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The underperforming team Group No. 6

Submitted to: Submitted By: Saugat Banerjee(50) Dinesh Kore (87) Prateek Khare (32)

Prof. Mahankal
Prof. Panase

Pallavi Sinha (28)

Prachi Mali (89) Vikas Thete (48)

Ankita Bora (109)

Ajay Sharma has been recently transferred and designated as

sub unit 4 manager and in charge of 40 to 45 workers and 10 supervisory staff.

Ajay has recently joined in so he firstly studies the functioning

of the workers their work method and competence level and had planned new strategies to make his unit more progressive.

His unit was responsible for production of 20,000 pieces per

month. The unit has defaulted on five occasions in its production process.

He realized that Chander was working very efficiently and

discussed various issues in his free time and the workers working under him were also achieving their targets.

He thought of dividing the unit into 3 groups and make

Chandar as the leader of all the groups.

Bringing Awareness

Target Achievement
Quality Awareness

Monitoring Individual performance Analysis & understanding working environment Decision Making

Creation of sub-groups Choosing Chander Pal as leader

Emphasis on Employee Motivation

Qualities of a leader :

Information seeker Initiator Coordinator Communicator Visionary Motivator Delegation Of Tasks

The group formed will NOT show immediate results because:

Hierarchical Conflict Reluctance to change New formed groups might take time to

Higher Expectation from Chander Pal

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