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A rain forest,a very dance forest is usually found in tropical areas.these forests have warm climates,rain forest also receive a high a mount of rainfalls.unfortunatly rain forest are rapidly depleting.peaple are clearing more and more rain forest for timber.some peaple are cutting down trees illegaly.this called illegal logging.if the forrest are cleared many animal and plants may become extinct.

Translate: Hutan hujan,biasanya di temukan di temukan di daerah tropik. Hutan tersebut memiliki suhu yang hangat,selain itu hutan ini juga sering terjadi hujan. Sayangnya hutan hujan sangat jarang untuk di temukan. Orang-orang mengincar untuk mengambil kayunya. Beberapa orang memotong pohon-pohon secara ilegal. Aktivitas ini biasa di sebut ilegal logging. Apabila hutan sampai gundul banyak binatang dan tumbuhan yang akan punah.

It was a holiday,we didnt have to do anything,so father suggested bringing us to go to Safari Park in cisarua. All of us got very excited. Mother quickly prepared some drink and snacks for the trips. My brother and i got dressed hurriedly and brought a camera. In one hour, were ready and settled our selves in the car.

Translate: Ketika liburan kemarin,kami tidak melakukan kegiatan apapun, Jadi ayah menyarankan untuk membawa kami ke Taman Safari di Cisarua. Kami semua sangat senang. Ibu segera menyiapkan minuman dan makanan ringan untuk perjalanan. Aku dan saudara laki-laki ku berpakaian dengan cepat dan membawa kamera. Dalam 1 jam kami semua sudah siap,dan bersiap-siap di mobil.


A long time a go lived a poor man in village in west sumatra. the village was near the river. one day the man fishing. unfortunately he had been sitting for hours but he didnt get anyfish. at the time stream flew very hard , so he could not get any fish. he was very sad. the next day,one of villages near his village invited the man for a party,he went there by boat get named his boat happily. finally the villagers in the village are together and so did the poorman are very happy &enjoyed the party.

Last week i felt very bored after one week of holiday,so i rode my bicycle to the beach,its 5 km from my house. then,i walk into a water & tried to catch some fish. after that i got down for a rest. i was very tired but i felt happy.

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