Crisis Control Management Plan Example

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Crisis Control Behaviour Management Plan


YES On Task?

Student Behaviour:

Hitting, kicking and pushing furniture over

Safety Manageable? YES NO

Acknowledgement Plan

Correction Plan

Crisis Control - SEEK HELP NOW

When _____ gets in a state where he/she goes to hit or kick a teacher or student or upturn furniture, be aware that he/ she can get into a frenzied state. Use a calm, firm and authorative voice and direct him/her outside to sit on his/her chair.

A consistent routine that is based on consistent use of ______ can at times raise his/herhand to pat a persons arm positive reinforcement that incorporates recognition of task or say hello. at hand eg: Great listening, Fabulous craft work , Lovely Re-direct ______ to use his/her words to say hello or to get kind hands your attention. Visuals are a very positive addition to verbal communicaBe aware at all times that: _____ may also raise his/her hand tion. in an attempt to hit or pull hair.

_____ remains outside until calm. Using visuals at all times ask _____to show your Kind hands and gentle legs. Once Say VERY firmly Hands down _____, We have kind hands at he/she completes this request _____ can join the class and Tangara. Use the appropriate visuals at all times to help continue with class activities. If behaviour continues ______ fully understand teacher direction. ____needs to be re-directed by the teacher and School Learning Support Officer to the Shabbat (quiet place) to When _____ complies give a lot of praise. help give ____ space until calm where he/she can then join his/her classmates safely. Once _____ is calm he/she re-joins the class. If the undesired behaviours continues ____ will be re-directed. If _____ behaviour escalates to such a degree that staff and fellow students are at risk the Tangara School Student Wellbeing Policy will be further actioned, enabling staff to develop a more focused behaviour management system thereby ensuring safe learning outcomes for all.

Principal ........................................ Date .............

Class Teacher ...................................... Date .............

Parent/Carer ...................................... Date .............

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