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What is Domestic Violence?

A pattern of behavior where one partner tries to control the other. It can take many different forms and can include, but is not limited to the following:

Physical Abuse Kicking, grabbing, punching, shoving, slapping, pushing, burning, biting, and blocking escape, choking, or the use of weapons. Sexual Abuse Forced or pressured sexual acts, criticizing her/his body parts and rape (even if married) Emotional Abuse Excessive jealousy, mind games, isolation from family and friends, making the victim feel worthless or threatened. Verbal Insults and put downs yelling, blaming, minimizing victim, denying abuse Spiritual Attacking the victims spiritual or religious beliefs or using scriptures to justify abuse. Financial/Economic Controlling, the victims economic status and basic needs, withholding money, prohibiting the victim from working. Destructive acts Destruction of victims property, vandalism and harming or killing pets Homophobic Threatening to out the victims sexual orientation Immigration Using fear of deportation

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