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#ottghg news release

For immediate release December 17, 2012

Mayor shows leadership on climate change file

The #ottghg Twitter campaign made a difference - Councillor McRae's inaction increasingly curious

Last week the City of Ottawa put climate change policy back on the map. Following numerous tweets
and e-mails, we now have a date range established for the GHG roundtable, recently announced by His
Worship Mayor Watson: Q1, 2013.

Of course, there's more to the process then simply establishing a date but our Mayor and his team
essentially said to Ottawans, We're listening, there are many priorities, but we're listening, and we're
acting. This is how community leaders should respond and our Mayor has displayed great leadership at
a moment when it was necessary. At times, a very direct language was used to communicate the
seriousness of climate change policy and Ottawa's future, but a congratulations is clearly due and must
be offered to His Worship for his leadership. A clear, unambiguous thank you has been expressed to the
Mayor and the Mayor's team.

Going into 2013, the #ottghg objective will be to continue to engage as many Ottawans as possible to
keep this highly strategic opportunity on the City's radar. A focus will be placed on working with the
City's Environment Committee to make the GHG roundtable a success for Ottawa to celebrate. There
are, however, growing concerns across the stakeholder community regarding Councillor McRae's history
on this file, and it remains uncertain how or if the Chair of the Environment Committee can effectively
lead the GHG roundtable.

#ottghg is a Twitter, e-mail, and city-wide conversation focusing on era-appropriate climate change
policy. Greenhouse gas reduction initiatives create jobs, increase economic productivity, save tax dollars,
and save lives.
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For more information contact:

Martin Canning | 613-316-3929 | @MartinGCanning |

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