printf("\n enter a valid declarations:"); while((str=getchar())!='#') { fputc(str,fp); } fclose(fp); fp=fopen("sym.c","r"); printf("\n______________________________________"); printf("\n\t\t SYMBOL TABLE\n"); printf("\n________________________________________"); printf("\ndata-type\tidentifier\tvalue\tbytes-occupied\n"); while((str=fgetc(fp))!=EOF) { i=0; label=0; switch(str) { case ';': printf("\n%s\t\t%s\t\t%s\t\t%d",data,sym,val,byte); break; default: if(isalpha(str)) { do{ a[i]=str; i++; str=fgetc(fp); }while(isalpha(str)||isalnum(str)); a[i]='\0'; fseek(fp,-1,1); for(i=0;i<5;i++) { if(strcmp(a,key[i])==0) { // printf("\n\t%d\t%s\t a keyword",n++,a); byte=b[i]; strcpy(data,a); label=1; goto aa; }

} if(label==0) { strcpy(sym,a); } } else if(str=='=') { str=fgetc(fp); if(str=='\'') str=fgetc(fp); goto aa; } else aa: if(isdigit(str)||isalpha(str)) { do{ a[i]=str; i++; str=fgetc(fp); }while(isdigit(str)||str=='.'||isalpha(str)); a[i]='\0'; fseek(fp,-1,1); strcpy(val,a); } } } fclose(fp); getch(); } OUTPUT: enter a valid declarations:int a=5; float f=3.4; double d=6.7; char c='f'; #

______________________________________ SYMBOL TABLE ________________________________________ data-type identifier value bytes-occupied int float double char a f d c 5 3.4 6.7 f 2 4 8 1

Thus the program was implemented and verified.


To write a program to implement the Lexical analysis using C

Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Include the necessary header files. Step 3: The ctype header file is to load the file with predicate isdigit. Step 4: The define header file defines the buffer size, numerics, assignment operator,relational operator. Step 5: Initialize the necessary variables. Step 6: To return index of new string S,token t using insert() function. Step 7: Initialize the length for every string. Step 8: Check the necessary condition. Step 9: Call the initialize() function.This function loads the keywords into the symbol table. Step 10: Check the conditions such as white spaces,digits,letters and alphanumerics. Step 11: To return index of the entry for string S,or 0 if S is not found using lookup() function. Step 12: Check this until EOF is found. Step 13: Otherwise initialize the token value to be none. Step 14: In the main function if lookahead equals numeric then the value of attribute num is given by the global variable tokenval. Step 15: Check the necessary conditions such as arithmetic operators, parenthesis, identifiers, assignment operators and relational operators. Step 16: Stop the program.

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<ctype.h> #include<string.h> #define SIZE 128 #define NONE -1 #define EOS '\0' #define NUM 256 #define KEYWORD 257 #define PAREN 258 #define ID 259 #define ASSIGN 260 #define REL_OP 261

#define DONE 262 #define MAX 999 char lexemes[MAX],buffer[SIZE]; int lastchar=-1,lastentry=0,tokenval=NONE,lineno=1; struct entry { char *lexptr; int token; }symtable[100]; char *keywords[]= {"if","else","for","int","char","return",0,0}; void Error_Message(char *m) { fprintf(stderr,"line %d :%s\n",lineno,m); exit(1); } int look_up(char s[]) { int k; for(k=lastentry;k>0;k=k-1) if (strcmp(symtable[k].lexptr,s)==0) return k; return 0; } int insert(char s[],int tok) { int len; len=strlen(s); if(lastentry+1>=MAX) Error_Message("Symbol table full"); if(lastchar+len+1>=MAX) Error_Message("Lexemes array is full"); lastentry++; symtable[lastentry].token=tok; symtable[lastentry].lexptr=&lexemes[lastchar+1]; lastchar=lastchar+len+1; strcpy(symtable[lastentry].lexptr,s); return lastentry; } void initialize() { struct entry *ptr; for(ptr=keywords;ptr->token;ptr++) insert(ptr->lexptr,ptr->token); }

int lexer() { int t,i=0,val; while(1) { t=getchar(); if(t==' '||t=='\t') printf("space"); else if(t=='\n') lineno++; else if(t=='('|t==')') return PAREN; else if(t=='<' |t=='>' | t=='<=' |t=='>='|t=='!=') return REL_OP; else if(t=='=') return ASSIGN; else if(isdigit(t)) { ungetc(t,stdin); scanf("%d",&tokenval); return NUM; } else if(isalpha(t)) { while(isalnum(t)) { buffer[i]=t; t=getchar(); i++; if(i>=SIZE) Error_Message("compiler Error"); } buffer[i]=EOS; if(t!=EOF) ungetc(t,stdin); val=look_up(buffer); if(val==0) val=insert(buffer,ID); tokenval=val; return symtable[val].token; } else if(t==EOF) return DONE; else { tokenval=NONE; return t; } }} void main()

{ int lookahead; char ans; clrscr(); printf("\n Program for lexical analysis:"); initialize(); printf("Enter the expression and put ; at the end\n Press ctrl z to terminate\n"); lookahead=lexer(); while(lookahead!=DONE) { if(lookahead==NUM) printf("\n Number %d",tokenval); if(lookahead=='+'|lookahead=='-'|lookahead=='*'|lookahead=='/') printf("\n operator"); if(lookahead==PAREN) printf("\n parenthesis"); if(lookahead==ID) printf("\n Identifier%s",symtable[tokenval].lexptr); if(lookahead==ASSIGN) printf("\n Assignment Operator"); if(lookahead==REL_OP) printf("\n Relational Operator"); lookahead=lexer(); } }

Program for lexical analysis: Enter the expression and put ; at the end press ctrl z to terminate void main() Identifiervoid space Identifiermain parenthesis parenthesis int i=69; Identifierintspace Identifieri Assignment Operator Number69


Thus the program was implemented and verified


To write a program to implement the Lexical analysis using LEX

Step 1: Create the lex source with lex specification with the extension .l or .ex. Step 2: Check for the identifier whether it is alphabets or numeric character. Step 3: If it find # then print it is a preproccesor directive Step 4: Check for the other keywords such as int, float, char, double, while, for, do, if, break, continue, void, switch case, long, struct, const, typedef, return(0),else and if it find any of the above display it is a keyword. Step 5: Store it in a variable called yytext Step 6: If it encounters \/\/ print it is acomment Step7: The \{ represents the beginning of clock and /} represents the end of the block Step 8: If it finds then print it is a string Step 9: It is encountered upto 0-9 then display it is a number Step10: Echo is like the prints statement character within the double quotes Step11: If it finds = then print an argument operation Step12: If it find the operators such as <,>=,<= then print it is an relational operator Step13: Then finish the rules section Step14: Include the code section Step15: Open a file if it does not match then display could not open the file Step16: The yyin points the opening of current file Step17: The yyout is to check whether the input goes to which file Step18: The yywrap is match of end of file or end of source Step19: If an input is given to lex it will be converted into a c file,lex yy.c Step 20: This can be compiled into an executable file using cc lex.yy.c

(add.c) #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a,b,c; printf("a="); scanf("%d",&a);

printf("b"); scanf("%d",&b); c=a+b; printf("c=%d",c); getch (); } (lex.l) %{ int COMMENT=0; %} identifier[a-zA-z][a-zA-z0-9]* %% #.* { printf("\n%s is a preprocessor directive",yytext);} int | float | char | double | while | for | do | if | break | continue | void | switch | case | long | struct | const | typedef | return | else | goto { printf("\n\t%s is a keyword",yytext); } if[\t]* { printf("\n\t 'if' is a keyword\n\t"); } \/\/.* { printf("\n\n\t%s is a omment",yytext); } \{ { printf("\nBlock begins"); } \} { printf("\n Block ends"); } radius | area | argv | r| argc { printf("\n%s identifier",yytext); } \".*\" { printf("\n\t %s is a string",yytext); }

[0-9]+ { printf("\n\n\t%s is a number \n",yytext); } \)(\;)? { printf("\n\t");ECHO;printf("\n"); } \(ECHO; = { printf("\n\t %s is a argument operator",yytext); } \<= | \>= | \< | == | \> printf("\n\t %s is a relational operator",yytext); .|\n; %% int main(int argc,char **argv) { if(argc>1) { FILE *file; file = fopen(argv[1],"r"); if(!file) { printf("Could not open %s\n",argv[1]); exit(0); } yyin=file; } yylex(); printf("\n\n"); return 0; } int yywrap() { return 0; }

OUTPUT: [cse@cselinux cse]$ lex lex.l [cse@cselinux cse]$ cc lex.yy.c [cse@cselinux cse]$ ./a.out add.c #include<stdio.h> is a preprocessor directive

void is a keyword ) Block begins int is a keyword r identifier int is a keyword "a=" is a string ); "%d" is a string ); r identifier int is a keyword "b" is a string ); "%d" is a string ); = is a argument operator r identifier int is a keyword "c=%d" is a string ); ); Block ends [5]+ Stopped [cse@cselinux cse]$

./a.out add.c

Thus the program was implemented and verified


To write a program to implement the syntax analyzer using LEX and YACC

Step 1: Lex and yacc can be easily interfaced Step 2: Lex compiler can be used to perform lexical analysis phase Step 3: Create a lex source with lex specification with extension .l Step 4: In lex code we check for letter ie. Alphabets and we check for digit ie.numeric values Step 5: Lex compiler will produce the tokens Step 6: Tokens are used for yacc compiler for syntax analyzing Step 7: In yacc compiler accepts a large class of CFGs but require a lower level analyzer to recognize input tokens Step 8: In yacc source specifies grammars. i)write the grammar in .y file eg:list:list stat|list error ii)expr:(expr)|expr * expr|expr(exprexpr|expr%expr. Step 9: In main function yyparse() is used to call parser Step 10:yyerror() method is used to handle the errors from yacc Step 11: Compile the code produced by YACC as well as LEX Step 12: Link the object files to appropriate libraries for executable parser Step 13: Execute the (program)parser

(srical.y) %{ #include<stdio.h> int regs[26]; int base; %} %start list %token DIGIT LETTER %left '|' %left '&' %left '+' '-' %left '*' '/' '%' %left UMINUS %% list: | list stat '\n' |

list error '\n' { yyerror; } ; stat : expr { printf("%d\n",$1); } | LETTER '=' expr { regs[$1]=$3; } ; expr : '(' expr ')' { $$=$2; } | expr '*' expr { $$=$1*$3; } | expr '/' expr { $$=$1/$3; } | expr '%' expr { $$=$1%$3; } | expr '+' expr { $$=$1+$3; } | expr '-' expr { $$=$1-$3; }| expr '&' expr

{ $$=$1&$3; } | expr '|' expr { $$=$1|$3; } | '-' expr %prec UMINUS { $$=$2; } | LETTER { $$=regs[$1]; } | number ; number : DIGIT { $$=$1; base=($1==0)?8:10; } | number DIGIT { $$=base*$1+$2; } ; %% main() { return(yyparse()); } yyerror(s) char *s; { fprintf(stderr,"%s\n",s); } yywrap() { return(1); }

(sri.l) %{ #include<stdio.h> #include"" int c; extern int yylval; %} %% " "; [a-z] { c=yytext[0]; yylval=c-'a'; return (LETTER); } [0-9] { c=yytext[0]; yylval=c-'0'; return (DIGIT); } [^a-z0-9\b] { c=yytext[0]; return (c); } OUTPUT: [cse@cselinux cse]$ yacc -d srical.y [cse@cselinux cse]$ lex sri.l [cse@cselinux cse]$ cc lex.yy.c [cse@cselinux cse]$ ./a.out 3+5*(5*3) 78 10/5 2 15*3 45

Thus the program was implemented and verified



To write a program to implement the syntax analyzer C

Step1 Include all header files Step2: Declare four functions E(),E1(),E2()and A() Step3: In the main() function specifies the grammar along with its productions.The grammar is used to define arirhmetic expreesions Step4: An expression is got as input from the user and it is stored in a character array Step5: Transfer one character at a time from the above array to the character variable lookahead Step6: Call the finction E() until the end of the array symbol [eg:$] is reached. Step7: In E() perform the following task, (a)If lookahead is an alphabet then store the entirestring in an array and display Identifier goto step 8. (b)If lookahead is a numeric constant then display Numder and goto step8. (c)If the above two conditions are not satisfied then print Error and terminate. Step8: In E1() perform the following task, (a)check whether lookahead is an arithmetic operator (b)If 8)a) is satisfied goto step 9. Step9 :In A() perform the following task, (a)using switchcase verify lookahead is * or / or + or - (b)If 9)a)is true print Arithmetic operator and break out of switchcase If lookahead is not alphanumeric then print syntax error Step10: Finally print Expression is correct if it correct

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void E(); void E1(); void A(); char lookahead,*str; int i=0; void main() {

int i,n; clrscr(); printf("\nGiven Grammar :\n"); printf("E->idE/numE1/n"); printf("A->+|-|*|/\n"); printf("Enter String End With $\n"); scanf("%s",str); lookahead=str[0]; while(lookahead!='$') { E(); } printf("Given Expression is Correct"); getch(); } void E() { if(isalpha(lookahead)) { printf("Identifer : "); while(isalnum(lookahead)) { printf("%c",lookahead); lookahead=str[++i]; } printf("\n"); E1(); } else if(isdigit(lookahead)) { printf("Number : "); while(isdigit(lookahead)) { printf("%c",lookahead); lookahead=str[++i]; } printf("\n"); E1(); } else { printf("Error"); exit(0); }

} void E1() { if(lookahead=='+'||lookahead=='-'||lookahead=='*'||lookahead=='/') A(lookahead); } void A(char lt) { switch(lt) { case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': printf("Arithmetic Operator : %c\n",lt); lookahead=str[++i]; if(!isalnum(lookahead)) { printf("Syntax Error\n"); exit(0); } break; } }

[cse@cselinux cse]$ cc o ex6 ex6.c [cse@cselinux cse]$ ./ex6 Given Grammar E->idE1|numE1 E1->+|-|*|/ Enter the string ending with $ Position+rate*60$ Identifier:position Arithmetic Operator:+ Identifier:rate Arithmetic Operator:* Number:60 Given Expression is correct

Thus the program was implemented and verified


To write a C program to convert an infix expression to a postfix expression .

Step 1: Start the program. Step 2: Include all the required header files. Step 3: Declare a global variable namely lookahead. The datatype of lookahead is integer. Step 4: In the main() function get an infix expression as input from the user and call the expr() function. Step 5: In expr() function perform the following task after calling the term() function. (a)Inside an infinite while loop i.e., while(1) check the operator. (b)If lookahead is a + sign then call match(+) and go to step 5. (c)If lookahead is a - sign then call match(-) and go to step 5. (d)If the above two conditions are not satisfied then break out of the loop. Step 6:In turn() function perform the following tasks, (a)If lookahead is a digit then print the value of lookahead. (b)Then call the match() function with lookahead as the parameter. (c)Else call the error() function. Step 7:In the error() function print Syntax Error and then terminate the program. Step 8:In match() function perform the following tasks, (a)If lookahead = = t then use getchar() to get the input from the user. (b)Else call the error() function. Step 9: Finally display the postfix expression. Step 10:Terminate the program.

#include<stdio.h> #include<ctype.h> Char lookahead; Int main() { Lookahead=getchar(); Expr(); Putchar(\n); } Expr() { Term();

While(1) { If(lookahead = =+) { Match(+); Term(); Putchar(+); } Else if(lookahead = = -) { Match(-); Term(); Putchar(-); } Else break; } } Term() { If(isdigit(lookahead)) { Putchar(lookahead); Match(lookahead); } Else error(); } Match(t) { If(lookahead==t) Lookahead=getchar(); Else Error(); } Error() { Printf(\nSyntax Error\n); Exit(1); } OUTPUT: [cse@cselinux cse]$ cc -0 expr expr.c [cse@cselinux cse]$ ./expr 1+2 12+

Thus the program was implemented and verified


To write a program to evaluate a postfix expression

Step1: Start the program. Step2: Define a stack of size 100 ant two integer variables sp,stack(stack size) Step3: Inside the push() function perform the following task. a)If (++sp <(stack-size)then assingn the value of I to stack[sp] b)Else display an error message Stack overflow step4: In the pop() function, perform the following task, a)If the value of sp is greater then 0, then pop the last entry out of the stack b)Else display an error message stack underflow. Step5: If a digit ie.[0-9] is encountered then push it into the stack. Step6: If an operator ie.[+,*,-,/] is encountered then push it into the stack and apply the operator to the last two entries of the stack Step 7: If a semicolon is encountered then pop the value at the TOS and print that value Step8:If any control sequence ie.[\t\n] is encountered then no action is performed Step9: If any error condition is encountered then display a message Unexpected. AUXILLARY ACTION: Step10: In the main() function initialize the variable sp to -1 and call yylex() function Step11: In the function yywrap() which has no parameters return 1 Step 12: Finally after the required evaluations terminate the program Step13: stop the program

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #define MODE_POSTFIX 0 #define MODE_ASSEMBLY 1 char lookahead,expression[20+1]; int pos,compile_mode; void error() { printf("Sytax error!\n"); } void match(char t) {

if(lookahead==t) { pos++; lookahead=expression[pos]; } else error(); } void digit() { switch(lookahead) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if(compile_mode==MODE_POSTFIX) printf("%c",lookahead); else printf("\tPUSH%c\n",lookahead); match(lookahead); break; default: error(); break; } } void term() { digit(); while(1) { switch(lookahead) { case '*': match('*'); digit(); printf("%s",compile_mode==MODE_POSTFIX?"*":"\tPOP B\n\tPOP A\n\tMUL A,B\n\tPUSH A\n"); break;

case '/': match('/'); digit(); printf("%s",compile_mode==MODE_POSTFIX?"/":"\tPOP B\n\tPOP A\n\tDIV A,B\n\tPUSH A\n"); break; default: return; } } } void expr() { term(); while(1) { switch(lookahead) { case '+': match('+'); term(); printf("%s",compile_mode==MODE_POSTFIX?"+":"\tPOP B\n\tPOP A\n\tADD A,B\n\tPUSH A \n"); break; case '-': match('-'); term(); printf("%s",compile_mode==MODE_POSTFIX?"-":"\tPOP B\n\tPOP A\n\tSUB A,B\n\tPUSH A \n"); break; default: return; } } } int main(int argc,char** argv) { clrscr(); printf("Please enter the infix_notated expression with single digits\n\n\t"); scanf("%20s",expression); printf("\nCompiling to postfix_notated expression:\n\n\t"); compile_mode=MODE_POSTFIX; pos=0; lookahead=*expression; expr(); printf("\nCompiling to assembly_notated expression:\n\n\t");

compile_mode=MODE_ASSEMBLY; pos=0; lookahead=*expression; expr(); getch(); return 0; }

[basariya@telnet ~]$ ./a.out Please enter the infix_notated expression with single digits 5-3 Compiling to postfix_notated expression: 53Compiling to assembly_notated expression: PUSH5 PUSH3 POP B POP A SUB A,B PUSH A

Thus the program was implemented and verified


To write the program to implement the intermediate code generation using C.

Step 1:Start the program. Step 2:Include all header files. Step 3:Declare two character array str[10] and stk[10][3]. Step 4:Decalre an array that holds a list of temporary variables. Step 5:Initialise the top of stack to -1 and ntemp to 0. Step 6:Declare a structure 4 members of datatype char. -opr for the operator, arg1[5] and arg2[5] for the two arguments and res[5] for the result. Step 7:In the main() function get the input string from the user and store it in str[]. Step 8:Using for loop the intermediate code statements can be generated as follows. (a)Initialize the loop variable i to 0. (b)If str[i] is an alphabet then store it in the top of stack and set the next location i.e., stk[top][1] to null. (c)If the above condition is false then store str[5] in s[++n].opr and copy the TOS to arg2. (d)If top>-1 then copy TOS to arg1. (e)Copy the temporary variables to res. If i<strlen(str) go to 7.(a).Else go to step 8. Step 9:Finally print the intermediate code in the form of three address code table. Step 10:Terminate the program.

#include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> Cahr str[10],temp[10][3]={T1,T2,T3,T4,T5},stk[10][10]; Int top=-1,ntemp=0; Struct st { Char opr; Char arg1[10]; Char arg2[10]; Char res[10]; }s[10]; Int main() {

Int I,j,k; Printf(\nenter the string:); Scanf(%s,str); For(i=0;i<strlen(str);i++) { If(isalpha(str[i])) { Stk[++top][0]=str[i]; Stk[top][1]=\0; } Else { S[++n].opr=str[i]; Strcpy(s[n].arg2,stk[top--1]); If(top>-1) Strcpy(s[n].arg1,stk[top1]); Strcpy(s[n].res,temp[ntemp]); Strcpy(stk[++top],temp[ntemp++]); } } Printf(\nOPERRATOR ARG1 ARG2 RESULT\n); For(i=0;i<=n;i++) Printf(%c %s %s %s\n,s[i].opr,s[i].arg1,s[i].arg2,s[i].res); }

[cse@cselinux cse]$ cc o inter inter.c [cse@cselinux cse]$ ./inter Enter the string:ab+cd+* OPERATOR + + * ARG1 a c T1 ARG2 b d T2 RESULT T1 T2 T3

Thus the program was implemented and verified

10. Operator

Precedence Parser

To write the program to implement the operator precedence parser using C. ALGORITHM: Step 1: start. Step 2: Declare the prototypes for functions. Step 3: Enter the String like id*id+id Step 4: Read the string and analyze tokens, identifiers, variables. Step 5: Display the operator precedence table. Step 6: stop. Program #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> char *p; e(); t(); main() { int i,j=0,n,b[10],k=0; char a[10],c[10]; clrscr(); printf("Enter the string\n"); scanf("%s",a); for(i=0,j=0;i<strlen(a);i++) { switch(a[i]) { case '+' : case '-' : c[j]=a[i]; b[j]=1; j++; break; case '*' : case '/' : c[j]=a[i]; b[j]=2; j++;

break; case '^' : c[j]=a[i]; b[j]=3; j++; break; default : if(k==0) { k=1; c[j]=a[i]; b[j]=4; j++; } } } c[j]='$'; b[j]=0; j++; printf("\n\n"); printf("\n\t----------------------------------"); printf("\n\n"); for(i=0;i<j;i++) printf("\t%c",c[i]); printf("\t"); for(i=0;i<j;i++) { printf("\n\t---------------------------------"); printf("\n\n%c",c[i]); for(n=0;n<j;n++) { if(b[i]<b[n]) printf("\t<"); if(b[i]>b[n]) printf("\t>"); if(b[i]==b[n]) printf("\t="); } printf("\t"); } printf("\n\t--------------------------------------"); p=a; if(e()) printf("\n\n String parsed"); else printf("\n String not parsed");

getch(); return 0; } int e() { if(*p=='i') { p++; t(); t(); } else return 0; } int t() { if(*p==NULL) return 1; else if(*p=='+'||*p=='*') { p++; if(*p=='i') { p++; } else { return 0; } } else return 0; } OUTPUT: Enter the string I+I*i ---------------------------------i + * $ --------------------------------i = > > > --------------------------------+ < = < >

--------------------------------* < > = > --------------------------------$ < < < = -------------------------------------String parsed

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