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Mata Pelajaran Sat. Pendidikan Kelas / Program : BAHASA INGGRIS : SMA :X

PETUNJUK UMUM 1. Tulis nomor dan nama Anda pada lembar jawaban yang disediakan 2. Periksa dan bacalah soal dengan teliti sebelum Anda bekerja 3. Kerjakanlah soal anda pada lembar jawaban 4. Gunakan waktu dengan efektif dan efisien 5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada Pengawas

Text 1 Singapore April 29, 2005 Dear Readers, Ever since I became Editor-in-Chief of the Asian Readers Digest six months ago, Ive been dying to share some exciting news with you. After being based in Australia for almost a decade, our editorial office has moved to Singapore, bringing it back to Asia in these exciting and important times. Over the coming months youll see the difference our move makes in a hundred little ways. Well still deliver the window on the world youve come to expect, but being in the heart of Asia will allow us to make our local content more well local. The magazine will continue to be an engaging mix of inspirational and informative stories, but the local stories will be more chicken rice than spaghetti and meatballs. Starting with this months poll on the things that irritate us we traveled all the way to Shanghai to get a truly pan-Asia view point we plan to put more Asian voices into the magazine in 2007. My personal new years resolution is to meet as many of you, our readers, as possible this year to hear what type of magazine youd like to see each month. Readers Digest is all about the basic things that make us human our thirst of knowledge, our emotions, our desire to make a better life for ourselves and our loved ones. I am excited about being able to bring all these things and more home to you each month; to help you rediscover the joys of life in Asia. Sincerely yours, Hans Editor in Chief (Source: Readers Digest, January 2006 Edition) Answer with suitable verb! 1. Who is the sender of this letter? a. Han,s b. Hans Hars 2. Who is the letter dedicated to? a. writers b. singers readers c. Han d. Har e.

c. audiences

d. listeners


3. When did he officially become editor-in-chief? a. six months ago c. eight months ago b. seven month ago d. nine month ago 4. Where is the editorial office located? a. Australia b. Shanghai Jakarta c. Singapore

e. ten months ago

d. Asia

e. 1

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5. What is Readers Digest all about? a. important things c. basic things b. cruel things d. tyranny things 6. What is the type of the text? a. Narrative b. Descriptive News item c. Recount

e. unimportant

d. Procedure


7. Diery and Fikri _____ shopping yesterday. They _____ shopping last Monday. a. didnt go went c. went go e. dont went b. go go d. didnt go 8. It _____ rain right now. The rain _____ a few minutes ago. a. wasnt stopped c. isnt stopped b. isnt stopped d. didnt stopped e. isnt stop

9. We _____ late for the movie last night. The movie _____ at 7, but we _____ a. was started will not c. are started will not e. were starts didnt arrive b. were started didnt arrive d. werent started didnt arrive 10. Tom _____ not in his office yesterday. He _____ not go to work. a. did was c. do was b. is do d. does was Boulder Brian Boulder Brian Boulder Brian : : : : : : (11) you at the meeting yesterday? What meeting? (12) you forget about the meeting? I guess so what meeting. The meeting with the president of the company. Oh, now I remember. No, I (13) there, (14) c. do d. was c. was d. are c. werent d. dont c. do d. was e. was did

you? e. are e. did e. am not e. did

11. a. did b. were 12. a. were b. do 13. a. wasnt b. didnt 14. a. did b. were Gaby Pita Gaby Pita

: Where __(15)__ you yesterday? : I (16) at the zoo. : (17) you enjoy it? : Yes, but the weather (18) very hot. I tried to stay out of the sun. Most of the animals (19) in their houses or in the shade. The sun (20) too hot for them, too. They (21) not want to be outside in the hot sun. b. are c. do d. were e.

15. a. did was

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16. a. did was 17. a. did was 18. a. did was 19. a. did was 20. a. did 21. a. did

b. are

c. do

d. were


b. are

c. do

d. were


b. are

c. do

d. were


b. were

c. are

d. do


b. were b. were

c. was c. was

d. do d. do

e. are e. are

Text 2 Diary of a student name Tyra June 3rd, 2006 Dear diary, Today is my first day as a college student at UNCLA. I feel really excited, it seems like just yesterday I started my high school, but now is my time to begin my new life in college. I really hope that everything will be okay today, because I dont expect something bad will happen and ruin my day. Oh, I really hope NOT June 4th, 2006 Yesterday wasnt a good start for me. Something came up and ruined my entire mood for that day. I wasnt pleased with my new beginning of colleges life. Honestly, I doubted whether I could survive in dealing with people in this college. But, HEY, I have to survive, right? Although the are cruel and ignorant, but I can do this! P.S: I really miss my hometown buddies wish they were here June 7th, 2006 Dear diary, Sorry I skipped telling stories these few days. Its because I have a bunch of assignments to do. Well, I guess the old saying is right; college is fun and also tiring. Yeah right now I know why they said so. But, the good news is I have made some friends. Thank goodness theyre nice and friendly. 22. Where is Tyra studying at? a. Oxford b. Yale UNJ c. UNCLA d. UI e.

23. When did Tyra started her first day as a college student? a. June 3rd, 2006 c. July 3rd, 2006 b. June 1st, 2006 d. July 1st, 2006 24. How did Tyra feel about her first day at college? a. pleasant c. terrific b. unpleasant d. awful 25. What was Tyra hoping at her first day in college? a. something terrible c. something ruin b. something unpleasant d. something pathetic Soal ini didownload dari www.banksoal.web.id

e. June 4th, 2006

e. great

e. something nice


According to Tyras opinion on June 4th, what kind of people that shes dealing with in the college? a. ignorant and cruel c. ignorant and calm e. ignorant and charismatic b. ignorant and cute d. ignorant and charming e. June 7th, 2006

27. When did Tyra miss her hometown best friends? a. June 4th, 2007 c. June 5th, 2006 th b. June 5 , 2007 d. June 4th, 2006 28. How did Tyra feel about her college life lately? a. cute and friendly c. charismatic and friendly b. charming and friendly d. nice and cruel

e. nice and friendly

29. Whats the good news that Tyra shared to her diary on June 7th? a. She had made some friends c. She have made some friends e. She is has made some friends b. She have made some friends d. She has made some friends 30. What is the type of the text? a. narrative b. recount c. descriptive d. procedure e. news item

Text 3 The Legend of Minos, King of Crete Once upon a time there lived a very famous king, named the King of Crete. He had a monster, which was half bull and half man. He ordered Daedalus, a craftsman from Athens, to build a labyrinth in order to house the monster. When Daedalus finished his work, he wanted to leave Crete. But the king would not let him go. Daedalus escape through the air by using wings fixed to his body with wax. He also made wings for his son, Icarus and made him fly behind himself. But the son was so glad and excited that he soon went too high. As he flew nearer to the sun, it got warmer and warmer until at last the wax melted and his body fell down into the sea near Troy. The sea is now called the Icarian Sea. 31. Who was Deadalus? a. a monster from Athen b. a king from Athen c. a craftsman from Athen d. The King of Crete e. a man from Athen

32. What happened to him? a. He was ordered to build a labyrinth b. He was ordered to build a house c. He was order to build a labyrinth 33. How did Deadalus escape from the king? a. by car c. by water b. by plane d. motorcycle 34. Who was Icarus? a. His daughter b. His son 35. What is the type of the text? a. narrative b. descriptive

d. He was order to build a house e. He was orders to build a labyrinth

e. by air

c. His step son e. His mother c. recount e. procedure

e. His father

e. news item 4

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Answer the question with suitable pronoun! They own these books. These books belongs to These books are (38) . 36. a. Theirs They 37. a. Theirs They 38. a. Theirs They b. Thems b. Thems b. Thems (36) . These are (37) books. e. e. e.

c. Them c. Them c. Them

d. Their d. Their d. Their

Everything is going fine. I like (39) new apartment very much. Its large and comfortable. I like my roommate, too. (40) name is Emil. You will meet (41) when you visit (42) next month. He is from Colombia. He is studying English, too. (43) classmates. (44) classmates last semester, too. We share the rent and the utility bills, but (45) dont share the telephone bill. 39. a. me self 40. a. He 41. a. Them 42. a. Me self 43. a. we were 44. a. we were They 45. a. Our ourselves b. mine b. His b. Her b. Mine b. we are b. we are b. us c. I c. him c. Him c. I c. They were c. They were c. we d. My d. He is d. Me d. My d. They are d. They are d. ours e. My e. His e. Us e. My e. We e. e.

46. Diery : Hello, Im Diery. Im a new here. Anggi : _____, Diery. Im Anggi. a. Pleased to see you c. Thank you b. How are you d. Im fine 47. It was a boring weekend. I _____ anything. a. werent doing c. didnt do b. dont do d. doesnt do 48. Ryan looks helthier _____ surgery. a. since c. after b. while d. until 49. Please stay with me _____ I fall asleep. a. since b. while 50. Check your assignment again! _____ you give it to me. Soal ini didownload dari www.banksoal.web.id

e. How do you do

e. wasnt do

e. before

c. after d. until

e. before

a. since b. while

c. after d. until

e. before

KUNCI JAWABAN 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. b e a c c c a c b e b e c b d e a e b c a c a b e 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. a d e d b c a e b a c d a d e c a b a c a c c d e

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