Grammar Express Unit 1

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UTEC Faculty of Social Sciences English Department

Module 6 Management of Technological Resources for the Teaching and Administration of the English Language. Professor: Lic. Nelson Martinez


Groups members: 1. Nelson Prez Torres
2. Ana Mercedes Hernndez Rodrguez 3 Jose David Njera Vsquez 4. Claudia Patricia Lpez 5. Brenda Liseth Mejia 6. Erick Wilfredo Perdomo (Coordinador)

1. Units of study UNITS

1 Present Imperative.

Step One: Explain to your students what an 'imperative' is. Also known as a command or a plea, it gives someone instructions about what they should do - Stand up. Sit down. Stop talking. Etc. Write several examples on the board and have students copy into notebooks. Step Two: Explain the basic structure of an imperative, either a) the simple version composed of just a verb - Sit. Stop. Eat. Run. Etc., or b) a verb followed by additional information - Sit there. Stop talking. Eat faster. Hit Nelson. Etc. Step Three: Go around the classroom, giving a basic verb imperative (Go. Eat. Talk etc) and ask each student to add additional information to the imperative - Faster, A Person's Name, Now, Tomorrow etc. Step Four: (Game One) - Choose three students and ask them to come to the front of the class. Choose the more outgoing ones, so they don't feel stupid when they're standing up there and

Present Progressive Simple Present Tense Non-action verbs Present Progressive and Simple Present Tense Imperative

expected to follow commands. When standing in a row facing the other students, give them several imperatives to follow Turn around. Sit down on the floor. Stand up. Touch your nose and on and on. I always do a few silly ones "Hit yourself really fast", "Kiss that boy", which my students love as it makes them laugh. Now allow other students to raise their hands and, after you choose one, let him or her give an imperative to the students at the front of the class. Here the other students get very creative, and silly, with the imperatives they create and it usually ends up with the whole classroom screaming laughing including the three students at the front of the class.

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