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Medical Hot and Cold Packs for Dystan Medical Supply Company

Emily Bearden Brad Elliott Jori Moore Mary Anna Roden Nolan Williamson Thomas Knight Due: February 15, 2013

1. MeasureNet System: A system that allows one to collect date such as temperature, pH, and enthalpy change, electronically and saved to a computer. 2. Calorimeter: The calorimeter is made of two Styrofoam cups and a lid made of cardboard so that no heat escapes. 3. Magnetic Stirrer: A stir bar and a platform that spins the stir bar which stirs the solution automatically. 4. Hot Plate: A device that heats materials for lab. It acts like a stove and allows one to boil water and heat other solutions. 5. Beaker: A glass container that holds materials for the experiment. 6. Mass Scale: A device that is used to determine the mass of an object or substance.



Magnetic Stirrer and Stir Bar

Hot Plate


Mass Scale

Cold and hot packs are an important part of everyday life. They both serve as simple remedies to speed the healing process. Cold packs can be applied to injuries to reduce inflammation. When a cold pack is applied, heat will flow from the injury site to the pack. This produces vasoconstriction of blood vessels, reduces blood flow, and then allows the inflammation to decrease. Hot packs work in the opposite way. Heat flows from the pack to the injury. Vasodilation of blood vessels occurs, increasing the blood flow and allowing more oxygen to reach the injured area and speed healing. Most packs contain two compartments; one filled with water and the other with a salt (ionic compound). When the compartments are broken, a reaction will occur that either heats or cools the pack. A pack that feels cold will contain an endothermic reaction inside of it. On the other hand, a pack that feels warm will contain an exothermic reaction. The Dystan Medical Supply Company is a large supplier of these packs. The company has hired us to determine what ingredients the different types of packs should contain. We have been asked to test four different salts: ammonium nitrate, calcium chloride, lithium chloride, and potassium chloride. When testing these salts, we need to determine if an endothermic or exothermic reaction occurs. From this we can decide to use the salt as an ingredient in either the cold pack or the hot pack. The company has confirmed that each pack will contain 100 mL of water. We have to determine how much salt is required to produce a cold pack that will reach 0oC and how much salt is required to produce a hot pack that will reach 65oC. In addition, the price of construction has to be determined. Each pack must cost less than $5 for the Dystan Company to make a profit.

One way to determine whether the dissolving of a salt in water is endothermic or exothermic is to experimentally find the molar heat of dissolution. This is accomplished by using a calorimeter. In order to use the calorimeter, the calorimeter constant (Ccalorimeter) has to be found. The equations for this are:


After this is found, we can test each of the four salts in the calorimeter to determine whether is should be used in a hot or cold pack. Our goal is to first determine qdissolution then to find the heat of dissolution. A negative delta Hdissolution will be an exothermic reaction; this would go in a hot pack. A positive delta Hdissolution will be an endothermic reaction; creating a cold pack. The equation for this would be:

In order to determine the mass of salt necessary for the ice pack to reach 0.0C and the mass for the hot pack to reach 65C, we must set the Hdissolution calculated in our trial equal to the Hdissolution of hot/cold pack containing 100 mL of water and reaching a temperature of 65C/0.0C. This equation is given below: ( )

*The left side of the equation represents our data from the trial, and the right side represents our hypothetical calculations. By plugging in either 65C or 0C (depending on if were solving for the hot or cold pack), and then solving for the x value, we can calculate the mass needed to raise or lower the pack to the specified temperature.

Our expectation is that ammonium nitrate is endothermic (+ value) and will be used in the cold packs. The other three salts are predicted to be exothermic (- value) and will be used for hot packs.

Finding the Enthalpy of the Dissolution of a Salt

CAUTION: Students must wear departmentally approved eye protection while performing this experiment. Wash your hands before touching your eyes and after completing the experiment. PART A: Determination of the Calorimeter Constant 1. Press the On/Off button to turn on the MeasureNet workstation. 2. Press Main Menu, the press F2 Temperature, next press F1 Temperature vs. Time. 3. Half fill a 150-mL beaker with ice and water. Press Calibrate to calibrate the temperature probe. When prompted, enter 0.0C as the actual temperature of the constant temperature bath (ice water). Press Enter. Insert the temperature probe in the ice water. Swirl the temperature probe until the temperature approaches and stabilizes near 0C (it may not read exactly 0C). Press Enter. 4. Remove the temperature probe from the ice water bath. 5. Press SetUp to establish scan parameters for the experiment. Press F1 to set the limits for the scan. Use the keys to move from min to max or from X to Y. An * marks the parameter selected to change at any time. The Y axis is for temperature. Set the min temperature 2-3C below the initial temperature of the substance that the probe is inserted into. Press Enter. 6. Set the max temperature 2-3C above the expected final temperature. Press Enter. 7. For example, to calibrate a Styrofoam cup calorimeter, the min temperature should be set to 15-18C, and the max temperature should be set to 70-75C.

8. The X axis is for time. Set scan parameters from 0 seconds (min) to 500 seconds (max) (if the experiment is completed before 500 seconds have elapsed, press Stop at any time to end the experiment). 9. When all parameters are entered, press Display to accept all values. The MeasureNet workstation is now ready to record a thermogram. 10. Obtain two Styrofoam cups and a lid from your instructor to serve as a calorimeter. Nest one cup inside the other to construct the calorimeter. 11. 45-50 grams of tap water should be added to the calorimeter to serve as the cool water. Record the exact mass of cool water to 0.001 significant figures. 12. Setup the magnetic stirrer/calorimeter assembly. 13. The temperature probe is inserted into a 2-hole stopper and secured to a ring stand with a utility clamp. The temperature probe is inserted through the hole in the calorimeter lid. Position the probe so that its tip is ~1 cm from the bottom of the calorimeter. Be careful not to poke a hole in the bottom of the Styrofoam cup. A stir bar is placed in the bottom of the calorimeter. 14. Obtain a hot plate and place it at least two feet away from the MeasureNet workstation. 15. Add ~ 60 mL of water to a clean, dry 150-mL or 250-mL beaker. Place the beaker of water in a microwave and heat for two minutes. (If a microwave is not available, heat the beaker of water on a hotplate.) Remove the beaker from the microwave. Using a thermometer, make sure the water temperature is 45-60 C above room temperature. If not, heat the water for an additional minute in a microwave. This will serve as the hot water.

16. The temperature of the cool water will be shown on the MeasureNet screen. Record it to 0.01 significant figures. 17. Using a cloth towel pour exactly 50.0 mL of hot water into a graduated cylinder. Assuming the density of the hot water is 1.00 g/mL, determine the mass of the hot water using the formula . Record the calculated mass to 0.001 significant figures.

Measure the temperature of the hot water with a thermometer and record it to 0.01 significant figures. 18. Press Start on the MeasureNet workstation to begin recording the thermogram. Turn on the power to the magnetic stirrer to a low to medium speed. Make sure the stir bar is spinning without contacting the temperature probe or the walls of the calorimeter. 19. After 5-10 seconds have elapsed, raise the calorimeter lid, and quickly, but carefully, pout the warm water (using a towel to hold the graduated cylinder) into the calorimeter. Immediately replace the lid on the calorimeter. If a wire stirrer is used, you must constantly move the stirrer up and down to stir the contents of the calorimeter. 20. When the temperature of the water has risen and stabilized at the equilibrium temperature, press Stop to end the scan. 21. Press File Options. Press F3 to save the scan as a delimited file. You will be prompted to enter a 3 digit code. The name of the file will be saves as a 4-5 digit number. The first 1-2 digits represent the workstation number, the last 3 digits is the 3 digit access code you entered. Press Enter to accept your 3 digit number. You must use a different 3 digit code for every file you save or you will overwrite the previously saved file. 22. Record the file name in your lab report. Note what type of information is contained in the file in your lab report (i.e., thermogram for determining calorimeter constant).

23. Press Display to clear the previous scan. The station is ready to record a new thermogram. 24. Using a magnetic rod, remove the stir bar from the calorimeter, and decant the water in the calorimeter into the sink. Thoroughly dry the calorimeter. Perform a second trial to determine the calorimeter constant by repeating Steps 2-19. 25. When you are finished with the experiment, transfer the files to a flash drive, or email the files to yourself via the internet. 26. When two experimental trials for the calorimeter calibration have been completed, return to the procedure in the corresponding laboratory experiment. 27. Steps 28-30 are to be completed after the laboratory period is concluded (outside of lab). Proceed to Part B, Step 1, Determination of the Molar Heat of Dissolution of a Salt. 28. From the tab delimited files you saved, prepare plots of the temperature versus time data using Excel (or a comparable spreadsheet program). Instructions for plotting temperature versus time thermograms using Excel are as follows: a. Open an Excel spreadsheet (i.e., worksheet). b. Go to File Open, open a MeasureNet tab delimited file containing temperature versus time data. Click Finish. c. Copy the first two columns (containing time and temperature data) in the tab delimited (text) file, and paste it into columns A (time) and B (temperature) in the Excel worksheet. Close the tab delimited file. d. Click on the Chart Wizard Icon. e. Click on XY scatter plot. Click on the smooth line type.

f. Click Next. Then highlight all cells in columns A and B that contain time and temperature data. An XY plot of the data will appear. g. Click Next. Click Titles. Chart Title is the name of the plot. Enter a name for your plot (i.e., Calibration of Calorimeter). The x-value box is for labeling the X axis (Time, s), and the y-value box is for labeling the Y axis (Temperature, C) on your plot. h. If you wish to remove the gridlines, Click on Gridlines and click on the axes that are checked to turn off the gridlines. This is a suggested cosmetic function, it is not necessary. i. Click Legend. Click on Show Legend to remove the legend, it is not required for a single curve. j. Click Next. You can save the plot as a separate sheet which can then be printed. Alternatively, you can save it as an object in the current worksheet. The plot will appear in the Excel worksheet beside columns A and B. If you save the file in this manner, you will have to select and highlight a copy area box (i.e., highlight the plot area) under Page Set-Up to print the plot. k. Alternatively, you can select the plot, copy, and paste it into a Word document, and print the plot from within the word document. l. YOU MUST TYPE OR WRITE the T value on your plot. m. Repeat Steps a-l to prepare the remaining thermograms. 29. Determine the equilibrium temperature of the hot-cold water mixture in the calorimeter. Determine the temperature changes for the warm and the cold water. Record these temperatures to 0.01 significant figures.

30. Determine the calorimeter constant in J/C for each trial using the formulas below. Then determine the average calorimeter constant.


31. Use the same two Styrofoam cups in Part B of the experiment that were used in Part A. The calorimeter constant determined in Part A will be used in Part B of this experiment to Determine the Molar Heat of the Dissolution of a Salt.

PART B: Determination of the Molar Heat of Dissolution of a Salt 1. You will determine the molar heat of dissolution of ammonium nitrate, calcium chloride, lithium chloride, and potassium chloride. You will perform two trials for each salt. 2. Use a magnetic stirrer and stir bar to stir the solution 3. Nest two Styrofoam cups inside each other to prepare a Styrofoam cup calorimeter. 4. Place the calorimeter on the magnetic stirrer. Place a 1 cm stir bar inside the calorimeter. Turn the magnetic stirrer power switch to a low setting. (When spinning, the stir bar must not touch the temperature probe or the walls of the calorimeter). 5. Insert the MeasureNet temperature probe through the cardboard lid and place the lidtemperature probe assembly inside the calorimeter. (Be sure the probe is placed to one side of the calorimeter so that it does not contact the spinning stir bar).

6. Obtain 25.00 mL of distilled water. Record the exact mass of the water to 0.001 significant figures. Raise the calorimeter lid and pour the water into the calorimeter (all of the substance must be transferred to the calorimeter). Be sure the temperature probe is not touching the bottom or sides of the calorimeter. 7. Determine the initial temperature of the water by reading the MeasureNet screen, and record it to 0.01 significant figures. 8. Obtain 1.00 g of the salt. Record the exact mass to 0.001 significant figures. 9. Press Start on the MeasureNet workstation to begin the thermogram. After 5-10 seconds have elapsed, raise the calorimeter lid and quickly, but carefully, pour all of the salt into the calorimeter. 10. When the temperature of the reaction mixture has increased or decreased and stabilized at the equilibrium temperature, press Stop to end the scan. 11. Press File Options. Press F3 to save the scan as a tab delimited file. Enter a 3-digit code. Press Enter to accept it. Record the file name in your Lab Report. 12. Press Display to clear the previous scan. 13. Remove the temperature probe assembly from the mixture. Remove the stir bar from the reaction mixture with a magnetic rod. Thoroughly rinse the stir bar or copper wire stirrer with distilled water and thoroughly dry it with a towel. 14. Decant the reaction mixture in the calorimeter into the sink, and thoroughly dry the calorimeter. 15. Perform two trials by repeating Steps 5-14 for each of the following salts: ammonium nitrate, calcium chloride, lithium chloride, and potassium chloride.

16. When you are finished with the experiment, transfer the files from the computer to a flash drive, or email the files to yourself via the internet. 17. Steps 18-26 are to be completed after the laboratory period is concluded (outside of lab). 18. From the tab delimited files, prepare thermograms using Excel for each trial. Instructions for plotting thermograms are given in Part A, Step 28, Substeps a-m. 19. Determine Hdissolution for each trial of each salt using the following formula:

20. What is the average Hdissolution for each salt? 21. Based on the endothermic or exothermic dissolution processes of each salt, which should be used for cold packs and which should be used for hot packs? 22. Use the following equation to solve # 23 and #24:
( )

23. Estimate the mass of salt that must be added to a hot pack (containing 100 mL of water) for it to reach a temperature of 65 C if the initial temperature is 25 C. 24. Estimate the mass of salt that must be added to a cold pack (containing 100 mL of water) for it to reach a temperature of 0 C if the initial temperature is 25 C. 25. Using the current market prices given below, estimate the unit production cost per cold pack and per hot pack.

Ammonium Nitrate Calcium Chloride Lithium Chloride Potassium Chloride Labor Cost Per Unit Capital/Overhead Cost Per Unit Plastic Bag Cost Per Unit

$26.20 per 500 g $31.70 per 500 g $65.00 per 500 g $28.19 per 500 g $0.73 $0.36 $0.19

26. The production cost per pack must be less than $5.00 for the Dystan Company to return a profit. Based on the estimated unit production costs, will the company return a profit?

Part A: Calorimeter Data Mass of Hot Water Temperature of Hot Water Mass of Cool Water Temperature of Cool Water Final Temperature Trial 1 Trial 2

Work for Trial 1

Work for Trial 2


Part B: Heat of Dissolution of Ammonium Nitrate Data Trial 1 Mass of Distilled Water Initial Temperature of Distilled Water Mass of Salt Final Temperature Trial 2

Work for Trial 1

Work for Trial 2


Data Mass of Distilled Water Initial Temperature of Distilled Water Mass of Salt Final Temperature

Heat of Dissolution of Calcium Chloride Trial 1

Trial 2

Work for Trial 1

Work for Trial 2


Data Mass of Distilled Water Initial Temperature of Distilled Water Mass of Salt Final Temperature

Heat of Dissolution of Lithium Chloride Trial 1

Trial 2

Work for Trial 1

Work for Trial 2


Heat of Dissolution of Potassium Chloride Data Trial 1 Mass of Distilled Water Initial Temperature of Distilled Water Mass of Salt Final Temperature

Trial 2

Work for Trial 1

Work for Trial 2


Stanton, Bobby, Lin Zhu, and Charles H. Atwood. Experiments in General Chemistry Featuring MeasureNet. Belmont, CA: Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006. Print.

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