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written by Darlene Lucero

REVISION 31 Scripped February 14, 2013 Copyright (c) 2013 Darlene Lucero All Rights Reserved

EXT. HOUSE- NIGHT Michelle parked her car in front of her house. She got out and started walking towards the front door.While walking she heard a strange sound coming from somewhere.She stopped and looked behind her, but there was nothing there. So, she continued walking towards the front door. Then she heard the sound again. She becomes mildly concerned but continues to walk. Then the sound stops but Michelle keeps wondering what would it be. Then Michelle reached the front door. When she started to look for her keys, the sound came back again.Michelle looked behind her and found nothing. Then she start to panic and become paranoid. The sound becomes louder and louder that it seems like its coming closer and closer to her. Then, when she found her keys she struggles to open the door. And finally, she opened the door and got inside her house and felt relieved.

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