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Blog Post #2 Due by 9 am on Monday, 2/25/13 online ONLY!!!

You will be making your second classroom visits to your cooperating teachers classroom for the first session of placements this week and/or next. During your second visit, examine the lesson presentation carefully. Think about questions like these as you formulate your response: What specifically does the teacher do to engage the students throughout the lesson? How do the students respond to show that they understand? What is the teacher doing throughout the lesson? What are the students doing throughout the lesson? What specifically is being taught? Are they students in fact learning it? How do you know? What materials are being used? What arrangement of seating or grouping is being used? Be sure to use specific examples from your visit to support your responses, and be sure to protect the privacy of your teacher, the students and the school. Do not include the school name, the teachers name, or any one specific students name. You are free to use initials if need be. You may certainly refer to the subject, the grade level, any specific demographic information that youd like to include regarding the race, class, gender, sexual orientation, academic abilities, etc. of the group. Be sure to begin your response with an introductory statement that restates the overall purpose of the prompt. Then, respond to the individual questions above and add any additional information that you see fit. Include examples to support your responses, and then craft a summarizing conclusion to end your post. You should include at least two solid paragraphs that show your ability to draft a cohesive response; and you should proofread your response carefully for any errors in grammar, mechanics, or spelling. You will be evaluated based on the following checklist: _____ Responded to the post by due date _____ Answered all aspects of the prompt _____ Provided specific examples to support responses 2 points 3 points 3 points

_____ Organized the response into thoughtful paragraphs 1 point

_____ Used proper grammar, mechanics, and spelling _____ Total earned out of 10 points

1 point

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