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Simple sentences

1. students Some mornings to study in the like.

Some students like to study in the mornings.
2. every afternoon Juan play football and Arturo.
Juan and Arturo play football every afternoon.
3. library Alicia goes to the and every day studies.
Alicia goes to the library and studies every day.
4. snail The shell lives in a.
5. visited Zoo Negara family with yesterday Kamariah her.
6. saw many They wild in animals the zoo.

7. vey frightening The looked crocodiles.

8. Many were zoo people at the already

9. Broken The glass broken is.
10. angry was very She
11. snatched It ran to food the and it
12. entry No.
13. seat bealts Fasten your
14. sold Stamps here

15. on steps standing No the
16. childrens out of reach Keep
17. talk You cannot here
18. not throw must rubbish here You
19. poem Listen to this
20. brother My prefers matchboxes collecting.
21. likes Mr Lim collecting watches
22. enjoy playing The girls with their
23. Priyas grandfather pens likes using fountain
24. dislikes trying shoelaces Rahus his
25. sister My likes own clothes sewing her
26. football to Raj play likes

27. Hisyam to be an astronaut wants

28. is very work Her neat
29. exercises keep to fit soldier A
30. film star Siti is planning be to a
31. Nicole is player squash.
32. movies Action are popular very teenagers among
33. playful cuddly and are Cats
34. smelly Goats and unfriendly are
35. recycled cannot Paper be
36. is a way Recyling save to the environement
37. you what Garbage is away throw
38. Lazy You not must

39. come early You should school to

40. doctor The listens your to heartbeat
41. inventor is Henry Ford
42. hamburger The salad is served with
43. Put bowl flour the into
44. is a good conductor Copper electricity of
45. terminal positive has a battery
46. celebrated by Thaipusam is Hindus the
47. dirty room is very This
48. here no There is here
49. excited to see She was the building tall
50. enjoy They eating food spicy

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