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The Ameba Virus Manifesto

The keyboard is mightier then the gun. I say it is so because guns are the primary weapon of war. Wars are fought to end wars. Wars cannot end with guns. The keyboard is mightier then the gun. The keyboard can end war. The planet is small on a computer. You can reach people from across the globe with precision. People with different physicalities and psychological motives. People from different civilizations. Several civilizations equate to humanity. The sanctity of humanity is in peril because different civilizations are physically killing one another. Conflicting ideals are creating hate and hostility. This fury is destroying the future of humanity and therefore the future for your children. The Ameba Virus thus far is an attempt at creating a cure. It will start the conversation and diminish evil for as long as possible. Carter Troughton Discovery Bay, California January 15th, 2013

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