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Kindergarten HSIE Program Term 1, 2011 School Days Outcomes SSES1 Identifies ways in which their own needs

and the needs of others are met, individually and cooperatively. CUES1 Communicates some common characteristics that all people share as well as some of the differences. ENES1 Gathers information about natural and built environments and communicates some of the ways in which they interact with, and can care for, these environments.
Resources Paints Photos of celebrations Italian song

Smartboard Notebook Art paper

Construction materials Digital camera Visitors to the classroom

Curric. Links TES1.1 (Eng) VAES1.1 (Visual Arts) MES1.5 (Maths) TES1.1 (Eng)

Lesson focus Being Happy at School

Resources/ Teacher notes A Happy, Healthy, Safe Classroom Paper Brainstorm what students need to be happy, healthy and safe at school. Students complete artworks and display these with their observations such as I am happy at school when Teaching & Learning Activities

Assessment Indicators Identifies their own needs. Participates in activities that ensure the classroom is a happy, healthy, safe place. Participates in the formation of classroom rules and routines.

Quality Teaching Framework

Deep knowledge Higher Order Thinking Deep understanding Higher Order Thinking
Higher Order Thinking Deep Knowledge

Classroom Routines

Discuss classroom routines and ask students to pictorially represent different times in the day. Sequence these representations and label them with everyday vocabulary associated with time. Ask students about rules - what do you think a rule is? - what is the purpose of rules? Students suggest rules needed for the classroom. List, illustrate and display classroom rules. Talk about what happens when rules are not followed and individual rights are not respected. Students draw a classroom rule and a school rule. Visit the playground and discuss the use and care of the schools equipment and grounds. Ask students to identify ways of caring for and using the places, features, facilities, equipment and resources they use. Discuss ways of looking after the school grounds, eg caring for plants and animals, recycling waste.

SmartBoard Notebook

School Rules

Participates in the formation of classroom rules and routines. Follows class and school rules.

TES1.1 (Eng)

Playground rules and care of equipment

Demonstrates ways in which they can care for their home, classroom and school community.

Deep Knowledge

Curric. Links VAES1.1

(Visual Arts)

Lesson focus Self-portraits Favourite thing (News) Italian Song

Teaching & Learning Activities

Resources/ Teacher notes

Assessment Indicators Talks about the characteristics that we all share. Identifies their own favourite items and provides reasons for these choices. Identifies words and expressions from other languages. Observes and describes different forms of communication. Describes the groups that individuals belong to. Identifies their own desires and compares these to others.

Quality Teaching Framework

TES1.1 (Eng)

Italian Friends and Family at GPS Talking about ourselves (News)

Whos in the Classroom? Paint Students paint self-portraits and display these as a class mural. Paper Scan these pictures into Notebook and create a class photo. News activity Ask students to bring a favourite object, toy or book to school. Provide opportunities for each child to talk about what they have chosen and why. Italian Song Sing songs and teach expressions that involve a non-Standard English language that the students relate to in some way.

Higher Order Thinking Metalanguage

TES1.1 (Eng)

TES1.1 (Eng)

TES1.1 (Eng)

Comparison of preschool and big school School concept map Celebrations

Talk about who goes to the school, including other family members, students who live in the local area, students who belong to the same sporting, social or religious group. Provide discussion times when students can share information about their likes and dislikes, their families, their out-of-school activities, travelling to school, things they enjoy at school, what they hope to learn at school. Pictorially record and display some categories of similarity and difference. Discuss how this year (at school) compares with the year before that (at home or at pre-school). Brainstorm the differences and similarities as a class. Individually students draw a picture of themselves at pre-school and at big-school.

Deep understanding


Identifies activities that occur in specific places.

TES1.1 (Eng)

(Visual Arts)

Classroom resources

TES1.1 (Eng)

Care of the Classroom Comparison of classroom and other places

Jointly construct a concept map of words that students use to describe school or things they do at school. Brainstorm events and holidays celebrated by students and provide opportunities for students to learn about special events celebrated by families and individuals. Use pictures to help students brainstorm ideas. Places at School Students identify places, resources and equipment in the classroom and discuss each, where it is located and its purpose. Students complete illustrations of these. Place drawing in relevant areas of classroom. Discuss care of the classroom and its resources. Ask students to compare similarities and differences between the classroom and other places.

Notebook Pictures of celebrations

Identifies activities that occur in specific places. Contributes to discussions about special events and holidays important to them.

Connectedness Higher Order Thinking Deep understanding Deep Knowledge Deep knowledge Connectedness


Identifies different areas of the classroom and what they are used for. Demonstrates ways in which they care for their classroom. Identifies activities that occur in specific places.



Deep understanding

Curric. Links DMES1.8 (Sci)

Lesson focus 3D model of classroom School Environment

Teaching & Learning Activities Encourage students to use construction materials to make 3D models representing features within the classroom.

Resources/ Teacher notes Construction materials

Assessment Indicators Uses and makes 3D models of environmental features. Names and talks about places and features in their home, school and immediate environment.

Quality Teaching Framework Student direction

UTES1.9 (Sci)


TES1.1 (Eng) TES1.1 (Eng)

Roles of School Staff

Provide regular opportunities for students to explore the school and Digital camera its surroundings, visiting different areas each time. Discuss each areas features, location and function, who uses it and who works there. Take photographs and display them. Refer to them often. Point out visible symbols that relate to Australia or symbols that relate to the school. Who Helps Me at School? Invite people into the classroom who can talk to the students about Visitors where they work and what they do. Students ask questions of the visitor. Discuss the roles of a teacher and other people in the school. Ask students to consider what a teachers day might be like. How do teachers help students? Discuss people who visit the school. Make a class book of school visitors, showing what they do. Add pages after each visit. Class book

Identifies the roles of people in the community. Identifies the roles of people in their school.


Higher Order Thinking Prroblematic Knowledge

Class Visitors

Identifies the roles of people who visit their school.


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