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BBC Learning English Grammar Challenge

British Broadcasting Corporation 2007

Grammar Point Question tags Positive sentence negative tag You will do it quickly, John and Mark are English, We've been to Turkey, Paul likes mushrooms, Negative sentence positive tag You won't do it today, Maria and Julie aren't American, We haven't been to Japan, Sarah doesn't like onions, Pronouns You won't do it today, Maria and Julie aren't American, We haven't been to Japan, Sarah doesn't like onions, The weather's beautiful today, will you? are they? have we? does she? isnt it? will you? are they? have we? does she? wont you? aren't they? haven't we? doesn't he?

Grammar Challenge BBC Learning English Question Tags tables Page 1 of 1 http://www.bbclearningenglish.com/radio/specials/173_grammarchallenge/

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