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Induction is a technique by which a new employee
is rehabilitated into the changed surroundings and introduced to the practices, polices and purposes of the organisation. -R.P.BILLIMORIA
Employee orientation provides new employees with basic background information about the firm.

Induction and Orientation

Do the terms really differ?

Induction Comes first and is followed By Orientation. Induction is for shorter duration while Orientation is for longer duration. Induction means introduction of the company as in the overall preview of company while Orientation is the practical overview of the company . Induction is in the form of presentations while Orientation includes introducing employee to different people of the organisation.


To help new staff form positive first impressions, that he/she belongs to the company, feels welcome and supported. To assist in understanding the culture and values. To improve staff efficiency, work standards, revenue and profits. To improve staff morale.

Overcoming employee anxiety. Overcoming reality shock. Accommodating employees. Reducing employee turnover.

Types of orientation programme: FORMAL VS. INFORMAL ORIENTATION

Formal orientation has a structured programme while in informal orientation employees are directly put on job. Formal programme helps a new hire in acquiring a known set of standards but informal programme promotes innovative ideas.


Individual orientation preserves individual differences while collective orientation is likely to develop homogenous views. Individual orientation is expensive and time consuming. Large firms normally have collective orientation while smaller firms go for individual programmes.


An experienced employee inducts a new hire in case of serial orientation. In case of disjunctive orientation new hire do not have predecessors to guide them. Serial orientation maintains traditions and customs while disjunctive orientation produces more inventive employees.


Investiture orientation seeks to ratify usefulness of characteristics that the person brings to the new job and is followed for high level appointments. Divestiture orientation seeks to make minor modifications in the characteristics of new hire and is followed for inducting new hires into military, professional football and religious cults.

How to induct successfully

A systematic plan should be followed. A check list of points to be included in induction should be prepared. An induction booklet should be provided. Anyone who is promoted or transferred from one job to another should also be inducted. The aim should be to convey a clear picture of the working of the organisation.


Words of welcome History of the company Company culture Organizational structure of the company

Sexual Harassment policy

Review of job descriptions, hours and days of work, job duties and responsibilities Rate of pay, pay policies, and periods Gratuities and tip reporting Employee benefits Break periods and meal hours Review of rules of conduct and employee handbook Unforeseen absences and tardiness Introduction to co-workers

To whom to report, when, and where

List of frequently called phone numbers Sanitation and safety procedure Career development and opportunities for promotion Grounds for termination Emergency situations


Welcome to the organization Explain about the company Show the location/department Give the companys manual to the new recruit Provide details about the extent of unionism Give details about pay benefits,holidays,leave,etc. Emphasize the importance of punctuality and attendance Explain about future training opportunities and career prospects Clarify doubts Take the employee on a guided tour Trainee is given an information handout Trainee takes orientation test


Feed forward of the possible problems and solutions A warm and friendly welcome will reduce the possible problems Involvement of Top Management Determination of Information Need of the new employees Planning the presentation of information A phased induction programme would place the new employee at ease Periodical follow-up and filling the gaps in the information would reduce the problems Attaching a colleague to the new employee for a month would reduce the new employees anxiety Providing written and documented information through CDs and DVDs would make the induction programme less loaded

Therefore, we may say that induction and orientation play pivotal role in success of an organisation by acquainting a new employee to the new environment, rules and regulations which in turn helps in better performance.

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