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Horror/Thriller Film questionnaire

Similar to my last analysis, I will be analysing a selection of questions responses on my questionnaire. 10 people participated in my questionnaire, three of which were female and the rest male. 1. What do you usually associate with a horror film? The three most occurring themes in answer to this question were, blood, tension and violence. We propose to apply all three aspects of the majority vote to our opening sequences. At the end of the sequence we will see the featured girl covered in blood and fresh wounds, she will be dead in her bed. This includes two of the stereotypes blood which in its self-hold connotations of violence, and to incorporate tension we will have almost a step by step routine of the girl preparing for bed. These simple everyday actions will contrast to the silence in the background and worried expression playing on her face. However we propose to surprise the audience, as they would not expect a character that we have been introduced to, to die so suddenly. 2. Would you prefer a film that is more realistic or make believe? 9 out of 10 people asked, preferred horror/thriller films that were more realistic then make believe. The plot of our story is based on the consequences that are associated with social networking/ the internet. As technology advances, more and more private information about yourself is displayed for the whole world to view. Our film opening concerns the most extreme consequence of social networking/the internet, being death. 3. Do you enjoy unexpected twists? Everybody participating in the questionnaire said that they enjoyed unexpected twists. The ending of our sequences is extremely unexpected as no one would think the main character we have been introduced to would suddenly be killed off. The ambiguities of the ending with the black out and sudden flash leaves the audience guessing as to what happens next. 4. Does the opening sequence set up an impression for the rest of the film? Only one person thought that the opening sequence did not set a tone/impression for the rest of the film. By introducing key themes within the opening it will allow us to present the story line later on in the film with the audiences full attention being on the plot and not what genre it fits into. The opening sequence also highlights the key themes running throughout the film.

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