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Focus Group Answers Here are the responses written down I had in answer to my questions, you can also

listen to the recorded version of the focus group I have uploaded. I had three people who took part in my focus group: Hannah, female, 17, white/British, student Zara, female, 16, white/British, student Becky, female, 17, white/British, student

Would you buy this music magazine and if so, why? Hannah- yes because looks professional Zara- it looks like it would appeal to our target audience What would draw you to this magazine? Hannah- The main image Zara- I quite like the colours used Is there anything on the front cover that catches your eye? Zara- I like the main image of the girl Hannah- The barcode included What are the weaknesses of the front cover? Hannah- Lots of different fonts used, maybe you could keep it, you used quite a few and I think Id use less What do you think about the cover lines? Hannah- They stand out to me Zara- I think they work well What are the strengths of the contents page? Zara- I like the way the images are part of the background Hannah- Yeah the way they are cut out looks professional What are the weaknesses of the contents page? Zara- There could be more writing maybe Hannah- Yeah the masthead doesnt stand out too much, not enough really, could be more What do you think of the images used on the contents? Zara- I think they could be bigger, I think they could dominate the page more Hannah- I like how they are musical, they fit in with the theme Zara- Yeah What do you think to the information on the contents? Hannah- I think its helpful, it directs me to the right pages Does the magazine appear professional? Becky- Yeah Zara- Yeah Hannah- Yeah

What are the strengths of the double page spread? Hannah- The big image really stands out Zara- I like the brick wall how its the whole image, it blends across both pages Becky- Yeah how they are looking at the words What are the weaknesses of the double page spread? Zara- Theres probably a bit too much writing Hannah- Yeah it doesnt stand out enough Becky- Maybe the title could be bigger Zara- So it takes over the double page What do you think of the general style of the pages? Hannah- I really like them, they look professional Zara- I think they are really continuative Hannah- yeah Becky- beautiful

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