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Conflux 13

MHROD, Delhi School of Economics, presents Conflux 13, MHRODs first ever annual HR Fest.
15th Feb. 2013 is when knowledge meets innovation meets creativity. Packed with competitions of photography, case study, B-plan, and many other spot events, Conflux 13 gives participants to interact with experts from the industry, encourages them to think strategically and put the manager in them to test. USP: interaction with industry experts with over 20 years of experience

Events Description
Main Events:
1. Give it Your Best Shot: HR theme photography competition to be conducted in two stages: Preliminary round: select theme -> upload related picture on FB -> get as many likes as you can -> top 3 contestants selected for next round. Themes: Diversity Leadership Engagement Motivation Performance Mgt Culture Change Management Work-life balance Entries open from 8-13 Feb, shortlist announced on 14th Feb Final round: Contestant required to report to DSE campus at 10:30 -> briefed about the theme and rules -> select theme -> Click 10 pictures -> report back to the venue in 3 hours -> make a presentation to the judges. Themes:

Engagement -> motivation -> retention Culture -> diversity -> ideas Leadership -> change management -> performance Time: 1:30 pm 2:00 pm Venue: MHROD II Prize money worth Rs.2900

2. Across the Table: As future manager, sound negotiation skills are a must. This competition puts the participants in a managers shoes. The participants need to register on the spot, registration on first come first serve basis, registration closes after 10 registrations. The contestant is tested on C&B, IR etc. The competition has two rounds: Preliminary round: 10 contestants given a scenario on which they have to negotiate with the judge. Final round: 5 contestants advance to the next round, where they are again given a different scenario to negotiate on with the judge. Time: 11:15 am 12:30 pm Venue: Seminar Hall, ground floor Prize money worth Rs.3300

3. Breaking the Myth: The contestants will be made to participate in a PANEL DISCUSSION. Participants are required to register online- registration open from 7-13 Feb, and submit a PPT on a given topic. 10 participants advance to the next round. Shortlist announced on the 14th. Participants are required to come to campus for the final round. Participants will be divided into 2 groups of 5 each. Both groups will have a panel discussion with a moderator on the topic given to them online. They can use the presentation they submitted as a tool for discussion. Topic: Employee engagement: reality or eyewash? Time: 2:30 pm 4:30 pm Venue: MHROD I Prize money worth Rs.3600

4. Angles: Case study Competition, Students in teams of max 3 will be called to submit their solution to a case study presented to them online. Preliminary round: Teams need to submit their solution to an OB case study. Registration and submission open from 7-13, 7 shortlists announced on 14th. Second round: 7 teams will be called to solve an OD case study. They are required to design intervention on the basis of the case and present. Final round: 5 teams advance to the next round and will be given a case on IR which they have to solve and present in front of the judges. Time: 3:30 pm 5:00 pm Venue: Seminar Hall, ground floor Prize money worth Rs.4500

5. Launch Pad: Students will submit their B Plan online in teams of max 3; submissions open from 7-13 Feb, 6 shortlists announced on 14th. Teams will present their Plans to the judges. Time: 10:30 am 12:30 pm Venue: MHROD II Prize money worth Rs.4150

Filler Events:
1. Deal with It: Online + on the spot registration of up to 10 teams of 2 each. The teams are given 'Employee Issue at workplace' and required to prepare a solution and then give a White Paper Presentation on campus. Time: 2:45 pm 4:00 pm Venue: MHROD II Prize money worth Rs.4300

2. Act upon it:

On the spot registration of up to 10 teams of 3. Teams need to prepare an ad within 15 minutes for employer branding of a company. ** advertise from a perspective of HR** Time: 11:30 am 12:30 pm Venue: MHROD I Prize money worth Rs.3300

3. Quizzitch: Online round of quiz. Students to register in teams of 3 and solve time bound questions earliest. 7 teams shortlisted and called to compete n campus with quiz having 4 categories of questions. Time: 1:00 pm 3:00 pm Venue: Seminar Hall Prize money worth Rs.5600

4. Speak Your Heart Out: An extempore, participants need to register on the spot (up to 10 participants). Students choose randomly from 10 topic and speak on it for 3 minutes. Time: 1:15 pm 2:00 pm Venue: MHROD I Prize money worth Rs.3200

5. Treasure Hunt If you are a fan of solving clues, this is the game for you. Sherlock yourselves in teams of 3 and solve the clues to unravel mysteries and get away with worth lots of prizes! Time: 4:30 pm 6:00 pm Venue: North Campus, University of Delhi Prize money worth Rs.4200

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