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Di Hu, Kayla Hendricks


If it is legal to downloading and sharing files online without paying.

Source # ______ Type: website, primary source, periodical, etc POSITION/CLAIM:
Points of View: Intellectual Property Rights. N.p.: n.p., 2011. N. pag. Points of View Reference Center. Web. 15 Jan. 2013. < login.aspx?direct=true&db=pwh&AN=23728543&site=pov-live>. Intellectual Property Rights


Electronic books do not offer the same relative advantages as digital music or video and thus pose less of a threat to authors and publishers compared to music.

Digital Music has already had greater impact than those ones in forms of albums and CDs. Musicians are hoping that they have their legal intellectual rights protected.

The difference in quality between digital ink and printed ink is not nearly as great as the difference between digital music or digital video and earlier forms of recorded music or video.

The music industry has been underwater because of the fact that less people are purchasing albums, however there is a growing trend of getting digital copies of songs online for free.

For example, the quality of older analog music recordings, such as vinyl records or cassette tapes, deteriorated with frequent playing; this does not happen with digital music. Nor does it happen with books; the ink does not fade, for example, regardless of how many times a book is read.

The issue of illicit copies of digital music has already had a huge commercial impact on the music industry, which has been transformed by iPods and other MP3 players.


Electronic books are preferably downloaded in full versions comparing to digital music that people would rather download one or two entries of

Copying files to desktops or other devices from the actual album can easily make digital music.


Most books-with one notable exception-represent a fully formed entity.


Music fans can make recordings of their music collections to distribute illegally to friends-or even to strangers over the Internet-who do not pay for the music.

Reproducing a printed book is hardly trivial for the person in terms of making a copy available for a friend.

Such an effort would require photocopying or scanning every single page of a book, which may involve hundreds or even thousands of pages.

The portability of digital music players on the markets provides the main reason that people would rather downloading digital music separately instead of purchasing albums of collections.

Today's digital music players, both CD and MP3, are very easy to carry and listen to, which is an added reason for the disproportionate preference for digital music as opposed to digital books.



BIAS: Is there an obvious slant, bias, or perspective to this source? Explain.

There is slightly larger amount of paragraphs are about how electronic books are not as controversial as digital music when it comes to the issue of downloading files. I think the author is trying to use the fact that the social impacts of downloading digital music as supporting evidences of his/her thesis of the possibility of legalization of downloading books online in a electronic form. Most paragraphs talk about the impacts of IPR(intellectual property rights) of digital music since it is basically a direct violation of IPR. However, the author spends paragraphs about how electronic books are different offline product than digital music. So I would say there is an bias in authors viewpoint on electronic books and digital music.

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