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Health, Medical

& Fitness

Supplement to The Delphos Herald

February 2013
2 – Health and Medical Tab • February 2013

t beats about 100,000 times a
day, 35 million times a year. It
pumps blood through the body
three times every minute, taking
that blood on the equivalent of a
12,000 mile trek every 24 hours.

ven at rest, your heart works twice as that people who most closely followed the
hard as the leg muscles of a person diet and lifestyle recommendations of the
running. The heart is a remarkable, American Heart Association (AHA) had
vital muscle that warrants great care a 76 percent lower risk of dying from heart
and maintenance. Yet 1 in every 4 deaths is disease, and a 51 percent lower risk of all-
due to heart disease.
While there are some inherent risk factors
cause deaths than those who didn’t follow
recommendations as closely.
Changes You Can Make a neighborhood destination instead
of driving.
such as aging or family history, poor lifestyle
choices are often to blame for the onset of
The study also found that only a small
number of people follow all or most of the
1 Eat Better • Do chores — Outdoor chores like
gardening, raking leaves and washing
heart disease. The good news is that making One of your best weapons against
AHA guidelines for heart health. So it’s the car are good ways to get moving.
better lifestyle choices reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease is a healthy diet. Eating
heart disease — and it’s not as hard as you not surprising that heart disease is still the a wide variety of foods that are low in fat,
Cleaning house does it, too. Try turning
leading cause of death for men and women on some music and dancing while doing
might think. cholesterol and salt, but rich in nutrients can
in the United States. chores.
help protect your heart. Instead of thinking
Heart-Healthy Living Works But it doesn’t have to be that way. You
can start making changes today that will
about a healthy diet in terms of what you can’t Even small changes like these can give you
health benefits, but you’ll see bigger benefits
A study published in the Journal of eat, think about it in terms of what you can
help make your heart healthier in the long eat. Add more: when you increase the duration, frequency
the American Medical Association found run. and intensity of your activities. Always talk
• Fruits and vegetables — about 4 1/2
with your doctor to find out if there are any
cups a day
activities that you should not be doing.

• Whole grain foods — at least three
1-ounce servings a day
• Fish — at least two 3 1/2-ounce servings 3 Lose Weight
Being overweight is a risk factor for heart
* Nuts, legumes and seeds — at least four disease all on its own. Extra weight puts more
servings a week burden on your heart, lungs, blood vessels and
About 25 percent of the cholesterol in your bones. Being overweight increases the risk
blood comes from the foods you eat. Eating of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and
healthy foods low in cholesterol, trans fats diabetes, as well.
and saturated fats, as well as foods that are Losing even 10 pounds can produce a
high in fiber, can help keep cholesterol levels signifi­cant reduction in blood pressure.
in check.
• Talk to your doctor — Find out your

Our Priority is Your Loved One’s Care body mass index (BMI), which is your

2 Get Moving
body weight relative to your height. Find
out what your BMI should be, and find
Our staff and management are dedicated caregivers who out what your calorie intake should be for
take pride in providing quality care in a supportive, per- According to the AHA, nearly 70
percent of Ameri­cans don’t get the someone of your age, gender and level of
sonal and considerate manner. You can rest assured your physical activity.
physical activity they need. But daily
loved one is in capable, caring hands with us.
physical activity can increase your quality • Keep track of what you eat — This will
and length of life. Moderate exercise can help tell you a lot about your eating habits
Our home care services include: you lose weight, reduce your chances of stroke, and help you make smart decisions, like
Skilled nusing care diabetes and heart disease complications, controlling portion sizes and choosing
Personal care lower your blood pressure and prevent other nutrient-rich foods.
Homemaking Companion serious medical complications. • Set reasonable goals — Don’t go for fad
1 hr-24 hr/day to meet your needs Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate diets that claim you’ll lose 10 pounds
activity a day, five times per week. Here are in a week. Slow and steady weight loss
Therapies - PT, OT, Speech some easy ways to get moving: is more likely to stay off, and you’ll be
Qualifying conditions are paid • Start walking — Walk just fast enough healthier in the long run.
100% by Medicare or Medicaid to get your heart rate up. Try taking brisk,
Also accepting: Workmen’s 3745 Shawnee Rd., Suite 108 10-minute walks throughout the day. The good news is, if you put steps one and
Compensation, Passport, Private Lima, OH 45806 Park farther away from your destination. two into place — eating healthier foods and
419-228-2535 Take the stairs instead of the elevator. getting more active — step three should be a
Insurance and Private Pay
Walk the dog after dinner or walk to natural by-product of your efforts.
February 2013 • Health and Medical Tab – 3

of U.S.
have suffered
from some
kind of itch
in the past 12
months; and for
26 percent of
those polled,
the itch was bad
enough to see
a healthcare

When is an itch more

than just an itch?

t’s obvious when an itch is caused by a bug bite or
rom bug bites and dry skin to poison The natural response to an itch is to remove poison ivy. But what if you’re not sure what’s causing
ivy and chronic skin conditions, itch­ the irritant — so the scratching begins. The the itch?
ing makes life very uncomfortable. scratching sensation interrupts the itching
And it’s an annoyance that gets sensation because it tells your brain that the • Dry Skin — Itching that doesn’t come with
under just about everyone’s skin. irritant is gone. While this may give some obvious skin changes, like a rash, is most often
You know it when you feel it, but what initial, immediate relief, scratching ends up due to dry skin, also known as xerosis. Dry skin
exactly is an itch, and is there anything you irritating the nerve endings in that spot even usually results from environmental factors like hot
can do about it? more — and can open up the skin, exposing it or cold weather with low humidity, and washing or
to more irritants. And more itching. bathing too much.
Anatomy of an Itch • Skin Conditions — Eczema, psoriasis, scabies,
The skin is your largest organ, and the aver-
hives, and chickenpox can cause itchy skin. The
age body is covered by about 20 square feet of Itch Treatments itching is usually accompanied by other symptoms
it. Because it’s so large and exposed, it comes It’s important to make sure you know the such as bumps, blisters, and red, irritated skin.
in contact with a lot of potential irritants. Itch- cause of the itching so you can take appro-
ing, known as pruritus, is a built-in defense priate measures to stop it. There are some • Internal Diseases — These include liver disease,
mecha­nism against those irritants. things you can do to help reduce itching and kidney failure, thyroid problems, celiac disease and some cancers. Typically
Sometimes the body’s immune system over­ the itching affects the whole body, not just one area.
soothe irritated skin:
reacts to an illness, producing an itchy rash.
(See sidebar story, “When is an Itch More than • Avoid scratching — Cover the area • Allergic Reactions and Irritations — An irritation can come from wearing
Just an Itch?”) But for most non-illness related with bandages or dressings if you can’t wool, or coming in contact with soaps, chemicals or other substances.
itching, here’s how it works: stop scratching. If needed, trim your Sometimes the substance can cause an allergic reaction, such as poison ivy
fingernails and wear gloves to bed. or some food allergens.
• Stimuli — such as dust, pollen, bug
venom or plant oils — land on your skin. • Apply cool, wet compresses. • Nerve Disorders — Multiple sclerosis, diabetes mellitus, pinched nerves and
shingles are conditions that affect the nervous system, and thus can cause
• When the irritant gets past the surface • Apply a topical anti-itch cream or lotion itching.
layer, skin receptors get irritated. to the affected area.
• Drugs — Some antibiotics, antifungal drugs or nar­cotic pain medications can
• The receptors send a signal to your brain. • Moisturize your skin with a high-quality cause rashes and itching.
cream at least twice a day.
• You start to itch.

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4 – Health and Medical Tab • February 2013
Test your knowledge
Health trivia
about 42 ounces. adult have?
6. How many miles of nerves are there in A: Between 40 and 50 billion.
the adult human body 20. Of what do we have 52 in a lifetime,
A: 45 20 of which are deciduous?
7. What is the main organ affected by a A: Teeth.
stroke? 21. What is the substance produced by
With so much going on in the news lately A: Brain. hard exercise and oxygen debt, causing
about healthcare and medicine we couldn’t 8. What is the disease in which normal stiffness in the muscles?
resist putting together a quiz about medi- clotting of the blood is slowed or stopped A: Lactic Acid.
cine, health care, and other medical related completely? 22. Do identical twins have identical fin-
topics. Medicine is racing toward the future A: Hemophilia. gerprints?
at a breakneck speed, so lets slow down and 9. Diabetes results from a failure to se- A: No. No two sets of prints are alike,
enjoy a good old fashioned trivia quiz. crete which hormone? including those of identical twins.
1. What type of microbe causes the com- A: Insulin. 23. What is the substance that the body
mon cold? 10. Which agency of the United Nations over-produces in an allergic reaction to pol-
A: Virus. exists to fight and eradicate disease? len?
2. What kind of food poisoning can be A: World Health Organization. A: Histamine.
caused by eating half-cooked poultry? 11. How many pints of air per minute 24. What system of healing did Cana-
A: Salmonella poisoning. does the average adult use during normal dian-born grocer Daniel David Palmer
3:How many vertebraie does a human quiet breathing? formally introduce in Davenport, Iowa, in
A: Almost 13 pints, or 6 liters. September 1895?
being have? A: Chiropractic medicine. Although new
A: 33-7 cervical, 12 thoracic (or dorsal) 12. How did scientist Louis Pasteur make
sure the food he was served at the homes of at the time, the principles upon which chi-
5 lumbar, 5 sacral, and 4 caudal (or coccy- ropractic medicine was based can be traced
geal). his friends was safe to eat? supports the tongue and its muscles. Also
A: He checked it with a portable micro- known as the lingual bone, it is suspended back to the earliest physicians--including
4. Which insect transmits malaria? Hippocrates (460-370 B.C.). Palmer created
A: Mosquito. scope he carried with him. by ligaments from the base of the scull.
13. Where in the human body is the only 14. Which disease, targeted by the World the name “chiropractic” by combining the
5. That is the body’s largest organ by Greek words for hand, cheir, and practical
bone that is not connected to another bone? Health Organization, was eradicated by
weight? A: In the throat, at the back of the tongue. of (or efficient). praktikos.
A. The lungs. Together they weight 1980?
It’s the horseshoe-shaped hyoid bone, which 25. What is the pigment that colors skin?
A: Smallpox.
A: Melanin.
15. What do the letters CAT represent in
26. What is the colored muscle that re-

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CAT scan--the three dimensional composite
image that can be taken of the body, brain sponds involuntarily to light?

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or lungs? A: Iris.
A: Computerized axial tomography. 27. How much saliva does the average
16. How often does the epidermis, the human produce daily?
outer layer of our skin replace itself? A: One quart.
NEW PATIENTS WELCOME! A: About once every four weeks. 28. Which is the only vein in the body to
carry oxygenated blood?
17. Before surgical dressings of gauze
and cotton were introduced, what was com- A: Pulmonary vein.
· Preventive Dentistry monly used to cover wounds in American 29. What is the oxygen-carrying protein
Including Early hospitals? found in the red blood cells of the body?
· Preventive Dentistry A: Hemoglobin.
· Preventive
Diagnosis Dentistry
& Treatment A: Pressed sawdust.
Including Early 18. How many miles of blood vessels are 30. What are the chemicals produced by
of Gum Early
Diagnosis & Treatment there in the average human body? the endocrine glands to control body func-
Diagnosis & Treatment
of Gum Disease A: About 62,000. tions?
of GumX-rays
· Digital Disease 19. How many fat cells does the average A: Hormones.

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February 2013 • Health and Medical Tab – 5

The Power of
by Brian Packer
of the latest reports as “the” Super Fruit to watch,” added
Dr. Bazilian. Currently, nine in 10 adults (91%) think it’s
LANSING, Mich., – Once known only for its pie per- very important to get their nutrients from foods that are nat-
sona, tart cherries have emerged as one of today’s hottest urally rich in vitamins and minerals, with vitamin A a key
Super Fruits, with leading health and trends experts buzz- nutrient in demand. Tart cherries contain 19 times more
ing about the fruit’s promising benefits. vitamin A than blueberries or strawberries.
Today, with the help of leading health expert Dr. Wendy The Science Behind the Power of Red
Bazilian, DrPH, MA, RD, the cherry industry launched The Anthocyanins are the key antioxidant compound in tart
Red Report, a new look at the power of tart cherries, featur- cherries, responsible for the fruit’s bright red color. In fact,
ing more than 50 peer-reviewed scientific studies on tart tart cherries contain significantly more anthocyanins than
cherries. other fruits, including sweet cherries.
One of tart cherries’ key claims to fame is their pow- A growing body of research has linked the anthocyanins
erhouse of antioxidants. According to top trend forecast- in tart cherries to reduced inflammation, at levels compa-
ers, antioxidants remain a top indicator of health-promoting rable to some well-known pain medication. This inflamma-
foods, with nine (93%) out of 10 adults aware of antioxi- tory benefit is likely behind cherries’ ability to reduce risk
dants, and one-third (31%) are making a strong effort to for arthritis and gout, promote cardiovascular health and
consume more. most recently, to aid muscle recovery and reduce oxidative mance and recovery with a focus on tart cherries ability to
Tart cherries have among the highest levels of antiox- stress in athletes. The Red Report is the first compilation to reduce exercise-induced inflammation.
idants of other super foods, ranking 14 in the top 50 for include the latest research supporting tart cherries’exercise While researchers continue to explore the benefits of
highest antioxidant content per serving size, according to a recovery and pain relief benefits. Key highlights include: tart cherries, The Red Report also gives a nod to tart cher-
recent study. And, tart cherries have as many, if not more, • Recent research published in the American College ries’ emerging benefits, including preliminary research
antioxidants than many other fruits. of Sports Medicine’s journal Medicine & Science in Sports linking tart cherry juice to improvements in sleep patterns.
“The power of this Super Fruit is clear, and what’s so & Exercise revealed that tart cherries could help athletes
remarkable is how far tart cherries have come over the last reduce muscle damage to recover faster from a tough work- Why Go Red Instead?
few years,” said Dr. Bazilian, author of The SuperFoodsRx out. Now more than ever there’s good reason to choose
Diet: Lose Weight with the Power of SuperNutrients. “For • Other research supports the pain relief benefits of in- cherries.
example, the fruit has long been believed to have pain relief corporating tart cherries in a training routine. In one study, Available every day of the year in dried, frozen and
benefits, and today, there’s a strong and significant body runners who drank cherry juice twice a day for seven days juice forms, and versatile enough to include in any dish,
of evidence backing that up. I love when modern science prior to and on the day of a long-distance relay had signifi- tart cherries can be a powerful way to boost fruit intake
confirms what people have anecdotally known and experi- cantly less muscle pain following the race. and meet current dietary recommendations of two daily
enced for decades.” • Increasingly, sports nutritionists and endurance ath- fruit servings. In fact, experts suggest that 1-2 servings of
“Beyond their health benefits, tart cherries are shaping letes are following The Red Recovery Routine at www. cherries daily can help provide some of the health benefits
today’s key health and nutrition trends, called out in some, designed to support athletic perfor- identified in the research.

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6 – Health and Medical Tab • February 2013

Medical Myth Busters

By Alex Chris our body needs in the food we eat. ruses making cycles that last 7 to 10 days,
Medical myths are part of our everyday Researchers suggested that if we ignore regardless of what we do to combat them.
life. Everyone knows them but only a few the last statement from the article then it Research did not prove sufficient evidence
realize that they are myths and not real. could be interpreted as a directive for the that diet affects cold or fever.
The following article presents medical consumption of eight glasses of water a day.
myths you definitely need to know. All Other research suggests though that we get Myth: Fresh is always
myths are busted by research from well- sufficient levels of water in our body from better than frozen
known and established institutions. the typical daily consumption of juices, Since scientists pointed out the benefits
milk and even caffeine drinks. of antioxidants, people started to believe
Myth: Carrots can improve From all the studies carried out so far that eating more fresh fruits and vegetables
your eyesight researchers did not find any scientific evi- is a better choice than eating frozen. In fact
This is one of the best medical myths dence to support this medical myth. we tend to believe that frozen is second-
ever. We have been told many times that class food.
eating carrots improves our eyesight be- Myth: Coffee is harmful Frozen food can be as beneficial as fresh
cause they contain a lot of vitamin A. In- for our health food because fresh fruits and vegetables are
deed carrots do contain vitamin A but con- half tin) but in reality is has only 3.4mg. Coffee is consumed on a daily basis by cut when they are at the top of their nutri-
suming a lot of vitamin A has nothing to do This typo let people believe that spinach is millions of people. It is the world’s morning tional value and transferred to factories
with improving our vision. a full iron vegetable and in addition to the favorite drink. where they are frozen. This process locks
The origins of this myth go back to the low price of spinach it became very popular. It is a fact that the excessive consumption down their nutritional ingredients and so
dates of World War II. The British Intel- of coffee may be hitting the nerves and this frozen food has all the nutrients. Fresh fruit
ligence service spread the rumor that their Myth: Eating Turkey can cause increased excitability. Normal and vegetables when placed on
pilots ate a lot of carrots and that’s why makes us sleepy consumption of coffee though the shelves – they lose some
they were so successful in destroying Ger- This myth is based on the fact that tur- can be good for our health. of their nutritional ingre-
man targets. The truth for their success was key contains tryptophan, an amino acid lo- A study by Harvard dients because of heat,
the use of radars and not the consumption cated in protein that affects sleep and mood. University with more air and moisture.
of huge amounts of carrots!! In an effort However, the quantity contained in turkey than 125,000 people
to hide the existence of radars the British is not more than in other foods like chicken drinking coffee showed
developed this myth that is sustained with or veal and in some cases it is even less per that women were 30% Myth: Eggs in-
great success until today. gram than it is contained in pork or cheese. less likely to suffer ‘type crease
The myth apparently stems from the fact 2 diabetes’. Other studies cholesterol
Myth: Eating spinach that all of us feel drowsy after a big meal have shown that coffee re- During the 60’s and
can make you stronger (and eating turkey is a big meal), because duces the risk of developing 70’s, scientists have asso-
I am sure that most of us have seen Pop- the body consumes energy for digestion and Parkinson’s and cancer of the ciated blood cholesterol with
eye getting stronger and more powerful thus the blood flow and oxygenation in the colon. In addition, coffee rejuve- heart diseases. Eggs that are rich
with a tin of spinach. In fact Popeye is the brain is reduced. nates the spirit and despite the impact in in cholesterol eventually came out of
first word that comes to mind when we hear the energy levels of our body, coffee has ab- our daily diet.
about spinach. The truth about this lovely Myth: We need to drink solutely no effect on the heart. Recent studies showed that saturated and
myth is that spinach does not make you at least eight glasses of Two to three cups of coffee a day is ben- trans fat in the diet of a person are more
stronger. On the contrary spinach is a veg- water a day eficial to our health. However if we notice likely to increase the risk of heart disease
etable that contains low levels of iron. There An article by the USA National Academy symptoms of anxiety and insomnia, then it than eggs. One egg has only 1.6 grams of
are other green vegetables that contain more of Sciences (60 years ago) noted that a good is better to reduce coffee or switch to decaf- saturated fatty acids, while a glass of milk
iron than spinach. indication for water consumption for adults feinate drinks. with 2% fat contains 3 grams of saturated
The myth that spinach is a full iron veg- is 2.5 litres a day. In the same article they fat. Eggs provide protein in the body as
etable emerged from a typo mistake made also noted, in the last sentence, that this Myth: Eat when you’re cold well as vitamins A and D without making
in a report many years ago. In the report quantity is already contained in the food we and diet when you have fever you gain extra weight. If you eat an egg for
spinach was noted to have 34mg of iron (per eat. In other words we consume the water This myth was created as a result of state- breakfast, you simply need to be careful
ments from medical dictionaries and reports with the amount of cholesterol that will take

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February 2013 • Health and Medical Tab – 7
entific evidence that one bad day can make our hair grey. tures. They found rapid heat loss in the head – and so the
The reason for having grey hair is due to the genetic char- idea that we lose heat through our heads was born. But what
acteristics of each individual. they didn’t tell you was that the soldiers were fully clothed
except for their heads. This obviously skews the statistics
Myth: Reading with considerably. The fact is, completely naked, you lose ap-
low lights ruins eyesight proximately 10% of your body heat through the head – the
The idea that low light ruins eyesight has its roots in the other 90% is lost via the other parts of your body.
pain of the eye. Low lighting makes it difficult for the eye
to focus, leading to fewer eye-closings and hence this leads
to dry eyes. So reading with low lighting is “inconvenient” LAUGHTER REALLY
but does not create permanent damage to the eyes. IS THE BEST MEDICINE!
Myth: overweight people have a lower
metabolism than normal weight people.
This myth is completely wrong. Overweight or obese
people have a better metabolism than normal weight peo-
tance of self-improvement. ple. This is because a larger person burns more calories for
Nevertheless, figurative and metabolic brain research movement because it needs more energy (due to the extra
and other studies from investigations of people with learn- weight) compared to a normal weight person.
ing disabilities showed that people use more than 10%
of their brains. The different iconographic investigations Myth: Reducing the number of meals
proved that no part of the brain is absolutely quiet or in- per day will improve metabolism
active. A detailed study of the brain failed to indicate the Digestion is a function of our body that burns many calo-
non-active 90%. ries. So greatly reducing the quantity of food we eat, our
body will also reduce the rate of metabolism to save energy.
Myth :Stress is the reason If we want to increase our metabolism we must not re-
for having grey hair duce the meals we eat but to choose food with fat-free pro- People who laugh a lot are much healthier
This myth has been maintained over the time due to the tein and a lot of fibre. Furthermore, consumption of small than those who don’t. Resarch has found
complexities modern life has to offer. People tend to think meals at regular intervals (every 3 to 4 hours) promotes the that laughing lowers levels of stress hor-
that stress caused by our daily hassles can make our hair better distribution of energy in our body and as a result this mones, and strengthens the immune sys-
go grey. increases the basic metabolism. tem.
The truth about this myth is that excessive stress can ac-
tually make us older both internally and externally. Stress
Six-year-olds have it best - they laugh an
Myth: You lose most of your body heat average of 300 times a day. Adults only
increases the number of free radical molecules that attack through your head
healthy cells and this increases the production of stress hor- laugh 15 to 100 times a day.
A military study many years ago tested the loss of tem-
mones in the body. Nevertheless, until now, there is no sci- perature in soldiers when exposed to very cold tempera-

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8 – Health and Medical Tab • February 2013
Choosing a weight loss plan that’s right for you
(Family Features) Losing weight and getting into shape Doing a little homework and smart planning can help
is a goal many Americans aspire to achieve. Choosing a you choose a weight loss plan that will help you be success-
weight loss plan that fits your lifestyle is a crucial first step ful both now and for the rest of your life.
in developing the diet that works for you.
Smart Substitutions
The road to a sound weight loss plan should begin with
the following steps:
Talk with your doctor •Save up to 300 calories by substituting a doughnut
First and foremost, speak with your doctor. Your health- with a English muffin and a your favorite nut butter. You’ll
care provider can help you set attainable weight loss goals also get the benefit of protein, which gives you energy to
as well as discuss any medical conditions you have or medi- start the day.
cations you may take that could affect your ability to mod- • Be mindful of what you add to your morning coffee.
ify your diet. Talking with your doctor can help you find a Your latte could contain as much as 330 calories. Substi-
plan that’s tailored to your particular needs. tute with a cup of coffee with skim or soy milk, a pinch of
Choose the right plan for you cinnamon and a natural sweetener like honey.
One size does not fit all when it comes to diets. In fact, •When you have to have that classic all-beef patty, less is
several studies featured in the International Journal of Obe- more. Keep it simple and balanced with a whole grain bun,
sity Supplements (IJOS) reported that adults with greater ketchup, lettuce and tomato. If you’re more adventurous,
insulin resistance are more successful with weight loss on a try turkey and veggie burgers for fewer calories and less
saturated fat.
low-carbohydrate diet compared with a low-fat diet. In such •Snacks can be part of a smart diet – you just have to
cases, a low-carbohydrate diet such as the Atkins Diet has enjoy the right kinds of snacks in moderation.
been proven to have positive results on insulin resistance. options. Finding a plan that works for your lifestyle and •If you’re hungry for something sweet, opt for a low-
Dieters start with a focus on carbohydrates from vegetables incorporates more of the foods you already love will help fat Greek yogurt sweetened with honey, which is much
and slowly add back fruit, nuts and whole grains as one’s reinforce your new healthier eating habits. lower in calories than a milkshake, and offers probiotics.
carb balance is established and weight loss goals are met. Drink more water If you’re craving something salty, try a handful of lightly
Opt for a diet backed by science over the latest fad. The Beverage Institute reports that the average adult in salted almonds, which are packed with protein and will
Commit to your Plan the US gets a significant portion of their calories from bev- help you feel satisfied so you won’t be tempted by chips
Losing weight and keeping it off requires a long-term erages, mostly in the form of carbohydrates. Avoid drink- or other salty snacks.
commitment. Once you have developed your weight loss ing sugary sodas, juices and alcohol, and replace these with •Dinner: Being smart about portion sizes as well as your
plan it is important that you stick with it. You need to make more water. entrée choices lets you stay on track and enjoy your eve-
healthy changes to both your diet and lifestyle. Rally support ning meal. Divide up your entrée – either share it with
Your diet should include foods you will enjoy eating The first few weeks of the diet can be the most difficult. your dining partner, or ask for a to-go box and put
for a long time, not just for a few weeks or months. Adopt To be successful, look to family and friends who have made half of your food in the container as soon as it arrives.
a plan that gives you the ability to enjoy a variety of food similar lifestyle changes for support and advice.

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February 2013 • Health and Medical Tab – 9
“No harm in just being a little out of shape”... and other excuses
What’s your excuse for not making it to ANYTHING in your life, even as important REMEMBER: You’re not out schedule.
the gym on a consistent basis? Locker room as LIFE ITSELF. Then, instead of looking far into the fu-
too smelly? Music volume making your If you don’t, as soon as the initial excite- exercising to lose weight. ture, give yourself intermediate weekly and
ears bleed? Feeling intimidated by buff bod- ment of a new program is over, everything You’re exercising because monthly goals, such as doing an extra rep or
ies crowding the free-weight area? else will get in the way; business appoint- of HOW YOU’LL FEEL as a lifting 10 more pounds. If you always have
Most people start off strong with an ex- ments, family obligations, TV, sitting on RESULT of exercising new goals to shoot for, it stays interesting.
ercise program, and then within a few weeks your duff. Write your workout times into regularly. You WILL get 5. Chart your progress. Gains from one
they’ve got an excuse for not being there. your calendar and stick to them just as you leaner, you WILL have workout to the next can be subtle, and the
The majority of people will stop partici- would a vital business meeting. more energy, you WILL only way to know how well you’re really
pating in a new workout program within the 2. Keep it mellow. You’re a lot more doing is to write everything down. Keep a
first 90 days which is why health clubs that likely to keep your program for the long
have a higher journal of your workouts, as well as what
are packed in January can seem virtually term if you avoid letting going to the gym self-esteem. If you don’t you eat. Even people who are diligent don’t
empty by March. become a hassle. Choose a gym you can get achieve the goals in the remember exactly how well things went if
Which brings us to you. to in a reasonable amount of time at the time time you first set, it’s not they keep everything in their head.
If you’re starting a new exercise pro- of day you’re going to train. the goal that’s wrong. When you write it down, you can com-
gram, you’re probably very excited about it, If you’re fighting gym traffic, you’ll be It’s the time frame that pare results, see what is and isn’t working,
which is great. But that excitement is going a lot less motivated. Find a place where you and see that as time goes on YOU’RE RE-
to wear off, at which point you’ll begin to won’t have to line up to use the equipment Keep focused on
notice how much time and effort a workout you want. And unless you’ll be going at the 6. Mix it up. Doing the same workout
plan really requires. end of the day and can wash up at home, your goals. over and over again gets old fast, and your
And that’s the point where you may be make sure it has clean showers and a com- results won’t be as good as if you try a va-
tempted to start pulling back, or even to quit fortable changing environment. riety of exercises. Instead of doing 40 min-
cover between workouts. 60 minutes TOPS utes daily on the treadmill, try every aerobic
entirely. But we’re not about to let that hap- 3. Don’t bite off more than you can (if you’re doing a strength and aerobic
pen. Follow these steps from the very begin- chew. Many people often start out too ag- machine in the gym and go on hiking, in-
workout), or about 30 minutes of a strength line skating and bicycling adventures when-
ning, and you’ll be one of those dedicated gressively, going to a level that’s higher than OR aerobic workout. Make those minutes
gym members who really get their money’s they’re capable of. As a result, they injure ever you get a chance.
COUNT! You can still workout daily as Change your weight training routine
worth. their muscle fibers, so for 48 hours they’re long as you keep your workouts short.
1. Make workouts a key part of your walking around like a mummy. Then they regularly to keep things interesting and to
4. Set achievable goals. If you set your help break through plateaus. A lack of vari-
schedule. Many people see exercise merely stop going to the gym because they find sights too high, you may find yourself dis-
as recreation, not a necessity, which means themselves dreading the pain. ety leads to staleness. A good rule of thumb
counting the gains you are making. When is to change your sets, reps, weight, and rest
it’s the first thing to go when daily sched- Many people don’t realize that long, you’re starting out, go over your long-term periods every 3-4 weeks. You’ll have more
ules get crunched. YOU NEED TO DE- drawn out workouts is NOT better. You’re goals with a trainer or coach, and decide fun if you learn new tools and keep doing
CIDE that working out is as important as not giving your body enough time to re- what you can achieve based on your work- different things.

Need a breath PARK Program

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This only increases the disease’s effects.
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Lima, Ohio 45801
10 – Health and Medical Tab • February 2013
Caring for Dry
Winter Skin
419-221-2273 •Pre-moisturize. Why moisturize only after the
damage is done? Putting on lotions before bed-
time is good. But it’s more important to put some
on before going into the harsh outdoors.

•Shiver in the Car – During the winter it’s
tempting to turn up the heat whenever you can,

especially in small enclosed spaces like your car.
But the combination of high, dry heat and swift
OF WEST CENTRAL OHIO moving air from vents will dry out your skin faster
than anything. Keep your car at a moderate tem-
perature…don’t turn up the heat just because
Lima Celina you can.
830 West High Street 900 Havemann Road •Don’t get Steamed & Drip Dry – Taking a
Lima, Ohio 45801 Celina, Ohio 45822 long hot shower doesn’t actually help hydrate
Tel: 419-221-2273 Tel: 419-586-1411 your skin. Your skin doesn’t soak up water from
1-888-586-1411 the outside. A long hot bath or shower can actu-
ally dry out your skin, because it can dissipate
Lima Celina your skins natural oils, which are then absorbed
830 West High Street 900 Havemann Road further when you dry off. So, when exiting the
tub, don’t completely dry off before putting on
Lima, Ohio 45801 Celina, Ohio
Lima 45822 moisturizer.
Tel: 419-221-2273 Tel:
W. Market Street
• For Once, It’s Not All About Water – While
there are millions of reasons why you need to
Lima, Ohio 45805 stay hydrated, drinking excess water does noth-
1-888-586-1411 ing to further hydrate your skin. So in addition
Tel: 419-221-2273 to being adequately hydrated, you’ll also need
1-888-586-1411 to eat foods rich in essential fatty acids – like
walnuts, salmon, flaxseed, olive oil, and pasture-

David D. Powell, D.O.

raised meats, and wild rice.
David D. Powell, D.O. • Dress Too Warmly – Believe it or not, your
David D. Powell, D.O. skin benefits from a little sweat. Your skins natural
moisturizer, sebum, is produced by your sebaceous
glands. Keeping warm, and keeping moving, helps
boost the skins natural sebum.

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David D. Powell, D.O.

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February 2013 • Health and Medical Tab – 11
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12 – Health and Medical Tab • February 2013

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