Grant Proposal

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Grant Application: AASL Innovative Reading Grant

Contact person: Erin Newton Phone: 478-387-4729 Fax: 478-445-5592 Email: School for which proposal applies: Georgia Military College Preparatory Grades: 6-12 Total funds requested: $6125 Date: Spring 2013 Projected launch date: August 2013 Contents: Purpose Project Description Work Plan Timeline Budget Kindle Permission Form Purpose: The purpose of the Kindle a Love of Reading Project is to create a different method for struggling readers to improve their Accelerated Reader (AR) test scores, literacy skills, and confidence in reading. Traditional approaches (reading with a parent, reading along with an audio book, taking notes at the end of each chapter in a notebook, different reading levels and genres) that do not seem to help can give way to new technology. Combined with community support (mentoring students, library staff, and parents) improved literacy skills can be monitored and verified. page 1 page 1-3 page 3-4 pages 4-5 page 5 page 6

Project Description: Kindle a Love of Reading Project The addition of 20 Kindles to the library collection would be the perfect amount to launch this project. Ten Kindles would be reserved for mentoring students and struggling readers. The other 10 will circulate to all students who wish to use one. Initially, the program would designate ten strong readers in varying grade levels to read a book on the new Kindles. After they have finished reading their book and taken their AR test the strong readers would comment about their experience on a blog using a free blogging service such as Blogger. The Media Specialist will be the administrator and moderator of this blog. Student blog posts will reflect on differences found between reading with a traditional print book and reading on the Kindle. Other reflections may describe the ease of using the Kindle, any technical

2 issues they encountered, and even a summary or reaction to the book if they wanted. Students can include their name in the post or remain anonymous. The media specialist will keep a log of students posts, indicating the author. The purpose of the blog will be a way for those that are unsure about using the Kindle to privately explore the experiences of their fellow classmates. The Media Specialist can praise the Kindle all day long but sometimes another students opinion can be more valuable. The overall intent is for our struggling readers to use the Kindle features of enlarging the font, highlighting text, and making notes in the margin for better comprehension, thus improving their AR test scores. Journalist Audrey Watters (2012) provided additional tools to aid better reading, Start with the built-in dictionary and text-to-speech. Theres also a popular highlights feature, whereby readers can see the most frequently highlighted passages, and thats been a great conversation starter to encourage literary criticism, of sorts (p. 37). University teacher Lotta C.Larson (2010) stated, Digital readers show promise in supporting struggling readers through multiple tools and features (p. 21). When students attend college they usually purchase their textbooks. This gives them the opportunity to highlight passages, write notes in the margin, and use sticker tabs on pages. With library books students cannot make any written notations. The Kindle will allow a unique studying opportunity and they can even utilize the Internet option to look up items that are unfamiliar. There will be handouts with instructions and tips on how to use the Kindle and any library staff member will be able to offer training. Ideally students that have used the Kindles would become mentors to struggling readers or any student who has not used a Kindle. In addition to the blog posts, students will complete a brief survey, as suggested by high school librarian Carolyn Foote (2012) about how effective they felt it was to use the Kindle and if they would like to use it again (p. 30). Footes approach at her school was using tablets in the classroom and the surveys were for teachers. This program could be adapted by using the survey for students assessment rather than a teacher survey. Students interested in using the Kindles can ask for advice and/or book recommendations from the Media Specialist or one of the mentoring students. Assessment will also be provided with different AR test scores pre and post Kindle use for each student that checks out a Kindle. There are two possible approaches in choosing the books that will be loaded onto the Kindles. Ten of the Kindles would have copies of the same batch of books and the other 10 would offer different books (Jonker, 2012, p. 33). An email would be sent to each student and faculty member with an attached flyer and permission slip. Permission was given to use the enclosed permission slip example from author and elementary school librarian Travis Joyner. The Kindle a Love of Reading Project would not only help struggling readers improve their literacy skills but would also give them an opportunity to use new technology. Larson (2010) also stated, The International Reading Association emphasized the importance of integrating

3 information and communication technologies into current literacy programs (p.15). The Kindle a Love of Reading Project would be a viable option for technology integration. Consulted works: Foote, C. (2012). iPads for everyone. School Library Journal, 58(10), 30-33. Jonker, T. (2012). Travis's excellent adventure. School Library Journal, 58(9), 28-33. Larson, Lotta C. (2010). Digital readers: The next chapter in E-book reading and response. The Reading Teacher, 64(1), 15-22. Watters, Audrey. (2012). The truth about tablets: Educators are getting iPads and ereaders into students handsbut its not easy. School Library Journal, 58(2), 36-38. Work Plan: The Media Specialist will order Kindles, protective cases and screen covers, gift cards for ebook purchases from, plug adaptors, and warranties. The Media Specialist and project committee (volunteer group of teachers in different grade levels) will select ebook titles using Booklist, Brodart, and book suggestions and consult NoveList when deemed necessary. The Media Specialist and library staff will process Kindles and download the agreed upon ebooks. Library staff will view tutorials on how to use Kindles and download ebooks. The Media Specialist will create a tutorial handout and video for students and parents to access when needed. Additional training for students can be provided by library staff. The project committee will select a group of ten students to act as mentors for the Kindle a Love of Reading Project. Students selected will be based on past AR test scores and reading habits observed by faculty and library staff. Use Wayland Union School Nook Permission and Acceptable Use Form created by Travis Jonker. Change permission form wording to fit Kindle a Love of Reading Project at GMC. Permission forms will be given to each student and must be returned before they can participate. The Media Specialist will create a blog for students to use. Labels or tags will include: problems, tips, book review, etc. The initial blog post will be written by the Media Specialist. It will include a description of the project, dos and donts about blogging, and a video tutorial on how to use the Kindle. Mentoring students will checkout Kindles, take AR tests on books read, and blog about their experience. They will attend a meeting about the dos and donts of blogging. Once they have read their book, tested, and blogged they will return the Kindle for further circulation. Project committee will meet to discuss the progress of the program thus far with the mentor students. At a later date a list of potential struggling readers will be made and their parents will be invited for a Q & A session at the library. It will be made clear that the mentoring students can be consulted if their child wishes but is in no way a requirement to participate in the program.

4 Struggling readers will begin checking out Kindles, AR testing, and blogging. Before the end of the school year students will also complete a survey about their experience. The survey will include an open comment box where they are encouraged to rate their own confidence with reading as a result of using the Kindles. AR test scores, survey results, and circulation stats will be compiled into a report to assess the success of the project, improvements that need to be made and areas that could grow.



Present Kindle a Love of Reading Project to the faculty at pre-school year meeting; request ebook selection suggestions; order Kindles; select ebooks; organize a project committee.


Catalog Kindles, download ebooks, and add to the library collection; create tutorial handouts and brief video for the library webpage.


Meet with committee to select 10 mentor students; meet with mentoring students to discuss project and their future roles as mentors.


Begin to loan Kindles to mentoring students; establish Kindle a Love of Reading Project blog; meet with committee to select struggling readers that would benefit from using the Kindles and/or meeting with student mentors.


Add blog link to library webpage; monitor blog; send email to student body about Kindles being added to library circulation.


Begin lending Kindles to struggling readers; monitor blog; meet with committee to discuss blog posts; circulate ten remaining Kindles to any requesting students.


Meet with mentoring students to discuss their experiences with the project; meet with struggling students to discuss their experiences with the project; monitor blog.

5 March: Compare AR test results for mentoring and struggling readers who have participated in the Kindle A Love of Reading Project and discuss results with committee; monitor blog.


Have each student who has used/checked out a library Kindle complete a survey; monitor blog.




Prepare a report for faculty about the successes and trials of the project throughout the year.


Kindle Paperwhites

$119.00 each


20 sturdy cases Marware Jurni Kindle case cover, black

$18.99 each


20 screen covers anti-glare

$14.99 each


20 plug adaptors

$19.99 each


20 warranties (2-year protection plan plus accident coverage)

$29.99 each


2 Amazon gift cards to purchase 25 books per Kindle

$1000 each


No Shelf Required 2: Use and Management of Electronic Books ISBN: 9780838911457


Project Total Cost:


Georgia Military College Prep Library Kindle Permission and Acceptable Use Form
Introduction The Amazon Kindle is a convenient, portable reading device. It is the size of a paperback and capable of holding hundreds of books. The chance to use this device is a privilege that we are able to provide to students provided that the students use extra caution and responsibility. Each Kindle is valued at $119.00. For this reason we require a parental signature before a Kindle can be assigned to a student. Parent Responsibilities and Permission I am authorizing the assignment of a Kindle to my child. I understand that it is to be used as a tool for reading and learning and that my child will comply with the GMC Acceptable Use Policy. I will help ensure the safe and timely return of the Kindle within the loan period of one week; I also understand that I am financially responsible for any willful, malicious, or accidental damage to the Kindle as well as any charges resulting from content downloaded to the Kindle without written permission from The Georgia Military College Library staff. I understand that my child may lose future loan privileges of the device if the Kindle is either damaged or not returned in a timely manner. GUARDIAN NAME (printed) __________________________________________________________ GUARDIAN SIGNATURE__________________________________________________DATE_____ GUARDIAN CONTACT INFO (phone and email):__________________________________________ Student Responsibilities and Permission I agree to take care of the Georgia Military College Library Kindle while it is in my possession. I will not throw, drop, or damage the Kindle in any way. I will carry the Kindle with caution, whether in my book bag or hands. I will not give the Kindle to another student for his/her use. I will use the Kindle in the appropriate manner. I will NOT download any content to the Kindle without written permission from the Georgia Military College Library. I agree to return the Kindle in good condition at the conclusion of the one week loan period. STUDENT NAME (printed) _________________________________________________________ STUDENT SIGNATURE __________________________________________________DATE______

Media Center Staff Only Date Permission Slip Received:______________________________________________ Media Center Specialist Signature: __________________________________________

This form adapted with permission from an original creation by school librarian Kathy Parker at

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