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JLPT Resources


JLPT N5 Vocab List


to meet blue blue red red bright autumn


to open, to become open to open to give morning breakfast day after tomorrow foot, leg tomorrow over there to play, to make a visit warm

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JLPT Resources

head new there hot hot to the touch kind, deep, thick over there afterwards you (humble) older brother (humble) older sister that over there um... apartment to bathe, to shower dangerous sweet not very rain candy

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JLPT Resources

to wash to be,to have (used for inanimate objects) to walk that good no to say house how to go how many?,how old? how much? pond medical doctor chair busy, irritated painful one first of the month best, first

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when five days, fifth day together five always dog now meaning (humble) younger sister unpleasant entrance to be, to have (used for people and animals) to need to put in colour various on top of behind thin,weak song

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to sing to be born sea to sell noisy, annoying jacket picture movie cinema English language yes station elevator pencil delicious many big big great number of people (honorable) mother

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sweets, candy money to get up to put (honorable) wife alcohol, rice wine plate, dish grandfather, male senior citizen to teach, to tell uncle, middle aged gentleman to push, to stamp something late, slow green tea bathroom (honorable) father younger brother Man Boy day before yesterday year before last

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Adult stomach same (honorable) older brother (honorable) older sister grandmother, female senior-citizen Aunt Bath boxed lunch to remember friendly term for policeman Heavy Interesting to swim to get off, to descend to finish Music Woman Girl foreign country

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Foreigner Company Stairs Shopping to buy to return something to go back to take time or money Key to write Student to call by phone Umbrella to lend Wind a cold Family person, way of doing School Cup

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Household a corner bag, basket a vase paper camera Tuesday Spicy Body to borrow Light Curry calendar River Cute Chinese character tree, wood yellow yellow to disappear

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to hear, to listen to, to ask North Guitar Dirty coffee lounge postage stamp Ticket Yesterday Nine Beef Milk Today Classroom (humble) siblings last year Hate to cut to put on from the shoulders down pretty, clean Kilogram

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Kilometer Bank Friday medicine Please Fruit mouth, opening Shoes Socks Country cloudy weather to become cloudy, to become dim Gloomy Class Gram to come car, vehicle Black black policeman

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this morning to erase, to turn off power splendid, enough Marriage Monday entry hall health, vitality Five Park intersection black tea police box Voice coat, tennis court Coffee Here afternoon nine days, ninth day Nine morning

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to answer this person or way this person or way a glass this year word, language Child This cooked rice, meal to copy to be worried This this month this week Such this evening well Wallet Fish the future, previous

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to bloom composition, writing to stretch out hands, to raise an umbrella Magazine Sugar Cold year after next Three to stroll Four Salt However Time Job Dictionary Quiet Below Seven Question Bicycle

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Automobile to die Dictionary Oneself to close, to be closed to close something to tie well then photograph Shirt Shower Ten lesson, class work homework Skillful strong, durable soy sauce dining hall to know White

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White newspaper Wednesday to smoke, to suck Skirt Likeable a few Instantly Few Refreshing Heater Spoon Sport Trousers to live in Slippers to do to sit height, stature Pupil

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sweater, jumper Economy business suit Narrow Zero Thousand last month last week teacher, doctor Washing All to clean, to sweep And that place over there over there Outside That near, beside Sky

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that after that in that situation university embassy all right to be very likeable important kitchen very difficult situation tall, expensive many taxi to put out to stand length,height building enjoyable to ask

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tobacco,cigarettes probably food to eat egg who somebody birthday gradually little little near to differ near underground train map brown rice bowl exactly somewhat

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first of month to use to get tired next to arrive at desk to make to turn on to work for someone boring cold to the touch powerful hand tape table tape recorder to go out letter to be able to exit

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test with that... department store but to appear,to leave television weather electricity,electric light electric train telephone Japanese style door Western style door toilet how,in what way for what reason please animal thanks far ten days,the tenth day

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sometimes watch,clock where place year library which of two which very who next door to which to fly,to hop to come to a halt friend Saturday bird chicken meat to take something to take a photo or record a film

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which (of three or more) knife middle long animal noise. to chirp, roar or croak etc. to lose something why summer summer holiday et cetera seven seven days,the seventh day name to learn to line up,to stand in a line to line up,to set up to become what two bustling,busy

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meat west Sunday luggage news garden to take off clothes luke warm tie,necktie cat to go to bed,to sleep notebook,exercise book to climb a drink to drink to get on,to ride tooth party yes ashtray

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to enter,to contain postcard to wear,to put on trousers box bridge chopsticks to begin beginning for the first time to run bus butter 20 years old,20th year to work eight twenty days,twentieth flower nose talk,story to speak

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early quick spring to stick clear weather to be sunny half evening bread handkerchief number evening meal half minute east to pull to play an instrument with strings, including piano short,low aeroplane left hand side person

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one one month one person free time hundred hospital illness noon, daytime midday meal spacious,wide roll of film envelope swimming pool fork to blow clothes two pork two people two days, second day of the month

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fat winter to fall, e.g. rain or snow old (not used for people) bath sentence,text page unskillful bed pet room area pen to study useful, convenient hat ball-point pen other, the rest pocket want

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post thin button hotel book bookshelves truth every morning every month every week every day every year every night before to turn,to bend unpleasant again,and yet,still town,city to wait

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straight ahead,direct match window round,circular ten thousand fountain pen to brush teeth, to polish right side short water shop to show street three days, third day of the month three green everyone south ear to see, to watch

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everyone six days, sixth day of the month over there difficult six village eye metre glasses already again Thursday to hold more thing gate problem greengrocer vegetable easy, simple

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cheap rest,holiday to rest eight mountain to do evening dinner post office last night famous snow to go slowly eight days, eighth day of the month western-style clothes often, well beside,side,width four days, fouth day of the month four

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to call out,to invite to read evening,night weak next month next week next year radio

/ radio cassette player splendid overseas student both parents cuisine travel zero refrigerator record restaurant to practice corridor

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six business shirt young to be understood to forget (humble) I,myself I,myself to hand over to go across bad Used for comparison.

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