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March 2013

We need your help:

Do not despise the day of small beginnings Zech 4v10

Please could you help us by asking your church if they would help us to fund these events - we do not make a profit and need your donations to be able to invite people to perform. E-mail: Please pray for us as we cant do this without God behind us.
Thank you to: Coralie Tringham for creating our fab flyers Mike King and his merry band at Matfield and Brenchley for hosting and helping to organise the next youth service James Borne who is currently giving up his time to create our new web page cant wait to see it live! Marc Dunmore for taking control of the PA at our events - we promise youll have enough time to set up for the next one!!!

GUVNA B - Awesome evening

On Sunday 13th January, Zone12 Youth Ministries presented the award winning rap artist Guvna B to the youth of the parishes in our area, from Larkfield to Goudhurst and all the parishes in between. Not only did GuvnaB (Isaac) encourage everyone to dance, shout and have fun, but he also shared the most amazing testimony of how he chose God during a time in his life when he could have gone down a very different path by choosing a life of crime. 150 people came which was overwhelming for the organisers, Caroline Turvey and Grant Phypers, who started Zone 12 just over 12 months ago with the intention of bringing young Christians together to celebrate Jesus in a way that is relevant to their age and lifestyle. They also hold youth services in churches across the region on a bi-monthly basis

GuvnaB teaches the with an average of 70 youth attending. The next service will be held in Matfield and Brenchley Primary school on March 10th from 7.00 - 8.30pm. Please pray for this growing ministry and contact or Facebook: Cazngrant Thezone for more information or to let us know if you can help in any way, practically or financially. Kingdom Skank

Next Youth Service

If you haven't been to one of our youth services before, come along and join other young people to worship God and discover Jesus in a fresh and exciting way. We really look forward to seeing more young people celebrating their faith together.

Caroline Turvey aka Caz, lives in Horsmonden with her family - husband Dan and 4 kids. She worships there at St Margarets church and has been leading youth groups for more than 20 years - that makes her pretty old. She also works part time for an estate agency Firefly Properties and helps an event organiser in London from time to time. Its great for her to be organising more local events for the young people of Kent. Grant Phypers lives in Kings Hill and worships with his family, wife Jo and 3 kids, at Kings Hill Christian Fellowship. He works for a jewellery insurance broker but uses his spare time in leadership at his church, with the youth group and our adventures with Zone 12. We both thrive on being busy and are looking forward planning more events for Zone 12 in the coming year.

Zone 12 Youth Ministries originated during the Summer of 2011 on a group family holiday at Spring Harvest, France. Grant Phypers and Caroline Turvey and their families have been long-time friends and both became Christians in their teens in Orpington. Having the chance to spend time away from the hubbub of life and with friends gave them the perfect opportunity to do some serious soul-searching and to seek Gods will in their lives. Its amazing how God draws our life experiences together to create something new and exciting. Caroline and Grant have both worked voluntarily with youth in different capacities within the church and also in secular groups. They noticed the dramatic change in society since their hey-days, when youth groups in churches across Orpington were bursting at the seams and there was a sense of excitement at being a Christian and discovering Gods love, the reality of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. Some of their encounters as teens were awesome, daring and never disappointing. In contrast, they speak with todays youth and discover apathy, a lack of courage to stand out and a deep lack of knowledge. They began to question whether Christianity today had lost its edge for our young people, and so for their own children. The result: ACTION!


Cazngrant Thezone @zone12youth Website under retruction - will keep you posted!

Save the date: 12th October 2013

Are you a budding musician or singer who has always wanted to be part of a worship band and have not got the courage or have never been asked to take part? Are you in a worship band and want to learn how to praise God and lead others better? Or do you just want inspiration in your playing or singing from an amazing group who are experienced in music ministry and want to share their gifts and talents with others? Well heres your chance! Come along for the day (times to be confirmed) for a packed day and walk out with confidence in your own ability and know that God can use you too. Chaos Curb will also be performing in the evening for everyone to come along to. Invite your friends - make sure your youth group know about it.


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