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Classroom Observation Form

Teacher: Mardi Setting:normal

Seating arrangement, windows, displays, location of desk, obvious equipment

Number of students:22 Grade level 10 D Time of day: p8 Day of week: tuesday

Subject: world history

1. Describe the professional conduct of the teacher, i.e. uses of authority, language, appearance, attitude towards students, attitude towards subject matter, etc. 2. Describe the teachers relationship with students in the class, i.e. stance, comments, tone, responses directed to individual students, attitude towards, collaborative work, etc. 3. What are the methods of instructionlecture, collaborative work, writing workshop, etc.? How well does the teacher use class time, i.e. ratio of instructional methods, pacing, etc.?

Reading from a paper he lost eye contact and lost the class

Mono tone, did not check student understanding

Direct instruction 100%,few students was reading from the book loudly and others get bored

4. How does the teacher

accommodate special needs and the variety of student learning styles in the classroom? 5. How does the teacher manage transitions?


The class were chaos

6. How does the teacher

integrate todays discussion with prior and subsequent topics? 7. Does the teacher demonstrate familiarity with course material? Does the teacher diversify content? Did not integrate the lesson with previous lesson

His way of teaching by reading ,gives the impression that he is not familiar with the course material

Special Observation #1: Special Observation #2:


Special Observation #3:


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