Tabela Opcodes

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Feito by: Kiara Navarro

Mnemonic ABA ADDA <opr> ADCA <opr> ADDD <opr> SBA SUBA <opr> SBCA <opr> MOVB <src>, <dest> LDAA <opr> STAB <opr> TAB XGDX IDIV EDIV Function Add B to A Add without carry to A Add with carry to A Add without carry to D Subtract B from A Subtract memory from A Subtract with borrow from A Move <src> to dest Load A Store B in a memory location Transfer A to B Exchange D with X Unsigned 16 by 16 integer divide Unsigned 32 by 16 divide Equation or Operation A [A] + [B] A [A] + [opr] A [A] + [opr] + C D [D] + [opr] A [A] [B] A [A] [opr] A [A] [opr] C dest [src] A [opr] m[opr] [B] B [A] [D] [X] (D) (X) X Remainder D (Y:D) (X) Quotient Y Remainder D (D) (Y) Y:D (A) (B) A:B 1=1 1=0 Z=1 Z=0 C=0 (A) (M) M [M] 1 A [A] 1 M [M] + 1 B [B] + 1
LSL<opr> LSLA LSR <opr> LSRB ROL <opr> ROLA ROR <opr> ANDA <opr> EORA<opr> ORAA<opr> COM <opr> COMA <opr> NEGA BCLR <opr>,msk8 BSET <opr>,msk8 PSHA PULB PULD BRSET BRCLR CLRA CLC DAA Logical shift left memory Logical shift left A Logical shift right memory Logical shift right B Rotate left memory thru carry Rotate left A through carry Rotate right memory thru carry AND A with memory Exclusive OR A with memory OR A with memory One's complement memory One's complement A Two's complement A Clear bits in memory Set bits in memory push A into the stack pull B from the stack pull D from the stack Verifica los bits y bifurca si son 1 Verifica los bits y bifurca si son 0 initialize A to 0 Clear C bit in CCR Ajuste A por adicin BCD C <--|B7....B01<--0 The same from up 0-->|B7...B0|-->C The same from up <--C <--|B7....B01<-The same from up -->|B7...B0|-->C--> A (A) (M) A (A) (M) A (A) + (M) M $FF (M) A $FF (A) A $00 (A) M (M) (mm) M (M) + (mm) staa 1, 2SP ldab 1, SP1 pull D from the stack Branch if Set Branch if Clear A=0 C0 A = A+610

EMUL MUL BRA rel8 or LBRA rel16 BRN rel8 or LBRN rel16 BEQ rel8 or LBEQ rel16 BNE rel8 or LBNE rel16 BCC rel8 or LBCC rel16 CMPA <opr> DEC <opr> DECA INC <opr> INCB

Unsigned 16 by 16 multiply Unsigned 8 by 8 multiply Branch always Branch never Branch if equal Branch if not equal Branch if carry clear Compare A to memory Decrement memory by 1 Decrement A by 1 Increment memory by 1 Increment B by 1

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